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Chapter - I Definitions
1 Short title and Commencement
2 Definitions
Chapter - II
3 Designating person(s) to operate and carry out the work on electrical lines and apparatus
4 Inspection of designated officers and other safety measures
5 Electrical Safety Officer
6 Safety measures for operation and maintenance of electric plants
7 Safety measures for operation and maintenance of transmission, distribution systems
8 Keeping of records and inspection there of
9 Deposit of maps
10 Deposit of printed copies
11 Plan for area of supply to be made and kept open for inspection
Chapter - III General safety requirements
12 General safety requirements, pertaining to construction, installation, protection, operation and
maintenance of electric supply lines apparatus
13 Service lines and apparatus on consumer’s premises
14 Switchgear on consumer’s premises
15 Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of switches and switchgear
16 Earthed terminal on consumer’s premises
17 Accessibility of bare conductors
18 Danger Notices
19 Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus
20 Supply to vehicles and cranes
21 Cables for portable or transportable apparatus
22 Cables protected by bituminous materials
23 Street boxes
24 Distinction of different circuits
25 Distinction of the installations having more than one feed
26 Accidental charging
27 Provisions applicable to protective equipment
28 Display of instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock
29 Precautions to be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers, electrical contractors, electrical
workmen and suppliers
30 Periodical inspection and-testing of Installations
31 Testing of consumer's installation
32 Installation and testing of generating units
Chapter - IV General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity
33 Precautions against leakage before connection
34 Leakage on consumer's premises
35 Supply and use of electricity
36 Provisions for supply and use of electricity in multi-storied building more than 15 meters in height
37 Conditions applicable to installations of voltage exceeding 250 Volts
38 Appeal to Electrical Inspector in regard to defects
39 Precautions against failure of supply and notice of failures
Chapter - V Safety Provisions for Electrical Installations and apparatus of voltage not exceeding 650 volts
40 Test for resistance of insulation
41 Connection with earth
42 Earth leakage protective device
Chapter - VI Safety Provisions for Electrical Installations and apparatus of voltage exceeding 650 volts
43 Approval by Electrical Inspector


44 Use of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 Volts

45 Inter-locks and protection for use of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 Volts
46 Testing, Operation and Maintenance
47 Precautions to be taken against excess leakage in case of metal sheathed electric supply lines
48 Connection with earth for apparatus exceeding 650V
49 General conditions as to transformation and control of electricity
50 Pole type sub-stations
51 Condensers
52 Supply to luminous tube sign installations of voltage exceeding 650 Volts but not exceeding 33 kV
53 Supply to electrode boilers of voltage exceeding 650 Volt but not exceeding 33 kV
54 Supply to X-ray and high frequency installations
Chapter - VII Safety requirements for overhead lines, underground cables and generating stations
55 Material and strength
56 Joints
57 Maximum stresses and factors of safety
58 Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of overhead lines
59 Clearance between conductors and trolley wires
60 Clearance from buildings of lines of voltage and service lines not exceeding 650 Volts
61 Clearances from buildings of lines of voltage exceeding 650 V
62 Conductors at different voltages on same supports
63 Erection or alteration of buildings, structures, flood banks and elevation of roads
64 Transporting and storing of material near overhead lines
65 General clearances
66 Routes proximity to aerodromes
67 Maximum interval between supports
68 Conditions to apply where telecommunication lines and power lines are carried on same supports
69 Lines crossing or approaching each other and lines crossing street and road
70 Guarding
71 Service lines from overhead lines
72 Earthing
73 Safety and protective devices
74 Protection against lightning
75 Unused overhead lines
76 Laying of cables
77 Protection against electromagnetic interference
Chapter - VIII Safety requirements for Electric Traction
78 Application of chapter
79 Voltage of supply to vehicle
80 Insulation of lines
81 Insulation of returns
82 Proximity to metallic pipes
83 Difference of potential on return
84 Leakage on conduit system
85 Leakage on system other than conduit system
86 Passengers not to have access to electric circuit
87 Isolation of sections
88 Minimum size and strength of trolley wire
89 Height of trolley wire and length of span
90 Earthing of guard wires
91 Proximity to magnetic observatories and laboratories
92 Records
Chapter - IX Safety requirements for mines and oil fields
93 Application of chapter
94 Responsibility for observance
95 Notices


96 Plans
97 Lighting, overhead lines, communication and fire precautions
98 Isolation and fixing of transformer and switchgear
99 Method of earthing
100 Protective equipment
101 Earthing metals
102 Voltage limits
103 Transformers
104 Switchgear and terminals
105 Disconnection of supply
106 Cables
107 Flexible cables
108 Portable and transportable machines
109 Sundry precautions
110 Precautions where gas exists
111 Shot-firing
112 Signaling
113 Haulage
114 Earthing of neutral points
115 Supervision
Chapter - X Miscellaneous
116 Deviations



New Delhi, the 20th September, 2010

No.CEVl/59/CEA/EL - In exercise of the powers conferred by section 177 of the

Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003); the Central Electricity Authority hereby makes the
following regulations for Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply, namely:-

Chapter I

1. Short title and Commencement: -

(1) These regulations may be called the Central Electricity Authority (Measures
relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Regulations, 2010
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their final publication in the Official

2. Definitions: -
(1) In these regulations, unless the context otherwise requires
(a) "Act" means the Electricity Act, 2003
(b) "accessible" means within physical reach without the use of any appliance or
special effort;
(c) "Ampere" means a unit of electric current and is a constant current which,
flowing in two parallel straight conductors of infinite length of negligible cross
section and placed at a distance of one meter apart in a vacuum will produce a
force of 2xl07 Newton per meter length between the conductors;
(d) "Apparatus ”means electrical apparatus and includes all machines, fittings
accessories and appliances in which conductors are used;
(e) "Bare" means not covered with insulating materials;
(f) "Cable" means a length of insulated single conductor (solid or stranded) or of
two or more such conductors each provided with its own insulation, which are
laid up together. Such insulated conductor or conductors may or may not be
provided with an overall mechanical protective covering;
(g) "Circuit" means an arrangement of conductor or conductors for the purpose of
conveying electricity and forming a system or a branch of a system;
(h) "Circuit breaker" means a device, capable of making and breaking the circuit
under all conditions, and unless otherwise specified, so designed as to break
the current automatically under abnormal conditions;
(i) "Concentric cable" means a composite cable comprising an inner conductor
which is insulated and one or more outer conductors which are insulated from
one another and are disposed over the insulation of and more or less around,
the inner conductor;
(j) "conductor" means any wire, cable, bar, tube, rail or plate used for conducting
electricity and so arranged as to be electrically connected to a system;
(k) "conduit" means rigid or flexible metallic tubing or mechanically strong and
tire resisting non-metallic tubing into which a cable or cables may be drawn
for the purpose of affording it or them mechanical protection
(l) "connected load" means the sum of the ratings of the electricity consuming
apparatus connected to a consumer’s installation;


(m) "covered, with insulating material" means adequately covered with insulating
material of such quality and thickness as to prevent danger

(n) “cut out" means any appliance for automatically interrupting the transmission
of electricity through the conductor when the current rises above a pre-
determined amount, and shall also include fusible cut-out
(o) "danger" means danger to health or danger to life or any part of body from
shock, bum or other injury to persons, or property, or from tire or explosion,
attendant upon the generation, `transmission, transformation, conversion,
distribution or use of electricity;
(p) “dead” means at or about earth potential and disconnected from any live
system. It is used only with reference to current carrying parts when these
parts are not live
(q) "designated person" means a person designated under regulation 3;
(r) “earthed" or "connected with earth" means connected with the general mass of
earth in such manner as to ensure at all times an immediate discharge of
electricity without danger;
(s) "earthing system" means an electrical system in which all the conductors and
appliances are earthed;
(t) "enclosed sub station" means any premises or enclosure or part thereof being
large enough to admit the entrance of a person after the apparatus therein is in
position, containing apparatus for transforming or converting electricity to or
from a voltage at or exceeding 650 V (other than transforming or converting
solely for the operation of switch gear or instruments) with or without any
other apparatus for switching, controlling or otherwise regulating the
electricity, and includes the apparatus therein
(u) "enclosed switch-station" means any premises or enclosure or part there being
large enough to admit the entrance of a person after the apparatus therein is in
position, containing apparatus ·for switching, controlling or otherwise
regulating electricity at or exceeding 650V but not for transforming or
converting electricity(other than for transforming or converting solely for the
operation. of switchgear or instruments)and includes the apparatus therein
(v) "flameproof enclosure’ means an enclosure for electrical machinery or
apparatus that will withstand, when the covers, or other access doors are
properly secured, an internal explosion of the inflammable gas or vapor which
may enter or originate inside the enclosure, without suffering damage and
without communicating the internal flammation (or explosion) to the external
inflammable gas or vapor in which it is designed to be used, through any joints
or other structural openings in the enclosure
(w) "flexible cable" means a cable consisting of one or more cores each formed of
a group of wires, the diameter and the physical properties of the wires and
insulating material being such as to afford flexibility.
(x) "guarded" means covered, shielded, fenced or otherwise protected by means of
suitable casings, barrier, rails or metal screens to remove the possibility of
dangerous contact or approach by persons or objects to a point of danger;
(y) "hand-held portable apparatus" means an apparatus which is so designed as to
be capable of being held in the hands and moved while connected to a supply
of electricity;


(z) "High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC)" means Direct Current (DC) voltage
above 100000 Volts used for transmission of power;
(za) "inspector of mines” means an Inspector appointed under the Mines Act,l952
(35 of 1952);
(zb) "installation" means any composite electrical unit used for the purpose of
generating, transforming, transmitting, converting, distributing or utilizing
(zc) "intrinsically safe" as applied to apparatus or associated circuits shall denote
that say sparking that may occur in normal working, is incapable of causing
explosion of inflammable gas or vapor
(zd) "increased safety type ‘e’ " means a-method of protection by which additional
measures are applied so as to give increased security against the possibility of
excessive temperatures and of occurrence of arcs and sparks in apparatus
which does not produce arcs or sparks in nominal service;
(ze) “lightning arrestor” means a device which has the property of diverting to
earth any electrical surge of excessively high amplitude applied to its
terminals and is capable of interrupting flow current if present and restoring
itself thereafter to its original operating conditions
(zf) "linked switch" means a switch with all the poles mechanically linked so as to
operate simultaneously
(zg) "live" means electrically charged;
(zh) "metallic covering" means mechanically strong metal covering surrounding
one or more conductors;
(zi) "meter" means a device suitable for measuring, indicating and recording
consumption of electricity or any other quantity related with electrical system
and shall include, wherever applicable, other equipment such as Current
Transformer (CT), Voltage Transformer (VT) or Capacitor Voltage
Transformer (CVT) with necessary wiring and accessories
(zj) "mine" has the same meaning as defined in the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952);
(zk) "neutral conductor" means that conductor of a multi-wire system, the voltage
of which is normally intermediate between the voltages of the other
conductors of the system and shall also include return wire of the single phase
(zl) “occupier" means the owner or person in occupation of the premises where
electricity is used or proposed to be used
(zm) “ohm" means a unit of electrical resistance and is the electrical resistance
between two points of a conductor when a constant potential difference of one
volt, applied to these points produces a current of one ampere in the conductor
provided no electromotive force is generated in the conductor
(zn) "open sparking" means sparking which owing to the lack pf adequate
provisions for preventing the ignition of" inflammable gas external to the
apparatus would ignite such inflammable gas
(zo) “overhead line" means any electric supply line which is placed above ground
and in the open air but excluding live rails of a traction system;
(zp) "owner" means the company or body corporate or association or body of
individuals, whether incorporated or not or artificial juridical person which
owns or operates or maintains Electric Plants and Lines;


(zq) "owner", "agent" and "manager” of a mine have the same meanings as are
assigned to them in the Mines Act, l952 (35 of 1952);
(zr) “poles"‘ means the phase terminals of a Switch;
(zs) "portab1e apparatus" means an apparatus which is so designed as to be
capable of being moved while in operation;
(zt) "portable hand lamp" means a portable light-fitting provided with suitable
handle, guard and flexible cord connected to a plug;
(zu) "Schedule" means a schedule to these regulations;
(zv) "section" means a Section of the Act;
(zw) "span" means the horizontal distance between two adjacent supporting points
of an overhead conductor;
(zx) "street box" means a totally enclosed structure, either above or below ground
containing apparatus for transforming, switching, controlling or otherwise
regulating electricity;
(zy) "supplier" means any generating company ‘or licensee from whose system
electricity flows into the system of another generating company or licensee or
(zz) "switch" means a manually operated device for opening and closing or for
changing the connection of a circuit;
(zza) "switchboard" means an assembly including the switchgear for the control of
electrical circuits, electric connections and the supporting frame;
(zzb) "switchgear" shall denote switches, circuit breakers, cut-outs and other
apparatus used for the operation, regulation and control of circuits;
(zzc) "system" means an electrical system in which all the conductors and apparatus
are electrically connected to a common source of electric supply;
(zzd) "transportable apparatus" means apparatus which is operated in a fixed
position but which is so designed as to be capable of being moved readily
from one place to another;
(zze) "volt” means a unit of potential difference of electro-motive force and is the
difference of electric potential which exists between two points of a conductor
carrying a constant current of one ampere, when the power dissipated between
these points is one watt;
(zzf) "voltage" means the difference of electric potential measured in Volts
between any two conductors or between any part of either conductor and the
earth as measured by a voltmeter meeting Indian Standards;
(zzg) "watt" is a unit of active power and "MW" means megawatt and is equal to
l06 watts;
(2) Words and expressions used and not defined in these regulations but defined in the
Act shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act.


Chapter II

3. Designating person(s) to operate and carry out the work on electrical lines and

(1) A supplier or a consumer, or the owner, agent or manager of mine, or the agent of
any company operating in an oil field or the owner of a drilled well in an oil field
or a contractor who has entered into a contract with a supplier or a. consumer to
carry out duties incidental to the generation, transformation, transmission,
conversion, distribution or use of electricity shall designate persons for the purpose
to operate and carry out the work on electrical lines and apparatus.

(2) The supplier or consumer, or the owner, agent or manager of a mine, or the agent
of any company operating in an oil-field or the owner of a drilled well in an oil
field or a contractor referred to on sub-regulation (1) shall maintain a register
wherein the names of the designated persons and the purpose for which they are
engaged, shall be entered

(3) No person shall be designated under sub-regulation (l) unless, -

(i) he possesses a certificate of competency or electrical work permit, issued by

the Appropriate Government
(ii) his name is entered in the register referred to in sub regulation (2)

4. Inspection of designated officers and other safety measures:-

(1) The register maintained under sub-regulation (2) of regulation 3 shall be produced
before the Electrical Inspector when required by him.

(2) If on inspection, the Electrical Inspector finds that the designated person does not
fulfill the required qualification, he shall recommend the removal of the name of
such persons from the register.

5. Electrical Safety Officer:-

(1) All suppliers of electricity including generating companies, transmission

companies and distribution companies shall designate an Electrical Safety Officer
for ensuring observance of safety measures specified under these regulations in
their organisation for construction, operation and maintenance of power stations,
sub-stations, transmission and distribution lines.

(2) The Electrical Safety Officer shall be an E1ectrical Engineering degree holder with
at least ten years of experience in operation and maintenance of electricity plants
or an Electrical Engineering Diploma holder with at least fifteen years of
experience in operation and maintenance of electric plant.


(3) The Electrical Safety Officer designated under sub-regulation (1) shall ensure
periodic inspection of such installations, get them tested and keep a record thereof
and such records shall be made available to the Electrical Inspector if and when

(4) For every factory registered under Factory Act, l948, where more than 250kW of
electrical load is connected, the management of the factory shall designate a person
having qualification specified in sub-regulation (2), for ensuring the observance of
the safety provisions laid under the Act and the regulations made there under, who
shall periodically inspect such installation, get them tested and keep a record
thereof and such records shall be made available to the Electrical Inspector if and
when required.

6. Safety measures for operation and maintenance of electric plants: -

(1) Engineers and supervisors appointed to operate or under take maintenance of any
part or whole of a thermal power generating station and a hydro power plant
together with the associated sub-station shall hold diploma in Engineering from a
recognized institute, or a degree in Engineering from a university.

(2) The Technicians to assist engineers or supervisors shall possess a certificate in

appropriate trade, preferably with A two years course from a Industrial Training
Institute recognized by the Central Government or the State Government.

(3) Engineers, supervisors and Technicians engaged for operation and maintenance of
electric plants should have successfully undergone the type of training as specified
in Schedule-I provided that the existing employees shall have to undergo the
training mentioned in sub-regulation (3) within three years from the date of coming
into force of these regulations.

(4) The owner of every thermal power generating station and hydro power plant
together with their associated substation shall arrange for training of personnel
engaged in the operation and maintenance of his generating station along with
associated sub-station in his own institute or any other institute recognized by the
Central Government or the State Government provided that separate training shall
be given to the persons engaged in operation and maintenance of thermal power
stations and hydro power stations including associated sub-stations.

7. Safety measures for operation and maintenance of transmission, distribution


(1) Engineers or supervisors engaged in operation and maintenance of transmission

and distribution systems shall hold diploma in electrical, mechanical, electronics
and instrumentation engineering from a recognized institute or university.


(2) The Technicians to assist engineers or supervisors shall possess a certificate in

appropriate trade, preferably with a two years course from a Industrial Training
institute recognized by the Central Government or State Government.

(3) Engineers, supervisors and Technicians engaged for operation and maintenance of
transmission and distribution systems electric plants should have successfully
undergone the type of training as specified in Schedule-II

Provided that the existing employees shall have to undergo the training
mentioned in sub-regulation (3) within three years from the date of coming into
force of these regulations

(4) Owner of every transmission or distribution system shall arrange for training of
their personal engaged in the operation and maintenance of transmission and
distribution system in his own institute or any other institute recognized by the
Central Government or State Government.

8. Keeping of records and inspection there of: -

(1) The generating company or licensee shall maintain records of the maps, plans and
sections relating to supply or transmission of electricity and submit the same to the
Electrical Inspector for inspection as and when required by him.

(2) The Electrical Inspector shall supply a copy of the report of inspection referred to
in sub-regulation (1), to the generating company or licensee, as the case may be.

9. Deposit of maps: -
When a license has been granted, two sets of maps showing, as regards such
licensee, the particulars specified in application for license shall be signed and
dated to correspond with the date of notification of the grant of the license by an
officer designated by the Appropriate Commission in this behalf, one set of such
maps shall be retained by the said officer and the other one shall be furnished to
the licensee.

10. Deposit of printed copies: -

(1) Every person who is granted a license, shall within thirty days of the grant thereof,
have copies of the license and maps, showing the area of supply as specified in the
license to Exhibit I same for public inspection at all reasonable times at his head
office, his local offices, if any, and at the office of every local authority within the
area of supply.

(2) Every such licensee shall, within the aforesaid period of thirty days, supply free of
charge one copy of the license along with the relevant maps to every local
authority within the area of supply and shall also make necessary arrangement for
the sale of printed copies of the license and maps to all persons applying for the
same, at a price to be notified by the Appropriate Government from time to time.


11. Plan for area of supply to be made and kept open for inspection:-

(1) The licensee shall, after commencing to supply electricity, forthwith cause a plan,
to be made in electronic form, of the area of supply, and shall cause to be marked
thereon the alignment and in the case of` underground works, the approximate
depth below the surface of all the existing electric supply lines, street distributing
boxes and other works, and shall once in every year cause that plan to be duly
corrected so as to show the electric supply lines, street distributing boxes and other
works for the time being in position and shall also, if so required by an Electrical
Inspector, cause to be made sections showing the approximate level of all his
existing underground works other than service lines.

(2) Every plan shall be drawn to such horizontal and vertical scale as the Appropriate
Commission may require.

Provided that no scale shall be required unless maps of the locality on that
scale are for the time being available to the public

(3) Every plan and section so made or corrected, or a copy thereof marked with the
date when it was made or corrected, shall be kept by the licensee at his principal
office or place of business within the area of supply, and shall at all reasonable
times be open to the inspection of all applicants, and copies thereof shall be

Provided that existing and old plans and sections and underground
distribution network shall be convened to electronic form within three years from
the date of commencement of these regulations.

(4) Global Positioning System (GPS) mapping or mapping through any other latest
technology, of existing and old plans and sections shall be completed within five
years from the date of commencement of these regulations and new plans and
sections shall be compatible to the Global Positioning System mapping or mapping
through any other latest technology.

(5) The licensee shall, if required by an Electrical Inspector, and, where the licensee is
not a local authority, by the local authority, if any, concerned, supply free of
charge to such Electrical Inspector or local authority a duplicate copy of every
such plan or section or a part of the same duly corrected.

(6) The copies of plans and sections under this regulation shall be supplied by the
licensee to every applicant on the payment of such fee as the Appropriate
Commission may, by regulation, specify.


Chapter III
General safety requirements

12. General safety requirements, pertaining to construction, installation, protection,

operation and maintenance of electric supply lines apparatus: -

(1) All electric supply lines and apparatus shall be of sufficient rating for power,
insulation and estimated fault current and of sufficient mechanical strength, for the
duty cycle which they may be required to perform under the environmental
conditions of installation, and shall be constructed, installed, protected, worked and
maintained in such a manner as to ensure safety of human beings, animals and

(2) Save as otherwise provided in these regulations, the relevant code of practice of the
Bureau of Indian Standards or National Electrical Code, if any, may be followed to
carry out the purposes of this regulation and in the event of any inconsistency, the
provisions of these regulations shall prevail.

(3) The material and apparatus used shall conform to the relevant specifications of the
Bureau of Indian Standards or International Electro-Technical Commission where
such specifications have already been laid down.

(4) All electrical equipment shall be installed above the Mean Sea level (MSL) as
declared by local Municipal Authorities and where such equipment is to be
installed in the basement, consumer shall ensure that the design of the basement
should be such that there is no seepage or leakage or logging of water in the

13. Service lines and apparatus on consumer’s premises: -

(1) The supplier shall ensure that all electric supply lines, wires, Fittings and apparatus
belonging to him or under his control, which are on a consumer’s premises, are in
a safe-condition and in all respects fit for supplying electricity and the supplier
shall take precautions to avoid danger arising on such premises from such supply`
lines, wires, fittings and apparatus.

(2) Service lines placed by the supplier on the premises of a consumer which are
underground or which are accessible shall be so insulated and protected by the
supplier as to be secured under all ordinary conditions against electrical,
mechanical, chemical or other injury to the insulation.

(3) The consumer shall, as far as circumstances permit, take precautions for the safe
custody of the equipment on his premises belonging to the supplier.

(4) The consumer shall also ensure that the installation under his control is, maintained
in a safe condition.


14. Switchgear on consumer’s premises: -

(1) The supplier shall provide a suitable switchgear in each conductor of every service
line other than an earthed or earthed neutral conductor or the earthed external
conductor of a concentric cable within a consumer’s premises, in an accessible
position and such switchgear shall be contained within an adequately enclosed
fireproof receptacle:

Provided that where more than one consumer is supplied through a

common service line, each such consumer shall be provided with an independent
switchgear at the point of rigid junction to the common service.

(2) Every electric supply line other than the earthed or earthed neutral conductor of
any system or the earthed external conductor of a concentric cable shall be
protected by suitable switchgear by its owner.

15. Identification of earthed and earthed neutral conductors and position of switches
and switchgear therein: -
Where the conductors include an earthed conductor of a two-wire system or an
earthed neutral conductor of a multi-wire system or a conductor which is to be
connected thereto, the following conditions shall be complied with: -

(i) an indication of a permanent nature shall be provided by the owner of the

earthed or earthed neutral conductor, or the conductor which is to be
connected thereto, to enable such conductor to be distinguished from any live
conductor and such indication shall be provided-

(a) where the earthed or earthed neutral conductor is the

property of the supplier, at or near the point of
commencement of supply;

(b) where a conductor forming part of a consumer’s system is

to be connected to the supplier’s earthed or earthed neutral
conductor, at the point where such connection is to be

(c) in all other cases, at a point corresponding to the point of

commencement of supply or at such other points as may be
approved by an Electrical Inspector.

(ii) no cut-out, link or switch other than a linked-switch arranged to operate

simultaneously on the earthed or earthed neutral conductor and live conductors
shall be inserted or remain inserted in any earthed or earthed neutral conductor
of a two wire-system or in any earthed or earthed neutral conductor of a multi-
wire system or in any conductor connected thereto


Provided that the above requirement shall not apply in case of-

(a) a link for testing purposes, or

(b) a switch for use in controlling a generator or transformer

16. Earthed terminal on consumer’s premises: -

(1) The supplier shall provide and maintain on the consumer’s premises for the
consumer’s use, a suitable earthed terminal in an accessible position at or near the
point of commencement of supply.

Provided that in the case of installation of voltage exceeding 250V the

consumer shall, in addition to the aforementioned earthing arrangement, provide
his own earthing system with an independent electrode.

Provided further that the supplier may not provide any earthed terminal in
the case of installations already connected to his system on or before the date to be
specified by the State Government in this behalf if he is satisfied that the
consumer’s earthing arrangement is efficient.

(2) The-consumer shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent mechanical damage
to the earthed terminal and its lead belonging to the supplier.

(3) The supplier may, recover from the consumer the cost of installation on the basis
of schedule of charges published by him in advance and where such schedule of
charges is not published, the procedure laid down, in regulation 63 shall apply.

Explanation: - For the purposes of sub-regulation (1), the expression "point of

commencement of supply of electricity" shall mean the point at the incoming
terminal of the switchgear installed by the consumer.

17. Accessibility of bare conductors: -

Where bare conductors are used in a building, the owner of such conductors shall,-

(a) ensure that they are inaccessible;

(b) provide in readily accessible position switches for rendering them dead
whenever necessary; and

(c) take such other safety measures as are specified in the relevant Indian


18. Danger Notices: -

The owner of every installation of voltage exceeding 250V shall affix permanently in
a conspicuous position a danger notice in Hindi or English and the local language of
the District, with a sign of skull and bones of a design as per IS -2551 on-

(a) every motor, generator, transformer and other electrical plant and
equipment together with apparatus used for controlling or
regulating the same;

(b) all supports of overhead lines of voltage exceeding 650V which can
be easily climbed upon without the aid of ladder or special

(c) luminous tube sign requiring supply, X-ray and similar high
frequency installations of voltage exceeding 550V but not
exceeding 33kV:

Provided that where it is not possible to affix such notices on any

generator, motor, transformer or other apparatus, they shall be affixed as
near as possible thereto, or the word ‘danger’ and the voltage of the
apparatus concerned shall be permanently painted on it:

Provided further that where the generator, motor, transformer or other

apparatus is within an enclosure one notice affixed to the said enclosure
shall be sufficient for the purposes of this regulation.

Explanation- For the purpose of clause (b) rails, tubular poles, wooden supports,
reinforced cement concrete poles without steps, I-sections and channels, shall be
deemed as supports which cannot be easily climbed upon.

19. Handling of electric supply lines and apparatus: -

(1) Before any conductor or apparatus is handled, adequate precautions shall be taken,
by earthing or other suitable means, to discharge electrically such conductor or
apparatus, and any adjacent conductor or apparatus if there is danger there from,
and to prevent any conductor or apparatus from being accidentally or inadvertently
electrically charged when persons are working thereon.

(2) Every person who is working on an electric supply line or apparatus or both shall
be provided with tools and devices such as gloves, rubber shoes, safety belts,
ladders, earthing devices, helmets, line testers, hand lines and the like for
protecting him from mechanical and electrical injury and such tools and devices
shall always be maintained in sound and efficient working condition.

(3) No person shall work on any live electric supply line or apparatus and no person
shall assist such person on such work, unless he is designated in that behalf and
takes the safety precautions given in Schedule-III.


(4) Every telecommunication line on supports carrying a line of voltage exceeding

650V but not exceeding 33kV shall, for the purpose of working thereon, be
deemed to be a line of voltage exceeding 650V.

(5) All non-current carrying metal parts of switchgear and control panels shall be
properly earthed and insulating floors or mat conforming to IS-l5652: 2006, of
appropriate voltage level shall be provided in front of the panels for the safety of
operating personnel.

(6) All panels shall be painted with me description of its identification at front and at
the rear.

20. Supply to vehicles and cranes: -

Every person owning a vehicle, traveling crane, or the like to which electricity is
supplied from an external source shall ensure that it is efficiently controlled by a
suitable switch enabling all voltage to be cut off in one operation and, where such
vehicle, traveling crane or the like runs on metal rails, the owner shall ensure that the
rails are electrically continuous and earthed.

21. Cables for portable or transportable apparatus: -

(1) Flexible cables shall not be used for portable or transportable motors, generators,
transformers, rectifiers, electric drills, electric sprayers, welding sets or any other
portable or transportable apparatus unless they are heavily insulated and
adequately protected from mechanical injury.

(2) Where the protection is by means of metallic covering, the covering shall be in
metallic connection with the frame of any such apparatus and earthed.

(3) The cables shall be three core type and four core type for portable and
transportable apparatus working on single phase and three phase supply
respectively and the wire meant to be used for ground connection shall be easily

22. Cables protected by bituminous materials: -

(1) Where the supplier or the owner has brought into use an electric supply line, other
than an overhead line, which is not completely enclosed in a continuous metallic
covering connected with earth and is insulated or protected in situ by composition
or material of a bituminous character,-
(i) any pipe, conduit, or the like into which such electric supply line may have
been drawn or placed shall, unless other arrangements are approved by the
Electrical Inspector in any particular case, be effectively sealed at its point of
entry into any street box so as to prevent any flow of gas to or from the street
box, and;


(ii) such electric supply line shall be periodically inspected and tested where
accessible, and the result of each such inspection and test shall be duly
recorded by the supplier or the owner.

(2) The supplier or the owner after the coming into force of these regulations shall not
bring into use any further electric supply line as aforesaid which is insulated or
protected in situ by any composition or material known to be liable to produce
noxious or explosive gases on excessive heating.

23. Street boxes: -

(1) Street boxes shall not contain gas pipes, and precautions shall be taken to prevent,
as far as reasonably possible, any influx of water or gas.

(2) Where electric supply lines forming part of different systems pass through the
same street box, they shall be readily distinguishable from one another and all
electric supply lines of voltage exceeding 650V at or in street boxes shall be
adequately supported and protected so as to prevent risk of damage to or danger
from adjacent electric supply lines.

(3) All street boxes shall be regularly; inspected for the purpose of detecting the
presence of gas and if any influx or accumulation is discovered, the owner shall
give immediate notice to any authority or company who have gas mains in the
neighborhood of the street box and in cases where a street box is large enough to
admit the entrance of a person after the electric supply lines or apparatus therein
have been placed in position, ample provision shall be made-

(i) to ensure that any gas which may by accident have obtained access to the box
shall escape before a person is allowed to enter; and

(ii) for the prevention of danger from sparking.

(4) The owners of all street boxes or pillars containing circuits or apparatus shall
ensure that their covers and doors are kept closed and locked and are so provided
that they can be opened only by means of a key or a special appliance.

24. Distinction of different circuits: -

The owner of every generating station, sub-station, junction-box or pillar in which

there are any circuits or apparatus, whether intended for operation at different voltages
or at the same voltage, shall ensure by means of indication of a permanent nature that
the respective circuits are readily distinguishable from one another.


25. Distinction of the installations having more than one feed: -

The owner of every installation including sub-station, double pole structure, four
pole structure or any other structure having more than one feed, shall ensure by
means of indication of permanent nature, that the installation is readily
distinguishable from other installations.

26. Accidental charging: -

(1) The owners of all circuits and apparatus shall so arrange them that there shall be no
danger of any part thereof becoming accidentally charged to any voltage beyond
the limits of voltage for which they are intended.

(2) Where alternating current and direct current circuits are installed on the same box
or support, they shall be so arranged and protected that they shall not come into
contact with each other when live.

27. Provisions applicable to protective equipment.-

(1) Fire buckets filled with clean dry sand and ready for immediate use for
extinguishing fires in addition to fire extinguishers suitable for dealing with fires,
shall be conspicuously marked and kept in all generating stations, enclosed sub-
stations and switching-stations in convenient location

(2) The fire extinguishers shall be tested for satisfactory operation as per relevant
Indian Standard at least once a year and record of such tests shall be maintained.

(3) First-aid boxes or cupboards conspicuously marked and equipped with such
contents as the State Government may specify, shall be provided and maintained in
every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed switching station and in
vehicles used for maintenance of lines so as to be readily accessible during all
working hours and all such boxes and cupboards shall, except, in the case of
unattended sub-stations and switching stations, be kept in charge of responsible
persons' who are trained in first-aid treatment and one of such persons shall be
available during working hours.

(4) Two or more gas masks shall be provided conspicuously and installed and
maintained at accessible places in every generating station with capacity of 5 MW
and above and enclosed sub-station, with transformation capacity of 5 MVA and
above for use in the event of fire or smoke;

Provided that where more than one generator with capacity of 5 MW and above
is installed in a power station, each-generator shall be provided with at least two
separate gas masks in an accessible and conspicuous place:-

Provided further that adequate number of gas masks shall be provided by the
owner at every generating station and enclosed sub-station with capacity less than
5 MW and 5 MVA respectively


28. Display of instructions for resuscitation of persons suffering from electric shock: -
(1) Instructions, in English or Hindi and the local language of the District and where
Hindi is the local language, in English and Hindi for the resuscitation of persons
suffering from electric shock, shall be affixed; by the owner in a conspicuous place
in every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed switching station, mines
and in every factory as defined in clause (m) of section 2 of the Factory Act, 1948
(63 of 1948) in which electricity is used and in such other premises where
electricity is used as the. Electrical Inspector may, by notice in writing served on
the owner, direct.

(2) The owner of every generating station, enclosed sub-station, enclosed switching
station and every factory or other premises to which these regulations apply shall
ensure that all designated persons employed by him are acquainted with and are
competent to apply the instructions referred to in sub-regulation (1).

(3) In every manned generating station, sub-station or switching station of voltage

exceeding 650 V, an artificial respirator shall be provided and kept in good
working condition.

29. Precautions to be adopted by consumers, owners, occupiers, electrical

contractors, electrical workmen and suppliers:-
(1) No electrical installation work, including additions, alterations, repairs and
adjustments to existing installations, except such replacement of lamps; fans, fuses,
switches, domestic appliances of voltage not exceeding 250V and fittings as in no
way alters its capacity or character, shall be carried out upon the premises of or on
behalf of any consumer, supplier, owner or occupier for the purpose of supply to
such consumer, supplier, owner or occupier except by an electrical contractor
licensed in this behalf by the State Government and under the direct supervision of
a person holding a certificate of competency and by a person holding a permit
issued or recognised by the State Government.

Provided that in the case of works executed for or on behalf of the Central
Government and in the case of installations in mines, oil fields and railways, the
Central Government and in other cases the State Government, may, by notification
in the Official Gazette, exempt on such conditions as it may impose, any such
work described therein either generally or in the case of any specified class of
consumers, suppliers, owners or occupiers.

(2) No electrical installation work which has been carried out in contravention of sub-
regulation (1) shall either be energised or connected to the works of any supplier.
30. Periodical inspection and testing of Installations: -
(1) Where an installation is already connected to the supply system of the supplier or
trader, every such installation shall be periodically inspected and tested at intervals
not exceeding five years either by the Electrical Inspector or by the supplier as may
be directed by the State Government in this behalf or in the case of installations
belonging to, or under the control of the Central Government, and in the case of
installation in mines, oilfields and railways, by the Central Government.


(2) The periodical inspection and testing of installations of voltage above 650 V
belonging to the supplier, shall also be carried out at intervals not exceeding five
years by the Electrical Inspector,

(3) Where the supplier is directed by the Central or the State Government, as the case
may be, to inspect and test the installation, he shall report on the condition of the
installation to the consumer concerned in the Forms I, II and III as specified in
Schedule-IV and shall submit a copy of such report to the Electrical Inspector,

(4) The Electrical Inspector may, on receipt of such report, accept the report submitted
by the supplier or record variations as the circumstances of each case may require
and may recommend that the defects may be rectified as per report,

(5) In the event of the failure of the owner of any installation to rectify the defects in
his installation pointed out by the Electrical Inspector in his report and within the
time indicated therein, such installation shall be liable to be disconnected under the
directions of the Electrical Inspector after serving the owner of such installation
with a notice for not less than forty eight hours.

Provided that the installation shall not be disconnected in case an appeal is

made under sub-rule (1) of rule (8) of "Qualifications, Powers and Functions of
Chief Electrical Inspector and Electrical Inspectors issued by Central Government
vide GSR 481 (E).dated 17.08.2006 and the appellate authority has stayed the
orders of disconnection.
31. Testing of consumer's installation: -

(1) Upon receipt of an application for a new or additional supply of electricity and
before connecting the supply or reconnecting the same after a period of six months,
the supplier shall either test the installation himself or, accept the test results
submitted by the consumer when the same has been duly signed by the licensed
Elected Contractor.

(2) The supplier shall maintain a record of test results obtained at each supply point to
a consumer, in a Schedule-V.

(3) If as a result of such inspection and test, the supplier is satisfied that the installation
is likely to be dangerous, he shall serve, on the applicant a notice in writing
requiring him to make such modifications as are necessary to render the
installation safe and may refuse to connect or reconnect the supply until the
required modifications have been completed.

32. Installation and testing of generating units: -

Capacity above which generating units will be required to be inspected by the

Electrical Inspector before commissioning shall be as per the notification to be issued
by the Appropriate Government, under clause (x) sub-section (2) of section 176 and
sub-section (l) of section 162 of the Act.


Chapter IV

General conditions relating to supply and use of electricity

33. Precautions against leakage before connection: -

1) The supplier shall not connect with his works the installation or apparatus on the
premises of any applicant for supply unless he is reasonably satisfied that the
connection will not at the time of making the connection cause a leakage from that
installation or apparatus of a magnitude detrimental to safety which shall be
checked by measuring the installation resistance as under,-

(i) all equipments shall have the insulation resistance (IR) value as stipulated in
the relevant Indian Standards;

(ii) on application of 500 V DC between each live conductor and earth for a period
of one minute the insulation resistance of installation and equipment of voltage
not exceeding 650 V shall be at least 1 MEGA OHM or as specified in the
relevant Indian Standard;

(iii) on application of 2.5 kV-DC between each live conductor and earth for a
period of one minute, the insulation resistance, of installation and equipment
of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV shall be at least 5 MEGA
OHM or as specified in the relevant Indian Standard.

(2) If the supplier declines to make a connection under the provisions of sub-
regulation (1) he shall convey to the applicant, the reasons in writing for so

34. Leakage on consumer's premises:-

(1) If the Electrical Inspector or the supplier has reasons to believe that there is
leakage in the system of a consumer which is likely to affect injuriously the use of
electricity by the supplier or by other persons, or which is likely to cause danger,
he may give the consumer notice in writing that he desires to inspect and test the
consumer's installation.

(2) If on such notice being given the consumer does not give all reasonable facilities
for inspection and testing of his installation, or when an insulation resistance of the
consumer's installation is so low as to prevent safe use of electricity, the supplier
may, and if directed so to do by the Electrical Inspector shall discontinue the
supply of electricity to the installation but only after giving to the consumer forty
eight hours notice in writing of disconnection of supply and shall not recommence
the supply until he or the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the cause of the
leakage has been removed.

35. Supply and use of electricity:-

(1) The electricity shall not be supplied, transformed, converted, inverted or used or
continued to be supplied, transformed, converted, inverted or used unless the
conditions contained in sub-regulations (2) to (8) are complied with.


(2) The following controls of requisite capacity to carry and break the current shall be
placed as near as possible after the point of commencement of supply so as to be
readily accessible and capable of being easily operated to completely isolate the
supply to the installation, such equipment being in addition to any equipment
installed for controlling individual circuits or apparatus, namely: -
(i) a linked switch with fuse or a circuit breaker by consumers of voltage which
does not exceed 650 V; .

(ii) a linked switch with fuse or a circuit breaker by a consumer of voltage

exceeding 650V but not exceeding 33 kV having aggregate installed
transformer or apparatus capacity up to 1000kVA to be supplied at voltage up
to 11 kV and 2500kVA at higher voltages (above 11 kV and not exceeding 33

(iii) a circuit breaker by consumers at voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding
33 kV having an aggregate installed transformer and apparatus capacity above
1000kVA and supplied at voltage up to 11 kV and above 2500 KVA at higher
voltages (above 11 kV and not exceeding 33 kV);

(iv) a circuit breaker by a consumer of voltage exceeding 33 kV.

Provided that where the point of commencement of supply and the consumer
apparatus are near each other, one linked switch with fuse or circuit breaker
near the point of commencement of supply shall be considered sufficient.
(3) In case of every transformer the following shall be provided; namely: -

on primary side for transformers a linked switch with fuse or circuit breaker of
adequate capacity:

Provided that the linked switch on the primary side of the

transformer may be of such capacity as to carry the: full load current and to
break only the magnetising current of the transformer:

Provided further that for all transformers:

(a) having a capacity of 5000kVA and above installed before the year
2000; and

(b) having a capacity 1000kVA and above installed in or after the year
2000, a circuit breaker shall be provided:
Provided also that the linked switch on the primary side of the
transformer shall not required for the unit auxiliary transformer and
generator transformer;

(ii) in respect of all transformers installed in or after the year 2000, on the
secondary side of all transformers a circuit breaker of adequate rating shall be


Provided that for suppliers transformers of capacity below 1000 KVA,

a linked switch with fuse or circuit breaker of adequate rating shall be
installed on secondary side.

(4) Except in the case of composite control gear designed as a unit each distinct circuit
is to be protected against excess energy by means of suitable cut-out or a circuit
breaker of adequate breaking capacity suitably located and so constructed as to
prevent danger from overheating, arcing or scattering of hot metal when it comes
into operation and to permit for ready renewal of the fusible metal of the cut-out
without danger.

(5) The supply of electricity to each motor or a group of motors or other apparatus
meant for operating one particular machine shall be controlled by a suitable linked
switch or a circuit breaker or an emergency tripping device with manual reset of
requisite capacity placed in such a position as to be adjacent to the motor or a
group of motors or other apparatus readily accessible to and easily operated by the
person in-charge and so connected in the circuit that by its means all supply of
electricity can be cut off from the motor or group of motors or apparatus from any
regulating switch, resistance of other device associated therewith.

(6) All insulating materials shall be chosen with special regard to the circumstances of
their proposed use and their mechanical strength shall be sufficient for their
purpose and so far as is practicable of such a character or so protected as to
maintain adequately their insulating property under all working conditions in
respect of temperature and moisture; and

(7) Adequate precautions shall be taken to ensure that no live parts are so exposed as
to cause danger.

(8) Every consumer shall use all reasonable means to ensure that where electricity is
supplied by a supplier no person, other than the supplier shall interfere with service
lines and apparatus placed by the supplier on the premises of the consumer.

36. Provisions for supply and use of electricity in multi-storied building more than 15
meters in height: -

(1) The connected load and voltage of supply above which inspection is to be carried
out by an Electrical Inspector for a multi-storied building of more than fifteen
meters height shall be notified by the Appropriate Government.

(2) Before making an application for commencement of supply or recommencement of

supply after an installation has been disconnected for a period of six months or
more, the owner or occupier of a multi-storied building shall give not less than
thirty days notice in writing to the Electrical Inspector specify therein the
particulars of installation and the supply of electricity shall not be commenced or
recommenced within-this period, without the approval in writing of the Electrical


(3) The supplier or owner of the installation shall provide at the point of
commencement of supply; a suitable isolating device with cut-out or breaker to
operate on all phases except neutral in the 3-phase, 4-wire circuit and fixed in a
conspicuous position at not more than 1.70 meters above the ground so as to
completely isolate the supply to the building in case of emergency.

(4) The owner or occupier of a multi-storied building shall ensure that electrical
installations and works inside the building are carried out and maintained in such a
manner as to prevent danger due to shock, and fire hazards, and the installation is
carried out in accordance with the relevant codes of practice.

(5) No other service pipes and cables shall be taken along the ducts provided for
laying power cables and all ducts provided for power cables and other services
shall be provided with fire barrier at each floor crossing.

37. Conditions applicable to installations of voltage exceeding 250 Volts: -

The following conditions shall, be complied with where electricity of voltage above
250 V is supplied, converted, transformed or used; namely: -

(i) all conductors, other than those of overhead lines, shall be completely
enclosed in mechanically strong metal casing or metallic covering which is
electrically and mechanically continuous and adequately protected against
mechanical damage unless the said conductors are accessible only to an
designated person or are installed and protected so as to prevent danger:
Provided that non-metallic conduits conforming to the relevant Indian
Standard Specifications may be used for installations of voltage not exceeding
650 V

(ii) all metal works, enclosing, supporting or associated with the installation, other
than that designed to serve as a conductor shall be connected with an earthing
system as per standards laid down in the Indian Standards in this regard and
the provisions of regulation 41.

(iii) Every switchboard shall comply with the following,-

(a) a clear space of not less than one meter in width shall be provided in front
of the switchboard;

(b) if there are any attachments or bare connections at the back of the
switchboard, the space, if any, behind the switchboard shall be either less
than twenty centimeters or more than seventy five centimeters in width,
measured from the farthest protruding part of any attachment or conductor;

(c) if the space behind the switchboard exceeds seventy five centimeters in
width, there shall be a passage way from either end of the switchboard,
clear to a height of 1.8 meters.


(iv) In case of installations provided in premises where inflammable materials

including gases and chemicals are produced, handled or stored, the electrical
installations, equipment and apparatus shall comply with the requirements of
flame proof, dust tight, totally enclosed or any other suitable type of electrical
fittings depending upon the hazardous zones as per the relevant Indian

(v) Where an application has been made to a supplier for supply of electricity to
any installation, he shall not commence the supply or where the supply has
been discontinued for a period of six months and above, recommence the
supply unless the consumer has complied with, in all respects the conditions of
supply set out in these regulations.

(vi) Where a supplier proposes to supply or use electricity at or to recommence

supply of voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V after it has been
discontinued for a period of six months, he shall, before connecting or
reconnecting the supply, give notice in writing of such intention to the
Electrical Inspector.

(vii) If at any time after connecting the supply, the supplier is satisfied that any
provision of these regulations are not being observed he shall give notice of
the same in writing to the consumer and the Electrical Inspector, specifying
how the provisions have not been observed and to rectify such defects in a
reasonable time and if the consumer fails to rectify such defects pointed out,
he may discontinue the supply after giving the consumer a reasonable
opportunity of being heard and recording reasons in writing and the supply
shall be discontinued only on written orders of an officer duly notified by the
supplier in this behalf and shall be restored with all possible speed after such
defects are rectified by the consumer to the satisfaction of the supplier.

38. Appeal to Electrical Inspector in regard to defects: -

(1) If any applicant for a supply or a consumer is dissatisfied with the action of the
supplier in declining to commence, to continue or to recommence the supply of
electricity to his premises on the grounds that the installation is defective or is
likely to be dangerous, he may appeal to the Electrical Inspector to test the
installation and the supplier shall not, if the Electrical Inspector intimates that the
installation is free from the defect or danger complained of, refuse supply to the
consumer on the grounds aforesaid, and shall, within twenty four hours after the
receipt of such, intimation from the Electrical Inspector, commence, continue or
recommence the supply of electricity.

(2) Any test for which application has been made under sub regulation (1) shall be
carried out within seven days after the receipt of such application.


39. Precautions against failure of supply and notice of failures: -

(1) The layout of the electric supply lines of the supplier for the supply of electricity
throughout his area of supply shall under normal working conditions be
sectionalised and so arranged, and provided with switchgear or circuit breakers, so
located, as to restrict within reasonable limits the extent of the portion of the
system affected by any failure of supply.

(2) The supplier shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid any accidental
interruptions of supply, and also to avoid danger to the public or to any employee
or designated person when engaged on any operation during and in connection
with the installation, extension, replacement, repair and maintenance of any works.

(3) The supplier shall send to the Electrical Inspector a notice of failure of supply of
such kind as the Electrical Inspector may from time to time require to be notified
to him, and such notice shall be sent by the earliest mode of communication after
the failure occurs or after the failure becomes known to the supplier and shall be in
the Form given in Schedule-VI.

(4) For the purpose of testing or for any other purpose connected with the efficient
working of the suppliers installations, the supply of electricity may be discontinued
by the supplier for such period as may be necessary, subject to not less than twenty
four hours notice being given by the supplier to all consumers likely to be affected
by such discontinuance:

Provided that no such notice shall be given in cases of emergency


Chapter V
Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage not exceeding
650 volts

40. Test for resistance of insulation: -

(1) Where any electric supply line for use at voltages not exceeding 650 V has been
disconnected from a system for the purpose of addition, alteration or repair, such
electric supply line shall not be reconnected to the system until the supplier or the
owner has applied the test prescribed under regulation 33.

(2) The provision under sub-regulation (1) shall not apply to overhead lines except
overhead insulated cables, unless the Electrical Inspector otherwise directs in any
particular case.

41. Connection with earth: -

The following conditions shall apply to the connection with earth of systems at
voltage normally exceeding 125 V but not exceeding 650 V, namely: -

(i) neutral conductor of a 3-phase, 4-wire system and the middle conductor of a 2-
phase, 3-wire system shall be earthed by not less than two separate and distinct
connections with a minimum of two different earth electrodes or such large
number as may be necessary to bring the earth resistance to a satisfactory
value both at the generating station and at the sub-station.

(ii) the earth electrodes so provided, shall be inter-connected to reduce earth


(iii) neutral conductor shall also be earthed at one or more points along the
distribution system or service line in addition to any connection with earth
which may be at the consumer's premises.

(iv) in the case of a system comprising electric supply lines having concentric
cables, the external conductor of such cables, shall be earthed by two separate
and distinct connections with earth.

(v) the connection with earth may include a link by means of which the
connection may be temporarily interrupted for the purpose of testing or for
locating fault.

(vi) in a direct current three wire system, the middle conductor shall be earthed at
the generating station only and the current from the middle conductor to earth
shall be continuously recorded by means of a recording ammeter, and if at any
time the current exceeds one-thousandth part of the maximum supply current,
immediate steps shall be taken to improve the insulation of the system.

(vii) where the middle conductor is earthed by means of a circuit breaker with a
resistance connected in parallel, the resistance shall not exceed ten ohms and
on the opening of the circuit breaker, immediate steps shall be taken to
improve the insulation of the system, and the circuit breaker shall be re-closed
as soon as possible.


(viii) the resistance shall be used only as a protection for the ammeter in case of
earths on the system and until such earths are removed and immediate steps
shall be taken to locate and remove the earth.

(ix) in the case of an alternating current system, there shall not be inserted in the,
connection with earth any impedance, other than that required solely for the
operation of switchgear or instruments, cut-out or circuit breaker, and the
result of any test made to ascertain whether the current, if any, passing through
the connection with earth is normal, shall be duly recorded by the supplier.

(x) no person shall make connection with earth by the aid of, nor shall he keep it
in contact with, any water mains not belonging to him except with the consent
of the owner thereof and of the Electrical Inspector.

(xi) alternating current systems which are connected with earth as aforesaid shall
be electrically interconnected:
Provided that each connection with earth is bonded to the metal sheathing
and metallic armouring, if any, of the electric supply lines concerned.

(xii) the frame of every generator, stationary motor, portable motor, and the
metallic parts, not intended as conductors, of all transformers and any other
apparatus used for regulating or controlling electricity, and all electricity
consuming apparatus, of voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V
shall be earthed by the owner by two separate and distinct connections with
(xiii) neutral point of every generator and transformer shall be earthed by
connecting it to the earthing system by not less than two separate and distinct
(xiv) all metal casing or metallic coverings containing or protecting any electric
supply line or apparatus shall be connected with earth and shall be so joined
and connected across all junction boxes and other openings as to make good
mechanical and electrical connection throughout their whole length:
Provided that conditions mentioned in this regulation shall not
apply, where the supply voltage does not exceed 250 V and the apparatus
consists of wall tubes or brackets, electroliers, switches, ceiling fans or
other fittings,, other than portable hand lamps and portable and
transportable apparatus, unless provided with earth terminal and to class-II
apparatus and appliances:

Provided further that where the supply voltage is not exceeding 250
V and where the installations are either new or renovated, all plug sockets
shall be of the three pin type, and the third pin shall be permanently and
efficiently earthed.

(xv) All earthing systems shall, -


(a) consist of equipotential bonding conductors capable of carrying the

prospective earth fault current and a group of pipes, rods and plate
electrodes for dissipating the current to the general mass of earth without
exceeding the allowable temperature limits as per relevant Indian
Standards in order to maintain all non-current carrying metal works
reasonably at earth potential and to avoid dangerous contact potentials
being developed on such metal works;

(b) limit earth resistance sufficiently low to permit adequate fault current for
the operation of protective devices in time and to reduce neutral shifting;

(c) be mechanically strong, withstand corrosion and retain electrical continuity

during the life of the installation and all earthing systems shall be tested to
ensure efficient earthing, before the electric supply lines or apparatus are

(xvi) all earthing systems belonging to the supplier shall in addition, be tested for
resistance on dry day during the dry season not less than once every two

(xvii) a record of every earth test made and the result thereof shall be kept by the
supplier for a period of not less than two years after the day of testing and
shall be available to the Electrical Inspector when required.

Explanation: - The expression "Class-II apparatus and appliance" shall have

the same meaning as is assigned to it in the relevant Indian Standards.

42. Earth leakage protective device: -

The supply of electricity to every electrical installation other than voltage not
exceeding 250 V below 5 kW and those installations of voltage not exceeding 250 V
which do not attract provisions of section 54 of the Act, shall be controlled by an
earth leakage protective device so as to disconnect the supply instantly on the
occurrence of earth fault or leakage of current:
Provided that such earth leakage protective device shall not be required for
overhead supply lines having protective devices which are effectively bonded to the
neutral of supply transformers and conforming to regulation 73.


Chapter VI
Safety provisions for electrical installations and apparatus of voltage exceeding 650

43. Approval by Electrical Inspector: -

(1) Voltage above' which electrical installations will be required to be inspected by the
Electrical Inspector before commencement of supply or recommencement after
shutdown for six months and above shall be as per the notification to be issued by
the Appropriate Government, under clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 176,
and sub-section (1) of section 162 of the Act.

(2) Before making an application to the Electrical Inspector for permission to

commence or recommence supply after an installation has been disconnected for
six months and above at voltage exceeding 650 V to any person, the supplier shall
ensure that electric supply lines or apparatus of voltage exceeding 650 V belonging
to him are placed in position, properly joined and duly completed and examined
and the supply of electricity shall not be commenced by the supplier for
installations of voltage needing inspection under these regulations unless the
provisions of regulations 12 to 29, 33 to 35, 44 to 51 and 55 to 77 have been
complied with and the approval in writing of the Electrical Inspector has been
obtained by him:

Provided that the supplier may energise the aforesaid electric supply lines
or apparatus for the purpose of tests specified in regulation 46

(3) The owner of any installation of voltage exceeding 650 V shall, before making
application to the Electrical Inspector for approval of his installation or additions
thereto, test every circuit of voltage exceeding 650 V or additions thereto, other
than an overhead line, and satisfy him self that they withstand the application of
the testing voltage set out in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 46 and shall duly
record the results of such tests and forward them to the Electrical Inspector:

Provided that an Electrical Inspector may direct such owner to carry out such
tests as he deems necessary or accept the manufacturer's certified tests in
respect of any particular apparatus in place of the tests required by this

(4) The owner of any installation of voltage exceeding 650 V who makes any addition
or alteration to his installation shall not connect to the supply his apparatus or
electric supply lines, comprising the said alterations or additions unless and until
such alteration or addition has been approved in writing by the Electrical Inspector.
44. Use of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 Volts: -
(1) The Electrical Inspector shall not authorise the supplier to commence supply or
where the supply has been discontinued for a period of six months and above, to
recommence the supply at voltage exceeding 650 V to any consumer unless-

(i) all conductors and apparatus situated on the premises of the consumer are so
placed as to be inaccessible except to a designated person and all operations in
connection with the said conductors and apparatus are carried out by a
designated person;


(ii) the consumer has provided and agrees to maintain a separate building or a
locked weather proof and fire proof enclosure of agreed design and location, to
which the supplier at all times shall have access for the purpose of housing his
apparatus and metering equipment, or where the provision for a separate
building or enclosure is impracticable the consumer has segregated the
aforesaid apparatus of the supplier from any other part of his
own apparatus:

Provided that such segregation shall be by the provision of fire proof walls,
if the Electrical Inspector considers it to be necessary:

Provided further that in the case of an outdoor installation the consumer

shall suitably segregate the aforesaid apparatus belonging to the supplier
from his own;

(iii) all pole type sub-stations are constructed and maintained in accordance with
regulation 50.

(2) The owner shall observe the following conditions, where electricity at voltage
exceeding 650 V is supplied, converted, transformed or used,-

(i) he shall maintain safety clearances for electrical apparatus as per Bureau of
Indian Standard specification so that sufficient space is available for easy
operation and maintenance without any hazard to the operating and
maintenance personnel working near the equipment and for ensuring adequate

(ii) he shall not allow any encroachment below such installation:

Provided that where the Electrical Inspector comes across any such
encroachment, he shall direct the owner to remove such encroachments;

(iii) the minimum safety working clearances specified in Schedule-VII shall be

maintained for the bare conductors or live parts of any apparatus in outdoor
sub-stations excluding overhead lines of installations of voltage exceeding 650

(iv) he shall ensure that the windings of motors or other apparatus within reach
from any position in which a person may require to be, are suitably protected
so as to prevent danger;

(v) he shall ensure that where a transformer or transformers are used, suitable
provision shall be made, either by connecting with earth, a point of the circuit
at the lower voltage or otherwise to guard against danger by reason of the said
circuit becoming accidentally charged above its normal voltage by leakage
from or contact with the circuit at the higher voltage;

(vi) a sub-station or a switching station with apparatus having more than 2000
liters of oil shall not be located in the basement where proper oil draining
arrangement cannot be provided;


(vii) where a sub-station or a switching station with apparatus having more than
2000 litres of oil is installed, whether indoor or outdoors, he shall take the
following measures, namely:-

(a) the baffle walls of four hours fire rating shall be provided between the

(i) where there is a single phase transformer banks in the switch-

yards of generating stations and sub-stations;

(ii) on the consumer premises;

(iii) where adequate clearance between the units is not available.

(b) provisions shall be made for suitable oil soak pit and where use of more
than 9000 litres of oil in any one oil tank, receptacle or chamber is
involved, provision shall be made for the draining away or removal of any
oil which may leak or escape from the tank, receptacle or chamber
containing the same, and special precautions shall be taken to prevent the
spread of any fire resulting from the ignition of the oil from any cause and
adequate provision shall be made for extinguishing any fire which may

(c) spare oil shall not be stored in the vicinity of any oil filled equipment in
any such sub-station or switching station;

(d) all the transformers and switchgears shall be maintained in accordance

with the maintenance schedules prepared in accordance with the relevant
codes of practice of Bureau of Indian Standards;

(e) dry type of transformers only shall be used for installations inside the
residential and commercial buildings;

(viii) without prejudice to the above measures, he shall take adequate fire
protection arrangement for quenching the fire in the apparatus;

(ix) he shall ensure that the transformers of 10 MVA and above rating or in case
of oil filled transformers with oil-capacity of more than 2000 litters are
provided with fire fighting system as per IS - 3034: 1993 or with Nitrogen
Injection Fire Protection system;

(x) where it is necessary to locate the sub-station, or switching station in the

basement, he shall take the following measures, namely:-
(a) the room shall necessarily be in the first basement at the periphery of the

(b) the entrances to the room shall be provided with fire resisting doors of 2
hour fire rating and the door shall always be kept closed and a notice of
this effect shall be affixed on outer side of the door;


(c) a curb (sill) of a suitable height shall be provided at the entrance in order to
prevent the flow of oil from a ruptured transformer into other parts of the

(d) direct access to the transformer room shall be provided from outside and
the surrounding walls shall lined with fire bricks;

(e) the cables to primary side and secondary side shall have sealing at all
floors and wall opening of at least two hours rating;

(f) Fire Retardant Low Smoke (FRLS) cable of two hours rating shall be used.

(xi) he shall ensure that oil filled transformers installed indoors in other than
residential or commercial buildings are placed at the ground floor or not below
the first basement;

(xii) he shall ensure that cable trenches inside the sub-stations and switching
stations containing cables are filled with sand, pebbles or similar non-
inflammable materials or completely covered with non inflammable slabs;

(xiii) he shall ensure that unless the conditions are such that all the conductors
and apparatus may be made dead at the same time for the purpose of cleaning
or for other work, the said conductors and apparatus shall be so arranged that
these may be made dead in sections, and that work on any such section may be
carried on by a designated person without danger,

(xiv) only persons designated under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 3, shall

carry out the work on live lines and apparatus.

(3) All apparatus shall be protected against lightning and apparatus exceeding 220 kV
shall also be protected against switching over voltages.

(4) The equipment used for protection and switching shall be adequately co-ordinated
with the protected apparatus to ensure safe operation and to maintain the stability
of the inter-connected units of the power system.

(5) The minimum clearances specified in Schedule-VIII shall be maintained for bare
conductors or live parts of any apparatus in outdoor sub-stations, excluding
overhead lines of High Voltage Direct Current installations.
(6) There shall not be tapping of another transmission line from the main line for 66
kV and above class of lines.

45. Inter-locks and protection for use of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 Volts: -
(1) The owner shall ensure the following, namely:-

(i) isolators and the controlling circuit breakers shall be interlocked so that the
isolators cannot be operated unless the corresponding breaker is in open


(ii) isolators and the corresponding earthing switches shall be inter- locked so that
no earthing switch can be closed unless and until the corresponding isolator is
in open position;

(iii) where two or more supplies are not intended to be operated in parallel, the
respective circuit breakers or linked switches controlling the supplies shall be
inter-locked to prevent possibility of any inadvertent paralleling or feedback;

(iv) when two or more transformers are operated in parallel, the system shall be so
arranged as to trip the secondary breaker of a transformer in case the primary
breaker of that transformer trips;

(v) all gates or doors which give access to live parts of an installation shall be
inter-locked in such a way that these cannot be opened unless the live parts are
made dead and proper discharging and earthing of these parts should be
ensured before any person comes in close proximity of such parts;

(vi) where two or more generators operate-t in parallel and neutral switching is
adopted, inter-lock shall be provided to ensure that generator breaker cannot
be closed unless one of the neutrals is connected to the earthing system.

(2) The following protection shall be provided in all systems and circuits to
automatically disconnect the supply under abnormal conditions, namely: -

(i) over current protection to disconnect the supply automatically if the rated
current of the equipment, cable or supply line is exceeded for a time which the
equipment, cable or supply line is not designed to withstand;

(ii) earth fault or earth leakage protection to disconnect the supply automatically if
the earth fault current exceeds the limit of current for keeping the contact
potential within the reasonable values;

(iii) gas pressure type and winding and oil temperature protection to give alarm and
tripping shall be provided on all transformers of ratings 1000 kVA and above;

(iv) transformers of capacity 10 MVA and above shall be protected against

incipient faults by differential protection;
(v) all generators with rating of 100 kVA and above shall be protected against
earth fault or leakage;

(vi) all generators of rating 1000 kVA and above shall be protected against faults
within the generator winding using restricted earth fault protection or
differential protection or by both;

(vii) high speed bus bar differential protection along with local breaker back up
protection shall be commissioned and shall always be available at all 132 kV
and above voltage sub-stations and switching stations and generating stations
connected with the grid:


Provided that in respect of existing 132 kV sub-stations and switching

stations having more than one incoming feeders, the high speed bus bar
differential protection along with local breaker back up protection, shall be
commissioned and shall always be available;

(viii) every generating station and sub-station connected to the grid at 220 kV and
above shall be provided with disturbance recording and event logging
facilities and all such equipment shall be provided with time synchronization
facility for global common time reference but wherever numerical relays with
provision of recording fault data are installed, disturbance recorder and event
logger may not be installed;

(ix) distance protection and carrier communication protection shall be provided

for all lines connecting to 400/220 kV substation.

46. Testing, Operation and Maintenance: -

(1) Before approval is accorded by the Electrical Inspector under regulation 43 the
manufacturer's test certificates shall, if required, be produced for all the routine
tests as required under the relevant Indian Standards.

(2) No new apparatus, cable or supply line of voltage exceeding 650 Volts shall be
commissioned unless such apparatus, cable or supply line are subjected to site tests
as per relevant code of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards.

(3) No apparatus, cable or supply line of voltage exceeding 650 V which has been kept
disconnected, for a period of six months or more, from the system for alterations or
repair, shall be connected to the system until such apparatus, cable or supply line
are subjected to the relevant tests as per code of practice of Bureau of Indian

(4) Notwithstanding the provisions of this regulation, the Electrical Inspector may
require certain tests to be carried out before or after charging the installations.

(5) All apparatus, cables and supply lines shall be maintained in healthy conditions
and tests shall be carried out periodically as per the relevant code of practice of the
Bureau of Indian Standards.

(6) Records of all tests, tripping, maintenance works and repairs of all equipments
cables and supply lines shall be duly kept in such a way that these records can be
compared with earlier ones.

(7) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of all installations of voltage exceeding
650 V to maintain and operate the installations in a condition free from danger and
as recommended by the manufacturer or by the relevant codes of practice of the
Bureau of Indian Standards.


(8) Failures of transformers and reactors of 20 MVA or MVAR and higher capacity
shall be reported by the consumer and the suppliers of electricity, within forty eight
hours of the occurrence of the failure, to the Central Electricity Authority and the
reasons for failure and measures to be taken to avoid recurrence of failure shall be
sent to the Central Electricity Authority within one month of the occurrence in the
format given in Schedule-IX.

47. Precautions to be taken against excess leakage in case of metal sheathed electric
supply lines: -
The following precautions shall be taken in case of electric supply lines other than
overhead lines, for use at voltage exceeding 650 V; namely:-
(i) the conductors of the cable except the cable with thermoplastic insulation without
any metallic screen or armour shall be enclosed in metal sheathing which shall be
electrically continuous and connected with earth, and the conductivity of the metal
sheathing shall be maintained and reasonable precautions taken where necessary to
avoid corrosion of the sheathing;

(ii) the resistance of the earth connection with metallic sheath shall be kept low
enough to permit the controlling circuit breaker or cut-out to operate in the event of
any failure of insulation between the metallic sheath and the conductor.

Explanation- For the purpose of this regulation;

(a) in the case of thermoplastic insulated and sheathed cables with metallic armour
the metallic wire or tape armour, shall be considered as metal sheathing,

(b) where an electric supply line as aforesaid has concentric cables and the
external conductor is insulated from an outer metal sheathing and connected
with earth, the external conductor may be regarded as the metal sheathing for
the purposes of this regulation provided that the foregoing provisions as to
conductivity are complied with.

48. Connection with earth for apparatus exceeding 650V: -

(1) All non-current carrying metal parts associated with an installation of voltage
exceeding 650 V shall be effectively earthed to a grounding system or mat which
(i) limit the touch and step potential to tolerable values;
(ii) limit the ground potential rise to tolerable values so as to prevent danger due to
transfer of potential through ground, earth wires, cable sheath, fences, pipe
lines, etc.;
(iii) maintain the resistance of the earth connection to such a value as to make
operation1of the protective device effective;


(2) In the case of star connected system with earthed neutrals or delta connected
system with earthed artificial neutral point,-

(i) the neutral point of every generator and transformer shall be earthed by
connecting it to the earthing system not by less than two separate and distinct

Provided, that the neutral point of a generator may be connected to

the, earthing system through an impedance to limit the fault current to
the earth:

Provided further that in the case of multi-machine systems neutral

switching may be resorted to, for limiting the injurious effect of
harmonic current circulation in the system;

(ii) the generator or transformer neutral shall be earthed through a suitable

impedance where an appreciable harmonic current flowing in the neutral
connection causes interference, with communication circuits;

(iii) in case of the delta connected system the neutral point shall be obtained by the
insertion of a grounding transformer and current limiting resistance or
impedance wherever considered necessary at the commencement of such a

(3) In case of generating stations, sub-stations and industrial installations of voltage

exceeding 33 kV, the system neutral earthing and protective frame earthing may
be, if system design so warrants integrated into common earthing grid provided the
resistance to earth of combined mat does not cause the step and touch potential to
exceed its permissible values.

(4) Single phase systems of voltage exceeding 650 V shall be effectively earthed.

(5) In the case of a system comprising electric supply lines having concentric cables,
the external conductor shall be connected with earth.

(6) Where a supplier proposes to connect with earth an existing system for use at
voltage exceeding 650 V which has not hitherto been so connected with earth, he
shall give not less than fourteen days notice in writing together with particulars of
the proposed connection with earth to the telegraph-authority established under the
Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885).

(7) Where the earthing lead and earth connection are used only in connection with
earthing guards erected under overhead lines of voltage exceeding 650 V where
they cross a telecommunication line or a railway line, and where such lines are
equipped with earth leakage, the earth resistance shall not exceed twenty five ohms
and the project authorities shall obtain No Objection Certificate (NOC) from
Railway Authorities and Power and Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee
before energisation of the facilities.


(8) Every earthing system belonging to either the supplier or the consumer shall be
tested for its resistance to earth on a dry day during dry season not less than once a
year and records of such tests shall be maintained and produced, if so required,
before the Electrical Inspector.

49. General conditions as to transformation and control of electricity: -

(1) Where electricity of voltage exceeding 650 V is transformed, converted, regulated
or otherwise controlled in sub-stations or switching stations including outdoor sub-
stations and outdoor switching stations to be transformed or in street boxes
constructed underground, the following provisions shall be observed, namely:-

(i) substations and switching stations shall preferably be erected above ground,
but where necessarily constructed; underground due provisions for ventilation
and drainage shall be made and any space housing switchgear shall not be
used for storage of any materials especially inflammable and combustible
materials or refuse;

(ii) outdoor sub-stations except pole type sub-stations and outdoor switching
stations shall, unless the apparatus is completely enclosed in a metal covering
connected with earth, the said apparatus also being connected with the system
by armoured cables, be efficiently protected by fencing not less than 1.8
metres in height or other means so as to prevent access to the electric supply
lines arid apparatus therein by an undesignated person and the fencing of such
area shall be earthed efficiently;

(iii) underground street boxes, other than sub-stations, which contain transformers
shall not contain switches or other apparatus, and switches, cut-outs or other
apparatus required for controlling or other purposes shall be fixed in separate
receptacle above ground wherever practicable.

(2) Where electricity is transformed, suitable connection shall be made by connecting

with earth a point of the system at the lower voltage and also to guard against
danger by reason of the said system becoming accidentally charged above its
normal voltage by leakage front a contact with' the system at the higher voltage.

50. Pole type sub-stations: -

Where platform type construction is used for a pole type sub-station and sufficient
space, for a person to stand on the platform is provided, a substantial hand rail
shall be built around the said platform and if the hand rail is of metal it shall be
connected with earth;

Provided that in the case of pole type sub-station on wooden supports and
wooden platform the metal hand-rail shall not be connected with earth,

51. Condensers: -

Suitable arrangement shall be made for immediate and automatic or manual discharge
of every static condenser on disconnection of supply.


52. Supply to luminous tube sign installations of voltage exceeding 650 Volts but not
exceeding 33 kV:

(1) Any person who proposes to use or who is using electricity for the purpose of
operating a luminous tube sign installation, or who proposes to transform or is
transforming electricity to a voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV for
any such purpose shall comply with the following conditions, namely:-

(i) all live parts of the installation, including all apparatus and live conductors in
the secondary circuit, but excluding the tubes except in the neighbourhood of
their terminals, shall be inaccessible to undesignated persons and such parts
shall be effectively screened;

(ii) irrespective of the method of obtaining the voltage of the circuit which feeds
the luminous discharge tube sign, no part of any conductor of such circuit
shall be in metallic connection, except in respect of its connection with earth,
with any conductor of the supply system or with the primary winding of the

(iii) all live parts of an exterior installation shall be so disposed as to protect them
against the effects of the weather and such installation shall be so arranged
and separated from the surroundings as to limit, as far as possible, the
spreading of fire;

(iv) the secondary circuit shall be permanently earthed at the transformer and the
core of every transformer shall be earthed;

(v) where the conductors of the primary circuit are not in metallic connection
with the supply conductors, one phase of such primary circuit shall be
permanently earthed at the motor generator or converter, or at the
transformer and an earth leakage circuit breaker of sufficient rating shall be
provided on the side of voltage not exceeding 250 V to detect the leakage in
such luminous tube sign installations;

(vi) a sub-circuit which forms the primary circuit of a fixed luminous discharge
tube sign installation shall be reserved solely for such purpose;

(vii) a separate primary final sub-circuit shall be provided ,for each transformer or
each group of transformers having an aggregate input not exceeding 1,000
volt-amperes, of a fixed luminous discharge tube sign installation;

(viii) an interior installation shall be provided with suitable adjacent means for
disconnecting all phases of the supply except the "neutral" in a 3-phase, 4-
wire circuit;

(ix) for installations on the exterior of a building a. suitable emergency fire-proof

linked switch to operate on all phases except the neutral in a 3-phase, 4-wire
circuit shall be provided and fixed in a conspicuous position at not more than
1.70 meters above the ground;


(x) a special "caution" notice shall be affixed in a conspicuous place on the door
of every enclosure of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV to
the effect that the supply must be cut off before the enclosure is opened;

(xi) where static condensers are used, they shall be installed on the load side of
the fuses and the primary side of the transformers where the voltage does not
exceed 250 V;

(xii) where static condensers are used on primary side, provision shall be made
for automatic or manual discharging of the condensers when the supply is
cut off;

(xiii) before using the static condensers or any interrupting device on the voltage
exceeding 650 V, the executing agencies shall test and ensure that automatic
discharging device is functional thereon.
(2) The owner or user of any luminous tube sign or similar installation of voltage
exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV shall not bring the same into use without
giving to the Electrical Inspector not less than fourteen days notice in writing of his
intention so to do

53. Supply to electrode boilers of voltage exceeding 650 Volt but not exceeding 33
kV: -
(1) Where a system having a point connected with earth is used for supply of
electricity to an electrode boiler of voltage exceeding 650 V which is also
connected with earth, the owner or user of electrode boiler shall comply with the
following conditions, namely:-

(i) the metal work of the electrode boiler shall be efficiently connected to the
metal sheathing and metallic armouring if any, of the electric supply line of
voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV whereby electricity is
supplied to the electrode boiler;

(ii) the supply of electricity at voltage exceeding 650 V to the electrode boiler
shall be controlled by a suitable circuit-breaker so set as to operate in the event
of the phase currents becoming unbalanced to the extent of ten per cent of the
rated current consumption of the electrode boiler under normal conditions of

Provided that if in any case a higher setting is essential to ensure stability

of operation of the electrode boiler, the setting may be increased so as not
to exceed fifteen per cent of the rated current consumption of the
electrode boiler under normal conditions of operation;

(iii) an inverse time element device may be used in conjunction with the aforesaid
circuit breaker to prevent the operation thereof unnecessarily on the
occurrence of unbalanced phase currents of momentary or short duration;
(iv) the supplier or owner shall serve a notice in writing on the telegraph-authority
at least seven days prior to the date on which such supply of electricity is to be
afforded specifying the location of every point, including the earth connection
of the electrode boiler, at which the system is connected with earth.


(2) The owner or user of any electrode boiler of voltage exceeding 650 V shall not
bring the same into use without giving the Electrical Inspector not less than
fourteen days notice in writing of his intention so to do.

54. Supply to X-ray and high frequency installations: -

(1) Any person, who proposes to use or who is using electricity for the purpose of
operating an X-ray or similar high-frequency installation, other than portable units
or shock-proof self contained and stationary units shall comply the following
conditions, namely:-

(i) mechanical barriers shall be provided to prevent too close an approach to any
parts of the X-ray apparatus of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33
kV, except the X-ray tube and its leads, unless such parts of voltage exceeding
650 V but not exceeding 33 kV have been rendered shock proof by being
shielded by earthed metal or adequate insulating material;

(ii) where generators operating at 300 kV peak or more are used, such generators
shall be installed in rooms separate from those containing the other equipment
and any step-up transformer employed shall be so installed and protected as to
prevent danger;

(iii) a suitable switch shall be provided to control the circuit supplying a generator,
and shall be so arranged as to be open except while the door of the room
housing the generator is locked from the outside;

(iv) X-ray tubes used in therapy shall be mounted in an earthed metal enclosure;

(v) every X-ray machine shall be provided with a milliammeter or other suitable
measuring instruments readily visible from the control position and connected,
if practicable, in the earthed lead, but guarded if connected in the lead of
voltage: exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV:

Provided that earth leakage circuit breaker of sufficient rating shall be

provided on the side wherein voltage does not exceed 250 V to detect the
leakage in such X-ray installations.

Explanation; - For the purpose of this regulation "shock proof \ as applied

to X-ray and high-frequency equipment, :shall mean that such equipment is
guarded with earthed metal so that no person may come into contact with
any live part.

(i) in the case of non-shock proof equipment, overhead conductors of voltage

exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV, unless suitably guarded against
personal contact, shall be adequately spaced and high voltage leads on tilting
tables and fluoroscopes shall be adequately insulated or so ; surrounded by
barriers as to prevent inadvertent contact;


(ii) the circuit of voltage not exceeding 250 V of the step up transformer shall
contain a manually operated control device having overload protection, in
addition to the over current device for circuit protection, and these devices
shall have no exposed live parts and for diagnostic work there shall be an
additional switch in the said circuit, which shall be of one of the following
(a) a switch with a spring or other mechanism that will open automatically
except while held close by the operator, or,

(b) a time switch which will open automatically after a definite period of time
for which it has been set;
(iii) if more than one piece of apparatus be operated from the same source of
voltage exceeding 650 V, each shall be provided with a switch of voltage
exceeding 650 V to give independent control;

(iv) low frequency current-carrying parts of a machine of the quenched- gap or

open gap type shall be so insulated or guarded that they cannot be touched
during operation but the high frequency circuit-proper which delivers high-
frequency current normally for the therapeutic purposes shall be exempt from
such insulation;

(v) all X-ray generators having capacitors shall have suitable means for
discharging the capacitors manually;

(vi) except in the case of self-contained units, all 200 kV peak or higher X-ray
generators shall have a sphere gap installed in the system of voltage
exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33 kV adjusted so that it will break down
on over voltage surges.
(i) all non-current carrying metal parts of tube stands, fluoroscopes and
other apparatus shall be properly earthed and insulating floors, mats or
platforms shall be provided for operators in proximity to parts of
voltage exceeding 650V unless such parts have been rendered shock

(ii) where short wave therapy machines are used, the treatment tables and
examining chairs shall be wholly non-metallic.

(4) The owner of any X-ray installation or similar high frequency apparatus shall not
bring the same into use without giving to the Electrical Inspector not less than
fourteen days notice in writing of his intention to do so:

Provided that the aforesaid notice shall not be necessary in the case of
shock-proof portable X-ray and high-frequency equipment which have
been inspected before the commencement of their use and periodically


Chapter VII
Safety requirements for overhead lines, underground cables and generating stations

55. Material and strength:-

(1) All conductors of overhead lines other than those specified in regulation 68 shall
have a breaking strength of not less than 350 kg.

(2) Where the voltage does not exceed 250 V and the span is of less than fifteen
metres and is drawn through the owner's or consumer's premises, a conductor
having an actual breaking strength of not less than 150 kg may be used.

56. Joints.-

(1) No conductor of an overhead line shall have more than one joint in a span and
joints between conductors of overhead lines shall be mechanically and electrically
secure under the conditions of operation.

(2) The ultimate strength and the electrical conductivity of the joint shall be as per
relevant Indian Standards.

57. Maximum stresses and factors of safety.-

(1) The load and permissible stresses on the structural members, conductors and
ground wire of self supporting steel lattice towers for overhead transmission lines
shall be in accordance with the specifications laid down, from time to time, by the
Bureau of Indian Standards.

(2) Overhead lines not covered in sub-regulation (1) shall have the following
minimum factors of safety, namely:-

(i) for metal supports 1.5

(ii) for mechanically processed concrete 2.0
(iii) for hand-moulded concrete supports 2.5
(iv) for wood supports 3.0

(3) The minimum factors of safety shall be based on such load as may cause failure of
the, support to perform its function, assuming that the foundation' and other
components of the structure are intact.

(4) The load shall be equivalent to the yield point stress or the modulus of rupture, as
the case may be, for supports subject to bending and vertical loads and the
crippling load for supports used as strut.

(5) The strength of the supports of the overhead lines in the direction of the line shall
not be less than one-fourth of the strength required in the direction transverse to the


(6) The minimum factor of safety for stay-wires, guard-wires or bearer-wires shall be
2.5 based on the ultimate tensile strength of the wire.

(7) The minimum factor of safety for conductors shall be two, based on their ultimate
tensile strength, in addition, the conductor's tension at 32° C, without external load,
shall not exceed the following percentages of the ultimate tensile strength of the

(i) Initial unloaded tension ...... 35 per cent

(ii) Final unloaded tension................ 25 per cent

Provided that for the conductors having a cross section of a generally

triangular shape, such as conductors composed of 3-wires, the final unloaded
tension at 32° C shall not exceed thirty per cent of the ultimate tensile strength
of such conductor.

(8) For the purpose of calculating the factors of safety in sub-regulation (2), the
following conditions shall be observed, namely:-

(i) the maximum wind pressure shall be as specified in the relevant Indian

(ii) for cylindrical flies the effective area shall be taken as full projected area
exposed to wind pressure; and

(iii) the maximum and minimum temperatures shall be such as specified in the
relevant Indian Standards.

(9) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-regulation (2) to (8) in localities where

overhead lines are liable to accumulations of ice or snow, the load and permissible
stresses on the structural members, conductors and ground wire of self supporting
steel lattice towers for overhead transmission lines shall be in accordance with the
specifications laid down, from time to time, by the Bureau of Indian Standards or
as specified by Appropriate Government, by order in writing.

58. Clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of overhead lines.-

(1) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected across a street
shall at any part thereof be at a height of less than-

(i) for lines of voltage not exceeding 650 - 5.8 meters

(ii) for lines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts
but not exceeding 33 kV - 6.1 meters

(2) No conductor of an overhead line, including service lines, erected along any street
shall at any part thereof be at a height less than-


(i) for lines of voltage not exceeding 650 - 5.5 metres

(ii) for lines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts
but - 5.8 metres
not exceeding 33 kV

(3) No conductor of an overhead line including service lines, erected elsewhere than
along or across any street shall be at a height less than –

(i) for lines of voltage up to and including

11,000 Volts, if bare - 4.6 metres
(ii) for lines of voltage up to and including
11,000 Volts, if insulated - 4.0 metres
(iii) for lines of voltage exceeding 11,000
Volts - 5.2 metres
but not exceeding 33 kV

(4) For lines of voltage exceeding 33 kV the clearance above ground shall not be less
than 5.2 metres plus 0.3 metre for every 33,000 Volts or part thereof by which the
voltage of the line exceeds 33,000 Volts;

Provided that the minimum clearance along or across any street shall not be less
than 6.1 metres.

(5) For High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) lines, the clearance above ground shall
not be less than:-

Sl.No. DC Voltage (kV) Ground Clearance (mtrs.)

1 100 kV 6.1
2 200 kV 7.3
3 300 kV 8.5
4 400 kV 9.4
5 500 kV 10.6
6 600 kV 11.8
7 800 kV 13.9

(6) Ground clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

59. Clearance between conductors and trolley wires.-

(1) No Conductor of an overhead line crossing a tramway or trolley bus route using
trolley wires shall have less than the following clearances above any trolley wire-

(i) lines of voltage not exceeding 650 Volts - 1.2 metres

Provided that where an insulated conductor suspended from a bearer wire

crosses over a trolley wire the minimum clearance for such insulated
conductor shall be 0.6 metre.


(ii) lines of voltage exceeding 650 Volts

up to and including 11,000 Volts - 1.8. metres

(iii) lines of voltage exceeding 11,000 Volts - 2.5 metres

but not exceeding3 3,000 Volts

(iv) lines of voltage exceeding 33 kV - 3.0 metres

(2) In any case of a crossing specified in sub-regulation (1), whoever lays his line later
in time, shall provide the clearance between his own line and the line which will be
crossed in accordance with the provisions of the said sub-regulation:

Provided that if the later entrant is the owner of the lower line and is not
able to provide adequate clearance, he shall bear the cost for modification
of the upper line so as to comply with this sub-regulation.

60. Clearance from buildings of lines of voltage and service lines not exceeding 650

(1) An overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as possible and no
building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.

(2) Where an overhead line of voltage not exceeding 650 V passes above or adjacent
to or terminates on any building, the following minimum clearances from any
accessible point, on the basis of maximum sag, shall be observed, namely:-

(i) for any flat roof, open balcony, varandah roof and lean-to-roof-

(a) when the line passes above the building a vertical clearance
of 2.5 metres from the highest point, and

(b) when the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal

clearance of 1.2 metres from the nearest point, and

(ii) for pitched roof-

(a) when the line passes above the -building a vertical clearance
of 2.5 metres immediately under the line, and

(b) when the line passes adjacent to the building a horizontal

clearance of 1.2 metres.

(3) Any conductor so situated as to have a clearance less than that specified above
shall be adequately insulated and shall be attached at suitable intervals to a bare
earthed bearer wire having a breaking strength of not less than 350 kg.

(4) The horizontal clearance shall be measured when the line is at a maximum
deflection from the vertical due to wind pressure.


(5) Vertical and horizontal clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

Explanation: - For the purpose of this regulation, the expression "building"

shall be deemed to include any structure, whether permanent or temporary.

61. Clearances from buildings of lines of voltage exceeding 650 V.-

(1) An overhead line shall not cross over an existing building as far as possible and no
building shall be constructed under an existing overhead line.

(2) Where an overhead line of voltage, exceeding 650 V passes above or adjacent to
any building or part of a building it shall have on the basis of maximum sag a
vertical clearance above the highest part of the building immediately under such
line, of not less than-

(i) for lines of voltages exceeding 650

Volts up to and including 33,000 - 3.7 metres
(ii) for lines of voltages exceeding 33 kV -
3.7 metres plus 0.30 metre
for every additional 33,000
Volts or part thereof.
(3) The horizontal clearance between the nearest conductor and any part of such
building shall, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure, be not
less than-

(i) for lines of voltages exceeding 650 V

up to and including 11,000 Volts - 1.2 metres
(ii) for lines of voltages exceeding 11,000
V and up to and including 33,000 - 2.0 metres
(iii) for lines of voltages exceeding 33 kV - 2.0 metres plus 0. 3metre
fore every additional 33kV
or part thereof

(4) For High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) systems, vertical clearance and
horizontal clearance, on the basis of maximum deflection due to wind pressure,
from buildings shall be maintained as below:

Sl.No DC Voltage (kV) Vertical Clearance Horizontal

(mtrs.) Clearance (mtrs.)
1. 100 kV 4.6 2.9
2. 200 kV 5.8 4.1
3. 300 kV 7.0 5.3
4. 400 kV 7.9 6.2
5. 500 kV 9.1 7.4
6. 600 kV 10.3 8.6
7. 800 kV 12.4 10.7


(5) Vertical and horizontal clearances shall be as specified in schedule-X.

Explanation: - For the purpose of this regulation the expression "building" shall be
deemed to include any structure, whether permanent or temporary.

62. Conductors at different voltages on same supports.-

Where conductors forming parts of systems at different voltages are erected on the
same supports, the owner shall make adequate provision to guard against danger to
linemen and others, from the lower voltage system being charged above its normal
working voltage, by leakage from or contact with the higher voltage system and the
methods of construction and the applicable minimum clearances between the
conductors of the two systems shall be as specified in regulation 69 for lines crossing
each other.

63. Erection or alteration of buildings, structures, flood banks and elevation of


(1) If at any time subsequent to the erection of an overhead line, whether covered with
insulating material or not, any person proposes to erect a new building or Structure
or flood bank or to raise any road level or to carry out any other type of work
whether permanent or temporary or to make in or upon any building, or structure
or flood bank or road, any, permanent or temporary addition or alteration, he and
the contractor whom he employs to carry out the erection, addition or alteration,
shall give intimation in writing of his intention to do so, to the supplier or owner
and to the Electrical Inspector and shall furnish therewith a scale drawing showing
the proposed building, structure, flood bank, road or any addition or alteration and
scaffolding thereof required during the construction.

(2) On receipt of such intimation, the supplier or owner shall examine,-

(i) whether the line under reference was laid in accordance with the provisions of
these regulations and any other law;

(ii) whether it is technically feasible;

(iii) whether it meets the requirement of Right of Way (ROW);

(iv) whether such person was liable to pay the cost of alteration of the overhead
line and if so, send a notice without undue delay, to such person together with
an estimate of the cost of the expenditure likely to be incurred to so alter the
overhead line and require him to deposit, within thirty days of the receipt of
the" notice, with the supplier or owner, the
amount of the estimated cost.

(3) thereof shall If such person disputes the cost of alteration of the overhead line
estimated by die supplier or owner or even the responsibility to pay such cost, the
dispute may be referred to the Electrical Inspector whose decision be final.


(4) The Electrical Inspector shall estimate the cost of alteration of overhead line on the
following basis, namely:-

(i) the cost of material used on the alteration after crediting the depreciated"
cost of the material which shall be available from the existing line;

(ii) the wages of labour employed in affecting the alteration;

(iii) supervision charges to the extent of-fifteen per cent of the wages mentioned
in sub clause (ii); and charges incurred by the supplier or owner in
complying with the provisions of section 67 of the Act, in respect of such

(5) Any addition or alteration to the building or structure shall be allowed only after
the deposit of such estimated cost to the supplier or owner.

(6) No work upon such building, structure, flood bank, road and addition or alteration
thereto shall be commenced or continued until the Electrical Inspector has certified
that the provisions of regulation 58, 60 and 61 should not be contravened either
during or after the aforesaid construction:

Provided, that the Electrical Inspector may, if he is satisfied that the overhead
line has been so guarded as to secure the protection of persons or property from
injury, certify that the work may be executed prior to the alteration of the
overhead line or in the case of temporary addition or alteration, without
alteration of the overhead line.

(7) The supplier or owner shall, on receipt of such deposit, alter the overhead line in
such a way that it does not contravene the provisions regulation 58, 60 and 61
either during or after such construction within two months from the date of such
deposit or within such longer period as the Electrical Inspector may allow.

64. Transporting and storing of material near overhead lines.-

(1) No rods, pipes or similar materials shall be taken below, or in the vicinity of, any
bare overhead conductors or lines if these contravene the provisions of regulations
60 and 61 unless such materials" are transported under the direct supervision of a
person designated in this behalf by the owner of such overhead conductors or lines.
No rods, pipes or other similar materials shall be brought within the flash over
distance of bare live conductors or lines.

(2) No material or earth work or Agricultural produce shall be dumped or stored, no

trees grown below or in the vicinity of, bare overhead conductors, or lines to
contravene the provision of regulations 60 and 61.

(3) No flammable material shall be stored under the electric supply line.

(4) No fire shall be allowed above underground cables.

(5) Firing of any material below electric lines shall be prohibited.


65. General clearances. –

(4) For the purpose of. computing the vertical clearance of an overhead line, the
maximum sag of any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the maximum
sag in still air and the maximum temperature as specified under regulations 57 and
computing any horizontal clearance of an overhead line the maximum deflection of
any conductor shall be calculated on the basis of the wind pressure specified under
regulations 57.

(5) No blasting for any purpose shall be done within 300 metres from the boundary of
a sub-station or .from the electric supply lines of voltage exceeding 650 V or tower
structure thereof without the written permission of the owner of such sub-station or
electric supply lines or tower structures and in case of mining lease hold area,
without the written permission of the Inspector of Mines.

(6) No cutting of soil within ten meters from the tower structure of 132 kV and above
voltage level shall be permitted without the written permission of the owner of
tower structure.

(1) No person shall construct brick kiln or other polluting units near the installations or
transmission lines of 220 kV and above within a distance of 500 metres.

66. Routes proximity to aerodromes. –

Overhead lines shall not be erected in the vicinity of aerodromes unless the Airport
Authorities have approved in writing the route of the proposed lines as-per relevant
Indian Standards.

67. Maximum interval between supports. –

All conductors shall be attached to supports at intervals not exceeding the safe limits
based on the ultimate tensile strength of the conductor and the factor of safety
specified under regulations 57

Provided that in the case of overhead lines carrying conductors of voltage not
exceeding 650 V when erected in, over, along or across any street, the interval
shall not, without the consent in writing of the Electrical Inspector, exceed 65

68. Conditions to apply where telecommunication lines and power lines are carried
on same supports.

(1) Every overhead telecommunication line erected on supports carrying a power line
shall consist of conductors each having a breaking strength of not less than 270 kg.

(2) Every telephone used on a telecommunication line erected on supports carrying a

power line shall be suitably guarded against lightning and shall be protected by

(3) Where a telecommunication line is erected on supports carrying a power line of

voltage exceeding 650 V, arrangement shall be made to safeguard any person
against injury resulting from contact, leakage or induction between such power and
telecommunication lines.


69. Lines crossing or approaching each other and lines crossing street and road.-

Where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to any telecommunication line,; the

owner of either the overhead line or the telecommunication line, whoever lays his line
later, shall arrange to provide for protective devices or .guarding arrangement and
shall observe the following provisions, namely:-

(i) when it is intended to erect a telecommunication line or an overhead line

which will cross or be in proximity to an overhead line or a telecommunication
line, as the case may be, the person proposing to erect such line shall give one
month's notice of his' intention so to do along with the relevant details of
protection and drawings to the owner of the existing line;

(ii) guarding shall be provided where lines of voltage not exceeding 33 kV cross a
road or street;

(iii) where an overhead line crosses or is in proximity to another overhead line,

guarding arrangements shall be provided so to guard against the possibility of
their coming into contact with each other;
(iv) where an overhead line crosses another overhead line, clearances shall be as
(Minimum clearances in metres between lines crossing each other)
SI. Nominal 11-66 kV 110-132 220 kV 400 kV 800 kV
No System kV
1. Low and 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
2. 11-66 kV 2.44 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
3. 110-132 3.05 3.05 4.58 5.49 7.94
4. 220 kV 4.58 4.58 4.58 5.49 7.94
5. 400 kV 5.49 5.49 5.49 5.49 7.94
6: 800 kV 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7:94

Provided that no guarding are required when line of voltage exceeding 33

kV crosses over another line of 250 V and above voltage or a road or a
tram subject to the condition that adequate clearances are provided
between the lowest conductor of the line of voltage exceeding 33 kV and
the top most conductor of the overhead line crossing underneath the line
of voltage exceeding 33 kV and the clearances as stipulated in regulation
58 from the topmost surface of the road maintained;

(v) where an overhead direct current (DC) line crosses another overhead line,
clearances shall be as under:-


(Minimum clearances in metres between AC and DC lines crossing each other)

SI. No. System 100 kV 200 kV 300 kV 400 kV 500 kV 600 kV DC

Voltage DC DC DC DC DC
1. Low and 3.05 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
Medium AC
2. 11-66W AC 3.05 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
3. 110-132 kV 3.05 471 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
4. 220 kV AC 4.58 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
5. 200 kV DC 4.71 4.71 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
6. 300 kV AC 5.32 5.32 5.32 6.04 6.79 7.54
7. 400 kV AC 5.49 5.49 5.49 6.04 6.79 7.54
8. 400 kV DC 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.04 6.79 7.54
9. 500 kV DC 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 6.79 7.54
10. 600 kV DC 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54 7.54
11. 800kVDC 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94 7.94

(vi) a person erecting or proposing to erect a line which may cross or be in proximity with
an existing line, shall provide arrangements on his own line or require the owner of
the other overhead line to provide guarding arrangements as referred to in clause (iii)
and (iv);

(vii) in all cases referred to in this regulation the expenses of providing the guarding
arrangements or protective devices shall be borne by the person whose line was last

(viii) where two lines cross, the crossing shall be made as nearly at right angles as the
nature of the case admits and as near the support of the line as practicable, and the
support of the lower line shall not be erected below the
upper line;

(ix) the guarding arrangements shall ordinarily be carried out by the owner of the supports
on which it is made and he shall be responsible for its efficient maintenance.
70. Guarding. –
(1) Where guarding is required under these regulations the following shall be observed,

(i) every guard-wire shall be connected with earth at each point at which its electrical
continuity is broken;

(ii) every guard-wire shall have an actual breaking strength of not less than 635 kg and. if
made of iron or steel, shall be galvanised;

(iii) every guard-wire or cross-connected systems of guard-wires shall have sufficient

current-carrying capacity to ensure them rendering dead, without risk of fusing of the
guard-wire or wires, till the contact of any live wire has been removed.


(2) In the case of a line crossing over a trolley wire the guarding shall be subjected to
the following conditions, namely:-.

(i) where there is only one trolley-wire, two guard wires shall be erected
as in DIAGRAM-A;

(ii) where there are two trolley -wires and the distance between them does
not exceed 40cms, two guard-wires shall be erected as in DIAGRAM-

(iii) where there are two trolley wires and the distance between them
exceeds 40cms but does not exceed 1.2 metres, three guard-wires shall
be erected as in DIAGRAM-C;

(iv) where there are two trolley-wires and the distance between them
exceeds 1.2 metres, each trolley-wire shall be separately guarded as in

(v) the rise of trolley boom shall be so limited that when the trolley leaves
the trolley-wire, it shall not foul the guard-wires; and

(vi) where a telegraph-line, is liable to fall or be blown down upon an arm,

stay-wire or span-wire and so slide-down upon a trolley-wire, guard
hooks shall be provided to prevent such sliding.


20 Cms 20 Cms

MIN 60 Cms



MIN 60 Cms MIN 60 Cms

20 Cms 20 Cms
40 Cms


MIN 60 Cms MIN 60 Cms

20 Cms 20 Cms

40 Cms
And upto 120 Cms



20 Cms 20 Cms 20 Cms 20 Cms

60 Cms 60 Cms

Over 120 Cms

71. Service lines from overhead lines. –

No service-line of tapping shall be taken off an overhead line except at a point of

Provided that the number of tapping per conductor shall not be more than four in
case of connections at voltage not exceeding 650 V.

72. Earthing.-

(1) All metal supports and all reinforced and pre-stressed cement concrete supports of
overhead lines and metallic fittings attached thereto, shall be either permanently
and efficiently earthed by providing a continuous earth wire and securely fastening
to each pole and connecting with earth ordinarily at three points in every km. with
the spacing between the points being as nearly equidistant as possible or each
support and the metallic fitting attached thereto shall be efficiently earthed.

(2) Metallic bearer wire used for supporting -insulated wire of overhead service lines
of voltage not exceeding 650 V shall be efficiently earthed or insulated.

(3) Each stay-wire shall be similarly earthed unless insulator has been placed in it at a
height not less than 3.0 metres from the ground.


73. Safety and protective devices.-

(1) Every overhead line Which is not being suspended from a dead bearer wire, not being
covered with insulating material and not being a trolley-wire, is erected over any part of a
street or other public place or in any factory or mine or on any consumer's premises shall
be protected with earth gaurding for rendering the line electrically harmless in case it

(2) An Electrical Inspector may, by notice in writing, require the owner of any such overhead
line, wherever it may be erected, to protect it in the manner specified in sub-regulation (1).

(3) The owner of every overhead line of voltage exceeding 650 V shall make adequate
arrangements as per relevant Indian Standards to prevent undesignated persons from
ascending any of the supports of such overhead lines which can be easily climbed upon
without the help of a ladder or special appliances.

Explanation,- For the purpose of this regulation, rails, reinforced cement concrete poles
and pre-stressed cement concrete poles without steps, tubular poles, wooden supports
without steps, I-sections and channels' shall be deemed as supports which cannot be easily
climbed upon.

74. Protection against lightning.-

(1) The owner of every overhead line, sub-station or generating station which is exposed to
lightning shall adopt efficient means for diverting to earth any electrical surges due to
lightning which may result into injuries.

(2) The earthing lead for any lightning arrestor shall not pass through any iron or steel pipe,
but shall be taken as directly as possible from the lightning arrestor "without touching any
metal part to a separate-vertical ground electrode or junction of the earth mat already
provided for the sub-station of voltage exceeding 650 V subject to the avoidance of bends
wherever practicable.

75. Unused overhead lines. –

Where an overhead line ceases to be used as an electric supply line:

(i) the owner shall maintain it in a safe mechanical condition in accordance with
regulation 57 or remove it.

(ii) the Electrical Inspector shall, by a notice in writing served on the owner, require him
to maintain it in a safe mechanical condition or to remove it within thirty days of the
receipt of the notice.

76. Laying of cables. –

(1) No underground power cable of voltage exceeding 33 kV shall be laid without a minimum
underground depth of 1.2 meters.

(2) No underground telecommunication cable shall be laid without a minimum separation

distance of 0.6 meters to the underground power cable of voltage exceeding 33 kV.


77. Protection against electromagnetic interference. –

The owner of every overhead power line of voltage level 11 kV or higher shall submit
proposal for obtaining Power Telecommunication Co-ordination Committee clearance
to ensure safety of the personnel and telecom equipment.


Chapter VIII
Safety requirements for Electric Traction
78. Application of chapter.-

(1) The regulations in this chapter shall apply only where electricity is used for the
purposes of traction:

Provided that nothing in this chapter shall apply to electricity used for the
public carriage of passengers, animals or goods on, or for- the lighting or
ventilation of the rolling stock of any railway or tramway subject to the
provisions of the Railways Act, 1989 (24 of 1989).

(2) In this chapter the conductor used for transmitting electricity to a vehicle is
referred to as the "line" and the other conductor as the "return".

(3) The owner of the line, return, rails or trolley wire, as the case may be, shall be
responsible for the observance of regulations 79 to 92. Before an application is
made by the owner of an installation of voltage exceeding 650 V to the Electrical
Inspector for permission to commence or recommence supply after such
installation has been disconnected for six months

(4) and above, the supplier shall ensure that the .electric supply lines or apparatus at
voltage exceeding 650 V belonging to him are placed in position, properly
connected and duly completed.

(5) The supply of electricity shall not be commenced by the supplier unless and until
the Electrical Inspector is satisfied that the provisions of regulations 44 to 50 and
regulation 79 to 92 have been complied with and the approval in writing of the
Electrical Inspector has been obtained by him.

79. Voltage of supply to vehicle. –

No person shall supply electricity to any trolley wire or other conductor at voltage
exceeding 650 V used in direct electrical and mechanical connection with any vehicle,
except with the written approval of the Central Government or the State Government,
as the case may be, and subject to such conditions as the State Government may think
reasonable to impose.

80. Insulation of lines. –

Every line shall be insulated throughout and a line may consist of either bare
conductors supported on structures through insulators or insulated cable.

81. Insulation of returns.-

(1) Where any rails on which cars run, or any conductors laid between or within 0.9
metre of such rails, form any part of a return, such part may be un-insulated and all
other returns or parts of a return, shall be insulated, unless they are of such
conductivity as to secure the conditions required by sub-regulations (2) and (3) of
regulation 82.


(2) Where any part of a return is un-insulated, it shall be connected with the negative
or neutral of the system.

82. Proximity to metallic pipes.-

(1) Where an un-insulated return is in proximity to any metallic pipe, structure or

substance not belonging to the owner of the return, the owner of un-insulated
return shall, if so required by the owner of such pipe, structure or substance,
connect his return therewith at his own expense.

(2) Where the return is partly or entirely un-insulated, the owner shall, in the
construction and maintenance of his system, adopt such means for reducing the
difference produced by the current between the potential of the un-insulated. return
at any one point and the potential of the un-insulated return at any other point as to
ensure that the difference of potential between the un-insulated return and any
metallic pipe, structure or substance in the vicinity shall not exceed four volts
where the return is relatively positive, or one and one-third volts where the return
is relatively negative.

(3) The owner of any such pipe, structure' or substance in respect of it require the
owner of the un-insulated return at reasonable times and intervals to ascertain by
test in his presence or in the presence of his representative, whether the condition
specified in sub-regulation (2) is fulfilled, and, if such condition is found to be
fulfilled, all reasonable expenses of, and incidental to, carrying out of the test shall
be borne by the owner of the pipe, structure or substance.

(4) The potential of un-insulated return with respect to earth at any point shall not
exceed fifty volt under normal conditions.

(5) The petroleum sidings installation earth shall be connected to the un-insulated
return to make it equi-potential and pipelines in the vicinity of the track should be
properly earthed.

83. Difference of potential on return.-

Where the return is partly or entirely un insulated, the owner shall keep a continuous
record of the difference of potential, during the working of his system, between every
junction of an insulated return with an un-insulated return and the point on the route
most distant from that junction, and the difference, of potential shall not, under normal
running conditions; exceed a mean value of seven volts between the highest
momentary peak and the average for the hour of maximum load.

84. Leakage on conduit system.-

Where both the line and the return are placed within a conduit, the following
conditions shall be fulfilled in the construction and maintenance of the system,


(i) where the rails are used to form any part of the return, they shall be electrically
connected at distances not exceeding 30 metres apart with the conduit by
means of copper strips having a cross-sectional area of at least 0.40 sq. cm. or
by other means of equal conductivity and where the return is wholly insulated
and contained within the conduit, the latter shall be connected with earth at the
generating station or sub-station through an instrument suitable for the
indication of any contactor-partial contact of either the line or the return with
the conduit; and

(ii) the leakage-current shall be ascertained daily, before or after the hours of
running when the line is fully charged and if at any time it is found to, exceed
0.6 ampere per km of single tramway track; transmission and use of electricity
shall be suspended unless the leakage is stopped within twenty four hours.

85. Leakage on system other than conduit system. –

Where both the line and the return are not placed within a conduit, the leakage current
shall be ascertained daily before or after the hours of running, when the line is fully
charged and if at any time it is found to exceed 0.3 ampere per km. of single tramway
track, the transmission and use of electricity shall be suspended unless the leakage is
stopped within twenty four hours.

86. Passengers not to have access to electric circuit.-

Precautions to the satisfaction of an Electrical Inspector shall be taken by the owner of

every vehicle to prevent, -

(i) the access of passengers to any portion of the electric circuit where there is
danger from electric shock;

(ii) any metal, hand-rail or other metallic substance liable to be handled by

passengers, becoming charged.

87. Isolation of sections. -

Every trolley wire shall be constructed in sections not exceeding 1.6 km. in length, and
means shall be provided for isolating each section.

88. Minimum size and strength of trolley wire. –

No trolley-wire shall be of less cross-sectional area than 0.5 sq. cm. of shall have an
actual breaking load of less than 2000 kg.

89. Height of trolley wire and length of span. –

A trolley wire or a traction feeder on the same supports as a trolley wire shall, at no
place be, at a height from the surface of the street of less than 5.2 metres except,
where it passes under a bridge or other fixed structure, or through or along a tunnel or
mineshaft or the like in which case it shall be suspended to the satisfaction of an
Electrical Inspector.


90. Earthing of guard wires.-

Every guard wire shall- be connected with earth at each point at which its electrical
continuity is broken and shall also be connected with the rails at intervals of not more
than five spans.

91. Proximity to magnetic observatories and laboratories.-

Traction works shall not be carried out in the vicinity of geomagnetic; observatories
and laboratories without the concurrence of the Central Government or of any officer
authorised by it in this behalf.

92. Records.-

(1) The owner shall keep the following records, namely: -

(i) daily records showing -

(a) the maximum working current from the source of supply;

(b) the maximum working voltage at the source of supply;

(c) the difference of potential, as required under regulation 83; and

(d) the leakage current, if-any, as required under regulation 84 and 85.

(ii) occasional records showing -

(a) every test made under sub-regulation (2) and (3) of regulation 82

(b) every stoppage of leakage, together with the time occupied; and

(c) particulars of any abnormal occurrence affecting the electrical working of

the system.

(2) The records so kept under sub-regulation (1) shall be open to examination by
Electrical Inspector.


Chapter IX

Safety requirements for mines and oil fields

93. Application of chapter.-

The regulation in this chapter shall apply only where electricity is used in mines as
defined in the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952) and oil fields.

94. Responsibility for observance. –

(1) It shall be the duty of every person in charge of and responsible to the mine
including the owner, agent, manager and Engineer of mine and oil field to comply
with and enforce the regulations in this chapter and it shall be the duty of all
persons employed to conduct their work in accordance with these regulations.

(2) In every mine or oil-field while -electricity is being used such number of
designated supervisors and electricians shall be on 'duty as the owner may decide.

Explanation - For the purposes of this regulation, the word "Engineer" shall

(i) in the case of a coal mine, have the same meaning as assigned to it
in the Coal Mines Regulations, 1957;

(ii) in the case of a metalliferous mine, have the same meaning as

assigned to it in the Metalliferous Mines Regulations, 1961; and

(iii) in the case of an oil mine, mean the 'Installation Manager' under the Oil Mines
Regulations, 1984.

95. Notices. –

(1) On or before the first day of February in every year, in respect of every mine or
oil-field, returns giving the size and type of apparatus, together with such
particulars in regard to circumstances of its use which may be required by the
Inspector, shall be sent to the inspector of mines by the persons specified in
regulation 94 in the form set out in Schedule-XI or Schedule-XII whichever is

(2) The persons specified in regulation 94, shall also give to the inspector of mines not
less than seven days notice in writing of the intention to bring into use any new
installation in a mine or oil-field giving details of apparatus installed and its

Provided that in case of any additions or alterations to an existing

installation of voltage not exceeding 650 V, immediate notice in writing
shall be sent to the inspector of mines before such additions or alterations
are brought into use.

Provided further that this regulation shall not apply to telecommunication

or signaling apparatus.


96. Plans.-

(1) A correct plan,, on the same scale as the plan kept at the mine in fulfilment of the
requirements of the Mines Act 1952 (35 of 1952), shall be available in the office at
the mine showing the position of all fixed apparatus and conductors therein, other
than lights, telecommunication or signalling apparatus, or cables for the same

(2) A similar plan on the scale not less than 25 cm. to a km. (1:4000) shall be kept by
the manager or owner of one or more wells in any oil-field,

(3) A similar plan on such scale as the Central Government may direct, showing the
position of all electric supply lines, shall be kept in the office of any licensee or
other person transmitting or distributing electricity in a mine or oil-field,

(4) The plans specified under this regulation shall be examined and corrected as often
as necessary to keep them up-to-date and the dates of such examinations shall be
entered thereon by the manager or owner of the mine or wells and such plans shall
be available to the Inspector, or inspector of mines, at any time.

97. Lighting, overhead lines, communication and fire precautions.-

(1) In a mine illuminated by electricity, one or more flame safety lamps, or other lights
approved by the inspector of mines, shall be maintained in a state of continuous
illumination in all places where failure of the electric light at any time shall be
prejudicial to safety.

(2) Efficient means of communication shall be provided in every mine between the
point where the switchgear under sub-regulation (1) regulation 105 is erected, the
shaft bottom and other distributing centres in the mines.

(3) Fire extinguishing appliances of adequate capacity and of an approved type shall
be installed and properly maintained in every place in a mine containing apparatus,
other than cables, telecommunication and signaling apparatus.

(4) In case of mines, minimum clearance above ground of the lowest conductor of
over head lines or over head cables where dumpers or trackless vehicles are being
operated shall not be less than twelve meters in height from the ground across the
road where dumpers or trackless vehicles cross.

98. Isolation and fixing of transformer and switchgear.-

(1) Transformers and switchgear shall be placed in a separate room, compartment or
box where necessary to prevent danger of mechanical damage.

(2) Unless the apparatus is so constructed, protected and worked as to obviate the risk
of fire, no inflammable material shall be used in the construction of any room,
compartment or box containing apparatus, or in the construction of any of the
fittings therein and each such room, compartment or box shall be substantially
constructed and shall be kept dry and illuminated and efficient ventilation shall be
provided for all apparatus installed therein.


(3) All apparatus that has to be worked or attended to and all handles intended to be
operated shall be placed at a spacious working place which is accessible, clear of
obstruction and free from danger, so far as circumstances permit.

99. Method of earthing. –

Where earthing is necessary in a mine it shall be carried out by connection to an

earthing system at the surface of the mine and in a manner approved by the inspector
of mines.

100. Protective equipment.-

(1) In the interest of safety, appropriate equipment shall be suitably placed in the
mines for automatically disconnecting supply to any part of the system, where a
fault, including an earth fault, occurs and fault current shall not be more than 750
milliampere in installations of voltage exceeding 250 V and up to 100 V for below
ground mines and oil fields and 50 ampere in installations of voltage exceeding
1100 V and up to 11 kV in open cast mines and the magnitude of the earth fault
current shall be limited to these specified values by employing suitably designed,
restricted neutral system of power supply.

(2) The operation of the switchgear and the relays shall be recorded daily at the
generating station, sub-station or switch station in a register kept for the purpose.

(3) The effectiveness of the switchgear and the protective system shall always be kept
and maintained in working order, shall be checked once every three months and
the result thereof shall be recorded in a separate register kept for the purpose.

101. Earthing metals: -

(1) All metallic sheaths, coverings, handles, joint boxes, switchgear frames,
instrument covers, switch and fuse covers of boxes, all lamp holders, unless
efficiently protected by an insulated covering made of fire resisting material, and
the frames and bedplates of generators, transformers and motors, including
portable motors, shall be earthed .by connection to an earthing system in the
manner specified in regulation 99.

(2) Where cables are provided with a metallic covering constructed and installed in
accordance with clause (d) of regulation 106, such metallic covering may be used
as a means of connection to the earthing system.

(3) All conductors, of an earthing system shall have conductivity, at all parts and all
joints, at least equal to fifty per cent of that of the largest conductor used solely to
supply the apparatus, a part of which desired to be earthed:

Provided that no conductor of an earthing system shall have a cross-

sectional area, less than 0.15 sq. cm. except in the case of the earth
conductor of a flexible cable used with portable apparatus where the
voltage does not exceed 125 Volts, and the cross-sectional area and
conductance of the earth core is not less than that of the largest o£ the live
conductors in the cable.


(4) All joints in earth conductors and all joints in the metallic covering of cables shall
be properly soldered or otherwise efficiently made.

(5) No switch, fuse or circuit-breaker shall be inserted in any earth conductor.

(6) This regulation shall not apply, except in the case of portable apparatus, to any
system in a mine in which the voltage does not exceed 30 V.

102. Voltage limits. –

Electricity shall not be transmitted into a mine at a voltage exceeding 11000 Volts
and shall not be used therein at a voltage exceeding 6600 Volts: Provided that-

(i) where hand-held portable apparatus is used, the voltage shall not
exceed 125 V;

(ii) where electric lighting is used,-

(a) in underground mines, the lighting system shall have a mid or

neutral point connected with earth and the voltage shall not
exceed 125 V between phases;

(b) on the surface of a mine or in an, open cast mine, the voltage may
be raised to 250 V, if the neutral or the mid point of the system is
connected with earth and the voltage between the phases does not
exceed 250 V;

(iii) where portable hand-lamps are used in underground working of mine,

the voltage shall not exceed 30 V;

(iv) where any circuit is used for the remote control or electric inter-
locking of apparatus, the circuit voltage shall not exceed 30 V:

Provided further that in fixed plants, the said voltage may be

permitted up to 650 V, if the bolted type plug is used

103. Transformers.-

Where electricity is transformed, suitable provision shall be made to guard against

danger by reason of the lower voltage apparatus becoming accidentally charged above
its normal voltage by leakage from or contact with the -higher voltage apparatus.

104. Switchgear and terminals.-

Switchgear and all terminals, cable-ends, cable-joints and connections to apparatus

shall be totally enclosed and shall be constructed, installed and maintained as to
comply with the following requirements, namely:-

(i) all parts shall be of mechanical strength sufficient to resist rough usage;


(ii) all conductors and contact areas shall be of adequate current-carrying capacity
and all joints in conductors shall be properly soldered or otherwise efficiently

(iii) the lodgement of any matter likely to diminish the insulation or affect the
working of any switchgear shall be prevented;

(iv) all live parts shall be so protected or enclosed as to prevent persons

accidentally coming into contact with them and to prevent danger from arcs,
short-circuits, fire, water, gas or oil;

(v) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, oil or other inflammable
material, all parts shall be, so protected as to prevent open sparking; and

(vi) every switch or circuit-breaker shall be so constructed as to be capable of

opening the circuit it controls and dealing with any short-circuit without

105. Disconnection of supply. –

(1) Properly constructed switchgear for disconnecting the supply of electricity to a

mine or oil-field shall be provided at a point approved by the inspector of mines.

(2) At any time, when any cable or overhead line supplying electricity to the mine
from the aforesaid switchgear is live, a person designated to operate the said
switchgears shall be available within easy reach thereof;

Provided that in the case of gassy coal seam of second degree and third
degree gassiness, the main mechanical ventilator operated by electricity
shall be interlocked with the switchgear so as to automatically disconnect
the power supply in the event of stoppage of main mechanical ventilator.

(3) When necessary in the interest of safety, any apparatus suitably placed, shall be
provided for disconnecting the supply from every part of a system.

(4) If the inspector of mines in the interest of safety considered it necessary, he may
direct that the apparatus specified in sub-regulation (3) shall be so arranged as to
disconnect automatically, from the supply, any section of the system subjected to a

(5) Every motor shall be controlled by switchgear which shall be so arranged as to

disconnect the supply from the motor and from all apparatus connected thereto and
such switchgear shall be so placed as to be easily operated by the person
designated to operate the motor.

(6) Whenever required by the inspector of mines the motor shall be controlled by
switchgear to disconnect automatically the supply in the event of conditions of
over-current, over-voltage and single phasing.


(7) Auxiliary fan shall be interlocked with the switchgear controlling power supply to
the in bye face equipment of below ground coal mine for automatic disconnection
of power supply in the event of the stoppage of the auxiliary fan.

106. Cables. –

All cables, other than flexible cables for portable or transportable apparatus, shall
fulfill the following requirements, namely:-

(i) all such cables, other than the outer conductor of a concentric cable,
shall be covered with insulating material and shall be efficiently
protected from mechanical damage and supported at sufficiently
frequent intervals and in such a manner as to prevent damage to such

(ii) (a) except as provided in clause (iii) no cables other than concentric
cables or single core or two core or multi core cables protected by a
metallic covering and which contain all the conductors of a circuit shall
be used where the voltage exceeds 125 V or when an Inspector considers
that there is risk of igniting gas or coal dust or other inflammable
material, and so directs;

(b) the sheath of metal-sheathed cables and the metallic armouring of

armoured cables shall be of a thickness not less than that recommended
from time to time in he relevant standard of the Bureau of Indian

(iii) where a voltage exceeding 250 V but not exceeding 650 V direct
current system is used, two single core cables may be used for any
circuit provided that their metallic coverings are bonded together by
earth conductors so placed that the distance between any two
consecutive bonds is not greater than thirty metres measured along
either cable;

(iv) The metallic covering of every cable shall be -

(a) electrically and mechanically continuous throughout;

(b) earthed, if it is required by sub-regulation (3) of regulation 101 to be

earthed by a connection to the earthing system of conductivity
specified therein;

(c) efficiently protected against corrosion where necessary;

(d) of a conductivity at all parts and at all joints at least equal to fifty
per cent of the conductivity of the largest conductor enclosed by the
said metallic covering; and


(e) where there may be risk of igniting gas, coal-dust, or other

inflammable material, so constructed as to prevent, as far as
practicable, the occurrence of open sparking as the result of any
fault or leakage from live conductors.

(v) cables and conductors where connected to motors, transformers,

switchgear and other apparatus, shall be installed so that,-

(a) they are mechanically protected by securely attaching the metallic

covering to the apparatus; and

(b) the insulating material at each cable end is efficiently sealed so as to

prevent the diminution of its insulating properties;

(vi) where necessary to prevent abrasion or to secure gas-tightness,

constructed glands or bushes shall be provided;

(vii) un armoured cables or conductors shall be conveyed either in

metallic pipes
or metal casings or suspended from efficient insulators by means of
non-conducting materials which will not cut the covering and which
will prevent contact with any timbering or metal work and if separate
insulated conductors are used, they shall be installed at least 3.75 cm.
apart and shall not be brought together except at lamps, switches and

107. Flexible cables.-

(1) Flexible cables for portable of transportable apparatus shall be two core or multi
core, unless required for electric welding, and shall be covere4 with insulating
material which shall be efficiently protected from mechanical injury.

(2) If flexible metallic covering is used either as the outer conductor of a concentric
cable or as a means of protection from mechanical injury, it shall not be used by
itself to form an earth conductor for such apparatus, but it may be used for that
purpose in conjunction with an earthing core.

(3) Every flexible cable intended for use with portable or transportable apparatus shall
be connected to the system and to such apparatus by properly constructed

Provided that for machines of voltage exceeding 650 V but not exceeding 33
kV a bolted type connector shall be used and the trailing cable shall be suitably
anchored at the machine end..

Provided further that, where there are space limitations multiple onboard
motors and equipment for transportable or portable machines-, direct entry
flexible cable with elastomeric sealing rings, compression gland, packing gland
or sealing box which does not alter the flame proof property may be permitted


axial height of twenty, millimeter for circular cables of diameter not greater
than twenty millimeter and twenty five millimeter for circular cables of
diameter greater than twenty millimeter.

(4) At every point where flexible cables are joined to main cables, a circuit breaker
shall be provided which is capable of automatically disconnecting the supply from
such flexible cables. Every flexible cable attached to a portable or transportable
machine shall be examined periodically by the person designated to operate the
machine, and if such cable is used underground, it shall be examined at least once
in each shift by
(5) such person and if such cable is found to be damaged or defective, it shall
forthwith be replaced by a cable in good condition.

(6) If the voltage of the circuit exceeds 250 V, all flexible cables attached to any
transportable apparatus shall be provided with flexible metallic screening or pliable
armouring and cables of portable apparatus shall be provided with flexible metallic
screening on all the power and pilot cores.

Provided that the provision of this regulation shall not apply to flexible cables
attached to any transportable or portable apparatus used in open cast mines or
below ground mines where reeling and unreeling of such cables is necessary as
per design features of the equipment.

(7) All flexible metallic screening or armouring specified in sub-regulation (6) shall
fulfill the requirement specified in clause (iv) of regulation 106.

Provided that in the case of separately screened flexible cables the conductance
of each such screen shall not be less than twenty five per cent of that of the
power conductor and the combined conductance of all such screens shall in no
case be less than that of 0.15 sq. cm. copper conductors.

(8) Flexible cable exceeding hundred metres in length shall not be used with any
portable or transportable apparatus:

Provided that such flexible cable when used with coal cutting machines or
cutter or loader or armoured face conveyor for long wall operation, or with
shuttle cars or load haul dumper or cutter loader or all alike equipment for
development and de-pillaring operation shall not exceed two hundred fifty
metres in length:
Provided further that the aforesaid cable in case of an open cast mine when
used with electrically operated heavy earth moving machinery shall not exceed
three hundred metres in length and for bucked wheel excavator at 11 kV shall
not exceed one thousand metres in length.

(9) Flexible cable, when installed in a mine, shall be efficiently supported and
protected from mechanical injury.

(10) Flexible cables shall not be used with apparatus other than portable or
transportable apparatus. –


(11) Where flexible cables are used they shall be detached or otherwise isolated from
the source of supply when not in use, and arrangements shall be made to prevent
the energising of such cables by undesignated persons.

108. Portable and transportable machines. -

The person designated to operate an electrically driven coal-cutter, or other portable

or transportable machine, shall not leave the machine while it is in operation and shall,
before leaving the area in which such machine is operating, ensure that the supply is
disconnected from the flexible cable which supplies electricity to the machine and
when any such machine is in operation, steps shall be taken to ensure that the flexible
cable is not dragged along by the machine:
Provided that all portable and transportable machines used in underground
mines shall operate on remote control from the concerned switchgear with pilot
core protection.

109. Sundry precautions. –

(1) All apparatus shall be maintained reasonably free from dust, dirt and moisture, and
shall be kept clear of obstruction.

(2) All apparatus other than portable and transportable apparatus shall be housed in a
room, compartment or box so constructed as to protect the contents from damage
occasioned by failing material or passing traffic.

(3) Inflammable or explosive material shall not be stored in any room, compartment or
box containing apparatus, or in the vicinity of any apparatus,

(4) In case of a fault in any circuit, the part affected shall be made dead without delay
and shall remain so until the fault has been remedied.

(5) While lamps are being changed the supply shall be disconnected.

(6) No lamp holder shall have metallic connection with the guard or other metal work
of a portable hand lamp.

(7) The following notices in Hindi and local language of the district, so designed and
protected as to be easily legible at all times, shall be exhibited at the following
places, namely;-

(i) where electrical apparatus is in use, a notice forbidding undesignated persons

to operate or otherwise interfere with such apparatus;
(ii) in the interior or at the surface of the mine where a telephone or other means
of communication is provided, a notice giving full instructions to person, at
the surface of the mine, designated to effect the disconnection of the supply of
electricity to the mine.

(8) All apparatus, including portable and transportable apparatus, shall be operated
only by those persons who are designated for the purpose.


(9) Where a plug-and-socket-coupling other than of bolted type is used with flexible
cables, an electrical inter-lock or other approved device shall be provided to
prevent the opening of the coupling while the conductors are live.

110. Precautions where gas exists. –

(1) In any part of a coal-seam of the first degree gassiness -

(i) all cables shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained in
such a manner as to prevent risk of open sparking;

(ii) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits
shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained as to be
intrinsically safe;

(iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus including lighting
fittings used at any place which lies in-bye of the last ventilation connection
shall be flame-proof:

Provided that electrically operated or battery operated portable or

transportable apparatus such as shuttle car, men or material transporting
equipment of increased safety type "e" shall be permitted at any place with
suitable monitoring devices for detection of gases, if any;

(iv) all electric lamps at any place which lie in-bye of the last ventilation
connection and return airways shall be in flame proof enclosure and at other
places these shall be in increased safety enclosure type 'e’

(2) At any place which lies in any part of a coal-seam of second and third degree

(i) all signaling, telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester circuits
shall be so constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained as to be
intrinsically safe;

(ii) all cables shall be constructed, installed, protected, operated and maintained in
such a manner as to prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus, including portable and transportable apparatus used at any place
within ninety metres of any working face or goaf in case of a second degree
gassy mine and within two hundred seventy metres of any working face or
goaf in case of third degree gassy mine or at any place which lies in-bye of the
last ventilation connection or in any return airways shall be flame proof;

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.

(3) In any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-2 hazardous areas-


(i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester
circuits shall be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and maintained
as to be intrinsically safe;

(ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as to

prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus shall have the
following types of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian Standards,

(a) flame-proof enclosure type 'd' or

(b) pressurized enclosure type 'p' or
(c) sand filled apparatus type 'q' or
(d) increased safety enclosure type 'e', 'n' and 'o'

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in increased safety enclosure type 'e’

(4) In any oil mine or oil-field, at any place within the zone-1 hazardous areas-

(i) all signaling and telecommunication, remote control and insulation tester
circuits shall be so constructed, installed, operated, protected and maintained
as to be intrinsically safe;

(ii) all cables shall be so constructed, installed, operated and maintained as to

prevent risk of open sparking;

(iii) all apparatus including portable and transportable apparatus shall have the
following types of enclosures conforming to the relevant Indian Standards,
namely: -

(a) flame-proof enclosure type 'd or

(b) pressurized enclosure type 'p' or
(c) sand filled apparatus type ‘q'

(iv) all electric lamps shall be enclosed in flame-proof enclosures.

(5) In any oil mine at any place within zone-0 hazardous area no electrical equipment
shall be used and where it is not practicable, intrinsically safe apparatus are only to
be used with the prior approval of the Inspector.

(6) In any coal-seam of degree second and degree third gassiness or the hazardous area
of oil-mine the supply shall be discontinued;

(i) immediately, if open sparking occurs;

(ii) during the period required for examination or adjustment of the apparatus,
which shall necessitate the exposing of any part liable to open sparking;


(iii) the supply shall not be reconnected until the apparatus has been examined by
the electrical supervisor or one of his duly appointed assistants and until the
defect, if any, has been remedied or the necessary adjustment made; and

(iv) a flame safety lamp shall be provided and maintained in a state of continuous
illumination near an apparatus, including portable or transportable apparatus,
which remains energised and where the appearance of the flame of such safety
lamps indicates the presence of inflammable gas, - the supply to all apparatus
in the vicinity shall be immediately disconnected and the incident reported
forthwith to an official of the mine and such apparatus shall be interlocked
with the controlling switch in such a manner as to disconnect power supply
automatically in the event of percentage of inflammable gas exceeding one
and one quarter in that particular district:

Provided that where apparatus for automatic detection of the percentage of

inflammable gas or vapour are employed in. addition to the flame safety
lamps, such apparatus shall be approved by the inspector of mines and
maintained in perfect order.

(7) In any part of a coal-seam of any degree of gassiness or in any hazardous area of
an oil-mine, if the presence of inflammable gas in the general body of air is
found at any time to exceed one and one quarter per cent, the supply of energy
shall be immediately disconnected from all cables and apparatus in the area and
the supply shall not be reconnected so long as the percentage of inflammable gas
remains in excess of one and one quarter per cent.

(8) In an oil mine where concentration of inflammable gas exceeds twenty percent of
its lowest explosive limit, the supply of electricity shall be cut-off immediately
from all cables and apparatus lying within thirty metres of the installation and all
sources of ignition shall also be removed from the said area and normal work
shall not be resumed unless the area is made gas-free:

Provided that such disconnection shall not apply to intrinsically safe

environmental monitoring scientific instruments

(9) Any such disconnection or reconnection of the supply shall be noted in the log
sheet which shall be maintained in the form set out in Schedule-XIII and shall be
reported to the inspector of mines,

(10) The provisions of this regulation shall apply to any metalliferrous mine which
may be notified by the inspector of mines if inflammable gas occurs or if the
inspector of mines is of the opinion that inflammable gas is likely to occur in
such mine.

Explanation - For the purpose of this regulation;


(1) the expression 'coal-seam of first degree gassiness', 'coal-seam of second

degree gassiness1, 'coal-seam of third degree gassiness' and flameproof
apparatus' shall have the meanings respectively assigned to them in the Coal
Mines Regulations, 1957.

(2) The following areas in an oil-mine or oil-field shall be known as hazardous

areas, namely:-
(i) an area of not less than ninety metres around an oil-well where a blow-
out has occurred or is likely to occur, as may be designated by the
Engineer-in charge or the senior most official present at the site;

(ii) an area within ninety metres of an oil-well which is being tested by open

(iii) an area within fifteen metres of:

(a) a producing well-head or any point of open discharge of the crude

there, from or other point where emission of hazardous atmosphere is
normally likely to arise; or

(b)any wildcat or exploration well-head being drilled in an area where

abnormal pressure conditions are known to exist; or
(c) any exploration or interspaced well-head being drilled in the area
where abnormal pressure conditions are known to exist;

(iv) any area within four and one half meters of:

(a) any producing well-head where a closed system of production is

employed such as to prevent the emission or accumulation in the area
in normal circumstances of a hazardous atmosphere; or

(b)exploration or interspaced well-head being drilled in an area where

the pressure conditions are normal and where the system of drilling
employed includes adequate measures for the prevention in normal
circumstances of emission or accumulation within the area of a
hazardous atmosphere; or

(c) an oil-well which is being tested other than by open flow.

(3) "hazardous atmosphere" means an atmosphere containing any inflammable gases

or vapours in a concentration capable of ignition.

(4) "Zone 0 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is
continuously present."

(5) "Zone 1 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is likely
to occur under normal operating conditions".


(6) "Zone 2 hazardous area" means "an area in which hazardous atmosphere is likely
to occur under abnormal operating conditions".

111. Shot-firing. –

(1) When shot-firing is in progress adequate precautions shall be taken to protect

apparatus and conductors, other than those used for shot-firing, from injury.

(2) Current from lighting or power circuits shall not be used for firing shots.

(3) The provisions of regulation 107 shall apply in regard to the covering and
protection of shot-firing cables, and adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent
such cable touching other cables and apparatus.

112. Signalling. –

Where electrical signalling is used,-

(i) adequate precautions shall be taken to prevent signal and telephone wires
coming into contact with other cables and apparatus;

(ii) the voltage used in any one circuit shall not exceed 30 V;

(iii) contact-makers shall be so constructed as to prevent the accidental closing of

the circuit; and
(iv) bare conductors, where used shall be installed in suitable insulators.

113. Haulage. –

Haulage by electric locomotives on the overhead trolley-wire system, at voltage

not exceeding 650 V and haulage by storage battery locomotives may be used with
the prior consent in writing of the Electrical Inspector, and subject to such
conditions as he may impose in the interests of safety.

114. Earthing of neutral points. –

Where the voltage of an alternating current system exceeds 30 Volts, the neutral or
mid-point shall be earthed by connection to an earthing system in the manner
specified in regulation 99.

Provided that when the system concerned is required for blasting, and
signalling purposes, the provisions of this regulation shall not apply.

Provided further that in case of unearthed neutral system adequate

protection shall be provided with the approval of the Inspector


115. Supervision. –

(1) (i) One or more electrical supervisors as directed by the Inspector shall be
appointed in writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine or by the agent or
the owner, of one or more wells in an oil field to supervise the installation.
(ii) The electrical supervisor so appointed shall be the person holding a valid
Electrical Supervisor's Certificate of Competency, covering mining installation
issued under sub-regulation (1) of regulation 29.

(iii) One or more electricians as directed by the Inspector shall be appointed in

writing by the owner, agent or manager of a mine or by the agent or the owner, of
one or more wells in an oil field for compliance with the duties specified in this

(iv) The Electrician shall be a person holding license under sub-regulation (1) of
regulation 29.

(v) For small open cast mines and below ground mines receiving supply at voltage
not more than 650 V and not having portable or transportable apparatus, electrical
supervisor and electrician shall be appointed for more than one mine by the

(2) Every person appointed to operate, supervise, examine or adjust any apparatus
shall be competent to undertake the work which he is required to carry out as
directed by the Engineer.

(3) The electrical supervisor shall be responsible for the proper performance of the
following duties, by himself or by an electrician appointed under sub-regulation

(i) thorough examination of all apparatus, including the testing of earth

conductors and metallic coverings for continuity, as often as may be
necessary to prevent danger;

(ii) examination and testing of all new apparatus, and of all apparatus, re-
erected in the mine before it is put into service in a new position.

(4) In the absence of any electrical supervisor, the owner, agent or manager of the
mine and oil field shall appoint in writing a substitute electrical supervisor.

(5) (i) The electrical supervisor or the substitute electrical supervisor appointed under
sub-regulation (4) to replace him shall be personally responsible for the
maintenance at the mine or oil-field, of a log-book made up of the daily log sheets
prepared in the form set out in Schedule- XIII.

(ii) The results of all tests carried out in accordance with the provisions of
sub-regulation (3) shall be recorded in. the log-sheets prepared in the form
set out in Schedule-XIII.


Chapter X

116. Deviations.-
(1) The Central Government or the State Government, as the case may. be, by order in
writing, allow deviations in respect of matters referred in these regulations except
regulation 30.

(2) The Electrical Inspector or the inspector of mines may, by order in writing, allow
deviations in respect of matters referred in regulations 12 to 17, 28, 35(2)(3) and
(5), 36(3), 37(1) to (iv), 41(xii), 43, 44(2), 46, 52 to 54, 57 to 61, 65, 72, 74, 78 to
91,102,107(6), (8) and (10) and 114

Explanation- Every order allowing the deviations by the Electrical Inspector

or the Inspector of Mines under sub-regulation (2) shall be placed before the
Central or State Government which may disallow or revise such deviations.

(Measures relating
to Safety and
Electric Supply)
Regulations, 2015.
New Delhi, the 13th April, 2015
No. CEI/1/2/2015.-Whereas the Central Electricity Authority published a public notice
on the 28th September, 2014 in respect of the draft of the Central Electricity Authority
(Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Amendment Regulations, 2014, as required
under sub-section (3) of section 177 of the Electricity Act, 2003 (36 of 2003) read with sub-rule
(2) of rule 3 of the Electricity (Procedure for Previous Publication) Rules, 2005, inviting
objections and suggestions from the persons likely to be affected thereby, before the expiry of
the period of forty five days, i.e., on or before the 12th November, 2014, from the date on which
the copies of the publication containing the said public notice were made available to the public;
And whereas copies of the said publication containing the said public notice were made
available to the public on the 28th September, 2014;
And whereas the objections and suggestions received from the public in respect of the
said draft regulations have been duly considered by the Central Electricity Authority;
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (2) of section 177
read with section 53 of the said Act the Central Electricity Authority hereby makes the following
regulations. namely:-

1. Short title and commencement:- (1) These regulations may be called the Central
Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply) Amendment
Regulations, 2015.
(2) These Regulations shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
2. In the Central Electricity Authority (Measures relating to Safety and Electric Supply),
Regulations 2010 (hereinafter referred to as the said regulations), in regulation 2, in sub-
regulation (1), -
(A) after clause (f), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
‘(fa) “Charted Electrical Safety Engineer” means a person as notified by the
Appropriate Government as referred to in regulation 5A;’
(B) after clause (s), the following clause shall be inserted, namely;-
‘(sa) “Electrical Inspector of Mines” means a person appointed as such by the
Appropriate Government under sub-section (1) of section 162 for the purpose of
electrical installations of mines and oil fields;’
(C) for clause (v), the following clause shall be substituted, namely:-
‘(v) “flameproof enclosure” means an enclosure in which the parts which can ignite
an explosive atmosphere are placed and which can withstand the pressure developed
during an internal explosion of an explosive mixture and which prevents the
transmission of explosion to the explosive atmosphere surrounding the enclosure;’
(D) after clause (za), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
‘(zaa) “Inspecting Officer” means officer responsible for carrying out the testing and
inspection of electrical installations under these regulations;’
(E) for clause (zc), the following shall be substituted, namely:-
‘(zc) “intrinsically safe circuit” shall denote any circuit operating under its normal
operation and specified fault condition as specified in the Bureau of Indian
Standards, which when exposed to any spark, ignition, or any thermal effect whilst
operating under the above said conditions, is not capable of causing ignition of a
given explosive gas atmosphere;
(zca) “intrinsically safe apparatus” shall denote electrical apparatus in which all the
circuits are intrinsically safe circuits;’
(F) after clause (zk), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
‘(zka) “notified voltage” means a voltage notified by the Appropriate Government
for the purpose of self certification under regulation 30 and regulation 43;’
(G) after clause (zw), the following clause shall be inserted, namely:-
‘(zwa) “self-certification” means a certificate issued by a supplier or the owner in the
prescribed format as required under regulation 30 and regulation 43;’
3. In the said regulations, for regulation 5, the following regulation shall be substituted,
"5. Electrical Safety Officer.- (l) All suppliers of electricity including generating
companies, transmission companies and distribution companies shall designate an
Electrical Safety Officer for ensuring observance of safety measures specified under these
regulations in their organisation, for construction, operation and maintenance of power
stations, sub-stations, transmission and distribution lines.
(2) The Electrical Safety Officer shall be an Electrical Engineering degree holder with at
least five years of experience in operation and maintenance of electrical installations.
(3) The Electrical Safety Officer designated under sub-regulation (1), shall carryout
periodic tests as per the relevant standards and inspection of such installations for ensuring
observance of safety measures specified under these regulations at intervals not exceeding
one year, and keep a record thereof in Form I or Form II or Form III, as the case may be,
of Schedule IV and test reports, and also keep a register of recommended safety
requirements duly acknowledged by the owner with date and compliances thereafter; and
such records shall be made available to the Electrical Inspector, as and when required.
(4) For every electrical installation including factory registered under Factory Act, 1948
and mines and oil field as defined in the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), where more than
250 kW of electrical load is connected, the owner of the installation or the management of
the factory or mines, as the case may be, shall designate Electrical Safety Officer having
qualification and experience specified in sub-regulation (2), for ensuring the observance of
the safety provisions laid under the Act and the regulations made thereunder, who shall
carryout recommended periodic tests as per the relevant standards, and inspect such
installation at intervals not exceeding one year, and keep a record thereof in Form I or
Form II or Form III of schedule IV to these regulations, test reports and a register of
recommendations in regard with safety duly acknowledged by owner, compliances made
thereafter and such records shall be made available to the Electrical Inspector if and when
4. In the said regulations, after regulation 5, the following regulation shall be inserted,
"5A. Chartered Electrical Safety Engineer.-The Appropriate Government may authorise
Electrical Safety Engineers having the qualification and experience as specified in sub-
regulation (2) of regulation 5 to assist the owner or supplier or consumer of electrical
installations for the purpose of self-certification under regulation 30 and regulation 43.".
5. In the said regulations, for sub-regulations (2) to (5) of regulation 30, the following shall
be substituted, namely:-
"(2) The periodical inspection and testing of installation of voltage equal to or below the
notified voltage belonging to the supplier or consumer shall be carried out by the supplier
or owner or consumer and shall be self certified.
(3) The periodical inspection and testing of installations of voltage above the notified
voltage belonging to the supplier or consumer shall be carried out by the Electrical
Provided that the supplier or owner or consumer has the option to get his
installation inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector of the Appropriate
Provided further that the every electrical installations of mines, oil fields and
railways shall be periodically inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector of the
Appropriate Government.
(4) Where the supplier is directed by the Central Government or the State Government, as
the case may be, to inspect and test the installation, such supplier shall report on the
condition of the installation to the consumer concerned in the Forms I, II and III as
specified in Schedule-IV and shall submit a copy of such report to the Electrical Inspector.
(5) The Electrical Inspector may, on receipt of such report, accept the report submitted by
the supplier or record variations as the circumstances of each case may require and may
recommend that the defects may be rectified as per report.
(6) In the event of the failure of the owner of any installation to rectify the defects in his
installation pointed out by the Electrical Inspector in his report and within the time
indicated therein, such installation shall be liable to be disconnected under the directions
of the Electrical Inspector after serving the owner of such installation with a notice for a
period not less than forty eight hours:
Provided that the installation shall not be disconnected in case an appeal is made
under sub section (2) of section 162 of the Act and the appellate authority has stayed the
orders of disconnection.
(7) It shall be the responsibility of the owner of all installations to maintain and operate the
installations in a condition free from danger and as recommended by the manufacturer or
by the relevant codes of practice of the Bureau of Indian Standards."
6. In the said regulations, for sub-regulations 32. the following regulation shall be
substituted, namely:-
"32. Installation and testing of generating units.- The capacity above which generating
units including generating units producing electricity from renewable sources of energy
will be required to be inspected by the Electrical Inspector before commissioning shall be
as per the notification to be issued by the Appropriate Government under the sub-section
(1) of section 162 of the Act."
7. In the said regulations, for sub-regulations 42, the following regulation shall be
substituted, namely:-
"42. Earth leakage protective device. - The supply of electricity to every electrical
installation other than voltage not exceeding 250V, below 2 kW and those installations of
voltage not exceeding 250V, which do not attract provisions of section 54 of the Act, shall
be controlled by an earth leakage protective device whose maximum earth leakage
threshold for tripping should not exceed 30 milliamps for domestic connections and 100
milliamps for all other installations, so as to disconnect the supply instantly on the
occurrence of earth fault or leakage of current:
Provided that such earth leakage protective device shall not be required for
overhead supply lines having overhead supply lines having protective devices which are
effectively bonded to the neutral of supply transformers and conforming to regulation 73.”
8. In the said regulations, for sub-regulations 43, the following regulation shall be
substituted, namely:-
"43. Approval by Electrical Inspector and self-certification. - (1) Every electrical
installation of notified voltage and below shall be inspected, tested and shall be self-
certified by the owner of the installation before commencement of supply or
recommencement after shutdown for six months and above for ensuring observance of
safety measures specified under these regulations and such owner shall submit, the report
of self-certification in the Form-I or Form-II or Form-III, as the case may be, of Schedule-
IV to the Electrical Inspector.
(2) The voltage above which inspection and testing of electrical installations including
installations of supplier or consumer shall be carried out by the Electrical Inspector shall
be notified by the Appropriate Government.
(3) Every electrical installation of voltage above the notified voltage and all the apparatus
of the generating stations and above the capacity specified under regulation 32, shall be
required to be inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector before commencement of
supply or recommencement after shutdown for six months and above for ensuring
observance of safety measures specified under these regulations:
Provided that the owner or supplier or consumer has the option to get his
installation inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector of the Appropriate
(4) The Electrical Inspector may, on receipt of self-certification report referred to in sub-
regulation (1), accept the report submitted by the supplier or owner and record variations
as the circumstances of each case may require and may recommend that the defects may
be rectified as recommended:
Provided further that every electrical installation covered under section 54 of the
Act including every electrical installations of mines, oil fields and railways shall be
inspected and tested by the Electrical Inspector of the Appropriate Government as
specified in sub-regulation (3)
(5) Before making an application to the Electrical Inspector for permission to commence
or recommence supply in installations above the notified voltage after an installation has
been disconnected for six months, the supplier shall ensure that electric supply lines or
apparatus of more than notified voltage belonging to him are placed in position, properly
joined, and duly completed and examined, and the supply of electricity shall not be
commenced by the supplier for installations of voltage needing inspection under these
regulations unless the provisions of regulations 12 to 29, regulations 33 to 35, regulations
44 to 51 and regulations 55 to 77 have been complied with and the approval in writing of
the Electrical Inspector has been obtained by him;
Provided that the supplier may energise the aforesaid electric supply lines or
apparatus for the purpose of tests specified in regulation 46 and after successful testing,
the owner may energise the section of a line to prevent theft of conductors or towers,
subject to compliance of all the provisions of these regulations.
(6) The owner of any installations of voltage above the notified voltage shall, before
making application to the Electrical Inspector for approval of his installation or additions
thereto, test every circuit or additions thereto, other than an overhead line, and satisfy
himself that they withstand the application of the testing voltage set out in sub-regulation.
(1) of regulation 46 and shall duly record the results or such tests and forward them to the
Electrical Inspector:
Provided that an Electrical Inspector may direct such owner to carry out such
tests as he deems necessary or accept the certified tests of the manufacturer in respect of
any particular apparatus in place of the tests required by this regulation.
(7) The owner of any installation who makes any addition or alteration to his installation
shall not connect to the supply his apparatus or electric supply lines, comprising the said
alterations or additions, unless and until such alteration or addition has been approved in
writing by the Electrical Inspector or self-certified by the owner of the installation, as the
case may be.”
9. In the said regulations, for the marginal heading and sub-regulation (1) regulations 44, the
following shall be substituted, namely:-
"44. Use of electricity at voltage exceeding notified voltage.- (1) The Electrical
Inspector shall not authorise the supplier to commence supply or where the supply has
been discontinued for a period of six months and above, to recommence the supply at
voltage exceeding notified voltage to any consumer unless-
(a) all conductors and apparatus situated on the premises of the consumer are so placed as
to be inaccessible except to a designated person and all operations in connection with the
said conductors and apparatus are carried out by a designated person;
(b) the consumer has provided and agrees to maintain a separate building or a locked
whether proof and fire proof enclosure of agreed design and location, to which the
supplier at all times shall have access for the purpose of housing his apparatus and
metering equipment, or where the provision for a separate building or enclosure is
impracticable, the consumer has segregated the aforesaid apparatus of the supplier from
any other part of his own apparatus:
Provided that such segregation shall be by the provision of fire proof walls, if
the Electrical Inspector considers it to be necessary:
Provided further that in the case of an outdoor installation the consumer shall
suitably segregate the aforesaid apparatus belonging to the supplier from his own;
(c) all pole type sub-stations are constructed and maintained in accordance with regulation
10. In the said regulations, in regulations 63,-
(a) for sub-regulations (1) to (4), the following sub-regulations shall be substituted,
"(1) If at any time subsequent to the erection of an overhead line, whether covered with
insulating material or not or underground cable, any person proposes to erect a new
building or structure or flood bank or to raise any road level or to carry out any other type
of work whether permanent or temporary or to make in or upon any building, or structure
or flood bank or road, any permanent or temporary addition or alteration, such person and
the contractor whom he employs to carry out the erection, addition or alteration, shall,
give intimation in writing of his intention to do so, to the supplier or owner and to the
Electrical Inspector and shall furnish therewith a scale drawing showing the proposed
building, structure, flood bank, road or any addition or alteration and scaffolding thereof
required during the construction.
(2) On receipt of such intimation, the supplier or owner shall examine, -
(a) whether the line or underground cable under reference was laid in accordance with the
provisions of these regulations and any other law for the time being in force;
(b) whether it is technically feasible;
(c) whether it meets the requirement of Right of Way (ROW);
(d) whether such person was liable to pay the cost of alteration of the overhead line or
underground cable and if so, issue a notice within a period of thirty days, to such person
together with an estimate of the cost of the expenditure likely to be incurred to so alter the
overhead line or underground cable and require him to deposit, within thirty days of the
receipt of the notice, with the supplier or owner, the amount of the estimated cost.
(3) If such person disputes the cost of alteration of the overhead line or underground cable
estimated by the supplier or owner or even the responsibility to pay such cost, the dispute
may be referred to the Electrical Inspector who shall after hearing both parties decide upon
the issue in accordance with sub-regulation (4).
(4) The Electrical Inspector shall estimate the cost of alteration of overhead line or
underground cable on the following basis, namely;-
(a) the cost of material used on the alteration after crediting the depreciated cost of the
material which shall be available from the existing line or underground cable;
(b) the wages of labour employed in affecting the alteration;
(c) supervision charges and charges incurred by the supplier or owner in complying with
the provisions of section 67 of the Act, in respect of such alterations."
(b) for sub-regulations (6) and (7), the following shall be substituted, namely:¬
"(6) No work upon such building, structure, flood bank, road and addition or alteration
thereto shall be commenced or continued until the Electrical Inspector certifies that the
provisions of regulations 58, 60, 61 and regulation 76 should not be contravened either
during or after the aforesaid construction:
Provided that the Electrical Inspector may, if he is satisfied that the overhead
line or underground, cable has been so guarded as to secure the protection of persons or
property from injury, certify that the work may be executed prior to the alteration of the
overhead line or underground cable or in the case of temporary addition or alteration,
without alteration of the overhead line or underground cable.
(7) The supplier or owner shall, on receipt of such deposit, alter the overhead line or
underground cable in such a way that it does not contravene the provisions regulations 58,
60, 61 and regulation 76 either during or after such construction within two months from
the date of such deposit or within such longer period as the Electrical Inspector may
permit for reasons to be recorded in writing."
11. In the said regulations, for sub-regulation (2) of regulation 65, the following sub-
regulation shall be substituted, namely:-
"(2) No blasting for any purpose shall be done within 300 metres from the boundary of a
sub-station or from the electric supply lines of voltage exceeding 650V or tower structure
thereof without the written permission of the owner of such sub-station or electric supply
lines or tower structures; and in case of mining lease hold area, without the written
permission of the Electrical Inspector of Mines."
12. In the said regulations, for regulation 95, the following regulation shall be substituted,
"95. Notices.- (l) On or before the first day of February in every year, in respect of every
mine or oil-field, returns giving the size and type of apparatus, together with such
particulars in regard to circumstances of its use as may be required, shall be sent to the
Electrical Inspector of Mines by the persons specified in regulation 94 in the Form
provided in Schedule-Xl or, as the case may be, Schedule-XII, whichever is applicable,
(2) The persons specified in regulation 94, shall also give to the Electrical Inspector of
Mines not less than seven days notice in writing of the intention to bring into use any new
installation in a mine or oil-field giving details of apparatus installed and its location:
Provided that in case of any additions or alterations to an existing installation of
voltage not exceeding 650V, immediate notice in writing shall be sent to the Electrical
Inspector of Mines before such additions or alterations are brought into use:
Provided further that this regulation shall not apply to telecommunication or
signaling apparatus."
13. In the said regulations, for regulation 99, the following regulation shall be substituted,
“99. Method of earthing.- Where earthing is necessary in a mine, it shall be carried out
by connection to an earthing system at the surface of the mine and in such manner as may
be approved by the Electrical Inspector of Mines,"
14. In the said regulations, in regulation 105,¬
(a) for sub-regulation (1), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely:-
"(1) Properly constructed switchgear for disconnecting the supply of' electricity to a mine
or oil field shall be provided at a point approved by the Electrical Inspector of Mines.";
(b) for sub-regulation (4), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted, namely:¬
"(4) If the Electrical Inspector of Mines, in the interest of safety considered it necessary,
he may direct that the apparatus specified in sub-regulation (3) shall be so arranged as to
disconnect automatically, from the supply, any section of the system subjected to a fault."
(c) for sub-regulation (6), the following sub-regulation shall be substituted., namely;¬
" (6) If the Electrical Inspector of Mines feels it appropriate, the motor shall be controlled
by a switchgear to disconnect automatically the supply in the event of conditions of over-
current, over-voltage and single phasing."
15. In the said regulations, for sub-regulation (9) of regulation 110, the following sub-
regulation shall be substituted, namely:-
"(9) Any such disconnection or reconnection of the supply shall be noted in the log sheet
which shall be maintained in the form set out in Schedule-XIII and shall be reported to the
Electrical Inspector of Mines."
16. In the said regulations, in sub-regulation (1) of regulation 115, for the word "Inspector"
wherever they occur, the words “Electrical Inspector of Mine,” shall be substituted,
17. In the said regulations, for sub-regulation (2) of regulation 116, the following shall be
substituted, namely:-
"(2) The Electrical Inspector or the Electrical Inspector of Mines may, by order for reasons
to be recorded in writing, allow deviations in respect of matters referred to in regulations
12 to 17, regulation 28, sub-regulation (2), (3) and (5) of regulation 35, sub-regulation (3)
of regulation 36, clause (i) to (iv) of regulation 37, clause (xii) of regulation 41, regulation
43, sub-regulation (2) of regulation 44, regulation 46, regulations 52 to 54, regulations 57
to 61, regulation 65, regulation 72, regulation 74, regulations 78 to 91, regulation 102,
sub-regulation (6), (8) and (10) of regulation 107 and regulation 114.
Explanation.- Every order allowing the deviations by the Electrical Inspector or the
Electrical Inspector of Mines under this sub-regulation shall be placed before the Central
Government or, as the case may be, the Stale Government which may disallow or revise
such deviations."
18. In the said regulations, in Schedule IV relating to Forms of Inspection Report,-
(a) under the sub-heading "FORM I (Installations of voltage upto and including
(i) for the portion-
"Report No. - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of Last Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Report No. - - - - - - - - - - -Date of inspection by Electrical Inspector or
self-certification by owner - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of last inspection or self-certification - - - - - - - - - - -”
(ii) after the Table, for the portion-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/
Name -----------
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector for. - - - - - - - - - - -”
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/Self-certifying supplier or owner
Name - - - - - - - - - - -
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Electrical Inspector/Chief Electrical Inspector for - - - - - -”
(b) under the sub-heading "FORM II (Installations of voltage level more than 250V up
to and including 650V)",-
(i) for the portion-
"Report No. - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of Last Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Report No. - - - - - - - - - - -Date of inspection by Electrical Inspector or
self-certification by owner - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of last inspection or self-certification - - - - - - - - - - -”
(ii) after the Table, for the portion-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/
Name -----------
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector for. - - - - - - - - - - -”
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/Self-certifying supplier or owner
Name - - - - - - - - - - -
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Electrical Inspector/Chief Electrical Inspector for - - - - - -”
(c) under the sub-heading "FORM III (Installations of voltage exceeding 650V)",¬
(i) for the portion-
"Report No. - - - - - - - - - - - Date of Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of Last Inspection - - - - - - - - - - -
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Report No. - - - - - - - - - - -Date of inspection by Electrical Inspector or
self-certification by owner - - - - - - - - - - -
Date of last inspection or self-certification - - - - - - - - - - -”
(ii) after the Table, for the portion-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/
Name -----------
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Chief Electrical Inspector for. - - - - - - - - - - -”
the following shall be substituted, namely:-
“Signature of the Inspecting Officer/Self-certifying supplier or owner
Name - - - - - - - - - - -
Designation - - - - - - - - - - -
File No. - - - - - - - - - - -
Copy forwarded to Electrical Inspector/Chief Electrical Inspector for - - - - - -”

P.D.SIWAL, Secy.

Note :- The principal regulations were published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary,
Part III, section 4 vide notification No.CEI/1/59//CEA/EI, dated 20th September, 2010.


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