78.a.c. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU vs. NLRC
78.a.c. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU vs. NLRC
78.a.c. Ransom Labor Union-CCLU vs. NLRC
1. (a) Article 265 of the Labor Code, in part, expressly 274 SUPREME COURT REPORTS ANNOTATED
provides: A.C. Ransom Labor Union—CCLU vs. NLRC
“Any worker whose employment has been terminated as a The responsible officer of an employer corporation can be held
consequence of an unlawful lockout shall be entitled to personally, not to say even criminally, liable for non-payment
reinstatement with full back wages.” of back wages. That is the policy of the law. In the Minimum
Wage Law, Section 15(b) provided:
Article 273 of the Code provides that:
1. “(b) If any violation of this Act is committed by a
“Any person violating any of the provisions of Article 265 of corporation, trust, partnership or association, the
this Code shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding five manager or in his default, the person acting as such
hundred pesos and/or imprisonment for not less than one (1) when the violation took place, shall be responsible. In
day nor more than six (6) months.” the case of a government corporation, the managing
head shall be made responsible, except when shown
that the violation was due to an act or commission of
some other person, over whom he has no control, in paid should also be a continuing joint and several
which case the latter shall be held responsible.” personal liabilities of all who may