Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee
Occupation: Occupation:
10. Proof of income attached (tick one or both): ITR-Vs / Certificate from Govt. Official
The facts provided above are true to the best of our knowledge and belief.
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Senate Scholarships and Prizes Committee
11. Both you and your parents must sign the following declaration/undertaking.
a) I hereby undertake and certify that the information provided in this form is correct and true to
the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing material has been concealed. I understand
that in the event of any information being found false, misleading or incorrect, or ineligibility
to receive the Merit Cum Means Scholarship is detected during or after completion of my
programme at IIT Kanpur, or any of the personal information furnished in support thereof is
found incorrect, neither I nor my parents/guardian shall have any objection whatsoever against
the actions taken by the IIT Kanpur in the matter, in accordance with provisions 9.3 and 12.2
of the Ordinance of the IIT Kanpur.
b) I further undertake that during the course of availing the Scholarship, whenever there is any
change in the income of my parents/guardian, I shall keep the Institute authorities informed
and shall abide by its further decision on my eligibility to receive the Scholarship.
c) We are aware that a student must not be getting any other scholarship either from IIT Kanpur
or from any other external sources. We further declare that I/our ward is not receiving any
scholarship either from IIT Kanpur or from any other external agency during the academic
year 2016-17.
d) My application will be considered complete only after I have signed in the MCM-Register
kept in the SSPC office.