IGC3 Report

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NEBOSH International General Certificate

in Occupational Health and Safety


Student Name: R.BABINSE

Student Number: 00293879

Date of Submission: 05/08/2015

GC3 The Health and Safety Practical Application

Candidate and course provider declarations:

For completion by the candidate:

I declare that the work submitted for this practical application assessment i.e. the completed observation sheets and
the report to management, is my own work. I recognise that contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice
and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH Malpractice policy.

Name (Print) R.BABINSE

Signature _______________________________

Date 05/08/2015

For completion by a course provider representative (e.g.internal practical assessor):

I declare that the work marked is identical to that received from the candidate. I recognise that contravention of this
statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in the NEBOSH
Malpractice policy.

Name (Print) _______________________________

Signature _______________________________

Date _______________________________

For completion by the course providers internal practical assessor:

I declare that I have marked this work and am both qualified and approved by NEBOSH to do so. I recognise that
contravention of this statement constitutes malpractice and may result in my being subject to the penalties set out in
the NEBOSH Malpractice policy.

Name (Print) _______________________________

Signature _______________________________

Date _______________________________

NB: This declaration must be completed in full submitted and retained with the
candidates script. If this declaration is not submitted the candidates result may be
declared void.
CERTIFICATE Assessors marking sheet
(2011 specification)
Date of practical application (Write the Date of GC2 Examination)Name of assessor:

Course provider Course provider

960 name
EHST Institute.

Student number 00293879 Student name R.BABINSE

Assessors moderated
Criteria available
marks awarded marks
(if different)

1 Completion of observation sheets

1.1 Range and outline of hazards and consequences 15

Identification of suitable control measures and

1.2 15

2 Report - Introduction and Executive Summary

Introduction providing an overview of the chosen

2.1 5

2.2 Executive summary 5

3 Report - Main findings of the inspection

3.1 Quality of interpretation of findings 15

Identification of possible breaches of international

3.2 5

3.3 Persuasiveness / conciseness / technical content 10

4 Report - Conclusions and Recommendations

Clear and concise conclusions which are clearly

4.1 related to report findings and are effective in 15
convincing management to take action

Recommendations which present realistic actions to

4.2 15
improve health and safety in the chosen area


Outcome: PASS (60% or more) REFER (less than 60%)

Date assessed ____ / ____ / ____

Assessors signature ______________________

Date received by course provider ____ / ____ / ____

Date received by NEBOSH

(if applicable) _____ / _____ / _____

Assessors additional comments on the practical application:

ASSESSED BY (name in block letters) ________________________________________________

The mark sheet must be retained by the Course Provider and sent to NEBOSH only if requested.


NEBOSH Moderators comments:


GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidates observation


Sheet number of _____

Student name R.BABINSE Student number 00293879

Place inspected A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of inspection 03 / 08 / 2015

Observations Control measures Timescale

Hazards and consequences Immediate and longer term actions

1, Concrete waste management is Good practice is to be maintained. Monitoring.

followed on site. Separate concrete waste
barrow pit/wash facility was provided for
concrete vehicles on site.

2, There is a fire fighting team checking Good practice is to be maintained. Monitoring.

the hydrant to ensure that all are working

3, Many vehicles turning in the parking Give training and warn the drivers to reduce Immediate
area with over speed and many the speed while in the parking area.
pedestrians passing through the area.
This may cause severe accident and Arrange a speed governor and hump to One week
injury. reduce the speed.

4, Some of the gypsum board on the Takeout that gypsum board from the ceiling Immediate
ceiling of employees resting room was in area.
a broken condition. There was a chance
of fall it from there and it may cause injury Check the entire ceiling and change all the One Week
to person. damaged area with new materials.

5, An unstable signal tower in a Isolate that area and arrange suitable way Immediate
dangerous condition has a probability to to enter to rest room.
fall at any time situated near to
employees resting area. This may fall and Reinforce and erect the tower strongly and One week
make major accident and injury. appropriately in another location.

6, Workers were using large tube to suck No more polycure to be issued until funnel Immediate
out polycure from drums within chemical is provided.
storage area. This may cause health
effects to the workers. Conduct awareness meeting for all Monthly

7, A dumper truck providing backfill Provide trained banks man. Immediate

materials for an excavation. The truck
was reversing within narrow walkway Training and awareness for operators. Monthly
without banks man. This will lead to
vehicle fall into excavation and hit.
8, Waste materials such as bricks, stone, Housekeeping to be done on a daily base. Immediate
wooden particles, damaged waste tiles
were found scattered all over the place. Segregate the materials and stacked One week
Scaffolding materials not stored properly. properly in designated area.
This may lead to slip, trip and fall.
Internal training on improvement of good
housekeeping and stacking of materials to One month
be conducted.

9, Oil spilled from external truck on truck

path of storage area. Isolate that area by temporary barricading. Immediate

Consequence: It may cause skidding of Dip dry sand on that area for getting grip. Immediate
trucks and it may lead to a major accident
resulting in equipment damage and Make aware the drivers about the internal One week
injuries to person. break down.

10, The employees engaged into Isolate that area by temporary barricading.
maintenance without any barricading. It Immediate
may lead to injury accident by mobile
equipment or moving vehicles. Provide prohibition signal boards, lock tags One week
and portable barricade.

11, Many Vehicles parked on the Enforce the driver to take out the vehicles
emergency assembly point area. This from there. Immediate
may cause difficulty while having an
emergency situation. Assign a watchman to ensure that vehicles One week
are not entering to the area and to guide
the vehicles to appropriate parking area.

12, The workers were working at height Provide full body safety harness. One week
was not wearing full body safety harness.
Area down below was not barricaded. Provide barricading. Immediate
Causes such as fall of person and falling
object are possible. Provide supervision. As soon as
13, No first aid facility and first aider to
attend the victim in case of any Provide first aid kit as per strength.
emergency. It may increase the severity
One week
of the accident. Basic first aid external training can be
arranged for selected people.
14, Person using jack hammer for pile
head breaking without using appropriate Provide padded hand gloves and ear muff.
PPEs like padded hand gloves and ear Immediate
muff. He was exposing to excessive noise Regular work break and supervision.
and vibration. On going
Check for the exposure limit and keep
record. Weekly

15, No safety guards were found on wood Stop the work. Immediate
cutting machine and the area was not
isolated. Movement of unauthorised Provide proper safety guards. Immediate
people was observed. It may lead to
serious injury to operator or other person Barricade the area. One week
those who involved.
Training and awareness for all concern.

16, Workers found resting in and around A new designated resting room and dining
chemical storage area. Existing rest area is to be provided with good ventilation One month
facility is insufficient to accommodate and drinking water facility.
present strength. This will lead to serious
health problem to workers.

17, Portable electrical hand tool found at Stop work and replace the electrical tool
site without safety guards and damaged with good one. Immediate
electrical cables. Handles also in broken
condition. It may lead to serious injury and Remove all damaged electric cables from Immediate
electrical shock. the site.
Provide training, awareness and

18, There is no drinking water facility near Arrange drinking water temporarily in Immediate
to the working area. Peoples may not bottles.
drink sufficient water. This may suffer
dehydration and subsequence health Built amenity building with basic facilities
disease. such as drinking water facility wash area Three Months
and toilet near to the working area.

19, Some housekeeping employees Inform the supervisor and change the Immediate
cleaning the workplace area with normal employees from there and assign
footwear. This is a chance of sharp employee with safety shoes.
objects in that area and they may make
injury to person. Inform the house keeping contractor to give One day
appropriate safety shoes.
Give training to the employees.

20, Most of the employees using Strictly prohibit the unwanted use of the Immediate
emergency exit door while they are going door.
to smoking area. This may cause damage One week
to the doors and cannot use while having Relocate the smoking zone to a convenient
a emergency. area and not near to the emergency
21, It was observed that presence of Provide respiratory protective equipment
chemical agents such as fumes and dust like dust mask.
due to drilling and sanding activities at
site. It will lead to ill health and respiratory Replace of substitute the process to avoid
One month
problem for workers. dust.
One month
Change the location of activity to isolate

22, There is no emergency evacuation Prepare an emergency procedure and

Two weeks
procedure available at site. Escape route evacuation plan.
and assembly point are not marked.
Workers are not aware of emergency
procedure and assembly point. No signs Re-induct all workers and staff and cascade Two weeks
provided. This will lead to serious the information regarding emergency.
consequence after a fire or any incident.
Training and awareness.

23, The brick making of construction team Stop the work there. Immediate
is going on there near to the operation
administration. This may produce health Arrange to relocate the machineries and
risk by cement dust and silica to the facilities to convenient area without making
employees. further hazards. One week

24, Naked electrical cables were found Stop the work and isolate the area and
near welding workshop with multiple power. Immediate
joints. Also welder was using damaged
welding set with damaged cables. It may Before starting he work replace all As soon as
lead to electrical to electrocution and damaged electrical cables and welding possible
serious injury to person working with equipment.
electrical power. Redesign the workplace with safe electrical
connection and incoming power circuit
need to be provided with individual ELCB of One week
30mA rating.

UNIT GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00293879

Location A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of review 04/09/2015

Introduction including overview of area inspected and activities taking place

The health and safety inspection was carried out by me on 3rd august 2015 between 10am to
12am at the area of work under construction for a mall building by A.V Builders, Nagercoil. During the
time of this inspection approximately 300 workers including staffs, supervisors and engineers were inside
the site for their job.
The following activities were in progress inside the construction are preparation for concreting,
shuttering work, steel erection, excavation and backfilling, transportation of concrete and plant and
machinery operation.
In the construction site concrete waste management is followed. Separate concrete waste barrow
pit/wash facility was provided for concrete vehicles. There is a fire fighting team checking the hydrant to
ensure that all are working safely in the site.
The main goal of the inspection is to find out the hazards in the worksite and to give the
appropriate control measures to reduce the hazards in the site. I observed various range of hazards like
chemical hazards, vehicle hazards and serious electrical hazards. I also observed the unhygienic
condition of the workers and their poor welfare facilities in the same worksite.
Informed about this hazard and risk to the management and give valuable recommendation to the
management for improving their health and safety culture in the site.
The criteria which have been used as reference during the inspection are internationally
recognized standards, local legislative requirements, customer safety and operating standards. I have
listed my observations together with action.

UNIT GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00293879

Location A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of review 04 /09/2015

Executive Summary

The main objective of this inspection was to identify prevalent HSE hazards which may cause ill
health and or human injury. At the time of inspection following job were being undertaken preparation
for concreting, shuttering works, steel erection, excavation and back filling, transportation of concrete
and plant and machinery operation.
The inspection clearly indicates that there are very serious hazards which are left unattended
may results in multiple serious injury or even multiple fatalities. The major area of concern is the
1. Vehicle hazards: The vehicle hazard may occur due to over speed, lack of inspection and lack of
supervision. It may lead to injury or even death.
2. Chemical hazards: The chemical hazard may occur due to fumes and dust present in the work place. It
may lead to chronic effect such as respiratory problems, lung cancer etc.
3. Personal protective equipment: Workers are not aware about Personal protective equipment.
Insufficient Personal protective equipment in the workplace. It may lead to severe injury.
4. Welfare facility: Insufficient restroom facility for workforce. It may lead to aggression, violence etc.
5. Housekeeping: Poor housekeeping may lead to slip trip and fall.
As per the health and safety in construction recommendation 1988 implementation of risk
reduction measures is highly recommended in case. I must point out the company has a moral
responsibility to put in place, procedure, system, safety guards, training to protect and prevent
employee from injury or illness as far as reasonably practical.
The company also has a legal obligation to comply with government and industry legislation
with regard to occupational health and safety acts.

UNIT GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00293879

Location A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of review 04 /09/2015

Main findings of the inspection

Observation 1: Vehicle Hazards

Many vehicles turning in the parking area with over speed and so many pedestrians passing
through the area. This is because of the lack of training and warning. This may cause severe accident
and injury. The dumper truck was reversing within narrow walkway. This will lead to vehicles fall into
excavation or hit. There is a possibility of skidding of trucks and I may lead to a major accident resulting
in container damage equipment damage and severe injury to person.

Legal breaches are:

The motor vehicle act, 1988.
Article 30-33, R175 safety and health in construction recommendation 1988 (No.175)
Article 13, C062 safety provisions (building) convention, 1937 (No.62)
Article 16, C167 safety and health in construction convention, 1988 (No.167)

It is recommended that the management to give training and warn he drivers to reduce the speed while
in parking area. Arrange a speed breaker and hump to reduce the speed. Provide training and banks
man reversing he vehicle. Make aware and give training about vehicle hazards. Provide prohibited signal
boards for vehicles.
The estimated cost for providing a speed breaker and hump and to provide a banks man will br
approximately Rs. 65000/-
Observation 2: Chemical hazards

Chemical agent such as dust and fumes are found accumulated in the workplace which leads to
ill health and respiratory problems to workers. Access to chemical storage in not controlled. Workers are
not aware of the chemical hazards. Instead of using a funnel they were using long tubes to suck the
chemical from the drum. The cement dust and silica are also harmful to the workers. They were not
using appropriate PPEs such as rubber hand gloves, chemical aprons, respiratory masks, chemical mask

Legal breaches are:

Factories act, 1948 sec 41F
C170 chemical convention 1990 (No.170)

It is recommended that he management should ensure workers are using respiratory protective
equipment and other appropriate PPEs. Awareness training to the workers about the hazards associated
with chemical agents is recommended. Many of the chemical substances are in unmarked conditions are
therefore cannot be readily identified with there cannot be assessed. The practice of using unmarked
containers must be stopped and a designated chemical storage area with lock and key to be provided
with good ventilation is recommended.
The estimated cost for providing a designated chemical storage and providing respiratory
protective equipment and other personal protective equipment will be approximately Rs. 13000/-
Observation 3: Personal protective equipment

The workers working at height was not wearing full body safety harness. This may cause hazards
such as fall of person from height are possible. Person using jack hammer for pile head breaking was
exposed to excessive noise and vibration hazards. He was working without proper personal protective
equipment like padded hand gloves, ear muff etc. This may lead to numbness and hearing deficiency.
The house keeping employees cleaning the workplace are with normal footwear. This is acj=hance of
sharp objects that may make injury to person.

Legal breaches are:

Article 13, R175 safety and health construction recommendation 1988 (No.175)
C148 working environment pollution ( noise and vibration) convolution 1977 (No.148)

It is recommended that the management to provide full body safety harness. Regular work break and
supervision must be provided to the workers. Have to check the exposure limit and keep record for it.
Provide padded hand gloves and ear muff to the workers. Provide safety foot wears for housekeeping
while working. Information and training about personal protective equipment to the workers.
The estimated cost for providing full body harness, padded hand gloves and ear muff and safety
foot wears will be approximately Rs.100000/-
Observation 4: Welfare

Workers found in and around the chemical storage area there is a insufficient rest facility to
accommodate the present strength. This will lead to serious health problems to workers. There is no
first aid facility and first aider to attend the case of any emergency to the workers at the workplace.
There is no drinking water facility near to the working area. People may not drink sufficient water and
thus they may suffer dehydration and subsequence health disease.

Legal breaches are:

R102 welfare facility recommendation 1956 (No.102)
The workplace (health, safety and welfare regulation 1999)Factories act 1948 sec 18

It is recommended that the management to provide a new designated rest room and drinking area is to
be provided with good ventilation and drinking water facility. Provide first aid kit as per strength of
workers in the construction basic first aid. External training can be arranged for selected peoples.
Arrange drinking water temporarily in bottles and built a amenity building with basic facilities such as
drinking water facility wash area and toilet near to the working area.
The estimated cost for providing rest room with dining area and drinking water facility and wash
area and toilet and to provide first aid kit will be approximately Rs.327000/-
Observation 5: House keeping

The oil spilled area from external truck on truck path of storage area. It may cause skidding of
vehicles lead to a major accident resulting in equipment damage and severe injury to person. Many
vehicles parked on the emergency assembly point area. This may cause difficulty while having a
emergency situation. Chemical agent such as fumes and dust found accumulated in the pedestrian path.
It will lead to ill health and respiratory problem for workers.

Legal breaches are:

R175 safety and health in construction recommendation 1988 (No.175)
Factory act 1948 sec 40
Factory act 1948 sec 32
OSHA [29 CFR 1910.22 (a) (2)]; [29 CFR 1910.145 (c) (2)]; [29 CFR 1910.141 (a) (3) (ii)]; [29 CFR
1910.22 (a) (1)].

It is recommended that the management to barricade the oil spilled area temporarily dip sand on the
spillage to get grip. Make awareness to the external drivers. Enforce the drivers to take out the vehicle
from the emergency assembly point. Assign a watchman to ensure that vehicles from the emergency
assembly point are removed and not entering to that area.
The estimated cost for barricading the oil spilled area and dip sand on it and assign a watchman
to ensure the vehicle are not entering to the assembly point will be approximately Rs. 16000/-

UNIT GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00293879

Location A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of review 04 /09/2015


I sincerely thank the management to give the opportunity to inspect the ongoing construction
site. The inspection was a part of an ongoing survey of all construction sites across the nagercoil region
to identify the HSE standards implemented by the companies.
The activities on construction site was ongoing here I observed certain level of high risk, more
number of medium and few low level hazards. A large number of small faults were combined with some
more serious situations.
There is no doubt that the current situation needs to be addressed as the company is breaking
several safety laws and regulations include Article 30-33, R175 safety and health in construction
recommendation 1988 (No.175), Article 13, C062 safety provisions (building) convention, 1937
(No.62), Factories act, 1948 sec 41F, C170 chemical convention 1990 (No.170), Article 13, R175
safety and health construction recommendation 1988 (No.175), C148 working environment pollution
(noise and vibration) convolution 1977 (No.148), R102 welfare facility recommendation 1956
(No.102), The workplace (health, safety and welfare regulation 1999)Factories act 1948 sec 18, R175
safety and health in construction recommendation 1988 (No.175), Factory act 1948 sec 40 and
Many of breaches seem to be down to lack of training, instruction and supervision. This was lead
to an accumulation of defects over a period of time. I would recommend that the management to take
immediate step to implement the action which I have listed on the observation sheets as immediate

1, Vehicle hazard:
Many vehicles turning in the parking area with over speed and many pedestrians passing
through that area.
Risk of severe accident and injury is possible.
This can be controlled by giving training and warn the drivers to reduce the speed while driving.
2, Chemical hazards:
Chemical agents such as dust and fumes are found accumulated due to grinding and cutting
It may cause respiratory problems to the workers.
This can be controlled by providing respiratory protective equipment like dust mask to the
3, Personal protective equipment:
Workers working at height were not wearing full body safety harness.
This may lead to person falling from height.
This can be controlled by providing full body safety harness.
4, Welfare:
Workers found in and around the chemical storage area because of insufficient rest facility.
This will lead to serious health problems to workers.
Provide a new designated rest room with drinking water to the workers.
5, Housekeeping:
Oil spilled area from external truck on truck path.
It may cause skidding of vehicles lead to a major accident.
This can be controlled by barricade the oil spilled area and dip sand on the spillage to get grip.

The company must consider the financial implementations of health and safety. Failure to
comply can result in substacial cost in terms of fines, compensation and legal cost. It may be noticed
that cost for mitigating or reducing all the identified HSE issues are very less in comparison to the
magnitude of losses they might bring to the company compliance and the establishment of a positive
health and safety culture can benefit the organization with improved production and profit.
It would further recommended that you propose further training and supervision levels to
provide a long term solution and change the stack culture which appears to have evolved over a period
of time.
It is advised to reviewing the report in the forth coming HSE management meeting and makes a
tracking system for closing the issues at the earliest.

UNIT GC3 THE HEALTH AND Candidate report template


Student number 00293879

Location A.V Builders, Nagercoil. Date of review 04/09/2015

Recommendations include as a table in the following format:

Recommendation Likely resource implications Priority Target date

Vehicle hazards: Immediate action:
Moving of Provide information,
vehicles inside instruction, training and Low 04/08/2015
the workplace is supervision by a
in high speed. competent person.
Drivers are not Provide sign boards and
aware about the posters. High
consequence of Estimated cost is Rs.
the accident. 15000/-
Long term action:
Install speed governors High 18/08/2015
to the vehicles
Provide hump on the
vehicle path
Estimated cost is Rs.
Chemical hazards: Immediate action:
No designated Provide temporary High
chemical storage chemical storage area 05/08/2015
area. Provide information,
Working area not instruction, training and Low
aware about the supervision by a
consequence of competent person
chemical Estimated cost is Rs.30000/-
hazards. Long term action:
Permanent chemical
storage is provided High 02/09/2015
Estimated cost is
Personal protective Immediate action:
equipment: Provide full body safety
Workers working harness, padded hand High 06/08/2015
at height without gloves, ear muff and
full body safety safety shoes.
harness. Estimated cost is Rs.75000/-
Workers working Long term action:
with jack hammer Provide information,
without any instruction, training and Low 10/08/2015
personal supervision by a
protective competent person.
equipment. Estimated cost is Rs.25000/-
cleaning the
workplace by
wearing normal
foot wear.
Welfare: Immediate action:
Resting, dining is Provide temporary
done in chemical drinking area and High 10/08/2015
storage area. drinking water inside the
Drinking water workplace.
not available. Estimated cost is Rs.27000/-
Long term action:
Permanent dining area
with comfortable seating High 03/09/2015
arrangement according
to the workforce.
Drinking water facility to
be arranged to all
Estimated cost is
Housekeeping: Immediate action:
Spillage of oil Barricade the oil spilled
from truck. area and clean it. High 04/08/2015
Chemical agents Remove the chemicals
are in pedestrian from the pedestrians
path. path.
Estimated cost is Rs.6000/-
Long term action:
Proper maintenance
must be maintained in Low 09/08/2015
the workplace.
Estimated cost is Rs.10000/-

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