The Claimed Massacres - Chut Pyin, Maung Nu, Tola Tuli, Inn Din, Gu Dan Pyin - Exposed, Disproved

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These five false massacres were manufactured primarily

to cover and bury the real and provable massacre -
that of Kha Maung Seik

by Rick Heizman, Feb 5, 2018


In this report, I will describe each case, and the process of investigating, separating untruths from
truths, examining the cases from the point of context, history (both false and real history), agenda,
and motives.

Chut Pyin, Maung Nu, Tula Toli, Inn Din, and Gu Dan Pyin are all claimed by the Bengali Muslims,1
their allies of Human Rights Watch, Fortify Rights, and Amnesty International,2 Muslims and Muslim
countries worldwide, as being massacre sites where many Muslims were savagely tortured, shot,
raped, killed by the Security Forces3 of primarily Buddhist Burma / Myanmar, as well as vigilante
village Buddhist men, and in some cases, by Buddhist monks.

However, there are many points which undermine each one of these cases:
1) No real evidence of any sort - photos, videos, audio clips, bodies, etc.
2) ‘Survivor’ and ‘witness’ stories which change, are contradictory, ever more exaggerated and
3) locations and ethnic make up of villages is contradictory.
4) Satellite photos that are grossly interpreted, or mis-interpreted, as fact, when fact is unprovable.

It needs to be understood that essentially ALL of the info gathered to come to these conclusions came
from interviews with ‘victims’ and ‘survivors’ in the refugee camps in Bangladesh, NOT at the sites

In refugee camps, many people quickly see that it can be very useful, both short and long term, to
stick out by being a ‘sole survivor’, having a riveting escape story, seeing gruesome horrible
slaughter, being one of the only ‘eyewitnesses’, enduring more abuse than anyone could imagine,
and their descriptions of their foe can be evil beyond evil, satanic, and ogreish. (I am not disputing the

1 Some may call them Rohingya - an unhistorical and invented term for political subterfuge and a means of pushing a
false history narrative
2 Much more about them qt the endow this report.

3 A term that can include any combination of Police, Army, and Border Guard Police (BGP)
fact that there are real and tragic stories - but they quickly and easily can become more extreme,
gruesome and pitiful.)
Women refugees with a couple of crying babies hanging on them may get them some handouts, and
later you see the same crying babies with another ‘mother’ and then another.
It can be a challenge to know what to believe - fully, partially, or not at all.

Most of the interviews conducted by Human Rights Watch (HRW), Fortify Rights (FR) and Amnesty
International (AI) were conducted on Sept 26th and 27th, a full month after the Aug 25th attacks
which launched this round of violence. Plenty of time for stories to grow, change, adapt, and even for
stories to be invented and rehearsed.

The Launching of a Major Jihad on Aug 25, 2017

In the early morning of August 25, 2017, unprecedented multiple surprise attacks on well over 60
targets, comprised of 30 police and army outposts, and dozens of villages populated by Buddhists,
Hindus, and ethnic tribal peoples shocked the whole nation of Myanmar. It can, and should, be called
one of the world’s largest terrorist attacks in history, considering the high number of targets, and the
estimated 4000-6000 assailants carrying out the attacks. The attackers were Bengali Muslims,
under the banner of ARSA - Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army - an Islamic terrorist group with an
Islamic agenda, which had widespread village support4. Upon slaughtering many security forces,
stealing many weapons and much ammo, the squads of Islamic fighters stormed into villages of
Buddhists, Hindus, and ethnic tribal people, slashing, killing, and burning - and in some cases,
gathering terrified villagers, marching them out and savagely executing them until all were dead,
many of them with tongues and ears cut off, and limbs and heads hacked off. This is what happened
in the Hindu villages of Kha Maung Seik - the one massacre which actually has many bodies found in
mass graves, and much more evidence from survivors, relatives, observers and relief workers. And,
interestingly, this is the one massacre that HRW, FR and AI totally IGNORE and it seems that the
other ‘massacres’ or non-massacres are designed to cover the Kha Maung Seik Massacre. Oddly, all
3 human rights groups have ‘special reports’ with photos and maps and glitz and polish and
recommendations and ominous warnings of war crimes on all of the mentioned attacks EXCEPT Kha
Maung Seik, and the huge August 25th attacks launching this Jihad.

This is a major terrorist attack for any nation to endure. In fact, it is

much more than an attack, it is the launch of a war - a Jihad (War
in the name of Allah) - against all those who are non-Muslim.This
Jihad is actually an ever-ongoing Jihad that started during
Mohammad’s life, and for centuries has marched over and
conquered every land in every direction. Now, this new spike of
savage, intolerant Islamic terrorism is not really new - but it is at a
severely dangerous point, and it must be dealt with in such a way
that it does not, and cannot, continue. It will be difficult, because
not only is it a deadly struggle with Bengali Islamic terrorists, but the terrorists have the propaganda
means of the Muslim World Media, and the weight and the money of the Muslim countries and
alliances - such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) supporting them.

4 as the Dhaka Tribune, in Bangladesh, reported after interviewing many members and supporters.
Similar Islamic Threats To Buddhists in Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia

What is happening in Rakhine State, Myanmar, historically known as a Buddhist Kingdom called
Arakan, is also ongoing, with death and destruction, in Bangladesh, where horrible massacres, village
burnings, rapes, and violence are pushing the remaining population (less than 1%) of Buddhists, and
any other infidels, out. As well, in southern Thailand the Buddhists are being terrorized, killed, and
sent fleeing. In formerly ‘tolerant’ Indonesia, Buddhists are in great danger, Buddhist temples and
their practitioners are being harassed, made illegal, and destroyed, as in Malaysia also.

All of this mayhem is by Islamic extremists, who proclaim that Muslims can and should conquer and
destroy every culture, every other religion, and every person that does not submit to Islam. And, they
use their holy book - the Koran - to justify their mandate of intolerance, supremacy, and violence, in
which its followers have NO SHAME, NO GUILT, and NO COMPASSION towards infidels.

Let it be said, there are many Muslims in the world whom are peaceful and kind people. They are
largely born into the faith, and thankfully do NOT follow the Quran, and are NOT interested in all of
this supremacist nonsense. BUT, there are millions upon millions of Muslims completely brain-washed
by a bloody primitive ideology, that threatens the world all over.



Throughout the Muslim World - the Muslim majority countries, as well as the many countries with
Muslim minorities - the Muslim media is grotesque, manipulative and supremacist in its portrayal of
Buddhists, Buddhism, and the various conflicts with Muslims that Buddhists are enduring in Arakan
(Rakhine State, Myanmar), Sri Lanka, southern Thailand, Chittagong Hills of Bangladesh, Malaysia,
and Indonesia.

Most of the world has been mislead and fooled by a relentless barrage of demonizing, manipulated
and outright false media, which has suffocated the voices, fears, concerns, and history of the Rakhine
Buddhist people.

The Muslims are always depicted as the poor innocent victims, being
preyed upon by the ultra-evil, despicable, heartless, satanic Buddhists, for
no logical reason at all. And, Buddhism is maliciously described as an
‘idol-worshipping’ primitive cult, which does not even worship a ‘God’, and
those are two of the most cardinal sins in the eyes of Allah, and he
commands, again and again, in the Quran, that those who follow such a
cult or religion should be, and must be, destroyed completely and forever.

The Muslim media consists of: television and radio - news shows, talk
shows, Islamic preaching; social media - Facebook, WhatsApp, Telegram,
YouTube; print media - newspapers, magazines; school material -
textbooks, teaching plans; photos and videos, etc. In each of these the
primary language would be Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, Bahasa Malay, Bahasa
Indonesia, Bangla, or others, and some may also be translated into
English or French. Translations may easily and connivingly be softened,
distorted, or worse. Satellite TV has a huge role in the power and reach of the Muslim Media. The
Arab view, and especially the Arab supremacism, has dictated to and influenced Muslims at the far
edges of the Muslim world - Indonesians, Malays, west African countries, as well as the Muslim
minority in Europe and the USA.

Consider the fact that most Muslims in the world grow up without knowing, interacting with, or
learning about Buddhists (and others), Buddhism, and other faiths. The schools don’t teach anything
about non-Islamic religions, the bookstores don’t carry books
about other religions (unless they are condemning and
ridiculing them). What people learn, from the mosques, the
Koran, and the culture is that all other religions are perverted
and evil, especially Buddhism and Hinduism, because they
don’t believe in a singular supreme God, and they are idol-
worshippers. And, Allah commands that the proper action for a
Muslim to do is to destroy them. And that will make Allah

Incongruous and Preposterous History Will Become Farcical and

Derisive Fact
From a speech titled ‘A Lost Nation’ by Abu Zar Azzam, also known as Abu Dhar al-Burmi.

• “Before we enter the topic we should know this region and its history and politics. Burma is an
‘Indian’ state and Islam entered Burma through the Arab traders during the first half of the seventh
century after Hijra (the migration or journey of Muhammad and his followers from Mecca to
Medina, in the year 622). The Muslims in this land are of Arab, Maghrebi, Persian, Turkish and
Bengali origin. The Muslims of Arakan are called ‘Rohingya’.” (They never called themselves
‘Rohingya’, nor did anyone else.) “The first Islamic kingdom in Arakan was established by
Suleiman Shah in 1382, they continued to rule Arakan for four centuries before the Buddhist
Burmese occupied the kingdom in 1866.” (Arakan was never ruled by Muslims, in any manner).
• “Muslim brothers, in June 2012, a great massacre occurred in Burma in the province of Arakan but
only a few Muslims realize the extent of this tragedy that occurred to the Muslims. Killings,
displacement, bloodshed, violations of honors and destruction. So we say to them and to all
Muslims that the only solution for this tragedy is jihad.”

• “As for the number of Muslims in Burma they are between 7 to 10 million Muslims.” (recent census
shows 2.2 million - about 4% of the total population.) “The Muslims here suffered from brutal acts
and oppression by the government of Burma which has committed mass expulsion, displacement
and torture against the Muslims. In Burma, the campaigns to kill and displace the Muslims, ransack
their property and transgress against their honor is never ending. The infidel Buddhists do that.
They have killed tens of thousands, displaced millions, demolished mosques, closed schools,
raped Muslima and aborted pregnant woman. In April of 1978, 8000 Muslims were killed in the city
of Akyab.” (old name for Sittwe, aka Sitetway). “On April 5, 1991 two hundred Muslims were killed
in just one mosque while praying during Eid-ul-Fitr. And in February of 2001, 800 were killed and
700 were lost including women and girls. As you have known in this year – 2012 – more than
50,000 Muslim and Muslima were killed, and more than 1.5 million Muslims were without home or
shelter after fires ignited by the Buddhists burned all that they owned.” (Incidents and numbers are
completely and wildly made up to incite the Muslim world and invoke absolute hatred of Buddhists.)
“So help your brothers and sisters for the sake of Allah.

• “The main cause of this massacre was the rape of a woman from the Buddhists who converted to
Islam, the Buddhist monks raped this Muslim woman and killed her and then accused the Muslims
of that. And the infidel Buddhists found a way to please their hatred, when in just two weeks they
killed more than 20,000 Muslims and injured more than 58,000, while 1500 families were displaced
from their homes and around 500 cities and villages were burned.” (A Buddhist women was brutally
raped and slaughtered by Muslim men, and that happens far too frequently. Turning those facts
around and blaming the Buddhist monks is disgusting and despicable. And, the ensuing violence at
that time was planned and instigated by the Bengali ‘Rohingya’ Muslims. Most real estimates of the
casualties were several hundred people total for both Buddhists and Muslims.)

• “O’ Muslims, this is the land of Muslims and it was conquered by our
fathers and forefathers by their good manners and beautiful
characteristics, they were the first to inhabit it and ruled with what
Allah has revealed. These Muslims are the sons of the mujahideen
and traders from Arabia, Turkey, Persian, Afghanistan, and India,
who came to this land to spread the light of Islam, and the people of
the region were influenced by their good behavior and intentions,
and their respect for women, and their honesty in trade, and the
people entered the religion of Allah in crowds.”

All of this, and more become facts in the Muslim World, and easily stir
up the call for jihad to annihilate the Rakhine Buddhists, the Burmese
Buddhists, and all Buddhists.

His history is preposterous, but it serves the process of brainwashing the entire Muslim world to hate
and kill all Buddhists. He states, “The first Islamic kingdom in Arakan was established by Suleiman
Shah in 1382 and Muslims continued to rule Arakan for four centuries before the Buddhist Burmese
occupied the kingdom in 1867”. This kind of nonsense defies all historical records and actual history.

This Comment to the Above Shows the Evil Intent and Success

• “1.7 billion Muslims are worthless. Muslims should get united and destroy Myanmar's terrorist state.
They are devils. Bomb them, kill those criminals terrorists. This is jihad in self defense and it is
obligatory upon Muslims. The only reason America, India, and Russia are not bombing them is
because Myanmar is not a Muslim country, but Myanmar is as much terrorists as ISIS, perhaps
worse. Go save humanity, don’t be hypocrites, don’t be cowards.
Myanmar now is a very evil dangerous terrorist state, period. They are
enemy of Humanity. How can they just wipe out, and kill an entire
ethnicity, and the world does nothing about it? You know they are evil,
please stop these devils. They say some Muslims raped some
women, this is bullshit propaganda to kill innocent people. They all are
like Hitler Nazis. Nazis tried to kill an entire Jewish ethnicity they were
evil, so is Myanmar now.”

From American Bangladeshi Muslim Faisal Fahim

The basic reality is that the Bengali Muslims (‘Rohingya’) are preparing more and more to seize the
land of the majority indigenous Rakhine Buddhist culture, and to kill, eliminate and cleanse the
Rakhine Buddhists and other non-Muslims from the land of Arakan / Rakhine State, with the help of
the deceptive and manipulative Muslim hate Media, and the Western Media outlets under Muslim
control (BBC, CNN). The Bengalis are NOT advocating living harmoniously with other, and they are
NOT training and preparing for peaceful co-existence. But, they ARE preparing to kill and destroy
everything non-Muslim - the people, the ancient ruins, and even the history of the land of Arakan.

Fatwas give Islamic Legitimacy to Attack and Kill Buddhists

In a clever move to rally the local ‘Rohingya’ Bengalis, and especially the greater Muslim world, Atta
Ullah sought religious legitimacy for the attacks. ARSA prompted senior ‘Rohingya’ Bengali clerics
and foreign clerics to rule that, given the (perceived) persecution Muslims face in Rakhine State, the
campaign to fight the security forces is legal by Islamic Law, and therefore anyone opposing it is
blasphemous by the tenets of Islam. Fatwas (Islamic religious rulings) to this effect were obtained,
which then significantly influenced many Muslim religious leaders in northern Rakhine State to
endorse ARSA. The group also has a senior Islamic scholar with it in Maungdaw (the largest town in
northern Rakhine State, where the Muslims have slaughtered and driven out almost the entire
Buddhist population), a ‘Rohingya’ Bengali from Saudi Arabia, known as Mufti Ziabur Rahman, who
brings religious legitimacy to operations and has authority to issue fatwas.

According to Amnesty International: During the afternoon of August 27, 2017, the Myanmar military,
joined by BGP and local vigilantes who lived nearly, surrounded Chut Pyin, Rathedaung Township,
opened fire on those fleeing, and then systematically burned Bengali houses and buildings.

Amnesty International interviewed 17 Bengali residents of Chut Pyin, most of them on Sept 26.

According to AI and Fortify Rights: on August 27 around 2 PM, military troops joined by local
vigilantes and BGP surrounded the village. A witness said, “They came in very suddenly. They didn’t
say anything. And they just opened fire and set fire to houses. I saw it with my own eyes.” All 17
people interviewed described seeing the soldiers, BGP, and local vigilantes deliberately burn large
parts of the Bengali village during the afternoon, using petrol cans and matchsticks.
FR reported men and boys were herded into a hut and burned alive, and children as young as 6 were
beheaded in a “killing spree that ran five hours from 2 to 7 pm.” “After the Myanmar authorities and
local armed-residents left the village, Bengali survivors returned to the village to assess damage, at
great personal risk, and to count the dead. Survivors estimated the death toll be more than 200.”

As to be expected these days AI and HRW say satellite imagery ‘supports’ the witness accounts,
when in fact this point has been abused greatly by jumping to unproven conclusions as if it’s the word
of God - satellite imagery cannot tell WHO started a fire - ARSA or Army or Santa Claus.

The biggest problem with this seemingly solid account, from 17 ‘survivors’ is this:
The interrogations of captured ARSA militants, and villagers under the banner of ARSA,
who are from the Chut Pyin area villages, paints a far different description of events, in their own
words!5 Furthermore, these militants were captured on Sept 11, 2017, and were interrogated on Sept
14 and 15, just over 2 weeks before nearly all of the Interviews, by HRW, FR, and AI.

So, the timeline is this:

1) Aug 26 - ARSA Militants and Bengali men gathered to launch their well-planned surprise attacks.
2) Aug 27 early morning - The initial attacks by ARSA during the very early morning of Aug 27.6
3a) Aug 27 morning - captured militants say after they attacked the Police Outpost in the early
morning they fled back to Chut Pyin and set in on fire, and fled with the villagers to Be Lar Mi, Auk
Nan Yar, and Ni Lin Paw, later in the morning, and throughout the day. Then all of the villagers
from those villages began to flee over the Mayu Mountains to Maungdaw and then to Bangladesh.
According to them, by 5:00 am on 28.9.2017, they were all on the way to Bangladesh.
3b) Aug 27 afternoon - Bengalis, HRW, FR, AI say: Around 2 pm Rakhine Buddhists Security Forces,
and local vigilantes came into the village of Chut Pyin, killing, burning, and executing people.
However, according to the prisoners the population was already gone, and the village was in
4) Sept 11 -Bengali ARSA Militants captured
5) Sept 14, 15 - Militants interrogated
6) Sept 26, 27 - Most interviews with Bengali ‘victims’ and ‘survivors’

5 Of the 24 interrogations that are translated so far, 5 of the prisoners are from the Chut Pyin area. Many more
interrogations are coming as they are translated to English.
6 Most of the initial attacks were on Aug 25, but those in Buthidaung and Rathedaung often started one or two days
later - Aug 26 or 27.
(Mawlawi is the Bengali term for Imam, (F) = father, common to use for identification, (M) = mother)

1) Name: Ma Go La Mauk, 48, Be Lar Mi hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin, Rathedaung Township
How I Was Recruited:
I used to go to the Bellami Mosque to pray. Our mosque Mawlawi [Imam] is
Mawlawi Esoup. We are instructed to go to the mosque 5 times a day to pray. I
can only go a few times a day, when I have free time. Mawlawi Esoup and Rawfis
(32), (F) Adu Raw Kim, used to tell us that ARSA would lead attacks to occupy
Maungdaw, Buthidaung, and Rathedaung and declare it an Islamic State. They
said we must join with ARSA, and we should get ready to join. They told us that if
we did not do what they said we would have our heads cut off, in accordance with
Islamic practice. And, they said other Bengalis from other villages would also join
the attacks. We heard Mawlawi Esoup and Rawfis speak these kind of words also
in Chut Pyin Village Mosque.

ARSA Training Sessions:

From our village, Rawfis (35), Adula Min (20), Dil Ma Mauk (40), Azi Zulla (20), Ar Yu (30), Atta Ullah
(20), Dini Salam (25), Rawfique (18), Mawlawi Adu Shu Kha (30), from Auk Nan Yar village, Mawlawi
Habi Sarmauk (35), Mawlawi Shuku (40), Faw Saw La Mauk (35) from Samdu Village, Hu Saung
(30), Futura (25), Malawi Sayed Alom (55), Malawi Abu La Sheim (55), and Saw Tar (25) have
attended some training from ARSA. The training sessions were given in Koe Tha Kauk village. If we
crossed the mountain, which takes a day, we would arrive at Thin Baw Kway, Inn Din, and Tha Win
Chaung villages. And then, we would go by foot to Koe Tan Kauk village.The leader of ARSA lived, or
stayed, in Koe Tan Kauk village. I don’t know his true name. He is around 50 years old, brown, tough,
round face, beard, and about 5 ft 9 inch tall. ARSA conducted training sessions, focused on fighting
skills, shooting guns, and making handmade bombs and mines. Villagers from Koe Tan Kauk village
are the trainers of ARSA. I attended the training sessions once a week, and they told us that if we
failed to attend, they would kill us. The training was from 9 pm to 12 am midnight. They used to say, in
the trainings, that they were going to establish an autonomous Islamic State. All of our villagers above
15 years old took the trainings, and so did men up until 40 years old. Kay Fayed and Said Dullah also
joined the training. Rawfis put me in the ‘Attacking Group’. Members of ARSA used to come to our
village and other nearby villages, and they killed those who were opposed to them, or those
suspected to be government informants. They used to wear black suits and white headbands with
Arabic words printed on them. I don’t know because I don’t read, but some said the words on the
headbands meant “Bless me, Allah”. Some of the ARSA members wore black masks.

Ata Ullah - leader of ARSA - and His Financial Support:

Ata Ullah, who had lived in Saudi Arabia, came with 20 others to our village mosque in February
2017. They met with us trainees and told us to cooperate with them to establish a Rohingya Islamic
Country. Ata Ullah gave some poor families of our village, 200,000 Myanmar Kyat [150 US dollars] to
each family. Ata Ullah did the same in Buthidaung, and Rathedaung Townships as well. Ata Ullah is
also called Mawlawi Hani Bar (another name). We heard he went to Saudi Arabia 20 years ago and
came back again as Ata Ullah. Ata’s eldest brother, Saw Raw Dim (70), and his cousins; Zuri Dim
(60), Shaung Shu (40), Fil Ma Mauk (50), and Dil Ma Mauk (45) live in Pyaing Taung village. Naw Bi
Hu Taung (50) from our village is also a cousin of Ata Ullah.

After Ata Ullah travelled around Maungdaw, Buthidaung and Rathedaung townships, he gave 10
million Burmese Kyat [$7400 US dollars] to Rawfis from our village, 15 million to Mawlawi Adu Shuku,
Mawlawi Ha Bi Sa Mauk from Auk Nan Yar village, 10 million to Mawbi and Hasu from Chut Pyin
village, 5 million to Fawsaw La Mauk and Rawshid from Than Du village, and 20 million to Mawlawi
Mawni. He assigned them to be financial agents. Rawfis, Hasu, Mawlawi Adu Shu Ku and Mawlawi
Mawni went to Shinma Phyu Island near Teknaf, Bangladesh, and received this money from one of
Ata’s men (name-unknown). Ata Ullah’s Headquarters of ARSA is located somewhere in the jungle of
Bandarban, Bangladesh. Rafis went there about once a month. He showed us the emblem of ARSA
and told them that our village would receive 10 guns and 40 swords. Other Bengalis from
Rathedaung and Buthidaung also went to ARSA’s Headquarters in Bangladesh.

Making Handmade Bombs:

ARSA trainees, Has, Saltar, Mawlawi Sayed Alom, and Mawlawi Abu Ha Sheim learned how to make
bombs when they went to Bangladesh. They made bombs in the home of Mawlawi Adu Shu Ku, and
kept the bombs in Adu Shu Ku’s house and Dil Ma Mauk’s house in our village.

How We Prepared for the Attacks:

Around 3:00 pm on 22.8.2017, Nru Ma Mauk from Chut Pyin
village gathered about 100 Bengalis from Chut Pyin, Ah Htet
Nan Yar, Auk Nan Yar, Be Lar Mi, and Ni Lin Baw villages in
the house of Mawbi from Chut Pyin. He said ARSA had
arrived in Chut Pyin village and they would start the attacks
in the early morning of 25.8.2017. They told us to be ready
to join, and if any of us refused, they would be killed.

Around 10 am of 26.8.2017, we gathered some people in

the house of Rawfis. Rawfis, Dil Ma Mauk, Aman Hu Sang,
and Adu La Min were wearing black suits, holding swords,
and each one of them had 10 homemade bombs. They said Chut Pyin to Be Lar Mi is one mile.
after attacking the police outposts we will have their guns. We,
around 50 Bengalis, arrived at Mawbi’s house in Chut Pyin village around 2 am on 27.8.2017. We met
other villagers there - from Chut Pyin, Ni Lin Baw, Auk Nan Yar, and Than Du villages - and now we
were, all together, about 200 Bengalis. Everyone - both young and old, even some kids - joined
together with us. We decided to approach Chut Pyin Police Outpost, to attack with bombs, and when
policemen chase after us, some of our group would ambush them. We made sure the our women and
children were kept together in the center of Chut Pyin village.

How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:

Around 3 am on 27.8.2017, Saltar, Mawlawi Abul La Sheim (Mawlawi leader of Rathedaung) and Ha
Su from Chut Pyin village attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost with bombs. When the policemen
chased after them, our group - lead by Rawfis - ambushed the policemen, while shouting “Allahu
Akbar”. Some unknown ARSA members and Saltar, Nru Ma Mauk, Rawfis and Aman Hu Saung shot
the policemen with guns. Some villagers from our Be Lar Mi village, and Ni Lin Baw village were hit
by gunfire, and we then retreated to home. On the way, we buried some landmines on the road.

How We Fled Our Villages, and Set Fire To Our Villages As We Left:

After attacking Chut Pyin police Outpost, in the early morning of 27.8.2017, Ar Mauk Dullah (45), Ru
Taung Are (50), Ra Mauk Dullah (50) and other ARSA militants set fire to Chut Pyin village. All the
villagers from our village fled around around 5 am on 28.8.2017.

2) Sayed Dulla, 20, Be Lar Mi Hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin Village, Rathedaung Township
How I Was Recruited:
On 23.8.2017, in the mosque, Mawlawi Esoup and Rawfis said that ARSA would
launch attacks on 25.8.2017 to occupy Maungdaw, Buthidaung, and Rathedaung
Townships, and to make it an Islamic State. They told us that all Bengalis had to join
the attacks and that we must be ready. We heard that they told other Bengalis the
same things, in other mosques. They already have received training from ARSA.
How We Prepared To Attack:
When I was at home on 22.8.2017, around 3:00 pm, Nu Ma Mauk from Chut Pyin village gathered us
villagers and we followed him to a house in Chut Pyin where there were about 100 Bengalis from
Chut Pyin, Ah Htet Nan Yar, Auk Nan Yar, Be Lar Mi and Ni Lin Baw Villages. Nu Ma Mauk said
members of ARSA had already arrived at Chut Pyin village, and that they would lead the attacks, that
we must join them, and that we must go get ready.
How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:
Around 3:00 am on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin approached the police
outpost and attacked with two bombs. When policemen chased after him, a
group of us (around 80) ambushed them and attacked them shouting ‘Allahu
Akbar’. Saltar, Nu Ma Muck, Rawfis and Eman Hu Saung had guns and they
were shooting at the police. Policemen also shot back. I saw some Bengalis get
shot. Then we moved back and Saltar set landmines along our paths to stop the
police from following us.
How We Fled After The Attacks:
After attacking the Chut Pyin police outpost, at the evening of 26/27.8.2017, the villagers ran away
from villages as ARSA militants burned the houses and so we also fled from our village around 5:00
am on 28.8.2017. Our villagers from Ni Lin Baw and Auk Nan Yar village did the same.

3) Atta Ura Man, 22, Ni Lin Baw Hamlet, Ah Htet Nan Yar Village, Rathedaung Township
How We Prepared To Attack:
Around 11:30 pm of 26.8.2017, while I was at home, about 20 armed Bengalis led
by Ahdu Lah came and ordered us to join the attacks. They said if we did not join,
they would kill all of our family members. I grabbed an iron rod and joined them..
We arrived at Chut Pyin village at 2:00 am, and there, we saw about 80 Bengalis
who were led by Saltar from Chut Pyin village and other unknown Mawlawis.
How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:
Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village snuck up to the police
outpost and attacked with 2 bombs. When policemen came out and chased him, we (about 80
Bengalis) ambushed them and attacked them. And, some who were already trained by ARSA,
attacked them with guns and improvised bombs. Policemen were also shooting. Some Bengalis got
shot. We moved back into Chut Pyin village and then that night we came back to Ni Lin Baw village.
How We Fled After The Attacks:
On the morning of 28.8.2017, all of our villagers fled from our village. On the way, we saw villagers
from Be Lar Mi, Auk Nan Yar, and Ah Htet Nan Yay villages who also fled like we did.

4) Kay Fayad Ullah, 31, Be Lar Mi Hamlet, Pauk Pin Yin Village, Rathedaung Township
How We Prepared To Attack:
Around 11:45 pm on 26.8.2017, about 30 Bengalis led by Mawlawi Esuop and
Rawfis came to us and told us to come and fight together with them, or die. I,
and Sayed Amin (35), (F) Matslam, Eman Hu Saung (37), and Addulah Min (30),
(F) Sawlim, Aryu (40), (F) Matslam, Maw Go Ar Mauk (48), (F) Kasim, and Sayed
Dullah (20), (F) Eman Hu Saung. We all had swords or heavy sticks. We arrived
at Chut Pyin village, 1 mile away from our village, around 2:00 am on 27.8.2017.
We saw there were about 100 Bengalis from Chut Pyin lead by Saltar and
unknown Mawlawis, as well as Bengalis from Ni Lin Baw and Auk Nan Yar
villages led by Mawlawis from their villages.
How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:
Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village approached the police outpost and
attacked with 2 bombs. When policemen from the outpost chased after him, we (about 100 Bengalis)
ambushed, surrounded and attacked them shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. Then, some who already had
training from ARSA attacked them with guns and handmade bombs. Policemen also shot back. I saw
some Bengalis get shot. We moved back into Chut Pyin village, and then to Be Lar Mi village.
How We Trekked To The Naf River After The Attack:
On the morning of 28.8.2017, all of our villagers from Be Lar Mi village started to flee. We also heard
the villagers from Ni Lin Baw, Auk Nan Yar , Ah Htet Nan Yar and Chut Pyin did the same. On the
way, we saw these neighboring villagers.

5) Hu Saung Ar Mauk, 65, Auk Nan Ya Village, Rathedaung Township

How We Prepared To Attack:
When I was at home on 26.8.2017, about 30 armed Bengalis lead by Nru Ma
Mauk from Chut Pyin Village came and ordered us to join them to attack the
policemen and police outposts, and if not, they said they would kill all of our family
members. Then I grabbed an iron stick and joined them. We were about 80
Bengalis. Mawlawis from Ni Lin Baw, Be Lar Mi, Chut Pyin and Auk Nan Yar
villages discussed how to attack the Chut Pyin police outpost.
How We Attacked Chut Pyin Police Outpost:
Around 3:00 am, on 27.8.2017, Saltar from Chut Pyin village approached the police outpost and
attacked it with 2 bombs. When policemen from the outpost chased after him, we (about 80 Bengalis)
ambushed and attacked them shouting 'Allahu Akbar'. Some, who already had training from ARSA,
attacked them with guns and handmade bombs. Policemen also shot back and some of us got shot.
We moved back into the Chut Pyin village and the following night we came back to Auk Nan Yar
How We Left Our Villages After The Attacks:
On the morning of 28.8.2017, all our villagers fled from our village. As we fled we saw villagers from
Be Lar Mi, Auk Nan Yar, and Ah Htet Nan Yar villages who had also fled like us.

The prisoner interrogations certainly blow apart the made up stories of blatant massacre.

And, there is more to debunk with this attempt to shape opinion around the world, to paint the
Buddhists as despicable bloodthirsty killers, and to use the world’s gullibility to seize the land from the
definitive indigenous people - whom are NOT the Bengali Muslims.

1) Notice all of the threats of death from Bengalis to Bengalis in the interrogations. Among the
dozens of captured militants, in their translated interrogations we hear: “fight together with them,
or die.” “if we did not join, we would be killed in accordance with Islamic law.” “If we were
arrested, we should not to disclose any information about ARSA, and if we did, they would kill all
of our family members.” We all know (both sides of this issue know) that ARSA has killed many
Muslims who do not support ARSA’s ways - during the last couple of years, and as recently as
days ago.7 So, there is quite a high chance that after the attacks ARSA militants could have
returned to Chut Pyin and terrorized and killed, even chopped heads off (much more a Muslim
preference) those men and boys who didn’t participate, or ARSA could have killed their families.

2) Satellite photos are nice, but in the wrong

hands they can be a weapon, as in the case of
Human Rights Watch which grossly
misinterpreted (or, as I believe, intentionally
came to a false conclusion) satellite photos of
Kyaukpyu, Rakhine State, during the 2012
violence. Example: let’s show this photo to 100
people, and ask, who burned the houses?
ARSA? Buddhists? Santa Claus?

3) No actual bodies, or mass graves have been

found. A few bodies said to be in fresh dug dirt -
but no photos - would much more likely be
some of the hundred of men and boys who
attacked to kill but fortunately were themselves killed. Muslim practice is to bury a person who
has died quickly - so if an attacker was killed at 4 am he might be buried by his comrades a few
hours later, in a shallow grave, which then can be photographed just before the busy men start to
burn the village and flee. I said fortunately, a moment ago, because, that will prevent him from
trying to kill again and again -as they hoped they could. Watch some of the ARSA videos 8 (from
captured terrorist’s mobile phones.)

4) Fortify Rights comes out with dazzling sensationalism: in the afternoon of Aug 27, “men and boys
were herded into a hut and burned alive, and children as young as 6 were beheaded in a killing
spree that ran five hours from 2 to 7 pm.” Wow, 5 hours, was everyone just patiently standing in
line? Come on, this kind of ghoulish sensationalism becomes very difficult to take seriously.
People might even forget that in the days and weeks after Aug 25, soldiers had to protect and
escort many many villagers that were trapped, injured, and frightened - and also fight ARSA.

7 I was in Buthidaung on Jan 19 when a Muslim leader was savagely killed by ARSA assassins.

8 links
5) One of the most puzzling things about the ‘witnesses and survivors’ is the fact that nobody took
any photos or videos of any type of abuse, killing, beating, or setting fires. A video of fire
burning at a distance says nothing about who started it. During the supposed “5 hour killing
spree” nobody could take any kind of video from a hiding place, or from a hill, or something?
That is quite damning and greatly deflates this case.

6) With nearly every Bengali man and boy participating in the opening jihad attacks, they should
realize that if you start a war you might lose. And. if you are trying to kill the armed forces and the
people that the armed forces needs to protect, then you can expect that the armed forces must
do their duty - and that is to protect the population from an enemy which is waging war and
terror upon it, and eliminate the threat to the point where it is not repeatable.

7) Why do the so-called Human Rights groups - HRW, FR, AI - pooh-pooh the huge attacks of
August 25, 2017? One of the biggest terrorists attacks in history - consider the number of targets,
30 Police and Army Outposts, and another 30 - 50 villages at virtually the same time, with an
estimated 4000-6000 assailants attacking with the declared intention of killing all of the non-
Muslims, in the name of Jihad - holy war for Allah.

8) HRW, FR, AI are always trying to make a point that the Buddhists are carrying out a systematic
plan to get rid of the Bengalis, when actually the Buddhists are again and again caught off-guard
when the Bengalis hatch yet another plan to annihilate the Buddhists again and again. The
prisoner interrogations show how the Aug 25 attacks were planned, practiced, trained for -
systematically - and tunnels and bunkers were dug, and bombs and landmines were made.

Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International claim that on Aug 25, after ARSA militants attacked
the police outpost near Koe Tan Kauk, the Myanmar Military attacked the neighboring villages of
Chein Kar Li and Koe Tan Kauk, and ‘victims’ claimed abuse, etc.

Now, first, you need to know what HRW and AI are not telling you.
1) Koe Tan Kauk is the village where the leader of the Islamic terrorist ARSA
militants - the notorious Ata Ullah (one of many names that he goes by) -
stays when he sneaks in to Maungdaw!
2) And, it is the home of his brother and cousins!
3) And, it is one of the main ARSA training villages!
4) And, it is, effectively, the regional headquarters of the terrorist militants and
trainers of ARSA!
If HRW and AI don’t publish these points then they are trying to fool the world and Ata Ullah
continually paint the Buddhists as the aggressors - and not acknowledge any history
of the area. HRW, FR, and AI are very definitely tools for the Islamists, whether it is knowingly or
political correctness gone extreme.

This info we can see in this excerpt from a captured ARSA - Ma Go La Mauk: (same as on page 6)

The training sessions were given in Koe Tha Kauk village. If we crossed the mountain, which takes a
day, we would arrive at Thin Baw Kway, Inn Din, and Tha Win Chaung villages. And then, we would
go by foot to Koe Tan Kauk village.The leader of ARSA lived, or stayed, in Koe Tan Kauk village. I
don’t know his true name. He is around 50 years old, brown, tough, round face, beard, and about 5 ft
9 inch tall. ARSA conducted training sessions, focused on fighting skills, shooting guns, and making
handmade bombs and mines. Villagers from Koe Tan Kauk village are the trainers of ARSA. I
attended the training sessions once a week,
and they told us that if we failed to attend, they
would kill us. The training was from 9 pm to 12
am midnight. They used to say, in the
trainings, that they were going to establish an
autonomous Islamic State. All of our villagers
above 15 years old took the trainings, and so
did men up until 40 years old. Kay Fayed and
Said Dullah also joined the training. Rawfis put
me in the ‘Attacking Group’. Members of ARSA
used to come to our village and other nearby
villages, and they killed those who were
opposed to them, or those suspected to be
government informants. They used to wear
black suits and white headbands with Arabic
words printed on them. I don’t know because I
don’t read, but some said the words on the
headbands meant “Bless me, Allah”. Some of
the ARSA members wore black masks.

So, in Koe Tan Kauk, the regional

headquarters of ARSA, the militants there
would naturally be better trained, have more advanced weaponry and know how to use it, be more
brutal and more likely to be willing to die in battle. There is video from a captured militant showing Ata
Ullah training young men, and telling them to be willing to become a shahid - a martyr for Islam. And,
Ata Ullah knows well the practice of using women and children as assets in the propaganda
campaign - in other words, hide behind them, lead the soldiers into situation where they inadvertently
shoot civilians. It is one of the hallmarks of Islamic terrorism.

Ata Ullah broadcasted, in March 2017, “if 1 million, 1.5 million, if all Rohingya need to die, we will die.”

The propaganda war is in their favor right now - and the worst proponents of it are HRW, FR, and AI.

HRW and AI go to great lengths to condemn the ‘attacks’ on the two neighboring villages, yet
bizarrely will not even have any issue with the initial surprise attacks by hundreds of Bengali
terrorists, on perhaps just 5-10 policemen at the outpost, intending to kill them all, grab all their
weapons and ammo, and then have an orgy of killing in the defenseless Buddhist villages, shouting
Allah Akbar, and doing what they had been planning and training for - completely killing every non-
Muslim in the entire 3 Townships. And HRW, FR, and AI have no problem with that. Really.
Really disgusting.

Now, after the initial terrorist attacks, any country in the world has a duty to its own people to respond,
rescue and protect its citizens, and hunt down and eliminate the threat. And, since the Bengalis keep
trying to fulfill their bloody Islamic agenda - which gives them divine right to kill all infidels, apparently
the response has failed each time, and the only way to stop terror is to eliminate it entirely.

Certainly, the response that the army (any army) must make has to be made quickly (before more or
even bigger attacks come to them), and has to be decisive. And, in this case, the fighters populating
the two villages are going to put up quite a fight, and be quite challenging to subdue - but they must
be subdued - or that night, or the next day, these Islamic terrorists will be annihilating entire villages of
Buddhists or other non-Muslims. As it was, the terrorists very likely shot many bullets that hit their
own people, intentionally or not. They used the cover of the village, the pathways, the homes, and the
‘innocent’ villagers. I say ‘innocent’ because, if you live with the leadership and top members of a
major terrorist group, you really aren’t innocent, and if you don’t like the fact that they are in your
village then, since they have the guns, and you don’t - it would be wise for you to live somewhere

One of the biggest hallmarks of Muslims is that they don’t accept any blame, and they also have no
shame. They can kill and kill and kill without any shame of killing, and they will not accept any blame
for killing.

Another point they lack is accepting consequences and responsibility. If they attack ruthlessly, and
there is a response of any degree, they will jump up and down, crying and yelling that they are the
victims of highly exaggerated claims, and grotesque mayhem.

They wail about the restrictions upon them - which are upon them for good reason!
There are other Bengalis in Myanmar for whom there are no restrictions.
They are the Bengali Hindus, who have integrated into the nation while retaining their religion and
language, they are liked and respected, and they have respect for others and their religions. And,
they respect the marriage laws of the nation - which are quite normal in non-Muslim countries - one
wife, no mandatory conversion. They also don’t burn villages and towns and they don’t kill people just
because they have a different religion.

While the one-eyed western mass media, and the ignorant but arrogant regressive leftists have a field
day with the revelation of a situation which appears to be damning to the Buddhists Rakhine and
Burmese, let’s go over what really did and didn’t happen.

First, I will go over the version that I developed in January, 2018, and then I will go through the latest
‘definitive’ version by Reuters, titled: How Myanmar Forces burned, looted, and killed in a remote village.

Inn Din is the name of 5 villages now - they can be called Inn Din east, west, central, north and south.
The Bengali Muslims populate the largest 3, and Buddhists live in 2. The Bengali villages are
significantly bigger than the Buddhist’s villages, and it is estimated that the Bengalis - in August 2017,
before the attacks - comprise 90% of the total Inn Din villagers.

Starting a year and several months ago, after the October 2016 terrorists attacks - by the
Bengali Muslims against ‘infidel’ Burmese Buddhist Security Forces - in which there were dozens of
police and civilian casualties, it had been reported by the local indigenous people of Inn Din that the
neighboring Bengalis had strongly ramped up their harsh treatment of non-Muslims, and also
threatened them with taunts, intimidations, and extreme violence. I visited Inn Din and spoke with,
and interviewed Buddhists - who have had great concerns for their safety - and feels like the ‘world’
does not understand the Islamic Jihad which has them targeted for death.

Example of taunts, translated from videos of Bengali Muslim violence - Bengali language to
English: Cut the necks of all Rakhine - Maug hara kiri (মগ জবাই কর্)
You Rakhine must die, this land is for us Rohingya (,তারা- রাখাইেনদর মেরত /হব, এK ,িরাহLার ,দশ।)
Get out of here now, leave everything you own, because it is ours.
(এখনই /চল যা, ,/তাদর যা যা আে◌ছ সব ,/ফল যা, কারণ এQেলা আেমাদর।)
Now can your Buddha protect you? (এখন ,/তাদর বR/ ,/তাদর রSা কেরত পােরছ?)
All of you Rakhine men will die, and your wives will be ours.
(,/তাদর সব রাখাইন পুরU/ষদর মেরত /হব, ,/তাদর বউে◌য়রা /হব আেমাদর।)
You don't believe Allah, so you must die.
(,তারা আWা/হক ি◌বXাস িকরস না, তাই ,/তাদর এেভাবই মেরত /হব।)
We are going eat you, so fatten up with more rice.
(আমরা ,/তাদর ,/খত আিসছ, ,/তাদর সব ধান খাব আমরাই।)
The U.N. is ours, we Muslims lead the U.N. (িজাতসংঘ আেমাদর, মুিসলমরা িজাতসংে◌ঘর ,নতÄ] ি◌েদ^।)
We will wash our feet with your blood. (,/তাদর রb ি◌েদয় আমরা পা ,ধাব।)
If you don't follow Islam you must die.(িযদ ,তারা ইসলাম cহণ না িকরস, ,/তাদর অবশ3ই মেরত /হব।)
God (Allah) is Great! God is Great! (আWাj আকবর! আWাj আকবর!
You will be just bones. (,তারা ,kফ ক;◌াল /হয় িযাব।)

Those threats turned real on August 25, 2017 when Buddhist villager U Maung Ni, walking to his
fields, was killed by Muslims. His family was stunned and angry that Muslims would kill a person for
simply being of a different religion. I interviewed his wife, who described the tragic events of that day,
and the following week, and I shared in her tears.

They had been awakened by gunfire, and explosions in the night. The area’s biggest police outpost
was about 1½ miles south of Inn Din - at Gwa Son. It was a cause for concern, but the distance
muffled the sound. The news about that only reached them in the afternoon. After eating lunch at
home with the family Maung Ni went out to see his water buffaloes, where he had taken them to
some good grass in the morning. His route would take him through and out of the village, and then he
would enter some dense forest, and then he would emerge at some grassy fields. Back at home, two
of his sons set out to catch up with their father, and they started walking the same route.

Suddenly they were surrounded by menacing Muslims. One of them quickly called their mother on his
mobile phone, “Mother! We are surrounded by Muslims, and they are crazy and threatening! We don’t
know what to do!” The mother ran out of the house, shouting to some men nearby to follow her. As
they turn a corner there are Muslims all over now, and their way is blocked. Now it is getting very
frightening as Muslims men are just pouring into the Buddhist part of Inn Din. The mother is very
concerned about her sons, and her husband, but now the Muslims are shouting so loudly and acting
so menacing. ‘ALLAHU AKBAR! ALLAHU AKBAR!’ The Muslims were shouting through their mosque
loudspeakers, broadcast messages such as, “we will slash the throats of Myanmar soldiers and this
land is our Islamic State!” The whole village is now running in panic to the big Buddhist monastery
and temple compound, which at least, has big walls around it. The mother and others got behind the

walls, and shortly her sons run in.

But, they did not catch up with their father yet, he had entered the forest already - and he didn’t come
back that day, that night. The whole village had to stay in the monastery compound for a week - even
though many could even see their own homes, to go out of the compound, cross wide open fields,
and then enter the dense foliage of the villages pathways was definitely too risky. The mother and

sons knew that he must have been killed, but still, they wanted to look for him, but they couldn’t - the
forest was on the opposite side of the village.

And, now everyone was learning what happened in the early morning of Aug 25 - up and down
Maungdaw dozens of police and army outposts were attacked, dozens of villages were attacked,
there was a war going on, the Muslims were, once again, possessed by their Islamic Jihad agenda -
in which the Mawlawis [Imams] planned, instructed, trained and led the villagers to kill all non-
Muslims, and declare the land an autonomous Islamic State. And, as well, the Mawlawis made it clear
that if you didn’t participate in the attacks and killings then you and your family will be declared un-
Islamic and your heads will be cut off. The Buddhist villagers, all stuck in the monastery compound
also learned that several bridges on the one road to Inn Din had been blown up. In the absolute
chaos during the next week, it was not known when available army troops could arrive to protect and
evacuate the Buddhists. Supplies of rice and food were dwindling without supplies being able to
reach them. The Buddhist still could not go back to their nearby homes - but they could see that the
Muslims were looting their homes and stealing the cows, water buffalo, chickens and goats.

Bengali Muslims continued to boost their threatening manners by yelling across the fields that divided
Buddhists and Muslims, and waving and thrusting swords and spears in the air.

Their tactic of displaying their penchant for violence intimidated the frightened Buddhists so much that
that the Buddhists felt trapped, overwhelmed, and angry that the Bengalis were so callous, vicious,
violent, supremacist, conniving, and beholden to a faith that seemed the polar opposite of Buddhism.
Some troops did show up, on foot, on Aug 28. They did go to the forest, and they found the body of
Maung Ni - in the mud, in the forest. But the troops were greatly outnumbered, and didn’t try to free
the village yet, so all still stayed in the monastery compound.

On September 1, 2017 around 200 Bengali Muslims, armed with spears and swords ambushed
security forces nearby. After security forces shot back at the attackers the Bengalis scattered and ran
away. Ten of the attackers were caught by soldiers chasing after them.

NOTICE: they were CAUGHT, not SHOT, and not even WOUNDED. They easily, and
rightfully could have been shot - after all, they had just ambushed a bunch of security forces with
the premeditated objective of killing everyone.

The soldiers brought those ten attackers to the Inn Din Village School. They interrogated the ten men,
who did reveal that they were ARSA supporters. They called for security forces to come and take the
prisoners away. But, security forces said they couldn’t reach Inn Din with a vehicle yet, because of the
blown up bridges and they were so stretched, and overwhelmed with rescuing protecting and
evacuating villages, there were lots of Bengali-made mines to deal with, and still a lot of fighting with
ARSA militants.

There is no jail at the village. And undoubtably no handcuffs - certainly not 10 pairs.
So, just how does one detain 10 violent, fanatically Islamic terrorists that are probably restrained
merely with village rope. If one terrorists got his hands freed, and got a few more of them freed, and
grabbed some weapons in a matter of seconds, they could easily kill scores of Buddhists. Think about

the situation - all the Buddhist women, children, babies, old men and women, and the men, are all
crowded into the compound, and you are going to have 10 violent men sleeping there as well? How is
anyone to sleep around there with 10 brain-washed zombies who are probably plotting how to get out
of their detainment and murder all the Buddhists around there? It is very risky to guard 10 violent men
who will try anything to escape.
Meanwhile, with ARSA Islamic militants mounting continuous attacks and destroying two military
vehicles with landmines, it was determined that there were no conditions to safely transfer the 10
violent murderous Bengali terrorists to the police station, and now it was day 2 with the captives, and
it was decided to kill them.
At 8:00 AM on September 2 , the 10 Bengali Muslim terrorists were led to the village graveyard by
villagers - who were refugees near their own homes, and, who have had to put up with their violent
behavior their whole lives - and by the two sons of U Maung Ni, who was murdered just one week
previous, by the same Islamic supremacy that has Bengali Muslims believing that they have divine
rights from their Allah God to kill anyone who is not Muslim.
The 10 terrorists were killed and buried. The Buddhists did not choose to have this awful situation
arise. The Bengali Muslims had started a war in which their goal was to completely exterminate all
non-Muslims in northern Rakhine State - a textbook example of attempted ethnic cleansing and

And now, we will examine the Reuters report of Feb 8, 2018, titled:
‘How Myanmar forces burned, looted and killed in a remote village’
My comments will be in blue

On Sept. 2, Buddhist villagers and Myanmar troops killed 10 Rohingya men in Myanmar's restive
Rakhine state. Reuters uncovered the massacre and has pieced together how it unfolded. During the
reporting of this article, two Reuters journalists were arrested by Myanmar police.

Rohingya trace their presence in Rakhine back centuries. But most Burmese consider them to be
unwanted immigrants from Bangladesh; the army refers to the Rohingya as “Bengalis.”

Interesting how Reuters shows some shallow depth in the first sentence of this paragraph, by using a
term (Rohingya) that has no history to describe history, and ironically BOTH are false! There is plenty
of info about the term ‘Rohingya’ which is a recent invented term for the purpose of political
subterfuge, and if you want to talk about whose land this is it is so clearly the homeland of the
Rakhine Buddhist people and the legacy of their great and refined Kingdoms of which there is
monumental evidence everywhere you look in this land. Almost every Bengali Muslim that one sees
has a homeland called Bangladesh - same language, same religion, same customs and traditions,
even the same intolerance and supremacy. And, they call themselves ‘Bengali’. Their biggest mosque
has 2 signs in English on it - the Bengali Sunni Jamae Mosque. Reuters, is one of many news outlets
that have flagrant bias9 on matters concerning Islam, as they are bought up and controlled by Islamic

9The CAMERA organization has produced many articles condemning the news and photo wire-agencies Reuters,
Agence France-Presse and the Associated Press. Reuters, in particular, has been the perpetrator of biased photos in its
Middle East reporting, according to Camera.
The slain men’s families, now sheltering in Bangladesh refugee camps, identified the victims through
photographs shown to them by Reuters. The dead men were fishermen, shopkeepers, the two
teenage students and an Islamic teacher.

The dead men were also Jihadists, willing to kill all non-Muslims. Where were they on Aug 25 when
the Buddhists were being terrorized out of their own homes? Really. Where were they? They could
have stopped that display of Islamic arrogance. The worst of them was most likely the Mawlawi
(Imam) or as Reuters put it, the Islamic teacher. As you learn about this whole issue, and read the
prisoner interrogations, you will see that the Mawlawis are ALWAYS teaching the villagers that they
should unite, and attack and kill all non-Muslims, and, in fact, it is your duty to do that, Allah expects
you to do that. So, they actually are the teachers of Islam, and the evil force that brainwashes
everyone around them - so don’t shed any tears for those monsters. Reuters want you to believe the
ten dead men were like innocent meditation teachers that were brutally killed by the bad bully
Buddhists. It is the Islamic intolerance and supremacy that is the cause and effect of all of this
violentce, not only in Rakhine, but everywhere in the world where Islamists driven by Koranic hatred
and violence are bringing untold misery and insanity to people and cultures that want nothing to do
with it. Look at the photo of the ten men again - look at their eyes - what do you see?)

But the military’s version of events is contradicted in important respects by accounts given to Reuters
by Rakhine Buddhist and Rohingya Muslim witnesses. The military said the 10 men belonged to a
group of 200 “terrorists” that attacked security forces.

Read this long report from a military officer to Nay Pi Daw, Army Headquarters
It is a ‘battlefield’ report of known incidents on ONLY AUG 27-28
All of the ‘Human Rights Groups’ - HRW, FR, AI, news agencies like Reuters and AP, and all
of the ‘Rohingya’ advocates are continually preventing and blocking the public from any
awareness of the magnitude of the August 25 opening attacks.
Look for mention of Gwa Son

Extremist Bengali Terrorists Still Commit Terrorist Acts in Maungdaw Region

Nay Pyi Daw, August 28

While performing control of the region between Kyaung Doe and Aung Tha Bye villages in Maungdaw
Township on 27 August evening, security troops were attacked by extremist Bengali terrorists with the
use of home-made guns and home-made mines from both sides of the road. The security forces
fought against them and cleared the region. In the incident, one police member was injured.

Security troops while combing the prawn farm near Kyee Kyun outpost found the burnt floor of the
hostel where about 50 extremist Bengali terrorists lived. At night, while security troops were
discharging duty of controlling the region in Kyee Kyun outpost, three extremist male Bengali
terrorists and three female terrorists fled to the other bank with the use of two boats.

A home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali terrorists exploded at Zin Paing Nyar Junction. Zin
Paing Nyar police outpost was besieged by the terrorist Bengali terrorists starting at 10.20 pm. Then,
one more home-made mine exploded about one mile from the outpost. After that, about 80 extremist
Bengali terrorists approached the outpost to attack but security troops fought against them. The
terrorists retreated to Zin Paing Nyar Village. Meanwhile, another home-made mine exploded near
Awli Tula Village.
In more terrorists acts of extremist Bengali terrorists, four homemade mines exploded in series at Zin
Paing Nyar Junction at 10.40 am today. 10 minutes later, six more home-made mines planted by
terrorists exploded in series at the junction.

At 11.13 am, an explosion of one more home-made mine planted by extremist Bengali terrorists
happened at Zin Paing Nyar Junction. Likewise, home-made mines planted by extremist Bengali
terrorists exploded one after another between Ywa Thit and Kyauk Hla Kya villages.

About 500 extremist Bengali terrorists from Tin May Village besieged Kyaung Taung police outpost in
Buthidaung Township. When security troops performed clearance operation there, the terrorists
withdrew from the post.

Extremist Bengali terrorists set fire to Zee Pin Chaung outpost on the night of 27 August, the fire was
put out this morning. At 1 am today, outbreak of fire started from the house of Abdula in Myoma Kan
Yin Tan Ward of Maungdaw Township, firefighters and local people put out the fire within a half hour.

Moreover, one mine exploded 50 yards from Tha Yay Kon Baung police outpost near Phwe Yu Bar
Tar Village, another mine in the village, and one home-made mine in Ywa Thit Village, 500 yards from
Pyin Phyu regional office.

While marching to Gwa Son Village in Maungdaw Township for performing control of the region,
security troops were attacked with mine explosion by extremist Bengali terrorists at the entrance
bridge of the village. They exchanged fire in the incident. While combing the village, about 300
extremist Bengali terrorists opened fire at the security troops. Both sides exchanged fire and the
terrorists retreated into the Mayu Mountain range after setting fire to the houses.

In the discovery, one .22 gun, 10 bullets and two home-made mines were seized.
In clearing Koe Tan Kauk Village of Maungdaw Township, security troops were attacked by extremist
Bengali terrorists with one mine. After opening fire at the terrorists, the security troops seized two
Tommy guns and then were clearing directional mines.

Afterwards, security troops while discharging duty of controlling Koe Tan Kauk Myit Nar Village were
attacked by extremist Bengali terrorists using swords, and fought against them.

In combing Tha Wun Chaung Village, security troops unearthed and seized one mine, exploded it
with the remote control attached to a battery with TNT soft ignite, in the one foot long and six inches
deep ground pit in the field between Gwa Son and Tha Wun Chaung villages.

At 9.25 am today, extremist Bengali terrorists set 30 houses from Upper Pyu Ma (Na Ta La) Village
and 30 more houses from Wet Kyein (Mro) Village on fire. Moreover, one home-made mine exploded
on the central road in Kyauk Hlay Ka Village. As extremist Bengali terrorists set fire to one Bengali
house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan Village of Maung Taw at 10 am, security troops and local people put out
the fire.

Extremist Bengali terrorist set fire to a Bengali house in Myoma Kan Yin Tan ward around 10.30 am.
An improvised explosive device exploded on the main street of Kyauk Hlay Ka Village around 11.10
am, and a terrorist torched a house near Zin Paing Nyar Junction and exploded an improvised
explosive device and ran away.

Security forces discovered six taped packets connected with red and black color wires as they
cleared the houses in front of Shwe Zar police outpost.

Around 11.20 am, Bengalis in Saka Pin Yin and Kyet Kyein villages in Region 4 torched their houses
and ran away. Security forces, during the security operation in Myit Na Village, found and arrested a
Bengali terrorist with one improvised explosive device.

Security forces repulsed over 500 extremist Bengali terrorists who attacked Tha Yet Oak Kin outpost
in Region 5 with small arms.

Ka La Ba Bengali Village in Ward No. 5 in Maungdaw burned around 12.30 pm, and three improvised
explosive devices exploded there. Nineteen Bengali houses at the back of the office of Maungdaw
district administration department caught fire at 12.45 pm, and as security forces and people put out
the fire, extremist Bengali terrorists attacked with small arms and security forces had to return fire.

At noon, around 50 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyet Kyein Village went to the south of Wet
Kyein Pagoda, and around 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Pa De Ka Village to Myin Gyi Myauk

A total of eight mines—three in the burned ground in Di Pay Wa Ward and five at Zin Paing Nyar
Junction in Myoma Kay Nin Tan—continuously exploded in Maungdaw.

Some 100 extremist Bengali terrorists from Kyauk Pa Nu Stupa attacked the security forces providing
security in Kyauk Pa Nu Village in Region 9 with small arms around 1 pm. Security forces repulsed
and seized one improvised firearms and three swords from terrorists.

Extremist Bengali terrorists, from two houses near Pyin Phyu Police Station in Kyauk Hlay Ka Village,
fired around 12 shots and attacked with three improvised explosive devices into the compound of the
police station.

In another attack, extremist Bengali terrorists from Ywathit Village fire seven shots at Pyinphyu Police
Station with small arms.

Two improvised explosive devices planted by terrorists went off in Ywathit Village in Region 6 around
2 pm, and terrorists fire around 12 shots at Pyinphyu Township administration office.

Around 3.15 pm, one extremist Bengali terrorist attacked Chut Pyin ethnic village in Rathedaung
Township in Region 11 with improvised explosive device and fled to Chut Pyin Bengali Village.

Security forces were attacked by around 80 extremist Bengali terrorists with improvised explosive
devices, guns, swords and spears as they came into Chut Pyin Bengali Village to conduct security
operation. Following an exchange of fire, extremist Bengali terrorists torched their homes around 4.40
pm, and fled to Ahtet Nan Yar Village. Security forces seized one improvised firearm, 22 swords, two
spears and darts.

Extremist Bengali terrorists made several attempts to carry out several arson attacks and explosions
on Wi Ma La ethnic ward in Maungdaw at 6 pm to ravage the township. As security forces and
firefighters put all their attention on safety of the township and fire prevention, extremist Bengali
terrorists could not find a chance to set fire to the town. Instead they shot Maung Than Hlaing, 16,
Mro ethnic, with improvised firearm in Zaw Ti Kay One Monastery in Myoma Ward in Maungdaw. He
was wounded by metal balls of the homemade gun in his right hip and was receiving treatment at
Maungdaw Hospital.

From August 27 to 28, a total of 45 improvised explosive devices planted by extremist Bengali
terrorists exploded, and terrorists torched seven villages, one outpost, and two urban wards in
Maungdaw. The State Counsellor Information Committee will release the updates on the situation on
the ground.

Buddhist villagers interviewed for this article reported no attack by a large number of insurgents on
security forces in Inn Din. And Rohingya witnesses told Reuters that soldiers plucked the 10 from
among hundreds of men, women and children who had sought safety on a nearby beach.

(Here is where it will get very interesting. Reuters / Islamists doublespeak. Notice the wording of the
first sentence. ‘Buddhist villagers interviewed for this article reported no attack by a large number
of insurgents on security forces in Inn Din.’ So, if a Buddhist was interviewed but not for this article
he could have said something different. And, if there was no attack in Inn Din itself, then other attacks
don’t count. There are so many ways to prove absolutely that this Reuters piece (of garbage) is fully
aimed, armed and ready to crush the Buddhists, and to let Islamic Jihad win.


First let’s look at some captured ARSA affiliated prisoner

interrogations, in which these four terrorists attacked the Gwa Son
police outpost, the biggest in the area. Gwa Son is only 1½ miles
south, but Reuters ‘forgot’ about that:

Rawfique Ullah (33), Anan Mulla (37), Anan Dulla (25) from Inn Din
Village, Maungdaw Township

and, Nazi Hu Saung (64), from Kyauk Pan Du village (3 miles north),
Maungdaw Township

How We Prepared to Attack:
Around 11:30 pm of 24.8.2017, Rawfique and Faruq gathered the
villagers and said that ARSA had arrived and that they planned to
attack the police outposts in the early morning and seize their
weapons. ARSA militants had guns and bombs and they would lead the
attacks and Bengali villagers had to join them. They told us to be ready
and if we don’t participate they told us that they would kill us as traitors.
If we got arrested when we attacked, they said not to disclose anything
about ARSA or that they would kill our families. So, I grabbed my
sword, and Sha Ar Lon (30), Ra Maung Dulla (25), Ru Ar Lon (28), and
Rofie (40) also came to the mosque with swords and sticks. Then,
Rawfique and Faruq led us, and on the way we saw Nazi Hu Saung
and other Bengalis from Kyauk Pan Du village. There were about 300
total in our group.

How we attacked:
At 4:00 am on 25.8.2017, we (led by Rawfique and Farof) and ARSA members surrounded the Gwa
Son Police outpost and attacked it. ARSA used guns and handmade bombs. Policemen shot back
and we moved back and eventually ran away.

How we were captured:

As we did not dare go back to our village, we - Na Zi Hu Saung, (F)
Ahdu Shukhu, and Anar Dullah, (F) Swaytar Baw, and Zu Bine, (F) Abu
Arhar, and Adu Naw Bi, (F) Mamauk Husein, and Annan Mulla, (F) Raw
Bulla, and Zaw Baw, (F) Mot Nal, and Habi Bulla (F) Zaw Yaw - were
hiding in Do Tan Village near Alay Than Kyaw village, and we were
found and arrested by the Army and BGP (Border Guard Police).

How I Was Recruited:

There is a mosque in our village and I went there to pray, we had to go
5 times a day. Sometimes when we were in the mosque to pray,
Mawlawi [Imam] Khaw Li Ron told us villagers that someday soon
ARSA would attack the security forces and occupy the region, and
make it an Islamic State. He said the attacks would start after ARSA
terrorists and trainees arrived from Bangladesh, and that they would bring guns and bombs. He told
us that we need to get ready. This was what he used to tell us very often.

How We Prepared to Attack:

At 9:00 pm on 24.8.2017, Mawlawi Khawli Ron gathered the villagers at the mosque and said that
ARSA was going to attack the police outposts in the early morning, and that they would seize the
weapons from the outposts. He said ARSA would bring guns and bombs to use for the attacks, and
that they would also attack other targets in Maungdaw and Buthidaung Townships.

He told us to gather at the mosque at 12:00 midnight, and if we did not join, we would be killed as
traitors. If we were arrested, he told us not to disclose any information about ARSA, and if we did,
they would kill our family members. After that, I went home and grabbed my sword, and returned to
the mosque. Around 12:00 midnight, Mawlawi Khaw Li Ron led us and on the way we saw Rawfique
Ullah, Anar Dulla, Zu Bie, Adu Nawbi, Annan Mulla, Zaw Baw, and Habi Ullah with some unknown
Mawlawis. Altogether our group numbered around 300 Bengalis.
Some members of the paramilitary police looted Rohingya property, including cows and motorcycles,
in order to sell it, according to village administrator Maung Thein Chay and one of the paramilitary
police officers.

More made up stuff to demonize Buddhists. Remember when they were confined to the monastery
compound for more than a week? And lo and behold, their homes were looted and their animals were
stolen. A cheap shot at the Buddhists. But, a very typical Muslim trait (sorry to say) of victimizing
yourself by turning everything backwards - they are the violent terrorists, they are the liars and
criminals, they are the cause of it all.

No wonder the Buddhists are really fed up with the Bengali Muslims.

The second police officer described taking part in several raids on villages north of Inn Din. The raids
involved at least 20 soldiers and between five and seven police, he said. A military captain or major
led the soldiers, while a police captain oversaw the police team. The purpose of the raids was to deter
the Rohingya from returning.
“If they have a place to live, if they have food to eat, they can carry out more attacks,” he said. “That’s
why we burned their houses, mainly for security reasons.”

With the absolute chaos of war in late August and

early September there was justification for such
things as, ‘deterring the Bengalis from returning’ and
‘burning parts of villages’ for safety’s sake, because,
the Bengalis were the enemy, they were trying to
enable their plan to annihilate all non-Muslims - in
other words, a textbook example of genocidal ethnic
cleansing. Given that situation, the priority is to
protect the citizens and that means safety, and if that
means burn the adjacent homes to prevent anymore
sneak-up ambush attacks then do it. The Bengalis
have to learn something that Islam does not know -
and that is cause and effect, and consequences and

Running out of supplies in the hills, several hundred Rohingya came down to the beach, including the
10 men who would be slain, family members and neighbours of the men said. They planned to set off
in the coming days toward Bangladesh. A group of soldiers and armed Rakhine Buddhists arrived.
The soldiers picked out 10 men and said they were taking them away for a meeting, Rohingya
witnesses said.

The ten men were not picked out at random. I believe there was an incident, they had participated in
an ambush and were running away from it when the were captured by very fed up Buddhists. The
Buddhists caputred the men and thought that the army could come get them but they couldn’t. The
Buddhist had no intention to kill them until the next day when it was obvious that it was going to be
very dangerous to keep holding them - don’t forget, there was no jail there. Finally, to be safe, while
all hell was raging up and down all of Maungdaw and beyond, they chose safety. After all, how much
thouble had those Bengalis created. If the Bengalis don’t like that, they shouldn’t have attacked police
posts, villages, and they shouldn’t force all of their Islamic crap on everybody else. But they did, and
those were the consequences. I think that, in this case, the Buddhists are not guilty. They finally had
to do that, in the circumstances given, for safety sake, under the duress of war.


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