Özlem Koroglu

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F. Ozlem GUZEL1, Özlem KÖROÿLU2

Akdeniz University, Faculty of Tourism

2 Balikesir University, Faculty of Tourism

Abstract: The aim of this research is to determine the Abstract: The aim of this research is to evaluate the tour
characteristics and behavior patterns of tourists through the ist's characteristics and behavioral patterns through the eyes
eyes of tourist guides , who communicate directly and of professional tour guides communicating with tourist
effectively with tourists coming to Turkey and add value to individual and effectively and supply added value on their
the evaluation process of tourists' holiday experiences. Based holiday experience evaluation. With this aim, in this
on the purpose determined in this exploratory study , 136 exploratory research, 136 tourist guides were interviewed
tourist guides were interviewed. In order to obtain more without restriction, in order to get more detailed information
detailed information without limitations , the data collected the data was collected via the semi-structured questionnaire
through semi-structured questionnaires were subjected to and the tourists' behavior patterns and characteristics were
content analysis and the behavior patterns and characteristic tried to be described. In the context of characteristics specialty
features of tourists were tried to be described. and behavioral patterns, the majority of the positive comments
In terms of their characteristics and behavior patterns, the have emerged in Western European countries, while the
majority of positive statements are in Western European majority of the negative comments have emerged in the
countries, while the majority of negative statements are in Eastern European countries. In the context of the behavior
Eastern European countries. In the context of behavioral patterns, it has been observed that majority of the positive
patterns, it was observed that the majority of positive theme was made for the North East Asian countries, while
statements were made for North East Asian countries, while the majority of the negative comments were made for the
the majority of negative statements were made for Southern southern European countries. In the context characteristic
European countries. As characteristic features, tourists are features, tourists have been mostly described friendly, funny
mostly evaluated as friendly, funny and polite, while tourists and polite, when the negative themes were mostly as being
are evaluated as stingy, rude and arrogant in the context of stingy, rude and arrogant. In the context of behav ior patterns
negative expressions . When the behavior patterns are while tourists' shopping on tours, obeying the group
examined, it is evaluated that tourists' shopping on tours , psychology and requesting to learn everything related with
complying with group psychology and their desire to learn the country have been evaluated as positive themes, tourists'
everything specific to the country are considered as positive not complying the eating, drinking, etiquette, and hygiene
expressions, while not obeying the rules of eating-drinking, rules has been evaluated as negative themes. In addition,
etiquette and hygiene are evaluated as negative expressions. limited / exploratory conclusions were obtained with the
In addition, as a result of the content analysis, limited/ content analysis through tour habits and behaviors.
exploratory inferences were obtained about the tour habits
Key Words: Tourist Typology, Characteristics of Tourist,
and tour behaviors of different nations .
Tourist Behavior Patterns, Professional Tourist Guide (PTG),
Keywords: Tourist Typology, Tourist Characteristics , Tourist Content Analysis
Behavior Patterns, Professional Tourist
Guide, Content Analysis

(1) This study was carried out by Erciyes University, Faculty of Tourism between 06-09 December 2013 in Kayseri.
It was presented at the 14th National Tourism Congress, which was held

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

1.INTRODUCTION The aim of this study is to determine the characteristic

features of tourists and the behavioral patterns they
It is important for the sector to determine the
exhibit in tours through the eyes of tourist guides, who
characteristics of consumers and how/with which needs
have the feature of establishing long-term, one-to-one
they act in the tourism sector, where there is a complex
and effective communication with tourists coming to
structure formed by tourists from different countries,
Turkey. In this research, it is aimed to understand the
with different characteristics, different purchasing
tourist behavior patterns determined on the basis of nationalities.
behaviors and attitudes . In particular, knowing the
guide services provided on tours with
characteristics and behaviors of tourists, determining
It is foreseen that it will offer an idea in terms of making
the attitudes and behaviors that can be developed
it effective.
against individual differences, handling different
motivations and experiences, tourism management, 2. SUMMER SCAN
segmenting the market, determining which tourist profile
Numerous typologies have been proposed in the
is in which type of tourism , efficient use of resources,
tourism literature regarding tourists, vacationers and travelers.
effective use of the services to be provided. It provides
Decrop and Zidda (2008), one of these typologies, socio-
convenience in adapting it according to consumer needs
psychological typologies; He states that it is based on
and wishes (Rÿzaoÿlu, 2003, Ahipaÿaoÿlu, 2006, Doÿan,
psychographic criteria such as values and lifestyles,
Üngüren, & Yelgen, 2010; Tayfun & Yÿldÿrÿm, 2010;
attitudes, interests and ideas, motives or personality
Kozak, 2010; Demir & Kozak, 2011). Tourists who come
to Turkey to participate in other types of tourism, structure, and that these typologies are useful for an in-

especially cultural tourism, with organized tours , have depth understanding of tourist behavior. Avcÿkurt (2009:

the opportunity to communicate directly , accompanies 19) states that Cohen in 1972, Plog in 1974 and Smith

the tourists during their travels and takes all the authority in 1977 did complementary studies for tourist typing,

and responsibilities when they are together for the and that Plog's "extrovert" personality is Cohen's. He

longest time and are most affected, when the services states that it has similar characteristics to the “stray”

turn into action. The people who own it are tourist tourist of . Decrop and Zidda (2008: 85) state that

guides (Genç, 1992; Karaçal & Demirtaÿ, 2002; Zengin, Cohen (1972) classifies tourists based on their roles,

Batman & Yÿldÿrgan, 2004; Güzel, 2007; Köroÿlu, 2011; motives and experiences they seek . Likewise , Kozak

Çetin & Kÿzÿlÿrmak, 2012). This feature of the guiding and Bahçe (2009: 24) also point out that the expectations

profession, which is based on mutual interaction with and preferences of tourists are important in this

different cultures , allows tourist guides to get to know classification.

tourists more and understand their personalities and

behaviors compared to other employees in the tourism
sector. From this point they express. Unlike the classification of
Cohen (1972), the typology developed by
Plog (1974) regarding tourist typing is
particularly closely related to the development
of the touristic area (Avcÿkurt, 2009: 20). Also, Plog

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

tourists' travel tendencies, travel types and In addition to the studies carried out to determine
motivations were examined depending on their tourist typologies , studies have also been carried
personality structures (Kozak, Kozak, & Kozak, out to perceive tourists. One of these studies was
2012: 69). Smith (1977) classifies tourists done by Harlak (1991). Harlak (1991) investigated
according to their touristic activities (Avcÿkurt, the personal constructs and categories used by

2009: 22-23). Ahipaÿaoÿlu (2006) states that in personnel working in various touristic businesses

Saruhan 's study in 1989, he classifies tourist in Kuÿadasÿ to perceive tourists from seven

types according to tourists' behavior patterns . different nationalities (German, American, French,

These; ideal tourist ( without prejudices, wanting British, Scandinavian, Italian and Greek). As a

to know the country, doing research before result of the research , it has been seen that the
employees evaluate the tourists according to the
vacation , friendly, respectful), accepting tourist
things or behaviors they do and a large proportion
(confirms everything that is said, does not like to
of them use positive adjectives for the tourists.
be alone), exploiting tourist ( interfering in every
The most used positive words are “curious” and
business of the guide, aggressive, does not like
“friendly”. In the ranking of the most popular
to spend), the hoarder tourist (cold, punctual,
tourists by nationality, the Germans come first
taking many things with him, including food and
and the British come second. The least popular
drink) and the marketer tourist (opportunistic, not
tourists were found to be Greek tourists. Except
paying attention to his behavior). Decrop and
for the French and Greek tourists, all tourists are
Zidda (2008) classified six different types of
perceived by the employees as “likes to spend money”.
tourists they defined in their study on Belgian
The French are perceived as "cold", and all
tourists according to their behavioral patterns.
tourists, except Greeks, are perceived to varying
These; habitual tourists (who repeat the same
degrees as "warm, friendly". All tourists are
holiday behaviors every year), rational tourists
perceived as “cheerful, likes to have fun”.
(they make careful and logical decisions, plan
Germans and Italians are the tourists perceived
every detail in advance so as not to be deprived
as “the most cheerful” . All nationalities except
of certain aspects of the trip (e.g. visiting historical
Italian and Greek tourists are perceived as “kind”.
sites) or to encounter bad surprises (e.g. no Scandinavians and British are the nationalities
available rooms) ), hedonic tourists (emotional perceived as the “kindest”. Greeks and French
motives are more dominant than logical ones), are perceived as “complaining and unsympathetic” .
opportunistic tourists (opportunistic tourists waiting All other tourists were perceived as tolerant.
to seize a social or financial opportunity), Scandinavian tourists are the most perceived to
constrained tourists (instead of controlling the be tolerant . British, German and American
holiday decision-making process, the holiday tourists are perceived as “regular” , while Italian,
decision is made because of financial resources Greek and Scandinavian tourists are perceived
or situational barriers). control is taken as a group, as “irregular”. All tourists except Scandinavian
not individually) and compatible tourists ( likes to go on
Italian touristsconstantly make new vacation plans, compatible

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

He was perceived as “comfort-loving”. In the study It turned out that there were American, Japanese
conducted by Ahmed and Krohn (1992) to determine and German tourists . As a result of the research,
the consumption behavior of Japanese tourists, it American tourists spend a lot of money, British
was revealed that Japanese tourists have a high tourists are friendly and friendly, German and
tendency to shop, they are very polite in behavior Russian tourists are fun and cheerful, Germans have
and they create trust . In addition, it has been principles and discipline, British and French are
determined that Japanese tourists travel in groups respectful and polite, Japanese and Americans are
and buy souvenirs. They generally prefer to remain tolerant, British and American tourists are tolerant. It
passive in their travels and show a high level of has been revealed that the French are cold in
commitment to tour guides. Çirmin (1995) divides character, the Israelis are complaining, intolerant
the types of tourists he encounters throughout his and do not like to spend money , the Russians are
professional life into 16 categories. These; erudite irregular and careless , the American, German and
tourist (troubling/denying the guide, walking around British seek comfort, the Russian and Israeli tourists
with a book in hand, front seat lover, punctual), are disrespectful and rude. Intercultural studies of
photographer tourist (who gets lost in the historical Korean tourist guides by Pizam and Jeong (1996)

ruins as soon as they get off the bus, gets late for On the other hand, it has been determined
the bus), shopper tourist (the guides' favorite, the that American tourists are more active,
postcard-souvenir buyer) ), experienced tourist (who more dynamic, full of energy and more
adapts to the group, collects tips, takes control of willing to explore nature than other tourist groups.
the tour by the inexperienced guide), absent-minded In the study conducted by Wong and Lau (2001) to
tourist (who forgets something everywhere), unlucky determine the behavior of Chinese tourists from
tourist (injured, sick), gluttonous tourist (who does Hong Kong on package tours, Chinese tourists
not know how to eat, who does not know how to prefer to travel in groups by purchasing package
eat), arrogant tourist (who listens to the guide, wakes tours rather than individual trips , they prioritize
up, only interacts with the guide), whiny tourist (not safety in their travels, and they prefer innovation
easy to please, coward), fastidious tourist (who even though they are extra paid. and they are willing
takes a nationalist approach in matters such as to participate in activities that contain originality.
language), forced tourist (who goes on vacation to They are also discreet and polite.
talk about it), cheerful tourist (solo) vacationer, They do not hesitate to try the food and drinks of the
womanizer), hitchhiker tourist, lazy tourist (who does local culture. They love to take pictures. However, it
not participate in the tour, spends his vacation on has been determined that the desire of Chinese
the beach), ostentatious tourist (who does not tourists to participate in adventure activities is quite
participate in tours), and ideal tourist (who gives no low and they do not like to take risks, especially if
difficulty to the guide, stylish who do not verse, who they are in an unknown environment.
give a large tip). As a result of the research
Another study on perceiving tourists was done by
conducted by Köroÿlu, Avcÿkurt, Köroÿlu and
Polatoÿlu (2004).
Karaman (2007) on perceiving tourists through the eyes of the guides, the nationalities that the guides most want to work with
Polatoÿlu (2004), tourist as a tourist guide

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

He analyzed his behavior with his own observations. they leave good tips, their concept of time
According to Polatoÿlu (2004), “Tourists from North management is weak, they are late for the bus and
America mostly prefer cruise tours and 5-star hotels. plane, they eat a lot of food, especially meat, they
During their travels, they shop well and buy more eat the food they see outside on the bus. Israelis
antiques/carpets. They leave good tips regardless know how to account for their money, they try to buy
of whether they are satisfied or not. They come to extra tours cheaper from their own agency before
the bus and plane on time, eat quality but little food, coming to Turkey, they bring food and drinks from
drink controlled drinks, and often convey their outside and they don't give tips. The Japanese prefer
complaints to their guides. Germans generally prefer Anatolian cultural tours, shop very well, are especially

cheap tours, shop well and take many of the extra fond of carpets, take a lot of photos, leave standard

tours. They leave good tips, are very disciplined, go tips, arrive on time for the bus and plane, eat little

to bed early and get up early, arrive on time for the and are selective, do not openly express their

bus and plane, always keep a distance with the complaints, and write a long letter of complaint when

guide and other staff, and report their complaints they return home.

directly. Young British tourists prefer sand-sea-sun-

In order to meet the needs of touristic consumers
entertainment, the elderly prefer 5-star hotels and
with a high level of satisfaction in the tourism sector,
cultural tours.
as in every sector, it is necessary to determine the
dynamics underlying these needs as well as the
They don't shop and leave tips, they're needs of the tourists. Both previous studies and this
disciplined. They arrive on time for the bus study are important in terms of knowing tourist
and plane , they are not picky about food, if characteristics and behaviors.
they get drunk, they can get along and
disturb the environment. Scottish and Irish
tourists have the same characteristics as
British tourists, but Scottish and Irish are more calm METHOD
and friendly.
Russians prefer sand-sea-sun-fun tours and all- Qualitative research method was preferred in order
inclusive hotels. They do not shop much, but are to determine the behavior and characteristic features
fond of jewelry and leather goods . They do not of the nationalities that the tourist guides, who are
participate in extra tours, they either leave no tip or among the most effective workers in the context of
leave an exaggerated tip . They arrive on time for communication with tourists, are together on tours
the bus and plane. and have the opportunity to observe by meeting at
They don't mind minor mishaps. Spaniards prefer the stopover / ruins . Examining the data obtained
Anatolian-Istanbul cultural tours, they do very little with the foresight that the number of samples will be
shopping, they leave good tips if they like the guide. small since the guides constantly travel and there is
They are warm and emotional. Good and long-term a problem of reaching the guides collectively, and

friendships can be formed. Arabs, very good jewelry Content analysis, one of the qualitative research
exchange, if satisfied methods, in order to obtain valid inferences/statements

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

has been preferred. Content analysis is a technique has been delivered. The research was carried out in
that provides the opportunity to test theoretical issues May-July 2013, and questionnaires were sent to
in order to improve data understanding (Cavanagh, approximately 350 guides. At the end of the research
1997), and in this method, data sources such as timing, a total of 136 questionnaires were obtained.
meeting records, letters, diaries, speeches, newspaper Since the qualitative research method was preferred ,
and magazine articles are scanned and the selected the content analysis was started by assuming that this
units are quantitatively counted and examined. (Yüksel number was sufficient .
and Yüksel, 2004). Weber (1990) emphasizes that Yuksel and Yuksel (2004), while
valid inferences are made from the texts with this emphasizing the need for studies on coding
method . Valid inferences are revealed by analyzing reliability, state that the researchers' data
verbal, written and other materials in an objective and set coding similarities will be compared
systematic way (Tavÿancÿl & Aslan, 2001) . In line with numerically and the reliability will be
the purpose of the research, a semi-structured revealed by reaching a coding percentage of 70% or mor
questionnaire was prepared to prevent the restrictions The coding categories obtained separately by the
on the expressions of the guides. researchers conducting this study were compared and
The research question form consists of two parts. In it was assumed that individual reliability was achieved
the first part, there are questions about determining the by achieving harmony between the categories. The
demographic characteristics of the guides, and in the content categories were shown to an academician and
second part, the behavior patterns of the guides / tourists. a tourist guide, who are also experts in their fields, and
Open-ended questions were asked to determine the they were asked to evaluate and their evaluations were
characteristic features of the students and the opportunity to taken into consideration.
express them in their own words was provided. After they
were allowed to describe the tourist groups they encountered

and observed during the tours in their own words, the question was the first step of the study, the demographic
analysis of the data obtained through the forms characteristics of the tourist guides included in
has been subjected. In the light of the data obtained the study were analyzed and are listed in Table 1.
from the website of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, As a result of the frequency analysis, it is seen that the
there were a total of 13,241 licensed professional majority of the participants are male (68.4%) and single
tourist guides in Turkey in 2012. (55.1%) guides. Looking at the age distribution, it is
9,022 actively provide guidance seen that the majority of them are between the ages of
it's sad. Therefore, the universe of this study consists 31-35 (47.8%), and in the education distribution , the
of 9,022 actively working tourist guides. Semi-structured majority (62.5%) are undergraduate graduates . It has
questionnaires, which were created due to reasons been determined that they have received undergraduate
such as the constant travel of the guides and the education.
inability to directly reach the guides, were created
through the social media channels where the guides Looking at the professional experience rates on a yearly basis, it is

are registered. seen that the majority are between 6-10 years (24.3%) and 4-5 years.

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

(23.5%). While the majority of the guides (58.1%) flora-fauna, art history, iconography, gastronomy, GAP
stated that they did not do any additional work , the and Lycia areas of expertise emerged . The majority
majority of them stated that they worked in all regions (57.4%) of the languages in which they work for
(36.9%) when analyzed on the basis of the working guidance is English. English is followed by German,
region. Aegean region (25.0%) and Marmara region Russian and Spanish.
(15.4%) follow all regions. The majority of the guides (44.1%) stated that they had
When the areas of expertise of the guides are cockades from other languages, since they could add
examined, it is seen that there is a great deficiency in multiple options to this question due to the possibility
specialization. The majority of the participants (52.2%) of adding multiple languages on their ID cards .
stated that they did not have any specialization.
Although at low rates, as a specialization title, belief,

Table 1: Demographic Characteristics of the Participants

n % n%
Woman 42 30.9 High 6 4.4
Gender Male 93 68.4 School Associate Degree 35 25.7
Total 135 100 education Licence 85 62.5
Single 75 55.1 graduate 8 5.9
Marital status married 51 37.5 Total 134 100
Total 126 100 Yup 41 30.1
18-25 0.7 Side job No Total 79 58.1
16-30 1 38 27.9 Marmara 120 100
31-35 65 47.8 Mediterranean 21 15.4
36-40 19 14.0 Aegean 12 8.8
41-over 8 5.9 Central 34 25.0
Total 1-3 131 100 Anatolia 11 8.1
Working Area
years 4-5 23 16.9 Eastern Anatolia 1 0.7
years 32 23.5 Black Sea Region - -
Professional Experience
6-10 33 24.3 All Regions Total 50 36.9
years 11-15 25 18.4 Ministry K. 129 100
years 16-over 17 12.5 Associate Degree 36 26.5
Total 130 one hundred Undergraduate 31 22.8
Guidance Training
Faith 10 7.4 65 47.8
Flora 2 1.4 Total 132 100
history of art 4 2.9 English 78 57.4
iconography 6 4.4 German 40 29.4
Gastronomy 2nd
1.5 Language (multiple Russian 21 15.4
GAP 5 3.7 marking possibility) Spanish 11th 8.1
Fauna one
0.7 Other 60 44.1
Lycia 5 3.7
Other 13 9.6
Total 48 one hundred

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

In the second step of the research, 136 people The language groups that they could provide were
contacted through a semi-structured questionnaire form.
oriented as questions . Incoming comments were
Comments from professional tourist guides were also tabulated after being subjected to content
subjected to content analysis. The qualitative analysis (Table 2). As seen in Table 2, the majority
research data obtained were subjected to content of the participants cited Chinese, Arabic, Spanish
analysis in four stages , namely coding, finding and Russian as languages that would provide
themes, organizing codes/themes, and defining/ financial and intellectual gains . Again, some of the
interpreting the findings, as Yÿldÿrÿm and ÿimÿek participants made comments emphasizing that the
(2006) stated, respectively . The data obtained were languages vary according to the region of study .
organized, separated by inclusion in cluster grouping For example, it was emphasized that Spanish and
according to themes, and categorized by digitizing Japanese are advantageous languages for the
in the context of appropriate groups. The data Cappadocia region, Chinese for Istanbul, Polish and
obtained by the coding were divided into meaningful Russian for the Aegean and Mediterranean regions .
categories in themselves and the findings obtained At the same time, a participant emphasized that
in the context of the frequency of repetition of the English and German are languages that can always
words were interpreted. Financial and non-pecuniary be advantageous , but that a rare language should
gain to the participants in terms of working be learned besides these languages.

Table 2: Categorization of Languages Considered Advantageous in Terms of Study

Tongue n % Tongue n%

Chinese 58 17.58 12 Polish 8 2.42

2 Arabic 39 11.82 13 Greek 6 1.81

3 Spanish 39 11.82 14 Hebrew 4 1.21

4 Russian 38 11.52 15 Persian 4 1.21

5 Japanese 27 8.19 16 Scandinavian languages 4 1.21

6 Dutch 21 6.37 17 The English 4 1.21

7 Italian 19 5.76 18 Hindi 3 0.90
8 Portuguese 17 5.16 19 Swedish 2 0.60
9 Korean 16 4.85 20 Icelandic 1 0.30
10 French 9 2.73 21 Malay 1 0.30
11 German 9 2.73 22 Indonesian 1 0.30

The questionnaire given to the guides is in the second part of the forum. It is aimed to obtain detailed information by not
They were asked to write their thoughts limiting the number of words and nationality.
about the tourists they encountered during Since the qualitative research method was chosen
tours, ruins and stopovers and had the to obtain exploratory inferences , numerical research
opportunity to observe, in their own words . Question form
methods were used on the obtained data.

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

Difference tests could not be done, and differences The codes used were first summarized in terms of
and similarities were revealed as positive and characteristics (Table 3) and behavioral patterns
negative aspects by means of expression coding on (Table 4) .
the expressions. As a result of content analysis

Table 3: Codes Used in the Context of Characteristics

Positive n % Negative n %

Friendly 96 21.90 stingy 36 17.60

Enjoyable 92 20.95 Coarse 35 17.08

Kind 75 17.10 Arrogant 30 14.63

keen to learn 40 9.11 Cold character 26 12.68

disciplined/prescriptive 30 6.85 show-off 18 8.78

beautiful/handsome 19 4.32 Self-centered 13 6.34

Rich 17 3.87 Nationalist 12 5.85

self-indulgent 16 3.64 Noisy 11th 5.36

Insightful/compatible 15 3.41 Irresponsible 10 4.87

Smiling 14 3.18 Knowing 5 2.43

generous 7 1.59 Distance 4 1.95

Witty 6 1.36 Flirtatious 3 1.46

quiet/shy 6 1.36 Insecure 2nd


adventurer 3 0.68

Chatty 3 0.68

Total 439 100 Total 205 one hundred

Table 3 shows the resulting code groups related to flirtatious, insecure'. Warm (21.90%),
the characteristic features. While a total of 439 funny (20.95%) and polite (17.10%)
expressions were discovered in the context of descriptions constitute the majority of
characteristic features, a total of 205 expressions positive codes , while stingy (17.60%), rude
were obtained in the context of negative codes. (17.08%) and arrogant (14.10%). 63) make
When Table 3 is examined, the positive codes up the majority of negative codes.
revealed are 'warm, funny, polite, curious to learn,
The codes that emerged in the context of behavioral
disciplined/prescriptive, beautiful/handsome, rich, self-indulgent, understanding/
patterns are again divided into positive and negative
agreeable, smiling, generous, witty, quiet/
as seen in Table 4 . While a total of 215 positive
shy, adventurous, talkative' and negative
statements emerged, 85 negative statements were
expressions are 'stingy, rude, arrogant,
identified. Positive expressions are respectively
cold character, ostentatious, self-centered,
'shopping on tour, following group psychology, country-specific
nationalist, loud, irresponsible, knowing, distant,

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

learning everything, enjoying food and drinking on not paying attention to the timing, buying counterfeit
tour, participating in cultural tours, taking photos, products, saving the complaint for later, dressing badly,
listening to the guide, curiosity about Turkish food- not giving tips, avoiding shopping tours . While the
carpet, giving tips, protection from the sun, majority of positive statements were shopping on tour
bargaining, spending time at the sea, fondness for (21.90%), following group psychology (15.35%) and
quality, curiosity-respect for religious places, learning everything specific to the country (11.62%),
entertainment on tour while the negative expressions negative statements were made about bad manners in
are 'bad manners in eating and drinking, not obeying eating and drinking and not obeying the hygiene rules
the hygiene rules, not being satisfied easily, getting (%). 23) was discovered to constitute the majority of the
bored with excessive information , indifference to code.
cultural tours, not accepting the mistake, insensitivity to group psychology,

Table 4: Codes Used in the Context of Behavior Patterns

Positive n % Negative n%

shopping on tour 47 21.90 Bad manners in eating and drinking, 20 23

Adhering to group psychology 33 15.35 not following the hygiene rules

Learning everything specific to the country 25 11.62 Not being easily satisfied 14 16.50

love to eat and drink on tour 18 8.37 Getting bored with excessive information 12 14.10

Participating in cultural tours 18 8.37 Being indifferent to cultural tours 8 9.41

Taking photos on tour 14 6.51 Not admitting fault 8 9.41

listening to the guide 13 6.04

Being insensitive to group
Being curious about Turkish food-carpet 12 5.58 psychology, not paying attention 7 8.23
to timing
to tip 11th 5.11

protect yourself from the sun 5 2.32 Buying counterfeit products 5 5.50

bargain 4
1.86 Complaint later 1.86 3 3.50
4 to hide
spending time at sea

be fond of quality 4 1.86 Dressing up 3 3.50

Being curious-respectful of religious places 4 1.86 Avoiding tipping 3 3.50

Asking for fun on the tour 3 1.39 Avoiding shopping tours 2 3.35

Total 215 100 Total 85 one hundred

In the continuation of the evaluation of the findings, As can be seen, countries are listed as North, West,
countries were grouped on the basis of regions and the East and South Europe on the basis of Europe, while
expressions that emerged for determining the Asia Pacific countries are grouped as North East Asia,
characteristics and behavior patterns were listed. The South East Asia and South Asia. Other continental
regions and sub-regions of the World Tourism groups continue as America, Middle East and South
Organization (UNWTO) are taken as the basis for grouping the
countries. in Table 5

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It is seen that most of the positive and negative is located. In the context of behavioral patterns
statements evaluated within the characteristic features When looked at, the majority of positive statements
are made for the European continent . While the
To North East Asian (Korea, Japan, China) countries
majority of positive statements are in Western
While it is seen that the negative statements are made towards
European (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
while the majority are in Southern Europe (TRNC, Italy,
Netherlands ) countries, the majority of negative

statements are in Eastern European (Azerbaijan, Turkey, Spain, Israel, Greece, Serbia)

Czech Rep., Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan) countries. observed in their countries.

Table 5: Expression Frequency Rates by Regions

Characteristics Behavior Patterns

Regions Positive Negative Positive Negative

n % n %n %n %


Northern Europe (England, Scandinavian countries, 9

116 26.46 22 10.76 27 12.59 9.80

Western Europe (Austria, Belgium, France, 9

134 30.52 48 23.41 36 16.74 9.80
Germany, Netherlands)

Eastern Europe (Azerbaijan, Czech Rep., Poland, 30 6.83 57 27.80 17 7.90 11 11.95
Russia, Kazakhstan)

Southern Europe (TRNC, Italy, Turkey, Spain, 28 23 25

6.37 31 15.12 11th 5.11
Israel, Greece, Serbia)

North East Asia (Korea, Japan, China) 46 10.47 - - 63 29.30 7 7.60

South East Asia (Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia) - - - - - -

7 3.25

South Asia (India) 3 0.68 15 7.31 - - 9 9.78


North America (Canada, United States) 5 - -

45 10.25 2.43 34 15.81

(S. Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon) 30 6.83 27 13.17 20 9.30 17 18.47

SOUTH AFRICA 7 1.59 - - - - - -

GRAND TOTAL 439 100 205 100 215 100 85 one hundred

In Table 6, the characteristics of nationalities are has been fired. In terms of frequency majority, the

evaluated from the point of view of the guides and majority of positive statements are in Northern Europe

their distribution is calculated as frequency and percentage.(England, Scandinavian countries, Scotland) and Western

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
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January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

It is seen that it is collected in Europe (Austria, described as friendly and polite.

Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands). Eastern The majority of the participants also evaluated
Europe (Azerbaijan, Czech Rep., Poland, Russia, these nations as arrogant. While Western
Kazakhstan) comes to the fore in negative Europeans (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
statements. If the expressions that emerged on Netherlands) were described as fun, friendly,
the basis of the region are examined, Northern respectful and disciplined, negatively these nations
Europeans (England, Scandinavian countries, Scotland)
are fun,
to the fore as stingy.

Table 6: Expression Frequency Analysis of Characteristics of Nationalities

Regions Positive Statements n % Negative Statements n%


Enjoyable 39 33.62 Arrogant 13 59.10

Friendly 30 25.90 Self -centered 5 22.72

Kind 26 22.41 Distance 4 18.18

North Europe keen to learn 9 7.75

Handsome 4 3.44
countries, Scotland) adventurer 3 2.58

Rich 3 2.58

self-indulgent 2nd

Total 116 100 Total 22 one hundred

Enjoyable 44 32.83 stingy 18 37.50

Friendly 23 17.16 Nationalist 12 25.01

West Europe 9
Respectful 22 16.41 arrogant 18.75
Belgium, France, Disciplined 21 15.70 Knowing 5 10.41
Insightful/ compatible 15 11.19 Rough 4 8.33
keen to learn 9 6.71

Total 134 100 Total 48 one hundred

Smiling 10 33.34 With a cold character 26 45.62

Eastern Europe Beautiful 9 30 Sometimes stingy 14 24.56
Czech Rep., sometimes generous 7 23.33 Irresponsible 10 17.54
Poland, Russia,
Kind 4 13.33 show- off 7 12.28
Total 30 100 Total 57 one hundred

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Friendly 9 32.17 Noisy 11 35.51

Handsome 6 21.42 Self -centered 8 25.80

Southern Europe
(TRNC, Italy, Enjoyable 4 14.28 Show-off 5 16.12
Kind 3 10.71 arrogant 3 9.67
Spain, Israel,
Greece, keen to learn 3 10.71 stingy 2nd
Chatty 3 10.71 Unsafe 2nd

Total 28 100 Total 31 one hundred


Respectful 12 26.10

Friendly 11th 23.91

North East Asia Disciplined/ 9 19.56
(Korea, Japan,
prescriptive Curious to learn 8 17.39
quiet/ shy 6 13.04

Total 46 100 Total

Enjoyable 3 100 Coarse 10 66.67

womaniser 3 20
south asia
(India) Greedy 2nd

Total 3 100 Total 15 one hundred


Friendly 20 44.46 Arrogant 5 one hundred

North America keen to learn 11th 24.44

Respectful 8 17.77
United States
States) Witty 6 13.33

Total 45 100 Total 5 one hundred


self-indulgent 14 46.66 Rough 21 77.78

Rich 12 40.01 flamboyant 6 22.22

(S. Arabia,
Jordan, Lebanon) Smiling 4 13.33

Total 30 100 Total 27 one hundred


Friendly 3 42.86

Rich 2 28.57
South Africa
Enjoyable 2 28.57

Total 7 100 Total

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January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
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Eastern Europeans (Azerbaijan, Czech Rep., Table 7 presents the behavior patterns of
Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan) were evaluated as nationalities on tours from the guides' point of
smiling and beautiful , but also as cold , view. While North East Asia (Korea, Japan,
sometimes stingy, irresponsible and rude . China), Western Europe (France, Germany,
Southern Europeans (TRNC, Italy, Turkey, Netherlands, Switzerland) and North America
Spain, Israel, Greece, Serbia) were rated as stand out in terms of frequency in terms of
sympathetic and handsome, but also as noisy, positive expressions, Southern Europe (TRNC,
self-centered and rude. Italy, Turkey, Spain, Israel, Serbia) ) became
the prominent region in the context of negative
While their respectful, sympathetic and disciplined/ statements. Northern Europeans are considered
prescriptive expressions stood out for the North East as those who participate in tours, love to eat
Asian countries (Korea, Japan, China), no negative and drink on tours, shop on tours, listen carefully
comments were made about them. South Asians to the guide and do not force them, want to learn
(India), on the other hand , come to the forefront with everything specific to the country , but do not
their negative features and being rude rather than their positive mistakes in tours . The British come to the
North Americans (Canada, United States of fore in this grouping because they like to buy
America) are mostly described with positive imitation products. Western Europeans, on the
evaluations, while they are attributed as warm- other hand, were evaluated as nations that
blooded, curious to learn and respectful. comply with group psychology, comply with the
Middle Easterners (S. Arabia, Jordan, Lebanon) guide and tour group in timing, seek quality in
whose arrivals to Turkey are increasing day by matters such as food, love to shop, respect
day, on the other hand, are regarded as rich religious places, and at the same time do not
and self-indulgent, but also rude. While South admit mistakes in tours and are bored with
Africans are the least commented nation about, shopping tours. Eastern Europeans have been
it is emphasized that they are friendly, wealthy evaluated as nations that drink on tour, love to
and fun. shop, prefer to spend their time at sea, are
indifferent to cultural trips, have a poor tipping
culture, are not easily satisfied , insensitive to group psychology,

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Table 7: Frequency Analysis of Behavior Patterns of Nationalities

Regions Positive n % Negative n%


They like to eat and drink on They buy counterfeit products

11 40.76 5 60
tour (British)

Admitting mistakes in tours

They like to take the tour 4 14.81 4 40

They spend on shopping on

North Europe 5 18.52
Scandinavian They listen carefully to the guide 3 11.11
countries, Iceland)
They're keen on carpet, but hard
to get

They want to learn everything

specific to the country.

Total 27 100 Total 9 one hundred

They immediately adapt to group

Admitting mistakes in tours
psychology, they are punctual in 22 61.11 4 44.45

Learn everything specific to the country

5 13.89 They dress modestly 3 33.33
they want to color
West Europe
(France, Germany, They are fond of quality (self.
4 11.11 They get bored on shopping tours 2 22.22
Netherlands, about food on tours)

Switzerland) They like to shop 3 8.33

They respect religious sites


Total 36 100 Total 9 one hundred

They like to eat and drink on

7 41.17 They are not interested in cultural trips 4 36.37

They like to shop 6 35.30 They don't tip 3 27.27

Eastern Europe
(Poland, Bulgaria, They like to spend their time at
4 23.53 They are not easily satisfied 2nd
Russia, sea
Insensitive to group psychology -
yeast over time

Total 17 100 Total 11th one hundred

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
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January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

They get bored with too much information on

She likes shopping 4 36.37 8 34.78

On the tour they want entertainment rather

Southern Europe 3 27.27 They are not easily satisfied 8 34.78
than knowledge
(TRNC, Italy,
from Turkey, They like animation tours Insensitive to group psychology
2 18.18 5 21.74
Spain, Israel, - yeast over time
They like to visit religious places
2 18.18 They are not interested in cultural tours 2nd

Total 11th
100 Total 23 one hundred


likes to take pictures 14 22,23 They do not give importance to cleanliness 4 57.14

Participate in cultural tours The Japanese don't complain on tour,

11 17.46 3 42.86
loves they complain when they get home

They listen to the guide very

10 15.87
carefully, they follow, they trust.

They immediately adapt to

group psychology, they are 9 14.29
punctual in time.

Northeast They like to shop (carpet,

6 9.52
Asia jewellery)
(Korea, Japan,
They do not discriminate on
China) 6 9.52

They are constantly protected from

the sun, they do not spend much 5 7.94
time on the beach

Learn everything specific to the country

they want to color

Total 63 100 Total 7 one hundred

They like to shop (self. carpet) 71.43

South East
They want to learn everything 28.57
Vietnam, 2nd

specific to the country.

Total 7 100 Total 7 one hundred

They do not care about eating

5 55.56
and drinking etiquette and hygiene
south asia
(India) They are not easily satisfied 4 44.44

Total 9 one hundred


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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

They constantly ask historical-

political-economic-cultural 14 41.18

She likes shopping 9 26.47

He is generous in tipping
5 14.71
North America
(United States of They are interested in Turkish
America) 4 11.76

They immediately adapt to

group psychology, they are 2nd
punctual in time.

Total 34 one hundred


They like to shop (jewelry, They do not care about eating

10 50 11th 64.71
textile, leather) and drinking etiquette and hygiene

(S. Arabia, They get bored with too much information on

They tip a lot 6 30 4 23.53
Jordan, Lebanon, tours
They enjoy bargaining. 4 20 They are not interested in cultural tours 2nd

Total 20 100 Total 17 one hundred

Southern Europeans have been evaluated as evaluated as. South Asians, on the other hand, are
nations that love to shop, look for entertainment characterized as people who do not pay attention
instead of getting bored with information on tours, to eating and drinking etiquette and hygiene and
love animation tours, are indifferent to cultural tours, are not easily satisfied. While no negative behavior
love to visit religious places, are not easily satisfied, statements have emerged about North Americans,
and are irresponsible about timing. While North Americans have been evaluated as a nation that is
East Asia stands out with positive expressions, it generous when it comes to tips, constantly asks
has been evaluated as nations that like to take questions about the country, loves shopping , is
pictures, like to participate in cultural trips, listen punctual in timing, and is curious about Turkish
and follow the guide carefully, follow group food. In the Middle East continent, Arabs have been
psychology, pay attention to timing, love to shop, evaluated as a nation that loves shopping, gives
and want to learn everything specific to the country . lots of tips, makes bargaining a culture and enjoys
While the Chinese stand out as the nation that does it, at the same time does not pay attention to eating
not attach importance to hygiene in this group, the and drinking etiquette and hygiene, wants
Japanese are considered as the nation that does entertainment from the guide instead of information
not complain during the tour but conveys their complaintsonwhen
is indifferent
home. to cultural tours.
South East Asians are folks who love to shop and
want to learn everything specific to the country.

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS They are described as friendly and polite, and also
arrogant . It has been determined that Western
To summarize the demographic characteristics of
Europeans are fun, friendly, respectful, disciplined
the participants in this study, which was conducted
and stingy . While Eastern Europeans were regarded
to determine the behavior patterns and characteristics
as smiling and beautiful, they were also considered
of tourists through the eyes of the tourist guides, who
cold, sometimes stingy, irresponsible, and vulgar.
have the opportunity to communicate and interact
with the tourists the most , it is seen that the majority
Southern Europeans were rated as likeable and
of the participants are male, single, undergraduate, 31-
handsome, but also as noisy, self-centered, and
It has been observed that guides between the ages
of 35 and 6-10 years of industry experience are
While their respectful, sympathetic and disciplined/
formed. The low rate of answers given to the
prescriptive expressions stood out for the North East
specialization question shows that there are
Asian countries, no negative comments were made about them.
deficiencies in specialization in the field of guidance
South Asians, on the other hand , come to the
work . Chambers/associations and educational
forefront with their negative features and being rude
institutions that gather guides under the same roof
rather than their positive features. North Americans,
have responsibilities to organize specialization
on the other hand, are predominantly expressed with
seminars in this regard. In terms of working, the
positive evaluations, while they are attributed as
majority of languages that are thought to provide warm-blooded, curious to learn and respectful.
professional satisfaction are Chinese, Arabic, Middle Easterners , on the other hand, were
Russian, Japanese and Spanish. It is thought that considered to be rich and self-indulgent, but also
this situation may provide an idea for the institutions rude. While South Africans are the least commented
providing guidance training to open courses for nation about, it has been determined that they are
elective languages . friendly, rich and entertaining .

In line with the characteristic features of the In the behavioral characteristics of the tourists, it
tourists, it was seen that the most used positive was determined that while shopping on tour,
comments were warm, funny and polite, while complying with group psychology and learning
the negative comments appeared as stingy, rude everything specific to the country constituted the
and arrogant . It is seen that most of the positive majority of positive statements, the majority of bad
and negative statements evaluated within the manners in eating and drinking and not obeying the
characteristic features are made for the European hygiene rules were found in the negative statements.
continent. While the majority of positive When viewed in the context of behavioral patterns, it
statements are in Western European (Austria, is seen that the majority of positive statements are
Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands) made for the countries of North East Asia (Korea,
countries, the majority of negative statements Japan, China), while the majority of negative
are in Eastern European (Azerbaijan, Czech statements are made in the countries of Southern
Rep., Poland, Russia, Kazakhstan) countries . Northern Europeans
Europe (TRNC, are
Turkey, Spain, Israel, Greece, Serbia) . has been

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

Europeans were evaluated as participating in tours, They are described as people who do not like and
loving to eat and drinking on tours, shopping on are not easily satisfied. While no negative behavior
tours, listening carefully to the guide and not pushing, statements have emerged about North Americans,
wanting to learn everything specific to the country, Americans have been evaluated as a nation that is
but not admitting mistakes in tours. Western generous when it comes to tips, constantly asks
Europeans, on the other hand, are considered as questions about the country, loves shopping , is

nations that follow group psychology, are in harmony punctual in timing, and is curious about Turkish food.

with the guide and tour group in timing, seek quality In the Middle East continent, Arabs have been

in matters such as food, love to shop, respect evaluated as a nation that loves shopping, gives lots

religious places, and at the same time do not admit of tips, makes bargaining a culture and enjoys it, at

mistakes in tours and are bored during shopping the same time does not pay attention to eating and

tours . Eastern Europeans have been evaluated as drinking etiquette and hygiene, wants entertainment

nations that drink on tour, love to shop, prefer to from the guide instead of information on tours, and

spend their time at sea , are indifferent to cultural is indifferent to cultural tours. The results obtained

trips, do not have a well-established tipping culture, as a result of the content analysis are the results of

are not easily satisfied, insensitive to group Harlak (1991), Ahmed and Krohn (1992), Pizam and

psychology, and force the guide. Southern Europeans Jeong (1996), Wong and Lau (2001), Polatoÿlu

have been evaluated as nations that love to shop, (2004), Köroÿlu, Avcikurt, Köroÿlu and Karaman

look for entertainment instead of getting bored with (2007). When compared with the results of their

information on tours, love animation tours, are studies, it is seen that similar results emerge.

indifferent to cultural tours, love to visit religious It is important to determine the perceptions and
places, are not easily satisfied, and are irresponsible attitudes that affect professional behavior patterns .
about timing. While North East Asia stands out with In particular , the determination of the behavior
positive expressions, it has been evaluated as nations patterns of some nationality groups towards tours
that like to take pictures, like to participate in cultural will provide the agencies with preliminary information
trips, listen and follow the guide carefully, follow about the tour programs they should prepare for the
group psychology, pay attention to timing, love to target tourist groups. In this research, it has been
shop, and want to learn everything specific to the revealed that nations exhibit different behavioral
country . While the Chinese stand out as the nation patterns towards tours. For example, the British and
that does not attach importance to hygiene in this Germans like to participate in tours, Italian tourists
group, the Japanese are considered as the nation prefer animation and religious tours, Russians like
that does not complain during the tour but conveys entertainment-oriented tours , Far Easterners and
their complaints when they return home. Poles prefer cultural tours, Indonesians, Norwegians,
South East Asians have been rated as folks who Australians, Swiss, Vietnamese, Malaysians, Turkish
love to shop and want to learn about everything Cypriots, Kazakhs. and especially the cultural tours
unique to the country. South Asians, on the other of Arabs and Russians, where Arabs love to shop.
hand, pay attention to eating and drinking etiquette and hygiene.

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International Refereed Journal of Humanities and Academic Sciences
January / February / March Spring Term Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
International Peer-Reviewed Journal of Humanities and Academic Science
January / February / March Spring Semester Volume: 4 Issue: 11 Year: 2015
ID:183 K:22 Gel Code: MY

It has been revealed that Germans and Americans can be recommended. However, in-service training
want detailed country-specific information on The reason why the seminars are out of necessity

tours and are curious to learn. Now, there are difficulties in reaching the guides .
During the preparation of tour catalogues, it is Therefore, it is thought that contacting the guide
revealed that it is important to plan and sell rooms and associations will provide an important
concept tours in line with the behavior patterns support in the studies to be carried out on the
of tourists . In addition, according to the results guides .
of the content analysis, from the point of view of
the guiding profession , guides come face to face
with very different tourist characters, as Yarcan Since professional tourist guides are constantly
(2007) states, it is very difficult for guides to keep traveling , it is difficult to reach the guides
their business relations in balance. Therefore , collectively, so the qualitative research method,
guides also exert serious emotional labor in which reveals the perceptions about a curious
addition to their intellectual and physical labor. situation, was preferred for the purpose of the
The behavior of the tourist depends on the events research . Although it is difficult to generalize the
that he has gone through throughout his life. findings obtained with this technique due to the
Since the characteristic features and behavior difficulty of including the sample that can
patterns cannot be changed, the guides should represent the population , limited generalizations
try their best to understand the tourist during the and situation interpretations can be made.
trip , but should not try to introduce a new
Therefore, it is thought that the limited
behavior to the tourist. As the guides learn the
generalizations obtained from this study will provide insight into fu
characteristics and behavior patterns of the
nationality groups they will encounter on tours in REFERENCES

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Professional Ethics in Professional Tourist
Guidance” Anatolia: Journal of Tourism
Research, 18 (1), pp.33-44


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