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Step 2: Design of an assembly and design verification

Determining the rated short-time withstand current (Icw) of a circuit of an assembly

Path of the short-circuit current from the transformer to the short-circuit

Main Distribution Board (MDB) Sub-Distribution Board (SDB)

A switchgear assembly must be designed such that it Example: 400A 250A
withstands the thermal and dynamic stresses resulting from the
short-circuit current. The maximum short circuit current at the IK" Icp ICW Icp ICW
connection point of an assembly must be determined on site. Trans-
The panel builder must specify the rated short-time
withstand current Icw of the connection point in his
former UN = 400 VAC
documentation, e.g. in the circuit diagram or technical
The original manufacturer of the switchgear system,
e.g. HENSEL, is responsible for the verification of the short
circuit withstand capacity of the system components, e.g. the Icw Step 1: Step 2: Step 3:
value of the busbars. Determining the transformer power and Determining the rated short-time withstand current ICW of the Determining the rated short-time withstand current ICW of
Rated short-circuit withstand current is determined by the values determining the value IK" main distribution board (MDB) the sub-distribution board (SDB)
IK", Icw, Icp, Icu. The IK" can be determined by reading table 1. Determining the lowest rated short-time withstand current ICW of the Determining the lowest rated short-time withstand current ICW of
device installed in the main distribution board. the device installed in the in the sub-distribution board.

Transformer MDB installed devices ICW or ICU SDB installed devices ICW
Sr = 250 kVA see identifier plate Circuit breaker 400A ICU = 50kA * Circuit breaker 250A ICU = 50kA *
UN = 400 VAC see identifier plate Busbars 400A Icw = 15kA / 1s * Busbar 250A Icw = 15kA / 1s *
IN = 360A see table 1 Ics = Icu = 8 kA / 690 V a.c. Ics = Icu = 8 kA / 690 V a.c.
IK" = 9.025kA see table 1 Ics = Icu = 36 kA / 415 V a.c.* Ics = Icu = 36 kA / 415 V a.c.*
Lowest value of the devices: ICC / ICU = 50kA *see table 2 Lowest value of the devices: ICC / ICU = 50kA *see table 2
Alternatively, the IK" is calculated using the formula: Lowest value of the busbars: ICW = 15kA Lowest value of the busbars: ICW = 15kA
IK" in kA ⇒ ICW(MDB) = 15kA it follows: ICW(SDB) = 15kA
Sr ∙ 100
HV = Main Distribution board
UV = Sub-distribution board
IK" =
3 ∙ UN ∙ uK
Sr in kVA
UN in V
uK in %
15kA ≥ 9.025kA  ⇒ ICW(SDB) ≥ IK"
15kA ≥ 9.025kA 
MDB Determining the rated short-time
withstand current ICW SDB Determining the rated short-time
withstand current ICW
Table 1: Table 2: Rated short-circuit withstand current of installation device The rated short-time withstand current ICW of the MDB must Icp is the prospective short-circuit current at the installation site of
Excerpt from HENSEL main catalogue in HENSEL distribution boards be equal to or greater than the short-circuit current IK" of the the assembly at the incoming terminals. It (Icp) is calculated from
Rated Rated cur- Initial short- Initial short- Installation device Short-circuit transformer: transformer and cable data (length, cross section). Here, the cable
power of rent at rated circuit cur- circuit cur- in HENSEL distribution boards withstand capacity attenuation due to distance and associated cable length between
Icw (MDB) ≥ IK" (transformer)
the trans- voltage rent at rent at the transformer and sub-distribution board (SDB) is considered.
Busbar 250A / 400A ICW =15kA / 1s In this analysis, the cable attenuation between the transformer
former Un=400 V a.c. uk = 4% uk = 6% The cable attenuation reduces the IK" of the transformer.
Sr IN IK" IK" NH fuse switch disconnector 250A ICC = 50kA and MDB is not considered. The cable attenuation can mean a
in kVA in A reduction of the short-circuit current IK". The prospective short- Icw(UV) ≥ Icw(HV) > Icp ≥ IK" (transformer)
in kA in kA Circuit breaker 250A / 400A ICU = 50kA
circuit current Icp at the installation site of the MDB is smaller If a calculation is not possible, Icp = IK" can be assumed.
100 144 3.610 2.406 Switch disconnector 160A ICC = 50kA
because of the cable attenuation than IK" of the transformer.
160 230 5.776 3.850 ICS = ICU = 8 kA / 690 V a.c.
MCCB 160 A / 250 A The rated short-time withstand current of the assembly results from The rated short-time withstand current (ICW) must satisfy the
250 360 9.025 6.015 ICS = ICU = 36 kA / 415 V a.c.
the rated short-time withstand current of the installed equipment following requirements:
315 455 11.375 7.583 Other values ​​can be obtained from the device manufacturers or and busbars. ICW(UV) ≥ Icp(UV)
400 578 14.450 9.630 in the HENSEL main catalogue! The original manufacturer, such as HENSEL, specifies these values
The rated short-time withstand current (ICW) of the sub-distribution
in the technical data.
board is determined the same way as for the main distribution board.
The respective lowest value determines the maximum rated The respectively lowest value of the devices also determines
short-time withstand current ICW of the main distribution board. the maximum rated short-circuit withstand current ICW of the
The panel builder must specify this value in the documentation of sub-distribution board. The panel builder must specify this value
the assembly! in the documentation of the assembly!

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