Stablity Ground Nut

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Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1(4): 1021-1023 (July 2010)

Research Article
Stability analysis of foliar disease resistant groundnut genotypes
(Arachis hypogaea L.)
A. Mothilal. P. VindhiyaVarman and N. Manivannan

Fifteen foliar disease resistant groundnut genotypes and one local variety (VRI 4) were evaluated over four seasons in a
single location to identify the stable high yielding genotypes. Significant G X E interaction showed the differential
performance of genotypes over different environments / seasons. Stability analysis revealed that only one genotype
(ICGV 92093) had near unity regression coefficient coupled with non-significant deviation from regression and high
mean kernel yield. Hence, the genotype may be recommended over wide range of environments / seasons.

Key words: Groundnut, foliar disease resistant, stability.

Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is considered to continuously in four seasons (Rabi/summer 1998-
be the most important and main oilseed crops of 1999, Kharif 1999, Rabi/summer 1999-2000 and
India. The major limiting factors associated with Kharif 2000). Recommended package of practices
groundnut production are changing agro-climatic were followed to raise a healthy crop. Plot yield
conditions, vagaries of monsoon and occurrence of was recorded and kernel yield per hectare was
foliar diseases. Identification of suitable genotypes calculated for the purpose of data analysis. The
having minimum G X E interaction with moderate data were analysed as per the method proposed by
level of resistance or less susceptible would be Panse and Sukhatme (1978). The stability analysis
immense need to improve the production of was carried out according to the method suggested
groundnut. Hence, an attempt was made to by Eberhart and Russel (1966).
evaluate the stability of 16 Spanish bunch
groundnut genotypes having foliar disease Results and Discussion
resistance. The analysis of variance for individual and pooled
environment showed that the mean square due to
Materials and methods genotypes were significant for kernel yield which
Material for this study consists of 15 Spanish indicated the presence of substantial variability in
bunch groundnut genotypes (Arachis hypogaea L. the mean performance of genotypes over four
subsp. fastigiata var vulgaris) obtained from environments / seasons. The mean square due to
ICRISAT, Patancheru along with one local variety environment was also significant indicating the
(VRI 4) for the purpose of conducting International variable environment. Significant G X E
Foliar Disease Resistant Groundnut Varietal Trial interaction showed the differential performance of
at the New Farm of Regional Research Station, genotypes under different environments / seasons.
Vridhachalam. Sowing was done in 4 x 4 triple The existence of significant G X E interaction have
lattice design with three replications. The plot size already been reported by Chuni Lal et al. (1998),
was 5.0 x 1.2 m with a inter and intra row spacing Patil et al. (1998), Bentur et al. (2004), Senapathi
of 30 cm x 10 cm. The genotypes were evaluated et al. (2004) and Hariprasanna et al. (2008). The
linear component of G X E interaction was
Regional Research Station, Tamil Nadu Agricultural significant for kernel yield indicated the genotypes
University, Vridhachalam 606 001, Tamil Nadu. differed for their linear response to the fluctuating

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1(4): 1021-1023 (July 2010)

environment. The magnitude of variation due to its component traits. Journal of Oilseeds
environment (linear) was higher than G X E Research, 21:17-20.
(linear) for this trait which depicted that major part
of the total variation was a linear function of Chuni Lal, Basu, M.S. and Ranvir Singh. 1998.
environment only. Significant pooled deviation Stability analysis for pod and kernel yield
suggested that genotypic performance varied with in Spanish bunch groundnut (Arachis
their respective linear paths of response to hypogaea L.). Indian Journal of Genetics
environment. The predominance of linear and Plant Breeding. 58: 125-126.
component would help in predicting the
performance of the genotypes across the
Eberhart, S.A. and Russell, W.A. 1966. Stability
parameters for comparing varieties. Crop
Science, 6: 36- 40.
The genotype ICGV 92093 had the higher mean
kernel yield (2533 kg/ha), unit regression
(bi=1.447) and non-significant deviation from Hariprasanna, K. Chuni Lal and Radhakrishnan, T.
regression. Thus this genotype appears to have 2008. Genotype x environmental
average stability over all the seasons / interaction and stability analysis in large
environments. Non-significant S2di, above average seeded genotypes of groundnut, Arachis
response (bi >1) and relatively higher mean kernel hypogaea L. J. Oilseeds Res. (25(2):126-
yield observed in ICGV 92083 and ICGV 93187 131
indicated its adaptability for favourable
environments. Though, three genotypes viz., ICGV Patil, S.R, Manapure, P.R and Pillai, B.1998.
92080, ICGV 92097 and ICGV 93222 registered Phenotypic stability for seed yield in
higher mean kernel yield and non-significant groundnut. Jounal of Maharashtra
regression coefficient, its performance was Agricultural University. 23:321-322.
unpredictable as it showed significant S2di.
Panse, V.G and Sukhatme, P.V (1978). Statistical
In summation, only one genotype (ICGV 92093) Methods for Agricultural Workers. Edn 2.
was found to be promising and stable for kernel 197 pp. Indian Councial of Agricultural
yield. Hence, the genotype may be recommended Research, New Delhi.
for wide range of environments.
Senapathi, B.K. Maity, D and Sarkar, G.2004.
References Stability evaluation of summer groundnut
(Arachis hypogaea L.) under coastal
Benthur, M.G., Parameshwarappa, K.G. and saline zone of west Bengal. Legume
Malligawad, L.H. 2004. Stability analysis Research, 27:103-106.
in large seeded groundnut Arachis
hypogaea L. genotypes for pod yield and

Electronic Journal of Plant Breeding, 1(4): 1021-1023 (July 2010)

Table 1. Pooled analysis of variance for kernel yield in groundnut

Source of variation df Mean sum of square

Genotypes (G) 15 290411.718 **
Environment (E) 3 3260085.250 **
GXE 45 119113.953 **
E + (G X E) 48 315424.656
Environment (linear) 1 9780256.000 **
G X E (linear) 15 92882.867
Pooled deviation 32 123965.539 **
ICGV 92080 2 212879.406 **
ICGV 92083 2 5952.062
ICGV 92086 2 139505.437 **
ICGV 92088 2 35925.531 **
ICGV 92093 2 6514.915
ICGV 92097 2 171002.312 **
ICGV 92098 2 65102.371 **
ICGV 92102 2 219549.234 **
ICGV 92106 2 170570.640 **
ICGV 93187 2 1553.589
ICGV 93197 2 64899.750 **
ICGV 93217 2 104532.250 **
ICGV 93222 2 62091.882 **
ICGV 93229 2 136595.625 **
ICGV 87160 2 494528.968 **
VRI 4 2 92244.570 **
Pooled error 120 12596.308

*, ** significantly different at p=0.05 and p=0.01 levels respectively.

Table 2. Estimates of stability parameters for kernel yield in groundnut.

Genotype Mean yield (kg/ha) bi S2di

ICGV 92080 2403 1.040 0.608 **
ICGV 92083 1903 1.212 0.986
ICGV 92086 1757 1.226 0.767 **
ICGV 92088 1767 1.173 0.921 **
ICGV 92093 2533 1.447 0.989
ICGV 92097 2218 1.429 0.785 **
ICGV 92098 1754 0.827 * 0.762 **
ICGV 92102 1939 0.639 0.362 **
ICGV 92106 1776 0.751 0.502 **
ICGV 93187 1757 1.091 0.997
ICGV 93197 1682 0.955 0.811 **
ICGV 93217 2208 0.881 0.694 **
ICGV 93222 2113 1.662 0.931 **
ICGV 93229 1837 0.977 0.681 **
ICGV 87160 1622 0.013 0.000 **
VRI 4 2038 0.671 0.598 **
Mean 1957

*, ** significantly different at p=0.05 and p=0.01 levels respectively.


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