GRADE 3 SCIENCE (Natural Objects in The Sky

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Prepared by: Joy Marie P. Gaspar

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. List the natural objects seen in the sky during daytime and nighttime
b. Draw the natural objects in the sky during daytime and nighttime
c. Value the importance of the natural objects seen in daytime ang nighttime


“Natural Objects in the Sky”
Reference: MELC Science Quarter 4 Week 6 S3ES-IVg-h-6
Materials: pictures, unused calendar, manila paper, glue, colored papers, marker
powerpoint presentation

Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
a. Introductory Activities
1. prayer
Before we start our lesson let us all
stand for a prayer. (pupils will perform the activity)
2. greetings
Good morning children! Good morning ma’am!
We will sing the
“Hello How are You” song
3. setting classroom rules
Before we start our lesson this Keep quiet ma’am!
morning, let me remind you our Listen to the teacher ma’am!
classroom rules, if I raise this one, Raise the hand if we know the answer!
what will you do? Sit properly ma’am!

b. Review Weather is the everyday condition of the

Class what is weather again? atmosphere in a given place.
Children, look outside, what do you think (pupils will respond based on the weather they
is the weather today? saw outside)
Yes, very good!
What are the other types of weather sunny day, rainy day, windy day and cloudy
again? day ma’am!
c. Motivation
Children it’s singing time!
Do you know the song “You are my No ma’am!
Okay, I will sing it first and afterwards,
you will join me singing. Is that clear? Yes ma’am!

You are my Sunshine

You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know, dear
How much I love you (pupils will also sing the song)
Please don't take
My sunshine away
d. Presentation
Now class let’s have an activity. I will
group you into two groups. I have here a
box that contains stars. I have yellow and
red stars. You will pick one star to know
what group you will belong. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am!
Pupils who picked yellow stars will be (pupils will pick one star each)
group 1 and red stars will be group 2.
Please find your groupmates. Are you
now with your groupmates?
Yes ma’am!
Now, I have here cut-out pictures and
jumbled letters. All you have to do is
form the pictures and the arrange the
jumbled letters. Next is paste it on this
big paper and post it on the board. Is that
Okay you may now start the activity.
(pupils will perform the activity)

Group 1, what word did you form?

What do you see in the picture?
Group 2, what word did you form?
Day Time Ma’am!
What do you see in the picture?
pupils' responses on the picture
e. Discussion
Children, what do you think is our lesson
Night Time Ma’am!
for today?
pupils' responses on the picture
Very good!

Our lesson for today is all about the natural

objects in the sky.
f. Generalization
Okay children what are the
natural objects the sky?

Sun, clouds, rainbow, moon and stars ma’am!

Are the objects in the sky are important

to us?
Yes ma’am?
Just like the sun it gives heat and light to us
that helps us in our daily lives like washing our
clothes and drying it. Without the sun we can
see darkness and feel the coldness.
What are the activities that we do
during daytime?
Playing, going to school, washing the clothes
How about night time?

Preparing our dinner, camping, star gazing and

g. Application of course sleeping ma’am!
I will group you into 3 groups. I have
here a box of paper stars with three
colors, red, yellow and blue. You must
pick one star to find your groupmates.

Group 1 – Draw the objects that are

found in the sky
Group 2 – Draw the sky during daytime
Group 3 – Draw the sky during

Class, what you will do if we have an


After finishing your activity, present it to Cooperate with the groupmates ma’am!
the class. Is that clear?

Yes ma’am!
Write daytime on the line if the natural object is seen during daytime. Write night time if it is seen
during at night.

_____________ 1. rainbow _____________ 4. stars

_____________ 2. moon _____________ 5. sun

_____________ 3. clouds

What would happen if there’s no sun here on earth? List down 3 possible answers.

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