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Electronic Structure, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Quaternary Fe Co Mnal Heusler Alloys

1) The document examines the electronic structure, magnetic, and optical properties of quaternary Fe22xCoxMnAl Heusler alloys through density functional theory calculations. 2) It finds that doping Co at the Fe site in Fe2MnAl produces nearly 100% spin polarization for x = 0.5, 1 and 1.5, with a band gap of ~0.5 eV in the minority spin bands, indicating half-metallic behavior. 3) Total magnetic moment increases linearly with increasing Co content x and follows the Slater–Pauling curve. Optical properties point to potential applications in solar cells and shielding electromagnetic radiation from visible to far UV ranges.


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Electronic Structure, Magnetic and Optical Properties of Quaternary Fe Co Mnal Heusler Alloys

1) The document examines the electronic structure, magnetic, and optical properties of quaternary Fe22xCoxMnAl Heusler alloys through density functional theory calculations. 2) It finds that doping Co at the Fe site in Fe2MnAl produces nearly 100% spin polarization for x = 0.5, 1 and 1.5, with a band gap of ~0.5 eV in the minority spin bands, indicating half-metallic behavior. 3) Total magnetic moment increases linearly with increasing Co content x and follows the Slater–Pauling curve. Optical properties point to potential applications in solar cells and shielding electromagnetic radiation from visible to far UV ranges.


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J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811

Electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties

of quaternary Fe22xCoxMnAl Heusler alloys
Vivek Kumar Jain1, N. Lakshmi1,*, Rakesh Jain1, Vishal Jain2, Aarti R. Chandra1, and K. Venugopalan1

Department of Physics, Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001, India
Department of Physics, Gitanjali Institute of Technical Studies, Udaipur 313022, India

Received: 14 October 2016 ABSTRACT

Accepted: 14 February 2017 Full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave method is used to calculate
Published online: electronic structure of L21-ordered Fe2MnAl Heusler alloy within WIEN2k code.
27 February 2017 Exchange correlation is treated using generalized gradient approximation which
gives the nearest values to experimental results of lattice constant. On doping
Springer Science+Business Co at Fe site in Fe2MnAl in the series Fe2-xCoxMnAl, nearly 100% spin polar-
Media New York 2017 ization is realized for x = 0.5, 1 and 1.5 and half-metallic behavior is observed
with band gap of *0.5 eV in minority spin bands. Total magnetic moment
increases linearly with increase in value of x and follows the SlaterPauling
curve. Trends of optical conductivity, real and imaginary parts of the dielectric
function, reflectivity, energy loss, refractive index, absorption and extinction
coefficient with increasing concentration of Co and with incident photon energy
point to possible use in solar cell devices and as shielding materials for elec-
tromagnetic radiation extending from visible to far UV range.

Introduction feature of half-metallic (HM) ferromagnetic materials

is that there is an energy gap in one of the sub-bands
Currently there is an intense focus on investigations with different directions of the electron spins with
of half metallicity observed in various types of respect to the magnetization vector in the electronic
materials such as oxides, sulfides and Heusler alloys spectrum at the Fermi energy level (EF). A crucial role
because of their possible applications in cutting edge is played by density functional theory (DFT) in the
technology based on spintronics [14]. Among the determination of appropriate elements and concen-
various possible materials, Heusler alloys are trations to achieve half metallicity in full- or half-
important due to the ease with which the electron Heusler alloys, thus allowing the modeling of prop-
density can be tuned to achieve a physical property of erties of several materials prior to their actual
interest through an appropriate choice of substitu- experimental synthesis/characterizations [59].
tional doping while retaining the essential structure. Experimental investigations of structural and
Moreover, these alloys have moderately high mag- magnetic properties of several Co- and Fe-based
netization and high Curie temperatures. The main Heusler alloys such as Fe2MnAl and Co2MnAl have

Address correspondence to E-mail: [email protected]

DOI 10.1007/s10853-017-0918-8
J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811 6801

been carried out previously by our group. It was LAPW) method. Exchange correlations have been
observed that Fe2MnAl and Co2MnAl stabilize in L21- treated by using generalized gradient approximation
or B2-ordered structures and possess high magnetic (GGA). Full relativistic calculations were used for the
moment and high Curie temperature. Nano-sized core states (3d for Mn, Fe, Co), whereas semi-rela-
high-energy ball-milled Fe2MnAl showed exchange tivistic calculations were done for semicore valence
bias behavior [1012]. Paduani et al. have shown that states (3s, 3p for Mn, Fe, Co). Muffin tin (MT) sphere
the ordered L21 (X2YZ) structure for Fe2MnAl also radius for Fe, Mn and Co was 2.19 0.05 a.u., and
stabilizes with small deviations of composition from 2.03 0.05 a.u. for Al. The plane-wave cutoff
the stoichiometric 2:1:1. The saturation magnetization parameter RMT 9 Kmax was 7 where RMT is the
in this alloy is strongly composition dependent and smallest of the MT sphere radius and Kmax is the
decreases with the increase in Mn concentration, in largest reciprocal lattice vector used in the plane-
spite of the fact that the Mn atoms carry the largest wave expansion and cutoff distance for superposition
moment in the ordered phase [13, 14]. In the qua- is 15.83 a.u. in the interstitial region. Non-spherical
ternary Heusler alloys, one of the four sites is mainly contribution to the potential and charge density
occupied by two different kinds of neighboring ele- within spheres were considered up to lmax = 10. The
ments. Because of the ease of chemical variability in magnitude of the largest vector in charge density
Heusler alloys, it is possible to prepare mixed (qua- Fourier expansion Gmax = 12 a.u.-1, the energy
ternary) Heusler alloys and depending on the heat threshold between the core and the valence states
treatment one can obtain differently ordered com- was set to -6.0 Ry and 3000 k-mesh points were taken
pounds [15, 16]. For device applications such as for sampling in the irreducible part of the Brillouin
shape memory alloy, spin torque oscillator, magnetic Zone (BZ). The lattice parameters were determined
RAM, memory storage disk and magnetic head, Co- by energy and volume curve optimization process for
based Heusler alloys are important due to high all calculations and a tolerance of 0.0001e for electron
magnetic moment, Curie temperature and spin charge and 0.0001 Ry for energy for self-consistent
polarization [1719]. Studies of Co2MnAl Heusler force have been taken as convergence criteria of the
alloy and its thin-film surface made on different system.
substrates such as GaAs, MgO, MnO2, Au and Ag
along with possible applications have been made by
various authors [2027]. Half metallicity and Curie Results and discussion
temperature of Fe2YZ Heusler alloys mainly depend
upon the Y site element. For example, Mn com- Structural properties
pounds have larger magnetic moments than Ni, Ti,
etc. In this way, choice of a suitable element at the Y The unit cell of most full-Heusler alloys consists of a
and Z sites results in achievement of desired struc- face-centered cubic cell with four atomic positions A
tural, magnetic and optical properties in Fe2MnAl (1/4, 1/4, 1/4), B (1/2, 1/2, 1/2), C (3/4, 3/4, 3/4)
Heusler alloy [2833]. and D (0, 0, 0). In general, Heusler alloys are of two
In this work, we report result of studies of the types: normal (AlCu2Mn-type) and inverse (CuHg2
electronic structure, magnetic and optical properties Ti-type). In normal Heusler alloys, A or C positions
in Co-substituted Fe2-xCoxMnAl at different con- are occupied by X atom while it is at A or B positions
centrations. Co has been chosen as doping element at in inverse Heusler alloys. In the completely ordered
the Fe site starting with the parent Fe2MnAl to get a state, Fe2MnAl has a normal Heusler alloy structure
series with the general formula Fe2-xCoxMnAl, with Fm-3m space group as illustrated in Fig. 1a, b.
0 B x B 2. Fe atoms occupy the two equivalent crystallographic
sites (designated as A and C), and the B and D sites
are occupied by Mn and Al atoms, respectively. The
Computational details Mn atoms at B site are surrounded by eight Fe as first
nearest neighbors which forms a face-centered cubic
In the present studies, WIEN2k code has been used in (fcc) arrangement. Consequently, each of the Fe
the calculation of the electronic structure within the atoms has four Mn and four Al as first nearest
full-potential linearized augmented plane-wave (FP- neighbors. There are four Al and four Mn atoms
6802 J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811

Figure 1 Crystal structure of Fe2MnAl a conventional cell, b primitive cell.

relative to one another. The Fe atoms occupy the 8c showing that stable structures are formed on substi-
(, , ) sublattices, Al and Mn atoms occupy the 4a tution of Fe with Co. However, as is evident from
(0, 0, 0) and 4b (, , ) sublattices, respectively. Fig. 2, the value of formation energy is found to be
Yin et al. [34] have recently calculated the enthalpy minimum in case of Co doped at A and C sites. Thus,
of formation at 0 K for Fe- , Co- and Ni-based full- on doping Co into Fe2MnAl, it would preferentially
Heusler alloys and have reported that Fe2MnAl and substitute into the A/C, i.e., the Fe sites. We have
Co2MnAl show stable Heusler phases. In the present thus confined the investigations of the series consid-
study, stability of different structures formed by the ering the substitution of Fe by Co at the A/C sites.
systematic substitution of Fe by Co in Fe2MnAl to A systematic variation in the structural, magnetic
obtain the series Fe2-xCoxMnAl (x = 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and and optical properties of the intermediate alloys is
2.0) has been examined. To do this, we have made a expected on going from Fe2MnAl to Co2MnAl
2 9 2 9 2 supercell grid with 32 atoms in unit cell of Heusler alloys, in which the ground state deviates
Fe2MnAl. In this supercell, we have then replaced Fe
atoms in a step size of 4 atoms by Co to obtain the
series Fe2-xCoxMnAl for various values of x. Further,
for each value of x, we have also made calculations of
formation energy (Eformation) by placing Co at each of
the four available sites, (A, B, C and D) through the
following equation
Eformation EFe2x Cox MnAl  2  xEFe  xECo  EMn
In the above equation, EFe2x Cox MnAl represents the
total energy per atom of the Fe2-xCoxMnAl unit cell;
EFe, ECo, EMn and EAl are the total energy per atom of
the pure Fe, Co, Mn and Al unit cells in their bulk
stable states, respectively. The formation energy is Figure 2 Formation energy of Fe2-xCoxMnAl with variation of
negative for Co substitution into all the four sites x, where Co is replaced at A, B, C and D sites.
J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811 6803

from the homogeneous ferromagnetic to half-metallic highly ordered L21 structure, the higher value of aexp
ferromagnetic state. To optimize the lattice constant can mainly be attributed to disordering induced by
for Fe2-xCoxMnAl, the experimentally obtained value the intermixing of X and Y atoms resulting in B2
of the lattice constant for Fe2MnAl was used as a ordering as is normally reported in X2YZ Heusler
starting point and then minimized for total energy for alloys [10]. Moreover, the calculated values are for a
each value of x. The total energy as a function of the temperature of 0 K, whereas experimental values,
volume per formula unit is given by Muranghan reported for room temperature, can be larger as has
equation of state (EOS): been observed by other researchers [35]. Although a
EV Eo small expansion can be expected at higher tempera-
"  1Bp # tures due to thermal vibrations, the contribution is
1 V 1 V 1
BVo    expected to be less than 1%. For example, in Co2YGa,
Bp Bp  1 Vo Bp Vo Bp  1
Umetsu et al. [36] have reported an increase of 0.2
2 and 0.4%, respectively, for Y = V, Ti in the values of
where B is the bulk modulus, Bp is the pressure lattice parameters obtained by measurements at 35
derivative of the bulk modulus and V is the equilib- and 300 K. The lattice constants (a0), converged
rium volume. energy (E0) and bulk modulus (B) obtained for
For Fe2MnAl, after geometry optimization, the Fe2-xCoxMnAl at zero pressure are listed in Table 1
calculated lattice constant (ao) is 5.62 A, which mat- for all four sites.
ches well with the theoretical optimized lattice Optimized structure for FeCoMnAl shows a
parameter reported by Belkhouane et al. [30] but is change in the symmetry with a lattice constant value
smaller than experimental lattice parameter (aexp) of of 5.68 A and is of the quaternary LiMgPdSn-type
5.82 A for Fe2MnAl with B2-type structure obtained Heusler structure (space group F43 m). Alijani et al.
by our group using high-energy ball milling after [37, 38] have also studied the same alloy and have
annealing. This is contradictory to the general trends observed that the most stable structure corresponds
where lattice parameter obtained through GGA is to one in which Fe and Co are distributed over the A
usually larger. As compared to ao obtained for the and C sites.

Table 1 Optimized lattice parameter (a0), minimum converged energy (E0), bulk modulus (B) of Fe2-xCoxMnAl

X Co substitution sites Calculated lattice constant ao (A) Reported lattice constant (A) Eo (Ry) B (GPa)

0 5.62 5.82 [12, 28] -7894.22 323

5.68 [30, 32]
5.67 [33]
0.5 A 5.63 -8014.89 255
B 5.72 -8014.86 144
C 5.63 -8014.89 260
D 5.72 -8014.85 156
1.0 A 5.69 5.79 [37] -8135.58 194
B 5.80 5.78 [38] -8135.55 142
C 5.69 5.68 [39] -8135.58 244
D 5.77 -8135.56 161
1.5 A 5.67 -8256.26 254
B 5.77 -8256.22 161
C 5.67 -8256.27 260
D 5.76 -8256.22 128
2.0 A 5.70 5.76 [40] -8376.96 197
B 5.76 5.68 [41] -8376.89 157
C 5.70 5.69 [42] -8376.96 195
D 5.76 5.75 [43] -8376.89 157
6804 J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811

Optimized lattice constant obtained by us for Co2- decreases linearly. In the present series, bulk modu-
MnAl is 5.70 A which is comparable to the experi- lus decreases with an increase in the value of x from
mental value obtained by Webster et al. from neutron 323 to 197 GPa.
diffraction scattering, and also experimental and
theoretical optimized lattice parameters reported by Electronic and band structural calculations
other researchers [4044]. Bulk modulus of L21-
ordered Co2MnAl Heusler alloy is 197 GPa which Figure 4 shows total and partial density of states
matches well with that reported by Ram et al. [42]. (DOS) for Fe2MnAl, Fe1.5Co0.5MnAl, FeCoMnAl,
Jung et al. [45] have determined the electronic prop- Fe0.5Co1.5MnAl and Co2MnAl in majority spin (a-
erties of Co2Mn1-xFexAl for both L21 and B2 type of spin) and minority spin (b-spin) where black line
structures in their study of orderdisorder phenom- shows total DOS, red for Fe, blue for Mn, green for Co
ena in this series. The lattice constants obtained by and cyan for Al DOS. Detailed analysis of DOS shows
them for both structures are nearly the same and changes at the Fermi level when going from Fe2MnAl
match with our results. Experimentally they have to Co2MnAl. On an increase in the value of x, the
obtained a B2 structure for Co2MnAl [46]. DOS is observed to shift toward the valence band in
In Fig. 3, lattice parameter, converged energy and the case of a-spins and is attributable to the highly
variation in the bulk modulus with x are shown. A contributing density of Co at the Fermi level. The b-
linear increase in the lattice parameter is observed spins show a band gap at the Fermi energy level
with increase in the concentration of Co in accor- indicative of half-metallic behavior. At higher values
dance with Vegards law as the atomic radius of Co of x, the density shifts toward the conduction band
atom is larger than that of Fe atom. With an increase
in the value of x, the minimum converged energy

Figure 4 Total and partial DOS with variation in the value of x in

Figure 3 Lattice parameter, converged energy and bulk modulus Fe2-xCoxMnAl (black line shows total DOS, red for Fe, blue for
with variation in x and linear tting. Mn, green for Co and cyan for Al).
J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811 6805

and shows band gap at the Fermi level in b-spins q: (EF) and q; (EF) are the a-spin and b-spin DOS at
with high-spin polarization evidencing half-metallic the Fermi energy. If any one of the electron density,
ferromagnetic behavior in these alloys. either q: or q;, is equal to zero and the other is
In the case of Fe2MnAl (Fig. 4a), the DOS shows nonzero, then the electrons at EF are fully spin
metallic behavior in the a-spin, while a band gap of polarized (i.e., P = 100%) and is also called half
0.4 eV is observed at the Fermi energy level in the b- metallic. The values of spin polarization P have been
spin. The a-spin conduction bands cross the Fermi calculated using Eq. 3 and are listed in Table 2 for
level, while there is an energy gap around the Fermi Fe2-xCoxMnAl.
level for the b-spin bands at all bands points as is
evident from Fig. 5. The band gap is of the order of
Spin magnetic moment
*0.5 eV at the C point and *0.3 eV at the X point.
From the partial contributions to the DOS, it is seen The values of total and partial spin magnetic
that the major contribution is from Fe d electrons with moments of Fe2-xCoxMnAl have been calculated
only a small contribution from the d electrons of Mn based on Fe and Co concentrations and are summa-
at EF. rized in Table 2. The obtained values of magnetic
In the case of FeCoMnAl (Fig. 4c), the DOS shows moment are consistent with the SlaterPauling curve
metallic behavior in the a-spin band, while an energy (SPC) for full-Heusler alloys, by which the magnetic
band gap of 0.6 eV is observed at the Fermi energy moment per unit cell in multiples of the Bohr mag-
level in the b-spin band resulting in half metallicity netron (lB) is obtained as follows:
due to 100% spin polarization. This also matches with
band structure calculations (indicated in Fig. 5) Mtotal N  24 4
which show that both the valence and conduction where Mtotal denotes the total magnetic moment and
bands meet at the C and K point in a-spin at the Fermi N denotes total valence electrons in the unit cell. Here,
energy (EF), while in the b-spin, a band gap of for Fe2MnAl, N = (2 9 8) ? 7 ? 3 = 26, i.e., the
*0.5 eV is observed at C point at EF. From Fig. 4c, it moment Mtotal will be 2lB using Eq. 4. In Fe2MnAl, the
is observed that there is equal contribution to the interaction between 3d electron of Fe and 3d electrons
density from Co to Mn in the a-spin band at the of Mn is in opposite directions, and therefore, the Fe
Fermi level with hybridization between d electrons of moment is negative and small. In the total moment, the
Co and Mn. While Fe has large density, due to contribution of Al is negligible due to its almost zero
antiparallel alignment of d electrons, the Fe moment magnetic moment. As expected, the magnetic moment
is negative and small in value compared to Mn and of Fe2MnAl increases when Fe atoms are replaced by
Co. In the b-spin band, Fe, Co and Mn show zero Co atoms. For FeCoMnAl (x = 1), N = 8 ? 9 ?
density at EF. 7 ? 3 = 27, i.e., moment Mtotal is 3lB. Similarly, for
In the DOS of Co2MnAl (Fig. 4e), the obtained a- Co2MnAl, N = (2 9 9) ? 7 ? 3 = 28, i.e., the moment
spin and b-spin DOS show metallic behavior which is Mtotal is 4lB. The half-metallic ferromagnetic nature of
in good agreement with band structure calculations. these alloys is also corroborated by the integer values
As in the case of FeCoMnAl, at the Fermi energy of total magnetic moment per formula unit since an
level, Co and Mn contribute equally due to integer value of the magnetic moment is one of the
hybridization of d electrons of Co and Mn in the a- characteristics of HM ferromagnets.
spin bands. However, in the conduction band, Co has Figure 6 shows that there is a linear increase in the
a large contribution in b-spin bands at the Fermi magnetic moment of Mn, Co and the total magnetic
energy. An energy gap of 0.5 eV is found in b-spin moment with increase in the concentration of Co.
near conduction band crossing Fermi energy in However, in Fe, for values of x = 1 (inset of Fig. 6),
Fig. 5. there is first an increase in the moment at Fe which
To find out the half metallicity, the electron spin then decreases. This is because the Fe-Co hybridiza-
polarization (P) was calculated at EF using the fol- tion is more than that of Co-Mn and so with an
lowing expression: increase in the Co content, at first there is an increase
q " EF  q # EF in the moment at Fe. However, on a predominance of
P 3 Co (i.e., for x [ 1.0), the Co-Mn hybridization is now
q " EF q # EF
6806 J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811

Figure 5 a-spin (red lines)

and b-spin (blue lines) bands
of Fe2MnAl, FeCoMnAl and
J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811 6807

Table 2 Calculation of partial, total magnetic moment and spin polarization

Sample SPC Magnetic moment Spin polarization

(lB) P (%)
Reported Total Co Fe Mn Al Interstitial
(lB) (lB) (lB) (lB) (lB) (lB) (lB)

Fe2MnAl 2.00 2.00 [32] 2.01 -0.27 2.29 -0.01 0.00 73

Fe1.5 Co0.5MnAl 2.50 2.50 0.35 -0.16 2.36 -0.02 -0.03 100
FeCoMnAl 3.00 3.00 [37] 3.00 0.81 -0.14 2.44 -0.04 -0.07 99
Fe0.5Co1.5MnAl 3.50 3.50 1.28 -0.23 2.58 -0.05 -0.08 99
Co2MnAl 4.00 4.03 [43] 4.01 1.56 2.65 -0.06 -0.14 75

large enough to make its effect felt on the net mag- comparison to Co and Fe atoms occupy the B sites.
netic moment at the Fe site which thus shows a The increasing hybridization between CoCo atoms
decrease since moments on Fe and Mn are aligned (at the A/C sites which are second nearest neighbors
opposite to each other (ferrimagnetically aligned). In to each other) and also an enhancement of the total
this series, the main group atoms (Al) occupy the D magnetic moment due to the ferromagnetic coupling
sites, the transition metal atoms, represented by both of the Co atoms with Mn atoms (at the B site which
Co and Fe, occupy the A and/or C sites, and the Mn are first nearest neighbor to Co) thus results in an
atoms which have relatively less valence electrons in overall increase in the value of magnetization of the
alloy on increase in the concentration of Co.
Degree of ordering is also important and leads to
variation in magnetic moments. For example, Ozdo-
gan et al. have reported the effect of ordering/dis-
ordering on the magnetic moment and half-metallic
properties in Co2MnAl full-Heusler compound. The
reported magnetic moment of Co2MnAl is 4.03lB for
L21 structure and 4.02lB, 4.04lB for B2-type structure.
In case of A2-type disordered structure, magnetic
moment of Co2MnAl alloys changes from 2.00lB to
5.34lB due to antiferromagnetic ordering [44].

Optical properties

For a complete characterization from the materials

application point of view, it is interesting to also
explore the optical properties. In this section, the
optical properties of the Fe2-xCoxMnAl (x = 02)
series are discussed. The results for optical conduc-
tivity r(x), reflectivity R(x), energy loss L(x),
absorption coefficient I(x), real and imaginary parts
of the dielectric function (i.e., e1(x) and e2(x),
respectively), refractive index n(x) and extinction
coefficient K(x) for the series Fe2-xCoxMnAl are
provided in Fig. 7ah.
An anomalous behavior of the optical properties in
Figure 6 Total magnetic moment and individual Fe, Co, Mn and the IR range was observed for all alloys. The main
Al moments with value of x in Fe2-xCoxMnAl. Fe moment in features of the optical absorption spectra are the high
inset. level of interband absorption. Peaks of interband
6808 J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811

Figure 7 Calculated optical

parameters, i.e., a optical
conductivity, b reectivity,
c energy loss, d absorption
coefcient, e real part of
dielectric function, f imaginary
part of dielectric function,
g refractive index, h extinction
coefcient with respect to
incident photon energy.

absorption are observed in the whole spectral range. energy side with increase in the values of x in this
The peaks in the IR range indicate the existence of series. On comparing the reflectivity and energy loss
low-energy gaps in the band spectra of the alloys. curves, we observe that reflectivity suddenly goes
Interband absorption bands are found in the visible down to a minimum value at the same energy point
and ultraviolet ranges. in which energy loss is maximum.
Optical conductivity graph in Fig. 7a shows that The complex dielectric function is described as
peaks of all samples are in the energy range of 23 eV ex e1 x ie2 x 5
implying that all samples are optically conductive in
the visible region and thus have potential for solar here e1 x is the real part of the complex dielectric
cell applications. There is a slight but systematic function that is related to polarization and anomalous
decrease in the conductivity with increase in the dispersion, and e2 x is the imaginary part associated
value of x (i.e., with the increase in concentration of with loss of energy into the medium. Trend of the
Co) which shows that contribution from Fe to optical real and imaginary parts of the dielectric function
activity is more than Co. In the UV region (between 7 with the incident photon energy is shown in Fig. 7e, f.
and 10 eV), there are two peaks with lesser intensities The peaks at *2.5 eV in the reflectivity spectrum also
than in the visible region with a systematic shift to correspond to the minimum value of the absorption
lower energies with increasing content of Co. Overall, e1(x). Since e1(x) is indicative of absorption of ener-
the optical conductivity decreases with increase in gies, Fig. 7e shows that while energy absorption is
the incident photon energies for all values of x. minimum for the visible range for these samples, it is
The trend of reflectivity R(x) as function of photon also negligible for higher energies, i.e., for UV ener-
energy in Fig. 7b indicates that all samples show a gies. Also, the point of transition of e1(x), indicating
major peak at 23 eV in the visible light region and the point of transition from metallic to dielectric, is in
two more peaks in the ultraviolet region. Trends of the visible region. These results are in good agree-
energy loss L(x) (Fig. 7c) and absorption coefficient ment with DOS which show no occupancy of electron
I(x) (Fig. 7d) with the incident photon energy show density in the conduction band beyond 3 eV for all
that absorption coefficient and energy loss increase as values of x. The reflectivity decreases as the incident
incident photon energy increases. Maximum energy photon energy increases in the UV region initially
loss occurs in the range of 1112 eV in the UV region. and increases after 7 eV. Refractive index n(x) of all
However, energy loss peaks shift toward the lower samples is shown in Fig. 7g with energy. Refractive
J Mater Sci (2017) 52:68006811 6809

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