Makalah Bahasa Inggris I1

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I in Noviana, M.Pd


1. Daniel Tanaem (151001007)
2. Fadhila Khusma Aziz (151001012)
3. M. Amang Handaris (151001028)
4. Usha Meilasari (151001042)


2016 2017
Thank God I'm turning to the presence of Almighty God, because only for His
grace and guidance I can finish writing the paper in the form of a paper entitled tenses.

The source of this paper in the form of grammar books are added to the information
obtained from browsing on the Internet reference books and sources, other sources.
Among the sources I collated in accordance with this paper, so I think the data in this
paper is quite accurate.

In this paper surely there are many obstacles that I meet yet I managed to confront
and resolve this paper on time. Finally, if there is something in particular words that are
not pleasing to the reader's heart please excuse him. We hope this paper can be useful to

Jombang, September 18, 2017



COVER ..................................................................................................................... i
TABLE OF CONTENTS .........................................................................................ii
FOREWORD. ........................................................................................................ iii
1.1 Beaground ............................................................................................. 1
1.2 Problem Formulation ............................................................................ 1
1.3 Objective ............................................................................................... 1
2.1 Normal Vital Sign ................................................................................. 2
2.2 Procedure checking vital sing ............................................................. 13
3.1 Conclution ........................................................................................... 17
3.2 Advice ................................................................................................. 17


1.1 Issue Background

OBSERVATIONS Temperature, Pulse, Respiration and Blood Pressure Temperature,

pulse, respirations and blood pressure are the vital signs which indicate the body's ability to
regulate body temperature, maintain blood flow, and oxygenate body tissues. Vital signs
indicate patients' responses to the physical, environmental, and psychological stressors. Vital
signs may also reveal sudden changes in a patient's condition (NICE 2007). A change in one
vital sign can directly lead to a detection of a change in another vital sign. As a first year student
l was allocated a new post-operative patient from the theatres to the orthopaedic ward by my
mentor and to record patients' observations. The British journal of Nursing (2006) states that
patient's vital signs need to be measured and recorded upon arrival to a health care facility as
well as on admission to the ward. I also had the opportunity to do baseline observations.
According to the Emergency Medical Service, 2006, p194, the baseline observation is used to
identify the patient's condition, such as the improvement, stability or deterioration.

Monitoring of vital signs is an essential component of caring for all of patients at RPAH
in order to assess treatment effects, detect procedural complications and identify early signs of
clinical deterioration. At all times staff should use their clinical judgement regarding the
frequency of observations and adjust where necessary. For example, unstable patients may
need continual observation and frequent monitoring of vital signs until they are reviewed and
stabilised. If in doubt, nursing staff should consult more senior staff immediately or activate
the Clinical Emergency/Cardiac Arrest system so that timely care can be delivered.
Therefore the key risk addressed by this policy is to prevent a Serious Adverse Event
(cardiac arrest, unexpected death or an unplanned admission to a critical care unit) by detecting
physiological disturbances and initiating treatment in a timely and effective manner.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. what is a vital sign
2. Normal vital sign
3. procedure for checking vital signs

1.3 The aims / expected outcome

The 4 main aims of effective patient observation are :

1. Monitoring of physiological variables to evaluate treatment effects.

2. To maintain thorough assesment of inpatients within a tertiary referral hospital 24 hours
a day.
3. Early detection and treatment of post procedural/surgical complications
4. Early detection and treatment of the deteriorating patient


2.1 Normal Vital Sign

Vital signs are used to measure the body's basic functions. These measurements are taken
to help assess the general physical health of a person, give clues to possible diseases, and
show progress toward recovery. The normal ranges for a person's vital signs vary with age,
weight, gender, and overall health. There are four main vital signs: body temperature,
blood pressure, pulse (heart rate), and breathing rate.

Blood Pressure:
Adults: defined with 2 measurements on 2 different dates at least 2 weeks apart
Normal BP <120/<80 mmHg
PreHTN: 120-139/80-89 mmHg
HTN Stage I: 140-159/90-99 mmHg
HTN Stage II: >160/>100 mmHg

Birth (12 Hr, <1000g): 39-59/16-36 mmHg
Birth (12 hr, 3 kg): 50-70/25-45 mmHg
Neonate (96hr): 60-90/20-60 mmHg
Infant (6 mo): 87-105/53-66 mmHg
Toddler (2 yr): 95-105/53-66 mmHg
School Age (7yr): 97-112/57-71 mmHg
Adolescent (15yr): 112-128/66-80 mmHg

Heart Rate:
60-100 bpm
Neonate: 70-190 bpm awake 80-160 bpm
Infant (6mo): 80-160 bpm awake 75-160 bpm
Toddler: 80-130 bpm awake 60-90 bpm

Preschooler: 70-120 bpm awake 60-90 bpm
School-aged child: 75-110 bpm awake 60-90 bpm
Adolescent: 60-90 bpm awake 50-90 bpm

Respiration Rate:
12-20 breaths per minute

Infants: 30-60 breaths per minute
Toddlers: 24-40
Preschoolers: 22-34
School-aged children: 18-30
Adolescents: 12-16

A. Temperature
The average normal core temperature is generally considered to be between
98.0F (36.6C) and 98.6F (37C) when measured orally and about 1F higher when
measured rectally.
The normal body temperature of a person varies depending on gender, recent activity,
food and fluid consumption, time of day, and, in women, the stage of the menstrual
cycle. Normal body temperature can range from 97.8 F (36.5C) to 99F (37.2C) for
a healthy adult. A person's body temperature can be taken in any of the following ways:

Orally. Temperature can be taken by mouth using either the classic glass
thermometer, or the more modern digital thermometers that use an electronic probe
to measure body temperature.
Rectally. Temperatures taken rectally (using a glass or digital thermometer) tend to
be 0.5F to 0.7F higher than when taken by mouth.
Arm pit (axillary). Temperatures can be taken under the arm using a glass or digital
thermometer. Temperatures taken by this route tend to be 0.3F to 0.4F lower than
those temperatures taken by mouth.
By ear. A special thermometer can quickly measure the temperature of the ear drum,
which reflects the body's core temperature (the temperature of the internal organs).
By skin. A special thermometer can quickly measure the temperature of the skin on
the forehead.
Body temperature may be abnormal due to fever (high temperature) or hypothermia
(low temperature). A fever is indicated when body temperature rises about one
degree or more over the normal temperature of 98.6F, according to the American
Academy of Family Physicians. Hypothermia is defined as a drop in body
temperature below 95F.

B. Pulse

Contraction of the ventricles of the heart ejects blood into the arteries. The force of
the blood entering the aorta from the left ventricle causes stretching or distention of
the elastic aortic all. As the aorta first expands and then contracts, a pulse wave is
created that travels along the blood vessels. The pulse wave or pulsation can be felt as
a throb or tap where the arteries lie close to the skin surface.

The pulse can be assessed in any location where an artery lies close to the skin surface
and can be compressed against a firm underlying structure such as muscle or bone.
The most commonly assessed pulses are the temporal, carotid, apical, brachial, radial,
femoral, popliteal, pedal, and posterior tibial (Fig. 26-6).

TEMPORAL. The temporal artery courses across the temporal bone of the skull.
The pulsation of the temporal artery is most easily palpated just in front of the

upper part of the ear. CAROTID. The sternomastoid muscles, which stand out
when the jaw is clenched forcefully, run from below the ear to the clavicle and
sternum. Beneath the sternomastoid muscles lie the
carotid arteries. The carotid artery is most easily palpated at the lower half of the
neck, along the medial border of the sternomastoid muscle. Palpating the carotid
artery in the upper part
of the neck may result in stimulation of the carotid sinus, which causes a reflex
drop in pulse rate. The carotid pulse best represents the quality of pulsation in the
aorta because of its proximity to the central circulation.

APICAL. The contraction or beating of the heart ventricles also can be palpated
with the hand or auscultated with a stethoscope placed over the area of the left
ventricle. Normally, this area is at the level of the fifth intercostal space at about
the midclavicular line.

BRACHIAL. The brachial artery lies between the groove of the biceps and
triceps muscles in the inner aspect of the upper arm. The brachial pulse is palpated
most easily with the clients arm extended at the elbow and supported by the
examiner to prevent muscle contraction, which may obscure the pulse.

RADIAL. The radial artery is the site most commonly assessed in the clinical
setting. The radial pulse is palpated on the thumb side of the inner aspect of the

FEMORAL. The femoral pulse is palpated in the anterior, medial aspect of the
thigh, just below the inguinal ligament, about halfway between the anterior
superior iliac spine and the symphysis pubis. Deep palpation may be required to
detect the femoral pulse beneath the subcutaneous tissue.

POPLITEAL. The popliteal pulse is palpable behind the knee in the lateral
aspect of the popliteal fossa (the hollow area at the back of the knee joint). The
pulse is best assessed with the knee flexed and the leg relaxed. The client may be
supine or prone.

PEDAL. The pedal pulse or dorsalis pedis pulse can be felt on he dorsal aspect
of the foot (the area of the foot that is on top in a standing position). The pulse is
palpated lateral to the tendon
that runs from the great toe toward the ankle. The dorsalis pedis pulse may be
congenitally absent in some clients.

POSTERIOR TIBIAL. The posterior tibial pulse is located behind the malleolus
(the rounded protuberance of bone) of the inner ankle. The pulse is palpated by
curving the fingertips over
the bone.

Palpation and auscultation are methods used to assess pulse rate.
PALPATION. The pulse is palpated using the first and second or second and
third fingers of one hand. Use light pressure initially to locate the area of strongest
pulsation. More forceful palpation may be applied to count the rate, determine the
rhythm, and assess the quality of pulsation. Count the number of pulses for 30 or
60 seconds and multiply as necessary to yield pulses per minute. The time interval
used to assess the pulse depends on the clients condition and the agencys norms.
Clients with irregular or abnormally slow or fast pulse rates are best assessed for
1 full minute. Clients with regular rhythms and normal rates may be assessed for
a shorter time. Intervals of 15 seconds may be used for clients with regular
rhythms when reassessing the pulse frequently, as during recovery from
anesthesia. Regardless of the time interval selected, count the initial pulsation as
zero. Do not count pulses at or after completion of the time interval. Counting the
first pulse as one or counting pulses after the period of assessment results in
overestimation of the pulse. The error is multiplied when intervals of less than 60
seconds are used to assess the rate. Counting even one extra pulsation in a 15-
second pulse assessment results in overestimation of the pulse rate by four.
Procedure 26-2 provides detailed instructions on taking a pulse.

AUSCULTATION. Auscultation of the apical pulse provides the most accurate

assessment of the pulse rate and is the preferred site when the peripheral pulses
are difficult to assess or the pulse rhythm is irregular. Assess the apical pulse by
placing the diaphragm of the stethoscope over the apex of the heart, which is
located at the fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line. The sounds heard
are due to vibrations caused by the opening and closing of the cardiac valves.
Each heartbeat consists of two sounds. The first, S1, is caused by closure of the
mitral and tricuspid valves that separate the atria from the ventricles. The second
sound, S2, is caused by the closure of the pulmonic and aortic valves. The sounds
are often described as a muffled lub-dub. Together, they constitute one
heartbeat. To determine the apical pulse, count the heartbeats for 1 full minute.

Assessing Pulse Characteristics

Assess the pulse for rate, rhythm, and quality. Pulse rate and rhythm are routinely
assessed; pulse quality is assessed less often or in exceptional circumstances when
abnormalities may be anticipated. Any pulse out of the range of normal (rate or
rhythm) is considered dysrhythmic.
RATE. In adults, the normal rate is 60 to 100 pulsations per minute. Adult pulse
rates above 100 beats per minute are called tachycardia. Sympathetic nervous
system activation may result
in tachycardic rates. Tachycardic rates also may occur when the impulse for
cardiac contraction comes from an abnormal site in the heart that stimulates the

heart to beat faster. An abnormally slow pulse rate is called bradycardia. In
adults, a pulse rate below 60 beats per minute is considered bradycardic.
Bradycardia may be the normal resting heart rate in a trained athlete. Disease of
the SA node may result in bradycardia because of poor impulse formation. In
addition, enhanced parasympathetic nervous system activity (e.g., stimulation of
the carotid sinus) may cause bradycardia.

RHYTHM. Normally, cardiac contractions occur at evenly spaced intervals,

resulting in a regular rhythm. Infants and children often have increased pulse rates
during inspiration and decreased rates during expiration. Heart disease,
medications, or electrolyte imbalances may alter the hearts normal rhythmic
beating, causing an irregular pulse. An irregular pulse rhythm that still displays a
consistent pattern is called regularly irregular. An example is pulsus bigeminus,
in which a normal heartbeat initiated in the SA node is followed by a heartbeat
initiated in a different part of the heart. The second beat is early and often weaker
than the first, resulting in a regularly irregular pulse. If the pulse has no pattern,
it is called irregularly irregular. Irregularly irregular pulses may be a component
of many conditions, including atrial fibrillation. In atrial fibrillation, the atria do
not contract in a synchronous fashion, and the primary impulse for the heartbeat
does not come from the SA node. Consequently, the time interval between
successive ventricular contractions varies, and an irregularly irregular pulse
is detected. When you note an abnormal pulse rhythm, consider using the
auscultatory method to obtain an apical pulse rate. Also, determine if irregularity
of the pulse is a new finding for the client.

QUALITY. Pulse quality generally refers to the strength of pulsation and may be
rated on a numeric scale (Table 26-3). Since there are multiple scales for grading
pulses, it is best to describe what you feel. The normal quality of the pulse is
described as full or strong and can be palpated easily. Weak pulses are obliterated
easily by the examiners fingers and may be described as thready. A bounding
pulse is stronger than normal and difficult to obliterate. Pulse quality reflects the
stroke volume, the compliance or elasticity of the arteries, and the adequacy of
blood delivery. When stroke volume is decreased, as in severe hemorrhage, the
pulse is often thready and may be difficult to palpate in the peripheral arteries.
The pulse is usually palpated more easily in the central areas, such as the carotid
or femoral arteries. With aging, the arteries lose elasticity, and the pulse becomes
bounding. The combination of rapid pulse rate and increased stroke volume with
exercise results in a pulse that the client can feel and is sometimes called a
pounding heart. Palpate peripheral pulses bilaterally (except for carotids) to
compare quality. Equality of pulsation provides information about local blood
flow. For example, partial occlusion of a right femoral artery would result in
weaker femoral, popliteal, pedal, and posterior tibial pulses on the right compared
to the left. Bilateral pulse comparison is used to monitor for complications after
procedures that are invasive to the arteries, such as arteriography. After an

arteriogram, during which a large artery is punctured and injected with
radiographic dye, the normal clotting to seal the artery may cause total arterial
occlusion. Weakened or absent pulses distal to the puncture site would signal an

PULSE DEFICITS. In some situations, stroke volume may vary from beat to
beat during cardiac contraction, resulting in a pulse wave so weak that it cannot
be perceived by palpation at a peripheral site. It is important to recognize this
situation because it provides information about the hearts ability to perfuse the
body adequately. When some of the ventricular contractions do not perfuse, a
difference exists between the apical and peripheral pulsesa pulse deficit. When
a pulse deficit is present, the radial pulse rate is always lower than the apical pulse
rate. Document and report to the physician any new finding of a pulse deficit so
that evaluation and follow-up can occur.


Respiration is a term used to summarize two different but related processes: external
respiration and internal respiration. External respiration is the process of taking
oxygen into and eliminating carbon dioxide from the body. Internal respiration refers
to the use of oxygen, the production of carbon dioxide, and the exchange of these
gases between the cells and the blood.
The process of inspiration is active. Inspiratory muscles contract, resulting in
increased intrathoracic volume as the lungs expand. The pressure in the airway
becomes negative and air flows inward. At the end of inspiration, natural lung recoil
occurs, the airway pressure becomes slightly positive, and the air flows out as the
muscles relax. Expiration is basically a passive process. Normal breathing is automatic
and involuntary. At rest, the normal adult respiratory rate is 12 to 20 breaths per
minute. Normal tidal volume (the amount of air moving in and out with each breath)
is 500 mL or 6 to 8 L/min (Martini, 2006).

Respiratory rate changes with age. At rest, the normal respiratory rate for an infant
is 30 to 60 breaths per minute, decreasing to 12 to 20 breaths per minute for an

adult. Tachypnea is an abnormally fast respiratory rate (usually above 20 breaths
per minute in the adult). Bradypnea is an abnormally slow respiratory rate
(usually less than 12 breaths per minute in the adult).
Apnea, the absence of respirations, is often described by the length of time in
which no respirations occur (e.g., a 10-second period of apnea). Continuous apnea
is synonymous with respiratory arrest and is not compatible with life.

Rhythm and Depth

Eupnea refers to normal respiratory rhythm and depth. Regularity refers to the
pattern of inspiration and expiration. Expiration is normally twice as long as
inspiration. Assess depth by observing the movement of the chest wall. Also note
the use of accessory muscles. Table 26-4 describes abnormal patterns, such as
Biots respirations, Cheyne-Stokes respirations, Kussmaul respirations, and
apneustic respirations.

Respirations are usually automatic, quiet, and effortless. When assessing
respirations, be attentive to changes from the normal quality. Abnormalities in
quality are usually characterized by effort or noise.

Dyspnea describes respirations that require excessive effort. Respirations can be

painful and labored. Clients may report being unable to catch their breath.
Dyspnea can occur at rest or with activity; dyspnea that occurs with activity is
called exertional dyspnea. Healthy people who are not in good physical condition
may experience exertional dyspnea. Breathing also can be noisy. A number of
terms are used to describe the different types of noisy respirations that can be
heard without a stethoscope. Stridor is a harsh inspiratory sound that may be
compared to crowing. It may indicate an upper airway obstruction. It is commonly
heard in children with croup or after aspiration of a foreign object. Wheezing is a
high-pitched usical sound. It is usually heard on expiration but may be heard on
inspiration. It is associated with partial obstruction of the bronchi or bronchioles,
as in asthma. Sighs are breaths of deep inspiration and prolonged expiration.
Everyone sighs, and sighing aids in the expansion of alveoli. However, frequent
sighing may indicate stress or tension.

Perform the respiratory assessment without clients being aware that you are doing
so. If clients are conscious of the procedure, they may alter their breathing
patterns or rate. Assess the respiratory rate after or before taking the radial pulse,
while holding the clients wrist. If respirations are very shallow and difficult to
visually detect, count them while observing the sternal notch, where respiration
is more apparent. If the client is sleeping, rest a hand gently on the clients chest
to detect its rise and fall. With an infant or young child, assess respirations before

taking the temperature so the child is not crying, which alters the respiratory
See Procedure 26-3 for details on assessing respirations.


Blood pressure is the force that blood exerts against the walls of the blood vessels. The
pressure in the systemic arteries is most commonly measured in the clinical setting.
Blood pressure is stated in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

Assesment Blood pressure

Assesment Blood pressure can be measured in either the upper or lower extremity.
UPPER EXTREMITY. The blood pressure usually is measured in the arm. Wrap
a cuff around the upper part of the limb and auscultate or palpate blood flow at the
brachial artery. Blood pressure also may be determined by auscultation or palpation
of the radial artery in the wrist with an appropriately sized cuff applied to the
forearm. Blood pressure readings will differ when measured in the upper and lower
arm, so it is important to note the site of blood pressure measurement (Schell et al.,
2006). Avoid measuring blood pressure in any arm with a venous access device,
especially an internal arteriovenous fistula, peripheral vascular access for
hemodialysis, or a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) line. Also, if the
client has had a mastectomy, blood pres- sure monitoring on the same side can
further impede circulation,
contributing to lymphedema.

LOWER EXTREMITY. The blood pressure would be measured in the lower
extremity if the client had arteries in the upper extremity that could not be palpated,
if the upper extremity was
covered by dressings or splints, if the client had a PICC line, or if the client had a
mastectomy. Wrap the cuff around the thigh or above the ankle. Thigh pressure
measurement requires a larger, appropriately sized cuff. Place the client in a flat,
supine position with the cuff centered midthigh over the popliteal artery. Auscultate
or palpate blood flow at the popliteal fossa. When an appropriately sized cuff is
used, blood pressure measurements should vary only slightly from readings
measured in the upper extremity (unless the client has peripheral vascular disease)
(Woods, SivarajanFroelicher, & Motzer, 2004). Using a cuff that is too small will
result in falsely high readings. To measure blood pressure in the ankle, place the
client in a
flat, supine position, and place a standard arm cuff just above the malleolus.
Auscultate or palpate the posterior tibialis or dorsalis pedis pulse as you deflate the
cuff. For accurate data interpretation, note the site of blood pressure measurement.

Hypertension, hypotension, and orthostatic hypotension are three abnormalities of
blood pressure.
Hypertension is the condition in which blood pressure is chronically elevated.
Although in industrialized societies there is a trend toward increased blood
pressure with advancing age, hypertension is a dangerous disease associated
with an increased risk of morbidity and mortality due to cardiovascular
complications, such as stroke or heart failure. Therefore, chronically elevated
blood pressure is treated aggressively in adults of any age. For adults of any age,
blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 mm Hg is considered
prehypertension. Adults with blood pressure above 140/90 mm Hg should be
evaluated for hypertension. Hypertension is diagnosed on the basis of serial
elevated values, rather than a single measurement. Studies have shown that
some clients demonstrate higher recorded blood pressure in the physicians
office than in the home setting. This is referred to as the white coat effect.
Ambulatory blood pressure measurements refer to blood pressure values
obtained away from the clinical setting while the person is engaged in normal
activity. Ambulatory blood pressure measurements are helpful in diagnosing
hypertension accurately and in planning treatment. The Joint National
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood
Pressure (JNC) endorses the use of ambulatory monitoring, especially for clients
with white coat hypertension (Artinian, 2004; Frost & Hajjar, 2006). Chapter
36 covers hypertension in greater detail.

Hypotension is blood pressure below 100/60 mm Hg. Low blood pressure
readings can be normal for some healthy, young adults and are no cause for
concern. A sudden drop in blood pressure, significantly below the normal range
for a person, causes hypotension. For example, a hypertensive client who
usually has blood pressure readings of 180/94 mm Hg would be considered
hypotensive if his or her blood pressure fell to 120/80 mm Hg. Once again, a
significant change from baseline values is more important than any one specific

In adults, moving from a flat, horizontal position to a vertical position results in
pooling of blood in the lower extremities. People with healthy, intact autonomic
nervous systems reflexively compensate for the volume shift by increasing the
rate and force of myocardial contraction and vasoconstriction, thus maintaining
adequate blood pressure. Even with normal compensation, however, a position
change usually results in a drop in systolic blood pressure and an increase in
heart rate. Inadequate reflex compensation upon position change results in
orthostatic hypotension. Symptoms of orthostatic hypotension are those
related to decreased cerebral perfusion, such as dizziness, weakness, blurred
vision, syncope, and marked changes in blood pressure and heart rate.
Orthostatic blood pressure changes may indicate hypovolemia, a failure of the
autonomic nervous system protective reflexes. Hypovolemia or impaired
vasoconstriction is signaled by decreased blood pressure and increased heart
rate. Autonomic nervous system dysfunction is indicated by decreased blood
pressure without marked increases in heart rate. Orthostatic hypotension is a
drop in systolic pressure of at least 25 mm Hg or a drop in diastolic pressure of
at least 10 mm Hg when moving from lying to sitting or standing (Jevon, 2001).
Instruct clients with chronic orthostatic hypotension to change positions slowly,
moving from a lying to a sitting to a standing posture and allowing several
minutes to elapse before proceeding to the next position.
Measure orthostatic blood pressure in clients exhibiting symptoms of dizziness,
blurred vision, or weakness when changing position; clients taking diuretic
medications; and clients with a history of volume loss. The best data for
determining and monitoring therapy will come from systematic, consistent
technique in assessing blood pressure and heart rate response to position change.
Procedure 26-5 gives a step-by-step description for assessing for orthostatic
hypotension. Clients experiencing severe orthostatic hypotension may be unable
to tolerate a standing position long enough for you to obtain the blood pressure
and heart rate. Record the blood pressure and heart rate values and the position
of the client when the values were obtained. Document any symptoms of
diminished cerebral perfusion.

A. Assessing Axillary Temperature with an Electronic Thermometer
1. Wash hands. Identify client and explain the procedure.
Rationale: Reduces microbe transmission, ensures safety, and increases client
2. Remove electronic thermometer from the battery pack, and remove the temperature
probe from the recording unit, noting a digital display of temperature on the screen
(usually 34C or 94F).
Rationale: The electronic thermometer is stored in a battery pack to ensure that it
is always charged and ready for use. Extending the temperature probe prepares the
machine to measure and record temperature. The digital display of temperature
indicates that it is charged.
3. Place the disposable cover over the temperature probe and attach securely. Grasp
the base of the probe.
Rationale: Ensures snug fit of the probe cover and prevents the transmission of
4. Close bedroom door or unit curtains; assist client to comfortable position, and
remove clothing to expose axilla.
Rationale: Clothing in the axilla area could interfere with accurate temperature
5. Place thermometer against middle of axilla; fold clients arm down and place across
chest, enclosing thermometer in axillary area.
Rationale: This position maintains correct position of thermometer against blood
vessels in axilla.
6. Wait for a beep that indicates the estimated temperature. Watch to see if
temperature continues to rise. When it stops, note the temperature displayed on the
unit and remove the probe from the clients axilla.
Rationale: Beep indicates estimated temperature. Usually the final temperature
reading is very close to this estimated reading and often this is the temperature that
is recorded if there are time pressures.
7. Return the probe to the storage place within the unit and return the thermometer to
the battery pack. Cleanse according to agency policy.
Rationale: Proper storage prevents damage to the sensitive temperature probe and
ensures that the unit will be recharged and ready for use. Adequate cleansing
prevents transmission of microorganisms when thermometer is used for another
8. Record temperature on vital sign documentation record. Discuss findings with
client if appropriate.
Rationale: These actions ensure proper documentation and encourage clients
understanding of health status.

B. Obtaining a Radial Pulse
1. Wash hands, identify the client, and explain the procedure.
Rationale: Provides safety and increases client compliance.
2. Position client comfortably with forearm across chest or at side with wrist
Rationale: Relaxed position of lower arm with wrist extended allows easier artery
3. Place fingertips of your first two or three fingers along the groove at base of
thumb, on clients wrist.
Rationale: Fingertips are the most sensitive part of the hand for palpating pulses.
Do not use the thumb to palpate: it has a strong pulse that you may confuse with
the clients.
4. Press against radial artery to obliterate pulse, then gradually release pressure until
you feel pulsations; assess for regularity and strength.
Rationale: Moderate pressure is needed to accurately assess the pulses rate and
5. If pulse is not easily palpable, use Doppler.
a. Apply conducting gel to end of probe or to radial site.
Rationale: Doppler works by ultrasound, which transmits sound better with
the airtight seal that gel provides.
b. Press on button and place probe against skin on pulse site. Reposition
slightly, using firm pressure, until you hear a pulsating sound.
6. If pulse is regular, count pulse for 30 seconds, and multiply by two. If pulse is
irregular, count for 1 full minute. If irregular pulse is a new finding, assess apical
radial rate. Count the initial pulse as zero.
Rationale: Prevents overestimation of pulse. If pulse is irregular, a longer
counting period ensures a more accurate pulse rate determination. An apical radial
rate is helpful to determine if irregular beats are strong enough to perfuse to
peripheral pulse sites.

C. Assessing Respirations
1. Wash hands and identify client.
Rationale: Provides for client safety.
2. After or before assessment of pulse, keep your fingers resting on clients wrist
and observe or feel the rising and falling of chest with respiration. If client is
asleep, you may gently place your hand on the clients chest so you can feel chest
movement. Do not explain procedure to client.
Rationale: Explaining procedure may make client self-conscious about
respirations and could cause him or her to alter respiratory pattern.
3. When you have observed one complete cycle of inspiration and expiration, and if
respiration is regular, look at second hand of watch and count the number of

complete cycles in 30 seconds and multiply by 2. In children younger than 2 years
or in adults with an irregular rate, count for 1 full minute.
Rationale: Children normally have irregular respiratory patterns. Ensures
accuracy of assessment.
4. If respirations are shallow and difficult to count, observe at the sternal notch.
Rationale: Respirations are more visible at the sternal notch.
5. Note depth and rhythm of respiratory cycle.
Rationale: Respiratory characteristics give additional data about alterations in
respiratory status.
6. Discuss findings with client and document respiratory rate, depth, rhythm, and
Rationale: Maintains legal record and communicates with healthcare team.

D. Obtaining Blood Pressure

1. Wash hands; identify client; explain procedure to client assist client to a
comfortable position with forearm supported at heart level and palm up.
Rationale: Variations in blood pressure can occur with client in different
positions. Blood pressure increases when the arm is below heart level and
decreases when above heart level. Diastolic blood pressure may increase 10% if
arm is unsupported, secondary to isometric muscle contraction used to support
2. Expose the upper arm completely.
Rationale: Accurate placement of cuff and stethoscope requires complete
exposure of upper arm.
3. Wrap deflated cuff snugly around upper arm with center of bladder over brachial
artery. Lower border of cuff should be about 2 cm above antecubital space (nearer
the antecubital space on an infant).
Rationale: Placing bladder directly over brachial artery ensures proper
compression of artery during cuff inflation. Loose or uneven application can
result in falsely high readings.
4. Palpate brachial or radial artery with fingertips. Close valve on pressure bulb and
inflate cuff until pulse disappears. Inflate cuff 30 mm Hg higher. Slowly release
valve and note reading when pulse reappears.
Rationale: Identify approximate systolic blood pressure reading to prevent
underestimating systolic blood pressure should client have an auscultatory gap.
Note: Some researchers state that this twostep method may result in significantly
lower diastolic readings, requires more time, and may cause the client longer
periods of stress (Jones, Simpson, & Ahmed, 2006). It is most important to use
the two-step method during the initial screening to detect the presence of an
auscultatory gap.
5. Fully deflate cuff, and wait 1 to 2 minutes.
Rationale: A waiting period prevents falsely high readings by allowing blood
trapped in the vein to be recirculated.

6. Place stethoscope ear piece in ears. Repalpate the brachial artery and place
stethoscope bell or diaphragm over site.
Rationale: Blood pressure is a low-frequency sound and is best heard with the
stethoscope bell, but the diaphragm is widely used because it is easily placed and
more generally available.
7. Close bulb valve by turning clockwise. Inflate cuff to 30 mm Hg above reading
where brachial pulse disappeared.
Rationale: Ensures accurate assessment of systolic blood pressure.
8. Slowly release valve so pressure drops about 2 to 3 mm Hg per second.
Rationale: Inaccurate measurements may occur if deflation rate is too fast or too
9. Identify manometer reading when first clear Korotkoff sound is heard.
Rationale: Indicates systolic pressure reading.
10. Continue to deflate, and note reading when sound muffles or dampens (fourth
Korotkoff ) and when it disappears (fifth Korotkoff ).
Rationale: American Heart Association recommends using the fifth Korotkoff
sound as diastolic pressure in adults, fourth Korotkoff in children. In adults, if
fourth and fifth Korotkoff are 10 mm Hg or greater apart, note all three readings.
11. Deflate cuff completely and remove from clients arm.
12. Record blood pressure. Record systolic and diastolic in the form 130/80. If three
pressures are to be recorded, use the form 130/80/40 (40 is the fifth Korotkoff ).
Abbreviate RA or LA to indicate right or left arm measurement.
Rationale: Maintains legal record and communicates with health team members.
13. Assist client to comfortable position and discuss findings with client, if
Rationale: Encourages the clients understanding of health status and promotes
compliance with therapies.


3.1 Conclution

After understanding about vital signs. And the conclusion is that health in our body is very
important. Share vital signs like pulse, blood pressure, breathing, body temperature, and
weight. How the implementation procedures are important for the community or to
increase knowledge. As with blood pressure, as one gets older, blood pressure will
increase. And the emotions and pain that a person naturally affects blood pressure. Thus
the body temperature can show the state of metabolism in the body, the pulse can show
changes in the cardiovascular system, and blood pressure can assess the ability of the
cardiovascular system, which can be adjusted with the pulse.

3.2 Advice
From the above explanation we must be more careful to examine a vital signs. Because if
we are not careful in assessing vital signs then we can not provide an evaluation of the
client's response to intravenous given because vital checks are part of the patient's
examination process.


American College of Emergency Physicians Foundation. Emergency Care for You: ER

101 Accessed 9/18/2017. Accessed 9/18/2017.

Measuring Vital Signs A guide to help Direct Support Professionals learn how to
measure, and report vital sign measurements.
Accessed 9/18/2017.

VITAL SIGN!userfiles/pdfs/course-materials/Basic%20Nursing%20-
%20Vital%20Signs%20-%20Ch%2012%20%20New%207-09.pdf Accessed


policy-directive.pdf Accessed 9/18/2017.




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