Lesson Plan - Math4 Subtraction Smash

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Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE

(Revised 2020)

PART 1: Lesson Content

Teacher Candidate: Chelsea Heckman Grade: Kindergarten
Date of lesson: 2/10/2022 Subject: Math
Goal or purpose of lesson
A statement or overarching idea that is broad and applicable to similar topics.
• Students will subtract two numbers within 10 to attain a total.
Essential question (200 level)
An open-ended question based on the goal aimed to be thought provoking and generate student inquiry. Essential questions should be broad
enough to be considered over time and in multiple contexts.
• What different strategies can we use to solve subtraction problems?
Standard(s): (NAEYC 5c) Objective(s): (NAEYC 5c)
What are the standard(s) addressed in this lesson? Include number and What the students will be able to do - Specific knowledge and
text of each standard being addressed in the order they occur in the performances, developmental outcomes, expected student actions.
instructional delivery. Refer to http://www.pdesas.org INCLUDE (and use color coding): CONTENT (what are the students
learning – look to the standard), ACTION (how will the students
demonstrate their learning), MEASURE (how well they need to do it)
NOTE: Degree of mastery does NOT need to be in a percentage.
Standard(s): Objective(s):
• CC.2.2.K.A.1 Extend concepts of putting together and • Students will be able to subtract two numbers within 10 to solve
taking apart to add and subtract within 10. math problems on a quiz with 80% accuracy (4 out of 5)

Assessment Plan: (NAEYC 3b)

How will the teacher candidate know students have achieved the objectives? Describe the entire assessment plan including prior to beginning the
lesson, during the lesson, then following up after the lesson. For the prompt “Rationale”- provide a brief description of why the particular
assessment was chosen. For the prompt “How will this inform instruction,” provide a brief description of what information this assessment will
provide the teacher.
Pre-Assessment Checking for Understanding Post-Assessment
How will the teacher candidate gather results (Formative assessment) (Can be a formative or summative
of students’ prior understanding, skills, and How will the teacher candidate assess assessment)
beliefs either formally or informally? children's emerging knowledge and skills How will the teacher candidate assess
during instruction-- Are they building children’s knowledge and skills after
knowledge? instruction? How will the teacher candidate

Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

know they learned and performed what was

The teacher will…. Act out subtraction The teacher will…. Observe students as they The teacher will…. Give students a quiz on
scenarios with the students. work on the subtraction smash game. subtracting within 10.

Rationale: This is a review for what we have Rationale: Observing while students are Rationale: We have been learning about
worked on all week long. Acting out scenarios working allows the teacher to support and subtracting within 10 for a week and a half.
reinforces the new strategy that was introduced make corrections as needed as they are This will show the students cumulative
and recalls the concept before the active engaged in active learning. knowledge and understanding of the concept.
learning part of the activity.
How will this inform instruction? The teacher How will this inform instruction? This will
How will this inform instruction? This will will be able to gauge the group of students and allow the teacher to see what students grasped
inform the teacher what students may need determine how simple or challenging to make the concept and if further instruction in small
extra support during independent learning. the subtraction problems. groups is needed before moving onto the next

PART 2: Lesson Implementation

Resources/Materials: (NAEYC 1c)
What materials will the teacher candidate use? List all books, materials, technology/media and materials used in lesson and/or as a resource.
USE APA formatting. Provide a brief description of how the resources/materials meet the four critical features (health/safety, respect for diversity,
supportive, and challenging)
• Interactive Board
• iReady Slideshow- Quiz, Day 5
• Playdough
• Dry Erase Sheets
• Subtraction Smash Worksheet
• Dry Erase Markers
• Socks for Eraser
• Quiz
• Privacy Boards
• Pencil

Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

The subtraction smash worksheet is very open-ended which allows for support and challenge for all students. The privacy boards are utilized to
keep students and their work safe while taking the quiz. Discussions held about subtractions problems while completing the worksheet support
diversity among the students.
Management of Classroom Environment and Teaching Strategies Utilized (Integrated throughout the teacher’s step-by-step plan):
(NAEYC 4b)
The teacher candidate will provide a brief explanation of the student behaviors expected, how the teacher will communicate these expectations and
what consequences are involved throughout the lesson. Provide a brief explanation of all strategies, tools, resources and/or methods the teacher
candidate will use to manage the students throughout the lesson. Consider the groupings that have been chosen (small group, large group,
individual), transitions, and/or how to maintain focus and engagement with the content and materials throughout.
Physical arrangement: How will the teacher candidate arrange themselves and the students (location in the classroom, seating, groupings)?
Explain how the groupings will be determined (i.e. small groups – heterogeneously mixed)

In the beginning of the lesson, students will gather on the carpet in a circle. They will remain on the carpet until after the warmup activity and
modeling of the game. The reminder of the lesson will take place at student’s individual seats. The teacher will walk throughout the classroom
during the activity but use the interactive board as an example and resource for students.
Expectations: What expectations will the teacher candidate have for the students? How and when will they be communicated those to students?

Expectations include: 1) Staying on task with the teacher and completing one math problem at a time. 2) Raising their hand during whole group
sharing opportunities and waiting to be called on. 3) Working independently during their practice activity with a quiet voice. 4) Using gentle hands
when smashing the play dough. The rules for whole group sharing time have already been established in the classroom but will be reinforced
through modeling by the teacher. Directions for the activity will be given ahead of time, at each step, and throughout the activity as reminders.
Processes and procedures: What processes & procedures will the teacher candidate use (i.e. how will transitions be managed? how will students
be chosen? how will attention be gathered and/or refocused? how will materials be distributed/prepared?) How and when will they be
communicated to students?

Students will be transitioned from whole group to their seats based on a sound their name starts with. If students become too loud or unfocused,
echo clapping will be used to regain attention and discuss what should be happening. The bell may also be utilized. Counting down from five is
another strategy that is used if needed. Materials will already be prepared on the orange shelf in the room and will be passed out by the teacher as
they return to their seats. Directions will be stated in the beginning of the activity, at each step in the process, and throughout as needed. Directions
will be given verbally as well as modeled in front of the whole class. Students will be called to help based on who is demonstrating they are ready
while at their seats.
Strategies, tools, resources, methods: What strategies, tools, resources and methods will the teacher candidate use (i.e. behavior charts,
warnings, timers, technology, positive behavior supports)?
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

The interactive board will be utilized as a resource for students to ensure they are on task and following directions. As students are seen working
on their work and following directions, they will receive a star on their papers. As students are seen following directions and being good classroom
citizens, they will receive a blue train ticket for the school wide positive behavior initiative.
Consequences and alternate plans: What will occur if students do not meet the expectations and/or require a more extensive management plan?
What will students do it they complete the task quickly?

Staff members push in the classroom to support learners with disabilities and ELLs. If students are not meeting expectations, the teacher will talk
to them individually and create a plan for how they can improve. The experience will be completed as a whole group the entire time. They can also
utilize an example completed and reviewed as a whole class.
Learning Experience – Step-by-step plan: (NAEYC 5b)
Provide a sequence of the lesson illustrating how all objectives are met within the allotted (yet flexible) time frame. Show the logical flow
including an engaging opening, designed learning experiences, ongoing checking for understanding, and closure. This step-by-step plan should be
illustrating exactly what you plan to do in teaching this lesson. Be thorough. A substitute should be able to carry out the lesson from this plan.

Process Steps Teacher Students

guided by the What questions (include Higher Order Thinking) will the What will students do? What tools will students use? Where in
5 E’s teacher candidate ask? What will the teacher candidate do, the classroom are the students? How will students be grouped?
say, and/or write? What tools will the teacher candidate use?
Engage The teacher will gather students on the floor in the front of the Students will sit on the floor in the large group area for this
“the opening” classroom. She will remind students that we have been part of the activity. Students will stay in their own spaces so
working on subtracting within ten all week long and today we that peers can safely walk to the front of the room to act out
are going to practice. The teacher will use the act it out scenarios. When the teacher calls on a student, they will come
strategy with the students. The teacher will create different to the front of the room and stand in their given spot. Students
math stories. For example, five friends were in line for the will act out the scenario. They will then use subtraction
slide. Two went down. How many are left? With each strategies to solve the word problem.
example, the teacher will call children up to act out the
Explore The teacher will model the activity as explained below for the Students will be expected to follow the given directions by the
“active learning” students three times. After modeling, they will be dismissed to teacher. Students will be responsible for rolling the play dough
their seats. The teacher will pass out the worksheet and dry into balls and placing them in the tens frame based on the
erase sheet, the sock and marker, and play dough for each number given by the teacher. After the second number,
child. The teacher will review the directions with the students

Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

again. On the interactive board, the teacher will write a students will use their hand to smash that many play dough
subtraction problem one number at a time. After she writes the balls. Students should follow each step with the teacher.
first number, students will roll that many balls and place them
in the tens frame. Next, she will write the second number and
students will need to smash that many play dough balls. The
teacher will call on a student to share how many are left. The
teacher will complete this activity several times, changing the
numbers each time. Once finished, the teacher will collect the
materials and ask students to clear their desks.
Explain The teacher will ask students to move into a circle on the Students will sit in a circle on the floor to observe the teacher
“how will the carpet. She will have the materials with her in the circle to modeling the activity. Students will recall the directions and
teacher instruct?” model for the students. The teacher will explain the process of confirm they understand by placing their hands on their heads.
rolling the play dough into balls and placing them in the tens
frame on the worksheet for the determined number for the
activity. The teacher will then ask a student to select a number
and roll that many balls of play dough and place it in the
frame. She will ask a different student to pick another number,
but smaller than the first. She will then smash that many balls
of play dough. The amount of rolled balls left is the answer.
The teacher will write the math problem in the lines on the
worksheet. She will model this three times before dismissing
the students to do this on their own.
Elaborate Once students grasp the activity, the teacher may switch how Students will stay on task with the teacher and be encouraged
“ongoing checks she write the problem. For example, she might write 10- to try something new, even though it may be tricky. They will
for understanding” what=5. The teacher will walk throughout the room during the remain at their seats.
activity to monitor understanding and learning.
Evaluate The teacher will pass out privacy board and complete the quiz Students will not talk as they take the quiz.
“closure” with the students on the interactive board.
Differentiation of instruction: (NAEYC 4c)
How will teacher candidates differentiate the lesson (content, process, product, affect) for a variety of learners (including gifted & talented,
special needs, ELL?) What strategies, supports, methods will the teacher candidate use and explain why? Must include a minimum of TWO ways
to differentiate.

Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

How do you plan to differentiate? Why is this necessary?

• For students with disabilities, tools will be offered to • Some children have challenges with sensory experiences. The tools
smash the play dough instead of their hands. will allow them to be engaged without overstimulating their senses.
• For gifted and talented students, the teacher will • This will support them in their individual ZPD and make the learning
provide more challenging subtraction problems. experience beneficial for all students. They are still completing the
same activity, but may have different numbers to apply their skills to.
Home/extension link: (NAEYC 2c)
PreK-4 students: How will the teacher candidate connect this plan to children’s home lives and/or community resources around you?
Middle/secondary students: What homework or extensions to the lesson?
The teacher will ask students to connect the subtraction problems to a story in their life. This might include that four people were eating dinner and
two left because they were done. Children can model this with the play dough.

PART 3: Lesson Reflection

Reflection (Complete after the lesson is done): (NAEYC 4d)
Answer the questions that pertain to the level of the course for which this lesson is being completed.
100-Level Education Courses: These reflection questions are to be answered for lesson plan
● What went well? assignments that do not have a field component so teacher candidates
I saw a huge improvement in following directions after I are not teaching their planned experience.
modeled the activity, which was a suggestion by the CT.
● What did I learn about planning and teaching? • What did you feel was the strongest part of the lesson?
I learned to take the time to model an activity multiple Why?
times and to ask questions to confirm they understand. • How does the lesson specifically promote positive student
● What did my students learn? outcomes?
They learned how to subtract within 10. • If you were to conduct this lesson with students, what do
● How do I know they learned? you feel the students would enjoy most? Where do you feel they
They completed two problems on their own from start to would be most challenged?
finish and almost all of the students had the correct • What are some questions you feel students may have after
answers and followed the proper process and strategy. the lesson and what do you think you could do to provide further
● What changes and/or improvements will I make in an exploration, explanation, or examples?
effort to be more effective with this particular group of
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

I would allow time for students to work in pairs. They

were sharing with each other after each subtraction
problem and I think it could have been beneficial to
include collaboration.
● If I were to teach this lesson again, what would I keep
the same and what would I change and why?
I would keep the flow of the activity the same. The
transitions were smooth and made sense. I would change
to more individualized work. I used the spinner to select
a number as a group, but I could have individualized
more by providing students their own spinner to try on
their own and be more involved.
(NOTE: Your answers should provide a brief explanation of WHAT
HAPPENED to prompt this reflection – for example, do not just state
“I learned how important it is to be prepared” – you should also state
what occurred in the lesson that inspired this reflection.)

200-Level Education Courses: In addition to the questions listed

above for 100-level Education courses, respond to the following
● How did I differentiate instruction to meet the needs of
my students?
I gave a variety of subtraction problems with different
levels of difficulty depending on the students.
● If I were to teach this lesson again, how could I further
differentiate to better meet the needs of the students?
I would provide students with their own spinners to
determine how many play dough balls we are smashing.
This would allow for individualization as well as more
involvement in their personal learning.
300-Level Education Courses: In addition to questions listed above
for 100- and 200-level Education courses, respond to the following
● What classroom management strategies and techniques
Wilkes University Lesson plan TEMPLATE
(Revised 2020)

did I implement? Were they effective?

Modeling the activity was very beneficial to the students.
I had them repeat the instructions back to me to confirm
they understood. Only three students were unable to
follow the directions.

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