اسئلة الثالث الوزارية 8 نسخ 2017

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Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Feb.

Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all questions.
Reading Comprehension.
Q1) Read these texts carefully. (15 M)
A- I work as a fire fighter in the fire station in my city. Yesterday I arrived at the fire station at 6 a.m. I
checked everything as usual. Our first call was at 8 o'clock. We were called to an accident on the ring
road. The police helped us to get there fast. One car was on fire and another car was upside down on the
road. Fortunately, the driver of the burning car was standing by the side of the road. However, the driver
of the other car was trapped. We put out the fire quickly and got the second driver out. He was badly
injured. Then at the same night we were called at 12 o'clock because there was a fire in a big mall in the
middle of the city. When we got there, the fire was burning strongly. The heat was terrible and some
people were trapped inside. We put out the fire and we could go into the building and saved all the people.
But some people had to go to the hospital. At the end of the day I was tired and upset about the accidents.
Now answer (Five) of the following questions:
1. When did the fire fighters arrive at the fire station?
2. What happened to the two cars?
3. Was the driver of the burning car injured badly?
4. Who helped the fire fighters to go to the place of the first accident?
5. No body died in the two accidents? (True / False)
6. Some people were trapped in the burning mall, but all of them were saved. (True / False)
7. The writer was happy and relaxed at the end of that day. (True / False)
B- Answer (Five) of the questions below using the information from your text book: (10 M)
1. The " panther 3.0D" has seats for eight people. (True /False)
2. Before the falconry, the Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat. (True / False)
3. Lucy's brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents. (True / False)
4. Where can Marsh Arabs be found? (Answer)
5. From an early age, Ibraheem was interested in ........... (Complete)
6. Where did the Iraqi minister of education arrive? (Answer)
Q2) Grammar, Functions and Punctuation. (25 M.)
A- Complete the following sentences: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. How about (visit, visiting, to visit) our sick friend?
2. What will happen if you (come, came, comes) late to school?
3. Which is (the, more, the most) fastest living thing?
4. Eaten too much is very bad for (our, ours, us) health.
5. Hilla 1s greener than (It used, it used to, used to) be.
6. I would like (going, go, to go) to the park this afternoon.
B- Do as required: (Choose 5 Only) (10 M)
1. He is fat. He's .......... fat. (Make this sentence more polite)
2. Invite your friend to come to the school graduation party. (Use: would you like)
3. Let's play tennis. (Accept)
4. Apologize to your teacher for being late for the first lesson.
5. 15:10. Tell the tune.
6. She has .......... hair. (Re-arrange the adjectives: black, beautiful)
C- Punctuation: (5 M)
Re - write the sentence below using capital letters and punctuation marks.
ali cant travel to basra next friday
Q3) Vocabulary, Spelling. (25 Marks)
A- Fill in the gaps with words or phrases from the list below: (Choose 5 Only) (5 M)
[look after, wages, airbags, hunt, careful, naughty, spectacles]
1. Cars have .......... so that people can be safe in crash.
2. The .......... in some jobs are not very high.
3. I need .......... to see clearly when I'm reading.
4. I have to .......... my sick mother.
5. Owls .......... and kill small animals at night.
6. My brother is very .......... and causes a lot of problems.
B - Match the verbs in list (A) with the suitable endings in list (8). (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
List A: 1. win 2. score 3. do 4. borrow 5. brush 6. spend
List B: a. story from your friend b. Shopping in the mall c. a goal in the match d. much money
to buy tools e. a medal in the race f. your teeth every morning.

C- Write words that match those definitions. (choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. Something you do in your spare time ...........
2. The fastest bird in the world ...........
3. Activities like running, jumping and swimming ............
4. Words and pictures to help sell things ...........
5. You can clean your teeth with ...........
6. Rice and wheat, for example ...........
7. A factory for changing sugar or oil from the natural state .............
D- Spelling:
Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M)
1. I, my; they, ........... 2. car, by car; foot, ...........
3. look, looked; lose, ........... 4. good, bad.; safe, ............
5. long. longer; fit, .......... ... 6. Iraq, Iraqi; Japan, ..........
Q4) Story time:
Answer the following questions: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Why had Kareem been saving up for months?
2. What was the special thing attracted Salam's attention?
3. Lucy played Samara in tragedy play. (True / False)
4. How many times Kareem had read Al - Nawab's poems?
5. The deer found a remote grass field in forest to give birth. (True / False)
6. What did Salam take with him on Tuesday?
7. Al-Sabah Newspaper makes a special offer to five young students from local schools. (True /

Q5) Writing: (15 Marks)

Choose either (A) or (B):
A) Write an e-mail. Invite a friend to attend an event (birthday party / join a picnic / visit monuments
and museums). Tell your friend about the date and the time of the event.
B) Write about your life. Make use of these questions:
- Where were you born? where do you live now? Who is in your family?
- What were you like and what did you use to do before you started school?
- How do you feel about intermediate school? what lessons do you enjoy? what do you do outside
- What job would you like do? why? do you like to go to university? why? why not?
Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education July. 2017
Examination in English for Intermediate schools Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all the questions.
Reading Comprehension. (25 Marks)
Q1) A) Read this text carefully:
My name is Tariq Salim. I am Libyan and I arrived in Baghdad yesterday. I came to study medicine at
Baghdad University. This is my first visit to Iraq. I arrived at Baghdad International Airport at ten oclock
last night after a nice journey. Then I took a taxi to the hotel. I'll stay in it for a few days before I move to a
university hall. I couldn't go out to see Baghdad that night because I was very tired. The next day I woke up
early and after I had eaten my breakfast, I decided to go and see the people at the university. In the garage l
asked a man to show me the way to the university. Then I took the first bus. After one hour, the bus came to
the last stop but the university was not there. I asked the bus-driver about the university. The driver told me
that the university was on the other side of the city and I had taken the wrong bus.
Now choose the most suitable answer: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Tariq came to Baghdad to ........... (a. see the ruins b. study medicine c. visit some friends)
2. Tariq couldn't get to Baghdad university because he......... (a. was very tired b. cou1dn't catch the
bus c. took the wrong bus)
3. Tariq arrived Baghdad Airport in the ......... (a. morning b. evening c. afternoon)
4. The journey was ........... and Tariq enjoyed it. (a. nice b. horrible e. terrible)
5. Tariq was from ........... (a. Libya b. Lebanon c. Iraq)
6. Tariq visited Iraq ........... (a many times b. for the first time c. two years ago)
B) Describe whether the following statements are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. Tariq came to Baghdad by plane.
2. He decided to stay in the hotel for few days before moving to a university hall.
3. Tariq asked the hotel manager to show him the way to the university.
4. Tariq took a taxi to the university.
5. After he had eaten his breakfast, he decided to go to bed.
6. The bus - driver told Tariq that he had taken the wrong bus.
C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. The Panther 3.0D has seats for eight people. (True / False)
2. Lucys father falls in the pool with all his clothes. (True / False)
3. ls blanket weaving still popular in many homes? (Answer)
4. Before falconry, the Bedouins used to eat a lot of meat. (True / False)
5. Marsh Arabs live in arched houses built from ............ (Complete with one word)
6. Ibraheem was not interested in animals before he went to school. (Truth / False)
Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 Marks)
A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Huda enjoys playing tennis. (Negative)
2. How about (go) to the mall? (Correct the verb)
3. Ali fell down and broke ........... leg. (Use the suitable pronoun)
4. Cows are (as big as, bigger than, the biggest) goats. (Choose)
5. Let's go for a picnic today. (Accept)
6. Did you bring the book I asked for? Choose the suitable answer:
(Oh, I'm sorry / that's Ok. / I forget)
B) Choose the correct answer: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. If there were no spiders, there .......... be more insects. (a. will b. would c. can)
2. Nada has ............ hair. (a. beautiful curly black b. black beautiful curly c. curly black beautiful)
3. I dont mind flies. (a. So do I. b. Neither do I. c. Neither am I.)
4. That is the girl ........... won the top prize. (a. which b. whose c. who)
5. Can I have ............ apple, please? (a. an b. a c. the)
6. I ........... my uncle two days ago. (a. am going to see b. see c. saw)
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks(
Vocabulary: (15 Marks)
A) Choose words from the box below that suit the following definitions: (Choose 5 only) (5 M(
(comedy, athletics, weather forecast, hobby, brush, adults)
1. We can clean our teeth with this.............
2. Information about sun, rain and temperature............
3. Something you do in your spare time.............
4. People who are not children..............
5. Activities like running, jumping and swimming............
6. A funny book, film or play.............
B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B): (Choose 5 only) (5 M(
List A: 1. information 2. insect 3. swimming 4. disc 5. litter 6. sun
List B: a. proof b. brakes c. bin d. desk e. roof f. pool

C) Fill in the blanks with the suitable words (a, b or c): (Choose 5 only) (5 M(
1. A ........ is someone who takes care of sick animals. (a. policeman b. fire fighter c. vet)
2. Farooq is studying law at the university. He wants to be a ............ (a. lawyer b. doctor c. mechanic)
3. Salwa cant go now. She is ............ the dinner because her mother is ill. (a. cooking b. painting
c. helping)
4. Hazim ........... a goal in the final match yesterday. (a. played b. scored c. sent)
5. A bat is not a bird but, it can .......... like a bird. (a. walk b. bite c. fly)
6. Cars have CD player so that the driver can ........... (a. sing a song b. listen to music c. let light in)
Punctuation: (5 Marks)
D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and correct punctuation marks. (5 M(
batool cant meet all her friends in mosul next friday
Q4) Story Time and Spelling: (20 Marks(
A) Story Time: (Choose 5 only) (10 M(
1. Describe Kareems character. (Answer)
2. What did Salam Ahmed want to be? (Answer)
3. The Alumni went to the professor's house by (bicycles / rickshaw). (Choose)
4. The pregnant dear was surrounded by dangers when she was about to give birth. (True / False)
5. Salam took his notebook and a camera with him and went to the restaurant on Tuesday. (True/ False)
6. Kareem had read all of Al-Nawab's poems at least twice and found them very boring. (True /False)
B) Spelling
Write the missing words. (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. good X bad; expensive; ........... 2. do, did; get, ...
3. small, smaller; thin, .......... 4. I, my; we,
5. car, by car; foot, ............ 6. Iraq, Iraqi; India, ...
Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks)
Choose either A or B:
A) Write an e-mail describing a friend. The following points may help you:
His / her name, his / her age. his / her favourite subject, his / her hobbies, his / her likes and dislikes,
His / her appearance, his / her personality.
B) Write about your life. Make use of these questions:
Where and when were you born? Where do you live now? Who is in your family? Which class are
you in? What subject do you like? Do you have friends in your school? Are you working hard now?
What job would you like to do? Will you go to university?
Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Jun. 2017
Examination in English for Intermediate schools
Note: Answer all the questions. Time: 3 Hours
Reading Comprehension. (25 Marks)
Q1) Read this text carefully.
On last Saturday, Laith and Sameer got up early and had breakfast. Then they put on their helmets and
went to the Baghdadi Museum by their bicycles. They left Laith's house at half past seven. While they were
cycling, they saw a big car near a corner. Then a lorry turned the corner very fast. "Look out!" said Laith.
Suddenly Sameer fell off his bicycle. The driver stopped. Sameer was unconscious! The driver phoned for an
ambulance and the police. "Hurry up! I hit a cyclist!" After a short time, the police arrived and then an
ambulance came to the place of accident and took Sameer to the hospital. A doctor made general check up to
Sameer's body and the nurses looked after him. When Sameer woke up in the hospital on the next day, the
doctor asked him some questions. Then the doctor said, "You are lucky." "Your helmet saved you. It protected
your head."
A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M.)
1. How was Sameer carried to the hospital?
2. What happened to Sameer near the corner?
3. Who called for the ambulance and the police?
4. Where were Sameer and Laith going on Saturday?
5. What were they wearing when they rode their bicycles?
6. Why was Sameer lucky?
B) Describe the following sentences whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. Sameer stayed in the hospital unconscious for a week.
2. A doctor examined Sameer's body in the hospital.
3. Sameer was unconscious because he was wearing a helmet.
4. The driver was helpful and called for the ambulance and the police.
5. Laith and Sameer didn't arrive at Baghdadi Museum because of the accident.
6. The lorry was moving very slowly round the corner.
C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M.)
1. Children are interested in the "Panther 3.0D" and they sit in the back and try the electric seats and
windows. (T / F)
2. Lucy's brother is very clumsy and is always having silly accidents. (T / F)
3. How did the Bedouin use to hunt on? (Answer)
4. . is used as transport in the marshes. (Complete)
5. When Ibrahim left school, he .......... at Cairo University. (Complete)
6. Where and when was Ibn Al-Haitham born? (Answer)
Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 M.)
A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. He is lazy. He is lazy. (Make the sentence more polite)
2. What's your favourite colour? (Express your preference. Use "white")
3. 16.05 (Tell time)
4. A bear is bigger than a wolf. (Re-write the sentence. Use "small")
A wolf is
5. Define a doctor.
6. What do you say when you ask someone to show you the way to the park?
7. I'm sorry. I just dropped the orange juice on the table. (Respond to the apology)
B) Complete the sentences below with the suitable choices: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. Ali ran (in the race fast yesterday / fast in the race yesterday / fast yesterday in the race).
2. My uncle (has been / will be / have been) in Lebanon for two years.
3. Snakes (can find / can be find / can be found) in deserts.
4. I'd rather (helping / help / to help) my mother in the kitchen.
5. If there was a spider in the room, I (will / would / am) put it outside.
6. Have you read (an / a / the) English book?
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks)
A) Write words that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
1. You can clean your teeth with this ............
2. Something you do in your spare time .............
3. A funny book, film or play ...........
4. Three or more people waiting in a line ............
5. Hobby is to sit by a river with a long thin rod ............
6. Information about sun, rain and temperature
B) Match the words in List (A) with the suitable words in List (B) to make compound nouns:
(Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
List A: 1. air 2. video 3. sun 4. shop 5. insect 6. litter
List B: a. roof b. bin c. game d. proof e. bag f. assistant

C) Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the list below: (Choose 5 only) (5 M.)
(look after, hardworking, gum, species, grow, regulate)
1. Elephants . very big, but it takes many years.
2. The Caliph of Egypt needed Ibn AL-Haitham to . the flooding of the River Nile.
3. Forty . of birds can be found in the marshlands.
4. My brother is very .... He always does extra homework.
5. Sudan is the world's main producer of Arabic ...
6. the nurses the patients in the hospitals.
D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks. (5 M.)
im so happy to meet salwa and nadia in hilla next monday
Q4) Story time:
A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M.)
1. What was there for customer number 50? (Answer)
2. At last the deer gives birth to a ........... (Complete)
3. Why did alumni decide to visit the old university professor? (Answer)
4. Kareem had read Al - Nawab's poem and found them ........... (Complete with one word)
5. The deer focuses on giving birth to a new life and doesn't think of dangers. (T / F)
6. What did the editor say to the reporters? (Answer)
B) Spelling:
Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M.)
1. good X bad; difficult, ........... 2. look, looked; grow,
3. clean, cleanest; sad, ... 4. Iraq, Iraqi; Egypt, ...........
5. I, me; we, . 6. car, cars; roof, ...........
Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks)
Choose either (A) or (B):
A) Write an e-mail. Invite your friend to attend your birthday party:
Tell him / her about the place / the date and the time of the birthday.
B) Write about a TV program. Use these words about the TV program:
very interesting / about ... / very funny / the report was amazing / give details about ... / useful
information about ....
Republic of Iraq- Ministry of Education Aug. 2017
Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time: 3 Hours
Note: Answer all the questions.
Reading Comprehension. (25 Marks)
Q1) Read this text carefully.
Captain Ben has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane
called a 'Pilatus Porter'. This wonderful; plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about
it, however, is that it can land anywhere: on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Ben's first
passenger was a doctor who flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then,
Captain Ben has flown passengers to many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of a block of flats
and on another occasion, he landed in a deserted car park. Captain Ben has just refused a request to fly to
Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean. Ben thought that the trip was too dangerous.
A) Now answer (Five) of the following questions: (10 M)
1. Where was the first trip of Ben's unusual taxi?
2. What is the small plane called?
3. Who was the first passenger to fly to Welsh mountains?
4. What has Captain Ben bought to begin a new service?
5. What places can the small plane land on?
6. Why did Captain Ben refuse to fly to the lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean?
B) Describe the following statements whether they are (True) or (False): (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. The taxi can carry more than seven passengers.
2. Captain Ben flew from Swiss to Birmingham.
3. Captain Ben's plane can carry passengers to many unusual places.
4. The most surprising thing is that the plane can land anywhere.
5. No one wanted to travel by Captain Ben's plane.
6. Captain Ben has just flown to an island in the Atlantic Ocean.
C) Answer (Five) of the following questions using the information from your text book: (10 M)
1. How many seats does the "Panther 3.0D" have?
2. Samara's brother spills his drink at lunch and then he ... (Complete)
3. Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job?
4. The Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat before falconry. (True/ False)
5. How long did it take to build the Tigris?
6. Marsh Arabs live in arched houses build from ... (Complete)
Q2) Grammar and Functions. (20 M.)
A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. Saleem fell down and broke . leg. (Use a proper pronoun)
2. Sameer is fat. Make the sentence more polite.
Sameer .
3. Define a mechanic. (Use: repair cars)
4. Let's go to the park. (Accept)
5. 14:10 (Tell the time)
6. Express your dislike concerning spiders.
B) Choose the correct choice: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. A vet is someone takes care of sick animals. (a. which b. where c. who)
2. Cotton and sugar . in Sudan. (a. is grown b. are grown c. grown)
3. If there . more mosquitoes, we would get more bites. (a. are b. was c. were)
4. How about . to the mall. (a. go b. going c. to go)
5. It rained ... (a. last night heavily in Baghdad b. heavily in Baghdad last night c. in Baghdad
heavily last night)
6. Iraq is greener than . be. (a. it used to b. it was used c. it used)
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation: (20 Marks)
A) Write words that match these definitions. (Choose 5 only) (5 M)
1. The fastest bird in the world .
2. A question and answer program ...
3. Another word for a writer ......
4. Someone who writes about events for a newspaper ......
5. A factory for changing sugar and oil from their natural state ......
6. It makes cars, boats and planes move ......
B) Write the following words under the correct headings: (Sports) and (jobs) (5 M)
1. actor 2. boxing 3. carpenter 4. swimming 5. architect

C) Fill in the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below: (5 only) (5 M)
(advice, to, episode, well-known, population, transport, survivor)
1. Lucy really enjoyed filming the latest ....... because they go away as a family on a holiday.
2. Traditional boats (Mashhoof and tarrada) are used as ...
3. Most of the ...... in Libya live in and around the capital, Tripoli.
4. Nawal Ramzi was a ....... dentist.
5. A dentist will give you a good ...... about how to look after your teeth.
6. There are disc brakes ...... help you stop quickly.
D) Punctuation. (5 Marks)
Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and punctuation marks.
nadia bought a beautiful little black french table

Q4) Story time:

A) Do as required: (Choose 5 only) (10 M)
1. How did Kareem find Al-Nawab's poems after he had read? (Answer)
2. When the labour pains begin, the pregnant deer focuses on giving birth to a new life. (True/ False)
3. What did the son buy his father? (Answer)
4. Who agreed to visit the old university professor? (Answer)
5. What was Kareem's dream? (Answer)
6. The son looked at his father with love and respect. (True/ False)
B) Spelling:
Write the missing words. (Choose 5 Only) (10 M)
1. good X bad; dark, ........... 2. small, smallest; hot,
3. Iraq, Iraqi; Japan, ... 4. slow, slowly; comfortable, ...........
5. is, was; try, . 6. I, my; it, ...........

Q5) Written Component: (15 Marks)

Choose either (A) or (B):
A) Write about your life. Make use of these questions and notes below:
How old are you? Where do you live? Your family. Where do you study now? What do you feel about
school? What subjects do you like? What are your hobbies? What job would you like to do? Why?
B) Write about country. Make use of these notes:
The name / The capital / The site / The population / The crops / the animals / the exports
Republic of Iraq-Ministry of Education Aug. / 2017
Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time / 3 hours
Note : Answer all the questions
Reading Comprehension ( 25 Marks )
Q1)A) Read this text carefully :
Captain Ben has bought an unusual taxi and has begun a new service. The 'taxi' is a small Swiss aeroplane called a
' Pilatus Porter '. This wonderful plane can carry seven passengers. The most surprising thing about it, however, is that
it can land anywhere : on snow, water, or even on a ploughed field. Captain Ben's first passenger was a doctor who
flew from Birmingham to a lonely village in the Welsh mountains. Since then, Captain Ben has flown passengers to
many unusual places. Once he landed on the roof of block of flats and on one occasion, he landed in a deserted car
park. Captain Ben has just refused a strange request from a businessman. The man wanted to fly to a lonely island in
the Atlantic Ocean, Ben thinks that the trip was too dangerous
Now answer ( Five ) of the following questions : ( 10 M. )
1. Where was the first trip of Bens unusual taxi ?
2. What is the small plane called ?
3. Who was the first passenger to fly to Welsh mountains ?
4. What has Captain Ben bought to begin a new service ?
5. What places can the small plane land on ?
6. Why did Captain Ben refuse to fly to lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean ?
B) Describe whether the following statements are ( True ) or ( False ) : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
1. The taxi can carry more than seven passengers .
2. Captain Ben flew from Swiss to Birmingham .
3. Captain Bens plane can carry passengers to many unusual places .
4. The most surprising thing is that the plane can land anywhere .
5. No one wanted to travel by Captain Bens plane .
6. Captain Ben has just flown to island in the Atlantic Ocean .
C) Answer ( Five ) of the following questions using information from your textbook : ( 10 M. )
1. How many seats does the Panther 3 OD have ?
2. Samaras brother spills his drink at lunch and then he . ( Complete )
3. Can sometimes a hobby turn into a job ?
4. The Bedouin used to eat a lot of meat before falconry . ( True / False )
5. How did it take build The Tigris ?
6. Marsh Arabs live in arched houses build from . . ( Complete )
Q2) Grammar and Functions . ( 20 Marks )
A) Do as required : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. Saleem fell down and broke . leg . ( Use the proper pronoun )
2. Sameer is fat . Sameer .. . Make the sentence more polite .
3. Define a mechanic . Use ( repair cars )
4. Lets go to the park . ( Accept )
5. ( 14: 10 ) . ( Tell the time )
6. Express your dislike concerning spiders.
B) Choose the correct choice . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. A vet is someone .. takes care of sick animals . (a. which b. where c. who)
2. Cotton and Sugar . In Sudan . ( a. is grown b. are brown c. grown )
3. If there . More mosquitoes , we would get more bites . ( a. are b. was c. were )
4. How about to the mall . ( a. go b. going c. to go )
5. It rained ..
(a. Last night heavily in Baghdad b. heavily in Baghdad last night c. in Baghdad heavily last night )
6. Iraq is green than . be . ( a. it used to b. it was used c. it used )
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation : ( 20 Marks )
A) Write words that match these definitions : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
1. The fastest bird in the world .
2. A question and answer programme .
3. Another word for a writer .
4. Someone who writes about events for a newspaper .
5. A factory for changing sugar and oil from their natural state .
6. It makes cars , boats and planes move .
B) Write the following words under the correct headings : (sports ) and ( jobs ) ( 5 M. )
1. actor 2. boxing 3. carpenter 4. swimming 5. architect
C) Fill the blanks with the most suitable words from the list below : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
[advice , to , episode , well-known , population , transport , survivor ]
1. Lucy really enjoyed filming the latest . because they go away as a family on a holiday .
2. Traditional boats ( Mashhoof and tarrada ) are used as . .
3. Most of the .. in Libya live in and around the capital , Tripoli .
4. NawalRamzi was a .. .
5. A dentist will give you a good about how to look after your teeth .
6. There are disc brakes help you stop quickly. .
Punctuation : ( 5 Marks )
D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and correct punctuation marks . ( 5 M. )
nadia bought a beautiful little black french table
Q4) Story Time and Spelling : ( 20 Marks )
A) Story Time : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. How did Kareem find Al-Nawbs pomes after he had read them ? ( Answer )
2. When the labour pains begin . the pregnant deer focuses on giving birth to a new life . ( True / False )
3. What did the son buy his father ? ( Answer )
4. Who agreed to visit the old university professor ? ( Answer )
5. What was Kareems dream ? ( Answer )
6. The son looked at his father with love and respect . ( True / False )
B) Spelling : ( 10 Marks )
Write the missing words . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. good X bad ; dark , .. 2. small , smaller ; hot ,
3. Iraq,Iraqi , Japan , .. 4. slow , slowly ; comfortable ,
5. is , was ; try , . 6. I , my ; it , . .
Q5) Written Component : ( 15 Marks )
Choose either A or B
A) Write about your life. Make use of these questions and notes below:
How old are you ? Where do you live ? Your family . Where do you study now ? What do you feel about..
What subjects you like ? What are your hobbies ? What job would you like to do ? Why ?
B) Write about country . Make use of these notes:
The name / The capital / The site / The population / The crops / The animals / The exports
Republic of Iraq-Ministry of Education Sep./ 2017
Examination in English for Intermediate Schools Time / 3 hours
Note : Answer all the questions
Reading Comprehension ( 25 Marks )
Q1) Read this text carefully :
Huda has a pen friend called Helen . Helen lives in London, the capital city of Britain . Last month she visited
Huda and her family . Huda , her mother and her young sister were at Baghdad Airport to receive Helen and
welcome her . Hudas father was not there because he was working . Hudas family took Helen to their house . That
night Hudas mother cooked a delicious evening meal . She cooked rice , fish and vegetables . She didnt cook any
meat because Helen was vegetarian . Helens hobby is collecting pictures of birds . The next day Hudas father took
the two girls out in his car looking for birds. Helen was very glad because she got lots of photos of birds that live in
Iraq but dont live in Britain . Huda took Helen to Al-Zawara park and to the National Museum. Helen had a
wonderful time in Iraq . Next year Huda and her mother will visit Helens family .
A) Now answer ( Five ) of the following questions: ( 10 M.)
1. Where does Helen live ?
2. Who took Helen and Huda in his car to look for birds ?
3. What was Helens hobby ?
4. Why didnt Hudas father receive Helen at the airport ?
5. How did Helen come to Iraq
6. Could Helen take photos of birds in Iraq ?
7. Why didnt Hudas mother cook meat in the evening meal ?
B) Describe whether the following statements are ( True ) or ( False ):( Choose 5 only ) (5 M.)
1. All Hudas family were at Baghdad Airport to receive and welcome Helen .
2. Helen stayed with Hudas family in their house .
3. Helen visited her pen friends last week .
4. Helen and her father will visit Helens family next year .
5. Helen was very happy because she got lots of pictures of birds that live in Iraq .
6. Huda took Helen to visit the National Museum .
C) Answer ( Five ) of the followingquestions using information from your textbook : ( 10 M. )
1. The Panther 3. 0 D is actually quite cheap . ( True / False )
2. Samaras brother is older than her . ( True / False )
3. What can a person acquire by practicing in particular hobby ?
4. How fast can Falcons dive ?
5. Where do Marsh Arabs live ?
6. How often do the Asian Games take place ?
Q2) Grammar and Functions . ( 20 Marks )
A) Do as required : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. Luma enjoyed playing volleyball. ( Change the sentence into negative )
2. The dawn is more beautiful than the night. ( Re-write the sentence use : as as )
The night is not .
3. Nadia fell down the stairs and broke leg . ( Use the proper pronoun )
4. Define a mechanic . ( fixes cars in the garage )
5. Invite your friend to come to the party in your home.
6. Apologize to your father fry being late.
7. Express your preference concerning going to the mall. ( Id love )
B) Choose the correct choice . ( Do 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. Hasan has a jacket.
( a. beautiful black French b. French black beautiful c. black beautiful French )
2. What will happen if the change ? ( a. continued b. continues c. will continue )
3. Baghdad is more crowded than be . ( a. it used to b. used to c. it used )
4. We like student study hard. ( a. where b. which c. who )
5. Muna did .
( a. well in the exam yesterday b. yesterday well in the exam c. well yesterday in the exam )
6. Id rather to the fun fair . ( a. to go b. go c. going )
Q3) Vocabulary and Punctuation : ( 20 Marks )
Vocabulary : ( 15 Marks )
A) Choose the words from the box below that match the following definitions : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
queue , advertisement , crops , talk show , gum Arabic , Falcon
1. A kind of glue .
2. A conversation between famous people.
3. The fastest bird in the world .
4. Words or pictures to help sell things. .
5. Rice and wheat , for example .
6. Three or more people waiting in line .

B) Match the words in List ( a ) with the suitable words from List ( B ) : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
List A : 1. wind 2. disc 3. shop 4. DVD 5. electric 6. swimming
List B : a. brakes b. pool c. player d. proof e. seats f. assistant
C) Choose the most suitable words : ( Do 5 only ) ( 5 M. )
1. Eating too many sweets is ( good / bad ) for your teeth.
2. A ( reporter / fire fighter ) writes about events for a newspaper.
3. Cars have airbag so that you ( can / cant ) be safe in crash .
4. He should drive ( careful / carefully ) on wet roads.
5. Fatin has to look ( after / at ) her sick mother .
6. I sit by the river with a long , thin road ( swimming / fishing ).
Punctuation : ( 5 Marks )
D) Re-write the following sentence using capital letters and correct punctuation marks . ( 5 M. )
Are there many news shops in al- mansour mall in baghdad
Q4) Story Time and Spelling : ( 20 Marks )
Story Time :
A) Do as required : ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. How did Kareem find Al-Nawbs pomes after he had read them ?
2. Who is the professor ?
3. Who was the lucky boy ?
4. Was Kareem the first to buy the latest of the poet ?
5. How did the deer face the negative thoughts and dangers ?
6. What did Salam take with him on Tuesday ?
B) Spelling : ( 10 Marks )
Write the missing words . ( Choose 5 only ) ( 10 M. )
1. I , my : it , . 2. fast , fastest ; hot , .
3. Iraq,Iraqi , Russia , . 4. slow , slowly ; easy , .
5. is , was ; say , . 6. car , cars ; watch , .
Q5) Written Component : ( 15 Marks )
Choose either A or B
A) Invite your friend to come to your brothers wedding in fantastic gallery in Baghdad.
You will offer him a ticket on the internet . Please let me know you are free on Friday.
Olive gallery. Let me know tomorrow.
B) Write about TV program , make use of the following points :
Very interesting / about . / very funny / camera man / filming / report talk
Begin : I watched a TV program last night.

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