Marriage - Romance-How and When - Know Astrologically: Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

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Marriage – Romance- How and When – Know


Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

Though hanging and waving goes by destiny but we have cases of love marriages i.e.
attraction towards each other at first sight and this happens also among the persons of
the same sex resulting in lasting friendship etc. in Palmistry, the hand is the agent of
heart and vibrations come for attraction/ love the moment one shakes hands with the
other. Numerological, also, if born on the same dates, months or friendly dates, the
persons get attracted to each as few number are harmonious to each other. Similarly, I
astrology, some planets and their placement in the horoscope become indicative of the
emotions/ feelings for each other and the main planets involved are Venus and Mars.
Venus stands fro emotions whereas Mars may give the needed ignition.


Love marriage is an arranged marriage by the body and girl through their own choice
denouncing the customs. This is first the moment of attraction, sometimes it is
spontaneous and sometimes the relations grow slowly and result in love.

The mutual harmony between the couples loves and adaptability between two persons of
opposite sex can be analyzed to find out whether such conditions exist in the horoscope
of both or they are of lasting nature or many break.

The 5th house of birth charts indicated customs and traditions. Similarly religions and
religious customs are studied from 9th house, 7th house stands for partner and
marriage. Love marriage means abandoning customs and traditions. So in such charts
5th house is occupied by strong planets or by own lord or emotional planets. The
strongest planet for creating an urge for love marriage or relations is Saturn followed by
Rahu. In a male's chart if Venus afflicted through conjunction or aspect by Saturn or
Rahu a love marriage can be made out thus:

Lord of 5th + Lord of 7th

Lord of 7th + Lord of 9th
Lord of 5th + Lord of 9th

The aspects between the lords of above houses should preferable be angular.

For mutual attractions in a female's chart Mars plays the part of Venus in a male's
horoscope. If Mars is aspected or conjoined in her chart with Rahu or Saturn or aspects
are there, she flirts with a male and has illicit relations. Marriage depends on the
disposition of Venus, Rahu, Saturn and Moon in the birth chart.

Further the conjunction of above planets must be either in 5th, 7th (primarily), 9th, 11th
or 1st houses (secondary). Otherwise the prospective couples may have an opportunity
to come together for a long times without any prospects of successful marriage.

If the above conjunction fails in 6th, 8th or 12th house, frustration due to one reasons or
another cannot be ruled out. Willingly or unwillingly the lovers have to sacrifice their love
life and have to join their hands with some unexpected and unknown partners in


This type of marriage mainly remerges out of conjunction or aspect of Mars-Venus. It

prompts the individual to conceal or declare their love. It is doubtful if the entire cases
blossom into the sweet wedding as the tide of passions lasts fro short time.


A love marriage can be successful if the following configurations are available in the
charts of both sexes. 10 points formula:

1) If radical Mars of a female horoscope is aspected by radical Rahu or Saturn of a male


2) If Venus of male and Mars of female chart are conjoined aspected or in mutual
Kendras or trikona.

3) When Venus in male and Mars in female horoscope are afflicted by Saturn and Rahu at
birth and male's Saturn aspects female's Venus. Rahu also in similar conditions, results in
similar effects.

4) When Venus in male chart is in 12th house and Mars in same house in female chart
they are responsible for many romances.

5) When 5th house is occupied or aspected by a strong planet out of Mars, Moon and
Venus, a person is very emotional and liable to fall in love with the opposite sex very

6) If there is a malefic planet in 9th house, one is sure to go for a love marriage, as one
will not honor customs etc.

7) For successful love marriage, a study about placement of Mars, Venus and Rahu is
essential as they cause sex perversion. Study of Saturn, a primary cause of adultery with
employees is to be made.

8) If Mars and Venus have exchanged their planes in the charts of the couples, the love
marriage will be a great success.

9) If Mars of female fall in Rahu's position in male chart, the marriage will end in a
divorce due to sex perversion from female or if Venus of male is in Rahu or female, the
separation or divorce will be due to sex perversion of male. Similarly Rahu in female
chart should not have any bad aspect on Venus in male chart as it would aggravate the
sex perversion.

10) In the same manner Saturn will cause due to poverty, diseases etc after marriage.


The comparison of Sun, Mars, Moon and Venus in both horoscopes of male/female is a
matter of vital importance and can be found as under:

1) If Sun in one chart has the same longitude as Moon or rising sign in the other
horoscope, it is conducive to good marriage.

2) If Sun in male and Moon in female's chart have same longitude, mutual attraction and
congeniality are the result.

3) Sun in female and Mars in male charts have same longitude, there will be attraction
between the two.

4) If Moon in one and ascendant or Sun in the other chart have same longitude it is
conducive to harmony.

5) Sun in one in good aspect to ascendant or Moon in the other speak of good harmony.

6) Moon in one, in conjunction or good aspect with Lagan or Sun in the other, exercise
good influence.

7) Sun in on to Sun in the other in good aspect is good.

8) Moon in one, in conjunction or good aspect with Lagan or Sun in the other, exercises
good influence.

9) Sun in on to Sun in the other in god aspect is good.

10) Moon in one to Moon in the other in good aspect or inconunction lead to good

11) Sun and Venus having same longitude in each other;' charts show much pleasure
and enjoyment. Moon Venus have the same effects.

12) Mars and Venus of same longitude in each other's charts leads to mutual attraction
thought it may not be endurable.

Jupiter and Saturn of the same longitude, Jupiter and Venus and Mars and Saturn of the
same longitude in each chart indicate mutual love and harmony except combination of
Mars-Saturn indicates about quarrels etc.

Mercury In The Fifth House- Result


Dr. Shanker Adawal (Jyotishaacharya, PHD, MBA)

For Mercury in 5th house, examples and combinations can be multiplied. However, for the purpose of present writ-up the
following example would suffice.

Example 1- for Conjunction. Ascendant- Gemini; Mercury, Saturn and the Sun in the 5th.

Example 2- Conjunction – Ascendant – Aries, Mars, Mercury and Rahu in Leo.

Example 3- Conjunction; Leo ascendant, with Mercury, Ketu and Saturn in Sagittarius.

Example 4- Hemmed between others: Ascendant- Ascendant – Virgo, Mars in Libra, Mercury in Virgo and Rahu in Libra

At the outset it is to be stated that the effects, strength and characteristics of Mercury in the 5th house would differ from
person to person. Without entering into the details of various dispositions of the planet Mercury, it would suffice to say that the
planet Mercury is often mentioned as Vishnu. Therefore, Mercury in itself, represent a charitable disposition and the native with
Mercurial force is always prepared to help the oppressed needy.

At the same time Mercury is considered to be a eunuch – as impotent planet – in astrology and the combined effect of
Saturn/Mercury and other malefic in the 5th house cannot be ignored.

In general, placement of Mercury in the 5th house without malefic, their conjunction or aspect, indicates that the native is a
learned and happy and would have number of children. Being highly intelligent and learned in mathematics, the person may
become an adviser and depending on other combinations in the birth chart even a Minister. Such a person may also be heavily
inclines in sex mattes and consequently may lose vitality and invite troubles. Further, such a native is a good and well behaved
person, has many friends and is prolific in the science of Mantras.

According to Parasara Hora Sastra, it the 5th house is owned by Saturn or Mercury and occupied or aspected by Saturn and
Mandi, one will have adopted issues. Mandi means guilka. However, we lack the basic information regarding Mandi in the book
on astrology. This apart i.e. Saturn in the 5th house is capable of children.

From other astrological rules, it is seen that if Mercury and Saturn have major influence on the child to be born, it may be
impotent (this need to be tested). If the 5th house falls in a sign of Mercury or Saturn and its lord combines with Saturn, the
person will have an adopted son (child).

While matching a horoscope, the 7th house is seen with reference to others including 5th though not directly on the point (of
progeny). It would suffice to say that afflicted Mercury and Venus in the 7th house make the native inclined towards secret

Mercury and Saturn are both eunuchs. The effect of their conjunction in the 5th house can well be considered with reference to
secretive organs if not to impotency. Further, if the 5th house and Mercury are afflicted by mars, the parents of the native or
his spouse may meet early death.

As indicated briefly above, Mercury as such is for skin, breathing canal, intelligence, brain, intestines, education, writing,
accountancy etc. therefore, Mercury conject or hemmed between or aspected by malefic will have to be interpreted accordingly.
At the same time it is well known that a planet is rendered weak when is in an enemy's sign. So, if a plant gets conjoined with
two malefic he becomes extremely weak. Conjunction or aspect by a planet inimical to him must look at for determining the
strength of a planets.

Apart from other matters indicated above, Mercury is considered a signification for charity, benevolence, social and public
service and is a religious planet. But Mercury under the malefic influence of Sun, Saturn and conjunction or aspect of Rahu/Ketu
indicate separative influence on the 7th house at times. However, Sun, though considered malefic, then combines with Mercury,
gives rise to Budha Aditya yoga making the intelligent, skilful in all works, having good reputation and enjoying all comforts
with happiness.

On this issue there is a difference of opinion in view of the general rule that any plaent in association with the Sun becomes
combust or Astha and looses its power to do good. Therefore, the goodness should not be taken for granted under this yoga.
Mercury should not be within 1 degree of the Sun to give rise to Budha Aditya Yoga.

Mercury is closest to the Sun and is a fast moving planet in the solar system. It is a fundamental rule in respect of planet
Mercury that it acts as a benefic when conjoined with or aspected by benefices but where it is conjoined or aspected by a
malefic, it becomes a malefic, in any way connected with evil planets. Therefore, the transiting Mercury having influence of
natural malefic (Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu) will give similar results as if being in the natal chart. Transiting Mercury, if
afflicted, makes the native to detract from study/work, quarrel with wife and children, loss of position and money. Inviting
dishonor with wicked acts, purposeless undertakings and loss in speculation etc.

Matters like having children or no children, having more or less children and having children late in life etc. are to be seen from
the 5th house. But in view of limited space for discussion. It would be desirable to confine only to the conjunction of or hemmed
position and aspects relating to Mercury.

According to Mantresvara's Phala Deepika. Mercury in Cancer along in the 5th house given few sons. Further, Mercury and
Venus in the 7th, Jupiter in the 5th and malefic in the 4th house is one of the four combinations for extinction of the family.
Mantreswara has also opined that in the case of Mercury, the issueless ness will be due to crimes on youngster or to the killings
of spawns (eggs of fishes or similar creatures) or the displeasure or lord Vishnu.

Exalted/debilitated or Moolatrikona Mercury in the 5th house may make some difference in the combination and in reducing the
malefic effect. Mercury with Saturn, depending on the horoscope in totality, can make the native an atheist and a regular

5th house Mercury indicate physical trouble to the mother of the native when he attains the age of 29 years. Depending on
other combinations, Mercury in 5th house also indicated few issues, a poor eater, of ordinary wealth, being quarrelsome, and
objectless traveling.

Now, talking of the actual horoscope indicated above, Sun and Ketu are with Mercury (R) in the 5th house. The question arises
whether the native can reap the qualities of Mercury which promises number of children and sex pleasure thought with
reference to Sun, this combination deprives the person of children and happiness. His/her life may be shortened. Both Sun and
Ketu also indicate loss of children. While examining the 7th house of the above horoscope, it was found that the native was
divorced and had two children from her earlier husband. The children might have been because of the Mercury (R).

To sum up, after Moon, Mercury becomes the next planet in a horoscope for the analysis and examination as the Mercury is
ruler of nerves and nervous system. Harmonious relationship with two planets (Moon and Mercury) becomes a great asset in
the horoscope. I shall be obliged to have views from other thinkers on astrology with regard to Mercury in the 5th house
conject, hemmed between and aspected by malefic. Suggestions, if any, shall enrich my intellectual capital-to serve the science
of astrology better.

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Dr. Shanker Adawal
Astrology. That is not Shanker’s alibi to while away lazy hours, it is his preferred passion
- a passion that fell his way in childhood, a zeal that he picked from his father. As a child
Shanker often saw his father, a bureaucrat-astrologer, scrambling with dates and
numbers on a horoscope; he often sat at his father's feet as he flipped through books to
unravel the mysteries of human lives and existence; while boys his age were fiddling with
cars and machines, Shanker sat hours to partake in intellectual debates about the futility
and paradoxes of life that his father had with his friends and fellow astrologers.

The esoteric so fascinated Shanker that he studied astrology to become a Jyotishacharya.

As word spread, Shanker’s weekends started getting crowded, friends sought solace and
answers, strangers knocked his doors for ways to mollify an irate planet. The more he
delved, the more astrology intrigued him. He perused his personal library of 3,000 books
trying to cull wisdom from ancient scriptures and musings of sages. And the more he
studied the more he felt the need to share his knowledge with others - a need that has
resulted in sixteen path-breaking books on astrology.

So, what is Destiny? Are human beings dictated by destiny? Is everything preordained?
Are we mere puppets playing our roles in this world without any control over our lives?
Do horoscopes hold the secret to our future? Can astrologers unfold lives and reveal what
waits at the next bend?

Shanker rebuffs common perceptions; he refuses to attribute everything to destiny. No,

not everything is destined. Our lives, to a great extent, are shaped by our choices and
our character, he affirms.

Do astrologers know all about future? No, not everything. For Shanker astrology is not an
absolute science, it is a predictive science. It is based on assumptions, on the average of
the larger numbers. Ask him about the absurdity of human predicaments and he would
tell you about the physics of the metaphysical, about the journey of the primal energy,
about the impact of colours on our lives. Nothing is absurd, nothing is random, it is our

Shanker promises no miracles with astrology. For him, astrology is an alternative or

supportive therapy, a handy tool to mitigate problems and help people become better
within their parameters, their context. He says, “We are not here on earth to change our
destiny, but to fulfill it.”

For Shanker, astrology is more than passion; it is a responsibility. A responsibility that he

fulfills ardently. Everyday

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Your Horoscope and your Sex Life

Astrology embraces all facets of human life and Sex is one of the most important facets
of human life giving the maximum happiness (bliss) and troubles also including divorce/
separation etc. in additional to imprisonment in some cases. This all depends on the
Nakshatra, Lagna (Ascendant- rising sign), Moon sign, Sun sign and the horoscope in
total. Be that as it may, from this book know all about the important aspect of life i.e.
Love/ romance/ sex wished/ cherished by all irrespective of the age.

Sufferings on account of sex are also known i.e. rape/ kidnapping, abduction and deaths
of some just on account of “sex”- the internal feeling/ emotion and revengeful nature.
Minor girls raped, some raped by friends and relatives and in few cases raped by father
have been reported in Newspapers from time to time and the Astrology- All keeps a track
of such reports to tally with the movement of planets- though it is in general as the
horoscope of the native is not available.

Among the most forceful planets for sex, Love/ romance and marriage are Venus and
Mars- Venus serves as platform and Mars is the key to unlock the emotion/ urges/
feelings for sex. At the same time Saturn has a role to play in making the native
impotent and makes the females frigid for sexual union.

The main planets involved are the Moon, Venus, Saturn and Mars. For all facets of life,
The Moon has a major role to play as the Moon is controller of mind and no sex is
possible without mental urge and how it is saved by Jupiter- the wise planet. I have
horoscopes where lot of inclination for love/ sex is indicated especially on account of
placement of Mars/ Rahu/ Saturn inspecting/ association Venus but Jupiter in LAgna or
other places inspecting such malefic planets saves the native from doing wrong acts in
the matter of sex. Sex scandals in personal lives are well known including of the public
figures holding high position. The available horoscopes as published shall be discussed in
due course of time.
Apart from emotions, the Moon is responsible for various organs- it , inter-alias, governs
the uterus, ovaries and its ligaments, glands and also external genitalia (8 th house of the
horoscope also become involved). Mars governs the blood and breakage of uterus tissues
and uterine endometrial. The Moon controls the actual flow of blood and fluid.

Conception after sex is the normal feature of human life but it is now days controlled by
many measures. |The role of the Sun comes into picture when conception takes place.
More astro- analysis follows in next. Issues of the articles including on menstruation/
conception etc. It would suffice to say that onset of the menses occurs when Mars
(depending on the age of the girl- near- about 14 years is with) in transit (gochara) the
Moon or in the Moon sign (Cancer). |The aspect of Mars is sufficient for exciting the flow.

Delivery of child rather the time of delivery is to be predicted with reference to the
movement of Moon. Normally the event happens when the Moon aspects/ for about the
date for menses near to the Full Moon and New Moon.

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