October Newsletter 2022

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Holy Family Junior School

S t a ti o n R o a d

County Clare
065 6829808
i n f o . h fj @ g m a i l . c o m

Incredible Years Programme

We use the Incredible Years programme in our school, where children’s behaviour is managed in a positive way. It
works very well because children prefer to be praised than given out to! We are continuously ‘catching the children
being good’ and telling them how genuinely good they are. If you ask your child what it means when we say to them,
‘Show me five!’, they should be able to tell you that this means they have:
1. Hands on lap
2. Feet on the ground
3. Ears listening
4. Mouth closed
5. Eyes on teacher
They also use a ‘quiet hand’ and wait their turn to speak in class. We are very proud of how well behaved and
respectful the pupils in our school are.

Maths Week
As you know, we have been celebrating Maths Week at school this week with lots of fun activities
and games. Please continue to sing number rhymes with your child and to chat to him/her about
maths at home. Together you can count, measure, weigh and talk about shapes in a fun and
enjoyable way.

The children are invited to come to school dressed up in their Halloween costume on Friday the
28th October, if they wish.
Thanks to all the families who entered our Pumpkin Patch competition. Your beautiful pumpkins were collected by the
Parents’ Association today and will be displayed in the garden next week. Pupils will get a chance to see their
pumpkins then. Check out our Facebook page over the weekend to see our lovely pumpkins

G.A.A. Football Skills

First class pupils are currently enjoying G.A.A. football training on Tuesdays this year with coach Gerry Fox.
Safe Collection of Children
Please remember that you or an adult nominated by you who is listed on our class collection sheets are the only
people who can collect your child from school. The safety and wellbeing or your child is always our priority.

Cold Weather
It is important now that the children were a coat to school each day, as the weather is getting colder! We want them
to feel warm and cosy as they play in the yard.

Green Schools’ News

As part of our Green Schools’ Programme, every class has a recycling bin, a composting bin and a bin for other waste.
The children are very good at using the correct bins. We also encourage our pupils to take pride in their classrooms
and to keep them clean and tidy. There is a trophy awarded to the class with the tidiest classroom each week. Ask your
child to help you with the recycling at home and of course with some of the tidying up too!!

Home School Community Liaison (HSCL) Teachers

Darryl (086 6040686) and Evelyn (086 1529211), our HSCL teachers, are always available to chat with and to support
parents and guardians. Please get in touch if you have any queries. They will be very happy to help you.

Our School Garden

Holy Family Schools have a beautiful walled garden. Parents are invited to help us to prepare it for the next growing
season on Tuesday mornings from 9am – 10am. If you can give us a hand, please meet Darryl and Evelyn outside the
foyer of the Junior School at 9am on Tuesday.

Please let your child’s class teacher know if your child has headlice. We will then be able to send a note to all
parents/guardians in that class asking you to check your own child’s hair. Don’t worry – names of children with
headlice will not be disclosed.
Coming to school everyday
Thank you so much for sending your child to school every day, except when he or she is sick. When children come to
school every day they are happy and secure in their learning routine. They have a great sense of belonging, which is
very important for each child’ wellbeing.

Calendar – Term 1

31st-4th November (inclusive) Midterm Break School closed

Friday 25th November Staff Training Half Day – children to be collected at

Primary Language Curriculum 12.30pm

Thursday 22nd December to Wednesday Christmas Holidays School closing for Christmas on
4th January 2023 (inclusive) Wednesday the 21st December at
School reopening on Thursday the 5th
January 2023.
To see our calendar for the school year 2022-2023 please click here: https://holyfamilyjuniorschool.com/calendar/

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