AHL1-00 Ahlissa Gazetteer

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The Principality of
and The Adri Marchland
In the south of the former Great Kingdom, a nomination
now claimed by Overking Xavener's United Kingdom of
Ahlissa, lies the Principality of Innspa—formerly, prior to
the devastating Greyhawk Wars, part of the Prelacy of Almor
and for long an independent part of the Flanaess. Only
recently has Princess Karasin of House Garasteth elected to
give in to Xavener's advances and become a part of Ahlissa . .
. not totally of her free will, some say.
West of Innspa lies the Marchland of Adri Forest, which has
become the name for the portion of the Adri Forest east of
the Harp River. While all parts of the Forest west of that
river are claimed by Innspa, the Marchland has been given
by the Overking to his cousin, Prince Molil, who is
determined to bring all of the Adri under Ahlissa's banner.
This is the setting into which your character is thrust,
should she choose to adventure in the Adri Forest or its
surroundings—say, the southern Flinty Hills. This is
disputed land, and opportunities for adventures abound. What dreadful secret does the Coldwood hide
Most of the people living in the Adri Forest reject the rule of concerning Darnakurian's legacy? And who is the
the Great Kingdom, even nominally, as staunchly as they strange elf who, in search of both, might bring doom to
once resisted advances by the Kingdom of Nyrond. Many the Adri?
things are afoot both within the walls of Innspa and in the
wide expanse of the Adri Forest. Some of these are rumored • Why does there seem to be an increasing amount of
to include: unnatural animals at the fringes of the Adri Forest?
Could it be that someone is actually tampering with
• Centuries ago, Firan Zal'honan, better known as Azalin nature? If so, who? And to what end?
the Lich, disappeared in the ancient, deep forest
. Why did Facts About Innspa
and where Innspa (pop. 12,200) is a unique city in Aerdy. It is located just within the edge of the westernmost border of the
did he go? Adri, about five miles from the fringes of the forest. It has a walled core ("Old Town"), but the rest of the
And why settlement, down the Harp River, is unwalled, with the outer dwellings protected only by a small, semicircular
did the ditch. Most houses in Old Town are built of stone, and many reveal the handiwork of dwarven or gnomish
Great stonemasons, though demihumans are very rare here now. As befits the second part of its name, the town is a
Kingdom place of bubbling springs. Besides these baths and centers that promise various sorts of invigoration and cures, the
never city place has more hostels, taverns, and inns than most other communities across the Flanaess—hence the first
challenge part of its name. Innspa also boasts dozens of religious buildings, ranging from small shrines to large temples and
his great cathedrals, owing to the multitude of religions found in the region. Travelers often marvel at the intricacies
ambitions? of Innspa's gnomish aqueduct.
One being
wants to find out. . . . • Before the Greyhawk Wars, Prelate Kevont of Almor
had been replaced by Prelate Anarkin, sometime in 578
• Archdruidess Immonara seems to be tiring of her CY. However, when the Wars reached Almor, Kevont
duties. And yet she has to stand watch, keeping the was again in charge. What happened to Anarkin, and
quarrels between Obad-Hai's druids and Ehlonna's why? Might he be still alive?
nature priests in check and defending the Adri from
both ancient and quite recent threats. Who, then, is the • Rumor has it that a great nobles' ball is about to take
mysterious Tansy Treewee who seems to be in search of place in Innspa, to “celebrate” Innspa's joining of the
Immonara, and what are her aims? United Kingdom of Ahlissa. However, much more is
going on behind the scenes, and plots within plots are
• Who is the secretive and elusive mage by the unlikely woven behind Innspa's walls. . . .
name of Olafsdottir? Is it really true that he once tried
to join the Circle of Eight but failed miserably? Why • Prince Molil has vowed to bring the whole of the Adri
has he come to the Principality of Innspa? into his grasp. Rumors are spreading about a large army
being drafted, an army intent on entering the Adri and
• What is the dark secret behind the City of Summer bringing down all resistance. . . .
Stars, one of the oldest elven cities known to man?
Facts About the Adri Forest
This vast, ancient broadleaf forest is filled with game. Resources from the Adri include: fine wood for
shipbuilding, homes, furniture, and weapons; game hunted for furs, food, and trophies; and gathered foods and
fish from the Harp River. The only settlement of note within the Forest is Elversford (pop. 1,000), on the eastern
bank of the Harp, about 85 miles east-southeast of Innspa. The woodsmen of the Adri, living in scattered
communities around the forest, hold antipathy for the Great Kingdom and its successor states, and groups led by
rangers have begun to resist incursions into the woodlands, both by Ahlissa and the North Kingdom. A legendary
ancient elven city is said to lie at the ancient, dark heart of the Adri, in a dangerous region called the Coldwood.
No elf will ever go there, or allow anyone else to do so. Other parts of interest within the forest include Ettin's
Mound (reputed to be home to an unusually large tribe of ettins, and shunned by most), the elven ruin of
Erianhrel, the haunted gnomish mines of Yellowretch, and the dangerous region of Goldchasm, which is rumored
to be full of valuable ores and minerals.

Character Creation in the Adri Forest and Innspa

While the LIVING GREYHAWKTM campaign regulations allow you to choose any character of any race and class
combination listed in the PH, we have drawn up some guidelines on creating characters appropriate to adventuring
in the Principality and the Marchland.
While your character will be adventuring in this region, this does not mean she has to be born there! Thus, you
may ignore the suggestions below if your character hails from another part of the Flanaess. However, she should
have a good reason for coming here and spending the larger part of her adventuring career (and thus, her life) in and
around Innspa and the Adri!

• Innspa is predominantly human-populated. Demihumans can be found in smaller numbers; dwarves, however,
are rare. In the Adri, again the majority of woodsmen are human, but there are also elf and gnome communities
in the Forest, and half-elves are possible. It is important to note, though, that there are no halfling settlements
within the Adri! There is a small amount of humanoids scattered throughout the Adri, but these beings are
usually regarded as “tree-killers” and thus, are rather disliked.

• As for character classes, basically everything is possible within Innspa. Due to the Principality's official ties to
Ahlissa, paladins and priests of good-aligned gods will have to operate in secrecy, though. While monks are
possible, you should take into account that there is some Scarlet Brotherhood activity in the Principality, thus
probably making your monk character a defector from the ranks of the infiltrators.

• In the Adri, the most likely classes are rangers, forest barbarians, and other types of wood-dwelling fighters,
nature priests, and druids. Forest-dwelling hermits (mages, sorcerers, priests) are certainly possible. Thieves will
have a hard time in the Adri, but bards are well liked.

• As far as religion is concerned, Zilchus is favored by the state of Ahlissa. Other important gods include
Hextor, Xerbo, Fharlanghn, Olidammara, Kord, Norebo, Ralishaz, Kurell, Boccob, Wee Jas, Delleb, and
Rudd. Within the Adri Forest, there are small numbers of followers of half a dozen nature and druidic
priesthoods. A handful of priests of Beory, Atroa, and Phyton have taken refuge here over the years, but the
most important priesthoods are those of Obad-hai and Ehlonna.

The Innspa/Adri Forest Triad:

Rainer Nagel Bjoern Meyer Robert Goldenbaum
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

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