13 - Chapter VII PDF
13 - Chapter VII PDF
13 - Chapter VII PDF
is the length of the middle part of the middle finger on the right hand of the
8 renu = 1 kesam
8 kesam = 1 liksa
8 liksa = I /"ukam
8 yukam = 1 yavam
8 yavam = 1 angula
instruments for Yajnas are measured using Mathrangulas and Pratimas are
Subhash C. Kak, -rhere old Indian values of K" IJHS 32 (4) 1997.
measurement is based on the length of the body of the sthapathy. The third
based on the measurement of the body, the smallest is angula which is the
length of the middle part of the middle finger of the right hand. The smallest
thrasarenu is the smallest particle flowing through the sunlight which can
be seen by the naked eye. Eight times of this irasarenu is one romagra and
eight times romagra is one liksa and eight liksa is one Yuka, eight times
types of angulas.
and palaces.
and Mayamata. This is the length of the middle part of the middle finger.
Labdhapramanan'gulam:- This is half of the length of the idol oi; ihe grama
One ahgula is given as three Yavas in the Vastu text ' Viswakarmiyam'.
There are different measurements for hasta. But the most commonly
used is kisku which is 24 angula. The length of this scale kisku is 71.5 cm
There exists a method of taking the total length of the body as basic
120 angula, 108 angula or 96 angula. First one is uttama, second one is
the owner is taken for the construction of houses, the length of the idol is
taken for the construction ofdevalaya and so on. One Danda for devalaya
the distance of hearing the roaring of a healthy man. Koutilya gives this
which is the distance to which a good expert can send an arrow from the
bow. Koutilya gives one Yojana as 400 Danda, Mayamata gives 500
1 angulas = Bindu
24 angulas = Kisku
25 angulas = Prajapatyam
26 angulas = Dhanunriusti
27 angulas = Dhanurgrham
28 angulas = Prachyam
29 angulas = Videham
30 angulas = Vypulyam
31 angulas = Prakirnam
made or not. This is because of the proportionality of each part of the body.
Basically the Manusya praniana is used for the construction of houses and
and beauty.
water, fire, air and akas - space. Egyptians used the name for the three
dimensional figure of triangle as pyramid. Pira means fire and mid means
middle. They used this name because they have known that the pyramids
absorb Agni. The flat base and sharp top of the pyramid increase its
time of Budba. But from many years before this time, different types of
figures were used for the construction of Vedis. 'Hiranya Garbha' may be
The old icon is linga. Among different types of Lingas, the most
(Maheswara). There are some specialities for the pyramid in Egypt. Some
levelling of the land was done without a small declination. Now also there
of weight varying from 2 tons to 70 tons. The space between any two
consecutive stones remains unaltered and the maximum space is less than
1/5 inch. This pyramid is oriented towards the north. It is situated at the
Anuparimanam Infinitesimal
Annyonnyahamam : Mutual continued division
Ayutam 10''
Avarggastanam Even place counting from the unit's place
Astasram Octagon
'"* Dr. P.V. Ouseph, "Contribution to Kerala Vastusilpa with critical edition of
Manusyalayacandrika", Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Sanskrit, University of
"Ayatacaturasram Rectangle
Ayamam Length
Ahati Product
Vistaram Breadth
Hi A minute of Arc
Istapradesam The desired point
Upapaty Proof
Upadhyvasat By Assumption
Rnam Negative
Khandam Part
Khandaguntindiv Multiplication by parts
Khandajya The difference between two successive
ordinates, the first differential of Bhujaya.
Gunakaram Multiplier
Gunanam Multiplication
Gunnayam Multiplicand
Ghmam Product
Gh^taksetram Rectangle
Caturasram Quadrilateral
Chedam Denominator
Dalam Half
Daksinottararekha : North-South line or direction
Dikvyaparltyam Perpendicularity
Diksamyam Same or parallel line or direction
Dvatrimsadasram A polygon of 32 sides
Dvadasamgulasamku: A gnomon 12 angulam long used by ancient
Hindu mathematicians in the measurement of
Dvitiyasamkalitam Second integral
Dvitiyasamskara- The divisor used to calculate a second
harakam correction after a first correction
Dhanam Positive
Dhanus Arc
Nemi Circumference with reference to position
Pankti Column, ten, (number and place)
Pancarasikam Compound proportion involving five terms.
Padam A quadrant, number of terms in a series.
Parampara A series
Parikarmam Arithmetical processes or manipulations
Paridhi Circumference with reference to magnitude.
Pahbhramanam A complete evolution of a planet^along the
Zodiac with reference to a fixed star.
Parsvam Side, Surface
Purvapararekha East-west line or direction.
Pratibhuja Opposite side
Pramanam The antecedent, the first term of a proportion
Phalam Result
Bahu Side of a triangle, a quadrilateral etc.
Bhiajakam Divisor
Bhinnasamkhya Fraction
Bhuja Side of a triangular polygon; ordinate of an arc,
opposite side in a right angled triangle.
Mandapam A square with a pyramidal roof usually found in
Kerala temples.
Matsyam The overlapping portion of two interesting
Maham An arbitrary unit of measurement
MOIam The starting point of a line or arc; square root;
cube root etc.
Yamyam Southern
Yugmasthanam Even place counting from unit's place.
Yogam Sun; Contact; one of the elements of a
pancangam derived from the sun of the true
longitudes of the sun and moon nityayogam.
Rasi A number; one of the signs of the Zodiac a term
And ratio.
RUpam Unity
Rupavibhagam Division by magnitude
Vargam Square
Vargamulam Square root
Vargasthanam The odd place counting from the unit's place.
Vargaksetram A square
Valli A column or series
Visamasamkhya Odd number
Vistaram Breadth
Vrttam Circle
Vrttantargata- A cyclic quadrilateral
Vyakti Unity
Vyavakalitam Subtraction
Vyastatriraslkam Inverse proportion.
Vyasam Diameter
Vyasarddham Radius
Samku Gnomon; Style; Vertical post; 10
(number and place)
Haranam Division
Harakam Divisor
Harryam Dividend
Ksetraphalam Area