A Wide-Band Low Noise Amplifier Synthesis Methodology

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A Wide-Band Low Noise

Amplifier Synthesis

Abhishek Jajoo
Advisor: l~rof. Mukherjee
A Wide-Band Low Noise Amplifier Synthesis




Athesis submittedin partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the
degree of

Master of Science

August 2005

Departmentof Electrical & ComputerEngineering

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

Advisor: Dr. Tamal Mukherjee

Second Reader: Professor C. Patrick Yue

Three generations of a wide-band LowNoise Amplifier (LNA)are designed in a 0.35 p.m

technology. Thetopology chosen is a noise-canceling topologywith shunt resistive feedbackfor
wide-band matching to 50 D_. The second generation design was fabricated and measured. It had a
measured gain of 17 dB and a bandwidth of 2.6 GHz. Its Noise Figure is below 3 dB over the LNA
bandwidth, with minimum
value of 2.4 dB. It draws 13mAcurrent from a 2.5 V supply. This LNAhas an

excellent figure of merit FOM

= ($2| x BW)/(NF x PDC) comparedto the other wide-bandLNAs.

Basedon the experience gained from the first two design generations, a synthesis-based design

strategy is developed.Athird generation LNA

is synthesizedusing this strategy. It optimizesbetweenthe
various noise sources affecting NFwith the other parametersinvolved in the FOM,leading to a LNAthat
outperformsearlier designs by about 2x.

EventhoughI amthe author, I don’t deserve the entire credit for this work.Several others have
contributedtowardsits completionandthey, at the least, deservethanksand mention.First of all, 1 would
like to thank myadvisor Dr. TamalMukherjeenot only for his availability for discussions but also his
painstaking efforts in pointing out holes and raising questions during the course of this work, without
whichthis work wouldnot have been possible. He also reviewedthis report and his feedback, led to
significant improvements.
I wouldalso like to thank Professor C. P. Yuefor taking time out of his busy
schedule to read mythesis and suggest improvements.
MaryL. Moore, the executive administrator of Carnegie Mellon MEMS
Laboratory, deserves
special thanks for her effort in smoothingout administrative issues during the time involved in this

research. Shewasalso kind enoughto take time out, at very short notice, of her busyscheduleto proofread
this report.
I have learnt a lot from discussions with mycolleagues - Altug Oz, UmutArslan, Chiung-Cheng
Lo, Hasan Akyol, Fang Chen, Michael Vladimer, Sarah Bedair, Peter Gilgunn, AmyWung,Michael
Sperling, Ryan Magargle, Sounil Biswas - and would like to thank them. They always kept the
very cheerful and werereadily available for discussions andany kind of help.

Finally, I wouldlike to thankmyparents for instilling a senseof self, honestyandlove for learning
in me. I wouldalso like to thank mybrother and all myfriends and relatives whoshowedtheir love, moral
support and encouragement
throughoutthe course of this work.
This workwas funded in part by C2S2,the MARCO
Focus Center for Circuit & SystemSolutions,
under MARCO
contract 2003-CT-888and by the ITRI Lab at Carnegie Mellon.

Table of Contents

........................................................................................................................... i

......................................................................................................... ii

of Contents
......................................................................................................... iii

Listof Figures
................................................................................................................. v

I Introduction
............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Narrow-band
vs. Wide-band
LNA .................................................................................. 2

.......................................................................................... 3

......................................................................................................... 4

......................................................................................................... 4

of Merit
................................................................................................................ 5

................................................................................................................ 6

................................................................................................................. 6

.......................................................................................................... 7

............................................................................................................. 7

........................................................................................... 10

3 CircuitSynthesis
.................................................................................................... 13

in RFDesign
.......................................................................................... 13

................................................................................................... 14

4 Results
..................................................................................................................... 21

4.1 First andSecond

.................................................................. 21

.................................................................................................... 24

..................................................................................................... 25

....................................................................................................... 26

4.2.31 dBInputCompression
Point(ICP)................................................................ 27

Point(IIP3)....................................... 28

................................................................ 29

.............................................................................................. 30

............................................................................ 33

of the 3rdGeneration
........................................... 34

..................................................................... 37

5 Conclusion
............................................................................... 39

..................................................................................................................... 40

Signitieaneeof 3 dBNoiseFigure............................................................ 42

List of Figures

Figure 1-I Multi-band radio receiver front end with (a) narrow-band LNAand (b) wide-band

................................................................................................................ 2

Figure 2-1 Shunt-feedback

................................................... 8

Figure 2-2 LNA

withemitterfolloweras secondstage .................................................... 9

Figure 2-3 Noisecancelingprinciplewithfirst amplifierstage ..................................... 10

Figure 2-4 Noisecancelingprinciplewithboth amplifierstages................................... 10

Figure 2-5 Finaltopology

............................................................................................... 11

Figure 3-1 NeoCircuitsimulation time summary

for two point synthesis ..................... 15

Figure 3-2 NeoCircuitsimulation time summary

for entire band synthesis ................... 15

Figure 3-3 Smallsignalmodel

of HBT
.......................................................................... 16

Figure 3-4 Screenshots of NeoCircuitresults showingthe values of specifications for the best

........................................................................................................ 20

Figure 4- I Gain matchingrequirement for maximum

first stage noise cancelling ........ 21

Figure 4-2 NeoCircuitvariables andgoals for the first generationdesign..................... 22

Figure 4-3 Measured

................................................................................ 25

Figure 4-4 Noise-Figure

results................................................................ 26

Figure 4-5 Compression

pointplot................................................................................. 27

Figure 4-6 IIP3Plot........................................................................................................ 28

Figure 4-7 Wide-band

LNAFigure of Merit vs. Lithographicfeature size ................... 30

Figure 4-8 grn/Icvs. Ic forHBT

..................................................................................... 32

Figure 4-9 NeoCircuitgoals window

with equalweightson all goals ........................... 33

Figure 4-10 NeoCircuitSynthesis results for the (a) first NeoCircuitrun with equal weights (3rd
generation (Initial) design) and (b) second run with modified weights (3rd genera-

........................................................................................ 34

Figure 4-11 NeoCircuitgoals windowwith weights on somegoals changed.................. 34

Figure 4-12 ComparingminimumNFand normalized error in first stage noise cancellation

................................................................................. 35

Figure 4-13 Comparisonof gain from transistor Q1 and Q2 across the three designs ..... 36

Figure 4-14 Normalizedtransconductance of transistors Q1 and Q2 across the three designs 36

Figure 4-15 Normalizedcollector current IC and (grn/IC) for transistor Q 1 across the three de-

.............................................................................................................. 37

1 Introduction

Wireless communication
systemsuse electromagneticsignals, with frequenciesin the range of hun-

dreds of kilohertz to several gigahertz, for the transmissionand receptionof informationthroughair. Fre-

quenciesin this range are called radio frequency(RF). In anywireless system,informationto be sent (e.g.,

voice) is first modulated,then put onto the radio frequency(RF)carrier and amplifiedbefore transmission.

Onthe other end, received RFsignals are amplified, convertedto lower frequenciesand then demodulated

to obtain the information (voice) that had been sent. For modem
wireless systems, the wireless channel

interface (also knownas the front end) typically has to deal with GHzfrequencyRFsignals. Althoughsub-

blocksfor these front ends are analog in nature, their designis muchmorecomplicatedthan classical low-

frequencyanalogdesign. Several factors, such as the ability to operate at low signal powerlevels, high

dynamic-range,impedancematching,coupling and circuit parasitics, makethe design of such front-end

blocks complicated.

Traditional wireless communication

systems are designed for only one communicationstandard.

However,the demandfor convergenceof wireless services, in whichusers can access different standards

fromthe samewireless device, is driving development

of multi-standardand multi-bandtransceivers. Thus,

future RFfront-ends will needto operate over multiple frequencybands. This report focuses on the design

of a sub-block called low-noise amplifier (LNA)for use in a multi-band multi-standard complimentary

metal-oxide semiconductor(CMOS)
integrable receiver front end for portable applications. A typical

receiver front-endlooks likes one of the multipleparallel armsshownin Figure1-1. In addition to the LNA,

the front-end is comprisedof an antenna, a band-passfilter (BPF), a voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)

and a mixer. TheLNA

is required to amplifythe signal in the bandselected by the BPF,from a widerange

of frequencies. Theamplifiedsignal from the LNA

can then be convertedto a lowerfrequencyby the mixer.

~ BPF Mixer

Narrowband , LO,. ’~

Antenna ~) VCOn

~ BPF Mixer

Narrowband , Lo,l ]"

Figure 1-1 Multi-bandradio receiver front end with (a) narrow-bandLNAand (b) wide-band

For any RFfront-end, several design decisions need to be made.The first is the overall architecture.

Oncethe architecture is selected, the circuit topologies for various sub-blocks need to be designed, next is

the choice of fabrication technology. The issues involved in these decisions are outlined in the following

three sections. They are followed with a definition of the key LNAspecification parameters. Target values

for these specifications will also be decided. Next, these specifications will be combinedto a single param-

eter, called the figure-of-merit (FOM).

1.1 Narrow-band vs. Wide-band LNA

The optimal LNAshould add only the minimumamountof noise as it amplifies the signal, increas-

ing the overall signal-to-noise ratio after it is done. This noise performancecharacteristic of an LNAis mea-

sured by its noise figure (NF). The lower the NFthe better the LNA,as it meansless noise is added by the

LNAcompared to its gain. LNArequirements for the multi-band multi-standard receiver described in the

previous section could be satisfied in two ways. First, it could be accomplishedby using multiple input stage

for each frequency band of interest. This will require multiple classical narrow-bandLNAs[ 1 ] as done in

[2] and shownin Figure 1-1 (a). The second option is to use a wide-bandLNAin conjunction with a tunable

BPFas shownin Figure 1-1 (b).

The advantage of the first approach is that the performance of each front-end can be optimized for

each frequency band. However,as each of the LNAsis typically LCtuned and integrated inductors are the

most area consuming on-chip components, a large amount of chip area is required. This increased area

implies high cost. On the other hand, the second option of using a wide-band LNAallows some hardware

sharing and has the area, hence cost advantage. Wide-band LNAbased RF front-end with multiple BPF

have been reported in [3] and [4]. In these examples, the LNAis shared, however, the BPFfilters are not.

The obvious extreme end for this trend is sharing both the LNAand the filter, as shownin Figure 1-1(b).

Such an architecture is nowfeasible with the potential for a CMOS

compatible tunable BPF[5]. As a result

of these advantages and trends, this report focuses on a single wide-bandLNAarchitecture.

1.2 Wide-band Amplifier Design

A variety of wide-band amplifier designs have previously been proposed. One approach is the dis-

tributed amplifier, in which several lumpedinductor and capacitor elements interconnect simple amplifier

topologies as in [6]. In this approach, each stage adds to the gain. Dueto the multiple stages, there is a high

componentcount. Each of the manyactive and passive devices introduce noise into the system, which adds

up to an overall NFthat is too large for LNAapplications. To reduce the noise from the active devices, the

number of the active devices can be reduced. Thus, fewer amplifier stages are desirable. Although ideal

(loss-less) inductors have no noise sources, practical inductor implementationshave loss, and therefore, also

act as a noise source. Inductor noise can be completely eliminated by using an inductor-less topology. This

also substantially reduces the circuit area, as on-chip passives occupy larger chip area comparedto active

transistors. The resulting noise in these inductor-less topologies is solely from the transistors. To further

reduce this noise, an approach that removessomeof the injected transistor noise in the widebandLNAsis

desired. This report uses one such inductor-less, noise cancelling topology [7].
1.3 Technology Choice
RF front-ends have been designedin a wide variety of technologies, including GalliumArsenide

(GaAs), Silicon Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT), RF CMOS

and Silicon Germanium
(SiGe) BiCMOS.

The desire for integration with CMOS

baseband componentslimits our choice to RF CMOS
and SiGe

technologies. The advantage of such an integration will be reduced system size and cost (both

reducedas there are fewerdiscrete components

to assembleon a board). SiGebipolar transistors, also called

HBTs(HetrojunctionBipolar Transistors), have higher gm/! and better noise characteristics comparedto

transistors [8]. This higher g,~/I implies moregain for the sameamountof bias current (which is

directly proportional to powerconsumption).Thehigh gain can be traded off to improvethe NF,by burning

less current whichwill reducethe shot noise generatedby the transistors, as shot noise is proportionalto the

bias current. Also, the HBThas better parametricyield as its performance

dependson the vertical diffusion,

a geometricalparameterthat is less variable than the CMOS

lateral gate length. Therefore,the LNA
will be

designed in a SiGe BiCMOS


1.4 LNASpecifications
Performancespecifications used to characterize a LNAinclude noise, power gain, impedance

matching,powerconsumptionand bandwidth.In this section wedefine the LNAspecifications and specify

their target values.

Noiseaddedby any circuit or systemis characterized by a term called NF.It can be shownthat NF

of 3 dBmeansthat the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)degradesby factor of two. Asderived in detail in the

appendix,this wouldmeanthat the noise poweraddedby the systemwill be sameas the noise at the input

amplified by the amplifier gain. Thus,the target value for the NFis set to be below3 dBover the entire


Havinga high power-gainis equally important as having low noise. In RF terminologygain is

reported as S:1. In the overall systemNFexpression,noise of the followingstages in the cascadeare divided
by the powergain of the LNA.This means that high gain LNAwill reduce the ability of the following stages

to degrade the systemSNR.Basedon [ 1], [6], [7], the target value of the $21 is set to be greater than 15 dB.

50 f~ is a standard impedancefor most of the RF waveguides used to connect LNAchips with off-

chip filters or mixers. For maximum

power transfer, most RF circuits are designed to have input and output

impedancesof 50 V~. Whenthe interconnect is on-chip (meaningthat they are muchshorter than the wave-

length at the desired frequency of operation) the interconnect does not behave as a waveguideand matching

to 50 f~ is not required for maximum

power transfer. However,as the LNAwill be tested stand alone using

50 f~ RF measurementcables and test equipment, the input and output impedance are designed to match to

50 f~. $11 and $22 are measures of the input and the output match. A value of-10 dB means matching to

within 20 %. Therefore the target value for Slz and S:2 is set to be below -10 dB over the entire usable band-


The bandwidth (BW)of the amplifier was set by the range of frequencies that the multi-band

receiver front-end has to support. The target value for the bandwidthis set to be 2.5 GHzso that LNAcovers

AMPS,PCSand ISMbands. Another goal was to minimize the power consumed to enable long operational

life in a limited battery powerportable application.

1.5 Figure of Merit

One LNAcircuit mayhave a larger BW,while another may have a larger gain, making comparison

between different LNAsdifficult. To enable such a comparison, designers typically mapthe multitude of

circuit specifications into a single scalar figure of merit. For the case of the wide-bandLNAthe FOMis

defined as:

$21 x BW
FOM - (~.~)
It takes into account the power gain ($21), bandwidth (BW), noise figure (NF) and power consumed

(PDc)" It is inspired by expression for FOMfor narrow-band LNAsin [9] but includes the BWterm as this

report focuses on wide-band LNAs.Clearly the best circuit will have the highest FOM.

1.6 LNASynthesis
The need to simultaneously meet multiple specifications makes RF circuit design complicated. To

managethe design complexity, we use an automated circuit synthesis approach similar to [6]. Individual

design constraints for each specification is combinedwith FOMmaximization to obtain the best possible


1.7 Report Outline

Chapter 2 discusses the LNAtopology choice and principle of operation. Chapter 3 describes the

design methodologyusing automated design tool NeoCircuit®. Chapter 4 presents the results (synthesis,

simulation and measurement)and their comparisonto the literature. Chapter 5 concludes the thesis and out-

lines future plans.

LNA Topology

The architecture and technology decisions in the previous chapter constrain us to a widebandLNA

implemented in SiGe BiCMOS

technology. Wenow need to select the circuit topology before we can size

and bias the transistor schematic. This chapter will start by describing the design issues affecting the LNA

topology, and lead to the choice of the noise-cancelling topology for the LNAdesigned in this report.

2.1 Topology Choice

ManycormnonLNAtopologies are ruled out either because of their inability to provide impedance

match over the wide range of frequencies or their inability to provide wide bandwidth with low NF[7].

Therefore, we start with a basic single-stage amplifier topology and expandon it to arrive at the final topol-

ogy by considering requirements for the LNAone at a time. Each time we fail to meet the desired require-

ment, a topology change will be instituted to help extend the LNA’sperformance.

Power gain is a primary performance specification for the LNA.Our starting point is one of the

three simple single-stage amplifier topologies, namely common-emitter(CE), common-collector (CC)

common-base(CB). Of these, the common-emitter(CE) is the only topology with both voltage and current

gain. This meansthat it is capable of giving powergain, in presence of either current or voltage as input.

Unfortunately, the CEtopology has an input impedancethat is too large for RF applications. A resistive

shunt feedback as shownin Figure 2-I can reduce the input impedance to achieve 50 ~ over a wide range

of frequencies.

Assuming thin

(a) the extrinsic base resistance %,




Figure 2-1 Shunt-feedbackcommonemitter schematic

(b) the feedbackresistance RF,~ ro (the transistor output resistance)

(c) current gain 13 is large

then the small signal gain, input and output impedanceof the circuit in Figure 2-1 are given by [ 10]:

AV = -(gmlRF - 1) (2.l)

Rin = 1/gml (2.2)

Rout = (R S+ RF)/2 (2.3)

Setting Rin = RS = 50~ = Rout in equation (2.2) & (2.3) leads RF = 50~2 and

grnl = 1/(50~). Plugging gml and RF into equation (2.1) unfortunately implies zero gain, because

impedancematching (input and output) conditions are both coupled to the gain. In the above equations there

are three constraints (gain, input and output impedance)and two variables or degrees of freedom (gm 1 and

RF). Therefore the three constraints cannot be met independently. Decoupling these three constraints

requires adding one more variable. Wecan obtain that by adding a second stage, as shownin Figure 2-2.

For implementingthe current source, lej~s , in Figure 2-1 a p-type metal oxide semiconductorfield

effect transistor (MOSFET

or MOS)is preferred over BJT. This is because MOScurrent sources require

less voltage headroomcomparedto BJT current sources. In a PNPtype BJT the emitter-base (EB) junction

has to be forward biased and the base-collector (BC) junction has to be reverse biased. The voltage head-





Figure2-2 LNAwith emitter follower as secondstage.

roomneeded by such a PNPsource, is set by the emitter-collector (EC) voltage. This ECvoltage has to

more than the EBvoltage. In a PMOS

current source, the voltage between source and drain, which is the

voltage headroom, has to be greater than gate-source voltage, minus the threshold voltage. This means the

source-drain voltage can be less than gate-source voltage and the device will still work as a current source.

Furthermore, the HBTturn-on emitter-base voltage is higher than the CMOS

gate-source threshold voltage.

Thus, MOScurrent sources require less voltage headroomcomparedto HBTcurrent sources. Moreover, the

PNPtype HBTis typically not available in SiGe BiCMOS


The high-pass filter constituted by R~ze and C~ze is used to independently bias the two stages. This

new second stage decouples the gain and the output impedancematch requirements, as output impedanceis

now determined by the output impedance of the emitter follower (second stage). However,this is at the

expense of the added noise from the additional devices in the second stage. Note that this second stage does

not provide any additional gain, but does add to the noise. Somenoise reduction is possible by modifying

this circuit to cancel someof the generated noise. This approach is described in the next section.
Figure2-3 Noisecancelingprinciple with first amplifier stage

2.2 Noise Cancelling Principle

The noise cancelling principle [7] is explained using Figure 2-3 and Figure 2-4. It takes advantage

of the resistive feedback through Re, to cancel the noise from the transistors Q1and el. The noise originat-

ing in these transistors appears at the output of the first stage ( Four~). The resistor RF causes this noise to

appear at the input (FtN) with some attenuation. The exact value of this attenuation can be calculated

using the small signal modelof the first stage. A detailed derivation of the expression of the attenuation

factor ,4 can be found in [10]:

Figure2-4 Noise canceling principle with both amplifier stages

Figure2°5 Final topology

A = R--F+ 1 (2.4)

Theinput signal at v~uis amplifiedto the first stage outputaccordingto equation(2.1). Sincethe

valueof the gain is negative,the amplifiedsignal at Vo~.rlwill be out of the phasewith the input signal. As

the valueof the attenuationfactor is positive, the attenuatednoise at the input will be in phasewiththe noise

at Vouv~,as shownin Figure2-3. This property of the circuit can be exploited to cancel someof the noise

originating in transistors QI and P/-

Noisecancelling can be achievedby connectingan inverting amplifier of gain -,4, whichis negative

of the attenuation factor seen by the noise at Vourlas it is fed backto vtN, and summing
its output with

Vo~r~,as shownin Figure2-4. In this amplifier, both the desiredsignal andthe attenuatednoise at the input

are amplified and undergophase inversion. It can be easily seen (and is shownin Figure 2-4) that when

inverting amplifier output is summed

with the signals at Vo~r~,the noise gets cancelledand desired signals

add up.

Atransistor implementationof the conceptdemonstratedin Figure 2-4 is shownin Figure 2-5. The

reasoningfor the sizing relationships betweenthe deviceshas beenarrived at previously[ 10]. Thesumming

circuit is implemented
using transistor Q3.Inverting amplifier is implemented
using transistor Q_,. In order

to set its gain to be -/1 the ratio gmQ2/gmQ3
has to be set to be equal to -A. The current source is imple-

mentedby transistor P~, in Figure 2-5. It robs current from ~73 and helps set this ratio. This device (~o,,) adds

somenoise of its own.However,as it appears after the first gain stage, its noise contribution is not as critical

as the componentsof the first stage. It is shown[10] that the NFof topology in Figure 2-5 is better than that

in Figure 2-2.

The next chapter describes the complexities of designing a wideband LNA.The formulation of a

widebandLNAsynthesis problem is then described, followed by the use of an automated synthesis tool for

synthesizing the amplifier.

Circuit Synthesis

Withthe fabrication technology,architecture and transistor schematictopologyselected, the next

task is to determinethe devicesizes andcircuit bias point neededto achieve the desired performance.In

case of RFcircuit designthis couldbe an extremelychallengingtask. This chapter beginswith a description

of the challengesin RFcircuit design, leading to the argumentfor the use of the automatedsynthesis tools

for sizing andbiasing. Followingthis is a descriptionof the synthesis tool usedas well as the formulation

of the wide-bandLNA
design problemfor efficient circuit synthesis.

3.1 Complexities in RF Design

There are manycompetingspecifications like power,noise, gain, linearity and impedance

for RFsub-blocks. At high frequencies device and interconnect parasitic haveto be considered, as they

adversely affect circuit performance.EventhoughRFcircuits have fewer devices comparedto the conven-

tional analog circuits, these factors makeRFdesign extremelycomplex.In such a situation manualoptimi-

zation of circuit becomesintractable.

Fierce market competitionand rapidly evolvingstandards are resulting in shorter design cycles.

However,the time required for designinga typical RFcircuit, even for an experienceddesigner, remains

constant, on the order of a few weeks.

synthesis tools are nowavailable with the promiseof being able to search the design

space faster and moreexhaustivelythan an experienceddesigner. Thedesignsin this report exploit onesuch

commerciallyavailable synthesis tool: NeoCircuit.

3.2 Automated Synthesis
Synthesistools suggest a design candidate, evaluate the circuit performance,and then perturb the

design candidate iteratively to improvethe design. NeoCircuitemployssimulation for performanceevalu-

ation and uses an optimization-based

synthesis engineto search the designspace. NeoCircuitusers enter the

circuit topologyand setsup the circuit testbenchesandthe simulationneedsfor evaluatingthe candidatecir-

cuit’s performance.Also, the list of circuit designvariablesandthe list of perforrnancespecifications must

be entered into the software.

NeoCircuitis the circuit optimizationenginefor the customIC designsuite in Cadence.It interfaces

to CadenceVirtuoso SchematicEditor (where the circuit topology is entered by the user) and employs

CadenceSpectreRFto evaluate the performanceof candidate circuits that it considers as it traverses the

design space while sizing and biasing the schematic. TheNeoCircuitUser Interface uses a single window

that is partitionedinto a pagefor eachtype of objectthat the user specifies. Thevariablespageis usedto set

the devicerelationships and independentvariables. At the simulationpage, one specifies simulationinfor-

mationand extracts simulationoutput. Computations

on the simulationoutput are entered in the goals page

andusedto define the designgoals. Theresults of the synthesis run can be viewedat the results page.

Thetime required to synthesize a design is governedprimarily by the amountof the time required

to simulateeach candidatedesign. Therefore,one needsto set up the simulationenvironment

carefully. Cir-

cuit evaluation of the wide-bandLNA

is ideally performedover the entire desired bandwidth.Frequency

analysis in a circuit simulationrequires time-consuming

matrixinversions for each frequencypoint in the

analysis. So, evaluation over the entire bandwidthbecomescomputationallyexpensive.Asthe Bodeplot of

the frequencyresponseof the noise cancelling LNA

topologyis flat betweenthe high pass filter cutoff fre-

quencyand the amplifier -3 dBfrequency,the linear S-parameteranalysis for the input and output match,

gain and noise specification is performedonly at two frequencypoints in the desired bandwidth.Toverify

this short-cut simulation approach, several synthesis runs weredone with simulation performedover the

entire desired LNA

bandwidthand only at two frequencypoints. These experimentsconfirmedthat simuo

I Po~nts

Simulations Machines


Figure3-1 NeoCircuitsimulationtime summary

for twopoint synthesis

lating at only two frequencypoints leads to less overall synthesis time compared
to whenthe simulationis

done over the entire LNA

bandwidth.Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2. showNeoCircuitscreenshots for the two-

frequencyandmulti-frequencysynthesis runs. Toensure that the flat-gain assumptionin the two-frequency

case remainscorrect duringthe synthesis, the cutoff frequencyof the high-passfilter is constrainedto be

smaller than the lower of the two frequencypoints. Thehigher of these two points is the maximum

signal frequencythat needsto be amplifiedby the specified gain.


Simulations Machines


Figure3-2 NeoCircuitsimulationtime summary

for entire bandsynthesis


+ gmV~

[ Emitter

Figure 3-3 Small signal modelof HBT

Non-linear analysis takes muchmore time per candidate evaluation than linear analysis, and hence

is only performed at one of the two frequencies. The frequency dependence of IIP3 can be understood from

the ratio of the Taylor’s series coefficients of the collector current ofa HBT.Gain is proportional to gmRo,t,

where Ro,, is the output resistance of the PMOS

load transistor. As the MOStransistor is more linear than

the HBT,the non-linearity will be dominated by HBT’snon-linearity. HBTsare more linear at higher fre-

quency, as shown by analyzing the small signal model of an HBT(as shown in Figure 3-3.). Weneed

obtain the relation betweenthe input voltage (Vbe) and output current (I c ), and then use this relation to find

the frequency dependence of IIP3.

The output current I c dependson the effective base-emitter voltage V~r as given by equation (3.1).

in turn, the V~r dependenceon the externally applied voltage Vbe can be obtained by a voltage divider as

shownin equation (3.2).

I c = Ic, sat¯ e (3.1)

~ " 1 + Sr~rC
rb + 1 + sr~rC~r

Gr+ r~, + sr~r~,C~ = H(s)v~

TheTaylor series expansionof I c in equation(3.1) is shownin equation(3.3) and also expressed

in termsof vt,

I c = Ic, sat ¯ 1 + V’- T + ~.\"~-/ + .~.\Vr~ + ...

[ vx l(V~_)e l(Vx)S ]

= I~
’ s~t" V[1 +~v bVT? 1
e+~ (~2
Vbe+~ e 1
VT) (~ Vbe+’"~

For time-variant, memo~-lesssystemswith input (x), and ou~ut ~) wecan assumethat [1

y = ao+a 1 .x+a2.x2+a3.x3+ ... (3.4)

and for this systeminput IIP3 is definedas [11],

¯ la31 (3.5)
Onsimilar lines IIP3 for HBT,using expressionof 1c fromequation(3.3), after somesimplification


r2 ~l~ V
IIP3 - (3.6)
Pluggingthe expression for H(s), it can be seen that IIP3 improveswith frequency. Thus, liP3

needsto evaluatedonly at the lowerfrequencypoint for the candidatedesignsduringsynthesis. If the liP3

specification is met at the lowerfrequencypoint, it wouldbe met over the entire band.

It should be noted though, that the aboveanalysis considers only the low frequencynon-linearity

behaviour.Theexact frequencydependenceof the I1P3 mustbe considered using Volterra Series with fre-

quencydependentcoefficients [ 12]. Neverthelessfor the objective of setting the optimizationconditionthe

analysis is sufficient as the desired frequencyrange is small to haveanysignificant IIP3


NeoCircuit creates candidate designs are by iteratively changing the value of the device parameters

that had been declared as design variables during the setup process. For the LNAin this report, the variables

used during the synthesis include device geometries (lengths and widths of the MOSgates, polysilicon resis-

tors and MIMcapacitors), device multiplicity as well as the bias current. The technology used is Jazz’s

0.35 ~tm BiCMOS

process with 60 GHZfTSiGe devices. A few select HBTemitter lengths and widths are

available in this technology. NeoCircuit can handle both continuous or discrete parameter sets for design

variables. However,in the Jazz design kit, changes to the HBT’semitter length, width and numberof emitter

require changes to the model namesin the final circuit netlist. As NeoCircuit cannot change device model

namesduring synthesis, these parameters can’t be set as design variables. Therefore, we manually identified

an emitter geometry such that the HBT’sfr is about 10x the maximumintended frequency of operation

while burning minimumcurrent. Thus, the sole design variable related to the HBTsin the LNAis the device


The LNAperformance targets also has to be specified during NeoCircuit setup. Goals can be spec-

ified as constraints or design optimization objectives. Constraints can be single-sided, specified as an in-

equality (either less than or greater than a certain value) or double-sided (requiring the parameterto lie in

range). Optimization objectives can be either maximizedor minimized. NeoCircuit allows users to prioritize

betweenthe goals by setting weights. In the presence oftrade-offs amongvarious specifications, optimizing

synthesis by focusing on individual specification can be an impossible task. Therefore, the LNAFOMis

used as a design optimization objective (to be maximizedas described in Section 1.5). Once NeoCircuit

meets the individual performancespecification goals, it will work at improving the critical goals that are

aggregated in the FOMexpression, thereby improving FOM.The overall synthesis effort can also be set to

be low, mediumor high. Weight and synthesis effort settings affect the way the design space is searched

and determines the outcomeof the synthesis. Therefore, it is important to knowhowto use these features to

get goodsynthesis results. The designs in this report used the following strategy.

- Set up the goals to have a weight of one. Synthesize for maximumFOMwith mediumeffbrt. The

synthesis results help determine if targeted goals are achievable.

- If all goals are met during the first synthesis run then a second synthesis run with higher

specifications for the critical goal can be attempted

- 1fall goals are not met during thefirst ru, increase the weight on the goals that did not meet the

specified target values. This will force NeoCircuit®to work harder at meeting those goals at the

cost of the other goals. If amongthese ’other’goals there are certain critical goals which one

would like to be compromisedleast, then one should increase their weights too. For example, if

NeoCircuit®is failing to meet $11 during the first run, then its weight should be increased during

the second run. But if the designer would like to prevent NeoCircuit from trading off the tougher

$1~ specification with $21, NF and FOM,so weights on these critical goals should also be

increased This time, synthesize with high effort.

- If goals are still not met then re-synthesize with either of following, until the goals are met:

- Revise target values. They are infeasible for the circuit topology and the fabrication


-lncrease the weights further

To establish the validity of the idea that setting FOMas a goal to be maximizedwill improve the

synthesis results, two synthesis runs were done: one with FOMas a design optimization objective and
another without it. For these runs, the NeoCircuit synthesis FOMwas defined as (as a BWupto
3 GHzwas desired and VDCis a constant, these terms were excluded from the definition in equation (1.1)).

Screenshots of NeoCircuit results for these are shownin Figure 3-4(a) and Figure 3-4(b) respectively.

FOMfor circuit with results in Figure 3-4(b) is 637mcomparedto 937mfor that in Figure 3-4(a). This

idates the claim that setting FOMas a design optimization objective improvesthe synthesis results.

Results Results

Figure3-4 Screenshotsof NeoCircuitresults showingthe values of specifications for the best synthesis


Three generations of the noise cancelling LNAhave been designed for the 0.35 p.m Jazz BiCMOS

process. The LNAwas sized, either using NeoCircuit or manually. The layout of the sized circuit was then

manually drawn. The first and second generation designs were the initial forays into using NeoCircuit for

wide-band LNAdesign and are discussed together below. They have been fabricated and their measured

results are presented. The third generation design used the synthesis strategy described in the previous chap-

ter. It has not yet been fabricated, so only simulation results (after layout extraction) are presented.

4.1 First and Second Generation LNADesigns

Design details for the first generation design are reported in [10]. Althoughit used NeoCircuit for

synthesis, only a few device parameters were considered design variables due to the combination of a lack

of designer experience with NeoCircuit, and a limited amountof design time till the tapeout deadline. Also,

only S-parameters and NFwere defined as goals. The device sizes for this design were related as shownin

Figure 4-1 and described in [ 10] in order to get completefirst stage noise cancellation. As the synthesis strat-

Figure 4-1 Gain matchingrequirementfor maximum

first stage noise cancelling

Device Design Name: (NF’_i2G ...........

~ ~ ~Sl [S0~:25U:BC0U)
~ F mbl~s2 [3.2m:0,1m:~,0m]
F F ~Li [2u:l

~~.j.~ =.~._~ .~, v~ 1
~ ~... j DV(~amp 1,an ) F CHP
~ :~A r r


~G ~210~O,E ~LNA_SP,SP Sll))

~sP~Rf/Z 10~O,E O( LNA_SP,SP_SZ 1 )) :~e~ 14.5

~,seFigS~RR120OOOOOOo,EoLNA_SP,NOISE, lessthan

(a) (b)

variablesandgoalsfor the first generation

egy describedin the previouschapterhadnot yet beenformulated,FOM

wasneither evaluatednor opti-

mizedduringsynthesis.Thesecharacteristicscan be seen in the screenshots of the NeoCircuit


shownin Figure4-2 (a) &(b). In this synthesis, the valueof the feedbackresistance,RF, is

set by an analytic constraint, pResF= (pA + 1)’50. F is t ied t o t he multiplicity o f t ransistor Q2

throughvariable pA. This way,the multiplicity of Q2is changedwith the value of RF, so that

the productof gain throughRF andQ2is one, whichis assumedto be the gain throughemitter-follower

(EF). Thusthis assumption

related to completefirst stage noise cancellationconstrainsthe device sizes.

the fabricatedcircuit wastested, its measured
NFrose above3 dBwithin3 dBgain bandwidth.

the overall usablebandwidth

of this LNA
is limited by the NFandnot by the gain bandwidth.

Thegoal of the secondgenerationdesignwasto solve this problem.Simulations

of the first gener-

ation designshowedthat, for the circuit synthesizedby the NeoCircuit,gains of the twopaths, fromthe

outputof the first stage, vovrl, to the overall circuit output,Vou

r (labelled as "Path1" and"Path2" in

Figure4-1), werenot equal. Theattenuationfactor analysis assumed

an ideal emitterfollower gain of 1.

Thus,usingthis analysisin the NeoCircuit

constraintsled to a largergainin "Path2" compared
to "Pathl".

Completenoise cancellation of the first stage noise takes place whengains of these two paths are identical.

To keep the NFbelow 3 dB over the entire 3 dB gain bandwidth, the second stage design focus was to match

the gains in these two paths. Reductionin the difference betweenthe gains can be achieved by reducing g,,~,

the transconductance of transistor Q3. This, in turn can be achieved by increasing the current through e.,,

thereby robbing Q3of somecurrent reducing its transconductance. It will not affect the biasing of the tran-

sistor Q2, as its biasing point is set by the DCvoltage at node r m. Whichmeansthe current through second

stage will not change. To understand howthis changes the gain difference we will do a first order approxi-

mations of the gains through transistors Q2 and Qj to understand their dependenceon g,~s.

Gain of path "Path 1" is gain through RF multiplied by the gain of the CEstage formed by transis-

tor Q,, with 1/gm3 in parallel with output 50 f~ as load (output impedanceof P2 is assumedto be very large

and therefore ignored). The gain of this CEstage will be:

-gin2" 50
1 + 50. gin3" (4.1)

It can be easily seen that this will increase with a decrease in gra3" ASattenuation through R

depends only on its value [10] it will remain constant. Thus the gain of"Path 1" will also increase with a

decrease in gm3"For "Path 2" the transistor Qj forms an emitter-follower whosegain is given as [ 13]:

r ~r +Rs
(flo + 1).L
r~ r~ 1
Here Rs which is source resistance will be zero, (flo + 1) and RL ~- 50~ since
~ flo - gm3
output impedanceof Q_, will be very large comparedto 50 f~. Plugging these values in equation (4.2) sim-

plifies the EF gain expression to:

1+ 50. gin3

Table 4.1: MeasuredLNAresponse

Specification Value
S21 [dB] 17
S ll [dB] < -8.9

$12 [dB] <-25.3

S22 [dB] <-6

BW[GHz] 2.6
NF[dB] 3
ICP [dBm] -16.5

IIP3 [dBm] -l. 1

Power [mW] 32.5
Area [~m 90x70
Technology 0.35 ~mSiGe
FOM 0.46

This will decrease with gin3" Thus, as gin3 is decreased, the gain of"Path 2" will decrease and the

gain of "Path l" increases, decreasing the difference between the gains. As output match depends on gin3

[ 10], only a small decrease in g,,3 should be attempted.

Based on this analysis, size ofP2 was changed in order to increase its current. Manualtweaking of

the circuit topology was done to arrive at a design free from the problemobserved in the first generation.

There was no other change madein the first generation topology to create the second generation. It was fab-

ricated and following fabrication, it has been characterized. Its measuredresponse, reported in the next sec-

tion shows that NFis below 3 dB over the entire 3 dB gain bandwidth.

4.2 Measurement Results

Measurementswere made using high-frequency rated coaxial cables paired with shielded Ground-

Signal-Ground (GSG)probes on a Cascade Microtech Probe station. Results from the testing of the second-

generation circuit are listed in Table 4.1. The numbersrepresent the worst case value of each specification

within the pass bandof the amplifier, except for the $21 , IIP3 and ICP. $21 is the maximum
value in the

passband,which is itself set by the frequencywherethe gain equals $2/-3 dB. ICPis measuredat 1.5 GHz

and lIP3 with tones at 1.5 GHzand 1.51 GHz.All measurementswere taken with circuit biased at 13 mA

from2.5 V supply. Details concerningmeasurement

setup and calibration can be found in [ 10].

4.2.1 S-Parameters
S-Parameterswere measuredusing an Agilent E8364ANetworkAnalyzer, following calibration of

the high-frequencycables and probes. MeasuredS-Parametersplots are shownin Figure 4-3. $// is shown






Figure 4-3 MeasuredS-Parameters

M= andGain

~ NF -- Gain 3dB ~ Poly. (Gain)


10 ....... ~

0 ....

0 ~0000000 ~ 000000000 ~ ~)000000 200000O000 2500000000 3000000000


Figure4-4 Noise-Figuremeasurement

in Figure4-3(a) S~: in Figure4-3(b), $21 in Figure 4-3(c) and $22 in Figure 4-3(d). Frommarkersin $21

plot, it can be seen that 3 dBgain bandwidthis 2.64GHz.

4.2.2 Noise Figure

The NF was measured using an Agilent E4440APerformance Spectrum Analyzer (PSA) and

external Agilent 346Bnoise source. ThePSAhas a built-in Noise-Figurepersonality whichdisplays both

gain andNF.As with the S-parametermeasurement,

the test fixture cables and probeswerecalibrated first.

However,since the PSAis a scalar measurementdevice, only the loss amplitude can be removedduring

calibration. This is comparedto vector calibration (available only in the NA)whichtakes both gain and

phaseinto account.This results in the ripples seen in the measuredgain as shownin Figure 4-4. Thepoly-

nomialapproximationof the measuredgain has a maximum

close to 17 dB, whichis in agreementwith $21

results obtained fromthe NA.In the figure the bottom-mostsolid plot is of NFwhichhas been recorded

ICP Moa~Jremont

Figure4-5 Compressionpoint plot.

upto 2.7 GHz(beyond the -3 dB BW),and is shown against the -3 dB NFdotted line to indicate that the

measured LNANFis below 3 dB over the entire operating BW.

4.2.3 1 dB Input CompressionPoint (ICP)

ICP is a measureof linearity of the device and is defined as the input powerthat causes a 1 dB drop

in the linear gain due to device saturation. The ICP was measuredusing the PSAwith a 1.5 GHztest signal

from an Agilent E8251 performance signal generator (PSG).

The input compressionpoint plot is shownin Figure 4-5. The curve in the solid line is the measured

gain compressioncharacteristic of the amplifier. The dotted line, whichis parallel to the characteristic at

low input power, is 1 dB below it at low input powerlevels. The crossover point, defined as the 1 dB input

compression point, is -16.5 dBm.

This plot also shows that when the input power is -37 dBm,the output poweris -20 dBm,implying

a gain of 17 dB. This input poweris low enoughto assumesmall signal nature of the circuit. Therefore, ICP

Input Power

I * Firstorcler
- - - Linear
) - - - Linear~Third

Figure4-6 IIP3 Plot

measurementgives a small signal gain as 17 dB, which is in agreement with the S-Parameter and NFmea-


4.2.4 Input-Referred Third Order Modulation Point (IIP3)

Whena RF circuit is driven with a high-power RF signal, non-linearity causes inter-modulation of

signals at different frequencies generating undesirable spurious signals. IIP3 is a very useful parameter to

predict low-level intermodulation effects. It is measuredby applying two input tones and is defined as the

point at which the powerin the third-order product and the fundamental tone intersect, when the amplifier

is assumedto be linear.

The lIP3 on the LNAwas measured using the PSA. Agilent E8251 and E8241 PSGs were used to

generate the two input tones at 1.5 GHzand 1.51 GHz.The IIP3 plot is shownin Figure 4-6. The solid sec-

tion of the plots connects measuredpoints and the dotted section is the linear extrapolation. The top line plot

is of the output powerat the fundamentalfrequency and bottomline plot is of the output powerin the third-

order intermodulation product vs. powerat input frequency. The equation of the first order extrapolated line

is y = 0.9927x + 16.912 and of the third order extrapolated line is y = 2.8213x + 19.003. Solving for the

crossover point between these lines leads to the lIP3, which occurred at an input power of-1.14 dBm.Ide-

ally slope of the first order line should be 1, because output powerin the fundamentaltone should increases

by the same amountas at the input. The measuredslope is 0.9927. Gain is given by y-intercept of the line,

which is 16.91 dB and is in agreement with all previous measurements.Since powerin the third-order mod-

ulation product increases by three times the amountof increase in the input power, ideally the slope of the

extrapolated line for the third-order intermodulation should have slope of 3. The measuredslope of 2.83, is

very close.

4.3 Second Generation Design Result Summary

The simulation performance of the extracted layout and the measured LNAare summarized in

Table 4.2. It can be seen that the measurementresults match the extracted simulation results

Table 4.2: Comparisonof Extraction and MeasurementResults of SecondGeneration LNA

Specifications Extraction Measurement

$21 [dB] 18 17
$11 [dB] -8 < -8.9

S12 [dB] -23.5 < -25.3

$22 [dB] -6.7 < -6

BW[GHz] 2.75 2.6
l [dB 2.7 3

ICP [dBrn] -14.63 -16.5

IIP3 [dBm] -3.2 -1.1

Power [mW] 29 32.5

FOM 0.63 0.46

Figure 4-7 compares the measured FOMfor the second generation LNAwith that of other wide-

band LNApapers in the literature. The FOMdata is plotted against the feature size of the process in which


2 ~ Custom SiGe

Technologies This work

0 ! 4~161
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Featuresize [micron]
Figure4-7 Wide-bandLNAFigure of Merit vs. Lithographic feature size
they are fabricated (due to lack offr data). The higher the figure of merit, the better the design. The marker

shape indicates the type of process (square for custom SiGe bipolar technologies without CMOS

triangle for foundry SiGe BiCMOS

technologies and diamond for foundry CMOS
technologies). Our fab-

ricated LNAhas a higher FOMthan all the designs other than those from more advanced foundry technol-

ogies or from the custom bipolar processes. Moreover, this 0.35 ~tm BiCMOS
LNAis at least equal in

performance to all the 0.13 and 0.18 ktm CMOS

LNAs.This shows the benefit of combininga scalable noise

cancelling topology with SiGe BiCMOS


4.4 Third Generation Design

Eventhough the first generation synthesis madeuse of the NeoCircuit, it did so in a very restricted

way. Since it used an analysis equation that related the device sizes in the schematic for first stage noise

cancellation, NeoCircuit couldn’t bias and size the schematic freely. Moreover,there was no constraint on

the power. So, while the manually modified second generation circuit met the gain, BWand NFrequire-

ments, and showedthe potential for the noise-cancellation topology, it is not an appropriate design for multi-

band radios described in Chapter 1. For example,like the first generation design, it has no powerconstraint.

Therefore, the noise cancellation in the second generation design wasaccomplishedprimarily by burning

power.Oneapproachto preventingfree use of powerwouldhavebeen to add a constraint on the power,or

a minimizationobjective to the powerspecification. However,this had not beendonein the first generation


In the third generationdesign, circuit powerconsumption

is capturedin the FOM

is optimized.Byusingan aggregateof several circuit specifications for the optimizationobjective, the syn-

thesis can trade off betweenthe objectives, ensureingthat the constraints are met, andpoweris minimized.

To understandthe difference betweenthe secondand third generation designs, weneedto consider

the relationship betweencircuit powerand noise cancellation. Theimpedance

lookinginto the emitter of the

transistor Q3 determinesthe output impedance,as output impedancesof 02 and P2 are very large and thus,

can be ignored. This impedance

(at the emitter of Q.~ ) dependson its transconductance
g,,3. Therefore,g,,3

is set by the outputmatchcondition.This sets the gain of the EFamplifier("Path 2" in Figure1-1) (equation

(4.3)). The gain of "Path 1" is the gain through Q2 divided by the attenuation through RF (which is

(1 + RF/Rs)). Toincrease this gain to that of the "Path 2", either gain throughO., shouldbe increased or

attenuation throughRE shouldbe decreased. Toreduce the attenuation, RF will haveto be reduced, thereby

reducingthe gain of the first stage (equation (2.1)). Since the overall LNA
gain comesprimarily from

first stage, this cannotbe done.Theother alternative, increasinggain throughQ2(given by equation(4.1)),

requires a lot of current. This increasein current increases the noise generatedby the CEstage, whicheven-

tually becomesmoreimportantthan the reduction in the noise dueto noise cancellation [7]. Therefore,com-

plete first stage noise cancellationconditionrequires a lot of poweranddoesn’tnecessarilylead to the best

overall NF.This condition wasremovedfor the third generationdesign.

Theoverall required gain is sharedby the first CEstage (with resistive feedback)and the second

CEstage (Q2). Thegain of the first CEstage is -gin I " R F (from eq

uation (2.1)) and that of thr

is given by equation(4.1). Since RE ~ 50~, investing current into Q1rather than Q2 in order to improve

gmzinstead of gin2 will lead to the mostpowerefficient wayto achievegain. Onthe other hand, the gain





33.e ..........................................................
1~)0u 280u 460u 640u 821~u 1,l~rn

Figure 4-8 gm/Ic vs. I c for HBT

through Q2 needs to be close enough to the gain through the emitter follower to achieve some amount of

noise cancellation.

Figure 4-8 shows the simulation plot of the transconductance ofa HBTper unit biasing current vs.

different values of the biasing currents. Ideally it should be a constant as grn = Ic/I"T" But, due to second

order effects we get more gm per unit biasing current whenHBTis biased at lower current. Thus, one would

like to bias transistors at lower current and use moretransistors in parallel to achieve the samenet transcon-

ductance. However,this increases device parasitics at the input which will affect the input matching and

thus, $21, as less of the input signal will get transmitted into the circuit to be amplified.

For optimumpower efficiency to get the desired gain and NF, the circuit has to be designed in

accordance with the trade-offs discussed in the previous three paragraphs. NeoCircuit was used to locate

this optimum.Unlike the first generation design, more device parameters were madevariables to give Neo-

Circuit more freedomwhile sizing and biasing the circuit. In the next section NeoCircuit synthesis results

are presented for the third generation LNA.In the section following the next we will analyze the synthesis

results to validate our trade-off hypothesis presented.

Figure4-9 NeoCircuitgoals windowwith equal weights on all goals

4.4.1 NeoCircuit Synthesis Results

The synthesis strategy presented in Chapter 3 was used for the third generation design. A target gain

BWof 3 GHzwas used during synthesis. This allows for enough over design to compensate for BWreduc-

tion due to interconnect parasitics whichare not considered during the circuit simulation used for synthesis.

Following synthesis an extraction-based simulation will be used to ensure that the BWis greater than

2.5 GHz.The supply voltage used was 2.5 volts. The variables and simulation environment were initialized

as outlined in Chapter 3. The goals, shownin Figure 4-9, were set with target values in accordance with the

LNAspecifications (Section 1.4). The FOM(Section 1.5) was marked as a parameter to be maximized

the target value being the second generation measured LNAFOM.

As described in the synthesis strategy (Chapter 3), the first NeoCircuit run used a weight of 1 on all

the goals as shownin Figure 4-9. Wewill refer to this as the third generation (Initial). The synthesis results

are shownin Figure 4-10 (a). The columnlabelled "Current" shows the values for the corresponding goals

achieved. Comparingthe values in this columnwith those in the "Target" column, indicates that the targets

are reasonable for this topology and process. "NFhigh"(which is NFvalue at higher frequency) is narrowly

missed, and the remaining goals are all met.

So, in the secondrun the weights on someof the goals are altered, as shownin Figure 4-11. A higher

weight is used for "NFhigh". Since BW,"NFlow" and FOMare critical goals, their weights are also

Results Results
Goals Goals

i current
< 18r~ cun, e~t < G.,5678m

~11low < -11 S1110W < -11
~-’111high< -11 ~llhigh I < -17.3648

SIZIow < SIZIow <

S2Zhigh < - 11 SZ21~gh -16.1770
-11 -18.9647
$21 low > SZ1 ~ > 17 17.00:33
NFIow < Z.8 NFIow 2.4528
Nl~gh < L6 NFhigl~ 2.7843
FOM ’m~,~ 400~ FOM 931;.530Gm
Figure 4-10 NeoCircuit Synthesis results for the (a) first NeoCircuit run with equal weights (3rd generation (Initial)
design) and (b) second run with modified weights (3rd generation (Final) design).

increased. Also, the target value of altered FOMwas also changed to the FOMachieved in the first NeoCir-

cuit synthesis run. The second synthesis run results are shown in Figure 4-10(b). Wewill refer to this design

as the third generation (Final). This time all the goals were met and the FOMachieved is about is -2.5x

better than the second generation design.

4.4.2 Analysis of the 3rd Generation Synthesized LNAs

If incomplete cancellation of the noise from the first stage improves the overall circuit NF, as

claimed above, then there should be two differences in the third generation circuits compared to the second

generation one. First, there should be a difference in the gains between the two noise cancellation paths, sec-

sP aramRf(3eg,EO(SP,SP_S17)) : lessthan-Z5

~BW ~ sParamRZleg,EO(SP,SP_321))- sParamRf(3eg,EO(SP,SP_SZ1)) !lessthan3 Z

eg,EO(SP,SPNOISE_SP_NF)) j~e~-~-fi
.......................... ~- - ~ ................................................ :__~ :_.:.._i
........ ...................
~sParamRf(leg,EO(SP,SP SZl)y(no=seF~gSparam~(3e9,EO(SP,SPNOISE SP NF))’magnmtulm~mm~ze’0.7
Figure 4-11 NeoCircuit goals windowwith weights on somegoals changed

er r°r in t heNFcance~lat
i°n Path

SecondGeneration 331irdGenerat
ion( Int ial) ThirdGenerat
ion (Final)

Figure 4-12 Comparingminimum

NFand normalizederror in first stage noise cancellation across three the designs

ond, the third generation designs should have should have better NF. Figure 4-12 compares magnitude of

the difference in the gain between "Path 1" and "Path 2" (normalized to that for the second generation

design) and the minimumNFacross the three designs. It can be seen that the minimumNFhas improved,

even though the error in the noise cancellation path has increased for the third generation designs. The error

in the noise cancellation paths increased between the third generation (Initial) and the second generation

designs while the NFdecreased. Also, going from the third generation (Initial) to the third generation (Final)

designs, both the error in gain matching between the noise cancellation paths and the NFdecreased. This

meansthat there is an optimal error in the noise cancellation for best minimumoverall NF.

Gains provided by the first CEstage (with resistive feedback) and the second CEstage (Q~,) for

three designs are normalized to the value for the second generation and comparedin Figure 4-13. NeoCir-

cuit synthesized circuits, comparedto hand-designed second generation have more gain for the first CE

stage and less gain through Q2- Gains for the third generation (Final) are slightly less than the gains for the

third generation (Initial), as the overall gain was reduced by the NeoCircuit to just meet the target value.

l mNorrnatlzed
gaint hrough
Q1IR Norm~llized
gaint hroug~l


at ion ThirdGener
at ion(Int ial) ThirdGenerat

Figure4-13 Comparison
of gain fromtransistor QI andQ2across the three designs.
Also, the normalizedtotal gmof transistors Q1and Q2 are comparedin Figure 4-14. Since gain is directly

proportionalto gin, this plot confirmsthe gain distribution hypothesis.

NeoCircuitbiased the HBTsfor the third generation designs at lower currents as comparedto the

second generation hand design thus improvingthe gin~1C. This is shownin Figure 4-15 which plots the

normalizedcollector current 1C and gm/1Cfor the transistor Q/ across the three designs.

Generation Third
ion( Inti a I) Third Ge
ion( Fi hal)

Figure4-14 Normalized
of transistors Q!andQ2across the three designs






SecondGeneration "~lirdC~neration(Intial) ~irdGeneration(Final)

Figure4-15 Normalized
collector current I C and (gm/]C)for transistor QI across the three designs.
Thus, analysis of the synthesized results shows that NeoCircuit synthesizes improved the LNA

design by optimizing in the directions suggested at the beginning of this section.

4.4.3 Simulation for Extracted Circuits

As the third generation design has not yet been fabricated, the extraction simulation results are

shown in Table 4.3 to allow comparison with the second generation extracted and measured datasheet
Table4.3: Extraction Results

Specifications Third Generation

S2! [dB] 17.21

Si1 [dB] -11.2

SI2 [dB] -27.21

$22 [dB] - 14
BW[GHz] 2.88
NF[dB] 2.85

ICP [dBm] - 18.4

IIP3 [dBm] -7.4

Power [mW] 16.55

Area [lam 118x78
FOM 1.05

shownin Table 4.2. The extracted circuit includes interconnect parasitics. This together with the quality of

the device modelsavailable in the Jazz design kit lends credibility to the potential for achieving these targets

whenthe design is fabricated. If we derate the FOMobtained from extracted circuit simulation by the ratio

of the measuredto extracted FOMin Table 4.2, the resulting FOMwill still be higher than all the advanced

CMOSLNAs shown in Figure 4-7.

Conclusion and Future Work

design for application in multi-bandwireless transceivers has been presented. Thedesire

for monolithic integration of the RFfront end with CMOS

basebandprocessing led to the choice of the

wide-band LNA(comparedto multiple parallel narrow-band LNAs),and SiGe BiCMOS

technology (over

Selected specifications and RFissues, such as impedancematchingand low NFover wide band of

frequency,droveto the choiceof wide-bandnoise cancellation topology[7].

Three generations of the selected topology have been designedin the Jazz 0.35 ~tm BiCMOS

cess. Thefirst two generationsof these havebeenfabricated andcharacterized. Athird generationdesign

wasautomaticallysynthesized, and its physical design completed.

The best fabricated LNAhas measuredgain of 17 dB and a bandwidthof 2.6 GHz.The NFis less

than 3 dBover the LNAbandwidth, with minimum

value of 2.4 dB. It draws 13mAcurrent from a 2.5 V

supply. Simulation, following layout extraction, of the third generation LNAsuggests that a gain of

17.21 dB and bandwidthas 2.9 GHzis achievable. The worst NFover this band is 2.85 dB. These were

obtained by burning 6.62 mAcurrent from a 2.5 V supply. This design shows a FOM

comparedto the extracted simulation results of the secondgeneration design, showingthe effectiveness of

NeoCircuit.Furthermore,if wederate the extracted simulationresults of this designby whatwassee for the

second generation, we anticipate being able to measurea circuit whichoutperformsall the CMOS

in the literature.

Future workincludes fabrication and testing of this LNAand comparingit with previous genera-

tions. Additionally, narrow-bandLNAtopologies that havetunable matchingnetworkswill be explored for

use in multi-bandradio front ends.


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Appendix: Significance of 3 dB Noise Figure

Input and output SNRis denotedby:

n - Ni
Sin Sour
SNRout - Nout (1.1)

whereS denotes signal powerand N denotes noise power. If gain of amplifier is denoted by G

and noise addedby it as Nadde

d then:

Sout = G. Sin (A.2)

Nout = G. Nin d+ Nadde (A.3)

G. Si,
SNR°ut = G. Ni, + N,,aaed (A.4)

NFis definedas:

f SNRin’~
NF = 10. log,0(.S--~o~ (A.5)

For given expressions of SNRinand SNRou

t it becomes:

Si,,/ Ni,,
NF= 10. lOglo((G. Sin)/-~:~+
~ Nadded (1.6)

10.1og~0 (G" Ni.j_n + Nadde~

G" Nin

For NFof 3 dB:

3 = 10" log, o(G’Ni-’n’+=Naddea) (A.7)

G ¯ Nin }

which, on simplification gives:

Nadded = G" Ni, (A.8)

Thus, for NFof 3 dB, the noise poweradded by the system is same as the noise at the input

amplifiedby the amplifier gain.


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