Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses With Eberhart and Russell' Method For Genotype X Environment Interaction, Namorato Et Al.

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Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell method for genotype x environment interaction

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009

Brazilian Society of Plant Breeding. Printed in Brazil

Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart

and Russell method for genotype x environment
Heraldo Namorato1, Glauco Vieira Miranda1*, Leandro Vagno de Souza2, Lucimar Rodrigues Oliveira1, Rodrigo Oliveira DeLima, and
Eder Eduardo Mantovani1

Received 03 November 2008

Accepted 15 August 2009

ABSTRACT - The aim of this study was to compare the multivariate methods GGE (Genotype main effects and Genotype x
Environment interaction) and AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction) with the method of Eberhart and
Russell for interpreting genotype x environment interaction. The AMMI and GGE analysis explained around 50% of the sum
of squares of the genotype x environment interaction, whereas the method of Eberhart and Russell explained only 9.1 and
15.8% each year. The cultivars classified as minor contribution to the genotype x environment interaction by methods of
AMMI and GGE were also the same classification method of Eberhart and Russell. The AMMI and the GGE biplot analyses
are more efficient than the Eberhart and Russell. The GGE biplot explains a higher proportion of the sum of squares of the
GxE interaction and is more informative with regards to environments and cultivar performance than the AMMI analysis.

Key words: Genotype x environment interaction, breeding, GGE, Zea mays.

INTRODUCTION and stability have been developed and many

multivariate techniques are available such as GGE
The genotype x environment interaction is (Genotype main effects and Genotype x Environment
important for plant breeding because it affects the interaction) and AMMI (Additive Main effects and
genetic gain and recommendation and selection of Multiplicative Interaction) with new information for
cultivars with wide adaptability (Deitos et al. 2006, cultivars, environmental stratification and cultivar x
Souza et al. 2009). On the other hand, different environment interaction (Miranda et al. 2009).
genotypes have different performance in each region Yan et al. (2007) compared the GGE biplot analysis
that can be capitalized to maximize productivity (Souza and AMMI analysis with three aspects of genotype-
et al. 2008). Eberhart and Russell (1966) developed a by-environment data (GED) analysis, namely mega-
methodology for identifying cultivars with greater environment analysis, genotype evaluation, and test-
adaptability and stability that has been widely used in environment evaluation. Yan et al. (2007) concluded that
the identification of genotypes for this purpose both GGE biplot analysis and AMMI analysis combine
(Miranda et al. 1998, Grunvald et al. 2008). However, rather than separate G and GE in mega-environment
other methods for identifying cultivars with adaptability analysis and genotype evaluation. The authors maintain

Universidade Federal de Viosa (UFV), Departamento de Fitotecnia, 36570-000, Viosa, MG, Brazil. *E-mail: [email protected]
Dow Agrosciences, Rodovia Anhanguera, Km 344, 14680-000, Ribeirao Preto, SP, Brazil

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009 299

H Namorato et al.

that the GGE biplot is superior to the AMMI1 graph in The experimental designs used were the 7 x 6
mega-environment analysis and genotype evaluation rectangular lattice (1998/1999 harvests) and the 7 x 7
because it better explains G+GE and has the inner- square lattice (1999/2000 harvests). All assays were
product property of the biplot. Moreover, the composed of two replications, each plot comprising two
discriminating power vs. representativeness view of the 5-meter rows, 0.9 meters apart, representing a final stand
GGE biplot is effective in evaluating test environments, of approximately 55 thousand plants per hectare.
which is not possible with AMMI analysis. Model SAS statistical software version 8 was used for
diagnosis for each dataset is useful, but the accuracy the individual and combined analyses (SAS 1999).
gained from model diagnosis should not be overstated. Lattice analyses were carry out using intrablock
The GGE biplot analyses are used in many information.
cultivars x environments interaction studies. The grain AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative
yield stability of 13 Chinese maize hybrids tested across Interaction) analysis combines, in a single model,
10 environments was evaluated via the GGE biplot additive components for the main effects of genotypes
analysis, and identified non representative and/or non and environment as well as multiplicative components
discriminating locations (Fan et al. 2007). The GGE biplot for interaction effects (Duarte and Vencovsky 1999).
analysis ranked hybrids with above-average yield Therefore, the mean response of a genotype i, in an
across years and for stability of performance. The GGE environment p, is:
biplots revealed that cv. Hai He had the highest yield in
seven and cv. LD10 exhibited the highest yield in 10
environments. Three common locations were found
among the time periods studied. with GEij represented by .
The best environments for selective productive Under the restrictions ,
sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) cultivars in Florida for in addition to the general mean (), and the mean
organic and sand soils were identified (Glaz and Kand experimental error ij, the remaining terms of the model
2008). The results revealed the desirability of replacing are a result of the so- called Decomposition by Singular
an organic-soil location with a sand-soil location in the Values (DSV) of the interaction matrix GE(gxe) = [GEij].
final testing stage of this sugarcane breeding and The interaction matrix is obtained as a residual of the
selection program. They concluded that the ability to
adjustment of the main effects, through variance
identify productive cultivars on organic soils by the
analysis, applied to the mean matrix Y(gxe) = [Yij]. Thus,
Florida sugarcane selection program would be least
k is the k-th singular value of GE (scalar), and k(gx1)
compromised by replacing either Osceola or Knight with
and k(1xa) are the respective singular values (column
a sand-soil location.
vector and line vector) associated with k (Good 1969,
Thus, the objective of this work was to compare
Mandel 1971, Piepho 1995). Hence, ik and jk are the
the AMMI and GGE multivariate methods with Eberhart
elements related to genotype i and to environment j
and Russell method for the interpretation of genotype x
for vectors k(gx1) and k(1xa), respectively. The k index
environment interaction.
(k = 1, 2 m, where m = min), is the rank of taken until
n in the sum (n < m). This index determines an
MATERIAL AND METHODS approximation of the least squares for the matrix by the
The data used were obtained from the Maize n first-terms of DSV (Good 1969, Gabriel 1978), leaving
Cultivar Evaluation National Network carried out by the the additional residual denoted by ij. For n = m there
Maize National Assay in the agricultural years of 1998/ is no longer approximation, but rather the exact
1999 and 1999/2000, using early maturation cultivars in decomposition of the matrix implied in a null ij.
Minas Gerais municipalities, Brazil. Yan et al. (2000) proposed the GGE (Genotype and
Forty-two cultivars were evaluated in the 1998/ Genotype-by-Environment Interaction) biplot analysis
1999 harvests, with assays installed in ten locations. In for the graphical interpretation of genotype x
1999/2000, forty-nine genotypes were evaluated in nine environment interactions, based on the SREG (Sites
locations. Regression) model, suggested by Cornelius et al. (1996),

300 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009

Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell method for genotype x environment interaction

and Crossa and Cornelius (1997) environment, as presented for AMMI analysis, are
equally valid for GGE biplot analysis.
The linear regression method was proposed by
GGE biplot analysis is based on the simplified Eberhart and Russell (1966) and software Genes was
model with two principal components (Yan et al. 2000): used for analyses (Cruz 2006)
The analysis carried out used an algorithm
In which developed for the GGE model by Vargas and Crossa
Y ij is the productivity mean of cultivar i in (2000) as well as SAS (1999) to generate a GGE biplot.
environment j; is the general mean of the cultivars in
environment j; 1i1j1 is the first principal component RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
(PCA1); 2i2 j2 is the second principal component
(PCA2); 1 and 2 are the eigenvalues associated with In all the combined analyses, significant cultivar,
PCA1 and PCA2, respectively; i1 and i2 are the values environment, and cultivar x environment effects were
of the first and second principal components, detected, indicating that some maize cultivars exhibit
respectively, for cultivar i; j1 and j2 are the values of different productivity in at least one of the environments
the first and second principal components, respectively, evaluated for two years (Table 1). The methodology of
for environment j; and ij is the error ij associated with Eberhart and Russell (1966) captured 9.18% of SSGxE by
the model. regression analysis (Genotype x Linear Environment SS/
The graphic axes of this analysis are the first two Genotype x Environment interaction SS) in 1998/1999.
principal components (eigenvalues) of the multivariate For the 1998/1999 harvest, the sum of square G x E,
analysis and represent most of the variance data, SSGxE, object of the DVC decomposition, represented 16%
assuming the environment as fixed, i.e., variance in of the SSTOTAL (SS of G + SS of E + SS of G x E). The first
productivity is due exclusively to the effects of G and G principal axis (PCA1) captured 30.5% of the SSGxE, the
x E. Thus, this analysis identifies which cultivars are second 20.2% and, the third 15.5%. Using the F test, seven
superior in the various environments. of nine interaction axes were significant at 5% probability,
The GGE biplot is generated by placing i1 and i2 which led to the selection of the AMMI 7 model. However,
and i1 and i2 in such a way that each cultivar or each AMMI 7 is more complex to interpret due to its difficult
environment is represented by a single point on the graphic visualization. Observation of only the first two
biplot. axes ensures better graphical visualization in the AMMI 2
The interpretations performed in terms of the model; this model captures 50.7% of the SSGxE, much
vectorial relations 1) genotype x genotype, 2) greater than the 9.18% captured by the Eberhart and
environment x environment, and 3) genotype x Russell methodology (Table 1).

Table 1. Summary of analysis of variance combined with decomposition of the sum of squares of environments according to the
methodology of Eberhart and Russell (1966) for early cycle maize commercial hybrids (National Assay of 1998/1999 and 1999/2000

Source of variation 1998/1999 harvest 1999/2000 harvest

df SS df SS
Environment (E) 9 1971612927** 8 1662432504**
Genotype (G) adjusted 41 170795951** 48 315499557**
G x E interaction 369 415535498** 384 599917000**
E/genotype 378 2387148425 392 2262349505
Linear E 1 1971612927 1 1662432504
G x Linear E 41 38150313 48 94956561
Combined deviation 336 377385184 343 504960439
Residue 290 131187122 324 238163144
Total 839 - 881 -
** significant at 5 and 1% probability by the F test

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009 301

H Namorato et al.

In 1998/1999, by Eberhart e Russell method, most possess a more reliable classification, determined
of cultivars showed wide adaptability (b = 1) and only primarily by the genotypic effects characterizing the
few cultivars showed specific adaptability to favorable reduced G x E interaction. All cultivars identified as
environments (b>1; BRS 3060, P30F33, DINA 657, XB stable by the AMMI biplot also were by the Eberhart
7011 and, XL 550) and unfavorable environments (b<1; and Russell (1966) methodology. However, the
CX 9610, NB 6077, C 701, CD 3121, Z 8392 and, R&G01E). environment classification was very different between
The environments classified as favorable were CO, P1, the methods because Janaba and Patos de Minas 1
SL and ID and as unfavorable were CA, J, U1, U2, IH showed higher environment indexes and opposite
and P2. The stability cultivars were CX 9610, CX 9856, directions.
P30F45, HT 7105-3, AG 8014, P 3071, C 701, C 747, G 186 The Patos de Minas 1 (P1) and Uberlndia 2 (U2)
C, AG 5016, Z 8420, AG 5011, P 3042, MTL 9877, XB 8010 environments and the genotypes Z 8466 (26), P 30F33
and, SHS 4040. (21), XB 7011 (34), Z 8420 (18), C 747 (12) and AG 5011
AMMI biplot for the 1998/1999 harvest (Figure 1) (19) contributed the least to the interaction captured by
shows that the environment marker closer to the origin, the PCA 2 axis. The PCA 1 must be determined by the
with scores close to zero, is the Janaba (J) environment, differences between environment pairs (U1)/(IH) and
followed at a considerable distance by Patos de Minas (P2)/(U2). However, U1 and IH are similar, as are P2 and
1 (P1). With regard to the genotype, P 30F45 (5) was U2. PCA 2 apparently resulted mainly from the
closer to zero, followed by SHS 4040 (33), CX 9856 (4), differences between the environments (U1) and (IH)
R&G 01E (42), AG 8014 (8), Z 8420 (18) and, AG 5016 (Figure 1). By Eberhart and Russells method, the
(16). The environments and genotypes closer to the environments U1, IH, P2 and U2 were considerately
origin contributed very little to G x E interaction. Janaba unfavorable, but by the AMMI method, the
(J), close to the origin, and the genotypes close to this environment captured 20.2% of environment x genotype
environment, such as Z 8420 (18) and P 30F45 (5), interaction.

Figure 1. AMMI analysis biplot based on grain yield of early cycle maize comercial hybrids, relative to the National Assay of 1998/1999
and 1999/2000 harvests in Minas Gerais, Brazil

302 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009

Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell method for genotype x environment interaction

The methodology of Eberhart and Russell (1966) interaction. Moreover, IH and SL / L environments
captured 15.8% by regression analysis in 1999/2000. The were the most divergent and possibly the cause of
G x E sum of square, SS GxE , object of the DVC 20.92% of the variance explained by the PCA 2.
decomposition, accounted for 23% of the SSTOTAL (SSG However, these environments were considered
+ SSE + SSG x E). The first principal axis captured 24.4% positive by Eberhart and Russells method.
of the SSGxE, the second 20.9% and, the third 17.3%. Analysis of variance for the GGE method,
Based on the F test, six of the eight interaction attributing degrees of freedom to the interaction
axes were significant (5% probability), leading to the components PCA k according to the Gollob (1968)
selection of the AMMI 6 model. Similar to the analysis system, shows by the F test that eight out of ten
of the 1998/1999 harvest, the AMMI 2 model was interaction axes are significant in the 1998/1999
chosen, aiming at a graphical visualization of the first harvest. This would compel a selection of the eight
two axes that also captured 45.37% of the SSGxE. Again, axis model, making interpretation of the results
similar to the analysis of the 1998/1999 harvests, the unreliable, due to the difficulty of analyzing a high
AMMI 2 model captured a higher proportion of SSGxE number of possible axis combinations. The first two
in relation to the Eberhart and Russell (1966) principal components were chosen according to
methodology. recommendations of the original method. The first main
By Eberhart and Russells method, in 1999/2000,
axis, PCA 1, captured 35.6% of the (SS G + SS GxE); the
the cultivars with specific adaptability in a favorable
second, 18.3%, totaling 53.9% for the two first principal
environment were XB7012, SH50EX556, P30207, P3041,
components. The third principal component captured
AG6690 and HT971011; and unfavorable environments
were CDX99T05, NB7228, NB5318, DINA500, COE9743
The environments were grouped into eight
and MTC817C.
sectors (separated by dotted lines) in the 1998/1999
The favorable environments were J, IH, L e SL and
harvest (Figure 2). The first sector was composed of
unfavorable were U2, U1, CO, P2 e CA. The Capinpolis
the Coimbra (CO), Patos de Minas 1 (P1), Janaba (J),
(CA) environment showed the lowest absolute value of
Sete Lagoas (SL), Uberlndia 2 (U2), Patos de Minas 2
the environmental index and U2 and SL, the extreme (P2) and Indianpolis (ID) environments, with
values of the environment index, but in opposite genotype P 30F33 (21) as an outlier for this mega-
directions. environment. The second sector was composed of the
According to the graphic shown in Figure 1, Uberlndia 1 (U1) and Inhama (IH) environments, with
Capinpolis (CA) was the environment closest to the genotype XL 357 (25) as an outlier. Capinpolis (CA)
origin that still contributed to the G x E interaction, can also be included in the XL 357 (25) genotype
results that agree with Eberhart and Russell method. group, although it is located in another sector,
The cultivars with the greatest proximity were PL 6403 constituting another mega-environment. Since the
(23), followed, in increasing order, by 98 HT 19 A (10), Z remaining sectors had delimiting genotypes close to
8460 (24), DKB747 (39), DINA 1000 (11), PL 6440 (21), one another yet far from the origin, they did not
and SHS 4040 (21). These genotypes have more reliable delineate environments, due to a similarity in
classifications, basically determined by the genotypic productivity levels. This classification does not
effects, with reduced G x E interaction. All these present any similarity with the environment
genotypes were considered stable by the Eberhart and classification other than the one obtained with the
Russell method, the only ones that were not stable were Eberhart and Russell method.
CDX 97501, NB7228, DINA 1000, CO 34, Z 8490, AX In the 1998/1999 harvest, the cultivars located at
4646, MTL 833N, BRS 3150 and, HT 7105-3. the extremities of the polygons were (Figure 2): P 30F33
The Inhama (IH) and Lavras (L) environments (21), P 3041 (22), BRS 3060-A (1) (positive PCA 1
and the HT 7105-3 (48) and HT 2628-9 (29) genotypes scores); AGROMEN 2E2 (31), HATA 3052 (39), XB 7011
contributed the least to the interaction captured by the (34), XL 355 (35), XL 357 (25) (negative PCA 1 scores).
PCA 1 axis. For the PCA 2, the Uberlndia 1 (U1) and In addition, this classification does not present any
Patos de Minas 2 (P2) environments axis, the HT 97 similarity with the results obtained by the Eberhart
1011 (45) genotype contributed the least to the G x E and Russell method (1966).

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009 303

H Namorato et al.

The modeling of the technique yielded positive Environment (E) was shown to be the most important
PCA 1 scores for all the environments, as seen in the source of variation with regards to productivity (65%).
1998/1999 harvest. This suggests that the scores of the G x E interaction accounted for 23%, higher than
PCA 1 genotypes in the GGE biplot represent genotype (G), which accounted for 12%. The superiority
proportional productivity differences across the various of G x E interaction in relation to genotype (G) suggests
environments and occurred due to a simple G x E the existence of different mega-environments. Through
interaction (in which genotype superiority is maintained the F test, six out of nine interaction axes were
throughout the various environments), as opposed to significant at 5% probability, which would compel the
representing a fraction of the complex G x E interaction selection of the six-axis model. The first two principal
(Crossa and Cornelius 1997). components were chosen, as originally recommended
PCA 2, in contrast, demonstrated the most
by the method.
important sources of variation that contribute to a
The first principal axis, PCA 1, captured 37.6% of
complex G x E interaction. The environments may have
the (SSG + SSGxE); the second captured 14.6%, totaling
positive or negative values. Thus, the complex G x E
52.2% for the first two principal components.
interaction among optimal genotypes leads to
In Figure 2, the most responsive genotypes, located
differentiation in mega-environments.
Considering that mega-environments are in the extremities of the polygons formed and delimiting
delimited by various optimal genotypes (Gauch and the sectors, were: 98 HS 16B (36), AG 6690 (37), AX 4646
Zobel 1996), Figure 2 suggests the existence of two (31), NB 5318 (8) (positive PCA 1 scores); CO 34 (18), PL
mega-environments for the 1998/1999 crop of early maize 6443 (22), PL 6440 (21), HT 97 1011 (45) (negative PCA 1
in the Minas Gerais state, designated as niches of P scores); AX 4646 (31) (PCA 1 score of zero). Eight sectors
3041 (22) and XL 357 (25). were formed; the first one, delimiting a mega-environment,
The analysis of variance was used to determine comprised of the following environments: Janaba (J),
the combined sources of variation affecting the 1999/ Capinpolis (CA), Lavras (L), Patos de Minas 2
2000 crop with regards to the sum of squares for the (P2), Uberlndia 2 (U2), and Uberlndia 1 (U1),
environment (E), genotype (G), and G x E interaction. with the genotype 98 HS 16B (36) as an outlier.

Figure 2. GGE (Genotype and Genotype-Environment interaction) biplot, based on grain yield of early cycle maize commercial
hybrids, relative to the National Assay of 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 harvests in Minas Gerais, Brazil

304 Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009

Comparing Biplot Multivariate Analyses with Eberhart and Russell method for genotype x environment interaction

The second sector, also a mega-environment, contains to 50.8% explained by the AMMI analysis. In the 1999/
the Coimbra (CO) and Inhama (IH) environments, with 2000 harvest, the GGE biplot analysis explained 52.3%
genotype AG 6690 (37) as an outlier. The third sector and the AMMI analysis explained 45.4%. These results
contains only the Sete Lagoas (SL) environment, but is show the superiority of the GGE method, since in both
very close to the perpendicular separation between harvests the GGE biplot analysis explained most of the
genotypes AG 6690 (37) and AX 4646 (31), closer to the G x E sum of square, as well as including the genotype
latter. Thus, the AG 6690 (37) and AX 4646 (31) genotypes effect. The Eberhart and Russell method explained only
have similar productivity in the Sete Lagoas (SL) 9.1% and 15.8% and showed its limitations. In our results
environment. the AMMI2 mega-environment display did not
All the environments possessed positive scores incorporated more of the genotype main effect and did
for PCA 1. Figure 2 suggests the existence of two mega- not capture more of the genotype environment (GE)
environments for the 1999/2000 crop of early maize in interaction than GGE2 but, displayed the which-won-
the state of Minas Gerais, highlighting 98 HS 16B (36) where pattern more accurately for our datasets. The GE
and AG 6690 (37). interaction was not captured well by one principal
Eight sectors were formed in the 1998/1999 and component so, the AMMI1 didnt display the genotype
1999/2000 harvests, comprising only two distinct mega- nominal yields described winning genotypes and we
environments, often studied for data analysis of other could not draw conclusions on the adaptive responses
harvests. This shows that despite the high number of more simply and clearly than the GGE2 biplot.
experiments used to evaluate cultivars in Minas Gerais, Gauch Junior et al. (2008) reviewed many articles
these experiments represent a uniform input and between AMMI and GGE and concluded that it required
management level, which reduces the edaphoclimatic clarification after controversial statements and
variation. This variation, unpredictable over the contrasting conclusions appeared between these
forthcoming years, can thus be simulated by means of methods. The AMMI2 mega-environment display
different planting times, drought stresses, temperatures, incorporates more of the genotype main effect and
disease pressures, plant populations, and input levels.
captures more of the genotype environment (GE)
Hence, evaluating fewer years may be more appropriate
interaction than GGE2, thereby displaying the which-
than evaluating many years with little unpredictable
won-where pattern more accurately for complex
datasets. When the GE interaction is captured well by
Inhama tended to be the best representative of a
one principal component, the AMMI1 display of
mega-environment, because it repeatedly appeared as a
genotype nominal yields describes winning genotypes
distinct group in the 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 harvests,
and adaptive responses more simply and clearly than
although it was grouped in different environments. As for
the GGE2 biplot. For genotype evaluation within a
the other mega-environment, it is not possible to define
single mega-environment, a simple scatterplot of mean
the best representative environment, as all the cultivars
and stability is more straightforward than the mean vs.
generally behaved in a similar manner across environments.
stability view of a GGE2 biplot. Diagnosing the most
GGE biplot analysis validity can be inferred
predictively accurate member of a model family is vital
through applying AMMI. In a review by Gauch and
for either AMMI or GGE, both for gaining accuracy and
Zobel (1996), it was concluded that in 70% of the cases
AMMI 1 (with a multiplicative term) is the best model; delineating mega-environments.
for the remaining cases, AMMI 2 is the best.
For both AMMI and GGE biplot, the bi- CONCLUSIONS
dimensional biplot based on GGE 2 always uses an The AMMI and the GGE biplot analyses are more
intermediate number of degrees of freedom and explains efficient than the Eberhart and Russell analysis.
an intermediate magnitude of the G + G x E sum of The GGE biplot analysis explains a higher
squares for AMMI 1 and AMMI 2. Thus, the GGE biplot proportion of the sum of squares of the GxE
will always be closer to the optimal model. interaction and is more informative with regard to
In the 1998/1999 harvest, the GGE biplot analysis environments and cultivar performance than the
explained 53.4% of the G x E sum of squares, as opposed AMMI analysis.

Crop Breeding and Applied Biotechnology 9: 299-307, 2009 305

H Namorato et al.

In the 1998/1999 and 1999/2000 harvests, only of other harvests and further experiments
two distinct mega-environments were formed, performed under contrasting environmental
demonstrating the need for genotype evaluation conditions.

Comparao das anlises multivariadas Biplot com o

mtodo de Eberhart e Russell na interao gentipo x

RESUMO - O objetivo desse estudo foi comparar os mtodos multivariados GGE (Genotype main effects and Genotype x
Environment interaction) and AMMI (Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction) com o mtodo de Eberhart e
Russell para a interpretao da interao gentipo x ambiente. As anlises AMMI e GGE explicaram por volta de 50% da
soma de quadrados da interao gentipo x ambiente, enquanto o mtodo de Eberhart e Russell explicou somente 9,1 e 15,8%
em cada ano. Os cultivares classificados com menor contribuio para a interao gentipo x ambiente pelos mtodos AMMI
e GGE tambm o foram pelo mtodo de Eberhart e Russel. As anlises AMMI e GGE so mais eficientes do que a anlise de
Eberhart e Russel. A anlise GGE explica maior proporo da soma de quadrados da interao gentipo x ambiente e mais
informativa para o desempenho de cultivares e ambientes do que a anlise AMMI.

Palavras-chave: Interao gentipo x ambiente, melhoramento, GGE, Zea mays.

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