TD7590 PDF
TD7590 PDF
TD7590 PDF
General Description
The TD7590 is a 240 KHz fixed frequency
monolithic step down switch mode regulator 5A Constant Output Current
with a built in internal Power MOSFET. It 80m RDSON Internal Power PMOSFET
achieves 5A continuous output current over a Switch
wide input supply range with excellent load Up to 95% Efficiency
and line regulation. Fixed 240KHz Frequency
The device includes a voltage reference, Wide 3.6V to 36V Input Voltage Range
oscillation circuit, error amplifier, internal Output Adjustable from 1.222V to 34V
PMOS and etc. Built in Frequency Compensation
Built in Thermal Shutdown Function
The PWM control circuit is able to adjust the Built in Current Limit Function
duty ratio linearly from 0 to 100%. An enable TO-263 Package is Available
function, an over current protection function The minimum dropout up to 0.3V
and a short circuit protection function are
built inside. An internal compensation block Applications
is built in to minimize external component Portable DVD
count. LCD Monitor / TV
Battery Charger
The TD7590 serves as ideal power supply ADSL Modem
units for portable devices. Telecom / Networking Equipment
Pin Configurations
4 Feedback
3 Output
2 Gnd
1 Vin
Ordering Information
TD7590 X X
Circuit Type Blank: Tube
R: Type and Reel
S: TO263-5L
Function Block
Note1: Stresses greater than those listed under Maximum Ratings may cause permanent damage
to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device at these or any
other conditions above those indicated in the operation is not implied. Exposure to absolute
maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect reliability.
Electrical Characteristics
VCC = 12V, Ta = 25 unless otherwise specified.
Parameters Symbol Test Condition Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Input voltage VIN 3.6 36 V
Shutdown Supply Current ISTBY VEN=0V 30 90 uA
R2=2K R1=6.2K
15uh/5A 5V5A
330uF D1
5.5V~36V 35V SB540
R2=3.6K R1=6.2K
330uF D1
4.5V~36V 35V SB540
R2=2K R1=6.2K
15uh/5A 5V5A
330uF D1
35V SB540
Fig10. TD7590 Typical Application Circuit (with ceramic output capacitor) @ 5V/5A
Note:In PCB layout. Reserved an area for CFF
R2=3.6K R1=6.2K
15uh/5A 3.3V5A
330uF D1
35V SB540
Fig11. TD7590 Typical Application Circuit (with ceramic output capacitor) @ 3.3V/5A
Note:In PCB layout. Reserved an area for CFF
Vout = (1+R1/R2)*1.222V
Vout R1 R2
1.8V 3.9K 8.2K
2.5V 3.2K 3K
3.3V 6.2K 3.6K
5V 6.2K 2K
9V 13K 2K
12V 16K 1.8K
Allows the switching regulator circuit to be
shutdown using logic level signals thus dropping
the total input supply current to approximately Inductor
30uA. Pulling this pin below a threshold voltage of The inductor is required to supply constant
approximately 0.7 V turns the regulator down, and current to the output load while being driven by
pulling this pin above 1.3V (up to a maximum of the switched input voltage. A larger value
12V) shuts the regulator on. For automatic starup inductor results in less ripple current that in
condition , can be implemented by the addition of turn results in lower output ripple voltage.
a resistive voltage divider from VIN to GND. However, the larger value inductor has a larger
Thermal Considerations physical size, higher series resistance, and/or
The TD7590 (TO-263 package) junction lower saturation current. Choose an inductor
temperature rise above ambient temperature with that does not saturate under the worst-case
a 5A load for various input and output voltages. load conditions. A good rule for determining
This data was taken with the circuit operating as a the inductance is to allow the peak-to-peak
buck switching regulator with all components ripple current in the inductor to be approximately
mounted on a PC board to simulate the junction 30% of the maximum load
temperature under actual operating conditions. current. Also, make sure that the peak
This curve can be used for a quick check for the inductor current (the load current plus half the
approximate junction temperature for various peak-to-peak inductor ripple current) is below
conditions, but be aware that there are many the TBDA minimum current limit. The
factors that can affect the junction temperature. inductance value can be calculated by the
When load currents higher than 5A are used, equation:
double sided or multilayer PC boards with large L = (VOUT) * (VIN-VOUT) / VIN * f * I
copper areas and/or airflow might be needed, Where VOUT is the output voltage, VIN is the
especially for high ambient temperatures and input voltage, f is the switching frequency, and
I is the peak-to-peak inductor ripple current. Where VRIPPLE is the output voltage ripple, I is
the inductor ripple current, and RESR is the
Input Capacitor equivalent series resistance of the output
The input current to the step-down converter is capacitors.
discontinuous, and so a capacitor is required
to supply the AC current to the step-down Output Rectifier Diode
converter while maintaining the DC input The output rectifier diode supplies the current
voltage. A low ESR capacitor is required to to the inductor when the high-side switch is off.
keep the noise at the IC to a minimum. To reduce losses due to the diode forward
Ceramic capacitors are preferred, but tantalum voltage and recovery times, use a Schottky
or low-ESR electrolytic capacitors may also rectifier.
suffice. Table 1 provides the Schottky rectifier part
The input capacitor value should be greater numbers based on the maximum input voltage
than 10F. The capacitor can be electrolytic, and current rating.
tantalum or ceramic. However since it absorbs Choose a rectifier whos maximum reverse
the input switching current it requires an voltage rating is greater than the maximum
adequate ripple current rating. Its RMS current input voltage, and whos current rating is
rating should be greater than approximately greater than the maximum load current.
1/2 of the DC load current. Feedforward Capacitor (CFF)
For insuring stable operation should be For output voltages greater than approximately
placed as close to the IC as possible. 8V, an additional capacitor is required. The
Alternately a smaller high quality ceramic compensation capacitor is typically between 100
0.1F capacitor may be placed closer to the IC pF and 33 nF, and is wired in parallel
and a larger capacitor placed further away. If with the output voltage setting resistor, R1. It
using this technique, it is recommended that provides additional stability for high output
the larger capacitor be a tantalum or voltages, low input-output voltages, and/or very
electrolytic type. All ceramic capacitors should low ESR output capacitors, such as solid
be places close to the TD7590. tantalum capacitors.
Output Capacitor
The output capacitor is required to maintain This capacitor type can be ceramic, plastic, silver
the DC output voltage. Low ESR capacitors mica, etc.(Because of the unstable characteristics
are preferred to keep the output voltage ripple of ceramic capacitors made with Z5U material,
low. The characteristics of the output they are not recommended.)
capacitor also affect the stability of the Note:In PCB layout. Reserved an area for CFF.
regulation control system. Ceramic, tantalum, Over Current Protection (OCP)
or low ESR electrolytic capacitors are The cycle by cycle current limit threshold is set
recommended. In the case of ceramic between 6A and 6.5A. When the load current
capacitors, the impedance at the switching reaches the current limit threshold, the cycle by
frequency is dominated by the capacitance, cycle current limit circuit turns off the high side
and so the output voltage ripple is mostly switch immediately to terminate the current duty
independent of the ESR. The output voltage cycle. The inductor current stops rising. The cycle
ripple is estimated to be: by cycle current limit protection directly limits
VRIPPLE ~= 1.4 * VIN * (fLC/fSW)^2 inductor peak current. The average inductor
Where VRIPPLE is the output ripple voltage, VIN current is also limited due to the limitation on peak
is the input voltage, fLC is the resonant inductor current. When the cycle by cycle current
frequency of the LC filter, fSW is the switching limit circuit is triggered, the output voltage drops
frequency. In the case of tanatalum or low- as the duty cycle is decreasing.
ESR electrolytic capacitors, the ESR
Thermal Management and Layout
dominates the impedance at the switching
frequency, and so the output ripple is Consideration
calculated as: In the TD7590 buck regulator circuit, high pulsing
VRIPPLE ~= I * RESR current flows through two circuit loops. The first
loop starts from the input capacitors, to the VIN 145C, which limits the maximum load current
pin, to the VOUT pins, to the filter inductor, to the capability. Please see the thermal de-rating
output capacitor and load, and then returns to the curves for the maximum load current of the
input capacitor through ground. TD7590 under different ambient temperatures.
Current flows in the first loop when the high side The thermal performance of the TD7590 is trongly
switch is on. The second loop starts from the affected by the PCB layout. Extra care should be
inductor, to the output capacitors and load, to the taken by users during the design process to nsure
GND pin of the TD7590, and to the VOUT pins of that the IC will operate under the recommended
the TD7590. Current flows in the second loop environmental conditions.
when the low side diode is on. Several layout tips are listed below for the best
In PCB layout, minimizing the two loops area electric and thermal performance.
reduces the noise of this circuit and improves 1. Do not use thermal relief connection to the VIN
efficiency. A ground plane is recommended to and the GND pin. Pour a maximized copper area
connect input capacitor, output capacitor, and to the GND pin and the VIN pin to help thermal
GND pin of the TD7590. dissipation.
In the TD7590 buck regulator circuit, the two 2. Input capacitor should be connected to the VIN
major power dissipating components are the pin and the GND pin as close as possible.
TD7590 and output inductor. The total power 3. Make the current trace from VOUT pins to L to
dissipation of converter circuit can be measured the GND as short as possible.
by input power minus output power. 4. Pour copper plane on all unused board area
Ptotal _loss = V IN IIN V O IO and connect it to stable DC nodes, like VIN, GND,
The power dissipation of inductor can be or VOUT.
approximately calculated by output current and 5. Keep sensitive signal traces such as trace
DCR of inductor. connecting FB pin away from the VOUT pins.
Pinductor _loss= IO 2 Rinductor 1.1
The junction to ambient temperature can be got
from power dissipation in the TD7590 and thermal
impedance from junction to ambient.
T (jun-amb) =(PtotallossPinductorloss) JA
The maximum junction temperature of TD7590 is
Package Information
TO263-5L Package Outline Dimensions
Design Notes