Diet Routine

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The author discusses their journey with nutrition and fitness over 9 months, including tracking macros and calories, intermittent fasting, and making adjustments to workouts and diet over time.

The author aims to get around 245g of protein per day while keeping fat and carbs low. They practice intermittent fasting by eating most meals between 12-7pm and sometimes only one large meal per day. Supplements include pre-workout, whey protein, and BCAAs.

In earlier months the author focuses on tracking calories only but later tracks macros and adjusts workouts and diet based on results. They experiment with different intermittent fasting approaches and meal timings. Workouts are split between different body parts each day.


For Core meals, they are what I ate 85-90% of the time. Every once in a while Id switch some
things out but linger around the same macros.

Supplements: Pre-workout,Whey, BCAA's

How I take my supplements is I take 1 1/2scoops of pre-workout 45 mins Before I head to the
gym on an empty stomach (most of the time). For Whey I like to mix it with my coffee in the
morning instead of using sugar tastes a lot better. BCAA's I only started taking recently and I have
only started to take them when I put myself in those huge deficits.

·0 Water Intake: 1 gallon a day

·1 Seasons/Sauces: Franks red hot, Mustard, Green chili salsa
·2 Majority of meals consumed from 12-7pm
·3 Try to eat the largest meal in the morning
·4 3 cups of coffee a day(Black or with Protein powder)
·5 Budget
Months 1-3
So the first few months I really didn't know what I was doing. I knew I had to eat but didn't track
macros just calories. I've always eaten a lot of meat and grains but my goal was just to stay
below 2000 calories and do my exercise routine. I have always been a big coffee person so I have
a few cups a day just to include that. For the first month, I ate so many Brussel sprouts because I
thought it was some kind of superfood idk but I was also ruining them to because Id drenches
them in olive oil. halfway through the month, I got better at actually tracking my serving sizes
and calorie intake. So I was hitting 1800-2100 calories ate per day month 2 and 3. Living in a
state that has lots of tortillas I pretty much ate a lot of burritos putting meat, eggs, cheese, ham,
beans, rice..cocaine..jk..etc..

tl;dr just tracked calories and ranged from 1800-2100 a day

Core Meal:------

Months 4-6

The first part the 4th month began to notice that I was gaining a bit of muscle or starting to look
more cut. At this point, I began to look into nutrition a bit more and start tracking macros and
keep protein really high while keeping fat and carbs on the lower end. I wrote a meal plan my
5th month to see if I can stick to it. It was extremely hard to maintain the plan but I did for a few
weeks. I thought oh intermittent fasting works so well if you eat 11-8pm why not just eat almost
1 meal a day and see where that goes. Month 6 Did some more research and saw that there was
a study done back in the day about eating 80% of your protein in your first meal gave you more
learner muscle mass. Decided to try to combine those 2 things and eat a protein bomb in the
morning around 1500 calories at once. Every once in awhile if I was extremely fatigued or hungry
after the gym I would eat a chicken breast or a protein shake.

tl;dr noticed gainz, got macros down better, ate tons of protein, did super intermittent fasting
only eating 1 time a day sometimes.

Core Meals:

Month 4:----

Month 5:----

Month 6:
6 eggs, (4 whites 2 yolks.) cottage cheese and ground beef mixed 3 serv cottage cheese and 8oz
of ground beef. 2 scoops of whey protein. Sometimes after I got out of the gym would have
another chicken breast or a protein shake if I was extremely fatigued or hungry.

Macros: ~245g protein, 35g fat 12-20g of carbs. CALORIES~1380-1500 per day

Months 7-9
After hitting my goal of 185 thought maybe Ill stay around this weight for awhile for all of month
7 I did my best to maintain 180s.Month 8 Started and slowly cutting and mini bulking. to try to
gain a little muscle while keeping a nice lean look.Month 9 my goal was to reach a single digit if I
could by the end of the month. Probably ended up around 11-12 % at 180lbs. Went back to the
similar diet I had in month 6 of eating once a day, but it was much harder to maintain this time. I
found it hard to stay full all day and would have to eat something in the day to pick up my energy
levels. I would have like chicken or boiled eggs. I also did have another 3 cheat meals this month.

tl;dr maintained for a month, began to slowly cut and mini-bulk, tried to super fast again.

Core Meals:

Month 7:

Breakfast: 10oz turkey,6 eggs, 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 low carb tortillas, a cup of coffee with a
scoop of whey.

Total macros: ~1750-1800cal Pro: 149g Fats: 64g Carbs:150g

Lunch: 6 boiled eggs, 1 scoop of protein powder,16 oz chicken breast, 1 cup cottage

Total macros: ~ 1250-1300 Pro: 188g Fats:41g Carbs: 19

·6 I also would sometimes skip snack/dinner just out of habit or didn't have enough time to
eat it, was trying to still eat in the timeframe of 1-8pm. Also if I did snack I would try to
go for the Peanut butter over the Ice Cream.

Snack/Dinner- Peanut Butter 2 servings or 1 cup of Vanilla Ice cream

Total macros:~ Ice cream= 274cal Pro:5g Fats:14 Carb 32g

Peanut Butter =380cal Pro:14g Fats32g Carb:14g

Daily Total: ~3430cal Pro:351g Fats:137g Carb:183g DV:40%Pro|35%Fats|15%Carbs

Added in a few cheat meals in this month about 3.

Month 8:
This month was basically the same as the previous month for diet but except for the cutting
portion. At this point, my addiction to spaghetti took effect and was having spaghetti every
Sunday and Monday for dinner.

Diet: Mini bulk:

Breakfast: 10oz turkey,6 eggs, 2 cups of oatmeal, 2 low carb tortillas, a cup of coffee with a
scoop of whey.

Total macros: ~1750-1800cal Pro: 149g Fats: 64g Carbs:150g

Lunch: 6 boiled eggs, 1 scoop of protein powder,16 oz chicken breast, 1 cup cottage
Total macros: ~ 1250-1300cal Pro: 188g Fats:41g Carbs: 19g

Dinner: Whole wheat Spaghetti 1/2 container, Spaghetti sauce with Mushrooms 1/2 jar(Heaven
on earth). Was every once in awhile eating 2 servings of peanut butter or ice cream as well. Id
say probably 6days in the month.

Total macros: ~ 950-1000cal Pro: 38g Fats:6g Carbs: 194g

Daily Total:~4000~4150cal Pro:375g Fats:111g Carbs:363g DV:~38%Pro|24%|38%

Breakfast:10oz turkey,10 eggs, 1 cups of oatmeal, 2 low carb tortillas, a cup of coffee with a
scoop of whey, 1/2 cup cottage cheese.

Total macros: ~1750-1800cal Pro:177g Fats:82g Carbs:88g

Lunch: 2 boiled eggs, 8oz chicken breast, Barbecue Sauce, Brussel Sprouts/ Asparagus.

Total macros: ~525-550cal Pro:67g Fats:15g Carbs:23g

Daily Total:~2300-2350cal Pro:244g Fats:97g Carbs:111g DV:~42%Pro|37%Fats|


Month 9:
Breakfast: 12eggs,(8 whites 4 yolks.) 1 cup cottage cheese, 10oz of ground beef/turkey. 2 scoops
of whey protein, 2 low carb tortillas

Total macros: ~1475-1500cal Pro:205g Fats:58g Carbs:44g

Snack: 6 boiled eggs or 8oz Chicken breast. (A lot of the time I would do eggs because It was so
much easier to make because I didn't have to weigh it and I could always boil like 24 eggs at

Eggs: Total macros: 468cal Pro:36g Fats:30g Carbs:6g

Chicken:Total macros: ~260cal Pro: 50g Fats: 5g Carbs:0g

Daily Total(Eggs):~1940 -1960cal Pro:241g Fats:88g Carbs:50g DV:~50%Pro|40%Fats|


Months 10-12
After hitting 180 months 10 I decided I wanted to bulk up a little bit. I learned about lean bulking
and decided to give it a try. When I was lean bulking for a month I gained about 12 pounds.
Month 11 I began to cut slowly I wrote out a meal plan that I could stay consistent with and have
plenty of energy. Once a week was also dedicating a day to a carb day. Final month tweaked my
diet a little bit and began to cut down a lot faster losing close to 1/3 pounds a day. I also made a
drink to help me maintain my energy throughout the day for when I got hungry or felt tired from
the lack of carbs.

tl;dr lean bulked for about 12 pounds, started to cut slowly keeping carbs low-med. began to cut
faster by cutting out a lot of carbs, made a drink to help.

Core Meals:

Month 10:
Breakfast: 10 eggs(yolk), Cottage Cheese 1 cup, Protein coffee, Oatmeal 1 cups,2 low
carb tortillas, 1 pound ground beef (73% lean,27%fat)
Total macros:~2890-2910 cal Pro:206g Fats:180g Carbs:115g

Lunch: 4 Brussel sprouts drenched in olive oil(3 serv),16oz chicken breast, 6 boiled eggs,
1cup cottage cheese, protein powder 1 scoop
Total macros:~1650-1675cal Pro:184gFats:83gCarbs:25g
Dinner: Protein Powder 2 scoop, Fage Yogurt 0% 1 yogurt, Milk 2% 2 cups, Frozen berry
mix 1 cup. (Smoothie)
Total macros:~725-750cal Pro:83g Fats:13gCarbs:54g

Daily Total:~ 5300-5400cal Pro:473gFats:276gCarbs:194g DV:~35%Pro|46%Fats|


Month 11:
Breakfast: 10 oz Turkey, 9 eggs (8 White 1 yolk), Cottage Cheese 1 Cup, Protein coffee, Oatmeal
1/2 cup, 2 Low carb tortillas

Total Macros:~1050-1075cal Pro:163Fats:37gCarbs:69g

Lunch:8oz Chicken Breast, 4 Brussel Sprouts with 2serv olive oil, 3 boiled eggs 1 scoop of protein

Total Macros~880-905cal Pro:94gFats:49gCarbs:11g

Dinner: Fage 0% yogurt, Coconut Milk, Protein Powder, Cottage cheese, Chicken breast 8 oz.

Total Macros:~620-650cal Pro:106gFats:10.5gCarb18g

Month 12:
Breakfast: 10 oz ground turkey, 10 eggs (8 whites 2 yolks), 2 low carb tortillas, Protein coffee.

Macros:~1030-1055cal Pro:141gFats:42gCarbs:31g

Lunch:8oz chicken breast, 3 boiled eggs, 1 BCAA tablet.

Macros:~470-495cal Pro:68gFats:20gCarbs:0g


Daily Total:~ 1500-1550cal Pro:209gFats:62gCarbs:31g DV:~56%Pro|37%Fats|7%Carbs

The Concoction: 1 Serving nutritional yeast, 1/2 cup of coffee, half an Emergen-c Packet, half a
packet of crystal light 0cal 1 lime Put all in a gallon jug and fill it with water all the a gallon
jug and fill it with water all the way.

Shopping list-

Ground Turkey- 2.99lb


10lb Ground beef- 19.92

Frozen Brussel Sprouts 1.69

Cottage Cheese 2.99

Protein Whey- Preference


10lb frozen chickn breast- 19.83

Helpful items- Food Scale, Measuring Cups, Food storage containers.

The Gym: routine

Huge tip when it comes to the gym go till almost fail or fail on every workout. Once I stopped
counting reps I noticed a huge difference in Tone/Strength. Might take some time to find an
ideal weight that works well.

When it comes to the gym I still pretty much use the same setup since day 1. I do believe to
some extent that muscle confusion works so I change my workouts pretty much weekly. But I
do all my foundation workouts while adding supersets and other workouts that work that muscle
group for that day. A lot of the time I am at the gym from anywhere from 2 1/2 hrs to 4 hours a
night. I usually end a lot of my workouts with an hour to an hour and half of mild cardio.

Core :

Sets x Weight x Rep

Monday: Chest/Triceps/Abs

Tuesday: Back/Biceps

Wednesday: Legs/Shoulders

Thursday: Chest/Triceps/Abs

Friday: Back/Biceps

Saturday: Legs/Shoulders


·7 Free weight dumbbell press
4 sets x 80(2)xFail

·8 Inclined Free weight dumbbell press

4 sets x 70(2) x Fail

·9 Close Grip Inclined dumbbell press

4 sets x 50(2) x Fail

·10 Cable Flys(Low, Med, High) adjusting height



3 sets x 50(2) x Fail


3 sets 50(2) x Fail


3 sets x 65(2) x Fail

·12 Dumbbell pullovers

4 sets x 65 x Almost fail

·13 Dips till you die :) (I always do Dips very the last workout on chest day)

3 sets x Bodyweight x Fail

·15 Tricep pulldowns
4 sets x 65 x fail

·16 Barbell Extensions

4 sets x 60 x almost fail

·17 Skull Crushers

4 sets x 60 x almost fail
·18 1 Arm Tricep Extensions
4 sets x 25 x 25 or almost fail

·19 Dumbbell kickbacks

3 sets x 25 x fail

·20 Lat Pulldowns
3 sets x 210 x fail

·21 Reverse Grip Pulldowns

3 sets x 150 x fail

·22 Seated Rows

Drop Set x 210 x fail (dropping weight 15 pounds to the last set of 135)

·23 Wide Grip Seated Rows

4 Sets x 135 x Fail

·24 Dumbbell Bent over Rows

4 sets x 60(2) x Fail

·25 Rack Pulls


2 sets x 305 x Fail

·27 Bicep Curls
3 sets x 50 x fail with least dominant arm (rest 10-15 seconds +2 reps with least
dominant arm)

·28 Preacher curls

4 sets x 90 x almost fail to end on a negative
·29 Hammer curls
4 sets x 50 x fail

·30 Cheat curls

4 sets x 90 x fail or close to fail ending on negative

(Also do biceps a little bit every day after every workout)

·31 Squats-

4 sets x 205 x 18-20/almost fail

·32 Calf Raises-

4 sets x 205 x fail

·33 Deadlifts-

4 sets x 300 x 10-12/ending on negative

·34 Incline Leg Press-

Pyramid Set x 135 x almost fail

add plates x 225 x almost fail

add plates x 305 x almost fail

remove plate x 225 x almost fail

remove plate x 135 x almost fail

·35 Hip Adduction Machine-

3 sets x 140 x fail

·36 Quad Extensions-

5 sets x 90 x fail

·37 Arnold Press-

3 sets x 65 x 12-fail

·38 Scott Press-

3-4 sets x 25 x fail

·39 Side Lateral Raises-

3 sets x 25 x fail

·40 Bent Over Lateral Raises-

3 sets x 50 x fail

·41 Barbell Front Raise-

3 sets x 50 x fail

Abs-I change up abs pretty often but for awhile core looked something like this
·42 Crunches-

3 sets x body x 40

·43 weighted Russian twists-


3 sets x 20 x 30-40

·45 reverse crunches-

3 sets x body x 20

·46 V-sits-

3 sets x body x 20

Very mild walk making sure you keep heart rate around 120-140
1 hour/ 1hr:30Mins Speed: 3.2 Incline 11

I also try to do 100 pushups a day and sit-ups before bed or waking up in the morning.

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