Slide-In Vacuum Tank Operator'S Manual: Warning
Slide-In Vacuum Tank Operator'S Manual: Warning
Slide-In Vacuum Tank Operator'S Manual: Warning
vacuum tank and any of its components. You must understand and follow the
instructions in this manual; otherwise you and/or others can be seriously injured.
DO NOT operate this equipment if you have not read and understood all of the
safety and operating instructions. Also, DO NOT allow any other person to operate
this equipment if they have not read and understood all of the safety and
operating instructions.
The safety alert symbol will identify important safety messages. When
you see this symbol, carefully read the message that follows.
The information in this manual covers all Slide-in Vacuum Tanks. It is important to
record your tank model number, tank serial number, and date of purchase in the
spaces provided on page 1. This information will be useful to your dealer when
ordering parts for repair.
Your vacuum tank warranty appears on the last page of this manual. Please read it
carefully, making sure you understand the warranty coverage as well as its
exceptions and limitations.
machine safety are proceeded by
signal words NOTICE and
IMPORTANT. These precautions are
intended to help protect against damage
to your equipment and to inform operators
of helpful information.
IMPORTANT: Indicates helpful
information on operation of equipment.
Throughout this manual, and on
machine decals, you will find
precautionary statements followed
by specific instructions. In the interest
of safety, take the time to learn these
• Keep all cuts and wounds covered with sewage effluent needs to provide a clear
clean, dry bandages and protect them signal to sewage workers to wear PPEs
from exposure to sewage effluent. and wash hands thoroughly before
eating, drinking, or smoking.
• Change out of your work clothes and
boots before leaving work; DO NOT wear • In addition, even though public concern
them home. DO NOT keep your soiled remains high, the blood-borne viruses
work clothes with your other or your Hepatitis B and HIV (Aids) have not been
families’ clothes. Wash your work clothes linked in the U.S. to exposure to sewage -
separately in hot water. according to the hazard alert released by
the Center to Protect Workers’ Rights
• Both the CDC (Center for Disease
(which is the research and development
Control) and the Building and
institute of the Building and Construction
Construction Trades Dept. of the AFL-
Trades Dept., AFL, CIO) titled Biological
CIO recommend that sewage workers
Hazards in Sewage and Wastewater
maintain up-to-date tetanus-diphtheria
Treatment Plants ©2000.
immunizations to counter the risk of soil-
contaminated injuries.
• Finally, as more data is collected on
• While studies in Scandinavia, England, biohazards, and as new biological threats
and the United States have not found a emerge, it is your responsibility as a
substantial increase in the prevalence of waste industry worker to remain
HAV among sewage workers (CDC educated about the hazards involved in
publication: MMWR, Vol. 48, No. RR-12), working with sewage and wastewater
stay abreast of any Hepatitis A outbreaks effluents. Several sources for obtaining
in your area, and contact your doctor up-to-date information are listed below:
about a vaccination should you have any
concerns about coming in contact with National Center for Infectious Diseases
this virus. (NCID) at ( National
Institute for Occupational Safety and
• While the fecal coli form bacteria E-Coli Health (NIOSH) at (1-800-35-NIOSH or
has been regarded mainly as a food-
borne illness, contact with farm animals
and contaminated water have arisen as OSHA (1-800-321-OSHA or
other sources of infection. In a number of
cases, water supplies were contaminated
due to runoff from structures such as
septic systems and agricultural manure WARNING: Always wear protective
lagoons that contain human and animal gloves, eye protection and, appropriate
fecal material respectively. clothing when working with sewage
effluent or septage. These materials may
For example, a CDC survey after the contain hazardous chemicals and
Midwest floods of 1993 found E. coli in bacteria, which can cause infection, injury,
11.1% of the samples collected from or even death due to contact.
more than 5500 domestic wells. In
identifying potential contamination Safety Precautions for Conned
sources within 100 feet of the wells, the Spaces
CDC found 47.1% of it coming from
septic systems, according to Homer
Emery, Ph.D., in Coli form bacteria,
biosolids and health risks, October 2000, WARNING: DO NOT reach into the
the Pumper. tank for cleaning without protective
clothing. Sewer gas can be absorbed
Knowing that E-Coli can be present in through the skin causing serious injury.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt to enter WARNING: Keep all shields in place.
the tank of a portable slide-in unit. The Shields and covers are designed to
hatch provided on some tanks is intended protect the operator from entanglement in
to provide reach-in access for cleaning moving parts, which can lead to serious
only. DO NOT place your face or head injury or death. DO NOT remove shields
into the tank when reaching into it. These from the unit except when servicing; then
tanks are not designed to permit entry, replace immediately.
and any attempt to enter them could result
in serious injury or death.
WARNING: The truck's cornering
and braking abilities are reduced when
Safety Precautions for Operating the tank is loaded. Drive at a reasonable
Equipment speed with a loaded tank; reduce speed
on rough or hilly terrain, before making an
anticipated stop, and when cornering.
Model S-300 S-550
Gallon 200/waste 370/waste
Capacity 100/fresh 270/fresh
Length 71" 109"
Water Pump WHALE 4300 - 4.9 g.p.m. Flojet 4300 - 4.9 g.p.m.
Coupling 2" Cam Lock 2" Cam Lock
Coupling 3" Cam Lock 3" Cam Lock
**This diagram for 300 and 450 modules, 550 does not fit in pickup.
operating on public roadways.
The GVWR of your truck minus its base
Your portable slide-in unit comes
weight equals the total vehicle payload
assembled from the factory. The slide-in
that can be carried. The surest way to
unit is ready to put into use when you
verify the maximum payload a given
receive it, aside from some necessary
vehicle can carry is to begin by having
owner setup. This includes lifting the unit
your truck weighed at a certified scale.
into your truck bed, securing it to prevent
shifting, connecting the battery cable in
As a note of caution, the advertised
order to start the engine, and installing
payload weight for a particular truck may
the vacuum/pressure gauge.
not be the actual load that you can carry
with your truck.
Vehicle Weight Requirements
Advertised payloads often don’t take into
account the weight of options such as
Before setup, be sure that the truck you automatic transmissions that can add up
use to carry your slide-in unit has a to 100 pounds to your vehicle. In addition,
Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) the advertised payloads may not take into
and a Gross Axle Weight Rating account the weight of passengers and
(GAWR) high enough to handle the gear (such as tools) being carried by the
combined weight of the slide-in unit and truck. Ignoring these factors could result
the liquid inside it. in your truck being found to be overload-
ed during a roadway weight inspection.
Exceeding the GVWR or GAWR of your
truck could damage it. More importantly,
A certified scale can provide an accurate
exceeding these ratings could impede
base weight of your vehicle, accounting
your ability to brake safely. In addition,
for all of the weight varying factors.
federal DOT regulations prohibit a vehicle
that exceeds its GVWR or GAWR from
Once the base weight of the vehicle is Lifting Unit into Truck
known, subtract this from the GVWR of
your truck to give the payload weight that Use hoist with at least a one (1) ton
can be carried. The payload capacity capacity rating to lift your slide-in unit
must be equal to or greater than the
into truck bed. To rig for lifting, fasten
weight of the slide-unit (and all liquid
the hoist chains to the built-in lift hooks
inside it) that you wish to carry. Loaded
and unloaded weights of the various on the slide-in unit (Figure 2.2).
Slide-in units can be found in the
specifications table on page 7.
flanges; drill holes only in the web area of installation. Use 5/8”-11NC crown-lock
the frame lock nuts with these bolts. Fasten the
• New holes should be drilled as close as brackets to the outside of the truck frame
possible to the neutral axis of the web rails with the short leg of the bracket
(halfway between the flanges) or on the pointing outward (Figure 2.3).
same horizontal line as adjacent holes.
• Next, using the hole in the short leg of
If you have any questions or concerns the bracket as a guide, drill an 11/16” dia.
about drilling the frame for bracket clearance hole up through the truck bed.
attachment on your particular truck, Be careful when drilling up through the
consult your local truck dealership. In thin gage metal of the truck bed. If
addition, most truck manufacturers possible, grind a sheet metal drilling point
publish a body builder’s guide that on the drill bit. Otherwise use a center-
contains specific recommendations for drill, and then step your way up to the final
frame alteration. Your dealership should hole size using several drill bits.
be able to help you obtain this guide.
• The next step involves welding the
Following all relevant precautions, use upper brackets to the slide-in rails. Take
the procedure below, while referring to the appropriate precautions before
Figure 2.3, to install the mounting kit: performing this welding. This includes
making sure the cap on the engine gas
• Determine an area of the frame to tank is affixed tightly, disconnecting the
which the lower mounting brackets can battery terminals, and attaching the
be bolted. The positioning of these ground cable of the welder as close as
brackets will have to take into account possible to the area being welded. Be
frame braces and other frame mounted on the alert for spilled gasoline or
components. Place the mounting points gasoline fumes. DO NOT weld if either
as far apart as possible (within the of these is present.
length of the slide-in rails) while locating
them in an area with enough space for From the top side of the truck bed,
drilling and bolting through the truck confirm the measurements for the hole
frame. locations and transfer these to the slide-
in unit rails. With the locations verified,
• Position the brackets against the frame clamp the upper brackets to the rails so
so that the top face of the bracket angle that the bottom of the short leg face
is about level with the top of the frame. is slightly above level with the bottom of
Make sure there is adequate clearance the rail. Make sure there is at least a
between the top of the bracket and the little clearance between the bracket and
underside of the truck bed to allow for the truck bed. Then, weld the upper
the normal flexing of the truck. After brackets to the slide-in rails.
determining the position of the brackets,
drill two 11/16” clearance holes in the • After the top brackets are welded to
long leg of each bracket. Then, using the the rails, lift the slide-in unit into the
brackets as a template, mark the hole truck bed using the procedure outlined
locations, and drill 11/16” dia. clearance in the previous section. To finish
holes through the truck frame. assembling the mounting kit, place 5/8”
bolts, purchased to the correct length for
• Bolt the lower brackets to the truck your installation, up through the frame
frame using 5/8”-11NC Grade 8 bolts. bracket, through the clearance hole in
These bolts are not included in the the truck bed, and up through the top
mounting kit and must be purchased in bracket.
the correct length for your specific
Fasten the two springs included with the welding if gas fumes are present.
kit over the two front-most bracket bolts Gasoline is highly explosive, and can
using 5/8” flat-washers and crown-lock result in serious injury or death if caused
lock nuts. Compress the springs to a to ignite.
measurement of 3-/8”. The rear brackets
do not use springs and therefore use a
shorter bolt length. Use 5/8” washers and WARNING: Before transporting your
crown- lock lock nuts on these bolts also, slide-in unit, make sure it is securely
and tighten securely. fastened into the truck bed in order to
keep it from sliding. If not fastened, the
With your slide-in unit bolted in using the
unit can crash into and break the tailgate,
mounting kit brackets, you can now safely
and possibly fall from the truck causing a
transport your unit without the danger of
traffic accident and/or severe injury or
having it slide around in the truck bed.
death to persons in the area.
When you need to use your truck for other
tasks, simply unbolt the slide-in unit and
lift it out of the truck. Electrical Setup
Figure 2.5 System
Moisture Trap
Vacuum Tank
Oil Catch
Vacuum Relief
Mediu Vacuum
m / Pressure
Waste Pressure
Hose Relief
Engine Medium
Discharge Valve
Pressure Wash
The main components of your Portable
Slide-in Unit are detailed in Figure
3.1.This illustration provides an
introduction to the components on
your slide-in that are referred to
throughout this manual.
Operation Safety
septic effluent, involves potential hazards.
Before operating your portable slide-in Vacuum Relief Valve
unit, you must understand and follow all
of the safety precautions in this manual. The vacuum relief valve serves to
safeguard against vacuum pump
Hazards frequently encountered in damage. It is located in the airline circuit
pumping include dangerous chemicals, just above the vacuum pump (Figure 3.1).
exposure to bacteria, explosive The vacuum relief valve is factory set to
atmospheres, falls, high-pressure water 18 Hg. This is the maximum continuous
jets, rotating drivelines, and poisonous vacuum rating (MCVR) of the vacuum
gasses. Because each pumping job is pump. This vacuum level also generates
unique, you may experience other the recommended maximum limit on
hazards as well. horsepower draw for the engine.
When dangerous situations arise, it is If you notice that the vacuum relief valve
your responsibility to make sure that no is not relieving vacuum when your tank
harm comes to persons, equipment, or reaches 18 Hg, you might need to reset
the surrounding environment. Make sure it. Use the following procedure to set the
that your job site is secured and safe for valve:
others both when you carry out the job
1. Loosen the locking nut located near
and when the job is complete.
the top of the vacuum relief valve.
Rotate the inner cylinder clockwise one
to two revolutions to reduce the setting
at which the valve opens. Retighten the
locking nut after making the adjustment.
Pressure Relief Valve
1. Purge all air from the tank by slowly The moisture trap (also referred to as the
opening the rear dump valve. Stand off secondary shutoff) serves as a safety
to the side of the valve to prevent device to prevent liquid from entering the
possible injury from the direct flow of vacuum pump. Check the moisture trap
releasing pressure. daily for accumulation of liquid. Use the
easy access drain valve to empty the
2. After purging the tank of air, loosen the trap. The drain is located at the bottom of
setscrew located near the top of the the moisture trap.
pressure relief valve. Rotate the inner
cylinder clockwise one to two revolutions While the moisture trap helps prevent
to reduce the setting at which the valve liquid from entering the pump, excess
opens. Retighten the setscrew after accumulation may be an indicator that
making the adjustment. some contamination has passed into the
pump. When excess liquid shows up in
3. Run the vacuum pump in the pressure your moisture trap, clean your vacuum
mode, and check to see if the valve pump using the procedure on page 25 of
opens at the specified setting as listed this manual.
IMPORTANT: Anytime that excess
4. Repeat steps one through three until liquid accumulates in the moisture trap,
you attain the proper setting. clean the inside of your pump. Liquid
contamination that enters the pump can
cause damage if you do not clean the Use the handle mounted to each valve to
pump shortly thereafter. open and close it.
Drain the oil catch muffler daily by dump valve. When the discharge hose is
opening the drain at the base of the uncoupled, place this cover over the dump
muffler chamber. You may need to drain valve opening to keep dirt and debris from
the muffler more frequently when collecting in it.
subjecting the pump to heavy use.
Properly dispose of the used oil. DO Because dumping arrangements vary
NOT reuse it. widely from one operation to another,
discharge hose is not included with your
Furthermore, anytime that you notice that slide-in unit. Based upon your specific
water has collected in the oil catch requirements, procure the correct length
muffler, dry out the vacuum pump interior
of 3” discharge hose and a 3” cam lock
using the procedure outlined on page 18.
attachment to couple to the discharge
Fill Indicator
Figure 3.4 Sight Tube Fill Figure 3.5 Cam lock Coupling & Load Valve
I di t (on load hose)
oil reservoir) to check the oil level. Add oil,
as needed, through the dipstick port. The
oil in the reservoir requires periodic refilling
Pressure Vacuum
because the pump consumes oil in the Output Shaft
process of lubrication.
` NOTICE: Check the oil level in the rear Next, move the throttle lever on the gas
housing at regular intervals. Allowing the engine away from the SLOW position,
pump to run low on oil during operation will about 1/3 of the way toward the FAST
result in damage to the pump. position and start the gas engine to put
the pump into operation. Make sure the
IMPORTANT: DO NOT over grease pump is running smoothly by listening for
the pump bearings. Over greasing can a pump sound with minimum vibration.
cause damage to the seals.
If the engine is not running fast enough,
Vacuum / Pressure Control Handle the vanes in the vacuum pump rotor will
not have enough centrifugal force to keep
them expanded in the rotor slots. This will
On your Masport HXL3V and Conde
result in excessive vibration as the vanes
Model 6 vacuum pump, locating the
control handle in the center of its travel Drip Oiler
will cause the pump to operate in a Vacuum/Pressure
neutral free flow mode. Adjustment Knob Control
In addition, use the control handle to Drip Oiler
select either the vacuum or pressure Sight Window
modes. Figure 3.7 details the handle
position in relation to the pump
orientation for vacuum and pressure
functions. You can also observe the
vacuum/pressure gauge to verify which
mode you are operating in.
Figure 3.8 Vacuum Pump Drip Oiler &
Vacuum Pump Operation Vacuum/Pressure Control Handle
• When the tank is full, close the fill valve area of lower pressure created in the tank.
and turn off the engine in order to shut
down the pump Vacuum is measured in inches of Mercury
(in.Hg. or “Hg.). This type of measurement
Pay close attention to the fill indicator on is based on a barometric mercury column.
your tank so that you can promptly shut Standard atmospheric pressure at sea
down your vacuum pump when the tank level causes the mercury in this instrument
is full. to rise 30 inches up into a glass tube with a
vacuum. The dial type pressure/ vacuum
If for any reason you can’t visually tell when gauge on your tank (Figure 3.2, page 14)
the tank is full, listen for a change of sound gives the same in.Hg. reading as a
in the vacuum pump. When the tank is full, mercury column.
the primary shutoff stops airflow, creating a
noticeable change in the sound of the Usually, 15" Hg of vacuum is sufficient to
vacuum pump. load the tank without placing undue stress
on your pump. Table 3.3 lists the
Also, in the unlikely event that the primary approximate vacuum levels required to lift
or secondary shutoff activates due to water a given distance. However, these
extreme air velocity, promptly shut down figures must be adjusted to compensate
your vacuum pump. Again, a change of for the weight of the material and the
sound in the vacuum pump is your length and diameter of suction hose being
indicator to stop operation. This will used. Effluent or seepage may often weigh
deactivate the shutoff, at which point you more than water. Also, pumping these
can resume operation. products through a hose induces friction.
Both of these factors result in reduced
lifting efficiency.
` NOTICE: DO NOT operate the pump
faster than the recommended rpm. In addition, both attainable vacuum and
Operation above the recommended rpm pumping height decrease at higher
will cause the pump to overheat, altitudes. This is because atmospheric
resulting in damage to the pump. pressure decreases with height. Therefore,
` NOTICE: Shut down your vacuum pump Table 3.3 Vacuum Levels vs Lift Height
promptly when the tank is full. In addition, Vacuum in. Hg. Lift Height (for water)
any time the primary or secondary shutoff
activates, stop pump operation. At the point 10 11'4"
when either of the shut-offs activates, the 15 17'
pump is susceptible to over-heating if kept 20 22'8"
running. This can damage your pump. 21 23'8'
22 24'9"
Mechanics of Pneumatic-Transport 23 26'
(transfer by means of vacuum) 24 27"2"
25 28'4"
A vacuum, as pertaining to pumping of 26 29'5"
liquid waste, is a space with some of the 27 30'6"
air removed from it. Your vacuum pump 28 31'7"
extracts air from your vacuum tank, 29 32'8"
lowering the pressure inside of it. 30 34'
Atmospheric pressure pushing against the
liquid does the actual loading of your
vacuum tank. The liquid flows toward the
there is less pressure at hand to load your Use the following procedure to dry the
tank. Table 3.4 lists the percentage loss of pump out:
attainable vacuum for every 1000-foot rise • Unload the tank
in elevation over sea level.
• Open a load or dump valve (to keep from
While it is necessary to create enough building vacuum)
vacuum to handle pumping height, product
weight, and hose friction, it is important not • Run the pump in vacuum mode for two
to overstress the pump. Pay close attention to five minutes
to your pump if it is necessary to operate at
a high in./Hg vacuum level. Air- cooled Water that is allowed to remain in your
pumps are especially vulnerable to vacuum pump can diminish performance
overheating when being operated for and cause serious damage. When water is
extended periods at high vacuum levels. present inside the pump, sludge forms.
Liquid cooled pumps can handle this type This can restrict the vanes from moving
of operation much more readily. freely inside the rotor slots, reducing the
efficiency of your pump. In addition, water
In addition, operation at high in./Hg levels inside your vacuum pump can freeze
can also result in moisture condensation in during cold weather operation. Attempting
the pump. As vacuum increases, water to operate your pump if it is frozen inside
begins to evaporate from the surface of the with ice will damage it.
liquid in the tank. Anytime that vacuum
pump operation exceeds 15"Hg, water ` NOTICE DO NOT run your vacuum
vapor can begin to show up in the air pump above the pump manufacturer’s
circulating in the vacuum system. maximum continuous vacuum rating.
Exceeding the maximum vacuum rating
While most of this moisture collects in the could cause damage to the pump and/or
oil catch muffler, some of it will also tank.
accumulate inside the pump. In order to
prevent problems connected with water IMPORTANT: After operating your
collecting in your vacuum pump, dry it out pump at high in./Hg vacuum levels, dry the
anytime that you notice that water has pump interior out using the procedure
collected in the oil catch muffler. outlined above. Water in your vacuum
pump can cause sludge formation and
Table 3.4 Vacuum vs Elevation freeze up in cold weather.
Attainable Percentage of
Elevation Maximum loss per 1,000
Vacuum Level feet elevation Unloading
0 29.921 ----
1,000 28.85 3.6% You have two options when unloading the
2,000 27.82 7.0% tank on your slide-in unit, gravity dumping
3,000 26.82 10.4% or pressure dumping. Either method will
4,000 25.84 13.6% effectively empty the tank, however
5,000 24.89 16.8%
pressure dumping increases discharge
6,000 23.98 19.9%
flow rate.
7,000 23.06 22.9%
Begin the unloading procedure by placing
8,000 22.20 25.7%
the vacuum pump control handle into
9,000 21.38 28.5%
neutral to relieve any vacuum in the
system, then use one of the following
For gravity dumping, use the following
procedure: inlet opening (Figure 3.10). DO NOT use a
tight fitting on the inlet because this will not
1. Set the control handle on the pump to allow the fill port to self solvent.
the “pressure” mode.
2. Open the dump valve. When using the pressure water pump, you
will need to run the gas engine in order to
For pressure dumping, use the following provide a charge to the battery. Be sure to
procedure: open the valve on the suction wand (load
valve), and place the vacuum pump in the
1. Place the pump into operation using vacuum mode. This will allow air to flow
the procedures in the vacuum pump freely through the vacuum pump
pre-startup and vacuum pump
preventing it from overheating.
operation sections on pages 16-18.
2. Set the vacuum/pressure control
With the load valve and vacuum pump set
handle on the pump to the “pressure”
mode. as instructed above, use the following
3. Move the throttle control lever on the procedure to operating your pressure
gas engine to about ¾ of the way water pump:
toward the FAST position (Figure 3.9,
page 18)
4. Open the pump valve to begin
unloading when the pressure reaches
the desired level (up to the maximum
psi set on the pressure relief valve).
and the toggle switch is in the on position.
Additionally, the gas engine will also
provide a charge to the battery when the As an added note to pump operation,
sewage compartment is being filled during cold weather (below 32°), drain the
(during which time the water pump is not liquid from your pressure water pump to
in use). This will further add to the battery prevent freezing and damage to the pump
charge, however, large demands on the housing. In addition, drain all water lines
water pump can still leave the battery and filters to protect them from freeze-up.
When using the water pump frequently WARNING: DO NOT use a tight
throughout the day it is necessary to fitting on the fresh water compartment fill
recharge the battery using a battery port. This port is designed to be self venting
charger. Usually, this can be done at the and performs this function with the use of
end of the day so as to avoid interfering
your fill line of a smaller diameter. Failure to
with normal operation. allow the vent to function can result in
damage to the tank and serious personal
As an alternative, frequent high amperage injury.
demand on the water pump can be met by
wiring the unit into the electrical system of ` NOTICE: DO NOT allow water to freeze
your truck. This is a relatively inside the pump. Do not attempt to start the
straightforward process requiring the pump if water has frozen inside it. Freezing
following materials: water can damage your pump. Take the
truck into a warm area and allow the pump
• Number 12 automotive wiring the thaw out.
• A 15 amp fuse assembly
• A toggle switch assembly
Cold Weather Operation
Install the new circuit for the water pump by
splicing into an unused auxiliary circuit Use the following guidelines when
under the dashboard. Most vehicles have operating your vacuum tank in
some unused auxiliary circuits available for temperatures below 32°F.
various vehicle options. Use a test meter to
verify which line in the circuit has an Extremely cold weather can result in
amperage draw and which is the ground formation of ice inside the vacuum pump,
wire. due to residual moisture. If the pump
freezes up due to ice, take the truck into a
Route the wiring from under the dashboard warm area and allow the pump to thaw.
to the back of the truck where the toggle DO NOT use a blowtorch or other similar
switch will be located. Mount the toggle device to attempt to thaw a frozen vacuum
switch in a convenient location such as on pump.
the weldment stand that supports the slide-
in engine and pump assembly. Frigid temperatures could also cause the
dump or load valves to freeze shut. Hot
Splice the fuse assembly into the wiring water poured over a frozen valve should
run so that it will be in an accessible loosen the ice. DO NOT use a blowtorch or
location. Then, wire the run to the newly similar device to thaw a frozen valve. This
installed toggle switch. Finally, detach the method could damage the valve.
water pump wiring from the existing switch
and attach it to the new switch. The water
pump will now start up when the truck
ignition key is in the accessory position
Table 4.1 Lubrication Intervals
Required Lubrication Lubrication Interval
Gas Engine - Every time before startup
Check engine oil level
Per pump manufacturers recommendations or at a
Vacuum Pump –
Grease front bearing at grease fitting minimum every 4 hours of operation / daily
MAINTENANCE pump (including effluent) is a major cause
of pump failure. See page 26 for vacuum
pump cleaning procedure.
Lubrication and Maintenance
Intervals In addition, clean and/or replace the ball
seat in the primary shutoff any time that
Safe and reliable service from your Slide- excess liquid accumulates in the moisture
in Unit depends upon a regular schedule of trap. Excessive liquid in the moisture trap
lubrication and maintenance. Figure 4.1 can often be traced to improper sealing of
details the lubrication locations on your the ball seat in the primary.
slide-in unit. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 list
intervals for lubrication and maintenance.
IMPORTANT: Any time that excess
In addition, the following sections detail the
liquid accumulates in the moisture trap,
required lubrication and maintenance for clean the inside of your pump. Liquid
individual components. contamination that enters the pump can
cause damage if you do not clean the
pump shortly thereafter.
WARNING: before performing any
lubrication and maintenance, review and Primary Shutoff
follow the “SAFETY PRECAUTIONS” on
pages 5-7 and all safety precautions Inspect the primary shutoff every 2 weeks
listed below. to check the rubber ball seat and the
tightness of all fasteners.
Moisture Trap / Secondary Shut Off
To inspect the ball seat, begin by first
Check the moisture trap daily for collected removing the cap screws that fasten the
liquid. Use the easy access drain valve to primary shutoff access lid to the portal
empty the trap. The drain is located at the flange on the tank (Figure 4.2). After the
bottom of the moisture trap. fasteners are removed, lift the entire
shutoff assembly (which is fastened to the
In addition to checking for liquid, inspect access lid) out of the tank be careful not to
the ball seat and the fasteners every 2 let the portal gasket fall on the ground or
weeks. into the tank.
Check all moisture trap fasteners and Next, remove the cap screw at the
tighten as necessary. Road vibration over bottom of the float cage and reach up
time can loosen fasteners. through the cage tube to remove the
Remove the moisture trap cover to
examine the ball seat for hardened rubber, Next, remove the cap screw at the
nicks in the rubber, and a buildup of debris. bottom of the float cage and reach up
Any of these conditions may prevent through the cage tube to remove the
proper sealing. Clean and/or replace the seat.
ball seat as necessary.
Examine the ball seat for hardened
Any time that excess liquid accumulates in rubber, nicks in the rubber, and a buildup
the moisture trap, clean the inside of your of debris. Any of these conditions may
pump. While the moisture trap helps prevent proper sealing. Clean or replace
prevent liquid from entering the pump, the seat as necessary
excess accumulation may be an indicator
that some contamination has passed into Reassemble the primary shutoff in the
the pump. Contaminates entering the reverse order. Be sure to tighten all
fasteners adequately. This is important • After you are satisfied that the tank
because fasteners may become loose has been completely coated, drain the
due to vibration. This is especially critical tank as slowly and completely as
when driving extensive miles with an possible.
empty tank.
• Allow the drained tank to set
Wear protective gloves, eye overnight, after which time the tank is
protection, and appropriate clothing when ready for use.
inspecting and cleaning the primary shut
off. Being a component of the vacuum
Vacuum Pump
system, the shut off is subjective to
exposure by sewage effluent or septage.
These materials may contain hazardous The OEM Operation Manual for your
chemicals and bacteria, which can cause vacuum pump is included in the literature
infection, injury, or even death due to packet that you received with your Slide-
contact. in Unit. Review and follow the
maintenance procedures outlined in that
IMPORTANT: Check the primary
shutoff regularly for the condition of the
Satellite Industries furnishes the following
ball seat and fastener tightness. Improper
information to provide a better
maintenance of the primary shutoff may
understanding of your vacuum
allow liquid to flow into the vacuum
equipment. This information is intended
pump, which will result in damage to the
to augment (not replace) the OEM
instructions for your specific pump.
Fresh-water Compartment Coating
IMPORTANT: Follow the
maintenance procedures outlined in your
OEM pump manual in order to keep your
On Slide-in Units with a serial number
warranty valid and to receive maximum
before C29973 you can apply a coating to
service life from your pump.
the tank interior to keep your fresh water
looking good by preventing rust formation
Basic Vacuum Pump Maintenance
inside the tank. A coating material for this
purpose, named Type A coating, can be
ordered from Satellite. Use the following Basic maintenance on your vacuum pump
procedure to apply the coating to your involves maintaining proper oil flow,
tank interior: keeping the pump filled with oil, and
greasing the bearings
• Fill the fresh water compartment with • Using the oiler sight window, check for
clear water to the lowest level of the proper oil flow every time you operate
sight tube. your pump (Figure 3.8, page 17). The
oiling rate (drip rate) for the Masport
• Add two quarts of Type A coating to HXL3V or Conde Model 6 pump is 30
the tank. Then, allow a few minutes for drops per minute.
it to settle.
Pay close attention to the drip rate of
the manual adjust drip oiler and
• Next, fill the tank completely with clear
regulate it as necessary. Manual drip
water and slosh around to coat all
oilers require periodic checking and
surfaces including the top of the
adjustment. See the “Vacuum Pump
Operation” section, page 16, for drip
oiler adjustment procedure.
Table 4.2 Maintenance Intervals
(in addition to lubrication)
Figure 4.2 Primary Shutoff for Slide-in Units Figure 4.3 Vacuum Pump Cleaning
access lid
Rubber Ball
Float Cage Seal
To access
the rubber
ball seal,
remove the
cap screw,
and reach
up through
Portal the bottom
Gasket f th fl t
IMPORTANT: When adjusting your greasing.
vacuum pump oiler, use small
adjustment increments (no more than ` NOTICE: Check the oil level in the rear
one turn at a time). This helps protect housing at regular intervals. Allowing the
against running the pump dry due to pump to run low on oil during operation will
turning the adjustment knob too lean or result in damage to the pump.
in the wrong direction.
` NOTICE: Follow the manufacturer’s
• Check and refill the vacuum pump oil
recommended lubrication for your specific
reservoir every 4 hours of operation or
vacuum pump. Because of differing oil
pump types and heat generation
characteristics among vacuum pumps,
It is essential to check the oil level
using the incorrect oil can lead to
regularly because the pump consumes
overheating and mechanical failure.
oil in the process of lubrication.
Average usage of oil is approximately
1-2 quarts per 40 hours, depending IMPORTANT: DO NOT over grease
upon the type of operation the pump is the pump bearings. Over greasing can
subjected to. cause damage to the seals.
a crushing hazard that can lead to death. cause it to spew out at the operator.
Lack of pump flushing maintenance after water has In addition, if the pump volume declines
entered the pump significantly (i.e. it takes longer and longer
Attempting to engage a pump that is frozen with to fill the tank), then the vanes probably
ice(before thawing the pump out) need to be changed.
*Note: Pumps rated for continuous or heavy duty
operation (such as liquid cooled pumps) can handle Checking the vanes the Conde vacuum
these conditions more readily. pump supplied with your slide-in unit
involves disassembling one of the end
Rotor Shaft
End Plate
Bearing Plate
Drive Shaft
Rotor Vanes
pump assembly diagram in Figure 4.4
when changing the rotor vanes on your Assemble the following tools before
vacuum pump. replacing rotor vanes:
• Stiff blade putty knife
Replacing the rotor vanes requires that the • Wrench set
pump be removed from the slide-in unit. To • Pry bars (two blunt tip pry bars or two
remove the pump, first remove the heavy duty, flat end, screw drivers)
coupling guard and the inlet and outlet • Properly sized sleeves for installing
airline hoses. Then, unbolt the pump from bearings
the slide-in mounting stand. Remove the • Replacement gaskets, O-rings, and
pump along with the pump side of the seals, or a rebuild kit
coupling. The coupling should separate • Soft head mallet
freely. Place the pump on a solid work
bench to ready it for changing the vanes. Replacement Procedure
from the pump housing. Use the reassemble the vacuum pump and
following procedure to remove the end coupling assembly back onto the slide-in
plate: unit. Be sure to replace the coupling
guard after assembly.
• Use a stiff bladed putty knife to pry the
cover away from the housing until there
is a small gap all around. WARNING: Keep all shields in
place. Shields and covers are designed
• Once there is a big enough gap behind
to protect the operator from
the end plate, use two blunt tipped pry
entanglement in moving parts, which
bars or two flat head screw drivers,
can lead to serious injury or death. DO
placed opposite each other, to pry the
NOT remove shields from the unit
cover (and bearing) free of the rotor
except when servicing; then, replace
Reference Table 5.1 below for possible causes of Vacuum/Pressure pump problems and the most likely solutions.