Yr11 Jacaranda Chemistry

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Geoffrey Thickett 2007

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National Library of Australia

Cataloguing-in-Publication data

Thickett, Geoffrey.
Chemistry 1: preliminary course.

Includes index.
For secondary students.
ISBN 978 0 7314 0410 0.

1. Chemistry Textbooks. 2. Chemistry Problems,
exercises etc. 3. Chemistry Examinations, questions
etc. I. Title.


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All activities have been written with the safety of both

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Preface x
Introduction xi
Syllabus grid xii
About eBookPLUS xix
Acknowledgements xx

Chapter 1 Mixtures in the Earth 2

CORE MODULE 1.1 Classification of matter 3
1 Syllabus focus 1. Using instruction terms correctly: classify, define,
explain 5
THE CHEMICAL Questions 6
EARTH 1.2 Mixtures and the spheres of the Earth 6
Syllabus focus 2. Using instruction terms correctly: identify, account,
predict, justify 10
Questions 11
1.3 Physical separation techniques 12
Syllabus focus 3. Performing and reporting on first-hand
investigations 19
Questions 20
1.4 Gravimetric analysis 21
Syllabus focus 4. Using instruction terms correctly: distinguish,
outline 24
Questions 24
1.5 Industrial separation of mixtures 25
Questions 29
Summary 31
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 1 31
Practical activities 32
Data analysis 35

Chapter 2 Elements 39
2.1 Classifying elements 40
Syllabus focus 5. Using symbols to identify elements 42
Questions 45
2.2 The properties and uses of elements 46
Questions 48
Summary 48
Practical activities 49
Data analysis 50

Chapter 3 Compounds 52
3.1 The structure of the atom 53
Questions 57
3.2 Ions and ionic bonding 57
Questions 65
3.3 Molecules and covalent bonding 65
Syllabus focus 6. Using instruction terms correctly: describe 70
Questions 70
Summary 71
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 2 71
Data analysis 72

Chapter 4 Chemical extraction 74
4.1 Physical and chemical change 75
Syllabus focus 7. Writing balanced chemical equations 78
Questions 78
4.2 Energy and chemical change 79
Questions 82
Summary 83
Practical activities 84
Data analysis 88

Chapter 5 Bonding and structure 91

5.1 Properties and classification 92
Questions 94
5.2 Lattices 94
Syllabus focus 8. Using keys to classify crystals 99
Questions 100
Syllabus focus 9. Using instruction terms correctly: discuss 101
Summary 101
eBookPLUS: Module 1 revision 101
Practical activities 102
Data analysis 104

Chapter 6 Metals and alloys 108

CORE MODULE 6.1 History of metals 109
2 Syllabus focus 10. The history of chemistry 115
Questions 116
6.2 Alloys 117
METALS Questions 122
Summary 123
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 3 123
Data analysis 124

Chapter 7 Metals and reactions 127

7.1 Metals and their reactivity 128
Syllabus focus 11. Writing half-equations and ionic equations 131
Questions 131
7.2 Reactivity and uses of metals 132
Questions 136
Summary 137
Practical activities 138

Chapter 8 The periodic table 140

8.1 The historical development of the periodic table 141
Questions 147
8.2 Periodic trends 148
Syllabus focus 12. Computer spreadsheets: Tabulating and graphing 155
Questions 156
Syllabus focus 13. Using instruction terms correctly: assess, recall 157
Summary 157
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 4 157
Data analysis 158

Chapter 9 Chemical analysis 161
9.1 Atomic weight and the mole theory 162
Syllabus focus 14. Using instruction terms correctly: demonstrate 172
Questions 173
9.2 Empirical and molecular formulae 174
Questions 177
Summary 178
Practical activities 179
Data analysis 180

Chapter 10 Extraction and recycling of metals 181

10.1 Ores and resources 182
Questions 186
10.2 Extraction and recycling 186
Questions 194
Summary 194
eBookPLUS: Module 2 revision 194
Data analysis 195

Chapter 11 Water in nature 200

CORE MODULE 11.1 Distribution and importance of water 201
3 Syllabus focus 15. Using instruction terms correctly: select,
extrapolate 206
Questions 210
WATER Summary 211
Practical activities 212
Data analysis 213

Chapter 12 Structure and bonding in water 215

12.1 Intermolecular forces and polarity of molecules 216
Syllabus focus 16. Using websites to visualise and construct
molecules 219
Questions 226
12.2 Interactions with water 227
Questions 232
Summary 234
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 5 234
Practical activities 235

Chapter 13 Solutions and solubility 241

13.1 Solutions and precipitation 242
Questions 249
13.2 Concentration of solutions 251
Questions 257
Summary 259
Practical activities 260

Chapter 14 Water and energy 262
14.1 Energy changes in aqueous systems 263
Syllabus focus 17. Limitations of calorimetry measurements 274
Questions 274
Summary 275
eBookPLUS: Module 3 revision 275
Practical activities 276

Chapter 15 Photosynthesis and fuels 280

15.1 Chemical energy from fossil fuels 281
4 Syllabus focus 18. Using instruction terms correctly: compare,
contrast 289
Questions 289
ENERGY Summary 290
Data analysis 291

Chapter 16 Carbon and carbon compounds 293

16.1 Carbon 294
Questions 298
16.2 Hydrocarbons 299
Questions 307
Summary 308
eBookPLUS: Checkpoint revision 6 308
Practical activities 309
Data analysis 312

Chapter 17 Combustion and reaction kinetics 313

17.1 Combustion 314
Syllabus focus 19. Using instruction terms correctly: analyse,
evaluate 323
Questions 324
17.2 Reaction kinetics 327
Questions 333
Summary 335
eBookPLUS: Module 4 revision 335
Practical activities 336
Data analysis 342

Sample examination paper 345

Appendix: Precision and accuracy in measurements 350
Glossary 352
Answers 356
Index 388

Chemistry 1: Preliminary Course is part of the Jacaranda HSC Science
series. Along with Chemistry 2: HSC Course, this new text has been written
specifically for the Chemistry Stage 6 syllabus in New South Wales.
This text has been designed to cover all syllabus points including all
third column practical investigations and data analysis activities. These
can be found at the end of each chapter. Syllabus content points are
fully covered at an appropriate depth, with clear and accurate explana-
tions. Question sets are included at the end of each main section.
We have also incorporated the following features to assist students in
achieving the syllabus outcomes.
Remember statements summarise the essential prerequisite knowledge
for each section.
Key content statements summarise the syllabus content covered in each
Key terms are defined near the relevant content and in a full end-of-
book glossary.
Questions at the end of each section cater for the full range of student
Sample problems with solutions are included throughout.
Syllabus focus boxes explain the Board of Studies verbs and other
revised or new features of the syllabus.
Summary sections are listed at the end of each chapter.
A Preliminary Course examination paper in the style of the HSC exam is
provided at the end of the book.
The accompanying online resources add an extra dimension, with:
animated learning objects to model reactions and enhance students
understanding of concepts
f ully-worked solutions for all text and online questions
additional Checkpoint revision questions and Module revision questions
weblinks to useful websites relevant to each chapter.

In his autobiography Uncle Tungsten, Oliver spectra of elements with Ernest Rutherford
Sacks, an American neurosurgeon and science and, in the two years before his death, he
author, wrote about his boyhood fascination for discovered the concept of the atomic number
chemistry: (Z ), which we use today to order the elements
of the periodic table. Sacks writes:

I often dream of chemistry at night ... the old

enthusiasm surfaces so often in odd associations
and impulses: a sudden desire for a ball of cadmium, or to
feel the coldness of diamond against my face ... flowers too,
T he brilliance and swiftness of Moseleys work,
which was all done in a few months of 191314,
produced mixed reactions among chemists. Who was
bring elements to mind: the colour of lilacs in spring for this young whippersnapper, some older chemists felt, who
me is that of divalent vanadium. Radishes for me evoke presumed to complete the periodic table, to foreclose the
the smell of selenium. possibility of discovering any new elements other than the
ones that had been designated? What did he know about
Chemistry or the long, arduous processes of distillation,
As a young person, Oliver Sacks had a real
filtration, crystallisation that might be necessary to
passion for chemistry. Although he developed
concentrate a new element or analyse a new compound?
a career in neurosurgery, he still retained an
But Urbain, one of the greatest analytical chemists of all
abiding interest in chemistry. ... saw that far from disturbing the autonomy of chemistry,
The discoveries of chemists have had a Moseley had in fact confirmed the periodic table and re-
remarkable effect on our society. We live longer established its centrality.
and healthier lives because of the medications
discovered by chemists. We live in a complex
world of products made from synthetic Many chemists perform their greatest work
polymers and plastics that were discovered by when they are young, when their minds are
chemists. We take for granted the wonders open and not clouded with dogma. As you
of modern communication systems that rely
begin your two-year study of chemistry, think of
on novel solid-state semi-conductors that
a future in which you too may make discoveries
were invented by chemists. The patient and
that will contribute significantly to society. As
insightful work of chemists has revolutionised
a first step, I recommend Oliver Sacks book
our world. Few chemists achieve great fame but
to all of you. It is a great read and it will help
their contributions to society cannot be denied.
In another part of his autobiography, Oliver you to understand the mind of a chemist. May
Sacks talks of the brief life of Henry Moseley, some of you who read his words also develop a
a British chemist who was killed in action in lifelong love of chemistry.
1915 at the age of 27. He worked on the X-ray Geoffrey Thickett

Core module 1: The chemical Earth (chapters 15, pages 2105)
1. Living and non-living components of the Earth contain mixtures.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

construct word and balanced formulae equations of throughout gather and present information from first-hand or throughout
chemical reactions as they are encountered secondary sources to write equations to represent all
identify the difference between elements, compounds 36 chemical reactions encountered in the Preliminary
and mixtures in terms of particle theory course
identify that the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere 610 identify data sources, plan, choose equipment and 356
and atmosphere contain examples of mixtures of perform a first-hand investigation to separate the
elements and compounds components of a naturally occurring or appropriate
identify and describe procedures that can be used to 1218 mixture such as sand, salt and water
separate naturally occurring mixtures of: gather first-hand information by carrying out a 33, 34
solids of different sizes gravimetric analysis of a mixture to estimate its
solids and liquids percentage composition
dissolved solids in liquids identify data sources, and gather, process and 259, 378
liquids analyse information from secondary sources to
gases identify the industrial separation processes used on
assess separation techniques for their suitability in 1218, 259 a mixture obtained from the biosphere, lithosphere,
separating examples of Earths materials, identifying hydrosphere or atmosphere and use available
the differences in properties that enable these evidence to:
separations identify the properties of the mixture used in its
describe situations in which gravimetric analysis 213 separation
supplies useful data for chemists and other scientists identify the products of separation and their uses
apply systematic naming of inorganic compounds as 42, 634, 69 discuss issues associated with wastes from the
they are introduced in the laboratory processes used.
identify IUPAC names for carbon compounds as they throughout
are encountered.

2. Although most elements are found in combinations on Earth, some elements are found uncombined.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

explain the relationship between the reactivity of 467 plan and perform an investigation to examine some 49
an element and the likelihood of it existing as an physical properties, including malleability, hardness
uncombined element and electrical conductivity, and some uses of a range
classify elements as metals, non-metals and semi-metals 401, 434 of common elements to present information about
according to their physical properties the classification of elements as metals, non-metals or
account for the uses of metals and non-metals in terms 47 semi-metals
of their physical properties. analyse information from secondary sources to 40, 434, 51
distinguish the physical properties of metals and non-
process information from secondary sources and use 501
a periodic table to present information about the
classification of elements as:
metals, non-metals and semi-metals
solids, liquids and gases at 25 C and normal
atmospheric pressure.

3. Elements in Earth materials are present mostly as compounds because of interactions at the atomic level.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

identify that matter is made of particles that are 53 analyse information by constructing or using models 723
continuously moving and interacting showing the structure of metals, ionic compounds and
describe qualitatively the energy levels of electrons in 546 covalent compounds
atoms construct ionic equations showing metal and 58
describe atoms in terms of mass number and atomic 54 non-metal atoms forming ions.
describe the formation of ions in terms of atoms 579
gaining or losing electrons
apply the periodic table to predict the ions formed by 5960
atoms of metals and non-metals
apply Lewis electron dot structures to: 589, 667
the formation of ions
electron sharing in some simple molecules
describe the formation of ionic compounds in terms 612
of the attraction of ions of opposite charge
describe molecules as particles that can move 65
independently of each other
distinguish between molecules containing one atom 656
(the noble gases) and molecules with more than one
describe the formation of covalent molecules in terms 656
of sharing of electrons
construct formulae for compounds formed from: 624, 679
atoms sharing electrons.

4. Energy is required to extract elements from their naturally occurring sources.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

identify the differences between physical and chemical 757 plan and safely perform a first-hand investigation to 856, 8990
change in terms of rearrangement of particles show the decomposition of a carbonate by heat, using
summarise the differences between boiling and 77 appropriate tests to identify carbon dioxide and the
electrolysis of water as an example of the difference oxide as the products of the reaction
between physical and chemical change gather information using first-hand or secondary 879
identify light, heat and electricity as common forms 7981 sources to:
of energy that may be released or absorbed during observe the effect of light on silver salts and identify
decomposition or synthesis of substances and identify an application of this reaction
examples of these changes occurring in everyday life observe the electrolysis of water, analyse the
explain that the amount of energy needed to separate 812 information provided as evidence that water is
atoms in a compound is an indication of the strength a compound and identify an application of this
of the attraction, or bond, between them. reaction
analyse and present information to model the 845, 889
boiling of water and the electrolysis of water tracing
the movements of and changes in arrangements of


5. The properties of elements and compounds are determined by their bonding and structure.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

identify differences between physical and chemical 92 perform a first-hand investigation to compare 1023
properties of elements, compounds and mixtures the properties of some common elements in
describe the physical properties used to classify 93 their elemental state with the properties of the
compounds as ionic, covalent molecular or covalent compound(s) of these elements (e.g. magnesium and
network oxygen)
distinguish between metallic, ionic and covalent bonds 94 choose resources and process information from 1034
describe metals as three-dimensional lattices of ions in 945 secondary sources to construct and discuss the
a sea of electrons limitations of models of ionic lattices, covalent
describe ionic compounds in terms of repeating three- 967 molecules and covalent and metallic lattices
dimensional lattices of ions perform an investigation to examine the physical 1045
explain why the formula for an ionic compound is an 96 properties of a range of common substances in order
empirical formula to classify them as metallic, ionic, covalent molecular
identify common elements that exist as molecules or 978 or covalent network substances and relate their
as covalent lattices characteristics to their uses.
explain the relationship between the properties of 93, 95, 99
conductivity and hardness and the structure of ionic,
covalent molecular and covalent network structures.

Core module 2: Metals (chapters 610, pages 10897)

1. Metals have been extracted and used for many thousands of years.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

outline and examine some uses of different metals 10913 gather, process, analyse and present information from 11722, 126
through history, including contemporary uses, as secondary sources on the range of alloys produced
uncombined metals or as alloys and the reasons for the production and use of these
describe the use of common alloys including steel, 11722 alloys
brass and solder and explain how these relate to their analyse information to relate the chronology of the 11113, 1245
properties Bronze Age, the Iron Age and the modern era and
explain why energy input is necessary to extract a 114 possible future developments.
metal from its ore
identify why there are more metals available for 11415
people to use now than there were 200 years ago.

2. Metals differ in their reactivity with other chemicals and this influences their uses.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

describe observable changes when metals react with 12830 perform a first-hand investigation incorporating 1389
dilute acid, water and oxygen information from secondary sources to determine the
describe and justify the criteria used to place metals 130 metal activity series
into an order of activity based on their ease of construct word and balanced formulae equations for 12830
reaction with oxygen, water and dilute acids the reaction of metals with water, oxygen and dilute
identify the reaction of metals with acids as requiring 1301 acid
a transfer of electrons construct half-equations to represent the electron 131
outline examples of a selection of metals for different 1323 transfer reactions occurring when metals react with
purposes based on their reactivity, with a particular dilute hydrochloric and dilute sulfuric acids.
emphasis on current developments in the use of
outline the relationship between the relative activities 1356
of metals and their positions on the periodic table
identify the importance of first ionisation energy in 1335
determining the relative reactivity of metals.


3. As metals and other elements were discovered, scientists recognised that patterns in their physical and chemical properties could be used to organise the
elements into a periodic table.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

identify an appropriate model that has been 141 process information from secondary sources to 1589
developed to describe atomic structure develop a periodic table by recognising patterns and
outline the history of the development of the periodic 1427 trends in the properties of elements, and use available
table including its origins, the original data used evidence to predict the characteristics of unknown
to construct it and the predictions made after its elements both in groups and across periods
construction use computer-based technologies to produce a table 160
explain the relationship between the position of 14854 and a graph of changes in one physical property
elements in the periodic table, and: across a period and down a group.
electrical conductivity
ionisation energy
atomic radius
melting point
boiling point
combining power (valency)

4. For efficient resource use, industrial chemical reactions must use measured amounts of each reactant.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

define the mole as the number of atoms in exactly 1689 process information from secondary sources to 1701
12 g of carbon-12 (Avogadros number) interpret balanced chemical equations in terms of
compare mass changes in samples of metals when they 1625 mole ratios
combine with oxygen perform a first-hand investigation to measure and 179
describe the contribution of Gay-Lussac to the 1656 identify the mass ratios of metal to non-metal(s) in
understanding of gaseous reactions and apply this to a common compound and calculate its empirical
an understanding of the mole concept formula
recount Avogadros law and describe its importance in 1668 solve problems and analyse information from 16971
developing the mole concept secondary sources to perform calculations involving
distinguish between empirical formulae and molecular 1747 Avogadros number and the equation for calculating
formulae. the number of moles of a substance:
n= m
process information from secondary sources to 180
investigate the relationship between the volumes of
gases involved in reactions involving a metal and relate
this to an understanding of the mole.


5. The relative abundance and ease of extraction of metals influence their value and breadth of use in the community.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

define the terms mineral and ore with reference to 182 discuss the importance of predicting yield in the 184, 1956
economical and non-economical deposits of natural identification, mining and extraction of commercial
resources ore deposits
describe the relationship between the commercial 1836 justify the increased recycling of metals in our society 1923
prices of common metals, their actual abundances and and across the world
relative costs of production analyse information to compare the cost and energy 1967
explain why ores are non-renewable resources 182 expenditure involved in the extraction of aluminium
describe the separation processes, chemical reactions 18692 from its ore and the recycling of aluminium.
and energy considerations involved in the extraction
of copper from one of its ores
recount the steps taken to recycle aluminium. 193

Core module 3: Water (chapters 1114, pages 20077)

1. Water is distributed on Earth as a solid, liquid and gas.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

define the terms solute, solvent and solution 201 perform an investigation involving calculations of the 2089, 21314
identify the importance of water as a solvent 202 density of water as a liquid and a solid using:
compare the state, percentage and distribution of 2023 density = mass
water in the biosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and volume
atmosphere analyse information by using models to account for 214, 225
outline the significance of the different states of water 2036 the differing densities of ice and liquid water
on Earth in terms of water as: plan and perform an investigation to identify and 2078, 21213
a constituent of cells and its role as both a solvent describe the effect of antifreeze or salt on the boiling
and a raw material in metabolism point of water.
a habitat in which temperature extremes are less
than nearby terrestrial habitats
an agent of weathering of rocks both as liquid and
a natural resource for humans and other organisms.

2. The wide distribution and importance of water on Earth is a consequence of its molecular structure and hydrogen bonding.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

construct Lewis electron dot structures of water, 21415 process information from secondary sources to graph 2312
ammonia and hydrogen sulfide to identify the and compare the boiling and melting points of water
distribution of electrons with other similar sized molecules
compare the molecular structures of water, ammonia 214, 2201 identify data and process information from secondary 232
and hydrogen sulfide, the differences in their sources to model the structure of the water molecule
molecular shapes and in their melting and boiling and effects of forces between water molecules
points choose equipment and perform first-hand 2335
describe hydrogen bonding between molecules 21213, 21718 investigations to demonstrate the following properties
identify the water molecule as a polar molecule 212 of water:
describe the attractive forces between polar molecules 212 surface tension
as dipoledipole forces viscosity.
explain the following properties of water in terms of 21821
its intermolecular forces:
surface tension
boiling and melting points.

3. Water is an important solvent.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

explain changes, if any, to particles and account for 2247 perform a first-hand investigation to test the 236
those changes when the following types of chemical solubilities in water of a range of substances that
interact with water: include ionic, soluble molecular, insoluble molecular,
a soluble ionic compound such as sodium chloride covalent networks and large molecules
a soluble molecular compound such as sucrose process information from secondary sources to 236
a soluble or partially soluble molecular element visualise the dissolution in water of various types of
or compound such as iodine, oxygen or hydrogen substance and solve problems by using models to show
chloride the changes that occur in particle arrangement as
a covalent network structure substance such as dissolution occurs.
silicon dioxide
a substance with large molecules such as cellulose
or polyethylene
analyse the relationship between the solubility of 2234, 227
substances in water and the polar nature of the water

4. The concentration of salts in water depends on their solubility, and precipitation can occur when the ions of an insoluble salt are in solution together.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

use solubility data to identify some combinations of 2424 construct ionic equations to represent the dissolution 2445
solutions that produce precipitates and precipitation of ionic compounds in water
describe a model that traces the movement of ions 243, 248 present information in balanced chemical equations 2445
when solution and precipitation occur and identify the appropriate phase descriptors, (s),
identify the dynamic nature of ion movement in a 247 (l), (g), and (aq), for all chemical species
saturated dissolution perform a first-hand investigation, using 260
describe the molarity of a solution as the number of 2514 microtechniques, to compare the solubility of
moles of solute per litre of solution using: appropriate salts in solution through precipitation
n reactions
V carry out simple calculations to describe the 255
explain why different measurements of concentration 2567 concentration of given solutions, given masses of
are important. solute and volumes of solution
perform a first-hand investigation to make solutions 253, 261
to specified volume-to-volume and mass-to-
volume specifications and dilute them to specified
concentrations (cV = constant)
calculate mass and concentration relationships in 246
precipitation reactions as they are encountered.

5. Water has a higher heat capacity than many other liquids.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

explain what is meant by the specific heat capacity of 2634 choose resources and perform a first-hand 2767
a substance investigation to measure the change in temperature
compare the specific heat capacity of water with a 264 when substances dissolve in water and calculate the
range of other solvents molar heat of solution
explain and use the equation: 2668 process and present information from secondary 274
H = mC T sources to assess the limitations of calorimetry
explain how waters ability to absorb heat is used to 2656 experiments and design modifications to equipment
measure energy changes in chemical reactions used.
describe dissolutions that release heat as exothermic 26870
and give examples
describe dissolutions that absorb heat as endothermic 26870
and give examples
explain why waters ability to absorb heat is important 2712
to aquatic organisms and to life on Earth generally
explain what is meant by thermal pollution and 273
discuss the implications for life if a body of water is
affected by thermal pollution.


Core module 4: Energy (chapters 1517, page 280344)
1. Living organisms make compounds which are important sources of energy.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

outline the role of photosynthesis in transforming 281 process and present information from secondary 2839, 2912
light energy to chemical energy and recall the raw sources on the range of compounds found in either
materials for this process coal, petroleum or natural gas, and on the location of
outline the role of the production of high energy 2823 deposits of the selected fossil fuel in Australia.
carbohydrates from carbon dioxide as the important
step in the stabilisation of the suns energy in a form
that can be used by animals as well as plants
identify the photosynthetic origins of the chemical 2839
energy in coal, petroleum and natural gas.

2. There is a wide variety of carbon compounds.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

identify the position of carbon in the periodic table 294 perform a first-hand investigation, analyse information 309
and describe its electron configuration and use available evidence to model the differences
describe the structure of the diamond and graphite 2945 in atomic arrangement of diamond, graphite and
allotropes and account for their physical properties in fullerenes
terms of bonding process and present information from secondary 309
identify that carbon can form single, double or triple 2968 sources on the uses of diamond and graphite and
covalent bonds with other carbon atoms relate their uses to their physical properties
explain the relationship between carbons combining 2968 identify data, and choose resources from secondary 309
power and ability to form a variety of bonds and the sources such as molecular model kits, digital
existence of a large number of carbon compounds technologies or computer simulations to model the
formation of single, double and triple bonds in simple
carbon compounds

3. A variety of carbon compounds are extracted from organic sources.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

describe the use of fractional distillation to separate 299301 perform a first-hand investigation and gather first- 31012
the components of petroleum and identify the uses of hand information using the process of fractional
each fraction obtained distillation to separate the components of a mixture
identify and use the IUPAC nomenclature for 3014 such as ethanol and water
describing straight-chain alkanes and alkenes from plan, identify and gather data from secondary sources 312
C1 to C8 to model the structure of alkanes and alkenes C1
compare and contrast the properties of alkanes and 3014 to C8
alkenes C1 to C8 and use the term homologous process and present information from secondary 312
series to describe a series with the same functional sources and use available evidence to identify safety
group issues associated with the storage of alkanes.
explain the relationship between the melting point, 3056
boiling point and volatility of the above hydrocarbons,
and their non-polar nature and intermolecular forces
(dispersion forces)
assess safety issues associated with the storage of 3056
alkanes C1 to C8 in view of their weak intermolecular
forces (dispersion forces).


4. Combustion provides another opportunity to examine the conditions under which chemical reactions occur.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

describe the indicators of chemical reactions 314 solve problems and perform a first-hand investigation 3378
identify combustion as an exothermic chemical 31415 to measure the change in mass when a mixture such
reaction as wood is burnt in an open container
outline the changes in molecules during chemical 31416 identify the changes of state involved in combustion of 3213, 3389
reactions in terms of breaking and making bonds a burning candle
explain that energy is required to break bonds and 316 perform first-hand investigations to observe and 3367
energy is released when bonds are formed describe examples of endothermic and exothermic
describe the energy needed to begin a chemical 31617 chemical reactions.
reaction as activation energy
describe the energy profile diagram for both 31718
endothermic and exothermic reactions
explain the relationship between ignition temperature 31819
and activation energy
identify the sources of pollution that accompany the 320
combustion of organic compounds and explain how
these can be avoided
describe chemical reactions by using full balanced 3201
chemical equations to summarise examples of
complete and incomplete combustion.

5. The rate of energy release is affected by factors such as type of reactant.

Students learn to: pages Students: pages

describe combustion in terms of slow, spontaneous 3313 solve problems, identify data, perform first-hand 33941
and explosive reactions and explain the conditions investigations and gather first-hand data where
under which these occur appropriate, to observe the impact on reaction rates
explain the importance of collisions between reacting 3289 of:
particles as a criterion for determining reaction rates changing temperature
explain the relationship between temperature and the 327 changing concentration
kinetic energy of particles size of solid particles
describe the role of catalysts in chemical reactions, 3301 adding catalysts
using a named industrial catalyst as an example process information from secondary sources to 3323, 3434
explain the role of catalysts in changing the activation 32930 investigate the conditions under which explosions
energy and hence the rate of chemical reaction. occur and relate these to the importance of collisions
between reacting particles
analyse information and use the available evidence to 3434
relate the conditions under which explosions occur to
the need for safety in work environments where fine
particles mix with air
analyse information from secondary sources to 342
develop models to simulate the role of catalysts in
changing the rate of chemical reactions.

Chemistry Stage 6 Syllabus 2002 Copyright Board of Studies NSW for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales


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Chapter 1
Mixtures in the Earth
Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 4
Chemical extraction
Chapter 5
Bonding and structure EARTH

The Earth and all its living and non-living components
consist of complex mixtures. The rocks of the Earth are
composed of mixtures of many different minerals. The
oceans, rivers and lakes contain water in which many
substances are dissolved or suspended. The atmosphere is
a mixture of many gases including oxygen, nitrogen and
carbon dioxide. Living things, from the lowest life forms to
the most complex forms, contain mixtures of simple and
complex compounds.

In this chapter
1.1 Classification of matter page 3
1.2 Mixtures and the spheres of the Earth page 6
1.3 Physical separation techniques page 12
1.4 Gravimetric analysis page 21
1.5 Industrial separation of mixtures page 25

Figure 1.1
The Earth can be divided into various zones or spheres. The rocks of the
cliff face and the sandy beach are part of the lithosphere. The ocean and
the water in the sand are part of the hydrosphere. The air and clouds are
part of the atmosphere. The living things in the ocean water, in and on
the sand of the beach and flying in the air are all part of the biosphere.
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Elements, compounds and mixtures
Before beginning this section, Chemistry is an ancient science. Inquiring minds over the centuries have
you should be able to: wondered about the interesting variety of materials that make up our
describe the behaviour of
matter in terms of particles Earth. Humans have used the materials of the Earth to build their homes,
that are continuously moving monuments and roads. They have used materials such as gold as money
and interacting and to make ornaments. They have used salt for seasoning and preserv-
relate properties of solids,
liquids and gases to the ing food, and as a form of money. They have used coal and oil as fuels for
particle model of matter warmth and as a source of energy to power machines.
describe the physical Chemistry is the study of matter. Chemists classify matter in many ways.
changes that occur during
observations of evaporation, One way is to classify matter as solids, liquids or gases at room temperature.
condensation, boiling, melting Another more useful scheme is to classify matter as pure or impure. In
and freezing everyday life, we use the term pure to describe things that are not contami-
explain density in terms of a
simple particle model. nated with other substances. Pure water does not contain parasites, salt or
Key content mud. Chemists have developed more exact definitions of the terms pure
By the end of this section, you and impure.
should be able to: Pure substances have a fixed composition and fixed properties. They
identify the difference
between elements, cannot be decomposed by simple physical separation techniques.
compounds and mixtures in Impure substances are mixtures. They have variable composition and
terms of particle theory
present information by using variable properties. They can be separated into their components by
symbols and formulae various physical separation techniques.
present information using
a variety of pictorial Pure substances can be further classified into elements and compounds.
representations Elements are the simplest pure substances consisting of only one type of
analyse information using
models to explain phenomena atom. They cannot be broken down (or decomposed).
and/or make predictions.
Compounds are also pure substances. They are composed of two or more
elements that are chemically bonded together. They are composed of
a fixed number of atoms of each component element. They can be
decomposed into their component elements or into simpler
Table 1.1 lists some examples of pure and impure substances. The
chemical symbols for elements and the chemical formulae for compounds
are also included.
Table 1.1 Classification of matter

Elements Compounds Mixtures

oxygen, O water, H2O air

silver, Ag silver oxide, Ag2O brass

magnesium, Mg magnesium sulfide, MgS steel

Figure 1.2 silicon, Si silicon dioxide, SiO2 sand

Gold is a pure substance, while the
rock around it contains mixtures of
various compounds. The Earths crust contains elements, compounds and mixtures. The
two most abundant elements are oxygen and silicon. Silicon is present in
many compounds and in mixtures of compounds but is rarely found as
the free element. Pure, crystalline silicon (figure 1.3) has a greasy feel, like
graphite. Sand is a mixture of silicon dioxide and many other substances.
Quartz crystals are composed of interlocking silicon dioxide tetrahedra in
a relatively pure form. Such large crystals often take thousands or millions
of years to grow to such a size deep in the Earths crust.


Figure 1.3
Silicon as (left) pure, crystalline
silicon and as silicon dioxide in
(centre) sand and (right) quartz

Pure substances have fixed physical properties. Thus, the melting and
physical properties: the
properties characteristic of a boiling points of different elements and compounds are unique to that
chemical substance (such as substance. The boiling point of pure water is 100 C at 100 kPa pres-
melting point, boiling point, sure (standard pressure). This is not true for mixtures. For example,
colour, density and conductivity)
the boiling point of salt water depends on the amount of salt dissolved
in the water. The greater the salt concentration, the greater the boiling
Table 1.2 shows some examples of the fixed physical properties of some
common elements and compounds. The properties of the compounds
are quite different from their component elements. This shows that
compounds are not just mixtures of elements.
Table 1.2 Physical properties of some common elements and compounds
Substance copper oxygen copper (I) copper (II)
oxide, Cu2O oxide, CuO

Colour salmon colourless red black

State (at 25 C/100 kPa) solid gas solid solid

Density (g/cm3 at 9.0 1.3 r 103 6.0 6.4

25 C/100 kPa)

Melting point (C) 1085 219 1235 1326

Particle models
Chemists use models to understand the differences between elements,
compounds and mixtures. The components of matter can be visualised
in terms of different types of particle. Atoms are the basic building blocks
of matter. Sometimes, atoms of the same element or different elements
group together to form more complex particles called molecules. The
number of atoms in a molecule is shown using a subscript next to the
symbol for the element. For example, N2 represents a nitrogen molecule
that has two atoms of nitrogen.
Elements are composed of atoms or molecules. Examples include:
helium (single atoms or monatomic molecules, He)
oxygen (diatomic molecules, O2)
phosphorus (tetra-atomic molecules, P4).
Compounds are composed of fixed numbers of atoms of different
elements. Examples include:
ammonia, NH3
zinc oxide, ZnO
carbon dioxide, CO2.


Mixtures have various particle types and compositions. The particles of
homogeneous mixture: a each component in homogeneous mixtures are distributed uniformly;
mixture in which all the particles they are not uniformly distributed in heterogeneous mixtures. Sugar
are uniformly distributed
solutions in water are homogeneous mixtures as the sugar particles are
heterogeneous mixture: a
mixture in which the particles uniformly mixed with the water particles. Muddy water is a heterogeneous
are not uniformly distributed mixture as the heavier mud particles settle under gravity to form a

Elements Compounds Mixtures

Cu O Cu O HO
Cu Cu Cu Cu Cu O Cu O H
Cu Cu Cu O Cu O Cu H
Na+ Cl
Copper metal Copper oxide Salt water

Nitrogen gas Water Air

Ne O
Ne C Pb Sn Pb Sn
Figure 1.4 Sn Pb Pb
Particle diagrams showing the
differences between elements,
Neon gas Carbon dioxide Solder
compounds and mixtures

When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples.

Classify Define Explain

This instruction term This instruction term requires This instruction term requires
requires you to group things you to state the meaning of a you to provide reasons for why
into categories. Thus, pure term or identify the essential or how a process occurs, or to
substances can be grouped into features of a concept. make the relationship between
elements and compounds. things evident.
Example: Define the term molecule. Example:
Classify barium as an element or Explain why barium is classified
compound. as an element.
A molecule is the smallest part
Answer: of a substance that can exist Answer:
Element independently but still retain Barium is classified as an
the characteristic properties of element because it is a simple,
that substance. pure substance that cannot be
broken down into anything


1.1 QUESTIONS 6. Classify each of the particle models in
figure 1.6 as homogeneous mixtures or
heterogeneous mixtures.
1. Classify the following as
mixtures or pure substances. P Q R S
(a) Air
(b) Sea water
(c) Carbon dioxide
(d) Granite
(e) Calcium
2. Classify the following pure substances as Figure 1.6 Particle model diagrams of different mixtures
elements or compounds.
(a) Glucose 7. The following information about solutions
(b) Silver of sulfuric acid was collected from a
(c) Ammonia chemical data book.
(d) Lead
(e) Copper (II) oxide Table 1.3
3. Classify the particle models in figure 1.5 as Concen- 5 10 15 20 25
elements, compounds or mixtures. tration of
X Y Z sulfuric acid

Density of 1.032 1.066 1.102 1.139 1.178

acid solution
at 20 C
Figure 1.5 Particle model diagrams (g/cm3)

4. Define the terms: (a) Classify sulfuric acid solutions as

(a) homogeneous mixture homogeneous or heterogeneous
(b) heterogeneous mixture. mixtures.
5. Explain why the properties (b) Explain how the tabulated data is
of copper (II) oxide (see typical of a mixture rather than a pure
table 1.2) are quite different substance.
from the properties of
copper and oxygen.

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The spheres of the Earth
Before beginning this section, The Earth is believed to be about five billion years old. It formed from a
you should be able to: swirling gas and dust cloud that orbited the primitive Sun. Gravitational
identify some common
mixtures compression and heating, as well as heat from radioactive decay, caused
identify the importance of many minerals to melt and form new chemical compounds. Geologists
water as a solvent have determined that the Earth eventually formed into a layered structure
describe aqueous mixtures in
terms of solute, solvent and with dense metals, such as iron, at its centre, and lighter minerals, contain-
solution. ing elements such as silicon, oxygen and aluminium, forming a solid crust
at the surface. As the Earth cooled, water vapour condensed and formed
the oceans and seas. The atmosphere has changed over the eons of time.
Some light gases, such as hydrogen, have escaped into space, and the
amount of oxygen has changed considerably in response to the evolution
of life forms.


Figure 1.8 shows the layered structure or spheres of the Earth, starting
Key content with the lithosphere, which consists of the rigid, outer crust and the upper
By the end of this section, you mantle. The inner mantle and core are not shown. The hydrosphere consists
should be able to:
identify that the biosphere, of the surface oceans, rivers, lakes and glacial water; it also extends into the
lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere and lithosphere. In the atmosphere, water can exist as water
atmosphere contain examples vapour as well as liquid microdroplets in clouds. The biosphere is also an
of mixtures of elements and
compounds extensive region where living things are found. Scientists have discovered
present information clearly simple life forms deep within the hot crust as well as near volcanic vents on
and succinctly using a variety
of pictorial representations to the ocean floor. Microscopic life forms have also been found in the highest
show relationships levels of the atmosphere.
present information by
selecting and drawing
appropriate graphs to convey
information and relationships
clearly and accurately.

Figure 1.7
The biosphere is a part of the
atmosphere, hydrosphere and


Lakes Rivers Continental


Oceans Oceanic crust




LITHOand upper




Upper mantle

Figure 1.8
The spheres of the Earth


Mixtures in each sphere
Within each sphere of the Earth there is a complex mixture of chemical

The lithosphere contains many different types of mineral that are combined
mineral: a naturally occurring, in different proportions to form sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic
crystalline solid that has a fixed
chemical composition or a rocks. Silicates, oxides, carbonates and sulfides are some of the
composition that varies between common minerals found in the lithosphere. The sand that forms the
strict limits. Some minerals are
pure elements, such as gold and beaches along our coasts consists mainly of silicon dioxide. Humans mine
sulfur, but most minerals are mineral resources to manufacture metals and alloys. Many of these minerals
chemical compounds. are oxide and sulfide compounds of metals, such as aluminium, iron, lead
and silver. Extraction of metals from these minerals requires the removal of
the unwanted minerals that make up the rock.
The common rock-making minerals and their chemical compositions
are listed in table 1.4.

Table 1.4 Common rock-making minerals

Mineral Composition

quartz SiO2

orthoclase feldspar KAlSi3O8

muscovite mica KAl3Si3O10(OH)2

olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4

calcite CaCO3

Tables 1.5 (a) and (b) show the abundance of some of the elements that
make up the Earths crust, and the abundance of elements in the whole
Earth. The high percentage of oxygen and silicon in the crust reveals the
abundance and importance of silicate minerals in the crust. Iron is the
most abundant element in the whole Earth due to the massive amount of
iron in the Earths core.

Table 1.5 (a) Abundance of elements in the Earths crust (b) Abundance of elements in the whole Earth
Element Abundance in the crust (%w/w*) Element Abundance in the whole Earth (%w/w*)

oxygen 46.6 iron 35

silicon 27.7 oxygen 30

aluminium 8.2 silicon 15

iron 5.0 magnesium 13

calcium 3.6 nickel 2.4

sodium 2.8 sulfur 1.9

potassium 2.6 calcium 1.1

magnesium 2.1 aluminium 1.1

all others 1.4 others <1

*%w/w = percentage by weight *%w/w = percentage by weight


Water is the most abundant compound in the hydrosphere. Consequently,
oxygen and hydrogen are the most abundant elements in this sphere.
Most of the Earths water (97.2%) is present in the oceans and 2.2% is
present as polar ice and glaciers. The lithosphere contains 0.6% of the
Earths water and only 0.001% is found in the atmosphere.
Sea water contains many dissolved minerals, which make up about
3.5%w/w. Evaporation of sea water yields salts, such as sodium chloride,
together with smaller amounts of magnesium chloride, calcium chloride
and sodium sulfate.
Table 1.6 shows the abundance of various elements in sea water.

Table 1.6 Abundance of elements in sea water

Element Abundance (%w/w)

oxygen 86.0

hydrogen 10.8

chlorine 1.9

sodium 1.1

magnesium 0.1

Nitrogen and oxygen are the major gases of the atmosphere. Carbon
dioxide accounts for only 0.037%. Table 1.7 shows the composition of
gases in the troposphere, which is the lowest layer of the atmosphere.

Table 1.7 Abundance of dried gases in the troposphere

Gas Composition (%v/v)* Composition (%w/w)

nitrogen 78.09 75.3

oxygen 20.94 23.1

argon 0.93 1.3

carbon dioxide 0.037 0.049

neon 0.001 8 0.001 3

helium 0.000 5 0.000 7

methane 0.000 15 0.000 08

*%v/v = percentage by volume

The biosphere is the region of the Earth where living things are found. The
ecosystems in which these life forms are found occupy the hydrosphere,
lithosphere and the atmosphere.
Most living things are composed of cells. Cells contain large amounts
of water so oxygen and hydrogen are abundant in the biosphere. Carbon
compounds are the basis of life. Cells contain complex carbon compounds
such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins and nucleic acids.


Table 1.8 shows the most abundant elements in living cells. Nitrogen and
sulfur are important elements in proteins, while calcium and phosphorus
are important structural elements in bones and membranous tissue.

Table 1.8 Most abundant elements in living cells

Element Abundance (%w/w)
oxygen 60.0

carbon 21.0

hydrogen 11.0

nitrogen 3.5

calcium 2.5

phosphorus 1.2

chlorine 0.2

sulfur 0.15

When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples.

Identify Predict
This instruction term requires you to recognise This instruction term requires you to suggest a
and name a substance process, event or person. result or outcome based on available evidence.
Example: Example:
Identify the element that is the basis of all life One litre of sea water is slowly evaporated, and the
forms. mass of water and the mass of crystals formed are
determined by weighing. Predict which material
will have the greater mass.
Water (see evidence in table 1.6)

Account Justify
This instruction term requires you to state This instruction term requires you to support an
reasons for an observation or statement. argument or conclusion.
Example: Example:
Account for the fact that nitrogen is the fourth Magnesium strips are known to burn brightly
most abundant element (by weight) in living when oxygen is present. Two magnesium strips
things. were ignited and placed in separate jars X and Y
containing either air or pure oxygen. Magnesium
burnt more brightly in jar X than in jar Y. Predict
Nitrogen compounds include proteins and
which jar contained air. Justify your response.
nucleic acids. These are vital components of
living cells. Thus, nitrogen is abundant but not Answer:
as abundant as oxygen and hydrogen, which are Jar Y contained air. Air contains only 20.94%
also present in water, carbohydrates and fats. oxygen so the chemical reaction will be less
vigorous than in pure oxygen.


1.2 QUESTIONS 6. Account for the high abundance of silicon in
the lithosphere.
1. Identify the element that is in greatest 7. Predict which salt would form the greatest
abundance, in terms of weight, in the: mass of crystals if 100 mL of sea water is
(a) lithosphere evaporated to dryness. Justify your answer.
(b) hydrosphere
(c) atmosphere. 8. Use the information in table 1.9 to identify
2. Arrange the following elements in the type of compound in each of these
decreasing order of abundance in sea water: spheres in which the following elements
chlorine, hydrogen, sodium, oxygen. are present.
3. Account for the high percentage by weight (a) lithosphere
of oxygen in living cells. (i) lead, (ii) aluminium and
(iii) calcium
4. (a) Calculate the total percentage by weight
(b) hydrosphere
of the five most abundant elements in sea
(i) oxygen and (ii) sodium
(c) atmosphere
(b) Draw a pie graph of the data in table 1.6.
(i) carbon and (ii) oxygen
5. (a) Identify the three most abundant (d) biosphere
elements in the atmosphere. (i) nitrogen and (ii) phosphorus
(b) Calculate the total percentage by volume
of the three most abundant elements 9. Use the information in table 1.9 to identify
in the atmosphere, using the the location in the spheres of the Earth in
information in table 1.7. Then which the following compounds could be
determine the percentage by volume of found.
all other gases. (a) magnesium carbonate
(c) Draw a divided bar graph of the (b) glucose
atmospheric abundance data (by volume) (c) potassium chloride
to show the relative abundance of the (d) silicon dioxide
three main gases and all other gases.
Table 1.9
Location Common elements Major form
biosphere hydrogen, oxygen water
components) phosphorus, calcium calcium phosphate (bones)

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen carbohydrates, fats

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur proteins

carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus nucleic acids (DNA and RNA)

lithosphere platinum, gold free elements

magnesium, calcium carbonate minerals

silicon, aluminium, iron, phosphorus oxide minerals

oxygen, silicon silicate minerals

copper, silver, lead sulfide minerals

atmosphere nitrogen, oxygen, argon free element

oxygen water

carbon carbon dioxide

hydrosphere hydrogen, oxygen water

sodium, potassium, chlorine, bromine, iodine dissolved sea salts


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Useful materials in the spheres of the Earth usually need to be separated
Remember from unwanted material. For example:
Before beginning this section,
you should be able to: salt is obtained from sea water by evaporating the water
relate changes of state to the metallic minerals are removed from unwanted rocky material by crushing,
motion of particles as energy
is removed or added sieving and froth flotation
relate energy transfers in oxygen is extracted from the air by fractional distillation of liquid air.
melting, freezing, condensation,
evaporation and boiling to a In this section, we will examine some useful physical separation techniques
particle model that have been developed over several hundred years to separate mixtures.
identify the importance of
water as a solvent
describe aqueous mixtures in Separating solids
terms of solute, solvent and
solution Solid particles of different particle size or weight can be separated using
identify situations where techniques such as sieving, sedimentation, magnetic separation or froth
the processes of filtration,
sedimentation, sieving, flotation.
distillation, chromatography,
evaporation, condensation, Sieving
crystallisation and magnetic
attraction are appropriate to In metal mining industries, the mined ore is first crushed and ground
separate components of a
mixture. to produce finely powdered grains. The grinding separates the valuable
minerals from each other and from the gangue. The crushed ore is then
Key content
screened using large wire-mesh sieves. The size of the mesh is adjusted to
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: ensure the ore is finely ground.
identify and describe
procedures that can be Sedimentation
used to separate naturally
occurring mixtures Heavy mineral grains in alluvial deposits can be removed from unwanted
assess separation techniques
for their suitability in grains of rock (gangue) by sedimentation and panning. Gold grains can
separating examples of earth be separated by swirling the alluvial material with water and allowing the
materials, identifying the lighter material to be decanted and washed out of the pan, leaving the
differences in properties that
enable these separations heavy gold grains behind.
identify data sources, In other mining operations, the finely ground ore from the sieving
plan, choose equipment
and perform a first-hand process is mixed with water. A slurry is formed. This slurry is transported
investigation to separate the through pipes to the gravity separators or jigs. Gravity causes the heavier
components of a naturally particles to sediment faster. The lighter, finely ground material that
occurring or appropriate
mixture such as sand, salt and contains a greater proportion of the valuable minerals is directed to the
water. flotation tanks.

physical separation techniques:

separation processes that do not
chemically alter the components
of the mixture. These processes
include filtration, evaporation,
crystallisation, distillation, froth
flotation, magnetic separation
and centrifugation.
gangue: the unwanted (non-
valuable) material present in an
ore body

Figure 1.9
Salt can be extracted from salt water
commercially by evaporation.


Froth flotation
This separation technique was first developed in Broken Hill (190102) at
the silver, lead and zinc mines. The ground minerals are mixed with water,
detergents and other oily chemicals (collectors). Air is blown through
the mixture to create a froth to which the mineral grains adhere. The
floating froth layer is scraped from the surface and removed for further
treatment. This material is referred to as the concentrate, as it has a much
higher percentage of metallic minerals than the original ore. The gangue
does not float, so sediments to the bottom of the vessel.


Minerals Air Air

adhere to froth

Figure 1.10a Waste
Froth flotation separating the mineral
ore from the gangue

Ore concentrate
Figure 1.10b
The froth flotation technique creates a floating froth layer containing mineral grains,
which is removed for further treatment.

Magnetic separation
mineral sands Some iron mineral grains (such as mag-
netite, Fe3O4) can be separated from the
grains of crushed rock by magnetic separa-
tion. This technique can also be used to sep-
Conveyer belt arate the magnetic ilmenite minerals from
non-magnetic rutile minerals in sand
magnetic roller mining operations. The mixture can pass
along a conveyor belt beneath a turning
Scraper magnetic roller. The magnets hold the
ilmenite longer on the belt while the rutile
falls off the end of the belt.
Rutile: IImenite:
non-magnetic magnetic Separating solids and liquids
Figure 1.11 Filtration and centrifugation are two common
Magnetic separation of solids methods of separating solids from liquids.


Insoluble solids can be separated from soluble solids by filtration. Sand
grains can be separated from a mixture of sand grains and copper sulfate
crystals by adding the mixture to sufficient water. The mixture is then
stirred until all the copper sulfate dissolves. In a laboratory, the mixture
is poured through a filter paper. The copper sulfate solution passes
through the pores in the paper into a collection beaker below. This clear
solution is called the filtrate. The insoluble sand grains (the residue) are
retained in the filter. To collect these grains of sand, the residue on the
filter paper is washed with clean water and then dried in a low
temperature oven. The dry sand grains can then be retrieved from the paper.
For successful filtration, the grain size of the insoluble component must be
larger than the pore
size of the filter. Various
grades of filter paper are
manufactured to deal
with insoluble residues
of various grain sizes.

Filter funnel

Filter paper
Filter ring
Sand grains form
the residue.

Retort Beaker


Figure 1.12
Filtration in the laboratory

Solutions cannot be separated into solute and solvent by filtering, as the

dissolved particles are too small and pass through the pores of the filter.
Filtration is commonly used as one of the steps in the purification of our
water supplies. Water is filtered through beds of sand and gravel before
passing on to later stages of purification.

Centrifuges can be used to accelerate the process of sedimentation of a
suspension. The suspension is spun at high speed so sediments collect at
the base of the centrifuge tubes in layers according to their particle size
and weight.
Centrifuges are used in many different industries. Cream can be
separated from milk, and blood cells can be separated from plasma by
this technique.
Gaseous and particle emissions can be treated by centrifugation to
minimise air pollution. Particulates, such as soot and dust, in polluted air
can be quite small (110 micrometres). These particles collect on the walls
of the centrifugal separators.


Separating dissolved solids and liquids
Evaporation and crystallisation are used to separate dissolved solids from

Commercially, salt crystals can be recovered from salt water by evaporation
in large salt pans. The process of evaporation separates a mixture by
vaporising the low boiling component to leave the high boiling component
as a residue. Waters boiling point of 100 C is much lower than that of
boiling point: the temperature
at which the pressure exerted sodium chloride (1465 C). Thus, the salt does not vaporise even if salt
by the vapour above a liquid water is evaporated using the heat from a Bunsen burner. Evaporation is
is equal to the external also used to dry the residues produced by filtration.
atmospheric pressure. Normal
boiling points are measured at a
standard pressure of 100 kPa. Crystallisation
Crystallisation is commonly used to purify impure salts. The impure salt is
dissolved in water at a high temperature to create a concentrated solution.
The mixture is then cooled and the salt crystallises, leaving the impurity
in solution. This crystallised salt contains much less of the impurity than
1.1 PRACTICAL before. The salt can then be filtered and dried.
Crystallisation is employed in the sugar industry to extract sugar crystals
Separation of a from sugarcane syrup.
simple mixture
Water vapour

Evaporating basin
Water molecules
Figure 1.13 evaporate
Crystals forming in a saturated Salt crystals from the surface.
solution during evaporation left behind

SAMPLE PROBLEM 1.1 Use table 1.10 to explain why and how 100 g of potassium nitrate,
KNO3, crystals containing 5%w/w of potassium bromide, KBr, impurity
can be purified by crystallisation.

Table 1.10
Solubility (g/100 g water)
Temperature (C) Potassium nitrate, KNO3 Potassium bromide, KBr
10 20 60

60 104 85

SOLUTION Both salts are quite soluble in water at 60 C but only KBr is appreci-
ably soluble at 10 C. The impure KNO3 crystals can be purified by
preparing a solution of the impure salt at 60 C and allowing it to cool
to 10 C.
The 100 g sample contains 95 g of KNO3 and 5 g of KBr. The sample
will completely dissolve in 100 g of water at 60 C. The solution is now
allowed to cool in an ice bath to 10 C. At this temperature, only 20 g
of the original 95 g of KNO3 will remain dissolved. The other 75 g
crystallises out. All of the 5 g of KBr remains dissolved at 10 C. The
purified KNO3 crystals can be extracted by filtration.


Separating liquids
Immiscible liquids can be separated using a separating funnel. Miscible
miscible: describes liquids that liquids can be separated by distillation.
mix to form one phase. For
example, water and ethanol mix
to form alcoholic solutions in all Separating funnel
Some liquids do not dissolve in each other. Kerosene and water, for
example, do not mix. They form separate layers with the less dense
kerosene floating on top of the water. Separation is achieved by placing
the mixture in a separating funnel and opening the tap to let out the
lower layer into a clean vessel below. Figure 1.14 shows how a solution of
iodine in tetrachloromethane can be separated from salt water. The salt
water does not mix with the organic solvent and forms a separate layer on
top. The lower (more dense) layer can be run off into a beaker, and then
the salt water can be poured into a separate beaker.

Salt water is less dense.

Iodine solution in
is more dense.


Figure 1.14 I2/CCl4
Using a separating funnel to
separate a solution of iodine in
tetrachloromethane from salt water Cap

Distillation is a technique in which a solution of liquids may be
separated on the basis of their different boiling points. When a liquid
mixture is boiled in a distillation apparatus, the lowest boiling point
component vaporises first and its vapour condenses back to the liquid
volatile: describes substances state in the cooler parts of the apparatus. The condensed liquid is called
that readily vaporise and exert a
high vapour pressure. the distillate and it is richer in the more volatile (lower boiling point)


Distillation can also be used to separate the solvent in a solution formed
on mixing a solid and a liquid. Thus, fresh water can be obtained by
distilling salt water.


Vapour condenses; heat transferred to circulating water

Water condenser
Water jacket



Cold water
Figure 1.15 Water out to sink enters from tap
Electric heating mantle Distillate collects
Distillation apparatus

Simple distillation is practical only if the liquids in the solution have quite
different boiling points. Whenever the components have similar boiling
points, the separation process is never complete and the distillate is only
marginally richer in the more volatile component. Thus, pure alcohol is
never produced by simple distillation as some water is always present in
the distillate. However, when wine is distilled, the distillate is richer in
alcohol as the alcohol is more volatile than the other components of the
Fractional distillation is used to improve the separation of components
that have similar boiling points. This will be discussed in later examples
about the oil industry and about separating the components of air.

Separating gases
Pure gases are produced commercially and distributed in compressed
form to hospitals and industries. Oxygen, for example, is needed by
patients with respiratory diseases. It is also used in the welding industry for
oxyacetylene torches. Argon, neon and helium can be used in coloured
advertising signs. Liquefied gases are also produced for a wide range of
applications. For example, liquid nitrogen is used to snap-freeze food.
Mixtures of gases can be separated using both physical and chemical
Zeolite sieves
Oxygen gas can be separated from the air using a process called pressure
swing adsorption (PSA). This process uses the selective adsorption of
nitrogen, moisture and carbon dioxide by a molecular sieve called zeolite.
The zeolite crystals are aluminium silicate and contain many channels and
internal surfaces that selectively adsorb certain gases and allow others to
pass through. The emerging oxygen is 9095% pure.


Cryogenic air separation
High purity oxygen, nitrogen and argon are obtained using cryogenic
cryogenic: describes very low air separation technology. Before the separation begins, the air must be
temperature processes or
applications filtered to remove dust and small particles. It is then compressed at about
6 bar and cooled. Condensed water is removed at this stage. Any remain-
ing water and carbon dioxide are removed using the zeolite molecular
sieve technology described above. The gas mixture is then cooled to cryo-
genic temperatures (200 C) until it liquefies. Distillation columns are
then used to separate the components of the liquid air according to their
different boiling points. A plant that produces nitrogen gas uses only one
distillation column as nitrogen has the lowest boiling point (196 C) of
all the components in liquefied air. As the liquid air is warmed slightly, the
nitrogen gas vaporises and is collected. Plants that produce oxygen gas,
which has a boiling point of 183 C, require an argon column to separate
the oxygen from argon, as argons boiling point is 186 C, very close to
oxygens. In practice, any oxygen present in argon is removed by reaction
to form water, which is then removed by a molecular sieve dryer.
Figure 1.16 shows the fractional distillation technology used to separate
the gaseous components of air. It is important to note that the cold
nitrogen that distills off first is also used to cool the heat exchangers
surrounding the air compressors.

Air Nitrogen
6 bar Cold
Air N2
compressed Nitrogen

Water Molecular
removed sieve
Compressed/ Argon
Heat liquefied to fraction
exchanger produce
cooled by liquid nitrogen
nitrogen for storage

Air liquifies
as heat
is lost on
expansion. Liquid air (200C) Liquid air Liquid O2 /Ar
slowly warms is warmed to
to 196C 186C to
(liquid nitrogen Remaining boil off argon.
boils off). O2 /Ar liquid
is pumped
to another tower
for separation.
Figure 1.16 Fractional distillation of air


3. PERFORMING AND REPORTING ON collecting results from other groups to increase
FIRST-HAND INVESTIGATIONS the number of samples. This makes the average
more likely to be closer to the true value.
The practical investigations that you perform in the
practising techniques so you become more adept
laboratory use the scientific method. In some cases,
at using the equipment.
you will follow a written procedure validated by other
chemists. In other cases, you will design the procedure Selecting the appropriate equipment can also
using second-hand data research. improve accuracy. Here are some examples.
Use electronic probes and data loggers connected
Here are some important points to consider in
to a graphics calculator or computer to collect
performing and reporting on first-hand investigations.
more precise data.
Safety issues: It is important to perform a safety Use a millimetre ruler to measure length. The
check before conducting an experiment. Material readings will be accurate to 0.5 mm.
safety data sheets (MSDS) are available for all Use a measuring cylinder rather than a beaker to
chemicals used in the school laboratory. These measure volumes of liquids more accurately. In a
may be available as a print copy or on a computer 10 mL measuring cylinder with 0.2 mL divisions,
file. Make sure you understand the dangers of all the readings will be accurate to 0.1 mL.
chemicals you use. Burettes and pipettes measure volumes of liquids
Some general safety rules include: to an accuracy of 0.05 mL more accurate than
Always wear safety glasses. measuring cylinders.
Tie back long hair so that it does not interfere Weigh using an electronic balance rather than a
with the experiment. Do not wear bulky clothing beam balance. Some electronic balances weigh to
that can catch on apparatus. an accuracy of 0.01 g or 0.001 g.
Take care not to spill chemicals on your skin, Use a digital stopwatch rather than an analogue
clothing or bench. Take immediate action if this watch to record time. Most watches are accurate to
happens. 0.01 s. Your reaction time will be greater than this,
Use a fume hood when poisonous gases are so repeated measurements help to minimise error.
generated. Validity: The experimental design and method must
Do not touch hot apparatus. Allow it to cool ensure that you measure what you aim to measure.
before moving it. To ensure the experimental method is valid, you
Take care when carrying materials around the need to collect second-hand data to determine how
laboratory. others (including experts in the field) have tackled
Keeping records: Observations and data should similar problems. Discuss these issues with other
always be recorded in a logbook and not on scraps of members of your work team.
paper. Date each page for future reference. Record For example, if you aim to separate a water-soluble
numerical data in tables using appropriate headings. solid from an insoluble one, you need to know how
Accuracy and precision: Accurate measurements to ensure that all the soluble material has been
and observations are important in science removed. This may require repeated washing of the
experiments. There will always be some uncertainty solid with warm water. You need to know how many
in any measurement. Measurement errors depend such washings are needed.
on the equipment used and the skill of the Your experiment will be valid only if it satisfies the
investigator. requirements of the investigation and produces a
Experimental accuracy (how far the result is from result that answers the aim of the investigation.
the accepted value) and precision (reproducibility) Reliability: The results of your experiment will be
can be improved by: reliable only if repeated measurements give the
avoiding parallax error when using measuring same values (or a very narrow range of values) within
devices the limits of the experimental design. Minimisation
reading the bottom of the meniscus when of experimental errors helps to ensure experimental
measuring volumes of liquids reliability. It is quite common to repeat experiments
repeating experiments and, if necessary, five or more times to improve reliability. Controlling
excluding outlying values, which are significantly other variables and making precise and accurate
deviant from the mean measurements are also essential for reliability.


1.3 QUESTIONS used in place of a water condenser in a
simple distillation. Predict under what
circumstances the air condenser can be
1. Rewrite each statement by choosing the
correct word.
(a) A mixture of ethanol and water forms a 7. Table 1.11 shows the solubility of copper
suspension/solution. (II) sulfate crystals in water as a function of
(b) The particles in a solution/suspension temperature.
settle out when the mixture is left to
Table 1.11
stand on a laboratory bench.
(c) Centrifuging a solution/suspension Temperature
10 20 30 40 50 60 70
causes the particles to separate. (C)
(d) The particles of a solution/suspension Solubility
are not separated when passed through 18 20 24 28 34 42 50
(g/100 g water)
a filter paper.
2. A knowledge of their relative solubilities (a) Use the data provided to plot a solubility
in liquids such as water can be used to curve for copper sulfate crystals. Draw
separate mixtures of solids. In each of the line of best fit.
the following cases, 2 g of each pair of (b) Copper (II) sulfate crystals (55 g) are
solids is mixed together. Explain whether dissolved in 100 g of hot water. The
filtration techniques would be successful solution is evaporated to remove half
in separating them. The solubility of each of the water and then cooled to 25 C.
substance in water is given in brackets. Calculate the mass of copper (II) sulfate
(a) magnesium sulfate (36.4 g/100 g water) crystals that are formed.
and lead iodide (0.08 g/100 g water) (c) A 50 g sample of impure copper sulfate
(b) barium carbonate (0.002 g/100 g water) contains 45 g of copper (II) sulfate and
and silver oxide (0.002 g/100 g water) 5 g of potassium nitrate. The solubility
3. Evaporation and distillation are common of potassium nitrate in water is:
techniques used to separate solids or liquids 20 g/100 g water at 10 C
from solutions. In each of the following 60 g/100 g water at 40 C
cases, state the separation technique 104 g/100 g water at 60 C.
(evaporation or distillation) that should Describe a practical method for
be used to recover each of the indicated obtaining a pure sample of blue
components from the mixture. copper (II) sulfate crystals.
(a) Pure water from sea water
(b) Salt crystals from sea water 0OUR THE MIXTURE
(c) Nickel sulfate from a green solution of SLOWLY DOWN THE GLASS

4. A suspension can be filtered more rapidly by

fluting the filter paper. This technique is
shown in figure 1.17. Explain why filtration
is faster using a fluted filter rather than a
normal cone.
5. When a solution of salt is heated in an
evaporating basin over a hotplate .EVER FILL THE
or Bunsen burner, salt crystals 2ETORT STAND FLUTED FILTER PAPER
form as their solubility limit is SUPPORTS THE MORE THAN HALF FULL
exceeded. As the solution FILTER RING
becomes more concentrated, salt grains !LLOW THE FILTRATE TO
often escape (spit) from the hot mixture. FLOW DOWN THE SIDE
Suggest two ways of overcoming this OF THE BEAKER
problem. Justify your answer in each case. TO AVOID SPLASHING
6. A water condenser is used in most
experiments involving distillation.
Sometimes an air condenser can be
Figure 1.17 Filtering using fluted filter paper


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Analytical chemists have developed quantitative techniques for analysing
Remember the composition of materials. Gravimetric analysis is a very important
Before beginning this section, analytical method used by chemists. It involves separating the components
you should be able to:
identify internationally of the material and accurately determining their mass. The percentage
recognised symbols for composition of the material can then be calculated.
common elements Gravimetric analysis can be used to determine the:
distinguish between elements
and compounds composition of a mixture using physical separation techniques
distinguish between percentage composition of a compound using chemical and physical
compounds and mixtures.
separation techniques.
Key content For example, to mine an ore body economically, there must be a
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: minimum percentage of metal present in the ore. For lead, this minimum
describe situations in which is 2%w/w, which is considerably higher than the average percentage of
gravimetric analysis supplies lead in crustal rocks (0.002%w/w). To determine the percentage of lead
useful data for chemists and
other scientists in an ore sample, the lead must be extracted quantitatively from a known
gather first-hand information weight of its ore. The lead can be extracted as the pure metal or as a pure
by gravimetric analysis of compound. Great care must be taken to weigh all materials accurately and
a mixture to estimate its
percentage composition. to ensure that solids are completely transferred from one container to
another for example, from a beaker onto filter paper.
Gravimetric analysis can be used in many other industries and labora-
tories. It can be used to determine the:
percentage by weight of ingredients (sugar, fat, fibre) in food. This
analysis is recorded on the packaging.
purity and composition of alloys used for building construction
extent of heavy metal pollution in river water and human food
percentage composition of new compounds produced by chemical and
medical research.

Examples of gravimetric analysis

The following worked examples show how chemists can use chemical and
physical separation techniques to gravimetrically analyse natural materials
such as minerals.

Figure 1.18
Chemists use accurate electronic
balances to weigh materials for


SAMPLE PROBLEM 1.2 Analysis of sphalerite
Sphalerite is a mineral containing the element zinc in the form of zinc
sulfide. An analytical chemist had the task of determining the percent-
age by weight of zinc in a sample of the mineral, using the following
The chemist first weighed a sample of sphalerite and dissolved it in
a minimum of sulfuric acid to release the sulfide as hydrogen sulfide
(rotten egg gas). The acid was then neutralised with excess sodium
hydroxide to produce an alkaline solution of zinc.
When silver-coated platinum electrodes were inserted into the solution
and a DC electric current passed through it, zinc metal was deposited
at the negative electrode (cathode). When all the zinc had been depos-
ited, the cathode was removed, dried and weighed. The mass of zinc
deposited could then be determined using a suitable calculation.
Assume that the chemist obtained the following results.
initial mass of sphalerite = 0.30 g
initial mass of cathode = 12.75 g
final mass of cathode + zinc deposit = 12.95 g
Use this data to determine the percentage by weight of zinc in the

SOLUTION mass of zinc deposited = 12.95 12.75

= 0.20 g
% of zinc in sphalerite sample = 0.20/0.30 100
= 67%w/w

SAMPLE PROBLEM 1.3 Analysis of galena

In areas such as Broken Hill, lead is normally found in minerals such
as galena (lead sulfide). Analysis of galena requires converting the
lead to pure lead chromate and weighing the product a pure sam-
Gravimetric analysis of ple of lead chromate contains 64.1% lead by weight.
lead in galena
The procedure requires weighing the sample of galena and then
dissolving it in a minimum of nitric acid. A slight excess of a yellow
potassium chromate solution is then added to precipitate the lead as
yellow lead chromate.
The lead chromate precipitate is filtered and washed. It is then dried
in an oven to constant weight and weighed.
Assume that the following results are obtained.
mass of galena = 0.500 g
mass of dry lead chromate = 0.663 g
Use this data to determine the percentage by weight of lead in the

SOLUTION Lead chromate contains 64.1% lead, so

mass of lead = 0.663 64.1/100
= 0.425 g
% of lead in galena sample = 0.425/0.500 100
= 85%w/w


Figure 1.19
Galena (left) is an important source
of lead (right). Burette

Potassium chromate
Gravimetric solution
analysis of a
mixture 1

Gravimetric Lead chromate Filter paper
analysis of a
mixture 2

1. Filtration
1.4 DATA
ANALYSIS 2. Precipitate
Separation and dried
analysis of a mixture
Watch glass
Hot solution of Yellow precipitate
lead produced of lead chromate
by dissolving the forms as the
Figure 1.20 galena in chromate ions
Gravimetric analysis of lead nitric acid. react with the lead ions.


When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples:

Distinguish Outline
This instruction term requires you to recognise This instruction term requires you to indicate
differences between objects, processes or briefly the main features of a concept or
concepts. procedure.

Example: Example:
Distinguish between physical and chemical Outline the steps a student would take to identify
separation techniques. which of three liquids was the most volatile.

Answer: Answer:
Physical separation techniques are used to Connect a pressure gauge to three identical
separate components without changing them containers, each containing exactly the same
chemically. Chemical techniques make use of one volume of the appropriate liquid. The container
or more chemical changes to achieve separation that shows the highest equilibrium vapour
of components. pressure on the gauge contains the most volatile

1.4 QUESTIONS 5. Students were asked to analyse a mixture

of sand and salt water to determine its
1. (a) Distinguish between the terms qualitative percentage composition of each component
analysis and quantitative analysis. by weight.
(b) Describe one example of each type (a) Each team designed a method to
of analysis. perform the task. One suggested that
they should first determine the total
2. A student was supplied with a stoppered mass of the sand and salt water mixture.
bottle containing a mixture of kerosene and Explain how the students performed this
water. task.
(a) The mixture had separated into two (b) The next step was to choose an
layers. Explain why this separation appropriate method to separate the sand
occurred. from the salt water. Identify the best
(b) Identify the liquid present in the lower physical separation technique
layer. to use.
(c) Explain how the salt can be separated
(c) Outline the steps to gravimetrically from the salt water.
determine the percentage by weight of (d) One groups results are shown below.
kerosene in the mixture. Calculate the % composition of the
3. A 15.0 g sample of sterling silver contained mixture.
13.95 g of silver. The remainder was copper. total mass of sand +
Calculate the percentage by weight of each salt water + beaker = 185.79 g
metal in the sterling silver. mass of beaker = 143.61 g
mass of sand (dried) = 24.88 g
4. Pewter utensils are composed of 85% tin, mass of salt (dried) = 1.25 g
8% copper and 7% bismuth by weight.
Calculate the mass of each metal in a pewter (e) Discuss the likely sources of error in this
drinking goblet with a mass of 250 g. experiment.


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The spheres of the Earth are a rich source of raw materials. Most of these
Remember raw materials exist as mixtures. Over thousands of years, humans have
Before beginning this section,
you should be able to: discovered ways of extracting useful substances from these mixtures. In
identify the importance of the last 200 years, large industries have developed to provide materials
water as a solvent for a rapidly increasing population. Unfortunately, the environment has
describe aqueous mixtures in
terms of solute, solvent often suffered as waste materials from these processes pollute and damage
and solution the planet.
identify situations where
the processes of filtration,
sedimentation, sieving,
distillation, chromatography,
Industrial methods for separation of mixtures
evaporation, condensation, An example of an industrial separation process for each sphere of the
crystallisation and magnetic Earth will now be investigated. Tables 1.12 to 1.15 summarise the key
attraction are appropriate to
separate components of information for an example from each sphere. Choose one of these
a mixture. spheres for detailed study.
Key content
By the end of this section, you
should be able to:
identify data sources,
gather, process and analyse
information from secondary
sources to identify the
industrial separation
processes used on a mixture
obtained from the biosphere,
lithosphere, hydrosphere
or atmosphere, and use the
available evidence to:
identify the properties of
the mixture used in its
identify the products of
separation and their uses
discuss issues associated
with wastes from the
processes used.

Figure 1.21
Nickel smelter in Western Australia.
Nickel sulfide ore is flash smelted to
produce an enriched nickel matte.

Lithosphere separation of nickel from a nickel ore

Western Australia produces much of Australias nickel. By the end of the
twentieth century, the nickel produced in Western Australia represented
14% of world production. Nickel is a silvery-white metal that is more
ductile than iron. When alloyed with other metals, it improves strength,
toughness and corrosion resistance.


Table 1.12 Separation of nickel from a nickel ore
Sphere lithosphere

Mixture to be pentlandite ore a nickel sulfide ore containing iron sulfide

separated and other rocky impurities

Product(s) of nickel

Uses of product(s) nickel alloys used in:

stainless steel (60% of the worlds nickel output is used in
stainless steel)
monel metal (highly corrosion-resistant nickel alloy used in
shipbuilding and food processing equipment)

Properties of Metal sulfide minerals are separated from the unwanted

components used rock-making minerals by their ability to adhere to froth
to separate the created in froth flotation tanks.
mixture and refine Nickel matte is heavier than the impurities, so sinks to the
matte: a smelted mixture in the final product bottom of the smelter to be recovered.
which the percentage of metal
is higher than in the unsmelted Iron impurities form insoluble precipitates when nickel
ore concentrate matte is dissolved in ammonia.
Dissolved copper impurities can be removed (as insoluble
smelting: an industrial process
in which high temperatures are copper sulfide) from the nickelammonia solution by
used to melt and reduce ore passing hydrogen sulfide gas through the solution. Nickel
concentrates to produce a metal is left behind in solution.
or a matte Nickelammonia solutions can be reduced to nickel metal
by hydrogen gas. Alternatively, electrolytic cells can be used
to obtain pure nickel at inert cathodes.
Extraction Concentration
procedure Ore (14% nickel) is crushed to a fine powder and mixed
with water.
Nickel sulfide mineral is separated from gangue by froth
The fine, powdered concentrate contains 1012% nickel.
The sulfide concentrate is flash smelted in an oxidising
atmosphere at high temperature. The iron and sulfur
oxidise and the heat released from the process produces a
liquid nickel matte.
A nickel matte (72% nickel) sinks to the bottom of the
furnace and is allowed to solidify.
Copper and iron sulfides are the major contaminants to be
removed. Iron is removed as an insoluble hydroxide and
copper as an insoluble sulfide.
The matte is treated with oxygenated ammonia solution to
leach: use a liquid to dissolve a leach out the nickel.
valuable product from a solid Reduction of the filtered solution with hydrogen or by
mixture such as a matte
electrolysis at inert cathodes produces 99.8% pure nickel
Waste management Waste is stored in dumps and tailings ponds, which must be
issues constructed so that waste does not enter water systems or
contaminate surrounding land. Most slag wastes are dense
1.5 DATA Acid rain can be produced if sulfurous gases from the
smelter enter the atmosphere. Conversion of sulfur wastes
ANALYSIS to sulfuric acid can significantly reduce this problem.
Extraction of
aluminium from the Smelters must be situated so that prevailing winds dont
lithosphere blow gaseous emissions over populated areas.


Hydrosphere separation of bromine from salt lakes
Bromine is a dense, red-brown, fuming liquid that is highly toxic with a
very pungent smell. It is extracted from salt lakes (such as the Dead Sea)
that contain high levels of bromide salts such as magnesium bromide.
Bromine has been used to manufacture chemicals called halons (or
bromofluorocarbons), which were used for fire-extinguishing systems
in aeroplanes and large computer networks. Halons, along with other
brominated compounds such as methyl bromide and ethylene dibromide,
were shown to have caused severe depletion of the Earths ozone layer.
Although these bromine compounds are currently produced in limited
amounts in some countries overseas, they are being phased out as the
result of decisions made at the Montreal Protocol climate conferences.

Table 1.13 Separation of bromine from salt lakes

Sphere hydrosphere

Mixture to be magnesium bromide salt solution from salt lakes


Product(s) of bromine

Uses of product(s) manufacture of fumigant compounds

manufacture of flameproofing agents
silver bromide emulsion used in photography

Properties of Bromide salts are more soluble than chloride salts in

components used water; the chloride salts can be removed by fractional
to separate the crystallisation.
mixture and refine Bromide ions are readily oxidised to bromine by chlorine.
the final product Bromine has a very low boiling point (59 C) and is readily

Extraction Partial evaporation and fractional crystallisation

procedure The less soluble non-bromide salts are allowed to crystallise
from the partially evaporated salt solution and then filtered
Oxidation of bromide solution
Chlorine gas is passed through the solution of bromide
salts to convert bromide ions to bromine.
Condensation of bromine vapour
Bromine vapours are collected and condensed to form
liquid bromine.

Waste managment The salt waste produced from evaporation of the salt water
issues must not be allowed to contaminate agricultural land.
Bromine and chlorine vapours are toxic; factories must be
located away from populated areas so that prevailing winds
do not blow towards such areas.
Bromine is transported in lead-lined steel tanks secured
with reinforced, steel roll-frames.
Acidic by-products of the manufacturing process must not
be allowed to contaminate ground water.

Atmosphere separation of argon from the air

Argon is an important noble gas. It is inert and can be used to create an
inert atmosphere for high-temperature, metallurgical procedures such as
welding. It is extracted from air by cryogenic fractional distillation.


Table 1.14 Separation of argon from the air
Sphere atmosphere

Mixture to be air

Product(s) of argon (and other atmospheric gases)


Uses of product(s) inert atmosphere for metallurgy

blue-green discharge lamps (neon signs)

Properties of chemically inert

components used different boiling point from other air components
to separate the (but close to oxygen)
mixture and refine
the final product

Extraction Compression
procedure Air is cooled cryogenically and compressed.
Rapid expansion
Air cools and liquefies.
Fractional distillation
Argon is separated from other gases (except oxygen) when
the temperature rises to 186 C.
Oxygen is removed by its reaction with hydrogen to form
water. Argon does not react as it is inert.
After removing water using a molecular sieve dryer, the
argon is re-cooled.

Waste managment Heat must dissipate slowly into the environment to reduce
issues thermal pollution.

Biosphere separation of olive oil from olives

Olive oil is an important natural product, which humans have extracted
and used for thousands of years. Traditional methods involve crushing the
fruit and mixing the product with water. The light oil floats to the top and
can be decanted. Modern technology using hammer mills and centrifuges
has improved the extraction process.

Figure 1.22
Olive oil can be extracted from
the fruit by crushing, grinding and


Table 1.15 Separation of olive oil from olives
Sphere biosphere

Mixture to be olive oil and crushed olive flesh/seed


Product(s) of olive oil


Uses of product(s) cooking

Properties of Olive oil is less dense than water and can be separated by
components used centrifugation (and/or decantation).
to separate the Olive oil does not dissolve in water.
mixture and refine
the final product

Extraction Crushing/grinding
procedure The fruit is crushed in a metal hammer mill to produce a
The paste plus some water is beaten to remove more oil
from cells. Salt may be added to assist osmotic breakdown
of the cells and release of oil.
The mixture is placed in a horizontal centrifuge and spun
at high speed. The light oil forms the upper, inner layer,
and water and heavier fruit fragments forms the outer
The inner, floating oil layer continuously overflows a weir
and is collected through a separate portal.
Water is removed by rotating internal scrolls through a
separate exit. The pulp phase is discharged using rotating
internal scrolls.

Waste managment The pulp waste contains about 6% oil. Specialised plants
issues can use solvent extraction to remove some of this oil.
In some countries, the dried pulp waste is used as a home
fuel, mulch, fertiliser or animal feed.

1. Pitchblende is a common uranium ore; (c) The leached mixture is decanted and
it contains uranium oxide, U3O8. The filtered, and then undergoes solvent
mildly radioactive ore is mined and then extraction to produce a yellow powder
transferred to a mill. called yellowcake. This is about 98%
(a) Explain the purpose of the milling stage. U3O8.
(b) The finely crushed ore is mixed with (i) Explain why the mixture is decanted
water to form a slurry and then treated before filtering.
with sulfuric acid to leach out the (ii) Classify this stage as a physical or
uranium oxide. chemical separation.
(i) Explain the meaning of the term (d) Discuss the environmental issues of
leaching. producing yellowcake.
(ii) The leached mixture is allowed to
sediment. Predict what material
forms the sediment.


2. Centrifugationisusedinthenuclearpower (a)Identifythepiecesofequipmentlabelled
industry.Naturaluraniumconsistsoftwo ADinfigure1.23.
isotopes:U-238andthelighterU-235.For (b)Identifythelocations(AD)where
uraniumtobeusedasanuclearfuel,the (i)vaporisationand(ii)condensation
proportionofthelighterU-235isotopemust occur.
beincreasedfromitsnormalconcentration 4. Edibleoilsareextractedfromarangeof
centrifuged. pressesormortarstocrushtheseeds.
(a)Predictwhethertheheavieruranium-238 Table 1.16
hexafluoridemoleculeswillbe Yield of
concentratedatthewallsofthe Moisture oil after
centrifugeorclosertothecentralaxis. content Oil content extraction
(b)Identifythephysicalandchemical Seed (%) (%) (%)
separationprocessesusedinthis canola 9 4045 25
3. Plantessencesandextractsareoftencalled sesame 5 2550 45
essentialoils.Theyareusedinperfumes, sunower 5 2550 25
commonmethodofextractingthese (a)Identifywhichofthelistedseedsgives
essentialoilsfromplanttissueissteam thegreatestyieldofoil.
distillation.Thistechniqueallowssuchoils (b)Theoilreleasedfromthecrushedand
tovolatiliseattemperatureswellbelowtheir mashedseedshastobeseparatedfrom
normalboilingpoints.Thesteamusedis thewaterandfibroussolids.Asimple
generatedinaseparatevessel.Thesteamoil methodistoallowthemixturetostand
vapourmixturethatemergesfromthe forseveraldaysbeforeremovingtheoil.
distillationretortpassesintothecondenser Explainwhichpropertyofthemixture
andisallowedtocoolandcondense.The allowstheseparationofthecomponents.
liquidproducedconsistsofoilandwater, (c) Theoilobtainedfromthemethod
Figure1.23showsadiagramofatypical Inthismethodtheimpureoilisfiltered
steamdistillationapparatus. andthenheatedto100C.
(i) Identifythecomponent
Water thatisremovedby
Oil filtration.
( ii) Identifythecomponent
A Oil/steam
mixture Warm water
Table 1.17 C
Separation method ColdSeparation
water property
A. sieving 1. solidhasmuchhigherboilingpointthanliquid
B. ltration Crushed plant 2. smalldifferencesbetweentheboilingpointsofliquidsinamixture
tissue/water D
C. evaporation 3. differenceinparticlesize

D. fractionaldistillation 4. liquidsareimmiscible

E. separatingfunnel 5. solidisinsolubleinaliquid
Figure 1.23
Water Oil Steam distillation equipment


5. Thefirstcolumnoftable1.17listsseparationmethodsusedinindustry.

Table 1.17
Separation method Separation property
A. sieving 1. solidhasmuchhigherboilingpointthanliquid

B. ltration 2. smalldifferencesbetweentheboilingpointsofliquidsinamixture

C. evaporation 3. differenceinparticlesize

D. fractionaldistillation 4. liquidsareimmiscible

E. separatingfunnel 5. solidisinsolubleinaliquid

Weblinks Mixturesofelementsandcompoundsexistinthelithosphere,
Revision 1 substances.
Checkpoint Gravimetricanalysissuppliesusefuldataforchemistsaboutthe
Revision 1 Answers compositionofmaterials.


praCtiCal aCtiVitieS

praCtiCal glassrod

Separation of a
Simple mixture electrichotplate
Aim clockglass
Background Making the mixture
1. Addabouthalfateaspoonofcleansandtoa
2. Measureout10mLofthesuppliedsaltwater
Saltissolubleinwater. tothebeaker.
Sandandsalthaveboilingpointswellabovethe 3. Stirthemixturewithaglassrod.
Separating the mixture
Sandparticlesaretoolargetopassthroughthe 1. Reviewtheinformationprovidedinthe
poresofafilterpaper. backgroundtothisexperiment.
Thesaltinsaltwatersolutionscanpassthrough 2. Designamethodtoseparatethesandandsalt
theporesofafilterpaper. asseparatedrysolids.Usethematerialslisted
3. Recordthismethodinyourlogbookandhave
4. Useyourapprovedmethodtoseparatethe
outofabeakerortowasharesidueinafilter Results and conclusion
paper. Brieflydescribetheoutcomeofyourinvestigation.
liquidsorsuspensionsfromonevesselto Analysis
another. Answerthefollowingquestionsinyourreporton
Safety issues
1. Describethesafetyissuesthatyouhave
Identifyothersafetyissuesrelevanttothis 2. Explainhowyouensuredthatallthesaltwas
experimentbyreadingthemethod. recoveredinthefiltrateattheendofthe
Materials filtrationstage.
cleansand 3. Explainhowyouensuredthatthefinalsample
two150mLbeakers ofsandwascompletelydry.
4. Explaintheimportanceofonlyhalffillingthe


praCtiCal aCtiVitieS

3. Useameasuringcylindertopour50mLof
praCtiCal thesaltwaterintothedistillationflaskand
ACTIVITIES reweigh.Thencalculatethemassofsaltwater
GraVimetriC analySiS 4. Connecttheflasktothedistillationapparatus
of a mixture 1 andplacethebeakerattheoutletofthe
Aim flask.
Todeterminethepercentagecompositionofa 5. Distillthemixturewithgentleheatingto
saltwatersolution preventsaltwaterenteringthecondenser.
6. Neartheendofthedistillation,reducethe
Background heatbymovingtheBunsenburnerbackand
Simpledistillationcanbeusedtoseparate forthunderthegauzemat.Stopheatingonce
saltandwaterfromasaltwatersolution.The allthewaterhasevaporatedandsaltisleft
percentagecompositionofthemixturecanbe behind.
determinedbyweighingthesaltwaterandthe 7. Allowtheflasktocoolbeforeremovingit
separatedsaltandwater. fromtheapparatus.
Safety issues 8. Weighthedistilledwaterandthedistillation
Identifyothersafetyissuesrelevanttothis recovered.
9. Cleanupallequipmentaswellasyour
Materials workbench.
Quick-fitdistillationkitwith150mLdistillation Results and analysis
1. Constructatabletoshowallthecollectedand
boilingchip calculateddata.
electronicbalance 2. Determinebycalculationwhethertheoriginal
150mLbeaker massofsaltwaterequalsthecombinedmass
50mLofsaltwater(about4%w/w) ofthedistilledwaterandsaltcrystals.Account
100mLmeasuringcylinder foranydiscrepancies.
Bunsenburner,tripodandgauzemat 3. Useyouranswertoquestion2toestimatethe
4. Calculatethepercentagebyweightofsaltand
Method waterinthesaltwatersolution.
1. SetuptheQuick-fitapparatuscarefully.Use 5. Discusshowtheaccuracyandreliabilityofthis
figure1.15asaguideorobservetheapparatus experimentcouldbeimproved.
setupbytheteacher. 6. Identifythesafetyissuesinthisexperiment.
2. Weighthedistillationflaskwithitsboiling
chip.Weighaclean,150mLbeaker.Record Conclusion
theseweightsinyourlogbook. Writeabriefconclusionforthisexperiment.


praCtiCal aCtiVitieS

3. Movethecrucibleandlidontothebalance
praCtiCal usingtongs.Avoidtouchingthecrucible.
ACTIVITIES Weighthecrucibleandlid.Recordthismass
GraVimetriC analySiS 4. Addabout2gofthesaltmixturetothe
of a mixture 2 crucible.Replacethelidandreweigh
Aim 5. Usetongstoplacethecruciblebackonthe
Todeterminethepercentagebyweightof pipeclaytriangle.Thelidshouldbetilted
hydratedbariumchlorideinamixturecontaining slightlytoallowwatervapourtoescapeduring
sodiumchloride heating.Heatthecrucibletoredheatfor
Background roomtemperature.
Hydratedbariumchloridehasthechemical 6. Reweighthecrucibleanditscontents.
formulaBaCl2.2H2O.Twomoleculesofwaterare 7. Cleanupallequipment.
canbedrivenoffbyheatingthecompound.In Results and analysis
massterms,100.00gofhydratedbariumchloride 1. Constructatabletoshowallthecollectedand
crystalsproduce14.75gofwaterondehydration. calculateddata.
Theamountofhydratedbariumchlorideinthe 2. Calculatethemassofwaterevolvedonheating
samplecanbecalculatedbyweighingthesample themixture.
beforeandafterheating. 3. Then,byratio,calculatethemassofhydrated
Safety issues backgroundinformation).
Wearsafetyglassesthroughoutthisexperiment. 4. Determinethemassofsodiumchlorideinthe
Identifyothersafetyissuesrelevanttothis originalmixture.
experimentbyreadingthemethod. 5. Calculatethepercentagecompositionby
Materials weightofthemixtureofsalts.
crucibleandlid 6. Explainwhyreheatingandcoolingthesalt
7. Compareyourresultswiththoseofother
tongs groups.Explainwhyallgroupsmaynotobtain
electronicbalance thesameresults.
mixtureofhydratedbariumchlorideand 8. Identifythesafetyissuesinthisexperiment.
Method Writeabriefconclusionforthisexperiment.
1. Placethecrucibleandlidonapipeclay
2. Heatthecrucibletoadullredheatforseveral


data analySiS

(iv) Afterfilteringanddryingtheresidue,
data slowlyevaporatethefiltrateinan
ANALYSIS evaporatingbasin.
(v) Addasmallvolumeofwatertothe
Separation and analySiS remainingsolidsandstirwithaglassrod
of a mixture (vi) Collectanddrythewhitesodiumsulfate
Part A: Separation (vii) Placethecopper(II)oxideresidueand
Studentsweresuppliedwithasolidmixture filterpaperonaclockglassanddryina
ofcopper(II)oxide,ironandsodiumsulfate. dryingoven.
Theiraimwastoseparatethemixtureintoits (viii) Filterthemixturethroughafilterpaper
componentsusingphysicalseparation conesupportedinafilterfunnel.
techniques. (ix) Removethemagnetcoverediniron
Step 1: Gathering information Petridish.
Thestudentsfoundinformationaboutthese 2 Discusswhythestudentsusedonlyphysical
substancesfromvariousdatasources separationmethodsratherthanachemical
(table1.18). separationmethodinvolvingsulfuricacid.
Step 2: Processing the information
1. Thestudentsusedtheirgatheredinformation
Part B: Analysis
Separation steps (jumbled) followingmethod.
(i) Washtheresidueinthefilterconewitha (i) Weigh5.0gofthepowderedmixture.
littlewater. (ii) RepeattheseparationmethodusedinpartA.
(ii) Stirthepowderedmixturerepeatedlywith (iii) Collectthecopper(II)oxideresidueonthe
abarmagnetcoveredinclingwrap. lterpaper.
(iii) Powderthesolidmixtureusingamortar (iv) Placethepaperandresidueinasmallbeaker
andpestleandputthepowderedmixture anddissolvetheblacksolidwithsufcient
inasmallbeaker. dilutesulfuricacid.
Table 1.18
Substance copper(II)oxide iron sodiumsulfate
Colour brown/black silverygrey white
Solubility in water 0 0 19.4
(g/100 g water)
Melting point (C) decomposes 1435 884
Density (g/cm3) 6.4 7.9 2.7
Magnetic properties non-magnetic magnetic non-magnetic
Reaction with dilute dissolvestoformbluesolution dissolvesslowly,evolving dissolveswithout
sulfuric acid ofcopper(II)sulfate hydrogengasformingvery reaction


data analySiS
(v) Removeandwashthepaperfreeofsolution.
(vi) Electrolysethesolutionusingclean,weighed
graphiteelectrodesuntilallthecopperis DC power supply
(viii)Calculatethemassofcopperdepositedon Graphite
theelectrode. electrodes
massofcopperrecovered=0.47g Bubbles of gas Copper metal
around positive deposits on
1. Usethisdatatodeterminethepercentageby electrode negative electrode
2. Identifythestepsofthemethodthatinvolve
(a)physicaland(b)chemicalseparation Blue copper sulfate
methods. solution
3. Explainhowtheaccuracyofthemethodcould
beimproved. Figure 1.24 Electrolysis of the copper (II) sulfate solution


data analySiS

Part A: Extraction
data 1. Thefollowingowchartsummarisesthesteps
ANALYSIS forextractingaluminiumfrombauxite.Letters
extraCtion of aluminium chemicalprocesses.Matchtheseletterstothe
from the lithoSphere extractionstepsinthejumbledlistbelow.
Powdered Alkaline aluminium
Aluminiumisafamiliarmetalinmodern Bauxite solution plus
society.Itisthemostabundantmetalin suspended solids
theEarthscrustbutconsiderableenergy C
isneededtoreleasethemetalfromits Red mud
onlyifitcontainsaminimumof40% Clarified alkaline
aluminium solution
red,pebblysolidthatcontainsaluminium Aluminium
intheformofhydratedaluminiumoxide, Acid D
impuritiesof:iron(III)oxide,Fe2O3;silicon Aluminium
dioxide,SiO2;andclay.Duetothepresence hydroxide
ofimpurities,thepercentagebyweight Molten alumina/ precipitate
18%w/w.Theimpuritiesmustberemoved E
andtheoreconcentratedbeforethe G
aluminiumisextracted.Duringprocessing, Aluminium
Aluminium F hydroxide
thehydratedaluminiumoxideisconverted oxide crystals
withcryolitetobemeltedbeforeelectrolytic Water
Figure 1.25 Flow chart for aluminium extraction

Extraction steps (jumbled)

(i) Thehotsolutionislteredtoremove
(ii) Moltenaluminiumformsatthecathode;it
(iii) Thehotsolutioniscooledandacidied


data analySiS
(iv) Thebauxiteore(minedatWeipa, Part B: General questions
1. Writethechemicalformulaforhydrated
fromtheunwantedgangueminerals. 2. Aluminacontains53%aluminiumbyweight,
(v) Thealuminiumhydroxidecrystalsare whichismorethanthe40%required.Explain
washedandltered. whyaminimumof40%isneeded.
(vi) Thealuminaisdissolvedinmoltensodium 3. Gasesreleasedfromtheelectrolyticcells
aluminiumuoride(cryolite,Na3AlF6)at includecarbondioxideandhydrogenuoride.
1000C.Themoltenmixtureiselectrolysed Fluoridegasesaffectplantsandanimalsnear
usinginertgraphiteanodesandaniron aluminiumreneries.Legislationpreventsthe
cathode.Theelectrolysisproceedsat5volts aluminiumindustryreleasinghighlevelsof
and150000amps. toxicgasesovervulnerableareas.Thisrequires
(vii) Thegroundbauxiteismixedwith eithercleaningexhaustgases,whichaddstothe
concentratedsodiumhydroxidesolution costofproducingaluminium,orselectingmore
athighpressureandtemperature.The suitablesitesforreneries.Discusssomeofthe
aluminiumoxideintheoredissolves problemsofselectingasiteforanelectrolytic
(leaches)toformasolublealuminium aluminiumfactory.
compound. 4. Thealuminiumhydroxideisheatedto
(viii) Thealuminiumhydroxideisheated atemperatureof1200C.Identifythe
at1200Ctoproducealumina,Al2O3, physicalstateofthealuminaproductatthis
andwatervapour.Thisprocessiscalled temperature.
5. Explainwhyelectrolysisisnotperformed
2. Identifythephysicalseparationstepsintheow


Chapter 2 ELEMENTS
Elements are the simplest pure substances. They cannot
be broken down into anything simpler by chemical
means. The periodic table of the elements is an evolving
document. By the end of 2006, 117 elements had
been indentified. Of these, hydrogen is by far the most
abundant element in the universe. On Earth, oxygen is
the most abundant element due to its presence in many
rock-making minerals as well as its important roles in
the hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere. The great
majority of elements occur naturally but some have been
synthesised using high-powered particle accelerators.

In this chapter
2.1 Classifying elements page 40
2.2 The properties and uses of elements page 46

Figure 2.1
Blue-black crystals of the non-metal iodine sublime to
produce a purple vapour composed of diatomic iodine
'#& # , !3 3 ) & 9 ) . ' % , % - % . 4 3
The physical properties of elements
Before beginning this section, Every pure substance has its own unique set of physical properties. These
you should be able to: physical properties include:
describe the behaviour of
matter in terms of particles melting point the lowest temperature at which a solid changes to a
that are continuously moving liquid at normal atmospheric pressure (100 kPa).
and interacting
relate properties of solids, boiling point the lowest temperature at which a liquid changes to a
liquids and gases to the vapour such that the vapour exerts a pressure of 100 kPa.
particle model of matter
relate changes of state to the density the mass of the substance per unit volume, measured at 25 C
motion of particles as energy and 100 kPa.
is removed or added
explain density in terms of a electrical conductivity the quantity of electric current transmitted
simple particle model through a unit cube of the material when there is a potential difference
classify elements as metals or
non-metals according to their of 1 volt across the cube.
common characteristics thermal conductivity the rate at which heat energy is transferred through
identify internationally
recognised symbols for a unit cube of the material when there is a 1 temperature difference
common elements. across the cube.
Key content These properties can be used to check whether an element is 100% pure
By the end of this section, you or contaminated by impurities. Chemical data books provide lists of these
should be able to:
classify elements as metals, physical properties for each natural element. Table 2.1 gives examples of
non-metals and semi-metals these physical properties for some common elements, showing that these
according to their physical three elements are quite different. A chemist can check whether a sample
plan and perform an of copper is pure by measuring its physical properties. If the melting point
investigation to examine some of the copper sample is not 1085 C, the sample must be contaminated with
physical properties, including
malleability, hardness and impurities. Impurities tend to lower the melting points of pure substances.
electrical conductivity, and to Similarly, if a copper sample is impure, its density will not be 8.96 g/cm3.
present information about the
classification of elements as
metals, non-metals or Table 2.1 Physical properties of some common elements.
process information from Element copper iodine silicon
secondary sources and use
the periodic table to present Melting point (C) 1085 114 1410
information about the
classification of elements as: Boiling point (C) 2572 184 3267
metals, non-metals and
semi-metals Density (g/cm3) 8.96 4.94 2.3
solids, liquids and gases
at 25 C and normal Electrical conductivity (MS/m) 58.4 1  1013 1  103
atmospheric pressure.
Thermal conductivity ( J/s/m/K)* 401 0.45 148
(*K  Kelvin temperature units each Kelvin unit is the same size as a Celsius degree;
vapour: the gaseous form of 100 C = 373 K and 0 C  273 K)
a substance that is normally
a solid or liquid at standard
temperature and pressure

Figure 2.2
Titanium (above) is a metal with a
low density while platinum (right) has
a high density.


SAMPLE PROBLEM 2.1 The mass and volume of a sample of copper were measured:
mass of sample (m)  123.86 g
volume of sample (V )  14.00 cm3
Calculate the density of the sample and determine whether the sample
is pure or impure.

   8.85 g/cm3
This density is slightly lower than that of pure copper (8.96 g/cm3) so
the sample is slightly impure.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 2.2 A student uses an electronic temperature probe and data logger to
measure the temperature of a sample of lead as it was heated slowly and
uniformly from 320 C to 336 C. The results are shown in table 2.2.
Table 2.2
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Temperature (C) 320 323 326 327 327 327 328 330 333 336

(a) Plot the data as a line graph.

(b) Chemical data books list the melting point of lead as 327 C.
(i) Identify the region of the graph that corresponds to the
melting point of lead.
(ii) Account for the shape of the graph.
(iii) The student concludes that the sample of lead is pure.
Justify this conclusion.

Temperature (C)

0 2 4 6 8 10
Time (minutes) Figure 2.3
(b) (i) The plateau or inflexion region corresponds with the
melting point of lead.
(ii) The temperature rises uniformly from 320 C to 326 C. The
rate of temperature rise then slows, and the temperature
stops rising while the lead is melting. The added heat
does not raise the temperature of the lead but causes it to
change state. Once all the lead has melted (between 5 and
6 minutes), the temperature rises once more as the added
heat warms the melted lead.
(iii) The student is correct because the lead has a constant
(fixed) melting point that matches the literature data.
2.1 PRACTICAL Impure lead would not have a distinct melting point and any
ACTIVITIES impurities would reduce the melting point below 327 C. We
Investigating the would not expect a plateau region in the temperaturetime
physical properties graph if the sample were impure.
of elements

The study of chemistry is simplified by the use of symbols. Each element is identified by a unique
symbol that consists of one or two letters. The first letter is written in uppercase. If there is a second
letter, it is written in lowercase. The symbols chosen for elements are not always related to their
English names. The symbols for some elements are based on its Latin, Greek or German name. For
example, the symbol for gold is Au (from the Latin word aurum). Elements are often named after
mythological gods, countries, scientists, properties or astronomical objects. For example, gallium is
named after Gallia, the ancient name for France. Table 2.3 gives the origins of some element names.
Use the periodic table on the inside cover of this book to find other examples.

Table 2.3 Origins of some element names

Source of
Element Symbol element name Category

curium Cm Pierre and Marie Curie scientist

germanium Ge Germany country

helium He helios, Greek word for Sun astronomy

iodine I iodes, Greek word for violet property

thorium Th Thor (Norse god of war) mythology

Figure 2.4
Some elements are named
for their properties, such as
their colour (far right), while
others are named after famous
scientists, such as Marie and
Pierre Curie (above),
or figures in mythology, such
as Thor (right).


Classifying elements according to their
physical properties
The known elements may be classified conveniently into groups on the
basis of their physical properties. We will consider two of these groupings:
physical state, and metallic or non-metallic properties.

Physical state
Elements can be classified as solids, liquids or gases at standard temperature
and pressure (25 C and 100 kPa). The vast majority of elements are solids.
Two elements are liquids (bromine and mercury) and eleven are gases.
Table 2.4 lists the gases of the periodic table. Note that some gaseous
elements exist as diatomic molecules. These elements mainly occupy the
diatomic molecule: a molecule upper right corner of the periodic table.
consisting of two atoms
chemically bonded together Table 2.4 Gaseous elements
H2 He N2 O2 F2 Ne Cl2 Ar Kr Xe Rn

Heating and cooling can convert elements from one state to another.
For example, gallium, which has a melting point of 30 C, can be liquefied
by holding it in your hand. Other elements require much more heat to
melt them.

Sample problem 2.3 Elements A, B and C have the following melting (m.p.) and boiling
(b.p.) points.
Element A: m.p. = 71 C, b.p. = 62 C
Element B: m.p. = 39 C, b.p. = +357 C
Element C: m.p. = +2610 C, b.p. = +5560 C
Classify these elements as solid, liquid or gas at standard temperature
and pressure.
SolUTIoN Element A has both melting and boiling points below 25 C so it is a
gas at standard temperature and pressure. (This is the radioactive gas
Element B is a liquid at room temperature as its melting point is below
25 C but its boiling point is above 25 C. (This is the liquid metal
Element C is a solid at room temperature as both its melting
and boiling points are well above 25 C. (This is the heavy metal

Metals, non-metals and semi-metals

Another common way of classifying elements is to group them according
to their metallic or non-metallic properties. Elements that do not fit con-
lustrous: shiny veniently into either group are called semi-metals.
Chemists use a range of physical properties to classify elements into one
malleable: able to be shaped
without breaking by rolling, of these three groups. The most important of these properties are lustre,
hammering or pressing electrical conductivity and malleability. In general:
ductile: able to be drawn into metals are lustrous, malleable and ductile, and have a high electrical
wires without breaking
brittle: describes a substance
that shatters into fragments semi-metals have a low sheen, are moderately malleable and have semi-
when hammered conductor properties
non-metals are dull, brittle and non-conductors of electricity.

Table2.5 provides a summary of the physical properties of metals, semi-
metals and non-metals, and some representative examples. In the year
2007, 117 elements were known. Of these, 92 are classified as metals, 7 as
semi-metals and 18 as non-metals. (Note: At the time of writing, element
117 had not been synthesised. Element 118 was finally confirmed in 2006
following its discovery in 2002.)

Table 2.5 Physical properties of metals, semi-metals and non-metals

Group metals semi-metals non-metals

Appearance lustrous low sheen dull

Electrical conductivity high low nil

(semi-conductors) (insulators)

Thermal conductivity high high low


Malleability and ductility high moderate nil (brittle)

Density generally intermediate low


Boiling point generally very high low


Strength high variable low

Examples sodium, boron, hydrogen,

magnesium, silicon, helium,
iron, germanium, carbon,
chromium, arsenic, nitrogen,
zinc, antimony, oxygen,
platinum, tellurium, uorine,
gold, astatine neon,
mercury, phosphorus

Table2.6 compares some of the physical properties of a typical metal,

semi-metal and non-metal.

Table 2.6 Properties of a typical metal, semi-metal and non-metal

Element silver (metal) silicon sulfur

(semi-metal) (non-metal)

Lustre high moderately high low

Electrical 63 1 103 1 1021


Density (g/cm3) 10.5 2.3 2.1

2.2 DATA Melting point (C) 962 1410 113

Classifying elements Boiling point (C) 2212 3267 445


2.1 QUESTIONS (a) Identify the dependent variable in this
1. Select the element that is classified as a (b) Plot a line graph of this data.
semi-metal. (c) Identify the freezing point of this gallium
A Tungsten sample. Justify your answer.
B Fluorine (d) Identify the melting point of this gallium
C Xenon sample. Justify your answer.
D Boron (e) Chemical data books list the melting
point of pure gallium as 30 C. Is the
2. Select the element that is classified as a sample pure?
metal. (f) Use the periodic table to classify
A Tellurium gallium as a metal, semi-metal or non-
B Iridium metal.
C Silicon
D Germanium 6. Use the following data to classify each
element as a metal, semi-metal or
3. Use the melting (m.p.) and boiling (b.p.) non-metal.
points provided to classify the following (a) Element A is lustrous and silvery in
elements as solids, liquids or gases at 25 C appearance, and it has a high electrical
and 100 kPa. conductivity.
(a) Xenon (m.p.  112 C, b.p.  108 C) (b) Element B can be drawn into long, thin
(b) Iridium (m.p.  2450 C, b.p.  4500 C) wires.
(c) Caesium (m.p.  28 C, b.p.  669 C) (c) Element C has a low melting point
(d) Barium (m.p.  725 C, b.p.  1640 C) and shatters into tiny crystals when
4. The density of a sample of platinum was hammered.
determined by measuring the mass and (d) Element D has a very high melting
volume of the sample. The results of the point and is a semi-conductor of
experiment are: electricity
(e) Element E is a gas at standard
mass of sample (m)  155.65 g temperature and pressure.
volume of sample (V )  7.50 cm3 (f) Element F has a high thermal
(a) Calculate the density of the platinum conductivity and is highly malleable.
sample using this data. 7. Arsenic is a poisonous element; its symbol
(b) Chemical data books list the density is As. Arsenic oxide can be used to kill
of pure platinum as 21.4 g/cm3. Is the pests such as termites. Natural arsenic
sample of platinum pure? is an element that can exist in different
(c) Use the periodic table to identify the structural forms known as allotropes. The
symbol for platinum. yellow form of arsenic exists as a tetratomic
(d) Use the periodic table to classify molecule and is very volatile. It is unstable
platinum as a metal, semi-metal or at 25 C and gradually changes to the grey
non-metal. form. The grey form is lustrous, very brittle
5. A sample of gallium was put in a test tube and a good conductor of heat. The grey
and heated in a beaker of warm water. form is a poor electrical conductor while
A temperature probe connected to a data the yellow form is a non-conductor of
logger was placed in the melted gallium to electricity.
monitor its temperature. The tube of melted (a) Identify the properties of arsenic that are
gallium was put in a test-tube rack and similar to those of metals.
allowed to cool slowly. The data in (b) Explain why arsenic is classified as a
table 2.7 was collected as the gallium cooled. semi-metal.
Table 2.7
Time (min) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Temperature (C) 36 34 32 31 30 30 30 29 28 26

'#' 4(% 02/0%24)%3 !.$ 53%3
/& %,%-%.43
Chemical reactivity of elements
Before beginning this section, If you place a crystal of sodium in water, it reacts violently and generates
you should be able to: considerable quantities of heat. A similar crystal of gold does not react
identify internationally with water at all. These observations show that different elements have
recognised symbols for
common elements. different reactivities. Reactivity is a chemical property that is related to
Key content the electronic structure of the element. Some elements, such as potassium
By the end of this section, you and fluorine, are highly reactive while others, such as argon, are inert.
should be able to: u Unreactive elements can exist as free elements in nature.
explain the relationship
between the reactivity of an u Reactive elements combine with other substances in the environment to
element and the likelihood of form compounds.
it existing as an uncombined
element Metals such as caesium, potassium, calcium and magnesium are very
account for the uses of metals reactive elements. They readily combine with oxygen or water to form
and non-metals in terms of
their physical properties compounds. In contrast, gold is very unreactive and is sometimes called
plan and perform an a noble metal. Gold reacts with other chemicals only under extreme con-
investigation to examine some
uses of a range of common ditions. This explains why gold can be found as a free metal in the litho-
elements sphere. Such free metals are called native metals. Native iron is found as
analyse information from meteoric iron, but it is usually alloyed with nickel. Platinum, palladium,
secondary sources to
distinguish the physical osmium, rhodium, ruthenium and iridium are often found together as
properties of metals and metallic alloys.

alloy: a mixture of a metal with

one or more other elements
(these other elements are
usually metals)

Figure 2.5
Sodium is very reactive and must
be stored in the absence
of water and air.
Of the non-metals, fluorine and oxygen are the most reactive and
helium and neon are the least reactive. Helium and neon are examples of
noble gases. All the noble gases exist as free elements in nature.
Although oxygen is reactive and forms many compounds, it also exists
as a free element in the atmosphere due to the very low reactivity of nitro-
gen and argon gases. Other reactive elements can exist as free elements in


nature if they are in environments that protect them from reaction. Thus,
sulfur can be found in the lithosphere in vast subterranean ore bodies
because of its insolubility in water and its low reactivity with oxygen at low
temperatures. Table 2.8 lists the elements that can exist free in nature.

Table 2.8 Elements can exist free in nature or as alloys.

Exist separately as metals or as alloys with one another
Au Ag Hg Pt Pd Os Ir Rh Ru Fe

Exist separately as non-metals

He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn N2 O2 S C

Metals can be ranked according to their chemical reactivity with other

materials such as oxygen, water and acids. This list is referred to as the
activity series. Table 2.9 lists the common metals in decreasing order of

Table 2.9 Activity series of some common metals

Most active Least active
K Na Ca Mg Al Zn Fe Pb Cu Hg Ag Au

Uses of elements
The uses of elements are directly related to their physical and chemical
properties. For example, aluminium is a malleable metal that can be
readily formed into saucepans, window frames and thin foils for cooking.
Its high thermal conductivity allows rapid heat transfer to the food in
saucepans or through foil. Its high tensile strength and reduced tendency
to corrode makes it an excellent building material.
Table 2.10 lists some common elements and the properties that make
them useful in our society.

Table 2.10 Uses and properties of some elements

Element Use Property related to use

copper electrical wiring ductility; high electrical


iron structural building materials high tensile strength

Figure 2.6 zinc galvanising of iron high reactivity allows it to

Aluminium is a malleable metal. It can preferentially corrode and protect
be pressed and rolled the iron
into sheets.
gold ornaments, jewellery lustre; highly unreactive

argon atmosphere for welding and inert

2.3 DATA helium meteorological balloons low density
Properties and uses silicon computer chips, transistors semi-conductor
of elements

2.2 QUESTIONS 4. Titanium is used as a structural metal in
aircraft and spacecraft. Identify from the
1. Identify the metal that is used as a filament in following list of properties those that make
incandescent light bulbs. this metal useful for aircraft and spacecraft.
A Iron melting point = 1660 C;
B Magnesium boiling point = 3287 C
C Tungsten density = 4.50 g/cm3 (compared with
D Gold 7.86 g/cm3 for iron and 2.70 g/cm3 for
2. Identify the list that correctly places the metals
electrical conductivity = 2.3 MS/m
in increasing order of chemical reactivity.
(compared with 63 MS/m for silver)
A Iron, calcium, lead, gold
thermal conductivity = 22 J/s/m/K
B Silver, copper, iron, magnesium
(compared with 237 J/s/m/K for
C Copper, zinc, potassium, magnesium
D Potassium, zinc, iron, silver
high tensile strength
3. Tungsten is a very useful metal. It can be
obtained from the mineral wolframite, so is 5. Match the use of the indicated element in the
sometimes called wolfram, which provides first column of table 2.11 to a property in the
its symbol W. Wolframite is often found in second column.
combination with tin ores and, in the early
Table 2.11
days, this made the tungsten difficult to
isolate. Tungsten requires considerable heat Element and use Property
to melt; its melting point is 3410 C and
A. copper cooking pots 1. high electrical
boiling point is 5930 C. The metal was first conductivity
used as the filament in electric light bulbs in
1913. Tungsten is classified as a heavy metal, B. lead roof sheeting 2. low corrosion
along with gold and platinum. Its density is
C. carbon (graphite) 3. high thermal
19.3 g/cm3; it has high tensile strength; its electrodes conductivity
carbide is exceptionally hard.
D. gold jewellery 4. soft and malleable
Identify the properties of tungsten that make it
suitable for use as (a) laments in electric light E. chromium stainless 5. inert and lustrous
bulbs and (b) as a component of tool steel. steel sinks

Weblinks Elements are composed of small particles called atoms. Atoms can
form larger aggregates called molecules.
Elements cannot be physically separated or decomposed.
Elements can be classified as metals, semi-metals or non-metals
according to their physical properties. These properties determine
their use.
Metals are shiny and conduct electricity.
Non-metals are dull and are electrical insulators.
Semi-metals have some properties that are similar to metals and
others that are similar to non-metals.
Unreactive elements can exist as free elements in nature.
Reactive elements must be stored away from air or moisture.
Reactive elements combine with other substances in the
environment to form compounds.



PRACTICAL ( or lamp)



Aim DC power supply

02 V
To collect first-hand data on the physical properties
of some elements to classify them into groups Sample

Figure 2.7
Safety issues Circuit for testing electrical conductivity
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. 3. Density
Do not touch iodine crystals or breathe the
vapours; examine them in a sealed tube. (Note: Weigh samples in a dish or on filter
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method. (a) Some metal samples are available as 1 cm
cubes, so their volume is 1 cm3. Measure
Materials their mass on an electronic balance and
samples (granules, wires, sheets) of zinc, calculate their density.
magnesium, iron, copper, lead, tin, aluminium, (b) For solid samples that are irregular in shape,
sulfur (melted and allowed to cool into lumps), measure their mass on an electronic balance
red phosphorus, iodine, graphite (carbon) rods and their volume by displacement of water
1 cm cubes of various metals such as aluminium, in a small measuring cylinder. Dry the
zinc, iron, copper, lead and tin sample after use.
DC power supply 4. Malleability and hardness
light bulb on stand
(a) Use a ball hammer to determine whether
electrical leads/clips the solid samples deform or shatter when
ammeter struck. (Note: Iodine should be tested only
Petri dishes in a fume hood, using only one crystal.)
electronic balance (b) Identify which samples are ductile by
10 mL measuring cylinder finding out whether they are available
ball hammer as wires.
Method (c) Identify which samples are malleable by
finding out whether they are available
1. Appearance
as sheets.
For each element provided, describe its colour
and state whether it is lustrous or dull. Results and analysis
2. Electrical conductivity 1. Tabulate your collected data.
(a) Set up a simple electrical circuit as shown 2. Examine the data and classify the element
in figure 2.7 using a 12 V DC power supply samples as metals or non-metals. Construct a
and electrical meters or lamps. table to show your classification.
(b) Connect each element sample into the 3. Justify the classifications you made in 2.
circuit and measure the relative brightness 4. Rank the metals in order of decreasing density.
of the lamp (use a rating scale) or measure
the current on the ammeter/milliammeter). Conclusion
Record your observations in your logbook. Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.


1_61_04106_Chem1_02.indd 49 11/9/06 3:51:45 PM


1. Copy table 2.12 into your workbook.
DATA 2. Use the data in table 2.12 and the following rules
ANALYSIS to determine whether the selected elements are
solids, liquids or gases, and complete the last
column of the table.
Aim An element is a solid if its melting point is
greater than 25 C.
To use second-hand data to classify elements as:
u An element is a liquid if its melting point is less
(a) solids, liquids or gases than 25 C and its boiling point is greater than
(b) metals, non-metals or semi-metals 25 C.
u An element is a gas if its boiling point is less
Materials than 25 C.
2 copies of the periodic table 3. Hydrogen and nitrogen are gases; mercury is a
coloured pencils or highlighters liquid. All other elements, apart from those listed
in the table, are solids.
Part A: Solids, liquids and gases 4. Label a copy of the periodic table, Solids, liquids
Most elements are solids so we will process data for and gases.
only selected elements to determine whether they (a) Select a colour (such as green) to represent
are solids, liquids or gases. Table 2.12 provides the solids. Colour all the elements of the periodic
melting and boiling points of selected elements. table that are solids with this colour.
Table 2.12 (b) Choose a second colour (such as blue) for
liquids. Colour all the elements that are
Element Melting Boiling State (solid, liquids with this colour.
symbol point (C) point (C) liquid or gas)
(c) Choose a third colour (such as violet) for
He 272 269 gases. Colour all the elements that are gases
with this colour.
Li 180 1342
Part B: Metals, non-metals and
O 219 183
F 220 188 Most elements are metals and so we will process
data for only selected elements.
Ne 249 246
1. Use the following clues to classify and list these
S 113 445 elements as metals, non-metals or semi-metals.
Cl 101 34 All the gaseous elements listed in table 2.13 are
Ar 189 186 Six of the seven semi-metals have the following
atomic weights: 10.81, 28.09, 72.59, 74.92,
Se 217 685
121.75, 127.6.
Br 7 59 Element 85 is a semi-metal.
Bromine is a fuming, red-brown liquid.
Kr 157 152
Carbon is brittle in its graphite form and a
I 114 184 non-conductor in its diamond form.
2. Copy and complete table 2.13 in your workbook.
Xe 112 108 The elements listed in the table are metals
if their electrical conductivity is greater than
Rn 71 62
0.1 MS/m; otherwise they are non-metals.



Table 2.13
Element Electrical Metal or DATA
symbol conductivity (MS/m) non-metal ANALYSIS
P 1015
S 1021
Ga 3.9

Se 104 Table 2.14 lists some common elements and their

uses. Examine each of these and complete the table
I 1013 by selecting all of the following properties that are
Hg 1.0 related to each use.
(a) ductility
3. Apart from the elements mentioned in 1 and 2 (b) malleability
above, all other elements are metals.
(c) low reactivity
4. Label a copy of the periodic table, Metals,
non-metals and semi-metals. (d) low adherence to other materials such
as glass
(a) Select a colour (such as red) to represent
metals. Colour all the elements of the (e) high lustre and reflectivity
periodic table that are metals with this colour. (f) low melting point
(b) Choose a second colour (such as orange) for (g) high electrical conductivity
semi-metals. Colour all the elements that are (h) high density
semi-metals with this colour. (i) uniform expansion rate on heating
(c) Choose a third colour (such as yellow) for
non-metals. Colour all the elements that are Table 2.14
non-metals with this colour.
Properties related
General questions Element Use to use (a) (i)

1. Identify the location of gaseous elements in the silver mirrors

periodic table.
2. Identify the location of non-metallic elements in mercury thermometers
the periodic table.
tin plating of steel
3. Describe the location of semi-metals in the
periodic table in relation to the metals and
lead soldering
non-metals. (lead alloy)

lead sinkers
(for fishing)

aluminium high voltage

cables and wires

nickel coinage

chromium plating of steel

and copper

Compounds are formed when different elements react
chemically. This chemical interaction involves the outermost
electrons of the atoms of each element. To understand the
differences between chemical compounds, we must have a
sound understanding of the structure of the atom and the
way electrons behave.

In this chapter
3.1 The structure of the atom page 53
3.2 Ions and ionic bonding page 57
3.3 Molecules and covalent bonding page 65

Figure 3.1
Compounds of transition metals, such as copper and
chromium, are highly coloured.


(#& 4 ( % 3 4 2 5 # 4 5 2 % / & 4 ( % !4/ -
The particle nature of matter
Before beginning this section, In your junior science course, you learnt that matter is made up of
you should be able to: small particles that are in constant motion. The particles in solids are
describe features and location packed closely together and, even though their positions are fixed in the
of protons, neutrons and
electrons in the atom crystal, the individual particles can vibrate. The particles in liquids can
distinguish between elements, move about (or flow) because they are not locked into fixed positions.
using information about the
numbers of protons, neutrons The particles in gases are widely separated and move very much faster
and electrons than those in liquids. The rapid motion of gas particles allows them
describe an appropriate to spread out rapidly so that they eventually occupy the entire space of
model that has been
developed to describe atomic their container.
structure. Solids and liquids are often classified as condensed matter. The
Key content closeness of the particles makes solids and liquids almost incompressible.
By the end of this section, you Gases, however, are easy to compress as there is considerable free space
should be able to: between their particles.
identify that matter is made of Chemists have discovered that there are many different types of particles
particles that are continuously
moving and interacting that make up matter. These include:
describe qualitatively the atoms the smallest particles of an element that can take part in a
energy levels of electrons
in atoms chemical reaction
describe atoms in terms of molecules the smallest part of a pure substance that can exist separately.
mass number and atomic
number. Molecules are usually composed of two or more atoms chemically
bonded together, although the noble gases (including helium and
argon) are regarded as monatomic (single-atom) molecules.
ions charged atoms or charged molecules. Ions can be positively or
negatively charged.
These different types of particle will be investigated in later sections.

Figure 3.2
The three physical states of matter.
Solids have a definite shape and
volume; liquids have a definite volume
but an indefinite shape; and gases have
an indefinite shape and volume.

Atoms Molecules Ions

Sub-structure of atoms
Atoms are composed of three fundamental particles called protons, neutrons
and electrons. The simple Bohr model (1913) describes atoms in the
following terms:
The atom consists of a small central nucleus containing the protons and
neutrons. The nucleus represents about 99.95% by weight of the atom.
Figure 3.3
Three different types of particle: Its diameter, however, is very small (about 0.001 picometres) compared
atoms, molecules and ions with atomic diameters (about 100 pm).

Protons are positively charged particles and neutrons have no charge.
These particles have similar masses: mass of proton (mp) = 1.007 atomic
atomic mass unit (amu): mass units (amu); mass of neutron (mn) = 1.008 amu.
1 amu = 1.661 x 1027 kg
The atomic number (Z ) of an element is the number of protons in the
Atomic diameter The mass number (A) of an element is the total number of protons and
100 pm neutrons in the nucleus.
The electrons occupy stable energy levels around the nucleus.
Nuclear Positive nucleus The electrons occupy the greatest volume of the atom.
0.001 pm K shell Electrons are negatively charged particles.
L shell Electrons have a very small mass (me = 0.00055 amu)
M shell compared with protons and neutrons. They move so rapidly
Electron shells N shell that they are sometimes referred to as an electron cloud.
contain negative
The number of protons in neutral atoms equals the number
Figure 3.4 of electrons.
Sub-structure of the atom
Nuclear symbols
Each element has its own unique atomic number (Z ). This is the number
used to organise the elements in the periodic table.
Any element E can be represented by the following symbol:

where A is the atomic mass and Z is the atomic number. The number of
neutrons in any element can be determined by subtracting Z from A.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.1 For each of the elements listed below:

(i) represent each element using its nuclear symbol
(ii) calculate the number of neutrons present in the nucleus.
(a) Carbon-12 (Z = 6, A = 12)
(b) Oxygen-16 (Z = 8, A = 16)
(c) Sodium-23 (Z = 11, A = 23)

(a) (i) C (ii) neutrons = A Z = 12 6 = 6
(b) (i) 8 (ii) neutrons = 16 8 = 8
(c) (i) 11 Na (ii) neutrons = 23 11 = 12

Many elements have isotopic forms. These isotopes have slightly different
isotopes: atoms of an element masses due to differences in the number of neutrons present in the
that have different mass
numbers (A) due to the nucleus. For example, natural carbon consists of three isotopic forms:
presence of different numbers 2 3 4
6 , 6 , 6 . Carbon-12 is the most abundant (98.9%) of these forms.
of neutrons
Carbon-13 has one more neutron in its nucleus than carbon-12; carbon-14
has two more neutrons in its nucleus than carbon-12.

Electron energy levels

The Bohr model of the atom describes electrons existing in stable energy
levels at different radial distances from the nucleus. These energy levels
are often referred to as electron shells.


Table 3.1 shows the number of electrons associated with each electron
energy level. Each shell is designated with a shell number (n = 1, 2, 3 etc.)
and a shell symbol (K, L, M etc.). The lowest energy shell is the K shell. It
is the closest shell to the nucleus.
Table 3.1 Energy levels
Energy level (n) Energy level symbol Maximum population of electrons
1 K 2

2 L 8

3 M 18

4 N 32

5 O 50

The maximum number of electrons in each shell is determined by the

formula: 2n2 (where n = 1, 2, 3 etc.).
Electrons fill the lowest energy levels first. Thus, an atom with six
electrons (carbon) has two electrons in the K shell and the remaining
four electrons in the L shell.
The pattern of electrons in each shell is called the electron configuration.
The electron configurations of some representative elements are shown
in table 3.2 and figure 3.6. Using table 3.2, we can write the electron
configuration for sodium as 2, 8, 1, and for argon as 2, 8, 8.
Although the M shell can contain up to 18 electrons, it is not filled
until the element copper (2, 8, 18, 1). Thus, elements with atomic
numbers between 19 and 28 have incomplete M shells and one or two
electrons in the N shell. Table 3.2 shows the example for potassium
(Z = 19), calcium (Z = 20) and scandium (Z = 21).

N shell 32 electrons

M shell
18 electrons

L shell 8 electrons

Figure 3.5 K shell 2 electrons

Energy levels in the atom

(a) Lithium (Z = 3) (b) Chlorine (Z = 17) (c) Potassium (Z = 19)
Energy Energy Energy

N N N 1
M M 7 M 8

L 1 L 8 L 8

Figure 3.6
Electron configuration diagrams K 2 K 2 K 2

Table 3.2 Electron configurations for a representative set of elements

Z Element K shell L shell M shell N shell
1 hydrogen 1
2 helium 2
3 lithium 2 1
9 fluorine 2 7
10 neon 2 8
11 sodium 2 8 1
17 chlorine 2 8 7
18 argon 2 8 8
19 potassium 2 8 8 1
20 calcium 2 8 8 2
21 scandium 2 8 9 2

Noble gas configurations (stable octets)

The noble gases are the key to understanding the pattern of electron
configurations. These configurations are listed in table 3.3.

Table 3.3
Z Element Electron configuration
2 He 2
10 Ne 2, 8
18 Ar 2, 8, 8
36 Kr 2, 8, 18, 8
54 Xe 2, 8, 18, 18, 8
86 Rn 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8

Apart from helium, which has a filled K shell, the remaining noble gases
have eight electrons (an octet) in their outer shell.
It is apparent that an octet of electrons in the outer shell confers
stability to an atom. Noble gases are the most unreactive elements.
The outer shell of the atom is called the valence shell. Electrons in this
valence electrons: electrons that shell are called valence electrons.
occupy the outer (valence) shell In the next section, we will examine how other elements can achieve a
of an atom
stable octet in their valence shells.


3.1 QUESTIONS 4. Write the electron configurations of the
following elements.
(a) 5 B
1. Select the statement that correctly identifies
the nature of particles in a gas. (b) 74
A The particles are fixed in a lattice and can (c) 12 Mg
only vibrate. 2
(d) S 6
B The particles in a gas are far apart and in 9
rapid motion. (e) 9 K
C Gases are incompressible because their 5. Element X is represented by the nuclear
particles have only small free spaces symbol 284 X .
between them.
(a) Identify this element.
D Gases are always composed of diatomic
(b) Write the electron configuration for this
2. Select the correct statement concerning the (c) Identify the number of valence electrons
sub-structure of the atom. in the atoms of this element.
A Electrons have greater mass than protons (d) Another isotope of this element has one
or neutrons. more neutron. Write the nuclear symbol
B The diameter of a typical atom is about for this isotope using the correct symbol
100 000 times greater than the nuclear for this element.
6. An element Q has the electron configuration
C The mass number of an element is the
2, 8, 14, 2.
number of protons in the nucleus.
(a) What is the atomic number of this
D The nucleus is neutral as it contains equal
numbers of positive and negative particles.
(b) Use the periodic table to identify this
3. Copy and complete table 3.4 in your element.
workbook. You will need to refer to the (c) Classify this element as a metal,
periodic table in some cases. non-metal or semi-metal.
(d) An isotope of this element has 30
Table 3.4
neutrons in its nucleus.
Element Symbol Z A (i) Calculate the mass number of
of neutrons
this isotope.
sulfur (a) 16 32 (b)
(ii) Write this isotope using its nuclear
(c) I 53 127 (d) symbol and correct chemical
strontium (e) 38 (f) 50

(g) Hg (h) 200 120

(i) Rn 86 (j) 140

(#' )/.3 !.$ )/.)# "/.$).'

Ion formation and electron energy levels
Before beginning this section, In section 3.1, we saw that the most stable electron configurations are
you should be able to: the noble gas configurations. Other elements can achieve stable electron
identify that a new compound
is formed by rearranging atoms configurations by losing or gaining electrons. In so doing, they form ions.
rather than creating matter Stable ions have noble gas configurations.
classify compounds into groups
based on common chemical
characteristics Ions
construct word equations Neutral atoms contain equal numbers of positive protons and negative
from observations and written
descriptions of a range of electrons. Atoms can become charged; they are then called ions. Ions can
chemical reactions. be positively charged or negatively charged.

Cations are positively charged ions formed by atoms losing one or more
Key content electrons.
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: Example: Sodium loses one electron. Its ionic half-equation is
describe the formation of ions
in terms of atoms gaining or Na Na+ + e.
losing electrons
apply the periodic table to Anions are negatively charged ions formed by atoms gaining one or
predict the ions formed by
atoms of metals and non-metals more electrons.
apply Lewis electron dot Example: Chlorine gains one electron. Its ionic half-equation is
structures to the formation
of ions Cl + e Cl.
describe the formation of ionic
compounds in terms of the Metals tend to form positive ions. Non-metals tend to form negative
attraction of ions of opposite
charge ions.
construct formulae for
compounds formed from ions Ions and the valence shell
construct ionic equations
showing metal and non-metal Metals lose their valence shell electrons to achieve noble gas electron
atoms forming ions
apply systematic naming of configurations. Having lost these valence shell electrons a stable shell is
inorganic compounds as now exposed.
they are introduced in the
laboratory. Example: In each of the following cases,
the ion formed has the same electron
configuration as a neon atom.
Na Na+ + e
2, 8, 1 2, 8
Mg Mg2+ + 2e
2, 8, 2 2, 8
Al Al3+ + 3e
2, 8, 3 2, 8
Non-metals gain electrons
into their valence shell to achieve
a noble gas configuration.
Example: In each of the following
cases, the ion formed has the
same electron configuration as
an argon atom.
Cl + e Cl
2, 8, 7 2, 8, 8
S + 2e S2
2, 8, 6 2, 8, 8
P + 3e P3
2, 8, 5 2, 8, 8
The gain and loss of electrons
can be visualised using diagrams
known as Lewis electron dot
structures. These diagrams show
the arrangement of valence shell
electrons only; the inner shells are
not shown. Figure 3.8 shows some Figure 3.7
examples of Lewis electron dot The mineral fluorite contains the ionic
structures for elements gaining compound calcium fluoride, CaF2, as its main
component. Its beautiful crystals are often cubic
and losing electrons.
in shape and appear in a variety of colours.


K Br
] +
K ] Br

Potassium Bromine
loses gains Potassium Bromide
one electron. one electron. ion ion

Ba S
] Ba2+ ] S

Figure 3.8 Barium Sulfur

Lewis electron dot structures loses gains Barium Sulfide
(showing the outer shells only) two electrons. two electrons. ion ion

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.2 When a potassium atom (Z = 19) loses two electons, it forms an
ion. Use electron configurations to discuss the stability of the ion

SOLUTION Neutral potassium atoms have 19 positive protons and 19 negative

electrons. If two electrons are lost, the potassium ion has 19 protons
but only 17 electrons, so the ion has a +2 charge. The 17 electrons
occupy the energy levels to produce the configuration 2, 8, 7. This
is not a stable noble gas configuration so the K2+ ion formed is not

Ions and the periodic table

The horizontal rows of the periodic table are called periods. The vertical
columns of the periodic table are called groups. Elements within each
group have the same number of valence shell electrons.
Example: The members of group II have the following electron
Be 2, 2
Mg 2, 8, 2
Ca 2, 8, 8, 2
Sr 2, 8, 18, 8, 2
Ba 2, 8, 18, 18, 8, 2
Ra 2, 8, 18, 32, 18, 8, 2
All elements in group II are metals. They can achieve a noble gas
configuration by losing the two electrons in their valence shell. Thus, all
the stable cations of group II have a charge of +2. Therefore, stable cations
of group II include Be2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ and Ra2+.
There are both stable anions (N3 and P3) and cations (Sb3+ and Bi3+)
in group V. This occurs because the elements at the bottom of group V are
increasingly metallic and form cations rather than anions.
Table 3.5 shows some of the stable cations and anions of the main block
of the periodic table. The main block excludes the transition metals,
lanthanides and actinides of group II. Some elements do not form stable
simple ions so these are left blank in table 3.5. The noble gases do not
form ions as their atoms are stable.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.3 The first four members of group VII of the periodic table are
fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine.
(a) Use the periodic table to obtain their atomic numbers and write
the electron configuration of each of these four elements.
(b) Write the symbols for the most stable ions of this group. Justify
your answer.
(a) The atomic numbers are 9, 17, 35 and 53. The electron
SOLUTION configurations are:
F 2, 7
Cl 2, 8, 7
Br 2, 8, 18, 7
I 2, 8, 18, 18, 7.
(b) All elements of group VII have seven valence electrons. This is
one short of a stable octet. Thus, each atom needs to gain one
electron to form a stable ion with a noble gas configuration. The
stable anions are:
F 2, 8
Cl 2, 8, 8
Br 2, 8, 18, 8
I 2, 8, 18, 18, 8.

Table 3.5 Some of the common stable ions of the periodic table*
Li+ Be2+ N3 O2 F

Na+ Mg2+ Al3+ P3 S2 Cl

K+ Ca2+ Ga3+ Ge2+ Se2 Br

Rb+ Sr2+ In3+ Sn2+ Sb3+ Te2 I

Cs+ Ba2+ Tl+ Pb2+ Bi3+
Tl3+ Pb4+
*Elements that do not form stable simple ions are left blank.

Some generalisations can be made from table 3.5.

Hydrogen can lose an electron to form H+ or gain an electron to fill the
K shell and form H.
Metals from groups I, II and III form cations with a charge equal to their
group number.
Non-metals from groups V, VI and VII form anions with a charge equal
to their group number minus eight. For example, oxygen forms an ion
with a charge of 6 8 = 2.
Some non-metals and semi-metals do not tend to form simple ions.
Some heavy metals, such as lead, can form ions with more than one


Ionic bonds and ionic compounds
Cation and anion formation are usually linked. To form a cation, electrons
must be removed from a metal atom. This is achieved by non-metal atoms
accepting the electrons to form anions.
The cation and anion formed attract one another and form a compound.
The electrostatic attraction between a cation and an anion is called an ionic
bond. The compound formed is called an ionic compound.
1. Sodium chloride
Sodium atoms have one valence electron in their M shells. Chlorine atoms
have seven valence electrons in their M shells. When a sodium atom
reacts with a chlorine atom, an electron is transferred from the sodium
atom to the chlorine atom so that the ions formed have stable noble gas
configurations. Therefore,
Na + Cl Na+ + Cl Na+Cl
2, 8, 1 2, 8, 7 2, 8 2, 8, 8 sodium chloride
An ionic bond forms between the sodium ions and chloride ions.
The solid that forms is an ionic salt called sodium chloride. Its chemical
formula is NaCl. (It is not necessary to show the charges on the ions; this
is understood.) Figure 3.9a shows a Lewis electron dot structure of this

Na + Cl Na+ + Cl

Sodium atom Chlorine atom

has one electron has seven electrons
in the M shell. in the M shell.

Figure 3.9
(a) Lewis electron dot (b)
structure showing the
formation of sodium chloride
(showing the outer shells only)
(b) Sodium and chlorine bond to
make sodium chloride.
2. Magnesium oxide
Magnesium atoms have two valence electrons in their M shells. Oxygen
atoms have six valence electrons in their L shells. When a magnesium
atom reacts with an oxygen atom, two electrons are transferred from the
magnesium atom to the oxygen atom so that the ions formed have noble
gas configurations. Therefore,
Mg + O Mg2+ + O2 Mg2+O2
2, 8, 2 2, 6 2, 8 2, 8 magnesium oxide
The chemical formula for the ionic compound formed is MgO.
Figure 3.10 shows a Lewis electron dot structure of this reaction.

Mg + O Mg2+ + O2
Figure 3.10
Lewis electron dot structure
showing the formation of The magnesium ion The oxide ion
magnesium oxide (showing has a smaller radius has a larger radius
the outer shells only) than the magnesium atom. than the oxgen atom.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.4 The chemical formula of potassium sulfide is K2S. It is formed when
potassium atoms react with sulfur atoms.
(a) Use the periodic table to identify the atomic numbers of potassium
and sulfur.
(b) Write the electron configurations of these elements.
(c) Use symbols to write a balanced chemical equation to show how
many atoms of potassium react with one atom of sulfur. Justify your
answer by writing the electron configurations of the ions formed.
(d) Draw a Lewis electron dot structure for this chemical reaction and
for the ionic compound formed

SOLUTION (a) The atomic number of potassium is 19 and sulfur is 16.

(b) The electron configuration of K is 2,8,8,1.
The electron configuration of S is 2,8,6.
(c) Two potassium atoms are required to react with one sulfur atom
to form stable ions.
K + K + S K+ + K+ + S2 K2S
2, 8, 8, 1 2, 8, 8, 1 2, 8, 6 2, 8, 8 2, 8, 8 2, 8, 8 potassium

K + K + S K+ + K+ + S2

Potassium Sulfur atoms
atoms have one have six valance (b)
valance electron electrons in the ] ]
K+ S
in the N shell. M shell. 2

Figure 3.11 Lewis electron dot structures showing (a) the reaction between
potassium and sulfur and (b) potassium sulfide

Valency, formulae and nomenclature

The ability of an element to combine with other elements to form
compounds can be expressed by the term valency.
valency: the combining power of
an element written in terms of In the case of ionic compounds, the valency of each element is the
the number of hydrogen atoms number of electrons lost or gained by the reacting metal and non-metal.
(which have a valency of +1) Consequently, the valency of the element is equal to the charge on each
that it will combine with
ion. Valency is, therefore, related to the electron configuration and the
number of electrons in the valence shell. Because hydrogen has one
electron in its valence shell, its valency is 1. Other elements have valencies
equal to one, or whole number multiples of one. Table 3.6 lists the
valencies of some common metals and non-metals.


Table 3.6 Valencies of common metal ions and non-metal ions
+1 +2 +3 1 2 3

copper (I), Cu+ barium, Ba2+ aluminium, Al3+ bromide, Br oxide, O2 nitride, N3
hydrogen, H+ calcium, Ca2+ iron (III), Fe3+ chloride, Cl sulfide, S2 phosphide, P3
lithium, Li+ iron (II), Fe2+ fluoride, F
potassium, K+ lead (II), Pb2+ hydride, H
silver, Ag+ magnesium, iodide, I
sodium, Na+ Mg2+
tin (II), Sn2+

Chemical formulae
Table 3.6 showing valencies can be used to construct the chemical
formulae of ionic compounds. The following rule should be used:
The sum of positive and negative valencies of ionic compounds is zero.
1. Calcium fluoride
Valency of Ca2+ = +2
Valency of F = 1
To have a zero sum of valencies in calcium fluoride, there must be two
fluoride ions for each calcium ion. So,
(+2) + (1) + (1) = 0
Thus, the chemical formula is CaF2.
2. Silver sulfide
Valency of Ag+ = +1
Valency of S2 = 2
To have a zero sum of valencies in silver sulfide, there must be two silver
ions for each sulfide ion. So,
(+1) + (+1) + (2) = 0
Thus, the chemical formula is Ag2S.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.5 An ionic salt formed between aluminium and a non-metal X has the
formula Al2X3. Calculate the valency of element X.
Aluminium has a valency of +3. Let x be the valency of X. The sum
of the valencies is zero, so
2(+3) + 3(x) = 0
x = 2
So, the valency of X is 2.

Nomenclature of ionic compounds

The following naming rules apply to ionic compounds.
The cation is named first.
The anion is named second.
Where a metal can have several different valencies, a Roman numeral
binary compounds: compounds is used to indicate the valency in the name of the compound.
made up of only two elements
The -ide suffix for the non-metal is used in simple binary compounds.

1. BaH2 Cation: barium ion; anion: hydride ion; name: barium hydride
2. FeO Cation: iron (II) ion; anion: oxide ion; name: iron (II) oxide
3. Cu2S Cation: copper (I) ion; anion: sulfide ion; name: copper (I) sulfide
4. CuS Cation: copper (II) ion; anion: sulfide ion;
name: copper (II) sulfide

Polyatomic ions (radicals)

Many ionic compounds are composed of polyatomic ions rather than
simple ions. Polyatomic ions are charged molecules. Their names often
have the suffix -ate or -ite. Table 3.7 lists some common polyatomic ions
and their valencies.
Table 3.7 Valencies of common polyatomic ions
+1 1 2 3
ammonium, acetate, CH3 COO carbonate, CO32 phosphate,
NH4+ hydrogen carbonate, HCO3 chromate, CrO42 PO43
hydroxide, OH dichromate,
nitrate, NO3 Cr2O72
nitrite, NO2 sulfate, SO42
sulfite, SO32

Chemical formulae for compounds containing polyatomic ions are

constructed using the same valency rules.
1. Sodium chromate
Valency of sodium = +1
Valency of chromate = 2
To have a zero sum of valencies in sodium chromate, there must be two
sodium ions for each chromate ion. So,
(+1) + (+1) + (2) = 0
Thus, the chemical formula is Na2CrO4.
2. Ammonium phosphate
Valency of ammonium = +1
Valency of phosphate = 3
To have a zero sum of valencies in ammonium phosphate, there must
be three ammonium ions for each phosphate ion. So,
(+1) + (+1) + (+1) + (3) = 0
Thus, the chemical formula is (NH4)3PO4. (Note the use of brackets
in this case.)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.6 An ionic compound forms between barium ions and permanganate
ions. Its chemical formula is Ba(MnO4)2. Calculate the charge on the
permanganate ion and write the symbol for this ion.
SOLUTION The valency of barium ions = +2. Let the valency of the permanganate
ion equal x.
As the valencies sum to zero,
(+2) + 2x = 0
x = 1
Thus, the valency of the permanganate ion is 1 and the charge is
1. The symbol is MnO4


3.2 QUESTIONS 4. Draw Lewis electron dot structures for:
(a) potassium chloride
(b) barium oxide
1. Element M has the electron configuration (c) aluminium oxide.
2, 8, 8, 2. Element N has the electron
configuration 2, 8, 7. 5. Calculate the valency of the nominated
(a) Classify M as a metal or non-metal. element in each of the following ionic
(b) Classify N as a metal or non-metal. compounds.
(c) Determine the chemical formula for (a) X in X2S
the ionic compound formed between (b) Y in Na3Y
M and N. (c) Z in Z2(SO4)3
2. Use tables 3.6 and 3.7 to determine the 6. Discuss, in terms of electron configurations,
chemical formulae for the following ionic the stability of an ion that is formed when:
compounds. (a) an aluminium atom (Z = 13) loses two
(a) Silver sulfide electrons
(b) Barium iodide (b) a phosphorus atom (Z = 15) gains three
(c) Aluminium phosphide electrons.
(d) Magnesium nitride
(e) Ammonium nitrate 7. Write ion half-equations for each of the
(f) Calcium sulfite following processes.
(g) Sodium dichromate (a) A gallium atom loses three electrons.
(h) Iron (III) hydrogen carbonate (b) An iodine atom gains one electron.
(c) A lead atom loses two electrons.
3. Name the following ionic compounds.
(a) SrCl2 8. (a) Write electron configurations for the first
(b) AgI three elements of group I of the periodic
(c) Fe2S3 table.
(d) PbO2 (b) Explain how group I elements
(e) CaCr2O7 can achieve noble gas electron
(f) BaBr2 configurations.

(#( - / , % # 5 , % 3 ! . $ # /6! , % . 4
Types of molecules
Before beginning this section, Molecules have previously been defined as the smallest part of a
you should be able to: pure substance that can exist separately. Another way of saying this
identify that a new compound
is formed by rearranging is that molecules are particles that can move independently of one
atoms rather than creating another.
matter Some molecules are elements and some are compounds. Here are some
classify compounds into
groups based on common examples of molecules:
chemical characteristics
construct word equations monatomic molecules
from observations and helium atoms, He
written descriptions of a argon atoms, Ar
range of chemical reactions.
diatomic molecules
oxygen, O2
nitrogen, N2
hydrogen iodide, HI
carbon monoxide, CO

triatomic molecules
Key content ozone, O3
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: water, H2O
describe molecules as sulfur dioxide, SO2
particles that can move carbon dioxide, CO2
independently of each other
distinguish between molecules tetra-atomic molecules
containing one atom (the white phosphorus, P4
noble gases) and molecules
with more than one atom ammonia, NH3
describe the formation of When you examine the list of molecules above, you will observe that
covalent molecules in terms
of electron sharing they are composed of non-metals. Non-metal atoms can bond to other non-
apply Lewis electron dot metal atoms and achieve stable electronic arrangements. This is discussed
structures to the electron in the next section.
sharing in some simple
analyse information by
constructing or using models
Sharing electrons and covalent bonding
showing the structure of Non-metal atoms can achieve electron shell stability by sharing electron
metals, ionic compounds and pairs with other non-metals. Stable octets are achieved by this process.
covalent compounds
apply systematic naming of The sharing of electron pairs between neighbouring atoms is called a
inorganic compounds as covalent bond.
they are introduced in the
laboratory. There are three types of covalent bond:
single bond One electron pair is shared.
double bond Two electron pairs are shared.
triple bond Three electron pairs are shared.

Water Methane Oxygen Carbon dixode

Figure 3.13
Particle models of various molecules
1. Hydrogen molecules, H2
Each hydrogen atom has one electron in its valence shell. Rather than one
atom donating its electron to the other, the two atoms share the available
valence electrons to form a covalent bond. This covalent bond holds the
two atoms together strongly to form a stable diatomic molecule.


Figure 3.12 Shared pair (covalent bond)

White phosphorus is a very reactive Figure 3.14
non-metal. Each molecule contains Lewis electron dot structure of covalent bond formation in hydrogen molecules
four phosphorus atoms.
2. Hydrogen chloride molecules, HCl
Chlorine atoms have seven valence electrons. A stable octet could be
achieved by donation of an electron from a hydrogen atom to the chlorine
atom. This does not happen in the gaseous state. Rather each atom donates
an electron to form a shared pair. The hydrogen now has a stable K shell
and chlorine has a stable octet in the M shell.

H Cl H Cl

Figure 3.15
Lewis electron dot structure of covalent bond formation in hydrogen chloride molecules
(showing the outer shells only)


3. Carbon dioxide molecules, CO2
Carbon atoms have four valence electrons and oxygen atoms have six
valence electrons. Both oxygen atoms achieve stable octets by sharing two
electron pairs. A double covalent bond links each oxygen atom to the
central carbon atom.

Figure 3.16
Lewis electron dot structure of O C O O C O
covalent bond formation in carbon
dioxide molecules (showing the
outer shells only) Double covalent bonds

Structural formulae
Another way of showing the bonding arrangements in molecules is to draw
structural formulae. In structural formulae, the electron pair notation is
replaced by bond-line representation as follows:
single bond:
double bond: ==
triple bond:
Figure 3.17 shows examples of structural formulae of some common
Water Methane Oxygen Carbon dioxide

Figure 3.17 H C N N N
Structural formulae of some
molecules Hydrogen cyanide Nitrogen

Molecular compounds
Molecular compounds are often referred to as covalent molecular
compounds. This reinforces the idea that the bonding between atoms is
due to the sharing of electron pairs.

Covalency and formulae

The concept of valency in molecular compounds is defined in terms of
shared electron pairs. The covalency (or valency) of an element in a
molecular compound equals the number of electron pairs that are shared
to achieve a stable valence shell. Table 3.8 lists the valencies of some
common elements in molecular compounds.
Table 3.8 can be used to construct chemical formulae for molecular
compounds. The following rules should be used:
For simple binary molecular compounds, the sum of the valencies of one
element should match the sum of the valencies of the other element.
For molecular compounds composed of three elements, the sum of the
valencies of the first two elements should equal the total valency of the
third element.
In molecular formulae, the first element should have the lowest periodic
group number or be in a lower period (higher period number) if both

elements are from the same group. (Note: There are some exceptions to
this rule involving oxygen in molecular compounds with Cl, Br or I.)

Table 3.8 Valencies of non-metallic elements in molecular compounds

Non-metal Common covalency*

hydrogen, (H) 1

fluorine, F 1

chlorine, Cl 1 (3, 5, 7)

bromine, Br 1 (3, 5, 7)

iodine, I 1 (3, 5, 7)

oxygen, O 2

nitrogen, N 3, 5 (1, 2, 4)

phosphorus, P 3, 5

sulfur, S 2, 4, 6

carbon, C 4

*The values in brackets are less common valencies.

1. Nitrogen trichloride
N has a valency of 3 and chlorine has a valency of 1. Thus, three atoms
of chlorine are required so that the total valency of chlorine matches the
valency of nitrogen.
The chemical formula is NCl3. Note that nitrogen, which is in group V, is
written before chlorine, in group VII.
2. Bromine pentafluoride

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.7 Calculate the valency of the nominated element in each of the
following molecular compounds.
(a) N in N2O
(b) I in HIO4
(a) Oxygen has a valency of 2. Let the valency of each nitrogen atom
SOLUTION equal x.
Thus, 2x = 2
So, the valency of nitrogen in N2O is 1.
(b) Oxygen has a valency of 2 and hydrogen has a valency of 1. Let
the valency of iodine equal x.
Thus, 1 + x = 4  2
So, the valency of iodine in HIO4 is 7.


Br has a valency of 5 and fluorine has a valency of 1. Thus, five atoms of
fluorine are required so that the valency of bromine matches the total
valency of fluorine.
The chemical formula is BrF5. Note that bromine is a lower member of
group VII than fluorine and so is written first.

Nomenclature of molecular compounds

Table 3.9 lists the Greek prefixes commonly used to indicate the number
of each type of atom in the molecular compound.

Table 3.9 Greek prefixes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
mono di tri tetra pent hex hept oct non dec

The following naming rules apply to molecular compounds.

The non-metal with the lower group number is named first.(Note: There
are some exceptions to this rule, such as dichlorine heptoxide, Cl2O7.)
Use the Greek prefixes to specify the number of atoms of each element.
(The prefix mono is omitted in some cases.)
For simple binary compounds, the suffix -ide is used in place of the last
few letters of the second element.
1. N2O is dinitrogen oxide.
2. N2O4 is dinitrogen tetroxide.
3. CO is carbon monoxide.
4. SO3 is sulfur trioxide.
Some molecular compounds, however, are known by their common
name rather than their systematic names. Water is the best example of this.
3.1 DATA Table 3.10 shows some other examples of the use of common names.
Analysing crystal Table 3.10 Using common names
Molecular formula Name
H2O water

NH3 ammonia

CH4 methane

NO nitric oxide

N2O nitrous oxide

SAMPLE PROBLEM 3.8 Name the following molecular compounds.

(a) NO2
(b) PCl5
(a) The two atoms of oxygen are called dioxide. So, the name is
SOLUTION nitrogen dioxide.
(b) The five atoms of chlorine are called pentachloride (not
pentchloride). So, the name is phosphorus pentachloride.

When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction
terms (verbs) require you to do. Here is an example.

This instruction term requires you to provide characteristics and
features of substances, processes or concepts.
Describe the process of covalent bond formation between two
non-metals such as hydrogen and fluorine.
The hydrogen atom has one valence electron and the fluorine atom
has seven valence electrons.
lattice: the geometric Each atom donates one electron to form a shared pair between
arrangement of particles in a them. This shared electron pair is called a covalent bond.

3.3 QUESTIONS 5. Draw Lewis electron dot structures for each

of the following molecules.
1. Use table 3.8 to determine the chemical (a) Water
formulae for the following molecular (b) Ammonia
compounds. (c) Oxygen gas
(a) Hydrogen fluoride (d) Ethyne, C2H2
(b) Sulfur dichloride Extension
(c) Carbon tetrabromide
6. Figure 3.18
(d) Phosphorus triiodide F
shows the
(e) Iodine chloride Ca
unit cell of
2. Name the following molecular compounds. the crystal
(a) BrCl lattice of a
(b) PBr3 fluoride of Figure 3.18 Unit cell of
(c) NI3 calcium. a fluoride of calcium
(d) H2S (a) Classify calcium fluoride as ionic or
(e) H3P molecular.
3. Calculate the valency of the nominated (b) Use figure 3.18 and the following
element in each of the following molecular instructions to deduce the chemical
compounds. formula for this fluoride of calcium.
(a) S in SO3 Atoms/ions within the bulk of the unit
(b) I in HIO3 cell belong to that cell alone. Count the
(c) P in PCl5 number of these atoms/ions.
(d) N in HNO2 Atoms/ions at the corners are shared
(e) N in HNO3 by eight other unit cells. Count the
number of these atoms/ions and divide
4. Classify the following molecules according to by eight.
the number of atoms per molecule. Atoms/ions in the centre of each
ozone, ammonia, hydrogen fluoride, argon, face are shared by two cells. Count
sulfur dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, carbon the number of these atoms/ions and
monoxide, neon, hydrogen phosphide divide by two.
Present your classification in symbolic terms Determine the simplest ratio of calcium
in tabular format. to fluorine.


Weblinks Each element is composed of one or more of its own unique type
of atom.
Atoms are composed of smaller particles called electrons, protons
and neutrons.
Electrons are arranged in shells or energy levels around the
Revision 2 The nucleus contains protons and neutrons.
Compounds have fixed chemical compositions.
Ions are formed when atoms gain or lose electrons. Cations are
positive ions and anions are negative ions.
Lewis electron dot structures can be used to visualise ion
formation and electron sharing in molecules.
Revision 2 Answers Ionic compounds are formed when cations and anions combine
in fixed ratios. The attraction between oppositely charged ions is
called an ionic bond.
Molecular substances form when non-metal atoms bond to other
non-metal atoms by sharing electron pairs in a covalent bond.

Some elements exist as molecules in nature.

Valency rules help us construct formulae for compounds. Valency
can be related to the electron configuration of an atom.
A system of nomenclature is used to name each unique


Ionic crystals
DATA Figure 3.20 shows two different models of the
ANALYSIS crystal lattice of sodium chloride. One is a
ball-and-stick model and the other is a
ANALYSING CRYSTAL space-filling model.
STRUCTURES 1. Explain what the sticks in figure 3.20a
Chemists use different types of models to help
2. Identify the number of sodium ions that are
visualise the structure of materials. We have
immediate neighbours to each chloride ion in
already seen how Lewis electron dot structures
the bulk of the lattice.
can help us understand the arrangement of
valence electrons around each atom.
In the following examples, the models (a)
represent the arrangement of atoms, ions or Sodium ion (Na+)
molecules in the solid crystalline state. These Chloride ion (Cl)
structures are also called crystal lattices.
You will look at lattices in greater depth in
chapter 5 so you may elect to complete this
data analysis after studying that chapter.

Metallic crystals
Figure 3.19 shows models for the crystal lattice
structures of iron and zinc. Chloride ion (Cl)
1. Explain how each lattice shows that these
Sodium ion (Na+)
substances are elements.
2. Describe the lattice structure of each metal and
identify any major differences.

Figure 3.20 Sodium chloride lattice as a (a) ball-and-stick

Iron atoms model and (b) space-filling model
at corners
of the cube 3. Identify the number of chloride ions that are
Iron atom
at centre immediate neighbours to each sodium ion in
of the cube the bulk of the lattice.
4. State one advantage of the space-filling model
over the ball-and-stick model.
(b) Zinc atoms
at corners

Figure 3.19 Lattice structures of (a) iron and (b) zinc


Covalent molecular crystals
Covalent molecular crystals are investigated
more thoroughly in chapter 5. These lattices are
composed of molecules held together by weak
intermolecular forces. Figure 3.21 shows the unit
cell of the xenon difluoride lattice. A unit cell is
the simplest repeating unit of a crystal lattice. The
whole crystal is built up of such unit cells packed
together in three dimensions.



Figure 3.21 Xenon difluoride unit cell

1. Write the chemical formula for xenon

2. Explain why xenon difluoride is an unusual
3. Use the information below to explain how the
unit cell can be used to determine the chemical
formula of this compound.
Atoms within the bulk of the unit cell belong
to that cell alone.
Atoms at the corners are shared by eight unit
Atoms on the edges are shared by four unit

Chemists use different forms of energy to extract elements
from their compounds. In some cases, the chemical bonds
that bind the elements are not very strong so only
a small amount of energy is needed to separate the
elements. In other cases, where the bonding is strong,
considerable amounts of energy are required.

In this chapter
4.1 Physical and chemical change page
4.2 Energy and chemical change page

Figure 4.1
Iron 4.1 from iron ore in a furnace. Molten
is extracted
iron can be cast or
Iron is extracted fromconverted
iron oretoinsteel. Considerable
a furnace. Molten
energy is required for these chemical processes.
iron can be cast or converted to steel. Considerable
energy is required for these chemical processes.
)#& 0 ( 93 ) # ! , ! . $ # ( % - ) # ! ,
Remember Physical changes
Before beginning this section, you Chemists define a physical change as one that does not lead to the forma-
should be able to: tion of new chemical substances. In comparative terms, physical changes
relate change of state to the
motion of particles as energy is involve small energy changes. Where physical changes involve a change
removed or added of state, they can easily be reversed. Ice, for example, can be readily con-
identify when a chemical
reaction is taking place verted to liquid water by heating. Cooling will reverse the process and
by observing changes in turn the water back to ice. In this case, no new substances have formed.
temperature, the appearance Physical changes include:
of a new substance or the
disappearance of the original filtration: Muddy water can be easily separated into its two components
substance. by filtration (see figure 4.3). Mixing the separated components can
Key content readily reform the mixture.
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: evaporation and distillation: Salt can be recovered readily from salt water
identify the differences between by distillation. The evaporation and condensation processes are physical
physical and chemical change changes. Mixing the separated salt and water can readily reform the salt
in terms of rearrangement of
particles water.
summarise the differences cutting, hammering and rolling: Metals can be cut into pieces or rolled to
between the boiling and
electrolysis of water as an produce thin sheets. The processes of melting and solidification can
example of the difference rejoin the pieces.
between physical and chemical
change change of state: Melting and solidification, as well as evaporation and
gather information using first- condensation discussed above, are physical changes. Melted butter
hand or secondary sources
to observe the electrolysis of quickly turns back to solid butter when placed in the refrigerator. The
water, analyse the information sublimation of dry ice into gaseous carbon dioxide is also a physical
provided as evidence that water change.
is a compound, and identify an
application of the use of this Figure 4.4 shows particle diagrams illustrating the concept of a physical
reaction change.
analyse and present information
to model the boiling of water In some physical changes, chemical bonds are broken or formed to
and the electrolysis of water, achieve the change. For example, when copper is rolled, the metallic
tracing the movements of and bonds are broken and reformed. The formation of salt crystals when salt
changes in arrangements of
molecules water evaporates requires the formation of ionic bonds. In other cases,
gather and present information there are only weak physical forces between molecules. For example, when
from first-hand or secondary
sources to write equations to water solidifies, the water particles are held in the crystal lattice by physical
represent chemical reactions. forces of attraction. These intermolecular forces will be investigated in
chapters 1114.

sublimation: the process of a solid

turning directly into a vapour
without the formation of the
liquid state. For example, iodine
crystals sublime to form purple
iodine vapour on heating.
intermolecular forces: weak
attractive forces between all
types of matter. These forces are
weaker than chemical bonds.

Figure 4.2
The melting of ice to form water is
an example of a physical change.
It involves a change of state that
can easily be reversed.


(a) (b)



Figure 4.3
Filtration is a physical process.
(a) The mud in muddy water is
separated from the water. 3OLID PARTICLES 0ARTICLES
(b) The larger particles of mud do ONLY VIBRATE MOVE ABOUT
not pass through the pores of the
filter, but the smaller particles do.

Figure 4.4
Particle diagram showing
physical change

Chemical changes
Chemical changes form new chemical substances. This process requires
breaking and reforming chemical bonds. Significantly more energy is
required for chemical changes than for physical changes. Also, reversal of
chemical change may be quite difficult. A burning match is an example
of a chemical change that cannot be reversed. Figure 4.5 illustrates some
chemical changes using particle diagrams.

Figure 4.5
A burning match is an example
of a chemical change that cannot
be reversed.


Reaction of lead oxide with carbon Some examples of chemical changes include:
extracting a metal from a mineral: Iron metal
+ Heat + can be extracted from iron (III) oxide in a
Lead oxide Carbon Lead Carbon blast furnace. The iron mineral is mixed with
monoxide carbon (coke) and heated to high tempera-
tures in a blast of air. The carbon undergoes a
chemical change in air to form carbon mon-
oxide, and heat energy is released. The car-
Reaction of hydrogen and iodine bon monoxide combines with the iron (III)
oxide to produce molten iron and carbon
+ Heat + dioxide. The overall chemical change is sum-
Hydrogen Iodine Hydrogen iodide marised by the following word and balanced
chemical equations.
Figure 4.6
Particle diagrams of chemical change iron (III) oxide + carbon monoxide iron + carbon dioxide
Fe2O3(s) + 3CO(g) 2Fe(l) + 3CO2(g)
coke: the black solid formed
following distillation of coal. Coke
is composed mainly of carbon.

4.1 PRACTICAL dissolving a metal in an acid:

Magnesium metal is an active
Investigating metal that reacts rapidly with
the electrolysis dilute hydrochloric acid to pro-
of water
duce hydrogen gas and a solu-
tion containing magnesium
4.4 DATA chloride. Heat is released in this
ANALYSIS reaction. The overall chemical
Boiling and
change is summarised by the
water following word and balanced
chemical equations.
Figure 4.7

magnesium + hydrochloric acid magnesium chloride solution + hydrogen gas

Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
electrolysis of water: Water is not a good conductor of electricity but it can
electrolysis: the decomposition of
a chemical substance (in solution be made conductive by adding a little dilute sulfuric acid. If the acidi-
or the molten state) by the fied water is then electrolysed, it breaks down to form hydrogen and
application of electrical energy oxygen gases. The electrolysis causes a chemical change. Mixing the
hydrogen and oxygen gases together will not produce water unless the
mixture is ignited with a spark or flame.


The following information summarises the steps involved in writing
a balanced chemical equation.
1. Reactants are the chemicals that are allowed to 3. Word equation:
react. Write them on the left-hand side of the methane + oxygen carbon dioxide + water
4. Write the correct formula for each substance.
2. Products are the chemicals produced in the (Remember: CH4 is a compound containing one
reaction. Write them on the right-hand side carbon atom and four hydrogen atoms.)
of the arrow.
CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2O
3. Write the word equation for the reaction.
5. Check for atom conservation (number of atoms
4. Use the valency rules to write the chemical of each element).
formula under each reactant and product. Reactants: C = 1; H = 4; O = 2
5. Check each side of the equation for atom Products: C = 1; H = 2; O = 3
conservation. Therefore, atoms numbers do not balance.
6. If the atoms are unbalanced, place coefficients 6. Insert coefficients to balance the atoms; for
in front of each formula so that they are example, the 2 in front of H2O represents two
balanced. Re-check that the atoms are now molecules of water.
CH4 + 2O2 CO2 + 2H2O
7. Use standard abbreviations to write the physical
state next to each reactant and product: 7. Re-check atom balance.
(s) = solid; (l) = liquid; (g) = gas; Reactants: C = 1; H = 4; O = 4
(aq) = aqueous or dissolved in water. Products: C = 1; H = 4; O = 4
Atom balance has been achieved. The equation
Combustion of methane
is balanced.
1. Reactants: methane gas, oxygen gas
8. Insert physical states.
2. Products: carbon dioxide gas, liquid water CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

4.1 QUESTIONS This liquid was collected and its physical

properties tested and compared with the
1. Classify the following processes as physical or original water sample. They were found to be
chemical changes. identical. Jessica took a further sample
(a) Melting lead of liquid water and electrolysed it at platinum
(b) Pulling copper to form long wires electrodes. A colourless gas evolved at the
(c) Caramelising sugar by heating positive electrode. This gas was observed
(d) Combustion of candle wax to make a flame burn more brightly. At
(e) Centrifuging whole blood the negative electrode, a colourless gas was
formed that burnt explosively in air when
2. Jessica poured 50 mL of water into a beaker ignited.
and heated it with a Bunsen burner flame. (a) State the conclusions that can be made
She noticed bubbles of a colourless gas about water from the heating evidence
rising through the water as it heated. On alone.
reaching boiling point, the water formed a (b) Jessica wondered whether her
colourless vapour. When a cold clock glass observations could be used to conclude
was held above the beaker, the water vapour that water was an element. Would she be
condensed into a clear, colourless liquid. justified in such a conclusion?


3. Iron is grey in colour. Sulfur is yellow. Both (c) silver carbonate (solid)
are chemical elements. Bert placed powdered silver + carbon dioxide gas + oxygen gas
samples of iron and sulfur in a mortar and (d) aluminium + oxygen gas
ground them together for several minutes until aluminium oxide (solid)
the colour was uniform. A magnet was then (e) sodium (solid) + chlorine gas
held above the mortar and Bert observed that sodium chloride (solid)
the iron particles clung to the magnet leaving
5. Figure 4.8 shows a particle diagram of the
the yellow powder at the bottom of the mortar.
interaction between sulfur and oxygen gas.
(a) Classify the magnetic separation as a Explain whether the process is a chemical
physical or chemical change. Explain change or physical change.
your classification.
(b) Explain whether or not a new chemical Oxygen
substance was formed after the two Sulfur
powders were ground together.
4. Write balanced chemical equations for each Heat
of the following word equations.
(a) iron (II) oxide (s) + carbon monoxide (g)
iron (molten) + carbon dioxide (g)
(b) potassium (solid) + oxygen gas Figure 4.8 Particle diagram of an interaction between
potassium oxide (solid) sulfur and oxygen

)#' %.%2'9 !.$ #(%-)#!,

Remember Decomposition and synthesis
Before beginning this section, you Various forms of energy can be used to decompose chemical compounds
should be able to: or to synthesise compounds from elements of other compounds. In this
qualitatively describe reactants
and products in decomposition section, we will examine some common examples of decomposition and
reactions synthesis reactions.
identify that a new compound
is formed by rearranging atoms
rather than creating matter. Decomposition reactions
Various forms of energy, including heat, light and electricity, can be used
to decompose compounds. Here are some everyday examples of decom-
position reactions:
decomposition: the process of
breaking a compound down Heat energy is used in our industrialised society to decompose minerals
into its component elements or to produce metals in smelters.
simpler compounds
synthesis: the formation of a In nature, ultraviolet light energy decomposes ozone molecules into
compound from its elements or oxygen gas and oxygen radicals. This process is important in preventing
a more complex compound from
simpler compounds most high-energy UV rays reaching the Earths surface.
Lightning initiates decomposition reactions in the atmosphere by pro-
viding electrical energy to various gas molecules.
Airbags in cars contain the chemical sodium azide, which decomposes
by detonation to produce a large volume of nitrogen gas to inflate the
airbag during a crash.
Here are some examples of decomposition reactions that can be
performed in a laboratory.


Key content
By the end of this section, you 1. Thermal decomposition of gold oxide
should be able to: When a sample of brown gold (III) oxide is heated over a Bunsen burner
identify light, heat and
electricity as the common flame in a test tube, it readily decomposes to produce a sample of lustrous
forms of energy that may be gold. The oxygen is evolved as oxygen gas.
released or absorbed during
the decomposition or synthesis gold (III) oxide gold + oxygen gas
of substances, and identify
examples of these changes 2Au2O3(s) 4Au(s) + 3O2(g)
occurring in everyday life
explain that the amount of 2. Light decomposition (photolysis) of silver bromide
energy needed to separate Silver bromide is decomposed by light in the ultraviolet part of the
atoms in a compound is an spectrum. The white crystals darken as black grains of silver metal form.
indication of the strength of
the attraction, or bond, Bromine vapour is released in the process.
between them
plan and safely perform a first- silver bromide silver + bromine vapour
hand investigation to show the 2AgBr(s) 2Ag(s) + Br2(g)
decomposition of a carbonate
by heat, using appropriate tests 3. Electrolytic decomposition of molten lead (II) bromide
to identify carbon dioxide and
the oxide as the products of Lead (II) bromide crystals melt at a relatively low temperature (373 C)
the reaction to form a clear, colourless liquid. The liquid is heated to 400 C and
gather information using first-
hand or secondary sources electrolysed using inert electrodes; air is removed from the apparatus during
to observe the effect of light electrolysis to prevent any other reactions. A brown vapour of bromine is
on silver salts and identify an evolved at the positive electrode and silvery globules of lead form at the
application of the use of this
reaction. surface of the negative electrode and sink to the bottom of the vessel.
lead (II) bromide (liquid) lead (liquid) + bromine vapour
PbBr2(l) Pb(l) + Br2(g)
Thermal DC power supply
of magnesium

4.5 DATA Air remov

via pump
Investigating the
purity of limestone Molten lead (II)
by thermal bromide Inert
decomposition electrodes

Figure 4.9
Electric heating mantle Electrolysis of lead (II) bromide

Synthesis reactions
Many chemical compounds can be readily synthesised from their ele-
ments in a laboratory. Heat energy is the normal form of energy used
to initiate synthesis reactions, although some are initiated by light and
electrical energy.
Here are some everyday examples of synthesis reactions:
Figure 4.10
u Lightning can supply sufficient energy to nitrogen and oxygen mol-
Decomposition of sodium azide ecules in the atmosphere to initiate synthesis of nitric oxide. A similar
produces nitrogen gas, which inflates process occurs in a cars engine, where the spark causes nitrogen and
a cars airbag. oxygen molecules to combine.


u Rust is an oxide of iron that forms when iron structures are exposed to
oxygen in the air.
u The ammonia industry synthesises ammonia directly by combining
nitrogen and hydrogen gases at high temperatures and pressures over a
Here are some more examples of synthesis reactions.

1. Synthesis of iron (III) chloride using heat energy
Iron wool can be heated briefly in a Bunsen flame and then placed in
a gas jar of chlorine gas. The jar rapidly becomes filled with brown iron
(III) chloride smoke. Moisture in the jar causes the iron (III) chloride to
dissolve rapidly to form deep brown droplets.
iron + chlorine gas iron (III) chloride
2Fe(s) + 3Cl2(g) 2FeCl3(s)
2. Synthesis of hydrogen chloride using light
4.3 PRACTICAL Hydrogen gas combines explosively with chlorine gas when the reaction
ACTIVITIES mixture is exposed to light. The light provides the necessary energy to
break the chemical bonds of the chlorine molecule. (Note: This reaction
The effect of light should not be performed in the school laboratory.)
on silver halides
hydrogen gas + chlorine gas hydrogen chloride gas
H2(g) + Cl2(g) 2HCl(g)

Bond energies
The amount of heat necessary to separate atoms in a compound is a
measure of the strength of the attractive or bonding forces between oppo-
sitely charged ions in ionic compounds, or between atoms in covalent

Ionic bonds
To understand the different strengths of ionic bonds, we can compare the
energy required to decompose some ionic oxides to produce 1 kg of the
metal. Table 4.1 shows that more energy is required to extract magnesium
from its oxide than zinc or silver. We can conclude that the ionic bonds
between magnesium ions and oxide ions are much stronger than those
between oxide ions and either silver or zinc ions.

Table 4.1 Energy required to decompose ionic compounds

Energy required
to produce 1 kg
Metal produced Compound decomposed of metal (kJ)

silver silver oxide, Ag2O 144

zinc zinc oxide, ZnO 5 323

magnesium magnesium oxide, MgO 24 774

Covalent bonds
Table 4.2 compares the average bond energies of covalently bonded
atoms. It shows that multiple covalent bonds are stronger than single


covalent bonds. Thus, molecules such as nitrogen and carbon dioxide are
quite thermally stable. In the atmosphere, nitrogen gas is essentially inert.
Humans breathe in air but do not use the nitrogen so breathe it out again.
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are some of the few organisms on Earth that can
use nitrogen directly. The high energy of a lightning flash can also break
the bond between nitrogen atoms.

Table 4.2 Average bond energies of some covalent bonds

Bond energy Compound in which

Covalent bond ( 1019J/bond) bond is located

OH 7.7 water

HH 7.2 hydrogen gas

O==O 8.3 oxygen gas

C==O 13.3 carbon dioxide

NxxN 15.7 nitrogen gas

4.2 QUESTIONS 3. A common synthesis reaction that occurs in

the atmosphere during lightning storms is
1. When a photographic film is exposed to light the reaction between nitrogen and oxygen.
it darkens. This darkening happens because Select the balanced equation that correctly
A light decomposes the silver nitrate in the identifies the reaction that occurs.
emulsion. A N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)
B silver atoms are formed as silver ions B N2(g) + O2(g) NO2(g)
accept electrons ejected from bromide C N(g) + O(g) NO(g)
ions. D N(g) + 2O(g) NO2(g)
C bromine atoms lose electrons to form
4. A sample of blue-green copper (II)
bromide ions.
carbonate is heated strongly. It turns black
D light photons cause an electron to be
and a colourless gas is evolved. The gas is
transferred from a silver ion to a bromide
passed into a beaker of clear limewater. The
limewater goes milky white in colour.
2. White magnesium carbonate thermally (a) Use the result of the limewater test to
decomposes to form white magnesium oxide identify the gas evolved.
and carbon dioxide gas. A student performs (b) Predict the chemical formula of the black
this experiment in the school laboratory. product of the decomposition reaction
Select the statement that is true about this by writing a balanced chemical equation
experiment. for the thermal decomposition reaction.
A There is a colour change as the (c) A 10.00 g sample of the blue-green
magnesium carbonate is heated. powder was heated so that it decomposed
B The pop test can be used to identify completely. The mass of the remaining
carbon dioxide as the gaseous product of black powder was 6.44 g. Calculate
the reaction. the percentage loss in weight during
C Complete decomposition has occurred decomposition of the copper (II)
if the final white solid product does not carbonate.
effervesce when treated with drops of
hydrochloric acid. 5. Luigi heated a sample of sodium in a Bunsen
D Magnesium oxide will decompose to flame until it melted and started to burn.
magnesium and oxygen if the material is He placed the burning sodium in a gas jar
heated for too long. of chlorine. The sodium burnt with a bright
yellow flame and clouds of a white, crystalline
smoke were formed.


(a) State whether energy was released or reaction. Use table 4.3 to compare the
absorbed in this reaction. masses of zinc and magnesium that are
(b) Identify the white, crystalline substance formed, assuming that there is no energy
that was synthesised in this reaction. wastage.
(c) Luigi collected the white substance and (b) Identify the more stable sulfide. Justify
heated it in a crucible until it melted. your response.
He inserted electrodes into it and passed
7. Energy is supplied to break the covalent
an electric current through the melted
OH bonds in 10 000 gaseous water
material. A silvery substance appeared
molecules. Use table 4.2 to answer the
at the negative electrode and a gas was
following questions.
released at the positive electrode.
(a) Identify the number of OH bonds in
(i) State whether energy was released or
each water molecule.
absorbed in this electrolysis.
(b) Assuming no energy wastage, calculate
(ii) Identify the new substances produced
the total amount of energy required.
at each electrode.
(c) Identify the products of this
6. (a) Zinc sulfide and magnesium sulfide are decomposition reaction.
decomposed to form their elements, (d) Explain why these products readily
using 10 000 kJ of energy in each recombine to form water.

Table 4.3
Energy required to produce
Metal produced Compound decomposed 1 kg of metal (kJ)

zinc zinc sulde, ZnS 3 151

magnesium magnesium sulde, MgS 14 280

Weblinks Compounds are pure substances with fixed chemical compositions.
Physical changes do not lead to the formation of new substances.
A chemical change leads to the formation of new substances.
Compounds can be separated into their component elements
by chemical separation techniques. Energy is required for this
Heat, light and electricity are common forms of energy used to
decompose compounds into their component elements or to
produce simpler compounds.
Heat (and sometimes light) is released during the synthesis of
compounds from their elements.
The strength of bonds between atoms or ions can be estimated
from the energy needed to decompose a compound into its
component elements.





To use a voltameter to electrolyse acidified water Acidified
Safety issues
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. Platinum
Ensure that water and chemicals do not come electrodes
into contact with electrical wiring.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
hydrogen voltameter with platinum electrodes +
DC power pack DC power supply
leads and alligator clips Figure 4.11 Electrolysis of water in a voltameter
retort stand and clamps
test-tube rack 6. Observe the electrolysis and record your
2 medium test tubes observations in your workbook.
2 rubber stoppers 7. Adjust to a higher voltage and observe the
wooden splint rate of electrolysis.
wax taper 8. Continue the electrolysis until one arm is
matches filled with gas. Note whether this is the tube
containing the positive or negative electrode.
200 mL water acidified with 50 mL of 2 mol/L
Turn off the current.
sulfuric acid
9. Collect the gases in separate labelled test
Method tubes. Place a test tube over the end of one
1. Ensure that your safety glasses are on. arm of the voltameter and slowly open the
2. Assemble the apparatus as shown in tap to expel the gas. Stopper the tube and
figure 4.11. Note which electrodes are place it in the test-tube rack. Repeat with the
connected to the positive and negative other arm.
terminals of the DC power pack. 10. Invert the test tube containing gas from the
3. With the taps open, fill the arms of the positive electrode and test it with a glowing
voltameter with acidified water. Close the wooden splint. Record your observations.
taps. Add some more acidified water to the A positive test indicates oxygen.
reservoir. 11. Invert the test tube containing gas from
4. Connect the leads to the voltameter using the positive electrode and test it with a
alligator clips. lighted wax taper. Record your observations.
5. Turn on the current and adjust the voltage A positive test indicates hydrogen.
to 46 V. 12. Clean up and return all equipment.


1_61_04106_Chem1_04.indd 84 12/9/06 8:37:22 AM


Results and analysis PRACTICAL
1. Construct a suitable table and tabulate your ACTIVITIES
2. Compare the volumes of gases collected at the
two electrodes.
3. Identify the gases in each tube on the basis of OF MAGNESIUM CARBONATE
the tests performed.
4. Describe how the rate of electrolysis changed Aim
as the voltage increased.
To investigate the thermal decomposition of
5. Summarise the evidence that electrolysis magnesium carbonate
is a chemical change and that water is a
compound. Safety issues
6. Gather and process second-hand data to Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
identify a practical use for the electrolysis
Take care not to touch the hot tube.
of water.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
Conclusion experiment by reading the method.
Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.
5 large test tubes
rubber stopper with glass delivery tube
(see figure 4.12)
bosshead, clamp and stand
Bunsen burner
2 Petri dishes
powdered magnesium carbonate
1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
phenolphthalein indicator
Ensure that your safety glasses are on.
Part A
1. Place a scoop of magnesium carbonate in one
test tube and half-fill another test tube with
limewater. Set up the apparatus as shown in
figure 4.12.
2. Heat the magnesium carbonate gently at first
and then strongly using a blue Bunsen flame.
Allow the gas evolved to bubble into the tube
of limewater and observe any changes. After
several minutes, and while still heating the
magnesium carbonate, remove the tube of


limewater and place it in a test-tube rack. This Results and analysis
stops limewater entering the hot tube, due to 1. Record all your observations in a suitable
pressure differences when heating ceases, and format.
causing the tube to break.
2. The following word equation describes the
3. Continue to heat the magnesium carbonate thermal decomposition reaction:
for about another 10 minutes. Turn off magnesium carbonate
the Bunsen burner and allow the tube and magnesium oxide + carbon dioxide
contents to cool.
(a) Describe the experimental evidence that
carbon dioxide was formed on heating the
magnesium carbonate.
(b) Magnesium carbonate is a weak base in
water. Magnesium oxide is a stronger
Carbon dioxide base than magnesium carbonate.
evolved Phenolphthalein is pale pink in weakly
basic solutions and deeper pink or
crimson in solutions that are more basic.
Describe the experimental evidence that
Magnesium magnesium oxide was produced in the
carbonate reaction.
powder (c) Use your observations from the
experiment with hydrochloric acid to
explain whether or not your sample
of magnesium carbonate completely
Retort stand
decomposed on heating. Justify your
Bunsen burner response.
(d) Write a symbolic equation for the
turns white as decomposition reaction.
carbon dioxide 3. When hydrochloric acid reacts with
reacts. magnesium carbonate, there is a rapid
Figure 4.12 Thermal decomposition apparatus effervescence as carbon dioxide is evolved.
The word equation is:
Part B magnesium carbonate + hydrochloric acid
1. When the heated tube from part A is cold, put magnesium chloride + water + carbon dioxide
a sample of the heated white powder in a Petri Write a balanced symbol equation for this
dish. reaction.
2. Put a small amount of unheated magnesium
carbonate in another Petri dish. Conclusion
3. Add drops of 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid to Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.
each dish. Record your observations and note
any differences in the rate of fizzing.
4. Put a small amount of unheated magnesium
carbonate in a clean test tube and a small
amount of the heated solid in another. Add
about 2 mL of water to each tube and mix.
Add 4 drops of phenolphthalein indicator
to each tube and note the differences in
the colour of the indicator. Record all your



4.3 PRACTICAL Safety issues

ACTIVITIES Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Do not look at the bulb in the UV lamp.
THE EFFECT OF LIGHT Do not allow silver salts to contact your skin.
ON SILVER HALIDE SALTS Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.

Aim Materials
3 small Petri dishes
To investigate the effect of sunlight and UV light
on silver salts and to identify an application of this 3 glass rods
reaction ultraviolet lamp
0.1 mol/L silver nitrate in dropper bottle
Background 0.1 mol/L sodium chloride in dropper bottle
In this experiment, you will make silver halide
0.1 mol/L sodium bromide in dropper bottle
salts by precipitation from silver nitrate solution.
The silver halides are silver chloride, silver 0.1 mol/L sodium iodide in dropper bottle
bromide and silver iodide. Method
1. Ensure that your safety glasses are on.
2. Work in groups for this investigation. One
group will investigate the effect of sunlight on
the silver salts; a second group will investigate
the effect of ultraviolet (UV) light on these
salts; a third group will place the dishes in a
dark cupboard.
3. Label three Petri dishes 1, 2 and 3. Put
20 drops of silver nitrate solution in each dish.
4. Add 20 drops of sodium chloride solution to
dish 1 and mix with a stirring rod. Observe the
reaction and record your observations.
5. Add 20 drops of sodium bromide solution to
dish 2 and mix with a stirring rod. Observe the
reaction and record your observations.
6. Add 20 drops of sodium iodide solution to
dish 3 and mix with a stirring rod. Observe the
reaction and record your observations.
7. One group will expose the precipitates in
dishes 1, 2 and 3 to sunlight (e.g. near a
window) for about 510 minutes. The second
group will use the ultraviolet lamp to expose
each dish in turn to UV light for the same
Figure 4.13 Some silver salts decompose under UV light.
amount of time. The third group will place the
These three samples of silver chloride were placed in Petri
dishes. One sample (top) is being irradiated with UV light.
dishes in the dark as a control. Compare and
The samples at front are the control (left) and one that has record all results.
previously been exposed to UV (right). The latter has turned 8. Clean up and return all equipment.
grey due to the formation of metallic silver.



Results and analysis
1. Construct a table to record your observations. DATA BOILING AND
Complete the table. ANALYSIS
2. Compare the effects of sunlight and UV light BOILING AND ELECTROLYSING
on each silver salt explaining any differences.
3. Explain the importance of the control dishes.
4. Write balanced chemical equations for each
precipitation reaction. Part A: Boiling water
5. The effect of light on silver salts has a practical Figure 4.14 shows a particle diagram of water
application in film (non-digital) photography. heated on an electric hotplate to 100 C and
Photographic film is covered with a fine 100 kPa.
gelatine emulsion containing grains of
silver bromide. The photosensitive material 1. Use the key in figure 4.14 to identify the
decomposes on exposure to light to form tiny particles present in the:
clusters of silver atoms and bromine atoms at (a) liquid state
the surface of the crystalline grains. Exposure (b) vapour state.
to more light produces more silver. The 2. Use figure 4.14 to explain why this process is a
process is completed by the developer solution physical change rather than a chemical change.
during film processing, resulting in a negative 3. Explain why the temperature of the water
film in which the darkest areas correspond to remains at 100 C throughout the process.
areas where most metallic silver was formed.
(a) A photon of light ejects an Water vapour
electron from a bromide ion to Water molecule
form a bromine atom. Write an Hydrogen molecule
ion/electron half-equation for this Oxygen molecule
(b) Ejected electrons are accepted by Liquid water
silver ions, forming silver metal.
Write an ion/electron half-equation
Electric hotplate
for this process.
Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.

H2O (l) H2O (g)
Figure 4.14 Particle diagram of boiling water



Part B: Electrolysing water
Figure 4.15 shows a particle diagram of the
electrolysis of water at platinum electrodes ANALYSIS
in a voltameter after the electrolysis has been
operating for some time. (A small amount of
sodium sulfate was added to the water to make it OF LIMESTONE BY THERMAL
conductive but this does not alter the results
these ions are not shown.)
1. Use the key in figure 4.15 to identify the The apparatus shown in figure 4.16 was used
particles present in the water. to determine the loss in weight as a limestone
2. Use the key in figure 4.15 to identify the gases sample (impure calcium carbonate) was heated.
that have formed in the arms of the voltameter. Limestone does not decompose significantly
3. Use figure 4.15 to explain why this process is a over a Bunsen flame and so an electric furnace
chemical change rather than a physical change. was used. The reaction tube was weighed and
a sample of powdered limestone added to the
4. Suggest a reason why platinum is used for the
tube. The tube and its contents were weighed and
electrode rather than some other metal.
connected to the apparatus. Powdered sodium
5. The following half-equations describe processes hydroxide was added to the U-tube to absorb
occurring at the surface of each electrode. the acidic carbon dioxide evolved on heating.
2H2O(l) + 2e H2(g) + 2OH(aq) (1) The limestone was heated very strongly until no
2H2O(l) +
O2(g) + 4H (aq) + 4e (2) further decomposition took place. The reaction
Which of these equations is consistent with the tube and its contents were reweighed after
events occurring in figure 4.15 at the: cooling to room temperature.
(a) positive electrode?
(b) negative electrode?
Reaction tube

Granules to absorb
water vapour


Furnace Limestone or hydroxide
electrodes pure calcium absorbs
carbonate carbon
Figure 4.16
Electric furnace decomposition
of limestone and calcium carbonate
Water molecule
Hydrogen molecule
Oxygen molecule
DC power supply
+ Hydrogen ion
Figure 4.15 Particle diagram of the
Hydroxide ion
electrolysis of water


The experiment was repeated with a known
sample of pure calcium carbonate rather than
limestone. The results are shown in table 4.4.
Table 4.4
Pure calcium
Limestone carbonate

Initial mass of reaction 24.145 g 24.145 g


Initial mass of reaction 27.275 g 27.288 g

tube + sample

Final mass of reaction 25.989 g 25.906 g

tube + sample

1. Calculate the percentage loss in weight on the

thermal decomposition of the:
(a) limestone
(b) pure calcium carbonate.
2. Determine the percentage of pure calcium
carbonate in the limestone. (Hint: Use your
answers from question 1.)
3. State the assumptions that you have made in
answering question 2.
4. For each experiment, determine the increase
in weight of the U-tube. State the assumption
that you are making.
5. The reaction in the U-tube can be represented
by the word equation:
carbon dioxide (gas) + sodium hydroxide (solid)
sodium hydrogen carbonate (solid)
Write a chemical equation for this reaction.


8]VeiZg *

The types of chemical bond and the structure of crystal
lattices ultimately determine the properties of a chemical
substance. These properties govern the practical uses of
these substances in our daily lives.

In this chapter
5.1 Properties and classification page 92
5.2 Lattices page 94

Figure 5.1
Quartz, SiO2, is a three-dimensional covalent network
lattice. Each silicon atom is bonded to four oxygen
atoms and each oxygen atom is bonded to two silicon
atoms. The resulting mineral is hard and crystalline.
*#& 02/0%24)%3 !.$
# , !3 3 ) & ) # !4 ) / .
Properties of elements, compounds and mixtures
Before beginning this section, Iron is a metal that is widely used in modern society. It is extracted from
you should be able to: ore bodies located in various regions of Australia including Western
classify compounds into Australia. The physical and chemical properties of the ore (a mixture)
groups based on common
chemical characteristics and its pure components are quite different.
identify a range of common Red-brown haematite, iron (III) oxide, is an important iron mineral.
compounds using their
common names and chemical In Australia, this mineral is mined extensively and transported to blast
formulae. furnaces for conversion to iron and steel.
Key content The properties of this compound and its component elements are listed
By the end of this section, you in table 5.1.
should be able to:
identify differences between
physical and chemical Table 5.1 Properties of iron (III) oxide and its elements
properties of elements, Substance iron oxygen iron (III) oxide
compounds and mixtures
describe the physical
properties used to classify Appearance grey-silvery colourless gas red-brown solid
compounds as ionic, covalent lustrous metal
molecular or covalent
network Density (g/cm3) 7.9 0.0013 5.2
perform a first-hand
investigation to compare the
properties of some common Melting point (C) 1535 219 1565
elements in their elemental
state with the properties of
the compound(s) of these Boiling point (C) 2750 183
elements (such as magnesium
and oxygen). Solubility in water insoluble 0.004 insoluble
(g/100 g)

Reaction with forms iron (II) no reaction forms iron (III)

chemical properties: the hydrochloric acid chloride and chloride and water
properties relating to the
chemical reaction of a substance hydrogen gas
with other chemicals (such as
acids, bases and oxidising agents) Iron is used extensively in building construction, where it is nor-
mally alloyed with other elements to improve its strength, hardness and
durability. Steelmaking in Australia is an important economic enterprise as
it contributes significantly to our national wealth. The magnetic nature of
iron leads to its extensive use in magnets, compasses and electromagnets.

5.1 PRACTICAL (a) (b)

Comparing the
properties of a
compound and
its component

Figure 5.2
Iron oxide (a) and iron (b) have
different crystal structures and
different properties. In its pure,
anhydrous form, iron (III) oxide
(haematite) is ochre brown, but is
sometimes black.


Classification of chemical compounds
Physical properties can be used to classify compounds into three groups
or types of lattice. These groups are:
ionic compounds
covalent molecular compounds
covalent network compounds.
Table 5.2 shows the characteristic physical properties of each of these
crystal lattice structures, shown in figure 5.3. (Note: Melting points less
than 500 C are generally called low, those between 5001500 C are
called high, and those greater than 1500 C are called very high. There
are, however, exceptions to this.)

Table 5.2 Physical properties of crystal lattices.

Type of ionic covalent molecular covalent network

Particles cations and anions molecules atoms

forming the

Forces ionic bonds intermolecular covalent bonds

holding the forces
particles in
the lattice

Electrical solid: zero solid: zero solid: zero

conductivity molten: good molten: zero molten: zero
aqueous solution: aqueous solution: aqueous solution:
good zero (unless zero (as solids are
molecule reacts to insoluble in water)
form ions)

Melting point high low very high

Other crystal hard; brittle soft; brittle very hard; brittle


*Lattice is the geometric arrangement of particles in a crystalline solid.

Ionic Covalent molecular Covalent network

+ +
Figure 5.3 + +
Particle diagrams of crystal
+ +
lattice groups

SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.1 Identify the crystal lattice group to which compound X belongs based
on the following physical properties: white, crystalline solid; melting
point  41 C; boiling point  182 C; soluble in water; non-conductor
of electricity in the solid, molten and aqueous states.

SOLUTION X is a covalent molecular compound. It has zero electrical conductivity

in all states, so cannot be ionic. It has low melting and boiling points,
which is not characteristic of covalent networks. Therefore, X is a
covalent molecular compound.


5.1 QUESTIONS (b) The lattice has a three-dimensional
network of covalent bonds.
1. Use the data in table 5.1 to explain why iron (c) The crystals do not conduct electricity
(III) oxide cannot be a simple mixture of except when melted.
iron and oxygen. 5. Identify the crystal lattice groups to which
2. Iron metal dissolves slowly in dilute compounds A and B belong based on the
hydrochloric acid to form iron (II) chloride. following physical properties.
(a) Identify the gas produced in this reaction. Substance A:
(b) Write a balanced chemical equation for white; crystalline; density  2.0 g/cm3;
this reaction. melting point  770 C;
(c) Describe the differences between this boiling point  1437 C;
reaction and the reaction of iron (III) solubility in water  36 g/100 g water;
oxide and dilute hydrochloric acid. aqueous solution conducts electricity.
(Hint: Use table 5.1.)
Substance B :
3. Identify the crystal lattice groups into which white; crystalline; density  2.1 g/cm3;
compounds can be classified. melting point  24 C; boiling point  173 C;
4. Name the crystal lattice group to which each reacts with water to produce a solution that
of the following statements applies. conducts electricity; solid does not conduct
(a) The lattice is composed of discrete electricity; does not conduct electricity when
molecules. melted.

*#' , !4 4 ) # % 3

Metallic lattices and properties
Before beginning this section, Metals generally have a range of properties that distinguish them from
you should be able to: other substances. These physical properties allow us to make inferences
classify compounds into about the structure of the metallic crystal. Table 5.3 lists these metallic
groups based on common
chemical characteristics. properties, inferences that could explain these properties and a model to
explain the properties.

Figure 5.4
Uranium is a heavy, radioactive metal.


Table 5.3 Properties of metallic lattices
Key content
By the end of this section, you Physical Inferences about Model to explain
should be able to: properties structure properties
distinguish between metallic,
ionic and covalent bonds High melting and Strong forces exist Large amounts of energy are
describe metals as three- boiling points between particles in the needed to overcome the strong
dimensional lattices of ions in crystal lattice. attraction between the positive
a sea of electrons
describe ionic compounds metal ions and the mobile
in terms of repeating three- electrons.
dimensional lattices of ions
explain why the formula for High electrical Freely moving charged In response to an applied
an ionic compound is an and thermal particles are present in potential difference, the mobile
empirical formula conductivity the lattice. electrons move in one direction
identify common elements
that exist as molecules or as to produce an electric current.
covalent lattices The mobile electrons have
explain the relationship greater kinetic energy when the
between the properties of metal is heated; they transfer
conductivity and hardness energy faster.
and the structure of ionic,
covalent molecular and
covalent network compounds High density The metal atoms are The metal ions can be either
choose resources and process tightly packed in the tightly packed or relatively heavy
information from secondary crystal lattice. atoms with small radii.
sources to construct and
discuss the limitations of High lustre The surface structure Light photons are rapidly
models of ionic lattices,
covalent molecules and of metals allows light to absorbed and released by the
covalent and metallic lattices reflect readily. mobile electron cloud.
perform an investigation
to examine the physical Highly malleable The forces between When shearing forces are
properties of a range of and ductile the particles respond applied to the lattice, the layers
common substances in order to a distorting force by of ions slide over each other and
to classify them as metallic,
ionic or covalent molecular or establishing new, equally the mobile electrons stabilise the
covalent network substances strong bonds. new lattice structure.
and relate their characteristics
to their uses.

Model of a metallic crystal

The model of the metallic crystal, shown in figure 5.5, has the
following features.
1. Positive metal ions (rather than neutral atoms) are arranged in a
regular three-dimensional lattice.
2. A cloud or sea of delocalised electrons moves throughout the
delocalised electrons: electrons
that are not bound to any one 3. Delocalised electrons have been lost from the valence shell of each
atom but are free to move metal atom and belong to the lattice as a whole.
throughout the lattice
4. The attraction between the positive metal ions and the delocalised
metallic bond: a strong electron cloud stabilises the lattice.
attractive force that holds metal
ions in their crystal lattice; the 5. The attraction between the metal ions and electron cloud is called
attraction between metal ions the metallic bond. Metallic bonds are strong chemical bonds.
and the sea of mobile electrons

(a) (b) + + +
+ + + Shearing + + +
+ + + Negative
electron force + + +
+ + + Metallic + + +
Fixed + + + cloud bonding
metal ions + + + (mobile) maintained + + + + +
+ + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + +
Figure 5.5 (a) Metallic lattice + + + + + + +
(b) Malleability of a metallic lattice


Ionic lattices and properties
Ionic crystals are characterised by a continuous three-dimensional arrange-
ment of cations and anions. Attraction between oppositely charged ions
is called an ionic bond, which are strong chemical bonds. Generally, ionic
solids have high melting points because of the strong ionic bonds through-
out the lattice. These ionic bonds also explain the hardness of ionic
crystals. However, ionic crystals are brittle and shatter when hammered.
Shearing forces cause ions of similar charge to come in close contact,
leading to strong repulsion, so the crystals shatter.
Titanium oxide Unlike metallic lattices, ionic lattices do not have free electrons
Oxide ion
or free ions to carry charge if a voltage is applied across the crystal,
so ionic crystals do not conduct electricity. If a crystal is melted or
Titanium ion
dissolved in a suitable solvent such as water, the ions are no longer
bound to the lattice and are free to move. Such molten salts or
ionic solutions are good electrical conductors.
Figure 5.6 shows some common ionic lattices. Note that the ions are
arranged in several different patterns depending on their size.
Calcium carbonate
Carbonate ion
at centre

Calcium ion
Figure 5.6 Ionic lattices:
(a) titanium oxide and
(b) calcium carbonate

Figure 5.7
Fools gold is the mineral pyrite, FeS2.
It is an ionic crystal.

Empirical formulae
The empirical formula of a compound represents its atomic or ionic
composition expressed as a simple whole number ratio.

1. Ethane is a covalent molecular compound with the molecular formula
C2H6. Its molecules are composed of two atoms of carbon bonded to
six atoms of hydrogen. The C : H ratio of 2 : 6 is not the simplest ratio.
The simplest ratio is 1 : 3, so the empirical formula of ethane is CH3.
2. Benzene is also a covalent molecular compound. Its molecular formula
is C6H6. The C : H ratio of 6 : 6 is not the simplest ratio. The simplest
ratio of atoms is 1 : 1, so the empirical formula of benzene is CH.


Chloride ion Ionic compounds present a different problem because their lattices are
continuous in three dimensions, and there are no discrete molecules as
in molecular compounds. Consequently, chemists identify the simplest
Sodium ion
repeating unit of the crystal and call it the unit cell. In the unit cell, there
are some ions that belong to that cell only, while others at edges and cor-
ners belong partly to other cells. When these fractions of ions are taken
into account, the simplest ratio of ions can be determined for the unit
Figure 5.8 cell. This simple ratio is the empirical formula of the ionic compound.
Unit cell for sodium chloride Let us examine an example for sodium chloride; figure 5.8 shows its cubic
unit cell.
The unit cell for sodium chloride shows the following:
One sodium ion is at the centre of the cell.
Twelve sodium ions occupy the centre of each edge. These ions are
shared by a total of four unit cells.
Eight chloride ions occupy the corners of the cell. These ions are shared
by a total of eight unit cells.
Six chloride ions occupy the centres of each face of the cell. Two adjoin-
ing unit cells share these ions.
Thus, for sodium chloride, the total number of sodium ions belonging
 41 r 12  1 3  4
to each unit cell:  1
and the number of chloride ions:   18 r 8  12 r 6  1 3  4.
The ratio of sodium ions to chloride ions is 4 : 4 or 1 : 1, so the empirical
formula of sodium chloride is NaCl.
When we write the chemical formula of an ionic compound, we are
writing its empirical formula. This represents the ratio of ions throughout
the whole crystal lattice.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 5.2 Write the empirical formulae for the following ionic compounds:
(a) barium bromide
(b) iron (III) sulfide.

SOLUTION Use the valency rules to work out the chemical formula of each ionic
compound. This will also be its empirical formula.
(a) valency of barium  2;
valency of bromide  1; empirical formula is BaBr2
(b) valency of iron (III)  3;
valency of sulfide  2; empirical formula is Fe2S3

Covalent network lattices and properties

Covalent network compounds, such as silicon dioxide (shown in figure 5.9)
and silicon carbide, are composed of a three-dimensional array of atoms
linked by strong covalent bonds. Such a structure is very strong and rigid,
which explains the hardness of such substances. Like ionic crystals, they
shatter under high shearing forces.
Covalent network compounds, as well as covalent network elements
such as diamond, have very high melting points. For example, silicon
dioxide has a melting point of 1713 C and silicon nitride has a melting
point of 1900 C. They do not conduct electricity in the solid state as


there are no free electrons or ions to allow conduction. Covalent network
compounds are also highly insoluble in common solvents.
Carbon in the form of graphite is an example of a covalent network
crystal (shown in figure 5.9). It does conduct electricity due to the pres-
ence of free electrons along one axis of the lattice. Diamond (which is
also a form of carbon) forms a strong covalent network lattice, so does not
conduct. It is the hardest natural substance.
(a) (b)



Figure 5.9
Covalent network structure of Hexag
(a) silicon dioxide and (b) graphite

5.2 PRACTICAL Covalent molecular lattices and properties

ACTIVITIES Covalent molecular lattices, such as ice and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)
contain discrete molecules arranged in various geometric patterns. These
Modelling crystal
lattices molecules are held in place within the lattice by intermolecular forces,
which are not as strong as normal chemical bonds. Comparatively little
energy is required to break these attractive forces, so such crystals have
low melting points. These weak forces also make these crystals soft and
readily deformable.
The absence of mobile charge carriers (such as electrons in metals,
or ions in molten ionic salts) means that such crystals do not conduct
electricity, even when melted or dissolved in a suitable solvent. Figure 5.10
shows the lattice structures of some covalent molecular compounds.
5.3 DATA It is also important to remember that some common non-metals, such
as sulfur, iodine and phosphorus, also form covalent molecular crystals.
Comparing the Such crystals have low melting points and readily shatter when subjected
properties of crystals to shearing forces.

(a) (b)
Carbon dioxide Iodine

molecules (I2)

Figure 5.10
Structures of covalent molecular
crystals: (a) carbon dioxide
and (b) iodine


Dichotomous keys can be used to classify crystals into lattice groups based on measured physical properties.
Two different ways of representing a dichotomous key are shown below. The first is a written key where you
make choices (A or B) at each step. The second is a diagrammatic key that allows you to make choices and
move along different paths of the key as you respond to each question.

Written key
1A. The solid crystal conducts electricity. ..................... Metallic crystal
1B. The solid crystal does not conduct electricity. ....... Go to 2.
2A. The melted crystal conducts electricity. ................ . Ionic crystal
2B. The melted crystal does not conduct electricity. .. . Go to 3.
3A. The solid has a very high melting point
(much higher than 500 C). ................................... Covalent network crystal
3B. The solid has a very low melting point. .................. Covalent molecular crystal

Diagrammatic key Crystals

Does the solid crystal

conduct electricity?

Yes No

Does the melted crystal

Is the crystal black? conduct electricity?

Yes No Yes No

Does the crystal

Graphite, Metallic Ionic have a very high
covalent crystal crystal melting point, much
network crystal
greater than 500 C?

Yes No

Covalent Covalent
Figure 5.11 network molecular
Diagrammatic key to classify crystals crystal crystal


5.2 QUESTIONS (a) Classify substance K into one of the four
crystalline groups. Justify your answer.
1. Classify the following substances into one of (b) Predict whether this waxy solid would be
the four crystalline groups: ionic, metallic, soluble in water or kerosene. Justify
covalent network or covalent molecular. your answer.
(a) Cobalt 7. Some white crystals were found in an
(b) Silicon nitride unlabelled bottle. The crystals did not
(c) Barium iodide dissolve in water or kerosene. They did not
(d) Nickel oxide conduct electricity in the solid state.
(e) Phosphorus (a) Explain whether or not the information
(f) Diamond above is sufficient to classify this white
2. Sonja was provided with an unknown substance into a crystalline group.
solid X. Her teacher asked her to devise (b) The crystals were heated until they
some laboratory tests that would allow her to melted and found to be a good
determine the type of bonding in the crystal. conductor. Classify the crystals into their
Describe the tests that Sonja will conduct. correct group.
3. Explain, in terms of structure and bonding, 8. Graphite is a black solid. Some chemists
the following differences in physical consider it to be an unusual non-metal.
properties. (a) Identify the element present in graphite.
(a) Manganese has a high melting point (b) Name two physical properties of graphite
(1244 C) and oxygen has a low melting that are not typical of non-metals.
point (219 C). (c) Classify graphite into its correct lattice
(b) Zinc conducts electricity but zinc oxide group.
does not.
(c) Nickel is lustrous but nickel oxide is dull.
(d) Tungsten has a much greater density
than aluminium.
4. Use the model of the structure and bonding
within a metallic crystal to explain the
following properties of silver.
(a) Silver has a high melting point (962 C).
(b) Silver is an excellent electrical conductor.
(c) Silver is lustrous when new but gradually
becomes coated in a black deposit.
(d) Silver is malleable and ductile.
5. Ahmed placed some iodine crystals in a
beaker and gently heated the beaker. The
iodine crystals sublimed to produce purple
(a) Classify iodine into its correct lattice
(b) Explain why iodine vapour forms so
readily on heating the solid.
(c) Ahmed observed that, when the iodine
vapour came into contact with a cold
surface, fine crystals of iodine reformed.
Write an equation for this process.
(d) Classify the process in (c) as physical or
chemical. Figure 5.12
Graphite is made of flat sheets of carbon atoms. Weak
6. Substance K consists of white, waxy crystals dispersion forces hold these flat sheets together. Graphite
that melt readily at 51 C. The substance does is used in pencils because the sheets of carbon readily rub
not conduct electricity when solid or melted. off onto the paper. It is also used as dry lubricant.


When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction
terms (verbs) require you to do. Here is an example.

This instruction term requires you to identify issues and provide
points for and against.
Discuss the issues associated with modelling a metallic crystal.
Physical models do not reveal all the essential features of a metallic
crystal. It is simple to show the location of each metal ion in the
lattice using either ball-and-stick or space-lling models, but
the representation of the mobile electron cloud is very difcult.
The use of animation is more suitable for showing the nature of
the pervading electron cloud throughout the lattice. Animated
models can also show why metals are lustrous and good electrical

Weblinks Elements and compounds differ in their physical and chemical
properties. The properties of these materials determine their use.
Crystalline solids can be classified as metallic, ionic, covalent
network or covalent molecular lattices.
Metallic bonds are found in metals. These bonds are formed by
interaction of the mobile electron cloud and the positive metal
Module ions in the lattice.
Revision 1
Ionic bonds are found in ionic compounds. They are the attractive
forces between oppositely charged ions.
Covalent bonds are formed by the sharing of electron pairs
between neighbouring atoms. Covalent bonds link atoms in a
The properties of different crystals can be related to their lattice
Module structures and the types of chemical bonding within the lattice.
Revision 1 Answers
Metallic crystals, ionic crystals and covalent network crystals have
strong three-dimensional bonding throughout the lattice.
Covalent molecular crystals have weak bonding between the
molecules in the crystal lattice.



3. Support a 4 cm strip of magnesium ribbon
PRACTICAL with a pair of tongs. Ignite the end of the
ACTIVITIES magnesium and allow it to burn over a
watch glass.
COMPARING THE PROPERTIES 4. Repeat step 3 by igniting a second strip and
OF A COMPOUND AND ITS allowing it to burn in the gas jar of oxygen
prepared in step 1 above. Compare the
combustion of magnesium in air and oxygen.
5. Place a 4 cm strip of magnesium in a test tube
Aim and add 5 mL of dilute hydrochloric acid.
To compare the properties of magnesium, oxygen Observe and record your observations.
and magnesium oxide 6. The following data has been gathered for
oxygen gas and magnesium. Use this data to
Safety issues write a comparison of these two elements.
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Do not look directly at magnesium as it burns;
the light may damage your eyes. Oxygen
Identify other safety issues relevant to this discovered in 1773 by Karl Scheele,
experiment by reading the method. colourless
Materials indles a glowing
supports combustion (rek
2 gas jars and lids
wooden splint)
melting point  219 C

manganese dioxide
boiling point  183 C
10 mL measuring cylinder g/100 g water
solubility in water  0.004

3% hydrogen peroxide
thermal conductivity  0.00
26 J/s/m/K
3 strips of magnesium ribbon, about 4 cm long (compared with 80 J/s/m/K for iron
electrical conductivity  0
watch glass le
structure: diatomic molecu
test-tube holder
4 test tubes and stoppers
1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
discovered in 1808
magnesium oxide by Humphry Dav
England y,
Method silvery-grey
Ensure that your safety glasses are on. malleable an
d ductile
melting po
Part A: Oxygen gas and magnesium metal int  650 C
boiling poin
1. Prepare a gas jar of oxygen by placing half a t  1110 C
teaspoon of manganese dioxide powder in a insoluble in
gas jar and adding 1020 mL of 3% hydrogen thermal co
nductivity  156
peroxide. Allow air to be expelled initially and (compared with J/s/m/K
then cover the jar with a gas jar lid. Record your 429 J/s/m/K for
electrical co silver)
observations. nductivity  22 M
(compared with S/ m
2. Examine the samples of magnesium ribbon and 63 MS/m for silve
structure: m r)
describe their appearance. etallic crystal


1_61_04106_Chem1_05 102 12/9/06 8:49:11 AM


Part B: Magnesium oxide
1. Examine a sample of magnesium oxide and ACTIVITIES
describe its appearance.
2. Heat a small sample of magnesium oxide in a
dry test tube over a Bunsen flame. Determine
whether the solid is stable when heated.
3. Place a very small amount of magnesium oxide Aim
in a small clean test tube and test its solubility in To construct and describe a variety of crystal lattices
5 mL of tap water. Stopper the tube and shake
thoroughly. Record your observations. Materials
4. Test the solubility of a very small amount graphite ball-and-stick model
of magnesium oxide in 5 mL of dilute molecular modelling kits
hydrochloric acid. Record your observations. table tennis balls, plasticine or similar
5. The following additional data has been foam balls
collected for magnesium oxide. Use this data toothpicks
and your observations in the above tests to write
a description of this compound and compare Method
its properties with those of its component Divide into groups. Each group should construct a
elements. different model. All groups can observe and discuss
these models.
Magnesium oxide Part A: Metallic crystal sodium
melting point  2852 C Sodium is an active metal with a body-centred cubic
boiling point  3600 C lattice. Use 9 balls of the same size and colour to
construct the unit cell of its crystal lattice. The
insoluble in water unit cell represents the simplest unit of the crystal
lattice. The lattice is made up of repeating unit
cells. Use the ball-and-stick model in figure 5.13 as
Results and analysis a guide to each of the three layers of the cell.
1. Record all your observations in an appropriate
2. Magnesium metal and magnesium oxide both
react with hydrochloric acid to produce a Layer 1 4 atoms
solution of magnesium chloride.
(a) Write balanced chemical equations for each
Layer 2 1 atom
of these reactions.
(b) Identify any differences between these two
chemical changes. Layer 3 4 atoms

Conclusion Figure 5.13

Ball-and-stick model of unit cell of sodium
Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.



Part B: Ionic crystal caesium chloride
Caesium chloride also forms a body-centred cubic DATA
crystal, but the caesium ion occupies the centre ANALYSIS
of the cell and the eight chloride ions occupy the
corners. Caesium ions are about 5% smaller in COMPARING THE PROPERTIES
radius than chloride ions. Use this description to OF CRYSTALS
make your model. Select one coloured ball for the
caesium ion and select eight balls of a different
colour for the chloride ions. Part A
Properties of four solid substances (A, B, C and D)
Part C: Covalent network crystal graphite were investigated by experiment.
Figure 5.9b shows a ball-and stick model of the
graphite lattice. Use foam balls and toothpicks to 1. Process the data in table 5.4 and classify these
construct a space-filling model of part of this lattice. solids into one of the four crystalline groups.
Justify your conclusions.
Part D: Covalent molecular crystal carbon 2. Another twenty crystals were tested. The students
dioxide found that most ionic crystals dissolved in water
Figure 5.14 shows a ball-and-stick model of the unit but not in kerosene, and that most covalent
cell of solid carbon dioxide. Use the molecular molecular crystals dissolved in kerosene but not
model kit or plasticine and toothpicks to construct water. They found that metallic and covalent
enough carbon dioxide models to build the network crystals did not dissolve in either solvent.
unit cell. The students used this new information to create
a key to classify crystals. Here is the beginning of
14 molecules of carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide the key.
in the unit cell molecule

1A. The crystal does conduct electricity. ..............

5 molecules Metallic crystal
in the top layer
1 molecule in
1B. The crystal does not conduct electricity. .......
the centre of Go to 2.

Complete the key.

5 molecules
in the bottom layer Part B
Figure 5.14 Read the following description of the properties of
Ball-and-stick model of carbon dioxide unit cell substance E and then answer the questions
that follow.
Results and analysis Substance E is composed of clear, red crystals.
When the red crystals are heated, they crackle and
1. Draw clear, labelled diagrams of each model change into a blue liquid, which cools to form
constructed. a blue solid. Heating also produces vapour of
2. Discuss the advantages and limitations of the substance X. The vapour is allowed to condense
models. to form a colourless liquid that is a non-conductor
of electricity. The colourless liquid of substance X
Conclusion is cooled until it forms a white solid. The solid of
Write a brief conclusion for this experiment. substance X does not conduct electricity. The red
crystals of substance E are found to be quite soluble


in water, but they do not dissolve in kerosene.
Neither the red crystals nor the blue solid conducts
electricity, although the red, aqueous solution of
substance E is a good conductor.
1. Classify substance E into one of the four
crystalline groups. Justify your conclusion.
2. Classify substance X into one of the four
crystalline groups. Justify your conclusion.
3. Explain the structural relationship between the
red and blue solids.

Table 5.4

Substance A B C D

Appearance dull, black lustrous, silvery yellow crystals white crystals

Melting point (C) 3974 419 113 decomposes

Effect of heating to no visible change forms a turns to crackles; brown

1000 C in a vacuum silvery liquid red-brown, gas forms
viscous liquid

Appearance after no effect silvery solid brown solid yellow solid forms

Solubility in water insoluble insoluble insoluble soluble

Solubility in kerosene insoluble insoluble soluble insoluble

Electrical conductivity good good zero zero

of solid crystal

Electrical conductivity good zero

of melted crystal

Electrical conductivity good

of aqueous solution


Chapter 6
Metals and alloys
Chapter 7
Metals and reactions
Chapter 8
The periodic table
Chapter 9
Gravimetric analysis
Chapter 10
Extraction and recycling of metals METALS

8]VeiZg + METALS
Metals have been used and exploited by humans for
many thousands of years. The discovery of metals and the
development of methods to extract them from their ores
is closely linked to the cultural development of humans.
Modern society depends on metals for the construction
of buildings, transportation and the transmission of
information. They are also used for jewellery, cooking and
eating utensils and weapons of war. Metals can be used for
these purposes because of their unique properties that set
them apart from other elements.

In this chapter
6.1 The history of metals page 109
6.2 Alloys page 117

Figure 6.1
This antique silver and gold has been cleaned and
polished. These statuettes from around 3160 BP regained
their original shiny appearance. This demonstrates that
these elements are very resistant to corrosion.
+#& 4 ( % ( ) 3 4/ 29 / & - % 4! , 3
Metals and their contemporary uses
Before beginning this section, Metals have a wide variety of uses related to their physical and chemical
you should be able to: properties. Let us examine four important metals used extensively in our
describe metals as three- society.
dimensional lattices of ions in
a sea of electrons.
Key content Copper
By the end of this section, you Copper has been used by humans for over 8000 years. It can be found in
should be able to: small amounts as the free element, and this form is called native copper.
outline and examine some
uses of different metals Most copper is present in nature as sulfide minerals. Examples of these
through history, including minerals include chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, and chalcocite, Cu2S. Copper metal
contemporary uses, as
uncombined metals or as can be extracted from these minerals by smelting them in a furnace in
alloys. the presence of charcoal. (We will examine the smelting process fully in
explain why energy input is chapter 10.)
necessary to extract a metal
from its ore. Copper is a salmon-pink, lustrous metal that is highly malleable and
identify why there are more ductile. It has very high electrical and thermal conductivity. It is unreac-
metals available for people
to use now than there were tive and slow to corrode in the environment. The major uses of copper in
200 years ago. modern society are related to these properties, summarised in table 6.1.
analyse information to relate
the chronology of the Bronze
Age, the Iron Age and the Table 6.1 Properties and uses of copper
modern era, and possible
future developments. Use Property
gather information from
secondary resources by electrical wiring high electrical conductivity and ductility
summarising and collating
information from a range of saucepan bases high heat conductivity and malleability
water pipes/fittings high malleability and resistance to corrosion

ornaments lustre and malleability

(a) (b)

Figure 6.2
(a) Azurite and (b) malachite are
basic copper carbonates.

Insulated handle

(b) saucepan

Copper base

Figure 6.3
(a) Native copper embedded in rock and
(b) copper on the base of a steel saucepan


Magnesium is a strong, lightweight, silvery metal. It does not exist as a free
element in nature. Its common minerals include magnesite, MgCO3, and
dolomite, MgCO3.CaCO3. Magnesium metal was first prepared in 1808 when
Humphry Davy decomposed fused magnesium chloride by electrolysis.
Its uses are based on its chemical reactivity, low density and the brilliant
white light produced on combustion. These properties are summarised
in table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Properties and uses of magnesium

Use Property

fireworks high reactivity with oxygen produces bright

Figure 6.4
white light when burnt in air
Magnesium alloys are used in car
wheels because of their high strength
structural alloy in aircraft low density
and low density.
and cars

steelmaking (removal of high reactivity with sulfur combines with sulfur

sulfur from molten steel) in steel to form stable magnesium sulphide

production of titanium metal high reactivity used to reduce titanium salts to

titanium metal at high temperatures
sacrificial anode: an active metal
that corrodes more readily than
another, thus protecting the less corrosion protection of iron high reactivity acts as a sacrificial anode to
active metal structures protect steel ships from corrosion

Lead is a very soft, dense, blue-grey metal with a low melting point (327 C).
It is not found free in nature. Its common minerals include galena, PbS,
and cerussite, PbCO3. Lead metal was first produced about 5500 years ago
by the reduction of galena in charcoal fires. Its low melting point and high
density meant that the molten lead flowed and collected at the base of the
campfire. Because lead is soft and malleable, the Romans worked it exten-
sively. They even used lead to construct pipes for transporting water. The
major uses of lead in modern society are related to its density, malleability,
conductivity and ability to shield against radiation. Table 6.3 summarises
its uses and properties.

Table 6.3 Properties and uses of lead

Use Property

sheet lead for roofing/ malleability and resistance to corrosion due to the
flashing formation of a stable oxide on its surface

soldering metal wires low melting point of lead alloys; good electrical
(lead alloyed with tin) conductivity of lead and tin

electrodes in car good electrical conductivity; malleability and low

batteries chemical reactivity in sulfuric acid

shielding against ability to absorb ionising radiation


fishing sinkers high density; malleability; softness; resistance to


Titanium is a silvery, white metal of low density, high tensile strength and
high corrosion resistance. It is not found as a free metal in nature and
the first samples of metallic titanium were not produced until 1791. High
purity samples of the metal became available after 1887. Titanium is pres-
ent in minerals such as rutile, TiO2, and ilmenite, FeTiO3, which are found
in beach sand along the Australian coast. Titanium is both lightweight
and very strong. When it is alloyed, it is 30% stronger than steel and has
an extraordinary resistance to metal fatigue (cracking). It is, however,
difficult to work with and expensive. Table 6.4 summarises its properties
and uses.

Table 6.4 Properties and uses of titanium

Use Property

structural metal (or alloy) in high tensile strength; low density; high melting
aircraft, spacecraft, racing point; low thermal conductivity; high corrosion
yachts and racing bicycles resistance (particularly in salt water)
Figure 6.5
Titanium plates and pins are used surgical implants high tensile strength; low density; high
to hold this broken jaw together. corrosion resistance; minimal allergic response
in human tissue

Discovery and extraction of metals

The science of metals is called metallurgy. It is one of the oldest sciences
metallurgy: the science of metals
because humans first discovered metals over 10 000 BP (years before
present). By about 2700 BP, only seven metals were known: gold, copper,
silver, lead, tin, iron and mercury. Some, such as gold, could be found as
uncombined or native metals while others, such as tin, were produced
native metal: a metal found free
(uncombined) in nature by smelting their ores. Copper and iron were known as both native and
smelted metals.
Archaeologists believe that metallurgy began in the Middle East about
10 000 BP and that the technologies for metal extraction and production
of metal alloys developed in that region and gradually spread towards
Europe and Asia. The major points in this history are listed below.

Gold was arguably the first metal to be used by humans at least 10 000 BP.
Gold was of great significance to the ancient Egyptians. Nubia, in south-
ern Egypt, was a valuable source of gold. One hundred mines operated
in this area and slaves were forced to dig deep shafts to extract the metal
from quartz veins. After crushing the gold-bearing quartz in stone mills,
the crushed ore was washed with water to remove the quartz powder. The
heavy gold dust and granules left behind were melted and purified in
large clay vessels. Moulds were used to create ingots of gold. Small ingots
were hammered and shaped into rings and taken back to northern Egypt
where they were fashioned into jewellery.

The Copper Age (90005000 BP)

Figure 6.6
While gold was being mined in Egypt, the hills and rocky plains at various
The head of the mummy of Egyptian
Pharaoh Tutankhamen (who died sites in the Middle East (such as northern Iraq, eastern Saudi Arabia
about 3330 BP) was coated and Jordan) were being mined for veins of native copper. The extracted
with pure gold. copper was heated (annealed) and beaten to produce fishhooks, pins


and jewellery. The copper was harder than gold and more useful for tool-
making. The blue and green copper ores in these hills were used
in powdered forms as decorative paints. The process of smelting was
developed between 7000 and 6000 BP, and this allowed copper ores to be
reduced to metallic copper. This process (see figure 6.7) involved:
crushing and grinding the ore to a fine powder
mixing the powdered ore with charcoal and placing it in a furnace. The
reducing agent: a substance
(such as charcoal or carbon charcoal fuelled the fire and acted as the reducing agent.
monoxide) that removes oxygen using bellows to blast air into the furnace to raise the temperature of the
from a metal oxide during
smelting to release the metal burning charcoal.
In early, open smelters, the temperature was too low (about 800900 C)
to melt the copper (melting point = 1085 C), so grains of copper formed
slag: waste material from a in the glassy slag produced by the quartz in the ore. The grains were
smelter or furnace recovered by crushing the solidified slag. Later, in closed smelters, the
temperature was high enough to melt the copper so it could run out of the
base of the smelter and be cast into moulds.

Mixture of copper ore Goatskin bellows

and charcoal was used to blast
more air and increase
Molten copper the temperature of
flows out of smelter the burning charcoal.
into a depression
where it solidifies.
Figure 6.7 Kiln was constructed
The early process of smelting out of stones and
lined with clay.
copper ore

Eventually, clay moulds were produced in a great variety of shapes so

that copper axe heads, spear points, daggers, arrowheads and chisels
could be cast. These copper tools were expensive to produce and not as
strong as their stone equivalents. Despite this, copper became widely used,
especially in the manufacture of eating utensils, such as cups, plates and
6.1 DATA forks.
ANALYSIS Anthropologists classify the period between 6000 and 5000 BP as the
Timeline: The history height of the Copper Age. As the Copper Age, declined the Bronze Age
of copper developed.

The Bronze Age (60003000 BP)

About 6000 BP, while closed-furnace smelting was being developed in the
Middle East, metalsmiths discovered a way of producing harder materials
from copper. They produced a hard alloy of copper and arsenic called
arsenic bronze. The ores in which copper minerals were found were often
contaminated with other metals such as arsenic, lead, nickel and bismuth.
Lead contaminants softened the copper but arsenic contaminants pro-
duced a harder, finer product that was more readily worked and cast.
Thus, arsenic bronzes became favoured over pure copper.
Further experimentation showed that tin produced the best alloy with
copper. Tin bronzes (containing about 10% tin) were harder and less brittle
than arsenic bronzes. In the process of making tin bronze, in places such
as Kestel in eastern Turkey, tin metal was produced by smelting tin ores,
such as cassiterite, SnO2, with charcoal. The ingots of purified tin were
then combined and melted with copper in a furnace to produce molten

Tin bronze could be more readily shaped and sharpened than copper, so
cutting tools and weapons of war could be made from it. Bronze weapons
allowed nations to conquer their less developed neighbours. The rulers
of these kingdoms and empires demanded bronze for their palaces and
tombs. Tin ores did not occur in the Middle East and so they had to be
traded from England, continental Europe and Armenia. By 4000 BP, an
extensive trade network had developed with Europe. European contact with
the metalsmiths of the Middle East led to the development of this technol-
ogy in many European countries including Spain. By 2800 BP, vast copper
deposits were being mined in central European countries, such as Austria,
and this copper was turned into bronze by European bronzesmiths.
The Bronze Age reached its height in the period 43003000 BP. As the
Bronze Age declined, it was replaced by the Iron Age.

The Iron Age (35002000 BP)

The Iron Age marked the emergence of a new smelting technology that
allowed humans to exploit iron. Unlike copper ores, which could be
smelted easily, much higher temperatures were required to smelt iron
ores. Also, the iron formed was not as malleable as copper unless it
was red-hot, and impurities were more difficult to remove. The Bronze
Age continued for thousands of years because native copper was much
more abundant than native iron. Initially, the only source of native iron
was meteoric iron. By chipping off pieces of meteoric iron, early iron-
workers could make iron weapons that were harder than bronze weap-
Figure 6.8 ons. This type of iron was resistant to corrosion because of its high
About 6000 BP, humans started to nickel content.
manufacture bronze and use it to The Iron Age probably began in the Middle East about 3500 BP.
make tools, jewellery and containers.
Crushed iron ore and charcoal were mixed together and placed in a
furnace where they were smelted. The temperature was raised using air
from blowpipes and bellows to fan the fire. The iron obtained from these
primitive smelters was in the form of a black, spongy mass. Early iron-
smiths (or blacksmiths) discovered that, if the iron was exposed to too
much carbon, it became hard and brittle. Chemists later discovered that
this was due to the formation of crystals of cementite, Fe3C.
The black, spongy mass of iron produced in these furnaces was not very
useful. Blacksmiths hammered this impure iron at red heat to squeeze out
the solid impurities and to burn off most of the carbon. The hot iron was
beaten and folded thousands of times at the forge. This process removed
most of the cementite crystals. The final product was called wrought
iron. By 2100 BP, strips of iron were being used for various purposes
including chariot wheels and barrel hoops. The Chinese developed the
high-temperature blast furnace, where the temperature was high enough
to produce molten iron that could be cast into moulds.
Smelted iron became a vital part of the culture of the Iron Age people.
Iron nails, knives and sickle blades have been discovered in archaeological
digs in Iran. The blacksmiths also discovered how to convert iron into the
alloy we call steel. The iron was heated at high temperature with charcoal
(carbon) and then quenched in cold water. The process incorporated
small quantities of carbon into the iron to produce steel. Flexible shafts
with sharp cutting edges could be made from steel, which is ideal for
weapons such as swords. This technology developed to very high levels in
Damascus (Syria) and in India. The strength of steel made it useful for
construction of machines and a wide variety of structural purposes.


Figure 6.9
Blacksmiths modified the properties
of iron and steel.

Because of their greater tensile strength and the hardness of iron alloys,
iron and steel gradually replaced copper alloys. The Iron Age ended with
the start of the modern era about 2000 BP. We continue to make extensive
use of steel.

The wide variety of metals

The discovery of metals is related to the technological development of
societies. Seven metals were known to the ancients (see table 6.5). Some
metals, such as lead and tin, owe their discovery to the development of
high-temperature furnaces and smelters. Many metals are so strongly
bound to other elements in their ores that considerable energy is required
to break the chemical bonds and release the metal. The more reactive the
metal, the more energy is required to release it from its compounds.
Some metals were not discovered until the nineteenth century because
heat energy alone was not sufficient to decompose their compounds.
The invention of electrolytic decomposition led to the discovery of active
metals such as sodium and potassium in 1807 and magnesium in 1808.
Early attempts to smelt aluminium ores were unsatisfactory as consider-
able heat was required and the aluminium vapourised in open furnaces.
Although aluminium was eventually produced using a high-temperature
(2000 C), closed smelter, it was found to be more efficiently prepared
from its oxide using electrolytic decomposition.
The discovery of active metals such as sodium and magnesium resulted
in discoveries of other metals using the process of reduction. These active
metals could remove oxygen or other non-metals from the compounds of
other metals, leading to the release of the free metal. Titanium is produced
commercially today by reacting magnesium with fused titanium chloride.
The metals beyond uranium in the periodic table owe their production
to nuclear technology. Some of these are produced by neutron bombard-
ment of other elements in nuclear reactors. Firing high-velocity, metallic

ions, produced in a particle accelerator, into metallic targets forms new
elements. The heavy elements produced by the fusion of the two nuclei
are highly radioactive and decay rapidly.
Over the last 200 years, metals have become readily available due to
ongoing improvements in mining, smelting techniques and transporta-
tion. Chemists, metallurgists and chemical and mining engineers are
responsible for this increase in metal supplies. Much of this change has
been driven by the needs of our technological society.
Table 6.5 lists a selection of metals that were discovered over the last
10 000 years. Most were discovered in the last 200 years as technology has

Table 6.5 The discovery of metals

Period of discovery Selection of metals discovered

before 750 BC gold, silver, copper, iron, lead, tin, mercury

12011700 AD zinc, bismuth

17011800 AD cobalt, nickel, manganese, tungsten, uranium, titanium,


18011900 AD potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, aluminium,

indium, gallium, radium

1901 ADpresent europium, rhenium, francium, neptunium, plutonium,

curium, einsteinium

10. THE HISTORY OF CHEMISTRY this development. Eventually, metals were used to
The chemistry syllabus places an emphasis on construct large machines and ocean vessels that
students acquiring a background knowledge of the allowed commerce to spread across the globe.
history of chemistry. This involves developing deep Metals, such as copper, also provided a means of
knowledge of: communications between distant communities using
O the developmental nature of our understanding inventions such as the telegraph and the telephone.
about matter and its interactions
O the part that an understanding of matter and its

interactions plays in shaping society

O how our understanding of matter and its

interactions is influenced by society.

The study of metals requires students to link the
discovery of metals to changes in society, from
agricultural communities, through industrialisation,
to our current technological society.
Societies that moved beyond the use of stone,
by extracting metals from ores, formed settled
communities where individuals were responsible
for providing others with a particular service or
product. The production of smelted metal allowed
these societies to produce new tools and weapons Figure 6.10 This compressed copper tubing is on its way to
that were superior to the old ones. The ability of a recycling plant. Copper is in heavy demand today, mainly for
metals to be shaped and drawn is important in electrical wiring and communication cables.


6.1 QUESTIONS 4. (a) The Bronze Age followed the Copper
Age. Bronze replaced copper in regions
with access to other metals that could be
1. Identify each of the following metals.
alloyed with copper.
(a) A metal with the chemical symbol Cu
(i) Name the two common metals
(b) A jewellery metal mined in Egypt over
present in a modern bronze alloy.
9000 BP
(ii) Describe how the composition of
(c) A grey metal that can be extracted from
bronze changed during the period
the mineral galena
of the Bronze Age.
(d) A metal used in light, structural alloys
(b) The early forms of bronze were not
that was prepared in 1808 AD by the
as satisfactory as later forms. Identify
electrolysis of its molten chloride
what caused metalsmiths to search for
(e) A metal extracted from the minerals
improved forms of bronze.
rutile and ilmenite
(c) Some meteors contain iron. This
2. Identify which metal in table 6.6 (below): meteoric iron was the first form of iron
(a) has the lowest density used by humans. This occurred during
(b) is the best electrical conductor the Copper and Bronze Ages but iron
(c) is used as a base for many saucepans remained a fairly uncommon metal.
(d) is used as a component of a low- Explain the reason for this.
temperature alloy
5. The early Iron Age overlapped the late
(e) is a liquid at 3000 C
Bronze Age.
(f) is a liquid at 400 C
(a) Identify the time and place where it is
(g) is used in spacecraft because of its
believed that the Iron Age began.
low density and low thermal
(b) The first iron furnaces produced a
black, spongy mass of impure iron that
3. (a) The period around 90005000 BP is was very brittle. Explain the cause of this
called the Copper Age, with the height problem.
occurring about 60005000 BP. Explain (c) Describe how an early blacksmith could
what archaeologists mean by the use convert the brittle, black iron into a
of the term Copper Age to describe more malleable and flexible form.
human history. (d) Good swords should be soft and flexible,
(b) People who worked with copper were but their edges should be sharp and
called coppersmiths. Explain how the hard. Describe how a blacksmith can
earliest coppersmiths obtained metallic convert iron to steel.
copper from copper ores.

Table 6.6

Melting point Boiling point Density Electrical con- conductivity
Metal (C) (C) (g/cm3) ductivity (MS/m) (J/s/m/K)

gold 1064 2808 19.3 44 317

copper 1085 2572 8.96 58.4 401

lead 327 1740 11.3 4.8 35

iron 1535 2750 7.86 110.3 80

magnesium 650 1110 1.74 22 156

calcium 842 1484 1.55 29 200

titanium 1660 3287 4.5 2.3 22

6. Smelting has long been used to extract (f) Write a word equation for this reaction.
metals such as lead from their ores. A simple (g) Identify the safety issues in this
method of smelting a lead ore is illustrated investigation.
in figure 6.11. A sample of red lead oxide 7. Cobalt and nickel were discovered in
powder is placed in a cavity in a carbon the eighteenth century, but calcium and
block and subjected to intense heat from a magnesium were not discovered until the
Bunsen burner flame. Air is blown onto the early nineteenth century. Identify reasons
sample through a blowpipe. (This method why magnesium and calcium were not
of extracting lead is not used commonly now discovered earlier.
because of the toxicity of lead.)
(a) Identify the types of chemical bonds "LOWPIPE "UNSEN BURNER
that have to be broken to release lead !IR
from its ore.
(b) The blowpipe provides additional 0OWDERED LEAD OXIDE
oxygen. Explain why this is important. CARBON BLOCK
(c) Explain why carbon is an essential
reactant in this reaction. #HARCOAL BLOCK
(d) Colourless gases are released in the
Figure 6.11 Extraction of lead on a carbon block
reaction. Predict the composition of
these gases. Justify your answer.
(e) Lead is formed as the red oxide 8. Identify why there are more metals available
decomposes. Describe the appearance for people to use now than there were
of the lead at this stage. 200 years ago.

+#' ! , ,/93
Common alloys and their
Before beginning this section, uses
you should be able to:
recall that the properties of Ancient metallurgists and modern chemists
different metallic crystals can discovered that mixing metals with other
be related to their lattice elements can produce desirable properties.
structures and the strength
of the metallic bonding within This process of making an alloy is called
the lattice. alloying. Most alloys are homogeneous solid
Key content solutions, also called substitutional alloys. The
By the end of this section, you cupronickel alloy used in Australian coin-
should be able to:
describe the use of common age is an example of a homogeneous alloy
alloys, including steel, brass in which some copper atoms are substituted
and solder, and explain by similar-sized nickel atoms. Some alloys,
how these relate to their
properties however, have distinct regions existing
gather, process, analyse and within the crystal lattice, so are described
present information from
secondary sources on the as heterogeneous or interstitial alloys. The
Figure 6.12
range of alloys produced and examples in figure 6.13 show that the size Some bicycle frames are
the reasons for the production of the atom of the minor component influ-
and use of these alloys. manufactured from titanium
ences the structure of the alloys lattice. aluminiumvanadium alloys.

alloy: a mixture of a metal with )RON
one or more other elements #OPPER
(These other elements are #ARBON
usually metals.) :INC

Figure 6.13
Lattice structures of alloys: (a) brass, a homogeneous alloy and (b) steel, a
heterogeneous alloy


The inclusion of small quantities of other atoms in the crystal lattice of a
heterogeneous alloy: an alloy in metal changes the properties of the metal. Such disturbance of the crystal
which the component atoms
are not uniformly distributed lattice and the creation of lattice defects explains many of these property
throughout the lattice. Examples changes. These changes include:
include pearlite steel, containing
regions of cementite crystals, colour changes. For example, brass is yellow but copper is salmon-pink.
Fe3C, and some solders that
contain crystals of lead or tin. increased hardness. For example, tungsten steel is harder than iron.
homogeneous alloy: an alloy in reduced malleability. For example, high carbon tool steel is much less
which the component atoms are malleable than iron.
uniformly distributed throughout
the lattice. Examples include reduced electrical conductivity. For example, cupronickel alloys and
cupronickel and mild steel. brass have much lower electrical conductivity than pure copper.
reduced melting point. For example, solder has a lower melting point
than either lead or tin.

Pure iron is very difficult to prepare. Iron from the blast furnace contains
about 4% carbon as well as variable amounts of silicon, sulfur, phosphorus
and manganese. This form of iron is known as pig iron, which is too brittle
for most structural materials. It can be remelted and cast to form cast iron,
which is used for grates and balustrades.
Pig iron can be converted to a more useful iron alloy called steel
using the basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process. Magnesium is added
to the melted pig iron to remove most of the sulfur. Pure oxygen is
then blasted onto the surface of the melted iron to oxidise the carbon,
silicon and phosphorus impurities. Aluminium is added to remove excess
dissolved oxygen in the steel before it is poured out of the converter
to cool and solidify. The impurities from this process remain in a waste
known as slag.
The percentage of carbon or other metals in the steel is used to classify it
into further categories. Steel can be classified as carbon steel (table 6.7) or alloy
steel (table 6.8). The uses of each type of steel is related to its properties.

Table 6.7 Carbon steels

% %
Name Properties Uses
carbon* manganese**

mild steel <0.2 00.4 soft; malleable; sheet steel, car

ductile; bodies, nails,
corrodes rapidly roofing, pipes,
nuts and bolts,

structural steel 0.30.6 0.61.65 hard; moderate railway tracks,

ductility; girders,
corrodes rapidly beams, axles,

high carbon 0.61.3 0.30.9 very hard; very axe heads,

steel low malleability; small tools,
brittle; corrodes scissors,
fairly rapidly springs, high-
strength wires

*More carbon makes the steel harder and less malleable.

**Manganese hardens and toughens the steel and makes it less brittle.

Molten iron tips
in ladle

Melted slag is
Molten Molten steel is collected before
iron poured out converter is
of converter. re-used.
Figure 6.14 Scrap
Making steel iron Molten
from pig iron Converter iron

Table 6.8 Alloy steels

Name % carbon Other metals Properties Uses

stainless 0.11.5 1230% Cr high corrosion kitchen sinks,

steel 08% Ni resistance; surgical
abrasion instruments,
resistance; high cutlery, valves,
tensile strength flanges

high nickel <0.05 18% Ni tough; high aircraft

steel 8% Co corrosion undercarriages,
4% Mo resistance; high dies, engine
0.8% Ti weldability parts

high speed 0.41.0 1418% W hard at high high-speed

steel 35% Cr temperatures; cutting tools
0.21.0% V high heat
resistance; high
tensile strength

The addition of various metals changes the property of the steel. For
chromium increases resistance to corrosion, heat and abrasion
nickel increases strength and hardness
tungsten increases hardness and abrasion resistance, and strength and
hardness at high temperatures
molybdenum increases hardness and strength, and corrosion resistance
in marine environments.



Figure 6.15
(a) Structural steel is used for railway
tracks and mild steel is used for train
carriage sheeting. These differences
in usage are related to the physical
properties of the steel. (b) Stainless
steel has properties that make it
suitable for surgical instruments.


The major metals in brass are copper and zinc. The proportion of copper to
zinc affects the colour of the alloy. Brass is typically a golden-yellow colour
and it can be used in costume jewellery. A more reddish brass for special
enamelled jewellery is made from 8085% copper and 2015% zinc. The
presence of zinc makes it much stronger and harder than copper. The higher
the proportion of zinc, the greater the hardness and tensile strength. Brass
can also be highly polished, which makes it useful for ornamental materials
and brass musical instruments.

Figure 6.16
Marching bands pride themselves on
the shine on their brass instruments.
Smaller amounts of other metals, such as lead, tin and aluminium, may
be added to change the property of brass. Table 6.9 lists some common
brass alloys. The method of formation of the alloy causes variations in its
crystalline structure, which affect its strength and hardness. Tensile strength
measures the tensional (or pulling) forces that the alloy can withstand
before breaking. Hardness can be measured on a number of scales includ-
ing the Mohs scale and the Brinell scale.
Table 6.9 Brass
Tensile strength Hardness
% Cu % Zn (kg/mm2) (Brinell scale) Uses

85 15 1718 4560 red brass; soft so used for

cheap jewellery that is to be
gold plated

70 30 1720 4565 cartridge brass; brass tubes,

sheets, wires and marine

60 40 2531 5075 Muntz metal; bolts and nuts

and machine parts

The major metals in solder are lead and tin. The proportion of lead to tin
affects the melting point of the alloy. The melting point of solder is usually
less than either lead (327 C) or tin (232 C). Solder is a fusible alloy used
to join wires and electrical components in circuits. It adheres strongly to
other metals in the solid and liquid states. Other metals present in minor
amounts in solder are antimony and bismuth. Table 6.10 lists some com-
mon types of solder. The solidusliquidus range is the temperature range
in which the alloy is semi-solid or plastic.

The solder used by electricians must conduct well and not have a wide
plastic range before it solidifies. Plumbers, however, need a solder that
remains plastic for a longer time so they can adjust the joints.

Table 6.10 Solder

%Pb %Sn range (C) Uses

36 62 178190 (with 2% Ag) silver soldering for

specialised electronic circuits

50 50 183212 general-purpose plumbers solder

60 40 183188 general-purpose solder for electrical

connections allows short soldering

70 30 183258 automotive plumbers solder for

radiator and body repair wide plastic
range allows it to be worked longer

92 8 280305 thermostat soldering

There are also special lead-free solders in which silver is a major

6.2 DATA component. Silversmiths and jewellers use these silver solders to create
ANALYSIS personal jewellery. Some examples include:
The melting points hard silver solder (high melting point): 75% Ag; 22% Cu; 3% Zn
of solders
easy flow silver solder (low melting point): 45% Ag; 24% Cd; 16% Zn;
15% Cu.

Figure 6.17
Silver solder is used in the
manufacture of circuit boards.


SAMPLE PROBLEM 6.1 Use the data in table 6.11 to answer the following questions.
(a) Determine the melting points of pure tin and pure lead.
(b) An alloy consisting of 48% tin is held at 225 C. Explain whether
the alloy is a solid, paste (plastic) or liquid at this temperature.
(c) Identify the alloy with the greatest plastic range.
(d) Explain which solder would be most suitable for soldering electrical

Table 6.11 Leadtin solder

Temperature at which solder Temperature at which solder
%Sn %Pb becomes plastic (C) becomes liquid (C)

0 100 327

10 90 234 302

48 52 183 218

60 40 183 188

100 0 232

SOLUTION (a) Melting point of lead = 327 C, melting point of tin = 232 C
(b) It would be a liquid as it is above its melting point of 218 C.
(c) Solder with 10% Sn : 90% Pb has a 68 C plastic range, which is
the largest in table 6.11.
(d) Solder with 60% Sn : 40% Pb has the lowest plastic range, so will
set or melt fastest, which is important for electrical work.

6.2 QUESTIONS C Red brass has a high percentage of

copper and is relatively soft.
D The tensile strength of brass is less than
1. Nickel is added to copper to make the
for pure copper.
cupronickel that is used for our coins.
Which property of the alloy is improved by 4. (a) Explain why homogeneous alloys can be
the presence of the nickel? referred to as solid solutions.
A Weight (b) An alloy is made from two metals A
B Strength and hardness and B. Examination of the alloy under
C Heat conductivity a scanning electron microscope shows
D Melting point that various regions of the crystal
lattice contain discrete grains of A
2. Select the statement that is true of mild
and B. Explain whether this alloy is
(low carbon) steel.
homogeneous or heterogeneous.
A Its carbon content is between
0.3 and 0.6%. 5. Steelmaking is an important industry in
B It is very hard and brittle. Australia. The iron that emerges from the
C It is used for sheet metal roofing. smelter is called pig iron.
D It is ductile but not malleable. (a) Explain why pig iron is not used directly
in the construction industry.
3. Select the statement that is true of brass.
(b) Pig iron is converted to steel in the BOS
A The greater the tin content, the harder
process. Identify the element within
the brass.
the pig iron that must be reduced in
B Brass is a silvery alloy that contains
concentration to produce steel.
mainly zinc and tin.

(c) Tungsten and molybdenum may be weight of tin that can be added to
added in the process of making steel. 5000 kg of melted copper to produce
Describe how these elements change the bronze.
properties of the steel. (c) Australias one- and two-dollar coins are
(d) There are many forms of stainless made of a type of aluminium bronze.
steel but all are resistant to corrosion. The typical composition of these coins
Identify the two metals that commonly is 92% Cu : 6% Al : 2% Ni. Calculate
provide this resistance to corrosion. the mass of each metal that is needed to
6. Modern bronze is an alloy of copper. make 5000 kg of bronze for these coins.
(a) The superiority of bronze over copper 7. Three manufactured carbon steel items
led to the development of the Bronze were analysed and their percentage carbon
Age and the decline of the Copper by weight determined. The results were:
Age. Explain how bronze is superior item X, 1.1% C; item Y, 0.1% C and item Z,
to copper. 0.35% C. The items were (in random order)
(b) Tin bronze can contain up to 14% by nails, axe head and girder. Identify each
weight of tin. Calculate the maximum item.

Weblinks Metals have been used by humans for a variety of purposes for
about 10 000 years.
Some metals such as gold can be found as native metals.
Energy is required to extract a metal from its ore.
Some copper ores can be decomposed by heating them with
charcoal in a simple kiln. Copper and its alloys were produced
Checkpoint in this way. This period in history is called the Copper Age and
Revision 3 Bronze Age.
Higher temperature kilns were used to extract iron from its ores.
This period in history is called the Iron Age.
The use of metals has changed over time.
Metals can be alloyed to change their properties and uses. New
Checkpoint alloys are being developed.
Revision 3 Answers Metals are non-renewable resources. Recycling of metals has
become increasingly important.



6.1 DATA
The Americas
USA (7 BP) IBM replac
es aluminium
with copper in its microcircui
try on silicon
USA (118 BP) Statue of
In this activity, you will develop and annotate a Liberty
completed; 80 tonnes of cop
timeline of the history of copper. per used in its
1. Organise the following second-hand data into
chronological (date) order and then develop a North America (500 BP)
timeline for the history of copper. This timeline Americans use native copper
can be produced in several formats including a manufacture jewellery and
two-column table using a computer application objects.
or a wall chart. You may like to use the Internet West Indies (500 BP) cop
per mining and
to gather additional data for your copper production of cast copper hat
timeline. (Note: These dates are based on 2006 North America (256 BP)
copper mining
so will change each year.) established by Dutch settler
s near New
York. They learnt of copper
from Native
Americans who made copper
Europe Peru (1300 BP) Incas
use copper and
wooden ships
Europe (600 BP) hulls of bronze for tools and weapo
etin g to protect
covered in copper she
against algal growth
rolling mills
Europe (215 BP) copper
s pro duce copper
powered by steam engine Middle East
sheet Iraq and Sumeria (10 000
wires used in BP) native
Germany (191 BP) copper copper melted, forged and
first electromagne tic tele gra ph Egypt (4500 BP) copper
l Faraday tubing used for
England (169 BP) Michae waterworks
per disc
develops first dynamo using a cop Iran (5800 BP) chisels
and spatulas
and wire. manufactured from copper
00 BP)
Bohemia (Czech Republic) (44 Egypt (5000 BP Sumeri
an metalworkers
copper mining show how copper can be cas
t into useful
t telescope utensils and ornaments.
Netherlands (192 BP) firs
made from brass Israel (5300 BP) axes,
saws and
first battery spearheads manufactured fro
Italy (205 BP) Volta makes Cyprus (4900 BP) cop
m copper
using copper and zinc plates. per coins used for
ygens develops tolls to provide funds to bu
Netherlands (348 BP) Hu Turkey (9250 BP) cop
ild the pyramids
a pendulum
brass pendulum and gears for manufactured
per artefacts
ed copper in
Hungary (266 BP) dissolv
spring water used as a me atio


1_61_04106_Chem1_06 124 12/9/06 9:14:29 AM


China (2220 BP) copper coin
in north-
India (5000 BP) copper mining
west India
to repair
India (3200 BP) copper used
image of Buddha
d for
Thailand (5600 BP) bronze use
tools and jewellery
China (3400 BP) bronze-casting
in northern China






2ED !2!")! 0ERSIAN

    KM 3EA 'ULF



Figure 6.18 Map of ancient copper mines and bronze industries in the Middle East

2. Briefly discuss how your timeline shows the

spread of copper technology from the Middle
East to Asia, Europe and the Americas.



6.2 DATA
MELTING POINTS OF SOLDERS 4. Consider leadtin solders and leadtinsilver
solders with a high lead composition (such as
93% lead). Use table 6.13 and your graph to
Tables 6.12 and 6.13 list the melting points of compare the melting points of these high lead
various compositions of solder. Use these tables to solders. Does the addition of silver affect the
answer the following questions. melting point of high lead solders in the same
1. Use table 6.12 to plot a line graph of the way as low lead solders, as in question 3.
melting point of the leadtin solders as a 5. The melting point of a 69% Pb : 30% Sn :
function of the percentage of lead in the 1% Sb alloy is 250 C. Use your answer to
solder. Draw the line of best fit through the question 2 to describe how replacing 1% of the
data points. lead with antimony affects the melting point of
2. Use your graph to estimate the melting point the alloy.
of a solder with a composition of 70% lead and
30% tin.
3. Use your graph and table 6.13 to compare the
melting points of a solder with a composition
of 36% Pb : 64% Sn and a solder with a
composition of 36% Pb : 60% Sn : 4% Ag. How
does the addition of silver affect the melting
point of the alloy?

Table 6.12 Melting points of leadtin solders

Lead (%) 0 20 37 40 50 60 90 100

232 210 183 188 215 235 302 327
point (C)

Table 6.13 Melting points of leadtinsilver solders

Lead (%) 36 36 57 62 70 93 97.5 97.5

Tin (%) 62 60 40 36 27 5 0 0.75

Silver (%) 2 4 3 2 3 2 2.5 1.75

190 180 312 179 312 301 305 310
point (C)

Metals differ in their reactivity with other chemicals such
as air, water and acids. Some metals such as sodium are
so reactive that they cannot exist as the free element in
nature. Gold is so unreactive that native gold is commonly
found in natural deposits. The reactivity of metals
influences their uses. Reactivity is a chemical property
that will be examined in this section.

In this chapter
7.1 Metals and their reactivity page 128
7.2 Reactivity and uses of metals page 132

Figure 7.1
Sodium must be stored away from air and water as it
is a very reactive metal.
,#& - % 4! , 3 ! . $ 4 ( % ) 2
2 % !# 4 ) 6 ) 4 9
Remember Reactions of metals
Before beginning this section, The reactivity of metals can be determined
you should be able to:
explain the relationship experimentally by observing the speed
between the reactivity of an of reaction of the metals with common
element and the likelihood of
it existing as an uncombined chemical reagents such as water, oxygen
element. and dilute acids.
Key content
By the end of this section, you Reaction with water
should be able to: Results of experiments to compare the
describe observable changes
when metals react with dilute reactions of a selection of common metals
acid, water and oxygen with water, hot water and steam are shown
describe and justify the
criteria used to place metals in table 7.1. It shows that either oxides or
into an order of activity based hydroxides are formed.
on their ease of reaction with
oxygen, water and dilute acids
identify the reaction of metals Table 7.1 Reactivity of metals with water
with acids as requiring the
transfer of electrons K, Na, Ca react with cold water to form
perform a first-hand hydroxide ions and release
investigation incorporating hydrogen gas
information from secondary
sources to determine the
metal activity series Mg reacts with hot water to form
construct word and balanced hydroxide ions and release
chemical equations for the
reaction of metals with water, hydrogen gas
oxygen and dilute acid
construct half-equations
to represent the electron Al, Zn, Fe react with steam at red heat to
transfer reactions occurring form oxide ions and release
when metals react with hydrogen gas
dilute hydrochloric and dilute
sulfuric acids Figure 7.2 Magnesium burns
present information by using Sn, Pb, Cu, no reaction brightly in air or oxygen.
symbols and formulae to Hg, Ag, Au
express relationships and
using appropriate units for
physical quantities. The reaction rate is highest for active metals. Unreactive metals such
as copper and gold do not react; they are inert. Potassium, sodium and
calcium are the most reactive metals with water. The following equations
inert: describes a substance
that does not react with other illustrate some of the reactions described in table 7.1.
substances Sodium + water
Word equation:
sodium metal + water sodium hydroxide solution + hydrogen gas
Balanced chemical equation:
2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)
Iron + steam
Word equation:
iron metal + steam iron oxide solid + hydrogen gas
Balanced chemical equation:
Fe(s) + H2O(g) FeO(s) + H2(g)
Figure 7.3
Magnesium reacts with hot water, forming bubbles of hydrogen gas on its surface.

Reaction with oxygen
Experiments can be conducted to observe the reaction of metals with air
(21% oxygen). The metals are normally heated (e.g. in a Bunsen flame)
to initiate the reaction. The hot metals can also be plunged into gas jars of
oxygen. The results of such experiments are shown in table 7.2.

Table 7.2 Reactivity of metals when heated in air or with oxygen

peroxide: a compound containing K, Na, Ca burn rapidly to form oxides or peroxides

the peroxide radical O22
Mg, Al, Zn, Fe burn readily if powdered or as fine fibres to form oxides

Sn, Pb, Cu, Hg become coated with oxide layers during heating

Ag, Au no reaction

Potassium, sodium and calcium are highly reactive to oxygen while silver
and gold are unreactive. The following equations illustrate some of the r
eactions in table 7.2.
Calcium + oxygen
Word equation:
calcium metal + oxygen gas calcium peroxide solid
Balanced chemical equation:
Ca(s) + O2(g) CaO2(s)
Mercury + oxygen
Word equation:
mercury metal + oxygen gas mercury (II) oxide solid
Balanced chemical equation:
2Hg(s) + O2(g) 2HgO(s)

Reaction with dilute acids

The reaction of metals in dilute solutions of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid
has been determined and the results are shown in table 7.3.

Table 7.3 Reactivity of metals with dilute acids

K, Na effervesce very rapidly producing hydrogen gas, which

may ignite

Ca, Mg bubble rapidly releasing hydrogen

Al, Zn, Fe, Sn, Pb bubble moderately to very slowly as hydrogen is released;
Figure 7.4 reaction is faster in warm acid; lead stops reacting when
Calcium burns in oxygen with coated with insoluble PbCl2 or PbSO4
a bright white flame.
Cu, Hg, Ag, Au no reaction

The reactive metals, such as potassium and sodium, often cause

explosions because the reaction releases both heat and hydrogen. The
surface of aluminium must be cleaned or the oxide coating will prevent
reaction until it is dissolved away by the acid. Heating the acid increases
the reaction rate.


The following equations illustrate some of the reactions in table 7.3.
Sodium + dilute sulfuric acid
Word equation:

sodium metal + sulfuric acid sodium sulfate solution + hydrogen gas

Balanced chemical equation:

2Na(s) + H2SO4(aq) Na2SO4(aq) + H2(g)

Zinc + dilute hydrochloric acid

Word equation:

zinc metal + hydrochloric acid zinc chloride solution + hydrogen gas

Balanced chemical equation:

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g)

The activity series of metals

The experiments described in the previous section reveal a common
trend in the reactivity of metals. The order of metal reactivity is known as
the activity series of metals. A more complete list is shown in table 7.4.
The activity series is the combined Table 7.4 Activity series of metals
result of many other experiments
including thermal decomposition most active potassium
reactions of compounds of these sodium
Figure 7.5 elements. Care must be taken in using
Zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid barium
this list as some metals can behave
producing bubbles of hydrogen gas. unexpectedly in different chemical calcium
environments. For example, aluminium magnesium
is more reactive than iron yet it does not
corrode as rapidly as iron. This is due aluminium
to an impervious coating of aluminium chromium
oxide that exists as a microlayer on the
surface of that metal.
Reactivity and electron transfer cobalt
The reaction between metals and acids
or other chemicals involves electron
transfer. tin
The more reactive a metal, the lead
more readily electron transfer
occurs. Thus, magnesium rapid-
ly reacts with dilute hydrochloric mercury
acid as magnesium rapidly trans- silver
fers electrons to the hydrogen ions
in the acid. This process can be platinum
summarised using half-equations that least active gold
show the process of electron loss
by the metal and electron gain by the hydrogen ion. The over-
all equation is found by summing the two half-equations and
cancelling out the electrons.

Electron loss: Mg(s) Mg2+(aq) + 2e
Electron gain: 2H+(aq) + 2e H2(g)

7.1 PRACTICAL Ionic (overall) reaction: Mg(s) + 2H+(aq) Mg2+(aq) + H2(g)

ACTIVITIES Atoms of noble metals, such as gold, hold their valence electrons tightly
The activity series and do not transfer them to the hydrogen ions of the acid. Thus, there is
of metals no reaction between these metals and dilute hydrochloric acid.

Half-equations help us understand the electron transfer process between
metals and non-metals. Generally:
metals lose electrons to form metal ions (cations)
non-metals gain electrons to form non-metal ions (anions)
hydrogen ions gain electrons to form hydrogen gas.
Using these generalisations, we can write half-equations for the reactions
between metals and dilute acids. Half-equations must be balanced in
terms of atoms and charges.
Ionic equations are created by summing two half-equations so that the
number of electrons lost by the metal equals the number of electrons
gained by the non-metal or hydrogen ion.
Example: Reaction of aluminium with hot sulfuric acid
Aluminium atoms will lose three electrons and the hydrogen ions will
gain two electrons.
Electron loss: Al(s) Al3+(aq) + 3e (1)
Electron gain: +
2H (aq) + 2e H2(g) (2)
To balance the electrons, multiply half-equation (1) by 2 and half-
equation (2) by 3, and then add the two half-equations. Check that the
atoms and charges balance.
Electron loss: 2Al(s) 2Al3+(aq) + 6e
Electron gain: 6H+(aq) + 6e 3H2(g)
Ionic equation: +
2Al(s) + 6H (aq) 2Al3+(aq) + 3H2(g)

7.1 QUESTIONS 3. Identify the metal from the following

list that does not react with steam at red
heat but does react slowly with hot, dilute
1. Identify the least active metal in the acids.
following list. A Tin
A Calcium B Gold
B Tin C Iron
C Iron D Silver
D Aluminium
4. Use the activity series to identify the most
2. Identify the univalent metal in the following active metal in each of the following lists:
list that reacts with air, water and dilute acid. (a) silver, calcium, aluminium
A Barium (b) nickel, cobalt, gold
B Silver (c) barium, calcium, potassium
C Lead (d) gold, mercury, platinum
D Sodium (e) lead, zinc, magnesium.


5. Write balanced chemical equations for the 7. A silvery, divalent metal X reacts with
following reactions involving metals. steam only if the metal is red-hot. The
(a) Steam is passed over red-hot zinc. surface of the metal gradually becomes
(b) Magnesium powder is heated in a jar covered in a black powder. A gas is evolved
of oxygen. in the reaction. This gas explodes in the
(c) Potassium metal is added to dilute presence of a flame.
hydrochloric acid. (a) Identify the gas evolved.
(d) Magnesium metal is added to dilute (b) Write a balanced equation for the
sulfuric acid. reaction of red-hot X with steam.
(c) Identify X from the following list: Al, Mg,
6. Write half-equations and ionic equations for
Fe, Ca, Ag. Justify your answer.
the following:
(a) calcium + dilute sulfuric acid
(b) zinc + dilute hydrochloric acid
(c) potassium + dilute sulfuric acid.

,#' 2 % !# 4 ) 6 ) 4 9 ! . $ 5 3 % 3
/ & - % 4! , 3
Remember Relating reactivity to use
Before beginning this section, Knowledge of a metals reactivity is important in designing ways to use it. If
you should be able to: a metal readily oxidises (corrodes), it is unsuitable as a structural material
explain the relationship
between the reactivity of an unless it can be protected from the environment. New metals and alloys are
element and the likelihood of constantly being investigated. Titanium is one example. It has an activity
it existing as an uncombined similar to aluminium but it has greater tensile strength. It can withstand
describe observable changes shearing forces for a longer time than many conventional metals.
when metals react with dilute Titanium alloys are used in the engines of commercial jets. The chemi-
acid, water and oxygen.
cal industry makes increasing use of titanium because of its resistance to
Key content corrosion. Pumps, pipes and reaction vessels made of titanium are used in
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: some chemical industries.
outline examples of the
selection of metals for
different purposes based
on their reactivity, with
a particular emphasis on
current developments in the
use of metals
identify the importance of
first ionisation energy in
determining the relative
reactivity of metals
outline the relationship
between the relative activities
of metals and their positions
in the periodic table
present information clearly
and succinctly using a variety
of pictorial representations to
show relationships.

Figure 7.6
The fuel tanks on Skylab space
station were made of titanium.

Table 7.5 lists some common uses of metals that are related to their
chemical reactivity. Other uses are related to their physical properties.

Table 7.5 Uses of metals related to their chemical reactivity

Metal Property Use related to property

Mg, Al high reactivity with oxygen fireworks

producing a very bright,
Figure 7.7 white light
A worker inspects hot, galvanised,
sheet steel at a steelworks. The zinc
layer prevents the steel from rusting Ti high corrosion resistance surgical implants
even if the surface is scratched.
Zn more readily oxidised than galvanised iron. Iron sheeting is
iron or steel protected from rusting by the more
galvanised: describes a metal active zinc.
(such as iron) coated with zinc
to protect it from corrosion sacrificial anodes. Zinc anodes protect
ship propellers and hulls.

Sn not as readily oxidised as tin plating of steel cans. If no iron is

Iron iron or steel exposed, the less reactive tin protects the

Zinc coating protects the Cu high corrosion resistance water pipes, electrical wires and wrapping
iron from rusting.
for optic fibre cables. Copper does not
Figure 7.8 corrode readily in the environment.
The zinc coating on galvanised iron
protects the metal from corrosion.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 7.1 Account for the use of calcium rather than copper as a dehydrating
agent for some petroleum solvents.

Calcium is a very active metal that reacts with water and removes it
SOLUTION from the organic solvent. Copper is very unreactive and does not
remove water from the solvent.

Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) Ca(OH)2(s) + H2(g)

Ionisation energy
The reactivity of metals is related to their tendency to lose valence elec-
trons to form ions that have a stable electron configuration. The tendency
of gaseous atoms to lose electrons is measured by a quantity called the
ionisation energy (I ). This energy must be supplied to overcome the
ionisation energy: the minimum attractive force that binds the electrons to the nucleus.
energy required to remove an
electron completely from a Electrons can be removed sequentially according to the strength of the
gaseous atom force that binds them to the nucleus. The energy required to remove the
most loosely bound electron is called the first ionisation energy (I1). The
successive ionisation energies (I1, I2, I3 etc.) reflect the positions of the
electrons in their shells.
Ionisation energies are measured in the gaseous state as the symbol (g)
indicates in the following examples for an element E.


First ionisation (I1): E(g) E +(g) + e

Second ionisation (I2): E +(g) E 2+(g) + e

Third ionisation (I3): E 2+(g) E 3+(g) + e

An element such as sodium (Z = 11) has 11 electrons arranged in

3 electron shells. The total number of ionisations for sodium is 11. The
successive ionisation energies increase as each electron is removed.
The factors that affect the ease of removal of electrons from atoms are
size of the nuclear charge
distance of the electrons from the nucleus
presence of shielding inner electrons.
Example 1: Lithium (Z = 3)
Figure 7.9 relates the ionisation energy for each electron in a lithium
atom to its position within the electron shells.
Lithium atoms have three electrons. There is one valence electron in
the L shell. This electron is the easiest
to remove as the L shell is further from
Third electron
Ionisation energy (MJ/mol)

the electrostatic attraction of the posi-

12 removed from K shell
Li 2+ Li 3+ + e tive nucleus. The L shell electron is also
shielded from the nucleus by the inner
8 Second electron
removed from K shell K shell K shell electrons. The second ionisation
6 Li + Li 2+ + e 4n 7 Li energy (I2) is greater than the first (I1)
3p 3 as the electron has to be removed from
First electron
L shell a positive ion (Li+) rather than a neutral
2 removed from L shell
Li Li + + e atom (Li). The electrons in the K shell are
0 1 2 3 harder to remove as they are closer to the
Electrons removed nucleus so there is a greater electrostatic
Figure 7.9 attraction. Lithium typically exhibits a
Ease of removal of electrons from +1 valency in all its compounds, such as
the K and L shells in lithium
LiBr and Li2O, because of the ease of
removal of the L shell electron.
Example 2: Nitrogen (Z = 7)
Nitrogen has an electron configuration of 2, 5. The five valence electrons
in the L shell are easier to remove from the atom than the inner K shell
electrons, as shown by the data in table 7.6. Plotting this data shows that
the first five ionisation energies increase fairly regularly, but the last two
are significantly higher.

Table 7.6 Successive ionisation energies for nitrogen (MJ/mol)

I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7

1.4 2.9 4.6 7.5 9.5 53.3 64.4

Comparing the ionisation energy of metals

Electron transfer reactions occur when metals react with acids. In this
case, however, the electron transfer occurs in an aqueous solution and not

in the gaseous state. We now need to consider the possibility that the ioni-
1000 sation energy of a gaseous metal atom may be related to the activity series.
Table 7.7 shows the first ionisation energy data for selected metals.
I1, First ionisation energy (kJ)

Table 7.7 First ionisation energy of selected metals

Metal K Na Mg Zn Fe Cu Ag Au
700 I1 (kJ) 425 502 744 913 766 752 737 896

This table shows that very reactive metals, such as potassium and sodium,
500 have very low ionisation energies and that magnesium and zinc, which
are less reactive than sodium, have higher ionisation energies. Beyond this,
400 however, the data does not show a simple relationship between the activity
series and ionisation energy. Other factors come into play when determining
0 the relative reactivity of metals.
K Na Mg Zn Fe Cu Ag Au
Relative activity
Decr Reactivity and the periodic table
Figure 7.11 compares the positions of the metals in the activity series with
Figure 7.10 their locations in the periodic table. The following observations can be
Relationship between first ionisation
energy and relative activity
of selected metals The most active metals, such as potassium and sodium, are in group
I on the left side of the table. In general, their reactivity increases down
the group. Thus, caesium and francium are highly reactive metals.
The next most active metals, such as calcium and magnesium, belong in
group II. Again, reactivity increases down the group.
Metals of moderate reactivity, such as zinc and iron, lie at the edge of
the metal zone of the periodic table.
There is no general pattern for the remaining elements, except that the
least reactive, such as gold and mercury, are located in the lower central
region called the transition metals. Other metals in this region, such as
osmium, iridium and platinum, are also quite unreactive.


Moderately reactive metals

(Al, Cr, Zn Fe, Co, Ni)

Figure 7.11
Metal reactivity and the Very reactive metals Unreactive metals Low reactivity, soft metals
periodic table (K, Na, Ba, Ca, Mg) (Hg, Ag, Pt Au) (Sn, Pb)

As previously stated, the reactivity of metals in groups I and II increases

down the group. This is related to the decreasing first ionisation energies
down each group. This, in turn, is related to the increasing distance of
the valence shell from the nucleus. Figure 7.12 shows the decrease in first
ionisation energy with increasing reactivity for group I metals.


I1, Ionisation energy (kJ)





Li Na K Rb Cs
Group I metals

Figure 7.12
Relationship between first ionisation
energy of group I metals
and reactivity

Figure 7.13
Copper is an unreactive metal that is highly ductile and has a high electrical conductivity.

7.2 QUESTIONS 3. Titanium and titanium alloys are being

used increasingly in many industries and
1. Select the correct statement about metal applications because
reactivity and the periodic table. A titanium is a lightweight metal with high
A The most reactive metals are the tensile strength and high resistance to
transition metals. corrosion.
B Group III metals are less reactive than B they are more reactive than magnesium
group II metals. and can be used to protect other metals.
C Soft metals in group IV are more reactive C titanium is very cheap to manufacture.
than soft metals, such as aluminium, in D titanium is inert, dense and strong.
group III.
D The least reactive metals in the periodic 4. Tin is suitable for plating steel can because
table are found at the bottom of groups A tin is less dense than iron.
V and VI. B tin is less reactive than iron and protects
2. Identify the number of valence electrons in a it from corrosion.
multi-electron metal atom with the successive C tin is more reactive than iron and
ionisation energies (measured in MJ/mol) corrodes sacrificially.
given in table 7.8. D it is a non-toxic metal that is resistant to
A 1 corrosion in a marine environment.
B 2
Table 7.8 Successive ionisation energies (MJ/mol)
C 3
D 4 I1 I2 I3 I4 I5 I6 I7
0.584 1.823 2.751 11.584 14.837 18.384 23.302

5. Which of the following metals has the (c) Gallium metal also ionises when placed
smallest first ionisation energy? in dilute hydrochloric acid. Write a half-
A Magnesium equation for the ionisation of gallium in
B Sodium this case.
C Aluminium (d) Write the net ionic equation for
D Rubidium the reaction of gallium with dilute
hydrochloric acid.
6. Gallium is chemically similar to aluminium.
(a) Gaseous gallium atoms can be ionised 7. The successive ionisation energies
in three successive steps to form the (in MJ/mol) for two multi-electron elements
stable Ga3+(g) ion. Write each of the half- X and Y are shown in table 7.9:
equations for the stepwise ionisation. (a) Use this data to determine the number of
(b) Identify the ionisation step that requires valence electrons for each element.
the greatest amount of energy. Justify (b) Classify X and Y as metals or non-metals.
your response. Justify your answer.
(c) Predict the chemical formula of a
compound formed between X and Y.
Table 7.9 Successive ionisation energies (MJ/mol)
X 0.60 1.15 4.92 6.48 8.15 10.50 12.33 14.21 18.19 20.39 57.06 63.34

Y 1.26 2.30 3.83 5.16 6.55 9.37 11.03 33.61 38.61 43.97 51.07 57.10

Weblinks Metals react with dilute hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to release
hydrogen gas and form ionic salts.
The order of the activity of metals can be determined by the rate
at which they react with other substances including oxygen, water
and dilute acids.
The ease or difficulty of thermal decomposition of metallic
compounds can be related to the activity series.
The most reactive metals are located in groups I and II of the
periodic table. The least reactive metals are located in the lower
periods of the transition metals.
The reactivity of metals can be understood in terms of the ease
with which they lose electrons. The reactivity of metals is related to
their uses.
Ionisation energy is the energy required to remove successive
electrons from gaseous atoms.



Analysing second-hand data
ACTIVITIES The following second-hand data is supplied for you
to analyse.
THE ACTIVITY SERIES Part C: Reaction with oxygen (air)
OF METALS Table 7.10 shows the effect of heating a strip of
each metal in air in a Bunsen burner flame.

Table 7.10 Effect of heating metal strips in a Bunsen burner

Aim flame
To gather first-hand data and use supplied second- Metal Observations
hand data to rank metals in order of their activity
Cu surface of strip darkens slowly on heating
Safety issues Zn surface becomes covered in a white powder
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. Mg strip burns with a brilliant white flame, forming
Identify other safety issues relevant to this white, crumbly powder
experiment by reading the method.
Fe strip glows and changes colour to a dull grey
4 test tubes Part D: Thermal decomposition of metal carbonates
Table 7.11 shows the effect of heating carbonates of
hot-water bath the selected metals to 1000 C.
250 mL of 2 molL sulfuric acid Table 7.11 Effect of heating metal carbonates to 1000 C
small strips of each of selected metals: Cu, Zn, Metal
Mg and Fe carbonate Observations
CuCO3 green powder rapidly turns black; a
Method colourless gas evolves rapidly; gas gives a
Gathering first-hand data positive limewater test
Part A: Reaction with dilute hydrochloric acid ZnCO3 white powder does not change colour;
1. Place a small sample of each metal in a separate colourless gas evolves; gas gives a positive
test tube. limewater test
2. Add about 23 mL of dilute acid and observe
MgCO3 white powder does not change colour;
any reactions.
colourless gas evolves slowly; gas gives a
3. Repeat the experiment at a higher temperature positive limewater test
by placing the tubes in a hot water bath and
note any changes after 1015 minutes. (The FeCO3 grey-green powder turns black; colourless
water in the bath can be boiled and then the gas evolves quickly; gas gives a positive
heat turned off. There is no need to continue limewater test
Two other metal carbonates were also tested for
Part B: Reaction with water thermal decomposition. The results are listed below:
1. Use water instead of acid to test the reactivity of sodium carbonate no changes observed; no
each metal as in part A. gases evolved
2. After observing reactions at room temperature, silver carbonate yellow powder turns black
place the tubes in a hot-water bath and note any on heating; gases evolved that give a positive
further changes. limewater test and rekindles a glowing splint.

Results and analysis 4. (a) Identify the gas that produces a positive
glowing splint test.
1. Use your tabulated results of parts A and B
(b) Use the data on sodium carbonate
to rank (where possible) the selected metals
and silver carbonate as well as your
from most reactive to least reactive.
experimental results to establish an activity
2. Process the data from part C and explain series for Cu, Zn, Mg, Fe, Na and Ag.
whether it is consistent with your ranked order (c) Write a balanced chemical equation
established in parts A and B. for the thermal decomposition of silver
3. Examine the data in table 7.11. carbonate based on the experimental data.
(a) Identify the gas that produces a positive
limewater test.
(b) Explain whether the data is consistent with Write a brief conclusion for this experiment.
the following generalisation:

The more active the metal, the more thermally stable

its carbonate.


As more metals and other elements were discovered,
scientists recognised that patterns in their physical and
chemical properties could be used to organise and classify
the elements. The periodic table is a useful way of
classifying elements.

In this chapter
8.1 The historical development
of the periodic table page 141
8.2 Periodic trends page 148

Figure 8.1
The French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (17431794) is often called
the father of chemistry. He first defined the term element. In this
1890s artwork, he is shown conducting an experiment on water.
Lavoisier was executed by guillotine during the French Revolution.
-#& 4 ( % ( ) 3 4/ 2 ) # ! ,
$ % 6 % ,/ 0 - % . 4 / & 4 ( %
0 % 2 ) / $ ) # 4! " , %
Developing a model of the atom
Before beginning this section, In 1803, John Dalton proposed that matter was composed of atoms. The
you should be able to: earliest models of atoms were very simple. Dalton visualised atoms as
recall some relationships
between elements using the solid particles without any structure. Dalton proposed that one element
periodic table differed from another because they had different atomic weights.
describe an appropriate
model that has been The discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson in 1897 led to a new model
developed to describe atomic of the atom. This model, formulated in 190409, is often called the plum
structure. pudding model as Thomson visualised the atom as a positive sphere in
Key content which negative electrons were embedded. The model has an unfortunate
By the end of this section, you name as Thomson did not envisage the electrons to be arranged randomly
should be able to:
identify an appropriate model but that there would be some pattern to their arrangement.
that has been developed to Ernest Rutherford developed the planetary model of the atom in 1911.
describe atomic structure
outline the history of His discovery of the nucleus led him to propose a model in which
the development of the electrons orbited the central positive nucleus as planets orbit the Sun.
periodic table including its The Bohr model of the atom followed in 1913. Niels Bohr realised that
origins, the original data
used to construct it and the the electrons must occupy stable, non-radiating orbits about the nucleus.
predictions made after its He proposed that electrons occupy stable shells or energy levels around the
process information from central positive nucleus. Bohr was able to calculate the energies of an elec-
secondary sources to develop tron in each orbit of the hydrogen atom. He realised that electrons could
a periodic table by recognising
patterns and trends in the move from one energy level to another by the absorption or emission of
properties of elements and a quantum of energy.
use available evidence to
predict the characteristics of An octet of electrons in the outer shell was shown to confer stability to
unknown elements both in an atom. Thus, the stability of the noble gases was related to the presence
groups and across periods. of these stable octets.
The currently accepted model is sometimes called the cloud model of
the atom. In this model, developed by Erwin Schrodinger in 192735, the
quantum: a fixed amount of electrons are visu-
energy. Quantum theory states alised as probability
that objects can possess only waves. The probab-
certain discrete amounts of
energy. ility cloud is denser
cloud model of the atom: where there is greater
a model of the atom in chance of finding a
which quantum theory uses
mathematical probability particular electron at
functions to describe electrons a specific location
as waves around the nucleus.
The development
of an atomic model
was influenced by the
work being done to
construct a periodic
table of the elements.
In the next section,
we will see how these
two developments
Figure 8.2 led to a deep under-
Niels Bohr (18851962) proposed standing of elements
the shell model of the atom. and matter.


(a) Daltons atomic theory (1803)
The evolution of the periodic table
Our knowledge of elements and their properties was very limited up to the
Solid sphere middle of the seventeenth century. Before that time, chemists (or alche-
mists as they were known) were busy in their laboratories trying to under-
stand the chemical nature of matter. They hoped to find a way of turning
(b) Thomsons plum pudding model (1909) base metals such as lead into gold. They also sought to discover chemicals
or elixirs that could prolong youth and prevent old age. Through
Positively charged fluid their experiments, some new substances and chemical techniques were
Negative electrons
The initial stumbling block was the lack of understanding of what consti-
tuted a pure substance. In 1660, Robert Boyle took the first steps by clearly
(c) Rutherfords planetary model (1911) defining the terms element and compound. Some substances (such as
water and salt) that were believed to be elements were eventually found to
be compounds, as they could be broken down into simpler substances.
++++ Positive protons in nucleus
Electrons in orbit
By the late eighteenth century, about 33 elements had been identified.
around nucleus Chemists now had sufficient information about the properties of these
elements to begin to classify them.
(d) Bohrs shell model (1913) Antoine Lavoisier (17431794)
Electrons Antoine Lavoisier (figure 8.1) is often called the father of modern
++++ Positive protons in nucleus chemistry as he established that elements were the fundamental building
Electrons located in blocks of chemical substances. He examined their physical and chemical
shells (energy levels) properties and classified materials into four groups or elements. Lavoisier
defined element as a substance that could not be decomposed into
(e) Schrodingers cloud model (1935) simpler substances. His classification scheme of 1789 identified four
groups of elements: metals, non-metals, elastic fluids (gases) and earths.
Electrons clouds
Some of these elements (earths) were much later shown to be compounds.
Nucleus Lavoisier also established the importance of accurate gravimetric analysis
and the concept of mass conservation in a chemical change.

Figure 8.3
Johann Dobereiner (17801849)
Models of the atom Between 1817 and 1829, Johann Dobereiner observed the chemical similarity
between certain groups of three elements, which he called triads. Dobereiner
arranged the elements of each triad in order of their atomic weights. He
noted that not only were the properties (such as density) of the middle
element of each triad intermediate between the first and last, but also
the atomic weight of the middle member was close to an average of the
atomic weights of the other two. One such triad consisted of the elements
lithium, sodium and potassium. Dobereiner pointed out that lithium reacted
slowly with water while sodium reacted rapidly. Potassium, however, reacted
violently. Table 8.1 provides examples of Dobereiners triads.
Table 8.1 Two examples of Dobereiners triads
Sodium salt
Triad Atomic weight Density (g/cm3) formula

Cl 35.45 1.56 NaCl

Br 79.90 3.12 NaBr
I 126.90 4.93 NaI
S 32.06 2.07 Na2S
Se 78.96 4.81 Na2Se
Te 127.60 6.25 Na2Te

John Newlands (18371898)
Following the work of Dobereiner, the classification of elements made
little progress until the early 1860s due to the lack of accurate atomic
weight data. In 1864, John Newlands published a new classification of
the elements. He arranged the elements in tabular form in order of
increasing atomic weight, with spaces left for undiscovered elements.
Newlands 1866 table was divided into eight columns and seven rows
with some elements occupying the same position. Later versions of this
table omitted the undiscovered elements. Table 8.2 shows a portion of
Newlands table of the elements. The elements in each column are listed
in order of increasing atomic weight.

Table 8.2 The first three columns of Newlands periodic table

(1) (2) (3)

H F Cl

L* Na K

G* Mg Ca

B Al Cr

C Si Ti

N P Mn

O S Fe
*Newlands used these old symbols; L  Li; G Be

Newlands noted that every eight element starting from a given one
possessed similar physical and chemical properties. Thus, the shaded
elements (lithium, sodium and potassium) were chemically similar and
were described as a family of elements. Newlands described this repeating
pattern as the law of octaves. Unfortunately, his law often seemed to break
down. For example, nitrogen and phosphorus are non-metals and not
similar to manganese. Despite these problems, Newlands laid the founda-
tions for the modern periodic table. In1887, his contributions were recog-
nised by the Royal Society as being of great significance. He was awarded
the prestigious Davy Medal.

Dmitri Mendeleev (18341907)

Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, used the similarities in the physical
and chemical properties of elements to produce his own classification
of the elements. Like Newlands, he based his table of elements on their
order of atomic weights. Where the atomic weight of the element was not
accurately known, he placed the element in a position consistent with its
properties. He left spaces for undiscovered elements in the belief that the
properties of these undiscovered elements could be predicted by trends
across the rows and down the columns of the table. A table published
in 1871 consisted of eight columns (groups) and twelve rows (series). A
portion of this table is shown in Figure 8.4.
Elements with similar chemical properties occupied the vertical groups
of Mendeleevs table. Mendeleev noted that there was a gradation in
physical properties down the groups. Today we recognise these vertical
groupings as families of elements.




1 H1

2 Li  7 Be  9.4 B  11 C  12 N  14 O  16 F  19

3 Na  23 Mg  24 Al  27.3 Si  28 P  31 S  32 Cl  35.5
4 K  39 Ca  40 [ ]  44 Ti  48 V  51 Mn  55 Fe  56
Co  59

Ni  59

Cu  63

5 Zn  65 [ ]  68 [ ]  72 As  75 Se  78 Br  80

12 Th  231 U  240

Figure 8.4 A portion of Mendeleevs periodic table

Mendeleev also recognised that the pattern of properties repeated

in each row or series. These repeating patterns or periodic relationships
became expressed in Mendeleevs periodic law.

Periodic law (1869)

The properties of the elements vary periodically with their atomic

The Royal Society awarded Mendeleev

the Davy Medal in 1882, following
the general acceptance of his table.
However, the Society made no mention
in its citation of the predictive ability of
Mendeleevs table. Mendeleev spent the
rest of his life promoting his periodic
table. One of his most important contri-
butions was to use the predictive ability
of his table to help identify the proper-
ties of undiscovered elements. He made
predictions about the properties of
an undiscovered element by consider-
ing the properties of its neighbouring
elements. An example of this is shown
in table 8.3 for the then undiscovered
element germanium. Mendeleev called
Figure 8.5 this missing element eka-silicon, as it
Mendeleev arranged was expected to be like the previously
the elements according known member of the family, silicon.
to increasing atomic When germanium was discovered in
weight, and left spaces
1886, its properties closely paralleled
for undiscovered
elements. those predicted by Mendeleev in 1871.

Table 8.3 A comparison of the properties of germanium observed in 1886 with those pre-
dicted by Mendeleev in 1871 before its discovery
1871 prediction for 1886 observed properties
Property eka-silicon, Es of germanium, Ge

atomic weight 72 72.3

atomic volume (cm3/mol) 13 13

oxide formula EsO2 GeO2

oxide density (g/cm3) 4.7 4.7

chloride formula EsCl4 GeCl4

chloride boiling point (C) 90 86

Lothar Meyer (18301895)

Mendeleev was not the only chemist who developed a periodic system of
classification at this time. Lothar Meyers periodic table (186470), which
consisted of 56 elements, was similar to Mendeleevs. The periodic nature
of the properties of the elements was revealed graphically when Meyer
published graphs of the physical properties of the elements as a function
of their atomic weights. Figure 8.6 shows a typical Meyer plot of atomic
volume versus atomic weight.
Atomic volume (atomic weight/density, cm3/mol)

80 Cs
Alkali metals form
70 the maxima of the graph.

60 Rb

50 K



Figure 8.6 10
Meyers periodic properties:
atomic volume as a function
of atomic weight 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110120 130140 150
Atomic weight

Mendeleevs table was superior to Meyers in that it was based on chemical

properties so generalisations could be made more readily. Both Meyer
and Mendeleev were honoured with the Davy Medal in 1882 for their
contributions to the periodic table.

William Ramsay (18521916)

Between 1893 and 1898, the English chemist William Ramsay and his
team discovered a family of unreactive gases, including helium, neon
and argon. Ramsay believed that this new family should be added to the


right-hand end of Mendeleevs periodic table to create a new group.
Mendeleev eventually added this new family (group VIII), which was
called the inert gases and, more recently, the noble gases.

Henry Moseley (18871915)

In 1913, the Dutch physicist Anton van den Broek suggested that the
elements of the periodic table be arranged according to the charge on
their nucleus rather than according to their atomic weight. To test this
idea, Henry Moseley undertook a series of experiments in 1912 and 1913
in which he investigated the X-ray spectra of ten consecutive elements of
the periodic table. He discovered a mathematical relationship between
the X-ray frequency and a fundamental quantity for each element. In
his paper published in 1913, Moseley states:

T here is in the atom a fundamental quantity, which increases by regular

steps as we pass from one element to the next.

Moseleys fundamental quantity was first called the atomic number

(Z ) by Ernest Rutherford in 1920. As a result of Moseleys work, the
modern periodic table arranges elements in order of increasing atomic
number (Z ). The periodic law is now reframed.

Potassium ferrocyanide
Frequencies of X-rays
Figure 8.8
Henry Moseley investigated the Cathode rays X-rays
X-ray spectra of elements in the Cathode
periodic table. He was killed in action Target elements
at Gallipoli during World War I at are struck by
27 years of age. cathode rays.

High voltage

Figure 8.7
Moseleys X-ray tube

Periodic law (present)

The properties of elements vary periodically with their atomic

J. J. Thomson (18561940)
J. J. Thomson discovered the electron in 1897 in his classic experiments
with gas discharge tubes. He proposed that each element contained a
unique number of electrons arranged in concentric rings within the atom.

Thomson suggested that those elements that belonged to the same family
had similar properties because of similar arrangements of electrons. His
plum pudding model of the atom (190409) was influenced by the
periodic properties of the elements.

Niels Bohr (18851962)

Niels Bohr (figure 8.2) produced his model of the atom in 1913 (see
pages 1412). In this model, the electrons occupied concentric energy
levels or shells around the nucleus. Bohr proposed that elements in the
same group of the periodic table should have the same number of
electrons in the outer shell (the valence shell). This same number of
valence electrons gave these family members similar chemical properties.
Bohrs shell model also explained the properties of the noble gases.
The presence of eight electrons in the outer shell of all the noble gases
(except helium with a filled K shell) was responsible for the chemical
inertness of these elements.

Wolfgang Pauli (19001958)

Wolfgang Pauli was able to explain the length of each period of the
periodic table using his quantum theory discoveries. He reasoned that no
two electrons could exist in the same quantised states. As a consequence,
Pauli was able to show that the quantum theory could predict the number
8.1 DATA of elements that would occupy each of the periods of the periodic table.
ANALYSIS Thus, he showed that period 1 should contain only two elements while
Modelling the
periodic table period 2 could accommodate eight elements.

8.1 QUESTIONS 4. Between 1864 and 1870, Lothar Meyer

developed a periodic table containing 56
1. Dobereiner identified sets of three elements elements, which was similar to Mendeleevs
with similar properties. He called these sets table. Another major contribution that he
triads. Identify which of the following sets made to the classification of elements was
of elements that Dobereiner would have A demonstrating periodicity by drawing
recognised as a triad. graphs of the physical properties of each
A S, Se, Te element as a function of atomic weight.
B Li, Be, B B providing data for Newlands to use in his
C O, S, As periodic table.
D Al, Ga, Ge C arranging the elements according to
similarities in their chemical properties.
2. Newlands developed a periodic table in 1864. D writing a book in which he described the
This table properties of the known 56 elements.
A classified elements according to the number
of electrons in their valence shells. 5. In the period 189398, William Ramsay
B arranged elements in order of their and his team discovered the noble gases.
increasing atomic weights. Their discovery posed a problem for the
C turned out to be identical to Mendeleevs classification of the elements because
table. A their proton numbers did not fit into the
D is identical to Dobereiners periodic table. existing pattern.
B the trend in their ionisation energies did
3. Mendeleevs periodic table not fit the existing periodic pattern.
A arranged elements according to the C their zero valence suggested that they
number of neutrons in an atoms nucleus. should occupy a period of their own.
B consisted of eighteen families of elements. D Mendeleevs periodic table had not
C created families of elements in each column. allocated space for this new family of
D was based on the law of octaves. elements.


6. The following lines of a poem were written Table 8.4
by E. H. Lewis in 1925 in remembrance Predictions Observed
of Henry Moseley and his important about eka- properties of
contribution to our understanding of the Property aluminium , Ea gallium, Ga
atom and the arrangement of elements in
the periodic table. atomic weight 68 69.7
H e numbers the charge on the centre for each of density 5.9 5.9
the elements,
That we named for gods and demons, colours,
tastes and scents. oxide formula Ea2O3 Ga2O3

Explain how these lines of the poem relate to

Moseley s contributions. (a) Explain the meaning of the prefix eka .
7. Outline the contributions of J. J. Thomson (b) Explain how Mendeleev could make
and Niels Bohr to the development of the such predictions about an undiscovered
periodic table. element.
(c) Predict the formula that Mendeleev
8. Four years before the metal gallium was would have written for the chloride of
discovered, Mendeleev predicted some of its eka-aluminium .
properties. He called the unknown element
eka-aluminium , Ea. Table 8.4 compares
some of these properties.

8.2 Periodic trends

Structure of the modern periodic table
Before beginning this section, The modern periodic table uses the atomic number (Z) to arrange and
you should be able to:
recall some relationships classify the elements into vertical groups and horizontal periods. The
between elements using the current table consists of seven horizontal periods and eighteen vertical
periodic table
outline the history of groups. The last two periods contain the subseries known as the lanthanoid
the development of the and actinoid series. For convenience, these are located below the main part
periodic table including its
origins, the original data of the table. Each vertical group represents a family of chemically related
used to construct it and the elements.
predictions made after its
construction. The position of the first element, hydrogen, is different in different
Key content versions of the table. In periodic table on the HSC datasheet (see inside
By the end of this section, you front cover), hydrogen is placed at the top of group I, above lithium and
should be able to:
explain the relationship sodium, as it has one valence shell electron. Its chemical properties, how-
between the position of ever, are unlike the rest of the group. The atomic weight listed for each
elements in the periodic table,
and electrical conductivity, element is the weighted average of all its natural isotopes.
ionisation energy, atomic
radius, melting point, boiling
point, combining power The seven periods
(valency), electronegativity
and reactivity Each horizontal row represents a period. Hydrogen and helium are the
use computer-based only two elements in period 1. The K shell of helium is full with two
technologies to produce a
table and a graph of changes electrons.
in one physical property Periods 2 and 3 are short, with only eight elements each. From left to
across a period and down
a group. right across each of these periods, the elements change from strongly
metallic to non-metals, and finally noble gases. Neon and argon, with their
stable octets, complete periods 2 and 3 respectively.

There are eighteen elements in each of periods 4 and 5. The transition
metals are a special subseries of elements located in these periods between
the active metals on the left and the soft metals on the right. The M shell at
the end of period 3 is not full so the transition metals of period 4 represent
a series in which the M shell is progressively filled. In the transition metals
of period 5, the electrons are progressively added to the N shell.
The two subseries called the lanthanoids and actinoids, which have
similar physical and chemical properties, make periods 6 and 7 very
long. The actinoid series contains radioactive and synthetic elements. As
elementsbeyond element 118 are synthesised, an eighth period will be
added to the table.

Groups of the periodic table

There are eighteen vertical groups of the periodic table. These groups are
numbered from left to right using either Roman numerals or the numbers
1 to 18. The Roman numeral scheme is still quite commonly used, although
the trend is to number the groups from 1 to 18. Thus, group V is also
Figure 8.9 referred to as group 15. Group VII is also called group 17.
Gallium is chemically similar to Group I or group 1 (Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr) This group is known as the
aluminium both are members
alkali metals. They are highly reactive, low-density metals with a valency
of group III of the periodic
table. Gallium is liquid at room of +1.Their oxides and hydroxides dissolve in water to produce strongly
temperature so it melts in a alkaline solutions.
persons hand. Group II or group 2 (Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra) This group is commonly
known as the alkaline earth metals. They are reactive metals but not as
reactive as group I metals. They have a valency of +2. Their oxides and
hydroxides produce alkaline solutions.

Groups 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1

2 3

3 11
Transition metals

4 19 21 30

5 37

6 55 5771

7 87 89103 112

Active metals Soft metals

57 71
89 103

Metals Semi-metals Non-metals

Figure 8.10 The annotated periodic table


3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Period 2 6.941 9.012 10.81 12.01 14.01 16.00 19.00 20.18
Lithium Beryllium Boron Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Fluorine Neon
(2, 1) (2, 2) (2, 3) (2, 4) (2, 5) (2, 6) (2, 7) (2, 8)

Solid Gaseous


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
Period 3 22.99 24.31 26.98 28.09 30.97 32.07 35.45 39.95
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
(2, 8, 1) (2, 8, 2) (2, 8, 3) (2, 8, 4) (2, 8, 5) (2, 8, 6) (2, 8, 7) (2, 8, 8)

Solid Gaseous

Metals Semi-metals Non-metals Noble gases

Figure 8.11 Periods 2 and 3

Groups 3 to 12 (transition metals) Many common metals used in

industry (such as iron, nickel and copper) are transition metals. These
metals are typically hard with a high density with valencies from +1 to
+4. They tend to form coloured ionic salts with non-metals and negative
radicals. They have incomplete inner electron shells.
Group III or group 13 (B, Al, Ga, In, Tl) Boron is a semi-metal and
the remaining elements are increasingly metallic down the group.
These are soft metals with low melting points and a valency of +3.
Group IV or group 14 (C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb) Carbon is a non-metal while
silicon and germanium are semi-metals. Both tin and lead are soft met-
als. All these elements have a valency of +4. Tin and lead also form ionic
compounds in which the metals have a valency of +2 or +4.
Group V or group 15 (N, P, As, Sb, Bi) Both nitrogen and phosphorus
are non-metals while arsenic and antimony are semi-metals. Bismuth is a
soft metal. The common valencies of this group are +3 and +5. Bismuth
forms ionic compounds in which its valency is +3.
Group VI or group 16 (O, S, Se, Te, Po) The first three elements are
non-metals. Tellurium is a semi-metal and polonium is a radioactive,
soft metal. The common valencies of this group are 2, +4 and +6. In
binary ionic salts, the non-metals have a valency of 2.
Group VII or group 17 (F, Cl, Br, I, At) This group is commonly
known as the halogens (salt formers) as they combine with metals
to form ionic salts. All members are non-metals, although astatine is
sometimes classified as a semi-metal. Astatine is also radioactive. The
common valency of this group is 1 although, in some compounds,
Figure 8.12
The group VII elements are known as they exhibit a valency of +7. In ionic salts, these elements have a valency
the halogens. The flasks (left to right) of 1.
contain iodine I2, a grey-black solid Group VIII or group 18 (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn) This group is called
that readily sublimes; chorine Cl2, a the noble gases. They are generally inert, although some compounds of
greenish-yellow gas; and bromine Br2,
a red-brown liquid that readily forms
krypton and xenon have been prepared. Radon is a radioactive noble
a vapour of the same colour. gas. These non-metals have a stable valence shell.

13 14 15 16 17 The main block is the grouping of elements that excludes the transition
III IV V VI VII metals.
5 6 7 8 9 Lanthanoid series These are all soft, grey metals that react
B C N O F vigorously with water to release hydrogen gas and produce alkaline
Semi- Non- Non- Non- Non- solutions. Their most common valency is +3, although valencies of +2 and
metal metal metal metal metal +4 exist.
13 14 15 16 17 Actinoid series These are all radioactive metals. Some are naturally
Al Si P S Cl occurring but others have been synthesised in nuclear reactors or in
Metal Semi- Non- Non- Non- particle accelerators. They react vigorously with water to release hydrogen
metal metal metal metal gas and produce alkaline solutions. The typical valencies of these metals
are +3, +4, +5 and +6.
31 32 33 34 35
Ga Ge As Se Br
Metal Semi- Semi- Non- Non- Trends in the periodic table
metal metal metal metal The periodic table is a wonderful predictive tool. There are many
49 50 51 52 53 physical and chemical properties that show distinct trends across a period
In Sn Sb Te I or down a group. It is important to be able to explain these trends in terms
Metal Metal Semi- Semi- Non-
of atomic structure.
metal metal metal
Electrical conductivity
81 82 83 84 85
Generally the electrical conductivity is related to the metallic character of
Tl Pb Bi Po At
an element. The trend in this property is not uniform across the periodic
Metal Metal Metal Metal Non-
metal table. Silver, copper, gold and aluminium have the highest electrical
Some semi-metallic properties Table 8.5 Trends in electrical conductivity in the periodic table
Figure 8.13
Trends Electrical conductivity
Metallic trends for groups III to VII
across a period generally decreases as elements become less
metallic. Non-metals do not have free mobile
electrons in their crystal lattice.

down a group generally increases as elements become more

metallic character: the tendency metallic (except group III). Down a group, the
of an element to have the
properties of metals. The valence shell electrons become further away from
presence of mobile electrons in the nucleus and can more easily escape into the
the lattice is indicative of metals. lattice.

Atomic radius
The radius of an atom depends on the number of electron shells and the
size of the nuclear charge. Electron shells are attracted inwards as the
charge on the nucleus increases.
Table 8.6 Trends in atomic radius in the periodic table

Trends Atomic radius

across a period decreases as the valence shell moves closer towards

the increasingly positive nucleus

down a group increases as the number of electron shells increases

Ionisation energy
Valence shell electrons are more readily removed if they are further from
the nucleus, or if the nucleus has a smaller positive charge. The presence
of shielding inner electron shells also reduces the energy required to
ionise an atom.


Radius decreases across a period.

Radius Very small atoms


Very large atoms

Figure 8.14 Diagrammatic trend of atomic radius

Table 8.7 Trends in ionisation energy in the periodic table

Trends Ionisation energy

across a period increases because the atomic radius decreases across

a period so the valence electrons are closer to the

down a group decreases because the atomic radius increases as there

are more electron shells. The outershell electrons
are not as strongly attracted to the nucleus in atoms
with more shells.

Melting and boiling points

The strength of the bonding in the crystal lattice affects the melting and
boiling points of the element. Metallic lattices vary considerably in the
strength of the metallic bond. The metallic bond is at its strongest in
the transition metals. In covalent network crystals (such as carbon and
silicon), the binding forces are very strong and the melting and boiling
points are very high. In covalent molecular crystals (such as sulfur and
phosphorus), the intermolecular forces are weak and the elements have
low melting and boiling points.

Table 8.8 Trends in melting and boiling points in the periodic table

Trends Melting and boiling points

across a period increases initially (from group I to group IV) and then
decreases as the lattice changes from metallic to covalent
network and then covalent molecular

down a group decreases in groups I to IV

increases in groups V to VIII
generally increases for transition metals

Apart from the noble gases, non-metals have high electronegativity as
electronegativity: a measure of
the electron-attracting ability of they attract electrons to complete their valence shell. Fluorine has the
an element. Non-metals are very highest electronegativity. In contrast, metals tend to lose electrons from
electronegative while metals are their valence shell and so have very low electronegativity. Francium has
the lowest electronegativity.

Table 8.9 Trends in electronegativity in the periodic table

Trends Electronegativity

across a period increases as the metallic character decreases

down a group decreases as the metallic character increases

The group number indicates the maximum valency of an element. Group
VIII elements, however, have a valency of zero. Elements in the same group
tend to have the same valency, although several valencies are common for
elements in groups V, VI and VII (see table 3.8 and pages 656).

Table 8.10 Trends in valency (combining power) in the periodic table

Trends Valency

across a period Maximum valency increases from groups I to VII, in which

group number equals maximum valency.

down a group Maximum valency is constant and equal to the group

number (except for group VIII with a valency of 0).

There are no simple trends in reactivity of elements across periods or
down groups (table 8.11). The noble gases are very unreactive. The heavy
metals in the lower central region of the transition metals are the least
reactive. The most reactive metals are found at the bottom of groups
I and II.

Electrical conductivity Decreases

Atomic radius Decreases


Ionisation energy Increases

Melting and boiling points Increases then


Decreases (groups I to IV)

Increases (groups V to VIII)
Increases (transition metals)

Electronegativity Increases


Figure 8.15 Diagrammatic summary of periodic trends


Table 8.11 Trends in reactivity in the periodic table

Trends Reactivity

across a period Each period starts with a reactive metal and ends with an
unreactive noble gas.

down a group increases down groups I and II.

decreases down the group of transition metals.
decreases down groups III and IV for soft metals.
generally decreases down groups V to VII for non-metals.
increases down the group of noble gases.

Sodium is a Aluminium is Phosphorus Argon is an

highly reactive, the most is a highly inert (noble)
soft, abundant reactive gas used in
silvery-white metallic element that electric
metal at room element in is essential light bulbs.
temperature. the Earths crust. to life.

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulfur Chlorine Argon
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar

Magnesium metal does Pure silicon is a hard, Sulfur is a Chlorine is a toxic

not occur naturally. grey solid with a yellow, greenish-yellow
Because of its strength crystalline crystalline gas at room
and low density, alloys structure solid at temperature.
of magnesium are used similar room It is used for
in the aircraft industry. to diamond. temperature. bleaching and disinfecting.

Figure 8.16 The elements of period 3 have a variety of different uses.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 8.1 Figure 8.17 shows the trend in property X of the elements with
increasing atomic number. Identify which of the following properties
is consistent with the trends shown in the graph.
A Boiling point C Valency
B First ionisation energy D Electrical conductivity

SOLUTION The graph shows that property X

increases across a period (left to
right) and decreases down a group
(note that the maxima decrease
Property X

in size as Z increases). Thus, the

answer is B (first ionisation energy).
Electrons are harder to remove
as the nuclear charge increases
across a period. Down a group, the
ionisation energy decreases as the
atomic radius increases and the 0
valence shell moves further away Atomic number (Z)
from the nucleus. Although the Figure 8.17
maximum valency increases across Graph of property X versus
a period, it remains constant within atomic number
a group.

atomic number versus
A computer spreadsheet, such as Microsoft Excel, ionisation energy

Ionisation energy (MJ)

allows numerical data to be tabulated, sorted and
graphed. Spreadsheet applications also allow you to 2.0
use formulae to calculate new data.
1. Tabulating data
(a) A spreadsheet consists of columns (A, B, C 1.0
etc.) and rows (1, 2, 3 etc.).
(b) Decide how many columns and rows your 0.5
table will require. For example, if you are
tabulating data on the trend in ionisation
energy versus atomic number for the rst 0 2 4 6 8 10
10 elements of the periodic table, you will Atomic number (Z)
need two columns and eleven rows. The rst
Table 8.13
row is used for the headings of each column.
(c) Use cells A1 and B1 for the column headings
as shown in table 8.12. Atomic Group II Atomic Group VI
number ionisation number ionisation
(d) Enter the values 1 to 10 for the atomic 1 (Z) energy (MJ) (Z) energy (MJ)
numbers in cells A2 to A11. Enter the 2 4 0.91 8 1.32
following values of the ionisation energy for 3 12 0.74 16 1.01
each element in cells B2 to B11: 1.32, 2.38, 4 20 0.60 34 0.95
0.53, 0.91, 0.81, 1.09, 1.41, 1.32, 1.69, 2.09. 5 38 0.56 52 0.89
6 56 0.51 84 0.82
Table 8.12
Draw an XY graph of the two data series in table
1 Atomic number (Z) Ionisation energy (MJ)
2 1 1.32
3 2 2.38 Name the first series Group II and the new series
Group VI.

2. Graphing data 1.4 Figure 8.19 Graph of

(a) Drawing an XY graph for a data series: ionisation energy versus
Draw an XY graph of the data in table 8.12. atomic number for
elements in groups II and VI
(b) Drawing an XY graph for two data series:
Ionisation energy (MJ)

You may wish to compare the values for the 1.0

ionisation energy of two vertical groups of
the periodic table. Table 8.13 shows two such 0.8
series of data in spreadsheet format.

Group II
0.2 Group VI

0 20 40 60 80 100
Computer graphing Atomic number
periodic trends


8.2 Questions Identifywhichofthefollowingproperties
A Meltingpoint
1. Identifytheelementsinthefollowingset B Electricalconductivity
thataretransitionmetals:Mo,Sn,Y,Be,Sb, C Valencyofthemostcommonion
V,Au,Os,Cs. D Electronegativity
2. Identifytheelementsinthefollowingset 8. Sketchagraphshowingthenumberof
thatare(a)lanthanoids(b)actinoids:Er,Lr, valenceshellelectronsversusatomicnumber
Sn,Ce,Pu,Np,Fr,Ag,Dy. forthefirst20elementsoftheperiodic
3. Recallacharacteristicpropertyofthe table.
elementsinthefollowinggroupsorseries. 9. Considerthefollowingdataforsuccessive
(a)GroupII ionisationenergies(MJ/mol)forelements
(b)GroupVI P,QandR.Usethesedatatoidentifythe
(c) GroupVIII periodicgrouptowhicheachelement
(d)Actinides belongs.
4. Describethetrendinthefollowingproperties Table 8.14
P: 0.50 4.57 6.92 9.55 13.36 16.62 20.12 25.50
(b)Ionisationenergy Q: 1.01 2.26 3.37 4.57 7.02 8.50 27.11 31.68
(c) Electronegativity R: 0.79 1.58 3.24 4.36 16.10 19.8 23.79 29.26
5. ElementAisamemberofgroupVI.Itforms 10. Thefirstionisationenergies(MJ/mol)for
anionicsaltwithcalciumwiththeformula fourconsecutiveelements(B,C,D,E)of
CaA.Itformsacovalentcompoundwith theperiodictableare:B,1.257;C,1.527;
chlorinewiththeformulaACl2.Italsoforms D,0.425;E,0.596.Identifytheperiodic
twomolecularoxideswithformulaeAO2and groupstowhicheachelementbelongs.
AO3. Justifyyouranswer.
(a)IdentifythevalencyofAineachofthe 11. Thefollowingdatawascollectedforthefirst
compoundsdescribed. fourelements(D,E,FandG)ofagroupof
(b)ExplainwhichelementsofgroupVI theperiodictable.
wouldhavethepropertiesexhibitedby Allelementsarediatomic.
elementA. D2isapale,yellow-greengas.
6. Explainwhythemeltingpointsofthe E2isagreen-yellowgas.
halogensincreasedownthegroup. F2isared-brown,fumingliquid.
7. Figure8.20showstherelationshipbetween G2hasblack-violet,shinycrystals.
propertyPandatomicnumberforthe Ereactswithsodiumtoformwhitecrystals
elementsofperiod3. withtheformulaNaE.
12. Thefollowingcompoundsareformed

13. Thenumericalvaluesofaphysicalproperty
Z 98,650,660,1410,44and113.Identifya
Figure 8.20 physicalpropertythatshowssuchatrend.
Relationship between property P and atomic number Justifyyouranswer.

When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples.

Assess magnesium ribbon. It is important, therefore,

This instruction term requires you to make a not to heat the reaction tube too strongly. In
judgement of value, quality, outcome, results or addition, the hydrogen evolved creates an
size. A balanced judgement is important. explosive mixture. This process is best done in a
hot-water bath over an electric hotplate so that
Example: no naked ame is present to ignite the hydrogen.
Assess the safety issues involved in heating When heating metals in a test tube of acid, there
magnesium metal in dilute hydrochloric acid in a is always the risk of violent boiling so safety glasses
school laboratory. are essential.
Answer: Recall
The reaction of magnesium metal in dilute acid is This instruction term requires you to present
an exothermic reaction in which a small amount remembered facts, ideas or experiences.
of heat is released. This would not normally be a
problem as long as the magnesium is in ribbon Example:
rather than powdered form. In ribbon form, it Recall the common group name of the elements of
will react slowly and the heat will be dissipated. group I of the periodic table.
Heating the acid, however, means that the Answer:
reaction rate will increase, even with a The alkali metals

Weblinks Chemists such as Dalton, Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr and
Schrodinger proposed various atomic models.
Lavoisier and Dobereiner were the early pioneers involved in
classification of the elements.
Newlands developed a periodic table in which elements were
arranged in order of increasing atomic weight.
Checkpoint Mendeleev improved on Newlands table by considering
Revision 4 similarities in chemical and physical properties as well as leaving
spaces for undiscovered elements.
Thomson, Bohr and Pauli provided a theoretical basis for the
structure of the periodic table.
The periodic law is the basis of the predictive nature of the
periodic table.
Checkpoint The modern periodic table arranges elements in periods and
Revision 4 Answers groups according to increasing atomic number.
Elements belonging to a particular group exhibit a pattern of
electronic configuration.
Most physical and chemical properties of the elements and their
compounds show trends across periods and down groups.



8.1 DATA
Part A: The elements of period 2 Table 8.15 Properties listed in table 8.16

Table 8.16 shows the eight elements of period 2 X code symbol for element
(A to H) represented randomly on eight cards s state at 25 C
with a list of properties of that element. Table 8.16
c metal/semi-metal/non-metal
provides the key to the properties. (Note: Some of
the data for elements A and G is missing.) mp melting point (C)
I1 first ionisation energy (MJ)
1. Place the eight cards in a logical order based on
El electronegativity
trends in the data and properties listed on the
cards. The first card should be the most metallic HC heat conductivity( J/s/m/K)
element and the last card should be a noble gas. OF oxide formula
2. Once you have determined the correct order OB oxide bonding
of the cards, try to predict the missing data for CF chloride formula
elements A and G. CB chloride bonding
Table 8.16 Elements of period 2
s solid s gas s solid s gas
c non-metal c non-metal c metal c non-metal
mp 3974 mp 249 mp 1278 mp 220
I1 1.1 I1 2.1 I1 0.9 I1 1.3
El 2.55 El 0 El 1.57 El 3.44
HC 2000 HC 0.049 HC 200 HC 0.026
OB covalent OB OB partly ionic OB covalent
CB CB CB partly ionic CB covalent

s solid s solid s gas s gas
c semi-metal c metal c non-metal c non-metal
mp 2300 mp 180 mp 220 mp 210
I1 0.8 I1 0.5 I1 1.7 I1 1.4
El 2.04 El 0.98 El 3.98 El 3.04
HC 27 HC 85 HC 0.028 HC 0.026
OB covalent OB ionic OB OB covalent
CB covalent CB ionic CB CB covalent

Part B: Properties of an unknown Table 8.18 Elements in a section of the periodic table

element X A B C

Table 8.18 shows a section of the periodic table d 5.32 5.72 4.80
containing elements A, B, C, D, F, G, H and I mp 937 817 217
and their properties. An unknown element E is
also shown. Table 8.17 provides the key to the bp 2830 sublimes at 613 685
properties. HC 60 50 3

1. Use this data to predict the properties of the EC 104 3.9 104
unknown element E. (Hint: See the periodic I1 768 953 947
table on the inside front cover.)
OF AO2 B2O3 C O2
2. Use a book of published chemical data to
identify the unknown element E and compare
your predictions with the measured data. d 7.30 6.24

mp 232 450
Table 8.17 Properties listed in table 8.18
bp 2602 990
X code symbol for element
HC 67 3
d density (g/cm3)
EC 8.7 104
mp melting point (C)
I1 715 876
bp boiling point (C)
OF D O2 F O2
HC heat conductivity (J/s/m/K)
EC electrical conductivity (MS/m)
d 11.3 9.8 9.4
I1 first ionisation energy (kJ)
mp 327 271 254
OF oxide formula
bp 1740 1560 962

HC 35 7.9 20

EC 4.8 0.84 0.7

I1 722 710 818

OF G O2 H2O3 I O2


data anaLYsis

8.2 data Part B: Trend in density down

ANALYSIS selected groups
The following density data is provided for the
Computer graphing: elements of groups I and IV.
periodiC trends 1. Open a spreadsheet application, such as
Part A: Trend in electronegativity Microsoft Excel.
across a period 2. Copy the following headings and data into the
rst four columns.
The following data and information is provided
for the elements of period3.
Table 8.20
1. Open a spreadsheet application, such as Atomic Density Atomic Density
Microsoft Excel. number (Z) (group I) number (Z) (group IV)
2. Copy the following headings and data into the 3 0.53 6 2.26
rst two columns.
11 0.97 14 2.33
Table 8.19 19 0.86 32 5.32

Atomic number (Z) Electronegativity 37 1.53 50 7.30

11 0.93 55 1.87 82 11.3

12 1.31
3. Construct an XY graph of these two data series.
13 1.61
4. Describe the trend in density down (a) group
14 1.90 I and (b) group IV.
15 2.19 5. Identify any anomalies in these trends for
16 2.58 either group.

17 3.16 6. Compare the densities of group I elements

with group IV elements.
3. Construct an XY graph and draw a smooth line
through the data points.
4. Describe the trend in electronegativity across
5. Explain the trend in electronegativity across
6. Explain why electronegativity data was not
provided for element18.

8]VeiZg . Introduction
Chemical industries across the world employ analytical
chemists to investigate the composition of materials.
These days, analytical chemists use instrumental
methods to more accurately determine the composition
of a material. However, older methods (often called
wet methods) are still used in chemical analysis.

In this chapter
9.1 Atomic weight and the mole theory page 162
9.2 Empirical and molecular formulae page 174

Figure 9.1
There is now a wide range of sensitive instruments for
many types of chemical analysis.
.#& !4/ - ) # 7 % ) ' ( 4 ! . $ 4 ( %
- / , % 4 ( % / 29
Remember Mass and chemical change
Before beginning this section, The law of mass conservation in a chemical reaction is the first and most
you should be able to: fundamental law of chemistry.
construct word and balanced
chemical equations for a
variety of chemical reactions
present information by using Law of mass conservation
symbols and formulae to
express relationships and In a chemical change, there is no gain or loss of mass.
using appropriate units for
physical quantities.
Key content Another way of expressing this law is:
By the end of this section, you mass of reactants = mass of products
should be able to:
define the mole as the English chemist John Dalton (17641844) explained the law of mass
number of atoms in exactly
12 g of carbon-12 (Avogadro conservation using his atomic model. He realised that, in a chemical
constant) reaction, the atoms were rearranged into new substances but that there
compare mass changes in was no net loss or gain of atoms. Dalton also realised that the atoms of
samples of metals when they
combine with oxygen each element had their own unique mass, and he developed a table of
describe the contribution relative atomic weights for many elements.
of Gay-Lussac to the
understanding of gaseous
reactions and apply this to Ag
an understanding of the mole Fe
concept S
recount Avogadros law and C
describe its importance in H
developing the mole concept
process information from Hydrogen Carbon Sulfur Iron Silver
secondary sources to 1 12 32 56 108
interpret balanced chemical
equations in terms of mole Figure 9.3 Each element has atoms of unique mass.
solve problems and analyse
information from secondary
sources to perform Atomic weight
calculations involving the Dalton established a table of the atomic weights of the atoms of different
Avogadro constant and the
equation for calculating elements. He did this by determining the mass of one element that would
the number of moles of a react with another. In some cases, his calculations of atomic weight (or
m relative atomic mass) were wrong but, over the next 50 years and through
n= the work of many chemists, these tables of atomic weight improved in
process information from accuracy. The early tables of atomic weights used
secondary sources to hydrogen as a reference as it was the lightest
investigate the relationship
between the volumes of atom. Atoms of hydrogen were assigned an
gases in reactions involving atomic weight of 1. Other elements
a metal and relate this to an
understanding of the mole. then had atomic weights that were
greater than 1. Since then,
however, other elements have been
used as reference standards. The
relative atomic mass: another current standard is the carbon-12
name for atomic weight, which isotope.
is now the IUPAC standard
isotopes: atoms with the same
atomic number but different Figure 9.2 English chemist John Dalton
mass numbers due to the (17641844) introduced modern atomic
presence of different numbers theory and used this theory to explain the
of neutrons
conservation of mass in a chemical change.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.1 A sample of water was electrolysed in electrolysis apparatus to produce
hydrogen and oxygen. The hydrogen and oxygen formed were
collected separately and weighed.
water hydrogen + oxygen
Use the following data for the electrolysis of water to verify the law of
mass conservation.
Initial mass of apparatus including water = 187.271 g
Final mass of apparatus after electrolysis = 187.126 g
Mass of hydrogen collected = 0.016 g
Mass of oxygen collected = 0.129 g

SOLUTION Mass of water electrolysed = 187.271 187.126

= 0.145 g
Mass of hydrogen + oxygen formed = 0.016 + 0.129
= 0.145 g
Thus, the mass of water that decomposed equals the mass of hydrogen
and oxygen formed.

The term atomic weight rather Table 9.1 shows the relative atomic masses or atomic weights (Ar) of
than atomic mass is the current selected elements. For example, atoms of gold, Au, are much heavier than
convention used by IUPAC atoms of magnesium, Mg.
(International Union of Pure and
Applied Chemistry).
There has been much controversy Table 9.1 Atomic weights of selected elements
in the last 3040 years over the use
of these terms. Physicists measure Element H C N O Mg S Cl Zn Au
mass in grams or kilograms and Atomic
weight in newtons. For many years, weight 1.008 12.01 14.01 16.00 24.31 32.07 35.45 65.39 197.0
chemists used atomic mass so that
its unit of measurement (gram) would
be consistent with physics.
In more recent times, IUPAC Molecular weight
proposed that the historical term
atomic weight be used instead. The relative molecular mass of any compound is correctly referred to as
Atomic weight is used in the HSC the molecular weight (Mr). The term formula weight is sometimes used.
examination, in the periodic table and For any compound,
in standard chemistry data books.
molecular weight = sum of atomic weights

Mr = 3(Ar)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.2 Equal masses (5.0 g) of powdered magnesium and zinc were allowed
to burn in oxygen to produce their oxides. The solid products
were collected and weighed. The mass of magnesium oxide, MgO,
produced was 8.29 g and the mass of zinc oxide, ZnO, was 6.22 g.
(a) Calculate the mass of oxygen that reacted with 5.0 g of each
(b) Calculate the ratio of metal to oxygen for each reaction, and
compare it with the ratio of their atomic weights.
(c) Account for the difference in mass of the two products.

SOLUTION (a) Using the law of mass conservation, the mass of oxygen that
combined with 5.0 g of:
Mg = 8.29 5.0 = 3.29 g
Zn = 6.22 5.0 = 1.22 g


(b) The mass ratio of Mg to O
= 5.0 : 3.29 = 1.52 : 1.
The ratio of atomic weights Ar(Mg) to Ar(O)
= 24.31 : 16 = 1.52 : 1.
These ratios are the same.
The mass ratio of Zn to O
= 5.0 : 1.22 = 4.09 : 1.
The ratio of atomic weights Ar(Zn) to Ar(O)
= 65.39 : 16.00 = 4.09 : 1
These ratios are the same.
(c) Magnesium atoms are much lighter than zinc atoms and much
closer in mass to oxygen atoms. Thus, the mass of products and
their mass ratios differ.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.3 Use the data in table 9.1 to calculate the molecular weight of:
(a) nitrogen dioxide
(b) gold (III) oxide.

SOLUTION (a) The chemical formula of nitrogen dioxide is NO2.

< Mr = 3(Ar)
= 14.01 + (2 16.00)
= 46.01
(b) The chemical formula of gold (III) oxide is Au2O3.
< Mr = 3(Ar)
= (2 197.0) + (3 16.00)
= 442.00

Percentage composition of compounds

The table of atomic weights allows chemists to calculate the percentage
by weight of each element in a compound. These results can then be
compared with those obtained experimentally. If a compound is pure,
it has a constant percentage composition. If it is impure due to small
amounts of contaminants, this will alter its percentage composition.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.4 A 10.00 g sample of silver oxide was decomposed by heating. The mass
of silver formed was 9.10 g.
(a) Assuming the sample was pure, calculate the percentage
composition of the silver oxide.
(b) The formula for silver oxide is Ag2O. The atomic weight of
Ag = 107.9 and O = 16.00. Use this information to determine
whether the sample was pure.

SOLUTION (a) The silver oxide decomposes to form silver and oxygen.
silver oxide silver + oxygen
The 10.00 g sample produced 9.10 g of silver. Assuming the rest is
oxygen, the mass of oxygen is 0.90 g.

% silver = 9.10/10.00 100
= 91.0%
% oxygen = 0.90/10.00 100
= 9.0 %
(b) The molecular weight of Ag2O
= 2 107.9 + 16.00
= 231.80
Therefore, in pure Ag2O,
% silver = 2 107.9/231.80 100
= 93.1%
% oxygen = 16.00/231.80 100
= 6.9%
Thus, the sample is slightly impure as the experimental results
show a lower percentage of silver.

Using atomic models to explain changes in mass

John Dalton s atomic theory explained the conservation of mass in a
chemical change in terms of the conservation of atoms. Because the atoms
of each element had a fixed mass, the rearrangement of atoms in a chem-
ical change did not result in a net change in mass. Figure 9.4 illustrates
Dalton s ideas about mass and atom conservation using the reaction
between carbon and sulfur.

C + + C
Figure 9.4 Conservation of mass 12 32 32 76
and atoms in the reaction between
carbon and sulfur Mass of reactants = 12 + 32 + 32 = 76 Mass of product = 76

Volume changes in gaseous reactions

When Dalton was developing his atomic theory, French chemist Joseph
Gay-Lussac (1778 1850) was conducting experiments on the reacting
volumes of gases. His research showed that gas-phase reactions obeyed a
simple law, which is now called the law of combining gas volumes.

Law of combining gas volumes

The ratios of the volumes of gases involved in a chemical reaction are
expressed by small, whole numbers.

Gay-Lussac discovered the following relationships between the volumes of
the reacting and product gases at constant temperature and pressure. In
each case, the volumes of the combining gases were in a simple, whole
number ratio.
1. Hydrogen + chlorine
When hydrogen gas and chlorine gas reacted, they formed hydrogen
chloride gas.
hydrogen gas + chlorine gas hydrogen chloride gas
1 litre 1 litre 2 litres
Volume ratio = 1 : 1 : 2


2. Hydrogen + oxygen
When hydrogen gas and oxygen gas were sparked, they combined to
produce water. If the temperature was maintained above 100C, the water
formed water vapour. Gay-Lussac found that 2 litres of hydrogen was
required to react completely with one litre of oxygen.
hydrogen gas + oxygen gas water vapour
2 litres 1 litre 2 litres
< Volume ratio = 2 : 1 : 2

Avogadros law
electrodes Some results of Gay-Lussacs
H2(20 mL) + O2(20 mL)
many experiments posed a
Movable piston
problem because they seemed
Before sparking
+ inconsistent with Daltons atom-
5 10 20 30 40 50 60 ic theory. Dalton tried to explain
Gay-Lussacs results using the
assumption that equal vol-
umes of gases contained equal
Oxygen gas number of atoms. For exam-
ple, in the reaction of hydrogen
+ with oxygen, the volume data
implied that 2 atoms of hydro-
5 10 20 30 40 50 60
gen combined with 1 atom of
25 C oxygen to form 2 compound
atoms of water.
After sparking
According to Dalton, howev-
er, an atom of oxygen could not
125 C O2(10 mL) + H2O vapour (20 mL)
split in two to produce two com-
Figure 9.5 pound atoms of water. Dalton
Gay-Lussacs law of combining refused to accept the idea that
5 10 20 30 40 50 60
gas volumes atoms could split and so he
rejected Gay-Lussacs data.
The dilemma was ultimately solved in 1811 by the Italian physicist Amedeo
Avogadro (17761856) by proposing the existence of molecules or atomic
aggregates. Avogadro reasoned that many gases consist of molecules, and
that it was the molecule that split, rather than the atom, in a chemical
change. His explanation is expressed as Avogadros law.

Avogadros law
Equal volumes of gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain
equal numbers of particles (molecules).

Thus, the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen could be explained

in terms of a model in which both gases existed as diatomic molecules. These
molecules split and the atoms recombined to form water, which must consist
of a triatomic molecule, H2O. Note that the ratio of molecules is the same as
the coefficients in the balanced chemical equation.
hydrogen + oxygen water vapour
2 molecules 1 molecule 2 molecules
2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)

Figure 9.6 H
Molecular model of the
reaction of hydrogen and H

Figure 9.7
Italian physicist Amedeo Avogadro

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.5 Hydrogen and nitrogen can be made to react under high tempera-
ture and pressure to form a gas with the formula NxHy. The following
initial and final volume data was collected at constant temperature
and pressure.
Table 9.2
Gas nitrogen, N2 hydrogen, H2 NxHy

Initial volume (L) 10 10 0

Final volume (L) 8 4 4

Use this data to:

(a) show that it is consistent with Gay-Lussacs law of combining gas
(b) determine the values of x and y and thus the chemical formula of
the product.

SOLUTION (a) Calculate the volume of reacting nitrogen and hydrogen.

Volume of nitrogen reacted = 10 8 = 2 L
Volume of hydrogen reacted = 10 4 = 6 L
Calculate the volume ratio.
V(N2) : V(H2) : V(NxHy) = 2 : 6 : 4 = 1 : 3 : 2
This is a simple, whole number ratio, which is consistent with
Gay-Lussacs law of combining gas volumes.


(b) According to Avogadros law, the volume ratio equals the ratio of
Molecule ratio = N2 : H2 : NxHy = 1 : 3 : 2
This molecular ratio (1 : 3 : 2) provides the coefficients in the bal-
anced chemical equation:
N2 + 3H2 2NxHy
Thus, to balance atoms, the values of x and y are 1 and 3,
respectively. Therefore, the chemical formula of this compound
is NH3 (ammonia).

( (
( (
. . ( . ( .
( (


Figure 9.8 Model of the formation of ammonia from nitrogen and hydrogen

The mole
As previously stated, the reference standard for atomic weight is the carbon-
12 isotope. This is an atom of carbon that has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in
its nucleus and 6 electrons surrounding the nucleus. Its mass is defined as
exactly 12 units on the relative atomic mass scale.
Chemists, however, do not normally weigh individual atoms; they weigh
much larger amounts of matter. Therefore, they needed to establish a
reference standard for mass using the more convenient unit of grams.
The scale that was devised is called the mole scale, and was based on the
carbon-12 isotope. Chemists used a variety of experimental techniques
to determine that the number of atoms in exactly 12 g of carbon-12 is
6.022 1023. This large number was called the Avogadro constant (NA) in
Avogadro constant: the number honour of Amadeo Avogadro and is used to define the mole.
of elementary particles (atoms)
in exactly 12 g of carbon-12. This
number is equal to 6.022 x 1023.

Figure 9.9
One mole each of sodium chloride,
iron (III) chloride, copper sulfate,
potassium iodide, cobalt nitrate and
potassium manganate (VII)

One mole (exactly 12 g) of carbon-12 contains 6.022 1023 atoms.

One mole of any substance is that quantity of the substance that

contains an Avogadro number of elementary particles. This definition
applies to atoms, molecules or any object. Thus, one mole of eggs is equal to
6.022 1023 eggs! The mole is a very useful chemical concept. Avogadros
law is consistent with mole theory. Equal volumes of gases at the same
temperature and pressure contain not only equal numbers of molecules,
but also equal numbers of moles of molecules.

Molar weight (M )
The mass of one mole of any element or compound is called its molar weight,
and is measured in g/mol. This is the mass in grams that is equivalent to its
atomic weight or molecular weight. Here are some examples.

One mole of any element contains 6.022 1023 atoms of that element. This
is equivalent to the atomic weight of the element expressed in grams.
One mole of magnesium weighs 24.31 g. Thus, M = 24.32 g/mol.
One mole of gold weighs 197.0 g. Thus, M = 197.0 g/mol.

One mole of any compound contains 6.022 1023 molecules or formula
units of that compound. This is equivalent to the molecular weight expressed
in grams.
One mole of water weighs 18.016 g. Thus, M = 18.016 g/mol.
One mole of carbon dioxide weighs 44.01 g. Thus, M = 44.01 g/mol.

The relationship between the number of moles (n) of a substance of

mass (m) and molar weight (M) is:
n = m/M
where n is measured in moles (mol), m in grams (g) and M in grams/
mole (g/mol).

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.6 Calculate the number of moles of sulfuric acid, H2SO4, present in
4.9 g of the compound.

SOLUTION Calculate the molar weight of sulfuric acid.

M(H2SO4) = (2 1.008) + 32.07 + (4 16.00)
= 98.086 g/mol
m = 4.9 g
< n = m/M
= 4.9/98.086
= 0.050 mol (2 significant figures)


SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.7 Calculate the mass of 3.5 mol of hexane, C6H14.

SOLUTION Calculate the molar weight of hexane.

M(C6H14) = (6 12.01) + (14 1.008)
= 86.172 g/mol
n = 3.5 mol
m = nM
= 3.5 86.172
= 301.6 g

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.8 Calculate the number of:

(a) oxygen molecules
(b) oxygen atoms
in 96 g of oxygen gas.

SOLUTION Calculate the molar weight of oxygen gas, O2.

M(O2) = 2 16.00
= 32.00 g/mol
Calculate the number of moles of O2.
n(O2) = m/M
= 96/32.00
= 3.0 mol
(a) 1 mole of O2 contains 6.022 x 1023 molecules of O2.
Thus, 3.0 moles of O2 contains 3.0 6.022 1023
= 1.807 1024 molecules.
(b) 1 molecule of oxygen is composed of 2 oxygen atoms.
Thus, 1.807 1024 molecules contains 2 1.807 1024
= 3.613 1024 atoms.

Mole relationships in chemical reactions

A balanced chemical equation summarises the mole relationship between
reactants and products. Consider each of the following examples.

Example 1: Combustion of calcium

Calcium burns in oxygen to form calcium oxide. The balanced chemical
equation for this reaction is:

2Ca(s) + O2(g) 2CaO(s)

This equation can be interpreted in terms of mole theory as follows:

2 moles of calcium reacts with 1 mole of oxygen to form 2 moles of
calcium oxide.

C Al C6H12O6
Carbon Aluminium Glucose

Figure 9.10
A mole each of various substances 12 g 27 g 180 g

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.9 A mixture of 2 moles of calcium metal and 100 g of oxygen is placed
in a container and heated till the calcium burns to form calcium
oxide. Determine whether there is sufficient oxygen to burn all the

Calculate the number of moles of oxygen in the container.

M(O2) = 2 16.00
= 32.00 g/mol
m(O2) = 100 g
< n(O2) = m/M
= 100/32.00
= 3.125 mol

The balanced equation (in example 1 on page 170) shows that each
2 moles of calcium requires 1 mole of oxygen to react completely.
The 3.125 mol of oxygen in the container is, therefore, in excess of
that required. There will be more than enough oxygen needed for
complete combustion.

Example 2: Thermal decomposition of silver carbonate

Silver carbonate decomposes on heating to form silver, oxygen and carbon
dioxide. The balanced equation for this reaction is:
2Ag2CO3(s) 4Ag(s) + O2(g) + 2CO2(g)
This equation can be interpreted in terms of mole theory as follows:
2 moles of silver carbonate decomposes to form 4 moles of silver,
1 mole of oxygen gas and 2 moles of carbon dioxide gas.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.10 Calculate the number of moles of oxygen that would evolved if 100 g
of silver carbonate is thermally decomposed.
Step 1: Convert the mass data to moles. Calculate the molar weight of
SOLUTION silver carbonate.

M(Ag2CO3) = (2 107.9) + 12.01 + (3 16.00)

= 275.81 g/mol

Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of silver carbonate.

n(Ag2CO3) = m/M
= 100/275.81
9.2 ATA = 0.363 mol
Moles and volumes Step 3: Use the mole ratios of the balanced equation (in example 2
of gases above) to determine the number of moles of oxygen formed.
From the balanced equation:
2 moles of Ag2CO3 form 1 mole of O2.

Thus, 0.363 mol of Ag2CO3 will produce 0.363/2 = 0.182 mol of O2.


When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction
terms (verbs) require you to do. Here is an example.

This instruction term requires you to show, by example or calculation,
that a statement, concept or data is true or consistent.
Demonstrate that Daltons atomic theory is consistent with the law of
mass conservation.
Daltons atomic theory states that the atoms of each element have a
unique atomic weight and that, during a chemical reaction, the atoms
of the elements rearrange into new patterns. For example:
carbon + oxygen carbon dioxide
C + O2 CO2
Each carbon atom has an atomic weight of 12.01 and each oxygen atom
has an atomic weight of 16.00. Therefore, the masses of the reactants
Reactants: 3(Ar(C) + Mr(O2)) = 12.01 + (2 16.00)
= 44.01
Product: < Mr(CO2) = 44.01
The total mass of reactants equals the mass of the product, so the
conservation of atoms is consistent with the law of mass conservation.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.11 Hydrated sodium carbonate is represented by the formula

Na2CO3. x H2O, where x is an integer. When 100.00 g of this com-
pound was heated strongly to drive off the water, the anhydrous com-
pound left behind had a mass of 37.04 g.
Na2CO3.x H2O(s) Na2CO3(s) + x H2O(g)
Calculate the number of moles of water molecules, x, in one mole of
hydrated sodium carbonate.
Step 1: Calculate the mass of water evolved.
SOLUTION m(H2O) = 100.00 37.04
= 62.96 g
Step 2: Calculate the molar weights of sodium carbonate and water.
M(Na2CO3) = 105.99 g/mol
M(H2O) = 18.016 g/mol
Step 3: Calculate the number of moles of sodium carbonate and
n(Na2CO3) = m /M
= 37.04/105.99
= 0.349 mol
n(H2O) = m /M
= 62.96/18.016
= 3.495 mol
Step 4: Determine the ratio of moles.
n(H2O) : n(Na2CO3) = 3.495 : 0.349
= 10 : 1
Step 5: Determine the value of x.
Thus x = 10.
Therefore, there are 10 moles of water in one mole of hydrated
sodium carbonate.

9.1 QUESTIONS number of atoms in the sulfur molecule in
the vapour state at that temperature.
1. Mercury (II) oxide is thermally decomposed 8. Calculate the number of moles of carbon
to form mercury and oxygen. dioxide present in 4.4 g of carbon dioxide.
(a) Write a balanced chemical equation for 9. Sodium chloride is an ionic compound.
this reaction. (a) Calculate the molar weight of sodium
(b) During the reaction, 100 g of mercury chloride.
(II) oxide was completely decomposed (b) Calculate the number of moles
and 92.6 g of mercury was formed. of sodium chloride in 10 g of the
Calculate the mass of oxygen released. compound.
2. Equal masses of calcium and magnesium are (c) Calculate the number of chloride ions
completely combusted in air. in 10 g of the compound.
(a) Identify the products of each combustion 10. Calculate the number of hydroxide ions in
reaction. 10 g of zinc hydroxide.
(b) Explain why the mass of each solid
product is different. 11. Calcium carbonate reacts with hydrochloric
acid to form calcium chloride, water and
3. Use the atomic weights in the periodic table carbon dioxide.
to calculate the molecular weight of each of (a) Write a balanced equation for the
the following compounds. reaction.
(a) CuSO4 (b) Calculate the mass of carbon dioxide
(b) Calcium carbonate formed when 10 g of calcium carbonate
(c) Ammonia dissolves in excess acid.
4. Use the atomic weights in the periodic table (c) Calculate the number of carbon dioxide
to calculate the percentage by weight of molecules formed.
oxygen in each of the following compounds. 12. Calculate the mass of magnesium
(a) CaCO3 metal required to react completely with
(b) CH3CO2H 3.011 1021 molecules of oxygen to form
5. A total of 3.0 L of gaseous carbon dioxide magnesium oxide.
is formed by the reaction of 3.0 L of carbon 13. Nitrogen monoxide gas reacts with oxygen
monoxide gas and 1.0 L of ozone gas, O3. gas to form brown nitrogen dioxide gas.
(a) Demonstrate that this data is consistent (a) Write a balanced equation for this
with Gay-Lussacs law of combining gas reaction.
volumes. (b) In a reaction vessel, 60 g of nitrogen
(b) Demonstrate that the data is consistent monoxide and 60 g of oxygen are
with the balanced equation for the mixed together. Calculate the number
reaction. of nitrogen dioxide molecules formed,
6. Methane, CH4, burns in oxygen, O2, to assuming the reaction is complete.
form carbon dioxide gas and water vapour. 14. Hydrogen gas reduces copper (II) oxide to
When mixed and ignited, 40 mL of methane copper and water.
reacted with 100 mL of oxygen (an excess) at (a) Write a balanced equation for the
120 C and 100 kPa pressure. reaction.
When the system was returned to the original (b) Calculate the number of hydrogen
temperature and pressure, the final mixture molecules required to completely
reduce 10g of copper (II) oxide.
had 0 mL of methane, 20 mL of oxygen, 40 mL
of carbon dioxide and 80 mL of water vapour. 15. Hydrated copper (II) sulfate contains 5
Demonstrate that this data is consistent with molecules of water per crystal unit. Its
Gay-Lussacs law of combining gas volumes. formula is CuSO4.5H2O. If 50g of hydrated
copper (II) sulfate is completely dehydrated
7. At 1000 C, 5 mL of sulfur vapour reacts with by heating, calculate:
10 mL of oxygen gas to form 10 mL of sulfur (a) the mass of water vapour evolved.
dioxide gas. Use this data to determine the (b) the number of water molecules evolved.


.#' %-0)2)#!, !.$ -/,%#5,!2
Empirical formulae
Before beginning this section, The concept of empirical formulae was introduced on pages 967. The
you should be able to: empirical formula of a compound represents its atomic composition
present information by using
symbols and formulae to expressed as the simplest whole number ratio. Consider the ball-and-stick
express relationships and models of various molecules shown in figure 9.12.
using appropriate units for
physical quantities
explain why the formula for Hydrogen peroxide
an ionic compound is an Hydrogen peroxide is a colourless liquid, and is a useful antiseptic and
empirical formula.
bleach. The ball-and-stick model shows that this molecule is composed of
Key content two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: H:O=2:2=1:1
distinguish between empirical
formulae and molecular Thus, the empirical formula is HO.
perform a first-hand
investigation to measure Ethylene
and identify the mass ratios
of metal to non-metal(s) in Ethylene is a faintly sweet-smelling gas that stimulates fruit to ripen. It is
a common compound and also present in petroleum gas and is the basis of the polymer industry. The
calculate its empirical formula.
ball-and-stick model shows that this molecule is composed of two carbon
atoms and four hydrogen atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
Thus, the empirical formula is CH2.

Hydrogen peroxide H Ethyl acetate
O O Ethyl acetate is a colourless liquid
H that is a useful industrial solvent.
The ball-and-stick model shows
that this molecule is composed
of four carbon atoms, eight
Ethylene hydrogen atoms and two oxygen
H H atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
(b) H H
Thus, the empirical formula is
Ethyl acetate Gravimetric analysis allows
H O chemists to determine the
H empirical formula of a com-
pound. Sample problems 9.12
H O C and 9.13 show how this is done.
Figure 9.11
(a) The molecular and empirical H
formulae of formic acid (methanoic H
acid) are both CH2O2. (b) The
molecular formula and empirical
formula of acetic acid (ethanoic acid,
bottom) are C2H4O2 and CH2O, Figure 9.12
respectively. Ball-and-stick models of hydrogen
peroxide, ethylene and ethyl acetate

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.12 Magnesium chloride
Gravimetric analysis of 100 g of magnesium chloride yields the following
Magnesium = 25.53 g
Chlorine = 74.47 g
Use this data to determine the empirical formula.

SOLUTION Calculate the number of moles of magnesium and chlorine in the

100 g sample of the compound.
n(Mg) = m/M
= 25.53/24.31
= 1.050 mol
n(Cl) = m/M
= 74.47/35.45
= 2.101 mol
The empirical formula can now be calculated by determining the
simplest mole ratio.
n(Mg) : n(Cl) = 1.050 : 2.101
Divide each number in the ratio by the smaller number (1.050).
n(Mg) : n(Cl) = 1 : 2
Therefore, the empirical formula is MgCl2.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 9.13 Acetic acid

Gravimetric analysis of acetic acid yields the following percentage
composition data:
40.01% carbon, 6.72% hydrogen, 53.27% oxygen
Calculate the empirical formula of acetic acid.

SOLUTION Calculate the number of moles of each element in a 100 g sample.

Each 100 g of acetic acid contains 40.01 g of carbon, 6.72 g of hydro-
gen and 53.27 g of oxygen.
< n(C) = m/M
= 40.01/12.01
= 3.33 mol
n(H) = m/M
= 6.72/1.008
= 6.67 mol
n(O) = m/M
= 53.27/16.00
= 3.33 mol
The empirical formula can now be calculated by determining the
simplest mole ratio.
n(C) : n(H) : n(O) = 3.33 : 6.67 : 3.33
Divide each number in the ratio by the smallest number (3.33)
n(C) : n(H) : n(O) = 1 : 2 : 1
Therefore, the empirical formula of acetic acid is CH2O.


Propane Molecular formulae
C The molecular formula of a compound represents the actual number of
atoms of each element in the molecule. Ball-and-stick models can help in
determining molecular formulae.
Propane is a hydrocarbon gas and a useful fuel. The ball-and-stick model
(figure 9.13a) shows that propane is composed of three carbon atoms and
eight hydrogen atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
Therefore, the molecular formula of propane is C3H8. The empirical for-
mula is also C3H8 as 3 : 8 is the simplest ratio.

Hydrazine is colourless liquid that is very soluble in water. It is used as
a high-performance fuel. The ball-and-stick model (figure 9.13b) shows
that hydrazine is composed of two nitrogen atoms and four hydrogen
atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
Therefore, the molecular formula of hydrazine is N2H4. However, the
empirical formula is NH2 as the simplest atom ratio is 1 : 2.

Cyclohexane is a hydrocarbon derived from petroleum. The ball-and-stick
model (figure 9.13c) shows that it is composed of six carbon atoms and
twelve hydrogen atoms. The ratio of atoms is:
Figure 9.13 C : H = 6 : 12
Ball-and-stick models of propane, Therefore, the molecular formula is C6H12. However, the empirical for-
hydrazine and cyclohexane
mula is CH2 as the simplest atom ratio is 1 : 2.
To determine the molecular formula of a compound, its composition
and molecular weight must be known. The molecular weight of many
molecules can be obtained using an instrumental technique called mass
spectrometry. Sample problem 9.14 shows such an analysis.

Sample problem 9.14 A straight chain hydrocarbon is gravimetrically analysed and found
to contain 85.63% carbon and 14.37% hydrogen. Mass spectrometry
shows that its molecular weight is 42.1. Determine the (a) empirical
formula and (b) molecular formula of the hydrocarbon.

SolUTIoN (a) For 100 g of the hydrocarbon:

m(C) = 85.63 g
m(H) = 14.37 g

Calculate the number of moles of each element.

n(C) = 85.63/12.01
= 7.13 mol
n(H) = 14.37/1.008
= 14.26 mol

Calculate the mole ratio.
n(C) : n(H) = 7.13 : 14.26
Thus, the empirical formula is CH2.
(b) The molecular formula is a multiple of the empirical formula.
The molecular weight of CH2 is 14.016. The number of CH2 units
in the molecule
= 42.1/14.016
Thus, the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon is C3H6.

( (
9.1 ti # #
T T (
( #
The empirical (
formula of (
magnesium oxide

Figure 9.14 Ball-and-stick model of C3H6

9.2 Questions Br F

1. Use the periodic table or a table of atomic C C

weights to determine the percentage by Br F
weight of each element in the following
compounds. molecule W
(a) H2SO3
(b) P4O10 & # # &
(c) Ca(OH)2
2. Identify which of the following are examples
of empirical formulae.
A ZnCl2 H Br
B P4O10
D K2C2O4
3. Determine the (a) empirical formulae and H Br
(b) molecular formulae for the molecules
shown in figure 9.15.
4. Determine the empirical formula for each Br H
compound using the following percentage
composition data: Br H
(a) 11.640% nitrogen, 88.360% chlorine
(b) 36.51% sodium, 25.39% sulfur H H
38.10% oxygen
(c) 16.4% magnesium, 18.9% nitrogen, molecule Y
64.7% oxygen Figure 9.15
(d) 72.03% manganese, 27.97% oxygen. Ball-and-stick models of molecules


5. After heating 3.972 g of an oxide of 7. A compound of silicon and oxygen is
mercury, and driving off the oxygen, the analysed and found to have 87.45% Si and
mercury remaining had a mass of 3.678 g. 12.55% O by weight. Calculate the empirical
Determine the empirical formula of this formula of the compound.
oxide of mercury. 8. A metal M is trivalent. Common trivalent
6. A hydrocarbon molecule has a molecular metals include chromium, aluminium, iron
weight of 54.09. The percentage and gallium. The sulfate of M is an ionic salt
composition of this hydrocarbon is 88.81% with a percentage composition by weight of
carbon and 11.19% hydrogen. Use this data 27.93% M, 24.06% S and 48.01% O.
to determine the (a) empirical formula and (a) Use this data to calculate the atomic
(b) molecular formula of the hydrocarbon. weight of M.
(b) Use the periodic table to identify M.

Weblinks The ratios of the volumes of gases involved in a chemical reaction
are expressed by small, whole number ratios (Gay-Lussacs law).
Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and pressure
contain equal numbers of molecules (Avogadros law).
Exactly 12 g of the carbon-12 isotope contains 6.022 1023 atoms
(the Avogadro constant).
An Avogadro number of atoms is referred to as 1 mole.
The molar weight (M) of an element or compound is the weight
of 1 mole of that substance.
The amount of a substance (n) is measured in moles. The
relationship between n and the mass (m) of the substance is
expressed by the equation: n = m/M.
The empirical formula of a compound is the simplest ratio of its
atoms. The molecular formula shows the true number of atoms in
the molecule.


4. Heat the crucible slowly using a blue Bunsen
PRACTICAL flame. The lid should be ajar to allow air to enter.
ACTIVITIES Increase the heating until the magnesium begins
to ignite. Use the tongs to place the lid over the
THE EMPIRICAL FORMULA crucible to prevent the oxide powder escaping.
OF MAGNESIUM OXIDE 5. Continue to heat until all the magnesium has
combusted. You may need to open the lid
Aim slightly using the tongs to let in fresh air.
To determine the empirical formula of magnesium 6. Turn off the Bunsen burner and allow the crucible
oxide and to investigate how repetition affects and contents to cool to room temperature.
reliability. Students should work in groups and 7. Reweigh the crucible and contents.
combine their results.
Safety issues
Record the following quantities in a table: mass of
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. magnesium; mass of magnesium oxide; and mass of
Avoid looking at burning magnesium as the oxygen combined into the oxide.
bright light can damage the eyes.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
Answer the following questions in your report on
Materials this experiment.
1. Use your experimental results to calculate the
porcelain crucible Bunsen burner
mass ratio, m(Mg) : m(O).
and lid tongs
2. Compare this mass ratio with the ratio of atomic
electronic balance 25 cm clean weights of these two elements.
pipeclay triangle magnesium ribbon 3. Use your results to calculate the percentage by
tripod and heatproof weight of magnesium and oxygen in magnesium
mat oxide.
4. Repeat the calculation in question 4 using the data
Method from other groups, and then find the average.
1. Determine the mass of the shiny magnesium 5. Use your answer to question 2, and an appropriate
ribbon supplied. mole calculation, to calculate the empirical
2. Weigh a clean porcelain crucible and lid. formula of magnesium oxide using the average
3. Fold the ribbon into a loose spiral and place percentage composition data from all groups.
it in the crucible. Support the crucible on the 6. Discuss several ways of improving the accuracy
pipeclay triangle. of the experimental procedure.
7. Discuss whether repetition has improved the
Magnesium Crucible lid reliability of your investigation.
burning Crucible 8. As magnesium burns, it may react with
(cut-away diagram nitrogen in the air to form magnesium nitride.
Pipeclay to show contents) Magnesium nitride decomposes to form
triangle magnesium oxide when a little water is added.
Figure 9.16
Explain how you would alter the experimental
Combustion of
magnesium in a
method to ensure the final product contains
Bunsen crucible only dry magnesium oxide.
Heatproof mat
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.



Part B: Oxidation of mercury
DATA In 1774, Antoine Lavoisier conducted an
ANALYSIS experiment in which he heated a weighed sample
MOLES AND VOLUMES OF GASES of mercury in a closed, long-necked flask for
12 days. The sample of mercury was connected
In these two activities, you will process second-hand to a fixed volume of air in a bell jar. He observed
data to relate the mole relationships in reactions that the mercury was slowly converted to a red
involving metals and gases. solid (mercury oxide), and that the volume of air
in the bell jar decreased (by about 20%) as the
Part A: Magnesium and sulfuric acid mercury reacted. Lavoisier found that the red
product weighed more than the original mercury,
Samples of 2.0 g of pure magnesium were reacted
and that this increase in weight was equal to the
separately with a slight excess of either dilute or
loss in weight of the air. He also noted that the
concentrated sulfuric acid. In each case, the metal
air remaining in the bell jar no longer supported
dissolved, and the gases evolved were collected and
combustion of a glowing splint of wood and
their volumes determined in separate dry vessels
extinguished a lit candle.
at 25 C and 100 kPa pressure. The results are
Lavoisiers experiment was repeated in a modern
summarised in table 9.3.
laboratory. All the mercury was converted to a red
Table 9.3 solid. The data in table 9.4 was collected at 25 C
and 100 kPa. Answer the following questions,
Volume of gas remembering that 24.79 L of any gas at 25 C and
Reaction collected (mL) Products identified 100 kPa pressure contains one mole of the gas.
1. Magnesium + 2039 magnesium sulfate,
dilute sulfuric hydrogen Table 9.4
Mass of mercury used (g) 100.000
2. Magnesium + 2039 magnesium sulfate,
concentrated water, sulfur Mass of red product (g) 107.976
sulfuric acid dioxide Original volume of air (L) 20.000

1. Use table 9.3 to write balanced chemical Final volume of air (L) 13.821
equations for reactions 1 and 2.
2. Use the balanced equations to determine the
1. Identify the gas removed from the air during the
mole ratio of:
reaction with mercury.
(a) magnesium to hydrogen for reaction 1.
2. The red product is mercury (II) oxide. Write its
(b) magnesium to sulfur dioxide for reaction 2.
chemical formula.
3. Explain how your answer to question 2 is
3. Write a balanced equation for this reaction.
consistent with the gas volume data in table 9.3.
4. Demonstrate that this data is consistent with the
4. Separate experiments have shown that
mole relationship in the balanced equation.
24.79 L of any gas at 25 C and 100 kPa
pressure contains one mole of the gas. Use this Flask containing Air in
information to calculate the number of moles mercury bell jar
of each gas formed in reactions 1 and 2.
5. Use the mass of magnesium to calculate the
Furnace to
number of moles of magnesium that reacted
heat mercury Mercury
in each experiment.
6. Explain how your answers to questions 4 and in trough
5 are consistent with the mole relationship in Figure 9.17
the balanced equations. Lavoisiers

Economic considerations dictate that minerals in an
ore body must be sufficiently concentrated to ensure
a profitable mining operation. The extraction of copper
illustrates the important chemical, economic and
environmental principles involved in conversion of an ore
into the final metal product.

In this chapter
10.1 Ores and resources page 182
10.2 Extraction and recycling page 186

Figure 10.1
Iron ore is an important natural resource.
&%#& /2%3 !.$ 2%3/52#%3
Australias minerals and ores
Before beginning this section, Australia supplies many different types of metal, as well as refined and unre-
you should be able to: fined ores, to the world markets. Many of the ores found in the lithosphere
explain why energy input is originate in the hot, melted, mineral mixture called magma. As the magma
necessary to extract a metal
from its ore. cools, crystals of certain heavy, metallic minerals form and sink under
Key content gravity to the bottom of the magma chamber. This causes the minerals to
By the end of this section you become concentrated in a particular zone. The minerals may also move into
should be able to: fissures in the surrounding bedrock. Massive ore bodies containing sulfides
define the terms mineral of nickel, copper and iron have been formed in this way.
and ore with reference to
economic and non-economic Some mineral deposits are of hydrothermal origin. Hydrothermal fluids
deposits of natural resources rise through rock fractures and deposit minerals as they cool. Gold, silver,
describe the relationship zinc sulfide (sphalerite), lead sulfide (galena) and iron sulfide (pyrite) form
between the commercial
prices of common metals, mineral veins in this way. Other mineral deposits, such as bauxite, are of
their actual abundances and sedimentary origin.
relative costs of production Ores are examples of non-renewable resources. Ore bodies take thousands
explain why ores are non-
renewable resources or millions of years to form. Many ore bodies have been extensively
discuss the importance mined until it is no longer economically viable to operate the mine. New
of predicting yield in the
identification, mining and mineral deposits are discovered but this cannot continue indefinitely. We
extraction of commercial ore must, therefore, be careful not to waste our mineral and metal supplies.
deposits. Recycling is vital to extend the life of these supplies.
Common metallic ores
ore: a material from the
lithosphere containing minerals Metallic ores can be classified according to the anion present in their
from which a commercial metal minerals. Table 10.1 gives some examples, while figure 10.3 shows where
can be extracted some of the common minerals and metals are mined in Australia.
Table 10.1 Classification of common metallic ores
Classification group Examples

sulfides chalcocite, Cu2S; chalcopyrite, CuFeS2;

sphalerite, ZnS; galena, PbS; pentlandite, (FeNi)9S8

oxides boehmite, Al2O3.H2O; haematite, Fe2O3;

magnetite, Fe3O4; spodumene, Li2O.Al2O3.4SiO2;
rutile, TiO2; ilmenite, FeTiO3; uraninite, UO2;
cassiterite, SnO2; cuprite, Cu2O

carbonates/hydroxides calcite, CaCO3; magnesite, MgCO3;

dolomite, CaCO3.MgCO3;
malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2;
azurite, 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2

Figure 10.2
A smelter where aluminium is
obtained from bauxite

Bauxite (aluminium)
Copper ores
Iron ores
Pitchblende (uranium)
Beach sands (rutile, ilmenite)
Nickel ores
Gove Weipa
Mt Isa
Creek Mount
Mount Morgan Fraser Island
Tom Hamersley Mount
Price Range Newman
Mount Brisbane
Magnet Beverley
Kambalda Downs Cobar

Perth Adelaide Cadia


N Melbourne

Figure 10.3 0 500 1000 km Savage River

Australias mineral and metal Mount
Lyell Hobart
mining sites

Economics of metal production

Australia ranks as one of the worlds leading mineral resource nations.
Our reserves of bauxite, lead, zinc, uranium and silver minerals are
among the highest in the world.
Before an ore body can be commercially developed, various economic
decisions must be made. Here are some examples.

Location and size of the ore body

Ore bodies at various depths beneath established cities and towns are dif-
ficult to mine. For example, coal seams beneath Sydney can be mined only
at more shallow depths outside the suburban fringes. In other parts of Aus-
tralia, ore bodies are located in protected areas such as national parks and
Aboriginal lands. Ore bodies may be close to ecologically sensitive areas,
so mining permits may be issued only if the ecosystem is protected.
The ore body must be large enough to ensure that profits can eventually be
made. If the ore body is too small, the start-up costs may never be recovered.

Concentration of metal in the ore body

A large, high-grade ore body is economical to mine because there is a high
concentration of the metal in the ore. Some low-grade deposits may still
be economical to mine if they are large enough and suitably located. As
new technologies are developed that minimise costs, deposits that were
once considered low-grade and uneconomical may become viable. This
has occurred in the Mount Gordon copper mine in Queensland.


The concentration of metal in an economically viable ore body varies
from one metal to another. Table 10.2 compares the percentage of metal
in a pure mineral with the percentage present in several Australian ore

Table 10.2 Examples of metal content in Australian ore bodies

% metal Average %
Metal Mineral present Location of in pure metal in
extracted in ore body ore body mineral ore body

haematite, Fe2O3 Pilbara, WA 70 60

limonite, Fe2O3.H2O Pilbara, WA 63 58

aluminium boehmite, Al2O3.H2O Weipa, Qld 45 30

copper chalcocite, Cu2S Mount Gordon, Qld 80 9

zinc sphalerite, ZnS Century, Qld 67 12

More than 90% of iron ore from the Pilbara is exported rather than
smelted in Australia. A body of iron ore should contain a minimum
of 50% iron. It should be noted that some ore bodies can be mined
economically with much lower metal concentrations (some as low as
20% iron) if they are readily accessible, while inaccessible deposits often
require even higher concentrations. At Mount Tom Price, concentrators
have been constructed to raise the percentage of iron in low-grade ores to
allow them to be exported as high-grade ores.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.1 A 5.0 g sample of limonite was analysed gravimetrically. In Western
Australia, this type of ore body requires a minimum of 58% iron to
be economically viable. The mass of pure iron extracted during the
analysis was 2.25 g. Determine whether the ore would be economical
to mine.

SOLUTION % iron in iron ore = 2.25/5.0 x 100

= 45%
This value is less than 58% so the ore would not be economical to
mine unless enrichment-processing costs could be reduced.

yield: the amount of product Yield of metal

(e.g. a metal) derived from a
chemical extraction process Mining companies maximise their profits by ensuring a high yield of
(often expressed as a metal. Losses occur during the mining and extraction processes so the
percentage of the maximum
theoretical amount) actual yield of metal is less than the theoretical yield. By improving
efficiencies and extraction methods, the yield of metal can be increased.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 10.2 A sample of chalcocite ore from Mount Gordon (Esperanza) in
Queensland gave an assay of 15.3 % chalcocite, Cu2S.
(a) Determine the theoretical yield of pure copper from 10 tonnes of
chalcocite ore.
(b) Calculate the theoretical yield of copper as a percentage of the
mass of ore.

SOLUTION (a) Step 1: Calculate the mass of chalcocite in 10 tonnes of ore.
m(Cu2S) = 15.3/100 x 10
= 1.53 t
Step 2: Determine the percentage of copper in Cu2S.
% Cu = M(Cu)/M(Cu2S) x 100
= (2 x 63.55)/(159.17 x 100)
= 79.9%
Step 3: Calculate the theoretical mass of copper.
m(Cu) = 79.9/100 x 1.53
= 1.22 t
(b) theoretical % yield of copper = 1.22/10 x 100
= 12.2%

Costs of exploration and establishment of mine

and extraction plant
Australia leads the world in mineral exploration. In 2001, the cost of mineral
exploration in Australia was $683 million; these costs must be recovered.
Once an economically viable ore body is discovered and characterised, a
large amount of money must be raised to set up the mining operation.
Expenses include buildings, smelters, machinery, sites for the safe disposal
of waste, miners salaries and housing for each miners family.

(a) (b)

Figure 10.4 Transportation costs

(a) This iron ore train is over 7 km Various types of transport, including truck, rail and shipping, are involved
long and pulls over 600 wagons as
it snakes through Western Australia
in mining and marketing of metals and ores. Mining companies may need
on the Newman-to-Port Hedland to build a railway line from the mine to the coast so that bulk carriers can
track (b) Loading an iron ore train in transport the product overseas. The more remote the mine, the greater
Western Australia the transport costs.


World metal prices
The price of metals varies daily on the world market. Low prices affect
profitability and continued decline in prices may lead to mine shutdowns
if no profit can be made. Mining and metal production cannot continue if
the costs are larger than the sales. Various economic factors, including the
fluctuating value of the Australian dollar, as well as the changing demand
for various metals, influence metal prices. Table 10.3 shows an example of
changing metal prices.
Table 10.3 World metal prices (US dollars)
10.1 DATA Metal December 2002 price/kg June 2005 price/kg
The viability of copper $1.57 $3.45
mining a vanadium
ore deposit aluminium $1.37 $1.71

10.1 QUESTIONS 4. In Australia, the greatest amounts of iron

ores are mined in
1. Many metal ores are formed in magma A Western Australia.
chambers. A mineral that forms in this way is B Tasmania.
C Queensland.
A aluminium oxide.
D New South Wales.
B silver.
C copper sulfide. 5. A 50 g sample of an ore containing sphalerite
was obtained from the Century Zinc mine
D gold.
in Queensland. The sample was dissolved
2. Metallic ores are non-renewable resources in acid and the zinc extracted. The mass of
because they zinc recovered was 5.5 g. Determine the zinc
A were formed millions of years ago and content of the ore sample.
they cannot be renewed in our lifetimes. 6. Iron is extracted from haematite ore using
B are too expensive to renew. a blast furnace. A 200-tonne sample of
C are too deep in the lithosphere to extract. haematite ore from the Pilbara was reduced
D are formed only in hydrothermal regions. to iron in a blast furnace. Calculate the
theoretical yield of iron if the ore has 63%
3. A metal that is commonly found as an oxide iron by weight.
ore is 7. Use the following headings to discuss the
A calcium. issues in establishing a viable mine to extract
B zinc. and refine metals.
C nickel. (a) Exploration
D tin. (b) World metal prices
(c) Yield

&%#' % 8 4 2 !# 4 ) / . ! . $ 2 % #9# , ) . '

Extraction of copper from its ores
Before beginning this section, Copper forms many different minerals. The earliest copper minerals
you should be able to: to be mined and smelted were those that were brightly coloured and
explain why ores are non-
renewable resources rich in copper, such as malachite, CuCO3.Cu(OH)2, and azurite,
discuss the importance of 2CuCO3.Cu(OH)2. Over time, the high-grade surface ores became
predicting yield in the depleted. We now need to mine ores with lower copper content to provide
identification, mining and
extraction of commercial ore the copper for our technological society.
deposits. Australia is the worlds third largest copper-producing nation, with
major mines and smelters at Olympic Dam in South Australia and Mt Isa

in Queensland. By the beginning of the twenty-first century, Australia was
Key content spending over $28 million a year on copper ore exploration. In 2001,
By the end of this section, you Australia produced 869 kilotonnes of copper, while $2.3 billion flowed
should be able to:
describe the separation into the Australian economy from sales of copper and copper concen-
processes, chemical reactions trates. Current mining ventures at Mt Isa include deep-drilling operations
and energy considerations
involved in the extraction of to depths of 2 kilometres.
copper from one of its ores
recount the steps taken to
recycle aluminium
justify the increased recycling
of metals in our society and
across the world
analyse information to
compare the cost and energy
expenditure involved in the
extraction of aluminium from
its ore and the recycling of

Figure 10.5
Chalcopyrite is an important mineral
from which copper can be extracted.
Chalcopyrites colour varies from
golden to blue-violet.

Copper ores
The main copper ores mined in Australia are:
chalcopyrite, CuFeS2
bornite, Cu5FeS4
covellite, CuS
chalcocite, Cu2S
cuprite, Cu2O.
Other minerals are usually associated with these ores, including gold,
silver sulfide, lead sulfide and zinc sulfide.

Extraction of copper from chalcopyrite

The conventional extraction of copper from the chalcopyrite ore body
involves both physical and chemical separation procedures. These are
summarised in the following steps.

Step 1: Crushing and grinding the mined ore

The mined ore (which may contain as little as 0.25% copper) is placed in
a crusher and converted to pebbles less than 10mm in size. The pebbles
are placed in a ball mill where they are rolled and ground to a fine powder
(<0.3 mm) to liberate the mineral crystals from the unwanted rock
(gangue). These processes occur near the mine site.


Step 2: Concentration
The chalcopyrite mineral is separated from the gangue of silicate min-
erals using the process of froth flotation. The chalcopyrite minerals are
removed from the gangue because they stick to the froth. The copper con-
centrate, containing 2536% copper by weight, is pumped to the smelter.
The gangue slurry is pumped into a tailings pond for disposal. Alterna-
tively, the gangue may be used to refill the exhausted mine pit.

Step 3: Extraction and casting

(a) Roasting The initial roasting process converts chalcopyrite to:
chalcocite, Cu2S; iron (II) oxide; and sulfur dioxide. This roasting
Figure 10.6 process involves heating the chalcopyrite concentrate in a current of
The roasted ore is smelted to air. Some of the sulfur in the mineral is oxidised to sulfur dioxide;
produce a copper matte. volatile oxides of arsenic and antimony impurities are removed during
2CuFeS2(s) + 4O2(g) Cu2S(l) + 2FeO(s) + 3SO2(g)
(b) Smelting The roasted ore is placed in a furnace, and sand (silica)
and coal (carbon) are added. The coal burns as oxygen-enriched air
is blown through the furnace via a lance. The temperature increases
to 1000 C as the coal burns. At this temperature, the chalcopyrite
undergoes a complex series of reactions forming a molten copper
matte, which is a mixture of Cu2S (chalcocite), and Cu2O (cuprite).
The iron in the chalcopyrite forms iron oxide, FeO. The iron oxide
combines with the fused silica to form a slag of iron silicate. The
slag floats on the matte and can be discarded. The copper matte
contains 5070% copper. Sulfur dioxide gas is released, collected
and converted to sulfuric acid using the Contact Process. This
sulfuric acid is sold to reduce the overall costs of the operation.
The smelting processes can be summarised by the following
2Cu2S(s) + 3O2(g) 2Cu2O(l) + 2SO2(g)
FeO(s) + SiO2(s) FeSiO3(l)

Sulfur dioxide (+ volatile oxides Oxygen/air Lance

of arsenic and antimony)

Sand, Sulfur
coal dioxide

Roaster Hot Slag floats

copper on top
Flames from
burning coal
1000 C

Figure 10.7 Roasting Roasted ore is smelted to Smelting
Copper ore is roasted and smelted. produce copper matte.

(c) Converting Additional sand is added to the molten copper matte,

which reacts with the air blown into the converter to form molten
copper. Sulfur is removed as sulfur dioxide gas by blowing air through

Sulfur the molten copper at 1200 C. The sulfur dioxide is converted to sulfuric
dioxide acid, which may be sold or used in associated hydrometallurgical
extractions of copper from mine wastes and low-grade ores. Some
slag also forms. This reaction is exothermic so no fuel is needed to
maintain the temperature of the converter.

2Cu2S(l) + 3O2(g) 2Cu2O(l) + 2SO2(g)

2Cu2O(l) + Cu2S(l) 6Cu(l) + SO2(g)

(d) Casting The melted copper (98% pure) is run off into
moulds and cast into blocks for further refining. The
cast copper is called blister copper because of the bubbled
Slag surface caused by escaping sulfur dioxide gas. It contains
Copper matte about 2% impurities, which include iron, arsenic, nickel,
converted to silver, gold and sulfur.
molten copper
metal at 1200 C
Step 4: Electrolytic refining
The process of electrolysis is used to refine (purify) the blister
Air copper produced in the smelter. Electrolytic refining involves
oxidation of blister copper, which forms the anode (positive
Figure 10.8 electrode) in the electrolytic cell, and reduction of copper
A copper converter ions to metallic copper, which is deposited at the cathode (negative elec-
trode). The electrolyte is a warm, acidified solution of copper sulfate. In
oxidation: loss of electrons modern plants, the cathode is composed of stainless steel, rather than
reduction: gain of electrons sheets of pure copper used in older plants. The copper deposited on the
surface of the cathode is 99.9% pure.

Anode: Cu(s) Cu2+(aq) + 2e

Cathode: Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s)

Figure 10.9
Blister copper is about 98% pure.

Some impurities in the copper anodes remain in solution as the anode

disintegrates. Other impurities such as gold, platinum and silver sink to
the bottom of the tank to form a sludge. This sludge is recovered and the
valuable metals extracted from it.


DC source

Blister cathode
Pure copper
deposits on
cathode surface

Figure 10.10 Anode sludge

Acidified copper
Electrolytic refining of crude copper
sulfate electrolyte

% copper

0.25 Chalcopyrite ore

1 Crushing/grinding

Crushed ore

2 Concentration froth flotation

Gangue Disposal

2536 Copper concentrate

3a Extraction roasting
in a current of air
Roasted ore

3b Smelting sand and coal

added to furnace

5070 Molten copper Molten Disposal

matte slag
3c Converting additional
sand and air

Molten Sulfur Sold to manufacturers

98 copper dioxide of sulfuric acid
3d Casting run off into moulds to
produce blocks of blister copper

98 copper
4 Electrorefining blister copper anodes
Figure 10.11
Summary of copper extraction and Refined
recycling 99 copper

Energy issues and new technologies
The conventional method of copper smelting and refining was developed
between 1865 and 1909. Since then, more efficient, automated equip-
ment has allowed companies to maintain profits in the face of increased
costs due to environmental protection legislation. The conventional
method requires large amounts of energy per tonne of metal produced.
By the mid-twentieth century, newer technologies such as flash smelting
halved the energy usage. This technique is used at Olympic Dam in South
Australia. The furnace is heated until it is so hot that the copper concen-
trate immediately ignites with the oxygen and silica flux as it enters the
furnace. Impure liquid copper (the copper matte) and sulfur dioxide are
formed during combustion. Large amounts of heat are released, which
keep the furnace at the correct temperature. The molten copper matte
is collected by a ladle and poured into the converter furnace where iron
and sulfur are burnt away. The matte is then ladled into the final anode
furnace where natural gas is used to burn off excess oxygen in the copper.
From there, it is poured and cast into moulds to form anodes for electro-
lytic refining.
In the mid 1980s, the SX/EW (solvent extraction/electrowinning)
process was widely adopted as an important adjunct to smelting. This is
a hydrometallurgical process in which sulfuric acid and iron (III) sulfate
solutions are used to leach copper from oxidised ores, mine wastes and
low-grade ores that would not normally be economical to mine. Solvent
extraction techniques, using organic solvents and strong acid solutions,
eventually produce a concentrated aqueous solution of copper for eltro-
winning. Electrowinning is similar to electrolytic refining, except that
copper is not transported from anode to cathode. The copper deposited
on the cathode comes directly from the solution of copper ions.
No rock needs to be mined for electrowinning. The acid solution is
pumped into the ore body and allowed to dissolve the copper mineral,
and the dissolved metal is pumped out. By extracting the copper on site,
the copper ore does not have to be mined conventionally. This is a huge
energy saving as considerable energy is used in mining an ore body and
in removing the unwanted rock from the copper minerals. Compared
to conventional smelting methods, where 65 MJ of energy is expended
to extract one kilogram of copper, hydrometallurgical methods use only
1536 MJ of energy.

Environmental issues
In the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, copper smelting resulted
in the release of sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere. This caused extreme
environmental damage. Sulfur dioxide is one of the gases responsible
for the production of acid rain. Large areas of Europe and the USA
have been damaged in the past by these acidic emissions. Sulfur dioxide
was the curse of the Mount Lyell operation in Queenstown, Tasmania.
The forests and shrubs around Mount Lyell were destroyed, leaving a
highly eroded landscape, which is now starting to recover as smelting
operations have ceased. Environmental legislation now requires copper
producers to treat exhaust gases being emitted to the atmosphere so that
scrubbers: devices that spray
water through gaseous and the maximum sulfur dioxide content is 1000 ppm. The exhaust gases pass
particle emissions to prevent through scrubbers and the sulfurous acid produced can be collected and
toxic gases and particles escaping catalytically oxidised to sulfuric acid, which can be sold or used to extract
to the environment
copper using newer hydrometallurgical techniques.


Waste water from the primary stages of copper ore concentrating, and
from exhaust stack scrubbers, and spent electrolytes from electrolytic
baths contain dissolved and suspended solids. These include many heavy
metals, such as mercury, lead, cadmium and arsenic, which are retained
in lined ponds to prevent them from contaminating the environment.
Precipitation and filtration processes remove most of these toxic wastes
from effluents before discharge. However, the pH of the effluents must
be increased to between 6 and 9 to avoid acidification of lakes, streams
and soil. These effluents must also be passed through heat exchangers
so that they are discharged at no more than 3 C above the ambient
temperature. Unchecked thermal pollution can significantly damage
aquatic ecosystems.

Figure 10.12
The effects of copper pollution on
the King River in Tasmania, near the
Strategies to conserve our metal resources
Metals are important non-renewable resources. Along with their alloys,
former Mount Lyell plant
they have a wide variety of uses including coinage, electrical wires, con-
tainers, structural metals and alloys and piping. Consequently, metals
must continue to be mined and recycled to supply the demand.
As society continues to use metals, we must also continue to fund the
search for new ore bodies. There is not a limitless supply of metals in the
world so various strategies must be adopted, including:
replacing scarce metals with metals in plentiful supply. For example, copper
could be replaced by aluminium. This already happens in high-tension
electrical wires.

preventing corrosion. Metals such as iron need to be protected from
corrosion; this is cheaper than replacing the metal.
recycling steel. The basic oxygen steelmaking (BOS) process recycles
scrap steel during the production of new steel. If the scrap comes from
its own previous castings, the steel company knows the composition of
the steel and it can be reused quickly. Some scrap steel, however, comes
from recycled cars and appliances, and the chemical composition of this
steel varies considerably. This type of scrap must be sorted before reuse.
Tin cans, which are really steel cans lined with tin, are also recycled.
The cans are shredded and the tin removed by dissolving it in a hot,
oxidising, alkaline solution. The steel that emerges at the end of this
detinning process is then recycled.
recycling aluminium. Before 1960, aluminium drink cans were unknown;
most drink containers were made of glass or steel. Since then,
aluminium has been used extensively because it is readily rolled,
lightweight, odourless, tasteless and conducts heat away from the
drink so it can be chilled rapidly. However, the huge use of alu-
minium has led to the problem of waste disposal. Rather than rely
on landfill sites, Australia now recycles about 70% of its alumini-
um drink cans. How does this help the environment? Obviously, if
more aluminium is recycled, fewer mines are needed, so less pollu-
tion from fluoride compounds is released during its manufacture.
Recycling also saves energy. Melting and recycling aluminium uses
less than 5% of the total energy required to convert bauxite ore to alu-
10.2 DATA minium. Thus, recycling is not only energy efficient, but also conserves
ANALYSIS our metal supplies. Over 40% of the global demand for aluminium is
Recycling aluminium
and steel met through recycling.

Figure 10.13
Only 5% of the energy required to
convert bauxite to aluminium is used
to recycle aluminium.


10.2 QUESTIONS 5. Explain how the sulfur in chalcopyrite can
cause environmental pollution during the
1. Malachite is a green copper mineral that roasting, smelting and converting processes.
was mined by Egyptians in ancient times. Its 6. When copper is cast into moulds, the final
chemical formula is CuCO3.Cu(OH)2. Today, product is called cast copper, which contains
chalcopyrite, CuFeS2, is more commonly 23% of impurities.
mined to supply the worlds need for copper (a) Identify the impurities normally present
metal. This mineral is mined at Mt Isa to in a sample of cast copper.
depths of 2 km. (b) A power company wishes to purchase
(a) Calculate the percentage of copper in pure copper to make electrical wiring.
each mineral. Cast copper has too high a resistance to
(b) Explain why copper mining at Mt Isa is be used for this purpose. Explain how
being conducted at great depths. the copper is purified so that it can be
2. A low-grade chalcopyrite ore body contains used for electrical wiring.
0.5% copper. Calculate the percentage by (c) Illustrate your answer to (b) by writing
weight of chalcopyrite in the ore. appropriate half-equations.
3. The following steps in the extraction of 7. In the last sixty years, there has been a large
copper from chalcopyrite ore are jumbled. increase in the use of metals generally.
Determine the correct sequence. However, the percentage increase in demand
(a) Roasting for copper and iron has not been as large as
(b) Concentrating for aluminium.
(c) Electrolytic refining (a) Explain why copper and iron production
(d) Casting has been outstripped by aluminium
(e) Crushing and grinding production.
(f) Smelting (b) Metals are non-renewable resources.
(g) Converting Identify the strategies needed to ensure
continuity of future supplies.
4. Identify the reactions that occur at each of
the following stages of copper extraction 8. (a) Compare the energy requirements
from chalcopyrite. Include relevant equations to produce aluminium from its raw
in your answers. materials with the production of ingots
(a) Roasting of recycled aluminium.
(b) Smelting (b) Identify an atmospheric benefit of
(c) Converting recycling aluminium.

Weblinks Metallic ores are materials derived from the lithosphere that
contain commercial quantities of a metal.
Copper can be extracted from its common ores by roasting,
smelting and electrolytic refining.
The extraction of metals from ores requires a consideration of
Module 2 economic and non-economic factors.
Revision Considerably more energy is required to extract aluminium
electrically from bauxite than to extract iron and copper from
their ores.
The price of metals on the world market is related to their cost of
production and their abundance.
Module 2 Metals need to be recycled because ores are non-renewable
Revision Answers resources.

daTa analysis

vanadium was also bound to organic molecules
daTa such as porphyrins. The amount of vanadium in the
ANALYSIS hydrated iron oxide minerals was about three times
higher than in the clay.
The viabiliTy of mining
Resource estimates:
a vanadium ore deposiT The oil shale covers an area of 500 000 square km
Read the following information about the with an average thickness of 7 m. This is estimated
establishment of an oil shale and vanadium mine at to contain 4252 megatonnes of ore. From this ore
Julia Creek* and answer the questions that follow. body, it is estimated that 60 L/tonne of oil could be
extracted. In total, 2400 billion barrels of oil could
Location: be mined.
Julia Creek is located in northwest Queensland, It is estimated that the ore body will also
165 km east of Cloncurry. The Fimiston Mining produce large amounts of vanadium. This
Company owns the Julia Creek project area. The vanadium resource consists of two ore types. The
area was bought in 1998 following geological upper oxide layer totals 160 megatonnes with
research and metallurgical testing that suggested 0.25% V2O5 content. The lower oil shale contains
economically viable deposits of vanadium oxide and 180 megatonnes with 0.40% V2O5 content.
shale oil existed there.
Exploration and development:
Metallurgical tests show that the vanadium oxide
Geological exploration began in the Julia Creek content of the oxide ore body can be increased
area in 1968 with a successful search for uranium from 0.25% to 1.4% by scrubbing and cycloning to
ores. Instead, the exploration discovered oil shale remove some of the clay material. Leaching tests
and vanadium deposits. In 1969, a 6 km grid east on this enriched ore to produce soluble vanadium
and west of Julia Creek was established and 55 showed that acid leaching is rapid but very
test drill holes were made. The drill cores showed expensive and uneconomical, due to the high levels
consistent mineralisation. Between 1970 and of calcite in the ore body. Alkaline leaching with a
1973, research aimed to nd the best methods for sodium carbonate solution showed that at least 75%
extracting vanadium from the ore body. By 1982, of the vanadium oxide was converted to soluble
it was established that shallow, open-cut mining vanadium. Further research continues to nd
would be the best option. Initial exploration in ways to minimise the high consumption of sodium
three pit sites showed that this part of the ore carbonate in the leaching process.
body consisted of 1798 megatonnes; preliminary
analysis showed that 64 L of oil and 3.5 kg of V2O5 Conclusions:
could be obtained from each tonne. To this point, In May 2000, it was recommended to Fimiston
$15 million had been spent. Mining that further development work continue
Further research and development between 1983 on this project. The likelihood of metallurgical
and 1988 showed that the market price of oil would breakthroughs and the use of new oil shale
make the extraction of shale oil uneconomical. technologies being developed elsewhere could
Between 1988 and 1996, the project was sold to make the Julia Creek deposit economically viable
many different mining companies, which failed to in the future. It is suggested that income from the
proceed to production. Fimiston Mining acquired sale of the vanadium would make the oil shale
the site in 1998. extraction more attractive to investors.
Mineralogy research: (*based on Coxhell, S & Fehlberg, B, Julia Creek
Mineralogy research had found that the vanadium vanadium and oil shale deposit, AIG Journal,
in the oil shale is mixed with clay, hydrated pyrite May 2000. Click on the Julia Creek weblink in your
and silicate compounds. Some of the vanadium had eBookPLUS.)
been incorporated into the clay minerals. Some



1. Identify the type of ore body at Julia Creek that
the early exploration geologists were seeking. ANALYSIS
2. State the conclusions that had been reached
about this site in 1982.
3. Suggest a reason why the ownership of the Julia AND STEEL
Creek site has changed many times since 1968. Read the following information and answer the
4. Outline the findings of the mineralogy research questions that follow.
for vanadium in the ore body. The costs of mining, concentrating, extracting
5. State the meaning of the term beneficiation. and transportation make metals expensive to
6. Outline the conclusions made from the leaching produce. Metal recycling is an important industry
tests carried out. as the cost of producing recycled metals is much
7. Summarise the conclusions and lower, and it saves non-renewable resources.
recommendations made by Coxhell and Fehlberg
in their report for Fimiston Mining. Aluminium:
8. Discuss the importance of predicting yield in
All aluminium products (such as foil, window
the identification, mining and extraction of
frames and beverage cans) can be recycled
commercial ore deposits.
repeatedly, which extends the useful life of
the metal. Scrap aluminium is a valuable
commodity around the world. Recycling centres
for aluminium cans have been established in
Australia and worldwide. This process is very
efficient, and the time between collection and the
production of new cans is as short as six weeks.
Countries such as Sweden recycle over 90% of
their aluminium cans. Australias recycling rate is
about 70%. Twenty aluminium cans can be made
from recycled aluminium for the same energy
expenditure as making one aluminium can from
raw materials.
The steps in recycling process aluminium cans are:
Aluminium cans are collected and stored
temporarily at local collection centres.
At a centralised sorting centre, the cans are
screened to remove steel cans. The cans are then
Following weighing, the cans are crushed into
large blocks before transportation to the furnace.
The cans are melted, poured into moulds and
cooled to produce ingots of solid aluminium.
Aluminium ingots are then rolled thinly by
manufacturers and made into new cans.
Other aluminium scrap is sorted into pure
aluminium and alloys. Alloys are melted separately
and the alloy composition adjusted before casting
into ingots.


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Aluminium recycling saves considerable energy Worldwide, steel is the most recycled material
and materials. For every 1 kg of aluminium and the annual savings in electrical energy are
recycled: equivalent to the power needed for 18 million
1421 kW/h less electricity is required for homes per year. Every kilogram of steel that is
electrolysis recycled saves:
58 kg of bauxite does not have to be mined 1.5 kg of iron ore from being mined
20 kg of greenhouse gases are not emitted into 0.5 kg of coal being mined
the atmosphere. 40% of the water used in producing new steel
Recycling also reduces the use of landfill sites 2 kg of greenhouse gases being emitted into the
in cities and towns. Over the last 30 years, the atmosphere.
aluminium industry has designed lighter cans that The benefits of recycling aluminium and steel
require less aluminium. This means that about 40% also apply to other metals. However, the extent of
less metal needs to be produced to make these cans recycling other metals, such as copper and lead,
so less ore needs to be mined and less energy is varies considerably. In Australia, over 20% of
used. copper and 60% of lead is recycled. Most recovered
The use of aluminium in the automobile industry lead comes from car batteries. In some cases, the
also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The costs involved in recycling are higher than the price
reduction in car weight, by the use of aluminium obtained by selling the recycled metal.
alloys, leads to lower fuel consumption. Recovering
and remelting aluminium scrap for use in cars also Questions
leads to a 95% saving in greenhouse emissions over 1. Explain why scrap aluminium is a valuable
using newly smelted aluminium. commodity worldwide.
Steel: 2. Outline the energy and environmental savings
from recycling aluminium.
There is a 7580% energy saving in making steel
3. Recount the steps in recycling aluminium drink
cans using recycled steel over production from
raw materials. However, the recycling rate (40%)
4. Explain the benefits of using aluminium in the
for steel cans in Australia is lower than that for
car industry.
aluminium. As steel cans are coated in tin to
5. Describe the benefits of recycling steel.
prevent corrosion, they need to be de-tinned before
6. Explain why the recycling of some metals is
the steel is recovered. In Australia, most recycled
relatively low.
steel is used as steel reinforcement bars in concrete
and in steel wires. Scrap steel makes up about 15%
of all new steel produced in Australia.


Chapter 11
Water in nature
Chapter 12
Structure and bonding in water
Chapter 13
Solutions and solubility
Chapter 14
Water and energy WATER

8]VeiZg &&
Earth is often called the water planet. Much of the Earths
surface is covered in water and no life form can survive
entirely without water. Although water is abundant in many
places, water is scarce in many parts of the world, such as
deserts. Fresh water is a resource needed by humans for
drinking, cooking, gardening and washing. It is also needed
in agriculture for crop production; large storage dams are
constructed to collect fresh water for irrigating marginal
land in low-rainfall areas. Seventy-five per cent of all the
fresh water used in Australia is used for irrigation. Humans
use water not only for drinking, but also as a means of
transport and for recreation. Liquid water can be used for
swimming, sailing and waterskiing, while solid water (ice)
can be used for skating and snowskiing. In industry, water
can be used as a solvent, reactant or coolant, and also to
assist waste disposal into drains. Water is essential for life
on this planet.

In this chapter
11.1 Distribution and importance of water page 201
Figure 11.1
Water is essential for all forms of life.

&&#& $)342)"54)/. !.$
) - 0 / 2 4! . # % / & 7 !4 % 2
Solvents and water
Before beginning this section, In simple terms, solvents are commonly (but not always) liquids in which
you should be able to: different substances dissolve to form homogeneous mixtures or solutions.
identify that the biosphere, In industry and in our homes, various liquids are used as solvents. Water
lithosphere, hydrosphere and
atmosphere contain examples is a very common solvent for many household products such as ammonia
of mixtures of elements and floor cleaners, liquid soaps and soft drinks. Some medicines use a mixture
of water and alcohol to dissolve the active ingredients. Kerosene, tur-
Key content pentine and methylated spirits are other useful solvents. They are often
By the end of this section, you used to dissolve materials that do not dissolve in water. For example, oil
should be able to:
define the terms solute, paints can be removed from paintbrushes using kerosene or turpentine a
solvent and solution solvent. Steel is a solid solution of carbon atoms in solid iron. Table 11.1
identify the importance of
water as a solvent lists some more examples of solutes, solvents and solutions.
compare the state, percentage
and distribution of water in Table 11.1 Solutes, solvents and solutions
the biosphere, lithosphere,
hydrosphere and atmosphere Solution Solute Solvent
outline the significance of the
different states of water on salt water sodium chloride water
Earth in terms of water as:
(a) a constituent of cells and soda water carbon dioxide water
its role as both a solvent and
a raw material in metabolism methylated spirits methanol ethanol
(b) a habitat in which
temperature extremes are tincture of iodine iodine ethanol
less than nearby terrestrial
habitats clear furniture glaze oils and waxes polyurethane
(c) an agent of weathering of
rocks, both as a liquid and a cupronickel nickel copper
(d) a natural resource for
humans and other organisms Solutions are not always substances dissolved in liquids. The definition
perform an investigation of the term solution is much broader. Solutions are simply homogeneous
involving calculations of the
density of water as a liquid mixtures of two or more substances. Thus, an alloy such as bronze can be
and a solid using: classified as a solution as it is a uniform mixture of tin in copper. Filtered
density = air can be considered a solution of different gases (oxygen, carbon
analyse information using
dioxide, water vapour etc.) in nitrogen.
models to account for the
different densities of ice and
liquid water
plan and perform an
investigation to identify
and describe the effect of
antifreeze or salt on the
boiling point of water.

solvent: a substance (present

in the larger amount) that
dissolves a solute to form a
solution: a homogeneous
mixture of two or more
substances. Solutions may exist
as solids, liquids or gases.
solute: a substance (present
in the smaller amount) that
is dissolved in a solvent to
produce a solution Figure 11.2
Icebergs consist of frozen fresh water floating in salt water.


Water is sometimes called the universal solvent. Some substances, such
as salt and sugar, are very soluble in water. Oxygen is much less soluble
than salt but some dissolved oxygen is vital to aquatic life. In general,
Solute particle
water is an excellent solvent for many ionic compounds and some low-
Solvent particle molecular-weight, covalent molecular compounds, such as organic acids
and sugars. The solubility of various biochemical solutes in our body
fluids is essential for the normal functioning of the body. Here are some
examples of the importance of water as a solvent.
Solute particles evenly dispersed Oxygen and carbon dioxide dissolve in water in the bloodstream and
through the solvent to produce are then carried to different parts of the body.
a single phase. Various nitrogenous waste products of metabolism (e.g. urea) can
dissolve in water and be eliminated from the body as urine.
Figure 11.3
Particle model of solution Carbon dioxide dissolves in the cellular water of leaf cells and is then
available as a raw material for photosynthesis.
Solutions of acids in water are used by our body to digest food.
Hormones produced by our glands can be transported to various organs
because they are soluble in the aqueous body fluids.
Oceans and rivers dissolve atmospheric oxygen, which makes it available
to aquatic organisms.

States and distribution of water

Water is a vital chemical for a living planet. From space, our planet has
been called the blue planet because of the vast oceans that cover its
surface. Without liquid water, life as we know it cannot exist. On Earth,
water is widely distributed in the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and
even in the lithosphere, as shown in table 11.2.

Table 11.2 Distribution of water on Earth

Sphere of % of sphere that
the Earth Classification according to physical state is water

hydrosphere solid: polar ice, glaciers 9599

liquid: oceans, inland seas, lakes, rivers,

biosphere liquid: cell protoplasm, extracellular water, 6095

transport systems
gas: water vapour in intercellular and some
organ spaces

lithosphere solid: frozen soil, hydrated minerals less than <10

liquid: aquifers, groundwater,
hydrothermal solutions

atmosphere solid: ice crystals at high altitude, hail 0.55, depending on

liquid: water droplets in clouds latitude and altitude
gas: water vapour

About 97% of all the water on the Earth is present in the oceans.
Another 2% is locked up as ice in glaciers and polar icecaps. The remain-
der is distributed in the lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere.
Although water moves from place to place, the strong pull of gravity
ensures that water is not lost to space. The water cycle (figure 11.4) sum-
marises how water moves from place to place. This cycle is powered by the

Water in the energy from the Sun. Water returns to the
Water in the biosphere
atmosphere by evaporation from oceans,
lakes and streams, and when released by living
things, especially plants in their transpiration
Clouds Evaporation stream. Water also sublimes directly from the
Evaporation Precipitation solid to vapour states. The rate of evaporation
LAND and sublimation of water to form water vapour
Precipitation (surface and depends on the temperature. Warm water
ground water) evaporates faster than cold water. Sublimation
from ice is much slower as the temperature is
lower, so the molecules are held more firmly
within the crystal lattice of the ice.
A water flow budget is an accounting of
the total amount of water entering and leav-
ing various spheres. This shows that there is
Water in the Water in the a mass balance of water as it moves between
hydrosphere lithosphere
the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere and
Figure 11.4 The water cycle lithosphere.
The role of the different states of water
Let us consider the different roles that water has on Earth.
Cellular water and metabolism
Water is an essential component of living cells. There is a high percentage
by weight of water in plants and animals. Tomatoes, for example, are 95%
water by weight while humans are about 67% water. In most life forms,
water comprises about 70% of the weight of cells. Humans, like other
living things, need to maintain a daily balance between water intake and
loss. Table 11.3 summarises some of the important physical and chemical
roles water has in living cells and in metabolism.
Table 11.3 Physical and chemical roles of water in living cells and metabolism
Physical Chemical
Water is a transport medium and Metabolic water is produced by
provides support. The vascular system respiration. Water is produced when
of plants and animals is a network carbohydrates, fats and proteins
of vessels that transports nutrients undergo cellular respiration.
to and wastes from all the cells of a
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
multicellular organism.
Water keeps plant cells turgid and This metabolic water is an important
prevents wilting. Organisms that source of water in living organisms.
live in water are supported by the Water is required for photosynthesis.
buoyancy of the water. Water is absorbed through the roots
Water is a solvent. Water dissolves of terrestrial plants and finds its way
many salts and small molecules. Many into photosynthetic cells. Water is
life processes, such as digestion and needed by green plants to produce
respiration, can occur only if solute food and oxygen by photosynthesis.
molecules and ions are dissolved in a 6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
Water is required to digest dietary fat.
Water is required for reproduction. Sex
cells, such as sperm, require a liquid fat + water glycerol + organic acids
in which to swim as they seek out
an egg to fertilise. This process is
common in both the plant and
animal kingdoms. The embryos of
animals grow in a watery medium.


Water moderates the temperature of the Earth
Water can absorb large amounts of heat without causing a large rise in
temperature. Thus, oceans and large bodies of water reduce temperature
fluctuations, which benefits the living things that use these habitats. In
inland, terrestrial environments, such as deserts, the ambient temperature
can vary much more than along the coast, where the cooling effects of
sea breezes produce more moderate temperatures. Our Earth would be
a much more hostile environment for life forms without the moderating
effects of water in its various states.

Water as an agent of weathering and erosion

Weathering and erosion of the landscape is often caused by water. Rain or
waves can physically wear away rocks. When water freezes in rock crevices,
the huge pressures that result can cause rocks to split. This process, called
ice wedging, occurs because water expands as it freezes, producing expan-
sive forces strong enough to crack steel pipes as well as rocks. In many cold
regions of the world, ice in the form of moving glaciers can also wear away
rocks. Glaciers carry large quantities of rocky debris as they move slowly
downhill under the force of gravity.
Water can also chemically weather minerals present in rocks. Feldspar,
KAlSi3O8, is a common mineral found in rocks. It weathers chemically to
form a clay called kaolinite, Al2Si2O5(OH)4. The presence of aqueous solu-
tions of acids (e.g. carbonic acid produced by carbon dioxide dissolving in
water) hastens the weathering process. Other acids in soil include organic
acids produced by bacterial decay of plant and animal remains.
Various minerals in the ground are dissolved by ground or surface water.
Limestone caves are formed when the mineral calcite, CaCO3, in the
limestone is dissolved by dilute solutions of carbonic acid in rainwater or
surface water. The acid dissolves the limestone to produce calcium ions and
hydrogen carbonate ions.
CaCO3(s) + H2CO3 Ca2+ + 2HCO3
The dissolved calcium ions may re-precipitate to produce stalactites or
stalagmites, or they may precipitate when they reach the ocean.


Cracks in limestone rocks

and stalagmites Water saturated with
form as saturated calcium and hydrogen
solution evaporates carbonate ions drips
and crystallises. from cave roof.

Figure 11.5
(a) Stalagmites (growing up from the
Water as a natural resource
cave floor) and stalactites (hanging The Sydney Water Corporation supplies billions of litres of potable water each
down from the cave ceiling) day to the residents of Sydney. The water that is collected in the catch-
in Tasmania (b) Weathering of ment must be treated to ensure that the final product is clear, tasteless and
limestone caves odourless and does not contain harmful microbes that may cause disease.

National potable water guidelines have been established by the National
Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). Potable water has a
maximum of 500 ppm (500 mg/L) of soluble minerals. Water tastes salty
if the salinity is greater than 200 ppm.

Figure 11.6
Aerial view of Warragamba Dam Rain that falls on the ground either soaks into the ground to become
outside Sydney showing low water part of the groundwater or runs off into rivers, lakes and seas. Ultimately,
levels in 2004 due to drought it finds its way back to the oceans. Much of the groundwater stays in the
ground for long periods. Some sandy soils are porous and absorb large
amounts of water while others, such as clay, absorb very little. Permeable
rocks such as sandstone can carry water underground. These are called
aquifers and they are important in supplying bore water to many outback
communities. Groundwater moves slowly, about 0.5100 cm/day in these
aquifers. Most people wrongly believe that lakes and rivers are our major
sources of fresh water. In fact, about 90% of all fresh water is located
Farmers use river or dam water to irrigate their crops and to provide
water for their livestock. Large rivers in Australia were once used exten-
sively to transport goods and livestock; rail and road transport have
reduced their use. Waterways are used recreationally for skiing, swimming
and boating. Hydro-electric power stations use the kinetic energy of falling


water to generate electricity. Water is also essential in coal-fired power
stations. The heat from coal combustion is used to boil water and generate
steam that turns the turbines to generate electricity.

Figure 11.7
The kinetic energy of falling water
is used to generate electricity.

When answering questions it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples.

Select Extrapolate
This instruction term requires you to make This instruction term requires you to make an
the correct choice from a number of possible inference from what is known.
answers. Example:
Example: Table 11.5 shows the concentration of water
Select from table 11.4 the method by which the in the atmosphere as a function of altitude.
Extrapolate the data to determine the
human body loses the greatest amount of water
concentration at an altitude of 80 km.
vapour from the body each day.
Table 11.5
Table 11.4
Altitude (km) 30 50 60 70 80
Method faeces urine perspiration exhalation
Concentration of 1021 1020 1019 1018
% loss 4 60 12 24 water
Answer: Answer:
Exhalation and perspiration are the processes in It can be inferred from table 11.5 that water
which water is lost in the form of a vapour. The concentration drops by 10 molecules/m3 for
larger of these is exhalation. each 10 km increase in altitude above 50 km. The
extrapolated value for 80 km is 1017 molecules/m3.

The melting and boiling points of water
Waters different physical states are related to the ambient temperature.
The melting and boiling points of water are very high for a molecule of
such low molecular weight.
At 0 C (and normal atmospheric pressure), ice and liquid water can
exist in equilibrium with one another. This is expressed in the equation:
H2O(s) p H2O(l)
This phase change equilibrium can be demonstrated by measuring the
temperature of melting ice blocks in a beaker. As long as some ice exists
in the water, the temperature of the system stays constant at 0 C. When all
the ice has melted, the temperature will rise.
At 100 C, liquid water and water vapour exist in equilibrium with one
another as expressed in the equation:
H2O(l) p H2O(g)
This phase change equilibrium (at 100 C) can be demonstrated by meas-
uring the temperature of the surface of boiling water where steam is in
contact with the thermometer bulb. The temperature remains at 100 C as
long as liquid water and water vapour are present.
The boiling point of any liquid, including water, depends on the local
air pressure. The normal boiling point of water is 100 C but this rises if
the air pressure rises. Hydrothermal water at depths of several kilometres
may reach temperatures of up to 260 C and still not boil. As the water
rises towards the surface, the pressure drops and the water boils explo-
sively in the form of a geyser.

Figure 11.8
A geyser releases steam.


Boiling occurs when the vapour You may be surprised to know that water can boil at temperatures much
pressure above the liquid is greater lower than 100 C. This occurs when the atmospheric pressure is lower
than or equal to the atmospheric
pressure. The boiling point of water
than that at sea level. At altitudes of 35 kilometres, the water may boil
is 100 C only if the atmospheric at about 8090 C. At even higher altitudes, where the air is very thin, the
pressure is 101.3 kPa. If the water may boil at temperatures as low as normal room temperature. So,
atmospheric pressure is lower than boiling water is not always hot!
101.3 kPa, water boils at a lower
The effect of solutes
Figure 11.9 shows the effect of the presence of different solutes or
impurities on the freezing and boiling points of water. The data reveals
that the freezing point of the water decreases as the concentration of solute
increases. Thus, salt water freezes at a lower temperature than pure water.

11.1 PRACTICAL Normal freezing

point of water
Normal boiling
point of water
Freezing point Boiling point
The effect of salt of aqueous of aqueous
on the boiling point solutions solutions
of water 0 C 100 C
Temperature (C)

Freezing point Boiling point

decreased on rises on
adding solutes. adding solutes.

O H Figure 11.9 Effect of solutes on the freezing and boiling points of water

H C C A commercial liquid called antifreeze (or ethylene glycol) is commonly

H added to the water in car radiators to ensure that the water in the radiator
H and pipes does not turn to ice when the ambient temperature drops below
0 C. At concentrations of about 20% ethylene glycol, the freezing point is
Figure 11.10 reduced by about 8 C. Antifreeze increases the boiling point of water by
Structure of ethylene glycol several degrees, so it is also useful in preventing the radiator water boiling.
The density of water
Density is a measure of the mass per unit volume of a material. Mathematically,
density can be calculated using the formula:

Water freezes at 0 C D = m/V

to form ice with a
density of 0.92 g/mL. where D = density (g/mL),
Density of liquid water (g/mL)

1.00 m = mass (g)

and V = volume (mL).
Water has
Figure 11.11 shows the density of water
its maximum as a function of temperature. The maxi-
density mum density occurs at 4 C, which sug-
(1.00 g/mL) at 4 C. gests that the density of ice (at 0 C) is less
than that of liquid water at 4 C. When
most other liquids freeze, they produce
a solid that is more dense and sinks in
Figure 11.11
Density of water as a 0 20 40 60 80 the liquid. Because ice is less dense than
function of temperature Temperature (C) water, it floats rather than sinks.

The high density of water at 4 C has important
implications in the biosphere. In cold climates, such
Dense cold
water at 4 C as the alpine areas of eastern Australia, lakes start to
Ice floats on
cold water. cool as winter approaches. As the water temperature
Cold water drops at the surface, the density of the surface water
at 0 C
increases until it reaches its maximum density at 4 C.
Cold air
This dense surface water sinks and sets up convection
currents within the lake. These convection continues
until all the water is at 4 C. As the temperature at the
surface continues to drop, the density of the water
rises again and, when the temperature reaches 0 C,
ice starts to form at the surface. The ice that forms
floats on the surface providing an insulating layer for
the water below. Therefore, aquatic organisms can
Figure 11.12 survive in frigid lakes in liquid water below the icy
Life continues in a Fish and other aquatic organisms
surface layer.
frozen pond. survive in the liquid water.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 11.1 Use the following data to calculate the change in volume of a 250.0 g
sample of ice at 10 C when heated to 20 C.
Density of ice at 10 C = 0.9182 g/mL
Density of water at 20 C = 0.9982 g/mL

SOLUTION Use D = m/V to calculate the volume of the ice and the water.
Volume of ice (V ) = m/D
= 250.0/0.9182
= 272.27 mL
Volume of water (V ) = m/D
10.2 DATA = 250.0/0.9982
ANALYSIS = 250.45 mL
The density of water
and ice Change in volume = 272.27 250.45
= 21.82 mL

Figure 11.13
Mount Thetis, Tasmania. The lake
is partly iced over in winter.
The less dense ice floats on the
water surface.


11.1 Questions 6. (a) Explain why water boils at less than
100 C on high mountains.
1. Identify the solute in lawnmower fuel. (b) Food can be cooked faster using a
A Petrol pressure cooker. Explain how raising
B Oil the pressure inside the sealed cooker
C Fuel mixture can cause food to cook faster.
D Natural gas 7. Table 11.8 gives the percentage by weight of
2. The solvent in brass is water in a human.
A tin.
B zinc. Table 11.8
C copper. Organism Mass of organism (kg) % water (w/w)
D chromium.
human 50 67
3. Select the example that best shows the
importance of water in the biosphere.
(a) Identify the ways in which water is
A Acid rain dissolves the surface of marble
important to a human.
(b) Calculate the weight of water present in
B Ground water dissolves limestone rocks
the tissues and bodily fluids of a 50 kg
to create caves.
C Water acts as a transport medium in the
(c) Explain why water is important in the
cells and organ systems of plants and
respiratory system of a human.
D Moving glaciers wear away rocks. 8. (a) The average concentration of dissolved
solids in the ocean is about 35 times
4. Table 11.6 data shows the density of aqueous
greater than that in artesian water.
solutions of sulfuric acid at 25 C.
Explain why the oceans have such a
high concentration of dissolved solids
Table 11.6
compared with artesian water.
% sulfuric acid 10 20 30 40 50 (b) Hydrothermal water is in contact with
Density (g/cm3) 1.06 1.14 1.22 1.30
hot rocks underground. This hot water
can be used by humans to generate
power. Explain why hydrothermal water
Extrapolate the data to determine the density
contains a greater concentration of
of a 50% solution of sulfuric acid.
dissolved minerals than surface waters
A 1.32 g/cm3
in lakes and streams.
B 1.38 g/cm3
C 1.40 g/cm3 9. A student dissolved some salt in tap water
D 1.42 g/cm3 and measured the mass and volume of
the resulting salt water. Use the following
5. Table 11.7 shows the solubility of a
information to calculate the density of the
number of atmospheric gases in water at
salt water.
25 C. Of those gases that are important
in biochemical processes in the biosphere, Mass of sample = 18.84 g
select the one with the greatest solubility Volume of sample = 15.375 mL
in water. 10. Gerrys father asked him to top up the
A Argon car radiator with antifreeze solution. He
B Ammonia noticed on the bottle in the garage that
C Carbon dioxide the radiator antifreeze solution consisted
D Oxygen of an aqueous solution of ethylene
Table 11.7 Gerry decided to investigate this solution
Gas Ar Cl2 CO2 N2 O2 further. He prepared aqueous solutions
of ethylene glycol and measured their
Solubility in 0.053 6.41 1.45 0.018 480 0.039
water (g/kg)
freezing points. Table 11.9 shows the data
he collected in his experiments.

Table 11.9 (b) Calculate the mass of water required to
% ethylene glycol 5 10 15 20 25 react with 11 kg of carbon dioxide to
in water (w/w) form glucose during the photosynthetic
Freezing point of 1.6 3.3 5.3 x 10.0 (c) Calculate the mass of oxygen that is
solution (C) liberated in the reaction in (b).
12. (a) Quartz, feldspar and mica are three
(a) Plot a line graph of this data. Plot the
common rock-making minerals. One
dependent variable on the vertical axis.
type of feldspar has the formula
(b) Use your graph to interpolate a value
KAlSi3O8. Identify the element in this
for x, the freezing point of a 20%
mineral that has the greatest percentage
ethylene glycol solution.
by weight.
(c) Explain the purpose of using ethylene
(b) Clay is formed by chemical weathering
glycol solutions in car radiators.
of feldspar. This clay is called kaolinite,
(d) Predict the freezing point of a mixture of
Al2Si2O5(OH)4. Write a balanced
4 kg of ethylene glycol and 32 kg of water.
equation for this chemical weathering
11. (a) Water is essential for photosynthesis process.
in green plants and aquatic algae. (c) Natural acids assist in the chemical
Write a balanced chemical equation weathering of rocks. Explain how
to show that water is a reactant in the acids that assist this chemical
photosynthesis. weathering are formed in nature.

Weblinks Water is present in the hydrosphere, lithosphere, atmosphere and
biosphere. It is present in different physical states (solid, liquid
and gas) and in different percentages.
Water has high melting and boiling points and it expands on
freezing to produce a solid (ice), which is less dense than the
The freezing point and boiling points of water are affected by
solutes such as salt and ethylene glycol.
Water is an agent of weathering and erosion.
Water has a great influence on the climate as it absorbs and stores
vast amounts of heat.
Water is required by all living things. It has physical as well as
chemical roles.
Potable water is an important natural resource.



experiment. Ensure the bulb remains in the
PRACtiCAL solution as before. Record the temperature
each minute after the temperature reaches
90 C. Cease heating once salt crystals start
tHeeFFeCtoFsALtontHe to form in the boiling liquid as the water
BoiLinGPointoFWAteR evaporates.

Part A: First-hand investigation Results

Record your observations in a suitable table.
To determine the effect of salt on the boiling Questions
point of water Answer the following questions in your report on
this experiment:
Safety issues
1. Explain why calibration of the thermometer
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
was necessary to validate the experimental
Ensure all glassware is securely clamped.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
2. Describe the effect of dissolved salt on the
experiment by reading the method.
boiling point of water.
Materials 3. Explain how the reliability of this experiment
thermometer (110 C) could be improved.
conical flask (250 mL)
Bunsen burner
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.
tripod and gauze mat
clamps, bosshead and stand
pure water
salt water (~15%w/w) 4HERMOMETER
1. The first step in this investigation is to
calibrate your thermometer to determine the #ONICAL FLASK
boiling temperature of pure water. Set up the
apparatus as shown in figure 11.14. Use about
120 mL of water.
2. Ensure the bulb of the thermometer is kept
just under the water surface as it boils but 4RIPOD
not near the hot glass at the base. Record the "UNSEN BURNER
constant temperature of the boiling water.
If the thermometer does not read 100 C in
the boiling water, determine the adjustment
needed for future readings for salt water.
3. When cool, remove the flask and replace the Figure 11.14
Apparatus for measuring boiling point of a liquid
pure water with salt water and repeat the


Part B: Processing supplied data
Table 11.10 provides information on the boiling DAtA
point of pure water and salt water over a period of ANALYSIS
18 minutes.
Table 11.10 AnDiCe
Time Temperature of Temperature of
(minutes) pure water (C) salt water (C) Part A
Apparatus was set up to investigate the change
0 95.0 95.0
in volume of 10.000 g of water over a range of
2 96.1 96.5 temperatures from 1 C to 6 C ( gure 11.15).
A syringe was used to introduce and expel water
4 97.3 98.0
from a calibrated glass tube of uniform cross-
6 98.7 99.5 sectional area. Graduations on the tube were
used to measure the volume of the water at
8 99.9 101.0
each temperature. The graduations were viewed
10 100.0 101.9 through a high-powered microscope placed above
the apparatus. The temperature of the circulating
14 100.0 103.3
water was monitored by a thermocouple
16 100.0 104.1 connected to a data logger. The results of the
experiment are shown in table 11.11.
18 100.0 105.1

Questions Thermocouple
r each
o 1. Use grid paper to plot line graphs for each
f monitors water
temperature. Change in water
e data set. Plot both graphs on the same grid.
s volume observed
Syringe injects water
2. Use the graphs to describe the into capillary. using a microscope
effect of salt on the boiling point of lens and microscale.
3. Explain why the temperature of the
pure water remained at 100 C after
boiling began.
e h 4. Suggest a hypothesis to explain why the t containing

n i
temperature of the boiling salt water increased water tube Water out
Water in from
with time. water bath to water bath
5. Crystals of salt eventually form in the boiling
salt water. Once this happens, the temperature Figure 11.15 Apparatus for measuring the effect of the
does not rise any further. Suggest a reason for temperature of water on its volume
this observation.
1. Use 2 mm grid paper to plot a line graph of
this data (table 11.11). Temperature is the
independent variable so should be plotted on
the horizontal axis.
2. Use your graph to determine the temperature
at which 10.000 g of water has the smallest


3. Calculate the density of water at each 2. Explain whether ice expands or contracts as it
temperature using the formula: D = m/V, is cooled.
where D = density (g/mL), m = mass (g) and 3. Calculate the volume of 10.00 g of ice at 4 C.
V = volume (mL). Tabulate your calculated
4. Explain why ice oats on melted ice water.
4. Use your density data to determine the 5. Explain how this data is relevant to the survival
temperature when water has its greatest density. of aquatic organisms in frozen lakes.
6. Figure 11.16 shows diagrams of the
Part B arrangement of water molecules in an ice
Table 11.12 shows the density of ice as a function crystal and in liquid water. Use these diagrams
of temperature. to account for the differing densities of ice and
1. Plot a line graph of density of ice versus water at 0 C.
temperature, with temperature on the
horizontal axis.

Table 11.11
Temperature (C) 1 2 3 4 5 6

Volume of water (mL) 10.0009 10.0003 10.0002 10.0000 10.0002 10.0005

Table 11.12
Temperature (C) 0 1 2 3 4

Density of ice (g/mL) 0.91700 0.91710 0.91720 0.91728 0.91737

(a) Liquid water (b) Ice crystals

Hydrogen bond


breaking as
Large open
water molecules ... ... ... ... ... ...
. . . . . .. move apart spaces between

..... . . .
water molecules


... ...


No structure ... Hydrogen bond ... ... ... ... ... ...
in the liquid
... ...
forming as water


molecules come

... ... ... ...

close together

Molecules much Water molecule

closer together
than in ice ... Hydrogen bond

Figure 11.16 Particle diagrams of liquid water and ice

Water is classified as a covalent molecular compound. Its
importance and distribution are related to its molecular
structure and physical properties. In this section, we will
examine the structure and bonding of water molecules. We
will then compare these properties with those of other
types of molecular compounds.

In this chapter
12.1 Intermolecular forces and polarity
of molecules page 216
12.2 Interactions with water page 227

Figure 12.1
The surface tension of water helps to support this
insect on the water surface.
&'#& ).4 %2-/,%#5,!2 &/2#%3
!.$ 0/,!2)49 /& -/,%#5,%3
Electronegativity and the polarity of molecules
Before beginning this section, Non-metallic elements have incomplete valence shells and tend to attract
you should be able to: electrons to produce a stable valence shell. This electron-attracting ability
describe the physical of non-metals is called electronegativity. Metals, however, prefer to lose
properties used to classify
compounds as ionic, covalent valence shell electrons to achieve stable outer shells so are called
molecular or covalent electropositive.
When covalent bonds form between atoms of the same element, the elec-
Key content trons are shared equally. Electrons are not equally shared between atoms
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: when different non-metals bond together. The non-metal with the higher
construct Lewis electron dot electronegativity has the greater share of the electrons. Table 12.1 lists the
structures of water, ammonia electronegativities of some non-metals.
and hydrogen sulfide to
identify the distribution of
electrons Table 12.1 Electronegativities of some non-metals
compare the molecular
structures, molecular shapes Element F O Cl N Br I S C H
and melting and boiling
points of water, ammonia and Electronegativity 3.98 3.44 3.16 3.04 2.96 2.66 2.58 2.55 2.20
hydrogen sulfide
describe hydrogen bonding
between molecules Bond polarity
identify the water molecule as
a polar molecule A covalent bond is said to be non-polar if the electron pairs are shared
describe the attractive forces equally. If the electron pairs are not shared equally, the bond is said to be
between polar molecules as
dipoledipole forces polar (see figure 12.2).
explain the following
properties of water in terms Examples:
of its intermolecular forces: 1. The chlorinechlorine bond in C12 and the hydrogenhydrogen bond
surface tension, viscosity,
boiling and melting points in H2 are non-polar as the atoms that form the bonds are identical.
process information from 2. The iodinechlorine bond is polar as the chlorine has greater
secondary sources to graph electronegativity than the iodine atom. Therefore, the chlorine atom
and compare the boiling and
melting points of water with has a greater share of the electron pair. The iodine atom is thus slightly
other similar-sized molecules positively charged and the chlorine atom is slightly negatively charged.
identify data and process
information from secondary The polar ICl bond is an example of a bond dipole. Figure 12.3 shows
sources to model the how this bond dipole is represented.
structure of the water
molecule and effects of forces Partial ionic character of polar covalent bonds
between water molecules
choose equipment If one of the two atoms linked by a covalent bond gains a 100% share
and perform first-hand of the electron pair, the bond becomes purely ionic. Very few bonds are
investigations to demonstrate
the following properties purely ionic or purely covalent. Therefore, in molecular compounds,
of water: surface tension, covalent bonds typically have some partial ionic character.
In the ICl bond, the electronegativity difference (3.16 2.66 = 0.56)
corresponds approximately to a covalent bond with 10% ionic character.
When the electronegativity difference reaches 1.55 units (e.g. in the AlCl
bond), the bond is highly polar and has approximately 40% ionic char-
acter. The CsF bond in caesium fluoride is purely ionic as the electro-
negativity difference of 3.19 is very high.
Figure 12.2
Lewis electron dot structures, a
space-filling molecular model and
the structural formula of water. The H
oxygen end of the water molecule O + H O H
is slightly more negative than the
hydrogen end of the molecule. This
makes the water molecule polar.

dipole: an asymmetric charge Directions of
distribution within a molecule molecule dipole
such that there is a distance + 
between the centres of positive I Cl
and negative charge

Electronegativity = 2.66 Electronegativity = 3.16

polar: describes a covalent
bond in which there is an Lower electron density Higher electron density
asymmetric charge distribution of iodine atom of chlorine atom
due to one atom having greater
electronegativity than the other Figure 12.3 Polarity of the iodinechlorine bond

SAMPLE PROBLEM 12.1 Determine which of the following bonds is the most polar.
NCl, HF, OCl, BrI, CH
SOLUTION Use table 12.1 to determine the differences in electronegativity
between the elements that form each bond.
NCl: 3.16 3.04 = 0.12
HF: 3.98 2.20 = 1.78
OCl: 3.44 3.16 = 0.28
BrI: 3.16 2.96 = 0.20
CH: 2.55 2.20 = 0.35
Thus, the HF bond is very much more polar than the others.

Polar and non-polar molecules

Molecules can also be classified as polar molecules and non-polar molecules.
polar molecule: a molecule with The shape and symmetry of the molecule are the critical factors that
a permanent dipole. One end of
the molecule is partially positive determine overall polarity.
and the other end is partially
negative. Molecules are non-polar if the sum of their bond dipoles in three
dimensions is zero. Thus, perfectly symmetrical molecules are non-polar.
Molecules are polar if the sum of their bond dipoles in three
dimensions is non-zero. Thus, asymmetrical molecules are polar.

Figure 12.4
Chlorine molecules are non-polar. Cl + Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl
They can be represented as Lewis
electron dot structures, 3-D space
filling models or a structural formula.

Figure 12.5 shows models of common non-polar molecules. Carbon

dioxide and boron trichloride are non-polar molecules as the sums of
their molecular dipoles are equal to zero. The C=O and B Cl bonds
are polar bonds, but the arrangement of these bond dipoles in space leads
to an overall zero dipole for the whole molecule. The symmetry of these
molecules cancels the bond dipoles.
Simple diatomic molecules composed of different elements are polar
as one atom always has a higher electronegativity. In larger molecules, the
symmetry or asymmetry of the molecule determines whether the whole
molecule is polar or non-polar (see figure 12.6). Both linear hydrogen
cyanide and pyramidal ammonia molecules are polar as their bond
dipoles sum to produce a non-zero molecular dipole.


Carbon White Boron
dioxide (CO2) phosphorus (P4) trichloride (BCl3)
(pyramidal symmetry) (planar symmetry)
Bond dipoles
Figure 12.5
Models of some non-polar
(linear symmetry)

Hydrogen cyanide, Trichloromethane,

Cl Cl

(linear, non-symmetrical) (tetrahedral, non-symmetrical)

Nitrogen dioxide,

Figure 12.6
Models of some polar molecules
(bent, non-symmetrical)

Lewis electron dot structures

The Lewis electron dot structures of molecules help us visualise the
arrangement of electron pairs in the valence shells of each bonding atom.
Some electron pairs are involved in bond formation; others that are not
involved are known as non-bonding or lone pairs. Electron pairs repel
each other and move as far apart as possible to achieve greater stability.
Tetrahedral The most stable way to arrange four pairs of valence electrons is in the
angle (10928) shape of a tetrahedron.
Figure 12.7 (a) Methane, CH4
In this symmetrical
Bond angles in a tetrahedron H
H H three-dimensional
shape, the bond angles
H H H are 10928`, as shown in
figure 12.7.
Methane, ammonia
and water are mol-
(b) Ammonia, NH 3 ecules with molecular
shapes based on the
N N tetrahedron, as shown
H H H in figure 12.8. Methane
107 Pyramidal is a perfect tetrahedron
as four bonding pairs of
electrons surround the
(c) Water, H2O central carbon atom.
Figure 12.8 In ammonia, there are
Space-filling models and Lewis O O three bonding electron
electron dot structures for methane, H H H H H H pairs and one non-
ammonia and water 10430 Bent bonding pair (lone pair).

Differences in repulsion lead to the formation of a trigonal pyramid-
shaped molecule. The HNH bond angle is 107. In water, with two
bonding electron pairs and two non-bonding pairs, the molecule takes
on a bent shape. The HOH bond angle is 104.
A molecule similar to water is hydrogen sulfide. Its HSH bond
angle is 92, as shown in figure 12.9.

Figure 12.9 S H S H
Space-filling model and Lewis H 92
electron dot structure for H H
hydrogen sulfide Bent

Testing the polarity of molecular liquids

Figure 12.10 shows a simple method that can be used in the school
lab-oratory to test for the presence of a molecular dipole in molecular
liquids. If water and hexane, for example, are tested with charged perspex
rods, only the water stream is attracted to the charged rod. This experiment
confirms that water is a polar molecule while hexane is non-polar.

Burette Burette

Water (polar) Hexane (non-polar)

Charged Charged
++ ++
+ perspex ++
+ perspex
++ rod ++ rod

Testing molecular
Figure 12.10 Testing polarity of molecular liquids

There are many web-based programs that help chemists to visualise
the shapes and bonding interactions between molecules. Some are
interactive and allow you to rotate molecules in three dimensions or to
construct Lewis electron dot structures. You will nd useful websites in
your eBookPLUS; web searches will reveal many more.


Intermolecular forces
Attractive intermolecular forces exist between all molecules. The physical
properties of covalent molecular substances depend on the strength
of these forces. Figure 12.11 shows how intermolecular forces can be

Intermolecular forces

between the molecules

(for molecules Dipoledipole between polar
of the same molecules
Figure 12.11 Hydrogen between molecules
Classification of intermolecular bonding containing H and
forces F, O or N atoms

Dispersion forces
Electrons are not always evenly distributed around the nucleus. Dispersion
dispersion force: an forces are weak attractive forces that result from an uneven electron distri-
intermolecular attractive force
caused by a temporary dipole bution around the nucleus and between neighbouring atoms. One side of
inducing a temporary dipole in a the atom can temporarily become more positive than the other side due
nearby molecule.
to the motion of the outershell electrons. Dipoles are, therefore, created
in atoms due to these asymmetric charge distributions. These temporary
dipoles continuously break down and reform. The creation of temporary
dipoles in one atom can induce dipoles in adjoining atoms. Another
way of describing dispersion forces is to consider them as the attraction
between temporary dipoles and induced temporary dipoles. In visual
terms, a model of these events at the atomic level would show that the
locations of the negative and positive ends of the dipoles move constantly
from one atomic surface to another.
Generally, the larger an atom or molecule, the larger the dispersion
forces between it and its neighbours. This generalisation has been veri-
fied experimentally. Large molecules have large numbers of electrons,
which become available to form temporary dipoles. Table 12.2 illustrates
this with the noble gases by showing that boiling point is directly related
to the molecular weight of the gas. For example, helium, with quite weak
dispersion forces, has a low boiling point.

Table 12.2 Boiling points of the noble gases

Noble gas He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn

Molecular weight 4.0 20.2 39.95 83.8 131.3 222

Boiling point (C) 269 246 186 152 108 62

The surface area of a molecule also affects the size of the dispersion
force. For example, some hydrocarbon molecules with identical mol-
ecular weights have different shapes due to chain branching. This
creates differences in effective surface area of the molecules and affects

how closely the molecules can pack together, causing differences in
melting and boiling points.

Dipoledipole forces
Molecules with permanent dipoles attract one another. The negative
end of one dipole attracts the positive end of the neighbouring dipole.
Dipoledipole forces are stronger than dispersion forces in molecules of
dipoledipole force: a force similar molecular weight. Table 12.3 compares the melting and boiling
caused by the positive end
of one dipole attracting the points of nitrogen (a non-polar molecule) with nitrogen monoxide (a
negative end of another dipole polar molecule). These molecules have similar molecular weights and,
thus, similar dispersion forces. The higher melting and boiling points of
nitrogen monoxide are due to dipoledipole interactions.

Attraction between Table 12.3 Comparing the melting and boiling points of a polar and a non-polar molecule
Molecular Molecular Melting point Boiling point
+  +  Molecule formula weight (C) (C)
N O ... N O nitrogen N2 28.0 210 196

nitrogen monoxide NO 30.0 164 152

Figure 12.12
Dipoledipole forces between
nitrogen monoxide molecules In a series of related molecules (such as the hydrides of group VI), the
increase in boiling point with increasing molecular weight is mainly due
to the increasing contribution of dispersion forces and the decreasing
contribution of dipoledipole attraction. This is shown in table 12.4. The
dipole moment is a measure of the dipole attraction of the molecule. The
table shows that hydrogen sulfide is a significantly more polar molecule
than hydrogen telluride.
Table 12.4 Comparison of the boiling points of some hydrides of group VI
Dipole moment
Molecule Molecular weight Boiling point (C)
(r 1030 C m)
H2S 34.1 3.2 60

H2Se 81.0 0.8 41

H2Te 129.6 <0.7 2

Hydrogen bonding
Hydrogen bonding is the attraction between a partially positive hydrogen
hydrogen bonding: a strong
type of polar attraction caused atom in one molecule and a non-bonding electron pair in a fluorine,
by the interaction of a highly oxygen or nitrogen atom bonded to hydrogen atoms in a neighbouring
electropositive hydrogen atom
with the lone pairs of electrons molecule. Recent X-ray diffraction studies suggest that the hydrogen
of fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen bond is not wholly electrostatic in origin. It has been suggested that the
atoms bonded to hydrogen hydrogen bond has about 10% covalent character. This helps to account
atoms in another molecule.
(Hydrogen bonds have some for the strength of this bond compared with other intermolecular forces.
covalent character due to Hydrogen bonding raises the melting and boiling points of covalent
delocalisation of electrons.)
molecular substances much more than dispersion or dipoledipole forces.
Hydrogen bonding is an important force between the chains of natural
polymers such as proteins and DNA. Figure 12.13 illustrates the extensive
hydrogen bonding in HF compared with other hydrogen halides. The
boiling point of HF is significantly higher than would be expected for such
a small molecule.
Water and ammonia both exhibit strong hydrogen bonding. Their
melting and boiling points are much higher than those of molecules


of comparable molecular weight. Hydrogen sulfide does not exhibit
hydrogen bonding. Its molecules are attracted mainly by dipoledipole
forces and dispersion forces. Table 12.5 compares the melting and boiling
points of these three molecules. The absence of hydrogen bonding in
hydrogen sulfide is shown by its low melting and boiling points.

100 Extensive Strong

Boiling point (C)

hydrogen dispersio
50 bonding forces
50 HBr
Figure 12.13 HCI
Relationship between molecular 100
weight and boiling point of 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
hydrogen halides Molecular weight

Table 12.5 Comparison of melting and boiling points

Molecular Dipole moment
Molecule weight (r 1030 C m) Melting point (C) Boiling point (C)

NH3 17.0 5.7 78 33

H2O 18.0 6.2 0 100

H2S 34.1 3.2 86 60

oxygen atom
Hydrogen Highly
bonding electronegative
between Strong
nitrogen atom hydrogen
O N and H
Hydrogen H H

O H N ... H N H F ... H F
Figure 12.14 O and H H H H H
Hydrogen bonding in water
and ammonia Water Ammonia Hydrogen fluoride

The properties of water

Water is a unique compound. An examination of its physical properties
reinforces this statement.

Surface tension
Elastic forces exist in the surface layers of a liquid; the surface tension
surface tension: a measure of of a liquid is a measure of these elastic forces. Water molecules are held
the attractive tensional forces
in the surface of a liquid. These together by strong cohesive forces. All polar liquids (including water) with
elastic forces hold the water strong cohesive forces have high surface tensions. You may have observed
molecules together, preventing
the water from spreading out to insects walking on a water surface (see figure 12.1 on page 215). They
increase its surface area. can do this because of the high surface tension of the water that creates
cohesion: the attraction a skin on the surface. The surface tension is a measure of the energy
between like molecules or like required to increase the surface area of the liquid.
The surface tension of water is compared with that of other liquids in
table 12.6. Water, ethanol and glycerine all exhibit hydrogen bonding, but

hydrogen bonding is strongest in water. Mercury has a very high surface
tension as demonstrated by its inability to wet or adhere to glass. When
adhere: stick by the force of water drips from a tap, the detached water droplets are almost spherical
attraction between unlike
molecules or unlike materials in shape. In the absence of gravity, they would form a perfect sphere.
Figure 12.15b helps to explain why drops of water are spherical. Water
molecules at the surface of the drop experience unbalanced attractive
forces compared with those in the interior of the drop. These unbalanced
forces cause the droplet to assume a spherical shape to minimise the
surface energy.
(b) Inside the drop, water molecules
are pulled equally in all directions.

At the surface, water

molecules are pulled water molecule

Figure 12.15
(a) Intermolecular forces are responsible for the spherical shape of drops of water.
(b) Forces at the surface of a drop of water

Figure 12.16
A sphere has the smallest surface
area for a given volume. Because
of its high surface tension, mercury
beads tend to form small spherical
shapes when dropped. When resting
on a surface, the larger spheres are
flattened by their own weight.


Table 12.6 Surface tension and viscosity

Surface tension (mJ/m2)

Molecule Molecular formula at 20 C Viscosity (mPa/s)
Water H2O 73 1.01

Ethanol C2H5OH 23 1.20

Glycerine C3H5(OH)3 63 1490

Benzene C6H6 29 0.63

Mercury Hg 490 1.55

C2H4(OH)2 48 19.9

Viscosity is a measure of a liquids resistance to flow. Because they have a
viscosity: a measure of a fluids high viscosity, heavy motor oils, honey and sugary molasses flow very slowly
resistance to flow
out of a burette. Water runs out of a burette because it is much less viscous.
Viscosity depends on the structure of molecules and the intermolecular
forces between molecules. Long chain molecules often have high viscosity
because their long chains can become entangled as they flow. This is why
grease and tar are very viscous but petrol and kerosene are not.
A device called a viscometer is used to measure the flow rate of a liquid
(figure 12.17). The viscosity of a liquid is determined by measuring the
time taken for a fixed quantity of the liquid to flow through a narrow-
bore (or capillary) tube. When liquids are heated, their viscosity tends
to decrease. Molasses and honey are viscous and flow slowly when cold
but flow more readily when warmed. Table 12.6 compares the viscosi-
12.2 PRACTICAL ties of some common liquids. Water has a higher viscosity than benzene,
ACTIVITIES as benzene has no hydrogen bonding between its molecules. Glycerine
Investigating molecules contain three OH groups per molecule; the strong hydrogen
viscosity and bonding between its molecules leads to a much higher viscosity than water
surface tension at the same temperature.

Reservoir of liquid

Time how long

it takes a fixed
volume of liquid
to flow through
capillary tube.

Figure 12.17
Measuring viscosity with a

Melting and boiling points

On pages 207 8, we investigated the melting and boiling points of water.
Water is a very small molecule with much higher melting and boiling

points than other molecules of comparable size. This difference is due
to the strong hydrogen bonding between water molecules. Table 12.7
illustrates this difference.

Table 12.7 Comparison of the melting and boiling points of water with molecules
of similar molecular weight

Molecule Molecular weight Melting point (C) Boiling point (C)

H2O 18.0 0 100

12.1 PRACTICAL CH4 16.0 182.5 161.5

NH3 17.0 78 33
Comparison of the
melting and boiling
points of molecules Ne 20.2 249 246

When water is cooled, molecular clusters form; the density of the

water increases and reaches a maximum at 4 C. Between 4 C and 0 C,
the density of water decreases until ice crystals begin to form. In ice, five
neighbouring water molecules bind to form tetrahedral clusters that are
stabilised by hydrogen bonding (figure 12.18a). A three-dimensional
network of these clusters forms the open cage-like structure of ice
(figure 12.18b). This open structure explains the expansion of water
as it freezes and the low density of ice (0.92 g/mL) compared with the
maximum density of liquid water (1.0 g/mL).
(a) (b)
Water molecule Open-cage structure
at centre of

In an ice crystal,
the water molecules
occupy the corners
of a tetrahedron. Ice crystal
Figure 12.18
(a) Tetrahedral cluster of water molecules in ice and (b) crystal structure of ice

Ice crystals are examples of covalent molecular crystals. Such crystals

are softer than ionic or covalent network crystals. Molecular crystals such
as ice and sulfur are brittle. When they are hammered, they shatter into
tiny, irregularly shaped fragments. Ionic crystals such as sodium chloride
are also brittle but, when hammered, they shatter into tiny crystals of
uniform shape. These observations demonstrate the differences between
molecular and ionic crystals. Ice crystals also differ from sulfur crystals in
the presence of hydrogen bonding in the ice crystals lattice. Only disper-
sion forces hold sulfurs lattice together. Electron diffraction studies have
shown that water molecules at the surface of ice vibrate rapidly due to
reduced hydrogen bonding. This behaviour of water at the surface of ice
crystals gives the surface a semi-liquid property.


12.1 QUESTIONS 6. Account for the trend in boiling points
(b.p.) of the following hydrogen halide
1. Classify each of the following molecules as molecules.
polar or non-polar. HCl (b.p. = 85 C), HBr (b.p. = 66 C),
(a) HBr (linear) HI (b.p. = 35 C)
(b) Cl2CO (trigonal planar)
(c) PH3 (pyramidal) 7. The following molecules have similar
(d) CCl4 (tetrahedral) molecular weights. Account for the
(e) CHIClF (tetrahedral) differences in their boiling points (b.p.) in
(f) CS2 (linear) terms of structure and bonding.
CH3OH (b.p. = 65 C), H2S (b.p. = 62 C),
2. Use table 12.1 of electronegativities to rank C2H6 (b.p. = 89 C)
the following covalent bonds from the most
polar to the least polar. 8. Figure 12.19 shows the bonding between
HS, OF, BrCl, CN, CO, SS the helical protein strands that make up
human hair. The R groups represent
3. (a) Draw Lewis electron dot structures for hydrocarbon side-chains. Identify the
the following molecules. strongest bonding forces between the
(i) OF2 (bent) chains as shown in the diagram.
(ii) NF3 (trigonal pyramidal)
(iii) CCl4 (tetrahedral) Keratin protein
(b) For each molecule in (a), identify the A chains in
number of bonding and non-bonding H ... O C human hair
electron pairs around the central atom.

(c) Classify each molecule in (a) as polar or
4. (a) Define the term viscosity. O
(b) Table 12.8 shows the variation in the C ... + H

viscosity of water with temperature.
Account for the trend in this data. B H

Table 12.8
Temperature (C) Viscosity (mPa/s)

20 1.01
40 0.65
R ... R
60 0.47

80 0.36 Figure 12.19 Bonding between helical keratin chains in

human hair
100 0.28
9. Figure 12.20 shows a model of the cross-
linking between chains in the cellulose
5. The synthetic polymer polyethylene can polymer. Identify the type of bonding
be manufactured in two forms. One form, involved in this cross-linking of cellulose
called HDPE (high density polyethylene), chains.
has long linear chains of CH2 groups with
an average molecular weight of 3 000 000. 10. Drops of water are placed on the surface
Another form, called LDPE (low density of a block of paraffin wax. They are
polyethylene), has branched chains and observed to form small round drops.
an average molecular weight of 1 000 000. When the experiment is repeated with
Explain why the melting point of HDPE detergent solution, the water spreads rather
(135 C) is higher than the melting point of than forming drops. Account for these
LDPE (80 C). observations.

(a) Structure of Glucose monomers form
cellulose chain cellulose polymer chains.


(b) Model of interaction

between cellulose
chains ...

H ... H

Strong intermolecular O O
forces between OH groups

of neighbouring chains H H


Figure 12.20 Bonding between cellulose chains

11. The molecules in figure 12.21 are both
hydrocarbons with four carbon atoms per H C C C C H H C H
molecule. The straight-chain molecule is
butane and the branched chain molecule H H H H H C H
is methylpropane. The boiling points of C C
these molecules are 0.5 C and 12 C,
respectively. Account for the differences in
boiling point. Figure 12.21

&'#' ) . 4 % 2 !# 4 ) / . 3 7 ) 4 ( 7 !4 % 2
Bonding and solubility
Before beginning this section, Whether or not a solute will dissolve in a solvent depends on whether
you should be able to: it can establish strong interactions with the solvent particles. We are
identify the water molecule as familiar with the high solubility of sodium chloride (an ionic salt) and
a polar molecule
describe the attractive forces glucose (a molecular solid) in water. These are highly soluble because
between molecules in terms both these solutes establish strong interactions with the water solvent:
of dispersion forces, dipole
dipole forces and hydrogen iondipole attractive forces between sodium and chloride ions and water;
bonding. and hydrogen bonding interactions between glucose and water. In some
cases, molecular compounds can become ionised by their reaction with
water. For example, hydrochloric acid forms hydrogen and chloride ions,
and these bind strongly to the water dipoles. Non-polar molecules, such as
hexane, tend to dissolve in non-polar solvents, such as kerosene. In these
cases, the dispersion forces stabilise the solute particles in the solvent.


Covalent network structures are insoluble in water because the solvent
Key content cannot break down the strong bonds between the atoms in the crystal
By the end of this section, you lattice and establish a low-energy, solvated state.
should be able to:
explain changes, if any, to
particles and account for
those changes when the
following types of chemicals
interact with water:
a soluble ionic compound,
such as sodium chloride
a soluble molecular
compound, such as sucrose
a soluble or partially
soluble molecular element
or compound, such as
iodine, oxygen or hydrogen
a substance with a covalent
network structure, such as
silicon dioxide
a substance with large
molecules, such as cellulose
or polyethylene
analyse the relationship
between the solubility of
substances in water and the
polar nature of the water
perform a first-hand
investigation to test the
solubility in water of a range
of ionic, soluble molecular
and insoluble molecular
substances, and substances
with covalent networks and
large molecules
process information from
secondary sources to visualise
the dissolution in water of
various types of substances,
and solve problems by
using models to show the
changes that occur in particle
arrangement as dissolution
occurs. Figure 12.22
Oil and water molecules do not readily dissolve in one another due to the differences in
the structures and properties of their molecules.

The following generalisation applies to most solutesolvent

This generalisation is sometimes simplified to like dissolves like. Thus, a
non-polar and a polar substance do not generally dissolve in each other.
This is observed when kerosene is mixed with water; kerosene does not
dissolve and floats on the surface of the water. Similarly, sodium chloride
is not very soluble in kerosene.

The greater the structural similarity and properties between solute

and solvent, the greater the solubility.

Let us examine the solubility in water of the major groups of crystalline


Ionic lattices
The formation of strong iondipole attractions between water molecules
and ions explains the generalisation that many ionic compounds are
soluble in water. This interaction assists the ions to break away from the

crystal lattice. Salts such as potassium iodide, calcium nitrate and sodium
chloride readily dissolve in water to form aquated sodium and chloride
ions. The term dissociation reaction is used to describe the process in
which an ionic solid breaks up into its ions in water.
Ca(NO3)2(s) Ca2+(aq) + 2NO3(aq)

NaCl(s) Na+(aq) + Cl(aq)

Sodium ions interact with
oxygen of water dipole.

Cl Na +


Na Cl H H H H H

Cl ... H O Na+ Cl
Na + H
Cl H H H

Na+ O


Na+ H H H H
Na+ Cl

Cl ... Chloride ion
H interacts with

Free ions are stabilised

Cl Na+ hydrogen of
H O by interactions with
water dipole
water molecules.
Attraction between
water dipoles and ions
weakens the ionic bonds
in NaCl lattice. Figure 12.23
Dissolution and aquation of sodium chloride

Some ionic compounds are not soluble in water. Ionic compounds such
dissolution: disintegration or as copper (II) oxide and iron (II) sulfide have such strong ionic bonds in
breaking apart of the particles
of a solid when dissolving in a the crystal lattice that the energy required to break down the lattice is not
solvent compensated for by the aquation of the ions.

Covalent molecular lattices

Small polar molecules, such as ammonia and ethanol, are readily soluble
in water due to the strong hydrogen bonding between the solute and the
water solvent. Table 12.9 compares the solubilities of various substances in
water at room temperature. It shows that polar molecules are much more
soluble in water than non-polar molecules.

Table 12.9 Solubility of molecules in water at 25 C

Molecular Molar weight Solubility
Molecule formula (g/mol) Polarity (g/100 g water)

Hydrogen H2 2.0 non-polar 0.00015

Oxygen O2 32.0 non-polar 0.004

Nitrogen N2 28.02 non-polar 0.0017

Iodine I2 253.8 non-polar 0.034

Carbon dioxide CO2 44.0 non-polar 0.145

Hydrogen chloride HCl 36.5 polar 70



Table 12.9 (continued)
Molecular Molar weight Solubility
Molecule formula (g/mol) Polarity (g/100 g water)

hydrogen bromide HBr 80.9 polar 2.7

sulfur dioxide SO2 64.1 polar 9.4

ammonia NH3 17.0 polar 48

methanol CH3OH 32.0 polar completely


Methanol is miscible in all proportions with water. There is strong

hydrogen bonding between the hydroxyl (OH) groups of the methanol
and water molecules.
Simple sugars such as glucose and fructose can be transported through
plant vascular tissue in aqueous solutions. The strong hydrogen bonding
between the sugar and water molecules ensures the high solubility of these
sugars in water.
Methanol Sucrose
H... O H

O ...H



O OH groups in

H methanol form O O

hydrogen bonds
H with water. H O H H
H bonding H O H H O



Figure 12.24
Hydrogen bonding in methanol and H

glucose solutions

Hydrogen chloride is highly water soluble (70 g/100 g water at 25 C)

because the hydrogen chloride molecule becomes ionised when the co-
valent bond breaks. Hydrogen ions are transferred to water molecules to
form acidic hydronium ions. This solution is called hydrochloric acid. Water
is often called an ionising solvent for this reason.

WATER: AN HCl(g) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + Cl(aq)

IONISING SOLVENT Iodine is only partially soluble (0.034 g/100 g) in water at 25 C. It is a
non-polar solute and can bond to the water solvent only through disper-
sion interactions. Adding ethanol to the water increases iodines solubility
as the iodine has greater dispersion interactions with the ethanol solvent.
Oxygen, a non-polar molecule, has an even lower solubility in water than
iodine, and the dispersion interactions are even weaker.
Many covalent molecular compounds are insoluble in water. These
include hydrocarbons such as hexane and octane. Hydrocarbon liquids
are said to be immiscible with water.
immiscible: describes two liquids
that do not mix, but form
separate layers Polymers
Insoluble molecular substances include cellulose, a natural polymer,
and synthetic polymers, such as polyethylene and PVC. Polymers are
long-chain molecules made up of repeating subunits called monomers.

Cellulose is made up of smaller glucose sugar monomers. The plastics
polystyrene and polyethylene are synthetic polymers made from styrene
and ethylene monomers, respectively.
The high molecular weight of polymers usually makes them too large to
dissolve in water. Many of them, such as polyethylene, are said to be hydro-
phobic or literally water hating. Cellulose, on the other hand, has many
polar hydroxyl groups along the cellulose chain. These groups are hydro-
philic (water loving) and form hydrogen bonds with water molecules,
producing strong adhesive forces. This force is important in plant tissue
for conduction of water through cellulose xylem vessels.






O O (simplified)
... .



... .
Water forms
hydrogen bonds
Figure 12.25 with OH groups
Water and cellulose interactions on cellulose chains.

Tetrahedral arrangement Covalent network lattices

of oxygen atoms around
silicon atoms Covalent network crystals are very stable due to the strong chemical
bonds that extend throughout the lattice. These crystals do not dissolve
in common solvents such as water (a polar solvent) or kerosene (a non-
polar solvent). One of the most common rock-making minerals is silica,
which is the compound called silicon dioxide. Silica is the main mineral
present in sand grains. Its low solubility in water (0.012%w/w) means that
the chemical weathering of sand is very slow. Figure 12.26 shows the three-
dimensional structure of a portion of the silica crystal.

Solubility generalisations
The previous discussion about solubility in water leads to the following
Figure 12.26 generalisations.
Structure of silica
Many ionic compounds dissolve in water due to strong interactions
between the ions and the water dipole.
Many small polar molecules dissolve in water due to strong dipole
12.3 PRACTICAL dipole interactions.
ACTIVITIES Small non-polar molecules have low solubility in water due to weak dis-
Investigating persion interactions.
solubility in water
Large molecules, such as polymers, and covalent network lattices do not
dissolve in water as the solutesolvent interaction is too weak.


12.2 QUESTIONS compound that ionises strongly in solution
with water.
A Hydrogen chloride
1. Select the substance that is most likely to B Sodium chloride
dissolve in water. C Sucrose
A Graphite D Polyethylene
B Silica
C Octane 5. Strong adhesive forces exist between
D Sodium nitrate cellulose and water due to the presence of
A strong dispersion forces between
2. Select the substance that is most likely to molecules.
dissolve in a hydrocarbon solvent, such as B hydrogen bonds between hydroxyl
kerosene. groups.
A Water C iondipole attractions.
B Sodium chloride D covalent bonding between water and
C Pentane, C5H12 cellulose.
D Copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate
6. Write balanced equations for:
3. Select the correct statement. (a) dissolution of magnesium sulfate in water
A Kerosene is a suitable solvent for both (b) ionisation of hydrofluoric acid, HF, in
ionic and covalent molecular solids. water to form hydronium ions, H3O+,
B Not all ionic crystals dissolve in water. and fluoride ions
C All oxides are water-soluble. (c) dissolution of sucrose, C12H22O11, in
D Sucrose is very soluble in organic solvents water.
because of the strong hydrogen bonding
7. The experimental data in table 12.10 (on
that occurs.
the next page) was collected by a student to
4. Water can act as an ionising solvent for some determine the relative solubility of various
covalent molecular compounds. Identify the substances in a variety of solvents.




Oleic acid


Paraffin constituent (Eicosane)

Figure 12.27 Structures of glycerine, oleic acid and a constituent of paraffin

Figure 12.27 shows the structure of glycerine, 0.4
oleic acid and a typical molecule found in
paraffin wax.
(a) Explain why sucrose, sodium chloride
and glycerine were soluble in water but
not in kerosene. 0.3
(b) Explain why paraffin, silica and oleic acid

Solubility (g/100 g water)

were insoluble in water.
(c) Explain why silica did not dissolve in any
of the solvents.
(d) Compare and explain the solvent 0.2
properties of ethanol with those of water
and kerosene.
Table 12.10
Substance Water Ethanol Kerosene

sucrose S I I

sodium chloride S SS I
glycerine S S I 0 20 40 60
paraffin wax flakes I I S Temperature (C)
Figure 12.28 Relationship between solubility of carbon
silica I I I dioxide and temperature
oleic acid I SS S
9. A molecule with the structural formula
S = soluble, SS = slightly soluble, I = insoluble
shown in figure 12.29 is tested for its
8. Figure 12.28 shows the solubility of solubility in water and in kerosene. Predict
carbon dioxide in water as a function of its solubility in each solvent. Justify your
temperature. answer.
(a) Identify whether carbon dioxide becomes O
more or less soluble if the temperature
of the solution is changed from 20 C to
40 C. O H
(b) Calculate the mass of carbon dioxide that Figure 12.29 Structure of HCOOH
dissolves in 1 kg of water at 40 C.
(c) Explain the change in carbon dioxide 10. Octadecanoic acid, CH3(CH2)16 COOH,
solubility with temperature. is added to water and the large molecule
moves to the surface, as shown in
figure 12.30. Account for the orientation
Chain floats on
of the octadecanoic acid at the waterair
top of the water. boundary.
Air C C C C
Water O H O H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H

Acid group (COOH)

under the water surface
Figure 12.30 Octadecanoic acid at a water surface


Weblinks Molecules can be polar or non-polar depending on the
distribution of electrons. Water is a polar molecule.
Non-polar molecules have much lower melting and boiling points
than polar molecules of similar molecular weight.
Intermolecular forces can be classified as dispersion forces,
dipoledipole forces and hydrogen bonding.
Checkpoint Dispersion forces are caused by temporary dipoles inducing
Revision 5 temporary dipoles in nearby atoms and molecules.
Dipoledipole forces are attractive interactions between polar
Hydrogen bonding in water has a significant role in determining
the properties of water and the structure of ice. Water has higher
melting and boiling points than other molecules of similar
Checkpoint molecular weight.
Revision 5 answers
Properties such as surface tension and viscosity can be explained
in terms of intermolecular forces.
Water is an important solvent in biological systems. Ions and
molecules have different solubilities in water, which can be related
to the polarity of water.
Water is an ionising solvent. Some molecules dissolve in water and
react with it to release ions.









Aim H
To compare the melting and boiling points of H H
molecules with similar molecular weights C C C
Method C C
Part A H H H
You are provided with several data sets. C
1. For data set A in table 12.11, plot column graphs H H
of melting and boiling point. Arrange the data in H H
order of molecular weight. H H
2. Plot column graphs for each of data sets B
(table 12.12) and C (table 12.13), arranging the C
data in order of increasing melting or boiling H H
point. C C C
3. Use a molecular model kit and the diagrams
provided to construct these molecules. C C
Table 12.11 Data set A: Water and similar-sized molecules H H

Molecular Melting point Boiling point 3-methylpentane

Molecule weight (C) (C) H
H2O 18.0 0 100 H
CH4 16.0 183 162 H
NH3 17.0 78 33 H
Ne 20.2 249 246 H
HF 20.0 83 20 H
Table 12.12 Data set B: Non-polar hydrocarbons H H
Melting Boiling H 2,3-dimethylbutane
Molecular point point C C
Molecule weight (C) (C) H
hexane, C6H14 86.2 95 69 H
2-methylpentane, C6H14 86.2 154 60 H
3-methylpentane, C6H14 86.2 163 63 H
2,2-dimethylbutane, 86.2 100 50 H
2,3-dimethylbutane, 86.2 129 58
C6H14 Figure 12.31 Models of non-polar hydrocarbons for data set B


Table 12.13 Data set C: Polar and non-polar organic molecules Questions
Melting Boiling 1. For data set A, explain the differences in melting
Molecular point point and boiling points in terms of differences in
Molecule weight (C) (C) intermolecular forces.
1-butanol, C4H10O 74.1 90 118 2. For data set B, account for the differences in
melting and boiling points for the unbranched
2-methylpropan-2-ol, 74.1 26 83
and branched hydrocarbons.
3. For data set C, account for differences in melting
pentane, C5H12 72.1 130 36 and boiling points in terms of structure and
propanoic acid, C3H6O2 74.1 21 141 bonding.
4. Use your model for the structure of ice (part B)
Part B: Modelling water and ice to explain why ice floats on liquid water at 0 C.
Use the information in figure 12.18 to construct
models of a water molecule and a section of an ice


Butan-1-ol (1-butanol) 2-methylpropan-2-ol (2-methyl-2-propanol)


Pentane Propanoic acid

Figure 12.32 Models of polar and non-polar molecules for data set C


to flow through into the beaker below. Place
PRACTICAL your fingertip or a stopper over the end of
ACTIVITIES the capillary to stop the flow when the water
level is at the top mark. Remove your finger
INVESTIGATING VISCOSITY (or stopper) and record the time taken for the
liquid to flow down to the second mark. Repeat
this measurement five times.
3. Repeat step 2 for hexane and glycerine.
Part A: Viscosity 4. Collect and average results from different
To compare the viscosity of water and other liquids

Safety issues Top mark (start timing) Meniscus on line

Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Glass tube reservoir (wide bore)
Ensure no flames or sparks come near the
organic liquids.
Test liquid
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method. Bottom mark (stop timing)
flow tubes with capillaries Rubber hose

Pasteur pipettes
burette, clamp and stand
150 mL beaker Capillary tube (narrow bore)
1.5 m tubes filled with test liquids
glass marbles
Beaker to collect liquid
Part 1: Flow through a capillary Figure 12.33 Flow tube and capillary
1. The flow tube consists of a 15 cm long, wide-
bore glass tube (the reservoir) attached via a Part 2: Marbles falling through liquids
short length of rubber hose to a 10 cm long The time for a marble to fall through a column of
capillary tube (see figure 12.33). Clamp the flow liquid is (see figure 12.34) related to its viscosity.
tube vertically and place a beaker underneath.
Mark two lines, 5 cm apart, on the side of 1. Prepare 1.5 m long tubes (~2.5 cm diameter)
the reservoir tube with a marker pen. Flush containing the test liquids (water, hexane and
the flow tube with the test liquid before each glycerine) and one identical glass marble per
measurement. tube. Stopper the ends of each tube securely
2. Start with water as the test liquid. Use a Pasteur and use masking tape to secure the stoppers.
pipette to fill the reservoir and allow the water Ensure that no air is trapped in the tubes.


2. Tip the tube to the vertical position and record Part B: Surface tension
the time for the marble to fall to the end of the Aim
tube. Repeat the measurement at least 5 times To compare the surface tension of water with other
for each tube. Average the results. liquids
3. At the end of the experiment, recover the
hexane and store it away safely. Safety issues
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Stopper and masking tape Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
Tube filled only with liquid Materials
(no air bubbles) capillary tubes (with identical bores)
Marble falls through
bossheads, clamps and stand
liquid record time 150 mL beakers
to fall 1.5 m. test tubes
sewing needles
1.5 m paperclips
wide plastic or glass dishes
detergent solution
Glass or plastic tube

Invert tube
and repeat
experiment. Stopper and masking tape Clamp
Capillary tube
Figure 12.34 Falling marbles

Record your observations in a suitable table.
Answer the following questions in your report on
this experiment.
1. Compare the flow times in part 1 and rank the
liquids from least viscous to most viscous.
2. Compare the falling times of the marbles h measures height that test
through the test liquids. Rank the liquids from liquid rises in the capillary
least viscous to most viscous.
3. Compare the results from each experiment
and explain the differences in viscosity of the
liquids in terms of structure and bonding.
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation. Test liquid

Figure 12.35 Capillary tube


Method 3. Reduce the surface tension of the water by
Part 1: Capillarity adding a drop of detergent solution to the water
The height to which liquids rise in narrow-bore, surface near the side of the dish. What happens
capillary tubes is related to their surface tension. to the floating needle?
Liquids that adhere to or wet the glass form a film 4. Try floating needles on the surfaces of other
on the inner surface of the tube. The film contracts liquids, such as glycerine and hexane.
due to its surface tension, drawing the surface
of the liquid up the capillary tube. This process Part 3: Toothpick circle on water
continues until the weight of liquid balances the 1. Arrange toothpicks on the surface of water in a
surface tension force pulling the liquid upwards. large dish so that they form a circle.
1. Clean the internal surfaces of the capillary 2. Very carefully, and without splashing, place a
tubes thoroughly with the liquid (water, hexane, drop of liquid detergent or soap solution in the
glycerine) to be tested in it. centre of the circle and observe the toothpicks.
2. For each test liquid, clamp a capillary tube in a Results
test tube containing the liquid.
Record your observations in a suitable table.
3. Measure the final height of each column of
liquid above the surface of the liquid in the test Questions
tube. Tabulate these results. 1. For part 1, rank the heights of liquids in the
Part 2: Floating sewing needles on water capillary tubes from highest to lowest.
1. Bend a dry paperclip to act as a support for the
sewing needle. Ensure that the needle is dry 2. Does the order for question 1 agree with the
and not greasy. known relative surface tensions of these liquids?
2. Partially fill a shallow dish of water. Lower the 3. Describe and explain the results for parts 2
needle, supported on the paperclip, onto the and 3.
water surface. Lower the paperclip under Conclusion
the surface of the water and remove it, Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.
leaving the needle floating.



PRACTICAL Record your observations in a suitable table.
INVESTIGATING SOLUBILITY 1. Tabulate your experimental results for each
IN WATER group of substances. Identify those that are
soluble, partially soluble or insoluble.
2. Account for your experimental results in terms
Aim of structure and bonding.
To investigate the solubility of various substances in 3. Discuss how the accuracy of your investigation
water could be improved.
Safety issues
Part B: Modelling dissolution in water
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
1. Use the molecular model kit to construct 10
experiment by reading the method.
molecules of water. Place them in a small tray.
Materials 2. Compare the dissolution of iodine and
test-tube rack hydrogen chloride molecules in water by making
models of I2 and HCl and mixing them into
test tubes and stoppers
the water models. I2 remains as molecules; the
spatulas covalent bond in HCl breaks and forms H+ and
substances to test: Cl ions that interact with the water dipoles.
ionic salts copper (II) sulfate, copper 3. (a) With the aid of a ball-and-stick model of
(II) oxide, copper (II) chloride, magnesium NaCl, draw a diagram of the edge of a
sulfate, magnesium oxide, magnesium sodium chloride lattice in water. Show how
chloride, sodium sulfate, sodium carbonate, the water dipoles orient themselves around
sodium chloride the positive sodium ions and the negative
covalent molecular substances sucrose, iodine, chloride ions.
paraffin wax shavings, ethanol, butan-1-ol, (b) Draw a second diagram in which some of
hexane, polyethylene, cellulose, starch the ions on the edge have broken away
covalent network substances graphite, silica from the crystal and been solvated by water
ball-and-stick model of NaCl molecules. Show how the water dipoles
cluster around these free ions.
Part A: Testing solubility Conclusion
Method Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.
Control your variables as much as possible by using
the same amounts of water and solutes in each
experiment. Use only a few grains of each of the
solid solutes, equal to the size of a grain of rice.
Use 35 drops of the liquid solutes.
1. Set up your stoppered test tubes, half filled with
water, in a test-tube rack.
2. Add the substance to be tested. Stopper and
shake the tube for a minute and return it to the
rack. Determine whether all, some or none of
the substance has dissolved.

8]VeiZg &( AND
In chapter 12, we saw that the solubility of a solute
varies from one solvent to another. In this chapter,
we will examine the conditions that lead to the
precipitation of ionic compounds when solutions of ions
are mixed. We will also examine how chemists calculate
the concentration of solutions.

In this chapter
13.1 Solutions and precipitation page 242
13.2 Concentration of solutions page 251

Figure 13.1
Potassium permanganate, KMnO4, dissolves readily
in water to produce a pinkish purple solution.
&(#& 3/,54)/.3 !.$
0 2 % # ) 0 ) 4!4 ) / .
Precipitation reactions
Before beginning this section, In 1887, Svante Arrhenius proposed the ionic theory of electrolytes.
you should be able to: He realised that aqueous solutions of different soluble salts conducted
recall a first-hand investigation
in which you tested the electricity because these solutions contained ions. Such solutions are
solubilities in water of a range called electrolytes. The following equations illustrate dissolution reactions
of ionic substances. that produce electrolyte solutions.
Key content Dissolution of barium nitrate:
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: Ba(NO3)2(s) Ba2+(aq) + 2NO3(aq)
identify some combinations
of solutions that will produce Dissolution of ammonium sulfate:
precipitates, using solubility
data (NH4)2SO4(s) 2NH4+(aq) + SO42(aq)
describe a model that traces
the movement of ions when
solution and precipitation
identify the dynamic nature of
ion movement in a saturated
construct ionic equations
to represent the dissolution
and precipitation of ionic
compounds in water
present information in
balanced chemical equations
and identify the appropriate
phase descriptors, (s), (l),
(g), and (aq), for all chemical
perform a first-hand
investigation, using micro-
techniques, to compare the
solubility of appropriate
salts in solution through
precipitation reactions.

electrolyte: substance that

releases ions into solution,
which then is capable of
conducting an electric current

Figure 13.2 Yellow lead iodide is very insoluble. It precipitates when a solution of lead
ions is mixed with a solution of iodide ions.

Figure 13.3 provides a particle model of a typical electrolyte solution.
Notice that water dipoles cluster around the positive and negative ions.
When electrolyte solutions are mixed, the new ion combinations that
precipitation: formation of a
solid in a chemical reaction result may lead to a chemical change. One common result of mixing elec-
when liquids, solutions or gases trolyte solutions is the precipitation of an insoluble ionic solid. Figure 13.4
are mixed shows a particle model of this precipitation process.

= Water dipole

Negative ion Negative end

+ Positive ion
Positive end

Figure 13.3
Model of electrolyte solutions showing water dipoles


! AND " n IONS


! AQ " nAQ # AQ $ nAQ
!$S # AQ " nAQ

# AND " n

Precipitation Figure 13.4

Model of precipitation

solubility: the concentration Chemists have developed tables of solubility to allow us to predict
of a saturated solution of which combinations of electrolytes form precipitates. Table 13.1 provides
a given substance at a particular generalisations about solubility for common ionic compounds. The salts
temperature. Solubility
is normally measured in are classified according to the anion present. In this table, the term
grams/100 mL. insoluble is applied when less than 0.1 g of a substance dissolves in


100 mL (100 g) of water at 25 C; the term soluble is applied when at
least 1 g of the substance dissolves in 100 mL of water. Substances between
these extremes are termed slightly soluble. The following generalisations
can be made from table 13.1:
All nitrate salts are soluble.
All group I and ammonium salts are soluble.
Most chloride and sulfate salts are soluble.
Most carbonate salts and hydroxides are insoluble.

Table 13.1 Solubility of some ionic salts in water at 25 C

Anion Soluble Slightly soluble Insoluble

nitrate all none none

chloride most PbCl2 AgCl

sulfate most CaSO4, Ag2SO4 BaSO4, PbSO4

carbonate Na2CO3, K2CO3, (NH4)2CO3 none most

hydroxide NaOH, KOH, NH4OH, Ba(OH)2 Ca(OH)2 most

The following sample problems show how a table of solubility can be used
to predict precipitation.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.1 Predict whether or not a precipitate will form when the following
aqueous solutions are mixed.
(a) Barium chloride solution and potassium sulfate solution
(b) Copper (II) sulfate solution and ammonium nitrate solution
(c) Nickel sulfate solution and sodium hydroxide solution
Name the precipitate that forms.

SOLUTION (a) The ions present on mixing are Ba2+, Cl, K+, SO42. Table 13.1
shows that Ba2+ and SO42 can produce a precipitate of insoluble
barium sulfate.
(b) The ions present on mixing are Cu2+, SO42, NH4+, NO3. Table 13.1
shows that no ion combinations can form precipitates as all nitrates
and ammonium salts are soluble.
(c) The ions present on mixing are Ni2+, SO42, Na+, OH. Table 13.1
shows that Ni2+ and OH can produce a precipitate of insoluble
nickel hydroxide.

Precipitation equations
Whole formula equations and ionic equations can be written for precipi-
tation reactions. Consider the reaction when colourless silver nitrate and
colourless sodium chloride solution are mixed. A white precipitate of
silver chloride forms (see figure 13.5). The whole formula equation is:
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)
This equation shows that aqueous sodium nitrate is present in the final
mixture. However, the ions are not associated but move independently in
the solution, just as the ions in the original electrolyte solutions that were
mixed. This can be shown by the next equation (an ionic equation) where

Figure 13.5
A precipitation reaction occurs when
colourless silver nitrate is mixed with
sodium chloride, producing silver

all dissolved salts are shown as independent ions. Only the silver chloride
precipitate is shown as associated ions.
Ag+(aq) + NO3(aq) + Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) AgCl(s) + Na+(aq) + NO3(aq)
It can be seen that sodium ions and nitrate ions appear on both sides of
the equation. They can be cancelled out, as they are only spectator ions;
they are not involved in the precipitation process. These ions associate
again only if the filtered solution is crystallised.
After cancelling the spectator ions, we are left with the net ionic equation
for precipitation.
Ag+(aq) + Cl(aq) AgCl(s)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.2 When colourless lead (II) nitrate and potassium iodide solutions are
mixed, a bright yellow precipitate of lead (II) iodide forms. Write a
whole formula balanced equation and a net ionic equation for this
precipitation reaction.
The word equation is:
lead (II) nitrate (aq) + potassium iodide (aq)
lead (II) iodide(s) + potassium nitrate (aq)
The whole formula balanced equation is constructed by inserting the
correct formula for each compound. The equation is then balanced
as usual by inserting coefficients.
Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2KI(aq) PbI2(s) + 2KNO3(aq)
Convert this equation into ionic form and cancel the spectator ions.
Pb2+(aq) + 2NO3(aq) + 2K+(aq) + 2I(aq)
PbI2(s) + 2K+(aq) + 2NO3(aq)
The net ionic equation is:
Pb2+(aq) + 2I(aq) PbI2(s)


Effect of temperature
The solubility rules apply to reactions at room temperature (25 C). If the
solutions are heated before mixing, precipitation may not occur. This is
become particularly true for substances on the borderline of insolubility (i.e. those
hydrated that are partially soluble). A good example of this is the precipitation
by water of lead (II) chloride. Lead (II) chloride is slightly soluble (1.0 g/100 g
molecules. water) at room temperature, but becomes more soluble as the temp-
Ions break erature increases. The precipitate dissolves in hot water. At 100 C, its
free of solubility is 3.3 g/100 g H2O. As the hot solution cools, the white precipi-
the PbCl2 tate gradually reappears. This process of dissolution and precipitation can
crystal be represented by the following equation:
PbCl2(s) p Pb2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq)
Solid lead (II) chloride In this equation, the reversible arrows indicate that the reaction can move
in either direction, depending on the conditions. In fact, this is true of all
Pb2+ Cl
precipitation reactions. Even the most insoluble compounds dissolve to a
Figure 13.6
Lead (II) chloride precipitate dissolving small extent and dissolution increases as the temperature rises.
in hot water
Effect of ion concentration
The concentration of the reacting ions also affects whether a precipitate
will form. If the two solutions are very dilute, the dissolution process may
counteract the tendency to precipitate and no precipitate will form.
Consider the example of lead (II) chloride once more. Chemists
have measured its solubility at 25 C and know that a maximum of 1.0 g
dissolves in 100 g of water. If dilute solutions of lead (II) nitrate and
sodium chloride are mixed, and the mass of lead (II) chloride that forms
is less than 1.0 g per 100 g of water, no precipitate is produced. The lead
ions and chloride ions remain dissolved.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.3 In separate beakers, 0.001 mole of lead (II) nitrate and 0.002 mole of
sodium chloride are each dissolved in 50 mL (50 g) of water. The two
solutions (at 25 C) are mixed. The solubility of lead (II) chloride is
1.0 g/100 g water. Predict whether a precipitate of lead (II) chloride

SOLUTION The balanced equation for the reaction is:

Pb(NO3)2(aq) + 2NaCl(aq) PbCl2(s) + 2NaNO3(aq)
Therefore, the mole ratio of Pb(NO3)2 : NaCl required for complete
reaction is 1 : 2. The mole ratio of the reactants is 0.001 : 0.002
= 1 : 2. Theoretically, the amount of lead (II) chloride that can form
is 0.001 mol.
M(PbCl2) = 278.1 g/mol
mass of 0.001 mol of lead (II) chloride (m) = nM
= 0.001 278.1
= 0.278 g
The total mass of water on mixing is 50 + 50 = 100 g. Thus, 0.278 g of
lead (II) chloride is present in 100 g of water. As 1.0 g will dissolve in
100 g of water, all the lead (II) chloride produced in the reaction will
remain in solution. Therefore, no precipitate will form.

Monitoring precipitation using conductivity measurements
As ions associate to form a precipitate, there is a change in the electrical
conductivity of the solution. An interesting example of this conductivity
change is the reaction between dilute solutions of barium hydroxide and
sulfuric acid. The reactions involved are:
Whole formula equation:
Ba(OH)2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2H2O(l)
Ionic equations:
Ba2+(aq) + SO42(aq) BaSO4(s)
H+(aq) + OH(aq) H2O(l)

We can see that this reaction involves precipitation of barium ions and
sulfate ions, as well as neutralisation of hydrogen ions and hydroxide
ions to form water. As barium sulfate is very insoluble and water is not
an electrolyte, the mixture that forms is a non-conductor. Consequently,
the electrical conductivity drops as sulfuric acid is added gradually to the
barium hydroxide solution. The conductivity of the mixture will increase
again only if excess acid is added. This is shown in figure 13.7, where the
minimum conductivity occurs when the maximum amount of barium
sulfate precipitate has formed.

Relative electrical conductivity

Conductivity of barium
hydroxide solution

Conductivity rises from
B to C.

Conductivity is zero
at B.
Figure 13.7 0
Conductivity of barium hydroxide
solution as sulfuric acid is added Volume of 0.01 mol/L H2SO4 added (mL)

Saturated solutions
Equilibrium in Sodium chloride is quite soluble in water. If sodium chloride crystals are
saturated sodium stirred into water, the concentration of salt increases. Stirring increases
chloride solution the speed at which the salt dissolves. Eventually, a point is reached where
no more salt dissolves, despite stirring, and any excess remains undis-
solved. At this point, the solution is said to be a saturated solution. Its
saturated solution: a fixed maximum solubility can be measured by experiment. One way of meas-
volume of solution at a
particular temperature in which uring the maximum solubility is to add a weighed excess of salt to 100 g
no more solute can dissolve of water in a beaker at 25 C. If the mixture is heated to dissolve the salt
and then cooled back to 25 C, any salt in excess of the saturation limit
will crystallise. This excess salt can be recovered, dried and weighed. The
mass of salt dissolved in the saturated solution can then be calculated. For
sodium chloride, this mass is 35.9 g per 100 g of water.


A saturated solution in contact with its solute crystals is an example
of dynamic equilibrium. Detailed experimental studies have shown that
dynamic equilibrium: an dissolution reactions and recrystallisation (or precipitation) reactions still
equilibrium in which opposing
reactions occur simultaneously. occur at the molecular level in such heterogeneous mixtures. Time-lapse
Processes occur but they are in photography shows that the crystals on the base of the beaker are con-
a state of balance.
stantly changing shape as some surfaces of the crystals dissolve and others
grow larger by ion association and crystallisation (precipitation). These
processes are balanced and the system is said to be in dynamic equilib-
rium. Thus, in a saturated solution:
rate of dissolution = rate of precipitation (crystallisation)
The following equation represents this dynamic equilibrium. Note the use
of reversible arrows.
13.1 PRACTICAL NaCl(s) p Na+(aq) + Cl(aq)
Figure 13.8 shows a particle model of this dynamic equilibrium in a satu-
Investigating rated salt solution.
solubility using
reactions Saturated solution

_ + _
_ Ions dissolve from
_ +
the lattice at the
+ _ + + same rate as ions
_ _ + crystallise onto
_ + +_
_ the lattice.
+ _+ _ + + _
+ _ + _
+ _ + +_ _
+ _ +

Sodium chloride
Figure 13.8
Particle model of a dynamic equilibrium in a saturated salt solution

Radioactive tracers can be used to prove that a saturated solution is in

dynamic equilibrium. Radioactive sodium can be converted into radio-
active sodium chloride by reaction with chlorine. These radioactive crys-
tals are chemically identical to normal crystals. When a radioactive sodium
chloride crystal is added to a saturated sodium chloride solution, the
water gradually becomes radioactive, showing that the system is dynamic.
Ionic salts vary in their solubilities in water at 25 C so that different
masses are required to produce saturated solutions. Table 13.2 shows the
maximum solubility of a range of ionic compounds.

Table 13.2 Solubility of ionic compounds in water at 25 C

Salt NH4Br KBr NaNO3 KNO3 Ba(NO3)2 NaF BaF2

Solubility 78 68 92 38 10 4 0.2
(g/100 g H2O)

Solubility and temperature
As most salts are more soluble in hot water, the mass of salt required to
produce a saturated solution rises with temperature. This is illustrated by
figure 13.9, which shows the solubility of sodium chloride as a function
of temperature. Below the line, solutions are unsaturated; above the line,
solutions are saturated.
Solution is saturated
in this region.


Solubility (g/100 g H2O)


Solution is unsaturated
20 in this region.


Figure 13.9
0 20 40 60 80 100
Solubility of sodium chloride as a
function of temperature Temperature (C)

13.1 QUESTIONS calcium nitrate solution is

A K2SO4(aq) + Ca(NO3)2(aq)
Use table 13.1 as needed to answer these CaSO4(s) + 2KNO3(aq).
questions. B K+(aq) + NO3(aq) KNO3(s).
C Ca2+(aq) + 2NO3(aq) Ca(NO3)2(s).
1. Identify which of the following compounds
D Ca2+(aq) + SO42(aq) CaSO4(s).
produce highly conductive solutions when
mixed with water. 5. An unknown solution is believed to contain
A Sodium nitrate one of the following anions: Cl, SO42,
B Sucrose CO32, NO3.
C Barium sulfate The solution was tested first with silver
D Calcium carbonate nitrate solution and then with barium
2. Identify which of the following mixtures chloride solution and no precipitate formed
form a precipitate. in either case. The unknown solution
A Calcium chloride solution + ammonium contained
nitrate solution A chloride ions.
B Sodium nitrate solution + copper (II) B sulfate ions.
sulfate solution C carbonate ions.
C Barium nitrate solution + sulfuric acid D nitrate ions.
6. Identify whether a precipitate forms when
D Copper (II) nitrate solution + potassium
1 molar solutions of the following salts are
chloride solution
mixed. If a precipitate forms, name the
3. The salt solution that produces a precipitate precipitate.
when added to iron (III) nitrate solution is (a) Calcium chloride solution and silver
A sodium sulfate. nitrate solution
B potassium hydroxide. (b) Potassium carbonate solution and silver
C ammonium nitrate. nitrate solution
D sodium chloride. (c) Sodium chloride solution and
4. The net ionic equation that best describes ammonium nitrate solution
the precipitation action that occurs when (d) Sodium hydroxide solution and
potassium sulfate solution is mixed with lead (II) nitrate solution


Table 13.3
Solution 1 Solution 2 Net ionic equation Spectator ions Precipitate Stopper
Ca(NO3)2 K2SO4 (a) K+, NO3 (b) loss of water
from tube.
AgNO3 BaI2 (c) (d) AgI

K2CrO4 CaCl2 Ca2+(aq) + CrO42(aq) CaCrO4(s) (e) (f)

7. Name one salt solution which, when added to Supernatant

each of the solutions in the following pairs, contains
causes precipitation in one of the solutions a saturated
solution of
but not in the other. (a)
(a) Calcium chloride, sodium chloride
(b) Barium nitrate, calcium chloride
(c) Sodium sulfate, sodium hydroxide
(d) Silver nitrate, iron (III) nitrate ystals
8. Identify two solutions that produce the (b)
following precipitates on mixing.
(a) Silver bromide Sodium chloride

Mass of NaCl dissolved (g)

(b) Lead (II) chromate dissolves in water.
(c) Nickel (II) carbonate 5
(d) Copper (II) sulfide 4 A B
(e) Barium phosphate
9. Write net ionic equations for each of the
following reactions. 2
(a) Calcium chloride solution + silver nitrate
solution forms white silver chloride 1
precipitate + calcium nitrate solution. 0
(b) Barium nitrate solution + caesium sulfate 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
solution forms white barium sulfate Time (min)
precipitate + caesium nitrate solution.
Figure 13.10
(c) Copper (II) sulfate solution + potassium
(a) Equilibrium in an NaCl solution
sulfide solution forms black copper (II) (b) Amount of NaCl dissolved over time at 25 C
sulfide precipitate + potassium sulfate
(d) Use figure 13.10b to calculate the solubility
10. Copy and complete table 13.3 in your of sodium chloride in water. Express your
workbook. In each case, the net ionic answer in g/100 g water at 25 C.
equation is the reaction that occurs when (e) At time A in figure 13.10b, an additional
solutions 1 and 2 are mixed. crystal of NaCl is added to the tube and
11. A test tube containing 5.0 g of sodium the stopper replaced. At time B, a sample
chloride crystals and 10 mL (10 g) of of the salt solution is withdrawn and its
water at 25 C is stoppered and shaken concentration determined. Compare the
vigorously until no more crystals dissolve. concentration of dissolved salt at B with
Figure 13.10b shows the test tube after that at A.
shaking. Figure 13.10a shows the mass of 12. Explain how a chemist could prove
NaCl dissolved as a function of time. experimentally that the equilibrium in a
(a) The solution becomes saturated when no saturated salt solution was dynamic.
more salt dissolves. Use figure 13.10b to
13. Describe an experimental procedure to
determine when the solution first became
(a) blue crystals of copper (II) sulfate from
(b) State when equilibrium was first
green crystals of copper (II) chloride
(b) green crystals of copper (II) chloride
(c) Write an ionic equation for the
from blue crystals of copper (II) sulfate.
equilibrium in the saturated solution.

&(#' # / . # % . 4 2 !4 ) / .
/& 3/,54)/.3

Molarity of a solution
Before beginning this section, Chemists use a variety of methods to describe the strength or concen-
you should be able to: tration (c) of a solution. One important unit of concentration is the unit
construct ionic equations
to represent the dissolution of molarity.
and precipitation of ionic
compounds in water
present information in
balanced chemical equations
and identify the appropriate
phase descriptors, (s), (l),
(g), and (aq), for all chemical
Key content
By the end of this section, you
should be able to:
describe the molarity of a
solution as the number of
moles of solute per litre of
solution using:
explain why different
measurements of
concentration are important
carry out simple calculations
to describe the concentration
of given solutions, given
masses of solute and volumes
of solution
perform a first-hand
investigation to make solutions
to specified volume-to-
volume and mass-to-volume
specifications and dilute them
to specified concentrations
(cV = constant)
calculate mass and
concentration relationships in
precipitation reactions as they
are encountered.

molarity: the concentration of a

solution expressed in mol/L Figure 13.11 Volumetric flasks are commonly used to prepare solutions of known
volume or concentration.

The molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute per litre

of solution.

The formula for molarity is:

c = n/V

where, c = concentration of the solution (mol/L), n = moles of solute

(mol) and V = volume of solution (L).


Many laboratory acid solutions are prepared with specific concentra-
tions. Consider a 2 mol/L hydrochloric acid solution. The concentration
of 2 mol/L tells us that 1 litre of the solution contains 2 moles of HCl, or
that 200 mL of the solution contains 2  200/1000 or 0.4 moles.
Concentrated hydrochloric acid typically has a molarity of about 11 mol/L
concentrated: describes a while concentrated sulfuric acid has a molarity of about 18 mol/L.
solution with a large amount of
solute per litre

Base of meniscus
on line

contains 2.0 moles

of HCl.
1L volumetric

Figure 13.12
Solution of HCl of known

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.4 A 250 mL solution is made by dissolving 8.0 g of glucose, C6H12O6, in
sufficient water.
(a) Calculate the number of moles of glucose that has been dissolved.
(b) Calculate the molarity of the solution.

SOLUTION (a) Calculate the molar weight (M) of glucose by summing the atomic
M = (6 12.01) + (12 1.008) + (6 16.00)
= 180.16 g/mol
Therefore, n = m/M
= 8.0/180.16
= 0.0444 mol
(b) c = n/V
= 0.0444/0.250
= 0.18 mol/L

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.5 Calculate the volume of a 0.10 mol/L potassium iodide solution that
contains 1.50 g of potassium iodide, KI.

Step 1: Calculate the molar weight (M) of potassium iodide.

SOLUTION M = 39.10 + 126.90
= 166.00 g/mol
Step 2: Calculate the number of moles in 1.50 g of KI.
n = m/M
= 1.50/166.0
= 9.036 103 mol
Step 3: Calculate the volume of the solution.
V = n/c
= 9.036 103/0.10
= 9.036 102 L
= 90.4 mL

It is quite common to dilute a more concentrated solution to prepare
a dilute solution of a laboratory reagent. Consider a solution of sodium
chloride of concentration c1. If V1 litres of this solution is measured using
a pipette or burette and placed in a flask, you can calculate the number of
moles of salt (n) present in the flask using the molarity formula:
n = c1V1 (1)
If sufficient water is then added to the flask so that volume of the
diluted solution is V2, the new concentration (c2) can be calculated, as the
diluted: describes a solution with
a small amount of solute per number of moles of solute has not changed.
litre. It can be made by adding Thus,
more solvent to a concentrated
solution. c2 = n/V2 (2)
Substituting equation 1 into equation 2 gives,
c2 = c1V1/V2

c1V1 = c2V2

This formula is very useful in problems involving dilution of solutions.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.6 After 100 mL of 10 mol/L hydrochloric acid is added to water, the
final volume is adjusted to 2.5 L. Calculate the molarity of the diluted
hydrochloric acid.

SOLUTION c1 = 10 mol/L V1 = 100 mL = 0.1 L

c2 = ? V2 = 2.5 L
Substitute into the formula: c1V1 = c2V2
10 0.1 = c2 2.5
c2 = 0.40 mol/L HCl


SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.7 A mixture is made by adding 250 mL of 0.15 mol/L sodium chloride
to 250 mL of 0.20 mol/L calcium chloride.
(a) Calculate the molarity of chloride ions in the final solution.
(b) Water is then added to the mixture until the total volume is 2 litres.
Calculate the molarity of chloride ions in the diluted solution.

(a) Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of chloride ions in each

SOLUTION solution before they are mixed:
n(NaCl) = cV
= 0.15 0.250
= 0.0375 mol.
Each mole of NaCl contains one mole of chloride ions.
n(Cl) = n(NaCl)
= 0.0375 mol
n(CaCl2) = cV
= 0.20 0.250
= 0.050 mol
Each mole of CaCl2 contains 2 moles of chloride ions.
n(Cl) = 2n(CaCl2) = 0.100 mol
Step 2: Calculate the total number of moles of chloride ions by
adding the number of moles in each solution. Thus, total
moles of chloride ions = 0.0375 + 0.100
= 0.1375 mol
Step 3: Total volume of solution = 250 + 250
= 500 mL
= 0.500 L
Thus, molarity of chloride ions (c) = n/V
= 0.1375/0.500
= 0.275 mol/L
(b) c1 = 0.275 mol/L V1 = 0.500 L
c2 = ? V2 = 2.0 L
Substitute these values into the dilution formula.
c1V1= c2V2
0.275 0.500 = c2 2.0
So, c2 = 0.0688 mol/L

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.8 Calculate the volume of water that needs to be added to 100 mL of
a 2.00 mol/L sodium chloride solution to produce a diluted solution
with a molarity of 0.10 mol/L.

SOLUTION Use the dilution formula to calculate the volume of the final diluted
c1 = 2.00 mol/L V1 = 100 mL = 0.100 L
c2 = 0.10 mol/L V2 = ?
c1V1 = c2V2
2.00 0.100 = 0.10 V2
V2 = 2.0 L
Therefore, the volume of water to be added = 2.0 0.1 = 1.9 L.

Molarity and precipitation reactions
Mole theory can be used to predict the mass of precipitate formed when
two electrolytes are mixed. It can also be used to determine the volume
of a solution of known concentration needed to completely precipitate an
ion in another solution when the two solutions are mixed. These types of
calculations are important to chemists conducting gravimetric analysis.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.9 If 100 mL of 0.10 mol/L sodium chloride is mixed with 100 mL of
0.10 mol/L silver nitrate, calculate the mass of silver chloride precipi-
tate that will form.
SOLUTION Step 1: Write the balanced equation for the reaction.
AgNO3(aq) + NaCl(aq) AgCl(s) + NaNO3(aq)
Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of silver nitrate and sodium chlo-
ride used.
n(AgNO3) = cV
= 0.10 0.10
= 0.010 mol
n(NaCl) = cV
= 0.10 0.10
= 0.010 mol
Thus, the reactants are added in a 1 : 1 mole ratio as required by
the balanced equation for complete reaction.
Step 3: The balanced equation shows that 1 mole of silver chloride is
formed from 1 mole of silver nitrate. Thus, the number of moles
of silver chloride formed in this experiment is 0.010 mol.
Step 4: Calculate the molar weight of AgCl.
M(AgCl) = 107.9 + 35.45
= 143.35 g/mol
Step 5: Calculate the mass of silver chloride precipitate formed.
m = nM
= 0.010 143.35
= 1.43 g

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.10 Calculate the volume of 0.20 mol/L barium chloride solution that
needs to be added to 200 mL of 0.15 mol/L sodium sulfate solution to
completely precipitate all the sulfate ions.

SOLUTION Step 1: Write the balanced equation for the precipitation reaction.
BaCl2(aq) + Na2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq)
Step 2: Calculate the number of moles of sodium sulfate used.
n = cV = 0.15 0.200
= 0.0300 mol
Step 3: The balanced equation shows that, for complete precipitation
of barium sulfate, 1 mole of barium chloride is needed to react
with each mole of sodium sulfate. As 0.0300 moles of sodium
sulfate is used, 0.0300 mol of barium chloride must be added.
Step 4: Calculate the volume of the barium chloride solution needed.
V(BaCl2) = n/c
= 0.0300/0.20
= 0.150 L
= 150 mL


Alternative measurements of concentration
Molarity is only one way to express the concentration of a solution.
Chemists use other measurements of concentration where the molarity
unit is inconvenient. Let us examine some common examples.

Per cent by weight (%w/w)

A solution of known concentration can be prepared by weighing the solute
and then adding the solvent until a known weight of solution is produced.
The concentration is normally expressed as a percentage (%w/w).

weight of solute 100

c= % w/w
weight of solution 1

For example, 4.0 g of sodium chloride can be weighed into a beaker and
water added to dissolve the salt. If additional water is added until the total
mass of solution is 200 g, the concentration of salt can be calculated as:

c(NaCl) = 4.0/200 100/1

= 2.0%w/w

This method of expressing concentration is also used in food and

medicinal products. It can be used to show the percentage of sugar in a
breakfast cereal or percentage of fluoride in a toothpaste.

Per cent by volume (%v/v)

This method of expressing concentration is commonly used when liquids
are dissolved in other liquids. Medicines and alcoholic drinks often use
this measure of concentration. The measurement of the volume of the
solute and the volume of the final solution is used to calculate the concen-
tration which is expressed as %v/v.

volume of solute 100

c= % v/v
volume of solution 1

For example, 7.50 mL of methanol is dissolved in ethanol to make

Alcoholic 150 mL of solution. The concentration of the methanol in the solution
content can be calculated as:
c(CH3OH) = 7.50/150 100
= 5.0%v/v

Alcoholic content
Parts per million (ppm)
Figure 13.13 Sometimes, the concentration of solute in a solution is very small and the
Alcohol concentration in wine unit parts per million is used. This unit can be expressed by weight or
is measured as % by volume. volume, or by weight per volume (mg/L).
(a) ppm by weight

c = weight of solute (mg)/weight of solution (kg)

(b) ppm by volume

c = volume of solute (mL)/volume of solution (kL)

(c) ppm by weight per volume

c = mass of solute (mg)/volume of solution (L)

13.2 PRACTICAL 1. A 200 ppm solution of copper ions in water contains 200 mg of copper
ACTIVITIES for every kilogram of solution.
Preparing and 2. A 2 ppm mixture of ozone in air contains 2 mL of ozone in every
diluting solutions kilolitre of air.
3. A 20 ppm solution of mercury ions in water is equivalent to 20 mg/L.
(Note: 1 ppm is also equal to 1 Mg/g or 1 ML/L.)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 13.11 Sulfur dioxide is an antioxidant, commonly used in white wine and dried
fruit to prevent spoilage by oxidation. The maximum sulfur dioxide
concentration (2000 ppm) allowed in dried apricots is specified by
weight. Determine whether a 500 g sample of export-quality dried
apricots containing 0.700 g of sulfur dioxide is within the allowable
range for export.

SOLUTION Step 1: Convert the mass of sulfur dioxide to milligrams and the mass
of dried apricots to kilograms.
m(sulfur dioxide) = 0.700 g = 700 mg
m(dried apricots) = 500 g = 0.500 kg
Step 2: Calculate the concentration of sulfur dioxide in the dried
c = 700/0.500 = 1400 ppm
Thus, the level of sulfur dioxide in the dried apricots is within the
allowable export range.

13.2 QUESTIONS C 0.0008 moles.

D 0.0005 moles.
1. A bottle of nitric acid is labelled 4.0 mol/L. 3. The molarity of the solution formed by
Select the correct statement about this dissolving 10 g of sodium bromide in
solution. sufficient water to make 200 mL of solution is
A 1 litre of the nitric acid solution contains A 0.49 mol/L.
4 g of solute. B 50 mol/L.
B 4 litres of the nitric acid solution contains C 0.050 mol/L.
1 mole of solute.
C 1 litre of the solution contains 252 grams D 0.00049 mol/L.
of solute. 4. The molarity of the diluted solution formed
D 1 litre of the solution contains 63 grams when 25 mL of 0.40 mol/L HCl is diluted
of solute. with 75 mL of water is
2. The number of moles of potassium nitrate A 0.10 mol/L.
in 25.00 mL of a 0.020 mol/L solution is B 0.20 mol/L.
A 0.020 moles. C 0.13 mol/L.
B 0.500 moles. D 1.20 mol/L.


5. The concentration of a solution in which
5.0 mL of acetone is dissolved in sufficient (f) Using the symbol M for the metal, write
ethanol to produce 50.0 mL of solution is the chemical formula for the metal
A 5.0%v/v. sulfate.
B 11.1%v/v. 10. A 50 kg sample of steel from a blast furnace
C 10.0%v/v. is found to contain 2.0%w/w carbon.
D 9.1%v/v. Calculate the mass of carbon in the sample.
6. Calculate the volume to which 30.0 mL of 11. Environmentalists have linked measurable
0.500 mol/L sulfuric acid must be diluted so increases in carbon dioxide concentration
that the new concentration is 0.100 mol/L. in the atmosphere to global warming.
7. Calculate the volume of water required to Carbon dioxide data from 1960 and 1980
produce a 0.10 mol/L sulfuric acid solution is listed below. Use this data to determine
from 5.0 mL of concentrated (18.0 mol/L) the increase in the concentration of carbon
sulfuric acid. dioxide (in the units of parts per million,
ppm) in this period.
8. Element E forms a bromide with the
formula E Br2. If 20.0 g of E Br2 is dissolved 1960: Volume of air tested = 10 kL
in water and the volume adjusted to Volume of CO2 in sample = 3.18 L
500 mL, the molarity of the solution is 1980: Volume of air tested = 500 mL
0.20 mol/L. Calculate the atomic weight of Volume of CO2 in sample = 169 L
element E.
12. An environmental chemist determined the
9. One molar solutions of a metal sulfate fluoride concentrations of two samples of
and barium chloride were prepared and potable water. She obtained the following
mixed in five test tubes in varying amounts data.
according to table 13.4. The barium sulfate
precipitated in each tube was filtered, dried Sample A: Volume of water sample = 2 mL
and weighed, as shown in the table. Mass of fluoride present = 2.4 mg
(a) Plot a line graph of the mass of barium Sample B: Volume of water sample = 1.50 mL
sulfate against the volume of barium Mass of fluoride present = 1.125 mg
chloride solution added to each tube.
(b) Explain why the mass of barium sulfate Determine whether the fluoride
was about the same in tubes 3, 4 and 5. concentration (in ppm by weight) in each
(c) Determine the volume of barium sample exceeds the 1000 ppm maximum
chloride that reacts completely with level for fluoride in drinking water. (Note:
2 mL of the metal sulfate solution. density of water = 1.0 g/mL)
(d) Calculate the number of moles of 13. Oysters are filter feeders; they accumulate
barium chloride that react with 1 mole heavy metals in their tissues if they grow
of the metal sulfate. in contaminated water. In one sample, the
(e) Calculate the number of moles of sulfate contaminated oysters were found to contain
ions in 1 mole of the metal sulfate. 5 ppm of mercury, measured by dry weight

Table 13.4
Volume of 1 mol/L Volume of 1 mol/L Volume of water
Test tube metal sulfate (mL) barium chloride (mL) added (mL) Mass BaSO4 (g)

1 2 2 8 0.467

2 2 4 6 0.934

3 2 6 4 1.400

4 2 8 2 1.401

5 2 10 0 1.399

(a) The chemist who analysed the tissue water discharges. An environmental chemist
dried it before analysing it. Explain why collected a sample of industrial waste water
the concentration of mercury is based on prior to discharge. She tested the waste
the weight of dehydrated tissue rather water and found it to have a cadmium
than fresh tissue. concentration of 200 ppm.
(b) Calculate how many milligrams of
(a) The company has stored 1500 kg of this waste
mercury would be present in 800 g
water. Calculate the total mass of cadium
of dried oyster tissue.
(c) If the tissue has concentrated the
mercury 30 000 times, determine (b) If this waste water was discharged into a
the concentration of mercury in the lake containing 2.5 megalitres, determine
surrounding sea water. the diluted concentration of cadmium in
14. Industries are constantly monitored by the lake. (Note: 1 litre of water = 1 kg.) State
environmental chemists to ensure they whether this diluted concentration is above
do not contaminate waterways with waste or below the acceptable limit of 10 ppm.

Weblinks Solubility in water is different for different ionic compounds.
All nitrate salts are soluble. All sodium and potassium salts are
The solubility of an ionic compound in water is affected by
Solutions are saturated when no more solute will dissolve.
Some solutions of ions, when mixed, form precipitates.
Solubility data can be used to predict the formation of
The molarity of a solution is the number of moles of solute per
litre of solution.
The concentration of a solution can be expressed in a variety
of ways including: moles/litre, per cent by weight, per cent by
volume and parts per million.
Systematic dilution of solutions must be performed using accurate



3. Record any colour changes or precipitate
PRACTICAL formation. You may need to view the drops
against white or black backgrounds.

4. Repeat the procedure with other cations.


Record your observations in a suitable table like
REACTIONS table 13.5.

Aim Table 13.5

To develop solubility rules based on precipitation Cl CO32 SO42 OH
reactions using semi-microtechniques
Safety issues Pb2+
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. Cu2+
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method. Zn2+

spot plate or acetate sheet Ca2+
dropper bottles containing 0.5 or 1.0 molar Ba2+
solutions of the following ions
cations: Ag+, Pb2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Ba2+
and K+ as nitrate salts
anions: Cl, CO32, SO42 and OH as sodium Questions
1. Analyse your results for each anion tested and
Method develop a series of solubility generalisations
In this experiment, the reactions are performed based on these results. These generalisations
by combining drops of each reagent and should take the format:
observing any colour changes. Such small scale Most salts are soluble/insoluble except
reactions are called semi-microtechniques.
2. Compare your results with the solubility
1. Select the first cation to be tested. Place 1 generalisation rules in table 13.1. Try to
drop of this solution in each of four wells in account for any discrepancies.
the spot plate or as four separate drops on an
acetate sheet. 3. Write net ionic equations for all reactions that
produced precipitates.
2. Test each of the four drops with 1 drop of a
different anion solution. Do not allow the tip of Conclusion
the dropper to touch the first drop. Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.

PraCtiCal aCtiVities

4. Calculate the concentration (c1) of the
PraCtiCal methylated spirits solution as %v/v.
5. Devise and perform an experiment to
PreParing and diluting
systematically dilute the methylated spirits
solution to produce 20 mL of a solution with
solutions a methylated spirits concentration (c2) of
Part B: Preparing and diluting a solution
Aim of potassium dichromate
To prepare solutions of known concentration and 1. Your aim is to prepare 250 mL of a 0.010 mol/L
to systematically dilute these solutions solution of potassium dichromate, K2Cr2O7
using a 250 mL volumetric flask.
Safety issues
(a) Calculate the mass of potassium
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. dichromate that needs to be weighed
Identify other safety issues relevant to this on an electronic balance. Check your
experiment by reading the method. calculation with your teacher before
Materials (b) Calculate the concentration of a
two 10 mL graduated pipettes 0.010 mol/L solution of potassium
pipette filler dichromate in g/L.
25 mL bulb pipette 2. Weigh the required amount of potassium
250 mL volumetric flask dichromate crystals into a clean 150 mL
150 mL beaker
3. Dissolve the crystals in a minimum of water.
150 mL flask Stir the mixture with a glass rod.
wash bottle 4. Quantitatively transfer the solution to the
glass rods clean, rinsed volumetric flask with the aid of
spatula a glass rod and wash bottle. Rinse the beaker
electronic balance many times and add the washings to the flask.
methylated spirits 5. Add water until the base of the meniscus is
on the mark. Stopper the volumetric flask
potassium dichromate and mix the solution thoroughly. Label the
Method flask with the name and concentration of the
Part A: Preparing and diluting a solution
6. Devise and perform an experiment to
of methylated spirits
accurately dilute the potassium dichromate
1. Rinse a 10 mL graduated pipette with small solution to produce 20 mL of a 0.5 g/L
quantities of methylated spirits. Use the clean solution.
pipette and pipette filler to measure 5.0 mL of
methylated spirits, and transfer this to a clean Questions
150 mL flask. 1. Describe the method you used to dilute the
2. Clean a 25 mL pipette with small volumes solutions in each experiment.
of water and fill it with water to the mark.
2. Explain why a measuring cylinder is unsuitable
Transfer the water to the flask containing
for quantitative dilution experiments.
methylated spirits.
3. Mix the methylated spirits and water to obtain Conclusion
a solution. Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.


8]VeiZg &) Introduction
The large amounts of water on the Earths surface play
an important role in moderating the temperature of our
planet. Water can absorb large quantities of heat without a
large rise in temperature. This property of water is related
to its structure and intermolecular bonding. In this section,
we will investigate energy changes in aqueous systems.

In this chapter
14.1 Energy changes in aqueous systems page 263

Figure 14.1
Sand is hotter than the sea on a sunny day. The sand
and the water have different capacities to absorb heat.
&)#& %.%2'9 #(!.'%3 ).
!1 5 % / 5 3 393 4 % - 3
Heat capacity
You will have noticed in the hot Australian summer how differently the
Before beginning this section,
you should be able to: solid Earth and ocean water absorb heat energy. A concrete path can be
visualise the dissolution in too hot to stand on while the nearby grass lawn is much cooler. The sand
water of various types of
substances. on the beach is much hotter underfoot than the nearby water. Different
materials, therefore, have different capacities to absorb heat and change
Key content
By the end of this section, you
should be able to:
explain what is meant by the
specific heat capacity of a
compare the specific heat
capacity of water with a range
of other solvents
explain and use the equation:
$H  mC $T
explain how waters ability
to absorb heat is used to
measure energy changes in
chemical reactions
describe dissolutions that
release heat as exothermic
and give examples
describe dissolutions that
absorb heat as endothermic
and give examples
explain why waters ability to
absorb heat is important to
aquatic organisms and to life
on Earth generally
explain what is meant by
thermal pollution and discuss
the implications for life if a Figure 14.2 A waterice
body of water is affected by mixture remains at 0 C
thermal pollution while the ice melts.
choose resources and perform
a first-hand investigation To put these observations in a more quantitative light, lets consider a
to measure the change in
temperature when substances simple experiment, shown in figure 14.3, involving two different metals,
dissolve in water and calculate such as silver and zinc. If 50 g of each metal is placed in a beaker of boiling
the molar heat of solution water and left long enough, they will both reach a temperature of 100 C.
process and present
information from secondary If we now transfer these hot lumps of metal to separate beakers, each
sources to assess the containing 100 g of cold water at 20 C, and monitor the rise in temp-
limitations of calorimetry
experiments and design erature of the water, we find that the water in the beakers does not rise to
modifications to equipment the same temperature.
used. Typical results of such an experiment are shown in table 14.1. We can
infer from this type of experiment that zinc has a greater capacity to store
heat than the same mass of silver. Conversely, if equal masses of these two
metals (initially at room temperature) are heated, more heat is required
to raise the temperature of the zinc by 1 degree than to raise the silver by
the same temperature.
Table 14.1 Transfer of heat from hot metals to cold water
Initial Initial Highest Rise in
Metal temperature of temperature of temperature of temperature
(50 g) metal (C) water (C) water (C) (C)
silver 100 20 22.1 2.1
zinc 100 20 23.6 3.6


Zinc Silver
50 g 50 g

100 C 100 C

Add blocks of metal

to water at 20 C.
Stir well.

Rise in
temperature Rise in
of water temperature
= 3.6 C. of water
= 2.1 C.

Figure 14.3
Heat capacity experiment Zinc in 100 g water Silver in 100 g water

These experiments can be applied to any material to determine a

specific heat capacity: the quantity called the specific heat capacity (C ). This is defined as the
amount of energy required to
raise the temperature of 1 gram amount of heat energy (in joules) that causes the temperature of 1 gram
of a body by 1 Kelvin unit, of the material to rise by 1 Kelvin unit. Table 14.2 lists some values of the
expressed as J/K/g. Specific heat
capacity is also measured in specific heat capacity for some common materials.
J/K/kg and J/K/mol.
Table 14.2 Specific heat capacities at 20 C
joule: the SI unit of energy
(heat) Specific heat capacity Specific heat capacity
Kelvin: unit (K) on the absolute Substance (J/K/g) Substance (J/K/g)
temperature scale, where aluminium 0.90 water 4.18
0 C = 273 K and 100 C = 373 K.
One degree Celsius is equal to copper 0.39 ice 2.16
1 Kelvin unit.
iron 0.45 ethanol 2.44
silver 0.23 acetone 2.17
zinc 0.39 hexane 2.26

The specific heat capacity of aluminium is significantly higher than that

of the other metals listed in table 14.2. In general, reactive metals have
higher heat capacities than less active metals. Silver has a very low heat
capacity so its temperature rises much higher than that of an equal mass
of aluminium when they are heated equally.

Heat capacity of water

Table 14.2 allows us to compare the heat capacities of water and three
other solvents. Water has a significantly higher specific heat capacity
(4.18 J/K/g) than ethanol, acetone and hexane. If we place 100 g of each
of these four solvents in separate beakers at room temperature and supply
them all with the same amount of heat energy, the temperature of water
kinetic energy: the energy of temperature will increase least. As temperature is a measure of the kinetic
motion possessed by a particle. energy of particles in a liquid, more heat energy is required to increase the
The higher the temperature kinetic energy of water molecules than the other liquids. This is consistent
of a substance, the greater the
kinetic energy of its particles. with the strong hydrogen bonding between water molecules and the
weaker intermolecular forces between particles in the other liquids.




Figure 14.4
Measuring the temperature rise of four liquids when supplied the same amount of heat

Living things are composed of a high percentage of water. This ensures

that their cells and bodies do not increase in temperature too much
when exposed to high environmental temperatures. Terrestrial animals
and plants also have elaborate cooling mechanisms, such as the trans-
piration stream or evaporation of sweat, to maintain a fairly constant
body temperature.

Calorimetry and enthalpy changes

A special device called a calorimeter is used to measure heat changes
calorimeter: apparatus used to during a chemical reaction or a change of state. Figure 14.5 shows the
measure heat changes during a
chemical reaction or change of features of an elaborate calorimeter (known as a bomb calorimeter)
state used to measure the heat released when a fuel is burnt in oxygen. This
type of calorimeter is composed of a sturdy metal vessel in which the fuel
oxygen mixture is ignited with a spark. The vessel is surrounded by well-
stirred water in an insulated container. The metal of the reaction vessel
and the surrounding water absorbs the heat liberated on combustion. A
thermometer or temperature probe connected to a data logger measures
changes in temperature.

Thermometer ignition

Extensive insulation
ensures no heat
exchange with
Known mass
of water
Oxygen at high
Stirrer ensures
Fuel is ignited distribution
electrically. of heat to water.
Figure 14.5
A calorimeter used to measure heat Metal reaction vessel is called the
evolved on combustion of a fuel bomb. (Its mass must be known.)


Thermometer Simpler calorimeters are used in school laboratories. A polystyrene
or temperature foam calorimeter is convenient for measuring energy changes in aqueous
probe is used
solutions. Polystyrene is an excellent insulator so little heat is lost to the
to measure the
initial and final polystyrene or the air during measurements. An alternative is a copper
temperatures. metal calorimeter surrounded by insulation (e.g. cotton fibre or beads
of polystyrene) and housed in a wooden box. This type of calorimeter is
also suitable for measuring energy changes involving changes of
Polystyrene lid
state. Both the copper and the water in the vessel absorb heat
liberated in the change and release heat to the reactants if heat
is absorbed in the reaction.
Let us consider a reaction in which a certain quantity of heat
Calorimeter Reaction mixture
energy (q) is released to the surroundings. If the experiment is con-
made of (The energy ducted in a perfectly insulated calorimeter, we can assume that:
insulator such change in the
heat released by reaction = heat gained by calorimeter
as polystyrene reaction causes
the temperature In this experiment, the material of the calorimeter (e.g. the
of the water to
water) increases from an initial temperature (Ti) to a maximum
rise or fall.)
temperature (Tf). The following calorimetry equation allows us
Figure 14.6
Polystyrene foam calorimeter
to calculate this quantity of heat from our experimental measurements.

q = mC$T

where q is the quantity of heat (J) absorbed by the calorimeter, m is the

mass (g) of the material absorbing the heat, C is the specific heat capacity
(J/K/g) of the material absorbing the heat, and $T (Tf Ti) is the change
in temperature (K) of the material in the calorimeter.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 14.1 A polystyrene foam calorimeter contains 100 g of water at 22.0 C.
An electrical immersion heater supplies 2000 J of energy to heat the
water. The maximum temperature recorded on the thermometer is
26.9 C.
(a) Assuming all the heat released from the immersion heater is
absorbed by the water, calculate the specific heat of the water.
(b) Explain how the accuracy of this experiment could be improved.

(a) q = mC$T
2000 = 100 C (26.9 22.0)
C = 4.1 J/K/g
(b) If more heat is delivered from the immersion heater to the water,
there would be a smaller percentage error in the measurement of
the temperature.
A temperature probe connected to a data logger would increase the
experimental accuracy. It is essential to thoroughly insulate the calo-
rimeter so that accuracy can be improved.

Enthalpy and enthalpy change

For elements and compounds, heat energy changes in chemical reactions
enthalpy: the heat content of a or changes of state are often expressed by a quantity called the heat content
system at constant pressure
or enthalpy (H).

The enthalpy of a substance is the sum of the kinetic and potential
energies of one mole of the particles that comprise the material. It is
not possible to measure the absolute enthalpy of a substance but we can
experimentally measure the enthalpy change ($H) through calorimetry
experiments. The enthalpy change for a reaction is defined as:
$H = H(products) H(reactants)
If the quantity of heat (q) is measured under standard conditions of
pressure and temperature, it can be equated to the enthalpy change for
the reaction. The calorimetry equation then becomes:

$H = mC$T

Note the negative sign in the equation. If there is a rise in temperature

exothermic: describes a in the calorimeter due to heat liberation from the reaction, then $T is a
chemical reaction in which
energy is released to the positive quantity and $H is negative. If, however, the temperature of the
surroundings calorimeter decreases, then $T is negative and $H is positive. Negative
endothermic: describes a values of $H are associated, therefore, with exothermic processes and
chemical reaction in which positive values of $H are associated with endothermic processes. For many
energy is absorbed from the
surroundings chemical reactions, enthalpy changes are normally measured in kilojoules
per mole (kJ/mol).

SAMPLE PROBLEM 14.2 A polystyrene foam calorimeter contains 50 mL of 0.1 mol/L barium
chloride and 50 mL of 0.1 mol/L sodium sulfate. The temperature
was measured using a temperature probe connected to a data logger.
The following data was collected.
Mass of solution = 100 g
Specific heat capacity of solution = 4.1 J/K/g
Initial temperature = 20.60 C
Final (maximum) temperature = 21.65 C
(a) Assuming that no heat was absorbed by the polystyrene, calculate
the heat released during the precipitation reaction.
(b) Calculate the enthalpy change per mole of barium sulfate

SOLUTION (a) $H = mC$T

= 100 4.1 (21.65 20.60)
= 430.5 J
Thus, 430.5 J of heat is released in this experiment.
Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of barium sulfate formed in this
n(BaCl2) = cV
= 0.1 50 103
= 5.0 103 mol
n(Na2SO4) = cV
= 0.1 50 103
= 5.0 103 mol


Step 2: The mole ratios in the following balanced equation show that
the number of moles of barium sulfate formed is equal to
5.0 103 mol.
BaCl2 (aq) + Na2SO4(aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl(aq)
Step 3: Calculate $H per mole.
$H = 430.5/5.0 103
= 86 100 J/mol
= 86 kJ/mol

1 mole of water
60 Enthalpy changes during a change of state
Water vapour
50 Melting of ice and evaporation of liquid water involve a change of
at 100 C
H (kJ)

40 state. Both of these processes require energy, so they are classified as

30 endothermic processes. The standard enthalpy change for these processes
20 Water is positive.
at 100 C
Water at 0 C H2O(s) H2O(l) $H = +7 kJ/mol
0 Ice at 0 C H2O(l) H2O(g) $H = +44 kJ/mol
Figure 14.7
Enthalpy scale showing enthalpy
Freezing of water into ice or condensation of water vapour
changes during a change of state to form liquid water droplets gives out heat energy, so these are
exothermic processes. The standard enthalpy change for these
processes is negative.
H2O(l) H2O(s) $H = 7 kJ/mol
H2O(g) H2O(l) $H = 44 kJ/mol
Enthalpy change varies with temperature. If we vaporise liquid water at
100 C (rather than at the standard 25 C), the amount of heat required is
40.7 kJ/mol. This is less than the 44 kJ/mol at 25 C, as some energy is used
to heat the liquid water from 25 C to 100 C. Similarly, the amount of heat
required to melt ice at 0 C is 6 kJ/mol, rather than 7 kJ/mol at 25 C.

Endothermic and exothermic dissolution

In this section, we will examine energy changes in some examples of
dissolution reactions in water. Some substances dissolve in water and
release energy in the form of heat. These dissolution reactions are
exothermic. When other substances dissolve, the solution becomes cold
as heat is removed and the kinetic energy of the water particles decreases.
These dissolution reactions are endothermic.
The process of dissolution can be analysed in terms of the following
three processes.
Step A: Endothermic process
Ions require energy to break free of their crystal lattice. This energy comes
from the kinetic energy of the water molecules that is transferred to the
crystal lattice as water molecules collide with it.
Step B: Endothermic process
Energy is needed to separate the water molecules to allow the ions
to interact with the solvent. To break hydrogen bonds between water
molecules requires 20 kJ/mol. The attraction of free ions for water dipoles
helps the water molecules separate from each another.

Step C: Exothermic process
Energy is released as iondipole forces stabilise the ions in the
solution. The ions are less free to move about and lose some of their
kinetic energies.

Dissolution of sodium chloride

For sodium chloride, the energy released in step C is less than the energy
required in steps A and B. Thus, the overall dissolution process for sodium
chloride in water is endothermic. The enthalpy change is +4 kJ/mol.

NaCl(s) Na+(aq) + Cl(aq) $H = +4 kJ/mol

Dissolution of sodium hydroxide

Great care must be taken in dissolving sodium hydroxide in water as the
water can become very hot. The energy released on aquating the sodium
and hydroxide ions (step C) is greater than the sum of the energies to
dissociate the ions from the lattice (step A) and to overcome the inter-
molecular forces in the solvent (step B). The equation for the exothermic
dissolution is:

NaOH(s) Na+(aq) + OH(aq) $H = 44.5 kJ/mol

The molar heat of solution for sodium hydroxide is therefore 44.5 kJ/mol.
Note that positive and negative signs are used only when referring to
enthalpy changes.

Separated ions/molecules Separated ions/molecules

Enthalpy, H
Enthalpy, H

H > O H < O
Endothermic Exothermic
NaOH crystal
Hydrated ions H
NaCl crystal Hydrated ions
Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate

Figure 14.8 Figure 14.9

Enthalpy diagram for the dissolution of Enthalpy diagram for the dissolution of
sodium chloride sodium hydroxide

Dissolution of concentrated sulfuric acid

The dissolution of concentrated sulfuric acid (a molecular liquid) in water
is also highly exothermic. For this reason, it is an important safety practice to
always add the concentrated acid slowly to the water with constant stirring.
Allow time for the heat to dissipate and not boil the water. If water is
added to the concentrated acid, the heat generated causes the solution
to boil and splatter. This is highly dangerous. The equation for this
exothermic dissolution is:

H2SO4(l) 2H+(aq) + SO42(aq) $H = 74.7 kJ/mol

Dissolution of ammonium chloride

When ammonium chloride crystals are dissolved in water in a calorimeter,
the temperature of the system is observed to decrease. In this case, the


total energies required to separate the particles (steps A and B) is greater
than the energy released on solvation (step C). The equation for the
endothermic dissolution is:
NH4Cl(s) NH4+(aq) + Cl (aq) H = +15.2 kJ/mol
Table 14.3 lists the molar enthalpies of solution for some dissolution

Table 14.3 Enthalpy changes for various dissolution reactions

Ionic solute H(solution) (kJ/mol)

KF 18

KOH 55

CaCl2 83

NaNO3 +21

NH4NO3 +26

KNO3 +35

SAMPLE PROBLEM 14.3 A polystyrene foam calorimeter contained 50.0 g of water. When 1.0 g
of dry ammonium chloride powder was added, the mixture dropped
in temperature from 21.3 C to 20.1 C.
(a) Assuming that no energy was lost to the environment, calculate
the molar enthalpy of solution for this dissolution reaction
(C = 4.2 J/K/g).
(b) The accepted value in the literature for the enthalpy of solution of
ammonium chloride is +15.2 kJ/mol. Account for any difference
between this value and the experimental result.
Step 1: Calculate the total mass of the mixture.
m = 50.0 + 1.0
= 51.0 g
Step 2: Calculate the enthalpy change.
H = mC T
= 51.0 4.2 (20.1 21.3)
= 257.04 J
Step 3: Calculate the molar weight of ammonium chloride.
M(NH4Cl) = 14.01 + (4 1.008) + 34.45
= 53.492 g/mol
Step 4: Calculate the number of moles of ammonium chloride.
n(NH4Cl) = 1.0/53.492
= 0.01869 mol
Step 5: Calculate the molar enthalpy of solution.
H(solution) = 257.04/0.018 69
= 13 753 J/mol
= +13.8 kJ/mol

14.1 PRACTICAL (b) The experimental result is less than the accepted value, probably
ACTIVITIES because some heat was gained or lost to the surroundings due to
inadequate insulation. The temperature change is very small so the
Calorimetry: percentage error in its measurement is large. The thermometer
measuring the heat
of solution may have absorbed some of the heat from the energy change. The
accepted value applies to dissolution in a very large volume of
water, which was not possible in this experiment.

Water in natural systems

Waters ability to absorb heat is important in all natural systems, but par-
ticularly in aquatic systems. The temperature of an ocean at any fixed
latitude remains fairly constant. This is not true for the land, which heats
up and cools down considerably. You notice this when you walk barefoot
on concrete or beach sand in the heat of summer. As a consequence,
aquatic organisms do not have to adapt to temperature extremes. The
large masses of water covering the surface of the Earth help to reduce
its temperature. Most Australians live on or near the coast because the
climate is milder than areas further inland. As water evaporates, it absorbs
energy and causes a cooling effect. You feel this effect when sweat evapo-
rates from your skin.

Figure 14.10
The cooling effect of the ocean.
When air is warmed by the land
and rises, cool air from the ocean
moves in to replace it. This creates a
cooling cycle.

Table 14.4 Heat of fusion (melting) Ice requires a considerable amount of heat to melt. The vibrational
kinetic energy of the molecules in an ice lattice increases as heat is
Energy required to melt
Solid 1 mole (kJ) absorbed but the temperature of an icewater mixture remains at 0 C
until all the ice has melted. The solid states of most other solvents do not
ice 6 require as much energy to melt, as shown in table 14.4.
ethanol 5 Very cold water at and just above 0 C contains hydrogen-bonded clusters
of water molecules. As the clusters break up on warming, individual water
methanol 3 molecules can come closer together until water reaches its maximum
density at 4 C. At temperatures higher than 4 C, added heat causes an
increase in kinetic energy of the molecules and, as more hydrogen bonds
are broken, the molecules move apart and the density decreases.
Waters high specific heat capacity tells us that water can absorb much
more heat for each degree rise in temperature than many other solvents.


When water reaches its boiling point, a large amount of energy is still
required to vaporise the water. The steam produced stores considerable
amounts of energy. This is why a steam burn is more dangerous than a
hot water burn. Examine table 14.5, which compares the heat required to
vaporise 1 mole of different solvents.
Table 14.5 Heat of vaporisation

Solvent Energy required to vaporise 1 mole (kJ)

water 41

ethanol 38

methanol 35

SAMPLE PROBLEM 14.4 (a) Calculate the quantity of heat energy required to convert 2000 kg
of ice at 0 C into water vapour at 100 C.
(b) Explain why the condensation of water vapour at 100 C to liquid
water at 100 C is dangerous if it occurs on your skin.

Step 1: Calculate the number of moles of water.
m = mass of ice
= 2 106 g
n(ice) = m/M
= 2 106/18.016
= 1.11 105 mol
Step 2: Use the heat of fusion data in table 14.4 to calculate the heat
required to melt the ice.
Heat (q) = n $H
= 1.11 105 6
= 6.66 105 kJ
Step 3: Use the calorimetry equation to calculate the heat required to
warm the ice water from 0 C to 100 C.
Heat (H) = mC T
= 2 106 4.2 (100 0)
= 8.4 108 J
= 8.4 105 kJ
Step 4: Use the vaporisation data in table 14.5 to calculate the heat
required to vaporise water.
Heat (q) = n H
= 1.11 105 41
= 4.55 106 kJ
Thus, total heat = 6.66 105 + 8.4 x 105 + 4.55 106
= 6.06 106 kJ
(b) The heat released is 41 kJ per 18 g (1 mole) of water vapour. This
large amount of energy causes much more severe burns to the
skin than the heat released as liquid water cools from 100 C to
body temperature.

Figure 14.11
Cooling towers of coal-fired power
stations remove most excess heat to
the atmosphere. The water is then
returned to the lake.
Thermal pollution
In Australia, coal-fired power stations are usually located near lakes or
coastal water so that cold water can be used to cool the hot gases produced
during combustion. This process heats the coolant. To reduce thermal
pollution, the heated water is cooled in special cooling towers before it
is returned to the lake or ocean. Warm water is classified as a thermal
pollutant because it alters physical and chemical equilibria in natural
Plants and animals that live in water rely on dissolved oxygen to
Oxygen has a survive. As the temperature of water rises, the amount of oxygen
Solubility (mol/L) 103

3 higher solubility that dissolves in the water decreases. Figure 14.12 shows that even
at low temperature.
a small rise in temperature (1015C) causes a significant decrease
2 in dissolved oxygen levels. Due to differences in density, poorly
of oxygen in oxygenated warm water that is added to the surface of a lake does
hot water
not mix readily with deeper, cooler water. Therefore, little oxygen
diffuses or is transported to deeper water. In a short time, aquatic
organisms on the lake floor can experience anoxic conditions due to the
0 lack of dissolved oxygen.
0 20 40 60 80 100
If warmed water is released into a river rather than a lake, it becomes
Temperature (C) dispersed as the river flows along its course. This can affect the aquatic
Figure 14.12 population downstream for quite some distance before the water cools
Solubility of oxygen in water as a sufficiently.
function of temperature Levels of dissolved carbon dioxide also decrease with temperature. This
has a significant impact on photosynthetic protists in aquatic ecosystems,
which rely on dissolved carbon dioxide for photosynthesis. Any drop in
the numbers of these producers affects other organisms higher in the
food chain. Table 14.6 shows that a 5 C rise in temperature from 20 C to
25 C causes the carbon dioxide solubility to drop by 14%.

Table 14.6 Change in solubility of carbon dioxide in water with temperature, at a constant
pressure of 1 atmosphere

Temperature (C) 0 20 25 30 35 40

CO2 solubility (g/kg water) 3.35 1.69 1.45 1.26 1.10 0.97


SyllabuS focuS
17. Limitations of caLorimetry capacity and can act as a good insulator. The heat
measurements released into the water causes only a small temperature
rise. Such a small rise in temperature would normally
To improve the accuracy of calorimetry make the error of measurement greater. However,
measurements, various factors must be taken measurement is accurate if electronic probes or
into account. The following examples refer to precision thermometers are used.
exothermic reactions.
Thermal capacity
Insulation When heat is liberated from a reaction, it is
The calorimeter vessel must be insulated to absorbed not only by the products, but also by the
avoid heat losses to the environment so that the reaction vessel. Each of these has a different mass
measurement of temperature change is as accurate and specic heat capacity and, therefore, different
as possible. The usual approach is to use an insulator thermal capacities. Accurate experimentation
that absorbs little heat: one with a high specic requires calculating the heat that each of these
heat capacity. Common materials used, along with materials absorbs. For example, consider 50 g
their specic heat capacities (in J/K/g), include calorimeters made of glass or copper. If a reaction in
polystyrene (1.3), polyethylene (2.2), cork (2.0), these vessels causes a temperature rise in the water
paper (1.9), wool (1.4), and air (1.0). In comparison, and the vessel of 1 C, then the heat gained by these
glass has a specic heat capacity of 0.6 J/K/g. vessels is 30 J and 20 J, respectively.
Accurate temperature measurements Thermal conductivity
The use of thermocouples as temperature probes The previous example assumed that the reaction
allows more accurate measurement of temperature solution and vessel both reached the same
as long as the probes are calibrated correctly. They temperature during the experiment. This is
are connected to data loggers to collect and display probably true for the copper calorimeter, with its
the data. However, mercury-in-glass thermometers high thermal conductivity of 401 J/s/K/m. However,
can also be manufactured to a high degree of other materials used, along with their low thermal
precision and accuracy. conductivities (in J/s/K/m), include glass (1),
Absorbing the heat into water polystyrene (0.08), polyethylene (0.3), water (0.6),
It is common to surround the reaction vessel in a air (0.02) and cork (0.05). Thus, a polystyrene foam
bomb calorimeter with a very large mass (e.g. 2 kg) calorimeter would absorb a negligible amount of
of well-stirred water. Water has a high specic heat heat during an experiment.

14.1 Questions 3. The high specific heat capacity of

water compared with other solvents, such as
1. The specific heat capacities (in J/K/g) of kerosene, alcohol and acetone, is due to
four substances are: silver (0.23), water A stronger hydrogen bonding between the
(4.18), ice (2.16), iron (0.45). water molecules.
All substances are initially at 20 C and B the low molecular weight of water.
100 J of heat energy is supplied to 10 g of C weak dispersion forces between the
each substance. Identify the substance that molecules of all the other solvents.
reaches the highest temperature. D water being the only polar molecule in
A Silver this list of solvents.
B Water 4. The energy change required when water
C Ice changes from liquid to vapour at 25 C is
D Iron H2O(l) H2O(g) H = +44 kJ/mol
2. Calculate the final temperature of a 50 g Calculate the heat energy that must be
sample of water, initially at 25 C, when it absorbed to convert 54 g of water from
absorbs 12 kJ of heat energy. liquid to vapour at 25 C.
A 25.1 C A 44 kJ
B 82.4 C B 2.4 kJ
C 25.2 C C 2376 kJ
D 265 C D 131.9 kJ

5. The molar heat of solution of calcium CaCl2.6H2O(s)
chloride is 83 kJ/mol. The temperature Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) + 6H2O(l) H = +18kJ
of the water rises as calcium chloride calculate the nal temperature of the solution.
dissolves. Select the equation that correctly Assume no heat loss and that the specic heat
summarises this dissolution information. capacity of the solution is 4.1 J/K/g.
A CaCl2(s) Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) 8. A 200 g sample of ice at 20 C is warmed
H = 83 kJ/mol slowly to 0 C without melting. Calculate
B CaCl2(s) Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) the heat energy required for this process.
H = +83 kJ/mol (Note:C(ice) = 2.1 J/K/g.)
C CaCl(s) Ca+(aq) + Cl(aq) 9. Use the data in tables 14.2, 14.4 and 14.5
H = 83 kJ/mol to calculate the energy required to convert
D CaCl2(aq) Ca2+(aq) + 2Cl(aq) 100 g of solid ethanol at its melting point
H = +83 kJ/mol (114 C) to ethanol vapour at its boiling
6. In a polystyrene calorimeter, 1.0 g of point (78 C).
sodium hydroxide crystals was dissolved 10. (a) Thermal pollution of waterways is a
in 50 g of water. The initial temperature major problem. Define the term thermal
of the water was 21.5 C. The maximum pollution.
temperature of the mixture was 26.2 C. (b) A country town requires a new
Assuming the specific heat capacity of the power station to supply electricity
mixture was 4.2 J/K/g, calculate the: for its growing population. The state
(a) enthalpy change for the reaction government decides to build a coal-
(b) molar heat of solution for sodium fired power station on the shores of a
hydroxide. large freshwater lake 10 km from the
7. In a polystyrene foam calorimeter, 11 g of town. This lake is used for recreational
solid calcium chloride hexahydrate was fishing. Discuss the importance of
dissolved in 100 g of water to produce 111 g preventing thermal pollution of the lake
of solution. The initial temperature was in relation to its use for fishing.
25 C. Given,

Weblinks Dissolution reactions may be endothermic (heat absorbed) or
exothermic (heat liberated).
The enthalpy change in various reactions can be understood in
terms of bond-breaking and bond-forming processes.
Calorimetry can be used to measure the heat changes in chemical
Module 3 A calorimeter is a device that is used to measure energy changes in
Revision reactions.
Calorimetric techniques can be used to measure the heat of
solution of salts in water.
Specific heat capacity is a measure of the capacity of a substance to
absorb heat energy.
Waters high specific heat capacity is important in moderating the
Module 3 temperature of the planet.
Revision Answers Thermal pollution raises the temperature of water. The higher the
temperature, the lower the concentrations of oxygen and carbon
dioxide in the water. This is a problem for aquatic organisms.



4. Meanwhile, weigh out 2.00 g of potassium
PraCtiCal nitrate crystals using an electronic balance.
5. Add the salt to the calorimeter and replace the
lid. Stir and record the temperature over the
Calorimetry:measuring next 5 minutes. Ensure that all the salt dissolves
theheatofsolution and that the stirrer does not interfere with the
temperature probe.
6. Repeat the experiment with the same mass of
aim sodium hydroxide. In this case, take great care
To determine the heat of solution of two ionic as this material is caustic and can damage the
compounds eyes severely. Work quickly as sodium hydroxide
absorbs moisture from the air.
safety issues
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
250 mL pyrex beaker Stirrer
500 mL pyrex beaker
pipette or burette
Polystyrene foam
polystyrene foam cups
additional polystyrene sheeting
shredded paper
copper calorimeter, cotton fibre and wooden box
copper wire stirrer Mixture

temperature probe and data logger, or Figure 14.13 Measuring

thermometer temperature in a calorimetry
electronic balance experiment
potassium nitrate
sodium hydroxide Results and calculations
1. Use the output from your data logger to
method determine the change in temperature (T) due
Part A: Investigating different salts to the dissolution of the salt. Some data loggers
1. The calorimeter for this part consists of a present the information graphically, some in
polystyrene cup nested in a beaker for stability. tabular format.
Construct a foam lid to fit the cup and include a 2. For each salt, calculate the total mass (m) of the
hole to insert the temperature probe and a hole solution (water + salt).
for the stirrer. 3. For each salt, use the calorimetry equation
2. Use a pipette or burette to measure 50.0 mL to calculate the heat liberated or absorbed.
(50.0 g) of water into the calorimeter. Assume that C = 4.2 J/K/g.
3. Insert the temperature probe and stirrer and 4. For each salt, calculate the molar heat of
record the temperature for five minutes. solution.

Part B: Investigating different calorimeters Compare your results with those obtained for
In this part, you will determine how the material the polystyrene calorimeter in part A.
used to construct the calorimeter affects your (Note: The literature values for the molar heat
results. Use the following instructions and the steps of solution for potassium nitrate and sodium
in part A to compare copper and pyrex for either hydroxide are 35 kJ/mol and 45 kJ/mol,
potassium nitrate or sodium hydroxide. respectively.)

(a) Weigh a 250 mL pyrex beaker. Construct a

calorimeter by putting the 250 mL beaker 1. Explain why it is important to monitor the
inside a 500 mL beaker, with shredded paper temperature of the system for 5 minutes before
insulation between them. Make a cardboard and 5 minutes after the reaction.
lid. Calculate the heat of solution of the salt 2. Discuss how the reliability of these measurements
given that the specic heat capacity of pyrex could be improved.
is 0.75 J/K/g.
3. Explain why the use of a temperature probe
(b) Place a copper calorimeter of known mass
connected to a data logger can provide more
inside a wooden box packed with cotton bre.
accurate results than a thermometer.
Calculate the heat of solution of the salt given
that the specic heat capacity of copper is conclusion
0.39 J/K/g. Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.


Chapter 15
Photosynthesis and fuels
Chapter 16
Carbon and carbon compounds
Chapter 17
Combustion and reaction kinetics ENERGY

Most life on Earth depends on the energy from the
Sun. Over geological time, various organisms, such as
green plants, have evolved to convert solar energy into
useful chemical energy through a process known as
photosynthesis. Some of these ancient plants were fossilised
and converted to coal. Combustion of fossil fuels, such as
coal, is important in our modern society as it is used to
generate electricity. When we burn coal, we extract some
of the Suns energy in the form of heat.

In this chapter
15.1 Chemical energy from fossil fuels page 281

Figure 15.1
Coal is an important fossil fuel. At Coppabella open-
cut mine in Queensland, the mined coal is carried and
poured onto the stockpile from a giant conveyor belt.
&*#& #(%-)#!, %.%2'9 &2/-
&/33), &5%,3
Before beginning this section, Many aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems use producers (phytoplankton,
you should be able to: algae and green plants) to convert solar energy into chemical energy.
recall that energy changes are
involved when reactants are Photosynthesis is an example of a photochemical process. Figure 15.3
converted into products. summarises the major aspects of photosynthesis in a green plant. This
Key content diagram shows us that green leaves absorb sunlight and this energy is used
By the end of this section, you to split water molecules to produce oxygen and to convert carbon dioxide
should be able to: into sugars and other carbohydrates.
outline the role of
photosynthesis in
transforming light energy to
chemical energy and recall the
raw materials for this process
outline the role of the
production of high-energy
carbohydrates from carbon
dioxide as the important step
in the stabilisation of the Suns
energy in a form that can be
used by animals as well as
identify the photosynthetic
origins of the chemical energy
in coal, petroleum and natural
process and present
information from secondary
sources on the range of
compounds found in coal,
petroleum or natural gas, and
on the location of deposits
of the selected fossil fuel in

Figure 15.2
Light energy is required for green
plants to photosynthesise.

photosynthesis: the biochemical

process in which chlorophyll Sun
molecules absorb solar energy
to power an electron transfer Suga
reaction in which water and r
carbon dioxide are converted
to oxygen and organic nutrients, CO2
such as sugar Solar
Stem sugar A
carbohydrate: general name for energy
a class of carbon compounds B H2O
that includes sugars, starch and
cellulose. Carbohydrates contain O2 A Energy-rich
the elements carbon, hydrogen molecules provide
and oxygen. Absorbed Leaf energy to convert
from air O2 carbon dioxide
Released to sugar.
to air
B Molecules accept
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 more energy from
activated chloroph
glucose (sugar) molecules.
Figure 15.3 Photosynthesis is a photochemical process that occurs in green plants.


(a) Only about 4% of the sunlight that shines on a green leaf is converted
into chemical energy. In a typical food chain, some of the chemical energy
stored in plants becomes available to consumers. As food is consumed, a
large amount of chemical energy is converted to heat. The remainder is
used to produce new tissue or to replace and repair old tissue. Further
along the food chain, energy is lost progressively as heat energy.

Chlorophyll and the production of chemical energy

Chloroplasts are the cellular organelles where light energy is absorbed in a
green leaf (see figure 15.4a). Chlorophyll molecules are arranged in layers
within the chloroplast. A typical chlorophyll molecule is a complex
organic ring in which four electronegative nitrogen atoms are bonded to
a magnesium ion (figure 15.4b).
Chlorophyll molecules selectively absorb red and violet light. Figure 15.5
shows the absorption spectrum for chlorophyll. Note the weak absorption
of green light. Green light is mainly reflected from leaves so most leaves
grana look green.
The light that is absorbed is directed towards a reaction centre in a
chlorophyllprotein matrix in which light energy is used to excite the
chlorophyll molecules. This excitation results in the release of energised
(b) electrons, which react with water molecules. Chemical bonds are broken
C2H3 H CH3
and the water is oxidised to release oxygen.
H3C C C C C2H5
Oxidation of water:

C N N C 2H2O(l) O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e

H C Mg C H In another region of the chloroplast, electrons are involved in a reaction

that converts carbon dioxide into simple carbohydrate molecules such
H3C CH3 as glucose.
Reduction of carbon dioxide:
H 6CO2(g) + 24H+(aq) + 24e C6H12O6(s) + 6H2O(l)
C23H43O2 C C
H Photosynthesis is an endothermic process. For each mole of glucose
formed, 2803 kJ of energy is required. The covalent bonds linking the
Figure 15.4 atoms in the glucose molecule store chemical energy. Thus glucose, along
(a) Chloroplasts in a pea plant with other carbohydrates, is a high-energy compound. We can think of
(x 16 000). The stacks of carbohydrates as a means of stabilising solar energy for use by plants and
membranes known as grana animals within ecosystems. Without photosynthetic plants, animals could
contain chlorophyll molecules. not use the Suns energy.
(b) Chlorophyll molecule
The net equation for photosynthesis shows that water and carbon
dioxide are the essential raw materials.
glucose: a simple sugar with the
molecular formula C6H12O6 Photosynthesis:
6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) $H = +2803 kJ/mol
The glucose produced by photosynthesis is water soluble. It is transported
in solution out of the leaf and around all parts of the plant via phloem
tissue. Cells throughout the plant use glucose as a source of energy. Energy
can be released by oxidising the glucose to carbon dioxide and water. This
exothermic process is called respiration. Respiration also occurs in the cells of
animals that eat plant tissue or animals that consume herbivores.
C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g) 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) $H = 2803 kJ/mol

Strong absorption

C of red and
violet light

B Weak absorption
B of green light

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Violet

Visible spectrum
Figure 15.5
Absorption spectrum of chlorophyll Increasing frequency

Storage of chemical energy

The glucose formed by photosynthesis may not need to be used immedi-
ately as an energy source. Plants can convert the excess glucose to various
water-insoluble, polymeric molecules, such as starch, that can be stored
(see the dark circles of starch visible in the chloroplasts in figure 15.4a,
page 282). Starch molecules consist of chains of glucose molecules.
Another important use of glucose, after its conversion to cellulose, is as a
structural polymer for plant cell walls. The glucose molecules in cellulose
are bonded in an arrangement different from that in starch.
C C written

Starch (part of the polymer chain)



Cellulose (part of the polymer chain)

Figure 15.6 OH OH
Carbohydrates glucose, starch O O
and cellulose OH CH2OH OH CH2OH

fossil fuel: fuel formed from once-

Fossil fuels
living organisms In Australia, fossil fuels, such as petroleum, natural gas and coal, are very
petroleum: viscous, oily liquid important sources of chemical energy. Fossil fuels were formed from the
composed of crude oil and natural burial and decomposition of ancient life forms. The energy stored in the
gas that was formed by geological
processes acting on marine chemical bonds of these fuels came from solar radiation from the Sun in
organisms over millions of years the distant past. This energy is released when the fuels are burnt.
fuel: a substance that burns in Table 15.1 shows that 95% of Australias energy needs are derived from
air or oxygen to release useful
energy fossil fuels. The relative proportions will change over time as new oil and
gas reserves are developed.


Table 15.1 Use of fossil fuels as energy sources in Australia
Energy source %

coal 41

crude oil 38

natural gas 16

other (solar, wood, hydroelectricity, wind) 5

Examination of coal strata reveals large numbers of plant fossils. These
Figure 15.7 plants were once growing in freshwater swamps. As the plants died, they
Burning fossil fuels, such as coal, fell into the shallow swamp water. If they were buried rapidly by sediments
releases energy and other debris, the material was deprived of oxygen so did not decay.
This accumulated plant material eventually turned into coal.
There are four types or ranks of coal that are formed progressively
over time. During the formation of coal, volatile matter including water
is slowly removed due to pressure and heating. Gradually, the percentage
of carbon in the coal rises.
1. Peat Plant remains slowly turned into peat over a period of several
thousand years. Peat is a porous, brown mass of partially decomposed
roots, twigs and leaves. It has a high moisture content at 7580%w/w.
In some parts of the world (e.g. Ireland, England, Scotland and
Russia), peat bogs are excavated and the dried peat is used as a
low-grade fuel (see figure 15.9).

Figure 15.8
Strata are visible in this 7-metre
coal seam at an open-cut mine near
Singleton, New South Wales.

Figure 15.9
Stacks of cut peat logs in County
Galway, Ireland, await collection and
delivery to homes for burning as fuel.

2. Lignite If peat is buried under mud or sandy sediment, it becomes

chemically altered due to heating and pressure until it forms lignite
or brown coal. This process may take up to 40 000 years. Brown coal is
found in the Latrobe Valley, Victoria. Its moisture content is lower than
that of peat, but still quite high at 5070%w/w.
3. Black coal Over longer periods and greater depths of burial, brown
coal is metamorphosed into bituminous coal or black coal with a low
moisture content of 510%w/w. In Australia, black coal ranges in age
from 65 million years to 260 million years. It is common in New South
Wales and Queensland.

4. Anthracite Continued metamorphosis can turn black coal into a very
dense form known as anthracite. This form of coal has the highest
carbon content and the lowest percentage of volatile matter. Its
moisture content is very low at 25%w/w. Anthracite coal can be found
in Queensland.

Continued Mud and

Peat layer burial sandy sediments
Heat and coal layer


Figure 15.10
Anthracite is a hard, slow-burning Black
coal that gives out intense heat. Anthracite coal layer
Anthracite has a very low layer
moisture content.
Figure 15.11
Formation of different ranks of coal

Table 15.2 shows the typical composition range for the four ranks of
coal and a comparison of the energy released on their combustion.
Volatile materials are low molecular weight hydrocarbons that are
evolved when coal is heated to 900 C in the absence of air. The specific
specific energy: the amount of energy of a coal is the amount of energy released when it is burnt. It may
heat released from a fuel on
combustion (usually measured be expressed on a wet or dry weight basis. The material left behind after
in MJ/kg) such heating is called coke.
coke: the solid formed by Various types of coal also have variable percentages of mineral matter
destructive distillation of coal. due to the presence of shale. This material is left behind as ash after
Coke is mainly composed of
carbon. burning. High-ash black coals do not produce as much heat energy as
low-ash black coals. Newcastle domestic steaming black coal has a high
ash content (21%w/w) and produces 25 MJ/kg (wet weight) on com-
bustion, while Gunnedah black coal (8%w/w ash) produces 30 MJ/kg
(wet weight).
Table 15.2 Characteristics of the different ranks of coal
Coal rank peat brown coal black coal anthracite

Moisture (%w/w) 7580 5070 510 25

Carbon (%w/w dry weight) 5060 6075 8090 9095

Volatile matter (%w/w dry

6065 4555 2040 57

Specific MJ/kg dry weight 25 2530 3035 3538

MJ/kg wet weight 5 515 2433 3437

Coal contains a wide variety of organic compounds. The nature of

these compounds depends on the temperatures and pressures that the
coal has been subjected to during its formation. Figure 15.12 shows some
of these compounds, which are very complex. Coal also contains some
inorganic minerals, such as kaolinite (clay), pyrite, siderite, haematite,
quartz, rutile, sphalerite and gypsum.


HO Aromatic
OH OH benzene H
Higher proportion ring Benzene ring
of oxygen
and hydrogen

O metamorphism
of coal (increasing
proportion of carbon)

Figure 15.12 O
Examples of organic compounds Lower proportion
present in coal of oxygen and hydrogen

Laura Basin

Bowen Basin
Styx Basin

Maryborough Basin
Tarong Basin

Macquarie Basin
Sydney Basin

Gippsland Basin N

0 500 1000 km

Figure 15.13 Figure 15.14

Coal basins in eastern Australia Coal is inspected for a range of qualities.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 15.1 Compare the percentage by weight of carbon in dried wood to a
sample of dried peat that contains 55%w/w carbon. Assume that dried
wood consists predominantly of cellulose with the empirical formula
Calculate the percentage by weight of carbon in C6H10O5.
%C = 6M(C)/M(C6H10O5) 100/1
= 72.06/162.14 100/1
= 44%
The percentage of carbon in dried wood is lower than that in dried
peat. The process of coal formation has led to some loss of volatile
material and, thus, a small increase in carbon content.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 15.2 New South Wales and Queensland have large reserves of black coal.
In Victoria, lignite is the major rank of coal. Use tables 15.2 and 15.3
to compare the amount of heat produced by burning 10 kg of brown
coal from the Latrobe Valley and the same mass of black coal from
Blair Athol in Queensland.
Table 15.3
Moisture content Specific energy
Coal, origin (%w/w) (MJ/kg dry weight)

Brown coal, Latrobe Valley 70 28

Black coal, Blair Athol 10 33

SOLUTION Step 1: Calculate the mass of coal after drying.

Brown coal: 30/100 10 = 3 kg
Black coal: 90/100 10 = 9 kg
Step 2: Calculate the heat produced.
Brown coal: 3 28 = 84 MJ
Black coal: 9 33 = 297 MJ
The black coal produces much more heat than the brown coal.

Petroleum literally means rock oil (from the Latin words petra meaning
rock and oleum meaning oil). It is generally believed that petroleum was
formed from the remains of unicellular marine organisms (such as algae
and diatoms) that underwent anaerobic bacterial decay. Oil formed at
50150 C, at an early stage in the deposition of the sediment. However,
as the layers became more compacted, it was forced out of the shale. The
oil migrated upwards as an oily suspension in water until an impervious
layer of rock prevented its further movement so that it became trapped
and accumulated, as shown in figure 15.15. Oil and natural gas separated
from water into layers in the oil trap.
The composition of the crude oil component of petroleum varies widely
from one region to another. For example, crude oil from the Middle East
has a higher proportion of straight-chain hydrocarbons than crude oil from
Nigeria. Australian crude oil is low in sulfur compounds but this is higher
in Mexican crude. Low-sulfur oils are referred to as sweet. Table 15.4
compares the average composition of Bass Strait and Middle East crude
oil. Australian crude is described as light (low average molecular


Oil rig

Natural gas

Salt water in
permeable rock

Impervious rock
Oil Oil

Salt water in
permeable rock

Figure 15.15
Oil was formed and then trapped by
layers of impervious rock, often due
to folding or faults in the rocks.
weight) in comparison with Middle East crude oil, which is heavy.
Australian oils have a high percentage of naphtha and petrol components.
Middle East crude has a higher percentage of the heavier oils and solids
than Australian crude.

Table 15.4 Composition of crude oil from Bass Strait and the Middle East
Carbon atoms per Bass Strait oil Middle East oil
Fraction hydrocarbon molecule (%w/w) (%w/w)

refinery gases 14 2 1

naphtha/petrol 512 30 13

kerosene 1216 18 16

diesel oils 1518 18 15

residue 1840+ 32 55

Natural gas may form in the presence or absence of crude oil.

The petroleum wells in Bass Strait vary considerably in their relative
Figure 15.16 percentages of crude oil and gas. Gas fields tend to form when the heat
An example of the type of acting on the carbonaceous material produces temperatures in excess
crude oil refined in Australia.
of 150 C. The composition of natural gas varies from one gas field to
The appearance of Australian
crude oils varies from one another, although methane is the major component at about 89%.
location to another. Natural gas is commonly used as a fuel. Some of the propane and
butane in natural gas is compressed and liquefied to produce liquefied
petroleum gas (LPG). The petrochemical industry uses the ethane
component to manufacture plastics and antifreeze for cars.

Figure 15.17
An oil rig off Australias south coast,
where rock is drilled to tap undersea
petroleum wells

15.1 DATA Figure 15.18

ANALYSIS About 30% of Australias natural gas supplies come from this Moomba ethane plant in
Australian petroleum Cooper Basin, South Australia.

When answering questions, it is important to know what the instruction terms (verbs)
require you to do. Here are some examples:

Compare Contrast
This instruction term requires you to show how This instruction term requires you to say how
things are similar or different things are different or opposite.
Example Example:
Compare coal and oil as sources of energy. Contrast the characteristics of peat and anthracite
Both coal and oil are fossil fuels. They are the Answer:
remains of once-living organisms that have Peat has a high moisture content while anthracite
metamorphosed over long periods of geological has a very low moisture content. Peat has a low
time. They are both used to produce energy specific energy while anthracite has a much
on combustion due to their high carbon or higher specific energy.
hydrocarbon content.

15.1 QUESTIONS 2. Select the correct statement about

A Glucose and carbon dioxide are
1. The fossil fuel that currently provides the produced by photosynthesis.
greatest proportion of energy in Australia is B Carbohydrates formed by photosynthesis
A coal. are a means of stabilising solar energy for
B crude oil. use by living things.
C Photosynthesis occurs in all plant cells.
C natural gas. D Starch is the first product of the
D wood. photosynthetic process.


3. The type of coal with the highest moisture 7. (a) List the four ranks of coal in increasing
content is order of their carbon content.
A peat. (b) Anthracite coal has the highest specific
B brown coal. energy of all the ranks of coal. Relate
C black coal. this observation to the geological
D anthracite. processes that produce coal.
4. The region of Australia in which significant 8. A sample of dried lignite has a specific
quantities of black coal is mined is energy of 30 MJ/kg.
A Tasmania. (a) Calculate the heat produced by the
B Western Australia. combustion of 50 kg of dried lignite.
C Victoria. (b) The specific energy of bituminous
D New South Wales. (black) coal is higher than that of
5. Australian crude oil is described as light lignite. Explain.
because it 9. Methane is a major component of natural
A is low in sulfur. gas. It has a specific energy of 56 MJ/kg.
B has a low percentage of bitumen. (a) Methane is classified as a hydrocarbon.
C contains a high percentage of low Explain this classification.
molecular weight hydrocarbons (b) Calculate the mass of methane that
compared with Middle East crude. must be burnt to produce 100 kJ of
D contains a low percentage of low to energy.
average molecular weight hydrocarbons. (c) Calculate the amount of energy released
6. (a) Write a balanced chemical equation when 100 g of methane is burnt.
for the production of glucose by 10. (a) Use the following information to
photosynthesis. compare the energy released on
(b) Classify photosynthesis as an burning 1 litre of petrol and 1 litre of
endothermic or exothermic process. kerosene.
(c) Identify the raw material from which the Petrol: density = 0.7 kg/L
oxygen produced in photosynthesis is specic energy = 47 MJ/kg
originally derived. Kerosene: density = 0.8 kg/L
(d) Name the photosynthetic pigment
present in the chloroplasts of green specic energy = 50 MJ/kg
leaves. (b) Contrast the uses of coal and crude oil
(e) Photosynthesis has been described as an in Australia.
electron transfer process. Explain.

Weblinks Green plants absorb sunlight and use this energy for
Photosynthesis is a photochemical process in which light energy is
transformed into chemical energy. Water and carbon dioxide are
converted to oxygen and food nutrients such as glucose.
Carbon compounds produced by photosynthesis have been turned
into fossil fuels, such as coal and petroleum, over millions of years
of geological time.
Fossil fuels include petroleum, coal and natural gas. They are
important in our modern economy.

(a) Copy and complete table 15.5 in your

15.1 DATA workbook. Click on the Oil and Gas weblinks in

your eBookPLUS.
ANALYSIS (b) Gather the latest data concerning the known oil
AuSTrALIAN peTroLeum and/or gas reserves to complete column 3 of
the table.
(c) Download the map of Australia from your
Part A: Mapping the mining sites eBookPLUS. Print this map and show and
About 80% of Australias natural gas reserves label the locations of the major oil- and gas-
are located in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte/ producing basins on your map.
Amadeus Basins of Western Australia and Northern (d) Identify whether any regions of Australia
Territory. The North West Shelf project is part of produce natural gas but not significant
this Carnarvon Basin. In 2005, Western Australia quantities of crude oil. If so, name these
achieved 25% of the worlds production of liqueed regions.
natural gas (LNG), which is predominantly
methane. By 2010, it is predicted that Australia will Part B: Compounds present in
sell 160 million tonnes of LNG per year. natural gas and crude oil
Questions (a) Table 15.6 provides data on the typical
Crude oil is often, but not always, associated with composition of Australian natural gas, which
natural gas elds. Oil and gas elds are located can vary from one well to another by 12%
in many parts of Australia other than Western of these values. The composition of natural
Australia. Table 15.5 lists some of Australias major gas from other countries often differs quite
oil and gas basins. considerably from typical Australian natural
Table 15.5 gas. For example, New Zealand natural gas is
only 45% methane.
Current reserves of
oil and/or natural Table 15.6
gas as % of % of component
Basin Location Australias total Component molecules
Carnarvon Western Australia methane, CH4 89
(off shore)
ethane, C2H6 5
Browse Western Australia
(off shore) carbon dioxide, CO2 2

Gippsland oxygen, O2, and nitrogen, N2 2

Bonaparte/ propane, C3H8 1

butane, C4H10 1
Eromanga ii(i) Construct a column graph of this data.
Adavale/ i(ii) Draw Lewis electron dot structures for
Bowen/Surat methane and ethane.
Perth (iii) Identify the components of natural gas
that burn readily in air.



(b) Table 15.4 on page 288 lists the common (iii) Determine the range of numbers of carbon
hydrocarbon fractions in crude oil. Each atoms per molecule in medium naphtha
fraction is composed of paraffins, napthenes fractions.
and/or aromatics. The proportions of these (iv) Draw a Lewis electron dot structure for
components vary considerably from one oil cyclopentane.
field to another throughout the world.
Table 15.7
Paraffins, also called alkanes, are hydrocarbon
molecules with single covalent bonds Molecular Boiling point
between neighbouring carbon atoms. They Compound formula (C)
are examples of saturated hydrocarbons. cyclopentane C5H10 49
They are predominantly straight chained
with a smaller amount of branched chained hexane C6H14 69
molecules. benzene C6H6 80
Naphthenes are ring-shaped, saturated
molecules, also called cycloalkanes or cyclohexane C6H12 81
cycloparaffins. Their boiling points are higher 3,3-dimethylpentane C7H16 86
than paraffin molecules with the same
number of carbon atoms. heptane C7H16 98
Aromatics are ring-shaped molecules based on 2,2,4-trimethylpentane C8H18 99
C6H6 (benzene).
(i) The medium naphtha fraction of a methylcyclohexane C7H14 101
crude oil was analysed and found to 2,2-dimethylhexane C7H18 107
contain 44% paraffins, 42% naphthenes
and 4% aromatics by volume. The methylbenzene
C7H8 110
boiling point range of this fraction was (toluene)
80120 C. Select the compounds from cycloheptane C7H14 118
table 15.7 that are likely components of
this medium naphtha fraction. 2-methylheptane C8H18 118
(ii) Use the information in figure 15.19 to octane C8H18 126
classify the compounds selected in (i) as
paraffins, naphthenes or aromatics. ethylcyclohexane C8H16 130


Naphthenes Aromatics H
Figure 15.19 Structures of paraffins, naphthenes and aromatics

The element carbon is the basis of life. Organic
chemistry is the branch of chemistry devoted to
understanding the properties and reactions of carbon
compounds. In this chapter, we will examine the
properties of carbon and investigate its unique ability
to bond covalently to itself and to other non-metals.

In this chapter
16.1 Carbon page 294
16.2 Hydrocarbons page 299

Figure 16.1
Oil is an important fossil fuel and a source of many
carbon compounds. The distillation process is a crucial
part of refining crude oil.
&+#& #!2"/.
Carbon and its allotropes
Before beginning this section, Carbon is classified as a non-metal. It is the first member of group IV of the
you should be able to: periodic table and is located in period 2 between boron and nitrogen. The
 outline the role of carbon atom has six electrons so its electron configuration is 2, 4. It tends
photosynthesis in
transforming light energy to to form covalent bonds with other atoms by sharing the four electrons
chemical energy and recall the in its valence shell. A unique feature of carbon is its ability to bond
raw materials for this process.
strongly to other carbon atoms. This tendency will be discussed further in
Key content the next section.
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: Carbon exists in three allotropes called diamond, graphite and the
 identify the position of fullerene family.
carbon in the periodic table
and describe its electron
configuration Diamond
 describe the structure of Diamond is a very valuable gemstone, prized for its brilliance and lustre. It
the diamond and graphite
allotropes and account for is the hardest known natural material. For this reason, it is used in diamond
their physical properties in saws and drill bits. Diamond is highly incompressible, and is a better thermal
terms of bonding
 identify that carbon can conductor than any metal. It is transparent to most frequencies of light
form single, double or triple from the far ultraviolet through the visible to the far infrared.
covalent bonds with other The carbon atoms in diamond are arranged tetrahedrally in a strong
carbon atoms
 explain the relationship three-dimensional, covalent network lattice. All four valence electrons are
between carbons combining involved in covalent bonding, so there are no free electrons in the lattice.
power and ability to form
a variety of bonds and the Thus, diamond is a non-conductor of electricity.
existence of a large number of Diamond was created deep underground under conditions of extreme
carbon compounds temperature and pressure, where it was more stable than graphite. Over a
 perform a first-hand
investigation, analyse period of millions of years, sedimentary deposits of carbonaceous materials
information and use slowly crystallised into diamonds.
available evidence to model
the differences in atomic Diamond is resistant to attack from most chemical substances. It burns
arrangement of diamond, in oxygen to form carbon dioxide, although this requires a very high
graphite and fullerenes temperature.
 process and present
information from secondary
sources on the uses of
diamond and graphite, and
relate their uses to their
physical properties
 identify data and choose
resources from secondary
sources, such as molecular
model kits, digital technologies
or computer simulations, to
model the formation of single,
double and triple bonds in
simple carbon compounds.

allotropes: different structural

forms of an element based
on the different spatial
arrangements of the bonds
between the atoms

Figure 16.2 Diamonds are composed of pure carbon. Their properties of brilliance,
durability and hardness are due to their ordered and rigid structure in which each carbon
atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms.

Graphite is a soft, black solid. The carbon atoms are arranged in layers
held together by weak dispersion forces; quite different from the arrange-
ment in diamond. Within each layer, the carbon atoms are covalently
bonded in interlocking hexagonal rings. These two-dimensional layers
are very strong and rigid. However, the graphite lattice is weak between its
layers, so layers slip when the lattice is subjected to shearing forces. This
slippage plane makes powdered graphite a useful dry lubricant.
Within the hexagonal layers, only three of the four valence electrons
are involved in covalent bonding to other carbon atoms. The remaining
electron from each carbon atom is delocalised, and these electrons form an
electrical conducting band in the lattice. Thus, graphite is a good elec-
trical conductor.
Table 16.1 summarises the physical properties of diamond and graphite.
Graphite has a higher thermal conductivity than diamond along the plane
of hexagonal rings. This is due to the presence of a mobile electron
cloud in the plane. Its thermal conductivity perpendicular to this plane
is quite low.

Table 16.1 Physical properties of diamond and graphite

Allotrope diamond graphite

Melting point (C) <3550 3974 (under pressure)

Density (g/cm3) 3.51 2.26

Specific heat capacity (J/K/g) 0.51 0.71

Electrical conductivity (MS/m) 1017 0.07

Thermal conductivity (J/s/m/K) 1000 1950 (parallel to planes)

5.7 (perpendicular to planes)

The fullerene family of carbon allotropes was discovered in 1985. Fuller-
fullerenes: a family of carbon enes are ball- or rod-shaped structures (nanotubes) formed by the
allotropes in which the carbon bonding of a large number of carbon atoms. The fullerenes are produced
atoms are arranged in cage- or
tube-like structures in laboratories in a variety of ways, including laser ablation, chemical
vapour deposition and electric arc discharge.
The structures of carbon allotropes are shown in figure 16.3.

Diamond Fullerenes Graphite

Flat hexagonal rings in layers

C60 (buckyball)

Figure 16.3
Structures of carbon allotropes
(Note: The carbon atoms shown light
blue in the diamond structure are
inside the unit cell cube.) Nanotube


Clusters of 60 atoms (C60) are the most abundant and named bucky-
balls after the architect R. Buckminster Fuller who had built similar
structures. Other ball- and cage-like molecules from C32 to C84 have been
isolated. Cage-like fullerenes may be used in the future as molecular
lubricants because of the weak intermolecular forces between their ball-
shaped molecules. At the moment, however, other lubricants are much
cheaper to manufacture.

Figure 16.4
Molecules of buckyballs consist of 60 carbon atoms

Another group of fullerenes are called buckytubes or nanotubes,

which consist of molecules with a long tubular shape (several hundred
nanometres long) and an internal cavity with a diameter of about 15 nano-
metres. Nanotubes have high tensile strength. They are stronger than
similar-sized steel wires and have potential for future engineering devel-
opments. These nanotubes can behave as conductors or insulators
depending on their size and shape and the number of twists on the
molecule. Nanotubes can also be single- or multi-walled.
In August 2005, Ken Atkinson of CSIRO and a team at the NanoTech
Institute at the University of Texas announced the production of sheets of
carbon nanotubes that are transparent, flexible, five times stronger than
steel and electrically conductive. When these sheets are welded between two
layers of acrylic glass, the composite material can be used as an electrically
heated window. Due to its conductivity, it could also act as an antenna for
a car radio.

Bonding in carbon compounds

Carbon compounds represent the largest group of compounds in the
world. Most of these compounds are components of the living world, so
the study of carbon compounds is usually called organic chemistry.
Carbon is a tetravalent element. Carbon atoms can link together to form
long stable chains and rings, which can create vast numbers of natural and
synthetic carbon compounds. Apart from hydrogen, oxygen and halogen
atoms are a few of the common elements that bind to these carbon-based

Types of bond
single covalent bond: a covalent
bond in which one electron pair Carbon atoms can bond covalently to each other in three different ways:
is shared between neighbouring
atoms single covalent bonds
double covalent bond: a covalent double covalent bonds
bond in which two electron
pairs are shared between triple covalent bonds.
neighbouring atoms
Figure 16.5 shows the Lewis electron dot structures for single, double and
triple covalent bond: a covalent triple covalent bonds between carbon atoms.
bond in which three electron
pairs are shared between
neighbouring atoms

Single C C Double C
C Triple C

Figure 16.5 H H
Lewis electron dot structures H H
for single, double and triple H C C H C C H C C H
covalent bonds H H H H

When showing the structural formula of an organic molecule, single, double

and triple bonds are represented as follows:
single bond: C C
double bond: C  C
triple bond: C xx C.
Triple covalent bonds between carbon atoms are much stronger than
double or single covalent bonds. Despite the greater strength of double
and triple covalent bonds, they are much more chemically reactive
than single carboncarbon bonds. Thus, compounds containing multiple
bonds undergo chemical reactions more readily that single-bonded carbon
The geometrical arrangement of electron pairs around carbon atoms
depends on the type of bonding. Table 16.2 summarises this information.

Table 16.2 Geometry of electron pairs around carbon atoms in compounds

Bond arrangement around the

Carboncarbon bond Bond angles carbon atom

single 10928 tetrahedral

double 120 planar

triple 180 linear

Single bonds Double bonds Triple bonds

angle = 10928 120
Figure 16.6
Bonding angles around carbon atoms
in single, double and triple covalently
bonded molecules Tetrahedral Planar Linear


Types of molecule
The presence of single, double and triple covalent bonds in organic
compounds produces a wide variety of molecular structures. These structures
16.1 PRACTICAL include:
ACTIVITIES straight (unbranched) molecular chains
Allotropy branched molecular chains
and bonding ring molecules.
Figure 16.7 shows the structural formulae of some examples of the variety
of organic compounds.

Pentane Methylbutane Cyclohexane


Figure 16.7 Structural formulae of various types of chain and ring carbon compounds

16.1 QUESTIONS C Separate layers in a graphite lattice are

held together by covalent bonds between
carbon atoms.
1. Carbon
D Graphite is less dense than diamond.
A is a member of group V of the periodic
table. 5. Select the correct statement about the
B is a non-conductor of electricity in all its fullerene family.
allotropic forms. A All fullerenes are ball-shaped molecules.
C has an electron configuration of 2, 4. B Fullerenes are excellent electrical
D is a semi-metal. conductors.
C Fullerenes can be produced in electric
2. Allotropes are
arc discharges between carbon
A different structural forms of an element.
B compounds with the same molecular
D Nanotubes are likely to be used in the
formula but different arrangements of
future as lubricants.
C found only in the element carbon. 6. Select the true statement about bonding
D radioactive. between carbon atoms in hydrocarbon
3. Select the statement that is true of diamond.
A A carboncarbon single bond consists
A The diamond crystal is transparent to
of one electron linking the two carbon
visible light only.
B There are no free electrons in the crystal
B Double covalent bonds between carbon
atoms consist of two electrons.
C The carbon atoms are arranged in layers
C Triple covalent bonds between carbon
within the lattice.
atoms consist of three electron pairs.
D Diamond is inert and will not combust in
D A double carboncarbon covalent bond
is much weaker than a single carbon
4. Select the correct statement concerning carbon covalent bond.
7. Draw a Lewis electron dot structure for
A Graphite is a very hard crystal.
a hydrocarbon ring molecule with the
B Graphite is a very poor electrical
molecular formula C4H8.

8. Figure 16.8 shows the Lewis electron-dot 9. Relate each of the following uses of carbon
structure of a hydrocarbon molecule. allotropes to a physical property or structure
Identify the number of single, double of the crystal.
and triple carboncarbon bonds in this (a) Graphite powder is a useful dry
molecule. lubricant.
( (b) Diamonds are used as drill tips.
( ( # ( (c) Graphite blocks are used as electrodes
# in high-temperature electrolytic cells for
( # # #
# the production of aluminium.
( ( ( (
# 10. All allotropes of carbon react with excess
Figure 16.8 Lewis electron dot ( oxygen at high temperatures. Write a
structure of a hydrocarbon molecule balanced equation for this reaction.

&+#' (9$2/#!2"/.3
Fractional distillation of petroleum
Remember Hydrocarbons are compounds composed of carbon and hydrogen only.
Before beginning this section, They are commonly found in fossil fuels such as crude oil and natural gas,
you should be able to:
identify that carbon can which make up the natural product called petroleum. Petroleum formed
form single, double or triple gradually over long periods of geological time from the buried remains of
covalent bonds with other
carbon atoms marine organisms that lived about 500 million years ago.
explain the relationship Methane is the simplest hydrocarbon and the major component of natural
between carbons combining gas, although the amount of methane varies considerably. Ethane is usually
power and ability to form
a variety of bonds and the the next most abundant component. The hydrocarbons comprising crude
existence of a large number of oil include straight chains, branched chains and cyclic molecules, making
carbon compounds.
it a highly viscous liquid. Petroleum is quite variable in its composition.
Australian crude is lighter than many other crude oils from around the
world. Therefore, Australia imports heavier crude oils (e.g. Arabian Heavy
and Arabian Light) so that it provide the full range of petroleum products,
particularly bitumen and greases. Arabian Heavy is more viscous than
Arabian Light as it has a higher bitumen content.
Bass Strait, Queensland and the North West Shelf off the Western Aus-
tralian coast are major locations for petroleum mining in Australia. The
gaseous components of petroleum (methane, ethane, propane, butane
and traces of pentane, as well as some non-hydrocarbon gases), which
are dissolved in the crude oil, are extracted first. Apart from methane
and some ethane, these gaseous hydrocarbons are liquefied and then
fractionally distilled to obtain separate samples of each. The remainder
is marketed as natural gas. The typical composition of natural gas from
Australian gas wells is 89% methane, 5% ethane, 1% propane, 1% butane,
2% carbon dioxide and 2% air.
The remaining crude oil still contains some dissolved gaseous hydrocar-
bons. The crude oil is separated into fractions using a fractionating column.
This separation is based on differences in boiling point (figure 16.10).
The steps in this process are as follows.
The crude oil is heated to about 370 C at the bottom of a pipe still. This
converts the viscous liquid to vapour and fluid, which then pass into the
base of the fractionating column.
Petroleum vapours and steam move up the column. The vapours cool
and condense on baffles called bubble caps. This condensed liquid is
richer in the least volatile components.


The liquids that form at a
Key content particular boiling point range are
By the end of this section, you
should be able to: collected in trays. Some liquid
describe the use of fractional overflows these trays and falls
distillation to separate the back to a hotter zone, where it
components of petroleum
and identify the uses of each meets hot ascending vapours that
fraction obtained exchange heat and cause the more
identify and use the IUPAC
nomenclature for describing volatile components of the liquid
straight-chained alkanes and to vaporise.
alkenes from C1 to C8
compare and contrast the This process repeats continuously
properties of alkanes and so that the most volatile compo-
alkenes from C1 to C8 and nents rise higher in the column.
use the term homologous
series to describe a series The light (low molecular weight)
with the same functional components do not condense, so
explain the relationship pass out of the top to be collected
between the melting point, as refinery gas.
boiling point and volatility
of the above hydrocarbons, The trays eventually collect
and their non-polar nature liquids in a fairly narrow boiling Figure 16.9 Fractional distillation of
and intermolecular forces crude oil is carried out in a fractionating
range. The liquids are channelled column or tower.
(dispersion forces)
assess the safety issues out and collected.
associated with the storage Liquids from the trays can be mixed to obtain the desired proportions
of alkanes from C1 to
C8 in view of their weak of each component.
intermolecular forces The unvaporised (non-volatile) high molecular weight greases collect
(dispersion forces)
perform a first-hand at the base of the column. Vacuum distillation is used to remove the
investigation and gather heavy lubricating oils. Clear waxes are removed from the residue using
first-hand information using
the process of fractional solvent extraction. The solid residue that remains after this process is
distillation to separate the called asphalt.
components of a mixture such Table 16.3 shows the typical fractions obtained from crude oil. The
as ethanol and water
plan, identify and gather data composition and boiling ranges of these fractions vary somewhat from
from secondary sources one refinery to another.
to model the structure of
alkanes and alkenes from C1
to C8 Table 16.3 Typical crude oil fractions and uses
process and present
information from secondary Boiling Carbon atoms
sources and use available range (C) per chain Name of fraction Common uses
evidence to identify safety
issues associated with the
storage of alkanes. <30 14 refinery gas natural gas, bottled gas

30125 58 gasoline (petrol car fuel, petrochemical

fraction) feedstock, solvent
90220 713 gasoline (naphtha conversion to petrol and
fraction) alkenes by cracking into
petrochemical feedstock: smaller molecules
petroleum fractions used to
manufacture other products such 175275 1116 kerosene home heating, aviation
as plastics fuel, conversion to petrol
naphtha: a component of the
gasoline fraction that is used 260340 1518 diesel oil furnace fuel, diesel engines,
as a feedstock to manufacture conversion to petrol
ethylene for the plastics industry (cracking)
>350 1640 lubricating and lubrication, clear waxes and
fuel oils, paraffin polishes
>400 >40 residue asphalt (bitumen road

Refinery gas

Bubble cap
Gasoline (petrol)
Fractionating column
Trays Gasoline (naphtha)

Crude oil vapours
mix with steam.
Diesel oil/heating oil
Pipe still

Lubricating oil

Crude oil Solvent
Steam High molecular
enters extraction
weight greases
collect at base Asphalt
of tower. residue
Figure 16.10 Fractionating column

The petrol derived from the gasoline fraction is insufficient to meet

Australias needs. Heavier fractions must be broken down (cracked) into
smaller hydrocarbon chains to produce sufficient quantities of petrol to
supply the increasing number of vehicles on our roads.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 16.1 Explain why molecules such as C17H36 are collected lower in the
fractionating tower than molecules such as C7H16.

SOLUTION Hydrocarbons with high molecular weights (such as C17H36) have

much higher boiling points than lower molecular weight hydro-
carbons such as C7H16. The dispersion forces between heavier
molecules are stronger than between lighter molecules. The lighter
molecules move higher in the column before they are cool enough
to condense back into liquids and become trapped in the trays. The
16.2 PRACTICAL heavier vapour molecules condense back to liquids much lower in the
column as they do not require as much cooling to achieve a change
in state.
Fractional distillation

homologous series: a family of

compounds with similar chemical Alkanes and alkenes
properties and a gradation of Straight- and branched-chain hydrocarbons can be classified into groups
physical properties with increasing
molar weight or chain length. or homologous series on the basis of the presence or absence of single,
A general formula describes all double or triple covalent bonds between carbon atoms. The presence of
members of the series.
a carboncarbon double bond in a hydrocarbon chain gives the molecule


different physical and chemical properties from hydrocarbons with single
functional group: a group of covalent bonds only. The carboncarbon double bond is, therefore, an
atoms attached to or part of a
hydrocarbon chain that influence example of a functional group.
the physical and chemical Two important families or homologous series of hydrocarbons are the
properties of the molecule
alkanes and alkenes. Alkanes are examples of saturated hydrocarbons;
alkane: a simple, saturated alkenes are examples of unsaturated hydrocarbons. Alkanes are commonly
binary compound of carbon
and hydrogen atoms with single called paraffins (meaning little affinity or unreactive), while alkenes are
bonds between the carbon sometimes called olefins (meaning oil-loving). Alkenes are much more
atoms. The general formula for
all members of this homologous reactive than alkanes.
series is CnH2n+2.
alkene: a simple, unsaturated Alkanes
binary compound of carbon and All molecules in the alkane homologous series have the general formula:
hydrogen atoms with a double
bond between a pair of carbon CnH2n+2, where n = 1, 2, 3 ...
atoms. The general formula for
all members of this homologous
series is CnH2n. In IUPAC nomenclature, the name of each alkane is a combination of
a stem and a common suffix. The suffix used for all alkanes is -ane. The
saturated hydrocarbon:
hydrocarbon with only single names for each stem are shown in table 16.4.
CC bonds and the maximum
number of hydrogen atoms per
carbon Table 16.4 Stems for naming hydrocarbons
unsaturated hydrocarbon: n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
hydrocarbon with double or
triple bonds between carbon Stem meth- eth- prop- but- pent- hex- hept- oct-
atoms and fewer than the
maximum number of hydrogen
atoms per carbon
Thus, an alkane with n = 6 is named hexane.
Figure 16.11 shows the structural formulae and space-filling models of
some straight-chain alkanes.


H H H Carbon


Figure 16.11 H C C C C C C H
Structural formulae and space-filling
models of two straight-chain alkanes H H H H H H

SAMPLE PROBLEM 16.2 Use the IUPAC rules for naming and determining the molecular
formula of alkanes to complete table 16.5.

Table 16.5
n Molecular formula IUPAC name

1 CH4

3 propane

5 pentane


SOLUTION Use the general formula to calculate the number of hydrogen atoms
in each molecule. Thus, if n = 2, there are two carbon atoms and the
number of hydrogen atoms is 2n + 2 = (2 2) + 2 = 6. So, the molecu-
lar formula is C2H6 and the name is ethane. The complete table is
shown below.
Table 16.6
n Molecular formula IUPAC name
1 CH4 methane

3 C3H8 propane

5 C5H12 pentane

8 C8H18 octane

All molecules in the alkene homologous series have the general formula:
CnH2n, where n = 2, 3, 4 ...
Note that it is not possible to have an alkene with n = 1 as a minimum of
two carbon atoms are required for the double bond.
In IUPAC nomenclature, the suffix used for all alkenes is -ene. Thus, an
alkene with n = 3 is named propene.
IUPAC nomenclature specifies the location of the double bond in the
hydrocarbon chain. The term locant is used to describe the position of a
functional group along the carbon chain. These rules are:
1. Number the longest chain from the end that gives the alkene func-
tional group the lowest locant number possible.
2. The preferred IUPAC method (2005) of naming the alkene is to place
the locant number of the first carbon of the double bond in front of
the -ene suffix (e.g. hept-2-ene).
IUPAC also recognises the systematic method of placing the locant for the
double bond in front of the name of the alkene (e.g. 2-heptene).


But-1-ene (1-butene) But-2-ene (2-butene)


Figure 16.12 H H H H H H H H H H
Examples of the naming rules for
alkenes Hex-2-ene (2-hexene) Hex-3-ene (3-hexene)

Figure 16.12 provides some examples of these preferred IUPAC naming

rules for straight chain alkenes, showing alternative systematic names.
For alkenes with four or more carbon atoms, the location of the double
bond can vary. For example, an alkene with molecular formula C4H8 can


have the double bond between the first and second carbon atoms or
between the second and third carbon atoms in the chain. Thus, butene
isomers: compounds with the
same molecular formula but can exist as but-1-ene (1-butene) or but-2-ene (2-butene). These different
different structural formulae structural forms of the alkene are called isomers. Their physical and
chemical properties are similar but not identical.

Sample problem 16.3 Determine the number of possible straight-chain isomers of the
alkene with the molecular formula C6H12. Name these isomers using
the IUPAC preferred nomenclature or another IUPAC recognised
systematic nomenclature.

SolUTIoN The double bond can be located between C1 and C2, C2 and C3, or
C3 and C4. Placing the double bond between C4 and C5 is the same
as placing it between C2 and C3. Thus, there are only three straight-
chain isomers.
hex-1-ene (1-hexene)
hex-2-ene (2-hexene)
hex-3-ene (3-hexene)
Isomerism also exists when hydrocarbon chains are branched.
Figure 16.13 shows some isomeric examples of alkanes and alkenes
involving hydrocarbon (or alkyl) side chains or functional groups.
The alkyl groups are named after their parent alkane. Thus a CH3
alkyl group: an alkane molecule group is called a methyl group. The IUPAC nomenclature rules specify
with a missing hydrogen atom.
An alkyl group is always attached the position of these alkyl groups using a numbering system to allo-
to another molecule and cannot cate locants (positions) along the carbon chain. The numbering
exist separately (e.g. CH3 is a system requires the alkyl groups to have the lowest locant possible.
methyl group).
Note, however, that the double bond in alkenes maintains its prior-
ity in being assigned the lowest locant. The alkyl groups are named


Pentane C5H12 Methylbutane C5H12 Dimethylpropane C5H12


Pent-1-ene (1-pentene) C5H10 2-methylbut-1-ene 2-methylbut-2-ene

(2-methyl-1-butene) (2-methyl-2-butene)
C5H10 C5H10

Figure 16.13 Examples of isomerism in branched-chain alkanes and alkenes

Properties of alkanes and alkenes
Alkanes and alkenes are non-polar molecules that dissolve readily in non-
polar solvents such as kerosene (a mixture of liquid alkanes), but are
insoluble in polar solvents such as water.

Melting and boiling points

The melting and boiling points of alkanes and alkenes increase with
increasing chain length. This is consistent with the increasing dispersion
forces between molecules as their molecular weight increases. Table 16.7
lists the melting and boiling points of various alkanes and alkenes. The
first four members (C1C4) of the alkanes are gases at 25 C and the next
twelve (C5C16) are volatile liquids. All other alkanes are waxy solids.
Short-chain alkenes generally have slightly lower melting and boiling
points than their corresponding alkanes. This indicates that the double
bond in the short alkene chain reduces the extent of the dispersion forces
between neighbouring chains when compared with short alkane chains of
similar molecular weight.

Table 16.7 Melting and boiling points of alkanes and alkenes

Melting point Boiling point Melting point Boiling point
Alkane (C) (C) Alkene (C) (C)

C3H8 188 42 C3H6 185 48

C5H12 130 36 C5H10 165 30

C6H14 95 69 C6H12 140 64

C7H16 91 98 C7H14 119 94

Volatile substances readily vaporise at room temperature to produce a high
concentration of vapour above the liquid or solid substance. This high
concentration is measured by a quantity called the equilibrium vapour
equilibrium vapour pressure: pressure. Some alkanes and alkenes vaporise readily at room temperature
the pressure in a closed system while others (such as solid waxes) produce little vapour. Generally, the lower
when the rate of vaporisation
of a substance (normally a pure the molecular weight of the hydrocarbon, the greater its rate of evaportion
liquid or a solution) equals the and the higher its volatility. This can be understood in terms of the weaker
rate of condensation; also called
vapour pressure dispersion forces between hydrocarbon molecules with shorter chains.
The boiling point of a hydrocarbon is a good indicator of its volatility. The
volatility and, therefore, the vapour pressure of a hydrocarbon increase with
increasing temperature, as shown in table 16.8 for octane.

Table 16.8 Vapour pressure of octane as a function of temperature

Temperature (C) 0 20 40 60 80

Vapour pressure (kPa) 0.4 1.3 4.1 10.4 23.3

flash point: the minimum

Flash point and safety issues
temperature at which the The flash point of a liquid hydrocarbon or other volatile liquid is the
vapour pressure of a fuel minimum temperature at which the vapour pressure of the substance
(e.g. a hydrocarbon such as
octane) is just high enough to is just sufficient to form a combustible mixture of the vapour with air.
form a combustible mixture A combustible fuelair mixture is dangerous as a spark or a flame can
with air
readily ignite it.


Flash point increases as Flash point varies considerably from one liquid hydrocarbon or fuel to
boiling point increases. another. Generally, the higher the boiling point of a hydrocarbon fuel, the
higher the flash point. Figure 16.14 shows the relationship between flash
point and boiling point for hydrocarbon fuels. Hydrocarbon waxes (such
Flash point (C)

as candle wax) have much higher boiling and flash points than liquid
0 hydrocarbons. The intermolecular forces between these molecules are
stronger, so they are less volatile. Consequently, their low vapour pressures
and high flash points make them much safer to store and use. Table 16.9
lists the flash points of some common fuels.

100 Table 16.9 Flash points of some common fuels

0 50 100 150 200
Fuel petrol octane kerosene diesel
Boiling point of
hydrocarbon fuel (C) Flash point (C) 43 +14 +48 +65
Figure 16.14
Flash point as a function of the In a petrol engine, a spark is used to ignite the vapourair mixture.
boiling point of hydrocarbon fuels Petrol has a much lower flash point than kerosene, so forms combustible
mixtures more readily than kerosene. This makes petrol more dangerous
to handle than kerosene. Even on very cold days in midwinter, petrol
vapours readily form combustible mixtures with air. For this reason, using
a gas lighter or smoking near a petrol pump is highly dangerous under all
environmental conditions.
Petrol tankers are designed not to rupture in the event of an accident.
Static charges are also prevented from building up by grounding the tanker
with steel chains. In the family car, the fuel tank is located as far away from
the engine as possible. If a combustible vapourair mixture forms in the
tank, it is away from ignition sources in or near the engine.
To avoid the risk of fires and explosions, the following safety precautions
should be taken when handling, transporting or storing hydrocarbons.
Gaseous fuels should be stored in strong, regularly maintained gas
cylinders. The gauge, taps and fittings on LPG and propane gas bottles
should be tested regularly for leaks to prevent fires and explosions.
Liquid hydrocarbon fuels, such as kerosene, should be stored in labelled,
metal containers with narrow openings and close-fitting caps. The storage
cans should be kept in a cool place with good ventilation to avoid the
build-up of any leaking vapours. It is not advisable to store large quantities
of petrol in containers at home as the fuel is highly volatile and dangerous.
Even small quantities should never be stored inside the house.
Figure 16.15 Transfer liquid fuel one container to another (e.g. pouring lawnmower
A lighter or other flame must never
fuel into the tank of the mower) outside in a well-ventilated area to
be lit near a petrol pump as petrol
has a very low flash point. prevent the build-up of combustible vapourair mixtures.
Ensure that all flammable fuels are stored in fully labelled containers
16.3 DATA displaying the appropriate HazChem codes.
ANALYSIS Ensure that a fire extinguisher is close to fuel storage areas and that it
Alkanes and alkenes is checked regularly.
Class 2 Class 3 Class 4


HazChem labels for
flammable gaseous and 2 3 4 4
liquid substances

16.2 QUESTIONS 7. Octane is a component of the gasoline
fraction produced by fractional distillation
of crude oil.
1. Name the following hydrocarbons.
(a) Octane is a member of an important
homologous series of hydrocarbons.
(b) CH3CHCHCH2CH2CH2CH2CH3 Name that series.
(c) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CHCH2 (b) Write the molecular formula of octane
2. Name the next member of the homologous and the formula of the next member of
series to which each of the following that series.
molecules belongs. (c) ii(i) Identify the type of bond or force
(a) CH3CH2CH3 that exists between the atoms of the
(b) CH3CH2CH2CHCH2 octane molecule.
3. A simple, straight-chain hydrocarbon i(ii) Identify the type of bond or force
has a molar weight of 42.1 g/mol. Draw that exists between neighbouring
a structural formula for a molecule with octane molecules.
this molar weight. Name this molecule
systematically. (iii) State which of the bonds or forces
named in (i) and (ii) is stronger.
4. Hydrocarbons P, Q and R have the physical (d) A sample of octane is heated and
properties shown in table 16.10. converted into a vapour. Identify the
Classify each hydrocarbon as a solid, liquid bonds broken during this process.
or gas at 25 C. (e) Hydrocarbons can be classified as
saturated or unsaturated. State the
5. Read each of the following statements and
classification for octane. Justify your
identify the petroleum fraction formed after
fractional distillation. (f) Identify the safety precautions required
(a) This fraction is used as a furnace fuel when handling octane.
and boils in the range 260340 C.
8. The following statements concern the steps
(b) This fraction is used for polishes and
in fractionating crude oil, but they are out
clear waxes.
of order. Arrange the steps in a logical
(c) This fraction is used as a solvent,
petrochemical feedstock and car fuel.
Step A: This process is repeated continuously
so that the most volatile components
Table 16.10
rise higher in the column. Refinery gas
Melting point Boiling point passes out of the top of the column.
Hydrocarbon (C) (C) Step B: Petroleum vapours and steam
P 5.5 80.1 move up the column, cooling and
condensing on bubble caps. The
Q 216 340 condensed liquid is richer in the
R 187.7 42.1 least volatile components.
Step C: Crude oil is heated and vaporised.
The vapour then passes into the base
6. A 10 ML sample of natural gas (at 25 C
of the fractionating column.
and 100 kPa) contains 88% by volume of
methane. Step D: Condensed liquids at a particular
(a) Calculate the volume of methane in boiling point range are collected in
the sample at this temperature and trays. Some of this liquid overflows
and falls back to a hotter zone where
the more volatile components of the
(b) Given that 1 mole of any gas occupies
liquid vaporise.
24.79 litres at 25 C and 100 kPa,
calculate the number of moles of Step E: Non-volatile, high molecular weight
methane in the sample. greases collect at the base of the
(c) Use the information from (b) to tower as a residue.
calculate the number of methane Step F: The trays eventually collect liquids in
molecules in the sample. a fairly narrow boiling range. These
form the fractions that are collected.


9. Explain why each of the following safety 10. (a) The boiling points of the members of
precautions is taken when handling or the alkane homologous series are shown
storing hydrocarbon fuels. in table 16.11. Plot a line graph of the
(a) LPG gas bottles should be inspected and boiling point versus molar weight and
tested regularly. use the graph to interpolate the boiling
(b) Motormower fuel should be poured into point of pentane.
the mowers fuel tank in the open. (b) Explain why boiling point increases with
(c) Large quantities of petrol should never molar weight.
be stored at home.

Table 16.11
Alkane methane ethane propane butane pentane hexane heptane octane

Molar weight (g/mol) 16.0 30.1 44.1 58.1 72.1 86.2 100.2 114.2

Boiling point (C) 162 89 42 0.5 ? 69 98 126

Weblinks Carbon can form single, double and triple covalent bonds with
other carbon atoms. This allows carbon to produce stable, long-
chain molecules.
Hydrocarbons are binary compounds containing carbon and
hydrogen. They can be classified in homologous series, including
alkanes and alkenes.

Checkpoint Alkanes are saturated hydrocarbons while alkenes are unsaturated.

Revision 6 Unsaturated hydrocarbons do not have the maximum number of
hydrogen atoms per molecule due to the presence of double or
triple carboncarbon bonds.
IUPAC nomenclature is used to name hydrocarbons. The -ane
suffix is used to name alkanes and the -ene suffix is used to name

Checkpoint The volatility of hydrocarbons and their melting and boiling

Revision 6 Answers points can be related to the dispersion forces between the
molecules. The stronger the dispersion forces, the lower the
volatility of the material.
Hydrocarbons are non-polar, flammable substances that must be
stored and handled with care. Hydrocarbon liquids and gases must
be stored in cool places away from ignition sources.
Hydrocarbons are extracted from petroleum by a physical process
called fractional distillation. The hydrocarbons are collected in
fractions based on their boiling point ranges.

(b) identify the arrangement of single and

16.1 PRACTICAL double covalent bonds in a buckyball

ACTIVITIES molecule. Print a copy of a suitable graphic
for your workbook.
(c) identify uses of the allotropes of carbon
and relate these uses to their structures and
physical properties.
Aim Part B: Bonding in simple hydrocarbons
To use models to investigate the allotropes of 1. Use a molecular model kit to make models of
carbon and to use model kits to demonstrate the following simple molecules.
covalent bonding in simple hydrocarbons (a) Ethane, C2H6
(b) Ethene, C2H4
Materials (c) Ethyne, C2H2 (Note: This is an alkyne with a
models of diamond and graphite triple bond joining the carbon atoms.)
molecular model kits 2. Draw three-dimensional, structural formulae of
your models. Use dotted lines for bonds behind
Method the plane of the paper and bold lines for bonds
projecting out of the plane of the paper.
Part A: Carbon allotropes
3. Identify the model(s):
1. For each of the models of diamond and
graphite, draw a section to show the different (a) in which all atoms are arranged linearly
geometric arrangement of the carbon atoms. (b) that consists of two intersecting tetrahedra
(c) in which all atoms lie in the same plane.
2. In your drawing of the diamond lattice,
4. Show, by constructing longer chain
highlight a group of atoms to show that they are
hydrocarbon molecules, that the presence of:
arranged tetrahedrally.
(a) a carboncarbon double bond leads to a
3. In your drawing of the graphite lattice,
planar region in the molecule and restricted
highlight a group of atoms to show the
rotation about the carbon atoms
hexagonal fused rings in any one plane.
(b) a carboncarbon triple bond leads to a
4. Use the Internet to: linear region in the molecule and restricted
(a) investigate the structure of buckyballs (C60). rotation about the carbon atoms.


Ethanol is flammable and naked flames should be

16.2 PRACTICAL kept away from it and its vapours.

ACTIVITIES Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
Quickfit distillation apparatus with 250 mL round-
or flat-bottomed flask
Part A: First-hand investigation fractionating column
Aim 110 C thermometer with teflon sleeve
To separate a mixture of water and ethanol using 2 mL graduated pipettes
fractional distillation
electronic balance
Safety issues electric heating mantle or gauze mat, tripod and
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. Bunsen burner
25 mL ethanol/25 mL water mixture (measured
with a 25 mL pipette)
pipette filler
boiling chips
100 mL beaker
11 small beakers
retort stand, bosshead and clamp

Distillate collects

Water out Cold water

in 1 2 3 4
to sink
Collect up to 10 mL of each fraction
column Method
Wear your safety glasses.
1. Use a clean beaker to prepare a mixture of
25.0 mL of water and 25.0 mL of pure ethanol
using a 25 mL pipette.
Ethanolwater 2. Weigh a clean, dry beaker. Use a 2.00 mL
mixture graduated pipette to transfer 2.00 mL of the
Boiling chips
waterethanol mixture into the beaker. Reweigh
and determine the mass of the liquid. Calculate
its density (d = m/V ). Return the 2 mL of water
ethanol mixture to the first beaker.
3. Place boiling chips and the 50 mL ethanolwater
mixture in the distillation flask and set up the
Figure 16.17 Fractional apparatus ready for distillation as shown in
distillation apparatus figure 16.17.

4. Put the flask on a gauze mat supported by a Part B: Second-hand data
tripod, and heat it slowly with a heating mantle
A fractional distillation apparatus similar to that
or Bunsen burner. It is vital to adjust the
used in part A was used to distill mixtures of
heating to ensure gentle boiling and very slow
ethanol in water.
production of distillate.
5. Use a small, clean beaker (beaker 1) to The composition of fractions is often expressed as
collect all the distillate produced while the mole percentage, which is calculated as:
thermometer reads between 78 and 80 C (that moles of solute
is, in the 7880 C boiling range). Allow the total moles in solution
temperature to slowly rise and collect a second
Six mixtures of ethanol in water with different
sample of distillate (beaker 2) in the 8185 C
mole percentages were prepared. In turn, each
boiling range. Collect subsequent samples of
one of the ethanolwater mixtures was distilled in
distillate in the following boiling ranges:
the apparatus. The temperature rose slowly until
Beaker 3: 8690 C distillation commenced, and was constant while
Beaker 4: 9195 C distillate was collected.
Beaker 5: 9698 C
Each distillate was analysed using a refractometer.
Do not distill all the liquid. Turn off the heat The mole percentage of ethanol in each distillate
and allow the vessel to cool. was determined by using a calibration graph. The
6. Calculate the density of each fraction by results are shown in table 16.13. Process this data
measuring the mass of 2.00 mL of each fraction. and answer the questions that follow.
Use a clean, small beaker for each mass Results
7. Dismantle and store the equipment. Table 16.13 Composition of distillates

Results Distillation
Record your observations in a suitable table. Ethanol in original temperature Ethanol in distillate
mixture (mole %) (C) (mole %)
Questions 90 78.7 90
Answer the following questions in your report on
80 79.0 86
this experiment.
1. Compare the boiling point range of each 60 79.5 78
fraction collected with the boiling points of pure 40 81.0 66
ethanol (78.3 C) and water (100 C).
2. Use your density data to compare the 20 83.0 53
compositions of each fraction collected using 10 86.0 43
table 16.12. Draw a graph of this data and
interpolate your density readings.
Table 16.12 1. Use millimetre grid paper to plot a graph of the
composition of the distillate on the y-axis and
Ethanol (%v/v) 0 20 40 60 80 100
composition of the original mixture on the
x-axis. Draw a line of best fit.
Density (g/mL) 1.00 0.97 0.93 0.89 0.84 0.79 2. Determine whether the distillate composition is
richer, the same or poorer in ethanol for each
3. Comment on the degree of separation of distillation.
the ethanolwater mixture using fractional 3. Identify the more volatile component of the
distillation. mixture.



4. Fermentation is a common method used by
brewers and winemakers to produce alcohol; dATA
sugar solutions are fermented by yeast to ANALYSIS
produce ethanol. The typical concentration of
ethanol in ltered wine is 12%v/v. Convert this AlkAnesAndAlkenes
volume % to mole %, given that the density (d)
of ethanol is 0.785 g/mL and that of water is
1.00 g/mL. Part A: Model construction
5. The techniques used in fractional distillation 1. Use a molecular model kit to construct models
do not produce pure (anhydrous) ethanol; and draw 3-D diagrams of:
there is usually some water in the ethanol. (a) propane
Explain, in terms of bonding, why this is so. (b) butane.
2. Name and construct models of all the straight-
Conclusion chain isomers of:
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation. (a) C4H8.
(b) C5H10.
Draw structural formulae for each model
3. (a) C
onstruct a model of hexane and draw its
structural formula.
(b) Construct branched-chain isomers of
hexane. Identify the maximum number of
isomers of hexane.
Part B: Safe storage of alkanes
Click on the Methane, Hexane and Gasoline
weblinks for this chapter to nd material safety
data sheets (MSDS) with information on storage
of alkanes and petroleum fractions. Use the
information you collect to construct a table
summarising safety issues in the storage of

Combustion is an important chemical process. The burning
of fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas provides heat to
keep us warm and to power machines. Combustion of fuels
requires oxygen. If oxygen supply is restricted, gases such
as carbon monoxide, which pollute the environment, are
released. In this chapter, we will investigate combustion
and the rate at which combustion reactions and other
reactions occur.

In this chapter
17.1 Combustion page 314
17.2 Reaction kinetics page 327

Figure 17.1
Combustion reactions require fuel, oxygen and an
ignition source.
&,#& #/-"534)/.

Chemical change
Before beginning this section, Let us consider the indicators of chemical change and the chemical bonds
you should be able to: that are broken and formed as chemical reactions proceed.
identify and use the IUPAC
nomenclature for describing
straight-chained alkanes and
alkenes from C1 to C8
recall the safety issues
associated with the storage
of alkanes from C1 to
C8 in view of their weak
intermolecular forces
(dispersion forces).
Key content
By the end of this section, you
should be able to:
describe the indicators of
chemical reactions
identify combustion as an
exothermic chemical reaction
outline the changes in
molecules during chemical
reactions in terms of bond-
breaking and bond-making
explain that energy is required
to break bonds and energy
is released when bonds are
describe the energy needed
to begin a chemical reaction Figure 17.2 Burning wood is an example of a chemical change.
as activation energy
describe the energy profiles Indicators of chemical change
for endothermic and
exothermic reactions In this course, you have investigated many different types of chemical
explain the relationship reaction and physical change. Physical changes do not involve the
between ignition temperature
and activation energy production of new materials. For example, when wax melts, the liquid
identify the sources of wax is still composed of the same molecules as the solid wax. This physical
pollution that accompany
the combustion of organic change is readily reversed by removing heat so that the solid wax reforms.
compounds, and explain how Melting wax requires much less heat than would be required for a chemical
these can be avoided reaction involving the wax molecules.
describe chemical reactions
by using full balanced chemical Chemical changes involve the production of new materials. When wax
equations to summarise is burnt in air (as in a burning candle), new chemical compounds, such as
examples of complete and carbon dioxide and water, are formed. Mixing carbon dioxide and water
incomplete combustion
solve problems and perform does not cause wax and oxygen to re-form.
a first-hand investigation to In general, the indicators of chemical change are:
measure the change in mass
when a mixture such as wood Reactants are permanently converted into new products with a different
is burnt in an open container appearance or property (e.g. different colour).
identify the changes of state
involved in combustion of a Chemical reactions are difficult to reverse.
burning candle Large energy changes occur.
perform first-hand
investigations to observe
and describe examples of Chemical reactions involve breaking
endothermic and exothermic
chemical reactions. and making bonds
Chemical changes occur because some or all of the chemical bonds in
the reactants are broken; the released atoms, molecules or ions combine
to form new products by forming new bonds. Breaking chemical bonds
requires energy, which comes from the thermal motion of the particles.
Energy is transferred from one particle to another during particle

collisions. When new bonds are formed, energy is released to the system
and increases the kinetic energy of the particles.
The strength of a chemical bond can be measured by the bond energy
bond energy: the enthalpy required to break the bond. An OH covalent bond is stronger than an
change associated with breaking
covalent bonds in one mole of HH bond. The bond energy of OH is 463 kJ per mole of bonds while
a gaseous substance to produce the bond energy of HH is 436 kJ/mol. Triple carboncarbon bonds
gaseous fragments
are much stronger than single carboncarbon bonds. Table 17.1 lists the
bond energies of some common covalent bonds.

Table 17.1 Bond energies of some covalent bonds

Bond Bond energy (kJ/mol)

CC 346

C=C 614

C C 839

CH 414

HH 436

OH 463

O=O 498

CO 358

C=O* 745
(*for C=O in carbon dioxide)
Bond energy tables can also be used to determine the amount of energy
released when covalent bonds form. Thus, when one mole of HH bonds
form, 436 kJ of energy is released.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 17.1 Calculate the energy change per mole of oxygen when hydrogen gas
burns in oxygen gas to form water vapour.

SOLUTION Step 1: Write the balanced equation for the combustion reaction.
2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(g)
Step 2: Rewrite the equation to show the covalent bonds of the
reactants to be broken and bonds of products to be formed.
Step 3: Identify the bonds to be broken and those to be formed.
Bonds broken: 2 HH bonds
1 O=O bond
Bonds formed: 4 OH bonds
Step 4: Use table 17.1 to calculate the energy required to break the
bonds in the reactants:
2 bond energy of HH = 2 436 = 872 kJ
1 bond energy of O=O = 498 kJ
Total energy to break bonds = 872 + 498 = 1370 kJ
Step 5: Use table 17.1 to calculate the energy released when the
products form.
4 bond energy of OH = 4 463 = 1852 kJ


Step 6: Calculate the overall energy change.
The process of breaking the bonds of the reactants is
endothermic. The process of forming bonds in the products is
exothermic. By convention, the energy released in an
exothermic process is assigned a negative value.
Thus, the energy change = (+1370) + (1852) = 482 kJ
Thus, 482 kJ of energy is released per mole of oxygen
reacting in the combustion of hydrogen in oxygen to form
water vapour.

4H(g) + 2O(g)
Enthalpy (H) (kJ)

+1370 kJ 1852 kJ
2H2(g) + O2(g)
Figure 17.3 2H2O(g) H = 482 kJ
Energy changes during bond
breaking and bond formation in the 1000
combustion of hydrogen
The processes of breaking and making bonds also occur in reactions
involving metals and ionic compounds. Because these materials consist
of infinite crystalline lattices rather than individual molecules in the
gaseous state, other ways are used to describe the energy changes involved.
For example, the strength of ionic bonds in metallic oxides, sulfides and
chlorides can be compared using data on the amount of energy required to
dissociate one mole of an ionic compound into its gaseous ions. This energy
is called the lattice enthalpy. Table 17.2 compares the lattice enthalpies
of various ionic compounds. It suggests that the strength of ionic bonds
varies, and that metal oxide bonds are stronger than metal sulfide or
metal chloride bonds. We can also conclude that a large amount of energy
is released when these metal and non-metal ions react in the gaseous
phase to form ionic bonds in a crystal lattice.
Table 17.2 Lattice enthalpies for ionic compounds (kJ/mol)
O2 S2 Cl

Na+ 2488 2199 788

K+ 2245 1986 718

Rb+ 2170 1936 693

Activation energy
When a fuel such as hydrogen gas is mixed with oxygen gas at room tem-
perature there is no observable reaction. This mixture of gases is stable
at 25 C. However, if a spark or a flame is supplied, the mixture reacts
explosively. Why doesnt the reaction occur at 25 C? We can explain this
activation energy: the minimum difference in behaviour of the reacting particles in terms of energy.
energy required by reactants in
order to react The term activation energy is used to explain why many reactions
do not proceed at low temperatures. Activation energy is the minimum

amount of energy needed by the reactants to turn into products. In order
for chemicals to react, they must collide with sufficient kinetic energy so
that bonds can be broken. At low temperatures, the reactants have low
kinetic energy. As the temperature rises, the particles move faster and
faster. Eventually, they have sufficient kinetic energy to react.
We can visualise activation energy as an energy barrier that separates the
reactants and products. Sometimes we refer to this barrier as the activation
Activation energy energy hill. Figure 17.4 shows an energy profile illustrating this idea
barrier for the
for an exothermic reaction. Reactants without sufficient energy to over-
forward reaction
come this energy barrier will not react. A spark or flame in a hydrogen
oxygen mixture would provide sufficient energy for some of the molecules
to cross the barrier and form products. When this happens, they release

heat energy that raises the kinetic energy of other reactant molecules.
Reactants Very soon, almost all the reactant molecules have sufficient energy to
cross the barrier. The reaction becomes self-sustaining (a flame or spark
Products is no longer required) and the reaction occurs rapidly with considerable
evolution of heat.
Energy profiles have several other features worth noting.
Reaction coordinate
Figure 17.4 Endothermic and exothermic reactions
Energy profile showing the The energy profiles for exothermic and endothermic reactions are
activation energy barrier for an
exothermic reaction
different. If the products have more energy than the reactants, the reaction
is endothermic and the enthalpy change ($H) is positive. If the products
have less energy than the reactants, the reaction is exothermic and the
enthalpy change is negative. These features are shown in figure 17.5.
(a) Endothermic reaction (b) Exothermic reaction
Enthalpy (H)

Enthalpy (H)

EA H > 0 EA

Reactants Reactants
H < 0
Figure 17.5
Enthalpy change, activation
energy and activated complex Products
for (a) endothermic and Reactants Products Reactants Products
(b) exothermic reactions Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate

Exothermic reactions are self-sustaining because the liberated heat

provides the activation energy required by other reactants in the mixture.
Endothermic reactions are not self-sustaining and energy is needed to
keep the reaction going. This may come from the kinetic energy of the
molecules in the system; this causes the reaction to slow down and the tem-
perature of the system to decrease.

Activated complex
The activated complex is a transition state that exists at the top of the acti-
activated complex: the (unstable)
transition state formed during vation energy hill. In this state, the bonds that held the reactants together
a reaction (at the top of the are partially broken and new bonds holding the products together are
activation energy hill) that partially formed. This complex of atoms exists for a very short time before
breaks down to form products
it starts to break up. At this point, there are two possible ways the reaction
could proceed:


1. No reaction occurs because the activated complex breaks up and the
reactants re-form.
2. Reaction occurs because the activated complex separates, forming
product molecules.
A reaction has a greater chance of occurring when the system is supplied
with energy in excess of the activation energy.

17.1 PRACTICAL Activation energy for the forward and reverse reactions
ACTIVITIES Not all reactions occur in one direction only. In many reactions, the
Exothermic products recombine and the reactants re-form. To do this, the product
and endothermic molecules must have sufficient energy to overcome the activation barrier
for the reverse reaction. The size of this barrier is different from the size
of the barrier in the forward reaction, as shown in figure 17.6.

Temperature and EA(f) = Activation

reaction rate energy for
forward reaction
Enthalpy (H)

A+B EA(r)

EA(r) = Activation
Figure 17.6 energy for
Energy profile showing the reverse reaction
activation energy for forward and
reverse reactions A+B C+D

Combustion and ignition temperature

Heptane is a component of petrol. Mixtures of 17%v/v of heptane
vapour in air are combustible; if there is too much heptane or too little air,
the mixture will not combust. A combustible mixture of heptane vapour
and air is stable at room temperature. However, if it is heated, it will
eventually reach a temperature at which combustion begins. This
ignition temperature: the minimum temperature is referred to as the ignition temperature.
minimum temperature at which Once combustion of heptane begins, it quickly becomes self-sustaining
a combustible fueloxidiser as the heat liberated raises the temperature of the rest of the mixture above
mixture ignites spontaneously
the ignition temperature. The energy equation for such a combustion
reaction is:
C7H16(l) + 11O2(g) 7CO2(g) + 8H2O(l) H = 4817 kJ/mol

Reactants EA = +350 kJ
Enthalpy (H) (kJ)

H = 4817 kJ
Figure 17.7 5000 Products
Energy profile for the combustion
of heptane Reaction coordinate
The activation energy for this reaction is 350 kJ. This means that the
reactants must be heated to their ignition temperature or higher to provide

at least 350 kJ of energy. For this particular reaction, the ignition temp-
erature is approximately 215 C. The enthalpy of combustion of heptane is
4817 kJ/mol. Figure 17.7 shows the energy profile for the combustion of
Ignition temperature is a measure of the activation energy of a reaction.
The higher the activation energy, the higher the ignition temperature.
Thus, fuels such as butane with a higher ignition temperature (405 C) than
heptane, also have a higher activation energy.
Table 17.3 lists typical ignition temperatures of some fuels. Ignition tem-
perature depends on the methods used to measure it and on the composi-
tion of the fuel (e.g. natural gas composition is quite variable).

Table 17.3 Typical values for ignition temperatures of fuels

Fuel Ignition temperature (C)

hydrogen 585

natural gas 540560

petrol 390420

kerosene 380

diesel 300350

methane 580

butane 405

pentane 260

hexane 225

heptane 215

octane 206

Petrol has a higher ignition temperature range (390420 C) than

diesel (300350 C). The diesel vapourair mixture in a diesel engine is
compressed until its temperature reaches the ignition temperature. Com-
pression heating is not used in a petrol engine, however, as the ignition
temperature is too high. In a petrol engine, the petrol vapourair mixture
is ignited by a spark.

SAMPLE PROBLEM 17.2 A mixture of hexane vapour (5 mL) and air (95 mL) is placed in a
100 mL vessel and the temperature raised to 200 C. Use the following
information to determine whether the fuel vapouroxidiser mixture
will ignite in the absence of a flame at this temperature.
Flash point of hexane = 23 C
Ignition temperature of hexane = 225 C
Combustible mixture = 1.27.5% hexane in air

SOLUTION Step 1: Determine the % composition of the mixture.

% hexane vapour = 5/100 10 = 5%
Step 2: Determine whether this mixture is a combustible mixture.
The composition lies between 1.2% and 7.5% so it is a
combustible mixture.


Step 3: Compare the ambient temperature with the ignition
temperature and determine whether the mixture will ignite.
The ambient temperature is above flash point, the minimum
temperature at which a combustible fuel vapourair mixture will
form. However, the ambient temperature is below the ignition
temperature so the mixture will not ignite.

Incomplete combustion and pollution

The release of waste and poisonous substances pollutes the environment,
affecting all living things. The products of incomplete combustion of fuels
is an important example of pollution. Production of carbon dioxide is also
of concern as there is considerable evidence that increasing carbon dioxide
levels in the atmosphere contributes to global warming by enhancing the
greenhouse effect.
Some pollutants released by the combustion of organic compounds
(such as coal, oil and natural gas) include:
sulfur dioxide. Coal and oil often contain sulfur minerals. When these
fuels are burnt, the sulfur minerals also burn and release sulfur dioxide,
a colourless, choking gas:
S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g)
Sulfur dioxide can be oxidised in the atmosphere to form sulfur trioxide.
These oxides of sulfur combine with moisture in the air, forming acid
rain, which can damage living things as well as the built environment.
nitrogen oxides. When fuels are burnt in air at a high temperature (e.g.
in a petrol engine or coal-fired power station), the nitrogen in the air
also reacts with oxygen to form oxides of nitrogen, such as NO, NO2
and N2O5:
N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)
2NO(g) + O2(g) 2NO2(g)
Oxides such as NO2 contribute to the formation of acid rain as well as
contributing to the formation of photochemical smog in cities.
carbon monoxide and unburnt hydrocarbons. When organic compounds,
such as hexane, are burnt in a limited air supply, the combustion
products include carbon monoxide as well as with the exhaust gases:
Figure 17.8 2C6H14(l) + 13O2(g) 12CO(g) + 14H2O(l)
Black smoke is a sign of incomplete
combustion. Carbon monoxide is a very poisonous gas. It combines more readily
with haemoglobin in the blood than oxygen, leading to suffocation.
particulates. Coal-fired power stations and car engines emit ash and
other fine particles, such as soot (carbon particles), into the air.

Burning natural gas in a Bunsen burner

You would have used a Bunsen burner many times in your chemistry lessons.
The collar at the base of the burner can be rotated to allow different
amounts of air to be drawn into the gas before the mixture is ignited.
When the hole in the collar is closed, a yellow, safety flame is produced.
As the hole is opened gradually and more air mixes with the natural
gas, the flame changes from a luminous yellow to a mauve and, finally,

Narrow mauve Mauve
outer zone outer zone
Yellow flame Blue luminous
inner zone
Dark inner zone
(unburnt gas
and air)
Closed Open air hole
air hole
Figure 17.9
Bunsen burner flames

a blue flame. The different coloured flames show whether combustion of

the natural gas is complete or incomplete.
To achieve complete combustion, air must be drawn in through the
open hole in the collar as the gas enters the base of the burner through a
narrow jet. The gas and air mixture moves through the barrel to the top of
the burner where it is ignited. The resulting flame has a mauve outer zone
(mantle), a central blue zone with a dark inner zone. The dark inner zone
contains unburnt gas and air and is quite cool. The surface of the bright
blue zone is the hottest region and is where complete combustion occurs.
Complete combustion of methane produces carbon dioxide and water
vapour. The mauve outer mantle is a cooler region where a variety of reac-
tions occur; these reactions produce less heat than that produced by the
complete combustion of methane in the bright blue zone. For example, in
the outer mantle, carbon monoxide formed from the incomplete combus-
tion of methane reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide.
Complete combustion of methane:
CH4(g) + 2O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(l) $cH = 892 kJ/mol
where $cH is the enthalpy of combustion.
If the hole at the base of the barrel is closed, the flame becomes a
luminous yellow. The oxygen required for combustion diffuses into the
methane from the surrounding air. This process of forming a combustible
mixture is not as efficient as that produced with the hole open. The
yellow flame indicates poor or incomplete combustion. It is not as hot
as the blue or mauve flames because the methane burns to form carbon
particles (soot) and water vapour, as well as some carbon monoxide and
carbon dioxide. The carbon particles become incandescent and colour
the flame yellow, escaping from the combustion zone before they can all
burn. The yellow flame has a narrow, blue-mauve outer edge where most
of the carbon monoxide burnt.
Incomplete combustion of methane:
2CH4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO(g) + 4H2O(l) $cH = 609 kJ/mol
CH4(g) + O2(g) C(s) + 2H2O(l) $cH = 498 kJ/mol
2CO(g) + O2(g) 2CO2(g) $cH = 283kJ/mol

Combustion of solid and liquid fuels

Common solid fuels used in industry and power generation include coal
and coke. Coke is made by heating coal in the absence of air to drive off
volatile materials. These solid fuels are not very volatile so they have to be
heated to high temperatures to produce ignition. A continuous stream
of air or oxygen helps to promote complete combustion and to raise the
flame temperature.


Complete combustion of solid fuel:
C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) $cH = 394 kJ/mol
If the supply of oxygen is reduced, incomplete combustion results and
the flame temperature is much lower.
Incomplete combustion of solid fuel:
C(s) + O2(g) 2CO(g) $cH = 111 kJ/mol
Waxy solids, such as paraffin wax, are used to make candles. Wax does
not burn without a fibre wick to help produce a combustible mixture
of wax vapour and air. Practical activity 17.2 on page 337 deals with the
chemistry of a burning candle.
Volatile, low molecular weight, liquid fuels (such as petrol) readily
vaporise to produce combustible mixtures with air. When sparked, the
mixture burns completely or incompletely, depending on the ratio of fuel
vapour to air. Modern fuel injection systems in cars ensure the optimum
fuelair ratio for maximum power and minimum pollution by carbon
monoxide emission. Catalytic converters in the exhaust system also reduce
carbon monoxide emission by converting CO to CO2.
Complete combustion of octane (a petrol component):
2C8H18(l) + 25O2(g) 16CO2(g) + 18H2O(l) $cH = 5470 kJ/mol
Incomplete combustion of octane:
2C8H18(l) + 17O2(g) 16CO(g) + 18H2O(l) $cH = 3253 kJ/mol

Heavier liquid fractions, such as kerosene, do not ignite when a lit

match is applied to their surface unless a wick is present. Thus, kerosene
lamps and home heaters use fibre wicks with high surface areas to produce
sufficient vapour to form combustible fuel vapourair mixtures.
Diesel fuel is also not as volatile as petrol. Therefore, to reduce air
pollution from incomplete combustion of diesel, the fuel to air ratio
in diesel engines is kept lower than the (stoichiometric) ratio required
by the balanced equation. The additional oxygen helps to ensure more
complete combustion. Diesel-powered cars that emit black smoke from
their exhausts are poorly adjusted and produce less power. The following
equation shows a possible combustion reaction in such an engine.
Figure 17.10
The burning wick of a candle
Incomplete combustion of hexadecane (a component of diesel):

2C16H34(l) + 25O2(g) 16C(s) + 16CO(g) + 34H2O(l)

SAMPLE PROBLEM 17.3 Exhaust gases from a poorly tuned car under different driving conditions
produce the following relative levels of pollutants. Account for these
Table 17.4

Level of pollutants when Level of pollutants when

Pollutants cruising at constant speed stationary with engine running

nitrogen oxides high low

low high
hydrocarbons low high

SOLUTION Insufficient oxygen mixes with unleaded fuel vapours when a car is
idling (e.g. at traffic lights). This is less likely in a fuel injection
system but was quite common in an old carburettor system.
Incomplete combustion results, producing less energy, and leaving
unburnt fuel in the exhaust. The following equation illustrates poor
combustion of octane.

Complete and 2C8H18(l) + 17O2(g) 16CO(g) + 18H2O(l)

incomplete combustion When cruising along a highway, the ratio of air to fuel is optimal.
With more available oxygen, the fuel vapours burn more completely.
Complete combustion increases the temperature in the engine,
promoting unwanted side reactions of air components to produce
17.2 PRACTICAL nitrogen oxides. The following equations show reactions in the
ACTIVITIES engine when fuel combustion is complete.

2C8H18(l) + 25O2(g) 16CO2(g) + 18H2O(l)
N2(g) + 2O2(g) 2NO2(g)

CORRECTLY This instruction term requires you to identify
When answering questions, it is important to know
components and the relationship between them, or
what the instruction terms (verbs) require you to
to draw out and relate implications.
do. Here are some examples.
Evaluate When a fuel burns in oxygen, the temperature of
This instruction term requires you to make a the ame is higher if the reaction has a large heat
judgement based on standards or criteria, or to of combustion and the number of moles of gaseous
determine the value of a proposal or idea. products that must be heated (per mole of fuel)
Example: is low. Analyse the following equations to predict
Evaluate the use of hydrogen as an alternative to which fuel would have the higher ame temperature.
petrol for powering cars. Identify the implications of this prediction.
Answer: Acetylene: C2H2(g) + 5O2(g)
Hydrogen has a much higher specic energy 2CO2(g) + H2O(g) H = 1213 kJ/mol
(143 MJ/kg) than petrol (~47 MJ/kg). Thus, on a Propane: C3H8(g) + 5O2(g)
weight basis, much more energy is available from 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(g) H = 2044 kJ/mol
hydrogen gas. The gas needs to be compressed, Answer:
however, to provide sufcient energy density Each equation shows the combustion of 1 mole
(amount of energy stored in a given volume or of fuel. The acetylene reaction releases 1213 kJ of
mass) to compete with petrol, which is condensed energy per 3 moles of product gases (404 kJ per
at room temperature. Hydrogen is a clean fuel as it mole of products). The propane reaction releases
burns to form non-polluting water; petrol burns to 2044 kJ of energy per 7 moles of gaseous products
form carbon dioxide (a greenhouse gas), carbon (292 kJ per mole of products). Thus, according to
monoxide (a toxic pollutant) and some carbon the relationship between ame temperature, heat
(soot) that contaminates the environment. However, of combustion and moles of products:
hydrogen currently costs much more to manufacture H = mCT
than petrol and greater safety precautions must be the acetylene ame should be hotter. In fact, an
taken due to the explosive nature of hydrogen acetylene ame is very hot and useful in high-
oxygen mixtures in the presence of a spark. temperature welding and cutting of metals.


17.1 QUESTIONS 6. Sulfur burns in air with a beautiful mauve
flame, forming poisonous sulfur dioxide.
The energy profile for the combustion of
1. Which of the following is not an indicator of
sulfur in oxygen is shown in figure 17.11.
chemical change in the specified example?
The reaction is:
A Large amounts of heat are produced
when sodium hydroxide and S(s) + O2(g) SO2(g)
hydrochloric acid are mixed. (a) Mixing sulfur with air at room
B A colourless gas is evolved when copper temperature does not lead to any
(II) carbonate is heated. reaction. When the sulfur is heated,
C A white, waxy solid turns into a clear however, it eventually melts and starts to
liquid when gently heated. burn. Explain why sulfur does not burn
D A copper (II) sulfate solution turns a at room temperature.
very deep blue when ammonia solution is (b) The enthalpy change for the
added. combustion of sulfur is 300 kJ/mol.
Identify the molecule that requires the (i) Classify this reaction as
greatest input of energy to convert one
ACTIVITIES endothermic or exothermic.
mole of the gaseous compound into gaseous (ii) Use figure 17.11 to identify
atoms. (Refer to table 17.1 on page 315.) which of the following algebraic
A C2H4 quantities equates to $H: HAHC,
C C2H2 (iii) Identify the algebraic quantity in
D CH4 (ii) that equates to the activation
3. Identify which of the following reactions is energy of the forward reaction.
endothermic. (c) Explain why it is difficult to convert
A Electrolysis of water sulfur dioxide back into sulfur and
B Precipitation of lead (II) iodide oxygen.
C Neutralisation of zinc oxide by Activated
hydrochloric acid complex
D Hydration of plaster of Paris
Enthalpy (H)

4. The activation energy for the complete

combustion of heptane is 350 kJ/mol. The HB
heat released when one mole of heptane
burns in excess oxygen to form carbon Products
dioxide and water is 4817 kJ/mol. Calculate
the activation energy for the reverse
reaction in which carbon dioxide and water
Reaction coordinate
combine to form heptane and oxygen.
A 350 kJ Figure 17.11 Energy profile of the combustion of sulfur
B 4817 kJ
7. A mixture of hydrogen and carbon
C 4467 kJ
monoxide was prepared in the mole ratio
D 5167 kJ
3 : 1. (This mixture is sometimes called
5. Select the correct statement about ignition town gas.)
temperatures. (a) Write balanced equations for the
A Octane has a lower ignition temperature combustion of (i) hydrogen and
than methane. (ii) carbon monoxide in oxygen.
B Petrol has a lower ignition temperature (b) Use the following data to calculate the
than diesel. energy released in the combustion of
C The ignition temperature of a fuel is 12 moles of the gaseous mixture.
lower than its flash point. Heat of combustion for H2 = 286 kJ/mol
D Compression heating is used in a petrol
engine because the ignition temperature Heat of combustion for CO = 283 kJ/mol
of petrol is quite low.

8. Nitrogen dioxide gas is brown but its Figure 17.13 shows the energy profile for
dimer, N2O4, is colourless. The proportion the decomposition of 2 moles of ammonia
of each gas in a mixture is dependent on gas:
temperature. Figure 17.12 shows the energy 2NH3(g) N2(g) + 3H2(g)
profile for the reaction:
Use figure 17.13 to calculate the activation
2NO2(g) N2O4(g)
energy for the formation of 1 mole of
Unstable ammonia from its elements.
complex 10. The volatility of a fuel is measured by its
79 equilibrium vapour pressure, which is
Enthalpy (H) (kJ)

usually measured at a standard temperature

of 25 C. Table 17.5 provides volatility data
for three common fuels.

Products Table 17.5

Vapour pressure
0 Fuel (kPa) at 25 C Boiling point (C)

ethanol 10.3 78
Reaction coordinate

Figure 17.12 Energy profile for the dimerisation of octane 1.9 126
NO2. Dimerisation is the process where a molecule (or
monomer) combines with another similar molecule. dodecane <0.1 216
(a) For the reaction above, determine the:
(i) activation energy (EA) (a) A student investigated the combustion
(ii) enthalpy change ($H). of ethanol and dodecane. He placed
(b) As a mixture of NO2 and N2O4 cools, it ethanol and dodecane in two separate
becomes paler (less brown). Classify this spirit lamps and lit each wick. He
reaction as endothermic or exothermic. observed that the ethanol burnt readily
(c) Calculate the activation energy for the with a blue flame and dodecane burnt
decomposition of 1 mole of dinitrogen poorly with a very sooty yellow flame.
tetroxide. Account for the students observations.
(d) Identify whether the activated complex (b) The wick of the dodecane lamp was
in the decomposition of dinitrogen shortened so that less fibre was exposed
tetroxide has more or less energy than to the air. This produce a non-sooty
the reactant or the product. flame. Explain this observation.
9. When ammonia decomposes, it forms (c) The student then held a match above
nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas. the surface of a dish of ethanol. He
Unstable observed that the fuel started to burn.
activated On repeating the experiment with
complex dodecane, he found that the fuel would
Enthalpy (H) (kJ)

400 not ignite. Explain why repeating the

300 experiment with dodecane failed to
produce combustion.
Products (d) Dodecane is a component of a
100 petroleum fraction. Identify that
0 fraction.
Reactants (e) Octane is a component of a petroleum
Reaction coordinate fraction. Identify that fraction.
Figure 17.13 Energy profile for decomposition
of ammonia


11. A combustible mixture of diesel vapour and (b) The blue cobalt chloride paper in the
air is placed in a vessel at 250 C. Use the U-tube on the left turns pink. Identify
following information to determine whether the combustion product indicated by
this fuel vapour oxidiser mixture would this test.
ignite in the absence of a flame at this (c) In the U-tube on the right, the
temperature. limewater turns milky white. Identify the
Flash point of diesel = 65 C combustion product indicated by this
Ignition temperature of diesel = 350 C test.
12. Methanol has an ignition temperature (d) Some black specks are observed on the
of 385 C and a flash point of 13 C. walls of the funnel and U-tube on the
Combustible methanol air mixtures left. Identify this black product.
(636%v/v) can be quite dangerous as they (e) Classify the combustion of candle wax as
ignite readily in the presence of an ignition complete or incomplete combustion.
source. The mixture burns with a pale blue 14. The following information represents the
flame, which is difficult to see in bright results of a student experiment in which
sunlight at a racetrack; racing car drivers the heat of combustion of butane gas from
have been burnt in such fires. a portable lighter was measured using
Table 17.6 a calorimetry experiment. Analyse the
data to determine a value for the heat of
Volume of methanol
combustion per mole of butane.
Sample vapour (mL) Volume of air (mL)
Mass of water heated by
A 30 70
the butane flame = 50.0 g
B 70 30 Initial temperature of water
Samples A and B with different methanol in glass calorimeter = 19.7 C
vapour air compositions were prepared as Final temperature of water
in table 17.6. in glass calorimeter = 49.7 C
Explain which sample would ignite when Mass of butane burnt = 0.25 g
heated to 450 C in the absence of flames
and sparks. Specific heat capacity
of water = 4.2 J/K/g
13. Figure 17.14 shows the apparatus used by
15. LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) is largely
a student to collect and analyse some of
composed of propane. Evaluate a proposal
the gases produced by the combustion
to promote the use of LPG in suitably
of a candle. Use this figure to answer the
following questions. modified motor vehicles as a replacement
(a) Explain why the end of the U-tube on for petrol.
the right is connected to a water pump.





Figure 17.14 Collecting combustion products of a candle

&,#' 2 % !# 4 ) / . + ) . % 4 ) # 3

Particle collisions and reaction rate
Before beginning this section, When you light a candle or burn natural gas, you are observing a chemical
you should be able to: reaction that occurs at a rapid rate or speed. Some reactions are so fast
explain that energy is required that their rates are affected only by how fast we can mix the reactants.
to break bonds and energy
is released when bonds are The reaction rates of strong acids and bases is an example of this. Other
formed reactions can be very slow and may take hours, days or years to produce
describe the energy needed
to begin a chemical reaction appreciable quantities of products. The study of the rates of chemical
as activation energy change is called chemical kinetics.
describe the energy profiles
for both endothermic and
exothermic reactions.

reaction rate: the change in

concentration of a reactant or
product per unit time
chemical kinetics: the study of
the rates of chemical change

Figure 17.15
Heating zinc metal in acid increases
the reaction rate.

The effect of temperature on reaction rate

Volume of gas measured We know from everyday experience that food cooks faster if we supply more
in gas syringe
heat. The same principles apply to chemical reactions in the laboratory.
Generally, as the temperature increases, the reaction rate increases.
Example: Magnesium and hydrochloric acid
The reaction between magnesium strips and dilute hydrochloric acid
produces magnesium chloride and hydrogen gas.
Hydrogen evolved
Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g)
Acid The rate of the reaction can be monitored by measuring the volume of
hydrogen released as a function of time. The effect of increasing temperature
Magnesium metal on the rate of hydrogen evolution can be determined experimentally.
Figure 17.16 In such an experiment, the mass of magnesium (1.0 g), and the volume
Apparatus for measuring the volume (100 mL) and molarity (1.0 mol/L) of the acid are held constant while
of gas evolved versus time the temperature is varied.


Initial slope = rate of reaction (R) Figure 17.17 shows that the rate of the reaction (as measured by the initial
Volume of hydrogen (mL)

R30 = 2 R20 slope of each line) increases as the temperature increases. Closer analysis
R40 = 2 R30 shows that the rate approximately doubles for each 10 C rise in temperature.
40 C
30 C
The effect of concentration on reaction rate
20 C
The effect of increasing the concentration of one or more reactants on
the rate of the reaction can also be investigated experimentally. In the
example of the reaction between magnesium and hydrochloric acid,
the effect of varying the concentration of hydrochloric acid could be
investigated at constant temperature. Figure 17.18 shows the results
of three experiments in which
Figure 17.17 Initial slope = rate of reaction (R) the acid concentration is
Effect of temperature on the rate of 
Volume of H2 (mL) concentration
the reaction between magnesium and increased from 1 to 3 molar. It
hydrochloric acid shows that the initial reaction rate
increases as the concentration
of acid increases.
Key content Reactions involving gases also
By the end of this section, you show an increase in reaction rate
should be able to: as the pressure or concentration of
describe combustion in terms of
slow, spontaneous and explosive the reactant gases increases. This
reactions and explain the Time (min) can be achieved by reducing the
conditions under which these Figure 17.18 size of the vessel so the reactant
occur Effect of the concentration of hydrochloric
explain the importance of molecules have less free space, or
collisions between reacting acid on the rate of its reaction with
by adding more reactant gases to a
particles as a criterion for magnesium
determining reaction rates vessel with a fixed volume.
explain the relationship between
temperature and the kinetic
energy of particles. The effect of surface area
describe the role of catalysts If 1.0 g of magnesium metal is ground into a fine powder and allowed to
in chemical reactions, using a
named industrial catalyst as an react at room temperature with 100 mL of 1.0 mol/L hydrochloric acid,
example the rate of the reaction is very much greater than when using strips of
explain the role of catalysts in magnesium. The reaction is so rapid that the mixture becomes very hot.
changing the activation energy
and hence the rate of a chemical The powdered magnesium has a much greater surface area for the acid to
reaction attack, which increases the reaction rate.
solve problems, identify data,
perform first-hand investigations
and gather first-hand data, where Using particle models to explain reaction rates
appropriate, to observe the
impact on reaction rates of: Reactions occur because particles collide with sufficient energy to break
changing temperature bonds and allow new bonds to form. Svante Arrhenius (18591927)
changing concentration
size of solid particles proposed a model to explain why increasing the temperature increases
adding catalysts the reaction rate. He suggested that, at room temperature, only a few
process information from
secondary sources to investigate molecules in the reaction mixture have enough kinetic energy to react,
the conditions under which so few collisions between reactant molecules result in reaction products.
explosions occur and relate Further, in dilute solutions or in low-pressure gas systems, these few
these to the importance of
collisions between reacting energetic molecules would rarely meet, so the reaction would be slow.
particles Arrhenius reasoned that a reaction would occur if the sum of the kinetic
analyse information and use
the available evidence to relate energies of the reactants is greater than the minimum required energy
the conditions under which (activation energy, EA). If the reaction mixture is heated, a greater
explosions occur to the need proportion of reactants would have kinetic energy greater than EA, so
for safety in work environments
where fine particles mix with air more successful collisions would occur.
analyse information from Later mathematical theories of reaction rates showed that the average
secondary sources to develop
models to simulate the role of kinetic energy, KE , of the colliding particles was directly proportional to
catalysts in changing the rate of the absolute (kelvin) temperature, T, of the system.
chemical reactions.
KE s T

Thus, if the system is heated from 27 C (300 K) to 37 C (310 K), the average
kinetic energy of the reactant particles should increase (according
to the above relationship) by about 3%. However, this small increase in
kinetic energy of the particles does not explain why the reaction rate
doubles when the temperature rises by 10 C. The explanation lies in the
non-uniform spread of kinetic energies in the population of molecules.
Some molecules have much more kinetic energy than others and these more
energetic molecules have energy greater than EA. Raising the temperature
by 10 C doubles the number of these more energetic molecules, so the
reaction rate doubles. Figure 17.19 illustrates this concept.

Proportion of particles with

Higher proportion of

kinetic energy (KE)

Low particles with KE > EA
temperature at high temperature

Smaller proportion
of particles with
KE > EA at low
Figure 17.19
Effect of temperature on the EA
proportion of particles with sufficient
kinetic energy to react Kinetic energy of particles (KE)

In summary, the rate of the reaction depends on:

collision rate, which depends on concentration
the proportion of collisions with energy greater than EA, which depends
on temperature.

A catalyst is a chemical substance that increases the rate of a chemical
catalyst: a substance that alters reaction. Catalysts interact with one or more reactants or intermediates
the rate of a reaction without a
change in its own concentration so that chemical bonds can be broken and re-formed more easily. An
mechanism: the steps involved in important characteristic of catalysts is that they are re-formed after
a chemical reaction the reaction is complete. The reaction pathway (or mechanism of the
reaction) is altered by the catalytic interaction.
Catalysed reactions have lower activation energy, EA, than similar
uncatalysed reactions. Thus, at any specific temperature, a greater
(EA higher) proportion of reactant particles have more energy than the lower activation
EA energy. Figure 17.20 shows the effect of a catalyst on the energy profile of
With catalyst
Enthalpy (H)

(EA lower) a reaction. Note that the enthalpy change for the reaction is not affected
by the presence of a catalyst.
H Experimental research is used to identify catalysts. For a substance to be
classified as a catalyst, it must:
Products increase the reaction rate compared with an uncatalysed control
be re-formed at some later stage in the reaction.

Reactants Products Figure 17.20

Reaction coordinate Effect of a catalyst on the activation energy of a reaction


SAMPLE PROBLEM 17.4 An experiment investigated the effect of copper on the rate of
the reaction between zinc granules and dilute hydrochloric acid.
Figure 17.21 shows the experimental observations and numerical
data for the reaction.
 M, (  M, ( .O ( EVOLVED

 M, (#L  M, (#L  M, (#L






Figure 17.21 Effect of copper on the rate of the reaction between zinc
and hydrochloric acid

Use figure 17.21 to determine whether copper is acting as a catalyst

in the reaction.

SOLUTION Tubes 1 and 2 both contain zinc and produce hydrogen. However,
tube 2 also contains copper and produces hydrogen more rapidly
than tube 1. This satisfies the criterion that a catalyst increases the
reaction rate.
The mass of copper recovered at the end of the experiment is the same
as the initial mass of copper. Thus, no copper reacted permanently,
satisfying the second criterion for a catalyst.
Thus, copper acted as a catalyst in this reaction.

Initial slope = rate of reaction (R); R2 > R1 Adding a catalyst to a reacting system cannot result in any more product
than allowed by the stoichiometry of the reaction (as determined by the
Volume of H2 (mL)

balanced chemical equation). The product accumulates, however, at a faster

100 Copper Same rate than without a catalyst. Figure 17.22 shows that, in the reaction between
80 volume of
zinc and dilute hydrochloric acid, the volume of hydrogen produced is not
60 evolved affected by the presence of copper. It also shows that the rate of production
40 2 No copper of hydrogen is much faster in the presence of the copper catalyst.
20 1
0 Catalysts in industry
Time (min)
Let us examine some industrial uses of catalysts.
Figure 17.22
Volume of hydrogen evolved Manufacture of nitric acid
on reaction between zinc and
hydrochloric acid, with and without The manufacture of nitric oxide, NO, by the Ostwald process is an
the copper catalyst important step in the industrial manufacture of nitric acid. The first step

of this process used a platinumrhodium catalyst. Because the catalyst
and reactants are in different phases, this process is an example of
heterogeneous catalysis.
The initial reaction is catalytic oxidation of ammonia:
4NH3(g) + 5O2(g) 4NO(g) + 6H2O(g)
Figure 17.23 shows a simplified view of the reactions that break and
re-form bonds on the surface of the metallic catalyst in this initial step.

(1) Ammonia molecules (3) Molecules break up (5) New products form
move onto the into atoms on surface. as atoms recombine.
catalyst surface.


Figure 17.23 (2) Oxygen molecules (4) Atoms migrate on (6) Product molecules
Reactions at the surface of the adsorb onto catalyst surface. escape from surface of
platinumrhodium catalyst surface. catalyst.
The sum of the remaining reaction steps is:
4NO(g) + 3O2(g) + 2H2O(l) 4HNO3(aq)
So, the overall reaction is:
NH3(g) + 2O2(g) HNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

Manufacture of ethyl acetate

17.3 PRACTICAL Ethyl acetate, CH3CO2C2H5, is an important industrial solvent. It is
ACTIVITIES manufactured by the reaction of acetic acid and ethanol in the presence
of a concentrated sulfuric acid catalyst.
Reaction rates
CH3CO2H(l) + C2H5OH(l) CH3CO2C2H5(l) + H2O(l)
17.4 DATA Because the acid catalyst and the reactants are all in the same phase, this
ANALYSIS reaction is an example of homogeneous catalysis. Even though the reaction is
quite slow and the yield of product is less than 100%, the catalyst ensures
that equilibrium is reached in the shortest possible time.

Rates of combustion reactions

Catalysis: Hydrogenation Not all combustion reactions proceed at the same rate. Some are quite slow
of ethylene and others are so rapid that an explosion results. Fuels such as kerosene
undergo rapid combustion.

Spontaneous combustion
Some fuels have a high ignition temperature, which prevents spontan-
eous combustion at room temperature. However, some materials with low
activation energy and ignition temperature can combust spontaneously
on exposure to air or oxygen. Some examples of where spontaneous
combustion can occur are:
brown coal deposits. When mined brown coal is exposed to air, it can
oxidise, producing heat. The temperature of the coal deposit increases


and it can combust spontaneously. This may be prevented by spraying
water onto it to cool it.
haystacks. The decomposition action of microbes (e.g. bacteria, moulds
and protozoans) on moist, mown grass can build up heat in the
centre of a stack. If the stack is quite large, the heat builds up faster
than the stack can radiate heat. Spontaneous combustion can then
occur. Modern farming practices have led to new methods of reducing
this danger.
oily, cotton rags. Cotton rags are used to mop up oil spills in some work-
shops. However, the cotton fibres provide a large surface area for the oil
to make contact with the air. If the rags become hot enough, spontaneous
combustion can result.
white phosphorus. An allotrope of phosphorus is called white phos-
phorus, P4. It must be stored underwater as it will combust spontaneously
on contact with air at quite low temperatures.

Slow combustion
Two examples of slow combustion are:
rusting. When iron is exposed to air or oxygen in a moist environment,
it oxidises slowly to form a substance called rust. Other metals also
undergo surface corrosion. These reactions release heat but the rise in
temperature is quite small as the reaction occurs only on the surface
burning of wood, coal and coke. When coal or coke or logs of wood are
burnt in a fireplace, the combustion is much slower than when paper
or twigs burn. These combustion reactions are slow because the fuel
Figure 17.24
The rusting of iron exposed to air has a small surface area. If the surface area of the fuel is increased (e.g.
is an example of a slow combustion by powdering the coal), the reaction can become very fast and possibly
reaction. explosive.

Explosive combustion
Non-explosive reactions
Figure 17.25 compares the rates of a normal reaction and an explosive
reaction as a function of temperature. In explosions, there is a rapid
Reaction rate

increase in reaction rate with increasing temperature. This may occur

if there is a rapid increase in temperature due to a chain reaction that
Rate increases produces an exponential growth in new reactants.
with increasing
temperature. Examples of explosive combustion reactions include:
hydrogen and oxygen. When mixtures of hydrogen gas in air are sparked,
the hydrogen burns explosively to form water. This reaction is used in a
Explosive reactions controlled way in rocket engines; the water vapour formed in the reac-
tion is expelled at high pressure and temperature to provide thrust.
Explosion begins hydrogen and chlorine. Chlorine, like oxygen, can act as an oxidiser.
Reaction rate

as rate increases
Hydrogen gas and chlorine gas mixtures are stable in the dark but,
very rapidly.
on exposure to light, chlorine molecules absorb photons and break
Ignition down to form reactive chlorine radicals that rapidly attack hydrogen
temperature molecules. A chain reaction begins that leads to an explosion, forming
hydrogen chloride gas.
dust explosions. Fine dust particles have very high surface areas. When
Figure 17.25
Relationship between reaction rates mixtures of air and particles of a combustible material (e.g. carbon
and temperature for explosive and dust, flour dust, carbon toner dust, cellulosic dust) are sparked, they
non-explosive reactions can explode. It is important in grain silos and mines to control the dust

and monitor conditions to avoid such explosions. Rapid burning of
coal dust can be observed by sprinkling a little graphite powder over a
Bunsen burner flame.
internal combustion engine. In these engines, fuels such as petrol are
injected as fine droplets into the combustion chamber. In the presence
of air, the mixture explodes when sparked.
Not all explosive reactions involve combustion. Nitroglycerine,
17.5 t C3H5(NO3)3, is a common explosive used in mining. This substance
decomposes explosively to produce carbon dioxide, water vapour, nitrogen
Explosions and oxygen. The heat released is so great that, when the gaseous products
and safety expand, they occupy a volume 10 000 times greater than the explosive

17.2 Questions in cylinder A. The student hypothesised that

the manganese dioxide must be acting as a
1. Identify which of the following changes in catalyst. What must she now do to confirm
reaction conditions would increase the rate this hypothesis?
of the reaction between zinc and 1 mol/L A Show that more manganese dioxide
hydrochloric acid. increases the rate of decomposition of
A Use more pieces of zinc of the same size. peroxide.
B Lower the temperature. B Increase the temperature to show that
C Increase the concentration of more frothing occurs.
hydrochloric acid. C Repeat the experiment with more
D Use larger granules of zinc. hydrogen peroxide.
D Show that the mass of manganese
2. The rate of combustion of a candle could
dioxide at the end is the same as at the
be increased by
A increasing the length of the candle.
5. Caster sugar, used in sponge cakes, dissolves
B increasing the mass of the candle.
more readily in eggwhite than does
C using a smaller wick.
granulated sugar because
D placing the burning candle in a jar of A it has a greater surface area than
oxygen rather than air. granulated sugar.
3. Select the statement that is true of catalysts. B it has a lower heat of solution than
A Catalysts lower the activation energy for a granulated sugar.
reaction. C it can achieve a higher concentration in
B Catalysts are consumed during the eggwhite than granulated sugar.
reaction. D its particles are much larger than normal
C Catalysts are always solids. table sugar.
D Catalysts reduce the heat liberated or 6. In an experiment, cornflour is suspended
consumed in a reaction. as a fine smoke in air in a closed container.
4. A student investigated the rate of A flame is introduced and there is an
decomposition of hydrogen peroxide into explosion. In a second experiment, the
water and oxygen gas at room temperature. cornflour is placed in a crucible and heated
She prepared a detergent hydrogen strongly with a Bunsen flame. The material
peroxide solution and poured 10 mL into chars but does not explode.
each of stoppered measuring cylinders A (a) Account for the differences in these two
and B. She then added 100 mg of powdered experiments.
manganese dioxide to cylinder B. Both (b) Explain why mining companies need to
cylinders were shaken for 5 seconds and control coal dust in coal mines.
then placed on a bench. A froth formed in
both cylinders, but the froth in cylinder B
grew and rose up the tube much faster than


7. Figure 17.26 shows the volume of carbon 9. Rust is a serious problem in our built
dioxide released when a fixed mass of environment. The rusting of iron requires
calcium carbonate reacted with excess the presence of both water and oxygen.
hydrochloric acid at constant temperature. Explain how the rate of this reaction could
In one experiment, calcium carbonate was be increased.
supplied as marble chips and, in the other, 10. Figure 17.27 shows a flask containing
as a powder. chips of calcium carbonate and dilute
hydrochloric acid. Explain how this
apparatus could be used to measure the
120 Powder rate of the reaction between the acid and
Volume of carbon

dioxide (mL)

calcium carbonate.
80 11. Explain how haystacks can suddenly burst
60 Chips into flame.
40 12. Methaneair mixtures are explosive when
the methane concentration is between 5 and
15%v/v. An experimentalist investigates the
behaviour of burning methane. He takes a
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
tin can with a pressdown lid (e.g. Milo can).
Time (sec)
He makes a 10 mm hole in the bottom of
Figure 17.26
the can and a 5 mm hole in the lid. The can
is filled with methane gas and placed on a
(a) Explain why the reaction with the tripod. A flame from a candle is applied to
powdered calcium carbonate was much the hole in the lid and the methane starts
faster than with marble chips. to burn with a blue-yellow flame, which
(b) Explain why the same volume of quickly disappears. The experimentalist
carbon dioxide was released in each waits for a while at a safe distance behind a
experiment. special screen. For a while, nothing seems
8. Jesse winds strips of magnesium around to happen. Then, there is an explosion that
deflagrating spoons. He ignites the ribbons causes the lid to be thrown upwards.
in a Bunsen burner flame and then allows Account for this behaviour of the burning
the strips to continue to burn in two methane.
separate gas jars. Jar A contains air and jar B
contains pure oxygen. Compare the rate of
combustion of magnesium in the gas jars.



Figure 17.27 Reaction between calcium carbonate and hydrochloric acid

Weblinks Hydrocarbons such as petrol, kerosene and diesel are common
fuels. How readily fuels combust depends on several factors
including ignition temperature, volatility and flash point.
Energy is released when hydrocarbons burn. The energy released
(per mole) is called the heat of combustion or enthalpy of
combustion. Combustion can be described as slow, spontaneous
or explosive.
Module 4
Revision Chemical reactions involve bond-breaking (endothermic) and
bond-forming (exothermic) processes.
Pollution can result from incomplete combustion of fuels.
Carbon monoxide and soot are common pollutants produced by
incomplete hydrocarbon combustion.
Chemical reactions vary in their rate. Catalysts can be used to
Module 4 increase the rate of reactions. Catalysts have an important role in
Revision Answers industry.
Various factors, including temperature, pressure, concentration,
surface area and catalysts, affect the rate of a reaction. Changes
in reaction rate with temperature can be understood in terms of
changes in the kinetic energy of the colliding molecules.
Catalysts are important in industry as they increase the rate at
which products are produced.
The energy required to begin a chemical reaction is called the
activation energy. If molecules do not have sufficient kinetic
energy to overcome the activation energy barrier, no reaction



17.1 PRACTICAL Materials

ACTIVITIES clean test tubes
test-tube rack
EXOTHERMIC AND Pasteur pipettes


10 mL measuring cylinder
glass stirring rod
alcohol thermometer (10 C to +100 C range)
Aim 2 mol/L HCl
To investigate and classify a range of chemical 2 mol/L NaOH
reactions as endothermic or exothermic universal indicator solution
copper (II) carbonate solid
Safety issues plaster of Paris
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment. 2 mol/L calcium chloride solution
2 mol/L sodium carbonate solution
Take particular care with bases such as sodium magnesium ribbon (5cm)
hydroxide that they do not come in contact
hydrated barium hydroxide solid
with your eyes or skin.
ammonium thiocyanate solid
Avoid breathing ammonia vapours.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this 1. Table 17.7 describes seven experiments. These
experiment by reading the method. should be done using small quantities of
Table 17.7
Experiment Reaction Procedure Observations Classification
1 Hydrochloric Pour 2 mL of 2 mol/L NaOH into a clean test tube
acid + sodium and add 3 drops of universal indicator. Slowly add
hydroxide solution 3050 drops of 2 mol/L HCl from a Pasteur pipette.
2 Copper (II) Put about one third of a scoop of copper (II)
carbonate + carbonate into a test tube and add 2030 drops of
hydrochloric acid hydrochloric acid using a Pasteur pipette.
3 Dissolution of Add half a scoop of ammonium nitrate crystals to
ammonium nitrate 2 mL of water in a test tube.
in water
4 Hydration of Place half a scoop of plaster of Paris in a dry test
plaster of Paris tube and add drops of water until no further
change occurs.
5 Sodium carbonate Add drops of 2 mol/L calcium chloride solution to
solution + calcium 2 mL of 2 mol/L sodium carbonate solution in a
chloride solution test tube.
6 Magnesium + Put a 5 cm coiled strip of magnesium in 2 mL of
hydrochloric acid 2 mol/L hydrochloric acid.

7 Hydrated barium Mix half a scoop of hydrated barium hydroxide

hydroxide + with half a scoop of ammonium thiocyanate. Stir
ammonium the solid mixture gently with a glass rod. (Do NOT
thiocyanate breathe the vapours.)


chemicals in clean test tubes, with an alcohol
thermometer inserted to measure changes in PRACTICAL

2. Copy and complete table 17.7 as you
conduct the experiments. Measure the
initial temperature and the highest or lowest
temperature reached during the reaction.
Record these values, together with other
Part A: Combustion of wood
observations in the Observations column. In and magnesium
the Classification column, write exothermic Aim
or endothermic to classify the observed To compare the change in weight on the
reaction. combustion of wood and magnesium
Questions Safety issues
Answer the following questions in your report on Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
this experiment. Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
1. Write balanced equations for each of the
reactions performed. Materials
wooden sticks (e.g. paddle-pop sticks broken
(Note: In experiment 4, plaster of Paris has
in half)
the formula 2CaSO4.H2O and the gypsum
that forms has the formula CaSO4.2H2O. In 10 cm magnesium ribbon
experiment 7, the formula of ammonium tongs
thiocyanate is NH4SCN and barium hydroxide evaporating basins
has 8 molecules of water in its crystal. The electronic balance
products of the reaction are ammonia, water Bunsen burner
and barium thiocyanate.)
2. Explain why the temperature of the system 1. Determine the mass of a clean evaporating
decreases during an endothermic reaction. basin. Determine the mass of a wooden stick.
Conclusion 2. Hold the end of the wooden stick in a pair
of tongs and ignite the wood using a Bunsen
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation.
flame. Allow any wood ash to fall into the
basin. Release the end of the wood into the
basin and allow the remainder of the wood to
finish burning in the basin.
3. When cool, reweigh the basin and ash.
Determine the mass of the ash.
4. Weigh a new basin and a 10cm strip of
magnesium ribbon.
5. Hold the ribbon over the basin and ignite the
free end with a Bunsen flame. Allow the ash to
fall into the basin. Allow the remainder of the
ribbon to finish burning in the basin.
6. When cool, reweigh the basin and ash.
Determine the mass of the ash.


Results Materials
Record your observations in a suitable table. candle (e.g. a birthday candle)
Questions Petri dish
Answer the following questions in your report on electronic balance
this experiment: matches
1. Compare the mass of the wood with the mass Method
of the wood ash. Has there been an increase 1. Stand the candle in the Petri dish and weigh
or decrease in mass? them.
2. Compare the mass of the magnesium and the
2. Light the candle and make observations as the
ash. Has there been an increase or decrease in
candle burns at the wick. Note the colours of
the wax and the zones of the flame. Is there
3. Explain the difference in results between the any black smoke? Note how the wax melts in
two experiments. some areas and re-solidifies in others.
Part B: Combustion of a candle 3. Continue the observations until the candle
Aim has burnt down 12 cm. Draw a labelled
To observe the combustion of a candle. diagram of the flame, wick and top of the
candle, noting any regions of different colour.
A candle is composed of a fibre wick surrounded by 4. Blow out the flame and reweigh the dish and
wax. The wax consists of long-chain hydrocarbons; candle.
it has a low volatility so combustible mixtures of its Results
vapour with air will form only if the wax is hot. The Record your observations in a suitable way.
wick provides a large surface area on which hot,
liquid wax molecules can vaporise. The wick and
any wax on its surface are ignited initially by the
flame of a burning match. The candle produces
a flame around the wick due to the presence of a
combustible mixture of hydrocarbon vapours and
air. The flame is the reaction zone that radiates
heat outwards. Some of this radiant heat melts
the wax and creates a pool of melted wax that can
move upwards through the pores of the wick by
capillary action to provide a continuous supply of
wax vapour for the flame. The narrow zone of wax
vapour around the wick helps to prevent it burning
away too rapidly. As the candle burns down, the tip
of the wick becomes exposed to the air and chars
as it burns. Candle wax burns incompletely due to
the slow diffusion of air into the flame zone. The
blackening of a beaker placed above the flame
shows the presence of unburnt carbon in the flame.
Safety issues
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.

Figure 17.28


Answer the following questions in your report on PRACTICAL
this experiment.
1. Explain why the candle loses mass on burning.
2. Identify changes in state during the
combustion of a candle.
3. The innermost zone of the flame near the Part A: Permanganateoxalic acid
wick is black. In this region, there are unburnt reaction
wax vapours. Predict whether this zone will be Aim
cool or hot. To investigate the effect of different variables
4. A yellow, luminous middle zone of the flame on the rate of the reaction between potassium
indicates a region of incomplete combustion permanganate and oxalic acid
where the flame is moderately hot. The yellow
colour indicates the presence of glowing soot
The reaction between pink-purple permanganate
particles as a combustion product. Explain
ions and colourless oxalic acid in an acidic
why the wax vapours are only partially burnt in
medium is shown by the equation:
this zone.
5. A blue, non-luminous flame indicates regions 2MnO4(aq) + 5C2O4H2(aq) + 6H+(aq)
of complete combustion of the hydrocarbon 2Mn2+(aq) + 8H2O(l) + 10CO2(g)
vapour. Explain why this blue region is at the The average rate of the reaction can be
base and edge of the flame zone and why this determined by the time taken for the solution to
part of the flame is very hot. change from pink-purple to colourless.
6. Explain (in terms of ignition temperature and Safety issues
combustible mixtures) why the combustion of Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
the wax vapour is self-sustaining after the lit Oxalic acid is poisonous. Do not ingest it.
match is removed. Potassium permanganate can stain hands and
Conclusion Identify other safety issues relevant to this
Briefly describe the outcome of your investigation. experiment by reading the method.
large test tubes
conical flasks
water bath
250 mL of 0.10 mol/L oxalic acid,
250 mL of 4.0 mol/L sulfuric acid
250 mL of 0.005 mol/L potassium
permanganate, KMnO4
50mL of 0.1 mol/L manganese sulfate solution
deionised water


Method Part 2: Effect of temperature
Part 1: Effect of concentration of oxalic acid 1. Follow the same general procedure as in part
1. All experiments should be done in large test 1. However, this time, keep the concentrations
tubes immersed in a constant-temperature constant and vary the temperature.
water bath at about 30 C. Note the 2. Use the mixture of reactants shown in
temperature in your results. table 17.9.
2. In clean test tubes, prepare the mixtures in
table 17.8. Table 17.9

Tube 1 Tube 2
Table 17.8
4.0 mL KMnO4 4.0 mL oxalic acid
Final concentration 2.0 mL sulfuric acid
of oxalic acid in
reaction mixture
Mixture Tube 1 Tube 2 (mol/L) 3. Do the experiment as in part 1 at the
1 4.0 mL 4.0 mL 4.0/10.0 0.10 = following water bath temperatures: 30 C,
KMnO4 oxalic acid, 0.040 40 C, 50 C.
2.0 mL sulfuric 4. Record the time for decolourisation as in part
acid 1. Tabulate your results. Combine class results
to improve reliability.
2 4.0 mL 3.0 mL
KMnO4 oxalic acid, 5. Calculate the mean reaction time and
1.0 mL water, deviation from the mean for each
2.0 mL sulfuric temperature.
Part 3: Effect of a catalyst
3 4.0 mL 2.0 mL 1. Follow the same general procedure as in
KMnO4 oxalic acid, part 1. However, this time, a small volume of
2.0 mL water, manganese sulfate solution is added to test
2.0 mL sulfuric its catalytic properties. All other variables are
acid constant.
2. Test the reaction mixtures in table 17.10 at
3. For each mixture, equilibrate the two test 30 C.
tubes in the water bath. Tip the contents of 3. Record the time for decolourisation as before.
tube 2 into tube 1 and start timing. Agitate Tabulate your results. Combine class results
the reaction mixture and record the time (in to improve reliability. Calculate the mean
seconds) when the pink-purple colour first reaction time and the deviation from the
disappears. mean for each mixture.
4. Calculate the concentration of oxalic acid in
each final reaction mixture. The total volume Table 17.10
of each reaction mixture is 10.0 mL. The first
calculation has been done for you. Mixture Tube 1 Tube 2

5. Combine all class results to improve reliability. 1 4.0 mL KMnO4 3.0 mL oxalic acid
2.0 mL sulfuric acid
6. Record your observations in a suitable table
1.0 mL water
with the headings Mixture, Final oxalic acid
concentration, and Reaction time. 2 4.0 mL KMnO4 3.0 mL oxalic acid
7. Calculate the mean reaction time and 2.0 mL sulfuric acid
determine the deviation from the mean for 0.5 mL water
each mixture. 0.5 mL manganese sulfate

Questions Results
Answer the following questions in your report on Record your observations in a suitable table.
this experiment.
1. Explain how the reaction time is related to the Answer the following questions in your report on
reaction rate. this experiment:
2. Discuss the effect on the reaction rate 1. Compare the surface area of 5 g of marble
decreasing the concentration of oxalic of acid. chips to 5 g of powdered calcium carbonate.
3. Discuss the effect on the reaction rate of 2. Explain why the reaction rate is much higher
increasing the temperature. for powdered calcium carbonate than for
4. Discuss the effect on the reaction rate of the marble chips.
presence of manganese sulfate. What other 3. Determine which reactant was in excess in this
information would be needed to prove that experiment.
manganese ions were acting catalytically?
Part B: Acid on calcium carbonate Briefly describe the outcome of your
Aim investigations.
To investigate the effect of particle size on the
rate of the reaction between hydrochloric acid
and marble.
Safety issues
Wear safety glasses throughout this experiment.
Identify other safety issues relevant to this
experiment by reading the method.
2 measuring cylinders
two 50 mL beakers
stirring rods
electronic balance
5.0 g marble chips
5.0 g powdered calcium carbonate
1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
1. Weigh 5.0 g each of marble chips and
powdered calcium carbonate into separate
small beakers.
2. Measure 50 mL of 1 mol/L hydrochloric acid
into separate measuring cylinders.
3. Add the acid to each beaker and stir the
mixtures. Record the time for the mixture in
each beaker to stop fizzing.
4. Combined all class results. Compare the
reaction times for large and small particles.



double bond to break and forming a single
DATA carboncarbon bond. Model this reaction.
ANALYSIS 5. The other hydrogen atom bonds to the second
carbon atom to form ethane. Model this
CATALYSIS reaction.
6. The ethane molecule then desorbs from the
catalysts surface. The surface is now free to
Model construction catalyse a new reaction.
1. For each step in the following reactions, use a 7. Compare the strength of the metalhydrogen
molecular model kit to make models of each bond on the catalyst surface with the
reactant and catalyst molecule. hydrogenhydrogen bond in H2.
2. Draw a diagram of the models at each step.
Example 1: Decomposition of ozone
1. Make a model of the ozone molecule, O3. It is
an angular (bent) molecule.
2. Make a model of a nitric oxide molecule, NO.
3. NO reacts with O3 to form NO2 and O2. Model
this reaction.
4. NO2 then reacts with reactive oxygen atoms
(free radicals) to form nitric oxide and O2.
Model this reaction.
5. Identify the catalyst, which is the atom or
molecule used up in one step and re-formed in
a later step.
6. Write these reaction steps as a series of
balanced equations. Sum these reactions steps
to obtain the overall ozone decomposition
Example 2: Hydrogenation of ethylene
Hydrogenation of ethylene is catalysed by finely
divided palladium or platinum. This reaction
involves a heterogeneous catalyst. After the
gaseous molecules adsorb onto the catalysts
surface, bonds break and new bonds form. The
product molecules then desorb from the surface.
1. Let the desktop represent the surface of the
2. Make a model of ethylene, C2H4, and a model
of H2 gas. Place both molecules on the catalyst
surface. They are now adsorbed onto the
3. Break the bond of the hydrogen molecule
to form two reactive hydrogen atoms (free
radicals). These are bound to the metal atoms
but they can move across the surface of the
catalyst towards the ethylene.
4. One reactive hydrogen atom attacks a carbon
atom of the ethylene molecule, causing the


hydrogen and hydroxyl radicals. Identify the
DATA equation that represents this reaction.
ANALYSIS 4. Above a temperature of 890 K (617 C),
the reaction is always explosive because the
production of radicals described in (2) and
(3) occur so rapidly that a chain reaction
results. Below this temperature, the walls of
Part A: Hydrogen gas explosion the vessel can absorb and deactivate radicals.
The reaction that occurs when a mixture of Three of the listed equations describe the
hydrogen and oxygen is sparked is an example propagation of radicals in the gas phase and
of a reaction in which the rate of formation of one describes the termination of radicals to
free radicals determines whether the mixture form a stable molecule.
explodes or not. Changes in parameters such as
(a) Identify the three equations involving
temperature, pressure and solid surfaces alter the
propagation and formation of new
progress of the reaction.
The box below provides some examples of (b) Identify the equation that shows a radical
reaction steps that occur in the combustion of termination step.
hydrogen. Steps A to G are listed in random 5. It is known that some substances, such as KCl,
order. (Note: In equations, free radicals are shown on vessel walls promote the termination of
by placing a dot next to the molecular formula to radicals by allowing HO2u and Hu radicals to
represent an unpaired electron.) combine. What molecule forms when these
two radicals collide?
OH + H2 H2O + Hu (A) 6. Explain why hydrogenoxygen mixtures are
HO2u + H2 H2O + uOH (B) safe at room temperature.
H2 Hu + Hu (C) 7. Identify the safety precautions necessary to
H + Hu
u H2 (D) store and handle hydrogen safely.
Ou + H2 uOH + Hu (E) Part B: Dust explosions
Hu + O2 uOH + Ou (F) Read the following information and answer the
Hu + O2 HO2u (G) questions that follow:
As long ago as 1785, it was recognised that certain
Answer the following questions using information types of dust can lead to explosions. Flour dust
from the box. contains starch and cellulose, which burn under
Questions certain conditions. In 1785, flour dust in a bakers
1. The first step in the combustion of hydrogen storeroom in Italy exploded when it came in
is to break the HH bond to form reactive contact with an oil lamp.
hydrogen radicals. This is achieved by Dust explosions in industry must be avoided
sparking so that the temperature is high as they can injure or kill workers and damage
enough to overcome the activation energy equipment and buildings.
barrier. Use the code letter to identify the
equation that represents this process. Various dust clouds in air can form flammable
mixtures. If an ignition source is present,
2. Once the hydrogen free radicals form, they
an explosion can occur in which the flame
can react with oxygen molecules to generate
propagates rapidly through the dust cloud. A flash
oxygen and hydroxyl free radicals. Identify the
fire results if the flame propagates in an open
equation that represents this reaction.
space. In a closed space, the pressure wave leads
3. Once oxygen free radicals form, they can to an explosion. The maximum pressure in a dust
attack hydrogen molecules to form more explosion is typically 5001000 kPa.


The severity of the explosion is related to the using unreactive gases (N2, CO2, inert gases) in
heat released in the combustion reaction. Some reaction vessels to prevent oxygen reaching the
examples are shown in table 17.11. dust
The conditions that lead to dust particle regular monitoring and maintaining electrical
explosions are: equipment to avoid sparking.
Primary dust explosions can also lead to
suspended dust particles less than 0.1 mm in
secondary explosions. The primary blast wave can
cause dust in other areas to become suspended
suspended dust concentration between 50 and and burn explosively as the primary flame front
3000 g/m3 propagates outwards.
moisture content of dust less than 11%
oxygen concentration greater than 12% 1. Explain why flour dust can be dangerous in
presence of an ignition source (e.g. open bakeries.
flame, hot surface or electrical discharge) 2. A closed storage room contains suspended
presence of a combustible mixture in a closed dust from sugarcane fibres. The dust particles
space. are 0.01 mm in size and the concentration
The types of dust that form combustible mixtures of dust is 1000 g/m3. Identify the additional
with air include: conditions required to cause the explosion of
this dust suspension.
metals (e.g. Al, Mg, Zn and Fe)
3. A dust of finely powdered aluminium is
non-metals (e.g. C and S) created in a metal grinding factory. The sparks
natural organic materials (e.g. starch, cellulose from the grinding caused the dust suspension
and coal) to explode.
synthetic organic materials (e.g. pigments and (a) Write a balanced equation for the reaction
plastics). that occurred.
Various industrial standards for dust level are set (b) Explain how the factory managers could
to maintain safety. The Australian government has prevent such explosions in the future.
set the industrial hygiene range at about 4. Identify which of the following produces the
110 mg/m3. most severe explosions: carbohydrate dusts,
Some common procedures used to prevent dust active metal dusts, non-metal dusts.
explosions include: 5. Explain how secondary explosions can result
from primary explosions in suspended dust.
using pneumatic dust collectors to keep dust
levels low at all times
venting of dust
adding inert dust to reduce the concentration
of combustible dust (e.g. rock dust in coal

Table 17.11

Dust sulfur carbon starch zinc aluminium magnesium

Heat released per mole O2 (kJ) 297 394 470 700 1117 1204

CHEMISTRY PRELIMINARY COURSE 6. When zinc is placed in dilute hydrochloric acid, a slow
Time limit: 2 hours effervescence is observed. Select the correct statement
Structure of the paper: about this process.
Part A: 20 multiple choice questions (1 mark each) A Each zinc atom loses two electrons as it ionises.
Part B: extended response questions (50 marks) B Gaseous carbon dioxide is evolved.
Total marks: 70 C This reaction is slower than the reaction between
Use the periodic table (inside front cover) and data sheet tin and dilute acid.
(inside back cover) as required.
D The hydrogen ions in the acid lose electrons to the
Part A: Multiple choice questions
1. A new factory is established to provide compressed and 7. Select the correct statement concerning the trends
liquefied gases to industry, universities and hospitals. A from left to right across the third period (Na to Ar) of
university requires a sample of compressed argon. The
the periodic table.
most suitable separation method would be
A simple distillation of liquid air. A Ionisation energy decreases.

B fractional distillation of liquid air. B Electrical conductivity increases.

C froth flotation. C Electronegativity increases.
D centrifugation of filtered air at 0 C. D Boiling point increases.

2. The set of elements that contains a metal, a semi-metal

and a non-metal is 8. Select the statement that is true about Mendeleevs
1869 periodic table.
A sulfur, potassium, boron.
A The table was successful because he left spaces for
B zinc, germanium, plutonium.
elements yet to be discovered.
C copper, carbon, bromine.
B His table was based on the sub-atomic structure of
D silicon, rubidium, nickel.
the atom.
3. Identify the ionic compound. C Mendeleev used the atomic number as the basis
A Sulfur dioxide for his elemental classification system.
B Germanium dioxide D Mendeleev predicted the existence of the noble
C Nitrogen trichloride gases many years before they were discovered.
D Calcium iodide
9. Select the true statement about aluminium.
4. Identify the reactions in which heat and light energy
A Aluminium was not discovered until the
are released.
nineteenth century because its ores were rare and
A Combustion of aluminium powder in oxygen
only found deep in the Earths crust.
B Neutralisation of calcium hydroxide with nitric
acid B Aluminium is the second most abundant metal in
the Earths crust.
C Electrolysis of water
D Corrosion of steel C Most aluminium deposits are not economical as
the minerals are widely dispersed.
5. Select the statement that is true of solder. D Although considerable amounts of electrical
A Solder is an alloy of zinc and tin. energy are required to extract aluminium from
B Solder has zero electrical conductivity. its ore, aluminium has become one of the major
metals used in the last 100 years.
C Solder is brittle and soft.
D Electricians use solder because of its low melting


10. Ten moles of nitrogen dioxide gas is placed in a closed 15. A beaker containing 500g of water at 25 C is heated
vessel at 0 C and 100 kPa. Nitrogen gas is placed in an until its temperature is 90 C. Calculate the quantity of
equal size vessel at the same temperature and pressure. heat required (specific heat capacity of water
Select the correct statement. = 4.18 J/K/g).
A The mass of nitrogen present in the second vessel A 135.85 J
is 28.0 g. B 156.75 J
B The mass of nitrogen dioxide gas present is 460 g. C 67 925 J
C There are ten times as many molecules of nitrogen D 135 850 J
dioxide in the first vessel as nitrogen molecules in 16. The products of photosynthesis are
the second vessel.
A carbon dioxide.
D There are 6.02 x 1023 molecules of nitrogen
B carbon dioxide, water and oxygen.
dioxide in the first vessel.
C oxygen and glucose.
11. Nitrogen and hydrogen cyanide have similar molar D oxygen and water.
weights but quite different melting and boiling points.
Hydrogen cyanides much greater melting and boiling
point is explained by 17. Select the correct statement concerning the allotropes
of carbon.
A hydrogen cyanide being a more polar molecule
than nitrogen. A C60 is a covalent molecular crystal.
B hydrogen cyanide being an ionic solid. B Diamond is a covalent molecular crystal.
C hydrogen bonding existing between neighbouring C Graphite is harder than diamond.
hydrogen cyanide molecules. D Carbon nanotubes are harder than diamond.
D hydrogen cyanide having a covalent network
structure. 18. Identify which of the following alkanes is a component
of the refinery gas fraction when petroleum is
12. Some solutes were tested for their solubility in water. fractionally distilled.
Identify the solute with the greatest solubility at room
temperature. A Octane

A Calcium nitrate B Ethane

B Carbon dioxide C Decane
C Germanium dioxide D Octadecane
D Nitrogen gas
19. Select the reaction that is exothermic.
13. The number of moles of nitrate ions present in
400 mL of a 0.20 mol/L solution of barium nitrate is A Dissolution of ammonium nitrate in water

A 0.08 B Electrolysis of salt water

B 0.16 C Dissolution of potassium hydroxide in water
C 0.06 D Electrical decomposition of molten potassium
D 0.32

14. A 10-litre sample of water (density = 1.0 kg/L) is 20. The rate of the oxidation reaction between red-hot
contaminated with 10 ppm of lead ions. The mass of iron wool and air could be increased by
lead in this sample is
A injecting carbon dioxide into the vessel.
A 100 mg.
B rolling the iron wool into a tight ball.
B 10 g.
C using infra-red radiation to keep the iron wool
C 20 mg.
D 1000 mg.
D increasing the oxygen concentration in the air.


Part B: Extended response questions 24. (4 marks)
21. (3 marks) Claude placed a sample of powdered silver oxide in
Copper minerals are often blue or green in colour. a modified test tube as shown in the figure below. He
Ancient people in the Middle East recognised copper then passed methane gas through the heated tube.
in rocks by these blue or green mineral veins. Azurite At the end of the experiment, the tube was cooled
is a deep blue copper mineral. Malachite is a beautiful and Claude discovered that the silver oxide had been
green mineral and a basic copper carbonate with the reduced to metallic silver.
formula CuCO3.Cu(OH)2.
(a) Bert added a chip of malachite to a beaker
containing some dilute hydrochloric acid.
Malachite reacts with dilute hydrochloric acid to
produce a blue-green solution. Write a balanced 3ILVER OXIDE (OSE
equation for this reaction.
(b) Explain whether Bert would observe any
differences between the reactions of malachite
and azurite with hydrochloric acid. (OLE -ETHANE
(c) Explain how metallic copper could be extracted
easily from the blue-green solution produced by
malachite and hydrochloric acid.

22. (3 marks)
Industrial chemists investigate ways of increasing the
rates of reactions so that products are formed as fast
as possible. Adding a catalyst is one way of increasing
the rate of a reaction. Other ways of increasing the
reaction rate are:
(a) increasing the temperature
(b) increasing the surface area of any solids. (a) Claude ignited the excess methane as it emerged
with the product gases from a small hole at the
For each of (a) and (b) above, identify a reaction end of the test tube. Name the possible products
that illustrates the procedure. In each case, name the of methane combustion.
chemicals involved and write a balanced equation for
the reaction. (b) Write a balanced equation for the reaction of
silver oxide with methane.
(c) Explain why Claude heated the reactants.
23. (4 marks)
(d) Calculate the mass of silver that would form from
Bessie was asked to determine experimentally the
reduction of 30.0 g of silver oxide.
concentration of lead ions in water. She decided to
perform a gravimetric analysis in which the lead ions
were precipitated as an insoluble sulfate. A solution
containing sulfate ions was added in excess to 100 mL
of the lead ion solution. The precipitate was filtered,
dried and weighed. The mass of the dried precipitate
was 0.950 g.
(a) Name a solution that is a source of sulfate ions.
(b) Write an ionic equation for the precipitation
(c) Calculate the molar concentration of lead ions in
the original solution.
(d) Explain why the collected precipitate must be
thoroughly dried before weighing.


25. (4 marks) 27. (3 marks)
Cecilia observed her teacher sprinkle aluminium The petrochemical industry is important economically
powder in a blue Bunsen flame. The aluminium for Australia and petroleum is mined in various
sparkled brilliantly as it burned in the air. The reaction locations.
of aluminium powder with oxygen is shown in the (a) Identify two locations in Australia where
following reaction:
petrochemicals are mined.
4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s) H = 3352 kJ
(b) (i) Describe how petroleum is separated into its
(a) Calculate the mass of aluminium required useful fractions.
to produce 10.2 g of aluminium oxide on
(ii) Identify the fraction with the lowest boiling
point range.
(b) Assuming that the light energy released accounts
(iii) Identify the fraction that contains solid waxes
for only 1% of the total energy released, calculate
and greases.
the heat energy released during the formation of
10.2 g of aluminium oxide. (c) Copy and complete the following table by stating
(c) Explain why firework manufacturers use powdered uses of the named fractions.
aluminium rather than larger pieces. Fraction Use
(d) Identify another metal that could be used to gasoline
produce brilliant flashes of light in fireworks. (naphtha fraction)
26. (6 marks) diesel oil
The water cycle is an important process and
summarises the ways in which water moves from place 28. (4 marks)
to place on Earth.
X is a white solid that melts at 784 C to form a
(a) Identify the energy source that powers the water colourless liquid. The solid crystal shatters when
cycle. hammered and does not conduct electricity unless
(b) Energy is released when water freezes to form ice. melted.
The equation for this process is: Y is a yellow substance with a melting point of 113 C
and a boiling point of 445 C. It does not conduct
H2O(l) H2O(s) H = 6 kJ/mol
electricity in either the solid or liquid state.
Calculate how much energy is released by 180 g of (a) (i) Classify the type of bonding present in crystals
water at 0 C to produce ice at 0 C. of X.
(c) Each year, 4 1014 m3 of water evaporates from (ii) Identify the type of crystal lattice structure
the oceans. In addition, 3 1013 m3 of water present in X.
runs off the land into the oceans. Determine the
(b) (i) Identify the state in which Y exists at room
required amount of annual precipitation into the
oceans to ensure that there is no net loss of water
from the oceans. (ii) Identify the state of Y at 250 C.
(d) Identify the locations and structures where most (c) Identify the forces holding the particles in place in
water on Earth exists in solid form. the lattice of a crystal of Y.
(d) Compare the solubility of X and Y in water and in
an organic solvent such as kerosene.


29. (4 marks)
Many brands of liquid-fuel lighters use both liquid and
gaseous butane in their fuel reservoirs. Butane has a
boiling point of 0.5 C.
(a) Butane boils below room temperature. Explain
the existence of liquid butane in the fuel reservoir.
(b) Each time a liquid-fuel lighter is used, about
1000 J of energy is released and 0.03 g of fuel
is consumed. The flame produced is yellow in
(i) Classify the combustion reaction as complete
or incomplete.
(ii) Calculate the heat released from the
combustion of butane (in kJ/mol).
(iii) Explain why the answer in (ii) differs from
the published heat of combustion
(2877 kJ/mol) for butane.

30. (4 marks)
Human history can be divided into various ages such
as the Iron Age, Stone Age, Bronze Age and Copper
(a) Classify these ages from oldest to most recent.
(b) Describe an ancient metal extraction process in
the period known as the Copper or Bronze Age.
(c) Explain why there are more metals available for
use in the last 50 years than there were just 200
years ago.

31. (6 marks)
Justify the increased recycling of metals in our society
and across the world.

32. (5 marks)
You have performed a first-hand investigation to
show the decomposition of a carbonate by heat, using
appropriate tests to identify carbon dioxide and the
oxide as the products of the reaction.
(a) Describe how you selected the carbonate to
(b) Discuss the safety issues involved in your
(c) Explain how you identified the products of the


0 2 % # ) 3 ) / . ! . $ !# # 5 2 !#9 ) . Example:
-%!352%-%.43 If a student measures the heat of combustion of
During chemical experiments, it is important to ethanol and obtains a value of 1310 kJ/mol instead
reduce errors in measurements. The measurements of the accepted value of 1367 kJ/mol, the:
we make have a certain degree of uncertainty. Our (a) absolute error = 1367 1310 = 57 kJ
aim is to reduce this uncertainty.
(b) percentage error = 57/1367 x 100/1 = 4%.
Systematic errors: The instruments you use may not Precision: It is important that the result of an experi-
be calibrated accurately so the measurements show a ment is reproducible each time you or other chem-
regular (or systematic) error. For example, if you boil ists repeat the experiment. Precision is a measure of
pure water at 101.3 kPa and use a thermometer to the reproducibility of the measurement. The results of
measure the boiling point, you should read a temp- all the repeated experiments should be consistent
erature of 100 C. If your thermometer reads (say) and clustered around the mean. Some results lie
102 C, it has a systematic error of +2 C. Instru- close to the mean while others deviate by a larger
ments should be calibrated, therefore, against known amount. The size of the average deviation from the
standards before they are used. Another source of mean is one measure of the uncertainty or absolute
systematic error is experimenter bias. Parallax error is error of the measurement. The maximum deviation or
an example of experimenter bias. You must ensure standard deviation from the mean are other statistical
methods of estimating precision. If the uncertainty is
that you use the instrument correctly to avoid paral-
small, the measurements are very precise.
lax error. Probes and data loggers can help minimise
this problem. Consider the following experimental measurements
of the enthalpy of combustion of methane using two
Random (accidental) errors: You should always different pieces of equipment. The average devia-
conduct experiments with the greatest precision tions from the mean in the experimental measure-
using calibrated instruments. You will find, however, ments and the accepted values from the literature
that repeated measurements do not yield exactly the are shown.
same results. These small differences are the result Apparatus 1: H(methane) = 920 20 kJ/mol
of unknown factors, so cannot be controlled. They
are called random or accidental errors. Making Apparatus 2: H(methane) = 880 80 kJ/mol
many measurements (>5) will help to ensure the Accepted value: H(methane) = 890 kJ/mol
reliability of your data.
Measurement of the heat of combustion of methane
Limits of reading: Each measuring instruments accu- in apparatus 1 was more precise than that in appara-
racy is affected by the limit of reading of its scale. For tus 2; the average deviation from the mean was lower
example, a thermometer may have 1 C graduations. because successive measurements were more closely
This is its limit of reading. The error is half the limit grouped. However, the accuracy of measurements
of reading (that is, 0.5 C). To reduce this error, you in apparatus 2 was greater as the percentage error
in apparatus 2 (1%) was lower than in apparatus 1
could use a thermometer with smaller graduations.
(3%). This means that apparatus 2 produced more
For example, using a thermometer with graduations
accurate results.
0.2 C apart reduces the error to 0.1 C.
Deviation from the mean: Statistical procedures
Experimental accuracy: The accuracy of a result is can be used to measure the uncertainty in a meas-
how close a measurement is to the accepted value. urement from the range of results obtained by
The absolute error or percentage error is a measure of the repetitions. Spreadsheet applications (such as Micro-
degree of accuracy of the measurement. soft Excel) can be used to measure the standard

deviation of a measurement. Alternatively, the
maximum deviation from the mean can be used as
simpler means of estimating uncertainty.
Sample data: Each group of students in a class meas-
ures the mass of 25.0 mL of ethanol (delivered from
a burette) using a calibrated electronic balance.
Each result is recorded and the mean calculated.
The reading with the greatest deviation from this
mean is used as a measure of the uncertainty or abso-
lute error. The mass (in grams) measured by each
group is: 19.60, 19.55, 19.65, 19.52, 19.64, 19.56,
19.55, 19.62.
Mean = 19.59 g
Maximum deviation from the mean = 0.07 g
Thus, mass of 25.0 mL of ethanol = 19.59 0.07 g
Accepted mass of 25.0 mL ethanol = 19.63 g
(from SI Chemical Data 5th edition)
Precision of measurement = 0.07 g
Accuracy of measurement = 0.04 g = 0.2%

activated complex: the (unstable) transition state calorimeter: apparatus used to measure heat changes
formed during a reaction (at the top of the during a chemical reaction or change of state
activation energy hill) that breaks down to form carbohydrate: general name for a class of carbon
products compounds that includes sugars, starch and cellu-
activation energy: the minimum energy required by lose. Carbohydrates contain the elements carbon,
reactants in order to react hydrogen and oxygen.
adhesion: the force of attraction between unlike catalyst: a substance that alters the rate of a reaction
molecules or unlike materials without a change in its own concentration
alkane: a simple, saturated binary compound of chemical kinetics: the study of the rates of chemical
carbon and hydrogen atoms with single bonds change
between the carbon atoms. The general formula chemical properties: the properties relating to the
for all members of this homologous series is chemical reaction of a substance with other chem-
CnH2n+2. icals (such as acids, bases and oxidising agents)
alkene: a simple, unsaturated binary compound of cloud model of the atom: a model of the atom in
carbon and hydrogen atoms with a double bond which quantum theory uses mathematical prob-
between a pair of carbon atoms. The general ability functions to describe electrons as waves
formula for all members of this homologous series cohesion: the attraction between like molecules or
is CnH2n. like materials
alkyl group: an alkane molecule with a missing coke: the black solid formed by destructive distilla-
hydrogen atom. An alkyl group is always attached tion of coal. Coke is mainly composed of carbon.
to another molecule and cannot exist separately concentrated: describes a solution with a large
(e.g. CH3 is a methyl group). amount of solute per litre
allotropes: different structural forms of an element cryogenic: describes very low temperature processes
based on the different spatial arrangements of the or applications
bonds between the atoms D
alloy: a mixture of a metal with one or more decomposition: the process of breaking a compound
other elements (These other elements are usually down into its component elements or simpler
metals.) compounds
atomic mass unit (amu): 1 amu = 1.661 x 1027 kg delocalised electrons: electrons that are not bound
Avogadro constant: the number of elementary parti- to any one atom but are free to move throughout
cles (atoms) in exactly 12 g of carbon-12. This the lattice
number is equal to 6.022 x 1023. diatomic molecule: a molecule consisting of two
B atoms chemically bonded together
binary compounds: compounds made up of only two diluted: describes a solution with a small amount of
elements solute per litre. It can be made by adding more
boiling point: the temperature at which the pres- solvent to a concentrated solution.
sure exerted by the vapour above a liquid is equal dipole: an asymmetric charge distribution within a
to the external atmospheric pressure. Normal molecule such that there is a distance between the
boiling points are measured at a standard pres- centres of positive and negative charge
sure of 100 kPa. dipoledipole force: a force caused by the positive
bond energy: the enthalpy change associated with end of one dipole attracting the negative end of
breaking covalent bonds in one mole of a gaseous another dipole.
substance to produce gaseous fragments dispersion force: an intermolecular attractive force
brittle: describes a substance that shatters into frag- caused by a temporary dipole inducing a tempo-
ments when hammered rary dipole in a nearby molecule.

dissolution: disintegration or breaking apart of the gangue: the unwanted (non-valuable) material
particles of a solid when dissolving in a solvent present in an ore body
double covalent bond: a covalent bond in which two glucose: a simple sugar with the molecular formula
electron pairs are shared between neighbouring C6H12O6
atoms H
ductile: able to be drawn into wires without heterogeneous alloy: an alloy in which the compo-
breaking nent atoms are not uniformly distributed through-
dynamic equilibrium: an equilibrium in which out the lattice. Examples include pearlite steel,
opposing reactions occur simultaneously. Pro- containing regions of cementite crystals, Fe3C,
cesses occur but they are in state of balance. and some solders that contain crystals of lead
E or tin.
electrolysis: the decomposition of a chemical heterogeneous mixture: a mixture in which the
substance (in solution or the molten state) by the particles are not uniformly distributed
application of electrical energy homogeneous alloy: an alloy in which the compo-
electrolyte: substance that releases ions into solu- nent atoms are uniformly distributed throughout
tion, which then is capable of conducting an the lattice. Examples include cupronickel and
electric current mild steel.
electronegativity: a measure of the electron-attracting homogeneous mixture: a mixture in which all the
ability of an element. Non-metals are very electro- particles are uniformly distributed
negative while metals are electropositive. homologous series: a family of compounds with
endothermic: describes a chemical reaction in which similar chemical properties and a gradation of
energy is absorbed from the surroundings physical properties with increasing molar weight
enthalpy: the heat content of a system at constant or chain length. A general formula describes all
pressure members of the series.
equilibrium vapour pressure: the pressure in a closed hydrogen bond: a strong type of polar attraction
system when the rate of vaporisation of a substance caused by the interaction of a highly electro-
(normally a pure liquid or a solution) equals the positive hydrogen atom with the lone pairs of
rate of condensation; also called vapour pressure electrons of fluorine, oxygen or nitrogen atoms
exothermic: describes a chemical reaction in which bonded to hydrogen atoms in another molecule.
energy is released to the surroundings (Hydrogen bonds have some covalent character
F due to delocalisation of electrons.)
flash point: the minimum temperature at which the I
vapour pressure of a fuel (e.g. a hydrocarbon such ignition temperature: the minimum temperature at
as octane) is just high enough to form a combusti- which a combustible fueloxidiser mixture ignites
ble mixture with air spontaneously
fossil fuel: fuel formed from once-living organisms immiscible: describes two liquids that do not mix,
fuel: a substance that burns in air or oxygen to but form separate layers
release useful energy inert: describes a substance that does not react with
fullerenes: a family of carbon allotropes in which the other substances
carbon atoms are arranged in cage- or tube-like intermolecular forces: weak attractive forces between
structures all types of matter. These forces are weaker than
functional group: a group of atoms attached to or chemical bonds.
part of a hydrocarbon chain that influence the ionisation energy: the minimum energy required to
physical and chemical properties of the molecule remove an electron completely from a gaseous
G atom
galvanised: describes a metal (such as iron) coated isomers: compounds with the same molecular
with zinc to protect it from corrosion formula but different structural formulae

isotopes: atoms of an element that have different miscible: describes liquids that mix to form one
mass numbers (A) due to the presence of differ- phase. For example, water and ethanol mix to
ent numbers of neutrons form alcoholic solutions in all proportions.
isotopes: atoms with the same atomic number but molarity: the concentration of a solution expressed
different mass numbers due to the presence of in mol/L
different numbers of neutrons N
J naphtha: a component of the gasoline fraction that
joule: the SI unit of energy (heat) is used as a feedstock to manufacture ethylene for
the plastics industry
K native metal: a metal found free (uncombined) in
Kelvin: unit (K) on the absolute temperature scale, nature
where 0 C = 273 K and 100 C = 373 K. One
degree celsius is equal to 1 kelvin unit. O
kinetic energy: the energy of motion possessed ore: a material from the lithosphere containing
minerals from which a commercial metal can be
by a particle. The higher the temperature of a
substance, the greater the kinetic energy of its
oxidation: loss of electrons
peroxide: a compound containing the peroxide
lattice: the geometric arrangement of particles in a radical O22
crystal petrochemical feedstock: petroleum fractions used
leach: use a liquid to dissolve a valuable product to manufacture other products such as plastics
from a solid mixture such as a matte petroleum: viscous, oily liquid composed of crude
lustrous: shiny oil and natural gas that was formed by geologi-
M cal processes acting on marine organisms over
malleable: able to be shaped without breaking by millions of years
rolling, hammering or pressing photosynthesis: the biochemical process in which
matte: a smelted mixture in which the percentage chlorophyll molecules absorb solar energy to
of metal is higher than in the unsmelted ore power an electron transfer reaction in which water
and carbon dioxide are converted to oxygen and
organic nutrients, such as sugar
mechanism: the steps involved in a chemical
physical properties: the properties characteristic
of a chemical substance (such as melting point,
metallic bond: a strong attractive force that holds
boiling point, colour, density and conductivity)
metal ions in their crystal lattice; the attrac-
physical separation techniques: separation processes
tion between metal ions and the sea of mobile that do not chemically alter the components of the
electrons mixture. These processes include filtration, evapo-
metallic character: the tendency of an element to ration, crystallisation, distillation, froth flotation,
have the properties of metals. The presence of magnetic separation and centrifugation.
mobile electrons in the lattice is indicative of polar: describes a covalent bond in which there is an
metals. asymmetric charge distribution due to one atom
metallurgy: the science of metals having greater electronegativity than the other
mineral: a naturally occurring, crystalline solid that polar molecule: a molecule with a permanent dipole.
has a fixed chemical composition or a composi- One end of the molecule is partially positive and
tion that varies between strict limits. Some miner- the other end is partially negative.
als are pure elements, such as gold and sulfur, but precipitation: formation of a solid in a chemical reac-
most minerals are chemical compounds. tion when liquids, solutions or gases are mixed

Q specific energy: the amount of heat released from a
quantum: a fixed amount of energy. Quantum fuel on combustion (usually measured in MJ/kg)
theory states that objects can possess only certain specific heat capacity: the amount of energy required
discrete amounts of energy. to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a body
by 1 Kelvin unit, expressed as J/K/g. Specific
heat capacity is also measured in J/K/kg and
reaction rate: the change in concentration of a reac-
tant or product per unit time
sublimation: the process of a solid turning directly
reducing agent: a substance (such as charcoal or
into a vapour without the formation of the liquid
carbon monoxide) that removes oxygen from a
state. For example, iodine crystals sublime to form
metal oxide during smelting to release the metal
purple iodine vapour on heating.
reduction: gain of electrons
surface tension: a measure of the attractive tensional
relative atomic mass: another name for atomic weight,
forces in the surface of a liquid. These elastic
which is now the IUPAC standard terminology
forces hold the water molecules together, prevent-
S ing the water from spreading out to increase its
sacrificial anode: an active metal that corrodes more surface area.
readily than another, thus protecting the less synthesis: the formation of a compound from its
active metal elements or a more complex compound from
saturated hydrocarbon: hydrocarbon with only single simpler compounds
CC bonds and the maximum number of hydro-
gen atoms per carbon
triple covalent bond: a covalent bond in which three
saturated solution: a fixed volume of solution at a
electron pairs are shared between neighbouring
particular temperature in which no more solute
can dissolve
scrubbers: devices that spray water through gaseous U
and particle emissions to prevent toxic gases and unsaturated hydrocarbon: hydrocarbon with double
particles escaping to the environment or triple bonds between carbon atoms and fewer
single covalent bond: a covalent bond in which one than the maximum number of hydrogen atoms
electron pair is shared between neighbouring per carbon
atoms V
slag: waste material from a smelter or furnace valence electrons: electrons that occupy the outer
smelting: an industrial process in which high temper- (valence) shell of an atom
atures are used to melt and reduce ore concen- valency: the combining power of an element written
trates to produce a metal or a matte in terms of the number of hydrogen atoms (which
solubility: the concentration of a saturated solution have a valency of +1) that it will combine with
of a given substance at a particular temperature. vapour: the gaseous form of a substance that is
Solubility is normally measured in grams/100 normally a solid or liquid at standard temperature
mL. and pressure
solute: a substance (present in the smaller amount) viscosity: a measure of a fluids resistance to flow
that is dissolved in a solvent to produce a volatile: describes substances that readily vaporise
solution and exert a high vapour pressure.
solution: a homogeneous mixture of two or more
substances. Solutions may exist as solids, liquids Y
or gases. yield: the amount of product (e.g. a metal) derived
solvent: a substance (present in the larger amount) from a chemical extraction process (often
that dissolves a solute to form a solution expressed as a percentage of the maximum theo-
retical amount)

Nitrogen (78.09%) (0.93%) All other gases
Chapter 1 Mixtures in the Earth
1.1 Classification of matter
1. (a) Mixture (b) Mixture (c) Pure substance
(d) Mixture (e) Pure substance
2. (a) Compound (b) Element (c) Compound Oxygen (20.94%)
(d) Element (e) Compound
3. X: mixture; Y: element; Z: compound
6. Silicon forms many common rock-making minerals
4. (a) A homogeneous mixture has a uniform
including quartz (SiO2), feldspars and micas. These
composition throughout.
are relatively light minerals so tended towards the least
(b) A heterogeneous mixture has a non-uniform dense lithospheric layer, the crust, when the Earth
composition. cooled into its layered structure.
5. Copper (II) oxide is a chemical compound of copper 7. Sodium chloride. Sodium ions and chloride ions are
and oxygen with its own unique properties. It is not
the most abundant ions in sea water.
simply a mixture of two elements with properties mid-
way between the two. 8. (a) (i) Silver sulfide (ii) Aluminium oxide
(iii) Calcium carbonate
6. P: homogeneous; Q: heterogeneous; R: heterogeneous;
S: homogeneous (b) (i) Water
7. (a) Homogeneous (ii) Dissolved salts such as potassium chloride
(b) The density of a mixture varies with its (c) (i) Carbon dioxide
composition. Pure substances, however, have fixed (ii) Water
properties. (d) (i) Proteins, nucleic acids
(ii) Calcium phosphate in bones
1.2 Mixtures and the spheres of the Earth
9. (i) Lithosphere (ii) Biosphere (iii) Hydrosphere
1. (a) Oxygen (b) Oxygen (c) Nitrogen (iv) Lithosphere
2. Oxygen, hydrogen, chlorine, sodium
3. Living cells are mostly composed of water. Oxygen is 1.3 Physical separation techniques
the heaviest component of water. 1. (a) Solution (b) Suspension (c) Suspension
4. (a) See table 1.6: 86.0 + 10.8 + 1.9 + 1.1 + 0.1 = 99.9% (d) Solution
(b) 2. (a) Yes. Lead iodide is relatively insoluble and collects
Sodium in filter paper. Potassium sulfate dissolves in water
(1.1%) and passes through filter paper.
Chlorine Magnesium
(1.9%) (0.1%)
(b) No. Both solids are relatively insoluble in water.
(10.8%) 3. (a) Distillation (b) Evaporation (c) Evaporation
4. Fluting produces greater surface area, which allows
the solution/solvent to pass through the paper faster.
Also, fluting leaves gaps between the paper and funnel
through which the liquid can flow.
5. Place a watch glass over the evaporating basin so steam
can escape, but not solids. Concentrate the solution
and leave it to evaporate slowly and crystallise at room
Oxygen (86%)
6. Air condensers rely on conduction and radiation to
remove heat from the condensing vapours passing
through the condenser tube. This is less efficient than
5. (a) Nitrogen, oxygen, argon
having cool water flowing around the tube. An air
(b) 78.09 + 20.94 + 0.93 = 99.96%v/v condenser tube remains much hotter than the tube in
% of all other gases = 0.04%v/v a water condenser so vapours with lower boiling points,

which require lower temperatures to condense, pass Close the tap to prevent kerosene entering
through the tube and escape without condensation. the beaker. Reweigh the beaker plus water and
An air condenser can be used if the vapour has a high calculate the mass of water. Thus, calculate the
boiling point so that it readily condenses when in mass of kerosene. Express these masses as a
contact with ambient temperature air. percentage of the total weight of the mixture.
7. (a) 3. % silver = 13.95/15.0 100 = 93%w/w
Copper sulfate % copper = (15.0 13.95)/15.0 100 = 7%w/w
70 solubility increases
4. Mass of tin = 85/100 250 = 212.5 g
Solubility (g/100 g H2O)

with temperature.
50 Mass of copper = 8/100 250 = 20 g
40 Mass of bismuth = 7/100 250 = 17.5 g
30 5. (a) Weigh the beaker and contents. Following
20 filtration, clean and dry the beaker. Reweigh the
10 beaker and subtract its mass from the original
0 mass to obtain the mass of the mixture.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
(b) Filtration
Temperature (C)
(c) Salt has too high a boiling point to evaporate, so
evaporation will remove the water, leaving the salt
(b) At 25 C, the solubility of copper sulfate in water
is about 22 g/100 g water (from graph). Since
half the water has evaporated, there is 11 g of (d) Mass of mixture = 185.79 143.61 = 42.18 g
copper sulfate dissolved in 50 g of water. The Mass of water in mixture = 42.18 24.88 1.25
original amount of copper sulfate was 55 g, so = 16.05 g
55 11 = 44 g of copper sulfate crystals is formed. % sand = 24.88/42.18 100 = 58.99%
(c) Potassium nitrate is more soluble than copper % salt = 1.25/42.18 100 = 2.96%
(II) sulfate at all temperatures (especially high
% water = 16.05/42.18 100 = 38.05%
temperatures). Dissolve the 50 g sample in
100 g of hot water (7080 C). Cool the solution (e) Loss of material during transfer from the beaker
to 510 C. All the potassium nitrate will remain to the filtration apparatus; salt may adhere to the
in solution but most of the copper (II) sulfate sand if the sand residue is not washed thoroughly;
will crystallise. Filter off the crystals, wash with icy salt spitting may occur if evaporation is too rapid;
water and dry gently. solids must be dried to constant weight; salt
solution may adhere to the beaker unless it is
1.4 Gravimetric analysis washed with distilled water and poured through
1. (a) Qualitative analysis is used to identify and the filter paper.
characterise materials, such as which metal ions
are in a sample of polluted water. 1.5 Industrial separation of mixtures
Quantitative analysis determines the amount 1. (a) Milling crushes ore to fine grains to release
of particular substance, such as the mass of a uranium oxide minerals from other unwanted
particular metal in a sample of polluted water. material.

2. (a) Kerosene is not soluble in water. Since kerosene (b) (i) Leaching dissolves a substance out of a
and water have different densities, they separate mixture.
into different layers. (ii) Unwanted rock minerals (gangue)
(b) Water, which is more dense (c) (i) Decanting avoids having to filter the whole
(c) Weigh the bottle and its contents. Pour the mixture. The heavy sediment can remain at
contents quantitatively into a separating funnel the bottom of the settling container as its
and allow two distinct layers to form. Wash and dry presence in the filter can slow the filtration.
the bottle and reweigh it empty. Thus, calculate (ii) Physical
the mass of the mixture. (d) The original ore is mildly radioactive but the
Open the tap of the separating funnel and collect concentrated product is more radioactive. Storing
the lower water layer in a pre-weighed beaker. this material and the mildly radioactive tailings

(waste) safely is vital to avoid environmental Practical activity 1.3 Gravimetric analysis of a
contamination. Gangue material should not be mixture 2
allowed to wash into local river systems. Leaching
Results and analysis
solutions and other solvents must not be allowed
6. Reheating and cooling ensures that all the water is
to enter the watertable before appropriate
evolved and that the final residue is fully dehydrated.
2. (a) Heavier isotopes concentrate at the walls. Data analysis 1.4 Separation and analysis of a mixture
(b) Physical: centrifugation Part A: Separation
Chemical: conversion to uranium hexafluoride 1. Correct order of jumbled steps: (iii), (ii), (ix), (v),
(viii), (i), (vii), (iv), (vi)
3. (a) A: steam generator; B: distillation retort;
C: condenser; D: separator 2. Sulfuric acid reacts with two of the three components
and converts them to new substances that would
(b) (i) A, B (ii) C remain in the mixture. The new substances are not
4. (a) Sesame easily reconverted to the original components. Physical
separation methods do not chemically change the
(b) Oil is insoluble in water. Density of oil is less than components.
water. Fibre consists of large particles that could be
Part B: Analysis
1. % copper = 0.47/5.0 100 = 9.4%w/w
(c) (i) Fibre (ii) Water
2. (a) (ii), (v), (vii) (c) (iv), (vi)
5. A: 3; B: 5; C: 1; D: 2; E: 4
3. Use an electronic balance for weighing to 2 or
3 decimal places; ensure quantitative transfer of the
Practical activity 1.1 Separation of a simple mixture black solid; ensure solid copper is weighed and dried
until the weight no longer changes; ensure that the
Analysis residue is washed free of solution; use a larger mass of
1. Hot water and spitting salt crystals can cause damage to the original mixture and, therefore, copper (II) oxide
eyes and skin so eye protection should be worn. Do not to minimise the percentage error.
touch hot containers until they cool.
Data analysis 1.5 Extraction of aluminium from the
2. The residue on the filter paper must be washed lithosphere
thoroughly with water. Part A: Extraction
3. Heat and cool until the weight no longer changes. 1. A: iv; B: vii; C: i; D: iii; E: v; F: viii; G: vi; H: ii
4. This prevents the mixture overflowing the filter cone. 2. A, C, E, H
Part B: General questions
Practical activity 1.2 Gravimetric analysis of a 1. Al2O3.3H2O
mixture 1 2. The ore is economical to mine only if it has a
Results and analysis minimum of 40% aluminium. The costs involved in
mining need to be recovered by producing sufficient
5. To improve accuracy: use an electronic balance aluminium.
that weighs to 2 or 3 decimal places, rather than 3. The site of the aluminium factory must be near
a mechanical balance; ensure that the salt is dry electricity generators but away from areas where
by heating and weighing until a constant weight is pollutants may harm nearby communities. The direction
obtained; ensure that all the distilled water collects in of prevailing winds must be taken into account. A
the beaker and none is trapped in the condenser. roadrail network and access to shipping are vital to
make the operation internationally profitable.
To improve reliability: repeat the experiment at least
4. Solid
five times, or average the results of five or more groups.
5. Alumina has a very high melting point, so it would
6. Avoid skin contact with hot apparatus and hot vapours; not be profitable to melt it. It is easier to dissolve it in
wear safety glasses; ensure that cooling water flows cryolite, which has a much lower melting point so is
through the condenser at all times. cheaper to melt.

Chapter 2 Elements (b) It has high tensile strength and forms tungsten
carbide in the steel; the carbide is very hard and
2.1 Classifying elements this reduces wear in drill bits constructed from
tungsten steel. Also, it retains this hardness at the
1. D. Boron has semi-metallic properties.
high temperatures reached due to the friction of
2. B. Iridium is a typical transition metal. some steel cutting tools (such as drill bits).
3. (a) Gas (b) Solid (c) Solid (d) Solid 4. High melting point (aircraft and spacecraft heat up
4. (a) D = m/V = 155.65/7.50= 20.75 g/cm3 due to air friction); high tensile strength (considerable
(b) No. The density of the sample is a little low for stresses build up during flight); thermal conductivity
(heat can be lost rapidly); relatively low density (which
pure platinum.
saves fuel)
(c) Pt
5. A: 2 and 3; B: 2 and 4; C: 1; D: 2 and 5; E: 2
(d) Metal
5. (a) Temperature Data analysis 2.2 Classifying elements
(b) Part A
2. He: gas; Li: solid; O: gas; F: gas; Ne: gas; S: solid;
40 Cl: gas; Ar: gas; Se: solid; Br: liquid; Kr: gas; I: solid;
38 Xe: gas; Rn: gas
Part B
Temperature (C)

2. P: non-metal; S: non-metal; Ga: metal;
Se: non-metal; I: non-metal; Hg: metal
General questions
1. Upper right side of the periodic table and group VIII
(noble gases)
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Upper right side of the periodic table and group VIII,
Time (min) plus a few solid non-metals
3. In a zigzag pattern between the metals and non-metals
(c) 30 C. The graph has a long inflexion at that
temperature, which is caused by the phase change Data analysis 2.3 Properties and uses of elements
at this temperature. Silver: 5, 2; mercury: 4, 6, 9; tin: 2, 3;
(d) 30 C. The freezing point and the melting point lead solder: 1, 2, 3, 6, 7; lead sinkers: 2, 3, 6, 8;
are the same. They describe opposite processes. aluminium: 1, 2, 3, 7; nickel: 2, 3, 5; chromium: 2, 3, 5
(e) Yes. The values are the same.
(f) Metal Chapter 3 Compounds
6. (a) Metal (b) Metal (c) Non-metal (d) Semi-metal
(e) Non-metal (f) Metal 3.1 The structure of the atom
7. (a) Grey colour, lustrous, good heat conductor 1. B. Particles in a gas move rapidly and are normally far
(b) Its properties are intermediate between metals apart, so gases are highly compressible.
and non-metals. Even though the grey form is a 2. B. The nucleus is very much smaller than the atom;
good heat conductor (typical of metals), it is a the nucleus is positive.
poor electrical conductor (typical of non-metals). 3. (a) S (b) 16 (c) Iodine (d) 74 (e) Sr (f) 88
2.2 The properties and uses of elements (g) Mercury (h) 80 (i) Radon (j) 226

1. C. Tungsten has a very high melting point and is 4. (a) 2, 3 (b) 2, 5 (c) 2, 8, 2 (d) 2, 8, 6 (e) 2, 8, 8, 1
unreactive. 5. (a) Silicon (b) 2, 8, 4 (c) 4 (d) 29
14 Si

2. B. Silver is relatively unreactive and magnesium is very 6. (a) Z = 2 + 8 + 14 + 2 = 26

reactive. (b) Iron
3. (a) Its high melting point ensures that the filament (c) Metal
does not melt or break as it glows white hot. (d) (i) A = 26 + 30 = 56 (ii) 56
26 Fe

3.2 Ions and ionic bonding 4.
1. (a) M is a metal (it has 2 electrons in its valence shell). Atoms per molecule 1 2 3 4 5
(b) N is a non-metal (it has 7 electrons in its valence Examples Ar HF O3 NH3 CH4
shell). Ne CO SO2 H3P
(c) Valency of M = +2; valency of N = 1. Thus, the N2O
formula is MN2.
2. (a) Ag2S (b) BaI2 (c) AlP (d) Mg3N2 (e) NH4NO3 (a) (c)
(f) CaSO3 (g) Na2Cr2O7 (h) Fe(HCO3)3 H H H
3. (a) Strontium chloride (b) Silver iodide (c) Iron (III)
sulfide (d) Lead (IV) oxide (e) Calcium dichromate (b) O O (d) H C C H
(f) Barium bromide (g) Potassium acetate
4. 6. (a) Ionic
(b) (b) Calcium atoms = 2 + 1 8 (8) + (2) = 4; fluoride
] ] 2
K+ ] CI Ba2+] O atoms = 8 The ratio of calcium to fluoride atoms is
4 : 8 = 1 : 2 so the formula is CaF2.
] 2 Data analysis 3.1 Analysing crystal structures
Al3+ ] 2
Metallic crystals

1. All particles are identical.

5. (a) Let the unknown valency = x; 2x + (2) = 0, 2. Iron has a body-centred cubic crystal with one iron
so x = +1. atom at the centre of the cube and other iron atoms at
(b) Let the unknown valency = y; 3(+1) + y = 0, each corner of the cube.
so y = 3. Zinc has a hexagonal crystal. The opposite ends of the
(c) Let the unknown valency = z; 2z + 3(2) = 0, unit cell are hexagonal, with a zinc atom in the centre of
so z = +3. the hexagon and zinc atoms at each corner. The other
faces of the crystals are rectangular. Three zinc atoms
6. (a) Al = 2, 8, 3. Losing two electrons forms Al2+ with a occupy positions in the centre of the hexagonal crystal.
configuration of 2, 8, 1. This ion is not stable as it
Iron and zinc crystals have different geometric shapes,
does not have an octet in the outer shell.
so the locations of atoms differ.
(b) P = 2, 8, 5. Gaining 3 electrons forms P3 with a
Ionic crystals
configuration of 2, 8, 8. This ion is stable as it has 8
electrons in its outer shell. 1. Ionic bonds
7. (a) Ga Ga3+ + 3e (b) I + e I (c) Pb Pb2+ + 2e 2. 6

8. (a) Li: 2, 1; Na: 2, 8, 1; K: 2, 8, 8, 1 (Note: Some 3. 6

periodic tables include hydrogen in group I; if so, 4. It shows the relative size of each ion
its configuration is 1.) Covalent molecular crystals
(b) They lose 1 electron to gain noble gas configurations. 1. XeF2
2. Most noble gases do not form compounds.
3.3 Molecules and covalent bonding
3. There is one xenon atom in the bulk of the cell and
1. (a) HF (b) SCl2 (c) CBr4 (d) PI3 (e) ICl eight at the corners, so the total number of xenon
2. (a) Bromine chloride (b) Phosphorus tribromide atoms per cell = 1 + 1 8 (8) = 2.
(c) Nitrogen triiodide (d) Hydrogen sulfide There are two fluorine atoms in the bulk of the cell
(e) Hydrogen phosphide and eight at the edges, so the total number of fluorine
3. (a) 6 (6 = 3 2) (b) 5 (1 + 5 = 3 2) (c) 5 (5 = 5 1) atoms per cell = 2+ (8) = 4.
(d) 3 [H: +1; O: 2; 0 = +1 + N + 2(2); N= +3] The ratio of Xe to F = 2 : 4 = 1 : 2, so the formula is
(e) 5 [0 = +1 + N + 3(2); N = +5] XeF2.

Chapter 4 Chemical extraction (b) 7.7 1019 J is the bond energy of an OH bond.
The energy required to break the two OH
4.1 Physical and chemical change bonds in one water molecule = 1.54 1018 J.
1. (a) Physical (b) Physical (c) Chemical (d) Chemical To break 10 000 molecules requires
(e) Physical 10 000 1.54 1018= 1.54 1014 J.

2. (a) Water is a pure substance, as its physical properties (c) Hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the gaseous state
are the same before and after it is boiled and (d) Hydrogen and oxygen atoms are very reactive.
condensed. When they combine to form water, they lose
energy. Water is a stable compound because it has
(b) No. Water is composed of elements in fixed atomic
less energy than hydrogen or oxygen molecules.
proportions. It can be decomposed by chemical
means, as shown by electrolysis, so it can not be an
Practical activity 4.1 Investigating the electrolysis of
3. (a) Physical. No new substances were formed.
Results and analysis
(b) No. No reaction involving electron transfer
occurred. 3. Positive electrode: oxygen; negative electrode:
4. (a) FeO(s) + CO(g) Fe(l) + CO2(g)
4. Rate of electrolysis increases as voltage increases.
(b) 4K(s) + O2(g) 2K2O(s)
5. New products (hydrogen, oxygen) are formed as water
(c) 2Ag2CO3(s) 4Ag(s) + 2CO2(g)+ O2(g) electrolyses, showing that a chemical change occurs. A
(d) 4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s) fixed volume ratio of hydrogen and oxygen is formed
(e) 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) 2NaCl(s) no matter how much acid is added to the water,
indicating that water is a compound.
5. Chemical. A new substance (sulfur dioxide) was
formed. Practical activity 4.2 Thermal decomposition of
4.2 Energy and chemical change magnesium carbonate
1. B. UV light causes electrons to be lost from the Results and analysis
bromide ions; these are accepted by silver ions to form 2. (a) The limewater turned milky white; this is a positive
silver metal. test for carbon dioxide.
2. C. If the carbonate has decomposed completely, it (b) Phenolphthalein turns a deeper pink in the heated
should not fizz if acid is added. magnesium carbonate than in the unheated,
showing that the final product is a stronger base.
3. A. This is a balanced equation involving molecular
This indicates that magnesium oxide is produced.
species present in the atmosphere.
(c) The heated product fizzes very little, if at all, when
4. (a) Carbon dioxide acid is added, while the unheated sample fizzes
(b) CuO as CuCO3(s) CO2(g) + CuO(s) considerably. This lack of fizzing indicates that the
(c) Mass of carbon dioxide evolved = magnesium carbonate has decomposed completely.
10.00 6.44 = 3.56 g (d) MgCO3(s) MgO(s) + CO2(g)
% loss in weight = 3.56/10.00 100 = 35.6% 3. MgCO3(s) + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2O(l) + CO2(g)
5. (a) Released
Practical activity 4.3 The effect of light on silver
(b) Sodium chloride halide salts
(c) (i) Absorbed Results and analysis
(ii) Sodium metal forms at the negative electrode
2. Sunlight contains less UV radiation than the light from
and chlorine gas forms at the positive electrode.
a UV lamp.
6. (a) Mass of zinc = 10 000/3151 1 = 3.17 kg
3. The control dishes allow us to compare the effects of
Mass of magnesium = 10 000/14 289 1 = 0.70 kg UV radiation on the salts. Without the dark controls,
(b) Magnesium sulfide is more stable as it requires we cannot make a valid comparison.
more energy to decompose it. 4. NaCl + AgNO3 AgCl(s) + NaNO3
7. (a) 2 NaBr + AgNO3 AgBr(s) + NaNO3

NaI + AgNO3 AgI(s) + NaNO3 Weight increase in limestone = 1.286 g
5. (a) Br Br + e Weight increase in pure calcium carbonate = 1.382 g
(b) Ag+ + e Ag 5. CO2(g) + NaOH(s) NaHCO3(s)

Data analysis 4.4 Boiling and electrolysing water Chapter 5 Bonding and structure
Part A
5.1 Properties and classification
1. (a) Water molecules (b) Water molecules
1. If iron (III) oxide were a mixture, its properties would
2. No new substance is formed as water boils and so the be intermediate between those of iron and oxygen.
process is physical. However, the properties of iron (III) oxide are very
3. The added heat energy breaks the intermolecular different from those of its component elements.
forces between the water molecules, rather than 2. (a) Hydrogen
contributing to the kinetic energy of the water
(b) Fe(s) + 2HCl(aq) FeCl2(aq) + H2(g)
molecules, which is measured as heat.
(c) No gas is released when iron (II) oxide dissolves in
Part B
dilute hydrochloric acid. Water is formed instead
1. Water, hydrogen ions, hydroxide ions of hydrogen.
2. Hydrogen (negative tube), oxygen (positive tube) 3. Ionic, covalent molecular, covalent network
3. New substances are formed, so electrolysis is a chemical 4. (a) Covalent molecular (b) Covalent network (c) Ionic
5. Substance A: ionic, because it conducts when dissolved
4. It is very unreactive and so does not take part in in water
Substance B: covalent molecular, because it does not
5. (a) Half-equation (2). Electrons are removed from conduct in any state and has low melting and boiling
water molecules, and oxygen molecules and points
hydrogen ions are formed.
(b) Half-equation (1). Electrons are added to water 5.2 Lattices
molecules, and hydrogen molecules and hydroxide 1. (a) Metallic (b) Covalent network (c) Ionic (d) Ionic
ions are formed. (e) Covalent molecular (f) Covalent network
Data analysis 4.5 Investigating the purity of limestone 2. If X conducts electricity, it is a metallic crystal with
by thermal decomposition metallic bonding in its lattice. If it conducts weakly,
it may be a semi-metal. If the solid does not conduct,
1. (a) Mass lost = 27.275 25.989 = 1.286 g melt it or try to dissolve it in water and re-test. If the
Mass of impure limestone = 27.275 24.145 melt or aqueous solution conducts, X is ionic. If it
= 3.130 g does not conduct, it is probably covalent molecular.
% loss in weight = 1.286/3.130 100 = 41.1% It is likely to be a covalent network crystal if it is very
difficult to melt and does not dissolve in any solvent.
(b) Mass lost = 27.288 25.906 = 1.382 g
3. (a) Manganese has a metallic lattice held together
Mass of pure calcium carbonate = 27.288 24.145 by strong metallic bonds acting in all directions,
= 3.143 g so it has a high melting point. Oxygen has a
% loss in weight = 44.0% covalent molecular lattice held together by
2. If 100 g of limestone contains x grams of calcium weak intermolecular forces, rather than strong
carbonate, 44.0% of x will be lost on thermal covalent bonds, strong metallic bonds or strong
decomposition. electrostatic forces (ionic bonds), so it has a low
melting point.
44.0x/100 = 41.1
(b) Zincs metallic lattice has mobile electrons to carry
x = 93.4
the current when a potential difference is applied
So, percentage of calcium carbonate in limestone = across the crystal. There are no free charge
93.4%w/w. carriers in zinc oxide as the ions are locked into
3. Assume that the impurities in the limestone do not their lattice and the electrons are held strongly by
decompose on heating and that the carbonates in both the ions over a wide range of wavelengths. Thus, it
samples have decomposed completely. does not conduct.
4. Assume that the increase in weight of the tube equals (c) The delocalised electrons on the surface of nickel
the weight lost on decomposition of limestone. can absorb and re-emit light, so nickel is lustrous.

There are no free electrons on the surface of a (b) A gas is released when magnesium dissolves in
nickel oxide crystal, so the surface appears dull. acid but not when magnesium oxide dissolves
(d) The atomic weight of tungsten is much higher than in acid. The reaction with magnesium involves a
aluminium, so tungsten has a higher density. Even transfer of electrons from magnesium to hydrogen
though they both have about the same number of ions. The reaction with magnesium oxide is a
atoms in a given volume, the mass of tungsten atoms neutralisation reaction.
is much greater than that of aluminium atoms, so
tungsten has more mass in a given volume. Data analysis 5.3 Comparing the properties of
4. (a) Delocalised electrons and strong lattice forces crystals
between silver ions in all directions cause its high Part A
melting point.
1. A: covalent network (very high melting point; other
(b) When a potential difference is applied across a properties consistent with graphite); B: metallic
crystal, the mobile, delocalised electrons move (conducts in solid state and is silvery and lustrous);
and carry the electrical energy. C: covalent molecular (low melting point; does
(c) Delocalised electrons can rapidly absorb and not conduct in any state); D: ionic (conducts when
release the energy of light photons. Eventually, dissolved but does not conduct in the solid state)
the surface becomes coated in an ionic compound
2. This is one possible key.
(silver sulfide) that has no mobile electrons, so
does not reflect light well. 1A. The solid does conduct electricity. ............ Metallic
(d) When a silver crystal is stressed, the silver ions slip 1B. The solid does not conduct electricity. ........Go to 2.
along the crystal planes to new locations where they 2A. The crystal has a high melting point. ..........Go to 3.
are again stabilised by the mobile electron cloud.
2B. The crystal has a low melting point. ........................
(c) Covalent network crystal ......................................................... Covalent molecular
5. (a) Covalent molecular crystal 3A. The crystal dissolves in water but not kerosene. ....
(b) There are weak intermolecular forces between ................................................................................. Ionic
iodine molecules in the lattice. Heating breaks 3B. The crystal does not dissolve in any solvent. ..........
these bonds quickly and allows iodine molecules ............................................................ Covalent network
to escape into the vapour state. Part B
(c) I2(g) I2(s) 1. Ionic crystal. Its crystals dissolve in water to form a
(d) Physical conducting solution.
6. (a) Covalent molecular crystal. It has a low melting 2. Covalent molecular. The solid and liquid do not
point and does not conduct in the solid or melted conduct and the substance has low melting and boiling
state. points. This information is consistent with X being
(b) It is not likely to be soluble in water, but it should water.
be soluble in kerosene. Many waxy solids, such as 3. The blue solid is a dehydrated form of the red crystals.
candle wax, are like this. Heating the red form released water vapour (X ). Many
7. (a) No. The crystals could be ionic or covalent ionic substances include water in their crystal lattices.
networks. The water in the hydrated form of the salt is called
(b) Ionic water of crystallisation. The water can be driven off by
heat to leave the dehydrated or anhydrous form.
8. (a) Carbon (Note: The carbon atoms in graphite form
layers in the covalent network, with delocalised
electrons within the layers, so graphite is a 2- MODULE 2 METALS
dimensional covalent network.)
(b) Good electrical conductor; very high melting point Chapter 6 Metals and alloys
Practical activity 5.1 Comparing the properties of a
6.1 History of metals
compound and its component elements
1. (a) Copper (b) Gold (c) Lead (d) Magnesium
Results and analysis (e) Titanium
2. (a) Mg(s) + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2(g) 2. (a) Calcium (b) Iron (c) Copper (d) Lead
MgO(s) + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2O(l) (e) Titanium (f) Lead (g) Titanium

3. (a) The Copper Age was a time when people mined very hot and care must be taken not to touch it.
native copper and copper ores and smelted the After the experiment, the carbon block should be
ores to make copper for tools and jewellery. quenched in water until it is cold.
(b) The crushed copper ore was mixed with charcoal 7. Cobalt and nickel can be extracted from their ores
and smelted in a high temperature furnace. The using roasting and smelting technologies. Calcium
coal also provided the heat as it combusted in the and magnesium, however, are very reactive metals and
air provided by bellows. they cannot be produced in this way. The discovery of
4. (a) (i) Copper and tin electricity and the techniques of electrolysis enabled
Humphrey Davy to extract these metals by electrolysing
(ii) Early bronze contained copper, arsenic and
their molten salts.
some lead, bismuth and nickel. Later, tin and
copper were found to produce the best bronze. 8. Metallurgical techniques have improved over the
last two hundred years. The roasting and smelting
(b) Rulers demanded bronze for their palaces and
technologies of ancient times have been extended and
tombs; the old arsenic bronze was too brittle to be
improved with new chemical knowledge. Chemical
hammered and shaped and so tin bronze replaced it.
engineers have designed smelters and furnaces that
(c) Iron requires a high temperature to smelt its ores. can process great quantities of ores continuously.
Iron is not very malleable and it was harder to Ores are available from mines all over the world due
remove its impurities. Native iron was also much to improvements in shipping. In addition, electrolytic
rarer than native copper. Meteoric iron was also technologies have allowed active metals such as
quite rare. aluminium to be prepared rapidly and continuously.
5. (a) Middle East about 1500 BC New alloys are under constant development to meet
(b) The mineral cementite made the iron brittle. demands for new materials with particular properties
and characteristics.
(c) Blacksmiths hammered the iron at red heat to
squeeze out the slag and the impurities that made 6.2 Alloys
the iron brittle.
1. B. Copper is soft but nickel makes it harder.
(d) The iron is beaten and folded thousands of times.
Iron oxides form when iron reacts with air, and 2. C. Mild steel is very malleable.
these react with the cementite minerals and cause 3. C. The more copper in the brass, the redder it is.
them to decompose into iron. The purer iron is
4. (a) The atoms of the solid solute are uniformly
flexible and soft. The edges of the sword are later
distributed throughout the solid solvent.
hardened by increasing the crystal size of the iron
layers at these points. (b) Heterogeneous. The atoms of A are not uniformly
6 (a) Ionic bonds between the lead and oxide ions distributed throughout Bs lattice.
(b) Additional oxygen increases the temperature of 5. (a) It is too brittle due to its high carbon content.
the flame. Oxygen reacts with carbon to produce (b) Carbon
considerable amounts of heat energy. The higher (c) They make the steel much harder and tougher
flame temperature supplies the required energy to (particularly at high temperatures).
break the bonds in the ore.
(d) Chromium and nickel
(c) Carbon and carbon monoxide reduce lead oxide
to lead by removing oxygen. The carbon also 6. (a) It is harder than copper so was used in ancient
burns in oxygen to generate more heat. times for tools.
(d) Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are (b) 5000 kg of Cu = 100 14 = 86% of tin bronze
produced as the carbon combines with the oxygen Weight of tin = 5000/86 14 = 814 kg
atoms of the lead oxide leaving behind the lead
metal. (c) Copper: 92/100 5000 = 4600 kg;
aluminium: 6/100 5000 = 300 kg; nickel: 100 kg
(e) Shiny, liquid globules as the lead is above its
melting point 7. X: axe head. It is made of high carbon steel for
(f) lead oxide + carbon lead + carbon monoxide
Y: nails. They are made of mild or low carbon steel,
(g) Lead vapours and carbon monoxide are both
which is ductile.
poisonous substances. The experiment should be
done in a fume cupboard and the blowpipe should Z: girder. It is made of medium carbon (structural)
be lengthened with a rubber hose so there is no steel, which is more malleable than high carbon steel
danger of inhaling fumes. The carbon block is but not as hard.

Data analysis 6.1 Timeline: the history of copper 2. The table shows that copper mining and smelting was
1. confined to the Middle East and nearby areas of Asia for
about 500 years before spreading east to Asia and west
Date to Europe. It was not until about 1300 years ago that it
(BP) Region Place Feature
spread to South America and then into North America.
10 000 Middle Iraq/ Native copper melted, In more modern times, copper is used worldwide.
East Sumeria forged, and cast
9 250 Middle Turkey Copper artefacts Data analysis 6.2 Melting points of solders
5 800 Middle Iran Copper chisels and

Melting point (C)

East spanners 350
5 600 Asia Thailand Bronze jewellery and tools 300
5 300 Middle Israel Copper saws, axes and
East spearheads 200

5 000 Middle Egypt Copper casting 150

East 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
% lead
5 000 Asia India Copper mining
4 900 Middle Cyprus Copper coins
East 2. 256 C
4 500 Middle Egypt Copper tubes used in 3. The leadtin solder has a melting point of 184 C
East waterworks (from the graph). The leadtinsilver solder has a
4 400 Europe Bohemia Copper mining melting point of 180 C (from table 6.13). Thus, the
addition of silver lowers the melting point by 4 C.
3 400 Asia China Bronze casting
4. The melting point of 93% Pb : 7% Sn solder is about
3 200 Asia India Copper used to repair
Buddha statue 310 C (from the graph). The 93% Pb : 5% Sn : 2%
Ag solder has a melting point of 301 C (from table
2 220 Asia China Copper coins
6.13. Thus, the melting point of this high lead solder
1 300 Americas Peru Copper and bronze tools is reduced by the replacement of a small percentage of
600 Europe Europe Copper sheeting on ship tin by silver.
(Note: The melting curves of alloys can be quite
500 Americas North Native Americans copper complex and the addition of other components does
America jewellery
not always produce predictable results.)
500 Americas West Copper mining and casting
Indies 5. The melting point decreases from 256 C to 250 C.
348 Europe Nether- Brass pendulum
lands Chapter 7 Metals and reactions
266 Europe Hungary Copper minerals in spring
water 7.1 Metals and their reactivity
256 Americas North Copper mining 1. B. Tin is lower in the activity series.
2. D. Sodium is a very reactive metal.
215 Europe Europe Copper rolling mills
3. A. Tin dissolves slowly in acids but is not attacked by
205 Europe Italy Voltas battery using copper steam at red heat; iron is attacked by both acids and
192 Europe Nether- Brass telescope 4. (a) Calcium (b) Cobalt (c) Potassium (d) Mercury
(e) Magnesium
191 Europe Germany Electromagnetic telegraph
used copper wiring 5. (a) Zn(s) + H2O(g) ZnO(s) + H2(g)
169 Europe England Dynamo using copper (b) 2Mg(s) + O2(g) 2MgO(s)
118 Americas USA Copper used in Statue of (c) 2K(s) + 2HCl(aq) 2KCl(aq) + H2(g)
(d) Mg(s) + H2SO4(aq) MgSO4(aq) + H2(g)
7 Americas USA Copper microcircuitry on
silicon chips
(Note: These dates are based on 2006 so will change each year.)

6. (a) Ca(s) Ca2+(aq) + 2e Chapter 8 The periodic table
2H+(aq) + 2e H2(g)
8.1 The historical development of the periodic table
Ca(s) + 2H+(aq) Ca2+(aq) + H2(g)
1. A. These are members of the current group VI.
(b) Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2e
2. B. Newlands arranged elements according to atomic
2H+(aq) + 2e H2(g)
Zn(s) + 2H+(aq) Zn2+(aq) + H2(g)
3. C. Mendeleev recognised that each column contained
(c) K(s) K+(aq) + e elements with similar chemical and physical properties.
2H+(aq) + 2e H2(g) 4. A. Meyers graphs showed the repeating patterns.
2K(s) + 2H+(aq) 2K+(aq) + H2(g)
5. D. A new column or group was added to the right of
7. (a) Hydrogen the table.
(b) X(s) + H2O(g) X O(s) + H2(g) 6. The numbering of the charge on the centre refers to
(c) Fe (iron). It is divalent and forms a black oxide; it the atomic number, which is equal to the number of
is one of a group of three metals (Al, Zn, Fe) that protons in the nucleus. The atomic number, rather
react with steam only when they are red hot. Silver than the atomic weight, was used to arrange the
does not react. elements of the periodic table.
7. Thomson suggested that elements with similar electron
7.2 Reactivity and uses of metals
arrangements belonged to the same family of the
1. B. Group I and II metals are more reactive than group periodic table. Bohr suggested that elements of the
III metals.
same periodic group would have the same number of
2. A. Titanium is expensive to manufacture but it is valance shell electrons.
strong and lightweight.
8. (a) eka means like or similar to.
3. B. Tin is lower in the activity series than iron so
(b) Mendeleev believed in the predictive power of the
corrodes less readily than iron.
periodic table. By examining the properties of the
4. C. The first three ionisation energies are much lower elements above and below gallium in the same
than the rest. group, and looking at the trends in properties
5. D. Rubidiums valence electron is further from the along a period, he was able to make predictions
nucleus than sodiums. about the properties of a missing element.
6. (a) Ga(g) Ga+(g) + e (c) EaCl3
Ga+(g) Ga2+(g) + e
8.2 Periodic trends
Ga2+(g) Ga3+(g) + e
1. Mo, Y, V, Au, Os
(b) The third ionisation step. As the third electron has
to be removed from a doubly positive ion, there is 2. (a) Er, Ce, Dy
a strong electrostatic attraction to be overcome. (b) Lr, Pu, Np
(c) Ga(s) Ga3+(aq) + 3e 3. (a) Active, low-density metals with +2 valency
(d) 2Ga(s) + 6H+(aq) 2Ga(aq) + 3H2(g) (b) Reactive, non-metals with 2 valency, trending to
7. (a) X has 2 valence electrons. Y has 7 valence electrons. semi-metals (Te) and soft metals (Po)

(b) X has 2 valence electrons so is a metal. (c) Unreactive, monatomic noble gases with 0 valency.
Y has 7 valence electrons so is a non-metal. (d) All radioactive metals. Some are naturally
(c) Valency of X = +2. Valency of Y = 1. So the occurring and others have been synthesised
formula is XY2. in nuclear reactors or in particle accelerators.
They also react vigorously with water to release
Practical activity 7.1 The activity series of metals hydrogen gas and produce alkaline solutions.
The typical valencies of these metals are
Results and analysis
+3, +4, +5 and +6.
3. (a) Carbon dioxide
4. (a) Usually constant in each group and equal to the
4. (a) Oxygen group number. Maximum valency increases from
(c) 2Ag2CO3(s) 4Ag(s) + 2CO2(g) + O2(g) groups I to VII.

(b) Increases across a period; decreases down a group 12. Na3N: valency of N = 3; H3N: valency of N = 3; PCl3:
(c) Increases across a period; decreases down a group valency of P = 3; H3AsO4: valency of As = 5; SbF3:
valency of Sb = 3; BiBr3: valency of Bi = +3
(d) Generally decreases across a period; generally
increases down a group 13. X is most likely to be the melting point of these
elements as it increases to group IV (silicon a semi-
5. (a) 2 in CaA; 2 in ACl2; 4 in AO2; 6 in AO3
metal) and then decreases for groups V and VI (non-
(b) Sulfur, selenium and tellurium would form the metals).
compounds described. Element A could not
be oxygen as A cannot form compounds with Data analysis 8.1 Modelling the periodic table
itself. Element A is not likely to be polonium, Part A
which is metallic and would not form molecular
1. The correct order from left to right is:
compounds with chlorine or oxygen.
F, C, E, A, H, D, G, B.
6. The halogens are diatomic. The intermolecular forces
2. Element A CF: ACl4; CB: covalent
between the molecules increase as the size of the
molecule increases. This produces a higher melting Element G OF: G2O; OB: covalent; CF: G Cl; CB:
point. covalent
7. C. The valencies of Na, Mg, Al are +1, +2 and Part B
+3 respectively; the valencies of P, S and Cl are 1. The following predicted values were obtained by
3, 2 and 1 respectively. This trend is shown determining the average of the property down a
in the graph. group (column 1) and the average across a period
8. (column 2). The formula of the oxide is based on
the similarity in valency down a group.
Maxima = noble gases
Valence shell electrons

8 E (group prediction)
6 density = 7.8 g/cm3
4 melting point = 544 C
boiling point = 1087 C
0 heat conductivity = 29 J/s/m/K
0 5 10 15 20 electrical conductivity = 2.4 MS/m
Z first ionisation energy = 832 kJ
formula of oxide = E 2O3
9. P is in group I as its first ionisation energy is much E (period prediction)
lower than the second. density = 6.8 g/cm3
Q is in group VI as there is a steady increase for the melting point = 341 C
first six electrons and then a significant increase. boiling point = 1796 C
heat conductivity = 35 J/s/m/K
R is in group IV as the first four values increase
electrical conductivity = 4.4 MS/m
gradually but the fifth electron is much harder to
first ionisation energy = 796 kJ
formula of oxide = E 2O3
10. B: group VII; C: group VIII; D: group I; E: group II.
The ionisation energy of C is higher than B. It then 2. The chemical data book shows that the element
drops to a low value for D and rises again for E. This is antimony. The correct values for these physical
indicates that D belongs to the next higher period so properties are:
must be a member of group I. Thus B and C belong to Sb
groups VII and VIII and E belongs to group II. density = 6.7 g/cm3
11. (a) Group VII the halogens. These are diatomic melting point = 631 C
molecules with the first two being gases under boiling point = 1635 C
normal laboratory conditions. The valency of the heat conductivity = 24.3 J/s/m/K
second member (1) is consistent with group VII electrical conductivity = 2.3 MS/m
elements. first ionisation energy = 840 kJ
formula of oxide = Sb2O3
(b) 2Na(s) + Cl2(g) 2NaCl(s)

Better predictions of the density and boiling point 2. (a) Calcium oxide and magnesium oxide
were obtained by taking trends across a period. (b) Each metal has a different atomic weight. Thus, the
Trends down a group were better predictors of heat number of moles of reactant metals is different,
conductivity, electrical conductivity and ionisation and so different numbers of moles of each metal
energy. The melting point prediction was not close to oxide are formed. As each has a different molecular
the correct value. This exercise shows how Mendeleev weight, the masses of products are different.
used information about the properties of known
3. (a) Mr(CuSO4) = 63.55 + 32.07+ 4(16.00) = 159.62
elements to predict the properties of missing elements.
He based this prediction on trends in properties down (b) Mr(CaCO3) = 40.08 +12.01 +3(16.00) = 100.09
groups and across periods. (c) Mr(NH3) = 14.01 + 3(1.008) = 17.034
4. (a) Mr(CaCO3) = 100.09
Data analysis 8.2 Computer graphing: periodic trends %O = 3(16.00)/100.09 100 = 47.96%
Part A (b) Mr(CH3CO2H) = 60.052
3. %O = 2(16.00)/60.052 100 = 53.29%
5. (a) Volume ratio = carbon monoxide : ozone : carbon

2.5 dioxide = 3 : 1 : 3
This is a simple, whole-number ratio consistent
1.5 with Gay-Lussac s law.
(b) 3CO(g) + O3(g) 3CO2(g)
The mole ratio from the equation is 3 : 1 : 3, which
is consistent with the volume ratio.
0 10 12 14 16 18
6. Volumes of combining gases
Atomic number (Z)
= CH4 : O2 : CO2 : H2O
4. Electronegativity increases across period 3.
= (40 0) : (100 20) : 40 : 80
5. Electronegativity increases across period 3 as the
elements become more non-metallic. Non-metals tend = 40 : 80 : 40 : 80
to gain electrons to stabilise their valence shells. = 1 : 2 : 1 : 2
6. Element 18 is a noble gas (argon) and does not form This is a simple, whole-number ratio as required by
compounds. Its valence shell is stable. Gay-Lussac s law.
7. Let the number of atoms in the sulfur molecule = x, so
Part B its formula is Sx.
12 Group IV
3. Volume ratio = Sx : O2 : SO2
Density (g/cm3)

= 5 : 10 : 10
= 1 : 2 : 2
This is the same as the molecule ratio according to
Avogadro s law. Thus the balanced equation is:
2 Group I
Sx + 2O2 2SO2
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 For the equation to balance, x = 2: that is, S2 molecules
Atomic number (Z) in the vapour state.
4. (a) Density generally increases down group I. 8. M(CO2) = 12.01 + 2(16.00) = 44.01 g/mol
(b) Density generally increases down group IV. n(CO2) = m/M
5. In group I, Z = 19 does not fit the trend. In group IV, = 4.4/44.01
the density of Z = 6 is higher than expected. = 0.10 mol (2 significant figures)
6. Group IV elements are more dense than group I 9. (a) M(NaCl) = 22.99 + 35.45 = 58.44 g/mol
elements. (b) n(NaCl) = m/M = 10/58.44 = 0.17 mol
(c) Each mole of NaCl contains 1 mole of sodium ions
Chapter 9 Chemical analysis and 1 mole of chloride ions so n(Cl ) = 0.17 mol.
One mole contains an Avogadro number of ions so
9.1 Atomic weight and the mole theory 0.17 mol contains 0.17 6.022 1023 = 1.0 1023
1. (a) 2HgO(s) 2Hg(l) + O2(g) Cl ions.
(b) By the law of mass conservation, 10. M(Zn(OH)2) = 65.39 + 2(16.00) + 2(1.008)
mass (O2) = 100 92.6 = 7.4 g = 99.406 g/mol

n(Zn(OH)2) = m/M = 10/99.406 = 0.101 mol Number of H2 molecules = 0.126 6.022 1023
Each mole of zinc hydroxide contains 2 moles of = 7.59 1022
hydroxide ions so: 15. M(CuSO4.5H2O) = 63.55 + 32.07 + 4(16.00) +
n(OH) = 2(0.101) = 0.202 mol 10(1.008) +5(16.00)
Each mole contains an Avogadro number of ions so: = 249.7 g/mol
number of hydroxide ions = 0.202 6.022 1023
n = m/M = 50/249.7 = 0.200 mol
= 1.22 1023 ions
11. (a) CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) Each mole of hydrated copper (II) sulfate
CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) releases 5 moles of water vapour. Thus,
0.200 moles of hydrated copper (II) sulfate releases
(b) M(CaCO3) = 100.09 g/mol
5 0.200 = 1.000 mol water.
n(CaCO3) = m/M = 10/100.09 = 0.0999 mol
(a) m(H2O) = n.M(H2O) = 1.000 18.016
= 0.10 mol (2 significant figures)
= 18.02 g water vapour
From the balanced equation, 1 mole of calcium
carbonate forms 1 mole of carbon dioxide. (b) Number of water molecules
= n 6.022 1023
n(CO2) = 0.10 mol
= 1.000 6.022 1023
M(CO2) = 44.01 g/mol = 6.022 1023 molecules
m(CO2) = nM = 0.10 44.01 = 4.4 g
(c) Each mole of carbon dioxide contains an 9.2 Empirical and molecular formulae
Avogadro number of molecules. 1. (a) M(H2SO3) = 82.086 g/mol
Number of molecules = 0.10 6.022 1023 %H= 2.46; %S = 39.06; %O = 58.48
= 6.02 1022
(b) M(P4O10) = 283.88 g/mol
12. The balanced equation is 2Mg + O2 2MgO. This
%P = 43.64; %O = 56.36
shows that 2 moles of Mg reacts with 1 mole of oxygen
gas. (c) M(Ca(OH)2) = 74.096 g/mol
n(O2) = 3.011 1021/6.022 1023= 5.0 103 mol %Ca = 54.09; %O = 43.19; %H = 2.72
n(Mg) = 2n(O2) = 2(5.0 103) = 1.0 102 mol 2. A and C. The empirical formulae are ZnCl2 and UF6 as
their ratios of elements are the simplest possible.
m(Mg) = nM = 1.0 102 24.31 = 0.2431 g
3. (a) W : CBrF; X: CF; Y : C3H4Br2
13. (a) 2NO + O2 2NO2
(b) W : C2Br2F2; X: C2F2; Y : C6H8Br4
(b) M(NO) = 14.01 + 16.00 = 30.01g/mol
4. (a) n(N) = 11.640/14.01 = 0.831
M(O2) 32.00 g/mol
n(Cl) = 88.360/35.45 = 2.493
Calculate the number of moles of each gas.
n(N) : n(Cl) = 0.831 : 2.493 = 1 : 3
n(NO) = m/M = 60/30.01 = 1.999 mol
Empirical formula = NCl3
n(O2) = m/M = 60/32.00 = 1.875 mol
(b) n(Na)= 36.51/22.99= 1.588 mol
The balanced equation shows that 2 moles of NO
combines with 1 mole of O2, so there is more n(S) = 25.39/32.07 = 0.792 mol
oxygen than that needed to react with all of the n(O) = 38.10/16.00 = 2.381 mol
NO. All of the NO will react to form NO2 (1 : 1 n(Na) : n(S) : n(O) = 1.588 : 0.792 : 2.381 = 2 : 1 : 3
mole ratio).
Empirical formula = Na2SO3
n(NO2) = 1.999 mol
(c) n(Mg) = 16.4/24.31 = 0.675 mol
Number of NO2 molecules formed
n(N) = 18.9/14.01 = 1.349 mol
= 1.999 x 6.022 1023
= 1.20 1024 molecules n(O) = 64.7/16.00 = 4.044 mol
14. (a) CuO(s) + H2(g) Cu(s) + H2O(g) n(Mg) : n(N) : n(O) = 0.675 : 1.349 : 4.044 = 1 : 2 : 6
(b) M(CuO) = 63.55 + 16.00 = 79.55 g/mol Empirical formula = MgN2O6
n(CuO) = m/M = 10/79.55 = 0.126 mol (d) n(Mn) = 72.03/ 54.94 = 1.311 mol
Each mole of CuO needs 1 mole of H2 for n(O) = 27.97/16.00 = 1.748 mol
complete reduction so: n(Mn) : n(O) = 1.311 : 1.748 = 1 : 1.333 = 3 : 4
n(H2) = 0.126 mol Empirical formula = Mn3O4

5. m(Hg) = 3.678 g Data analysis 9.2 Moles and volumes of gases
m(O) = 3.972 3.678 = 0.294 g Part A
n(Hg) = 3.678/200.6 = 0.0183 mol 1. Reaction 1: Mg(s) + H2SO4 MgSO4 + H2(g)
n(O) = 0.294/16.00 = 0.0184 mol Reaction 2: Mg(s) + 2H2SO4
n(Hg) : n(O) = 0.0123 : 0.0125 = 1 : 1 MgSO4 + 2H2O(l) + SO2(g)

Empirical formula = HgO 2. (a) 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 1

6. (a) n(C) = 88.81/12.01 = 7.395 mol 3. The mole ratios are the same as the ratio of volumes of
gases collected.
n(H) = 11.19/1.008 = 11.002 mol
4. Reaction 1: n(H2) = 2.039/24.79 = 0.0823 mol
n(C) : n(H) = 7.395 : 11.002 = 1 : 1.5 = 2 : 3
Reaction 2: n(SO2) = 0.0823 mol
Empirical formula = C2H3
5. n(Mg) = m/M = 2.0/24.31 = 0.0823 mol
(b) Mass of C2H3= 27.044, which is half of the
6. n(Mg) : n(gas) = 0.0823 : 0.0823 = 1 : 1
molecular weight (54.09). Thus the molecular
formula is twice the empirical formula. This agrees with the ratio of coefficients in each
Molecular formula = C4H6
7. n(Si) = 87.45/ 28.09 = 3.113 mol Part B
n(H) = 12.55/1.008 = 12.450 mol 1. Oxygen
n(Si) : n(H) = 3.133 : 12.450 = 1 : 4 2. HgO
Empirical formula = SiH4 3. 2Hg(l) + O2(g) 2HgO(s)

8. (a) The formula for the sulfate of the trivalent metal 4. m(Hg reacted) = 100.000 g
is M2(SO4)3. Let the atomic weight of M = x. n(Hg) = m/M = 100.000/200.6 = 0.499 mol
Molar weight of the compound m(HgO formed) = 107.976 g
= 2x + 3(32.07) + 12(16.00) = 2x + 288.21 g/mol. n(HgO) = m/M = 107.976/216.6 = 0.499 mol
The percentage of sulfur is 24.06% by experiment. V(O2 reacted) = 20.000 13.821 = 6.179 L
n(O2) = 6.179/24.79 = 0.249 mol
24.06 = 3(32.07)/(2x + 288.21) 100
Thus the mole ratio is:
Solve this equation for x.
Hg : O2 : HgO = 0.499 : 0.249 : 0.499 = 2 : 1 : 2
x = 55.83 This ratio agrees with the mole ratio in the balanced
Atomic weight of M is 55.83. equation.
(b) M is Fe, a trivalent metal with an atomic weight of
55.85. Chapter 10 Extraction and recycling of
Practical activity 9.1 The empirical formula of
magnesium oxide 10.1 Ores and resources
Questions 1. C. Sulfides of copper, nickel and iron can form in this
6. Heat the crucible and lid to constant mass before
2. A. The formation of ores occurred in the geological
the experiment begins; use a 2- or 3-decimal place
past. Once the reserves are mined, there are none to
electronic balance; use a larger mass of magnesium
replace them. The process continues in some zones
to reduce the percentage error; ensure that all the
today but we cannot make use of these sources.
magnesium has burnt; do not let the MgO smoke
escape from the crucible. 3. D. SnO2 cassiterite

8. Add drops of water to the final product to decompose 4. A. Most of Australias iron ore is mined in Western
Australia (see fig. 10.3 on page 183)
any magnesium nitride and then heat the crucible and
contents to constant weight. The final product will be 5. %zinc = 5.5/50 100 = 11.0%
MgO only. 6. Theoretical yield of iron = 63/100 200 = 126 tonne

7. (a) Field geologists investigate a potential ore body 2Cu2S(s) + 3O2(g) 2Cu2O(l) + 2SO2(g)
to discover the depth and area it occupies. They FeO(s) + SiO2(s) FeSiO3(l)
take core samples, which are analysed for the
(c) Converting at 1200 C produces molten copper as
percentage content of each metal. If there is little
ore or it is low grade, there may be insufficient chalcocite and cuprite react.
yield of metal to make the ore body viable to mine. 2Cu2S(l) + 3O2(g) 2Cu2O(l) + 2SO2(g)
Exploration may take many years to complete. 2Cu2O(l) + Cu2S(l) 6Cu(l) + SO2(g)
(b) The prices of metals vary from day to day on the 5. Sulfur dioxide is an acidic oxide that dissolves in water
world market. Variations in the value of the dollar to form the weak acid, sulfurous acid, which can be
and the cost of equipment, transportation costs oxidised to sulfuric acid. Sulfur dioxide in emissions
and wages affect the profit to be made on selling can produce acid rain that damages the natural and
the metal. In some cases, it is more economical to built environments.
sell the unrefined ore than the metal.
6. (a) Arsenic, gold, platinum, nickel, silver, sulfur, iron
(c) The yield of metal depends on the size of the
ore body and the concentration of metal in the (b) Blister copper is made into anodes and
ore. It also depends on the physical and chemical electrolytically refined. Acidified copper sulfate
techniques used to extract the metal from its is used as an electrolyte. The pure copper is
ore. If the yield is too low, the ore body may not deposited on the cathode.
be economically viable. Lower grade ores may (c) Anode: Cu(s) Cu2+(aq) + 2e
be mined profitably if more efficient extraction Cathode: Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s)
techniques are used. This is the job of an
7. (a) Aluminium products are in greater demand,
industrial chemist.
particularly for beverage cans, lightweight
10.2 Extraction and recycling structural metals and alloys. These lightweight
alloys help reduce greenhouse emissions and fuel
1. (a) Molar weight of malachite = 221.126 g/mol
%Cu in malachite = 2(63.55)/221.126 100
(b) Recycling; prevention of corrosion; finding
= 57.5%
substitutes such as more abundant metals or non-
Molar weight of chalcopyrite = 183.54 g/mol metal alternatives
%Cu in chalcopyrite = 63.55/183.54 100 = 34.6% 8. (a) Only 5% of the total energy needed to make
(b) Few deposits of high-grade surface deposits of aluminium from raw materials is used to make
copper minerals, such as malachite, are left to be aluminium from scrap aluminium. Thus, recycling
mined. Only the deeper, unoxidised sulfide ores is more energy efficient.
remain. A large proportion of the worlds high-
(b) Less greenhouse gas (20 kg CO2/kg Al) is
grade copper ores have been mined, so lower
produced when aluminium is recycled, mainly
grade ores or ore bodies that are deeper in the
because less coal must be burnt to make electricity
crust need to be mined in the future.
for the electrolytic smelting of alumina.
2. 34.6% Cu in chalcopyrite (see question 1), so 100 g of
ore contains 0.5 g of copper. Data analysis 10.1 The viability of mining a vanadium
Mass of chalcopyrite that contains 0.5 g of copper ore deposit
= 100/34.6 0.5 = 1.45g 1. Uranium ores
%chalcopyrite in ore = 1.45/100 100 = 1.45% 2. Shallow, open-cut mining was the best option to
3. e, b, a, f, g, d, c extract the vanadium ore and shale oil.
4. (a) Roasting converts chalcopyrite to chalcocite, iron 3. The market price of extracted oil from the shale was
oxide and sulfur dioxide. too low to make a profit. The site was sold to another
2CuFeS2(s) + 4O2(g) company but, even after further developmental work,
Cu2S(l) + 2FeO(s) + 3SO2(g) they came to similar conclusion about profitability.
(b) Smelting with coal and sand at 1000 C forms a 4. The vanadium ore was mixed with clay, hydrated
molten copper matte containing chalcocite and pyrite and silicates in the oil shale. Some vanadium
cuprite. A slag forms, which removes iron (II) was organically bound. The vanadium in the hydrated
oxide. oxide minerals was three times higher than in the clay.

5. Beneficiation is removal of waste material to increase 6. The costs of recycling may be higher than the money
the metal content of ore. received for sales of the recycled product.
6. Acid leaching was rapid but too expensive. Alkaline
leaching extracted 75% of the vanadium oxide but the MODULE 3: WATER
high consumption of sodium carbonate needs to be
minimised. Chapter 11 Water in nature
7. Further work should continue to develop metallurgical
techniques that will make the deposit economically 11.1 Distribution and importance of water
viable. Sale of vanadium would make the oil shale 1. B. Oil is the smaller component. It is added to petrol
extraction more attractive to investors. to produce the fuel.
8. This report shows how important the prediction of 2. C. Copper is in the larger amount in brass. Zinc is
final yield is to the commercial viability of mining an dissolved in copper.
ore body. The article shows that decades of geological
3. C. Water dissolves many solutes that can be transported
research has identified the nature of the ore body
and the total mass of minerals (oil and vanadium) in the cells and bodies of living things.
it contains. By knowing the yield, economists can 4. B. The density rises by 0.08 g/cm3 for each rise of 10 C.
determine profitability. Economists have determined 5. C. Although carbon dioxide is the fourth most
that the oil shale alone would not be economical abundant gas in dry air, it is much more soluble
to mine as the oil extracted could not compete on in water than nitrogen, oxygen or argon. It is also
the market. Mining and extracting the vanadium
important in photosynthesis and in biochemical
would make it more attractive but new technologies
reactions in animal cells.
are required to produce a profit. Metallurgists and
chemists continue research and development to find 6. (a) At high altitude, the air pressure is lower than at
ways to make deposits economically viable in the sea level. Thus, a lower temperature is required for
future. vapour to escape from the liquid surface. Water
boils when the vapour pressure reaches the local
Data analysis 10.2 Recycling aluminium and steel air pressure.
1. Aluminium can be recycled repeatedly, which extends (b) The boiling point of water increases with pressure.
the useful life of the metal. Recycled aluminium is Food cooks faster at the higher temperatures
cheaper than aluminium extracted from the ore. (>100 C) inside a pressure cooker.
2. Only 5% of the energy used to mine and electrolytically 7. (a) Acts as medium for transport of nutrients and
smelt aluminium ore is needed to recycle aluminium.
wastes; is required for reproduction; evaporates
Up to 21 kWh of electricity is saved per kilogram of
as sweat to cool the body and regulate heat; is
aluminium produced by recycling. At the same time,
required for digestion of dietary fat
less carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere,
reducing the effects of global warming due to (b) 67/100 50 = 33.5 kg
greenhouse gases. (c) Gaseous molecules must be dissolved in water so
3. Aluminium cans are collected and stored temporarily they can diffuse across the respiratory membranes
at local collection centres. At a centralised sorting of the lung.
centre, the cans are screened magnetically or 8. (a) Oceans are the major sinks for water that erodes the
mechanically to remove steel cans. The cans are
land. As rivers and streams weather and erode the
crushed, weighed and transported to a furnace. Molten
land, minerals become dissolved and transported
aluminium is poured into moulds. Cooling produces
into the oceans. Minerals also dissolve in the oceans
ingots of solid aluminium, which are rolled thinly and
turned into new cans. through hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor.
Less water moves underground than into oceans,
4. Aluminium alloys reduce the weight of cars so less fuel
but even this water finds its way into the oceans. As
is needed to move them. This reduces fuel use and
evaporation occurs, the salt concentration increases
greenhouse gases emission.
until a steady state is reached.
5. There is an 80% energy saving in recycling steel over
making new steel. Less coal is mined for blast furnaces, (b) Hot water under pressure can dissolve more
greenhouse gas emission is reduced and less water is minerals than cooler surface water.
used during production . 9. D = 18.84/15.375 = 1.23 g/mL

10. (a) Practical activity 11.1 The effect of salt on the boiling
1 Freezing point of ethylene glycol point of water
0 decreases as its concentration
increases. Part A Questions
1. Thermometers are mass produced and do not
Freezing point of solution (C)

necessarily read 100 C at the boiling point of water.
3.7 C This experiment aims to determine how salt affects the
boiling point of water; no conclusions can be made
unless the thermometer is calibrated.
2. Boiling point increases as salt concentration increases,
7 x
until the solution becomes saturated.
3. Repeat the experiment at least five times.
10 Part B Questions
11 2. The boiling point of water increases in the presence of
12 salt.
0 5 10 15 20 25
3. At 100 C, the heat energy converts liquid water to
%w/w ethylene glycol solution
vapour, rather than increasing its temperature.
4. The concentration of salt increases as water evaporates,
(b) x = 7.3 C so the boiling point increases due to the increasing salt
(c) To lower the freezing point (especially in cold concentration.
climates so that the water in the radiator does not 5. The solution is saturated so the boiling point cannot
freeze and cause damage) or elevate the boiling increase further.
point (important in hot climates to prevent Data analysis 11.2 The density of water and ice
radiator water boiling)
Part A
(d) % by weight of solution = 4/36 100 = 11.1%
From the graph, the freezing point would be
3.7 C.
11. (a) 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) C6H12O6(aq) + 6O2(g)
(b) M(CO2) = 44.01 g/mol
Volume (mL)

n(CO2) = m/M = 11 000/44.01 = 249.94 mol 10.0005

From the balanced equation, 1 mole of CO2 10.0004

requires 1 mole of water for reaction. So, 10.0003

n(H2O) = 249.94 mol
M(H2O) = 18.016 g/mol 10.0000
m(H2O) = nM = 249.94 18.016 = 4502.9 g 9.9999
= 4.5 kg 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Temperature (C)
(c) From the balanced equation, 1 mole of O2 is
produced for each mole of CO2 reacted. So,
(b) 4 C
n(O2) = 249.94 mol Temperature (C) Density (g/mL)
m(O2) = nM = 249.94 32.00 = 7998 g = 7.998 kg 1 0.999 91
12. (a) Oxygen has the greatest percentage by weight 2 0.999 97
= 8 16/(278.35) 100 = 46%
3 0.999 98
(b) 2KAlSi3O8(s) + H2O(l) + 2H+(aq)
4 1.000 00
Al2Si2O5(OH)4(s) + 4SiO2(s) + 2K+(aq)
5 0.999 98
(c) Carbon dioxide dissolves in water to form
carbonic acid. Organic acids are produced by 6 0.999 95
bacterial decay of the remains of dead organisms. (c) 4 C

Part B (b) (i) 2 bonding pairs and 2 non-bonding pairs
1. 0.917 40 (ii) 3 bonding pairs and 1 non-bonding pair
(iii) 4 bonding pairs

Density (g/mL)
0.917 30 (c) (i) Polar (ii) Polar (iii) Non-polar
4. (a) A measure of a fluids resistance to flow
0.917 20 (b) As the temperature increases, the viscosity
decreases. At high temperatures, the greater
0.917 10 rotational and vibrational kinetic energy of the
water molecules interferes with the formation of
0.917 00 hydrogen bonds between the water molecules.
5 4 3 2 1 0 Thus, the intermolecular forces weaken and the
Temperature (C) water flows more readily.
5. The chains in HDPE are closer together and longer
2. As ice cools, it becomes more dense so it contracts. than in LDPE so its dispersion forces are stronger and
the melting point is higher. The branching of chains
3. V = m/D = 10.00/0.91737 = 10.901 mL in LDPE and its lower molecular weight reduces the
4. Melted ice water has a higher density than ice at 0 C so dispersion interactions, so its melting point is lower.
ice floats. 6. The boiling point increases as the molecular weight
5. As water in lakes cools during winter, the cold water of hydrogen halides increases. The polarity and,
sinks and stays at 4 C. Further cooling to freezing therefore, the dipoledipole forces between molecules
decreases from HCl to HI. (I is less electronegative
point produces low-density ice that floats and acts as an
than Cl.) Thus, one would expect the boiling point
insulator. The water below the surface does not freeze to decrease. However, the dispersion forces between
as readily so aquatic organisms can survive without molecules increases as the number of electrons in the
being frozen in ice. In addition, the presence of salts molecules increases. Consequently, the contribution
further lowers the freezing point. of dispersion forces increased as the dipoledipole
6. There are many open spaces in the ice lattice. On interaction decreases, causing an increase in boiling
point down the group.
average, water molecules are further apart in ice than
in liquid water. Thus, liquid water at 0 C is more dense 7. Methanol has the highest boiling point as strong
than ice at the same temperature. hydrogen bonding exists between H and O atoms in
neighbouring molecules. There are dipoledipole
interactions between hydrogen sulfide molecules.
Chapter 12 Structure and bonding in However, ethane is non-polar so has dispersion forces
water only. Therefore, H2S has a higher boiling point than
12.1 Intermolecular forces and polarity of molecules 8. Ionic bonding and the covalent disulfide bonds are
1. (a) Polar (b) Polar (c) Polar (d) Non-polar (e) Polar strong chemical bonds. Hydrogen bonding is about
(f) Non-polar 10% as strong as a covalent bond. Dispersions forces
2. CO, OF, CN, HS, BrCl, SS are relatively weak.
3. (a) (i) OF2 (ii) NH3 9. Hydrogen bonding between the H and O atoms of OH
groups on opposite chains
10. Water forms rounded drops because surface tension acts
F F produce the lowest energy surface, which is a sphere.
F Detergents lower the surface tension so the water
spreads out rather than forming spherical droplets.
(iii) CCl4
11. Butane has a higher boiling point as it has stronger
dispersion forces between its molecules than
methylpropane, even though they have the same
molecular weight. This difference is caused by
Cl C Cl
molecular geometry differences. Butane has an
effectively greater surface area and its straight chains
Cl can interact more closely than the branched chain
molecule of methylpropane.

12.2 Interactions with water forces are broken, so less carbon dioxide can
1. D. Sodium nitrate is an ionic salt that can form remain dissolved.
iondipole interactions with water. 9. Methanoic acid is the name of this molecule. It will
2. C. Pentane is a non-polar hydrocarbon similar to form strong hydrogen bonds with water but only
kerosene. dispersion interactions are possible with non-polar
kerosene. Thus, the substance is very soluble in water
3. B. Many but not all ionic compounds dissolve in water.
but insoluble or sparingly soluble in kerosene.
4. A. Hydrogen chloride forms hydrogen ions and
10. The polar COOH group forms hydrogen bond with
chloride ions.
water molecules. The long, non-polar hydrocarbon
5. B. Cellulose chains have OH groups that form chain cannot be stabilised effectively with water so this
hydrogen bonds with waters hydroxyl groups. part is insoluble. The long chain is insoluble in the
6. (a) MgSO4(s) Mg2+(aq) + SO42(aq) water so floats on the surface with the polar COOH
(b) HF(aq) + H2O(l) H3O+(aq) + F(aq) group dissolved in the surface layer of the water.
(c) C12H22O11(s) C12H22O11(aq) Practical activity 12.1 Comparison of the melting and
7. (a) Sucrose and glycerine have many OH groups that boiling points of molecules
can form hydrogen bonds with water. Sodium
Part 1
chloride can bond strongly through iondipole
attractions. This cannot happen in kerosene, Data set A
which is a non-polar solvent, so sucrose, glycerine
Melting point (C)

and sodium chloride do not dissolve in kerosene. 0

(b) Paraffin wax is a non-polar hydrocarbon with long 100
hydrocarbon chains. Water cannot form strong 200
enough bonds with it to dissolve it. The chemical 300
bonds between the atoms in SiO2 are so strong
that the solvent cannot break and establish new
stable interactions. Oleic acid is slightly polar but
Boiling point (C)

has a very long hydrocarbon chain that prevents

water solubility.
(c) The chemical bonds in silica are very strong so the 100
particles cannot be further stabilised by dissolving 200
in any solvent. 300
(d) Ethanols solvent properties are often
intermediate between water and kerosene. It is
a polar solvent, but not as polar as water. It can Data set B
form hydrogen bonds with some solutes, but not
as strongly as water. Its small hydrocarbon chain
allows a little paraffin and oleic acid to dissolve,
Melting point (C)

but the solubility is low. Glycerine, however, is a

small carbon chain that has many OH groups that
can form hydrogen bonds with ethanol.
8. (a) Less soluble 120
(b) From the graph, mass dissolved/100 g water = 0.09 g. 140
So, mass of CO2 dissolved = 0.9 g/kg water 160
(c) Carbon dioxide dissolves sparingly in water as its

electronegative oxygen atoms are attracted to the

electropositive hydrogen atoms of water. As the
temperature increases and the water molecules
move about more rapidly, these intermolecular

force holding the particles together. In the other
80 three molecules, hydrogen bonding is the dominant
70 intermolecular force. This is much stronger than
Boiling point (C)

60 dispersion forces so the melting and boiling points are

50 significantly higher.
40 2. In general, branching in hydrocarbons lowers the
30 melting and boiling points. Therefore, the straight-
20 chain molecule, hexane, has the highest melting and
10 boiling points. This means that the dispersion forces
0 are slightly stronger in hexane than in the branched




molecules as it has an effectively greater surface area,

so each chain can get closer to neighbouring chains.
3. In general, non-polar molecules, such as pentane, have
lower melting and boiling points than polar molecules.
The presence of strong dipoles or hydrogen bonding
increases the boiling point. This is particularly evident
Data set C in propanoic acid.
40 4. The open structure of the ice lattice creates a solid that
200 is less dense than water, allowing it to float on water.
Practical activity 12.3 Investigating solubility in water
Melting point (C)

40 Part A Questions
60 2. Most of the ionic salts tested were water soluble and form
80 strong iondipole bonds with the water solvent. Some
100 molecular solutes (sucrose, ethanol, butan 1-ol) are
120 water soluble and form hydrogen bonds with the water
140 solvent. Other covalent molecular substances cannot

propanoic acid


form sufficiently strong bonds with the solvent to allow

dissolution to occur. The strong covalent bonds in the
covalent network lattice prevent dissolution in water.
3. Weigh the solutes using a balance and measure volumes
using a burette; agitate the tubes for extended times
to allow complete dissolution; for those solids that
dissolve incompletely, filter, and dry and weigh the
residue to determine the amount dissolved.
Boiling point (C)

Chapter 13 Solutions and solubility
13.1 Solutions and precipitation
1. A. Sodium nitrate is a soluble ionic salt. Barium sulfate
and calcium carbonate are ionic but insoluble.
0 2. C. Barium sulfate is insoluble.


propanoic acid

3. B. Iron (III) hydroxide is insoluble.

4. D. Calcium sulfate is insoluble.
5. D. There was no reaction with either reagent. If
chloride or carbonate ions were present, they would
precipitate with silver ions. If sulfate ions were present,
Questions they would precipitate with barium ions.
1. Methane and neon have low melting and boiling 6. (a) Yes. Silver chloride
points as dispersion forces are the only intermolecular (b) Yes. Silver carbonate

(c) No. All ion combinations produce soluble salts. is dissolving. As the solution was already saturated
(d) Yes. Lead (II) hydroxide and remains so, some non-radioactive ions must be
crystallising at the same time. Thus, the equilibrium is
7. (a) Sodium carbonate. Only calcium carbonate
precipitates. dynamic.

(b) Silver nitrate. Only silver chloride precipitates. 13 (a) Method 1 Dissolve green copper (II) chloride
in water and add the correct molar quantity
(c) Barium nitrate. Only barium sulfate precipitates.
of sodium carbonate solution to precipitate
(d) Sodium chloride. Only silver chloride precipitates. all the copper (II) ions as insoluble copper
8. In each case, choose a nitrate and a sodium (or (II) carbonate. Filter and wash the precipitate.
potassium) salt. Collect the precipitate in a beaker and dissolve
(a) Silver nitrate and sodium bromide solutions it in a minimum of dilute sulfuric acid, until
(b Lead (II) nitrate and sodium chromate solutions effervescence just stops. The solution formed
contains copper (II) sulfate. Evaporate and
(c) Nickel (II) nitrate and sodium carbonate solutions
crystallise the solution to obtain copper (II) sulfate
(d) Copper (II) nitrate and sodium sulfide solutions
crystals. Filter these crystals and dry them gently.
(e) Barium nitrate and sodium phosphate solutions
Method 2 Use method 1 but replace sodium
9. (a) Ag+(aq) + Cl(aq) AgCl(s) carbonate with sodium hydroxide. In this case,
(b) Ba2+(aq) + SO42(aq) BaSO4(s) insoluble copper (II) hydroxide forms.
(c) Cu2+(aq) + S2(aq) CuS(s) (b) Dissolve blue copper (II) sulfate crystals in water
10. (a) Ca2+(aq) + SO42(aq) PbSO4(s) and add the correct molar quantity of barium
(b) CaSO4 chloride solution. A white precipitate of barium
sulfate forms, which can be filtered. Collect the
(c) Ag+(aq) + I(aq) AgI(s)
green filtrate, which contains copper (II) ions
(d) Ba2+, NO3 and chloride ions. Evaporate and crystallise the
(e) K+, Cl solution to produce green copper (II) chloride
(f) CaCrO4 crystals. Filter the crystals and dry gently.
11. (a) At about 3.5 minutes, when the slope of the line is 0
13.2 Concentration of solutions
(b) At about 3.5 minutes. When saturation is achieved,
1. C. The molar weight of nitric acid is 63 g/mol, so
the system is in equilibrium.
4 moles weighs 252 g.
(c) NaCl(s) p Na+(aq) + Cl(aq)
2. D. n = cV = 0.020 0.025 = 0.00050 mol
(d) The graph plateaus at about 3.5 g of salt per 10 g
3. A. M(NaBr) = 102.9
of water. So, solubility = 35 g/100 g H2O
n = m/M = 10/102.9 = 0.0972 mol
(e) The concentrations are the same (35 g/100 g
water). The addition of extra salt does not change c = n/V = 0.0972/0.200 = 0.49 mol/L
the equilibrium because the solution is already 4. A. c 2 = c1V1/V2 = 0.40 25/100 = 0.10 mol/L
saturated once equilibrium is established. Only
5. C. c = 5.0/50.0 100 = 10.0%v/v
a temperature change or the addition of more
solvent will change this. 6. c1V1 = c 2V2
12. The use of radioactive isotopes is the usual method. 0.500 30.0 103 = 0.100V2
Radioactive chlorine reacts with sodium to form V2 = 0.15 L
radioactive sodium chloride, which is chemically Therefore, dilute the solution until the total volume is
identical to normal sodium chloride. However, it 150 mL.
emits radiation, which can be detected with a Geiger 7. c1V1 = c 2V2
18.0 5.0 103 = 0.10V 2
A saturated salt solution is prepared. A radioactive
V2 = 0.90 L = 900 mL
crystal is added and some of the aqueous solution
is removed periodically and tested for radioactivity. Thus, the volume of water that needs to be added is
Over time, the level of radioactivity in the solution 900 5 = 895 mL.
rises. This shows that some of the radioactive crystal 8. Let the atomic weight of element E = x.

M(E Br2) = x + 2 79.9 = x + 159.8 g/mol 13. (a) The weight of water in fresh tissue can be
n(E Br2) = m/M = 20.0 (x + 159.8) mol affected by various environmental conditions
and by species. It is more reliable to express the
c = n/V
concentration on a dry weight basis.
0.20 = n/0.500 = 20.0 (x + 159.8) 0.500
(b) 5 ppm = 5 mg per kg of tissue
x = 40.2
Mass of mercury = 5 0.8 = 4.0 mg
The atomic weight of E is 40.2.
(c) Concentration in water = 5/30 000
9. (a) = 1.67 104 ppm
No further change
in mass of barium 14. (a) m(Cd) = 200 mg/kg 1500 kg = 300 000 mg
sulfate = 300 g = 0.300 kg
(b) c(Cd in lake) = 0.300/2.5 = 0.12 ppm.
1.4 This is well below the acceptable limit.
Mass BaSO4 (g)

1.0 Practical activity 13.1 Investigating solubility using

0.8 precipitation reactions
0.6 Questions
1. Most chloride salts are soluble except silver chloride
and lead chloride.
0 2 4 6 8 10 Most carbonates are insoluble except potassium
Volume BaCI2 (mL) carbonate.
Most sulfates are soluble except lead sulfate, barium
(b) The sulfate has precipitated completely as barium sulfate and calcium sulfate.
sulfate. Excess barium ions produce no more Most hydroxides are insoluble except potassium
precipitate. hydroxide and barium hydroxide.
(c) 6 mL. This is the point on the graph after which 3. Example equations:
the mass of barium sulfate no longer changes. Ag+ + Cl AgCl(s)
(d) n(BaCl2) = cV = 1.0 6.0 103 = 6.0 103 mol Pb2+ + 2Cl PbCl2(s)
n(metal sulfate) = cV = 1.0 2.0 103 Ba2+ + SO4 2 BaSO4(s)
= 2.0 103 mol Ca2+ + CO32 CaCO3(s)
6.0 103/2.0 103 = 3.0 mol Pb2+ + 2OH Pb(OH)2(s)
Therefore, 3 moles of barium chloride reacts with
1 mole of metal sulfate. Practical activity 13.2 Preparing and diluting solutions
(e) Ba2+ + SO42 BaSO4(s) Questions
This is a 1 : 1 mole ratio so 3 moles of barium ions 2. A measuring cylinder is not manufactured as accurately
will react with 3 moles of sulfate ions. So, in 1 mole as burettes, pipettes and volumetric flasks.
of metal sulfate, there are 3 moles of sulfate ions.
(f) M2(SO4)3. The metal must be trivalent as each Chapter 14 Water and energy
mole of the sulfate salt has 3 moles of sulfate.
14.1 Energy changes in aqueous systems
10. m(C) = 2/100 50 = 1 kg
1. A. Silver has the lowest specific heat capacity so reaches
11. 1960 sample: c(CO2) = 3180 mL/10 kL = 318 ppm
the highest temperature when absorbing the same
1980 sample: c(CO2) = 169 L/0.500 L = 338 ppm amount of heat.
Increase = 338 318 = 20 ppm 2. B. Use the calorimetry equation:
12. Sample A: c(F) = 2.4 mg/0.002 kg = 1200 ppm. This is 12 000 = 50 4.18(T f 25); solve for T f.
200 ppm over the acceptable level of 1000 ppm. 3. A. Water is not the only polar molecule but its
Sample B: c(F)
= 1.125 mg/0.0015 kg = 750 ppm. This hydrogen bonding is stronger than that in alcohol.
is below the acceptable level. 4. D. 54 g is equal to 2.997 moles of water.

5. A. The reaction is exothermic so the enthalpy change 2. Repeat the experiments at least five times each and
is negative. control all variables.
6. (a) Mass of solution = 50 +1 = 51 g 3. Temperature probes are more accurate than
H = mC T = 51 4.2 4.7 = 1006.7 J thermometers as they can measure temperatures to
(b) M(NaOH) = 22.99+ 16.00+1.008 = 39.998 g/mol more decimal places and they do not rely on the ability
of the experimenter to read a scale. Probes must also
n(NaOH) = m/M = 1.0/39.998 = 0.0250 mol be calibrated if their data is to be reliable.
Molar heat of solution = 1006.7/0.0250
= 40 268 J/mol MODULE 4: ENERGY
= 40.3 kJ/mol
7. M(CaCl26H2O) Chapter 15 Photosynthesis and fuels
= 40.08 + (2 35.45) + (12 1.008) + (6 16.00)
= 219.076 g/mol 15.1 Chemical energy from fossil fuels
n(CaCl2.6H2O) = m/M = 11/219.076 = 0.0502 mol 1. A. Australia has vast coal reserves, which are used to
Heat = n H = 0.0502 18 = 0.9036 kJ = 903.6 J generate electricity and in ore smelters.
H = mC T 2. B. The Suns energy is absorbed by plants and
903.6 = 111 4.1 (Tf 25) converted to chemical energy. This is a means of
Tf = 23.0 C storing energy for future use.
8. H = mC T = 200 2.1 (0 (20)) = 8400 J 3. A. Peat contains the remains of plant twigs, leaves and
9. M(C2H5OH) = (2 12.01) + (6 1.008) + 16.00 stems.
= 46.068 mol 4. D. NSW and Queensland have large reserves of black
n = m/M = 100/46.068 = 2.171 mol coal.
q = heat to melt solid + heat to warm liquid to boiling 5. C. Australian crude has high amounts of low molecular
point + heat to vaporise liquid weight hydrocarbons but low amounts of heavier
= nH(fusion) + mC T + n H(vaporisation)
6. (a) 6CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) C6H12O6(s) + 6O2(g)
= (2.171 5000) + (100 2.44)(78 + 114) + (2.171
38 000) (b) Endothermic
= 10 855 + 46 848 + 82 498 (c) Water
= 140 201 J (d) Chlorophyll
= 0.14 MJ (e) In the chlorophyllprotein reaction centre, light
10. (a) Thermal pollution is the heating of natural water energy is used to excite chlorophyll molecules
systems due to the discharge of heated water from so that electrons are released. These energised
various factories, such as from the cooling towers electrons are transferred to water molecules.
of coal-fired power stations and nuclear power 7. (a) Peat, lignite (brown coal), black coal (bituminous
stations. coal), anthracite
(b) Fish can withstand only a moderate change in the (b) Anthracite has the highest percentage of carbon
temperature of their environment. Warm water as it is the most metamorphosed of all the coal
dissolves less oxygen so fish may suffocate from types. The greater the percentage of carbon, the
lack of oxygen. Warm water may also alter the greater the heat released on combustion.
balance of the ecosystem and allow competition
8. (a) Heat = 50 30 = 1500 MJ
between fish that tolerate warm water and those
that cannot. This has occurred in Australia with (b) Bituminous coal has a higher carbon content
the European carp, which is now a pest in many and a lower moisture content than brown coal.
inland waterways. Therefore, it produces more heat on combustion.
9. (a) Methane, CH4, is a hydrocarbon because it is
Practical activity 14.1 Calorimetry: measuring the composed of carbon and hydrogen atoms.
heat of solution (b) 1 kg of methane produces 56 MJ (56 000 kJ) of
Part B Questions energy on combustion. x kg of methane produces
1. To determine the effect of the environment on the 100 kJ of energy. By ratio, solve for x.
calorimeter x = 100/56 000 = 1.79 103 kg methane

(c) 100 g of methane = 100/1000 = 0.10 kg (d) Answers will vary. North West Shelf produces more
Energy released = 0.10 56 = 5.6 MJ gas than oil. Bass Strait produces mainly oil and
10. (a) Mass of 1 litre of petrol = DV = 0.7 1 = 0.7 kg some gas.
Energy released = 0.7 47 = 32.9 MJ Part B
Mass of 1 litre of kerosene = DV = 0.8 1 = 0.8 kg (a) (i)
Energy released = 0.8 50 = 40.0 MJ
Thus, 1 litre of kerosene produces more energy
than 1 litre of petrol.

% of molecules
(b) Coal is used mainly as a fuel in coal-fired 60
power stations and to raise the temperature
in steel furnaces. Oil is rarely used in this way.
It is commonly used as a raw material for the
production of liquid fuels for cars, trucks and
aeroplanes. It is also used in some oil-fired heaters
and engines.

ethane, C2H6

oxygen, O2/nitrogen, N2
methane, CH4

carbon dioxide, CO2

propane, C3H8

butane, C4H10
Data analysis 15.1 Australian petroleum
Part A
(a) and (b) Answers will vary with new discoveries.

Current reserves
of natural gas as %
Basin Location of total (1998) (ii)
Carnarvon Western Australia 54
(off shore) C H
Browse Western Australia 22
(off shore)

Gippsland Southeast 9 Methane Ethane

Victoria (off
shore) (iii) Methane, ethane, propane, butane
Bonaparte/ Northwest 9 (b) (i) and (ii)
Amadeus Australia (off
shore)/south Compound Classification
Northern benzene aromatic
cyclohexane naphthene
Cooper/ South 5 3,3-dimethylpentane paraffin
Eromanga Australia/south
Queensland/ heptane paraffin
northwest NSW 2,2,4-trimethylpentane paraffin
Adavale/ Southeast <1 methylcyclohexane naphthene
Bowen/Surat Queensland
2,2-dimethylhexane paraffin
Perth Perth (off shore) <1 methylbenzene (toluene) aromatic
Bass Bass Strait <1 cycloheptane naphthene

Otway Western Bass <1 2-methylheptane paraffin

(iii) 68

(iv) 16.2 Hydrocarbons
H H 1. (a) Hexane
H C H (b) Oct-2-ene (or 2-octene)
C C (c) Oct-1-ene (or 1-octene). Number from the right-
hand side to give the double bond the lowest
H C C H locant.
2. (a) Butane
(b) Hex-1-ene (or 1-hexene)
Chapter 16 Carbon and carbon C C C H
compounds H

16.1 Carbon
The molecule must contain 3 carbon atoms and 6
1. C. Carbon has 6 electrons; 2 in the K shell and 4 in the
hydrogen atoms to give a molar weight of 42.1. It is
L shell.
2. A. Allotropic forms of other elements exist (e.g. P, O,
S, Se). 4. P : liquid; Q : solid; R : gas
3. B. Unlike graphite, all valence shell electrons are 5. (a) Diesel oil (b) Paraffin waxes (c) Petrol
involved in bonding. 6. (a) V(CH4) = 88/100 10 = 8.8 ML = 8.8 106 L
4. D. Graphite has a more open crystalline structure than (b) n(CH4) = 8.8 106/24.79 = 3.55 105 mol
(c) N = nNA = 3.55 105 6.022 1023
5. C. Electric arc discharge is one of the three methods = 2.14 1029 molecules
of making fullerenes.
7. (a) Alkane
6. C. A triple bond contains 6 electrons as three pairs.
(b) C8H18; C9H20
(c) (i) Covalent bonds
H H (ii) Dispersion forces
(iii) Covalent bonds
(d) Dispersion forces
H C C H (e) Saturated. It has the maximum number of
hydrogen atoms per carbon.
H H (f) Octane is volatile and flammable. No sparks or
flames should come near an octane vapourair
mixture. Transfer octane in a closed metal
8. Single carboncarbon bonds: 4; double carboncarbon container with a narrow neck. Keep the vessel full
bonds: 1; triple carboncarbon bonds: 1
to avoid combustible vapourair mixtures under
9. (a) The weak dispersion forces between the crystal the cap.
layers allow shearing forces to displace the layers.
8. Steps C, B, D, A, F, E
This makes graphite a good lubricant.
(b) Diamonds crystal lattice is very strong in three 9. (a) The gauge, taps and fittings may leak or be faulty.
dimensions. The atoms are arranged tetrahedrally Inspections help to minimise the risks of fires and
and there are no weak planes within the crystal. explosions.
The crystal is very hard and useful in cutting and (b) In the open air there is good ventilation and it is
grinding tools. unlikely that combustible vapourair mixtures will
(c) Graphite has a very high melting point and is form.
a very good electrical conductor. Thus, it can (c) Petrol is much more volatile than kerosene and
withstand the high temperatures of an electrolytic combustible vapourair mixtures can form readily.
furnace and conducts electricity into the melt. It has a very low flash point (43 C) so vapourair
10. C(s) + O2(g) CO2(g) mixtures are susceptible to sparking. Petrol must

be kept cool in a metal storage can with a narrow m(water) = DV = 1.00 88 = 88.0 g
neck and tight-fitting lid. Only very small amounts Calculate the number of moles of each component.
can be stored safely in outside sheds away from the
n(ethanol) = m/M = 9.42/46.1 = 0.204 mol
n(water) = m/M = 88.0/18.016 = 4.885 mol
10. (a)
Total moles = 0.204 + 4.885 = 5.089 mol
200 Mole %(ethanol) = 0.204/5.089 100 = 4.0%
5. Water and ethanol dissolve readily in one another due
Boiling point (C)

to strong hydrogen bonding between the molecules.
Thus, it is very difficult to separate these molecules
40 by distillation as some water always vaporises with the
0 ethanol.
80 Data analysis 16.3 Alkanes and alkenes
120 Part A
2. (a) But-1-ene and but-2-ene (or 1-butene and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
(b) Pent-1-ene, pent-2-ene, pent-3-ene (or 1-pentene,
Molar weight (g/mol)
2-pentene and 3-pentene)
3 (b) Five isomers (hexane, 2-methylpentane,
From the graph, the boiling point of pentane 3-methylpentane, 2,2-dimethylbutane,
= ~30 C. (36 C in chemical data book) 2,3-dimethylbutane)
(b) As the alkane chains increase in length, the extent
of dispersion forces between the chains increases. Chapter 17 Combustion and reaction
Thus, more heat is required to separate the chains
and convert liquid into vapour.
Practical activity 16.2 Fractional distillation 17.1 Combustion
Part B 1. C. The melting of the wax is a physical change. It can
be readily reversed.
Greater % of ethanol in distillate 2. B. Ethane has six CH bonds and a CC bond; the
90 as % of ethanol in original total of the bond energies is greater than that of the
Ethanol in distilate (mole %)

80 mixture increases other molecules.

70 3. A. Electrolysis requires energy input to drive the
60 reaction.
50 4. D. The activation energy for the reverse reaction is the
40 sum of the enthalpy change and the forward activation
20 5. A. The ignition temperature of alkanes decreases with
10 increasing chain length.
0 6. (a) The molecules have insufficient kinetic energy
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 to overcome the activation energy barrier at room
Ethanol in original mixture (mole %)
(b) (i) Exothermic
2. Richer in ethanol until 90%, when it is the same (ii) HA HB
3. Ethanol (iii) HC HB
4. 100 mL of 12%v/v ethanol in water contains 12 mL (c) The activation energy for the reverse reaction is
ethanol and 88 mL water. Calculate the mass of each too high.
component. 7. (a) (i) 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O(l)
m(ethanol) = DV = 0.785 12 = 9.42 g (ii) 2CO(g) + O2(g) 2CO2(g)

(b) 12 moles of town gas is composed of 9 moles of (c) Carbon dioxide
hydrogen and 3 moles of carbon monoxide. (d) Carbon (soot)
Heat released by burning 9 moles of H2 = 9 286 (e) Incomplete
= 2574 kJ
14. Heat absorbed by water in calorimeter = mC T
Heat released by burning 3 moles of CO = 3 283
= 50.0 4.2 (49.7 19.7)
= 849 kJ
= 6300 J = 6.30 kJ
Total heat evolved = 2574 + 849 = 3423 kJ
n(C4H10) = m/M = 0.25/58.1 = 4.30 103 mol
8. (a) (i) 79 kJ (ii) +24 kJ
Heat of combustion = 6.30/4.30 103 = 1465 kJ/mol
(b) Endothermic. The reaction reverses on cooling.
15. Both fuels generate carbon dioxide so neither reduces
(c) 79 24 = 55 kJ
global warming. LPG tends to burn more efficiently
(d) Greater. Energy is supplied to the reactant or than petrol so it extracts more useful energy is
product to reach the activation complex. extracted but causes less pollution. LPG has a slightly
9. Activation energy (reverse) = (400 100)/2 higher heat of combustion per mole (50 MJ/kg)
= 300/2 than petrol (~47 MJ/kg). Although propane is less
= 150 kJ expensive, the weight of its tanks in a car add to the
10. (a) The sooty flame in dodecane is indicative of poor cost of motoring. More gas fields than crude oil fields
or incomplete combustion. The wick assists the have been discovered in Australia so LPG is likely to
less volatile dodecane to vaporise and form a become increasingly available in the short-term future,
combustible vapouroxygen mixture. If too much while crude oil and petrol may become more scarce
dodecane rises in the wick, excess vapour in the and costly. LPG tanks must be inspected regularly for
reaction zone can cause poor combustion. The leaks so require more maintenance than petrol tanks.
vapourair mixture that forms around the wick The proposal should be supported to allow better
in an ethanol burner is appropriate for nearly use of this abundant natural resource and to reduce
complete combustion. demand on petrol supplies.
(b) Trimming the wick alters the vapour to air ratio,
allowing more complete combustion. In this case, 17.2 Reaction kinetics
the ratio was lowered by allowing less dodecane 1. C. The greater the concentration of hydrogen ions,
vapour and more air to mix. the greater the number of collisions with the surface
(c) At 25 C, a combustible (fuel vapour air) mixture of the zinc granules.
does not form above the liquid dodecane due 2. D. Combustion requires oxygen; the more oxygen, the
to its low volatility. A match flame cannot heat
greater the rate of combustion.
sufficient fuel to maintain a high enough vapour
concentration. Thus, no sustained combustion 3. A. The reaction is faster as more molecules have
can occur (flash point of dodecane ~48 C). sufficient kinetic energy to overcome the activation
A combustible ethanol vapour air mixture does energy barrier.
form above liquid ethanol as it has higher volatility 4. D. Catalysts accelerate reactions but the same mass is
and lower flash point than dodecane. Thus, present at the end.
sustained combustion occurs without a wick.
5. A. Caster sugar is finely ground and has a high surface
(d) Kerosene area, which allows it dissolve more readily.
(e) Petrol 6. (a) The cornflour dust is a fuel with a very high
11. The mixture would not ignite. Although it is a surface area. The flame provides the necessary
combustible mixture, the temperature is lower than activation energy for a reaction to occur. Because
the ignition temperature. there is a large surface area with which oxygen
12. Sample A (30%v/v) is a combustible mixture so molecules can collide, the reaction is so fast that
would ignite. Sample B (70%v/v) is not a combustible it becomes explosive. There is no explosion in the
mixture. second experiment as combustion is much slower
13. (a) The water pump creates a partial vacuum that due to reduced surface contact with air.
draws air and vapours through the apparatus. (b) Coal dust is a fuel. It is explosive in the presence
(b) Water. Blue cobalt chloride paper turns pink in of air and a spark or flame. Dust extractors or
the presence of water. water sprays can reduce dust levels in the air.

7. (a) The powder has a greater surface area, allowing Practical activity 17.2 Combustion
more successful collisions per unit time. Part A Questions
(b) The acid was in excess and the same mass of 1. Decrease in mass
solid was used. The reaction stoichiometry is the
2. Increase in mass
same so the same volume of carbon dioxide was
produced. However, the reaction took longer with 3. The ash is lighter than the wood as some mass is lost to
the chips. the air in the form of carbon dioxide and water vapour.
The white product of combustion of magnesium
8. The magnesium in jar B burns more rapidly and with
weighs more than the original magnesium as oxygen
a much brighter white light. The greater number
atoms from the air have combined with magnesium
of collisions between oxygen molecules and the hot
magnesium surface increases the reaction rate.
Part B Questions
9. Convert the iron into a wool or powder to increase the
surface area; increase the temperature and humidity. 1. Hot vapours, gases and solid particles are lost to the air.
10. The carbon dioxide is evolved and passes through 2. Solid wax turns to liquid wax; liquid wax turns to wax
a tube to the manometer. The pressure of carbon vapour.
dioxide causes the liquid level in the manometer to 3. Cool
change. The change in level per unit time can be 4. There is not enough oxygen diffusion into the centre
measured and is related to the rate of the reaction. of the flame for complete combustion.
11. This is an example of spontaneous combustion. Heat is 5. Oxygen diffuses rapidly into these regions so
released during microbial decomposition of hay. If the combustion is complete. The maximum amount
haystack is large, the heat builds up faster than it can of heat is liberated so the flame is hotter at these
escape. Eventually, the ignition temperature is reached locations.
and the hay combusts spontaneously.
6. Combustion is an exothermic process. The heat
12. The burning methane causes air to enter the can from liberated raises the temperature of the vapourair
the hole in the base. The concentration of methane mixture. The temperature is higher than the flash
drops and the concentration of air (and combustion point so combustible mixtures of wax vapour and
products) rises as the methane burns. Eventually, the oxygen form. The heat liberated raises the temperature
concentration of methane reaches 15%, creating an above the ignition temperature so the reaction is self-
explosive mixture. The methane then explodes rather sustaining.
than burning rapidly.
Practical activity 17.3 Reaction rates
Practical activity 17.1 Exothermic and endothermic
Part A Questions
1. The reaction time is the reciprocal of the reaction rate.
2. As the oxalic acid concentration decreases, the
1. HCl + NaOH NaCl + H2O(l) reaction rate decreases as fewer effective collisions lead
CuCO3(s) + 2HCl CuCl2 + H2O(l) + CO2(g) to reaction.
NH4NO3(s) NH4 + NO3
+ 3. Raising the temperature increases the proportion of
2CaSO4.H2O(s) + 3H2O(l) 2CaSO4.2H2O(s) particles with kinetic energy higher than the activation
energy. This increases the reaction rate.
Na2CO3 + CaCl2 CaCO3(s) + 2NaCl
4. The presence of manganese sulfate increases the
Mg(s) + 2HCl MgCl2 + H2(g)
reaction rate. To prove that the manganese sulfate acts
Ba(OH)2.8H2O(s) + 2NH4SCN(s) catalytically, we need to show that none was consumed
Ba(SCN)2(s) + 10H2O(l) + 2NH3(g) during the reaction; that is, the mass of manganese
2. The energy required for the reactants to form products sulfate is the same after the reaction as before.
comes from the kinetic energy of the particles in the
surroundings. Thus, the surroundings cool and the Part B Questions
temperature drops. 1. The powder has a significantly greater surface area.

2. The greater surface area provides many more sites for (b) Extract dust continuously; flood the grinder with
hydrogen ions from the acid to attack carbonate ions. an unreactive gas (such as N2) to prevent oxygen
Thus, more product is formed in the same time. reaching the hot grinding surface; regularly
maintain electrical equipment to prevent sparking.
3. 5.0 g of calcium carbonate: n = m/M = 5.0/100.09
= 0.05 mol 4. Active metal dusts (see table 17.11)
50 mL of 1.0 mol/L HCl: n = cV = 1.0 50 103 5. The pressure wave from a primary explosion can
propagate outwards rapidly causing dust elsewhere to
= 0.05 mol
become suspended in the air. The propagating wave
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl CaCl2 + H2O(l) + CO2(g) front can heat this newly suspended dust to its ignition
This equation shows that 1 mole of calcium carbonate point so that a secondary explosion can occur.
requires 2 moles of hydrochloric acid for complete
reaction. In the experiment, the mole ratio is 1:1, so Sample examination paper
calcium carbonate is in excess. Part A
1. B
Data analysis 17.4 Catalysis 2. A
Example 1 3. D
5. NO 4. A
6. NO + O3 NO2 + O2 5. D
NO2 + O NO + O2 6. A
7. C
Sum: O3 + O 2O2
8. A
Example 2
9. D
7. The metalhydrogen bond is stronger so the HH 10. B
bond breaks to form a more stable intermediate.
11. C
Data analysis 17.5 Explosions and safety 12. A
13. B
Part A
14. A
1. C
15. D
2. F 16. C
3. E 17. A
4. (a) A, B, G (b) D 18. B
5. H2O2 19. C
6. The rate of radical formation at room temperature 20. D
is slow, and the rate at which radicals are terminated Part B
is high, so no sustained reaction can occur. The
molecules have insufficient energy to overcome the 21. (a) CuCO3.Cu(OH)2(s) + 4HCl(aq)
activation energy barrier. 2CuCl2(aq) + 3H2O(l) + CO2(g)
7. Prevent hydrogen from mixing with oxidisers such as
(b) No differences would be observed. In both cases,
oxygen. Keep the gas cool and away from sparks and
the final solution contains copper chloride. Both
minerals release bubbles of gas and both solids
Part B dissolve in excess acid. Heat is released in both
1. Flour dust is composed of combustible material such reactions.
as starch and cellulose. If the dust is fine and dry (c) Electrolyse the solution using inert graphite
enough, a suspension in air can explode if an ignition electrodes. The copper deposits at the negative
source is present.
2. The dust needs to be quite dry (moisture content less
than 11%) and the dust suspension needs to be in an 22. (a) Add a strip of zinc to dilute hydrochloric acid.
enclosed space in the presence of an ignition source Increase the temperature of the system by placing
such as a spark or flame. the tube in a hot water bath. The rate of gas
3. (a) 4Al(s) + 3O2(g) 2Al2O3(s) effervescence increases as the acid gets hotter.

Zn(s) + 2HCl(aq) ZnCl2(aq) + H2(g) Energy released = 9.991 6 = 59.95 kJ
(b) Add powdered calcium carbonate (rather than (c) Annual precipitation = 40 3 = 37 1013 m3
chips) to dilute hydrochloric acid. (d) Polar icecaps, glaciers, icebergs
CaCO3(s) + 2HCl(aq) 27. (a) North West Shelf of Western Australia, Bass Strait,
CaCl2(aq) + H2O(l) + CO2(g) Bonaparte/Amadeus Basins, Carnarvon Basin,
23. (a) Sodium sulfate solution Adavale/Bowen/Surat Basins
(b) Pb2+(aq) + SO42(aq) PbSO4(s) (b) (i) A fractionating column separates the
(c) M(PbSO4) = 303.3 g/mol components of the crude oil into fractions
based on their boiling point ranges. Crude
n(Pb2+) = n(PbSO4)
oil is heated to about 370 C in a pipe still at
= m/M = 0.950/303.3 = 3.132 103 mol
the bottom of the column. This converts the
c(Pb2+) = n/V = 3.132 103/0.100 viscous liquid to vapour and fluid that then
= 0.0313 mol/L pass into the base of the fractionating column.
(d) If water is present, the weight of the precipitate The petroleum vapours and steam move up
would be overestimated, which would cause the the column, cooling and condensing on baffles
calculation of the lead concentration to be too high. called bubble caps. This condensed liquid is
24. (a) Carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon, water richer in the least volatile components. The
liquids that form at particular boiling point
(b) 4Ag2O(s) + CH4(g) ranges are collected in trays. Some liquid
8Ag(s) + CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) overflows these trays and falls back to a hotter
(c) Heating gives the particles sufficient kinetic energy zone where it meets hot ascending vapours,
on collision to overcome the activation energy which exchange heat and vaporise the more
barrier for the reaction. volatile components of the liquid. The trays
eventually collect liquids in a fairly narrow
(d) M(Ag2O) = 231.7 g/mol
boiling range. They are then channelled out
n(Ag2O) = m/M = 30.0/231.7 = 0.1295 mol and collected.
Each mole of silver oxide produces 2 moles of silver. (ii) Refinery gas
n(Ag) = 2 0.1295 = 0.259 mol
(iii) Residue
m(Ag) = nM= 0.259 107.9 = 27.9 g (c)
25. (a) M(Al2O3) = 102.0 g/mol
Fraction Use
From the balanced equation, 4 moles of Al produces
2 moles of aluminium oxide. gasoline cracking into smaller molecules to make more
(naphtha petrol and alkenes
n(Al2O3) = m/M= 10.2/102.0 = 0.10 mol fraction)
n(Al) = 2 n(Al2O3) = 0.20 mol kerosene home heating; aviation fuel; conversion to
m(Al) = nM = 0.20 27.0 = 5.4 g petrol (cracking)
(b) 4 moles of Al produces 3352 kJ of energy on diesel oil furnace fuel; diesel engines; conversion to
combustion. petrol (cracking)
0.20 moles of Al produces 0.20 3352/4 = 167.6 kJ 28. (a) (i) Ionic (ii) Ionic
of energy on combustion.
(b) (i) Solid (ii) Liquid
Heat energy = 99/100 167.6 = 165.9 kJ
(c) Dispersion forces
(c) The large surface area of the powder increases the (d) X is likely to be more soluble in water than Y as ionic
reaction rate so that light and heat are produced compounds can often establish strong iondipole
faster. interactions that assist the dissolution process.
(d) Magnesium This is not possible in a molecular solid, unless it
26. (a) Solar energy can hydrolyse and break the covalent bonds, so it
remains insoluble. Y (molecular solid) is more likely
(b) M(H2O) = 18.016 g/mol to dissolve in kerosene, while X (ionic solid) is likely
n(H2O) = m/M = 180/18.016 = 9.9911 mol to be insoluble.

29. (a) The pressure is higher than 100 kPa so the gas can has been driven by the need of our technological
liquefy. society to produce new lightweight or strong alloys.
(b) (i) Incomplete (as shown by the yellow flame) 31. Since the 1960s, aluminium has been used extensively
(ii) M(butane) = 58.1 g/mol in drink cans because it is readily rolled, lightweight,
odourless, tasteless and conducts heat away from the
n(butane) = m/M = 0.03/58.1 = 5.16 104 mol drink so that it can be chilled rapidly. The huge use
Heat = 1000/5.16 104 = 1.938 106 J/mol of aluminium has led to a problem of waste disposal.
= 1938 kJ/mol Australia now recycles about 70% of its aluminium
(iii) The published value refers to complete drink cans, rather than dumping it in landfills. If
combustion. In this case, the combustion is more aluminium is recycled, fewer mines are needed,
incomplete so less heat is evolved. resulting in less pollution from the fluoride compounds
released during aluminium manufacture.
30. (a) Stone Age, Copper Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age
The energy to melt and recycle aluminium is less than
(b) The smelting process involved crushing and
5% of the total energy expended in converting bauxite
grinding the ore to a fine powder, mixing it with
ore to aluminium. Thus, recycling is energy efficient
charcoal and placing it in a furnace. The charcoal
and also conserves our metal supplies. Over 40% of the
was used as the fuel for the fire and also as the global demand for aluminium is met through recycling.
reducing agent. The temperature of the burning Each time one kilogram of aluminium is recycled,
charcoal was increased by blasting air into the 1421 kWh less electricity is required for electrolysis;
furnace with bellows. In early, open smelters, the 58 kg of bauxite does not have to be mined; and 20 kg
temperature was too low (~800900 C) to melt of greenhouse gases is not emitted into the atmosphere.
the copper (melting point = 1085 C) so grains of Recycling also reduces the use of landfill sites in cities
copper formed in the glassy slag produced by quartz and towns.
in the ore. The grains were recovered by crushing
32. (a) A carbonate is selected that decomposes using the
the solidified slag. In later, closed smelters, the
heat from a Bunsen burner flame. Alkali metal
temperature was high enough to melt the copper
carbonates and calcium carbonate are not suitable
so it could be drained out of the base and cast into
as they decompose only at very high temperatures.
Copper (II) carbonate and magnesium carbonate
(c) Some metals were not discovered until the could be used as they decompose at lower
nineteenth century because heat energy alone was temperatures.
not sufficient to decompose their compounds. (b) Safety glasses are always worn to protect the eyes.
The invention of electrolytic decomposition led The selected carbonate is heated in a pyrex tube
to the discovery of active metals, such as sodium with a delivery tube passing into limewater. The
and potassium in 1807 and magnesium in 1808. delivery tube must be removed before heating
The metals beyond uranium in the periodic ceases as a reduction in pressure on cooling can
table owe their production to nuclear technology cause water to be drawn back into the reaction
developed in the mid-twentieth century. Some of tubes, and possibly break the tube. The hot
these were produced by neutron bombardment of glass must not be handled until it is cold. MSDS
other elements in nuclear reactors. New elements forms show that magnesium carbonate or copper
were formed by firing high-velocity, metallic ions, carbonate are not overly dangerous to handle.
produced in particle accelerators, into metallic Prevent limewater contacting skin or eyes.
targets. The heavy elements produced by the fusion
(c) The carbon dioxide evolved turns limewater
of two nuclei are highly radioactive and decay
milky white. The acid test can be used to identify
rapidly. We use some of these radioactive isotopes in
products; oxides do not fizz when acid is added
medicine to diagnose and treat disease. Others are but carbonates do. Sometimes, a colour change
used in industry. can help identify products. For example, if green
Over the last 200 years, metals have become more copper carbonate is decomposed, the product is
readily available due to ongoing improvements black copper oxide. However, if white magnesium
in mining, smelting and electrolytic techniques carbonate is decomposed, the product is also white;
and transportation. Chemists, metallurgists and the acid test is needed in this case. A control, with
chemical and mining engineers are responsible for undecomposed carbonate, should be used to show
this increase in metal supply. Much of this change that a chemical change has occurred.

acc uracy 19 separation of olive oil from olives 289
acetic acid 174, 175 water content 202
acids, reactions with metals 12930 bituminous coal 284
actinoid series 151 black coal 284
activated complex 31718 Bohr, Niels 147
activation energy 31618 shell model of the atom 141, 142
activity series of metals 47, 1301, 1389 boiling points 15, 40
alkali metals 149 alkanes and alkenes 305
alkaline earth metals 149 hydrides of group VI 221
alkanes 292, 3023, 312 noble gases 220
properties 3056 polar and non-polar molecules 221, 2356
alkenes 302, 3034, 312 trends in the periodic table 152
isomers 304 water 2078, 21213, 2245, 272
IUPAC nomenclature 303 boiling water, particle diagram 88
properties 3056 bond dipoles 216, 217
alkyl groups 304 bond energies 812, 315
alkynes 309 bond polarity 216
allotropes of carbon 2946, 309 bonding
alloy steels 118, 119 and solubility 22731
alloys 46, 112, 11314 carbon compounds 2968
and their uses 11722 covalent 667
crystal lattices 11718 ionic 612
aluminium 114 bonds
extraction 378 covalent 812, 216, 297
recycling 193, 1967 ionic 81, 96
ammonium chloride, dissolution 26970 brass 120
anions 58, 59, 60, 61 brittleness 43
anthracite 285 bromine, separation from salt lakes 27
antifreeze 208 bromine pentafluoride 689
aquifers 205 Bronze Age (60003000 BP) 11213
argon, separation from the air 278 brown coal 284
aromatics 292 brown coal deposits, spontaneous combustion 3312
arsenic bronze 112 buckyballs 295, 296
asthenosphere 7 Bunsen burner, burning natural gas in 3201
atmosphere 7 burning of wood, coal and coke 332
gases in 9 butene 303, 304
separation of argon from the air 278
water content 202 caesium chloride 104
atomic mass units (amu) 54 calcium 10
atomic models calcium carbonate 96
development 1412 reaction with acid 341
to explain changes in mass 165 calorimeters 2656
atomic number (Z ) 54, 146 calorimetry 2656, 2767
atomic radius, trends in the periodic table 151 calorimetry measurements, limitations 274
atomic theory (Dalton) 141, 142 candle, combustion 3389
atomic weight 1623 carbohydrates 281
atoms 4, 53 carbon 294, 296
sub-structure 534 carbon allotropes 2946, 309
Australia carbon atoms
minerals and ores 1823 bond angles 297
petroleum resources 291 covalent bonding 297
Avogadro constant 168 carbon compounds
Avogadros law 1668 bonding 2968
structural formulae 298
balanced chemical equations 78 carbon dioxide 9, 98, 104
mole relationships 1702, 180 reduction of 282
binary compounds 63 solubility in water 273
biosphere 7, 910 carbon dioxide molecule 67
elements 10 carbon isotopes 54, 162, 168

carbon monoxide 320 compounds 3
carbon steels 118 atomic structure 4
cassiterite 112 chemical properties of, and their component
catalysis 32930, 342 elements 92, 1023
catalysts 329 classification 93
in industry 3301 particle diagrams 5
cations 58, 59, 60, 61 percentage composition 1645
cells (living things) physical properties 4
elements in 10 concentrated solutions 252
concentrated sulfuric acid, dissolution 269
water role 203
concentration of solutions 2517
cellulose 231, 283
molarity 2513, 255
cementite 113 parts per million (ppm) 2567
centrifugation 14 per cent by volume (%v/v) 256
cerussite 110 per cent by weight (%w/w) 256
chalcolite 109 condensation 75
chalcopyrite, extraction of copper from 18790 copper 109
change of state 75 history of 1245
and enthalpy changes 268 Copper Age (90005000 BP) 11112
chemical changes 767 copper alloys 112
and energy 7982 copper extraction from its ores 1868
and mass 1625 energy and technology issues 191
in breaking and making bonds 31416 environmental issues 1912
indicators of 314 extraction from chalcopyrite 18790
chemical energy copper ores 187
chlorophyll role in production 283 corrosion prevention 193
production through photosynthesis 2813 covalent bonding, and sharing electrons 667
storage by plants 283 covalent bonds 66, 216
chemical formulae 63 bond energies 812
carbon atoms 297
chemical kinetics 327
covalent molecular compounds 679
chemical properties of elements and compounds 92 crystal lattices 73, 93, 98, 22930
chemical reactivity of elements 467 solubility 22930
chlorine, reaction with hydrogen 1656, 332 covalent network compounds, crystal lattices 93, 978, 231
chlorophyll, and production of chemical energy 2823 crude oil 2878
chloroplasts 282 composition 288, 291
classification typical fractions and uses 300
compounds 93 cryogenic air separation 18
crystal lattices 99 crystal lattices 72
matter 35 alloys 11718
classifying elements 401 classification 99
according to their physical properties 434 covalent molecular 73, 93, 98, 22930
cloud model of the atom (Schrodinger) 141, 142 covalent network 93, 978, 231
coal 283, 2845 ionic 72, 93, 967, 104
characteristics 2856 metallic 72, 946, 103
cohesive forces 222 modelling 1034
coke 77, 285, 321 physical properties 93
colorimeters 2656 crystallisation 15
combustion 3379 crystals, comparing properties 1045
cycloalkanes 292
activation energy 31618
cyclohexane 176
and ignition temperature 31820 cycloparaffins 292
candle 3389
chemical change 31416 Dalton, John 162, 166
fossil fuels 320 atomic theory 141, 142, 165
incomplete combustion and pollution 3203 decomposition reactions 7980, 858
magnesium 3378 delocalised electrons 95
natural gas in a Bunsen burner 3201 density 40
solid and liquid fuels 3213 down selected groups 160
wood 3378 ice 214
combustion reactions, rates of 3313 water 2089, 21314

diamond 97, 294, 295 electron configurations 55, 56
diatomic molecules 43, 65, 166 in biosphere 10
diluted solutions 253 in hydrosphere 9
dilution of solutions 2534, 261 metals, non-metals and semi-metals 434
dipoledipole forces 221 mole of 169
dipole moment 221 particle diagrams 5
dipoles 216, 217 physical properties 4, 401, 49
dispersion forces 2201 physical state 43
dissolution reactions 2689 symbols to identify 42
endothermic and exothermic processes 2689 uses of 47, 51
enthalpy changes 269, 270 empirical formulae 967, 1745
sodium chloride 269 magnesium oxide 179
dissolved solids, separating from liquids 15 endothermic reactions 267, 282, 3367
distillation 1617, 75 activated complex 31718
Dobereiner, Johann 142 activation energy 317
dolomite 110 dissolution reactions 26870
double covalent bonds 66, 297 energy, and chemical change 7982
ductility 43 energy changes in aqueous systems 26373
dust explosions 3323, 3434 energy levels in the atom 546
dynamic equilibrium 248 enthalpy 2667
enthalpy changes 2678
Earth dissolution reactions 269, 270
element abundance 8 during a change of state 268
spheres of the 67 equilibrium vapour pressure 305
water moderation of temperature 204 erosion 204
Earths crust 3 ethanoic acid 174
element abundance 8 ethyl acetate 174
economics of metal production 1836 manufacture 331
concentration of metal in ore body 1834 ethylene 174
costs of exploration and extraction 185 ethylene glycol 208
location and size of ore body 183 evaporation 15, 75
transportation costs 185 exothermic reactions 267, 282, 3367
world metal prices 186 activated complex 31718
yield of metal 1845 activation energy 317
electrical conductivity 40, 43 dissolution reactions 26870
to monitor precipitation 247 explosive combustion 3323, 3434
trends in the periodic table 151
electrolysis of water 77, 845 feldspar 204
particle diagram 89 filtrate 14
electrolytes 2423 filtration 14, 75, 76
electrolytic decomposition 80 first ionisation energy 133, 134, 135
electron configurations 55 flash points, hydrocarbons 3045
elements 55, 56 formic acid 174
group II elements 59 fossil fuels 2839
noble gases 56 use as energy sources in Australia 284
electron energy levels 546, 141 fractional distillation 31012
electron sharing, and covalent bonding 667 air 18
electron shells 546, 141 gases 17
electron transfer, and reactivity 1301 petroleum 299301
electronegativity froth flotation 13
and polarity of molecules 21619 fullerenes 2945
trends in the periodic table 1523, 160 functional groups 302
electrons 54, 141
electrostatic attraction 61 galena 110, 182
elements 3 gangue 12
atomic or molecular structure 4 gaseous reactions
chemical properties 92 and Avogadros law 1668
chemical reactivity 467 mole relationships 180
classifying according to physical properties 434, 501 volume changes 1656

gases 43, 53 hydro-electric power stations 2056
separation 1718 hydrogen 9, 162
Gay-Lussac, Joseph 165, 166 reaction with chlorine 1656, 332
germanium, properties 1445 reaction with oxygen 166, 332
glucose 230, 281, 282, 283 hydrogen bonding 2212, 230, 231
gold 46, 111 hydrogen chloride
gold oxide, thermal decomposition 80 solubility 230
graphing data 155 synthesis 81
periodic trends 160 hydrogen chloride molecule 66
graphite 98, 104, 295 hydrogen gas explosion 343
gravimetric analysis 21 hydrogen molecule 66
examples 212 hydrogen peroxide 174
of mixtures 334 hydrophilic substances 231
green plants, photosynthesis 2813 hydrophobic substances 231
groundwater 205 hydrosphere 7
group I or group 1 149 elements in 9
group II or group 2 149 separation of bromine from salt lakes 27
groups 3 to 12 (transition metals) 150 water content 202
group III or group 13 150
group IV or group 14 150 ice
group V or group 15 150 density 214
group VI or group 16 150 melting 271
hydrides, boiling points 221 ice crystals 214, 225
group VII or group 17 (halogens) 150 ice wedging 204
group VIII or group 18 (noble gases) 150 ignition temperature and combustion 31820
groups (periodic table) 59, 1434, 14951, 160 ilmenite 111
immiscible liquids 230
haematite 92
impure substances 3
half-equations 1301
incomplete combustion and pollution 3203
writing 131
industrial separation of mixtures 259
halogens 150
inert gases 146
haystacks, spontaneous combustion 332
inert substances 128
heat capacity 2634
water 2645 instruction terms, using correctly 5, 10, 24, 70, 101, 157,
heat of fusion (melting) 271 172, 206, 289, 323
heat of solution 2656, 2767 intermolecular forces 75, 2202, 223
heat of vaporisation 272 internal combustion engines 333
helium 46 interstitial alloys 117
heterogeneous alloys 117 iodine 98, 230
heterogeneous catalysis 331 iodinechloride bond 216, 217
heterogeneous mixtures 5 ionic bonding 612
hexadecane, combustion 322 ionic bonds 96
hexane 302 bond energies 81
hexene 303 ionic compounds 612
history of chemistry 115 crystal lattices 72, 93, 967, 104, 2289
history of copper 1245 nomenclature 634
homogeneous alloys 117 solubility 2289, 2434, 248
homogeneous catalysis 331 ionic equations, writing 131
homogeneous mixtures 5 ionisation energy 1334
homologous series 301, 302 comparing in metals 1345
hydrazine 176 trends in the periodic table 1512
hydrocarbons 292, 299306 ions 53, 578
covalent bonding 309 and the periodic table 5960
flash points 3056 and the valence shell 589
functional groups 302 iron 118
homologous series 3012 extraction from iron oxide 77
safety issues 305 properties and uses 92
see also alkanes; alkenes Iron Age (35002000 BP) 11314
hydrochloric acid 252 iron alloys 11314

iron chloride, synthesis 81 melting points 40
iron oxide 77, 92 alkanes and alkenes 305
iron sulfide 182 polar and non-polar molecules 221, 2356
irrigation 205 trends in the periodic table 152
isomers 304 water 207, 2245, 271
isotopes 54, 162 Mendeleev, Dmitri 1434
metabolism, water role 203
joules 264 metal ions, valencies 63
metal resources
K shell 56, 134 conservation strategies 1923
kaolinite 204 production economics 1836, 1956
Kelvin unit 264 metallic bond 95
metallic crystal lattices 72, 946, 103
kinetic energy 264, 3289
properties 95
metallic crystals, model 95
L shell 56, 61, 134 metallic ores 182
lanthanoid series 151 metallurgy 111
lattice enthalpy 316 metals
lattice structures see crystal lattices activity series 47, 1301, 1389
Lavoisier, Antoine 142 and valence shell electrons 589
law of combining gas volumes 165 contemporary uses 10911
law of mass conservation 162, 165 cutting, hammering and rolling 75
law of octaves 143 discovery and extraction 11115
lead 110 dissolving in an acid 77
lead bromide, electrolytic decomposition 80 extraction from minerals 77
lead sulfide 182 ionisation energy 135
Lewis electron dot structures 589, 216, 21819, 297 physical properties 43, 44
light decomposition 80, 878 reaction with dilute acids 12930
lignite 284 reaction with oxygen 129
limestone purity, determined by thermal reaction with water 128
decomposition 8990 reactivities 46, 1301
liquid fuels, combustion 322 reactivity and the periodic table 1356
liquids 43, 53 reactivity and use 1323
separation 1617 meteoritic iron 113
separation from dissolved solids 15 methane 288, 321
separation from solids 1314 methanoic acid 174
lithium, ionisation energies 133 methanol 230
methyl group 304
lithosphere 7
Meyer, Lothar 145
extraction of alumunium 378
mineral and metal mining sites, Australia 183
minerals in 8
minerals, in the lithosphere 8
separation of nickel from nickel ore 256 mining economics 1836, 1956
water content 202 mixtures 3
lustre 43 gravimetric analysis 334
in spheres of the Earth 810
M shell 56, 61 industrial separation 259
magnesite 110 particle structure 5
magnesium 102, 110, 114 physical separation techniques 1218
combustion 3378 separation and analysis 356
magnesium carbonate, thermal decomposition 856 simple, separation 32
magnesium chloride 175 molar weight 169
magnesium oxide 612, 103 molarity 2524
empirical formulae 179 and precipitation reactions 255
magnetic separation 13 mole 16870
malleability 43 of compounds 169
mass, and chemical change 1625 of elements 169
mass number (A) 54 mole relationship
matter, classification of 35 in balanced chemical equations 1702, 180
melting 75, 76, 271 with molar weight 169
mole scale 168

molecular compounds 67 particulates 320
covalency and formulae 679 Pauli, Wolfgang 147
nomenclature 69 peat 284
molecular formulae 1767 percentage composition of compounds 1645
molecular liquids, testing polarity of 219 period 2 elements 158
molecular weight 1634 period 3 elements, uses 154
molecules 4, 53 Periodic law 144, 146
melting and boiling points 2356 periodic table
types of 656 and ions 5960
monatomic molecules 65 atomic radius 151
monomers 2301 electrical conductivity 151
Moseley, Henry 146 electronegativity 1523, 160
evolution 1427
N shell 56 generalisations 60
naphthenes 292 groups 59, 1434, 14951
native copper 109 ionisation energy 1512
native metals 46, 111
melting and boiling points 152
natural gas 283, 287, 288
modelling 1589
burning in a Bunsen burner 3201
periods 59, 143, 144, 1489
composition 291
neon 46 properties of an unknown element 159
neutrons 53 reactivity 135, 1534
Newlands, John 143 structure 14851
nickel, separation from nickel ore 256 trends 1514
nitric acid manufacture 3301 valency 153
nitrogen 9, 10 periods 59, 143, 144, 1489
ionisation energies 134 permanganateoxalic acid reaction 33941
nitrogen oxides 320 petroleum 283, 2879
nitrogen trichloride 68 fractional distillation 299301
noble gases 46, 146, 150 petroleum resources, Australia 291
boiling points 220 phosphorus 10
electron configuations 56 photolysis 80, 878
noble metals 46 photosynthesis 2813
non-metal ions, valencies 63 physical changes 756
non-metals 46, 47 physical properties 4
physical properties 43, 44 crystal lattices 93
non-polar molecules 217, 218, 227, 305 elements 401, 49
melting and boiling points 221 physical separation techniques 1218
non-polar solvents 227 pig iron 118, 119
non-renewable resources 182 planetary model of the atom (Rutherford) 141, 142
nuclear symbols 54 plum pudding model of the atom (Thomson) 141, 142
nucleus (atoms) 53 polar covalent bonds, partial ionic character 21617
polar molecules 217, 218
octane, combustion 322 melting and boiling points 221
oil 287, 288 solubility 22930
oily, cotton rags, spontaneous combustion 332 polarity of molecular liquids 219
olive oil, separation from olives 289 pollutants (from burning fossil fuels) 320
ores and ore bodies 182, 1834 pollution
oxidation of water 282 and incomplete combustion 3203
oxygen 8, 9 thermal 273
properties 92, 102
polyatomic ions (radicals) 64
reaction with hydrogen 166, 332
polyethylene 231
reaction with metals 129
polymers, solubility 2301
solubility in water 273
potable water 2045
paraffins 292 potassium 14
particle collisions, and reaction rate 32730 practical investigations, performing and reporting on 19
particle models 45, 248 precipitation 243
to explain reaction rates 3289 predicted from solubility 2434
particle nature of matter 53 precipitation equations 2445

precipitation reactions 2427 dissolved solids and liquids 15
and molarity 255 gases 1718
and solubility 260 liquids 1617
ion concentration effects 246 nickel from nickel ore 256
monitoring using conductivity measurements 247 olive oil from olives 289
temperature effects 246 simple mixture 32
precision 19 solids 1213
pressure swing adsorption 17 solids from liquids 1314
products 78 series (periods) 143, 144
propane 176, 302 sharing electrons, and covalent bonding 667
protons 53, 54 shell model of the atom (Bohr) 141, 142
pure substances 3 sieving 12
physical properties 4 silicon 3, 8
pyrite 182 silicon dioxide 97, 98, 231
silver bromide, light decomposition 80
quantum of energy 141 silver halide salts, light effect on 878
simple distillation 17
radioactive elements 115 single covalent bonds 66, 297
radioactive tracers 248 slag 112
Ramsay, William 1467 slow combustion 332
reactants 78 sodium 114
reaction kinetics 32730 crystal lattice 103
catalysis 32930 sodium chloride 61
reaction rates 33941 dissolution 229, 269
and particle collisions 32730 unit cell 97
concentration effects 328 sodium hydroxide, dissolution 269
particle model 3289 solders 1201
surface area effects 328 melting points 126
temperature effects 3278 solid fuel, combustion 3212
reactivity 467 solidification 75
and electron transfer 1301 solids 43, 53
related to use 1323 separation 1213
trends in the periodic table 1356, 1534 separation from liquids 1314
recycling, metals 193, 1967 solidusliquidus range 120
reducing agents 112 solubility
reduction of carbon dioxide 282 and bonding 22731
reference standards 162 and temperature 249
relative atomic mass 162 covalent molecular compounds 22930
reliability 19 covalent network compounds 231
residue 14 generalisations 231
respiration 282 in water 240
reversible arrows 246 ionic compounds 2289, 2434, 248
rusting 332 molecules in water 22930
Rutherford, Ernest, planetary model of the atom 141, 142 polar molecules 22930
rutile 111 polymers 2301
to predict precipitation 2434, 260
safety issues 19 solutesolvent interactions 228
hydrocarbons 306 solutes 201, 208
saturated hydrocarbons 302 solutions 201
saturated solutions 2479 concentration 2517
solubility and temperature 249 dilution 2534, 261
Schrodinger, Erwin, cloud model of the atom 141, 142 molarity 2513
scrubbers 191 solvents 2012
sedimentation 12 specific energy of coal 285
semi-metals, physical properties 43, 44 specific heat capacity 264, 271
separating funnel 16 sphalerite 182
separation spheres of the Earth 67
argon from the air 278 mixtures in 810
bromine from salt lakes 27 spontaneous combustion 3312

spreadsheets, tabulating and graphing 155 valency 623, 64
starch 283 trends in the periodic table 153
steel 113, 117, 11819 validity 19
recycling 193, 1967 vanadium ore, mining economics 1956
structural formulae 67 vapour 40
carbon compounds 298 viscosity 224, 2378
sublimation 75 volatility, alkanes and alkenes 305
substitutional alloys 117 volume changes in gaseous reactions 1656
sucrose 230
sulfur 10, 47 water
sulfur dioxide 191, 320 as agent of weathering and erosion 204
sulfuric acid 252 as ionising solvent 227, 2289
dissolution 269 as natural resource 2046
surface tension 2224, 2389 as universal solvent 202
symbols to identify elements 42 boiling point 2078, 2245
synthesis reactions 801 density 2089, 21314
effect of salt on boiling point 21213
tabulating data 155 heat capacity 2645
tetra-atomic molecules 66 in natural systems 2713
tetrahedron 218, 297 melting point 207, 2245
tetravalency 296 moderating temperature of the Earth 204
thermal conductivity 40 oxidation of 282
thermal decomposition 80, 856, 8990 properties 2225
thermal pollution 273 reaction with metals 128
Thomson, J.J. 1467 role in living cells and metabolism 203
plum pudding model of the atom 141, 142 solute effects on freezing and boiling points 208
tin bronzes 11213 states and distribution 2023
titanium 111, 114, 132 surface tension 2224
titanium oxide 96 viscosity 224
transition metals 150 water cycle 203
triads 142 weathering 204
triatomic molecules 66, 166 white phosphorus 332
triple covalent bonds 66, 297 wood, combustion 3378
trophosphere, gases in 9 writing
unburnt hydrocarbons 320 balanced chemical equations 78
unit cells 73, 97, 103, 104 half-equations 131
unreactive elements 46 ionic equations 131
unsaturated hydrocarbons 302 wrought iron 113

valence electrons 56, 151 zeolite sieves 17

valence shell and ions 589 zinc sulfide 182

Elements - Chemical Data
Atomic Atomic Atomic Atomic
Element Symbol Number Weight* Element Symbol Number Weight*
Actinium Ac 89 [227] Meitnerium Mt 109 [268]
Aluminium Al 13 26.98 Mendelevium Md 101 [258]
Americium Am 95 [243] Mercury Hg 80 200.6
Antimony Sb 51 121.8 Molybdenum Mo 42 95.94
Argon Ar 18 39.95 Neodymium Nd 60 144.2
Arsenic As 33 74.92 Neon Ne 10 20.18
Astatine At 85 [210.0] Neptunium Np 93 [237]
Barium Ba 56 137.3 Nickel Ni 28 58.69
Berkelium Bk 97 [247] Niobium Nb 41 92.91
Beryllium Be 4 9.012 Nitrogen N 7 ( 14.01
Bismuth Bi 83 209.0 Nobelium No 102 [259]
Bohrium Bh 107 [264] Osmium Os 76 190.2
Boron B 5 10.81 Oxygen O 8 16.00
Bromine Br 35 79.90 Palladium Pd 46 106.4
Cadmium Cd 48 112.4 Phosphorus P 15 30.97
Caesium Cs 55 132.9 Platinum Pt 78 195.1
Calcium Ca 20 40.08 Plutonium Pu 94 [244]
Californium Cf 98 [251] Polonium Po 84 [209.0]
Carbon C 6 12.01 Potassium K 19 39.10
Cerium Ce 58 140.1 Praseodymium Pr 59 140.9
Chlorine Cl 17 35.45 Promethium Pm 61 [145]
Chromium Cr 24 52.00 Protactinium Pa 91 (231.0)
Cobalt Co 27 58.93 Radium Ra 88 [226]
Copernicium Cn 112 [277] Radon Rn 86 [222.0]
Copper Cu 29 63.55 Rhenium Re 75 186.2
Curium Cm 96 [247] Rhodium Rh 45 102.9
Darmstadtium Ds 110 [271] Roentgenium Rg 111 [272]
Dubnium Db 105 [262] Rubidium Rb 37 85.47
Dysprosium Dy 66 162.5 Ruthenium Ru 44 101.1
Einsteinium Es 99 [252] Rutherfordium Rf 104 [261]
Erbium Er 68 167.3 Samarium Sm 62 150.4
Europium Eu 63 152.0 Scandium Sc 21 44.96
Fermium Fm 100 [257] Seaborgium Sg 106 [266]
Flerovium Fl 114 [289] Selenium Se 34 78.96
Fluorine F 9 ( 19.00 Silicon Si 14 28.09
Francium Fr 87 [223] Silver Ag 47 107.9
Gadolinium Gd 64 157.3 Sodium Na 11 22.99
Gallium Ga 31 69.72 Strontium Sr 38 87.62
Germanium Ge 32 72.64 Sulfur S 16 32.07
Gold Au 79 197.0 Tantalum Ta 73 180.9
Hafnium Hf 72 178.5 Technetium Tc 43 [97.91]
Hassium Hs 108 [277] 1 Tellurium Te 52 127.6
Helium He 2 ( 4.003 Terbium Tb 65 158.9
Holmium Ho 67 164.9 Thallium Tl 81 204.4
Hydrogen H 1 ( 1.008 Thorium Th 90 232.0
Indium In 49 114.8 Thulium Tm 69 168.9
Iodine I 53 126.9 Tin Sn 50 118.7
Iridium Ir 77 192.2 Titanium Ti 22 47.87
Iron Fe 26 55.85 Tungsten W 74 183.8
Krypton Kr 36 83.80 Uranium U 92 238.0
Lanthanum La 57 138.9 Vanadium V 23 50.94
Lawrencium Lr 103 [262] Xenon Xe 54 131.3
Lead Pb 82 207.2 Ytterbium Yb 70 173.0
Lithium Li 3 6.941 Yttrium Y 39 88.91
Livermorium Lv 116 [293] Zinc Zn 30 65.41
Lutetium Lu 71 175.0 Zirconium Zr 40 91.22
Magnesium Mg 12 ( 24.31
Manganese Mn 25 ( 54.94 1

* The values used in this book are the set of atomic weights to four significant figures prepared by the
Committee on Teaching of Chemistry for IUPAC. Where the atomic weight is not known, the relative atomic
mass of the most common radioactive isotope is shown in parentheses. The atomic weights of Np and Tc are
given for their technologically important artificial isotopes: 237Np and 99Tc.


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