PTE Summaries

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Speaking Schedule

Read aloud Easy to score 2 times in a week

Repeat Sentence Easy to score 2 times in a week
Describe image Very Imp 3 ( E)
Re-tell lecture VVV Important 1 ( E)
Important and easy
Answer short question to score Alternate days


Important and easy

Summarize written text to score 1 ( E)
Important and easy
Write essay to score 1-2 ( E)


Important and easy

Multiple choice, choose single answer to score 1 ( E)
Important and easy
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers to score 1 ( E)
Re-order paragraphs VVV Important 1 ( E)
Fill in the blanks VVV Important 1 ( E)
Fill in the blanks VVV Important 1 ( E)


Summarize spoken text VVV Important

Important and easy
Multiple choice, choose multiple answers to score
Fill in the blanks Easy to score
Highlight correct summary VVV Important
Important and easy
Multiple choice, choose single answer to score
Select missing word Easy to score
Highlight incorrect words Easy to score Alternate days or 3
Write from dictation Easy to score times a week
When computers first appeared on the scene, it was thought they would make us more productive in providing goods and services, smarter and possibly happier. Skeptics cla

Technology is the collection of techniques and application of the scientific knowledge. Technology has immensely blessed human kind with various inventions and one of the
disappointed with it in terms of productivity. Lets dwell deeper and discuss the notion in detail.

In my viewpoint, computers have escalated the productivity in providing goods and services, as now a days one can buy everything on internet for instance clothes, medicine
happier. In addition to this, one can complete a task within nano seconds with the help of the computer software that has further accentuated the productivity of a person an

On the flipside, a handful of people disagree with the notion and believe that computers have made human being his slave. The dependency on computers has risen to such
because of no knowledge of computers. Moreover, many health issues are encountered in people who work regularly on computer.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that every thing has some positive as well as negative points. It entirely depend on the perception of a person. Therefore, for few people co

Large shopping malls are replacing small shops, what is your opinion, good or bad?

In the advent of modern era, life is getting very busy. People are left with no time to move from one place to another in search of grocery, clothes, cosmeti
dwell deeper and discuss whether this should happen or not.

In my viewpoint, the replacement is happening for good as every individual is working these days and for working professionals shopping is a tedious task.
something for each age group. Because of this, one can spend a good quality time with his family.
On the flipside a handful of people opine that abolishment of small shops might create an economic imbalance in the country as its the only source of inc

In a nutshell, it can concluded that it is very necessary to maintain the balance between the large shopping malls and small shops for the welfare of the pe

Advantages of learning new foreign language in a professional life. Discuss?

Language plays an indispensible role in persons life as it helps to communicate with other. In todays time, it is necessary to have excellen
discuss the importance of a foreign language in a professional life in detail.

Learning a foreign language always provides benefit in a professional life as it leads towards many new opportunities within his country. A
addition to this, one can also get a chance to work in a foreign country.

Not only professionally, but also learning experience of a foreign language changes the personality of an individual for instance the confid
than one language is considered as smarter than others.

In conclusion, it can be reiterated that as learning is a continuous process. Thus, one should always keep on enhancing the language skills
Many people think regions affect successful person. Write your opinion about native region and accomplished person influence.

Success refers to the accomplishment of an aim or an effort. The meaning of success is different for every individual. It is believed by some
others believe that it has nothing to do with the region, it entirely thrives on the psychology of an individual.

There is a famous saying knowledge is power, an individual possessing the skill of knowledge can do wonders. Famous example is of Dhi
with a small amount of money. Another example is of Richard Branson, owner of Virgin.

However, at times environment is a significant reason for the success of an individual, for instance Anil Ambani and Mukesh Ambani, son o
father. In addition to this, pass outs from the top business schools are its example.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that to some extent environment matters however, it also thrives on the goals of a person and the effort

Do you think consumers should avoid over packaged products or is it the responsibility of producers?

Consumer is the person who consumes the products. He is the ultimate user of the product. So, while making the products the producers
Therefore, before buying the product he ensures whether it is good for his health or not. Thus, producers started doing the over packaging
in detail.

I believe consumers should not avoid the overly packed products as the packaging is done for our benefit only. As the customer is becomin
from various fatal diseases as well as to attract them towards the product. In addition to this, at times the over packaging is done to motiv

On the flipside, a handful of people believe that the products that are overly packaged are harmful for our health as lots of preservatives a
people to consume it the product is multiple times packed.

In a nutshell, it can be concluded that indeed overly packed products are attractive and good for health however while making them prod

Roles of governments, companies and individuals to combat climate change.

In the advent of modern era, the dependency of an individual is increasing on the technology. Because of the escalated demand new facto
government, companies as well as individual need to play a vital role. Let us delve deeper and discuss their role in detail.

Due to the emission of harmful gases from the industries as well as due to the increasing pollution our environment is getting immensely
problems in the individuals present in our society. Also, the companies use lots of paper for the official work that is made from the trees. I

Such problems can be curbed if government put a limit on the release of the gases and companies start using the electronic media instead
effective and efficient use of the resources.

In a nutshell, it can be reiterated by making the joint effort we can fight with the problem of the climate change otherwise it would not be
Person is considered to be successful when he has achieved respect and recognition in the society. At times success
However, others believe that its his circumstances, which makes him successful. And getting success he influences t

I disagree with the notion that regions affect successful person because a person becomes successful after lot of ha
are lots of examples such as a daughter of rickshaw puller became Chattered Accountant, son of a gardener became

On the flipside, a handful of people agree with the notion, as they believe to be successful region place an immense
aim high. Also, a good parenting and schooling can make a person successful in the life.

In a nutshell, it can be reiterated that success comes with the dedication, hard work and achievement of goals, whic

Inequality between world citizens used to be determined in equal measures by class and location. New research, however, reveals that people's fortunes are being d
primarily by where they live. As a result, economic migration has become the key way for individuals from developing countries to improve their economic standing. A
governments will not be able to alleviate the pressure of migration on their societies until global inequality is reduced.

In Global Inequality: rom class to location, rom proletarians to migrants. Branko Milanovic, of the University of Maryland, examines the differences in income between c
and concludes that a key priority for policy makers should be aid and support for developing countries. 'Not only is the overall inequality between world citizens greater
early 21 st century than it was more than a century and a half ago, but its composition has entirely changed; from being an inequality determined in equal measures by
location, it has become preponderantly an inequality determined by location only,' finds the report. 'Analysis of incomes across countries for different members of the p
reveals a wide gap between the underprivileged in wealthy societies and in less wealthy countries. This fact is of great political and economic significance. Individuals ca
make large gains from migrating to wealthier countries.'


Amrit Pai
Global inequality between world citizens caused by various factors has resulted in economic migration for people from developing countries to enhance their econo
standing, however, the governments can mitigate the pressure of migration by reducing the global inequality.- (38 words)
Amrit Pai- Another one
Global inequality has led to economic migration for the individuals from developing countries to enhance their economic standing and governments can mitigate th
migration pressure by diminishing the global inequality.- (30 words)

Global inequality, caused by incomes and location between world citizens has led to economic migration from developing countries to enhance their economic stand
policy makers should support to the developing countries to reduce the pressure of migration.-(38 words)


English is the world's lingua franca. The language of science, technology, business, diplomacy and popular culture. That probably explains why it is the world's most wid
language. It probably also explains why native English speakers are so reluctant to learn a second language. It's not worth the effort.

In 200S, the European Commission carried out a survey of the European Union's 25 member states. The two with the lowest rates of bilingualism - defined as being able
conversation in more than one language - were the UK and Ireland. About two-thirds of people in these countries speak only English. If a similar story wherever Englis
as the mother tongue. Only about 25 per cent of US citizens can converse in another language. In Australia, the rates are even lower.

Compare that with continental Europe where multilingualism is the rule rather than the exception. More than half of EU citizens are bilingual and not just because they
countries like Luxembourg with multiple official languages. Even in France, which has only one official language and is immensely proud of its linguistic heritage, most pe
speak a second language.

Again, that is largely down to the dominance of English. Across Europe, English is by far the most commonly learned language. High levels of bilingualism are not driven
general desire to learn languages but a specific need to learn English.

Amrit Pai

English is the world's most widely spoken language in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and the US with the lowest bilingual levels, however, in continental Europe, it is the
amongst their inhabitants as they have an interest and a specific need to learn English.-(45 words)

Amrit Pai- Another one

English is the most popular spoken language in the US, Australia, and Ireland with the lowest bilingual levels, however, in continental Europe, it is the highest as the
inhabitants have a particular need to learn English.-(36 words)


English is the world's most widely spoken language in Ireland, Australia and much more with lower bilingual rates, however, in Continental Europe, the bilingual lev
higher as it is the rule than an exception.

Times are fraught, and overstretched executives are constantly on the lookout for a way to dear their minds so they can work in a calmer more effective, and more resp
way. Cultivating a special state of consciousness called 'mindful ness' - an intense awareness of the here and now - is proving attractive to a growing number of senior m
both in the US and elsewhere.

Mindfulness is achieved by meditation techniques, often involving sitting on a cushion, eyes dosed, concentrating on the inflow and outflow of your breath. Or you migh
minutes studying, sniffing, tasting and finally eating a piece of fruit, That might make it sound like a remnant of the navel-gazing I 960s and I 970s, but the evidence for
mindfulness's effectiveness is good enough to have impressed hard-nosed companies such as Google (which has invited mindfulness gurus to speak at the Googleplex),
Mills, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deutsche Bank, Procter & Gamble, AstraZeneca, Apple, Credit Suisse, KPMG, Innocent, Reuters and many more.
According to Don McCormick, assistant professor of management at California State University and a dedicated meditator. it 'can help individuals to manage workplace s
perform tasks more effectively, enhance self-awareness and self-regulation, experience work as more meaningful, improve worl<place relationships, increase ethical beh
make perception more accurate'. It is said to pay dividends for leaders and managers, by improving the quality of their listening and communicating.


Amrit Pai
Mindfulness a special state of consciousness is achieved by meditation techniques, sniffing and consuming a fruit which has helped the employees to relieve their st
enhance self-regulation, and enhance the workplace relationships and this has also impressed the top-notch companies.- (43 words)
Amrit Pai- Another one
Mindfulness is achieved by a variety of meditation techniques, studying, and consuming a piece of fruit which has helped the overstretched employees to relieve th
workplace stress and in various areas and this has also impressed the top-notch companies.

Mindfulness is a special state of consciousness that is achieved by meditation and its various techniques as it releive workplace stress and enhance self-regulation o
overstretched executives.

One of the many critiques of academic research that one runs across is that a lot of research done by a faculty at universities across America doesn't 'do' anything: it do
to some new product that can be marketed; it doesn't create jobs; it doesn't have an obvious social value, After all, people argue, do we really need studies that chart th
maturation of catfish? Or that explore the nuances of a minor poet? What is all this for?

As a consequence of attitudes like these, many people particularly politicians and business persons - argue that the research function should be stripped from academ
least those parts of academia that aren't the major research institutions. Then universities wouldn't need so many faculties, and costs could be contained.

Academics like me offer lots of standard objections to this line of thinking: that research keeps one fresh and up-to-date in the discipline; that the faculty often works wi
students on their research, thus providing students with invaluable training for their future careers and so on. All of this is true, but I want to add a different point: the p

In 1990, I took an appointment at the University of Alabama-Huntsville. I had a police officer student who invited me for a ride along. I went ultimately many times. Th
that emerged from the research project I established from that first ride was later included on a list of 'must read ' books on public administration by the Government of

I have no problem with accountability. But if you had asked me what my purpose was when I took my first ride along, and you had demanded to know what use the rese
be put to, I would have to ld you, 'I have no idea'.
Academic research offers numerous benefits such as it keeps the students active in the discipline and offer priceless training for their future careers, however, it doe
any clear idea and it has an absence of social value.-(39 words)
Nikita Palan
Though academic research offers plenty of standard objections with invaluable training and discipline in students, it does not have an obvious social value, does not
jobs and lack of clear idea.

PARAGRAPH: PTE Test Plus 2013- Test 1-Summary 1

By far the most popular and most consumed drink in the world is water, but it may come as no surprise that the second most popular beverage is tea. Although tea was
grown only in certain parts of Asia in countries such as China, Burma and India - it is now a key export product in more than 50 countries around the globe. Countries t
tea, however, need to have the right tropical climate. which includes up to 200 centimetres of rainfall per year to encourage fast growth. and temperatures that range fr
35 degrees centigrade. They also need to have quite specific geographical features, such as high altitudes to promote the flavor and taste of the tea. and land that can o
of shade in the form of other trees and vegetation to keep the plants cool and fresh . Together these conditions contribute to the production of the wide range of high-q
that are in such huge demand among the world's consumers. There is green tea. jasmine tea. earl grey tea, peppermint tea. tea to help you sleep, tea to promote healin
to relieve stress; but above all. tea is a social drink that seems to suit the palates and consumption habits of human beings in general.


Amrit Pai
Originally Tea was grown in only three countries, it has now become a major export product in over 50 countries, however, to manufacture the wide range of the be
teas, it requires the appropriate geological conditions and this has led to a massive demand amongst the world's consumers.-(49 words)
Nikita Palan
The tea is the second most preferred beverage in each part of the world, but to manufacture a wide range of high-quality teas, it requires right tropical climate, adeq
rainfall and particular geographical features.

PARAGRAPH: PTE Test Plus 2013- Test 1- Summary 2

With all the discussions about protecting the earth and saving the is easy to forget that we also need to preserve many species of fish that live in the oceans. In
countries. much larger quantities of fish are consumed than was the case a century ago when fish only featured on the menu once a week. These days, fish has become
healthy alternative to meat and this has created a demand for species such as cod, mackerel and tuna that far outstrips the demands of the previous generation. Throug
world too, increasing consumption during thepast 30 years has meant that the shallow parts of the ocean have beenoverfished in an effort to supply homes, shops and
with the quantities of fish that they require. Yet despite the sophisticated fishingtechniques of today, catches are smaller than they were a century or moreago. What is
boats are having to drop their nets much deeper intothe oceans and the fish they are coming up with are smaller and weigh lessthan they used to. While government co
have had some effect onfish stocks, the future does not offer a promising picture. Experts predictlarge-scale extinctions and an irreversibly damaging effect on entireeco
un less greater efforts are made to conserve fish stocksand prevent overi'lshing in the world's waters.


Amrit Pai

The demand for various species of fish consumption around the world has hampered the shallow areas of the ocean leading to overfishing, massive extinctions, and
ultimately damaging the entire ecosystems.-(30 words)

Nikita Palan

The increasing demand of fish consumption around the globe has damaged the shallow parts of the ocean and as a result, the sizes and weights of fish have dipped
entire ecosystems has irreversibly damaged.


Costa Ricans, as any other people, are complex and full of surprises. Bacially speaking, the country is one of the most homogenous of the region. Costa Ricans don't like
themselves as racists, but they also enjoy talking about their unique whiteness, when compared to other Latin American countries. The 1989 census classified 98% of th
as white and 2% as black or indigenous. Even though racial problems don't exist to the extent that they do in the U.S. or in some European countries, some Ticos look do
darker-skinned people. However, racial confrontations are extremely rare and prejudice, even though it exists, is displayed in indirect and careful ways.

Costa Rica is also homogenous when it comes to social classes. Most of the population can be placed in a middle-class, and even though extreme poverty exists, it's not
problem as it is in other Latin countries. By the standards of a developed country, Costa Rican incomes are very low, but when compared to other neighbours, salaries an
prove to be much better. Besides the poor and middle classes, there is an upper class, which is very elitist. Even with the existence of extremely rich or poor individuals,
Rican society is composed mostly by a middle-class, which causes the impression of class and social homogeneity.

Amrit Pai
Costa Rica is one of the most homogenous countries in social classes with a large proportion of middle-class and a very few upper- class individuals, but racial proble
that is displayed in indirect and careful ways.-(38 words)
Nikita Palan
Costa Rica is a country of homogenous in terms of social classes with most Costaricans incomes very less and a few upper class, however, racial confrontations is dis
indirect and careful ways.

Question 2

It is natural to be healthy, but we have wandered so far astray that disease is the rule and good health the exception. Of course, most people are well enough to attend
work, but nearly all are suffering from some ill, mental or physical, acute or chronic, which deprives them of a part of their power. There is too much illness, too much su
too many premature deaths. We are losing every year a vast army of individuals who are in their productive prime. The average individual is of less value to himself, to h
and to society than he could be. His bad habits, of which he is often not aware, have brought weakness and disease upon him. These conditions prevent him from doing
mentally and physically.

This abnormal condition has a bad effect upon his descendants, who may not be born with any special defects, but have less resistance at birth than is their due, and co
fall prey to disease very easily. This state of impaired resistance has been passed on from generation to generation, and we of today are passing it on as a heritage to ou
Yet it is within the power of each individual to prolong his life beyond what is now considered old age. Barring accidents, which should be less numerous when people fu
that unreasonable haste and speed are wasteful and that life is more valuable than accumulated wealth, human life could and should be a certainty.

Amrit Pai
The various types of illness and bad habits have led to mental and physical weakness on individuals and on their descendants, however, they can prolong their life if
realize that life is more valuable than accumulated wealth and unreasonable haste.-(41 words)
Nikita Palan
The various forms of mental or physical illness, and bad habits have burgeoned the health of individual and this condition has been passed to their descendants, bu
increase their longevity if they realize that life is more valuable than accumulated wealth.

A community or a social group sustains itself through continuous self-renewal, and this renewal takes place by means of the educational growth of the immature memb
group. By various agencies, unintentional and designed, a society transforms uninitiated and seemingly alien beings into robust trustees of its own resources and ideals.
is thus a fostering, a nurturing, a cultivating and a process.
Since what is required is a transformation of the quality of experience, till it partakes in the interests, purposes, and ideas current in the social group, the problem is evid
one of mere physical forming. Beliefs and aspirations cannot be physically extracted and inserted. The required beliefs cannot be hammered in; the needed attitudes can
plastered on. But the particular medium in which an individual exists leads him to see and feel one thing rather than another; it leads him to have certain plans in order
may act successfully with others; it strengthens some beliefs and weakens others as a condition of winning the approval of others. Thus it gradually produces in him a ce
system of behaviour, a certain disposition of action. The word "environment" denotes something more than surroundings that encompass an individual.

Amrit Pai
Education imparts consistent self-renewal in the community, but it requires beliefs, aspirations, and attitudes to inculcate a system of behaviour and a certain action
individuals- (28 words)
Nikita Palan
Education provides immense growth to a social group through consistent self-renewal, however it requires ideas, purposes, attitudes and beleifs to produce a system
behaviour in them.


An important way in which science has changed people and made them more civilized is by making them more tolerant. A tolerant person is one who does not interfer
other people, even if he thinks they are wrong, but he is prepared to let them think what they like and say what they think. If he thinks they are wrong he may try to per
them to believe differently, but he will not try to force them.

This may not seem a very important point. A great deal of the misery of mankind in the past has sprung from people being unwilling to tolerate other people thinking di
from themselves. This intolerance has been particularly common in religious matters. All over the world, people have been killed and have tortured other people for not
the same things as they did or for worshipping God in a different way.

Most religious beliefs are based on faith, and the point about them is that although you may be quite convinced of them yourself, you cannot be sure of persuading othe
to believe them too because you cannot produce evidence for them. Now, it is with regard to beliefs of this kind that people are now more tolerant than they used to be
if a man thought differently about religious matters from his neighbours, he was very likely to be burnt alive. And if he did not believe in God and had no religion at all h
thought exceedingly wicked and was punished. This is no longer so.

Amrit Pai

The science made the people more civilised by making them more tolerant, whereas earlier they were exposed to intolerance as they were killed, tortured, and pun
not believing in the religious matters.-(33 words)

Nikita Palan

Earlier intolerance was found in religious matters and people were killed and punished for not beleiving on other people views, however science changed the people
making them more tolerant.

The world of communication has bound the globe in its network. No customer, colleague or business associate is farther than a phone call or an e-mail away. The comm
technology is a landmark in itself. Telephonic or internet chatting scores high, judged on the criterion of speed. But this conversation lacks the warmth and the feel that
face conversation can lend. The motivation that a pat gives with Thank You and good job has its own significance. Such appreciation can be a strong morale booster. A
conversation is devoid of that personal touch.
Studies have confirmed that communication has less to do with what one says than with the way it is expressed. The gestures and facial expressions involved mean muc
than the content. An experiment performed on babies proved this point. A group of four-month old babies were shown faces on a screen Sometimes the faces develope
contact with babies and sometimes they averted their stare. Slowly an observation was made that babies who had no verbal communication, responded to facial non-ve
communication also. So we can well understand how important is a healing touch or a loving gesture of face to face conversation. The only ones who have benefited
these text communications are those who are shy. Some people face anxiety and are at a loss of words at times of face to face communication. For them this type of
chatting is quite helpful

Amrit Pai

The telephone and internet communications are beneficial to the introverts as they do not have the appropriate words in verbal communication, however, it lacks th
personal touch, eye contact, and facial expressions.-(32 words)

The details of hypnotic operation have been thoroughly classified and many elements of interest have been developed. All these make a body of evidence which will ass
answering the question, what is hypnotism.
Modern scientific study has pretty conclusively established the following facts:
Idiots, babies under three years old, and hopelessly insane people cannot be hypnotized.
No one can be hypnotized unless the operator can make him concentrate his attention for a reasonable length of time. Concentration of attention, whatever the
producing hypnotism, is absolutely necessary.
Persons not easily hypnotized are those said to be neurotic (or those affected with hysteria). By "hysteria" is not meant nervous excitability, necessarily. In medica
"hysteria" is an irregular action of the nervous system. It will sometimes show itself by severe pains in the arm, when in reality there is nothing whatever to cause pain; o
raise a swelling on the head quite without cause. It is a tendency to nervous disease which in severe cases may lead to insanity. The word neurotic is a general term cove
affection of the nervous system. It includes hysteria and much else beside.
The expert hypnotizer often tries to rummage through the human mind, looking for small pieces of evidence that might link turbulence today to occurrences forgotten.

Amrit Pai

The results of scientific study of the hypnotism conclude that it cannot hypnotise on idiots, babies under three years old, insane people, and those affected by neuro
hysteria.-(29 words)


The ongoing conflict between two mega cola companies is known to all. All carbonated beverages generally lie under the flagship of two champs in this field, Coca Col
and PepsiCo. The brand conflict has furthered to a great extent. The lust to dominate does not extend to supermarkets alone. The turmoil extends from control over
supply of colas to supplies to big countries. The rivalry is for global control. This long battle to sweep the global market has lasted for decades. It seems as legendary a
conflict of good and evil. But the choice depends on consumers taste buds. The consumer taste criteria adjudge what is good and what is the evil.
Both Coca cola and PepsiCo leave no stone unturned. They go to the extent of deterring the rival company on URLs and through commercials. Despite all the convulsiv
and both companies claiming the ball to be in their court, the consumer i.e. the jury is still undecided who rules the market.
The steaming competition is forcing the companies to launch new products. The companies are daily remodelling their marketing strategy. Through commercials, pr
campaigns and consumer benefit schemes they want to take the market with a stride but the judgment of the winner lies with the rising sales, profits and consume
They are trying to increase the market share in other beverage categories.
The war to lead the market goes on.

Amrit Pai

The brand conflict between Coca-Cola and Pepsico companies have intensified in restaurants, supermarkets, and most importantly for global control, however, desp
aggressive promotional campaigns and commercials, the actual winner will depend on rising top and bottom line and consumer loyalty. (42 words)
Amrit Pai- Another one
The brand conflict between Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have increased massively in the various areas, particularly, for the global control, however, the actual winner acr
globe will depend on the increasing sales, profits, and consumer loyalty. (37 words)


The rains, at length, in a great measure cease; but it requires some months for the water to run off and leave the valley dry. As soon as it is gone, there springs up from
whole surface of the ground which has been thus submerged a most rank and luxuriant vegetation. This vegetation, now wholly regulated and controlled by the hand
must have been, in its original and primeval state, of a very peculiar character. It must have consisted of such plants only as could exist under the condition of having the
which they grew laid, for a quarter of the year, wholly under water. This circumstance, probably, prevented the valley of the Nile from having been, like other fertile trac
encumbered, in its native state, with forests or with wild beasts.
This most extraordinary valley seems thus to have been formed and preserved by Nature herself for the special possession of man. She herself seems to have held it in r
him from the very morning of creation, refusing admission into it to every plant and every animal that might hinder or disturb his occupancy and control. And if he were
abandon it now for a thousand years, and then return to it once more, he would find it just as he left it, ready for his immediate possession. There would be no wild bea
must first expel, and no tangled forests would have sprung up, that his axe must first remove. Nature is the husbandman who keeps this garden of the world in order.

Amrit Pai

Once rains have vanished in the Nile valley the vegetation is controlled by the man, however, it is maintained and preserved by nature herself from other fertile trac
(30 words)
To examine the organs of digestion one needs to study the appetite and manner of taking food and drink. A healthy animal has good appetite. Loss of appetite does n
a diseased condition but comes from a variety of causes, some might be physiological. Excitement, strange surroundings, fatigue and hot weather may all cause loss
appetite. Sometimes depression, fever, weakness, stomach disorders or difficulty in swallowing also cause diminished appetite. A few times there is desire to eat ab
things like roots, grass, soil due to chronic disturbance of nutrition, and it is variably linked to ones psychological aspects also. In times of inward happiness one tend
more on food but in times of turmoil and tension one loses the desire to eat even if hunger persists. At times, thirst faces this imbalance as well. Especially in times of cr
shock your mouth goes dry. So, hunger loss can not only be connected with appetite loss due to disease, there are profound psychic disturbances also attributing to its f

Amrit Pai
Hunger loss in animals is not only caused because of loss of appetite but also from a variety of physiological and psychological factors which leads to an imbalance in
digestion.-(31 words)


Under the present system of mass education by classes too much stress is laid on teaching and too little on active learning. The child is not encouraged to discover on h
powers, thus losing intellectual independence and all capacity to judge for himself. The over-taught child is the advertising-believing propagandaswallowing, demagogu
man. Moreover, lessons in class leave him mainly unoccupied. He has to be coerced into learning what does not interest him and the information acquired mechanically
forgotten. Quite naturally, lessons in class keep him only superficially preoccupied, keeping the mind largely unoccupied of ideas. A strict external discipline becomes ne
unless there is to be chaos and pandemonium. The child learns to obey, not to control himself. He loses moral as well as intellectual independence.
Such are the main defects in the current system of mass education. Many others could be mentioned but these are defects of detail. We need a new system of universal
of the same kind as proved itself so successful in the training of detectives and infants, but modified so as to be suitable for older boys and girls. We need a system of ind

Amrit Pai
Unlike universal education that inculcates active learning in the pupil, the current method of mass education emphasis too much on teaching the pupil which leads
their moral and intellectual independence. (33 words)

Amrit Pai- Another one

The current system of mass education focuses extensively on teaching the pupils that result in losing their moral and intellectual independence, instead, the world r
the universal education system to promote the active learning. (34 words)


A contest in itself is almost an absorbing spectacle. Games, better than anything else, provide us contests. Here are bloodless battles dogfights out of which both the d
emerge exhausted but cheerful. Here is all the keenness of rivalry without its murderous malevolence. Man, it appears, can understand nothing save by comparison. He
understand strength only by comparing one mans strength with anothers and speed only by comparing one horses speed with anothers. Hence, his passionate interes
sort of game - in which strong men are pitted against each other, or in any fine physical equality - is seen in its relative perfection. As we read history, it reveals itself as a
of tens of thousands of championships won or lost.
Contest has always been there be it a contest between rival men, or a contest between rival nations. A public mans biography is largely the biography of his chief enem
seems to have lived most keenly, where he had to struggle most desperately for victory. Over a period of time his worst moments get transformed into his best memorie
out of the overflow of his keenness, some keenness seems to pour into our own being as we read, and our sleepy attention is awakened as though by a struggle of our o
No doubt, there are other important things in life besides conflict, but there are not many other things so inevitably interesting.

Amrit Pai
The various types of the contest is an absorbing spectacle in a human being wherein he had to struggle desperately for victory and transform his negative moments
best memories.- (31 words)

PTE Testbuilder Macmillan
Test 1- Part 1- Section 3

Amrit Pai
The government sold off their inefficient national services to the private enterprises which may result in short-term economic benefits, however, it may also lead to
social and cultural damage as these services are social provision, not businesses. (40 words)

PTE Testbuilder Macmillan

Test 1- Part 1- Section 4
Amrit Pai
The objective of history should not support national myths, instead, it should inculcate the critical and analytical skills in the pupils and this can be done by studying
historical problems in detail. (33 words)

PTE Testbuilder Macmillan

Test 1- Part 1- Section 5
Amrit Pai
Traditionalists view the carnival in Trinidad is the major cause of disrupting their traditions and cultures, however, others say it generates huge pro
attracts the tourists in massive numbers. (30 words)


The treasure of wisdom and science, which all men desire by an instinct of nature, infinitely surpasses all the riches of the world; in respect of which precious stones are
in comparison with which silver is clay and pure gold is just a little sand; at whose splendour the sun and the moon are dark; compared with whose marvellous sweetne
bitter to the taste. In books I find the dead as if they were alive; in books I foresee things to come; in books warlike affairs are set forth; from books come forth the laws o
We must consider what pleasantness of teaching there is in books, how easy, how secret! How safely we lay bare the poverty of human ignorance to books withou
any shame! They are masters who instruct us without rod or ferule, without angry words, without money. The value of books is unspeakable; no dearness of price ough
a man from the buying of books, if he has the money that is demanded for them, unless it be to withstand the malice of the seller or to await a more favourable opportu
buying. For if it is wisdom only that makes the price of books, which is an infinite treasure to mankind, and if the value of books is immeasurable, how shall the bargain b
to be dear where an infinite good is being bought?

Summary- Neha Handa

Books are invaluable for an individual as he is ready to pay any price for it, also it is futuristic, brings dead into life, set forth warlike affairs and brings laws of peace.

Amrit Pai
Books are the treasure of wisdom as the value of books is unspeakable, immeasurable and infinite treasure to the mankind.


Even though Louis Braille died when he was only forty-three years old he succeeded in devising a system of reading and writing for the blind which is now taught all ove
world. Braille lost his sight accidentally as a child. Nevertheless, he was able to complete his education at a school for the blind in Paris and become a teacher. In his day,
books that were available for blind people were printed in big, raised type. The letters used were those of the ordinary alphabet. The reading of such books required imm
effort. Not only that, writing was almost impossible for a blind person who was still restricted to an alphabet which was extraordinarily difficult to reproduce on paper.
Brailles idea was to use raised dots instead of letters. He evolved a system making use of only six dots in all, various combinations of which made it possible to represen
each letter in the alphabet but also punctuation marks, numbers and musical notations. Reading and writing have thus been enormously simplified. The sensitive finger
person can travel rapidly over the dots: and there is a small machine, something like a typewriter, which enables the blind to write quickly and clearly. Brailles marvellou
invention was the best help one ever could render not only for the blind of ones own age but also for those of ages to come.

Summary- Neha Handa

The (method used by blind)----which method---wrong subject to read and write requires huge effort, however Louis Braille innovated a system which is immensely
uncomplicated, used by the blind of his own age as well as of coming age.
Neha Kanda- Corrections
Louis Braille innovated a system of using six dots only which was immensly uncomplicated and this system not only benefited of his own age but also for future
people who will be blind.
Amrit Pai

The marvellous invention of using six dots by Braille by using various combinations with punctuation marks, numbers, and musical notations helped blind people in
reading and writing, which made their life uncomplicated.

The whole progress of human civilization beyond its earliest stages has been made possible by the invention of methods of thought. These methods enable us to interp
forecast the working of nature more successfully than we could if we merely followed the line of least resistance in the use of our minds. However, when applied in politi
still represent a difficult and uncertain art rather than a science producing its effects with mechanical accuracy.
If Plato could visit us now, he would learn that while our artisans proceed by rigorous and confident processes to exact results, our statesmen, like the artisans of ancien
still trust empirical maxims and personal skill. Why is it, he would ask us, that valid reasoning has proved to be so much more difficult in politics than in the physical scien
Our first answer might be found in the character of the material with which political reasoning has to deal. The universe which presents itself to our reason is the same a
which presents itself to our feelings and impulsesan unending stream of sensations and memories - every one of which is different from every other. Before these fee
impulses, unless we can select and recognize and simplify, we must stand helpless and unable either to act or think.
Exact reasoning requires exact comparison. In the desert or the forest there were few things which our ancestors could compare exactly. The heavenly bodies seem, ind
have been the first objects of consciously exact reasoning, because their position and movement could be exactly compared from night to night. The position and move
objects in politics is quite difficult indeed.

Summary- Neha Handa

The formulation of methods of thought has enabled us to produce accurate results in physical science, however, in politics it is a tedious and an unsure art; in order to g
valid reasoning exact comparison is required.
Corrections-Neha Handa
The formulation of methods of thought has enabled human beings to produce accurate results in physical science, however in politics it is a tedious task and an unsure a
movement and position of objects is very difficult to identify.
Amrit Pai
The invention of methods of thought has progressed the entire human civilization in physical sciences, where there is exact reasoning and it can be exactly compare
in politics these thoughts are very difficult as the position and movement of objects cannot be identified.


A study of society starts with the human beings living together. In the process of human evolution sociability seems a quality ingrained in human nature. Every individua
own personality that belongs to him apart from every other individual, but the perpetuation and development of that personality is dependent on relations with other
personalities and with the physical environment which limits his activity. As an individual his primary interest is in self, but he finds by experience that he cannot survive
His impulses, his feelings, and his ideas are due to the relations that he has with that which is outside of himself. He may exercise choice, but it is within the limits set by
outside relations. He may make use of what they can do for him or he may antagonize them, at least he cannot ignore them. How the individual may best adapt himself
environment and adapt the environment to his own needs helps establish certain definite relationships. Any group of individuals, who have thus consciously established
relationships with one another and with their social environment, is a society. The relationships through which the interplay of social forces is constantly going on make
social organization. The readjustments of these relations for the better adaptation of one individual to another, or to his environment, make up the process of social
development. A society which remains in equilibrium is termed static; that which is changing is called dynamic.

The primary interest of an individual is in himself, however he cannot survive alone in the society, therefore he needs to develop connections with (others) other people
the social environment for the better adaptation of himself to people around him or to his surroundings.

Amrit Pai
An individual cannot survive in solitude, his feelings and ideas are interlinked with society, therefore he has to be sociable and has to establish solid relationships w
members of society, which will help him for better adaptation in social development.

PTE Test Plus 2013- Test 2

Neharika Handa
Many sea creatures respond to as well as produce sounds for various purposes, however the background noise created by shipping, seismic surveys and military activity
intensely affecting the life in the sea.----- has intensely affected the habitat of sea creatures and sea lif
Amrit Pai
Marine animals respond to and produce sounds in underwater for their various purposes, however, the background noise created by shipping, seismic surveys and m
activity has disrupted the habitat of sea creatures and sea life.

Until the middle of the nineteenth century art had been regarded as a luxury for the rich dilettante; people heard little of it, and thought less. There was a popular belie
beautiful things were expensive. There never was a more erroneous idea. The diligent polish in order to secure nice plain surfaces, or the neat fitting of parts together, i
more difficult than adding a florid casting to conceal clumsy workmanship. The mere fact that a piece of work is decorated does not show that it has cost any more in tim
execution than if it were plain frequently many hours have been saved by the device of covering up defects with cheap ornament.
A craft may easily be practiced without art, and still serve its purpose; the alliance of the two is a means of giving pleasure as well as serving utility. People suppose that
design is artistic, its technical rendering is any the less important, but they are mistaken. Frequently curious articles are palmed off on us, and designated as "Arts and C
ornaments, in which neither art nor craft plays its full share. Art does not consist only in original, unusual, or unfamiliar designs; the best art is that which produces desi
grace and appropriateness, whether they are strikingly new or not.
A medieval artist was usually a craftsman as well. He was not content with furnishing designs alone, and then handing them over to men whose hands were trained to t
execution. He took his own designs and carried them out. The result was a harmony of intention and execution which is often lacking when two men of differing tastes p
one object.


A craft can be practiced without art, as it does not only consist in original, unussual or unfamiliar designs, basically it is that which executes design of grace and appropra
Amrit Pai

A craft can be easily practiced without art, but if they both are combined it gives pleasure and serves utility, however the best "Arts and Crafts" pieces are those wh
produces designs of grace and appropriateness.

The physician is expected to meet the grim monster, "break the jaws of death, and pluck the spoil out of his teeth." His ear is ever attentive to entreaty, and within his fa
breast are concealed the disclosures of the suffering. Success may elate him, as conquest flushes the victor. Honours are lavished upon the brave soldiers who, in the str
the foe, have covered themselves with glory, and returned victorious from the field of battle; but how much more brilliant is the achievement of those who overwhelm
that common enemy of mankind, whose victims are numbered by millions! Is it meritorious in the physician to modestly veil his discoveries, regardless of their imp
he has light, why hide it from the world? Truth should be made as universal and health-giving as sunlight. We say, give light to all who are in darkness, and a remedy to t

Summary-Neha Handa

It has been said that give light to all who are in darkness and remedy to the afflicted, like physicians, they are regarded as the one who overwhelm the common enemy
i.e. disease, whose victims are counted in millions.
It has been said that give light to all who are in darkness and remedy to the afflicted, which is the objective of physician as they are regarded as the one who overwh
mankind from disease and save them from death.
Summary- Amrit Pai
The purpose of physician is to overcome from the disease and save the human beings from death and emerge as a victorious like the brave soldiers does in battlefie
however despite the various discoveries in medicine the physician is unable to give a ray of light and remedy to afflicted victims.


Never has there been the slightest whisper of doubt, the slightest want of faith, in the chief God of America unlimited belief in the future of America. The faith of Am
their own country is religious, if not in its intensity, at any rate in its almost absolute and universal authority. It pervades the air we breathe.
The Land of Democracy has always appealed to its more enthusiastic children chiefly as a land of wonderful and more than national possibilities. Neither race nor traditi
actual past, binds the American to his countrymen, but rather the future which together they are building.
When, however, Americans talk of their country as the Land of Promise, a question may well be raised as to precisely what they mean. They mean, of course, in general,
future will have something better in store for them individually and collectively than has the past or the present; but a very superficial analysis of this meaning discloses
ambiguities. How is this Promise to be fulfilled? Will it fulfil itself, or does it imply certain responsibilities? If so, what responsibilities?

Summary-Neha Handa

Americans consider America as the Land of Promise, their trust in the future of America is infinite neither race, tradition or past can restrict them to their countrymen, i
the collective effort of people to have successful future binds them.
Summary-Neha Handa- with corrections

Americans consider America as the Land of Promise with their immense trust in the future, however this promise has certain ambiguities, as how it can be fulfilled.
Amrit Pai
Americans have ennumerous belief and strong faith in the future of America, however when they describe their country as Land of Promise in future for individually
collectively; but there are certain ambiguities as how this promise is going to fulfill.

PTE Test Plus 2013- Test 2- 2nd summary

Summary-Neha Handa

Scientists discovered that capasin is responsible for the sensation in mouth and most of them believe that it majorly acts as a deterrent against would-be mammal pred
as rodents, however researchers in Bolivia proposed that heat helps them to deal with harmful microbes.
capasin spelling is wrong, dont write would be mammal predators---write only a word called as rodents

how can you write them- them means bolivia researchers- how can heat help them to deal- it says that heat protects from growing fungus and prevents harmful mic
Scientists discovered that capasicin is responsible for the sensation in mouth and most of them believe that it majorly acts as a deterrent against rodents, however r
in Bolivia proposed that heat protects from growing fungus and harmful microbes.

Amrit Pai
Scientists have found the capsaicin in the chillies which are responsible for its heat and most scientists believe it also deters from rodents, however, recent research
that it protects from fungus and harmful microbes.

PTE Test Plus 2013- Test 4- 3nd summary

Summary-Neha Handa

Few studies represent positive correlation between physical activity and academic success which has broughtforth inconsitent and non-comparable results, however on
appropriate research has shown acute exercise and chronic training programmes have small, but positive and robust effect on cognitive performance.

noncomparable--uncomparable--synoyms-- use commas before but

Amrit Pai
The research and various studies to identify the correlation of nature of relationship between participation in physical exercise and academic performance have give
ambiguous results as such studies are not accurate, however one research cites that acute exercise and chronic training programmes have minute and robust positiv
on cognitive performance.

PTE Testbuilder Macmillan

Test 2- Part 1- Section 3
Before the 19th century, due to rising population and crime, the night-watchmen was created in Britain, however Robert Peel set up a "new police" as a separate force i
which supplanted the old part-time constables.

PTE Testbuilder Macmillan

Test 2- Part 2- Section 4

Many people face issues with irony as it is unclear and slippery, however it requires audience; not only people who agree to the point, but also who disagree to the poin
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Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai
Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai
Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai
Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai
Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai Amrit Pai
Amrit Pai
insatiable quest
epitomise this quest
heaps of amounts
on the contrary, a goup totally opposes such kind of spendings
significant chunk of population
After pondering over a great deal of thought of both sides, I opine that a right balance needs to be sought as both t
eds to be sought as both the aspects are of paramount value and
Graph vocab

Show explicitly

In the stipulates time of (given period of time ) of 1990-2010

Retell Lecture List with phrases to describe charts

Furthermore The pie chart is about

In addition to that The bar chart deals with
nevertheless The line graph shows
however The slices of the pie chart compare the
moreover The chart is divided intoparts
on one side.on the other side It highlights
evidently ..has the largest number of
to put it in a nutshell ..has the second largest number of
.is as big as
.is twice as big as
.is bigger than
more than.. Percent..
only one third.
less than half
The number.increases/goes up/grows by
The number decreases /goes down/sinks by.
The number does not change/remains stable
I was really surprised /shocked by
Reading section

Test 1

Task Type Task Type

MCQ-SA Amrit Pai Model Ans Handa MCQ-SA Amrit Pai
1C C C 1B
2B B B 2D
1 E,F B,E,F A,F 1 A,C
2 C,E C,E C,E 2 C,E
Reorder Reorder Para
Reading FIB Reading FIB

1 practices practices practices 1 hard

focus focus focus generous
output output output money
extent extent extent

2 distant complex complex 2 work

family family family potential
variety variety variety combination
apart apart distant information
sounds sounds sounds

3 effects effects effects 3 known

answer answer answer contains
machines machines machines unique
regions regions regions led
product feature feature

4 unlike unlike unlike 4 researcher

matters matters concerns division
use make put consumption
collection collection collection serum
equipped use equipped
Reading & Reading &
Writing Writing
1 1
1B B B 1D
2A A A 2A
3C C C 3B
4B A A 4A
5D D D

2 2
1B B B 1B
2C D D 2D
3A A D 3B
4B B B 4D
5C C C

3 3
1C D C 1D
2B B B 2B
3C C C 3A
4A A A 4A
5C C B
4 4
1C C C 1B
2A A A 2D
3B D B 3B
4B B B 4C
5C C C 5B
5 5
1D D D 1A
2B B B 2A
3D D D 3D
4A A A 4B
5C C C

Total marks 49 61 50 Total marks 38

72.295082 73.7704918 68.4

Listening section

Summarize spoken text

Amrit Pai
1 Technological nature refers to a picture of a natural scene using computer graphics and it is said that vir
view has same impact on health and well being as real view. Therefore, a test was conducted where a g
a people were put in a room with a real view and another group with a virtual view. It was found that t
group of people with a real view recover more faster from stress than the other group.
2 In criminal trials memory is a basic and legal teams rely on witnesses of events. When, however, a
new information is introduced the witnesses memory can be unreliable. To illustrate, when a group
of subjects of a video of crime is shown they might add or those information that were not there. As
a result, this can skew or distort the memory of witnesses of events.
Neharika Handa

Technological nature refers to the natural scenes made using computer graphics. It is believed that rea
virtual view have same impact on health and well-being. Therefore, a test has been conducted wherei
stressed people were kept in a room with a real view and natural garden view, and the results are peop
1 real garden view recover from stress more faster as compare to others.

During the criminal trials, memory is basic. Everthing relies on witnesses. At times, memory is consid
unreliable, like if a group of subjects shown a video pf crime, during retell of the event they might add
and events which were actually not present in it. Therefore, in a court of law it is very easy to skew or
2 event.

MCQ-MQ Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 c,d f,c,d
2 b,f b,e,f

FIB Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 frankly frankly
2 options options
3 basic basic
4 employees employees
5 significant significant

1 practical practical
2 element element
3 collect collect
4 review review
5 description description

correct Neharika
summary Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 b b
2 c c

MCQ-SA Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 d d
2 a c

missing Neharika
word Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 c c
2 a a

incorrect Neharika
words Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 great g
technique t
formed f
finding f
inside i

2 miles m
survive s
done d
reason r
achieve a
first f

Write from dictation

Amrit Pai
1 You should draw a graph on a separate page.
2 Some young people find city life rather stressful.
3 Weather patterns have changed significantly over the past 200 years.

1 You should draw a graph on a separate page.
2 Some young people find city life rather stressful.
3 Weather patterns have changed significantly over the past 200 years.
Test 2

Task Type

Model Ans Neharika Handa MCQ-SA Amrit Pai Model Ans

B B 1
C C 2
A,C C,D 1
C,E A,D 2
Reading FIB

creative CREATIVE
sums SUMS

care WORK 2
potential POTENTIAL
combination COMBINATION
information INFORMATION

known KNOWN 3
contains CONTAINS
academic UNIQUE
led LED

researcher RESEARCHER 4
division DIVISION
inspection CONSUMPTION
serum SERUM
Reading &
D D 1
A A 2
B C 3
A A 4

B B 1
D B 2
B B 3
C D 4

D D 1
C C 2
A A 3
B B 4
B B 1
D D 2
B B 3
C B 4
B B 5
A B 1
C D 2
D D 3
B B 4

50 37 Total marks 49

Listening section (test 2)

Summarize spoken text

Amrit Pai
puter graphics and it is said that virtual 1 Proofreading is easier while reading someone else writing, b
re, a test was conducted where a group work. Whereas it can be refix by checking the errors and elim
h a virtual view. It was found that the addition, the work should be logically organised with each pa
n the other group. idea, and checking references and citations. Finally, it would
of events. When, however, a 2 The lecture tells us the three main issues of functioning of lo
ble. To illustrate, when a group should take more responsibility and involved in the kinds of s
on that were not there. As urged to create an efficient public service and public servants
approach. Finally, a robust relationships is require amongst n
to provide better public service without over-directive centra

Neharika Handa

Proof reading is easier while reading some other per

uter graphics. It is believed that real as well as paper. Therefore, one must check what kind of error
a test has been conducted wherein a group of problems and try to eliminate them. It must be orga
den view, and the results are people who have distinctly. In addition, check references and citations. It
er as compare to others. 1 two to spot m

nesses. At times, memory is considered to be There are three main areas of concerns of government
retell of the event they might add some facts to take more responsibilities, create public service, re
urt of law it is very easy to skew or distort the government and citizen. It has been seen some mistr
2 which citizens are pa

MCQ-MQ Amrit Pai Neharika Handa

1 B,D b,d
2 A,C e,c

FIB Amrit Pai Neharika Handa

1 mammals mammals
2 adaptable adaptable
3 urban urban
4 native native

1 searched searched
2 hostile hostile
3 object object
4 farms farms
5 tourist tourist

summary Amrit Pai Neharika Handa
1B b
2D a

MCQ-SA Amrit Pai Neharika Handa

1D d
2C c

word Amrit Pai Neharika Handa
1A d
2B c

words Amrit Pai Neharika Handa
1 diverge d
lagoon l
impact on
sensitive s
clean c

2 reserves r
fair f
amount a
index i

Write from dictation

Amrit Pai
1 The course is being updated to reflect the current situati
2 Agenda items should be submitted by the end of the da
3 Popular culture is now a serious subject of academic en

1 The course is being adapted to reflect the current situati
Task Type
Neharika Handa MCQ-SA Amrit Pai Model Ans Handa
D 1 C C
B 2 B B
B,C 1 E,A E,A
2 A,D A,D,F


Reading &
B 1 A
A 2 C A
C 3 A
C 4 D B
5 C

D 1 D B
D 2 B
C 3 D
A 4 C
5 A

A 1 A
B 2 D C
C 3 A
D 4 C
5 C B
C 1 B
A 2 B
D 3 D
B 4 C
5 B
D 1 B
A 2 A D
B 3 D A
D 4 A B
A 5 A

44 Total marks

Listening section (test 3)

Summarize spoken tex

Amrit Pai
ier while reading someone else writing, but a very arduous task to assess our own 1
an be refix by checking the errors and eliminating the problems of past. In
should be logically organised with each paragraphs giving a distinct and clear
references and citations. Finally, it would be better to take a day or two to rectify the mistakes.
the three main issues of functioning of local government. Firstly, the citizens 2
esponsibility and involved in the kinds of services they require. Secondly, it is
efficient public service and public servants to support citizens with a practical
a robust relationships is require amongst national and local governments in order
ublic service without over-directive centralism.
Neharika Handa

is easier while reading some other person's paper, however tedious to read our own
ore, one must check what kind of error he is looking for? Also, one must find the past
try to eliminate them. It must be organized in a logical way and represent each idea
tion, check references and citations. It has been suggested that one should take a day or
two to spot mistakes. 1

main areas of concerns of government at local level of towns and cities: enable citizens
esponsibilities, create public service, relationship between national government, local
nd citizen. It has been seen some mistrust between national and local government for
which citizens are paying the brunt. 2

Model Ans MCQ-MQ

b,e 1
e,c 2

Model Ans FIB

mammals 1
adaptable 2
urban 3
native 4

searched 1
hostile 2
object 143000000 3
farms 4
tourist 5

Model Ans summary
d 2

Model Ans MCQ-SA

1 1 2
1 1
Model Ans 2 3 word
a 0 3 1
2 12 2
20 25
Model Ans 21 29 words
47 74 1

Write from dictation

Amrit Pai
ng updated to reflect the current situation 1
ould be submitted by the end of the day 2
now a serious subject of academic enquiry. 3

ng adapted to reflect the current situation. 1
stening section (test 3)

Summarize spoken tex

Nowadays ecotourism holidays are aggressively marketed by government and tourist
industry under various names, however it is posing a major threat to local cultures,
environment and natural resources. This is a major hurdle for a potential traveller
who wants to experience genuine environment friendly tour.
The lecture tells us of drastic effects of climate change on environment, which is caused by human
activities. Over the last two hundred years, because of industrialization, industries have grown
immensely leading to harmful gases in the atmosphere, and as a result, land and sea temperatures have
risen gradually in Northern and Southern Hemisphere. While this is a serious concern
and need to address immediately.
Neharika Handa

Eco-tourism is a form of tourism which not only protect, but also actively improve the
environment and the culture. Both government and tourist industry promote eco-
tourism. There are many like this, for instance, adventure tourism, responsibility
tourism, culture tourism and many more. Now we need to see whether potential
travellers can make the right choice with such marketing activities or not.

Another endangered species are sharks; 40million were killed this year. The causes of
considering them as endangered species are: now-a-days sharks became important as
they are considered as a valuable food source, sharks are slow breeders as they are not
able to reproduce quickly like other species and even the gestation period of giving birth
is of 3years whhich is also quite long as compare to other species.

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
B,C d,b
C,E c,b,e c,e

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
structured structured
valid valid
material material
appreciate appreciate
excellent excellent
genetic genetic
process process
accessed accessed

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
A a c
C c b

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
B c b
D d

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
B b
D d

Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans


Write from dictation

Listening section (test 4)

Summarize spoken tex

Amrit Pai

ratures have

Neharika Handa

Allergy means body reacting to something and trying to harm it. It can occur because of
pollen, dust, cat, peanuts and many more. It can be mild, harsh or even life threatening.
1 It can be controlled if one ascertains the reason and avoid to have contact with it.

Europeans were always interested in far away places and settled in America. America
dominates almost every country in the world. They are known for its uniqueness. It is
2 also an example of the future society.

MCQ-MQ Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 d,c,b d,b
2 d,a d,a

FIB Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 overview
2 primary
3 developed
4 invaluable
5 details

1 issues
2 roles
3 events
4 Europe
5 decade

correct Neharika
summary Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 d
2 b

MCQ-MA Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 c
2 d b

missing Neharika
word Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 a
2 b

incorrect Neharika
words Amrit Pai Handa Model Ans
1 s

2 h

Write from dictation

Amrit Pai

PTE Test Plus
Test 1
1C D
2B F
1 frankly, options, basic, employees, significant
practical, element, collect, review, description

You should draw your graph on a separate page.

Some young people find city life rather stressful.
Weather patterns have changed significantly over the past two hundred years.
Studies Schedule

6.00-7.30 Essays

Office hrs
Summarize and Reading

Post afternoon

8.00-9.30 Read aloud, Repeat sentence, Describe graphs, retell and ans one question

10.00-12.00 Listening

relatively influence manufacture quantities financial

specialised impact familiar composition hearing

gathering permanently tools erosion colonists


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