December 2013

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com December 2013

“The twelve” for Dan has this amazing young woman and
Disciples Making Disciples in Nicaragua involved his role as a small her future.
group leader for a group of boys In addition to discipling Re-
Dear Family and Friends, This year I will be speaking dur- during NCA’s chapel time each bekah and Will, “the three” for
We live life in a country ing the break-out sessions for week. Together, they have Dan includes two 10th grade
where we see poverty daily and Spiritual Emphasis Day about been learning more about how students and one administrator
it is easy to be overwhelmed by how to avoid and help others the Holy Spirit works in our from a Christian school about
all of the needs. It is important avoid the trap of discourage- lives. Dan enjoys interacting an hour from NCA. It has been
for us to have a clear vision of ment. And finally, I am current- with many of the students at exciting for Dan to cultivate
how God is leading us to minis- ly organizing a Parenting Work- NCA during breaks, field trips, these relationships, being availa-
ter to those around us. We shop (led by Mark Forstrom, while substitute teaching, and at ble to listen and pray about
have felt led to focus on the High School Pastor of New after school activities. He is personal struggles they are go-
example of Christ and His min- Covenant Bible Church) which also looking forward to devel- ing through. He has had the joy
istry as a model for what we are will happen on January 25, 2013. oping a closer relationship with of walking with them as they ask
called to do in Nicaragua. Jesus the students during the Ac- many spiritual questions.
spoke to the multitudes; al- counting class he will be teach- Two years ago both of our
lowed the twelve into his life ing this coming semester. kids decided they wanted to
more intimately as he traveled “The three” for me include form groups of kids to mentor.
with them and ate with them our two children, Rebekah and It is beautiful to watch them
and shared with them; but then Will, who I continue to home pour out into these kids what
He invested an even greater school and disciple at home. others have poured into them.
portion of his energy into “the Dan and I meet weekly with the
three” – Peter, James, and John. kids individually to listen to
Our sharing today will in- Will and his disciples them as they process life and to
clude how God is leading us to intentionally speak truth into
engage with the multitude, the The multitude for Dan in- their lives. I am also continually
twelve, and the three in the volves his work with the new working at giving them opportu-
place He has called us to serve. school association and the Ad- nities to engage in the commu-
ministrative team at Nicaragua nity and with other adults that
Christian Academy. In this role God uses to speak into their
he regularly meets with groups lives. “The three” also includes
of students, teachers, and an NCA International student Thank you so very much for
school administrators. NCA named Dayana who I pick up your support and love for us
now operates three schools in and the disciples of Nicaragua!
Nicaragua and is ministering to Merry Christmas!
over 800 students! The Van Zoest Family
My “twelve” have consisted
of the 7th and 8th grade classes at
Kids discipling kids: Rebekah & NCA (these are Rebekah and
the girls she mentors.
Will’s classes). I visit with these Financial Support
classes monthly to talk with
The multitude for me (Lisa) them about the topic of
has involved writing and speak- “purity”. Peace CRC and Will, Rebekah, and Dayana
A significant portion of our
ing. As I write to a large audi- NCBC have partnered with me annual support is received at the
ence through our updates, I get to provide CDs and movies that and take home from school end of the year. Please consider
to hear how God is using our speak a pure message – some each afternoon. Dayana and I financially supporting our minis-
updates to both encourage and of our students have never have many conversations each try in Nicaragua. Gifts can be
challenge others. Another mul- owned a Christian music CD afternoon about school and life sent using the enclosed enve-
titude includes speaking to before. This is the 4th year I’ve and her future. Dayana’s educa- lope or by visiting our website
groups of students at Nicaragua met with these classes and I tion is sponsored by a team of at
Christian Academy (NCA). have grown to love these kids! people in the US who believe in
Thank You!

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