Handball Unit Plan

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Introduction / My Philosophy of PE

As part of the grade 6 curriculum in physical-education, students will participate in a

handball unit. Prerequisite skills required to participate in this unit include proper body

coordination, hand-eye coordination, and object control skills. The expected ability of the

students will be beginner with the expectation that they can excel to have a basic understanding

of handball skills and specific defined locomotor movements by the end of the unit.

My teaching philosophy is focused on building physical literacy, exploring new skills,

creating an inclusive learning environment, and creating fun experiences with a focus on

physical and mental health. I want my students to feel positive about physical activity when they

come to class and understand as well as feel all of the positive aspects that can arise from a

healthy balanced lifestyle. I will achieve this by giving relevant information throughout my

teaching related to these concepts and giving the students the chance to ask questions. I will also

be an active participant in my class to encourage all students to participate and have fun.

My vision is for the students to achieve their full potential through participation in the

handball unit by working independently and collaboratively on two main skills: skill

development and social aspects. Through skill development, the aim is for students to work on

developing movement patterns and skills that can translate into other sports and areas of life. In

the social pillar, we will focus on building student confidence, self-esteem, assertion and work

on teamwork, fair-play and cooperation with other students.


Students who require differentiation in the handball unit will be given the opportunity to partner

with students on their skill level and play on a lower skill level team during a game

- Specialized Equipment: rackets that vary in size and weight and birdies that vary in size

and color

- Mini-lessons: practice ball coordination skills on the sidelines

● https://www.lisdtx.org/cms/lib/TX02215761/Centricity/Shared/School%20Health/
● https://www.ihf.info/sites/default/files/2020-03/H@S_booklet_0.pdf
● https://web.uvic.ca/~thopper/tactic/Units/KristinaJamie/PE452%20Project/index.html
● http://www.bchandball.ca/files/Schools/BCTHF/Lesson_Plan.pdf
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcBwK9NTqNw
● https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/
● https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4b3VVLyaSQ
● https://uploads.gaahandball.ie/files/warm-ups.pdf

Learning Outcomes
Unit Assessment Plan

Subject: Physical Education Topic: Handball

Grade: 6 Length: 6 classes (4 days x 3 weeks)

Mon – Thurs

General Outcomes (in full):

● General Outcome A: Students will acquire skill through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement
● General Outcome D: Students will assume responsibility to lead an active way of life

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Big picture/ideas after you have unpacked the outcomes These address more specifically how you will achieve the
big picture/ideas
● Developing physical skills that allow for enjoyable
● How does handball increase basic locomotor and
and successful participation in movement activities is
nonlocomotor skills?
essential to lifelong participation in physical activities
● How does manipulating objects in various
● Assuming leadership, developing teamwork skills, and environments increase basic skills?
taking responsibility for personal things translates into all ● How does fair play and cooperation relate to
physical activities. individuals’ experiences?
● What is the importance of listening and following
directions in physical education?

Specific Outcomes: Prior Understandings…

● Safety related to spatial awareness
A6: Demonstrates ways to receive, retain, and send objects ● Basic locomotor skills such as hand eye coordination
with control and swinging the racket
● Ability to work with others
D6–1: demonstrate enjoyment of participation through ● Ability to listen and follow basic instructions
extended effort in physical activity
Where does this lead? (Future outcomes in the same
course, following grade-level classes, etc.)
- Develop skills to participate on team, or just as a
starting ground for new skill development to
apply to other sports (such as hand-eye

- develop handball skills to carry on into

junior high and high school

Classroom Management

Overall Plan

Classroom management techniques for this unit will continue based on how the

other unit rules were implemented in the last unit. Students will be expected to stop

playing with equipment when they hear the whistle. If students fail to follow the

instructions of this method they will be asked to complete pushups. If a student is being

unsafe, not participating in an appropriate manner, or being disruptive during instruction,

they will be issued a first strike. If a second strike is needed they will be asked to sit out

of class and lose privileges to fun activities and equipment. Safety is the number one

priority in physical education and will be taken into account with behaviour.

Day to Day

✤ Students will be told when they are allowed to obtain handball equipment

Start of Class
✤ Upon arrival to gym, students will come in and sit in the centre of the gym and
wait for instructions for the warm-up
✤ Once everyone has completed the warm-up, students will sit in a circle around the
teacher and listen to an explanation of the day’s lesson activities

End of Class
✤ With the sound of the whistle, the students will pause and wait for next instruction
✤ Put nets and balls

✤ Bring a positive attitude, respect to teacher and other students and a willingness to
participate to their best ability

Unit Plan Outline

Grade: 6 Unit: Handball Duration: 7 Days

Safety Implementations:
The safety concerns during the handball unit correlate to special awareness, non contact play, and safety of oneself
and others while playing handball on a court.

Date Lesson Title GL SLO’s Assessment Key Questions Learning Activities Instructional Equipment/
Plann O’s Strategies Resources/
ed to Technology

Intro to A Observation What is Intro to handball TGFI Handball

Day 1 Handball A6–5 checklist handball?
Rules II Volleyballs
A6–6 What are the
rules of Dribble relay Nets
Keep away Timer

Mini game Pinnies

Day 2 Review and A Observation How do you Drill relay TGFI Handball
Gameplay A6–5 checklist throw a
handball? II Volleyballs
A6–6 Review of rules
What are fouls Nets
in handball?
Handball game Timer
What are the
important lines? Pinnies

Day 3 Strategy and A Observation What is proper Touch the opponent TGFI Handball
Defence A6–5 checklist strategy in
handball? Interval handball II Nets
D A6–6
How can you be Game Timer
D6–1 a good defensive
player? Pinnies

Day 4 Game play A Observation How can you be Pacman tag TGFI Handball
A6–5 checklist a good
C teammate during Review of rules II Nets
A6–6 a game?
D Pylon handball Timer
D6–1 How can you
follow the rules Game play in shifts Pinnies
correctly? (round robin style)

Day 5 Game play A Observation How can you be TGFI Handball

A6–5 checklist a good Rob the nest
teammate during II Nets
D A6–6 a game? Game play in shifts
(round robin style) Timer
D6–1 How can you
follow the rules Pinnies

Day 6 Game play Observation How can you be Ball bounce TGFI Handball
checklist a good
D teammate during Game play in shifts II Nets
D6–1 a game? (round robin style)
How can you
follow the rules Pinnies

Day 7 Game play A Observation How can you be Keep the basket full TGFI Handball
A6–5 checklist a good
C teammate during Game play in shifts II Nets
A6–6 a game? (round robin style)
D Timer
A6–10 How can you
follow the rules Pinnies
C6–3 correctly?


Grading Outline
This unit will be weighted through percentages on each assessment to total

1. Participation / Effort - 40%

- student participates in all activities regardless of skill level
- student makes a genuine effort to improve

2. Skills - 40%
- student can demonstrate specific skills (serving, forehand clear

3. Behaviour: Teamwork / Fair Play - 20%


- student demonstrates respect for self and others and shows

sportsmanship and respect in a game setting

= 100%

Assessment Plan
Students will be formatively and summarily be assessed throughout the handball unit in
order to promote learning on their behalf and from the teacher’s perspective

Assessment FOR Assessment OF

Assessment Tool Brief Description Learning Learning

Students will be marked based on a combination

Observation of skills, effort and behaviour of cooperation and
Checklist fair play throughout this unit on a observational X X

Handball Observational Unit Checklist

Class: 6_
Effort /4 Behavior Comments Skill Level /4
Student Name
Demonstrates ways to receive,
retain, and send objects with

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