Grade 9 Badminton Unit Plan

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Grade 9 Badminton Unit Plan

Miss. Jackie Toane

To be an effective teacher in the Physical Education sector, one must possess the following quality traits: 1. Patience. Patience is key to keep not only your sanity as an educator but the focus and motivation of your students. New skills are often introduced daily in a P.E. class and require lots of practise for some students. Technique in an activity takes habitual repetition and if a teacher is frustrated with the lack of progress, the student will be very unlikely to participate any further. This leads us to the next trait, 2. Motivation. As P.E. teachers, it is our job to educate our students on various activities in multiple environments. We are subliminally motivating students to find something they enjoy and take that motivation outside the gymnasium and practice said activities for their own benefit. The motivating of students starts right when the students walk in to class. Connect them to the material to be covered for the day and try to ignite a spark for further physical activity once they leave. With motivation comes a need for 3. Passion. I believe in the idea that if Im not excited about an activity, there is no way my students will be excited. Coming into every lesson of everyday with a sense of excitement will automatically draw the students in. They may not share the complete envelopment of the activity as you do but through your passion and motivation, students will be more willing to participate. In order to fulfill the traits described above, a teacher must first be

4. Organized. Organization is a learned trait. Some teachers wont plan another lesson after university however I believe that in order to provide a worthy physical education experience, organization and planning is crucial. We are required to teach the POS and its outcomes. Collect evidence of the students learning and focus your lesson on no more than three outcomes at a time to give your lesson purpose. Also, being prepared for a location change or lack of attendance for a lesson, can ensure a meaningful physical education experience no matter the situation. Lastly, an effective teacher must continually 5. Provide individual and collective feedback. I believe the only way to progress is with feedback. It can be individual or collective. As long as students have a direction that you provide them, progress can be made. They say there are coachable athletes; I believe all students are coachable; they just need suggestions in a way that makes sense to them. Taking initiative and finding out how your students learn best will be the base of an effective teachers feedback strategy.

The purpose of this unit is to introduce the game of badminton and to create an interest and a level of success in the game so that the students will want to continue to participate for the rest of their lives. Introducing the game of badminton at this level is developmentally appropriate for these students because badminton is a lifetime sport and is a sport that will keep the individual active along their life span. This is a fun and enjoyable unit that students will want to participate in because of its competitive but also easy nature aspects of the game. The unit focuses on a pattern or progression. Each day the lesson will review what was learned prior as well as introduce a new skill. Time to practice each class followed by two separate tournaments will allow for students to work on the skills that need improvement with game like situations and in class support. The assessments chosen for this unit were created to ensure both teacher and student responsibility. The checklists will require observation from the instructor while the student self-assessment forces the student to think critically about their performance. The skills test is followed by a quiz because I feel the rules are equally if not more important than the skills of badminton. These assessments allow for students to express their way of learning and accommodate that with various assessment strategies. The lesson plans and the strategies that coincide are of a varied nature to reach the intelligence in the classroom. I have attempted to share the learning responsibility while being fully committed and available for feedback and support. I feel my learning strategies provide choice and options to keep the students engaged.

Plan Outline : Unit to run two and a half weeks

Lesson Number 1 Lesson Title SLOs Learning Activities Assessment Safety Instructional Strategies -lecture modeling -games -peer feedback Equipment Motivation The Basics: grip, stance, forehand shot, the court. A9-2 -warm up (4 corners bean bags) - grip/stance modeling and observation -court lines agility game (timed) -play with peer feedback -discussion (student feedback) -observation Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups. 2 Backhand shot. Singles vs Doubles court. Rules -back hand grip and body position. Game of targets -lecture courts singles and doubles (student modeling) and definitions -quick rules..use cards and have everyone tell their rule they have on the card -practice singles 3 Serves, singles and doubles. A9-4 A9-5 A9-6 -student teach review of the courts -warm up(knee slaps game) -observe how accurate their serves are with proper technique Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure -modeling -student teach - practice/game Rackets, birdies, nets -competition -peer positive feedback -scale 1-5 how they feel about the rules, 1 worst, 5 best. A9-5 C9-1 -warm up (agility and dynamic arm movements) -observation of student feedback and modeling Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups. -student modeling -lecture -peer teach -games Rule cards Rackets, birdies, nets. -positive reinforcement -peer teach (presentation opportunity) Badminton Rackets, birdies, nets. -positive reinforcement -timed games (competition)


-model singles serve then practice(good serve requirement as approved by partner) -model doubles serve then practice -practice doubles

-peer feedback

adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups.


Over and underhand clear.

A9-4 A9-5

-warm up (relay race arm focus) -lecture overhand and underhand clear and benefits -student modeling of the clears -back alley game -jersey day next class! -practice singles

-observation checklist=summative - observation - student feedback for possible alterations

Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups.

-lecture -student modeling -games

Rackets, birdies, nets Tennis balls, hoola hoops, baseball bats

-positive reinforcement -competition in both warm up and alley game -jersey day upcoming

Drop shots.


-warm up (home base 4 corners) -pedometers -student discussion what is a drop shot and when do we use it? -correction and lecture followed by modeling -deception game (blind folds, attempt to get to home base and anticipate whats coming.) - practice doubles -were doing drive shots next class mike will develop warm up

-prior knowledge of the drop shot by discussion -observation of technique and use of shot -pedometer scores

Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups.

-group discussion -lecture -modeling -game -practice

Rackets, birdies, nets Pylons, blindfolds, pedometers

-competition -positive feedback -peer teach next class

for us 5 mins. 6 Drive shots. A9-5 D9-4 -Mikes warm up -feedback on the warm up things you liked -model the drive shot and when to use it -reflexes are important work w a partner and make 10 consecutive drives -practice singles -julie has warm up tomorrow 7 Smash. A9-5 D9-4 -Julies warm up -peer suggestion/likes -discussion: why to use the smash -student modeling -set a goal for accurate smashes -practice doubles Kevin warm up tomorrow -peer feedback -observation -types of goals set Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups. Protect self when a smash is coming. - student feedback -observation checklist=summative -observation of technique and use of Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for -peer teach -peer feedback -modeling -competition -lecture Rackets, birdies, nets New point system to encourage shot use -think pair share -student modeling -practice Rackets, birdies, nets -goal setting -positive feedback and reinforcement -peer feedback on warm ups -observation of technique Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups. -peer teach -peer feedback -modeling -game -practice Rackets, birdies, nets -positive feedback - peer teach coming up

Around the Head.

A9-5 D9-4

-kevins warm up -feedback on warm up - demonstrate shot and why it may be useful

-positive peer feedback

-practice singles Extra points for around the head successes

multiple shots -anything you want more time to work on write on the white board - exit slip -observation

mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups. Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts. Head up in warm ups.

-game play

Game Play strategies.


-warm up (tag games) - doubles strategies -singles strategies -practice for skill test and possible notes from last class -exit slip

-games - lecture and modeling -practice and feedback

Rackets, birdies, nets

-skills test tomorrow sharpen those skills!


Skills test

A9-5 A9-6

5 sections: -short and long serves, drop shots, underhand clear, smashes -QUIZ

-students records of the skills test -observation -Quiz

Set up and dismantle routines consistent

-feedback and scores at each station -active testing

Rackets, birdies, nets Towels for targets, recording sheet quiz

-to do well on the test, incorporate a skills test trophy!


Singles Tournament

C9-6 D9-6 D9-7

-set personal goals and ways to achieve them as a ladder tournament commences

- etiquette and fair play demonstrations - observe the winner board

Set up and dismantle routines consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts..

-game play -peer and teacher feedback

Rackets, birdies, nets

-To move up the ladder - singles tournament ribbon


Doubles Tournament


Double elimination tournament/mix

-etiquette and fair play

Set up and dismantle routines

Game play Peer/ teacher

Rackets, birdies, nets

To win the tournament and claim the doubles challenge trophy!


consistent. Ensure adequate room for mobility on and between the courts.


Grade Breakdown
The badminton unit will be out of a total of 40 marks based on the following criteria:

Observation Checklist: First: /5 Second: /5 Self-Assessment: Overall assessment /5 Quiz: /10 Skills Test: Attendance: /10 /5

The observation checklist will be completed by the teacher twice per student and will cover the following areas; Student is changed (1 mark) Student is respectful to classmates (1 mark) Student is on task and non-disruptive (2 marks) Student displays sufficient effort to their ability (1 mark).

The Self-Assessment will be completed by the student at the end of the unit and will allow students to justify their score. The quiz will focus on court boundaries, singles and doubles rules, scenarios, shots, and strategies. The skills test will be a peer honour system activity where the skill is set up and students will have to perform a task based on the instructions provided. A handout will be filled out by each student and will be handed in to me at the end of class.

Forms of Assessment: 1. Observation Checklist

Badminton Checklist Lesson: Drop shots Student is changed. *N = not changed (1 mark) Student is respectful to classmates. *DR= disrespectful (1 mark) Student is on task and non-disruptive. *OT=off task (2 marks) Student displays sufficient effort. *LE= lacks effort(1 mark) Total /5 Jan. 23, 13

Ms. Toane Class List: P.E Name Steph K. Michelle Will Kelly Aaron Jan 23 3 N, OT 4N 5 5 3 DR(cursing), OT 4N 4N Feb 5 Feb Mar Mar 8 11 28

Rory Brittany

Forms of Assessment: 2. Self-Evaluation

Student Self- Evaluation Name:___________________ Unit:______________________

For the unit you have just completed, provide yourself with an overall score out of 5 using the criteria below. Be honest and provide a brief (2-3 sentence), justification as to why you deserve this score in the comment section below. -overall confidence and performance of the skills learned in the unit -his/her overall improvement of the skills learned in the unit Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

Forms of Assessment: 3. Skills Test

Badminton 9 Skills Test: Name:________________________ *Please read the instructions carefully and be honest. I will be observing as the testing is going on. NOTE: You will have a chance to redo one of the stations you wish to improve after I have seen your first attempt on the record sheet. Good Luck! Station 1: Short serves Serve underhand or backhand to the target towel. You will have 10 birdies to serve, how many hit the towel is what you will record below. REMEMBER: Watch your stance and how high the racket is when you serve. o /10 attempts successful

Station 2: Long serves Serve underhand to the targeted area (back alley). You will have 10 birdies to serve, how many hit the back alley area as said by your partner is what you will record below. If you hit an alley line it counts. If you hit the corner, it is worth 2 points! Yes it is possible to get over a 10. o /10 attempts successful

Station 3: Drop shots Your partner will continually pass the birdy to you at varying heights. Return these passes with a drop shot aimed to fall right behind the net. If the bird lands between the service line and net record a point. You will have only 10 drop shots to attempt. o /10 attempts successful

Station 4: Clears Your partner will continually pass the birdy to you at varying heights. Return these passes with a clear, overhand or underhand. Aim for the back alley again. If it lands in the alley or touches the line that is one point. If it lands in the corner it is worth 2 points! o /10 attempts successful /40. *add up all the successful attempts please.

Total Attempts Successful Station 5: Smash -

Your partner will send a clear to the mid court. You will have 5 opportunities to show ME that you can execute the smash. I am looking for accurate technique, stance, weight transfer, and contact point. It doesnt need to be really hard but I am looking for a down ward motion. After 5 attempts with ongoing feedback, I will tell you check one of the following: o Yes I can do the smash with excellence 10 points o My technique is good I need a bit more practice 8 points o I made multiple errors and will practice hard!! 5 points

Hypothetical Student
Student name: Tyler Austin Check list scores: Total from 2 observations within 12 lessons, 4 + 5= 9/10. *Notes: Tyler was noted as not changed in the first observation. Self-assessment: 3/5. Justification= I lost a lot. Quiz: 16/ 20 = 80% (8/10) Skill Test: Station 1:9/10 Station 2: 9/10 Station 3: 7/10 Station 4: 7/10 Redo: 5/10 Station 5: needs more practise 8/10 :8/10 Attendance: 11/12 classes = 0.916 (4.5/5) Total 32.5 /40 Comments: Tyler, I really enjoyed your enthusiasm in each and every lesson. You are changed most every class which shows me you are motivated and ready to participate. You know the rules of the game very well yet struggled on the quiz regarding the shots. You skills test reflected this in that your drop shots and clears could use some work. Your serves both long in singles and short in doubles are fantastic! You work very well with others and your strategy use is great. Keep working hard Tyler you are a great athlete and a fantastic addition to my class room.

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