Lesson Plan-Vietnam War

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TEACHER NAME: Ms. Mallory Chester, Ms. CJ Smith and Ms. Liane Brooks
LESSON SUBJECT: Social Studies- 20th Century World History 11
LESSON TITLE: The Great Debate: Stakeholders in the Vietnam War
LESSON DATE: 1st November 2017
This is an introductory lesson to a greater unit based on themes surrounding the Vietnam War. In
this lesson students will use primary and secondary sources, as well as outside research if
needed, to build an understanding of various stakeholders from the war and their position within
the conflict. Students will use this understanding to build arguments surrounding key points from
their stakeholders research, and build an argument that they can use in a debate setting. Students
will debate based on themes of militarism, human rights and revolutionary thoughts surrounding
the war in Vietnam, all while building a collective understanding of the war through different
historical perspectives.
Big Idea
- Nationalist movements can unite people in common causes or lead to intense conflict
between different groups.
- Vietnam, 1945-1975
- Militarism
- Revolutions and human rights movements
Curricular Competency
- Use historical inquiry processes and skills to ask questions; gather, interpret, and analyze
ideas; and communicate findings and decisions.
- Assess the significance of people, locations, events and developments, and compare
varying perspectives on their historical significance at particular times and places, and from
group to group (significance).
-Students will effectively examine primary and secondary sources.
-Students will use the knowledge they gain from their primary and secondary sources to explore
different perspectives regarding the Vietnam War.
-Students will work in a group to build a collection of key points in relation to their assigned
stakeholder, and use these points to form a sound argument which they will argue in a debate
-Students will debate respectfully and effectively while asking educated questions and providing
accurate responses/rebuttals.
-Students will work together to create a broader understanding of the Vietnam war through the
eyes of the multiple stakeholders involved in the conflict, while acknowledging the differences in
these groups perspectives.
This is an introductory lesson to global tensions surrounding the Vietnam War. Although
students do not require a breath of knowledge with regards to the time period, they do require
skills such as the ability to analyze/decipher primary and secondary resources. They will also
have a moderate background in online research, and will know how to access online sources and
periodicals, as well as how to differentiate a valuable source (ex. journal article, scholarly review
etc.) from a less valuable source (ex. Wikipedia)
- PowerPoint Slides:
o Background information slides
o Video slide
o Debate format slide
- Debate Worksheet (1 per student):
o Outlining the stakeholders with spaces for students to record key points for
each from the debate, as well as room to jot down any questions they may like
to ask)
- Slips to divide students into stakeholder groups (6 groups, 5 people per group, 5 slips
x6=30 slips)
- Tent cards identifying table groups by Stakeholder (1 per table)
- Document file folders for each stakeholder table (1 set per designated stakeholder
o Primary and secondary documents for each stakeholder
o Pictures, quotes etc.
- Chromebooks for further research (may need to be booked ahead of time if the class does
not already have a set already available.
-Documents will be available the online classroom for students who may prefer to
read that way, or fill out the worksheet by typing rather than writing.
-Students who may prove to not be comfortable speaking during the debate may be
asked to write a reflection piece instead, perhaps based on what they would have
liked to say or questions they might ask.
-Students will be assessed on their ability to work within their groups to examine primary and
secondary sources, and build pick out key points about their stakeholders perspectives on the
Vietnam War.
-Students will be assessed on their participation in all aspects of the debate: both in forming and
articulating key points/arguments, as well ask asking informed questions about different
stakeholders and responding effectively to questions asked of them.
-Students will be assessed based on their ability to fully complete the debate handout, which will
be submitted at the end of class.
PRE-LESSON -tables may need to be
-Have stakeholder tent cards arranged differently based
set out on tables, with on the number of students
document file folders for each and size of the class
group. -Students find the -Students select slips at
-Upon entry, have students table that correlates random, but may need to be
pick slips at random which will with their slip, and sit put into groups ahead of
place them in a stakeholder at this table as a time if behavioral issues are
group. Students will be representative of that a concern.
expected to sit in these groups. stakeholder. 5min

-Open with the question: what -Students work with a
do students know about the partner in their
Vietnam War? Ask students to immediate vicinity to
work in a pair-and-share format discuss any prior
for 1-2minutes to discuss knowledge of the
former knowledge. Have Vietnam War.
students come back together -Students volunteer to
and discuss what they may or share what they and 15min
may not know with the class. their partner know
-Show video about the Vietnam -have slides available on
https://www.youtube.com/watc war. online classroom for
h?v=aoXySB-WlZE -Students watch students who may struggle
-Discuss brief history of the video, discuss with to take notes.
Vietnam war, coinciding with class.
slides on PowerPoint. Discuss -Students take notes
tensions surrounding the war, based on slides,
and give context to the various paying specific
stakeholder groups on the attention to the
students table (prelude to stakeholders. 20min
debate activity- place emphasis
on students knowledge of
stakeholder positions).
-Introduce activity: Stakeholder
-Hand out debate worksheet, -Students get a debate -If cell phone misuse is an
and explain to students that that sheet, then as a group issue with students, omit this
are to examine the primary and begin to examine the option and stick to the
secondary sources in their file texts in their file provided documents or
folders, and develop a series of folder. They proceed chromebooks if available. 35min
arguments and key points to build a series of
based on these texts. Students arguments/key points
may also use other sources for the debate based
(their phones/chromebook) to on these texts.
do further research if they -Students may check -Tensions may arise during
choose. out a chromebook or the question/rebuttal section
-Explain the format of the use their phones to of the debate. A respectful

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