ELP Project Planning & Guidelines Level 6

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ELP Project Planning & Guidelines

Level 6

Project Title My Community: Present and Future

Students will be asked to first look individually at a community to which they belong, considering the
good and bad within it. Then, students will work in groups to create an oral narrative focused on an
issue of choice from each thematic unit. They will critically analyze various resources within the
themes of diversity inclusion, leadership, environment, and advancing technology with the purpose
of choosing an issue from each theme affecting their community of choice. Throughout the semester,
students will be asked to analyze different viewpoints on a variety of issues.

This project will be assessed in two parts:

Part 1 will be an informal research of students’ local communities and the deliverable at this stage
will be a report (see Part 1 Handout) organizing the pros and cons (alternatively strengths and
weaknesses) of their community of choice, as well as what the student imagines the future to be like
for the community chosen. This part will be completed individually. Then students will participate in a
Q&A (Google Classroom will be great for this). Students will give a very informal “presentation”
telling the class about the pros, cons, and future of their chosen community. As they are telling the
class about their community, all other students in the “audience” will be listening and will need to
choose a minimum of three “presentations” to ask a question about. The presenting student will
address questions after presenting to the best of their ability.
Points on part one will come from the report, speaking to the class, asking a question on a minimum
of three other students’ presentations, and answering the questions to the best of their ability that
other students pose regarding their presentation.

Part 2 will be done in groups. Students will be assigned a “home group” of ideally four students each
at the beginning of part two (Week 7). In their home group, students will collaborate throughout the
rest of the project to imagine the future of one community they decide on together, in terms of an
issue of choice from each thematic unit, diversity inclusion, environment, advancing technology, and
leadership. (ex. Group 1 chooses to talk about Barranquilla, and chooses to focus on women’s rights
for Diversity Inclusion, water pollution in the Rio Magdalena for Environment, etc.). Students will
each take responsibility for developing one of the four elements, though decisions will be made as a

The culminating experience for part two (see Part 2 Handout) will be 1) an outline and a PPT of the
presentation exploring what the future looks like for their community of choice in terms of the issues
chosen, (This will be fictitious in nature as students will be imagining the future, but will be well
supported and explained using information from actual sources) and 2) a presentation/performance
of their narratives.

Part 1:
-Informal written report discussing pros, cons, and future of a selected community (individual)
-Informal presentation with Q&A following (individual presentation with interactive Q&A)
End Product(s)
Part 2:
-An outline and a PPT (group)
-Oral presentation/performance of narrative (group)

SLOs Assessed ● SLO 1 - Students will be consuming written and spoken materials to learn about different
approaches to the four key elements.
● SLO 2 - Students will analyze multiple sources on each topic to form a more complete
understanding of the approach.
● SLO 3 - Students will compare and contrast ideas taken from the materials to make group
● decisions regarding each element.
● SLO 4- Students will learn how to identify implicit meaning in the selected materials.
● SLO 5- Students will consider advantages and disadvantages of different aspects of their
communities. Additionally, students will use advantages and disadvantages to form and support
their narratives.
● SLO 6- Students will write multiple informal works in which they support themselves with
information from multiple sources.
● SLO 7- Students will utilize all grammar objectives in negotiating and presenting their narratives.
● SLO 8- Students will utilize all pronunciation objectives in negotiating and presenting their

All assigned themes (leadership, building communities, advancing tech, and the environment) will be
Themes & Topics covered. Smaller topics within each theme will be explored to provide enriching, relevant examples.
from Level For example, smaller topics within building communities, which looks at diversity inclusion, may be
gender, physical/mental disability, ethnic minority, etc).

● All assigned units from the chapters will be used, though not necessarily every part of every unit.
The book is now considered a supplemental material.
Material Support ● Core materials will be taken from authentic, level appropriate sources as much as possible,
from Level including movies, books, etc.
● Teachers will use a standardized rubric for assessing parts 1 and 2.
● The project will integrate all level 6 grammar and pronunciation objectives.

Part 1: begin class 2

1- Have students select a community they belong to to analyze.
2- Have students find 2-4 resources discussing their community to synthesize.
3- Have students write their report discussing pros, cons, and the future of their community.
4- Have students give a brief, informal presentation over their community, including pros and cons.
Then students will respond to questions spontaneously posed by classmates at the end.
Procedure for
Teacher Part 2: begin class 6
1-Divide students into home groups. These groups will be their permanent groups within which they
will complete the project.
2- Have students collaborate in their home groups on a Google doc or similar to complete the outline,
due at the beginning of week 14. This will be the structure of the presentation.
3- Have students, in their home groups, give presentations/performances in week 14

Steps Deadline Description

1 Class 2 Introduction of project as a whole, and begin Part 1

2 Class 3 Part 1: Select a community that you belong to for analysis

Procedure for
3 Class 6 Part 1: Pros, cons, and future report due
Part 1: Informal presentations with Q&A

4 Class 6 Begin Part 2

Home group assignment/explanation

5 Class 14 Part 2: Submit collaborative outline before 1st hour

Part 2: Present/perform narrative

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