Tender Query List

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Tender Query List


序号 no. 户型 unit type 疑问内容 list of inquiry

一、土建结构部分 (civil engineering part)

相邻别墅房屋基础出现重叠,重叠部分(包括桩基等)是否需要设计调整。 the house /villa's

1 LA-02 foundation is overlapping, need to make an adjustment for that part (including the pile foundation,

2 LA-02 地下车库缺少结构施工图和建筑施工图。The underground garage is lack of structure drawings and

construction drawings.

3 LA-02 电梯井无建筑图和结构图。The elevator shaft does not have the construction drawings and
structure drawings.
PDF图纸和CAD图纸不符,以哪个为准。例如PDF中的LA-SC-01立面图和CAD版中的00. ELV &
LA-SC-01/00. ELV & SECTION - F立面图,门窗位置样式各不一样。The PDF drawings and CAD drawings do not match,
4 based on which one should it be proceeded. For example, the elevation of the LA-SC-01 in PDF and
the 00. ELV & SECTION-F elevation in the CAD version are different , it depend on the position of the
5 01. STRUCTURE door and window.
坡屋面缺少内部骨架构造结构图。The slope roof is lack of internal structure drawing.

00. DOOR&WINDOW 图纸缺少墙体和钢构之间的节点详图,砖墙具体材质没有相关规定。The drawings are lacking

6 details of the joints between the wall and the steel structure, no specific specification for the brick
wall material.

结构图缺少楼梯结构详图,包括楼梯基础,梯段,平台配筋等。The structure drawing is lack of

7 01. STRUCTURE staircase structure's details , including the basis of the stairs, bench sections, platform reinforcement
00. ELV & SECTION - F/00. 而且门和门窗表的门不一样。The entrance of elevation doors and windows do not match with the
8 DOOR&WINDOW DETAIL construction drawings . For example: in the layout, the garage entrance doors and windows' size in
-F level 1 were shown differently from the elevation; it happened also in the level 2 and 3. In some
cases, the layout shows windows but the elevation shows doors, also the doors are different from the
doors in the drawing.

LA-SC-02图中别墅后侧显示有挡墙/LA-01图中无档墙。In LA-SC-02 it is shown that there are a

9 LA-SC-02/LA-01 retaining wall at the rear side of the house, however in LA-01 there aren't any retaining wall being
shown up.
10 DETAIL - F/ELV & SECTION 立面图的线条、造型无节点详图和做法。平面图也未显示出线条和造型。There are no details for
-F elevations' lines, the shape and the practice. The layout also shows nothing about lines and shapes.

11 01. STRUCTURE 无地勘报告,桩的深度无参考依据。

No geological survey report, there is no reference for the depth of the pile

length of anchor bolts in drawing are 830mm and 710mm, while the basic height just only 500mm。

别墅采用的是钢结构,钢结构梁柱在后期装修后会存在凸出墙面和顶面的现象。The house /
13 ARCHITECTURE/STRUCTURvilla is using steel and steel beams, later in the post-renovation it will probably appear some
protruding wall and top condition.

14 ARCHITECTURE/STRUCTURlevel 1's floor is not provided with damp-proof coating, In this case it is so easy to cause some late
ground and wall roots at the damp and floor tiles and other quality problems.

00. DOOR&WINDOW 平面图中外墙最外侧尺寸标识中的75mm,是指的墙体外侧至墙中的距离吗。

15 Is the 75mm in the outermost dimension of the outer wall in the layout refers to the distance from the
outside of the wall to the wall.
00. DOOR&WINDOW 是否进行设计变更。另外采光井中的窗户W2的尺寸和门窗表中W2的尺寸不一致。in the layout,
16 the unit type 6 * 9 and 7 * 9, between Shade A and B it is shown that the width just only 40cm (net
width), due to this condition the workers were unable to carry out the construction work, is it possible
to re-make (re-calculate) it?

17 ARCHITECTURE 层。In the construction drawing, there is only tiling on the sloping roof, and no waterproof coating , if
there was a heavy rain, it surely will causes some serious problems. Advise to increase the waterproof
二、装饰部分 (interior part)
1 UNIT TYPE 6*9 佣人房推拉门在门表图里面没有(包括导轨的型号规格)/ no sliding door for maid's room in the
drawing (including guide rail specification)

2 UNIT TYPE 6*9 厨房推拉门在门表图里面没有(包括导轨的型号规格)/ no sliding door for kitchen in the drawing
(including guide rail specification)

3 UNIT TYPE 6*9 请提供一层PATIO地面瓷砖规格(图纸为非标尺寸)/ please provide a PATIO ceramic floor type for
level one (the drawing is a non-standarize size)

4 UNIT TYPE 6*9 请提供一层CARPORT地面瓷砖的规格(图纸为非标尺寸)/ please provide a CARPORT ceramic

floor type for level one (the drawing is a non-standarize size)

5 UNIT TYPE 6*9 入户门是否可以改为外开形式会更方便 / is it possible to change the entry door to open outward

6 UNIT TYPE 6*9 二层卫生间推拉折叠门门表图里面没有 / no sliding folding door for bathroom in level 2 in the

7 UNIT TYPE 6*9 三层卫生间马桶和门互相影响 / the toilet bowl and the door in level 3's bathroom is clashing

9 UNIT TYPE 6*9 二层和三层南向卧室侧面的VOID后期无法进行面层施工 VOID on the second and third floor south
side of the bedroom can not be used for surface construction
11 UNIT TYPE 6*9 所有插座是否需要通电 / are all the sockets need power
12 UNIT TYPE 6*9 请提供综合天花图 / please provide the Integrated ceiling map
13 UNIT TYPE 6*9 因为没有立面图,完成面高度是否理解为以房间高度为准 No elevation view
14 UNIT TYPE 6*9 请提供家具材质物料表 / please provide the furniture materials' table
15 UNIT TYPE 6*9 请提供木饰面、金属、石材、墙纸、地毯样板 / please provide wood veneer, metal, stone,
wallpaper, carpet sample
16 UNIT TYPE 6*9 所有内部房间的门没有门表图 / all of the inside bedroom's door are not in the drawing
17 UNIT TYPE 7*9 一层二层卫生间推拉折叠门门表图没有 / the sliding folding door in level 1 & 2's bathroom are not
in the drawing
二层和三层南向卧室侧面的VIOD尺寸土建结构图纸和装饰图纸不相符,以哪个为准 / The VIOD
18 UNIT TYPE 7*9 size of the south bedroom side in level 2 and 3 in the civil engineering drawings do not match with the
interior drawing , based on which one should it be proceeded?

22 UNIT TYPE 7*9 三层主人房间没有窗户,是否正确 / is that correct that the master room in level 3 doesn’t have any
23 UNIT TYPE 7*9 所有插座是否需要通电 / are all the sockets need power
24 UNIT TYPE 7*9 请提供综合天花图 / please provide the Integrated ceiling map
25 UNIT TYPE 7*9 请提供家具材质物料表 / please provide the furniture materials' table
26 UNIT TYPE 7*9 请提供木饰面、金属、石材、墙纸、地毯样板 / please provide wood veneer, metal, stone,
wallpaper, carpet sample
27 UNIT TYPE 7*9 所有内部房间的门没有门表图 / all of the inside bedroom's door are not in the drawing
28 UNIT TYPE8*9 一层佣人卫生间推拉折叠门请提供门表图 / please provide the drawing of sliding folding door in
maid's room in level 1
二层LIVING ARFA西侧墙角比较小的窗户是否考虑取消,后期窗帘安装不协调 / re-consider to
29 UNIT TYPE8*9 cancel the LIVING ARFA (in level 2) smaller window's west corner, because it might affect the curtain's
installation in the future

30 UNIT TYPE8*9 二层卫生间洗手盆是否没有台面 / is the basin in bathroom level 2 doesn’t have a countertop

31 UNIT TYPE8*9 三层主人房间没有窗户,是否正确 / is that correct that the master room in level 3 doesn’t have any
32 UNIT TYPE8*9 所有插座是否需要通电 / are all the sockets need power
33 UNIT TYPE8*9 请提供综合天花图 / please provide the Integrated ceiling map
34 UNIT TYPE8*9 请提供家具材质物料表 / please provide the furniture materials' table
35 UNIT TYPE8*9 请提供木饰面、金属、石材、墙纸、地毯样板 / please provide wood veneer, metal, stone,
wallpaper, carpet sample
36 UNIT TYPE8*9 所有内部房间的门没有门表图 / all of the inside bedroom's door are not in the drawing
三、其他部分 (Other)
Appendix to Tender
Time for Completion of
1 工期是80个工作日还是80个日历天 working days or calendar days?
the Works ……….80
working days

Appendix to Tender
2 Normal working hours 工作时间之外可以加班吗?加班时间有何要求? Overtime problem
………8.30 am to 5.30 pm

Appendix to Tender
Maximum amount of
delay damages ………up Proposal is “up to the maximum of 5% of the Accepted Contract Price”
3 to the maximum of 15%
of the Accepted Contract

Appendix to Tender
4 Percentage of 是否与Performance Money的要求一致,“Performance Money will be deducted from monthly
retention…………10% payment it reaches 10% maximum from the Accepted Contract Amount”

5 Marble Marble don’t have specification

6 MEP No details for plumbing drawing
Tender Query List
Date:29 January 2018

意见回复 reply 备注 notes

pondasi rumah / vila tumpang tindih, perlu melakukan penyesuaian untuk bagian itu (termasuk
pondasi tiang pancang, dll.)

Garasi bawah tanah adalah kurangnya gambar struktur dan gambar konstruksi.

Poros lift tidak memiliki gambar konstruksi dan gambar struktur.

Gambar PDF dan gambar CAD tidak cocok, berdasarkan yang mana yang harus dilakukan. Misalnya,
elevasi LA-SC-01 dalam PDF dan elevasi 00. ELV & SECTION-F pada versi CAD berbeda, tergantung
pada posisi pintu dan jendela.
Atap kemiringan adalah kurangnya struktur internal gambar.

Gambar-gambar tersebut kurang memiliki rincian sambungan antara dinding dan struktur baja, tidak
ada spesifikasi khusus untuk bahan dinding bata.

Gambar strukturnya adalah kurangnya rincian struktur tangga, termasuk dasar tangga, bagian bangku,
tulangan penguatan platform untuk bahan dinding bata.
Pintu masuk pintu dan jendela elevasi tidak sesuai dengan gambar konstruksi. Sebagai contoh: dalam
tata letak, pintu masuk garasi dan ukuran jendela di tingkat 1 ditunjukkan secara berbeda dari
ketinggian; Hal itu terjadi juga di level 2 dan 3. Dalam beberapa kasus, tata letak menunjukkan jendela
namun elevasinya menunjukkan pintu, juga pintunya berbeda dengan pintu pada gambar.

Di LA-SC-02 terlihat bahwa ada dinding penahan di sisi belakang rumah, namun di LA-01 tidak ada
tembok penahan yang muncul

Tidak ada rincian untuk garis elevasi, bentuk dan praktiknya. Tata letak juga tidak menunjukkan garis
dan bentuk apapun.

Tidak ada laporan survei geologi, tidak ada referensi untuk kedalaman Tiang pancang

Panjang baut jangkar dalam gambar adalah 830mm dan 710mm, sedangkan tinggi dasarnya hanya

Rumah / vila itu menggunakan balok baja dan baja, kemudian pada pasca renovasi itu mungkin akan
muncul beberapa dinding dan kondisi puncak yang menonjol, sedangkan tinggi dasarnya hanya

Lantai lantai 1 tidak dilengkapi lapisan lembab, Dalam hal ini sangat mudah menyebabkan akar tanah
dan dinding di lantai lembab dan lantai dan masalah kualitas lainnya.

Apakah 75mm pada dimensi terluar dinding luar dalam tata letak mengacu pada jarak dari luar
dinding ke dinding.
Pada tata letak, tipe unit 6 * 9 dan 7 * 9, antara Shade A dan B ditunjukkan bahwa lebar hanya 40cm
(lebar bersih), karena kondisi ini pekerja tidak dapat melakukan pekerjaan konstruksi, adalah itu
mungkin untuk membuat ulang (menghitung ulang) itu?

Dalam gambar konstruksi, hanya ada ubin di atap miring, dan tidak ada lapisan kedap air, jika ada
hujan deras, pasti akan menimbulkan beberapa masalah serius. Anjurkan untuk meningkatkan lapisan
kedap air.

tidak ada pintu geser untuk kamar pembantu dalam gambar (termasuk spesifikasi kereta api panduan)

tidak ada pintu geser untuk dapur dalam gambar (termasuk spesifikasi kereta api panduan)

tolong berikan jenis lantai keramik PATIO untuk level satu (gambarnya adalah ukuran yang tidak
olong berikan jenis lantai keramik untuk tingkat satu (gambarnya adalah ukuran yang tidak

apakah mungkin untuk mengubah pintu masuk untuk membuka pintu keluar
移 交 单
项目名称:SGMW印尼项目行政办公楼装饰项目 日期:2017年0





移交内容: 天花、墙面、地面装饰项目,符合设计要求和质量标准。




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