History of Science in India, Vol. III: Chemical Science

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Indian Journal of History of Science, 50.1 (2015) 156-162 DOI: 10.


History of Science in India, Vol. III: Chemical Science

S. C. Pakrashi and Subrata Ghosh (eds.), The National Academy of Sciences,
India (Allahabad) and The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture (Kolkata),
2014; pages xxii + 222; Price: Rs. 250.

To commemorate the 150 th birth than fellowship of science academies and awards
anniversary of Swami Vivekananda, the National of the CSIR etc. Contributions of several well-
Academy of Sciences, India (NASI) and the known Fellows of INSA although no less
Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture (RMIC) significant than those mentioned in this book, are
embarked on a venture of publishing an eight missing. Many nonfellows of INSA have made
volume treatise on History of Science in India, acknowledged contributions which ought to have
the volume III of that series is on Chemical been mentioned in fulfilment of the objective of
Science. this compilation.
In the Foreword of the book it is stated, In the Publishers Note it is stated,
The present volume provides a glimpse of many History of Science in India (8 volumes) is meant
of our revered scientists, who laid the foundation for lay readers. Written in simple language,
of modern Chemical Science and explored new steering clear of difficult technical jargon, it aims
horizons in the field. at giving a clear understanding of the development
of science in India, from prehistory down to
But from the nature and extent of coverage, contemporary times. The compilers therefore
I regret to point out that this compilation has hardly faced an uphill task, since an authentic, objective
fulfilled the purpose, as it does not make an and meaningful presentation of many of the
objective, unbiased and adequate coverage of scientific developments in modern times in
many of the salient contributions in the different specialised fields can hardly be made in a form
major disciplines of Chemical Science to make it that can be understood and appreciated by those
a truly representative document, particularly with without the requisite background.
regard to developments since the 1950s of the last
century to date. Indeed there are many glaring The matter in pages 60-74 on Application
omissions of the contributions which are well of Modern Physical Methods in the Structure of
recognised internationally as evident from their Elucidation Organic Molecules (note the glaring
citations in various authoritative scientific misprint) surely cannot be presented in lay mans
literature, such as the Annual Reports on the language. Moreover, this part is out of context,
Progress of Chemistry and Specialist Periodical irrelevant and redundant for the purpose of
Reports published by the Chemical Society, highlighting the contributions of Indian chemists,
London (presently the Royal Society of Chemistry, as the text in these pages are only a survey of the
UK), and several other publications on special developments of the techniques by scientists in
topics brought out by the Pergamon Press, Oxford, other countries.
and other renowned publishing houses. Such The first few chapters (not numbered) after
citations are more logical and objective criteria to Introduction, viz. Chapters 2-6 covering the
judge the merit of scientific contributions rather period ca. 4000 BC to ca. 1600 AD, is based on

(in a very abridged form) the History of In pages 15-17 there is mention of some
Chemistry in Ancient and Medieval India, edited information available in the Arthastra of
by Prof. P. Ray and published by the Indian Kautilya and this is followed (in pages 17,18) by
Chemical Society in the year 1956, being a revised those in the Caraka Sahit and the Suruta
version of Sir P. C. Rays two volume treaties titled Sahit.
History of Hindu Chemistry. In this revised
In page 14 both these Sahits are
version the title was justifiably changed since
mentioned as compilations of the 1st century AD
many of the salient contributions were made by
which is unacceptable. The original Sahits are
Jains and Buddhists also; and if logically the Vedic
not available, the extant Sahits are redactions
Period is considered for emergence of Hinduism
of later periods (4 th-5 th cent. AD), and it is
then the people of the earlier Prehistoric Periods
reasonably believed that the original Caraka
including the Harappan Period cannot be
considered Hindus, as per normal convention and Sahit was a product of the 3rd cent. BC and the
perception. original Suruta Sahit was surely of an earlier
period, since in the Caraka Sahit the treatment
In addition to the aforesaid treatise, a lot is much more systematic and logical, and there is
of valuable information on the subject is available greater emphasis on experiments, observations,
in several other treatises (see Progress of holding of discussions and seminars, indicating
Chemistry in Ancient and Medieval India and its its modernity over that of the Suruta Sahit.
Impact on Medicine, D. Banerjea, Calcutta
University, 2008, and references cited therein). In the brief summary of the contents of
the Sahits there is no mention of the lime soda
Some major lapses (errors and omissions) process of making caustic alkalis, although this is
that I have come across in this book are mentioned significant and as same process was developed in
below: Europe many centuries later.
In page xvii, the Buddhist era is mentioned
In the Arthastra the extent and depth of
as 800 BC1000 AD. But Gautama Buddha was
coverage is such that it is definitely of a period
born in the year 566 BC (see, An Advanced History
later than that of the Caraka Sahit, and many
of India, R.C. Majumdar et al., Macmillan, 4th ed.,
prefer the date as 3rd century AD for the
1978) and Buddhism was based on his teachings.
Hence, the mentioned starting date 800 BC is Arthaastra. This was therefore not authored by
grossly incorrect. Kautilya who was the Prime Minister of King
Chandragupta (4th cent. BC) of the Mauryan
In page 14, in connection with the views dynasty, but by another bearing the same name.
(ca. 1st century AD) of the Jains regarding chemical There are quite a few examples of persons having
combination, it is mentioned that this has the same name belonging to different periods of
resemblance to the Dualistic Theory of Berzelius time viz. two Nagarjuna, two Bagbhata, more than
(1812 AD). While this is true, their further view one Charaka, etc. Indeed Caraka was the title of a
that similar elements combine when they differ
class of wandering Physicians who travelled from
widely in the intensities of their properties also
place to place offering treatment (like the Mobile
reminds us of its resemblance to the
Health Care Service of the present time).
electronegativity concept of the modern period
(1932) of Linus Pauling, but not mentioned in this In the Arthatra there is elaborate
book. Some of the ancient opinions on chemical mention of methods for processing and
reactions also have remote resemblance to purification of ores, of rather advanced
concepts of chemical thermodynamics. metallurgical processes for extraction of several

metals and their purification, testing of precious In page 44, there is only cursory mention
metals like gold and silver to check adulteration of sulfuric acid (Dahajala), aqua regia
and cheating by goldsmiths, making of several (Sankhadravaka, incorrectly spelt Samkhadrvaka)
varieties of fermented drinks of superior quality, and of calomel which do not reflect their antiquity
flavour and taste, mention of several gemstones, in India.
qualifications for Superintendents (Adhyaks) of
Sulfuric acid was originally made in India
Mines, etc., which are indicative of its
by distillation of alum (Rasrava, 12 cent. AD,
considerable modernity over that of the Caraka
and Rasaprakasudhkara, 13th cent. AD) and
later on by distillation of green vitriol
In page 26, about the famous iron pillar at (Rasaratnasamuccaya, 14th cent. AD) but in
Mehrauli in Delhi, the purity of the iron is Europe in the 16th cent. AD by the same process.
mentioned. But even highly pure wrought iron left It was then named an essence; the name
exposed to open air for over 1600 years and still Dahajala first appeared in Dhtukriya (17th cent.
remaining rust-less is impossible. It is obvious that AD). Aqua regia (Sankhadravaka) is mentioned
a thin protective coating of magnetic oxide of iron in this book, but this was more appropriately also
was deliberately imparted to the surface of the named Mahadravaka because of its ability to
metal by a high temperature chemical operation, dissolve all metals known at that time (16th cent.
a technique developed several centuries later in AD).
Europe. Iron was known in ancient India since
ca. 1500 BC and this ought to have been Preparation of calomel in the 16th cent. AD
mentioned. as a product of reaction of mercury with aqua regia
is only mentioned in the book. But much earlier
In page 38, extraction of zinc from to that (as mentioned in Rasarrava, 12th cent.
calamine, as mentioned in the Rasaratnkara (of AD, and Rasaprakasudhkara, 13th cent. AD)
Nagarjuna, ca. 8th-9th century AD), is stated but this was made by heating a mixture of alum, rock
without mention of the fact that this was achieved salt, borax, red ochre (ferric oxide) and mercury
in India much before it was achieved anywhere and collecting the calomel as a sublimate. Based
else in the world. In China extraction of zinc from on our modern knowledge we realise the role of
calamine was achieved in the 16th cent. AD and each of these ingredients, and it is amazing that in
in Europe in the 17thcent AD (see, Discovery of such an early period this recipe was found out
the Elements, H. M. Leicester (Ed.), Journal of presumably after a lot of painstaking experiments
Chemical Education, Easton, Pa, USA, 7th ed., and observations. Uses of calomel as an
1968). There are many such examples of Indias
aphrodisiac and for treatment of leprosy are
primacy such as making of brass (by smelting a
mentioned in the Rasaprakasudhkara (13th
mixture of copper and zinc ores with charcoal as
cent. AD), but not mentioned in this book; its use
fuel, developed in ca. 500 BC, but in Europe in
in the treatment of syphilis (phiringaroga) is
the 1st century AD), which is not mentioned in the
mentioned in the treatises Rasapradipa,
book. Brass is mentioned in page 49 of the book,
Bhvapraka and Arkapraka, all of 16th century
quoted from a compilation of a much later period,
AD (two of which are mentioned in this book).
viz., the Rasaratnasamuccaya (14th century AD).
Similarly, there is no mention that antimony It would have been more illustrative,
extraction from stibnite was achieved in India in informative and appealing if all such
the 12th century AD (vide Rasendracuamai). In developments were highlighted (in a Tabular form)
Europe this was achieved in the 17th century AD vis-a-vis their developments in other places of
(see, Discovery of the Elements, loc. cit.). ancient civilizations and in medieval Europe, to

highlight Indias primacy and prominence in the With the decline of Buddhism there was
knowledge of science in ancient and medieval emergence of a decadent and degenerated form
periods. of Hinduism under priestly control that
Incidentally, in all places (pages 30 et seq.) discouraged rationality and reasoning with its
the element S has been spelt as sulphur and consequent adverse effect on the spirit of inquiry
similarly the spellings sulphide, sulphuric acid and urge to acquire knowledge which retarded the
and sulphate have been used as per earlier progress of science. The foreign invasions since
practice of the English school. But this is the12th cent. AD led to destruction of many of the
inappropriate, since over a decade ago the seats of learning which was also a contributing
International Union of Pure and Applied factor for the decline.
Chemistry recommended use of the spellings In this connection the following extracts
sulfur, sulfide, sulfuric acid and sulfate from Sir. P. C. Rays writings may be worth
and this is now used all over the world in scientific quoting:
literature. I am as proud of the glories of the Hindus
In page 45 of the book only four yantrs of old days as anybody.. Roughly
speaking the period 800 BC to 800 AD
(apparatus) are mentioned, out of about 30 such has been the most rational age of India
items described in detail in the an age of prolific of the best specimens
Rasaratnasamucccaya (14th cent. AD); several of of Hindu brain-power. With the decline
these are also mentioned in earlier treatises such of Buddhism the Brahmins began to
recover their lost ascendancy. But these
as Rasaratnkara of Nagarjuna (ca. 8th-9th cent.
later-day Brahmins were the degenerated
AD). Most of these closely resemble the apparatus off-springs of those to whom we owe the
used in the chemical laboratories in the19th and rich treasures of the Upanishads and the
even the early 20th centuries; the distillation six systems of philosophy. In its very
apparatus is very similar to what is used even in nature a priestly disposition restricts
learning and renders progress
the present time; these ought to have been impossible. The spirit of inquiry now
mentioned. received a rude shock.
In page 48 the following statement In the rest of the book, page 76 onwards,
.science in India moved in a wrong direction devoted to presentation of contributions of Indian
with the spread of the practice of alchemyand chemists since the last decade of the 19th century
as a result the progress of science in India began up to the present time, the coverage is indeed most
to decline is hardly tenable. Contributions of disappointing.
the renowned alchemists like Nagarjuna provided
much impetus to the progress and advancement Before mentioning some of the major
of knowledge in chemistry. In fact the alchemists lapses I wish to point out that names of some
of India, like their counterparts in all other regions renowned persons have been written with spellings
of the world, played a significant role and provided different from those used by them, which is
much ammunition for the advancement of improper. Thus, in page 78, Sir Asutosh
chemistry. Alchemy did not at all retard the Mookerjees name is written as Asutosh
progress of science in Europe, rather it provided Mukherjee. In page 88, name of Priyadaranjan Ray
impetus to the emergence of modern chemistry in (P. Ray) is written as Priyada Ranjan Ray (P. R.
Europe since the time of Robert Boyle (17th cent. Ray), although under his photograph (very poor
AD). quality reproduction) the name appears correctly.

In page 81, in 3 rd paragraph, it is In a publication of a book on History of

mentioned that after the foundation of The Indian Science in India one expects objective, unbiased
Chemical Society, Sir P. C. Rays office was used and factually correct presentation highlighting the
also as office of the Society. This is contrary to progress and developments that had taken place
facts. The Society functioned from the room of in different areas of chemical science in India with
Prof. J. N. Mukherjee, the first Secretary of the the names of those who made the contributions,
Indian Chemical Society. Another statement in that rather than an account of individual contributions
paragraph that the Indian Chemical Society is now of a few, selected rather arbitrarily with flawed
situated in three rooms in the first floor of the logic. The compilers ought to have viewed the
chemical laboratories of the University College panorama by looking through a wide open window
of Science, constructed with P. C. Rays donation rather than through a small hole in the window
to the Calcutta University is factually incorrect in panel.
some respect. Since one of the two compilers of
the book is a Life Member of the Society and In the coverage of Organic Chemistry there
served the Society as a Council Member for some is over emphasis on chemistry of natural products,
years, such an incorrect statement is most with mention of the work of some individuals quite
astonishing. Three rooms were constructed, but elaborately, but far less elaborately some
in the second floor (third floor as per US significant ones. The coverage of Inorganic
convention) of the southern wing of the Sir Chemistry shows merely the the tip of the
Taraknath Palit building with a donation of iceberg, and the same is true of Physical
Rs.10,000 made by Sir P. C. Ray to the Calcutta Chemistry with inadequate coverage. There is
University (reported in The Amrita Bazar Patrika, practically no mention of contributions in
dated August 3, 1929), two of which were allotted Analytical Chemistry, a field in which there are
(rent free) for a permanent habitation of the several flourishing schools in different regions of
Society and the other used by the University. The India since the 1920s. Names of many of the Indian
Society is housed in these two rooms with chemists who surely made substantial
additional space made available by covering the contributions in these three areas are sadly missing
wide balcony in front of these two rooms as (some of them were/are also FNA). In some cases
permitted by the then Vice-Chancellor Prof. S. N. statements of contributions of individual workers
Sen, in response to an appeal made to him by Prof. are lacking in factual accuracy and adequacy.
D. Banerjea, the then Secretary of the Society, in
the year 1973. Also in the 4th paragraph in the same In page 80 it is mentioned that P. C. Ray
page a factually incorrect statement appears. Prof. published his discovery of mercurous nitrite in the
Meghnad Saha (incorrectly written Prof. year 1986 (astounding printing error, the year
Meghnath Saha) collected donations for a function should be 1896). There is no mention that in later
to celebrate the 80th birthday (not the 81st birthday, publications [J. Chem. Soc., vol. 71(1897):337-
stated in the book) of Sir P. C. Ray on a grand 344; vol. 87(2005):171-177] he claimed the
scale, like the one held on his 70th birthday which compound to be so stable that it could be
was attended by may eminent citizens of Calcutta recrystallized from hot water. But more recent
including Rabindranath Tagore. But such a works of a few distinguished Inorganic Chemists
celebration was not held and the reason for that, (two of USA) have shown that mercurous nitrite
which I refrain to point out, is mentioned in a is too unstable for isolation [see, D. Banerjea, Eur.
biographical document on Sir P. C. Ray which was Chem. Bulletin, vol.3.2(2014):146-148, and
published by the Indian Science News Association references cited therein]. It ought to have been
in the year 1986, jointly authored by Prof. mentioned that P. C. Ray reported several sub-
Santimoy Chatterjee and Prof. Amitava Sen. normal compounds of gold and platinum. If the

structures of these are elucidated by modern Several co-workers of P. Ray also made notable
techniques, several of these are likely to turn out contributions in different fields of Inorganic
to be cluster compounds and that would establish Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry of which
P. C. Ray as a pioneer in the field (see D. Banerjea, there is no mention.
2014, loc. cit.). This class of compounds is Apart from the Calcutta school, notable
receiving much international attention since the contributions on various aspects of Coordination
1950s for their numerous applications. Chemistry and in other areas of Inorganic
In page 88, the twist mechanism of Chemistry were made (which are well
racemization of tris-chelate complexes proposed acknowledged) by inorganic chemists in many
(intuitively) by. P. Ray is mentioned; but contrary other centres of research in India, but there is no
to the statement, this was not the first racemization mention of any of them (some of whom were/are
mechanism proposed; this was the first twist FNA also) or their contributions.
mechanism for racemization proposed. In connection with Magneto-chemistry,
Experimental evidence in support of this has been there is mention (in page 90 of the book) of
furnished by some scientists in the USA and also contributions of K. S. Krishnan, but no mention
by D. Banerjea (which ought to have been of the contributions of D. M. Bose who proposed
mentioned to lend credence to the proposal and a relationship to express the magnetic moments
intuition of the proposer). The statement in the of compounds of 3d block metals, which bears
same page that D. Banerjea was Palit Profesor of his name, and this is mentioned even in text books
Chemistry is incorrect. He was Sir Rashbehary because of its far greater significance. P. Ray also
Ghose Professor of Chemistry and not the Sir made well-acknowledged salient contributions in
Taraknath Palit Professor of Chemistry of Calcutta Magneto-chemistry.
University. Apart from the twist mechanism of
racemization, P. Ray made several other very In page 92, it is mentioned that R. C.
notable contributions which are well Mehrotra did ..extensive research on organo-
acknowledged, viz. rubeanic acid (dithio- metallic compounds He did extensive research
oxamide) and quinaldinic acid as microchemical on metal alkoxides, metal-beta- diketonates, etc.,
reagents. In fact, rubeanic acid is the most sensitive all having only metaloxygen bonds and no
reagent for detection of Cu(II) ion known so far metalcarbon bond. As per international
(detection limit 3 ppb), and with quinaldinic acid convention a metal compound having an organic
P Ray estimated Zn(II) in snake venom. P. Ray moiety is not considered as an organometallic
prepared a complex compound of Ag(III) with compound unless there is at least one metal
ethylenedibiguanide (mentioned in many carbon bond in the molecule. This does in no way
advanced level books) which is the most stable undermine the contributions, but in a compilation
of this nature scientific precision and accuracy is
compound of Ag(III) known so far; its
most desirable.
thermodynamic and kinetic stabilities were
experimentally demonstrated by D. Sen et al. and It is since the early 1950s that mechanisms
D. Banerjea et al. respectively, and these were of reactions of metal complexes is receiving much
surely worth mentioning. P. Ray also demonstrated attention internationally, with ca. 15 per cent of
using radioisotope tracer the identity of the annual contributions in Inorganic Chemistry being
conventional covalent and coordinate bonds in in this field at present. In India research in this
complexes, which was one of the earliest such area was initiated in the year1957 in the Indian
work. P. Ray also prepared (first such example) a Association for the Cultivation of Science (IACS),
stable complex of Ni(IV) with paraperiodate. Kolkata, by D. Banerjea who and his coworkers

later continued such studies in the University the younger generation are now contributing to
College of Science, Kolkata. the chemistry of the s- and p-block elements; other
areas of activity are in nuclear chemistry,
Since the early 1960s a few other centres
inorganic-macromolecular chemistry,
of research in the field emerged, notably Utkal
bioinorganic chemistry, environmental chemistry,
University, Bhubaneswar (R. K. Nanda, A. C.
solid state chemistry, etc., of which there is
Dash), IIT, Kanpur (P.C.Nigam) and Central practically no mention.
Leather Research Institute, Chennai (M. Santappa,
D. Ramasami; T. Ramasami, whose name appears In pages 130 and 137 the pioneering
in page 94 of the book, is a product of this school). contributions of S. R. Palit in Polymer Chemistry
Most of the contributions of all these groups were are only mentioned. But later in his life, S. R. Palit
fairly extensively cited in the annually published developed much interest in Electrochemistry and
Specialist Periodical Reports on Inorganic published a few papers on Non-Faradaic
Reaction Mechanisms, published by the Royal Electrolysis in which he reported some very
Society of Chemistry, UK, since1969; fascinating observations and offered
Mechanisms of Inorganic and Organometallic interpretations thereof [S. R. Palit, J. Indian.
Chem. Soc., vol.51, (1974):636-642 and references
Reactions (a multivolume treatise) published
cited therein], but there is no mention of this
since 1983 by the Plenum Press, New York, USA;
significant contribution.
MTP International Review of Science: Inorganic
Chemistry, Series 1, vol. 9, published by It is also regrettable that there is practically
Butterworths, UK, 1972, etc. no mention of the recent developments (of the last
two decades) and contributions of the younger
Subsequently such research activities were generation of chemists (35-45 age group) who
continued at the IACS, Jadavpur University, have been contributing significantly in different
Kalyani University, Burdwan University, Visva disciplines of chemical science.
Bharati University (Santiniketan) and IIT
(Mumbai) by former students and coworkers of Chemistry today is a multi-disciplinary
D. Banerjea. But there is no mention of such science and no person, even if exceptionally
contributions in this book, although this is one of eminent, can be expected to have knowledge of
the frontier and flourishing areas of research in developments in areas other than those of his own
Inorganic Chemistry at present. limited field of interest. Hence compilation of a
publication of this nature ought to have been
Mechanistic studies of redox reactions, entrusted to a board of scientists with expertise
mainly of organic substrates with inorganic covering all the major areas of chemistry, rather
oxidants, have been carried out extensively at than two organic chemists.
several centres, notably at Allahbad University (S.
P. Mushran and others), University of Rajasthan, However, the compilers could have
Jaipur (Y. K. Gupta), J.N.V. University, Jodhpur produced a more authoritative and representative
(R. N. Mehrotra, K.K. Banerji) and these were document if they had invited brief write-ups from
also well cited in literature. Unfortunately there chemists of different disciplines working at
various research centres in India.
is no mention of these in this book.
D Banerjea
Up to the 1980s much of the work in Former, Sir Rashbehary Ghose Professor of Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry was mainly on the chemistry Calcutta University
of the d- and f-block elements. Some chemists of Email: banerjeas2005@ yahoo.co.in

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