6 Sci

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6th Grade Science

Crabapple Middle School 2013-14

Course Description:
6th grade science is Earth Science. We will cover the topics of Geology, Hydrology, Meteorology, and Astronomy. These
are very broad units that will be broken down into smaller parts. This year we will be using Interactive Notebooks. These
notebooks will be where the students record the activities of the class as well as keep a record of their learning and growth
in Science. Gifted classes are differentiated in their curriculum to include the following additional standards:
-Advanced research methods and independent study skills
- Creative thinking and creative problem-solving skills in order to be generators of ideas and products which are original
to the learners
- Higher order and critical thinking skills
- Advanced communication skills that incorporate new techniques, materials and formats in the development of products
and ideas that will be shared with real audiences
The Fulton County Schools Curriculum Department provides additional resources for parents regarding the learning objectives for the
courses offered in the middle grades. The Curriculum Guide for Middle Schools provides detailed information per grade level. This
may be accessed at http://portal.fultonschools.org/departments/academics/LearningandTeaching/Pages/STEM.aspx. You may contact the
school office to request a printed copy.
Textbook Information:
Earth Science Holt Rinehart & Winston 9780030920332 $70.75
Parent/Teacher Communication:
Communication initiated by parents and teachers is essential to a childs academic and behavioral success. Methods of
communications include telephone calls, conferences, the use of the student agenda and email. Parents are strongly
encouraged to review the agenda daily to monitor the students organization and study habits. If anything seems unclear,
please feel free to contact the teacher at any time.
Grading Scheme:
Weight Names Percentage of Grade
Formative 20%
Summative 80%

Classroom Procedures and Expectations:

In order to ensure a positive learning environment, all students are expected to follow the Husky How Tos at all times.
Project Achieve Crabapple Middle Schools Recovery Policy
At Crabapple Middle School, proficiency of standards is the target we want all students to achieve. Given the fact that students learn
at different rates and in different ways, our school-wide recovery policy will provide the necessary support to achieve this goal. The
recovery policy at CMS is outlined as follows:
Recovery is required for failing grades on SUMMATIVE assessments. Students are allowed to improve any grade on
summative assessments.
Both the parents and the student will be notified when recovery is required. A student electing to recover a summative
assessment must make the teacher aware of his/her intention and must meet the prescribed deadlines.
The specific areas of deficiency will be identified.
The student will attend a mandatory re-teaching session (at least one, but more if necessary) and 8O% mastery (or better than
original grade) on remedial work.
Time is allotted during the school week to take the alternative assessment.
All recovery work and the re-test are to be completed within 10 school days of original test being returned to the student.

Teacher Contact Information:

Teacher Name Email Address Help Sessions
Mornings: Wednesday from 7:50-8:20
Tori McClanahan [email protected]
Afternoons: Monday from 4:00-4:30
Mornings: Tuesday from 7:50-8:20
Laura Forester [email protected]
Afternoons: Tuedday from 4:00-4:30
Mornings: Thursday from 7:50-8:20
BJ Giles [email protected]
Afternoons: Monday from 4:00-4:30
Mornings: Tuesday from 7:50-8:20
Laura Parris [email protected]
Afternoons: Monday from 4:00-4:30

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