12 Bonnets

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Sizing & Selection 12

Bonnets, Metal Bellows Seals,

Bonnet Flanges, Bolting,
Packing and Guides
The proper selection of bonnet, flanges, bolting, pack-
ing and guides is important to the operation of any
control valve. In addition, many applications require
that a low leakage packing system be installed in the
valve to prevent the fugitive emissions of process fluids.
This section has two parts. The first part describes
Valteks globe body valves. The second part (beginning
on page 12-12) describes Valteks rotary valves.

Bonnets are normally manufactured from the same
material as the body. Table 12-1 provides the standard
bonnet material for a given body material:

Table 12-I:
Standard Globe Body/Bonnet Materials
Body Material Bonnet Material
Carbon Steel Carbon steel bar A675-70 thru Figure 12-1: Standard Bonnet
Stainless Steel Stainless steel bar A479-316
thru 12-inch* BONNET TYPES
Chrome-moly Standard stainless steel bar Standard Bonnet
A479-316; option Chrome-moly Valteks standard bonnet is usually constructed of the
forging equivalent to body material same material as the body. It handles temperatures
Alloys Bar or forging equivalent to the from -20 degrees to 750 degrees Fahrenheit, depend-
body material ing on the packing used. In some cases, class 900 -
* Valves larger than 12-inch are normally manufactured with bonnets fabricated from plate 2500 standard bonnets can be rated as high as 800
and bar or from a forging equivalent to the body material. degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the packing used.

Rev. 3/93 12-1

Figure 12-2: Extended Bonnet Figure 12-3: Cryogenic Extended Bonnet

Extended Bonnet Cryogenic Extended Bonnet

The extended bonnet protects the packing and actuator The cryogenic extended bonnet permits stagnant, mod-
soft goods from excessive heat or cold which may inhibit erate temperature gas to form in the bonnet, which acts
packing or actuator performance. It is constructed from as an insulator to minimize heat transfer. This design
carbon steel for temperatures from -20 to 800 degrees also protects the packing from the extremely low tem-
Fahrenheit, and from 304 or 316 stainless steel for perature of the service fluid. It is usually manufactured
temperatures from -150 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. from 304 or 316 stainless steel and handles tempera-
For continuous cryogenic applications, a cryogenic tures down to -423 degrees Fahrenheit. Standard
extended bonnet should be used. construction consists of stainless steel bonnet flange
and bolting.


Figure12-4: Guardian Metal Bellows Seal


A metal bellows seal can be encased either in the body
or in an extended bonnet for those services where fluid
leakage to atmosphere needs to be totally eliminated. Figure12-5: Guardian II Metal Bellows Seal

Guardian Metal Bellows Guardian II Metal Bellows Seal

The Guardian standard metal bellows seal which is The Guardian II Metal Bellows Seal uses a formed
encased in the body uses a standard bonnet, as bellows design with minimal welded joints. A full-cycle
shown in Figure 12-4. Four sizes and two pressure life of up to 5 million cycles can be expected while
ratings are available for temperatures up to 650 de- operating in process temperatures from -320 to 1000
grees Fahrenheit. Farenheit and pressures to 1100 psi. Inconel 625 is the
The metal bellows are rated either by pressure, tem- standard material for the bellows assembly with Hastelloy
perature or cycle life. Pressure ratings can be in- C-22 as optional.
creased by reducing the calculated cycle life. Con-
The bellows assembly is encased in a shroud, which
versely, cycle life can be lengthened by reducing the
acts as a pressure boundary in the service. This design
operating pressures.
allows a single, pressurized gasket seal and prevents
The Guardian bellows is in a relaxed state at the valves fluid contact with the bellows housing during normal
closed position. The stroke length has been reduced operation. External pressurization of the bellows in-
from that of a standard Mark One to increase the life of creases cycle life and the maximum allowable operat-
the bellows. External pressure is used to balance the ing pressure. At the same time bellows squirm is
pressure load on the bellows. An anti-rotation pin eliminated. The replaceable plug head allows trim
prevents accidental rotation of the seal. A tell-tale tap changes without changing the bellows assembly. The
in the standard bonnet provides early indication of Guardian II design includes an anti-rotation pin to pre-
bellows failure, should the bellows rupture. vent the plug and bellows assembly from rotating, and
The standard metal bellows is constructed from Inconel a tell-tale tap that indicates bellows leakage. Additional
625. It is also available in Hastelloy and other weldable monitoring ports in the bellows assembly housing
materials. are available.
Figure 12-6: Formed Metal Bellows Seal
Extended Bonnet

Formed Metal Bellows Seal

Valtek also offers a formed (or rolled) bellows that is
encased in an extended bonnet, as shown in Figure
12-6. It is rated for operation at 150 psi at 100 degrees
Fahrenheit or 90 psi at 600 degrees Fahrenheit. Spe-
cial designs are available for pressures to 2900 psi at
100 degrees Fahrenheit and temperatures to 1100
degrees Fahrenheit at 150 psi.
Since bellows seals are designed for special service
conditions and not to a particular design class, it is
necessary to include complete and accurate service
conditions when specifying.

Bonnet Flange and Bolting Material
Table 12-II provides Valteks standard bonnet flanges
and bolting materials for Mark One, Mark Two, Tek-
Check and Mark Eight globe valves. Table 12-III lists
specific temperature limitations and material specifica-
tions for bonnet flange bolting.

Table 12-II: Globe Valve Bonnet Flange and Bolting Materials

Body Sizes Standard Optional Standard Optional
and Rating Bonnet Flange Bolting Bolting
/2 to 3-inch: Carbon steel Stainless steel (1); SAE grade 5 300 Series cap screws (1);
Class 150-600; same alloy as B7, 2H studs and nuts (2);
body 304 and 316 stainless steel
studs and nuts (3, 4)
4-inch: Class 150-600; Carbon steel Stainless steel (1); B-7, 2H studs 304 and 316 stainless steel
6-inch and above: same alloy as and nuts (2) studs and nuts (1,3)
Class 150 - 600; all body.
high pressure sizes
(1) Alloy flange & bolting material required only when pressure or temperature limits of the standard carbon steel or B7, 2H materials are insufficient.
(2) Temperature limit of -20 to 800 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on body limitation.
(3) Temperature limit of -425 to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on body limitation.
(4) Other alloys depending on design criteria.

Table 12-III: Bolting Temperature Limitations

Body Material Temperature (OF) Bolt Material Nut Material

Carbon Steel (Grade WCB) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
Carbon Steel Grade LCB) -50 to 650 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
Carbon Moly (Grade WC1) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
801 to 850 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7
11/4 Cr-1/2 Mo (Grade WC6) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7
21/4 Cr-1 Mo (Grade WC9) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7
1001 to 1050 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 7
5 Cr-1/2 Mo (Grade C5) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7
1001 to 1100 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 4
9 Cr-1 Mo (Grade C12) -20 to 800 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
801 to 1000 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 7
1001 to 1100 ASTM A193 Gr B16 ASTM A194 Gr 4
Type 304 (Grade CF8) -425 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8
100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8 *ASTM A194 Gr 8
Type 347 (Grade CF8C) -425 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8
100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8 *ASTM A194 Gr 8
Type 316 (Grade CF8M) -325 to 100 ASTM A320 Gr B8 ASTM A194 Gr 8
100 to 1500 *ASTM A193 Gr B8M *ASTM A194 Gr 8M
31/2 Ni (Grade LC3) -150 to -50 ASTM A320 Gr L7 ASTM A194 Gr 4
w/Charpy Test or 8M
-50 to 650 ASTM A193 Gr B7 ASTM A194 Gr 2H
* Alloy steel bolting, A193 Gr B7 bolts and A194 Gr 2H nuts can be used at moderate temperatures depending on the permissible differential

PACKING AND PACKING BOX Vacuum Service Packing
Standard Valtek packing boxes are deeper than most When the process fluid is at a vacuum pressure (below
conventional types. The spacing between the wiper set atmospheric pressure), special consideration must be
and the main upper packing set prevents contamination given to the packing configuration. Normally V-rings
of the upper packing. The upper set is positioned far are used since they seal the best. Although Teflon is the
enough away from the wiper set to avoid contact with most often used material, other packing materials may
any part of the plug stem, which has been exposed to be used depending on the process temperature and
the flowing medium. The wiper set is designed to pressure. Valtek has three available packing options.
minimize the amount of fluid on the plug stem.
1. If the process is always under a vacuum, a standard
The deep packing box is designed to permit a wide V-ring packing may be used with the top set of V-rings
variety of packing configurations, including twin seal being inverted (chevron facing away from the plug
packing, without changing bonnets. Figure 12-7 shows head.)
the common packing box configurations.
2. If the process pressure is both vacuum and positive
Two widely-spaced stem guides used with a large at various times, the packing needs to seal both
plug stem diameter provide exceptional guiding. The directions. Twin V-ring packing is best used, invert-
upper stem guide also acts as a packing follower. The ing the top set (chevrons facing away from the plug
lower guide is situated close to the plug head for head) with the bottom set being installed normal.
additional guiding support, ensuring accurate align-
ment of the seat ring and plug. 3. When a vacuum seal is needed on the bonnet inde-
pendent of the process pressure, a purge connection
Packing configurations can include twin seals where with a lantern ring spacer is available with either of
equal amounts of packing are used at both ends of the the above configurations. This configuration allows
packing box. This configuration is usually specified the application to be monitored.
when a vacuum seal or lubrication is required. How-
ever, twin packing does not improve the sealing capa-
Fugitive Emissions Packing
bility of the packing, and in some cases may hamper its
performance. Lantern rings are provided between the When special packing is required to keep emissions
packing sets if stem lubrication is required. through packing at a low level, SafeGuard and
Valteks standard packing is the Teflon V-ring. This SureGuard packing sets are used. SafeGuard and
design provides a tight seal at the feather edge of each SureGuard packing sets are available for new valves or
ring with a minimum amount of stem friction. To achieve may be retrofitted into existing Valtek bonnets to pro-
a tight seal with Teflon, the packing box bolting is vide exeptional leakage control, reliability and longev-
tightened to just over finger-tight. The major limitations ity. Both systems are available in standard and twin
of Teflon are its low service temperature limit of approxi- configurations. See Figure 12-7.
mately 500 degrees Fahrenheit with a standard bonnet SafeGuard is a Teflon based, V-ring packing set that
and its "creep" characteristics, which decrease its utilizes the sealing ability of virgin Teflon while minimiz-
sealability under load. ing the effects of creep. This is accomplished by
Other available packing materials include PTFE braided, backing up the virgin V-rings with carbon-filled Teflon
glass-filled Teflon, graphite/asbestos-free packing (to prevent extrusion and cold flow) and live loading the
(AFP), (Inconel reinforced AFP) and Grafoil. Graphite/ entire set to compensate for any Teflon creep due to
AFP, and Grafoil are usually used in high temperature thermal gradients or wear. Figure 12-8 illustrates the
applications. pressure/temperature curve for SafeGuard.

Table 12-IV shows packing temperature limitations for SureGuard is a Kalrez based, V-ring packing set that
both standard and extended bonnets. Table 12-V utilizes the exceptional sealing ability of a
provides the minimum temperature limitations for pack- perfluorelastomer while maintaining the inertness
ing used with cryogenic extended bonnets. Figures 12- equivalent of Teflon. Like SafeGuard, the sealing rings
8, 12-9 and 12-10 provide pressure/temperature are backed up by carbon-filled Teflon to prevent extru-
curves for Teflon TFE, glass-filled Teflon and carbon- sion and increase the life of the packing set. SureGuard
filled Teflon asbestos. Table 12-VI provides the stem XT is a similar packing set with PEEK backup rings,
packing friction forces. which has the capability to endure temperatures up to
550 degrees Fahrenheit in a standard bonnet, and up to
800 degrees Fahrenheit in a high-pressure, extended
bonnet. Figures 12-8, 12-9 and 12-10 illustrates the
pressure/temperature curve for SureGuard and
SureGuard XT.

Standard Twin Twin V-packing
V-packing V-packing w/Lantern Ring

Twin Square Twin Square

Standard Twin Square Packing Packing
Square Packing Packing w/Lubricator w/Lantern
Fitting Ring

Graphite Graphite
Braided Rings (3) Rings (2)
Rings (3)
Rings (2)

Vacuum Seal
Standard Twin Graphite Vacuum Seal Twin V-packing
Graphite Packing Packing V-packing (w/Lantern Ring)

Live Loading
(compressed) (not compressed)

Carbon-filled Carbon-filled
Teflon Teflon
Backups Backups
Virgin Teflon Kalrez Kalrez
V-rings (2) V-rings (2) V-rings (2)

SafeGuard SureGuard SureGuard XT

Live-loaded Packing Packing
Packing Box

Figure 12-7: Typical Linear Valve Packing Configurations

Table 12-IV: Packing Temperature Limitations, Standard and Extended Bonnets
Valve ANSI Packing Standard Extended Pressure
Rating Material/Type Bonnet (1) Bonnet (1) Limits
(degrees F*) (degrees F)
150 - 600 Teflon TFE -20 to 450 -150 (2) to 600 Figure 12-8
Braided PTFE (3) -20 to 500
Glass-filled Teflon
150 - 600 Asbestos-free packing -20 to 750 (4) -20 to 1200 Body rating
AFPI (5)
150 - 600 Grafoil (6) -20 to 750 (4) -20 to 1500 Body rating
900 - 2500 Teflon TFE -20 to 450 -150 (2) to 700 Figure 12-9
Teflon w/braided PTFE -20 to 500
Glass-filled Teflon
900 - 2500 Asbestos-free packing -20 to 800 -20 to 1200 Body rating
AFPI (5)
900 - 2500 Grafoil (6) -20 to 800 -20 to 1500 Body rating
150 - 600 SafeGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 600 Figures 12-7, 12-8
150 - 600 SureGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 600 Figures 12-7, 12-8
150 - 600 SureGuard XT -20 to 550 -20 to 700 Figures 12-7, 12-8
900 - 2500 SafeGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 700 Figures 12-7, 12-9
900 - 2500 SureGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 700 Figures 12-7, 12-9
900 - 2500 SureGuard XT -20 to 550 -20 to 800 Figures 12-7, 12-9

(1) ANSI B16.34 specifies acceptable pressure/temperature limits for pressure retaining materials. Consult factory for additional information.
(2) If the appropriate body and bonnet materials are used.
(3) PTFE is rated to -423 degrees Fahrenheit.
(4) 8 to 12-inch, Class 150 - 600; and 3 to 12-inch, Class 900 - 2500 can be used to 850 degrees Fahrenheit.
(5) Asbestos-free, high temperature packing.
(6) Do not use Grafoil above 800 degree Fahrenheit in oxidizing service such as air.
* Fluid temperatures; see Figures 12-8, 12-9 and 12-10.

Table 12-V: Minimum Globe Valve Packing Temperatures, Cryogenic Extended Bonnets
Valve ANSI Packing Extension Temperature Pressure
Rating Material Length Limits (1) Limits
(inches) (degrees F)
150 - 600 Teflon TFE 15 -320 Body rating
Braided PTFE 18 -350
24 -423

(1) ANSI B16.34 specifies acceptable pressure/temperature limits for pressure retaining materials. Consult factory for additional information.

Maximum Fluid Temperature/Pressue Curves for Valve Packing



Temperature (F)
SureGuard XT
SureGuard & Glass-filled Teflon
SafeGuard & Braided PTFE

100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 6000
Pressure (psig)

Figure 12-8: Standard
Standard Packing
Packing Box

SureGuard XT
Glass-filled Teflon
& Braided PTFE

Teflon, SureGuard, SafeGuard
Temperature (F)




100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 6000
Pressure (psig)

12-9: Extended
Extended Bonnet
Bonnet // Extension,
Extension, Class
Class 150
150 -- 600


Teflon, SureGuard, SafeGuard
SureGuard XT
Glass-filled Teflon
& Braided PTFE
Temperature (F)




100 200 400 600 1000 2000 4000 6000

Pressure (psig)

Figure 12-9: ExtendedBonnet,

Table 12-VI: Typical Globe Valve, Stem Packing Friction Forces
NOTE: All numbers are in pounds-force

Plug Stem Glass and SafeGuard SafeGuard

Teflon Teflon Std. Twin Braided Braided
Diameter* Carbon-filled SureGuard SureGuard
Single V Twin V Grafoil Grafoil PTFE AFP
(inches) Teflon Single V Twin V
0.56 44 49 45 356 642 44 271 52 68
0.88 49 54 63 560 842 49 344 70 89
1.12 54 60 78 712 1001 54 399 85 106
1.50 64 72 103 954 1239 64 486 111 135
2.00 82 93 141 1272 1557 82 600 149 177
2.50 105 120 184 1590 1875 105 714 192 225
3.00 133 153 232 1908 2193 133 829 239 279
* See Table 12-VII for plug stem diameter versus valve size.

Table 12-VII: Plug Stem Sizes for Given Valve Sizes (inches)
Unbalanced Trim Pressure-balanced Trim
Valve Rating Full Area Stem Stem Area Stem Stem Area
Size Class Trim Size Diameter (sq.in.) Diameter (sq.in.)
/2 150-600 .50 .562 .248
/4 150-2500 .72 .562 .248
1 150-1500 .81 .562 .248
2500 .72 .562 .248
1 1/2 150-1500 1.25 .875 .601 .562 .248
2500 1.00 .875 .601 .562 .248
2 150-1500 1.62 .875 .601 .562 .248
2500 1.25 .875 .601 .562 .248
150-600 2.62 1.125 .99 .875 .601
3 900-1500 2.62 1.5 1.77 .875 .601
2500 2.00 1.125 .99 .875 .601
150-600 3.50 1.125 .99 .875 .601
4 900-1500 3.50 1.5 1.77 1.125 .994
2500 2.62 1.5 1.77 1.125 .994
150 5.00 1.125 .99 1.125 .994
6 300-1500 5.00 2.00 3.14 1.5 1.77
2500 4.00 2.00 3.14 1.5 1.77
150 6.25 1.5 1.77 1.5 1.77
8 300-600 6.25 2.00 3.14 1.5 1.77
900-1500 6.25 2.5 4.91 2.0 3.14
2500 5.00 2.5 4.91 2.0 3.14
150 8.00 2.00 3.14
150-600 8.00 2.0 3.14
10 300-600 8.00 2.5 4.91
900-1500 8.00 3.0 7.07 2.5 4.91
2500 6.25 3.0 7.07 2.5 4.91
150 9.50 2.0 3.14 2.5 4.91
300-600 9.50 3.0 7.07 2.5 4.91
12 900-2500 8.00 3.0 7.07 2.5 4.91
900-1500 9.50 2.5 4.91
2500 8.00 2.5 4.91
150 11.00 3.0 7.07 2.5 4.91
14 300-600 11.00 3.0 7.07 3.0 7.07
1500 11.00 3.0 7.07

Standard Guides -

When selecting guide materials, the prioritized list be-

low should be used: -

Pressure (psig)
a. Grafoil-lined stainless steel*
b. Glass-filled Teflon lined stainless steel*
c. Solid bronze guide
d. Solid stellite guide
* The standard guide retainer material is stainless steel. In alloy -
valves the guide retainer is constructed of the same material as the

Grafoil Guides -

Versatile Grafoil guides can be used in many applica- 0 150 300
tions. The following applies to Grafoil guides.
Temperature (degrees Fahrenheit)
1/2 2-inch Valve Size
Pressures to 1000 psig Figure 12-11: Pressure vs. Temperature
Temperatures to 1500O F Limitations, Glass-filled Teflon Guides
Pressure drops to 250 psid
Maximum temperature 800O F on oxydizing or
air service
Do NOT use in cavitating conditions, or Solid Bronze Guides
pressure drops over 250 PSID, or oxygen
enriched services Bronze guides may be used in valve applications up
through class 2500. Temperature of the fluid should not
3 4-inch Valve Size exceed 500 degrees Fahrenheit for the lower guide.
Pressures to 600 psig Temperature of the fluid should not exceed 900 de-
Temperatures to 1500O F grees Fahrenheit for the upper guide.
Pressure drops to 200 psid
These guides are principally used in water service and
Exceptions in valves which require a high degree of cleanliness
Maximum temperature 800O F on oxydizing or such as oxygen or hydrogen service valves.
air service Bronze guides should not be used: 1) where corrosion
Do NOT use in cavitating conditions or exists; 2) in cavitating service where the pressure drop
pressure drops over 200 PSID, or oxygen exceeds 400 psi for valves 1/2 through 4-inch and 250
enriched services psi for valves 6-inch and larger, or; 3) in valves requiring
6-inch Valve Size & Larger N.A.C.E certification.
Pressures to 500 psig
Temperatures to 1500O F
Stellite Guides
Pressure drops to 100 psid
Stellite guides are suitable for all valves through class
2500 and to temperatures through 1500 degrees Fahr-
Do NOT use in cavitating conditions or enheit.
pressure drops over 100 PSID, or oxygen
enriched services A Stellite lower guide is normally supplied for valves
such as ChannelStream, Tiger-Tooth, CavControl and
Glass-Filled Teflon Guides some pressure-balance applications. A Stellite lower
guide is used in choked flow at differential pressures
Glass-filled Teflon guides consist of a glass-filled Teflon greater than that allowed with Grafoil, Teflon or bronze
liner and a metal retainer. guides.
These guides are suitable for most chemical applica- The lower guide area on the plug stem that comes in
tions if the temperature and pressure fall within the limits contact with the Stellite guide must be Stellited if the
shown in Figure 12-11. base trim material is a 300 series stainless steel.
For high or cryogenic temperature applications, stan-
Rotary Valve Bodies dard extensions or cryogenic extensions are used.
All Valtek rotary valve body designs include a bonnet. Extensions are normally manufactured from the same
Valtek rotary valve bodies normally handle tempera- material as the body. Table 12-VIII describes the
tures from -20 degrees to 750 degrees Fahrenheit, standard extension material for a given body material:
depending on the packing used. In some cases, class
900 2500 bodies can be rated as high as 800 degrees EXTENSION TYPES
Fahrenheit, depending on the packing used. Standard Extension
The standard extension protects the packing and actua-
Table 12-VIII: tor soft goods from excessive heat or cold which may
Rotary Body/Extension Materials inhibit packing or actuator performance. It is con-
structed from carbon steel for temperatures from -20 to
Body Material Bonnet Material 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and from 304 or 316 stainless
Carbon Steel Carbon steel A216-WCB casting steel for temperatures from -425 to 1500 degrees Fahr-
enheit. For continuous cryogenic applications, a cryo-
Stainless Steel Stainless steel A351-CF8M genic extended bonnet should be used.
Cryogenic Extension
Chrome-moly Standard stainless steel
A351-CF8M casting; The cryogenic extension permits stagnant, moderate
option Chrome-moly forging temperature gas to form in the bonnet, which acts as an
equivalent to body material insulator to minimize heat transfer. This design also
protects the packing from the extremely low tempera-
Alloys Casting or plate forging equivalent ture of the service fluid. It is usually manufactured from
to the body material 304 or 316 stainless steel and handles temperatures
down to -423 degrees Fahrenheit. Unlike the bolt-on
design of the standard extension, the cryogenic exten-
sion is a welded extension integral with the valve body.

Figure 12-12: Standard Extension

Figure 12-13: Cryogenic Extension

Extension Bolting Material bodies, standard extensions, and the minimum tem-
Table 12-III lists specific temperature limitations and perature limitations for packing used with cryogenic
material specifications for standard and extension bolt- extensions. Figures 12-8 shows pressure/temperature
ing for ShearStream and Valdisk rotary valves. curves for Teflon packing in standard and cryogenic
extensions. Table 12-8 provides the shaft packing
PACKING AND PACKING BOX friction forces.
Standard Valtek packing boxes are designed to permit Fugitive Emissions Packing
a wide variety of packing configurations, including twin
seal packing. Figure 12-14 shows common Valtek When special packing is required to keep emissions
rotary packing box configurations. through packing at a low level, SafeGuard and SureGuard
packing sets are used. SafeGuard and SureGuard pack-
Packing configurations can include twin seals where ing sets are available for new valves or may be retro-fitted
equal amounts of packing are used at both ends of the into existing Valtek bonnets to provide exceptional leak-
packing box. This configuration is usually specified age control, reliability and longevity. Both systems are
when a vacuum seal or lubrication is required. How- available in standard or twin configurations. A fire-safe
ever, twin packing does not improve the sealing capa- version is available for rotary valves. See Figure 12-14.
bility of the packing, and in some cases may hamper its
performance. Lantern rings are provided between the SafeGuard is a Teflon based, V-ring packing set that
packing sets if stem lubrication is required. utilizes the sealing ability of virgin Teflon while minimizing
the effects of creep. This is accomplished by backing up
Valteks standard packing is the Teflon V-ring. This the virgin V-rings with carbon-filled Teflon (to prevent
design provides a tight seal at the feather edge of each extrusion and cold flow) and live loading the entire set to
ring with a minimum amount of stem friction. To achieve compensate for any Teflon creep due to thermal gradients
a tight seal with Teflon, the packing box bolting is or wear. Figures 12-8 and 12-9 illustrate the pressure/
tightened to just over finger-tight. The major limitations temperature curve for SafeGuard.
of Teflon are its low service temperature limit of approxi-
mately 500 degrees Fahrenheit with a standard body SureGuard is a Kalrez based, V-ring packing set that
and its creep characteristics, which decrease its utilizes the exceptional sealing ability of a perfluorelastomer
sealability under load. while maintaining the inertness equivalent of Teflon. Like
SafeGuard, the sealing rings are backed up by carbon-
Other available packing materials include braided PTFE, filled Teflon to prevent extrusion and increase the life of the
glass-filled Teflon, graphite/asbestos-free packing packing set. SureGuard XT is a similar packing set with
(AFPInconel reinforced), and Grafoil. Graphite/AFP, PEEK backup rings, which has the capability to endure
and Grafoil are usually used in high temperature appli- temperatures up to 550 degrees Fahrenheit in a standard
cations. rotary valve, and up to 700 degrees Fahrenheit with an
Table 12-IX shows packing temperature limitations for extension. Figures 12-8 and 12-9 illustrate the pressure/
temperature curve for SureGuard and SureGuard XT.
Table 12-IX: Rotary Packing Temperature Limitations, Standard Extensions
Packing Standard with with 20-inch Pressure
Material/Type Body (1) Extension (1) Cryongenic Limits
(degrees F*) (degrees F) Extension
Teflon TFE -20 to 450 -150(2) to 600 -423 Figure 12-8
Braided PTFE (3) -20 to 500
Glass-filled Teflon
Asbestos-free packing -20 to 750 (4) -20 to 1200 N/A Body rating
AFPI (5)
Grafoil (6) -20 to 750 (4) -20 to 1500 N/A Body rating
SafeGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 600 -423 Figures 12-8, 9
SureGuard -20 to 450 -20 to 600 -423 Figures 12-8, 9
SureGuard XT -20 to 550 -20 to 700 -423 Figures 12-8, 9
(1) ANSI B16.34 specifies acceptable pressure/temperature limits for pressure retaining materials. Consult factory for additional information.
(2) If the appropriate body and bonnet materials are used.
(3) PTFE is rated to -423 degrees Fahrenheit.
(4) 8 to 12-inch, Class 150 - 600; and 3 to 12-inch, Class 900 - 2500 can be used to 850 degrees Fahrenheit.
(5) Asbestos-free, high temperature packing.
(6) Do not use Grafoil above 800 degrees Fahrenheit in oxidizing service such as air or oxygen.
* Fluid temperatures; see Figures 12-8 thru 12-9.

Standard Square Standard Single "V" Twin "V"

Twin "V" with Lubricator

SafeGuard SureGuard SafeGuard / SureGuard

(packing studs rotated 45 degrees) Fire-safe Option
(live-loading omitted)

Vacuum Single "V" Vacuum Twin "V" VacuumTwin "V"

with Purge
Figure 12-14: Typical Rotary Valve Packing Configurations

Table 12-X: Typical Rotary Valve, Stem Packing Friction Forces*
NOTE: All numbers are in inch-pounds

Shaft Teflon Teflon Glass and Braided SafeGuard SafeGuard SafeGuard

Diameter* Single V Twin V Carbon-filled Grafoil PTFE SureGuard SureGuard SureGuard
(inches) Teflon Single V Twin V Fire safe
0.5 30 38 43 228 57 29 43 62
0.625 37 46 50 281 63 33 48 68
.75 44 53 57 333 71 38 54 75
1 58 68 71 438 92 48 66 89
1.12 65 75 79 489 104 53 72 97
1.50 86 98 104 648 151 70 82 122
*Packing friction force is a small factor in determining actuator size. Refer to Section 16 to determine correct actuator size for application.
Note: See Table 12-XI for shaft size versus valve size.

Table 12-XI: Shaft Diameter at Packing for Rotary Valve Sizes

Shaft Diameter
Valve Size Valdisk ShearStream
(inches) (inches) (inches)
1 .50
11/2 .625
2 .625 .625
3 .625 .750
4 .750 .750
6 .875 1.0
8 1.125 1.0
10 1.125 1.50
12 1.50 1.50
Note: Contact factory for Valdisk sizes over 12 inches.


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