Draw-Peeling Improves Wire Quality: Surface Treatment

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Draw-peeling improves wire quality

In today’s environment the process of draw-
peeling is necessary due to much more
stringent quality standards and expecta-
tions of “near perfect” surface quality. This
trend of defect-free surface quality addition-
ally requires continuous enhancements of
systems engineering in wire processing.
Through operation of an in-house testing
line at Kieselstein International GmbH and
tests in collaboration with interested par-
ties, information is gathered continuously
which is integrated directly into our pro-
cess. The request of many wire fabricators is
defect free wire, which to a certain extent is
just an illusion for the most part. Therefore
processes of surface quality evaluation and
technologies of surface improvement are
gaining great popularity as seen in the
spring wire industry. With the draw-peel
process, layers with surface defects are elim-
inated by chip removal. This kind of inten-
sive cleaning removes grooves, scale scars,
overlaps, scratches and similar defects at the Trend to defect-free surface qualities requires the systems continuos enhancement: draw-peeling line.
border area of steel wire. Photos: Kieselstein

Steady growing testing centre fields of application as has been realized for gration into existing drawing machines is
Thereby improving product quality which superconductor application some time ago. also possible. A process integration of the
enhances further processing of the wire. Be- Thereby draw-peeling of this material im- draw-peeling unit in combination with the
sides steel and iron the procedure is also plicates particular mechanical engineering drawing block in front of a wire rod drawing
used for non-ferrous metals and can be uti- requirements and requires a very precise machine or a rolling mill for copper and al-
lized for elimination of casting skins during chip removal. Hence this system has been uminium machining as well as integration
production of copper alloys or for removal improved in order to use it for copper alloys. in drawing benches is possible.
of oxides on aluminium and titan materials. At the “wire” show, this improved draw- In addition to continuous development of
Multiplicities of uses require continuous en- peeling unit will be displayed as well as a mechanical engineering the tools improve-
hancements of technology and linked me- drawing block which also considers specifics ment is pushed by Kieselstein. As in the past
chanical engineering and Kieselstein is of draw-peeling. Some highlights of the carbide tool were used most of the time,
known for this for many years now. There- draw-peeling unit are most of the present drawing dies are coated.
fore Kieselstein operates a steady growing 1. a precise production of the base machine Also PKD is used for processing of non-fer-
testing centre in Chemnitz which provides a 2. FEM optimized design and adjustment of rous metals. In these cases the company co-
centre for part submission warrant, feasibil- the flux flow during chipping treatment operates with corresponding tool manufac-
ity studies and small subcontracts which are 3. Modules for flexible adjustment of chip turers. In cooperation with manufacturers
realized on production line. Our existing breaker position in order to realize an op- of drawing lubricants and emulsions Kie-
systems engineering allows the processing timal chip break selstein can provide the complete technolo-
of steel wire in range of <8mm and wire of 4. i ncreased driving speed of the chip break- gy including the necessary consumables to
non-ferrous metals in range of <12mm. Kie- er for higher digit rate during draw-peel- the potential customer. To build confidence
selstein estimates that the process itself is ing in combination with an optimized there is always the possibility of doing tests
economically suitable for a wire dimension- bearing within the already mentioned ranges at their
al range of <20mm. The company has sup- 5. Optimal design of chip disposal of the plant in Chemnitz.
plied many of these draw-peel lines world- draw-peeling unit for guaranteeing opti-
wide, for many materials, thus giving us and mal temperature conditions wire 2014, hall 10/E 17
advantage from our vast practical experi- 6. improvement of cooling with additional
ence, testing capabilities and engineering cooling spots
technology. 7. integration of an additional drawing die
Kieselstein International GmbH
Due to this intensive development works to accommodate the specifics of process-
Erzbergerstrasse 3
since 10 years the basic structure of draw- ing nonferrous metals.
09116 Chemnitz/Germany
peeling units, as the centrepiece of the tech- The correspondent designed draw-peeling
Phone: +49 371 9104100
nology, has been advanced significantly. A unit can be integrated into various lines and
[email protected]
new concept has been developed which of- applications. Besides the use of draw-peel-
fers significant advantages for particular ing plants as standalone solution, the inte-

72 WIRE 1/2014

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