Case History Lightweight Construction Multipurpose Vehicle Cabin

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Applications I Structural Bonding

Lightweight Construction of a
Multipurpose Vehicle Cabin
The structural bonding technology has proved itself as a real alternative to welding
in the body shell stage. Walter Mauser GmbH and Henkel demonstrate in a common project,
that a cabin frame, mainly joined by an adhesive, can withstand extreme loads in combination
with a significant reduction of mass.

Simon Stahl, Gerd-Rolf Dietz, Stefan Bischof, Daniel Rothfuß, Raoul Abas

In the past welding has been the tradi- els – are exported. As some of their custom- plications, which enables them to inte-
tional way to build up driver’s cabs for ers request a significant reduction of mass grate the technology in a production pro-
various non-automotive vehicles. Howev- to increase operating distances, lightweight cess and support the design of the parts
er, this technique is limited in metal thick- construction is getting more and more im- to be joined.
ness, as thin walled structures are diffi- portant for them. First Henkel selected an adhesive from
cult to weld due to effects like warping or Within in a project with a customer pro- their broad portfolio, based on the require-
complete fusion. ducing electric-driven multipurpose vehi- ments and production conditions. For this,
In the automotive industry, where light- cle, Mauser were faced with reducing the intensive preliminary aging and strength
weight construction and fuel consumption weight of the cabin by half, without com- tests were carried out in the Henkel lab-
play a key role in the early design stages, promising safety. These two requirements oratories by using substrate samples pro-
structural bonding applications on the car challenged them with a problem they had vided by Mauser. To substitute a welded
body have been launched area-wide since never before. joint by bonding, a high-strength product
the nineties. This technique allows the Mauser’s approach consisted of the sub- is necessary to guarantee the same per-
joining of metal sheets with wall thick- stitution of the standard steel used for the formance. Since the adhesive shall be ap-
nesses in the range of 0.7 mm without los- frame structure by a high-strength steel. plied in the body shell stage, the product
ing any strength. In addition, an improved Through this, they could easily reduce the must adhere to an oily substrate and ab-
stiffness and fatigue performance of the material thickness of all sheets and tubes sorb a moderate amount of oil.
glued joint can be obtained compared to from 2 mm to 1 mm and retained the same Henkel’s one component heat-curing struc-
the equivalent welded connection. Due material strength. As a long-term solution tural adhesive Teroson EP 5089 meets these
to these obvious advantages, structural Mauser thinks using aluminium instead requirements and has proved its outstand-
bonding applications have become a very of steel which will additionally reduce ing performance in the automotive indus-
attractive alternative for a broad variety of weight by a factor of three. try for years at big OEMs. The epoxy-based
different industry sectors. The resulting challenge for them was the product is cured in an oven process and
selection of an appropriate joining tech- results, when completely cured, in tensile
Challenge: Reducing the cabin nology. So far they have used welding shear strengths above 25 N/mm². Due to
weight without compromising safety for all permanent steel connections. This its high viscosity it is wash off-resistant,
would result in excessive rework. Espe- which becomes important when the struc-
Walter Mauser GmbH, a manufacturer of cially warping effects would cause a lot ture runs through dipping bathes.
cabs for special vehicles and construction of reworking to reshape the framework. At the Mauser production site the metal
machines of all kinds, is a family compa- sheets achieve substrate temperatures up
ny located in Lower Austria that has grown Introducing structural bonding to 200 °C in the e-coat oven process for 40
from a one-man business into a global play- minutes, which is sufficient to completely
er. The reputation of this sought-after spe- The cooperation with Henkel opened cure the product. The thermal load in the
cialty OEM has traveled far and wide. Mauser the opportunity to introduce downstream powder paint oven process
Around 92 percent of the 15,000 cabs man- bonding as a solution. Henkel has a long- has no significant influence on the phys-
ufactured every year – in 147 different mod- time experience in structural bonding ap- ical performance of the adhesive. As one

10 adhesion 4 I 17
© Henkel, Mauser
© Henkel, Mauser

Figure 1 > CAD model of the cabin frame Figure 2 > Redesigned areas of the CAD model

component heat-curing adhesives have no try were applied. This means e.g. an over- adhesive is necessary to reduce the prod-
initial strength, a mechanical fixation of lap of the parts to be joined of at least 16 uct’s viscosity during the application. In
the joint like riveting or spot welding is re- mm which is suitable for a fixation tech- the next step the parts were successive-
quired. Here Mauser used stitch welding nique. Figure 2 shows the changes in the ly joined and each fixed by stitch weld-
to connect the metal parts. redesigned bonding-appropriate structure. ing whereby two points were sufficient in
All areas highlighted in red correspond to most cases.
Changes of the cabin frame glued joints while some connections will Afterwards the cabin frame passed the
still be welded (colored in blue). regular production line – dipping bathes
The design changes of the cabin frame to for cleaning and e-coat lacquer applica-
prepare the structure for bonding were con- Building up of the tion as well as the e-coat oven itself. The
ducted in a close interchange between the cabin structure adhesive cured completely within in the
two partners. Mauser’s construction engi- process which results in a solid and strong
neers redesigned the CAD model (figure 1) To support the assembly of the frame, en- frame.
based on guidelines provided by Henkel. gineers from Henkel’s technical custom-
Further adaptions and recommendations er service traveled to Mauser’s production Prediction of load cases
were done by Henkel’s technical custom- site in Austria. Within one day the cabin
er service engineering team by involving structure was built up step by step. First Parallel to the assembly and real life test
various experts from the company. Espe- the flanges were cleaned to guarantee an of the cabin, a Finite Element (FE) mod-
cially joining direction, mechanical loads adequate adhesion (figure 3). In doing so el of the structure was created. This en-
on the connections and accessibility for tabs soaked with Henkel’s Teroson VR 20 abled the prediction of load cases by ap-
the stitch welding tool were key parame- – a solvent-based universal cleaner- were plying the simulation technique on the
ters for the redesign. used. Usually cleaning becomes necessary one hand and gave Mauser the chance
The considered load directions conformed if a contaminated surface exists. This in- of further design changes in a validated
to the conditions of the Roll Over Protec- cludes dust or non-tested oils, as Teroson model on the other hand. Based on the
tive Structure (ROPS) test which is a stand- EP 5089 is able to absorb proved oils up to updated CAD data Henkel’s expert team
ardized method to check the driver`s safe- an amount of 3 g/m². created a very detailed model of the cab-
ty in case of rollover. For dimensioning The adhesive provided in 300 ml car- in. As an established tool for complex in-
of the glue flanges, well-known and es- tridges was applied manually by a heat- vestigations like the ROPS test, the non-
tablished values of the automotive indus- ed hand-gun (figure 4). Heating up the linear Finite element software LS-Dyna

Applications I Structural Bonding

© Henkel, Mauser
© Henkel, Mauser

Figure 3 > Cleaning of the flanges Figure 4 > Teroson EP 5089 application by a heated hand-gun

was used. The steel was modeled by shell was defined in the steel material model. mass M ref of the entire cabin. Like in the
elements and the adhesive by solid ele- The mechanical loads for the model real life test, the loads were applied suc-
ments. For both materials an elastic-plas- were extracted from the guidelines of the cessively on the frame, whereby deforma-
tic non-linear material model approach ROPS test. These constraints, summarized tions of former steps were the start con-
was used. In the adhesive material mod- in table 1, are either defined by maximum ditions for the subsequent ones. Figure 5
el, the failure at a defined plastic strain deformation force or deformation energy. shows the ROPS setup with a fixed cabin
was given to point out fracturing of the In this case the absolute values of forc- and the transmission of force of load case
glued joints, whilst no failure criterion es and energies are scaled based on the 1 via a hydraulic cylinder.

Load case Load value

Back side right,

load direction from the back Deformation energy: E = 1.4 * Mref
1 to the front
E= 1.4 * 900= 1260 J

Back side,
load direction from the top Deformation force: F = 20 * Mref
2 to the bottom
F= 20 * 900= 18000 N

Front side left,

Deformation energy: E = 1.4 * Mref
load direction from the front
to the back
E= 1.4 * 900= 1260 J

load direction from the left to the right
Deformation energy: E = 1.75 * Mref
E= 1.75 * 900= 1575 J

Front side,
load direction from the top Deformation force: F = 20 * Mref
5 to the bottom
F= 20 * 900= 18000 N

Table 1 > Load cases of the ROPS test

12 adhesion 4 I 17
# Description Test Simulation

Good conformance of front and

back roof frame

Mode of failure in the upper left

corner is validated in the simulation
2 (crack is represented by a high stress
level as the failure criterion is not

Good conformance at left back

transversal frame

Table 2 > Comparison of test and simulation results

deformations of the frame in the FE sim-

ulation were represented precisely by the
real test (Table 2). As there was no failure The Authors
criterion defined in the steel material mod-
el, the high plastic strain concentration in Dipl.-Ing. Simon Stahl
the FEA at certain positions can be used ([email protected])
as an indicator to predict the material fail-
ure of the steel frame. Gerd-Rolf Dietz
([email protected])
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stefan Bischof
The close cooperation of the two part- ([email protected])
ners was in the end the key for the pro-
© Henkel, Mauser

ject’s success. All essential advantages Dr. Daniel Rothfuß

of the bonding technology could be re- ([email protected])
vealed, but also how thoroughly the cus-
tomer’s process had to be analyzed. The are part of the European Technical Customer
Figure 5 > Load case 1 of ROPS test selection of an appropriate adhesive, the Service Team at Henkel – responsible for
preparation of the parts to be joined as structural bonding applications in agriculture
well as the production conditions, had and special vehicles.
Comparison of real life test and to be evaluated individually. In addition,
simulation results designing parts by involving recent sim- Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Raoul Abas
ulation tools will continue to grow, es- ([email protected])
The real life ROPS test was conducted by a pecially in the case of adhesive applica- works as an engineer at Henkel Global
certified testing institute and the bonded tions. The present project has shown that Engineering Centre (GEC), responsible for
frame passed it successfully. Here it was the simulation technique can substitute simulation and engineering of structural
verified that the driver’s safety, represent- complex tests and by that reduce costs. adhesive and structural reinforcements in
ed by a zone around the seat, was not af- Once a validated model is created, design automotive and transportation.
fected by the deformed cabin. changes can be integrated with relative-
The FE simulation showed a good corre- ly low effort and tested on the computer
lation to the real test. The deflections and instead of in real life. //


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