Welcome Letter 2017 Grade 1-2 PDF

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Haultain Memorial

BACK TO School

(403) 777-6860

S e p t e m b e r, 2 0 1 7

Welcome to Grades 1 and 2!

Effective communication between home and
Welcome back to school! The grade 1/2 school is essential. Your child will be bringing
team is looking forward to a year of growth, home a communication folder each day.
discovery, and outstanding learning Please ensure that you check the
experiences! This year, we are very excited communication folder for information
to be sharing our large and open learning daily, as it will be the primary means of
spaces! Within our team-teaching communication between home and school.
environment, your child will have Feel free to write a note and place it in the
opportunities to work with all students in communication folder at any time, as we will
grade one and two, and will benefit from the be checking it each morning. In addition, we
combined expertise of our teaching team. will be writing classroom blog entries every
Friday, where we will update you on all of the
exciting learning experiences happening in
our classrooms! The blog can be accessed
Startup Requests through the school website at http://
schools.cbe.ab.ca/b362/. The blog can also
As we begin another school year, we have a be accessed directly at
few requests to assist our classroom work. hmsgrades1and2.weebly.com. If you would
like to meet with us at any time, please call
1. Please provide your child with a pair of the school at (403) 777-6860 or write a note
clean indoor running shoes that are clearly so we can agree on a time to meet. We can
labelled with your childs name. It is also be reached by email at
important that these shoes are appropriate [email protected]
for daily physical education, and that they [email protected]
can be put on independently. Shoes with [email protected]
velcro or curly shoelaces are great for [email protected]
students who are still learning to tie their
shoes independently. Classroom Volunteers
Volunteers are an integral part of the
2. If possible, send a set of headphones classroom and school community. Parents
(labelled) in a baggie for your child to will be needed for ongoing literacy activities,
access when using technology. along with special projects and field trips.
Volunteering will start in October, once the
3. Please do not send additional school rules and routines of the class have been
supplies with your child, including personal established. All volunteers must have an
pencil bags. Everything they need will be up to date police security clearance on
provided as part of school fees. file with the Calgary Board of
Education. Please see the office in order
4. Please arrive on time and ready to learn to submit the necessary paperwork.If you
each day. A great nights sleep and a are unable to come into the school to
healthy breakfast start the day right. volunteer, but would still like to help, we can
send home different materials that need to
be prepped (ex: cutting) that can be sent
back with your child. All help is very much
Grades 1 & 2 2017/2018

Scholastic Book Orders HMS Bell Times

Scholastic book order forms will be sent The grades 1-6 bell times are as follows:
home once a month in the
communication folders. Purchase is
entirely voluntary. If you choose to Monday to Thursday
participate, the book orders are due on 8:20-11:55am
the date stipulated in the classroom 12:45-3:07pm
blog. Please make cheques payable to
Scholastic or use Scholastics online
Friday 8:20am-12:00pm
payment option. No cash please!

Reminders for Students Please note: there will be no supervision

provided for students after school, including
Dress for the weather! on the playground. Students are expected to
return home immediately to check-in with
Bring a spill-proof water bottle
an adult directly after the 3:07pm bell.
to school every day!
Read with your parents for at
least 15 minutes every night!
Our official home reading Upcoming Events
program will begin soon!
HMS School Council AGM
September 11th 6:30pm
Ice Cream Social
September 14th 6:00-7:00PM
Meet the Teacher
4:00 - 8:00 PM Thursday, September 21 and
8:00 AM - 1:00 PM Friday, September 22 (no
school for students).
Homework for Parents Parents are required to book an interview.
The parent handbook is a wealth of Details to follow.
information, filled with information Terry Fox Run
about our hours of operation, school
rules and expectations, and the school September 28th
calendar amongst other things.
School Photos
Please take time to read and
review this important information. October 2

Photo Retakes

November 1

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