Standard 5 Report

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2 Provide feedback to students on

their learning

5.1 Assess student learning Demonstrate an understanding of the

Teacher Reports purpose of providing timely and
Demonstrate understanding of from Professional appropriate feedback to students about
assessment strategies, including their learning.
informal and formal, diagnostic, Development
formative and summative approaches When applying my lessons, I would
to assess student learning. Standard 5
During my teaching I used a variety of - explicitly identify, share, and clarify
assessment strategies to assess learning goals and success criteria
student understandings. This allowed
-model the application of criteria using
me to understand how students were
learning and where I could extend
them next. - provide guided opportunities to peer-
and self-assess

5.4 Interpret student data

5.5 Report on student achievement
Demonstrate the capacity to
interpret student assessment data to
Demonstrate understanding of a range of
evaluate student learning and modify strategies for reporting to students and
teaching practice. parents/carers and the purpose of keeping
accurate and reliable records of student
Throughout my teaching I would achievement.
access student data, pre-testing and Marking student work, and gathering data
post-testing assisted with this. to add to students goals.