Physical Education Unit Plan

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McFadden Educ3601 1

Introduction 3

Program of Studies 3

Assessment 4

Philosophy of Teaching and Physical Education 4

Classroom Management Plan

Routines and Strategies 5

Developing Relationships 6

Motivation Techniques 6

Grid Formation Lesson Plans 7

Unit Assessment Plan

Desired Results 9

Assessments and Program of Studies 10

Assessment Tool Overview 11

McFadden Educ3601 2
Unit Plan Defense


Every Physical Education teacher desires to have engaged, excited, and active students. It is well

known that part of what can help motivate students is trying something new and exciting, while

at the same time not overwhelming the students. That is why when I teach Tchoukball for the

first time, I will ensure to scaffold; keeping students engaged, learning new things, and feeling


Throughout the unit, students will be challenged – as is the nature of Tchoukball – to keep up a

fast pace, while at the same time implementing careful strategy.


Throughout the unit I will be assessing multiple outcomes from the Alberta Program of Studies

to ensure that students are learning and are experiencing success. The GLOs and SLOs that will

be central to this unit are laid out in the table below. For more information on how I will be

assessing each outcome please see the ‘assessment’ section at the end of this package.

A: Students will acquire skills through a - A10–1 apply and refine locomotor
variety of developmentally appropriate skills and concepts – effort, space and
movement activities relationships - to perform and create
a variety of activities to improve
personal performance
- A10-5 apply and refine manipulative
skills and concepts – effort, space and
relationships – to perform and create
a variety of activities to improve
personal performance
C: Students will interact positively with - C10–1 communicate thoughts and
others feelings in an appropriate respectful
manner as they relate to participation
in physical activity
- C10–3 demonstrate etiquette and fair

McFadden Educ3601 3
- C10–4 describe, apply, monitor and
assess leadership and followership
skills related to physical activity
- C10–5 develop and apply practices
that contribute to teamwork
D: Students will assume responsibility to lead - D10-1 demonstrate a commitment to
an active way of life an active lifestyle through
participation in and out of class
- D10-6 analyze current physical
activity lifestyles and establish
personally challenging goals to
maintain participation for life


In order to accurately and reliably collect information on student learning I will be applying a

wide variety of assessment tools throughout the unit. Students will receive peer feedback, group

feedback and teacher feedback, and will get multiple chances to self-assess as well. Assessments

will range from formative to summative, as well as many showing overlap between the two. By

implementing such a wide variety of assessments, I aim to compile as much data as possible,

giving students a fair mark. As was stated above, please see pages 10-12 for a more in-depth

analysis and justification of each assessment tool used in the unit.


The aim of the K-12 physical education program is to enable individuals to develop the

knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to lead an active, healthy lifestyle. Physical activity is

vital to all aspects of normal growth and development, and the benefits are widely recognized.

As a Physical Education teacher, my goal is to be a facilitator for the development of students’

desire for lifelong participation in physical activity by providing activity opportunities. As is true

with all areas of school and development, students will be coming into PE with a wide range of

skill levels. However, it is harder in PE for students to hide their variance in skill, thus creating

McFadden Educ3601 4
the potential for students to feel embarrassed. I strive to create an environment where students

feel comfortable being themselves, and to realize that by collaborating with and playing

alongside their classmates, everyone will grow. This unit will help create this ideal environment

by encouraging cooperation and providing opportunities for growth for students of all skill levels

and abilities.

Classroom Management Plan


The Grade 10s have already developed a few healthy routines in my Phys-Ed class, and

this unit will encourage them to continue to uphold these routines. These routines allow for a few

forms of assessment in addition to hitting both of the ‘D’ outcomes discussed in the unit. Upon

entry to the gym and after changing, students are expected to participate in a brief warm-up

game. Students know that this warm-up game is included in their overall participation grade for

the day, and as such put in a solid effort most days. I vary the game each day, and do not repeat

games within the same month. After warm-up, students grab their duotangs that contain the daily

workouts. I also write the workout of the day on the board, and we spend the next 10-15 minutes

completing this. Students are required to log their results from the workout, their heart rates, and

create goals for future workouts. These early routines serve to not only encourage good physical

activity habits, but create a classroom culture of excellence and a good work ethic. These first

few minutes of each lesson also allow me to go around and interact with each student

individually, checking in on how they are feeling and providing words of encouragement where


McFadden Educ3601 5

The development of relationships is perhaps the most central aspect to having a handle on

classroom management. The Tchoukball unit will foster the development of relationships

between myself and students as well as between students. Throughout interaction daily during

the warm-up games, the workouts, and the lessons, I will form strong relationships with students.

In addition, by inserting myself into some of the games and showing both my strengths and

weaknesses related to Tchoukball, I will relate to students and show that everyone has

imperfections, and it is okay to be confident even through trying times.


Central to PE 10 is the topic of motivation. Although motivation can be seen as a challenge in all

PE classes, it can be particularly challenging for Grade 10 students as the course is required for

graduation. Many students might not feel fully comfortable in the gym due to insecurity, social

standings, and a perceived lesser skill level. As was mentioned above, PE differs from most

subjects in that students’ abilities are on display for all to see and cannot be hidden by remaining

silent during class and not sharing test marks. Through the routines developed in the class and

the Tchoukball games I hope to inspire students to participate for whichever reason they choose.

I believe that there are many forms of motivation (i.e., social, opportunity-driven, or wellness

reasons) and that no reason has any less value than any other. By incorporating a variety of group

games, different workouts, and warm-up activities, I hope to encourage students to find their

own unique form of motivation. There are a variety of different skills involved in Tchoukball,

and I strongly believe that there is something for everyone in the game.

McFadden Educ3601 6
Grade: Grade 10 Physical Education Unit: Tchoukball Dates: March 1st to March 9th.

Date Lesson Title GLOs SLOs Learning Assessment Safety Instruction Equipment MOT
Activities al
March 1st Intro to  D D10-1 Warm-Up –
Rock, Paper,
-Workout -Safety -Direct -Timers for First day
(Monday) Tchoukball  A D10-6 Scissors Relay Duotang through Instructio WU of unit –
 C A10-1 Workout - Gold
LA1 – Tchouk
introductio n -Duotangs new and
A10-5 Tag (Intro to
-Observation n of rules - TGFU -Tchoukballs shiny
1 C10-1 rules of or Rhino
Tchoukball) -Exit Slip
C10-3 LA2 – 1 v. 1 balls
Tchoukball -Tchouck
March 2nd ‘Getting  D D10-1 Warm-Up –
Body Part
-Workout -Reminder -Direct -Timers for Lesson is
(Tuesday) Comfortabl  A D10-6 Balance duotang to keep Instructio WU high
e with  C A10-1 Workout – Red
head up n - Duotangs activity
Tchoukball’ A10-5 -Observation during TGFU - and
2 C10-1 LA1 – Tunnel tunnel ball Tchoukballs/ involves
C10-3 -NO Rhino balls competiti
LA2 – 2 v. 2 contact -Tchouk Nets on
during the
March 3rd ‘Becoming  D D10-1 Warm-Up – -Workout -Safety -TGFU. -Timers for Will want
Bears and
(Wednesday) Friends  A D10-6 Buffalos duotang through WU to be
with  C A10-1 Workout - Grey presentatio -Duotangs prepared
LA1 – -Observation
Tchoukball’ A10-5 Research/present n of rules -Laptops for
3 C10-1 ation (5 mins of -Poly spots presentat
pres.) on a -Presentation
C10-4 different rule of
Tchoukball -Tennis balls ion,
C10-5 Tchoukball competiti
(assigned by me)
LA2 – Poly on
Spot Tchoukball

March 4th ‘Tchoukball  D D10-1 Warm-Up – -Workout -No -TGFU. -Timers for Games
(Thursday) is my  A D10-6 Work-Out -
duotang Contact WU involving
Bestie’  C A10-1 LA1 – Rebound -Duotangs competiti
A10-5 Relay -Observation -Tchouk Nets on and
LA2 – 2 v. 2
4 C10-1 Tchoukball -Tchoukballs personal
LA3 – Circle -Fist of 5 on
C10-3 challenge
Juggle confidence in
C10-5 skills
March 5th ‘I Think I  D D10-1 Warm-Up – -Workout -No contact -TGFU. -timers for Working
Tootsie Transfer
(Friday) Might Love  A D10-6 Workout - duotang during -Direct WU with team
Tchoukball’  C A10-1 Orange game Instructio -Duotangs to create
LA1 – Reveal of -Observation
A10-5 teams for -Keep head n -Team name/che
5 C10-1 tourney, creation up lists/roles ers, first
of team names, -Presentation
C10-4 cheers, etc.
of team name
-Teach how -Tchoukballs time
C10-5 LA2 – Full-court to properly -Tchouk Nets playing
Tchoukball & cheer
LA3 – Debrief, dive the full
review of rules, game
presentation of
March 9th 1st Annual  D D10-1 Warm-Up – -Workout -reminder -Sports -Timers for Tournam
‘Create the
(Monday) Chinook  A D10-6 Rules’ Tag duotang of rules of Education WU ent day!
‘Yotes  C A10-1 Workout - Blue -Observation Tchoukball. . -Duotangs All work
LA1 – Review of -pedometer
Tchoukball A10-5 teams, team -Work with -Tournament up to this
names and counts
6 Tournament C10-3 team to board point has
cheers -inclusion of
C10-4 LA2 –
ensure -Tchoukballs led to this
C10-5 TCHOUCKBAL everyone is -Tchouk nets moment
L TOURNEY! player
moving and
-use of team

McFadden Educ3601
Stage 1 – Desired Results
Established Goals:

GLO A: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities

GLO C: Students will interact positively with others

GLO D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that…
How can skills from other games transfer to Tchoukball
 Cooperation is a function that is used and vice versa?
daily in all areas of life
 Creating good habits early will lead to a How can embracing different roles in sport encourage
lifelong interaction with physical growth?
 Sports are about more than just skill – How can embracing different roles in sport help develop
they involve cooperation, confidence, relationships?
and uplifting teammates

Students will know… Students will be able to…

How to use both locomotor and non-locomotor Demonstrate appropriate fundamental movement skills
skills in the Tchoukball setting related to Tchoukball

How to interact and collaborate positively with Apply learned locomotor and non-locomotor skills
peers to create a team environment.
Collaborate with a diverse group of peers.
How to assume and fill the roles they are given
in a situation/activity Demonstrate followership and leadership skills in a
tournament setting
The importance of physical activity, developing
good/healthy habits, and leading an active life. Maintain a vigorous activity level for short periods of
HITT workouts

McFadden Educ3601
Tchoukball Assessment Matrix
Workout Tchoukball Rule
Title / Fist of Five Exit Slip
Duotangs Presentation
Learning Attitude
Outcomes Type
(Formative/Summative Summative Summative Summative Formative Formative

Weighting 30% 15% 55% N/A N/A

A10–1 apply and refine locomotor
skills and concepts – effort, space and
relationships - to perform and create a
variety of activities to improve X
personal performance

A10-5 apply and refine manipulative

skills and concepts – effort, space and
relationships – to perform and create
a variety of activities to improve
personal performance
C10–1 communicate thoughts and
feelings in an appropriate respectful
manner as they relate to participation X
in physical activity

C10–5 develop and apply practices X

that contribute to teamwork

D10-1 demonstrate a commitment to

an active lifestyle through X
participation in and out of class

D10-6 analyze current physical activity

lifestyles and establish personally X
challenging goals to maintain X
participation for life

McFadden Educ3601
Assessment Tool Overview
Assessment Assessment
Assessment Tool Brief Description FOR
AS Learning OF Learning
To encourage daily activity, students
will record which workout was done,
Workout the date it was done on, their X
Duotangs time/score, a self-evaluation out of 5, X
their heart rate (HR) and their HR after
one minute
Each group will be assigned a rule of
Tchoukball to research/present. Their
presentation must include the rule,
Tchoukball Rule what happens when the rule is broken, X
Presentation and what purpose the rule serves.
Presentations will be given in class, and
individual participation/cooperation
within the group will be considered.
PE requires high degrees of
participation, cooperative attitudes, and
Participation/ X X
the end goal is a growth in skill. Each
day students will be given a mark out of
5 based on these three things.
This serves mainly for me to decide
which direction to go in, which skills
need more work, and which students
might need more individual
Fist of Five instruction/esteem boosts. I will ask
students to show a fist of five about
how they feel about their skill
progressions and understanding of the
game at the end of day 4
As assessment for their learning,
students will be asked to complete an
exit slip at the end of day 1. This slip will
Exit Slip help me identify who is understanding
X McFadden Educ3601
the rules, as well as self-assess the
students cooperation and willingness to
learn/try new things

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