Graph Exponential Functions

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Graph exponential functions using transformations

Transformations of exponential graphs behave similarly to those of other functions. Just as with
other parent functions, we can apply the four types of transformationsshifts, reflections,
stretches, and compressionsto the parent function f(x)=bxf(x)=bxwithout loss of shape. For
instance, just as the quadratic function maintains its parabolic shape when shifted, reflected,
stretched, or compressed, the exponential function also maintains its general shape regardless of
the transformations applied.

Graphing a Vertical Shift

The first transformation occurs when we add a constant d to the parent function f(x)=bxf(x)=bx,
giving us a vertical shift d units in the same direction as the sign. For example, if we begin by

graphing a parent function, f(x)=2xf(x)=2x, we can then graph two vertical shifts alongside it,
using d=3d=3: the upward shift, g(x)=2x+3g(x)=2x+3and the downward
shift, h(x)=2x3h(x)=2x3. Both vertical shifts are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5

Observe the results of shifting f(x)=2xf(x)=2xvertically:

The domain, (,)(,)remains unchanged.

When the function is shifted up 3 units to g(x)=2x+3g(x)=2x+3:
The y-intercept shifts up 3 units to (0,4)(0,4).
The asymptote shifts up 3 units to y=3y=3.
The range becomes (3,)(3,).
When the function is shifted down 3 units to h(x)=2x3h(x)=2x3:
The y-intercept shifts down 3 units to (0,2)(0,2).
The asymptote also shifts down 3 units to y=3y=3.
The range becomes (3,)(3,).

Graphing a Horizontal Shift

The next transformation occurs when we add a constant c to the input of the parent
function f(x)=bxf(x)=bx, giving us a horizontal shift c units in the opposite direction of the
sign. For example, if we begin by graphing the parent function f(x)=2xf(x)=2x, we can then
graph two horizontal shifts alongside it, using c=3c=3: the shift left, g(x)=2x+3g(x)=2x+3, and
the shift right, h(x)=2x3h(x)=2x3. Both horizontal shifts are shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6

Observe the results of shifting f(x)=2xf(x)=2xhorizontally:

The domain,(,)(,), remains unchanged.

The asymptote, y=0y=0, remains unchanged.
The y-intercept shifts such that:
When the function is shifted left 3 units to g(x)=2x+3g(x)=2x+3, the y-
intercept becomes (0,8)(0,8). This is because 2x+3=(8)2x2x+3=(8)2x, so the
initial value of the function is 8.
When the function is shifted right 3 units to h(x)=2x3h(x)=2x3, the y-
intercept becomes (0,18)(0,18). Again, see that 2x3=(18)2x2x3=(18)2x, so
the initial value of the function is 1/8


For any constants c and d, the function f(x)=bx+c+df(x)=bx+c+dshifts the parent

function f(x)=bxf(x)=bx

vertically d units, in the same direction of the sign of d.

horizontally c units, in the opposite direction of the sign of c.
The y-intercept becomes (0,bc+d)(0,bc+d).
The horizontal asymptote becomes y = d.
The range becomes (d,)(d,).
The domain, (,)(,), remains unchanged.

Graphing a Stretch or Compression

While horizontal and vertical shifts involve adding constants to the input or to the
function itself, a stretch or compression occurs when we multiply the parent
function f(x)=bxf(x)=bxby a constant |a|>0|a|>0. For example, if we begin by graphing

the parent function f(x)=2xf(x)=2x, we can then graph the stretch, using a=3a=3, to

get g(x)=3(2)xg(x)=3(2)xas shown on the left in Figure 8, and the compression,

using a=13a=13, to get h(x)=13(2)xh(x)=13(2)xas shown on the right in Figure 8.
Figure 8. (a) g(x)=3(2)xg(x)=3(2)xstretches the graph of f(x)=2xf(x)=2xvertically by a
factor of 3. (b) h(x)=13(2)xh(x)=13(2)xcompresses the graph of f(x)=2xf(x)=2xvertically
by a factor of



For any factor a > 0, the function f(x)=a(b)xf(x)=a(b)x

is stretched vertically by a factor of a if |a|>1|a|>1.

is compressed vertically by a factor of a if |a|<1|a|<1.
has a y-intercept of(0,a)(0,a).
has a horizontal asymptote at y=0y=0, a range of (0,)(0,), and a domain
of (,)(,), which are unchanged from the parent function.

Graphing Reflections

In addition to shifting, compressing, and stretching a graph, we can also reflect it about
the x-axis or the y-axis. When we multiply the parent function f(x)=bxf(x)=bxby 1, we
get a reflection about the x-axis. When we multiply the input by 1, we get
a reflection about the y-axis. For example, if we begin by graphing the parent
function f(x)=2xf(x)=2x, we can then graph the two reflections alongside it. The
reflection about the x-axis, g(x)=2xg(x)=2x, is shown on the left side, and the
reflection about the y-axis h(x)=2xh(x)=2x, is shown on the right side.

Figure 10.
(a) g(x)=2xg(x)=2xreflects the graph of f(x)=2xf(x)=2xabout the x-axis.
(b) g(x)=2xg(x)=2xreflects the graph of f(x)=2xf(x)=2xabout the y-axis.

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