river-bed deformation
and sediment transport
in river basins
as related to natural
and man-made changes
The designations employed and the presentation of material throughout
the publication do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of UNESCO concerning the legal status
of any country, territory, city or of its authorities, or
concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Erosion of cohesivematerials
T. E. Mirtskhoulava 104
River modeling
G. Di Silvio 322
Erosion and sedimentation were represented in the Fourth Phase (1990-1995) of the
International Hydrological Programmeby IHP-IV Project H-l-2, entitled “Study of erosion,
river bed deformation and sediment transport in river basins as related to natural and man
made changes “.
For the executionof the Project, the IHP IntergovernmentalCouncil set up a Working
Group. Based on the proposals of IHP National Committeesand NGOs, the following seven
Working Group members were nominated (in alphabetical order): S. Bruk, G. Di Silvio,
Ding Lianzhen, KG. Ranga Raju, A. Rooseboom, B.F. Snishchenkoand D.E. Walling.
Coordination was provided by S. Bruk.
The Working Group met on 7 April 1992 during the International Symposium on
River Sedimentationin Karlsruhe, in cooperation with the Fluvial Hydraulics Committee of
the IAHR. The main principles of the project were then discussedand it was concluded that
the main objective of the Project was to synthesizeexisting information on various aspectsof
erosion and sedimentation in different regions of the world, emphasizing those points in
which differences in opinions and methods are particularly evident. The synthesis was
expectedto be achievedthrough exchangeof views and discussionsat international symposia.
In order to incite discussionsand responsesof the scientific community, it was requestedthat
the Working Group membersprovide thought-provokingpersonalperspectiveson the subject,
rather than text-book type contributions or state-of-the-artreports.
The first opportunity for an exchange of views was offered by the international
symposium, convened in the framework of IHP-IV Project H-l-2, entitled “East-West,
North-South Encounter on the State-of-the-art in River Engineering Methods and Design
Philosophies”. The Symposium took place on 16-20 May 1994 in the State Hydrological
Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia, organized by the Russian IHP National Committee and
UNESCO, and sponsored by IAHR, IAHS and UNEP. The Working Group members
presentedtheir contributions as speciallecturesat the Symposium.
The Working Group met the secondtime during the Symposium. It decided then to
include into the Technical Report a representativeselection of the papers presentedat the
Symposium, along with the contributions of the Working Group members, bearing in mind
that the Symposium Proceedingsare practically accessibleonly to the participants, whereas
the Technical Report will easily reach all interestedresearchers,through the regular channels
The present publication is result of the above endeavours. The authors alone are
responsiblefor any statementsand opinions, containedin their contributions. The writers trust
that their report will invite responsesfrom researchersfrom various fields of activity in
different regions of the World, in accordancewith the objectivesof the project.
Most authors took personal care to get their contributions into camera-readyform. Some of
the papers, nevertheless, needed language editing and had to be re-typed. This task was
accomplishedthrough the efforts and competenceof the Department of Fluvial Processesof
the State Hydrological Institute, St.Petersburg, under the direction of Professor B.F.
Dr. StevanBruk
D.E. Walling
In a book published in 1976, Eckholm contended that " excess sediment is the
major form of human-induced water pollution in the world today and exacts a
1968; Mahmood, 1987), the off-farm impact of eroded sediment (cf. Clark -et
al., 1985>, the role of sediment in the transport of contaminants (cf. Allan,
1986; Novotny and Chesters, 1982) and various other environmental and
water courses (cf. Table 1). These problems have a very significant economic
dimension, since, for example, Clark et al. (1985) estimated that the annual
economic cost of off-farm sediment problems in the United States was of the
for South Africa by Braune and Looser (1989) have estimated the cost of the
underestimate the true cost. Mahmood (1987) has also estimated that, as a
cost of $6 billion.
The problems associated with increased sediment loads in rivers consequent
upon increased erosion within their drainage basins are now widely recognised
increased rates of soil loss and sediment yield in many areas of the world as
a result of human activity and particularly land use change. Table 2, for
order of magnitude increase, and in several instances the increases are even
highlighted by recognising that over the past 200 years the area of the
earth's surface given over to crop production and livestock grazing has
increased by more than five-fold (Buringh and Dudal, 1987) and that the
et al., 1991) has shown that nearly 10% of the total land surface of the
areas and Table 4 indicates the relative importance of the major causative
factors of soil degradation (including also wind erosion and chemical and
in both the incidence and intensity of water erosion finds its way into
rivers and there are reports of greatly increased sediment yields in many
have been used to indicate that sediment yields in these catchments which
Table 1 Potential physical impacts of increased suspended sediment loads in
Table 3 Global human-induced soil degradation by water erosion
(10 ha of terrain affected)
have experienced substantial land clearance and intensification of land use
have evidenced annual rates of increase of between 2.5 and 6.0 percent.
Abernethy (1990) suggested that these increases closely paralleled the rates
although the ratio of the rate of increase in sediment yield to that for the
population was greater than unity. Based on this evidence he suggested that
at a rate equivalent to 1.6 times the rate of population increase and that
situations will, however, clearly exist in some other areas of the world
construction of the Aswan High Dam has caused the annual sediment load at the
mouth of this major river to decrease from c. 100 million tonnes to near zero.
With the current concern for global change and the impact of both climate
and global element budgets, but, as noted above, they also have important
example, frequently been suggested that the major flood disasters which have
upon land use change and increased erosion in the foothill and mountain
1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990
sediment yield in most areas of the world. Few, if any, records extend back
beyond the present century and, in view of the many problems associated with
obtaining accurate estimates of annual loads (cf. Walling and Webb, 1981),
back over lo2 to lo3 years, to recent catchment experiments and attempts to
ages on the earth's surface and their associated mass can provide a basis for
Gregor, 1985). Since in broad terms the sedimentation rate can be equated
denudation rates in the past. These values will include both mechamical and
chemical denudation, but because the two are closely related (cf. Walling and
Webb, 1983), and the former dominates the total denudation rate, they can
the past 500 million years. Coupled with estimates of the area1 extent of the
land area at different times in the geological past, these values can in turn
period. This approach has been used by Tardy et al., (1989) to reconstruct
the temporal pattern of global specific sediment yield over the past 500
million years depicted in Figure 2A. Figure 2A indicates that global specific
-2 -1 -2
sediment yields have ranged between about 30 t km year and 70 t km
year during the geological past. These variations reflect fluctuations in
vegetation cover, in the relief of the land masses and in tectonic activity.
sediment yields is known to have been a particularly wet period with high
runoff rates.
contemporary transport of sediment from the land surface of the globe to the
-2 -1
oceans and which is characterised by values in excess of 100 t km year .
increasing rates of tectonic activity that have prevailed since the end of
the Jurassic period (c. 130 x lo6 years BP.) they must also reflect the
influence of human activity and more particularly forest clearance and land
River. In this case annual sediment yields from the Loess Plateau were
estimated to have more than doubled between the Middle Holocene and the
Time ( lo6 Years B.P.)
5 lb 115 r‘ 0
3000 6000
Time (Years B.P.)
present as a result of human activity within the region. Similarly, in their
study of rates of Holocene sedimentation in the Yellow and East China Seas,
which receive sediment from the Yellow River, Milliman et al. (1987)
estimated that the recent river input was approaching an order of magnitude
tectonic activity. However, they also highlight the important role of human
activity in causing the the total sediment yield from the land surface of
considering two further case studies which have analysed long-term changes in
deposition rates in sedimentary basins. The first relates to the Black Sea
where detailed analysis of sediment cores (cf. Ross and Degens, 1974) have
input from its ca. 2.3 x lo6 catchment area over the past 20000 years (cf.
Figure 2B). This record demonstrates that the sediment input to the Black
Sea, and therefore sediment yields from its catchment area, were relatively
ice and the lack of vegetation cover, but slowly declined towards the
Atlantic climatic optimum when a relatively dense vegetation cover would have
existed. The significant increase in sediment inputs during the past 2000
years has been directly related to the impact of human activity, and more
which has caused sediment yields to increase by a factor of about 3. The data
presented in Figure 2B thus afford a useful means of demonstrating the impact
of human activity on sediment yields in this region, but they also emphasise
the past 6000 years from the 420 km2 Umberumberka catchment near Broken Hill
(1986). This was based on an analysis of the development of the alluvial fan
deposited where the stream flowed onto the Mundi Mundi plain. Lack of organic
remains precluded high resolution dating, but the results presented in Figure
during the period following the first European settlement in about 1850. In
addition, the data also evidence substantial shifts in sediment yields during
climatically modulated, but they again emphasise the need to recognise that
yield during the geological past provides a useful mean of demonstrating both
yields. In the latter case, increases in sediment yield of the order of 2-3
increases will exceed the long-term 'natural' variability of the system, but
in the example of the Black Sea cited above, the natural variability can be
Evidence from lake sediments
Where lakes occur at the outlet of a drainage basin and trap a large
Black Sea example cited above demonstrates the value of this approach for
inputs from the lake catchment over periods of lo2 and lo3 years.
to documentary evidence regarding land use changes and other human impacts
within the catchment. The reliability of the reconstructed record will depend
on the accuracy of the core dating techniques employed, the number of cores
and the accuracy of the core correlation procedures used to estimate the
through time, but multiple cores and core correlation techniques are an
therefore the absolute values of sediment yield (cf. Dearing and Foster,
techniques applicable to the recent past (eg. Lead-210 dating) this approach
to reconstructing the sediment yield record has been most widely applied to
located at the outlet of a small 0.18 km2 drainage basin and a detailed
‘2 500 -
K Frains Lake Catchment,
? 400 - M ichigan, USA
z 300-
a Forest Crops
3 200- I
25 10
a 200 I
G4 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950
‘2 300
6, 1 Lake Havgtidssjb, S. Skane,Sweden
Estimatesbasedon singlecore
programme of sediment coring, core analysis and dating enabled the record
settlement and agricultural clearance after 1830, and stabilizing after 1900
lake are apparent, with sediment yields increasing about 8-fold, from about 5
t km
-2 -1 -2 -1
year in the earliest period to about 40 t km year in recent
years. These increases have been ascribed to the erosional impact of mining,
catchment. Maximum and minimum estimates of sediment yield have been provided
based on the work of Dearing et al. (1987) on Lake Havgardssjon, a small lake
yield for the period post-1550, and evidence from a single 4m core was used
to extend the record on a more tentative basis back to 3050 BC. Estimates
based on the single core have been ascribed precision limits in order to take
seen that sediment yields during the period 3OOO:SO BC were of the order of
consistent with the known history of the area, since this was a period of
with the agrarian depression documented for many areas of N.W. Europe and
with the climatic deterioration of the early part of the 'Little Ice Age'.
Similar investigations have been undertaken in other areas of the world where
reconstruction of sediment inputs to the lake over the past 4000 years. The
result of extensive land clearance and were at least as high under the land
region. These findings and those from several other studies in tropical
and 1950s are available for a number of rivers in the former Soviet Union and
Bobrovitskaya (1994) indicated that of the order of 70% of the rivers were
evidenced decreases in sediment load which were in most cases the result of
dam and reservoir construction and diversion of water for irrigation schemes.
the Ob, Don and Dneiper Rivers. Abstraction of water from the Kuban River for
likewise caused the sediment loads of this river to decrease by 2-4 times. In
loads which were linked to land use change and catchment disturbance,
where sediment loads have increased over the period of record as a result of
land use change. The Dema River (12500 km2), which is a tributary of the
within its drainage basin, whereas the Dnestr River (850 km2 > in the Ukraine
has been influenced by forest clearance in its headwaters. In the case of the
Kolyma River (99400 km21 in western Siberia and the Yazgulem River (1940 km2)
trend lines fitted to the records from the four rivers and plotted on Figure
confidence. In the case of the Denestr, Kolyma and Yazgulem Rivers, the
upward trends are significant at the 99% level of confidence. The trend of
the most marked out of the four rivers and suggests that sediment loads in
this river have increased by about S-fold since the early 1950s. Whilst this
also reflects climatic change and the general increase in runoff amounts that
has occurred in this river over the period of record and more particularly
since the late 1960s (cf. Figure 5). In the case of the other three rivers
over the period of record and the changes in sediment load may be ascribed to
annual runff provide a useful means of establishing the timing of the changes
Annual suspendedsedimentyield Annual suspendedsedimentyield 13
(t km-*) G (t km-‘)
0 0d VIA 8
Y 1955
1975 e
1965 g
1970 s
" 1970
1975 F
z 1980
1980 cx,
Dema River at Bochkarevo, 1949-l 985 Kolyma River at Srednekansk, 194 l-l 988
Dnestr River at Sambur, 1950- I983 Yazgulem River at Motravn, 1950-l 986
Figure 5 Longer-term trends in the annual runoff of the four rivers
represented in Figure 4 (based on data provided by Dr Nelly
Bobrovitskaya, State Hydrological Institute, St Petersburg).
in sediment yield that have occurred in the fol~r rivers represented in Figure
change (cf. Figure 6). In each case a major shift in the sediment response
in the slope of the double mass plot. Therefore, in the case of the Dnestr
River, land use change and the associated catchment disturbance can be
estimated to have caused a 1.8 fold increase in annual sediment loads. This
is of the same order as the increases of 1.4, 1.5 and 1.7 fold associated
Yazgulem Rivers.
The suspended sediment loads of many rivers in the USA have now been
monitored for up to 50 years or more and such records also afford valuable
based on the work of Uri (1991), presents a plot of the annual mean suspended
near Iowa City, for the period 1948-1985. Statistical analysis undertaken by
Uri (1991) indicates that the suspended sediment loads of this river have
increase has in turn been related to the expansion of the cultivated area
within the catchment and to the increasing dominance of corn and soybean in
the cropping programme. The area planted in soybeans almost doubled between
1960 and 1985 and Uri (1991) has calculated that for each 1% increase in the
area planted to corn and soybean, the mean suspended sediment concentration
For many other rivers in the USA, the long-term records demonstrate a
marked decrease in sediment load consequent upon their damming for reservoir
Cumulative annual suspended Cumulative annual suspended
sediment yield (t km-z) sediment yield (t km-a)
construction of five major dams on the Missouri River between 1953 and 1963
such that the load entering the Mississippi was reduced to only about 25% of
its former value (cf. Figure 8).. Since the Missouri River formerly
load of that river has also declined, and the load at its mouth in 1984 was
less than one-half of the value before 1953. Similarly, the same authors have
used available data for the five major rivers of Georgia and the Carolinas
from the early part of the century and from the early 1980s to demonstrate
that the loads of these rivers are now only about one-third of those in 1910.
by Meade and Parker (1965) for rivers draining the arid and semi-arid regions
of Southwest USA, where reservoir development has again caused major changes
in river behavior. In the case of the Rio Grande, its annual sediment
discharge to the Gulf of Mexico has declined from about 20 million tonnes in
Colorado River now discharges about 100000 tonnes of sediment to the Gulf of
California each year, whereas before about 1930 the load was more than three
the worlds major rivers will have caused marked reductions in sediment loads.
The River Nile probably affords an even more extreme example, because the
annual sediment load transported into the delta has decreased from c. 100
the Aswan Dam. Data compiled by UNESCO (1978) relating to the major
reservoirs of the world indicate that these reservoirs now control c. 10% of
the total runoff from the land to the oceans. Although it is reasonable to
assume that the proportion of the total sediment flux from the land to the
Sharpe Dam (1963)
W a ter year
oceans which is trapped in reservoirs will be similar to the proportion of
the major reservoirs of the world are located in arid and semi-arid regions
where where sediment yields are relatively high. Furthermore, the reductions
world must be balanced against increases caused by land clearance and land
use change, to the extent that current sediment yields may be fairly close to
variability from those of catchment disturbance and land use and in relation
Catchment experiments
areas and specific treatments or land use changes applied to the entire
catchment area in order to monitor their impact (cf. Walling, 1979; Ward,
Table 6 Some results from experimental basin studies of the impact of land
use change on sediment yield.
may be directed to catchment experiments undertaken in forest areas, aimed at
other water quality parameters. Binkley and Brown (1993) have reviewed the
are demonstrated.
use practices, it also important to consider studies that have documented the
potential for reversing the detrimental effects of land use change and land
use practices. Table 7 lists some results obtained from four small watersheds
in the severely eroded loess region of the Middle Yellow River where a range
of teraces and gully check dams, have been employed to achieve a marked
reduction in sediment yields. In this case, sediment yields have been reduced
by c. 90% or more.
Space-time substitution
response to, for example, variations in land use, and using these variations
Treatment - Mean suspendedsedimentconcentration
(mg 1-l)
c3 3s E a
s0 s 0 5 g0
‘I :
: ‘.:
: ::
: ‘.
xi &*..**
t-4 : ‘cfl ‘*.
to examine the likely magnitude of changes in sediment yield associated with
the potential of this approach. In each case, by assuming that the low
against which changes associated with alternative land uses can be assessed,
sediment yields remain constant and the ergodic hypothesis can clearly only
be applied with confidence within a relatively small area. Thus, for example,
in the case of the data presented for Kenya in Figure 10, which are based on
the work of Dunne (19791, it may not be strictly correct to infer that
sediment yields from the grazing areas were once as low as those in the
forest areas, since the former occur primarily in semi-arid areas, whilst the
case data such as those shown in Figure 10 were combined with a generalised
record of land use change in the region to synthesise the record of temporal
a maximum around 1900. After this date sediment yields declined somewhat, in
h Northern M ississippi, USA
10000 Lower limit of sediment
z ’ / yk~~r~tscultivated
e :
&lo@J /
24 0
z 0
yield from abandoned
lOO- fields and forest
Upper limit of sediment
yield from pine plantations
& mature pine-hardwoods
10 -
fl0 *
0 Mature pine-hardwoods
Depleted hardwoods
* *
Pine plantations
Abandoned fields
0 Cultivated
+& * 0 Pasture J
y.l 10000
I/ m /f-- 0 I
Drainage area(km')
Figure 10 Examples of studies which have investigated the spatial variation
of annual suspended sediment yields in response to land use
activities. Based (A) on Ursic and Dendy (1965) (B) on Dunne (1979)
and (C) on Wolman and Schick (1967).
Woods 2
Land use Forest Cropping &. z Urban
grazing 3
approach, but this time at the global scale, is provided by the work of the
suspended sediment yield data from >3600 river basins in the mountainous and
non-mountainous (plains) regions of the world. These basins were grouped into
large (>5000 km') and small (<5000 km2) basins and further classified into
area under forest or cultivation of between 30% and 70%. In category III
further, with an area under forest <30% or a ploughed area >70%. By comparing
the average sediment yield of category I basins with those of category III
activity (cf. Table 8). In the plains regions of the world the average
increases were 8.1 and 13.0 for large and small river basins respectively,
whereas in the mountain areas the equivalent values were 3.8 and 2.2. Whilst
these values are necessarily limited by the fact that they represent simple
the general magnitude of the increase in the sediment yields of world rivers
involved are in line with those presented in Figure 3 where lake sediments
been documented and it has been suggested that at the global scale, the
sediment yields of river basins in lowland areas that have been heavily
yield response to climatic change and interactions between climate and land
use change.
and downstream sediment yield will, however, depend on the sediment delivery
system may attenuate the linkage between changing erosion rates and sediment
output, such that a close and synchronous link between changing sediment
loads and the forcing variables may not exist (cf. Robinson, 1977; Walling,
between the sediment yield of a drainage basin and the local on-site erosion
rates is afforded by Table 9 which compares the measured sediment yields from
Table 9 Comparison of the measured suspended sediment yields of selected
African rivers with estimated rates of contemporary soil loss by
water erosion depicted on the FA0 map of Soil Degradation (FA0,1979)
of the contemporary soil erosion rates within these basins derived from the
FA0 map of current rates of soil degradation by water erosion in Africa north
of the Equator (FAO, 1979). In all cases, the estimates of soil erosion rates
concerning the impact of specific land use practices on rates of soil loss
(cf. Figure 12) and soil loss equations such as the USLE and SLEMSA (cf.
Wischrneier and Smith, 1978; Elwell, 1981) can provide a means of estimating
erosion rates, it is much more difficult to convert such values of soil loss
land use change and therefore erosional activity in the upstream basin is
provided by the work of Trimble (1976,1981) in the 360 km" basin of Coon
Creek in the Driftless Area of Wisconsin, USA. Using information from a range
budget of this catchment for two periods in the past, namely, 1853-1938 and
1938-1975 (cf. Figure 13). The first period represented one of poor land
period, large volumes of soil were eroded from the slopes of the basin, but
only a small proportion (ca. 5%) of this was transported out of the basin.
Most of the eroded material was stored on the lower slopes as colluvium, and
in the valley floors. During the latter period, when widespread conservation
measures were introduced, rates of soil loss from upland sheet and rill
erosion were reduced by about 25%, but sediment yields at the basin outlet
Pacific Northwest, USA
Permanent pasture
Range or seededpasture (good)
Legumes - grass hayland
Range or seededpasture (poor)
Small grain
Wheat - peas
Small grain (poor)
Wheat fallow
Burnt wheat fallow
Orchards - vinyards (clean tilled)
Row crops and fallow
0 20 40 GO 80 100
Relative erosion rates
42 discharge
at mouth
40 discharge
at mouth
Sinks and stores (t x 103)
remained essentially the same, because sediment stored in the tributary
valleys and upper main valley was remobilised. In this case, therefore,
substantial changes in land use and land management within the upstream basin
similar situation has been described by Meade (1982) for other rivers in the
eastern USA.
Recent work undertaken within the agricultural area of the Russian Plain
drainage basins within the Russian Plain. The results which are depicted in
exist within a relatively small area. Thus, whereas a major proportion of the
sediment mobilised within the Balka Sukhoj Jaz and Kijuchi Creek basins is
transported to the basin outlet, in the case of the Elkhovka Creek, Balka
Rolzavets and Veduga Creek basins most, and in one case all, of the sediment
mobilised within the basin is deposited at the foot of the slopes, on the
small proportion reaches the basin outlet. Any change in rates of erosion and
in sediment output.
Elkhovka Creek (12 km2) Veduga Creek (86.9 km2)
9% 89%
Little Kolyshley River (181.5 km”) Balka SukhoJ Jaz (11 km2)
79% Slope
28% 76%
Figure 14 The sediment budgets of six small and medium-sized drainage basins
on the Russian Plain, as documented by Golosov et al. (1992).
year) sediment yield records available for the Orange River in South Africa
and the San Juan River, a tributary of the Colorado River in southwest USA.
century and the early part of the twentieth century. This grazing pressure
records for these two rivers, which date from 1930 (Figure 15), provide some
(1974) has suggested that the decline in the annual sediment yields of the
San Juan River which was initiated in 1942 can be linked to the reduced
grazing pressure and consequent improved vegetation cover and reduced soil
loss which resulted from the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934. More detailed work
by Graf (1985) has, however, cast doubt on this simple interpretation. Graf
argues that the reduction in sediment loads in the Colorado and its
tributaries which has occurred since the 1940s is due primarily to a dramatic
Graf (1985) indicated that the amount of sediment currently stored in the
canyon floors of the Colorado and its tributaries is equal to about 200 times
The long-term sediment yield record for the Orange River presented in
that evidenced by the San Juan River. This reduction has been noted and
Z:, Orange River at UpingtodPrieska, South Africa
=x 200 -
% = loo-
0 P- ~‘Ll~.dl; ..I, ,.I n,
1930 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1 YbU IYb3 1YlU
18oQ- ,I’
/’ 50%
,' /' ,4
1400 -
1200 -
800 -
200 -
0 ' &@
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Accumulated runoff (m3 x 109)
llqlLLLJ’l1lJlI +
1960 1965 1970 1975
6 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
initiated by human activity. This is consistent with the analysis of the
alluvial valley fill deposits reported by Butzer (1971), who suggested that
occurred during the period 1880-1930 and which corresponded with a run of dry
years, caused increased surface runoff and a rapid dissection of the valley
fill deposits. The decline in sediment yields post 1936 can therefore be
reduction apparent since 1954 may represent the initial stages of a 'fill'
cycle, since Butzer (1971) refers to recent alluviation of the major valleys.
Both the examples cited above emphasise the potential importance of the
downstream record of sediment yield and that this record may not be a direct
recognised. Whereas such changes may be rapidly evident in small basins, the
upstream change.
contribution has been concerned primarily with the impact of land use change
considered in relation to future climatic changes. In this context it is
change, could also prove significant, since this will influence the degree of
adjustment between preciptation inputs and land cover density. This may be
sediment yield could result from the increased erosive energy impacting on
catchment surfaces where the vegetation cover density reflects the previous
below those existing originally. At the end of this 'wet' period, the shift
the vegetation cover density had reduced in response to the reduced moisture
Effective precipitation
1 Decrease 1
Vegetation cover
Sediment yield
Time7 Time
Annual precipitation Annual suspended
x River Tana
at Kamburu, Kenya
3 year running mean
I I 1 1 I I 0 1 I I I 1 I 1 I I
1950 52 54 S6 521 60 62 64 66 6X 70 1950 52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70
separating the effects of catchment management and climate change on sediment
yields. The Sanchuanhe River drains a 4161 km2 basin in the gullied-hilly
loess region of the Middle Yellow River basin and has been the focus of
1980s. Thus by the end of 1989, 267 km* of bench terrace had been constructed
in the catchment, 703 km* had been planted with forest for soil conservation
purposes and nine reservoirs had been commissioned. A comparison of the mean
annual sediment loads for the periods 1957-1969 and 1980-1989 indicated that
sediment yields in the latter period had been reduced to only about 25% of
those in the period 1957-1969. This reduction was partly a reflection of the
soil and water conservation works undertaken in the river basin, but it also
demonstrate that in the case of the Sanchuanhe River basin, approximately 50%
of the reduction in sediment yield noted for the period 1980-1989 could be
attributed to the drier conditions and approximately 50% to the soil and
reduced vegetation cover density. The general reduction in erosive energy
limits the magnitude of this increase. However, at the end of this 'dry'
reflecting the delay associated with the increase in vegetation cover. Thus,
interactions, but some evidence for the occurrence of the responses suggested
is available. Roberts and Barker (1993) cite the case of the response of the
changing climatic conditions in this region. The period at the end of the
1950s and into the early 1960s was characterised by a shift to wetter
circulation (cf. Lamb, 1966) and this was reflected by a marked, but
essentially temporary, increase in the sediment loads of the Tana and Thiba
rivers (cf. Figure 16C) which correponds closely to the schematic trends
studies of the changes in the sediment load of the Sanchuanhe River in China
the magnitude of the changes involved, has highlighted the sensitivity of
have been widely documented in river basins impacted by land use change and
the global scale, the sediment yields of river basins in lowland areas that
Asia and Oceania which account for a major proportion of the total transport
of sediment from the land to the oceans and therefore exert an important
control on the magnitude of this flux (cf. Milliman and Meade, 1983).
several areas of the world, including eastern Africa and the former Soviet
remained stable, in the recent past. In the case of the Sanchuanhe River in
precipitation, has been shown to have caused reduced sediment yield and there
scope to analyse available data in greater detail. Further work is
global change which are currently attracting attention. The increasing rate
between the land and the oceans are related issues that would in turn clearly
author with information on river sediment loads, and of Dr Phil Owens in data
Abernethy, C. (1990) The use of river and reservoir sediment data for the
study of regional soil erosion rates and trends. Paper presented at the
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Watershed management in China:
concepts and techniques
Dr. Ding Lianzhen
International Researchand Training Center for Erosion and Sedimentation
Beijing, China
Soil erosion aggravatesthe environment and ecology and brings about serious damagesto
economic development. In most countries the seriously eroded regions are also the poorest and
the most underdevelopedareas. Soil erosion results in sterility of land and backwardnessof
productivity, and in turn, poverty and backwardnessoften lead to further deforestation and
excessivereclamation; a vicious circle is thus formed. What is more, the rate of population
growth in poor mountainous regions is usually hardly under control, making the situation more
miserable. A rational approach to solving the problem is to consider resources, environment,
society and economics as a whole, that is, the concept of the watershedmanagementshould be
based on the facts just mentioned. In “Guidelines for watershed management”by FAO, the
watershed managementis defined as “the comprehensivedevelopmentof a basin so as to make
productive use of all its natural resourcesand also protect them” In “Watershed Managementin
India” by Indian National Committee for IHP, the watershed managementis defined as “the
rational utilization of land and water resources of a watershed for optimum production with
minimum hazard to nature resources”. Practical experiencein China is fully in conformity with
these definitions and shows that more detailed principles and workable procedure of so-called
small watershedmanagementhave been well developedand have proved to be quite effective. In
this paper, all the materials are selectedfrom practice in China. Correspondingly, the term
small watershedmanagementis used hereinafter.
In the past, though large amounts of money and man-power were spent on soil
conservationin China, the situation was not improved much and in many places the erosion even
becamemore serious. One of the reasonsis probably that soil conservationworks were carried
out isolatedly. Since the late 1970’s, through successful implementation of small watershed
management,not only excessivesoil losseshave been checked, but also land, water and other
resourceshave been developed in a planned and coordinated way. According to statistics, up to
1989, 846 small watershedstotaling 34,040 km’ were enlisted as priority key-watershedsat state
level, another 5504 small watershedscovering 144,265 km* were enlisted as key watershedsat
provincial, city and county levels. The spread of small watershedmanagementon a nation-wide
scalehas proven to be successful,and vigorously advancedsoil conservationmany stepsforward.
The small watershedrefers to a naturally closed hilly plot covering an area of 5 - 30 km*
or sometimeseven 60 - 80 km*. It functions as a unitary area in soil erosion processand at the
same time it may be consideredas unitary area for resourcedevelopmentin the local society.
Small watershedmanagementin China has succeededin combining soil conservationworks and
small-sized water resources projects and others and can serve to promote local economic
development. A brief introduction to the concepts and techniques used in planning and
managementis presentedin the following.
2.3 Optimal composition of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandryand sideline production in
a watershed
In denselypopulated areas food supply used to be one of the most challenging problems
and must be carefully managedin decision-making. Deforestation, excessivereclamation and
overgrazing usually come from food shortages. Concerning land use for grain production,
perhaps,there is no generalrule applicableto all countries. However, as far as soil conservation
is concerned,due attention must be paid to bearablesolution of grain production in the local area.
In the case of China, depending upon the situation of population growth, certain amount of
farmland must be preservedas a prerequisite of implementationof soil conservationworks. In
seriously eroded regions, effects should first be made to the constructionof high-quality farmland
such as bench terrace, dammedfield (reclaimed field of depositedarea behind check-dams)etc.
Unitary grain yield of bench terrace and the like is several times higher then that from
extensively cultivated slope land. Constructionof one hectareof high-quality farmland provides
the possibility to restore several hectares of slope land for afforestation or grass plantation.
Meanwhile small-sizedreservoirs, ponds, and various devices for irrigation purpose should also
be included and coordinatedwith soil conservationworks in watershedplanning to upgrade and
improve conditions for grain production.
Soil erosion is an old burden left over by history, so soil conservation is a great
undertaking and a strenuous task, which must be well understood by all. Even for a small
watershedof definite area, it may take a considerabletime to performthe task completely. Thus,
watershedplanning is usually carried out by several phasesconsidering the limited amount of
fund available to be allocated to the project and the possible labor forces to be mobilized. The
long-term planning outlines general picture of the watershedand the overall objectives at the
completion of related works, the key engineeringprojects and total amount of funds and man-
power needed. The short-term planning provides more details of the planned items with a
punctual timetable of the implementationof the enlisted works within a certain time period, say,
five years. In a short-term planning the objectives should also be well stipulated. The most
important thing in short-term watershedplan is that all items should be practicable with concrete
aim. A short-term watershed planning can be modified according to the real situation, if
necessary. For example, when certain technology is popularized, the execution can be sped up;
or on the contrary, when some unforseen problems occur, the whole procedure may also be
affected. Experience in soil conservationpractice in the past shows that one should never be
overanxiousfor the results of implementation,otherwise it may discouragethe enthusiasmof the
masses. On the contrary, when drawing a plan one should better leave some margin, so that
when people seethat they have surpassedthe target they can do a better job.
3.2 Priority objectivesand constraintsin watershedplanning
3.3.1 Experience-basedapproach
e> Estimation of benefits and cost-effectivenessanalysis.
3.3.2 Computerizedapproach
a> Field investigation. Collection of relevant data of both natural and socio-
economic conditions. Specialregulations are issuedfor this purpose.
c> Computation of economic benefits of the proposed scheme. This will be repeated
for each of the small plots. If the presumed objective can not be achieved, then
the whole plan has to be adjusted.
When various alternatives are submitted for selection, evidently both economic and
ecologic benefits of the alternatives differ each other. To which should priority be given, soil
conservationbenefits or economic benefits? It remains unsolved and decision has to be made by
the planner’s own experienceand judgement, i.e., subjectivity is inevitable.
In comparison with man-computer communication approach, linear programming has a
strict mathematicalbasis for computation. Various softwares have been developedfor watershed
planning and are widely used in China. This method is capableof performing analysis on usable
resources within a period of time, including land resources, labour force resource, fund
available, quota of labor force, etc. also the interplay betweenthe designatedwatershedand the
outside world, namely the market and supply of productionsetc. When this method was used in
planning of a watershed “Jixinhe” of Binxian County, Heilongjiang Province, 25 variables were
selected;the overall income of the watershedwas taken as objective function while soil loss was
consideredas a constraint condition, other constraint conditions were: land resource, labor force
resource, food supply and fertilizer supply. When linear programming approachis used, it may
yield much more alternativesfor selection, so some of them have to be screenedout before the
final selection. As there is the objective function to assessthe optimization, theoretically
speaking, the final solution should be the optimal one in the model. But sometimesthe optimal
solution might not be practicable,henceit is advisableto be recommendedafter consultationwith
the user.
Linear programming approach has many advantagessuch as more variables and more
constraints equation can be taken into consideration;but it also has its own limitations: 1) This
method is a deterministic mathematicalmodel, occasionalfactors can not be considered. 2) This
method is fit for solving linear problems, but ecological problems are usually nonlinear. 3)
Optimization is made for a single objective, but in watershedplanning real objectives are more
than one.
plot area. The working plan for land resource assessmentgenerally consists of three parts:
description of current land use, collection of socio-economicdata and the relevant analysis and
detailed analysis through field investigation. Quality of land resource together with specific
featureswill be studiedby specializedgroup. Then comparisonbetweenthe present land use and
the potential of land resource is made according to the adaptability, the environmental impacts
and social economic analysis. The final results of land resource assessmentsummarizesthe
following: a) recommendedmode of land use for each of the plots; b) degreeof adaptability of
land use; and c) technicalrequirementto eachplot of the watershed.
Items of data collection should relate to land resource quality. For example, in
most cases,geomorphologicalposition (hillside or flat gully bed) together with slope gradient and
the present land use can represent the overall land resource quality. In order to facilitate
assessmentof various conditions in a watershed,basedon Quantification Theory, an eight-grade
classification is adoptedin the watershedplanning for Zhuanghugouof Beijing. Grade I refers to
irrigated paddy field on floodplain, grade II - reclaimed farmland on depositsbehind check-dams
in gulled areas, grade III - bench terrace at hill foots, usually for nursery, grade IV - slope land
for orchards or grass plantation, grade V - slope land for afforestedeconomic forest, grade VI -
slope land for shrubs or natural forest, grade VII - slope land, barren and waste, grade VIII -
gully bed with outcrops, or covered by gravels and boulders. Then different weighted
coefficients are given to indice describing quality of land resources,high values meansthe land is
of higher quality and vice versa. Finally, a comprehensiveweighted quantification is worked out
for the assessmentof quality of land resourcein the watershed. Making use of this method, final
results of land resource assessmentin Zhuanghugouwatershed show that there is limited land
resource adaptableto agriculture, but the potential of developmentof orchards and economic
forest is encouraging. Hence it should be consideredas the main production in future.
In agricultural economy the current land uses can directly reflect the economic
structure of a watershed. Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and sideline production are
commonly the main productions in hilly and mountainous areas of a watershed. Taking the
mentionedfour productions as independentvariables, one can detect the correlation betweeneach
of’the four variables to the total output of the watershed. A remarkablehigh value of correlation
in agriculture but much lower values in the rest indicate the feature of monotonousagricultural
economy which means the preferential potential of land resources have not yet been duly
developed. As a matter of fact, ecological systemand economic systemin a watershedis closely
interrelated and interacted to form a compound system. Irrational developmentof agriculture
will undoubtedly lead to unbalancedecology. On the basis of land resourceassessmentand the
analysisof economic structure in a watershed,orientation of land use adjustmentcan be made.
Gully beds usually have higher moisture content, it provides better conditions for growing
plants and sometimes even for reclamation purpose. Using engineering measuresto convert
farmland on slopesinto bench terrace and to build up check-damsand sedimentbarriers in gullies
is usually an important constituentin watershed planning under certain conditions, despite of its
shortcomingof labor-consumingin practice.
k-cc;? terrace
_Check dam
F ig 2. Profile of cascadecheck-dams(sedimentbarriers)
F ig 3. Profile of comprehensive
I, CtX.+d I
I Ikonomic forest 1
, ZUKj Odtird 1
sterile soils such as loess, and its seedsand fruit are of high economic value. Popularization of
the wild plant in loessregions has achievedgreat success.
Cultivation on slope land is the source of sediment yield in vast eroded areas.
Conservation tillage practice is mainly adopted as remedial measure in such cases. Tillage
practice with conservation purpose includes: contour farming - furrows are ploughing along
contours; contour belt intercropping - belts are aligned along contours intercroppedwith different
combination of crops; ridge and furrow farmland - soil ridges and furrows are aligned alternately
along contours with traverse lower ridges at 1 - 3 m spacing to prevent transverse erosion;
contour ridge-furrow - ridge furrows of 80 cm wide and 40 cm high are constructed along
contours, furrows are designedwith proper gradient to drain excesswater and to prevent erosion
as well; pit planting - pit 70 cm in diameter and 50 cm deep dug in a staggeredpattern on
hillside, filled with soil containing fertilizer before planting; rotation cropping of grain and
fodder, etc. In order to provide favorable conditions for tree plantation, certain forms of land
preparation are needed, such as narrow terrace for afforestation, horizontal ditches for tree
plantation, etc. All thesemethodshave been widely practisedand proved to be effective.
Various combination of the above-mentionedmeasurescan be adopted according to the
local conditions. Examplesare given in the following casestudiesin section6.
deforestation. In order to acquire supports from the masses,education and publicity play an
important role. Soil conservationhas to get support not only from relevant agenciesof water
conservancy,forestry, animal husbandryetc, but also from educationand scientific and technical
departments. To spread primary and middle school education is a long-term task, yet it is a
fundamentalstep to get rid of ignorance. In addition, to make use of various meansof publicity
such as pamphlet, exhibition, blackboardnews etc. especiallythe afore-mentioneddemonstration
plots in neighborhoodcan strongly dispel various misgivings and establishone’s confidence. On
the other hand, systematic training coursesfor transferring advancedtechniquesand know-how
to professional staff of soil conservationinstitutions at different levels are of first importance,
becausethe implementationof watershedplanning relies, in the final analysis, directly on their
The main form of small watershed managementin China is the household contract
responsibility system. Since the beginning of 1980s’) the rural reform in China characterizedby
householdcontract responsibility systemhas been formed and spreadover the whole country. It
resulted in unforseenprogressin grain production and eventually led to a radical change in rural
economy. Similar concept was applied to the implementationof small watershedmanagement.
In 1982 the first household contract responsibility system appearedin Hequ County of Shanxi
Province. Not long after, this form was spreadto the whole loess plateau and in a nation-wide
scale. The signed contract is usually defined to be valid in 50 years. Contractors are obliged to
fulfil1 certain amount of soil conservationworks and to be in charge of the contractedplot and at
the sametime have the right to take out the merit from the plot. Quality of the completed works
are under supervisionof professionalgroup or personnel. Only after the check and acceptanceof
the completed works, the contractor can get the monetary subsidies from the local authority
according to the contract. Successorof a contractor has the right to make use of the plot as
heritage. Through the contract farmers and the small watershedare closely connectedtogether.
Being responsible in management,the farmer householdhas all the right to get the economic
benefits. Thus, it effectively motivate the enthusiasmof the massesand shows strong vitality.
The following case studies show that under different natural and socio-economic
conditions a well-planned schemeof protection system can stop the excessiveerosion and bring
about considerableeconomic benefits. Even for such extremely difficult conditions as the loess
region and the “red desert”still one can succeedin changingthe unfavorableenvironment.
6.1 Zhuanghugouwatershedmanagement
Proportion among various land uses was 1:6:7 in 1980, it changedinto 1:15:6 in 1990,
which is close to the plannedoptimal proportion of 1: 19:3.
Agriculture Forestry Animal Sideline Total
husbandry production
6.2 Sunjiachawatershedmanagement
Sunjiachawatershedcovering an area of 42.08 km2 is located at 35” 50’30” - 35” 55’ 10”
N, 104”20’ 38” - 104”26’20” E in GansuProvince. The watershedlies in the gulled-hilly loess
region with elevations ranging from 1885 to 2310 m. The geomorphological feature of the
watershedis characterizedby high plateauwith deeply cutting gullies, 97% of the watershedhas
an elevation higher than 2000 m. Gully density is 1.88 km/km*. The parent material is loessial
sand and the surface soil is grey calcareoussoil with pH-value of 7.8-8.5. Depth of loess strata
ranges from tens to 300 m. Becauseof irrational reclamationon loess regions for thousandsof
years soil fertility has greatly degenerated. There is scarcely scatteredvegetativecover of Stipa
bungeanaTrin, S..Artemisia frigida etc. Main tree speciesare Uhnus punila L. Prunus sibirica,
Caraganakorshinskii Kom. Hippophaerhamnoidessubsp, Sivensis, AstragalnusadsurgensPall,
Medick sativa L., Melilotus albus Desr. Etc.
Sunjiachawatershedcovers two parts: the upper and the lower parts. The upper part of
Sunjiacha covers an area of 29 km*, mainly consists of ridges and mounds with gentle slopes
while the lower part covering an area of 13.08 km2 consists of deep gullies with steep slopes,
being mostly waste land and waste gullies. In the watershedplanning, the guiding principle is to
construct protective system as a whole, meanwhile to convert farmland on slopes into bench
terrace and alternateterrace with slopes,as well as to carry out large-scaleafforestationand grass
plantation. The planning was performed by man-computercommunicationmethod. In order to
evaluateland resourcequality of the watershed,all the existing agricultural, forest and grass land
have been classified into 4 grades, lst, 2nd, 3rd, and not adaptable. Then the readjustmentof
land uses was worked out. Implementation of watershed planning was started in 1983. A
continuousand concentratedbench terrace covering 541.7 ha was built up not far from residence
of inhabitant. Closing hillsides and slopeswas carried out on remote areas,grassplantation was
implemented on waste hills and slopes. By the end of 1988, accumulated controlled area
amountedto 24.89 km2. The completedworks include
Upon the completion of theseworks, proportion of various land uses of the watershedchangeda
Comparisonof annual income from various production, in Yuan RMB
Agriculture Forestry Animal Sideline Total
husbandry production
Remarkable progress has been achieved in the reduction of sediment yield, the rate of
erosion dropped to 380t/km2; the fuel supply problem has also been solved and the living
standardof local resident was mush improved. Total income increasedby 1.46 times within a
short time period of 6 years.
6.3 Tangbeihewatershedmanagement
growth. The situation remained unchangeduntil 1980 when the watershed managementwas
The watershed planning was composed of six parts, namely, soil conservation works,
water resource development projects, scheme of agricultural development, road construction,
planning for rural energy supply (fuel supply), and setting up experimental plots for runoff
observation and meteorological observation. Considering the extremely stern conditions in the
watershed,the emphasiswas put on the adaptabilityof combination of engineeringmeasureswith
biological measures. In intensively and strongly eroded regions engineering measures are
indispensablefor erosion control on slopes so as to create prerequisite conditions for growing
plants. Experience shows the selection of fast-growing speciesor pioneer species is of vital
importance. Lespedezaformosa, Gardeniajasminoides etc are recommended. For moderately
eroded regions refilling of broad-leaf specieswas adoptedand for slightly eroded regions, closing
hillside and slopes were effective, meanwhile, construction of check-dams,small reservoirs and
ponds were carried out for gully control. Special treatment was performed to deal with slope
disintegration. By the end of 1989 a great part of soil conservationworks had been completed.
Proportions among various land uses changedfrom 1:0.25:0.25:2.9 in 1979 into 1:1.7:0.4:0.83
in 1984. Besides,infrastructure of agriculture has also beenchanged.
Despite that farmland for grain crop was reducedby 3 ha, grain yield increasedby 46% due to
improvementof land quality and alleviation of drought and waterlogging.
During the period of 1979 - 1988, the total income increasedby 7.2 times, the per capita
income increasedfrom 43 yuan to 320.9 yuan. As to environmentalchanges,according to field
survey, the averagesedimentdischargeduring 1966 - 1980 was 53,098 m3, it dropped to 10,822
m3 during 1988 - 1989 with a reduction of 79.6%. Form 1966 to 1980 the river bed of
Tangbeiheraised by 0.96 m, the averageaggradationwas 6.4 cm per year. As a responseto the
completedworks on the watershed,the river bed lowered down by 0.235 m in July 1989, with an
average annual rate of degradationof 2.6 cm. Rate of soil erosion of the watershed decreased
from 4367 t/km* to 1097 t/km*, the increasingtendency of serious soil erosion began to stop.
Besides, the local micro climate showed some changesin forested area, the relative humidity
increasedand ground surface temperaturedecreased. One of the most encouragingeffects was
the appearenceof secondarysoil layer of 0.5 - 1.5 cm deep due to the existanceof fallen leaves.
Organic matter increasedby 8 times. Nitrogen content increasedby 11 times. Wildlife species
6.4 Mengpu River watershedmanagement
Mengpu River watershedcovering an area of 69.43 km* is located at 26” 22’39”- 26”
39’52”N, 105”44’52” - 105”51’55” E in Guizhou Province of southwesternChina, inhabited by
minority nationality. The watershedlies at an elevation of 1091.5 - 1793.8 m. Mengpu River is
12.1 km long, a third order tributary of the upper Yangtze River. It is characterizedby high
mountains and deep gorges with Karst formation, 85% of the drainage area is of limestone.
Surface soil is composed of lime soil, yellow soil, paddy soil and yellow brown soil, all
originated from limestone and shale. On steep slopes the cultivated layer is rather thin and
petrification is going on. Owing to the favorable climate conditions the watershedused to be
luxuriantly forested with thick plant communities. However, becauseof reckless deforestation
the primary forest has been destroyedcompletely, there exists only secondaryforest of Ailanthus
altissima, Catalpabungei, Cunninghamialanceolata,Betula platyphylla suk and Populus etc.
The watershed is located in the wet region of monsoon climate in subtropical zone.
Annual precipitation is 1450 mm with frequent storms. Mean annual temperatureis 14.5” C with
the annual accumulatedtemperatureof 5311”C. Frost-free period lasts 280 days.
According to field investigationheld in 1983 the eroded area totaled 52.4 km*, making up
75.5 % of the drainagearea. Intensively eroded area occupied 15% , strongly eroded area - 33 % ,
moderately eroded area - 21.7 % , and slightly eroded area - 28 % . The overall rate of erosion in
the watershedwas estimatedto be 3 117 t/km2. The watershedplanning is featuredby large-scale
afforestation and closing hillsides to the recovery of vegetationover the whole watershed,on the
basis of self - supporting in food supply. During 1982 - 1987 considerable progress was
achieved. the completedworks included:
Annual income from various productions:
Total income increasedby 3.41 times, the per capita income increasedby 4.25 times.
The rate of erosion reduced from 3 117 t/km* in 1982 to 851 t/km2 in 1988. As a result, river
bed of the Mengpu River degradedby 84 cm on average.
DING Lianzhen, 1990, Erosion and sedimentationproblems in China, Proc. of the First
Colloquium, Regional Training Programmeon erosion and sedimentationfor Asia (RAS/88/026)
p. l-24
GUO Tingfu, 1988, Soil and water conservationin China, Lecture note for Regional Training
Course on Soil Erosion and Its Control, IRTCES
GUO Tingfu, FANG Huarong and XIANG Yuzhang, 1988, Managementof Soil and Water
Conservationon Small Watershedin China
Hydcom Report, 1981, Watershedmanagementin India, India national Committee for IHP,
New Delhi
LI Yaquan, WANG JIULI and BI Xiaogang, 1990, Land resource assessmentand optimal
structural of land uses in Zhuanghugouwatershed,Compilation of comprehensive soil
conservationmeasuresin ZhuanghugouWatershed Management,Haihe River Conservancyand
Beijing Municipal Bureau of Water Conservancy(in Chinese)
LIU Shanjian, 1993, Soil conservationin China, In: QIAN Zhenyin (ed) ” Water Conservancy
in China” (under print)
JIN Zhengping, Shi Peijun, HOU Fuchang and ZHAO Huanxun, 1992, Model for soil erosion
systemin HuangfuchuanRiver Basin and its comprehensive management, Ocean Press.
(in Chinese)
Bureau of soil conservation, Yangtze River Conservancy Commission, 1991, Report of the
Comprehensivemanagementof Tangbeihe Watershed, Compilation of documentation of Trial
Small WatershedManagementin YangtzeRiver Catchment1991
Bureau of soil conservation, Yangtze River Conservancy Commission, 1991, Report of the
Comprehensivemanagementof Mengpu River Watershed, Compilation of documentation of
Trial Small WatershedManagementin Yangtze River Catchment1991
The application of geographic information
systems to soil conservation strategies
. The collection, storage and management of soil related data and information to
be used in the determination of suitability for the intended land management use
- usually for an overall watershed consisting of a summary of identified
geographical units with typical classified properties.
. The application of procedures, techniques and models to perform either statistical
based, deterministic or physical based predictions for different scenarios of
management strategies within this watershed. This evaluation and analysis of
geographic units is based on the collected, stored and managed data and
. The implementation of detailed conservation strategies for this watershed with its
geographic units, according to ecological conditions as well as legal regulations.
To cvaluatc the soil erosion consequences of different management strategies,
modelling techniques as well as modelling tools are needed to combine available areal
physical information in order to gain the above mentioned results on the loss of
Land Cover
Roads and
areal!spatial information in a two dimensional or three dimensional manner. GIS are
so called “hybrid systems”, consisting of a
. software for dealing with x, y (and z co-ordinates) + three dimensional digital
terrain model (3D-TGM).
. database system to manage and show the data as well as the expert information.
Fundamentally different types of GIS technology exists and recent years have seen a
dramatically increase in their development and use for managing area1 information.
This can either be done by vector based GIS (information is defined and manipulated
as a vector) or raster based GIS. The later represents the most straight forward
technology for topics based basically on spatial information - spatial database (Fig. I ).
By classifying physical parameters/properties and assigning them to the
appropriate grid cells - the region of interest is subdivided into a number of a
rectangular grid cells - a grid cell referencing system is developed and layed over the
corresponding map of a certain topic. Because the location of each grid cell is known,
an approximation of natural conditions is gained and can be stored and manipulated as
a rectangular matrix of category values. Managing different maps with certain topics
by the aid of straightforward commands, enables the derivation of relationships
between seemingly unrelated material, from a host of (disparate) sources, all within
the framework of a single system.
From another perspective, the difference between GIS and SDSS is that SDSS deals
with a solution space provided by one or more analytical modelling elements as well
as a problem (geographical) space manipulated by the GIS database. Hence, GIS
should be seen as an important component of any SDSS. The role of the GIS in the
proposed implementation environment would be to store, generate and manage all of
the data required for a soil conservation, soil erosion, nutrient export and land use
allocation model. In addition, this then can be linked to an integrated expert system,
which combines management models with natural resources models, gaining an
intelligent GIS. It permits the interpretation of relationships within and among the data
themes of different maps.
‘l‘hc vector based software system AKC/INI;O as well as the grid based GIS IDRISI -
dcsigncd to provide inexpensive access to microcomputer assisted GIS technology
(Eastman, 1990) - was used in combination with different watershed models to
cstimatc the scdimcnt and nutrient cxport from
. a lower alpine catchment of a size of some lOOkm2 (Klaghofer & Summer,
. a subcatchment of this watershed of a size of approximately 65ha (Klaghofcr ct
al., 1992).
L3ccausc contaminants arc transported by runoff to surface waters as well as by
infiltration and percolation to groundwater, erosion processes are often at the core of
soil conservation strategies, non point source pollution and water quality concerns.
‘these hydrological processes are affected by the spatial variability of soils,
topography, land use and cover, climate and human induced changes and management.
fjence, the basic data for modelling these processes to develop conservation strategies
dcpcnd on spatially distributed attributes of a watershed.
0 0.4 - 5.9
G,O - 11,3
z 12,o - 17,3
10,O - 23.9
I 24,o - 20.9
m 30.0 - x,3
I/If not calculated
m boundary
---___ --
The non-spatial version sums the soil erosion within the watershed and applies an
export coefficient to the catchment without regard to the erosion distribution. Hence,
an average delivery ratio, depending on the size of the catchment, was applied to the
catchment of interest as a whole (Klaghofer & Summer, 1990; Klaghofer et al.; 1992
and 1993). The spatial version breaks the watershed into several homogeneous erosion
regions. The export from each region is then calculated with an export coefficient,
specific to that region. The delivery ration is calculated using the distance, water must
travel over land, before reaching a river or stream channel. A GIS is well suited to do
this type ofanalysis.
A different approach to the estimation of the sediment and/or nutrient yield of a
watcrshcd can be done by routing the non point source pollutants in a stepwise fashion
from the headwater of the catchment to its’ outlet. For this method the AGNPS Model
(Young et al., 1987) was used only for the small subcatchment, because the model
works on a cell basis that divides the watershed into a limited number of areas of
uniform squares. A specialised database management system organises the spatially
distributed data. However, it becomes possible to analyse any area in the watershed,
covered by a grid box (Fig. 4).
FIG. 4 AGNPS-grid based data: (a) erosion rates [t/ha] and (b) sediment
yield of the cells [t] (Klaghofer et al., 1992).
Dealing with spatial data and information, which, at one stage, have to be
classified in such a manner to reduce their variability to a practical/reasonable size,
raster based GIS technology seems better suited than vector based GIS. Every pixel of
the geographic information can easily be assigned with a physical, chemical,
biological, environmental, etc. related catchment attribute, describing its’ properties.
The matrix structure of the information also allows easy pre- and postprocessing of
data to prepare input as well as output information in order to link a raster based GIS
with a hydrological watershed model.
Erosion and sediment yield on plains in the
temperate zone
Dr. Dedkov A.P., Dr. Mozzherin W.I.
Sediment yield analysis is one of the most objective methods for the assessment of
erosion intensity in a river bed and on the surface of a river basin. The volume of
sediment yield transported by the river is not an accurate measure of all the products of
erosion in the river basin, A considerable part of these products is accumulated in the
basin and is not trasported beyond its boundaries. Rough estimations show, that on the
plains of the temperate zone sediment yield within the limits of the drainage basin
different natural and anthropogenic conditions forms over a half of all the products of
erosion. Nevertheless, the sediment yield directly depends on erosion and the whole
mechanical denudation in the drainage basin and can be used for assessment of the
intensity of these processes on different areas under different conditions.
This article is an attempt to analyse the evolution of erosion on the plains in the
temperate zone on the basis of data on suspended sediment yield obtained from 1580
river basins and on bed load data from 387 basins. The temperate zone covers the taiga
(coniferous forest), mixed woods, broad leave1 forests, forest-steppes and steppes.
Natural landscapes in this zone are changed to some extent by man’s activity.
Table 2.1.Suspendedsedimentyield (r, t/ per year) in the basins of different categoriesof
antropogenicallychangedlandscapes(N - the number of basins)
Degree of
land (%)
I basinsSmall
r Large river
basins >5000 sqkm
N r
I low > 70 < 30 166 9.2 172 6.5
-. _-.-
%% A
7 A=3
60- 1
0, I I I 1
B .
---c-I----- -------_-- --
0 I I I 1
S b s b s b s b S b
O.Ql I
Mixed Broad- FClrati- Steppe
woods leaved sWve
Fig. 1 A) structure of basins with different types of erosion system ,functioning in different
landscapes of the temperate zone (A = 1 - natural, A = 2 - natural-anthropogenic, A = 3 -
anthropogenic types);
B) suspended sediment yield (r~ tikm’ year) in modern (solid line) and in natural preagricultural
(dashed line) conditions;
(3 average size (median diameter, mm) of suspended sediment (s) and bed load (b)in the
temperate zone.
The above mentioned data test@ that the main difference between erosion
intensity and sediment yield in the temperate zone is due to the level of economic
development of the basins, i. e. population density and the area of farmlands there. As
for the difference between erosion intensity and sediment yield within various
landscapes, it is evident that in equally developed basins the differences are,
comparatively small, not more then 2 or 3 times. But irrespective of the level of
economic development in small and large basins, the most intensive erosion is in broad-
leaved forests and forests-steppes, noted for great precipitation amount and
considerable irregularity of its fall and runoff.
As for erosion in the basins with low economic development (category I) they
are conditionally considered as close to natural (preagricultural) condition. Data on
these basins indicate that in the temperate zone, preagricultural erosion is weak and
specific suspended sediment yield in this zone doesn’t exceed 10 - 20 t/ per year.
It can be supposed to be even lower in reality, for if 30% of the area is cultivated and is
clear cut it makes a landscape produced by man’s activity. Even within this interval
(category I), considerable variations in specific suspended sediment yield can be
Sector differences
Within various landscapes in temperate zone there are also sector differences
(Table2.3). Two sector maximums of sediment yield are clearly seen in the table. The
first one is characteristic of North America and Western Europe, where a considerably
low sediment yield is combined with the highest level of economic development.
Table 2.3. Specific suspendedsedimentyield of small rivers in different sectorsof the forest zonesof
the temperatebelt
Zone Sector N M A r rl
Taiga North America 93 10 2.8 29 7.3
Western Europe 34 8.4 2.1 52 4.2
Eastern Eurone 158 7.8 1.6 23 4.4
Mixed woods Siberia 45 6.1 1.3 10 5.7
Far East 17 21 1.2 65 49
77 10 2.8 77 49
153 7.2 2.7 150 62
69 4.1 2.5 77 34
1 4.0 1.0 50 30
5 12 1.6 31 25
3.1 General
As the level of economic development of the area increases, not only the intensity of
erosion changes but also the functioning of the whole erosional system, defined first of
all by the correspondence between surface and channel erosion. According to the
character of the erosional system, all drainage basins in the temperate zone can be
divided into 3 types.
3.2 Natural type of functioning
Natural type is characteristic of law modified landscape basins of the first category.
Landscapes of this kind predominate in the taiga, they are fewer in mixed woods. very
few in broad-leaved forests and are an exception in forest-steppes and in steppes. About
23% of all available data on sediment yield from the basins in zone refer to this type.
They are characterised by the most even streamflow distribution during a year, their
underground component being 25 - 30%.
Rivers of this type are characterised by the lowest suspended sediment yield
(Tables 2.1 - 2.3) which don’t usually exceed 10 t/ per year; during monsoon
period in the Far East, however, it reaches 40 - 50 t/ per year. The channel
erosion is usually higher than the surface erosion. The method of rough estimation of
the balance between channel and surface erosion (developed by the authors of this
article and on the analysis of the dependence of suspended sediment delivery on
discharge during low-water periods) indicates that the channel erosion forms 65 - 90 %
of the transported suspended sediments.
Characteristic feature of the basins under consideration is a direct dependence of
specific suspended sediment yield on the scale of drainage areas (Table 3.1).
With the increase of the areas discharge of the rivers rises and sediment yield rises
too in proportion to its square. Sediment yield delivery is considerable as well, for about
40 - 50 % of all the products of erosion are transported beyond the basins. Suspended
sediments and bed load are well sorted, their index of relative entropy varies from 0.6
to 0.7. Median diameter of suspended particles (48 points) is about 0.07 mm. Bed load
yield composes about 20% of suspended sediments. In the structure of the alluvium the
channel and surface fasies play a proportional role (‘normal’ alluvium, according to E.V.
--- .__-____---
forest-steppes and steppes. Here, streamflow distribution is most uneven with the
underground component of 10 - 30% only,
Surface erosion dominates over channel erosion and forms more than 50 % of the
sediment yield. All basin erosion elements, namely soil erosion, gully, piping and
raindrop destruction are clearly expressed on the farmlands. Among these elements soil
erosion is the most wide-spread one. Intensive gully erosion is characteristic of the
areas with relatively continental climate (steppes, forest-steppes within the continental
sector of broad-leaved forests).
In the basins under consideration a severe erosion is observed and suspended
sediment yield is measured by tens and hundreds t/ per year. The strongest
erosion is observed in broad-leaved forests and in the north of the forest-steppes of the
east of the Russian Plain, where the suspended sediment yield in small rivers reaches
300-500 t/ per year. Here an reverse dependence appears between specific
suspended sediment yield and the area of the basins (Table 3. l), which is formed during
high - water periods when many products of erosion are found in small rivers. These
small rivers cannot transport huge masses of sediment, therefore, a considerable amount
of sediment are accumulated there as alluvium, delluvium and prolluvium. Hence down-
stream turbidity of the rivers and specific suspended sediment yield are reduced. During
the water low periods only channel erosion occurs and relationship between specific
sediment yield and the area basins becomes direct.
Erosion products delivery to the basins of the third category decreases greatly.
The major part of these product (about 80 - 90%) are accumulated on the slopes and in
the upper parts of the river network. Median diameter of suspended particles is reduced
to 0.03 - 0.04 mm (74 points) and in channels - to 0.3 - 0.5 mm (50 points).
In the composition of the river sediment yield the products of basin erosion
prevail. Rise of high waters and increase of amount of sediment yield result in the rise of
the floodplain surface marks and greater depth of the floodplain facies.
The sorting of sediments (an indicator of relative entropy 0.8 - 0.9) is worse. Bed
load yield makes no more than 10% of the suspended sediment yield. The role of the
suspended sediment in the construction of alluvium increases greatly.
Hydrometeorologically conditioned extreme manifestations of erosion are best
expressed in the basins of the third category, where they often have catastrophic
consequences. In preagricultural time all over the temperate zone (with the exception of
semideserts) channel erosion with small suspended sediment yield and direct
dependence of their modules on the area of the drainage basins prevailed.
As the forest coverage is reduced and more lands are cultivated, the basin erosion
becomes more important and a radical reconstruction of functioning of the whole
erosional system occurs, At present the natural type of functioning remains only on the
quarter of the vast area of the temperate zone manly in the forests of North Europe,
Siberia and Canada.
Improved methodology for the
computation of normal annual yield of
suspended sediments from rivers
N.N.Bobrovitskaya & K.M.Zubkova
State Hydrological Institute, St.Petersburg,Russia
Methodology for the computation of normal annual yield of suspendedsedimentsfrom
the rivers of Russia and FSU has been analysed.It is shown, that at the availabletrends
in the formation of sedimentsconcentration and sediment yield, their norm should be
computed for homogeneousobservation periods. Trends are often resulted from joint
effect of climate characteristicsand anthropogenic factors. Formulas of transporting
capacity of the flow applied for the computation of sediment yield are analysed. A
simple equation is proposed for a computation of suspendedsedimentyield where flow
velocity, river depth and a correction coefficient dependent on the trend in sediment
yield changesfor a long-term period and on the streamflow distribution during the study
year are taken into account.
Data sources
Data from 2,000 stationsfor sedimentyield measurementsand data from 3,000 stations
for water discharge measurementshave been used. The duration of the observation
series on sediments concentrations varies within 1 - 52 years; the duration of water
discharge series equals 100 years and longer. The author has created a databaseon
annualsedimentyield and on the factors which determinethis yield.
sedimentyield at the noted gaugingsites and at siteswith longer observationseries.The
river reachesupstreamthe comparedsitesshould satisfy the conditionsof analogy.
Normal yield of suspendedsedimentsfor ungauged rivers is computed from
equationswhere basicphysiographicfactors (climate, soils and top cover) are taken into
account(Poliakov, 1935; Lopatin, 1939; Shamov, 1949; Lisitsyna, 1972; et al.).
Therefore, changesin thesefactors observedfrom north to south of Russiacause
changesin long-term characteristicsof sedimentconcentrationand yield, which proves
the geographicalzonality of thesefactors. Topography and geology are most important
geomorphologicalfactors. Thesefactors are azonal.Differencesin the soils and subsoils
structureand rugged topography often causedisturbancesin the zonal concentrationand
yield of sediments.
Since it is diEcult to establisha theoretical dependencebetween water erosion
factors and sedimentyield characteristicsan empirical method has been developedat the
State Hydrological Institute for the computation of sediment yield from ungauged
rivers. This method is basedon the establishmentof relations between mean long-term
water dischargesand sediment yield or between specific sediment yield (Ms) and
specific water discharge(Mg), respectively,for rivers running on comparatively large
and physiographicallyhomogeneousterrain.
More precised dependenciesbetween the above values are obtained with the
account of the topography nature and introduction of the so -called erosion coefficient.
A dependencefor this coefficient determination was first proposed by V.G.Glushkov
and it was later moditied by B.V.Pohakov in 1946. This method was very popular.
Table 1 shows most typical variants to determine erosion coefficients. During 1960-
1975 this method was applied for erosion regionahzation of the FSU territory in
“SurfaceWater Resourcesof the URSS”, 41 volumes.
Normal suspendedsedimentyield for ungaugedrivers is often computed with the
use of mean long-term sedimentconcentrationdeterminedfrom the maps of sediment
concentrationin rivers.
The first map of sediment concentrationin the USSR was prepared in 1939 by
G.V.Lopatin and it was improved severaltimes later (G.I.Shamov, 1949; K.N.Lisitsyna,
1972; et al.).
Analysis of long-term variations in sediment concentration and yield in rivers
made during recent years at the Laboratory shows, that sedimentyield has been greatly
changedsince 195Os’-1970s’ in most of the FSU rivers. Moreover, both increase and
decrease of mean long-term sediment yield characteristics are observed
Time variations of hydrometeorological factors are characterisedby a cyclicity
which is manifestedby subsequentalteration of a number of years with dserent water
availability and different duration. In general,statisticallysignificant differencesin mean
valuesand in variances,(e.g. water discharge)for complete cycles of variations, are not
Trends which appear in the long-term variations of sediment yield and
concentrationmost often result from a joint impact of climate factors variations and
changes in the characteristics of anthropogenic factors effect. Several curves of
sedimenttransportation can be usually plotted for such a river reach from observation
data. Moreover, statistically significant differences in statistic characteristicsfor the
periods correspondingto various water availability most often occur. These differences
are proved by river channel changesas well. More than 24 factors of anthropogemc
-__ - ~.---I_
Table 1 - Equationsfor Erosion CoefftcientsDetermination
a’ = &Ql.SI0.75 A.N.Agaronian (1967) Armenia
Qm - Qpr
P, = f
Qi, At N.N.Bobrovitskaya (1967) Valdai Hills
Ms = KJ,
K.N.Lisitsyna USSR territory
Ms = 1.2M, +O.l66h-4.91 (1960, 1972)
Legend: a, ac, al, apl, ks, kl - erosion coefficients; S - mean annual concentration of
sediments, g/cu.m; Ps, Ms - mean annual yield and specific yield of suspended
sediments,kg/s, t/km2 per year, respectively; N - energy characteristic; I - slope of the
channel; Ipl - slope of ploughed lands; Q - mean annual water discharge, m3/s; K -
erosion coefficient in R.S.Chalov’s and N.I.Makkaveev’s formula, dependent upon
nonuniformity of flow, nature of bed particles and mechanicalcomposition of sediments
from tributaries and upon soils and subsoilsof the basin; Qmax - maximum mean daily
water dischargefor the snowmelt spring flood and Qpr - mean daily water dischargefor
the period prior to the beginning of the snowmelt flood; Dt - number of days from the
beginning of the snowmelt flood up to the day of flood peak; Af - forested area; Apl-
ploughed area in the basin; e - index of soil erosion rate; b - characteristic of the basin
state; B - characterisesthe soil-subsoil composition.
influence on sediment yield have been discovered. Most important factors are:
construction of hydraulic structuresin rivers, ploughing of slopes,forest cut and plant,
excavationof mineral deposits,irrigation, etc.
Changesin sediment concentrationand yield are shown in the Polomet river at
Yazhelbitsy (A = 631 km’). The Polomet river flows down the Valdai Hills (Lake
Ladoga basin). Water dischargeand sedimentyield observationswere started in 1953.
The longestobservationserieson water dischargeswere also used,i.e. for the Tikhvinka
river at Gorelukha (A = 2700 km*) - 104-yearobservationperiod and the Neva river at
Novosaratovka(A = 281000 km*) - 127- year observationperiod, etc.
Phasesof higher and lower water dischargescoincide for all the studied rivers
(Fig. 1). Trends for a long-term period of water discharge observations are not
discovered(at the level of sign&canceof 0.05%). Annual sedimentyield in the Polomet
river at Yazhelbitsyfor 1953-1988changedalmost concurrentlywith annualwater flow
changes.Since 1963, however, the amplitude of sedimentyield variations tended to a
gradual decrease(Fig. 1 ); another curve (Fig. 2) may be plotted on the curves of
sedimenttransport since 1971. On the basisof analysisof sedimentyield integral curve
and sedimenttransportationcurvestwo long-term periods have been selected,i.e. 1953-
1970 and 1971-1986 (Fig. 2). Mean annual values of specific sedimentyield for these
periods are different (at the level of significanceof 0.05%) and are equal to 150 t/km’
and 92 t/km*, while sedimentconcentrationvaried as follows: 270 g/m3 and 150 g/m3,
respectively. Mean specific annual water discharge for these periods was practically
unchanged(statistically signiscantvalues at the level of significanceof 0.05% were not
discovered)and it equals 10.5 l/s per km’. Similar changesin sedimentyield have been
discoveredin other rivers of Lake Ladoga basin.
Thus, in the conditions of streamflow and sediment yield formation in rivers
running in Lake Ladoga basin it is possibleto selecttwo periods since 1950, i.e. a wet
period of 1954-1960and a dry period of 1961-1983with deviationsof 1 or 2 years. In
general, after a wet-year period when much loose particles are eroded and washed
away, sediment concentration and yield tend to decrease.Besides, during the second
period the ploughed lands were about twice less (14.8% instead of 25.8%) and an
intensivesandextraction from the river channelfor constructionpurposeswas observed.
A combinationof climate and anthropogenicfactors probably explainedthe decreaseof
sedimentyield from 1966-1970up to the presenttime.
Analysis of trends in suspendedsediment yield changeshas been made for all
rivers of Russia and FSU (Bobrovitskaya, 1994). The following distribution of series
with variableregimesof sedimentyield has been discovered:
up to 100% on the watersheds of Western Dvina and Araks rivers and in
71-98% - in the Ob, Irtysh and Ishim rivers; left-bank area of the Selengariver, in
the upper reachesof the Dnestr river, in middle and lower reachesof the Dnieper and
Don rivers, in the right-bank area of the Volga river basin, in the Kura, Kuma and
Kuban rivers, in the rivers of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Crimea and in the watershedarea of
Lake Balkhash;
50-70% - in the Syr-Darya river, in the upper, middle and left-bank areasof the
Volga river basin, in the upper and middle reaches of the Yenisei, and Amu-Darya
rivers, in the lower and middle reachesof the Lena river basin and in Kamchatka;
25-50% - in the upper and middle areas of the Onega, Northern Dvina and
Pechorariver basins;in the rivers of SakhalinIsland, in the lower reachesof the Neman
M, lfskm'
4.0 ! I
I 1
I 1
I 1
400- 4
m- R
a -
, I ,k(
llldo 1870 18@2 1910 19X 1960 1970 19Kl
FIN. I. Chronological variations of mean annual water dischargeLy: I - the Neva river at
?i’ovosaratovka 2 - the Tikhvinka river at Gorelukha 3 - the Polomet river at Yazhelbitsy. 1 - mean
annual sediment yieldporn the Polomet river at Yazhelbitsy.
7.0 -
6.0 -
5.0 -
4.0 -
3.0 -
2.0 -
1.0 -
0.0 2.0
Qr m3/s
12.0 14.0
Fzg. 2 Sediment transportation curves: for the Polomet rwer at Yazhelbitsy: I - i9.i3-1972; II - 19-3-
___ - __..-_ __
river basin,in the left-bank area and in lower reachesof the right-bank area of the Amur
river basin, in the lower reachesof the Oka river basin, in small and mid-size rivers in
lessthan 25% -in the upper reachesof the Kama river basin, in the upper reaches
of the Chu and Talas rivers and in the watershedarea of Lake Issyk-Kul.
It should be noted that a trend in lower sedimentyield is observedin the Northern
Dvina river basin; trends to sedimentyield increaseand decreaseare observedin other
In general, normal yield of suspendedsedimentsfrom many rivers should be
computed for a relatively short period homogeneousby the conditions of formation of
suspendedsedimentyield. In some casesthe computation of suspendedsedimentyield
would require the use of equations of the transporting capacity of the flow. Let us
considersome casesof theseequationsapplicationwhen undirectedchangesin sediment
concentrationsand suspendedsedimentyield are observedin river basins.
Table 2 Formulas for Computatiion of the Transporting Capacity of Water Flows
S=0.24.C2v3g-32Bq~. J.F.Karasseff,(1965)
0.75v3g l2 +0.5x
Legend: v, H - mean velocity and depth of water flow; U - average hydraulic fall of
suspendedsediments; C - coefficient of Chezy ; N - characteristic number of the
turbulent flow dependent upon Chezy coefficient C; K - parameter which takes into
account the ratio of water bottom velocity to mean flow velocity; f - hydromechanical
parameter of sediments determined from tables (Karaushev, 1977) depending on v, C
and granulometric composition of suspendedsedimentsand bedload; g - acceleration of
gravity; B - parameter considering the ratio of bottom sediment concentration to mean
sediment concentration; h - probability of bedload roiling up from the bottom; e -
probability ofthese particles suspensionin the water flow; &,;l - sediment concentration
when sedimentsroil up from the bottom.
Further investigationson the selection of most optimal formulas or methods for
the computation of sedimentstransportationby flows con&med the necessityof their
testingunder field conditionsrelative to the study gauge-line,reach or river basin.
The computationpractice showsthat in caseof particular river reacheswith rather
permanent size of bedload and suspendedsedimentsand watercourse slope, simple
formulas may be applied, e.g., the formula of A.V.Karaushev (1961). Verification of
this formula under field conditions made by K.M.Zubkova (1982) on the basis of field
measurementsin the Karakum Canal, showed that coefficient K in this formula
dependedon the size of bedload composing the bottom and the banks of the Canal
within the study reach. This is probably explainedby the fact that water dischargefrom
the Canal varied within small limits while the size of bedload over the Canal varied
within great limits.
A comparison of the Karaushev method (196 1) for sedimentyield computation
with the method of Rossinsky& Kuzmin (1964) basedon the data of measurementsof
sedimentsconcentrationand yield in the litysh River at Omsk (Zubkova, 1986) shows
that thesemethodsprovide similar results. Computationsof the transportingcapacity of
the river were made at constantwater dischargesat 60 cross-sectionsalong a reach of
about 100 km long. It was establishedthat coefficient K dependedon the shapeof the
cross-sectionof the river.
Investigations made by L.P.Alexeev, Sh.R.Pozdniakov et al. (1991) on the
selectionof designdependencesto determinemean sedimentconcentrationin the Katun
river (Ob river basin) in two gauge-lines( 186 km and 359 km far from the mouth)
proved once againthat mean sedimentconcentrationof the flow might be computed by
any of the formulas from Table 2, if the design dependenceswere limited by
Analysis of the computationresultsmade by K.V.Razumikhina ( 1966) also shows
that it is not reasonableto use characteristicsof granulometriccomposition of sediments
for computationsbecausedetailedmeasurementsare usually not numerous and, besides,
this value appearsto be permanent and independentof hydraulic parameterswithin
After generalizingcomputation results by formulas from Table 2 it is possibleto
proposeone more simple formula for the assessmentof mean sedimentconcentrationin
the flow:
S=&V3iH (1)
Peculiaritiesof the formation of sedimentconcentrationin the flow dependingon
the type of the hydrograph, the shapeof the cross -section, the state of the underlying
surface of river basin, the rate of the anthropogeniceffect, etc., may be approximately
taken into account with the help of correction coefficient As variable in time. The
coefficient As dependenton the trend in sedimentyield changesfor along-term period
and on the streamflow distribution during the study year are taken into account.
Let us take the results of computationsby formula (1) for the Polomet river at
Yazhelbitsy as a case-study.Detailed measurementsof the hydraulic characteristics,
sediment concentration and granulometric composition of sedimentsfor 1957-1979
were used. It was discoveredthat As coefficients were about twice higher before the
beginningof the 1970s’if comparedwith the period of 1971-1979.This is evident from
Fig. 3 where data for 1968 and 1976 are given with approximately similar types of the
hydrographs.Besides,the values of As on the rising limbs and on peaks of the snowmelt
gk c
8 *
--m-- c
- -- - --- __
and rainfall floods are higher than on the falling limbs of the hydrographs,during low-
water periods the values of As tend to be one order lower. The increase of As
coefficientswith the increaseof water dischargesis also observedbut this dependenceis
not regular. Limits of As valuesvariations are rather stable,i.e. 1.0-I. 5 for the rise and
0.5-1.0 for the fall. Limits of As variationsfor the rainfall floods are similar to those for
It is quite probable that decreaseof As coefficients in 1971-1979 according to
formula (1) is connectedwith the lower transporting capacity of the flow (decreaseof
maximum water dischargesat relatively permanentmean annualvalues), and with less
scour from the basin due to less ploughed areas.As mentioned above, this particular
case shows a joint effect of climate and anthropogenic factors on the regime of
sedimentsconcentrationin the flow.
Thus, it is quite possibleto make a simple diagram of sedimentyield computation
for particular gauge-lineor river reach. In case of long-term observationsof sediment
concentrationsand state of river basins (ploughed area, forested area, excavation of
mineral deposits,etc.) it is possibleto classify correction coefficientsAs in the formula
of the transportingcapacity of the flow.
In conclusionit should be noted that the discussedmethods include investigations
and computations of sediment yield and concentrations in many links of the
hydrographicnetwork, i.e. in temporary streams,and in small, mid-size or large rivers.
A real opportunity also appearsfor a multipurpose use of air photographs and field
observationdata for a long-term period. These data may serve as the basis to predict
water erosion evolution and to normalise anthropogenicload. The authors feel strongly
that the multipurpose approach can be applied for other regions of the world to get
characteristicsof the erosionrate under extreme conditionsof floods formation.
Alexeev, L.P.; Meerovich L.N; Pozdniakov Sh.R and Poliakov V.Yu. (1991)
‘Investigations of suspendedsediments transport characteristicsin the Katun
river’. Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, No. 5, p.SO-88.
Bobrovitskaya,N.N. (1972) ‘Dependenceof mean long-term suspendedsedimentyield
from the rivers of the EuropeanUSSR upon physiographicfactors’.- Trudy GGI,
vyp. 191, p.68-84.
Bobrovitskaya,N.N.( 1994) ‘Assesmentof trends to sedimentdischargevariationsin the
rivers of the Former Soviet Union (FSU)‘. In: Proceedingsof the International
Symposium, East-West,North-SouthEncounter on the State-of-the-Art in River
Engineeringand Design Philosophies,State Hydrological Institute, St.Petersburg,
Egiazarov, I.V.( 1964) ‘Comparison of methods for the computation of sedimentyield
with field measurements’.- In: “Metody izmerenia i ispolzovania vodnykh
resursov”,Moscow, ” Nauka”, p.5-23.
Glushkov, V.G. (1961) Theoretical problems and hydrological research methods. Izd.
AN SSSR,414 p.
Gostunsky, A.N. (1954) ‘Suspendedcapacity‘.“Izv. Akad. Nauk Uzbekskoj SSR”,
No.3 p 59-68.
Karaushev, A.V.(1960). ‘Problems of dynamics of undisturbad water flows’.
Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,392 p.
Lisitsyna, K.N.and Aleksandrova V.I. (1972). ‘Sedimemt yield from the rivers of the
EuropeanUSSR. Trudy GGI, vyp. 191, p.23-5 1.
Lopatin, G.V.(1939) ‘On the problem of solid dischargefrom the USSR rivers’. ”
Meteorologia i gidrologia”, N 1, 1939,p. 106- 108.
Lopatin, G.V.( 1952) Sediments in the rivers of the USSR. Moscow, Geografgiz, 366 p.
Makkaveev, V.N. (1931) ‘On the theory of turbulent regime and suspensionof
sediments‘.“Izvestia GGI”, No. 32, p 5 - 26.
Makkaveev, V.N. (1955) River channel and erosion in it basin. Moscow, Izd. AN
SSSR,347 p,
Makkaveev, N.I.( 1984). ‘Watercoursesactivity as a denudationagent’. In: “Erosionnye
protsessy” (Erosion processeses”.Eds. by N.I.Makkaveev & R.S.Chalov.
Moscow, “My,” p. 5 - 30.
Poliakov B.V. (1935) Investigations of suspended sediment & bedload yield.
Leningrad, 129 p.
Poliakov B.V.( 1946) Hydrological analysis and the computations, Leningrad,
Gidrometeoizdat,1946, 480 p.
Rossinsky, K.I. and Kuzmin LA. (1964) ‘Balance method for the computation of
botton deformations’.Trudy Gidroproekta, sb.12,265 - 271.
Shamov, G.I.( 1949) ‘Suspendedsediment yield f?om the USSR rivers’. Trydy GGI,
vyp. 20 (74).
Shamov, G.L(l954) River Sediment . (River channel and erosion in it basirz).
Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,347 p.
Sediment yield its study and geographic distribution, (1977). Leningrad,
Gidrometeoizdat,240 p.
Razumikhma,K.V. (1966). ‘Problems of applicacy of methods for the computation of
sedimentstransport to fluvial flows’. Trudy GGI, vol. 132, p. 18-45 .
Velikanov, M.A.( 1949) Dynamics of channelflows. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 475
Zamarin, E.A. (195 I). Transporting capacity and admissible rares offlows in canals.
Moscow - Leningrad, Gostransizdat,82 p.
Zubkova, K.M. (1982) ‘Computation of sedimentstransportationin big canals’. Trudy
GGI, vol. 283, p.41-51.
Great soil losses caused by erosion in rivers, canals, reservoirs and irrigation
canals require appropriate protection measures.Determination of these measuresto
reduce negative ecological consequencesin the utilization of natural resourcesrequires
a profound knowledge of the erosion mechanisms. It is obvious that protection
measuresand technologies cannot be found without thorough investigations. Erosion
processesshould be studied for a development of rational standardsfor permissible
non-eroding velocities in rivers and canals(the amount of which increasesconstantly).
The knowledge of erosion is crucial for investigating all hydraulic parameters:
nonchannel flows in the form of overland flow, lateral erosion, linear erosion
permanentriver-bed phenomena,etc.
The knowledge of erosion in important not only soil on vast areas, along with
prevention of negative affects in river, canals etc., but for a number of geologic,
oceanographic and exploration problems. For instance, oceanographersand coastal
engineersare interested in the velocity of flow required for a scour of a certain water
pocket or deposition of sedimentsin tideless sea navigation turbulent. The knowledge
of erosion is also essentialto forecast geologic formations, flotation, etc.
Investigation of erosion should bring about progress in the following areas:
relationships between flow parametersand physical and mechanical soil characteristics
in erosion processes;minimum threshold (non-erodible) rate for soils, with specified
properties; duration of erosion for the specified flow and soil parameters,etc. Results
of erosion studies provide a background parameters,to predict result horizontal erosion
and to determine protection measures.These results also help to provide the erosion
It should be noted that argillaceous rock often occur among; sedimentary rocks.
Different authors show that argillaceous rock constitutes 65-82% of the overall
sedimentary mantle of the Earths crust (Mirtskhoulava, 1967; Mirtskhoulava, 1987)
and many differ in age.
-~- -.--___ -
All rocks consist of crystalline and mineral coherent particles, linked together by
the structure. This linkage may be rigid as in igneous and metamorphic crystalline rocks
and in cohesive sedimentary rocks. On the other hand, this linkage may be loose, as in
clay and loess cohesive soils and in coarse sedimentary and sandy cohesion less soils.
Argillaceous rock is a polydispersive system comprising particles of various size.
Grains of sands and silty particles occur in it. The most active role is played by clay
particles with diameters below 0.002 mm, the portion of which exceeds 30%.
Argillaceous rocks are cohesive and plastic both in natural condition and when
moistened; they preserve their shapes in dry. All these properties are most characteristic
and can be easily recognized.
3. Short summary of erosion in cohesive soil.
If we want to solve any problem it may be useful to turn to the past. The problem of
erosion in channels composed of cohesive soil have been studied since the 19th
century. A great number of investigations have been made, many studies being purely
The first study of erosion seems to be that by Dubois (Lane, 1953) who
published the table in 18 16 of critical erosion rates for some types of cohesive soils.
Echevery (Lane, 1953) published recomendations in 1916 on non-erodible
velocities. At the end of the 19th century the so-called regime theory was developed to
calculate the channel stability. The first attempt was made by J.F.Kennedy. The
formulae were later used together with depth and other parameters to describe the
cross-section of the channel. Considerable works on data generalization to predict
erosion were carried out by For-tier and Scobey (1923) who observed that the Kennedy
relationship ought about some losses in the computation of channel erosion although
the results were acceptable for the computation of non-silted channels.
Since 1930 a lot of attention has been drawn to the tractive force; Lane (Lane,
1953) carried out many investigations on the criterion of erosion stability in channels.
Together with the data of Echevery, For-tier and Scobey, he also used the USSR data
(standards of 1936) (Lane, 1953; Mirtskhoulava, 1988).
Unlike the US manuals, the recomendations proposed in the USSR (Fottier,
Scobey, 1923; Mirtskhoulava, 1988) were based not only on soil types, but they
included the parameter of clay density. It should be noted that the USSR manual
contained slightly overestimated values, if compared with those in the US
recommendations. Physical and mechanical properties, which characterize the erosion
resistance were considered in the US and USSR manuals.
The importance of the permissible (non-erodible) velocities for cohesive soils in
the solution of practical problems is doubtless; therefore field and laboratory
investigations have been undertaken recently in many countries.
The above analysis indicates that until now neither general nor particular erosion
theories exist which would provide solutions of practical problems. Moreover, widely
accepted laboratory tests are not available at present, although a lot of efforts are being
Our opportunities to describe the erosion of cohesive materials reliably in widely-
known terms are so limited that an accurate theoretical solution of this problem cannot
be anticipated in the near future. Therefore we shall not dwell on the proof that
experimental investigations are necessary. Theoretical derivation of a formula of non-
erodible velocity as a function of physical and mechanical properties of eroded material,
parameters, working conditions of a conduit, geometrical characteristics of a channel,
etc. required numerous experiments involving a great variety of grain size distribution,
properties, origin and geographic distribution of soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1966; 1966;
1967; 1970; 1970; 1987; 1988; 1989).
The investigation of shear resistance in cohesive materials was conducted mostly
in the Caucasian Republics of the FSU where the soils are represented by almost all
genetic types: from podzolic soil in humid climate to grey semi-desert soil and from
mountainous meadows in cold climate to terra rossa in humid subtropical zones. We
also investigated some typical soils of the northern Caucasus, Moscow region, the Urals
and Tadjikistan. Such experiments with cohesive materials of natural structure have
never been conducted in the world.
Because of many difficulties associated with field investigations of cohesive
materials in the channel we conducted our experiments in hydraulic flumes. Natural
samples having different composition, properties and origin were investigated in
laboratory, with subsequent verification of results in typical channels composed of
characteristic soils. The following laboratory investigations were made:
- laboratory investigations with undisturbed and disturbed samples. with
measurements of basic physical, mechanical, chemical and petrographic
characteristic and hydraulic parameters of flow:
- laboratory investigations in hydraulic flumes with disturbed and undisturbed
soils at different hydraulic parameters (depth, turbulence. quality and
quantity of suspended matters and bedload, etc.
- erosion resistance tests in field conditions for various composition of the
channel bed and hydraulic parameters,
The erosion tests were conducted in the laboratory in glass-walled flumes having
rectangular cross-sections of 50x30 sm. and 1150 sm. long, A high-speed microcamera
was used to observe erosion.
Description of erosion resistance by the above soil types was proved inadequate
during the investigations made in 1950’s soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1966; 1966; 1967; 1970;
1970; 1987; 1988; 1989). Basic findings were later confirmed in soils (Mirtskhoulava.
1966; 1966; 1967; 1970; 1970; 1987; 1988; 1989).
Erosion investigations, both visual and microscopic, together with measurements
by high-speed microcameras, have shed light on the erosion of cohesive materials,
which in fact varies with the composition, structure, properties, moisture content and
degree of cohesion.
The growing erosion rate (including the nature of clay and its interaction with
water) seems to depend on water resistance of both hydrocollodial and cohesion links,
water resistance of aggregates and the materials filling the pores between aggregates;
dimensions of macro- and micro- cracks are also important as they control the
penetration of water into cracks and the generation of the so-called wedge pressure.
The erosion process in clay of natural structure (water saturated) is a continuous
process of scour which grows in time and depends considerably on properties of soil
and characteristic of turbulent flow. The erosion process may be splitted up into a few
Zt should be assumed that generation of the erosion surface is associated with
heterogeneity of cohesion forces. A certain part of soil may be more resistance to
erosion due to this heterogeneity, so that less cohesive aggregates are detached faster
than the stronger ones, and a certain roughness appears.
The erosion surface is difficult to be described mathematically, so that
phenomenological approaches seem to be appropriate.
Character of flow is determined by active forces while properties of soil control
passive forces. If resistance of incohesive materials depends on their density and on the
density of water, the resistance forces in cohesive materials are much more complicated.
The stresses due to turbulent flow on the surface of heterogeneous soils are
obviously heterogeneous too and they are concentrated about any defect so that a
damage or failure is initiated. This has a significant role for the fatigue of a detached
Generation and growth of microscopic cracks is an important issue for the failure
mchanism in cohesive materials. The erosion resistance of spil is very sensitive to
surface deformations. Cracks reach sizes in which water may move freely and pressure
reaches significant magnitudes. Investigations of erosion permit assumption that failure
occurs if cracks are open and closed as a result of separated dynamic action of water.
Cracks grow eventually as a result of these multiple deformations, their links become
weak and the aggregate is detached.
Fatigue of links is referred to as failure due to concentration of irreversible
mechanical and chemical factors upon prolonged dynamic action of the turbulent flow.
The term “fatigue” is usually understood as a certain type of damage due to multiple
cycles of stresses with amplitudes below the limit of material fatigue. Determination of
the number of cycles which bring about damage makes it possible to postulate the
temporal behavior of erosion, i.e. intensity of erosion as a mnction of velocity
fluctuations and erosion resistance of soil soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1967). The term
“fatigue” has been taken from strength of materials science soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1967;
1988; 1989). The term “fatigue failure erosion” is not clearly defined. A fatigue crack is
difficult to be found in soil, as immediately after the fatigue occurs, the roughness
element becomes detached. Therefore, more objective criteria should be developed,
perhaps with the appearance of cracks on the eroded surface.
Analysis of test data shows that cohesive soil is capable to with stand a certain
number of loading cycles soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1966). Erosion stability depends on level
of the highest velocity fluctuations, The higher the level the lower the number of cycles.
Together with the loading level, the duration of velocity fluctuations and frequency of
dynamic action also control the erosion stability. The latter may increase with growing
frequency as for the same velocity level and high frequencies soil is resistant to a greater
number of cycles than at low frequencies
The above approach may be very useful to explain many properties of erosion of
cohesive soils soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1966; 1966; 1967; 1970; 1970; 1987; 1988; 1989).
in particular, for the latent period prior to initial erosion. The author proposed a fatigue
theory of erosion in cohesive soil as early as in the second half of the 1950s
(Mirtskhoulava, 1988). This approach seems to be applied later in corrosion of metal
and other resistant materials soils (Mirtskhoulava, 1988). The fatigue theory of wear
appeared even later (Mirtskhoulava, 1988).
Analysis of experimental data has proved that the non-erodible velocities depend
primarily on the size and form of sediments. cohesion between particles, physical and
mechanical properties of materials and water, depth of flow, slopes of bed and free
surface, longitudinal and lateral velocities of flow, turbulence, infiltration capacity of
soils, surface tension between grains, form of bed, angle of slope and geometry of flow
in the channel, time of the action of flow, and variability of all these parameters. This
simple list indicates that an accurate analytical solution for non-erodible velocities is a
very complicated task and, therefore, the appropriate laboratory and field methods
should be improved.
Non-erodible velocity of water in cohesive (clay) soils.
The absence of manuals for non-eroding velocity in channels with cohesive bed often
result in overestimation and overdesign of channels and erosion and damages
(Mirtskhoulava, 1966; 1988; 1989).
In the analysis, all soils are replaced by idealized media characterized by
homogeneity and continuity or some other properties discussed earlier.
Erosion is the detachment of aggregates and units linked by cohesion. The
characteristic dimension is taken as the mean diameter of the sphere equivalent by
volume to the detaching units. The latter is immediately removed by flow. The duration
of time required for a detachment depends on flow parameters and properties of soil.
Erosion depends on the quantity of loading cycles caused by near-bed velocity
Analysis of the process shows that a clear relationship exists between erosion
velocity and the detachment resistance (fracture fatigue strength).
Non-eroding velocity is highest value of mean flow velocity without channel
scour (destruction), inadmissible for normal operation.
The presented data for factors causing the scour of cohesive soils and
contemporary knowledge of channel flow dynamics make it possible to suggest the
method for a determination of permissible (non-scouring) flow velocities developed on
a sufficiently strict scientific basis. This method can guarantee the normal operation of a
structure at maximum reduction of its cost.
Without a detailed calculation given in (Mirtskhoulava, 1966; 1988; 1989)
equation for permissible non-eroding mean velocities Clri.perand near-bed velocities
V .ln.,jerin cohesive soil under plane turbulent flow will read:
In the derivation of Eqs.(3) - (5) one assumed a linear elasticity of the units
detaching during erosion. In general, however, the clay soil is not ideally elastic. Full
deformation prior to erosion is a sum of elastic and a certain additional plastic
Inclusion of plastic properties is somehow difficult, so that a certain simplification
of the solution seems to be appropriate. One of the methods of approximate analysis of
plastic and other properties of soil consists in finding erosion resistance characteristics
via so-called elasto-plastic tensile fatigue strength.
The quantity depends on the number of factors. of which chief ones are cohesion
plasticity, water strength of bonds. strain modules, porosity. breaking and conditions of
the generation of crack, and swelling.
Adding to these expressions the near-bed and permissible (non-erodible)
velocities and erodible near-bed velocities, ones obtains
VAsc = 1.25 [(I% - P,,)d + 1.q] (8)
Upon comparison of Eq.(7) with inclusion of plasticity versus Eq.(3) and Eq.(4)
one may see that the inclusion of plasticity makes it possible to increase the permissible
velocities by the factor of 1.3
Analysis of tabular data provided in (Mirtskhoulava, 1967) with part of
numerous results only, indicates that the design scheme proposed and the formula
obtained are adequate for a description of erosion in a wide range of input parameters.
Mean values of the ten practical values observed are grouped around the design value
with probability of not less than 90%. Recalling the stochastic nature of erosion. one
may accept this scatter.
Without detailed calculations given in (5) permissible (non-eroding). Velocities of
water in cohesive soils in terms of reliability theory can be determined as follows:
VAnper = 1.25 ___ (9)
2 Won
K Ps - P,,)Pf + 1.25(‘s]
of various correlations for systematic variances and correlation functions of stationary
random processes measured and recorded by well-known methods.
Using the above formulae and the characteristic reliability function one may
determine permissible (non-erodible) velocities of flow which secure failureless
operation of the eroded bed with a given reliability determined by the probability Y. The
formulae make it possible to account for the duration of erodible flow t, number of
outbursts, variance of detachment stresses and erosion resistance of aggregates (which
depend respectively on variability of cohesion force and near-bed velocity fluctuations).
microcavities of the relief and it initiates the sheet flow that is discontinuous and there is
a large number of small streams that flow, then. together due to their motion down the
slope and form a brook.
Number and power of these streams depend on the shape of lend surface and
character of soil cultivation. The more uniform the soil cultivation the more streams
come per unit of slope width and the less the value m is. the value m is less at cross
ploughing than at longitudinal one etc. For approximate calculations we can take
m=1.2+3.0 according to Kostjakov A.N. (Mirtskhoulava, 1987)
In our opinion, there is a need for quantitative limits of permissible erosion rate
using such indices as service life and effective thickness of the soil cover, i.e. the
difference between full initial thickness of the soil cover and the maximum permissible
one (H-HP,,); here the maximum permissible thickness means enough soil to create the
conditions both for plant growth and for agricultural machines operation. In this case
the decrease (due to erosion) of soil thickness below the permissible level leads to
economic consequences.
&-Hperr taking into account the permissible erosion rate can be
expressed by the following relation
H,, - Hper H,,.
Ipcr = (13)
c =- ( ',-
where Hclcy is effective thickness of the soil cover (mm), C’,.is service life of the
soil cover, per year.
When the erosion rate is reduced during some period of time, the failure
(Mirtskhoulava, 1987) will take place at the thickness of the soil cover H(t) decreasing
gradually during time (I), being equal or less than the permissible H value.
The normal distribution law can be used for the description (Mirtskhoulava.
where: H(t) is initial thickness of the soil cover, HP,,.is permissible maximum fixed
level of the soil cover thickness at which the soil normally functions and below this
value the normal conditions are disturbed (the failure begins).
Thickness of soil H(t) at a moment oft (as a result of the erosion influence) can
be considered as a random quantity the value of which is decreasing in time t. The
thickness may be assumed to decrease according to this law.
H(t) r Ho- It (16)
where Ho is initial soil thickness, I is total mean annual rate of erosion, the linear
dimension of which is taken according to values H and t. i.e. if the thickness is in
millimeters the dimensionality I is taken in is time (in years).
Standard deviation O, and o~~~,. are established from observation data on
analogous areas or by the use of Taylor series expansion. When taking the necessary
data for approximate estimates and calculations, the “three-sigma” rule may be used
(Mirtskhoulava, 1987).
We will illustrate the solution of the problem with a hypothetic numerical
The initial thickness of the soil cover H=95 sm. and the maximum allowable
annual erosion rate at a given probability of failure-free operation P=O.975 that
corresponds to value Z=1.96. Time of soil functioning ~600 years.
Using “three-sigma” rule and tolerances (to simplify calculations) equal to 20% of
a mean value of parameter. CT~and oHperare 0 N = 0.2H 0 ; o Nper=0.2HI,,r cr.
H’-2H per+ HfC!.
These values are introduced into eq.( 15): Z’ = ,
0; I& Hp0
After simpification, we obtain quadratic equation.
/ - 0.23 171! + 0.0130 = 0; j = 0.1365 cm.; ZJ = 0.0953 cm respectively
Thus, for soil the initial thickness of which H = 95 cm and maximum allowable
one 25.5 cm at soil service life of 600 years, it may be allowed 1 = 1.365 mm/years
(minimum value from square root of the equation). At such erosion intensity the failure
free soil functioning of probability 0.975 (Z = 1.96 corresponds to P = 0.975) will be
provided for 600 years,
General tendency in the environmental protection exhibits that the problem of erosion
and its forecast various types and stages will be given more and more attention. and
that it requires further theoretical and experimental efforts.
Our investigations were direction toward a refinement of the main physical and
mechanical properties of erosion stability in various soils and materials with the
inclusion of dynamic action of flow and its hydromechanical parameters.
Hydraulic investigations of the problem should go hand in hand with fundamental
investigations by hydromechanical methods and in terms of the mechanics of soils and
Statistical methods are very important for a description of erosion, because the
present disagreement in various relationships is obviously linked to an insufficient
consideration of the variability of the factors involved.
New prospects to lower the risk in stability analysis of erosion in channels as in
the assessmentof the variability of soil and flow parameters are still latent in the random
of channel changes factors controlling these changes.
c&!.s - design specific cohesion of cohesive soil
I: - free fall acceleration
H - depth of flow
I - free surface slope
K - coefficient to characterize probability of deflection of cohesion from mean
coefficient of working conditions including the effect of various factors in
channel conditions
- overload coefficient accounting for eroding capacity of flow due to velocity
- roughness coefficient
- probability
- mean permissible non-erodible velocity averaged over cross-section
- roughness height
- density of water
- density of soil grains
- hill slope erosion ( t/ha“ )
- the average frequency of pulsation velocities; it can be established according
to the Strouhal number o = 0.73WH where Y is the mean velocity of the
sheet flow and H is the sheet flow depth; when data are lacking to compute
0, it was assumed to be equal to 10 s-r ; (Mirtskhoulava, 1970; 1987; 1988;
the mean diameter of entrained aggregates, assumed equal to 0.004 m
- (Mirtskhoulava, 1967)
- a coefficient accounting for the deviation of the sheet flow motion from the
accepted smooth water surface motion
- the roughness coefficient (Mannigs coefficient)
- the length of the plot (m)
- the duration of excessive precipitation (s)
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Mirtskhoulava, Ts.E. (1989) Basic physics and mechanics of channel erosion. Delft,
The Netherlands.
Mirtskhoulava, Ts.E. (198 1) Land erosion, research equipment, forecasting methods
and prospect for their improvement. Erosion and Sediment Transport
Measurement (Proceeding of the Florence Symposium 198 1) IAHS, Pub]. No 133.
115 ,
I_- -__-
Sediment non-uniformity effects on entrainment
and transport
by K.G. Ranga Raju and M.K. Mittal
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Roorkee, India
Entrainment and transport characteristics of uniform
sediments are reasonably well understood. These mechanisms are
rather complex in case of sediment mixtures and are, as such, not
fully unders toad. at present. In the case of non-unlform sediments
the finer particles are shielded by the coarser ones and the
latter, in turn, are more exposed to the flow. This results in the
possibility of entrainment of different sizes under different flow
conditions. Also the transport rates of the different sizes would
be different from each other for a given flow condition and some
sizes may not move at all. Consideration of these effects is vital
in computation of reservoir sedimentation rates and degradation
including armouring effects. A thorough review of the state-of-art
related to initiation of motion and transport of non-uniform
sediments is presented.
1 dS4 d50
=g =- 2 I-Yg + -1
in which d and d are the sizes for uhi ch 54% and 16% of the
84 16
material are finer. The relaticnship shovn in Fig. 1 shovs that a
10.0 I I I I 1 I I I I ,
8 - l Gorda
d (mm)
down straom
of Kosi borrogQ 1
Ganga (at Hardwar)
0 I I I ,
d (mm)
large spread of sizes may be expected in the case of coarse
sedimcnl.s (1, I?. Ill t.t1c Ilppcr r-c!nctlcn) ) wt~rr~cns I.tlc! nnn-~~n 1 form 1 Ly
I :i IIOL :;o t’1~0110~111’:‘!‘1 Ill L11c lower r~cnctlos of‘ il rlvcr, whor-c LllC
malcr~li~l Is f Inor-. ‘I’ho pronounced non-un I form1 Ly of lho bed
ma Lor- la 1 0 I‘ LI\C G;lrl~;l river al tI;1I~dw;lr‘ (India) in Its upper
I’CilCtlf!!; I !;cIc;rl-ty dlsco~~t~lblr? l’rorn I’lg. 2. On Lhc oltlcr InrId,
pracLlcally all the bed material is wlthin a size range of 0.10 mm
to 1.0 mm for the Kosi river (India) in its lower reaches as may
also be seen from Fig. 2. Further the discharge in a river tends
to increase in the downstream direction, which means the river
generally has a greater capacity to transport sediment in the
lower reaches. These two facts lead to the strong possibility that
practically all the size fractions tend to move (and probably
mostly in suspension) in the lower reaches, whereas the condition
of partial transport, i.e. one in which some sizes do not move, is
likely to be encountered in the uppe.r reaches. Such reaches would
also be characterised by a significant amount of bed load
transport and relatively little suspended transport. Thus
consideration of the effects of sediment non-uniformity on
entrainment and transport appears very necessary in case of
coarser sediments likely to move essentially as bed load.
= (21
(P, - af)d
U .C d
R; =
__.. ____--- - -
/ gad riot
di = AVQ~O~Q of size 2
ronga dl to d2
(C 1 Non- uniform sudimQnt
qB (G - 1)
w* = (4)
;r, d-ij-- (RbS) 3’2
T* ci dl -1
= 0.85 d (6)
T 1 a 1
in which T ,ca is the dimensionless critical shear stress for the
arithmetic mean size. Hayashl et al. (6) recommend the following
equations :
= for dl/da < 1.0 (7al
log 8
8 d/d,
for di/da 2 1.0 (7b)
= di -0.982
K* ci 0.0876
I-lda (8)
Yet another form of equation for ~,c~ has been used by some other
investigators like Ashworth and Ferguson (101, Niekerk et al. (11)
and Wilcock and Suthard (3). They write
= Id’ (9)
r*50 1 dso
0.I 0.2 0.4 0.6 1.0 2 4 6
t / V.3”
I-- L-1 -
I ,~11111 I I I11111 I II-
6 10-2 2 46,$ 2 46 1002 4
___ --
The variation of ~~50 and /3 obscr-vcd by thcsc invcsligalor~s 1s
from 0.024 to 0.087 and from -0.65 to -1.06 respectively. Recently
Wilcock (121 used an equation of the form
T ‘*i B,
= a- (101
=* a I S I
2.01 J ’ 1 J I,,, I I I Illll~ J , ,,,,,I I I 111111
I I I I , , I, I
0.01 . I ,111111 I I 111111 I , I I,,,,
0 Einstein
A Misri Fltime
0 HRS data
x Samaga
Fig.0 variation ot LB ?B
with g, -C; / (AYsd I (25)
help of a hiding-cum-exposure coefficient,<R, defined as ~~~~~~~~
where T = the effective shear stress which glves the transport
rate of size d equal to that of the uniform material of the same
size as per the relation between r: and #R. Here #R is the
dimensionless transport parameter for an individual size di and is
defined as (i,q,l/(ib~sdil d (af/(Aasl g di and -c;=To/(Axsdi 1;
igqg is the rate of bed load transport for size d
i’ AT,= rs- ;rf’
and ho= 7f R’S,, R’ being the hydraulic radius corresponding to
grain roughness. Computation of bed load transport rates
fractionwise really boils down to the development of a method for
the determination of CR.
i di
eB = 7 for --d--- < 1.0 (11)
a a
for --d-- t 1.0 (12)
Al though the model was validated using some field and flume
data, further check on the model is required particularly in view
of the uncertainties associated with the estimation of critical
tractive stress from Eq. (9).
There is a unique relation between 4, and <, T: given by
Table 1.
Fig.9 RQlation batwaan Ke and Ii/‘cc (25)
~ ~-. .-...--- - .
Computed bad load, N/ms
Linu ot agraement
102 0
o HRS 1
0 0
0 V Einstein
0 Lab dato
0 0 a Misri
0 x Samaga 1
IO3 0 Clear Water riw r
/ Snaka riwr
Fiald data
O\\’ + East Fork river
l Baar rivar I -
Ralation as per /
o POtUl and Ranga Raju (26) 0
10 105 10
-4 103 1.0 10
8. Ranga Raju, K.G. and Patel, P.L., Erosion and Deposition of
Nonuniform.Sediments, Report Submitted to CSIR, New Delhi,
India, Oct. 1993.
16. Misri. R-L., Garde, R.J. and Ranga Aaju, K.G., Bed Load
Transport of Coarse Nonuniform Sediment, Jour. of Hyd.
Div., Proc. ASCE, Vol. 110, No. 3, March 1984.
19. Samaga, B.R., Ranga Raju, K.G. and Garde, R.J., Some Aspects
of Transport of Non-uniform Sediment, Proc. of the Second
International Workshop on Alluvial River Problems, Roorkee,
India, 1985.
\ -
20. Proffitt, G.J., and Sutherland,A.J., Transport of Non-uniform
Sediment, Jour. of Hyd. Res., IAHR, Vol. 21, No. 1, 1983.
22. Samaga, B.R., Ranga Raju, K.G. and Garde, R.J., Bed Load
Transport of Sediment Mixtures, Jour. of Hyd. Engg. . Proc.
ASCE, Vol. 112, No. 11, Nov. 1986.
24. Ranga Raju, K.G., Mittal, M.K. and Porey, P.D., Hiding and
Exposure Effects in the Bed Load Transport of Nonuniform
Sediments, Proc. of the International Grain Sorting Seminar,
Ascona, Switzerland, 1991.
25. Mittal, M.K., Porey, P.D., and Ranga Raju, K.G., Bed Load
Transport of Non-uniform Sediments, Proc. of the Euromech
262 Colloquium on Sand Transport in Rivers, Estuaries and
the Sea, Wallingford, U.K., 1990.
Sediment transport patterns observed
in Southern African rivers
Prof A Rooseboom
Dept of Civil Engineering, University of Stellenbosch
After more than 20 years involvement with sediment load data for southern African rivers, the
main impression which remains is the variability thereof.
Not only are daily loads of rivers extremely variable but even on an annual basis the
variability is such that longterm records are required in order to establish accurateestimatesof
averageannual loads.
It is therefore extremely risky to draw conclusions from limited records.
2.60 0
vo '
0 0
2.60- 0
0 0 0 0
2.40- 0 n A
0 0 9
2.20 - 0 Q
P- I - I - I I
0.40 u
k!Do% 0 -0 0 0
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
9 1
2 1
a 1
l-l 1
095 I,b 1,; LO 235 3:0
50 3
Theoretical Premises for Determining of
River Bed Scour and Accretion Areas
Alexander N. Butakov
EngineeringFaculty, FriendshipUniversity of Russia
A backwater level is also formed under artificial flow narrowing by cofferdams
protecting pits of hydraulic structure, bridge abutmentsand alignmentstructures.There
is a water level drop inside a cross-sectionof those structures.A water level is lowered
by a dredgecut etc.
Fig. 1
conjugated sections (see Fig. la). In this case the conjugation curve consists of the
dropping curve within the upstreampart and the backwater one within the downstream
part. Such water slope distributions are observedin a river-mouth and during a flood,
where the flow leavesa contractedvalley for a broad one. The free-water surface slope
of reservoir is equal zero in the first case.
During a low water the water level drop can became negative at a conjugation
cross-section,becausea free-water surface co-ordinatesdecreasemore along a narrow
valley than along an expandedone. In this casethe backwater curve extents within an
upstreampart (see Fig. lb). The similar situation in the slope changesis observedfor
conjugation sections of channelshaving different areas and shapesof a cross-section.
This and relative problems concerningartificial changesin bed width is the subject of a
If a river valley narrows the backwater curve is formed just before a narrowing
and then becomesto the dropping curve of slope downstream(seeFig. lc).
The preliminary research gave the following results. Any curve of free-water
surfaceslope can be approximatedas an exponentialcurve by the chooseof exponential
factor. So, the following equation is true for the free-water surface slope within the
I,, = I,, + I,, a; e-‘~C~ (%I -i;)
where a; is a coefficient deter-mining a value and a sign of free-water surface drop
within the upstream part, C; is a coefficient determining a curvature of a free-water
surfacealong this part and dependedon a valley configuration,particularly on its width
and flood bed sizes, k, = lTBOI / H,, , A r is a coefficient of hydraulic fktion, B,, and
H,,, are a flow width and depth in an upper cross-section,consequently,< = 1, / B,, .
If the free-water surface slope is growing along an upstream part (the f3st
scheme)than a; > 0, ifit is decreasing(the secondscheme)than a,l < 0 . ai = 0 means
the constantslopewithin the upstreampart.
The following equation describesfree-water surface slope along a downstream
where a,l' and C;’ have the samemeaning as a; and Cl and describinga downstream
part. a;' < 0 indicatesto the backwater curve, a;' > 0 indicatesto the dropping curve.
a; = 0 meansthe constantslopewithin a downstreampart.
The numerical value of the coefficients ai and aj’depend on a value of free-
water surface drop within a conjugation zone. Moreover, they depend on each other.
The free-water surface has to change smoothly, without gap, at a conjugation cross-
sectionfrom an upstreampart to a downstreamone. Therefore, the following condition
is true:
d-c, dZw2
-I I
=- 4 l*=O
which is equalto
The slope value II, is determinedfrom the equation (1) at < = z, and the slope
valueII, is determinedfrom the equation (2) at z = 0. We have the following equation
after substitutionsby the founded expressionsinto (3) :
al’= 02-- 1
1 (4)
IO, l+a,
a;‘=- AZwm
kTc,, = _ “TX kT c; (6)
Io,Bo, k IOPOI1+ a;
BecauseAZw, = AZ,,,,,+ AZw, , insteadof (5) we have:
Putting the value of J, into the equation(8) leadsto the following expressionfor
a squareof a relative velocity of a stream U = Y2/Vo2 along an upstream(upper than a
conjugationcross-section)zone of a river bed:
k,aj ’ b[Q(i;)+C;‘;ldj-
l+ kTjekTeii;)dT+---&e (9)
0 e 0
J = l+a~~-ate-W~‘h
2 I I
1+ 4kT(’+o;?qek’8(~@
_ 4kTa~,~ek,[e(~,-c~~]d~
0 0 1 (10)
Relative distance < has been changedby relative distance T, which has the origin
point at the beginning of a conjugation zone. Consequently T = F - T1. Because the
01 i; 7 z,
integral could be written as )=i
0 0
f , we have 1 f f
. Also the obvious
v=v,tliT (13)
The concluded equation (9) and (12) allow to calculate a flow velocity along a
whole conjugate zone under any combinations of backwater and dropping curves
showed in Fig. 1. The investigation of processesof river bottom evolution involves
bottom deformations and flow velocity alterationscausedby the deformationspassing.
This problem should be performed by computer aid.
For this aim achievementa period of the time T is divided into severalintervals
At = T/n and a zone length I is divided on elemental portions AZ = l/i. Then the
equationfor the function U could be written as:
UnIi = (Uie -krF(b) +kTAL(l+aj)[(l+a$(~ekTuF -iekTuF) -
0 0
map WW
Solution methods
Let us examine the following examples. The formation of a longitudinal profile of a
river bed within areasof valley width alterationsis the theme of this part.
Let a valley is narrow along an upstream part and is broad downstream. As
mentioned above, a flood level is considerablyhigher within a narrow part than within a
broad one. An additional drop of co-ordinates of free-water surface arising causesthe
redistribution of free-water surface slopes.Along a upstreampart the free-water surface
slope gradually grows, attained the maximum at its end. Along a downstream part it
gradually decreasesfrom the maximum at a conjugation cross-sectionto approachthe
slope of free-water surface deter-miningan uniform flow along that part. This case is
shown on Fig. la.
For the determination of scouring and accretion areas of channel bed the very
large (disastrous) flood should be taken into account, when those areas are formed.
During such floods a valley is submerged given a large depth accompanying stable
continues streams.The value of C, coefficient should be set by comparing an actual
and a calculated depth and width of a continues stream under present river bed
conditions. The usual value is less then one ( C, = 1 in the case of inner bar or anti-bar
formation). An actual width includes parts of a river valley close-fitting to a stream
course, where stable one-directional streams are, and a width of river arms, if they
To simplify calculationlet an averagebed depthsare approximatelyequal within a
whole conjugatezone at initial time point. Then the equation (9) and (12) for the U’
and U” are:
1 + c;
-k,Ci(G, -‘;) _ ,-kr(C& +i;)
1 (17)
u” = (u; _ o,‘)e-kd%) _ D;e-“+@$, ‘D,r, (18)
where Di’= (l+a;)(l+a!‘), Dil= (l+a;)x Dj’= D,“- 0,’ , U; = U&,
The equation(13) determentsan averageflow velocity within a cross-section.
There are two casesfor a calculationof river bottom deformation, which limit the
whole spectraof an actual longitudinal profile of a river bottom.
The first one is based on the constantriver flow width during rebuilding of river
bottom relief, which is defined as:
B=Q/(vH) (19)
where the velocity V and the streamdepthH are given for the initial stage.
Flow velocity is
V=Q/(BH) (20)
where an origin point for the co-ordinate z?,i is equal the initial bottom and is defined
by the equation(16).
The alteration of a flow velocity, which is determinedby evolving deformations
accompany a free-water Surfacealteration. During any period of longitudinal bottom
profile developmentfree-water surfaceslopeis definedby the following expression:
Free-water surfaceslope is growing up within the zone of sedimentsaccretion.At
first glance it would seem that the decreasingof flow width within a scouring area is
u.njustiEed.However, that is the case. A flow velocity with width is non-uniformly
distributed. It is always more on a midstream where the major bottom scouring is in
progress.A water dischargeconcentrateson a channelline and zones of a tranquil flow
accompanying sometimes with backward jets are formed. As observational data
indicated such zones silt up or overgrow by vegetation with time. This process is
favourablefor decreasingof an actualbed width.
The increasingof a bed width takesplace within an accretionzone.
The noted two types of calculationsgive similar deformation outlines. In the case
of homogenouscomposition of sedimentsand the fixed initial flow depth the maximum
of deformations is noted at a cross-sectionwhere the derivative is maximum too.
During deformations evolution the zone of maximum depth moves towards a cross-
sectionof maximum velocity and when a large depthhas been formed a cross-sectionof
maximum depth is closely marched by that of maximum velocity. The calculation
resultsfor the secondmethod is depictedin Fig. 2.
The sedimentstransported by flow from an scouring zone accumulate along a
zone of velocity decrease.The longitudinal profile becomeswavelike. During an initial
period of evolution frontal slopes of erosion and accretion zones are steeperthan rear
ones. The slopes steepenthrough time, however rear slopes became steeper quicker.
The velocity of vertical deformation decreasesgradually and the accretion crest shifts
However, the mentioned methods of calculation lead to the deformation value
which significantly distinguishesfrom each other. The difference may be ascribedthat
the first method gives the conceivable minimum of the longitudinal bottom
transformation and the second one gives the maximum. The actual profile of river
bottom is arranged within the boundaries given by the noted methods and could
approximateto either one or another bounding curves. Regular variations are dictated
by a local peculiaritiesof a valley structure and soil conditions.
The local backwater resultsfrom a contractedvalley, below that a dropping curve
of a free surface arises. The distribution of relative slopes is given by the equations
mentionedabove.However, the amplitudes a,l and aj’ reservetheir signs,so that a;
becomesnegative and a;’ >O. The same equationsare still valid for the velocity V, the
depth H, and the bottom co-ordinate Z,, which has been used for the calculation of
longitudinal profile of a river bottom within an expandedzone of valley. The earlier
For this case the two variants of solution can be also considered, which is
determined by the borderline curves of a longitudinal profile, describing the process
evolution in time.
At the beginning the bed scouring is found in an upstream part of contracted
section of a valley. A scouring area progressivelygrows in depth and length and the
accretion zone runs just before the narrowing within a backwater zone. The
deformationvelocity is reducedwith the passageof time.
The second method displays the formation of a new accretion zone, which is
found downstream of a channel scouring zone, where free surface slope is enhanced
(seeFig. 3). This phenomenais explainedby the following reasons.
On account of the significant increaseof flow velocity within an upstreampart of
contracted zone, where a channel scouring is observed, the sediments discharge
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
dramatically increasesdownstream. However the actual velocity can not support the
sedimenttransport derived from intensivescouring downstreamof scouring zone. The
partial sedimentationhappens.This process leads to an appearanceof a downstream
accretionzone in spite of a river runs in a narrow valley. It should be pointed out that
the zones of sedimentsaccretion coming about in that case have been described by
Makkaveev ( 1955). He intimated that in natural rivers there were zones, where a bed
had a narrow valley and yet is f?lledby alluvial depositsfor the great depth. It could be
found stablechannelscoring areasat a very long extent. In plan the river bed is usually
slightly bent and curvature of the bed is closeto curvature of the river valley. Formation
of stable channelscouring areasis favoured by low volume of entering sedimentsand
difficult-to-scour soil. Combination of the noted conditions is aided to formation the
most beautiful place at river Volga namely Ples glorified by the famous Russianartists.
Unfortunately now Pleshad been submergedby the water storagereservoir.
The formation of hydraulic structures appearsonly slightly in the scoring areas
and usually microforms could be observed. Sand dunes or sometimes shoals are
relatively rare. The shoals form gently sloping channelbar without well-defined crest
and are named by the special term in navigational practice. Any kinds of hydraulic
structurescan evolve within accretionzones.
By this means the set up theoretical prerequisites and deduced equations allow to
resolve the very sophisticated problem within the framework of one-dimensional
hydraulics and to derive the answer about , determining steppedshapeof longitudinal
river-bed profile. Unfortunately the one-dimensionalapproachdoesnot allow to study a
specialfeature of developmentof transversalbed profile, which is formed distinctly in
the channelscouring zones.This problem could be solved by switching to hydraulics of
two dimensionalflows.
Butakov, A. N. (1971) ‘Plane currents’. Trudy LIVT, Vol. 129, p. 10-15. (in Russian).
Butakov, A. N. (1990) ‘Theoretical models of channel forms development’.
Proceedingsof the Fifth All-Union Hydrological Congress,Vol. 8, Leningrad. (in
Makkaveev, N. I. (1955) River channel and erosion in its watershed, AN SSSR,
Moscow, 346 p. (in Russian).
Sediment associated transport of
Chernobyl radionuclides in the Pripyat
River, Ukraine
0. V. Voitsekhovitch, V. V. Kanivets, V. I. Vishnevsky
Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Kiev
On April 26, 1986 the nuclear accident on the reactor N-4 of the Chernobyl NPP took
place. As a result about 4% of fission products were releasedto the atmosphere.Most
of the released radioactive materials due to wind influence were deposited on the
watersheds areas of the Dnieper River (as well as the Pripyat catchment) heavily
polluting a large territory (Vakulovsky et. al., 1991, 1994). The flood plain areasin the
vicinity of the Chernobyl NPP were extremely contaminated by the radionuclides as
well (Voitsekhovitch et. al., 1991).
This and adjacent drainagebasinswill remain the main potential sources of the
Dnieper cascadecontamination by the Cs-137 and Sr-90 due to run-off and erosion
processes,which carry radionuclides downstream through the Pripyat River and
Dnieper cascadeto the Black sea(Voitsekhovitch et. al., 1993).
The highest level of radioactivity in the water of the Pripyat River was observed
during the initial period after the accident. Some time radionuclide contents exceeded
a sanitarypermissiblelevel for some particular radionuclidesin the natural waters. From
1986 to 1994 radionuclides contents in the river were gradually decreasedin general,
but during eachhigh water period its concentrationin water increasedunder the wash-
off and erosion phenomena, creating a secondary contamination of the water masses.
Therefore, the ratio between Sr-90 and Cs-137 in stream changedsignificantly as well
as the ratio between its suspendedand soluble part in the water. These differenceshave
to be determined by many geochemical and hydrological species taken from the
contaminatedareas. Some aspectsof the “solid -liquid” interaction between suspended
and solubletransport of Cs-137 in the river and reservoir are consideredbelow.
Experimental methods
The main objectives of the carried-out experimental work were to evaluate a total
radionuclide transport by the river flow from the contaminated areas and to study the
fate of radionuclidesassociatedwith suspendedparticles and transportedin soluble form
in the river-reservoir system. Experimental data were collected in the Ukrainian
Hydrometeorological Institute within the framework of different national monitoring
programs.Besides,the goal of investigationswas to obtain parameters,necessaryfor a
predictive modelling of the radionuclidestransport by the water flow. The samples of
water and suspendedparticles were taken at severaltransects,covering 150 km of the
Pripyat River, the Kiev Reservoir and other reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade(system
of reservoirs).The suspendedmaterial was sampledusing a tangential filtration system
and by standard devices. In order to evaluatethe origin of suspendedmaterial and to
quantify the relative importance of the factors, influencing solid-liquid partitioning of
radionuclides,the following characteristicswere measured:particles size distribution,
mineralogical composition, dissolved oxygen, pH, temperature of water, amount of
organic matters, ammonium etc. The sampling of water with suspendedmatters for
radionuclidecontaminationanalysiswas carried out by the specially designedtechnique
MIDI4 (Manual..., 1990), which consistedof three linked sections (pump with water
flow meter, filtration system and absorberbox). Usually, 100-500 litres of water were
taken for each sample.Samplingsystem of ANPA-DISP (Italy) (Sansoneet. al., 1994)
was also used. This samplingsystemhas been designedto gather different fractions of
suspendedmaterialsusing nylon cartridge filter with 40, 10, 0.45 pm pore size and with
diameter of 60 pm and a filtration area 0.49 sq.m. The water filtered ranged from 500
to 2000 litres.
DifIerent sorts of adsorbent materials on the basis of ammonium
exocyanocobaltferrateresinswere usedto fix cesiumdissolvedin water (Sansoneet. al.,
1994; Remes, 1995). To determinethe amount of suspendedmaterial, the filters were
dried and weighted before and after the filtration of water. All filters and resins were
analysedby gamma-spectrometry.Gamma-ray spectrometryanalysisof the water and
suspendedsediments were performed using Ge(Li) and HPGe detectors.The samples
were counted from 5 to 20 h giving a standarddeviation lo-15%. For Sr-90 analyses
the ordinary radiochemicalapproachhasbeenused (Manual..., 1990).
The radionuclidestransport by the river flow in dissolved and suspendedforms
was calculated on the basis of routine hydrological flow calculation procedure by the
daily (for flow) and ten-day or monthly averageddata (for radionuclidecontents).
particles of different size for every year and for the period of 1987-1994 were
calculated. The amount of suspendedsedimentsin the river flow with size particles less
than 0.05 mm was about 55-60 % of the total.
On the contrast, the bed sedimentsin the Pripyat River mainly consist of sands
with very little silt and almost no clay size sediments.
It was found, that large part of ‘37Cs, as well as some other radionuclides,were
associatedwith suspendedparticles. Ratio of 137Csbetween solid and dissolvedpart in
river flow for different observationseasonsis presentedin Fig. 1. Moreover, from year
to year this part has a tendency to increasingdue to erosion processesremaining to be
rather intensive on the basis of decreasingof Cs-137 contents in mobile forms in the
upper surface layer of catchment landscape, because of its furation and vertical
migration in soils. Also the monthly averagedCs-137 and Sr-90 concentrationsin the
inlet and outlet water flow of the different reservoirs were considered(Fig. 2). These
data have confirmed that the reservoirs can be consideredas a temporary sink of the
material transported by the rivers crossing the areas contaminatedby the Chernobyl
event. The assessmentof annual radionuclide transport by the Pripyat River and the
DnieperRiver is presentedin Table 1.
The results presented in Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and Table 1 also have defined a very
important role of the suspendedparticles as well as the physical and chemical
parametersof water bodies on the adsorbtion-desorbtionprocessesfor radionuclideson
suspendedmaterials. For instance,on the basis of the presenteddata it is evident that
only l-2 % of total inlet of Cs-137 to the Kiev Reservoircould reach the estuary of the
Dnieper River. Most part of Cs-137 as a result of absorbtionon suspendedparticles and
due to direct uptake by the sedimentwere accumulatedin the Dnieper cascadebottom,
and were mostly tied firm on the solids. Some aspectsof Cs-137 transfer on the
suspendedparticlesto be transportedfrom catchmentareasto the river-reservoir system
are presentedbelow.
~-:s.:.:.:x..;... .
gg$w<: .... . . .,..~.....,.......................
Kiev Kanev
40 7
30 Sr-90
25 1
40 i I cs-137
01.87 01.89 01.91 01.93 01.87 01.89 01.91 01.93
n Inlet q Otitlet Wnlet q Outlet
Krementchug Dneprodzerdzinsk
40 7 40
35 35
30 1 30
15 1
0 ! I
01.87 01.89 01.91 01.93 01.89 01.91 01.93
b7let q Outiet n inlet q Otilet
4 cs-137
Fig. 2 Monthly-averaged radionuclide concentration in water at the inlet and outlet j’orn the
reservoirs in yCii1 (1987- 1993 y.)
The fate of radioactive substancesin river-reservoir system
The measurementsshowed, that the level of radioactive contaminationdependson the
size of particles. Usually small particles (especiallyless than 0.05 mm) are much more
polluted than large ones (Fig. 3). Stream flow conditions in the Pripyat River (if
comparedwith the reservoir condition) usually don’t allow the suspendedparticlesto be
deposited. This is the reasonwhy the streambottom sediments,presentedby sands,are
comparably “clean”. The differencesbetween contaminationof silt-clay sedimentsand
sandscan reach severalorders of magnitude.
Radioactlvities of ‘37Cs
1 - Fall 1866
2 7 Sprln 1987
3 -_ Fall 18 67
47Sp’ 1986
5 - Fall?I1 60
This fact has to be taken into account when studying a peculiarity of sediment
radionuclidestransport by current or wave flows (Walters et. al., 1982; Voitsekhovitch
and Zheleznyak, 1994). Besides,this sorption-adsorptionability of the solid particles of
sedimentscan be used for an identification of the origin of different radioactively
contaminated suspendedmatters on the catchment areas with defined species of its
contamination (IAEA 1993). Relatively low erosion rate on the territories inside
Chernobyl close-in zone caused,that from year to year the “far zone”(outside area
with significant level of radioactive contaminationof the Pripyat River basin) becomes
more and more important. A special investigationwas carried out for the evaluation of
its role and its runoff contribution from different parts to the total pollution of the
Pripyat River by suspendedsediments.
It was determined,that the Pripyat River basin could be divided into four zones
with different characteristics of turbidity and modules of the solid flow. The
parametersof annualsedimenttransport (including quantity of solid material of different
size) were calculated for each zone and for the whole basin. As a result, a good
conformity was found between transport of sedimentswith size less than 0.05 mm
(carried by the Pripyat River near Chernobyl) and the total amount, carried by the
tributariesfrom the catchmentarea. Thus, it gave an opportunity to find some particular
limited areas inside the Pripyat River catchmentwith a great impact of the secondary
pollution of the river. The comparison of radionuclide contamination speciesof the
suspendedparticles caught near Chernobyl in the river flow can provide the unique
possibility to verify its origin from the catchmentarea. This methodological study is in
progress;future researchresultswill be obtainedlater.
The investigation,carried out in the Kiev Reservoir and in other reservoirs (Fig.
2), shows, that most of the radioactive material, associatedwith sediments, are
depositedonto the bottom. Dnring post-accident period 98 % of total amount of
137Cs were depositedin bottom layers of six reservoirsand more than 50 % of it in the
Kiev Reservoir. The most polluted bottom sedimentsin the Kiev Reservoir occur in the
upper area of the reservoir near the mouth of the Pripyat River and submergedriver-
bed of the Dnieper River. The deposition of relatively clean solid substancesonto the
initially contaminatedbottom sediments during the recent years caused a submergence
of most polluted layer. The disposition depth of the mostly contaminated layer of
bottom sedimentsdated by 1986 for the upper part of the Kiev Reservoir reaches lo-
30 cm deep (Voitsekhovitch, 1993) decreasingto the layer of 2-3 cm deep near the
dam. The investigation shows, that D&per reservoirs serve and would remain the
main receiver of contaminatedwater and radioactive suspendedsediments. The
progressin calculation and forecastingmethods demandsa proper understandingof the
mechanisms,which control the radionuchde adsorbtion-desorbtionprocesses. On the
basis of above mentioned studiesit became clear that severalprocessesare related to
the governing role of the solid material associatedwith radionuclides(as well as some
other toxic materials)during their motion in water under the runoff flow. Main of them
are as follows:
- erosionwash-out from the catchmentareas;
- river-reservoir water/sedimenttransport;
- sedimentationprocessesin the reservoir;
- secondary resuspensionof the contaminated sedimentsunder the wave and
current conditions;
- sorbtion-desorbtion, kinetic mechanisms of mineral components and direct
consumptionof radionuclidesby some aquaticalgaeand phytoplankton;
- diffusion and other mass exchangeprocesses,governing vertical migration of
radionuclide and transfer radionuclidesbetween solid part and pore water of different
layer of sediments.
The first part of the consideredprocessesresponsiblefor radionuclide transport
with suspendedmatter can be simulated on the basis of the well known hydrological
approaches,standarddata collection proceduresand availablemathematicalmodels.
The secondpart of the processesis less studiedfrom the point of view of the laick
of accurate parameters and the absenceof strong recommendation for estimating
distribution parameters.Most significant of them is distribution coefficient Kd, that
determines a ratio of radionuclidesbetween soluble and solid phasesin the water. The
Kd value also dependson the time passed after radionuchde entrance into soil or
bottom sediments (ageing effect). Therefore, a reliable prediction of radionuclide
behaviourin “solid-liquid system”is only possibleif distribution coefficientsfor a given
“suspendedmatter-water”systemat a given time could be assessedon the knowledge of
about m.echanismsand kinetic parametersof sorption-desorptionprocesses.A number
of methods of laboratory and insitu determination of Kd value has been describedin
literature (Beneshet. al., 1988; Cremers, 1988; Konoplev et. al., 1992; Valske, 1993;
Sansoneet. al., 1994).
However, analysisof these data shows,that there are no ah-purposeKd valuesto
be used for modelling the behaviour of radionuclidesin any solid-liquid interactions
studies.For example,the variance of Kd values for 13’Csin surfacewater is known to
be 4 orders of magnitude.Moreover, the difference in Kd at the same site for different
layer of bottom sedimentsin the rivers and lakes can be as great as two orders of
magnitude.Also sorption-desorptionmechanismsas a role are not reversible. By this
phenomena,13’Cs ( as well as other substancelike some heavy metals, pesticides,etc.),
which could be firmly fixed on clay mineralsor organic matter of the eroded catchment
in equilibrium condition betweenparticles and pore water of the soil solution can be in
no equilibrium state during its adsorption in natural river flow. As was shown by
recent studies(Konoplev et. al., 1993) the radionuclidesoccur in the solid sediments
phasein physical and chemical forms which differ by their ability to exchangewith the
water phase.The equilibrium of the exchangeableform with the solution is attainedin a
short time ranging from several minutes to tens of minutes, whereas the fixed form
passesinto solution much slower. As a consequence,Kd calculatedfor the total Cs is
growing during severalmonths in solids-liquid suspension.Therefore, the distribution
coefficient can be also defined for the exchangeableform , which usually increasestwo
fold in the first severalten hours and then remains constant. So, exchangeableKd is
better to be used for simulation of fast processes.Therefore the identification of Kd
value for suspendedmaterial in natural polluted water is not a trivial task, because the
value of Kd extremely dependson the size of particles and their mineral or organic
contents, time interaction with water, the chemical characteristic of water, its
temperatureand time passedafter the radionuclideentranceinto the solid liquid system.
For example, recently obtained results (Voitsekhovitch and Kanivets, 1993) showed
some unusual distribution of 137Cson different size fractions of freshwater algae and
phytoplankton. Less sizes of particles were associatedwith less concentrations of
consumed 13’ Cs in the water column, when size of fractions were separated,using
filtration facilities. At the sametime absolutelydifferent resultsfor the samefractions of
organic particles were obtainedwhen sedimentationapproachto size particle separation
was used. So, it is necessaryto be very careful, using experimentaldata on suspended
matter size particles distribution for its applicationstudyingtheir hydraulic and sorption-
The consideration of the Kd value approach determination is an individual
complex problem. In this connection,the following general questions,that outline the
tasks of the study, have been formulated:
What methodology is most acceptableand correct when suspendedparticles of
different nature have to be sampledin river flow and reservoir water column?
What are Kd’s for suspendedparticles,that have been transportedby water flows
from sources(erosion run-off, small stream,river flow and by reservoir flow) ?
How to clarify the difference betweenKd’s for suspendedmatter and that for the
bed sediment?
And, f?nally,how to comparelaboratory valueswith field results?
The above mentionedproblems have been in focus of researchprogram initiated
by Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute during recent years. The results of this
study can assistto develop and to improve the knowledge of the role of suspended
particlesin the fate of radionuclidestransportedby the water flows.
Benes, P.; M. Kunsova; J. Slovak and P. Lam Ramos (1988) ‘Analysis of the
interaction of radionuclideswith solid phase in surface waters using laboratory
experiments’.J. Radioanal.Nuclear. Chem., Articles 125, p.295-315.
Cremers,A. and P. N. Herion (1985) ‘Radionuclide partitioning in sediments:theory
and practice’. In: Seminar on Behaviour of Radionuclidesin Estuaries,Renesse
(the Netherlands). September,1984. CEC , XII/380/85- EN: l-25.
IAEA ( 1993) ‘Advisory group meeting on use of nuclear technique in studying soil
erosion and siltation’. Report to the Directorate General, Vienna, 26-29, April,
Konoplev, A. V.; A. A. Bulgakov; V. E. Popov and Ts. I. Bobovnikova (1992)
‘Behaviour of long-lived Chernobyl radionuclidesin soil-water system’. Analyst,
117, 1041.
Manual on organisation of environmental monitoring in surrounding the active
nuclear power plants (1990), Hydrometeoizdat,Editor K. P. Makhonko, 294 p.
(in Russian).
Sansone,U.; 0. V. Voitsekhovitch and V. V. Kanivets (1993) ‘Sedimentationstudies
and evaluation of suspended radionuclide transport by rivers and Dnieper
reservoir flow. ’ In: Progress report ( 1992-1993) ‘Modelling and study of the
mechanismsof the transfer of radioactive material from the terrestrial ecosystem
to and in water bodies around Chernobyl,IFE, UK.
Sansone,U. ; 0. V. Voitsekhovitch and V. V. Kanivets ( 1994) ‘Suspended Cs-137
transport fi-om the rivers located in the Chernobyl areato the Kiev Reservoir’. In:
Progress Report (1993-1994) ‘Modelling and study of the mechanismsof the
transfer of radioactive material from the terrestrial ecosystemto and in water
bodies around Chernobyl,ANPA-DISP, Italy, p.59-66.
Valske, E. ( 1993) The behaviour dynamics of radiocesium and radiostrontium in soils
rich in organic matter, Ph. D. Thesis, Katholike Universitet Leuven, Belgium.,
135 p.
Vakulovsky, S. M. ; A. I. Nikitin and 0. Voitsekhovitch ( 1994) ‘Cesium - 137 and
Strontium-90 contamination of water bodies in areas affected by releasesfrom
Chernobylnuclear power plant accident : an overview’. J. Environ. Radioactivity,
23, p. 103-122.
Vishnevsky, V.; 0. Voitsekhovitch (1994) ‘Suspended Sediments Transport in the
Pripyat River System’. In: Proc. Conference ‘Dynamic and Termic of rivers,
reservoirs... ’, Vol. 1 (in Russian).
Voitsekhovitch, O.V.; V. A. Borsilov and A. V. Konoplev (1991) ‘Hydrological
aspects of radionuclides migration in water bodies following the Chernobyl
accident’. Proc. Seminar. Comparative Assessmentof Radionuclides released
during three Major Nuclear Accident: Kyshtym, W indscale and Chernobyl.
Luxemburg, October 1990, Brussels,CEC, p. 527-548.
Voitsekhovitch, 0.; V. Kanivets; G. Laptev and I. Y. Biliy ( 1993) ‘Hydrological
processesand transport by surfacewater pathwaysas appliedto water protection
after the Chernobyl accident’. Proc. Hydrological Considerationsin Ralation to
Nuclear Power Plants,Paris, September,p. 85-105.
Voitsekhovitch, O.V.; M. I. Zhelesnyak and Y. On&i (1994) Chernobyl nuclear
accident. Hydrological analysis and emergency evaluation of radionuclide
distribution in the Dnieper River, Ukraine, PNL Report-9980, 96 p.
Walters, W.; R Ecker and Y. Onkhi (1982) Sediment and radionuclide transport in
rivers, PNL Report. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission,Washington,75 p.
Fluvial Sediment Transport in the Arid
Regions of Central Asia
Dr. Ismagilov H.A.
The foothills of Central Asia are composedby loams, sandy loams and clays. During a
heavy shower mud flows with turbidity up 300 kg/m3, and more, are generatedthere.
The topic of this article is about channel relationshipsbetween mud flow in the
Central Asia and particle flow velocity in mud flows. A number and associations
dependenciesare proposed to determine the main parameters of mud flows with
considerationof suspendedsedimentinfluence.
VAP, -Pc)
P= (2)
(Pr - P)
b) for transitional regimes(0.15 < d < 1.5 mm):
x VCP,- PC)x
p=ic) ( VOPC (3)
c) for turbulence regimes(d > 1.5 mm):
p= P(PT
--PC) (4)
where: p , pT , pc- density of water, sedimentsand mixtures.
Fig I Functional relationship v,/ v, = f(s)
VB+ 0.033
V sm Fso’ s5 (5)
a) for laminar regimes:
c) for turbulenceregimes:
Y/H v/a:
123456 i 1 1 - 180 \ 2 - 240
3 - 500
4 - 900
0.8 5 - 1200
\\ 6 - 1600
The analysisof Fig. 1.2 shows, that curves may be obtained from the following
w, = a&,[l-(Y/qz] (9)
where o, is a hydraulic fall of sediments;
z is an index, which dependson the flow velocity and
degreeof uniformity (0 I z I 1)
For high velocity and small uniformity of sedimentsthe value of z is very small.
With the increaseof nonuniformity of sediments,the value of z must be higher.
The coefficient py of density stratification is decreasingtowards the bottom and
its value is not high:
Channel Realationships of Mud Flow in the Central Asia
All the rivers in the Central Asia are subdividedinto two categories:
l the rivers with regular water flow during the year;
l ephemeralmud streams,flowing during heavy showers,in particulary.
The number of ephemeral streams are 42% of the total number of rivers.
Maximum dischargesof ephemeralstreams result from rare but heavy showers and
producing mudflows. Dischargesof mud flows in ephemeralstreamsreach 500-600
m3/sand more, at flow speedup to 5-6 m/s and sedimentsconcentrationup to 400-450
kg/m3. Mudflows passingdown the channelsof ephemeralstreamscausegreat damage,
which can be hardly comparedwith the damageproduced by high floods in river.
Mudflow control requires a developmentof design relations between the channel size
and form, and main factors defining the formation flow dependencer,for mountain and
Piedmontrivers in the Central Asia.
Many scientists (Ilyin I.A.,Altunin S.T,Artamonov K.F.) investigated channel
relations between mountain and Piedmont rivers in the Central Asia. But they studied
rivers at the assumtionof constant water flow during a year, that is why not all factors
were taken into account which had a considerableinfluence on forming the mudflow
river beds, such as soil characteristics (rocks) making channel banks subject to
deformation,influence of suspendedsediments,etc.
We here establishedchannel relations for ephemeralmudflow streamsusing the
structural formulae, suggesteedby M.A.Velikanov (1955) for determinationof channel
M.A.Velikanov suggestedthe following structural equationsfor the channelwidth
and averagedepth of the water flow:
[ 1- Q
’ d”@
x, (11)
[ 1
$=K2 ~ x2 Q
where Q - water discharge;d - mean diameter of bed deposits;i - channel slope;
B - channel width; H - averagedepth of flow; Kl and K2 - parameters;Xl and XZ -
On the basis of the analysisof morphometrical relations we took XI =0.5; XZ
=0.25. K, and KZ - changeable.For revealing the characterof changesin Kl and KI in
mudflow rivers in the foothills of Central Asia, the data on hydraulic parametersof
mudflow rivers received by R.G.Ufin,S.E.Esimov and V.V.Korobov were used. For
foothill mudflow rivers in Central Asia parametersKI and Kz are subjectto considerable
changes(Table 1): K, from 0.33 to 2.87; Kz from 0.24 to 1.1. In spite of this for
mudflow watercourseswith lessstablechannelthe parameterK, - is increased,and KZ -
is decreased,in such a way that cross section of the channelbecomesmore splitted in
comparisonwith other rivers, theseparametersdependon the propertiesof soils making
channelbanks,and on the quantity of transportedsuspendedsediments.
River H KI
1. Nukur 998 0.020 1.45 1.94
2. Firuza 244 0.029 0.170 30 1.30 0.87
3. im.Khudaiberdyev 50 0.020 0.080 7 1.30 0.35
4. Arnov 28 0.018 0.090 5 1.00 0.33
5. Chartaksai 110 0.011 0.030 100 0.45 2.27
6. Chartaksai 111 0.008 0.026 79 0.66 2.04
7. Sasyksai 67 0.020 0.023 60 0.48 1.75
8. Shishaksai 53 0.015 0.023 55 0.36 1.70
9. Irvadan 16 0.016 0.025 20 0.15 1.26
10. Chirvan 93 0.022 0.025 40 0.39 1.12
11. Beshbuz 30 0.040 0.030 15 0.50 0.91
12. Sardobsai 100 0.016 1 0.030 1 40 1.03 1.06
Values of stability coefficient calculated for different soils occured in foothills
rivers in the Central Asia, are given in Table 2 (according to Karpov I.M., 1985),.
The analysisof data on hydraulic parametersof mudflow shows that the channel
banks are formed by sandy-loamsand loams with gravels and pebblesand by coarse
fragmentalsoils. For such soils the stability coefficient varieswithin 0.5 - 2.0.
Fig. 3 gives parameter link K with fx and S. It is characteristicthat with the
increase of soil stability coefficient and decreaseof the turbidity the parameter K is
decreasing.The mathematicaldescriptionof this relation has the form:
D /l+s)‘,33 (17)
Fig 3 shows the link of parameter&, fx and S. This link shows that with the
increaseofjr and S, the parameter& tendsto increase.
On the basisof link diagramthe following formula is derived:
Kz = 0.62f&,l+s, (18)
If combinedwith (12), it gives the generalexpression
N= o.02fX(l+s) Q”.25do.375
KI - /
0 Cl
‘, /
o ,pc’
’ ~
Fig 4 RelotFon KZ = cfx.S)
2 = (l+s)0.33 - ~0.25
Altunin, S.T. (1962) 7he rivers regulation, Moscow, Selhozizdat,352 p, (in Russian)
Artamonov, K.F. (1963) Construction of water diversion structures in predmont
regions, Frunze, Proc. Academy of SciencesRepublic Kirgyhizstan, 265 p. (in
Iliyn, LA. (1959) The water resources of Fergana valley, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,
300 p. (in Russian)
Karaushev, A.V. (1977) Theory and methods for mudflow calculation, Leningrad,
Gidrometeoizdat,277 p. (in Russian)
Karpov, I.M. (1976) 7hejlowing’s phenomenon at Uzbekistan, Tashkent,Fan, 134 p.
(in Russian)
Kulesh, N.P. (1960) ‘On the viscosity coefficient for clay mixture’, Leningrad,
ScientificBulletin N4. (in Russian)
Mirtshoulava, C.E. (1967) The river erosion and methods of estimation its stability,
Moscow, Kolos, 179 p. (in Russian)
Mostkov, M.A. (1959).meov of riverprocesses, Moscow, 216 p. (in Russian)
N&tin, I.K. (1980) Complex turbulence flows and processes of heat transfer, Kiev,
237 p. (in Russian)
Rabkova, E.K. (1956) ‘Investigation of mudflows in Fergana Valley’, Tashkent, Fan,
p.87-201. (in Russian)
Ufin, A.P. (1965) Hydromechanization, Moscow, 495 p. (in Russian)
Velikanov, M.A. (1954) Dynamics of riversfZows, GITL, v.1, p.324, v.2, p.384. (in
River response to natural and
man-made change
Stevan Bruk
13, rue du Colonel Oudot
75012 Paris, France
Rivers are at the same time- mechanical, ecological and
technological systems which interact between themselves and
determine the response to change. Natural change is omnipresent
and permanent, while man-induced change is - either or both - a
managament goal and a by-product of human activity in the river
S. Bruk: River Response to natural and man-made change
The three systems interact and influence each other: any change
within one of the systems is transmitted to the other two.
Input error
The predictive capability of the model increases with its complexity, but
cumulative error generated by input data reduces the reliability of the
with ecological successions responding to the transfer of
matter and energy across the mechanical fluvial system. Living
organisms on their turn influence conveyance capacity, flow
velocity, bed mobility, bank stability and the performance of
engineering works.
The low level of understanding of two-phase flow is
reflected in the'lack of unity in the concepts of such closely
related phenomena as alluvial river flow, sediment transport in
rigid beds and hydraulic transport in pipes [cf. Nalluri and
Kitshri, 19921.
observation of river forms by going beyond correlating mean
values, into analyzing scatter, statistical moments, outlayers,
autocorrelation, spectral properties, etc.
Box 4: Rivers as technological systems
4.1 Objectives
4.2 Technological means
4.3 Interactions between objectives and means
4.4 Concepts and design philosophies
undo what has been done to the river during the ages of
technological interventions [Larsen, 19921
Paraphrasing the above statement, one could say:
"It is not just that we don't know what will happen next to a
river: the river itself cannot know that".
The comments below point out some difficulties and
limitations of modeling rivers for engineering purposes. By no
means are they intended to challenge the usefulness of models:
the ultimate criterion is the support given by the model to
reach the best decisions and it is far better to base decisions
on even imperfect models than on no models at all. The
interpretation of model results is then a joint task of both
the modeler and the user of the model. From the pragmatic,
utilitarian point of view the main criterion of prediction is
how well it serves management purposes. The position of
modeling in the project is shown on Figure 2.
The difference can be appreciated when comparing with the
efforts needed for the direct numerical simulation of
turbulent flow over a backward-facing step [Le et al, 19931 and
the precision of flume experiments by which the results of
simulation could be confirmed [Jovic, 19931.
6 The effort is carried out by the Bilateral Working Group,
coordinated by Dr. Shou-shan Fan from the US Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C.
3 4
and every parameter or relationship: many of these can be just
wrong, the errors mutually canceling out each other'.
For instance, in the writers personal experience,
underestimated trap efficiency of the Iron Gates Reservoir on
the Danube was compensated by overestimated sediment input so
that the prediction of reservoir sedimentation was basically
correct, in spite of the imperfections of the model [Varga et
al, 19891.
long-term predictions of bed topography patterns or river
platforms cannot be made more accurate by, for instance,
improving the sediment transport formula or the bank erosion
equation. Research should then be devoted to delimiting the
range of possible outcomes, related to the envelope of the
chaotic attractor in the phase space."
The writer does not feel qualified to propose an opinion
on this question, which might or might not be of great
importance for river simulation. It is sure, however, that the
matter needs a deeper examination.
of environmental or aesthetic considerations or criteria are
abundant in all parts of the world.
looked at from different anglesg. Specialists having a common
background should thus be educated through special academic
programmes for the scientific study of rivers.
For instance, among the 450 references in [Amoros and
Petts, 19931, and the 120 references in [IAHR, 19911, only 12
overlap, in spite the related subject.
lo Potamology denotes the multi-disciplinary scientific study
of rivers, in general, but became used for the biological study
of rivers mainly [Encyclopedia Universalis France S.A., Corpus
18, p.811, 19891. This term sounds definitely better than
"fluviology", of mixed greco-roman extraction.
l1 The applied matters related to rivers which hardly can be
called as scientific theories, are put here in the light of
some concepts of philosophy of science which concern subjects
such as the theory of relativity, quantum physics, etc. While
risking the ridicule in doing this, it is believed that these
concepts may inspire thinking in the right direction.
Some branches of potamology are already in the more
advanced stage of "normal science" marked by steady evolution,
where new knowledge is added to the existing one. For instance,
the hydraulic simulation of river flow by 2D and 3D models is
fairly successful, firmly based on the principles of fluid
mechanics and more particularly, on the uncontested Navier-
Stokes and Reynolds equations. The occurrence of chaos
generated by non-linearity does not refute the validity of the
approach, just requires a better definition of criteria for the
time span of feasible predictions.
- -
Following this concept, the hard core of river flow
simulation consists of the fundamental equations of hydro-
mechanics, while all the additional hypotheses, assumptions,
semi-empirical or empirical relation,ships (e.g. sediment
transport equations) are included in the protective belt.
Whatever the results of testing were, no one would ever
challenge the hard core of the model, while the model
developers would not hesitate to change any element of the
protective belt in order to obtain a good fit between
predictions and measurements13. Putting speculative arguments
and non-substantiated hypotheses into the "hard core" risks to
devaluate the model and deprive it from possible progress.
Closing remark:
To close the report, the quotation from the front page is
recalled: when simplifying the complexity of the real
river in order to analyze and understand it, the risk of
understanding the wrong thing should never be overlooked.
With this in mind, the search would become more hesitant
perhaps, but will stick safer by the right track.
FAN, Shou-Shan and Ben C. YEN, editors (1992): Report of the
Workshop on Understanding Sedimentation Processes and Model
Evaluation, Washington, December 16-18, 1991, Federal Energy
Regulatory Commission, Washington
OLESEN, K.W. and LARSEN, H. (1992): Modelling Cohesive Sediments
and its Influence on the Oxygen Conditions, Proceedings, 5th
Int. Symp. on River Sedimentation, Karlsruhe, Germany
The relation between river channel
dimensions and discharge of water
K. V. Grishanin
St. PetersburgUniversity of Water Communications
dt (1)
Q = Q(z) (2)
Let us term a long river reach statistically stable,if at each dischargeof water the
distributions of basic elementsof the flow - widths, mean depths,heights of the bottom
along the fairway - satis@ conditions of stationary random functions. As it is known
these conditions include invariability of mean values, invariability of dispersionsand
requirement that the coefficient of correlation between values z(l) and x(2,A I) of the
function x dependsupon 1 only. The statisticalstability of a river reach is conditioned by
stationary of dischargeprobabilities.
The statistical stability is a temporal state of a river reach. It is conserved until
climatic and geomorphologic conditions of the basin do not change and until human
activity does not intervene in the life of the river. However, it is not anything
exceptional.The long life of a large or middle size river is the successionof equilibrium
state and lessprolonged intermediate statesof transition.
Deep and shallow section - pools and bars - take turns along the river. Depth of
the flow at the upper part of a pool, dividing two adjacentbars rises in the downstream
direction. The longitudinal profile of the water Surfacehas here the form of backwater
curve. Depth at the lower part of a pool dimimshesin the downstream direction and one
has there the drop-down curve. The motion of water at the contact of backwater drop-
down curves, provided that discharge of water does not change, is uniform. If the
dischargefluctuates,the motion becomes quasiuniform: the velocity of water changes
becauseof the changeof the discharge:
dU --- 1G’Q
dl-oal (3)
The length of the sectionwith uniform or quasiuniform motion of water depends
upon the length of a pool. Long pools may have such sectionsas long, as the distance
betweentops of oppositebanks, and longer. These sectionsbelong to least deformable
parts of a channeland therefore they often are chosenfor a gaugingstation location.
It is clear by intuition that cross section dimension of a statistically stable river
channelhave regular relationswith the dischargeof water and with the bottom ground.
To reveal theserelationslet us apply to the systemof Saint-Venantequations:
($!!+wdU+d” =0 (5)
al al at
Excluding the derivative d U/d I from the equation of motion (4) with the aid of
the continuity equation(5), one obtains:
afa 0 (7)
I,-r=o (8)
o=N2U (10)
BH = NQ"' (11)
The value of N in a given cross section of the quasiuniformflow is constant.Following
considerationsw-ill help to expressN through elementsof the flow. Cross-sectionsof
river pools, as most cross-sectionsof natural channels,have large relative width:
>> 1
River pools, besidesthat, have steepbanks. The last property may be expressedby the
following relation for the angle of banks slope:
ctga = --
2dt 6)
1dB dZ -i
= O(1)
If conditions (12), (13) are valid, the width of the river stream till flood plain
inundation, may be consideredconstant. Normalisation of the arbitrary function N by
meansof parametersB and g yields:
N = MB3’4g-“4 (14)
where A4 is a dimensionlessquantity - new arbitrary function. Substitution of the
expression(14) into equation (11) leads to the following formula of the mean depth of
H=M---- Q’”
The quantity A4 after simple transformation of the equation (15) may be expressedas a
function of two criteria of similarity - geometrical and dynamic ones, namely the
relative width of the flow and Froude number:
Fig. 1
where k = 1. From the table in this paper can see that the mean value of the relation
hmx/H in the experimentswas equal to 1.57. Substitution of this value in equation
( 17) yields:
U = 1.4
M=O.64. The second relates to the river Mississippi at S. Louis, where the bottom
sedimentis sand and A4=1.04.The graphsshow high exactnessof the local relations of
the quasiunifornrflow in river - dispersionof point is very small.
0.75<M<l.O (20)
0 1 v 4
A2 0 5
n 3 X 6
I -.II-
0 2 4 6
Fig. 2 1 - Kolwa River at Petresora; 2 - Chu River at Tash-Utkul; 3 - Assa River at Maimak:
4 - Bcukal River at Energia; 5 - Talgar River at Talgar; 6 - Koktal River at Aral-Tyuhe
H, m
0 10 20
feet 3o 4o 50(9w4
Fig. 3 Fig. 4
The artificial origin of canals necessitatesa small correction in the inequality (20).
Builders of canalsdesiringto diminish volumes of ground which are subjectto removal,
make canals cross sectionsdeeper and narrower than the section of river pools. At a
given conveyancefactor of the channel K = Ix R5’3, cross-section with lesservalues
of the relation x lR have lesser areasx R . As a result, the relation x lR in unlined
irrigation canalsat the samevalue of Froude number, turns out to be by 30-40% less
than this relation is in the cylindrical part of river pools. Accordingly, the values of the
similarity invariant A4 in stableirrigation canalsmainly are grouped in the upper half of
the stability domain (20) that is in the interval of 0.9<M< 1.05. This thesisis illustrated
by graphs of equation (15) based on measurementscarried out in stable canals in
Middle Asia (Fig. 5) and in stablecanalsin India and Pakistan(Fig. 6). As it is seenon
the graphs,the agreementof the quasiuniform flow equationto measurementsis good.
The series of investigators, beginning with Kennedy (1894-95) and Lacey ( 1930)
attemptedto reveal, by empirical means,the relation between cross-sectiondimensions
of a stablecanal and the dischargeof water (velocity of the flow). The slope of the free
surface, the diameter of bottom particles, the roughness coefficient were used as
additional parameters.The obtained results inevitably have local significance.The sum
of theseresults is termed the “regime theory”. Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 show that for canalsin
sandone may managewith one relation - the equationof the quasiuniformflow.
, 1.05
‘m‘i /’
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ A/’
/m A,
1 -
A /’
Fig. 5 Canals: 1 - Palvat; 2 - Gazavat; 3 - Ka&ar Saka; 4 - Shavat Nol: 5 - Shavat No2
(qfter Zamarin, 1951)
A 3
Fig. 6 Canals: I - Lower Chenab; 2 - Lower Jelam; 3 - Lower Bari Doab; 4 - Upper Gang
(after Smith, 1970)
R. m
A 7
. 8
0.1 -
A 9
0 IO
l 11
+ 12
1 I I
0 0.1 0.2
o.3 $4 7m
ranged from 0.29 to 0.53 mm. The mean value of A4 in 52 experimentswas obtained
equalto 0.96. Configuration of the bottom was not recorded.
The presentwork may be consideredas the extensionof the theory of kinematic waves
- the theory initiated by Lighthill and Whitham (1955). Physical objects of this theory
are rivers flowing in plains. Small values of local accelerationsmake rating curves
Q = Q(Z), in these rivers, single valued. The present work shows however that the
minutenessof local accelerationsdoes not give foundation to neglect them completely.
Conserving local accelerationsin the equation of motion, but comparing the sum of
acting forces to zero, one comes to the differential equation of quasiuniform motion of
water and as the result obtains the relation of mean velocity to cross-sectionarea of the
flow. This relation contains one empirical parameter - the invariant A4 of local
similarity transformations. Empirical values of A4 fluctuate over all domain of sandy
channels(rivers and unlined canals)with the mean squareerror f 15% The equation of
quasiuniform flow may be used for interpolation and extrapolation of rating curves (up
to the level of banks top). It permits also to draw the rating curve without any
measurements.It permits finally to avoid rough errors at the choice of cross-section
dimensionsof an unlined canal, that is, it plays the role of the theoretically grounded
regime equation. In the domain of gravel and pebble bottom sediments, parameter
A4 slowly decreaseswith the decreaseof the mobility factor U / ,@ .
Garg, S. P. ; A. K. Agrawal and P. R Sir@ (1971) ‘Bed load transportationin alluvial
channels’.J. Hydr. Div. Proc. ASCE, Vol. 97, N5, p. 653-664.
Grishanin,K. V. (1979) Oynumic of alluvialflows, 2nd edition, 3 11 p. (in Russian).
Guy, I. P. ; D. B. Simons and E. V. Richardson(1967) ‘Summary of alluvial channel
data from flume experiments’.Geol. Survey. Prof. Paper 462-l.
Kennedy, R. G. (1894-95) ‘The prevention of silting in irrigation canals’. Proc. Inst.
Civ. Engrs. Vol. 69, p. 281-290.
Lacey, G. (1930) ‘Stable channelsin alluvium’. Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs., Vol. 229, p.
Laursen,E. M. (1959) ‘The total sedimentload of streams’.J. Hydr. Div. Proc ASCE,
Vol. 84, p. l-36.
Lighthill M. J. and G. B. Whitham (1955) ‘On kinematic waves’. Proc. Roy. Sot. L.,
Vol. A229, N 1178, p. 281-316.
Los, M. T. (1973) ‘Uwagi o podobinstwie hydraulicznym korit rzecznych’.
GospodarkaWodna, N1(308), p. 8-l 1.
Smith, K. V. H. (1970) ‘Similarity in unlined irrigation canal systems’.J. Hydr. Div.
Proc. ASCE, Vol. 96, N 1, p. 13-28.
Vanoni, V. A. and Li San Hwang (1967) ‘Relation between bed forms and friction in
streams’.J. Hydr. Div. Proc. ASCE, Vol. 93, N 3, p. 121-144.
Zamarin, E. A. (195 1) Sediment transportation capacity and permissible velocities of
. flow in canals, 2nd edition, 83 p. (in Russian).
Main symbols
B width of a stream
d median diameterof particles
i” function
Fy=c Froude number
g gravity acceleration
H mean depth of flow
hnm maximum depth
I slope of water Surface
I/ friction slope
k coefficient
L. length of a river reach
1 longitudinal co-ordinate
A4 constantof a quasiuniformflow
N arbitrary function
n roughnesscoefficient
water discharge
hydraulic radius
t time
u mean velocity
water level
a angleof bank slope
P density of water
Ps density of solids
x length of wetted perimeter
co cross-sectionarea
On the fractal sinuosity of rivers
V.I. Nikora, D.M. Hicks, G.M. Smart
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research(NINA)
Christchurch,New Zealand
On the basis of some simple considerationsand relationshipsfor river bends, the fractal
dimension d of the single-channelpattern is determined for the range of scaleswhich
correspondto meandering(d = 1.2- 1.3), The influence of alternation of meanderingand
non-meanderingchannel sectionsupon the estimation of d by Richardson’smethod is
shown. Fractal properties of multi-thread (braided) channel patterns are investigated.
Three degreesof freedom of the channel pattern, which the river can use for regulating
the energ losses,are distinguished:(1) channel meandering or braiding, (2) alternation
of meandering (braiding) and non-meandering (non-braiding) segments,and (3) valley
wandering. It is shown that the total sinuosity of both single-thread and multi-thread
channelscan be describedby the samegeneralrelationshipwhich takes into account their
fractal properties.
1. Introduction
Various approachesare used to quantitatively describe the planform of river channels
(Kondratiev et al., 1982; Richards, 1982). Most existing indices were developed for
special casesof channel pattern (meanders, for instance) and so they do not have a
universal character. At the same time, it is often useful to have some universal indices
which can be applied for both single-threadand multi-thread channels.An exampleis the
total sinuosity which was first defined by Hong and Davies (1979) as length of channel
segments : channel belt length. Richards (1982) provided a similar definition whereby
total sinuosity = total active channel length / valley length Robertson-Rintoul and
Richards (1993) successfullyused the latter as a quantitative characteristic of channel
geometry and establishedquite a close connection between total sinuosity, the stream
power index and bottom particle size, considering meandering and braided rivers
together on the same graph. An alternative way to describe single-thread and multi-
thread channelsusing the samequantitative indices is the fractal approach.
Mandelbrot (1977) first investigated the fractal structure of single-thread river
channels, To evaluate their fiactal dimension d he used Hack’s (1957) relation
L, CCA rewritten as L1ld
r oc Ao,5 (L, is the river length, A is the catchment area).
This approachwas the basisof severallater works dealing with fractal geometry of rivers
(Tarboton et al., 1988; Hjelmfelt, 1988; Rosso et al., 1991; Rodriguez-Iturbe et al,
1992; Liu, 1992). Evidently, the relationship ~!‘d CCAo.5 holds only if the river pattern is
self-similaron all scalesup to that of the river’s overall length (Nikora et al., 1993). On
the other hand, Nikora (1988, 1991), Snow (1989), Nikora et al. (1993), Beauvaisand
Montgomery (1994) showed that the real channel pattern of a single-thread river is
charcterizedby self-similarityonly on small scaleswhich correspondto the scalesof river
meanders.For the self-similarregion the valuesof the dimension d , given in the above-
mentionedworks, fall within the range of 1.0-l. 33, On larger scalesthe channelpattern
is generallyself-affine,with Hurst’s exponent H = 0.5 (Nikora et al., 1993).
Unlike single-thread river channels, braided (or multi-thread) channels have
undergone considerablyless investigationfrom the fractal point of view (Nikora, 1988,
1991; Nikora et al., 1994, 1995).
In this paper we try to show a connection between the fractal dimension and
traditional geometricalparametersof meanderingrivers, we look at fractal properties of
braided rivers, and we determinethe main componentsof river sinuosity.
2. Single-thread channels
2.1 Meandering and self-similarity
- = 1.4- 1.6
AScQP v-3)
Here w denotesthe flow width, s is the bend length (Fig. 2. l), and the exponent fl
dependson the definition of Q (for instance, p = 0.5 when Q is the bankfull discharge-
Richards, 1982; Zamyshljaevand Snishchenko,1986).
For the channel pattern to be self-similar it is necessaryto have not only
geometricalsimilarity of various size bends,which is expressedby Eqs. (2-l) and (2-2),
but also a definite spectrum of bends. We believe that in natural conditions such a
spectrum exists and is due to the following circumstances.Firstly, as a result of natural
fluctuations of the water dischargeand in conformity with Eq. (2-3), bends of various
sizesare formed, each of them correspondingto a definite range of the water discharge
(Sinnock and Rao, 1984; Ichim et al., 1989). Thus, we have a quasi-continuous,
overlapping bend spectrum in the range [ A(Q,,,) - iI 1, where Qmin and Q-
denote the characteristicminimum and maximum water discharges.Secondly, due to a
reduction in streamflowsduring the last climatic epoch, the bend spectrumin the channel
pattern may be extendedup to the A(Qp) scale,where Qp denotesthe water discharge
of the palaeo-river. In other words, modern river bends may be superimposedon the
macrobendsformed by the palaeo-stream(Ichim et al., 1989). Thirdly, even at constant
water discharge the bend spectrum is not a delta-function but comprises a band of
wavelengths. This conclusion stems in part from research in which the meandering
process is considered from positions of hydrodynamic stability (Zamyshljaev and
Snishchenko,1986), but it also relatesto random componentsdue to the heterogeneous
structure of the valley bottom. In this connection it should be emphasizedthat the
numerical ratios in Eqs. (2-l) and (2-2) characterizethe most probable relationships
between the parametersof bends found in nature. These ratios can vary due to both
random factors and the stageof bend development(Kondratiev et al., 1982).
Fig. 2.1 Main parameters of a river bend ccording to Kondratiev et al. (1982)
where LV is the total length of a polygonal chain of line segments,each of length 17,that
approximatethe curve ( 7 can be thought of as the length of a measuringstick used to
estimatethe length of the curve), and L, is the straight-line distancebetween the two
end-points of the curve. Choosing the biggest bend step A(Qmx) to serve as L,, the
streamwidth W(Qmax) to serveas q, and the bend length S(Qmax) to serve as LV, we
rewrite Eq. (2-4) as
s zz W ’-d;ld e-5)
s A d-l
y=(w) Q-6)
which connectsEqs. (2-l) and (2-2) and also makesit possibleto find d on the basisof
Eqs. (2-l) and (2-2). Although these considerationsare approximate,the estimateof d
so obtained (1.2- 1.3) is in good agreementwith values dR < 1.3 found previously by
Richardson’s method (Nikora, 1988, 1991; Snow, 1989; Nikora et al., 1993; and
Beauvaisand Montgomery, 1994).
The empirical fractal dimension dR, determined by Richardson’s method, may
dependnot only on variability of the ratios (2-l) - (2-3), but also on the channel pattern
intermittence.If an alternation of non-meanderingand meanderingsectionsis observed
in the plan view of a river, then on Richardson’sgraph InLV = f(nr 7) we will obtain a
(dR - 1) slope which. is lessthan (d - 1) . Figure 2.2 illustratesthis effect. The change of
dR due to changesin the proportion of non-meanderingsegmentsis shown in Figure
2.3. In this figure, dRo is dR at L,, / L, = 0, L,, denotes the length of non-
meanderingsegments,and L, is the total reach length on a straight line.
1 .o
0.8 !:.I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.8 1.0
0.1 1.0 L I L
q, km "Ill t
--3c= v-7)
A llX3X
2.2 Sinuosity of channelson large scales
As alreadymentioned,on scalesexceedingR,, the channelpattern is characterizedby
self-affine behavior with Hurst’s exponent H = 0.5. As a first approximation this pattern
can be consideredas an analog of a Brownian motion trace (Feder, 1988) assumingthat
the transversalfluctuationsof the channelare purely random. One can seethat when the
length of the channelis measuredwith the q a ;1,, ‘stick’its sinuosityis determinedby
the following relationship
Lv wnax =-4nax
-= V-8)
Lo CAz, Ax
where Lo denotesthe distancebetween the source and mouth of the river on a straight
line, 2, is the averageprojection of ;1,, on line Lo, L, is the channel length, and
&,, is the ‘stick’ by which L, is measured.We believe that &, I /2, should be
mainly determinedby the regional drainagebasin slope. A decreasein this slope should
lead to an increase of A,, / il, Also, we consider that L, / Lo, as a first
approximation,can be identified as the river valley sinuositycoefficient K,
where L, denotes the river length measuredwith the 11~wmin ‘stick’ and y is a
coefficient characterizingthe alternationof meanderingand non-meanderingsections( y
I 1 ). Assuming R,, of W. , where w. is the river valley width (Nikora, 1988 and
1991), and further assuming K,, E R,, / jl, , we can pass from .Eq. (2-9) to the
following relationship
K, = k a y(-
wO )d-lK (2-10)
LO Wmin
one can easily determine the sinuosity K, of the valley and the channel sinuosity Km
within the valley. Thus as a first approximation, taking into account Eqs. (2-9) and (2-
10), we can write
K, =K,K,, K, cc-4lUX Km OcYp
ax ’ a WX
photographs of one of these rivers, the Ohau River, taken over a range of water
discharge.The main resultsof our analysis,previously summarizedin Nikora et al. (1994
and 1995), follow.
Table 3.1 Fractal dimensionsof somebraidedNew Zealandrivers
Nar (3-l)
where N is the number of cells within a rectangular net containing the investigated
object, r is the cell size, and d is the fractal dimension of the object, Comparison of
braided channel fractal properties with results for meandering rivers (Nikora, 1988,
1991; Nikora et al., 1993) requiresthat Eqn. (3-l) be generalizedto
- = f(L) (3-z)
Lv Wo
where L, is the length of the investigatedreach and w. is the total bed width of the
braided channel. The Nr /L, ratio is analogousto channel sinuosity in the CAAL case
and to island coastline sinuosity in the CI case. The graphs of Nr /L, vs. r / W. for
CAAL and CI are given in Figures 3.1a and 3.1b, respectively.In all casesthere is a well
defined scaling, at least in the range 0.07 JQ - 1.5 w. . No substantialrelationshipsthat
link the individual dimensionsdS (for CAAL) and dI (for CI) with w. or valley bottom
slope I, have been revealed.Thus, as a first approximation,the variations shown by dS
and dr may be regarded as random and their average values ( ds =1.6wO.O6 and
dr =I .61*0.07, Table 3.1) may be assumedrepresentativefor braidedreaches.
Fig. 3. I Fractal scaling for C&IL (a) and CI (b), New Zealand braided rivers
Wakr d*oharge,
m I8
10 :
+ 28.5
3 .
z .
Fig. 3.2 Graphs Nr IL,= f (r/ WJ for the Ohau River, (a) CAAL and (b) Cl
An additional comment follows from our analysisof the distributions of water discharge,
width, depth and average velocity in individual anabranchesfrom several other New
Zealand braided reaches(using data from Hicks, 1979; Mosley, 1983; and Glova and
Duncan, 1985). Power-type distributions were revealed for all of these parameters,
indicating that braided channelsshow no characteristicscaleswithin a wide range for
both morphologic and hydraulic parameters.This leads us to supposethat braiding in
rivers is a result of spatialself-organizedcriticality (Bak, Tang, and Wiesenfeld, 1988).
3.2 Total sinuosity
The graphsshown in Figure 3.1 and the notion of internal lint and external leXt fractality
scales (Nikora, 1988 and 1991) suggest the following simple model to describe the
tiactal propertiesof braided channels:
_L _ ‘ext d-l
- (I.p (3-3)
LV int
where L is the total length of all anabranchesin the CAAL caseand the total length of
island coastlinesin the CI case. As a first approximation, we assume lint ocwmin and
1ext a, w. (where wmin is the width either of the smallestchannelor the smallestisland).
Then, by analogywith Eqs. (2-9) and (2-lo), we can write the following relationshipfor
the total sinuosity K, of braided channels
Kr=-cc--ccY(- L Lv wO )d-lK
V (3-4)
LO Lv Lo “min
4. Conclusion
On the basis of simple considerationsand some relationshipsfor river bends, we have
obtained the fractal self-similarity dimension d for single-threadmeandering channels
and have shown the influence of channel pattern intermittence upon estimatesof the
Richardson dimension dR. In addition, we have obtained scaling relationshipswhich
connectthe sinuosityof single-threadrivers with their slopes.
We have shown that multi-thread channel patterns also demonstrateself-similar
fi-actal behavior at scalesless than Ml river width. The total sinuosity of both single-
thread and multi-thread channelscan be describedby the samegeneral relationship(Eqs.
2-10 and 3-4).
We have also distinguishedthree degrees of freedom for the channel pattern
which a river can use for regulating energy losses.The first of these is meandering(or
braiding), the second is alternate meandering (braiding) and non-meandering (non-
braiding), and the third is valley wandering, The first two degreesof freedom occur
within the scaleof river valley width, while the third occurs at much larger scales.
Comparisonof fiactal dimension and sinuosity data for single-threadand multi-
thread channels (Table 4.1) suggeststhat the fractal approach can be used as an
alternativequantitativetechniquefor river channeldescription.
Table 1.1 Fractal dimensionsand sinuosity coefficients for river channels
Channel type d K
single-thread rectilinear 1.0 1.0
single-thread,meandering 1.1-1.3 1.5-3.0
multi-thread or braided 1.5-1.7 5.0-15.0
The authors are deeply grateful to V.B. Sapozhnikov, T.R.H. Davies, M.P. Mosley, and
M.J. Duncan for discussionsand information, as well as to N.V. Kushnir, N.A. Arnaut,
and A.N. Sukhodolov for their assistancein topographic map analysis.
5. Bibliography
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Channel processes and their role in river
by R.S. Chalov and A.M. Alabyan
1. Introduction
2. River ecosystem
2.1 Structure
The river ecosystem is a combination of channel and floodplain ecological subsystems,
in great extent influencing to each other (Fig. 2.1). This interaction can be displayed
both directly during floods and trough the permanent process of bank erosion and
accretion causing a horizontal channel shifting and forming of yang floodplain.
system: t_
Channel + Floodplain
ecosystem L ecosystem
/ ^J
phisical and chemical
The main system-forming processes are biogenic processes connected with plant
and animal activity, and channel processes creating an environment for development of
biota. The river landscape can be considered as an indicator of the river state and its
various components reflects one or another appearance of system-forming processes.
The fluvial relief and channel morphology are stipulated mainly by channel processes
but a role of soil, vegetation and other biogenic components sometimes can be rather
According to their origin and behaviour the natural factors influencing river
ecosystem can be subdivided into three main groups:
(i) Hydrological and climatic: solar radiation; temperature and humidity; water
regime; sediment regime; thermic and ice regime of the river; underground water
regime. These factors determine both channel and biogenic processes.
(ii) Geological and geomorphological: lithology and mineral composition of the basin;
size of alluvial particles; rate of material supply from valley boards. This factors are
also important for both groups of system-forming processes.
(iii) Physical and chemical: chemical and isotope composition of water, air and soil.
This factors do not play visible role in channel development, but can be of vital
importance for biotic components of river ecosystem.
3. Channel processes and channel pattern
structural plan outline limiting
level conditions
straight sinuous branched
single-thread macmmeander anabranchlng wide floodplaln
flood / a e
straight meandenng Spilt adapted channel
-0 ‘-4,: s y--Tyq
low water
nffle-pool sequense
(1957). The physical essence of this chart is that the higher and further right a river
plots the higher stream power it has (because high value both of discharge and slope
cause heightened stream power). Practically all researches of such kind have shown
that the meandering channels plot lower than multiple ones. At the same time the
discriminant function of meandering and branched channels alters in vast range. One of
the main reasons of this lies in differences in the operational definitions both of the
slope and discharge and channel patterns. Romashin (1968), Ferguson (1984) and
Carson (1984) were right when they contended that exactly the valley slope (but not the
channel gradient) and flood-frequency definition of water discharge (not bankfull or
mean annual) must be used to secure an independence of analysed factors.
The idea of magnitude-frequency analyses of water discharge spectrum for
effective discharge calculation was investigated by Makkaveev (1955), and Woiman and
Miller (1960). They postulated that in alluvial rivers the discharge which transports the
greatest sediment in the long-term plan is the effective (dominant, channel-forming)
discharge. Practically the value of effective discharge can be determined using the
special diagram (effective discharge curve) there values of product of sediment discharge
and frequency of occurrence are plotted against corresponding water discharge values.
The effective discharge has maximal value of ‘sediment-frequency product’ and
corresponds to the maximum of the curve. According to Makkaveev rivers of the Russian
Plain usually have one or several effective values, one of which is close to the mean
annual flood. This fact corroborates the possibility to use mean (or median) annual flood
flow as the first approximation of the effective discharge when constructing Qs-
3.3 Transitions
Carson (1984) and Ferguson (1984) interpreted gently inclined discharge-slope
discriminant lines in diagrams of Leopold and Wolman (1957) by operating with specific
stream power (power per unit of flow length and per unit width) pgQs/w measured in
W/m2. According to them the meandering-braiding threshold corresponds to specific
flow power of 30-50 W/m2.
Romashin (1968) constructed a Qs-diagram using valley slope and median flood
discharge for free developing channels (Fig. 3.2). His results coincided with former in
general, but an incline of discriminant line was more than twice stepper, Analysing this
diagram Antropovskiy (1972) suggested to consider stream power per unit of flow length
N=pgQs, measured in W/m.
After re-examination of these data in terms of modern typification of channel
patterns a field of the diagram can be divided into three parts:
N area of meandering N<4000 W/m;
(ii) area of both meandering and branching 4000<N< 15000 W/m;
(iii) area of branching N> 15000 W/m.
The same steep slope of discriminant lines was found by Alabyan (1992) on the
diagram considering different bar types in branched sandy channel of the Ob river (Fig.
3.3). A tendency is the same: medial bars plot in upper part of diagram, alternate bars
locate lelow them.
meandering channels
‘incomplete meandering’ (cut meanders)
split channels
Q, m3/s
Fig. 3.2 Q-s diagram of Romashm (1968)
‘3 \ 0 medial bars
0.02 1 : ,
100 200 500 1000 2000 4000
Q, m3/s
Fig. 3.3 Q-s diagram for bars
3.4 Effective discharge curves
Above mentioned effective discharge curve (EDC) is an integral characteristic of
hydrological and sediment regime of the river and reflects main features of channel
pattern. EDC may be used for channel pattern analysis in complex with transitional Q
Every flow that transports sediment affects channel form. Product of sediment
discharge and its frequency may be considered as an index of channel forming rate.
Constructing of EDC allows to transmit from solitary discharge values (mean, extreme,
bankfull, etc.) to continuous discharge spectrum.
To compare EDC features with typical and transitional Q values several
horizontal lines can be drawn:
(iI the bankfu21 line corresponds to the bankfull discharge (solid line on Fig. 3.3);
(ii) the meandering-branching transition line corresponds to N=4000 W/m (long
dotted line);
(iii) the side bar - midbar transition line corresponds to N=lOOO W/m (dotted line).
a b C
6000 3, 30000 1500
2 RP
0 1
Fig. 3.3 Effective discharge curves: a - the upper Ob, b - the lower Ob, c - the Chulym.
Correlation of EDC elements and this three lines reflects the channel features. It
can be illustrated on following examples.
The upper Ob River has complicated split channel, midbars prevail in branches.
Almost entire EDC lies below the bankfull line (Fig. 3,3a), so forming activity
concentrates below floodplain tilling level. Both high-water and low-water part of EDS is
located above the side bar - midbar threshold line, so midchannel bars may be formed
and maintained during every hydrological season. High-water part of EDC is situated
above the meandering-branching threshold line, so stream power during a flood is
enough to form splits.
The Ob River in lower reach is characterised by anabranching; branches are
meandering with alternating bars. The upper maximum of EDC is well encountered and
located above the meandering-branching threshold line which in tern plots above the
bankfull line (Fig. 3.3b). So the power suitable to cause channel dividing occurs only
when the floodplain is filled. Similar EDC may be constructed for any anabranch for its
further examination.
The Chulym River (a tributary of the Middle Ob) has meandering channel with
alternating side bars and individual midbars. The meandering-branching threshold line
is situated above EDCJFig. 3.3c), so the channel is not branched. Midbars may be
formed only during a flood without maintaining throughout a low water.
4. Conclusion
Any alteration in river basin induced both by natural courses and by human activity
reflects in channel regime. Channel transformation may happen revolutionary or
gradual reformation occur depending on channel stability and on extent of flow
Forecasting of revolutionary transformation is based on equilibrium pattern and
threshold (transition) investigation. Every main pattern outlines (straight, meandering,
branched) can be distinguished on every main structural level of fluvial relief (valley
bottom, flood channel, low-water channel). Composition of straight, meandering and
branching features on various levels defines the channel pattern as a whole. Natural
data analyses in a form of gradient-discharge charts constructed for channel forms of
different order output a number of Q-s transition criteria, which reflect stream power
per unit flow length.
Using such criteria the main problem is to chose representative discharge value.
Effective discharge curves allow to transmit from solitary discharge value (mean,
extreme, bankfull) to continuous discharge spectrum. Morover EDC can reflect changes
of flow and sediment regimes. Complex EDC and Qs-plots analysis allows to forecast
channel transformation.
The investigation was supported by The Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research
(grants No. 95-05 14006 and 95-07- 1905 1).
Main symbols
d flow depth, m;
s channel slope;
valley slope;
W channel width, m;
ALABYAN, A. M. (1992) ‘Sediment and sediment transport along plain river’ (in Russian). Vestnik
Moskovskogo Universiteta, seria 5 Geografiya, No. 6, p. 22-28.
ANDREEV, 0. V. and I. A. YAROSLAVTSEV (1958) ‘Modelling of channel deformations (basics)’ (in
Russian). In: N. E. Kondrat’ev (ed.), Channelprocesses. Academy of Science Publ., Moscow, p.
173-181. I
ANTROPOVSKIY, V. I. (1972) ‘Criterial relations of channel process types’ (in Russian). Proc. State
Hydrological Inst., Vol. 190, p. 5-18.
BETTESS, R. and W. R. WHITE (1983) ‘Meandering and braiding of alluvial channels’. Proc. Inst. Civ.
Eng., Vol. 75, p. 525-538.
CARSON, M. A. (1984) ‘The meandering-braided river threshold: a reappraisal’. J. Hydrol., Vol. 73,
p. 315-334.
CHALOV, R. S. (1983) ‘Factors of channel processes and hierarchy of channel forms’ (in Russian).
Geomorfologiya, No. 2, p. 16-26.
CHANG, H. (1979) ‘Minimum stream energy and channel patterns’. J. Hydrol., Vol. 41, p. 303-327.
FERGUSON, R. I. (1984) ‘The threshold between meandering and braiding’. Channels and Channel
Control Structures, Vol. 6, p. 15-29.
FREDSOE, I. (1978) ‘Meandering and braiding of rivers’. J. Fluid Mech., Vol. 84, p. 609-624.
KNIGHTON, A. D. and G. C. NANSON (1993) ‘Anastomosis and continuum of channel pattern’, Earth
Surface Processes and Landforms, Vol. 18, p. 613-625.
LANE, E. A. (1957) ‘A study of the slope of channels formed by natural streams flowing in erodible
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Vol. 9, p. 106.
LEOPOLD, L. B. and M. G. WOLMAN (1957) ‘River channel patterns: braided, meandering and
straight’. U.S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper, Vol. 282-B, 85 p.
MAKKAVEEV, N. I. (1955) A river channel and an erosion in its basin (in Russian). Academy of
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PARKER G., (1976) ‘On the case and characteristic scales of meandering and braiding in rivers’. J.
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WOLMAN, M. G. and J. P. MILLER (1960) ‘Magnitude and frequency of forces in geomorphic
processes’. J. Geol., Vol. 68, p. 54-74.
Impact of gravel excavation
on channel processes in the Laba River,
North Caucasus
A. B. Shvidchenkoand Z. D. Kopaliani
State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg,Russia
Excavation of alluvium from river channelsand floodplains for various economic needs
is one of the anthropogenicfactors producing an unfavourable effect on the river. At
present, intensive excavationsare made from rivers in many industrially developed and
The Laba River in the North Caucasus is one of these rivers, where the
Mostovskoy crushing and grading plant has excavatedas much as 500,000-700,000 m3
of alluvium per year since 1991.
Brief information on the investigationsmade by the State Hydrological Institute
during 1992-1994 in the Laba River reach with gravel excavationis given in the present
paper. Theseinvestigationswere aimed at the study of channeland hydraulic regimes of
the Laba River, the regime of sedimenttransport under natural and project conditions,
an evaluation of the results of various types of gravel excavation out of the river bed, as
well as a search for scientifically validated and economically and technologically
applicable and ecologically responsible decisions for excavation in the Laba River
The Laba River is a left-bank tributary of the Kuban River (North Caucasus,Russia). It
is 351 km long, its drainage area is 12,500 km’. The study Piedmont river reach is
located near Mostovskoy settlement, 150 km far from the river head, and 13 km down
the site, where the river leaves the mountain terrain (Fig. 1). The Laba River
hydrological regime is characterizedby prolonged spring-summersnowmelt flooding,
rainfall floods all the year round, and low water levels during the winter months
(Fig. 2). According to observations at the Kaladzhinskaya gauging station 10 km
upstreamfrom the study reach, the mean long-term maximum flow of the snowmelt
flood is 411 m3/s, while the maximum recorded water dischargeis 901 m3/s. Mean
water level rise during the snowmelt flood is 1.4 m above the winter minimum water
level, the maximum rise being 2.9 m . In general the maximum flow is observedduring
a few hours, in rare caseswithin 2-4 days. In some years the maximum flow of the
rainfall floods exceedsthe maximum flow of the snowmelt floods. Mean long-term
annualwater dischargeis 87.1 m3/s.
The Laba River in the study reach has a braided pattern, which is typical of
Piedmont river reaches.The total channel width is 300-500 m , with mean slope of
0.0048. Mean flow depth during floods is l-l.5 m , and flow velocity is up to 4.5 m /s.
Sediment yield
A peculiarity of rivers of mountain and Piedmontzone is a more distinct subdivisionof
sedimentsinto suspendedload and bedload,if comparedwith plain rivers (Kopaliani and
Romashin,1970). In fact, suspendedsedimentsdo not contributeto the channelprocess
of mountain rivers. The transportation of suspendedsediments is continuous at
velocities close to the flow velocities (which is its qualitative peculiarity), while the
quantity and the granulometic composition depend not only on the hydraulic flow
characteristicsbut also on changeableconditions of weathering and slope erosion over
the drainagebasin. According to measurementsat the Kaladzhinskayagauging station,
the annual suspendedload yield variesfrom 150,000t up to’l,SOO,OOO t and it is equal
to 638,000 t on average.Mean annual suspendedsedimentsconcentrationin water is
220 g/m3,the maximum concentrationwas 17,000 g/m3. Mean observedgranulometric
compositionof the suspendedsedimentsis given in Fig. 3.
Unlike suspendedsediments,the bedload is lessmovable and is transportedfrom
the source of bedload delivery to the river mouth over many years, and is subject to
substantialsorting and abrasion.The bedload motion is governedby the local hydraulic
characteristicsof the flow, it is very non-uniform and unsteadyand is mainly observed
during floods. The amount of bedload is an important characteristicfor estimating
admissiblevolumes,regime and techniquefor alluvium dredgingout of the river channel
and for estimatingthe river capacityto recover natural channeland hydraulic regimes,
Sincebedload yield in the Laba River is not observed,one of the main problem of field,
laboratory and theoretical studiesis to estimatethe bedloadyield and regime of bedload
1 10
Grain diameter, mm
Field investigations
Field investigationsin the Laba River at the reach of the alluvium excavationswere
made during different phasesof flow regime including spring-summersnowmelt flood,
the period of rainfall floods and the winter low-water period. During field work on the
river reach of about 5 km long, water levels, water surface slopes,flow velocities and
depths were measured; a topographical survey of the study reach was made. To
determinethe granulometric composition of bed material, photographswere taken of
different parts of the channelduring the low-water period (26 photos altogether).As the
analysisof the photographsshows, the surfacelayer of the river bed is composedof
gravel and pebble with median diameterbetween 28 and 107 m m (58 m m on average).
Under the armour layer lo-15 cm thick a m ixture of gravel (75-80%) and sand (20-
25%) occurs. Besides, the results of sieving analysis were used for the material
extractedout of the channel;this sievingwas made at the SedimentLaboratory of the
Mostovskoy crushingand grading plant (13 1 samples40 kg eachwere taken during the
period 1991-1993). According to the data of the Mostovskoy plant, the median
diameter of the channel alluvium varies from 19 to 41 m m and averages26 m m .
Proceedingfrom the bed material samplesdata of the Kaladzhinskayagauging station,
the median diameterof bed materialvariesfrom 10 to 84 m m and is 34 m m on average.
The granulometriccompositionof bed material at Mostovskoyis in generalquite similar
to that at the Kaladzhinskayagaugingstation (Fig. 3).
The granulometric composition of the surface layer varies over a wide range,
which is explainedby the variability of conditions of bed material transportationby the
water flow in various parts of the channel during different time periods. The channel
alluvium under the armour layer is subjectto lesservariation.
Bedload yields for different time intervalswere determinedfrom the filling of the
pit excavatedin the Laba River channel since 1991. In all the volume of bedload
retained in the pit was estimatedfor six time intervals covering different phasesof the
flow regime (Fig. 2).
On the basisof field data the following equationwas derived:
Annual bedload yield of the Laba River computed from mean daily water
dischargesusing Eq.(l) for the period of 52 years dependson the character of the
hydrograph and varies from 31,000 m3 (60,000 t) to 319,000 m3 (622,000 t) with the
averagebeing 132,000m3 (257,000 t). As the computationsshow, the bedload yield in
the study reach of the Laba River is equal to 15-49% (27% on average) of the total
In all the calculationscritical water dischargefor bedloadmovement was assumed
to be equal to 30 m3/s.This value was obtainedfrom experimentson the hydraulic non-
distortedmovablebed model of the study river reach .
During 1991-1993 1,400,OOOm3 of alluvium was extracted from the river
channel.The final pit was 1,900 m long, 300-80 m wide and about 3-4 m deep, and
causeda water level fall of 2-2.5 m immediately in the reach of excavationsand l- 1.5
m at a distanceof up to 1,100 m upstreamof the pit. A water level fall downstreamof
the pit was not observed.
Laboratory tests
The advantagesof the hydraulic modelling of the channelprocessesand transport of
sedimentsin the rivers of mountain and Piedmont zone when it is possibleto simulate
the sediments in the scale of the water flow depth are well-known (Kopaliani,
Tvalavadzeand Noselidze, 1985). I. V. Egiazarov, a prominent Soviet scientistwrote in
1935 (Egiazarov, 1935): “On the basisof data analysisfrom field measurementsand on
the basisof laboratory tests during 8 years in the models of mountain rivers, the author
is convincedthat the bedload dischargein the study reach can be determinedby a model
in a laboratory more accuratelythan by direct measurementsin the field; at any rate this
is true until a revolution is made in the measuring methods applied”. In fact, the
revolution in the measuringmethodshas yet not beenmade, and the words of Egiazarov
are true even now. Therefore, together with field studies, the channel and hydraulic
regimes of the Laba River, characteristicsof sedimenttransportationand the impact of
the project pit were studied in the laboratory conditions in a space non-distorted
movable bed model of the Laba River and simultaneouslyin a hydraulic flume, 100 m
The model was made in the scale of 1:50 on an outdoor experimental plot of
100x20m, at the Hydraulic Laboratory of the State Hydrological Institute (Fig. 4). The
methodologypresentedin Kopaliani, Tvalavadzeand Noselidze(1985) was used for the
computationof the model. The model was 84 m long and about 10 m wide. The banks
were fixed, in accordancewith the channel survey made in November 1992 for the
study reach of the Laba River. The granulometric composition of bed material in the
model was selectedsimilar to that in the river (Fig. 3). Mean size of sandparticlesin the
model was 0.69 mm (34 mm, if recomputed for the prototype). Suspendedsediments
were not simulated.
Table 2 shows scale coefficients computed proceeding from the condition of
meetingthe Froude number similarity in the model and in the prototype.
Characteristic Scalecoeffkient
Linear dimensions(length, width, depth) 50
Size of particles 50
Slopeof bed and of water surface 1
Flow velocity 7.07
Water and bedloaddischarge 17,678
Water and bedloadyield 125,000
Time of hydraulic and morphological 7.07
0 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Time, hrs
Fig. 5 Pulsation of bedload discharge in the movable bed model at steady water discharge
of 30 Us (530 m3/s if recalculated for the prototype)
Water discharge
/ Bedload discharge
$ 40-
s 30-
IO- : :.:
0 10 1 0123012345
Time, hrs
After calibration tests a project pit 1,800 m long, 250 m wide and 4 m deep was
developed.To evaluatethe degreeof the pit impact on the hydraulics and deformations
of the channel bed, a mean long-term snowmelt flood was simulated in the model.
During this experiment sedimentswere deliveredto the model head dependingon the
water discharge,in accordancewith the graph in Fig. 7. The pit functioned in non-
flooded regime and causedthe channelerosion at the depth of 2-2.5 m (if recalculated
for the prototype) in the zone of the active bedloadtransportation,about 1 km upstream
of the pit and at the depth of l-2 m at the distance.of 1 km downstreamof the pit. The
water level fall was 1.5-2.5 m upstreamof the pit and 0.5-l m downstreamof the pit.
Bed erosion and deepeningof the channelimmediatelydownstreamof the pit resultedin
the armouring of the channelbed which provided the stability of the longitudinal profile
of the bed and water surfacein this reach.
Table 3 Results of computationsof bedload dischargein the Laba River by different formulas
Milhous. Satisfactory results are provided also by the use of Kromer, Rottner and
On the basisof the multi-purposeinvestigationsthe following conclusionscan be drawn.
The plannedannualexcavationof the channelalluvium out of the Laba River is 4
times higher than the mean annualbedload yield. The excavationof this amount of the
alluvium out of long pits would greatly disturb the natural channel and hydraulic
regimesin the river, both in the pit reach and at the sites downstreamand upstreamthe
pit. This impact would be less significant if excavation would be done out of short
flooded pits (shorter than 200 m), when the whole amount of the bedload is trapped by
the pit together with some portion of the suspendedsediments(coarse fraction). As
computationsshow, the amount of the trapped suspendedsedimentswould be no less
than the amount of the bedload. Proceedingfrom the above, the excavation of channel
alluvium during 10 years or so out of short pits in the amounts annually trapped in the
pits, would not lead to irreversible disturbancesin the channelprocessesand sediment
transportation.During the seconddecade,when excavationsare over, the Laba River is
capableto recover its regime closeto natural.
To solve tasks similar to the describedabove, the main problem is to determine
the exact amount of annualbedload yield. The existing assessments of the applicability
of Bifferent bedload dischargeformulas from the availablepublications seem to be too
optimistic to fulfil this task. It is quite reasonablefor the moment to simplify the
problem and to make an attempt to develop methods for the computation of bedload
transport for different categoriesof rivers individually, i.e. for large, mid-size and small
rivers, for plain, mountain and Piedmont rivers, for the rivers with different types of
channelprocesses,or for particular rivers. As to the rivers in mountain and Piedmont
zone, we shouldnot neglectthe advantageof the laboratory method too.
Bathurst, J. C.; W. Graf and H. H. Cao (1987) ‘Bed load dischargeequationsfor steep
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Changes of channel morphology of the
Rioni river, Central Caucasus
The present article contains the results of field, investigations of the channel processes
of the Rioni river carried out during 1972-1982 at its three sections with different types
of channels.
In particular, studies of morphology and dynamic characteristics of river bed,
suspended sediments and bedload, turbulent flow characteristics and the specific field
studies for various engineering problems, connected with the channel processes in the
Rioni river were performed in the course of these investigations.
A great number of engineering structures are in operation in the Rioni channel
and floodplain, such as: Rioni, Gumati and Vartsikhe power-plant dams, several water
intakes, pipe-line crossings, numerous bridges, gravel excavations plants, etc. The a
lowland reach of river is leveed for more than 80 km long. Near the town of Poti the
river is straightened by a new by-pass channel. A special regulating structure upstream
of Poti provides the optimal distribution of water and sediments between the old and
the new channels to avoid flooding of the town.
Urban services of Kutaisi and Poti, their water supply and sanitary conditions,
protection of lowlands from floodings, operation of the Poti sea port, and the
conditions of sea beaches greatly depend on the Rioni river behaviour, its hydrological
and morphological regimes,
Rioni, the second largest river in the Caucasus, originates at the height of 2620 m
above m.s.1. and discharges into the Black Sea near Poti (Fig. 1). The river is 327 km
long, catchment area 13400, average basin elevation - 1984 m.
Along Rioni river, the territory of high and middle mountain regions of the
Caucasian ridge with its offshoots, are followed by Piedmont and Kolkhida lowland.
Consequently, a great variety of channel types and their interchange,occur from rapids
and waterfalls in the upper reaches to meandering sections in the downstream.
Fig.1. Location of reaches of stationary research of the fluviomorphological process. 1 - Rioni
railway station; 2 - Basbi village; 3 - Sakochagidze village.
The Rioni river recharge is mixed comprising snowmelt, rain glacial and
underground water, where snowmelt and rainfall water prevail. Spring-summer flooding
period is prolonged. The highest water levels are observed during the coincidence of
snowmelt periods and heavy rains. Fluctuations of the water level at this time make up
to 3-4 m, sometimes up to 6-7 m.
Mean annual water discharge in the lower stream is 406 m3/sec, the highest
observed discharge equals -4800 m3/sec. The suspended sediment yield from the Rioni
river to the Black Sea is 7 mlntons on average. Average annual concentration of
sediments is 5 10 g/m”.
The mountain reaches of the Rioni river were episodically studied by a field
research team from the Kolkhida Centre of Hydrometeorology and Environmental
Monitoring (Kolkhidhydromet). Besides, three river reaches with different types of the
channel process were selected in the Piedmont and plain regions, they were: Rioni
railway station (145 km far from the river mouth) with middle and side bars (reach No.
l), Bashi village (115 km far from the river mouth) with multi-armed channel (reach
No.2) and the meandering river reach 85 km long (reach No.3) in the lower part of the
The programme of annual field investigations included topographic surveys,
hydrometric measurements, sampling and analysis of bottom deposits and flow velocity
measurements. Besides, using standard methods and equipment geometric and dynamic
characteristics of the sand dune bottom relief were studied by the echo sounder, using
methods and equipment developed by the Odessa Hydrometeorological Institute.
Investigation of reach No.1 showed that the movement of bottom material
consisting of medium-sized pebbles, initiated at the water discharge of 330m3/s and
coverd certain channel areas. At the water discharge ranging within 330-600 m3/s, local
changes of the channel forms were are observed, during which they were separated or
moved to the river bank. At the water discharge exceeding 600 m3/s the total
displacement of channel mesoforms, middle and side bars were observed. The rate of
displacement of the channel forms in this reach during the flood in 1978 (at water
discharge 668m3/s) was (according to our measurement) 90-I 00 m at the end of the
middle bar, 120-140 m at the right-bank side bar and 90-200 m at the left-bank middle
and side bars.
Calculations of the displacement of the mentioned mesoforms by the data of the
flood in 1978, according to the GGI formula (Kopaliani, 1983)
CA = 950V%Fr3 mlday,
showed a close coincidence with our data. At the water discharge of 830 m3/s more
than 500 m displacement of mesoforms was observed. During the IO-year period of
investigations, 1,5 cycles of reversible changes were observed in the dynamics of side
bars, in the process of which the area of the right bank side bar was occupied by a new
one which was further shifted lengthwise.
Horizontal channel changes are not characteristic of this river reach. Vertical
channel changes on various reaches attained 2.0 m at aggradation sites and. 3.0 m at
scour sites.
Mean size of bottom material is in a good correlation with the maximum water
discharge, increasing from 50 mm at 490 m3/s to 90 mm at 830 m3/s of water discharge.
Fig.2. Indices of meander by free meanderirg. il - the step of meander, S - the length of meander, CXI-
inlet angle, a2 - outlet angle.
Acceleration of the rate of meander evolution provided strightening of bends at the
initial section and in the lower reach of river removal into a new channel.
Quantitative relations between morphometric indices of banks on the meandering
section of the Rioni were obtained according to the methodology described in
(Hendelman, 1982) with:
- relative length of bends S/h , and turning angle a0
S=0.045a290 +l. .
- relative amplitude of bends Y,/h, and turning angle a0
JL = 0.16aL3':
- relative curvative radius of bends r/ h , and their turning angle cxo
r= 0.045aL9+a,;
Geometric and dynamic characteristics of microforms - sand dunes - were
obtained by the bottom sounding of the above mentioned section of the Rioni river. The
rate of dunes movement, derived according to (Kondratiev, Popov and Snishchenko,
1982) was close to measurements made at Sakochagidze. The total annual yield of bed
load, calculated with the account of dunes movement, was equal to 868000 tons per
year, i.e. close to calculation results of the “Kavgiprotrans” Institute.
Numerous turbulence and geometric characteristics over the channel microforms
were obtained during field measurements in cooperation with the Department of
hydrology of the Odessa Hydrometeorolagical Institute using their methods and
equipment (Grinvald, 1974):
- turbulence intensity and its distribution over the open flow area and along the
- standardized time correlation functions;
- type of velocity distribution and flow eddies longitudinal size relation to the
flow depth;
- spectral turbulence characteristics and distribution of the dissipation rate of the
flow turbulence energy along sand dunes.
The following research results have been obtained:
- the logarithmic formula for velocity distribution gives the best agreement with
field measurements;
- standardized time correlation functions for the sand dune bottomed flow
represent periodically subsiding curves, cutting the zero line depthwise.
Negative correlation is the result of prevalence of low frequency fluctuations in
the spectrum. Microforms influence the type of distribution by depth of the
time correlational function;
- river section with sand dunes on the bottom has the minimal turbulence
intensity equal to 0.045 near the water surface, which tends to increase up to
0.279 when approaching the bottom. Dune roughness of the channel increases
the turbulence;
- eddies generated at the river bottom covered by sand dunes have prevailing
longitudinal size of the depths order, which grows up to (8-10)H by
approaching the flow axis and decreases to a certain extent in the surface layer.
Eddies have the form of a largely extended ellipse;
- in the bottom layer at the level of dunes the longitudinal size of eddies is
comparable with the dunes length and flow depth;
- dissipation of kinetic energy of turbulence at any level above the sand dunes is
significantly increased as compared with the dissipation values in rectilinear
sections of lowland rivers above the flat bottom;
- validity of Zhelezniakov’s formula for “C” and Snishchenko’s formula taking
into account the dependence of hydraulic friction coefficient on the sand dunes
steepness is proved by the measurements taken in the Rioni river;
- friction coefficient in the Rioni river bed covered by sand dunes is about 60%
of the total coefficient of hydraulic resistance, whereas the effect of roughness
due to sand particles size does not exceed 8%.
Hendelman, M.M. (1982). Hydromorphological mechanisms of the river channel
meandering and ways of their engineering application (Irtysh river case-study).
Candidate’s dissertation, Leningrad, 253 p. (in Russian).
Grinvald, D.I. (1974). Turbulence of channel flows. Gydrometeoisdat, Leningrad, 167
p. (in Russian)
Kondratiev, N.I., IV.Popov and B.F.Snishchenko (1982). Principles of
hydromorphologic channel processes. Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, 27 1 p. (in
Kopaliani, Z.D. (1983). ‘Approximate method of calculation of the river channel
mesoforms’. Trudy GGI, vol. 288, p.9-15 (in Russian).
Shautidze, O.D. (1978). ‘Some results of investigations of the Rioni channel processes.
Collection of works on hydrology’, No. 14, Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad, p. 103-
126 (in Russian).
Airborne data for river-bed deformations
D. V. Snishchenko
State Hydrological Institute, StPetersburg, Russia
Air photographs, together with cartographics material, offer wide opportunities for a
formulation and further development of a hydromorphological theory of the channel
process(Kondratiev et al., 1982; Popov, 1960). Methodology for using airborne survey
data and satellite images for river-bed deformations study has been described in a
number of publications(Prokachevaet al., 1982; Anon., 1983, 1984; SnishchenkoB. F.
& SnishchenkoD. V., 1986, 1991a, 1991b). Extensive investigations of the channel
process were made and new data were obtained for the rivers of Trans-Baikal, East
Siberia and Altai regions on the basis of satellite images and surveys from aircrafts,
cartographica data and land measurements (Prokacheva et al., Anon., 1983;
SnishchenkoD. V. & SnishchenkoB. F., 1991a). Space images have been used to
compile a large-scale schematic map for the types of river-bed deformations in the
rivers of West Siberia and Altai regions, and a small-scaleschematic map has been
compiled for almost the whole territory of the former USSR. This work has not yet
been completed for the reason independentof the author. During the map compilation,
all river reachesfrom head to mouth were studied, types of channel processeswere
identified and appropriate singswere made in the schematicmap, just as it wasdone for
the rivers of BAR zone (Baikal - Amur Railway) (Anon,, 1983, 1984). The available
images made it possible to get data on channel width, river bend height, width of the
meandering belt and width of the floodplain of meandering rivers. Previous ratios
(SnishchenkoD. V. & SnishchenkoB, F., 1991a, 1991b) were used to get information
about the changes in the dominant discharge (mean long-term discharge among
maximum discharges).These data are essentialfor all regions, becausein majority of
mid-sizesrivers water dischargesare measuredat the outlets only.
Useful material has been obtained for the rivers of the Yamal Peninsula. The
analysisof remote-sensingdata shows that most of the rivers there are free meandering
rivers, and each successivebend exceedsthe previous one (due to increasingdominant
discharges,though without any evident lateral inflow). In the floodplains of some
meandering rivers it is possible to see marks of bends produced by other water
discharges.These bend marks were used to reconstruct water dischargescontributed to
a formation of channels,floodplains and even valleyshundreds and thousandsyears ago
in many dozens of rivers in different regions of Russia (Snishchenko D. V. &
Snishchenko B. F., 1991a, 1991b). Satellite images were used to discover reasons
which had causedchangesin those river reaches.
At the presenttime forest cut (or forest fires) in river basinsis the main reason of
river change. Forest cut leadsto runoff transformation during a season,most often due
to higher maximum discharges in spring. Top cover destruction (often top soil
including) led to greater sedimentstransport to floodplains and to river channels,
During the analysis of air photographs and satellite images of the former USSR
territory, all possible stageshave been discovered for the changesoccurred in rivers
under the effect of intensiveanthropogenicload (partial forest cut, or forest fires in river
basinsup to complete land ploughing from watershed-divideup to the banks of small
and midsized rivers). Forest cut and land cultivation in Europe began many centuries
ago, while in Siberia (permafrost zone, in particular) this processis going on and it is
shown in photographsmade in different time. Man’s influence on river basin, as evident
from space images,may be shown for the Barguzin River (Lake Baikal basin), After
slopes deforestation and ploughing, a great amount of sedimentsdischargedto the
floodplain and to the channel. The transported sedimentswidened the meandering
channel and made it straight. This transformation of meanderingchannelsinto straight
ones is observedin many regions, e. g. in tributaries of the.Volga (Vetluga and Viatka
rivers), in the tributariesof the Ob river (Chumyshand Aley tributaries), etc.
These figures make it possible to see changes occurred in rivers caused by
different water projects (dams, weirs, pits, etc.). In Kazakhstan and partly in Altai
region, the bends in many rivers downstream the structures decreased in size,
sometimes up to a complete disappearenceof the channel and river runoff. This
decreaseof the bend size is typical of the rivers in the deserts of the Central Asia
Air photographs and satellite images make it possible to discover zones (river
reaches)with the marks of disastrousevents (earthquakes,cracks in the Earth’s crust),
resulting in the changeof river channels,floodplains and even valleys. In the reachesof
intensivecontemporaryuplift of the Earth’s crust, the river bends appearto be cut into
solid rocks; from the size of these bends it is possible to recover dominant water
dischargesduring different geologicalepochs,
Methods for channel processanalysisinclude a comparison (superimpositionof
different surveys)of airborne surveys,satelliteimagesand topographic maps of different
scales,and made in different periods of time. Air photographsmake it possibleto apply
old topographic maps in which many regions were shown quite schematically,Air
photographsshow the actual situation of any river reach or channelmacroform.
Rather long reachesof large rivers (such as the Amur or Ob and the tributaries of
theserivers) were comparedas well. These reacheswere many hundredsof kilometres
long. Data on horizontal displacementof channel in some particular reach for definite
type of the channelprocesswere obtained,as well as on the changesin the longitudinal
river profile. The laws of cyclic channel evolution in plane and along the longitudinal
profile due to cyclic transportationof huge massesof sedimentsalong the channelhave
been discovered for such large rivers and Amur and Ob. The cycle of river-bed
deformation in the Ob river reach (upstreamKamen-na-Obi) is 120 years. This cycle is
divided into four stages,about ( 30 years each). This material, too detailed for the
analysis,was obtained due to using detailed topographic surveysof the Amur and Ob
rivers made at the beginning of the XXth century. These data of about 90 years old
provided the detailsand proved the reliability of the analysis.It was also stimulatedby a
wide use of various-scalesatellite images, beginning from large-scale airborne 1 -p
surveys(1: 2000 scale),and satelliteimages(1: 200 scale)up to small-scaleTV-surveys
(1: 2,500,OOO scale).
Air photographsand satellite images, in particular, offer unlimited opportunities
for analysing all processeswhich may occur on the surface of river basin. This
conclusion was made by the author as a result of studying various surveysdifferent in
scale, skill and quality for may years during a comparative analysisof the processes
observedin river basins,in valleys, in floodplains and in channelsall over the territory
of the former USSR.
Thus, air photographsand satelliteimagesprovide the following kinds of work to
be done:
- analysisof geomorphologicalsituation in small and large river basinsaffectedby
man’simpact (forest cut, forest fires, land plough, etc.);
- analysisof geomorphology of valleys, floodplains and channelsof the rivers of
all orders;
- establishmentof the type of the channel process (river-bed deformations
scheme) with a simultaneousanalysisof changesin rivers under the influence of an
- recovery of the historical evolution and transformation of rivers with various
types of the channelprocesses;
- recovery of mean long-term maximum water dischargesduring 2 - 3 millennia,
for meanderingrivers in particular;
- analysisof changes(in plane) in channelmacroformsand mesoformsall over the
study river, as well as of cyclic transport of large massesof sedimentsdownstreamthe
- multi-purpose wide-scale estimatesof the state of ecological systems in the
watershed(erosion network, river network, water bodies);
- correct planning and implementationof land surveysof river channelsand basin
Let us briefly describe the methodology to classify the types of the channel
A quantitative classificationof B. F. Snishchenko(Fig. 1) has been acceptedas
the initial or basic scientific classificationof the types of channel process(or schematic
river channel changes).According to this classification,the types of river channelsare
arranged in a definite order, beginning from free meandering channels up to multi-
armed channelswith numerous side bars in them. This gradual distribution of river
channelsis explainedby the increasedamounts of transported sedimentsfrom winding
channelsup to straight channels,with a redistribution of hydraulic resistancesfrom
floodplains (meanderingchannels)to straight channels(with side bars) (Kondratiev et.
al., 1982)
Classification of river channels in Siberia and in Altai shows that there are
transient types of the channel processfrom one type of channelsto another one in the
classificationof B.F. Snishchenko;besides,there are types of channelsappropriate to
specific conditions of the channel process manifestation (swamp rivers, rivers under
aufeisconditions, rivers on mountain slopes,etc.)(Fig.Z). The order of types of channel
processdistribution, however, is in a good agreementwith the laws establishedby B. F.
Snishchenkoi. e., they are arrangedin the order of the increasingsediments,increasing
channelresistanceand decreasingfloodplain resistances.
free meandering
incomplete meandering
Floodplain multi-armed
QT A=7.93
restricted meandering
side-bar type
middle-bar type of
multi-armed channels
B - channel width:
I - Mnter swfaceslope.
1 - Free menntierinp; 2 - incomplete v~eontlering; 3 -,floorlp/nin mrtlfi-rvwetl channel; 4 - resfricferl menndering; 5 - side-hnr type; 6 - rnulfi-owned chnnnel; 7 -
motmlnin turrlfi-onrred chnnnel; 8 - rrufies mlrlfi-nnrrerl chnnnel. 9 - overlai7tl trrirlti-nrttred cl7nnnel; IO - Induced (orogtwphic) ttrenndering; 11 - runoJ,j,j~~orn
Anon., (1983). Recommendationson the account of river-bed deformations for
different projects in rivers in the zone of Baikal - Amur railway construction.
Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,68 pp (in Russian).
Anon., (1984). Recommendationson the use of airborne and space information to
study channelprocess,Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,68 pp (in Russian).
Kondratiev N. E., Popov I. V., Snishchenko B. F. (1982). Principles of
hydromorphologicaltheory of channelprocess.Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,272
pp (in Russian).
ProkachevaV. G., SnishchenkoD. V., UsachevV. F. (1982). Remote-sensingmethods
for hydrological studies of the BAR zone. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat, 224 pp
(in Russian).
SnishchenkoB. F., SnishchenkoD. V. (1986). Establishmentof the types of river
channels and components of their morphology from the data of airborne and
satellitesurveys.“Meteorologiya i gidrologiya”, No. 11, p, 117 - 119 (in Russian).
SnishchenkoD. V., SnishchenkoB. F. (1991a). Airborne and satellite information as a
source of data on long-term changesin water availability in rivers. In: “Materialy
nauchnoi konferentsii po problemam vodnykh resursov Dalnevostochnogo
ekonomicheskogoraiona i Zabaikalia”St.Petersburg,Gidrometeoizdat,p. 187 -
195 (in Russian).
Snishchenko D. V., Snishchenko B. F. (1991b). Assessment of present
hydromorphologicalstate of small rivers from the satellitesurveysinformation. In:
“Sovremennoyesostoianiemalykh rek SSSRi puti ikh ispolzovania,sokhraneniai
vasstanovlenia”,Issue2, Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,p. 85 - 95 (in Russian).
Theory and practice of river channel
B.F. Snishchenko& Z.D.Kopaliani,
State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg,Russia
The general idea of this short report makes it hardly possible to describe the above
problems in a detailed and systematicway. Therefore, it is inevitable that the nature of
the present report would be quite fragmentary. The fragments, however, would cover
most sign&cant aspectsof the problems title meant under the given.
About 3,000,OOOrivers flow on the territory of the former Soviet Union (FSU).
Among them, 2,959,284 rivers are small up to 100 km long, 3,844 rivers are mid-size
up to 500 km long, and 260 rivers are large, out of which 63 rivers are longer than
1,000 km. About 2,000,OOOrivers flow over the territory of Russia.These rivers flow in
different geomorphologicaland physiographicconditions.
River basinsin Russiahave already suffered, suffer or will be suffered from man’s
activity. Besides, different water projects are planned, are constructed or under
operation in river channelsand floodplains every year.
The processes of aggradation and degradation in a river basin include the
following three components:water erosion, produced by water yield of the eroded soil
from the basin to the valley bottom and channelprocessesobservedin the rivers of all
kinds. Degradation and aggradationprocessesare included into the water-erosion cycle
on the basin combining the processesof water and eroded products formation and
motion in all the links of the hydrographic network of the basin or all over the
hydrographic system of the basin. Under the conditions of natural variability of
physiographicfeatures,the systemis in a dynamic equilibrium, except its marginal links.
The system state is determined by the main forming factors, and the parametersof the
system - by stable relations between the characteristicsof the determining factors and
degradation-aggradationprocesses(Snishchenko, B., 1988; Snishchenko, B., 1989;
Snishchenko,B. 1992).
It is assumed,that at present, during the epoch of Holocene, (the last lO,OOO-
17,000 years) the river systemsare in a dynamic eguilibrium, i.e. they are characterized
by stable parameters, on average. During typical climate periods of the Holocene,
however, which cover rather long time intervals (2,000 or 3,000 years), changes in
water availability caused significant though slow variations in river size. It can be
assumedthat during those periods the river systemswere in equilibrium,
A new factor of water-erosion processes,i.e. anthropogenic factor, appeared
severalthousand years ago in Asia and during the last millenium in Europe (since Xth
century A.D.) (Starhel and Hotinskiy, 1985)The last severalcenturiesare characherized
by a peculiar “competition” between physiographic and anthropogenic factors, where
the anthropogenicfactors become more and more intensive and important. As a result,
the water-erosion cycle on the basin becomes not so regular; relations between its
characteristicsand natural characteristicsof the determining factors become more
random. The problem of predicting any parameterof the system,on the one hand, goes
to the sphere of probabilistic relations, and on the other hand, the solution of this
problem dependson the stability of the systemin general.
Thus, two factors should be consideredwhich determinewater-erosionprocesses
over the basin,i.e. physiographicclimate factor and the anthropogenicfactor.
In order to predict the eventsin the links of the whole degradation-aggradation
process(sedimentyield and channelprocessesin particular), it is necessaryto see quite
clearly the state of the hydromorphology in the systemand the trends of its evolution.
Let us briefly describethesetwo factors.
Phisiographic-climatefactor. Changesin the air temperatureand humidity during
the Holocene period in Siberia and Central Asia have been used as characteristicsof the
climate factor taken from (Snishchenko,D. and Snishchenko,B., 199la). In general,
thesecharacteristicsdetermineriver runoff. It appeared,that rivers with larger channels
correspondedto the periods of higher river runoff, if compared,with the presenttime,
when river runoff is lower.
Consideringthe Ob River basin, the largest river basin in Siberia, it is possibleto
see,that mean long-term maximum water dischargesfrom the Ob River tributaries were
severaltimes less 3,400 or 4,000 years ago, if comparedwith 1,000 or 2,000 years ago.
The river dimensions during this intermediate period were reduced greatly
(Snishchenko, D. and Snishchenko,B., 199la). At present, the increase of water
availability caused the increase of channel size. A direct relation between water
dischargein a river and its width is well known in hydrology. Theserelations are shown
in detailsin (Snishchenko,D. and Snishchenko,B., 1991a).
It should be noted, that climate changesoften do not causeany changein the type
of the channelprocessin the river, but in the size changeonly, at leastin lowland rivers.
The types of the channelprocesscorrespondto typical schematicchangesin the
river channel. Classifications of the types of channel processesin lowland rivers,
developedat the StateHydrological Institute in Russiaare given in (Kondratiev, Popov,
and Snishchenko,B., 1982; Snishchenko,B and Kopaliani, 1994). In publications
(Snishchenko, D and Snishchenko, B, 1991a, 1991b; Snishchenko, D 1994) a
transformation of three left-bank tributaries of the Ob River where water availability
was suddenlyreduced is investigatedin a great details.For instance,water dischargein
the Burla River reduced ten times during the period of 3,500 years, if compared with
the ancient period. The size of the present Burla River channel is much less, and the
ancient channel is now used as its floodplain, without any changein the type of the
channelprocess.A similar situation is observedin another tributary - in the Kuhmda
River. In the floodplain of the Chumysh River it is possible to see large separated
ancient river bends and minor river bends, separatedtoo, which correspondedto the
intermediateperiod and to small water discharge.At present,the water availability and
type of the channelprocessin this river are different.
Among physiographicfactors it is necessaryto distinguishtectonic movementsof
the Earth’s crust, resulting in valley capture, blocking the channels, etc. during
geological breaks and earth-quakes.The time of physiographic-climateoccurrence of
the events is rather long, it is compatible with the time of geological epochs
(Snishchenko,D., 1994).
The nature of processesis quite different in case of the anthopogenicimpact on
river basins.According to the results,they are also compatiblewith the eventsoccurred
during geologicalepoch,but the duration of theseprocessesmay be by severalorders, if
comparedwith the natural processes.
At present there are no large river basins on the Earth which are not subject to
man’simpact. These are river basinsof the Danube,Rhine, Mississippi,Niger, Yangtze,
Hwang Ho, Amour and the mentioned Ob, etc. The maximum anthropogenicload to
the Danube is quite evident, becausethis river flows across the territories of eight
developedcountriesof Europe (Snishchenko,B., 1988).
The major types of the anthropogenicimpact on the transformation of river
channelsand floodplains are well known and can be reducedto the following:
- land and water use practices;
- forest cut and forest fire;
- basinplough;
- constructionof reservoirs;
- excavationof sandand gravel from river channeland floodplains;
- open mining in river basins,in channelsand floodplains;
- urbanisation:urban constructionwith the use of floodplain areas;
- construction of communication lines (roads, bridges, pipelines, power
transmissionlines, etc.);
- irrigation;
- different hydraulic structuresin channelsand on floodplains (water diversion
sites,sitesfor waste discharges,etc.);
- navigation and timber floating;
- flood controls, etc.;
- disasters resulted from man’s activity (forest fires, landslides, mudflows,
Let us briefly describesome peculiaritiesof hydrographicnetwork transformation
of all river basins.As it is evidentfrom the geomorphologicalpublications(Dedkov and
Mozzerin, 1984), in particular, severalperiods have been identified with various man’s
impact on fluvial processes,which correspondto the epochsof man’s cultivation of the
terrain. The first and the secondepochsare usually related to the beginning of the last
millennium and to XII-XVI centuriesand they are characterisedby the land use with
previous forest cut and burn, and by more intensive farming accosiatedwith partial
forest cut and land plough. The third epoch is extendedup to the presenttime and it is
relatedto an almost completeforest cut and intensiveplough.
We assume,that the.forth epoch began at the beginningof the XXth century and
it is characterisedwith a radical technogenictransformationof the river network.
There is no integral quantitative hydromorphological criterion of these epochs.
Therefore, they are characterisedby different factors of different components of the
degradationand aggradationprocesses.
The intensity of soil scour causedby basin plough is indirectly characterisedby
sedimentationof eroded products on the floodplains, by a stratified soil composition
(according to different epochsof man’s activity). Silt depositionin the floodplains over
the RussianPlain is up to 2.5 m deep and its age is up to several centuries. The silt
depositionrate in the zonesof intensivefarming during the third epoch exceeds1 cm/yr.
A comparativeassessmentof the specific sedimentyield dependingon the rate of
the anthropogenic cultivation of the landscapeis an objective characteristicsof the
On the plains (Dedkov and Mozzerin, 1994) mean specific sedimentyield equals
70 t/km2 per year; in poorly disturbed basins it equals 13 t/km2 per year and in
intensivelyplough basinsit attains 130 t/km2 per year.
The amount of soil washedof the slopesaccordingto investigatorsgreatly depend
on the steepnessof the slopes and these values cannot serve as an objective
characteristic of erosion rate because they hardly follow the standards of the
measurementsmethod and factors which determine these values. The erosion rate
varying from 1 to 124 t/ha are observedin the European territory of Russia both in
poorly eroded and severelyerodedregions.
Small rivers in the river basin, i.e. watercoursesof lower orders (according to
R.Horton} in the river system serve as most evident indicator of man’s activity.
Degradationof small rivers is causedby man’simpact over the basin and in the channels
of theserivers. The first reasontypical of the early stageof man’sactivity is observedat
presenttoo. River control is typical of the last, fourth stageof man’sactivity.
As to extreme values of specific sedimentyield in the world, the famous Hwang
Ho in China, with its specific sedimentyield of 1400t/km2 per year is just the fifth river.
The highestvalue of 2580 t/km2 per year is observedin the Purari River in Hew Guinea
(Gwynne Pover, 1988).
Ploughing up of the river basins,including floodplains, has led to silting of small
river channelsin the south of the European Russia. Construction of ponds (tens of
thousandsponds) during 1950-1965 in the small rives stopped any water flow and
sedimenttransport there (Lapshenkov, 1991). Survey of rivers along the Baikal-Amur
railway road (Snishchenko, D. and Snishchenko,B., 1991a; Snishchenko,D. and
Snishchenko,B., 199lb; Snishchenko,D., 1994) showed a crucial role of forest fires
and forest cut in the permafrost zone for an increaseof the sedimentyield from the
slopesof theseriver basins.For example,when the forest was burnt on the slopesof the
Muya river valley, an intensive erosion of the slopesbegan and the scoured soils were
deposited on the floodplain; aggradation of the floodplain began, the amount of
sedimentin the river was great and the type of the channelprocess in the river was
changed.After forest f&-esand forest cuts gullies and “dry streams”were formed in the
Muya basin.In the Charariver the forest fires changedthe level marks of the floodplain.
The hydrographic network of the rivers of low orders is subject to constant
irreversiblechangesgetting specific features of the evolution. Silting of channelsmakes
the channel profiles more gentle, reduction of the river, according to the data of
M.Ya.Prytkova, are closely connectedwith the rate of basinploughing. Silting of rivers,
river training, construction of ponds and land plough in the upper reacheslead to a
reduced density of the river network and to a less number of watercourses. For
example,according to the data of V.M.Shirokov, the length of small rivers in Belorus
was reduced by 30%, meanwhile, the network of canalswas increasedand it exceeds
the network of small rivers in 4-7 times.
Intensive whash out of soil from the basins leads to changesin the sediment
budget in river basins. In general (according to N.I.Makkaveev), the balance of
sedimentsis a function of degradation-aggradationprocessesat different links of the
hydrographic network. In case of an intensive man’s activity in drainage areas and in
river channels,the sediment balance components in the river basin are subject to
permanent changes,it mainly concernsthe overland and channel components of the
flow. A ratio betweensuspendedsedimentsand bedloadis subjectto changestoo. Both,
sediment deficit and sediment excessdue to man’s impact on the basin and in river
channelslead to continuous and often fundamental changesin the lower link of the
chain of the single degradation-aggradation processover the basin, i.e. fluvial progress
in the channel and in the floodplain. In facts change in the sediment yield, as the
determining factor of channel formation, is not the only reason of this change. The
man’s activity in the basin primarily leads to changesin flow characteristicsand to the
conditionsrestricting a free evolution of channels.Thesefactors cannot be describedin
detailswithin the limits of the presentpaper. It should be only noted that an assessment
of the degradation and aggradation processeson the river basin would require an
analysisof all the determining factors of each of the three componentsof the cycle, i.e.
soil erosion,sedimentyield and channelprocesses.
At presentthe problems of river channelchangesdue to man’simpact and due to
changesin the first two cycle components are investigated quite inadequately for
practicalpurposes. The reasonis that the analysisof this problem requiresnew research
methods,basin-wide approachinsteadof the routine local approachwhen the restricted
short river reach in close vicinity to the future project is being considered,is given by
air-borne photographs and by satellite images (Snishchenko, D.and Snishchenko,
B.,1986).Air photographs and satellite images applied for the analysis of the channel
processesin the Ob River basin within the Altai region made it possibleto establishvery
rapidly (during 3 years) fundamentalnew lows in the channelprocessesof this large
river basin,which may be discoveredby other methodsfor a longer period or they may
not be evennoted at all (Snishchenko,B., 1992; Snishchenko,D., 1994). The analysisof
satelliteimagesand air photographsmade it possibleto ascertaina degradationand even
completedisappearanceof the certain links of the hydrographicnetwork, a reduction of
river length, changesin river width and changesin the type of channel process. The
prepared schematic map of the channel process in the basin, together with the
discovered trends of channel evolution, made it possible to outline a substantiated
forecast for a future developmentof the hydrographicnetwork in the region.
In general, an intensiveman’s activity on the watershedsaffecting basic channel-
forming factors (runoff characteristics,sediment yield, restricting conditions) would
sooner later lead to a changein the type of the channelprocess. Fig. 1 shows a new
channelof the Viliuy river (a tributary of the Lena river), developedinto the side-bar
type in a rectilinear channel,insteadof a free-meanderingtype. A changein the channel-
processtype occurred due to a great amount of sedimentsdischargedto the river from
basin slopes denudated by intensive forest fires (Snishchenko, D.and Snishchenko,
B., 1991b).
Similar transformation occurred 3,000 or 4,000 years ago in the Amur river basin,
when the right-bank part of the Amur river basinwas cultivated in China. Forest cut and
land plough ware expandedfrom south to north. At present,a destructiveforest cut on
the left-bank area of the Amur basin is ever growing which would result in a further
changeof the hydrological and channelregimesin the Amur river (Snishchenko,Dand
A transition of channelsfrom meanderingto rectilinear due to intensive sediment
yield from the basin slopesis typical not only of the Amur and Ob river basins. This
processis also observedall over the Europeanterritory of Russia,even in the northern
Fig. 1 Changed type oJchanne1 process of the Viluy River
rivers of Vetluga, Viatka and Vychegda. This process is observersin the rivers of
Bashkiria and in all left-bank tributaries of the Volga river.
Forest cut and basin ploughing causedchangesin the redistribution of maximum
water dischargesduring a year. In general, greater maximum water dischargescaused
wider channelsand river bends. For example,the ratios of widths in ancient channels
(2500-1000 years ago), intermediate channels (1000-2000 years ago) and in
contemporarychannels(200-50 years ago) in the Ob river basin are as follows: 3.5 : 1 :
2 (Snishchenko,D and Snishchenko,B., 1991a; Snishchenko,D. and Snishchenko,B.,
A number of disastrousfloods in spring of 1994 in the rivers of Russia may be
regarded as a result of wrong man’s activity on the watersheds,in floodplains and in
river channels,i.e. the result of a suddendecreaseof the channelconveyancecapacity
due to sedimentationof the channels,due to different water projects in the floodplains
when the structuresare made at the very water edge,due to floodplain plough, etc.
Irreversible processesof river degradation are observed also in the permafrost
zone in the polar areas of European and Asian Russia, in the zone of intensive
developmentand extraction of preciousmetals.
A contemporary river network is affected by a peculiar “creeping hydrographic
gangrene”resulting in a successivedegradationof watercoursesof all the orders in the
river network, from minor orders to major ones. It should be kept in mind, however,
that runoff formation and sedimentformation are by 50% (on average)observedin the
small watercourses, and degradation of these small streams is very important to
maintain mid-size and large rivers. It should be also emphasized,that many small rivers
in Russia, and not only in Russia, are observedin the air photographsonly in spring,
when water surplusin the fields forms dark marks of the former meanderingchannels,
presently filled with eroded soil and sometimes ploughed (Snishchenko, D.and
Snishchenko,B., 1991b).
It is high time to introduce appropriate changesinto geographic manuals and
atlasesin each country of the world to the data on rivers, e.g., instead of river No. we
have to put “the former river” and insteadof its usual length of, say, 1000 km, we have
to put 900 km. For example,the river training causedby great sedimentyield made the
Ob river reach of about 500 km by 100 km shorter during the period of 1800-1986
(Snishchenko,B., 1992).
The very fact of changesin the river network is not only of a purely scientific
interest.Millions of hydraulic structureshave been made in rivers, from large dams for
power generationup to power transmissionlines, all over the movable and varying part
of our planet. In 1975 the damagein the USSR from the negativeeffect of river channel
changeson thesestructuresmade at least 4 billion USD (Snishchenko,B., 1994).
The hydraulic structuresthemselves,made in the rivers, affect the regime of these
Most significant disturbances in the natural channel regime and sediment
transportationin rivers are observedas a result of reservoirsconstructionin rivers.
At present,more then 30,000 large reservoirshave been constructedin the world.
More then 4,000 such reservoirshave beenmade in the rivers of the FSU (Reservoirsof
world, 1979). The rates of reservoirs construction since the beginning of the XXth
century (when there were only 41 reservoirsin the world) have beenintensifiedgreatly.
During the last 30 years the number of reservoirsincreased4 times, and the total
volume of the reservoirs increased 10 times (in Asia it increased in 90 times). At
present,from 300 up to 500 new reservoirs are being constructedin the world every
year; in future it is projected to control 2/3 of the world rivers FSIJ (Reservoirs of
world, 1979).
Excavation of sandand gravel out of the channelsand floodplains for construction
purposesis one of the most intensivekinds of the technogenicimpacts (Snishchenko,B.
and Meserlians,1994).
Before 1950s’excavationof sand and gravel out of river channelsand floodplains
for construction needs was not a damage for the environment and for the ecology
becauseit was not intensive and it was of a local nature, if compared with other
anthropogenicimpact on the channelevolution.
At the end of 1950s however, ecologically and technically invalidated excavation
of sand and gravel from the rivers in many countries of the world caused the river
network degradationand becamedisastrousfor the environment.
During the last 20 or 30 years the removal of send and gravel from the river
channelsfor constructionneedsis ever growing in Russiaand in the CIS. The Ministry
of the River Fleet of Russia excavated 160,000,000 m3 of sand from the pits in
navigablerivers up to 171,000,000m3 of sand. Sandwas removed quite intensively out
of the rivers of Lena, Ob, Irtysh, Tom, Belaya, Ufa, Oka and Kuban. Unprecedented
(by rates and volume) amounts of sand and gravel were excavated from the river
channelsin the zone of the Baikal-Amur railway construction.
Excavationsfrom the pits in many rivers of Russiaand CIS made low-water levels
in the rivers by 1,5-3,5 m lower. The results of excavationsand lower water levels in
rivers are well known. They createproblems for waterwaysnavigation and operation of
ports, for water diversions, they destroy bridges, pipelines across the rivers, power
transmissionlines, communicationcablesas well as dykes and other structuresalong the
river banks. Gravel excavation from rivers often cause disappearanceof sea-shore
beachesin the vicinity of river mouths.
Long river reacheswhere sand and gravel are excavatedare inthtencedby these
pits; the stability and stationarity of relation between water discharge and levels are
disturbed; depressioncurves of the ground water are lowered which leads to plants
suppressionin the floodplain, to intensivelandslides,to reduced spawningsites, deficit
of sedimentsand reducedbeachareason the seacoast.
Similar situationsmay be taken from numerouspublicationsin different countries
of the world, in Austria, Germany, Hungary, Bulgaria, Italy, France, India, USA and
According to the assessments of the Japanesescientists,the intensive excavation
of sand and gravel fi-om the rivers of Japan simultaneouslywith the construction of
power generation plants became a national disaster. According to the data of the
Ministry of Construction,the gravel excavationduring 1966 an 1970was equal to 374
and 477 mln tons, respectively. As a result the rates of the overall degradation
(irreversible scour) of the channelsin some rivers of Japanwere equal to 10 cm/year.
Multi-armed channelswere transformedinto meanderingchannelswith deepeningof the
channel depth; the stability of the hydraulic structures as well as ecosystemswere
disturbedin the zone subjectto channeltransformations(Human Influences..., 1989).
It is a hardly possibleto mention other kinds of water projects in rivers within the
limits of this paper.
To solve appliedproblems of the channelprocessesfor any water project in rivers,
a system of predicting the channel processes has been developed at the State
Hydrological Institute; this system made it possible to combine all variable water
projects in rivers, all kinds of river channel changes,all kinds of predictions, kinds of
information required for the predictions and to solve practical problems on water
projects validation in a simple way (Snishchenko,B., 1994).
A combination of natural processesand man’simpact on the water projects often
causehardly solubleproblemsfor scientists,designersand decision-makers.
Let us take a casestudy.
On the request of the Government of Argentina, the scientistshorn the State
Hydrological Institute were invited in summer 1993 to make an international expertise
for the problem of the Pilcomayo river, a tributary of the Paraguayriver, which in turn
dischargesto the Paranariver.
The Pilcomayo river flows from The Andes in Bolivia and runs across this
country over 600 km; then the river crosses the frontier between Argentina and
Paraguayand flows as the boundary between these countries over 900 km long. The
river transports a great amount of fine sands (125,000,OOOt/year) - the maximum
observed amount was 288,000,OOOtons. Distribution of runoff and sediment yield
during a year is extremely uneven. The maximum observedwater dischargewas 5,000
m3 Is, mean among maxima was 1843 m3 /s, mean annualdischargewas 2 11 m3 is, and
minimum water dischargewas 9.5 m3/s.
The river channelis meandering.During 1930sthe river flow was broken in the
middle reachesand the transit water flow was stopped.The river was separatedinto two
individual streams. Since that time, the upper reachesof the river are being silted by
sedimentsevery year during the flood and during the flood recessionup to the edge
over the distanceof 3.5 km (1990)up to 45 km (1984). The silting of the Pilcomayo
channel produced a number of socio-economic, research, technical, ecological and
frontier problems.
The Pilcomayo valley and floodplain is a habitat for Indian tribes since the time
immemorial. Thesetribes consumefish, animalsand plants in the floodplain. They drink
water out of the river. The Indians move their housesfor the third time upstream the
river, as far as the river dry channelis extendedupstream. Since 1940 the river moved
upstreamby 400 km.
The secondproblem is to provide equal water distribution betweenArgentina and
Paraguay,during the dry seasonin particular (June-November).
The major research and technical problem is to discover the reason and
mechanismof this phenomenonand to decide whether it is possibleto stop the process
of channelsedimentationand in what way.
The Pilcomayo river channelis raised, if comparedwith the surroundingterrain.
Here numerousnatural diversion canalsoccur from the channelto the floodplain which
are effective during the high-water period.
Two experimentalcanalsconstructedby the specialistsof Argentina and Paraguay
during 1976-1983 on this principle completely, stopped the dry channel extension
The study of this problem makes it possibleto conclude that even in case of the
appropriatepolicy of the three countriesconcernedin the Pilcomayo river and in caseof
the availablefunds, the major problem would bein the scientific and technical aspects
Fig. 2 gives the superposedcross-sectionsof the Pilcomayo river channel at La
Paz gauging site 40 km upstream the dry boundary of the channel. Hydrometric
-- ---
6 1 h(m) 6
.-.-.-.-.-.- .-.-.-. 1
4- .-.E.-.-.- .-.-. 2
Qm;. Data
1 889 12.02.90
2 12 22.09.90
l- 3 1881 15.01.91
4 16 06.09.91
5 609 30.11.91
O- 6 2201 18.01.92
-2-..,,...,.,,, , , ,,,, ,
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 m
E a
IMeyer-P$te/ 1
Fig. 3. Predicted scour andjll downstream porn Chapeton reservoir, river Parana. 2.5year after dam
closure (Prendes. 1984).
observationsat La Paz are made since 1960; water dischargesare measuredevery day.
Here cross-sectionprofiles for 1990-1992were compared,theseprofiles were obtained
at the station. Sedimentsconcentration during flood was 30 kg/m3. As evident from
Fig. 2, the water depth at the cross-sectionarea 2 was within 0.5-l .2 m during the low-
water period on 22 August, 1990. The rise of the water level produces not only the
widening of the channel but a simultaneoustotal scour into depth by 3.5 m (cross-
section area 3). Then, as far as water dischargebecomes smaller, up to 16 m3/s, the
channel is tilled with sediments again (cross-section area 4) and the channel size
approachesthe size of the channel during the low water period for the previous year.
The subsequentflood (cross-sectionareas 5 and 6) restores the channel within the
boundariesof the channelduring the flood at the previous year, etc. The quasi-dynamic
equilibrium of the channelis expressedin the annual “respiration”of the cross-section
area within a definite range of elevation marks, during which there is a clear relation
between water discharge and maximum channel depth, and this relation is never
Here we approach the most important theoretical and practical problem of the
channel process on the quantitative assessmentof discharge and yield of channel
forming sediments.This problem is more than 200 years old. According to a general
assumptionit is one of the deadlock problems of sedimentationand theory of fluvial
processes.In our opinion, the reasonis methodologicaland the way out of this situation
shouldbe made in this methodologicaldirection.
At present, there are more than 150 design formulas to compute bedload yield;
about a half of these formulas were developedin the FSU. Most of these formulas are
not known abroad, as it follows from the referencesto the papers.Besides,some dozens
of works have been published during the recent time in Russia and abroad where
computation results obtained from different formulas and/or from intercomparison
between the laboratory measurementsand field data are given. In general, the basic
conclusionin such works is that the author’sformula is the best or amongthe best.
Therefore the generalprogressin this matter is an imperative sincethe availability
of variety of formulas at presentservsas a factor with disorient engineersand designers
who is to choose“the best formula out of the other very good ones”.
Fig. 3 gives one of such casestudies.Prendes(1984)used severalformulas applied
by different scientists (Raynov, Pechinov and Kopaliani, 1986) for a mathematical
model of predicting bottom scour in the Paranariver downstreamthe Chepeton dam.
This case study is interestingfor us by the fact that the formula of Mayer-Peter more
frequently used abroad and the formula of Shamov (often applied in Russia) are used.
As evidentfrom the figure, theseformulas provided the extrememaximum scoursin the
downstream of the dam: the use of Shamov formula gave 1 m, and the formula of
Mayer-Peter - 8.5 m. Commentsare not neededhere.
Indeed, what is the problem? It appears,that when formulas are compared, very
often different formulas are appliedwithout a detailedconsideration,whether they were
developedfor bedloadyield, or the total sedimentyield; for lowland or mountain rivers,
and even mudflow are not distinguished, etc. Moreover, the term “bedload” is
understoodby different authorsin different ways.
Computationsmade by the scientistsfrom the State Hydrological Institute, for a
determinationof the forms of sedimentstransport bedloadmotion, saltation, suspension
using different methodsprovided the resultswith deviationsin dozensof times.
We can put a question: if there is no a definite co-ordinated terminology and
methodology even for a determinationof the forms of sedimenttransportation,how is it
possible to get compatible computation results, to say nothing of compatible data
observed and computed if different object of measurement and techniques of
measurementsare quite individual in each case?Besides,as evident Iiom the Pilcomayo
casestudy, it is not valid to solve the problem of bedload yield separatelyIi-om regime
of river channelchanges.
It is quite evident that currently it is more promising to develop design methods
separately for a certain category of rivers, type of channel process, length of the
watercourse, peculiarities of the granulometric composition and hydrological river
Another fundamentalproblem, the solution of which also reached a deadlock, is
the assessmentof hydraulic resistancesin the natural watercoursesand canals.Without a
solution of this problem the progress in the improvement of methods for the
computationof the channeland floolplain conveyancecapacity is impossible,as well as
in modification of methods for extrapolationof water dischargecurves, methodologies
for hydraulic modelling, technical validation of channel reconstruction, methods for
canaldesignand many other appliedhydraulic problems.
A future progress in this field would require expansion of conventional
approaches, application of new theoretical and methodological ways and a new
The results on the laboratory study of the conveyance capacity and hydraulic
resistancesin meandering river channels are given below; these results have been
obtained at the Laboratory of Channel Hydraulics at the Department of Channel
Processesat the StateHydrological Institute (Kopaliani and Hendehnan,1989).
The laboratory research method is used in the following two basic directions
within the framework of methodology of the hydromorphological concept of the
channelprocesses,i.e. for the study of generallaws of the channelprocessesas a natural
phenomenonand for a solution of particular appliedproblems.
In the first casehydraulic flumes are applied and different laboratory installations
are used together with the scale models of some type of the channel processes.The
secondproblem is solved on hydraulic (fixed and eroded) models of river channelsand
Numerous studiesof any type have been made at the State Hydrological Institute.
Thesestudiesare characterisedby a great interest to a discretemorphological elements
of the channeltopography, sedimenttransport and water flow structures.
Studiesof the first kind may be illustratedby the tests on the conveyancecapacity
of the channel and on the hydraulic resistancesin the channelsof meandering rivers
using schematic laboratory installation. The effect of pools and shoals to hydraulic
resistanceswas investigated,in particular.
A meanderingreach of a real river 112 km long with well-developed 14 river
bends was simulated on the model in the horizontal scale of 1 : 800 within fixed
boundariesof the river banks (Snishchenko,B. and Kopaliani, 1994). The model bed
with the slope of 0.00 1 was covered by sand with mean particles of 0.33 mm in
diameter. First, water dischargeswere delivered to the model which produced no
motion of the bedload. After each delivery a position of the water surface was lixed
along the whole model reach. At the channel-forming water discharge of 47 l/s the
position of the water surface was fixed twice, i.e. at the beginning of the test and 36
100 120 m
0 20 40 60 80
Fig. 4. Longitudinal profile of the bottom and water surface m the schematic modeelof the meandering
channel reach
2 - water surface profile at the channel-forming water discharge in case missing and available shoals
and pook;
3 - profile of the water surface (Q4.6 1is)with available pools and shoals;
5 - longitudinal profile of the bottom in case of the channel-forming water discharge along the right
(5) and left (6) banks with available shoals and pools.
hours later when pools and shoals were completely formed on the model. Then, the
tests were repeated, but the delivered water discharges were less than the channel-
forming discharge (less than 47 l/s), with available pools and shoals, however, resulted
from the channel-forming water discharges.
The results of the above experiments are shown in Fig. 4 with the comparison of
longitudinal proties of the water surface: initial prolYe and the profile fixed at the
channel-forming water discharge, respectively at the absence or availability of pools and
shoals, as well as in case of small (not channel-forming) water discharge of 6.6 l/s at the
absence and availability of pools and shoals.
Since water surface curves at the channel-forming water discharge with missing
and available pools and shoals coincide, it appears that pools and shoals do not
contribute to hydraulic resistances and do not affect the conveyance capacity of the
channel. They are probably produced as the mechanism for sediments transportation
The second conclusion is as follows. In case of water discharges less than channel-
forming ones, pools and shoals are the forms of resistance to the water flow motion,
because they reduce the conveyance capacity of the channel. As evident from Fig. 4,
one and the same water discharge of 6.6 l/s with available pools and shoals (relict forms
left by previous channel-forming water discharge) is transported through the channel at
higher water surface marks, if compared with the case of missing pools and shoals.
In accordance with the methodology of the hydromorphological concept of the
channel process, the use of the laboratory method is reasonable in combination with
other methods (analysis of cartographic and air-borne materials, field studies, theoretical
methods and computations).
Proceeding from the peculiarities of the specified problem, research object and
nature of the basic information, the laboratory and other methods are applied in
different combinations. The effect of laboratory method is different in the solution of
the specified problem, the applied model is diEerent too (schematic accurate or
approximated model, rigid or eroded model, nondistorted or distorted hydraulic
For instance in case of the channels with coarse sediments it is possible to
reproduce the most accurate scale model of the study event.
Summarising the above, it is possible to state that the problem of radical transformations
metamorphosis of the river channel and floodplains caused by man’s impact becomes of
the utmost importance during the technological epoch.
Since there are no general theory and generally accepted methodology and
verified methods for a solution of this problem, it is necessary to develop them at
It should be noted that the approach proposed by S. Shumm (Schumm, 1971) is
most successful and timely, where an attempt is made to develop a methodology for an
assessment of trends for basic transformations metamorphosis of rivers depending on
the nature of changes in the governing factors of channel formation, i.e. characteristics
of water discharge and sediment yield irrespective of reasons of their changes (climate
or anthropogenic impact). However this is not a method for quantitative estimates, but
assessmentof trends only. Unfortunately, Shumm’s approach is restricted by
meanderingrivers only and his estimatesdo not contain the time factor. Besides, it
seemsquite reasonableto assumein such approachesbased on the laws of hydraulic
geometry and the ideas of the regime theory, the chamiel size (width, depth, steps of
river bends) would increasesat a suddenincreaseof water discharge,but the opposite
situation is not always possible,i.e. the river bend would not be reduced at a sudden
decreaseof water discharge(especiallyin rivers with coarse alluvium). Low-powered
flow will not be able to do this work.
Thus, assumingthe priority of the problem on the recovery of the natural channel
regime of rivers or, which is more realistic, maintenance of river channels and
floodplains under the controlled technogenicstable state regulated by the society, and
assumingthat the progress in this matter is most effective in case of an intensive
international cooperation, the State Hydrological Institute proposed via the National
Committee of Russia for the IHP for the Vth IHP phase an implementation of the
project on the methods for estimation, computation and prediction of river channel
changes,and sedimentyield characteristicsin the conditions of intensive anthropogenic
impact to river basins, to river channelsand floodplains. The implementation of this
project would make a clear global situation of this event end of the scalesof the event, it
would generalisethe experience(both, positive and negative ones) of the practice from
many countriesand it would provide a developmentof coordinatedprinciplesfor some
general strategy and tactics for interrelations between the modem society and river
The implementation of this project would require much efforts and it would
probably stimulate a development of numerous specific problems of morphology,
theory and methods for a computation of bedload transportation in river systems,
hydraulic geometry and resistancesus well as the problem of interaction between river
systemsand water projects.
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satelhte surveys’. “Meteorologiya i gidrologiya”, N 11, pp.. 117 - 119. (in
Snishchenko,D.V.and Snishchenko,B.F.( 1991a) ‘Airborne and satelliteinformation as
a source of data on long-term changesin water availability in rivers’. In: St.
Petersburg,Gidrometeoizdat, pp. 187 - 195.
Snishchenko, D.V.and Snishchenko, B.F.(1991b) ‘Assessment of present
hydromorphologica1 state of sma11 rivers from the satellitesurveysinformation’.
In: “Sovremennoye sostoianie malykh rek SSSR i puti ikh ispolzovania,
sokhraneniai vasstanovlenia”Issue 2 Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,pp. 85 95 (in
Starhel, H and Hotinskiy, N.(1985) ‘Prirodnie antropogennie rubeji galogena na
territotii centra Evropeiskoy chasteUSSR i Polshi’. IZV AN USSR, Ser. geogr.,
N 5, pp. 27 - 39. (in Russian).
Methodology for the inventory of channel
processes for water projects
B. F. Snishchenko State Hydrological Institute, StPetersburg, Russia
Table 1
Category I
Power Transmission
Lines, across Rivers
The active structures are sibdivided into two categories, The construction of
structuresof categoryI may lead to unidirectional changein any of the three factors and
to retransformation of the channel processesat each structural level (microforms,
mesoforms, macroforms or megaforms). This effect may be also produced by
agrotechnicalpracticesin the basin (Table 1).
Changesin channel processesat the level of megaforms and macroforms can
affect the stability of the structuresof this category.
The construction of structuresof category II leads to the local changesin some
characteristicsof the determining factors, This change, however, does not affect a
fundamentalmegaformsand macroformsredistribution, but concernschannelevolution
at the level of meso- and microforms. The stability of such structuresalways dependson
the mega- and macroformsredistribution, and sometimeson the dynamicsof meso- and
microforms, if channelproceesesinventory is inadequite.
Passive structures, size, location and operational life do not affect the flow
hydraulics, regime of sedimentstransportation and river-bed deformationsover a long
distance.In case of intensive operation of passivestructures (e. g., water diversions)
their effect may be similar to that causedby active structures.Passivestructures are
subjectto the influence of channelforms at each structural level and a reliable operation
of these structures requires the inventory (forecasting) of channel deformations (by
changingthe structuredesign,and location, river training, etc.).
The second subsystem. First, let us determinethe term “forecast”. The forecast
of the channel process means time-spacecomputation of any change in the channel
morphology basedon the knowledge of the laws of channel evolution under particular
physiographic features of a river/canal. Table 2 shows basic features and types of
channelforecasts,which may be used for up-date application.Table 2 is general,but its
nature is that of principle.
It follows from Table 2 that the channelforecast in some particular reach should
be selectedfor particular water project and it should be studied for particular water
project only, i. e, with the account of all kinds of forecasts. The time factor of the
forecastshould be noted. From the viewpoint of the channelprocesses,time division of
forecastsrequiresthe forecastsubdividionnot into different time intervals in its absolute
expression(as acceptedfor hydrological forecasts)but into the period of a complete
genetic cycle of the channel form evolution (e. g., river bend) or of its portion (some
particular stageof the river bend evolution).
The third subsystem. This subsystemreflects the basic features of the channel
processwhich should be primarily taken into account for predicting this process.It is
convenient to express these features through the predicted components and
characteristicsof the channel process (Table 3). The major feature of the channel
process,i. e. its discreteness,reflects the channelforms separationinto six types in this
subsystem(block I, Table 3). The types of forecastsgiven in Table 2, should be applied
to appropriatechannelforms, noted in block I. Separationof block II (Deformations) is
explainedby the fact that river channelscan be deformated in different ways: due to
unidirectional, irreversible deformations; due to sign-variablereversible deformations;
and due to joint effect of the two deformation kinds. Block III in Table 3 takes into
account interrelationsbetween discrete channel forms: i. e. effect of any form on the
other form may occur at the same level or at different structural levels of the channel
Table 3.
-L - 1 1
6 7
2 ( -0
8 2
z 0”
the relation betweenthis structure and the determining factors of the channelprocessis
estimated,when the type of the forecast is selectedand forecastedcharacteristicsare
determined,it is possibleto establishthe scope and volume of information and methods
for its collection and processing.
The briefly presentedmethodology for the inventory of channel processesfor
different water project in rivers of the former USSR made it possibleto solve applied
problemsfor individual hydraulic structuresand for categoriesof similar structures.This
methodology also provided to formulate a correct problem for a developmentof river-
bed deformations theory and for a development of particular types of forecasts and
computations. Nevertheless, a number of applied and theoretical aspects of this
methodologyrequire improvementand long-term efforts,
According to this methodology assessmentof the channel processwas made at
the State Hydrological Institute for the construction and operatian of all projects given
in Table 1. Let us take a case study. It cancernsa hydromorphological validation for .
repairing oil and gaspipelinesacrossthe Volga river. The river bottom on the reach of
these pipelineswas eroded during the spring snowmelt flood in 1991; the pipes were
exposedand one of the pipes, i.e. the gas pipeline, was destroyedby w’k- mv,Q the
water flow and exploded. Appropriate ripraps of stone bankets were made on the
exposedreaches of the oil pipelinesup to 6 m high (Fiq. 1). It was decidedto replacethe
broken duplicatepipe by a new one at greater depth.
In accordancewith the methodology, the following schemewas accepted and
introduced into practice.
1. Determination of the Structure Type
The pipeline was determinedas a passivestructure, but the protective banketson
the pipeswere determinedas active structuresof categaryII (Table 1).
2. Assessmentof the River Effect.
Three types of discretechannelmorphological formations affect the pipelines,i.e.
micro-forms meso-forms and macro-forms; the pipes are placed in the zone of
resersible(sign-variable) and irreversible (uni-directed, downstream the power plant)
channelchanges,as well as in the zone of interrelationsof the above three types of the
channelforms (Table 3).
The stone banket causeschangesin the local characteristisof water flow and the
channel,which may disturb the pipeline stability.
3. Selection of Types of Channel Forecasts
In accordancewith iteme 1 and 2 and Table 2, the forecastshould be hydraulic, it
should be made for natural lowland rivers and for the rivers with runoff control, it
should take into account the peculiaritiesof passivestructuresand of the structuresof
categoryII; the predictedperiod should take into accountthe ratio of the designtime of
pipeline operation to the time of the three types of channel forms evolution noted in
item 1. The solution of the problams requires the application of the hydraulic-
morphologicalmethod of the forecast.
4. Selection of Information
The amount and details of information required for a forecast should follow the
requirementspresentin items 1,2 and 3, above.
As a result of the above schemerealization, and with the account of economic
capacity of Customers,the State Hydrological Institute (WI) suggestthe following
order of the hydraulic engineering de cistions to improve the reliability of pipelines
under operation.
Firstly, it was proposedto fill the erodedpits with a specialground and reducethe
height of stone bankets above the oil pipelines (Fig. 1). These works were supervised
continuosly by the field tram from the SHI before the spring snowmelt flood. Control
measurementsof channel depths the flood proved a high efficiency of the proposed
As long-term measuresto be taken, it was proposed to re-install the broken
pipeline to the depth in such a way the above three types of the channel forms would
not touch the upper wall of the pipeline operation (30 years) (Fig.2). At presentposition
of the pipelines the channel changes occur around the pipelines often causing the
pipeline uncovering (Fig.3).
A method of horizontal directional drilling under the Volga channelis considered
as another variant of long-term engineeringmeasure;in this casethe pipeline would be
placedinto the drilled hole. The SHI also contributesto a Hydrological validatin of this
SnishchenkoB. F. (1980). Problem of forecasting channel processand ways to solve
this problem. Meteorologiya i gidrologiya, No. 11, p. 71 - 78 (in Russian).
Anon., (198 1). Recommendationson the location and design of sites for waste water
dischargeto rivers. Moscow, Stroiizdat, 224 pp (in Russian).
Anon. (1983). Recommendationson the inventory of river-bed deformationsfor water
projects in the zone of Baikal - Amur railway construction. Leningrad,
Gidrometeoizdat,72 pp (in Russian).
Anon. (1985). Inventory of deformationsin river channelsand in the shoresof lakes in
the zone of underwater pipelines (oil and gas pipelines). VSN 163 - 83.
Minneftegazstroy.Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,144 pp (in Russian).
Kondratiev N. E., Popov I. V., Snishchenko B. F. (1982). Principles for
hydromorphologicaltheory of channelprocess.Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,272
pp (in Russian).
Volga ~ , :
-40' I '
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 m
29-30.04.94 03.05.95
21.05.94 12,13.05.95
22.08,06.09.94 - - - - 16.05.95
---- 17-18.11.94 - - - - 2-6.07.95
Fig. I Combined longitudinnl profile of the river bottom on the reach of oil and gas pipelines
across the Volga
ul -40
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 m
1985 15.03.93 -.- ._.------ 06.09.94 - - - 21-25.08.94
09.91 --- 10.05.94 - - - 17-18.11.94 - - - 06.05.95
.-. --.--- 26-30.".92 -- 28-30.01.93 - - - - 21.05.94 - - - - 16.0595
IGg.2 Combined cross-section of the I,hlgcl river nt the site qfmnin oil pipeline crossing
---l--- >
w 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 m
1985 23.06.93 - - - 21.05.94 - - - 17-18.11.94
12.07.91 10-11.05.94 .-- -_- -.- 21-25.08.94 - - - - 06.05.95
-.- 26-30.11.92 - - - 16.05.94 - - - 06.09.94 - - - - 16.05.95
---- 2-6.07.95
Changes in sediment transport and river
engineering methods: case study of the river
Drau in Austria
by H.M. Habersack and H.P. Nacbtnebel
1. Introduction
The aim of the paper is to analyse the developments of sediment transport and river
engineering methods, as reflected in the casestudy of a large Austrian gravel-bed river.
Changes of sediment transport are often caused by engineering measures,that were
implemented in the course of the last century. The results of those changes have led to
degradation problems in many Alpine rivers (Jaggi, 1992; Hunziger, 1991; Nachtnebel and
Habersack, 1993).
Owing to the developments in sediment transport research, the limits of “classical
engineering methods” have to be discussed,in order to determine whether new approaches
should replace the old ones.
1. Introduction
2. Study reach
Cet~trul Alps
Lienz. Oh*aubwz Sachsenburg
1 .. .., DRAU .,.:
2.2 Hydrological, hydraulic conditions and settlements
The hydrological data for the Drau in the study reach are given in Table 2.1.
3. Data base
4. Results
4.3 Cross section measurements
Comparison of repeatedcross section measurementsfor the years 1990 and 1991 demonstrates,
that 66.9 % of the whole river reach degradedand 33,1 % aggraded.This could be interpreted as
reduction of the degradationtendencyresulting from me low water level measurements,where 96
% degraded,only 3.6 % aggraded and 0.4 % maintained in equilibrium. But the tune period of
one year is too short in order to get representativeresults and 14 cross sectionsare not enough to
concludefor the whole river section.
F -0.2-
-&a .‘-
g -0.6--
g -0.8-
.i‘z -
3 -l-
-1.4- reach 5
-1.6 i I I I I I I I I I 1
0 10 20 30 40 SO
5 15 25 35 45
Drau river (km)
Fig.4.1 Spatial variability of bed level developments at the river Drau due to sediment
transport combined with degradation and aggradation
4.4 Results of mathematical calculations
Besidesthese measurementsmathematical calculations and the application of simulation models
allow to analyse the present situation and to predict developmentsof the river bed. For me river
Drau the bedload transport rate was calculatedwith the formula of E. Meyer-Peter and R. Miiller
(1949). In Eastern Tyrol there exist leveeson both sides of the Drau, which allow a flood control
for HQlOO, whereas in Carinthia already fltxxLs of HQl to HQ5 inundate the whole valley. Of
course, these different engineering methods affect the sediment transport rates (Fig. 3). In
Carinthia the transport rate up to 330 m3/s is higher than that in EasternTyrol, which is due to a
greater catchment area and discharge. The transport rate is then rapidly stabilized at 600 m3/s
becauseof the large floodplain areas in Carinthia. For me transport rate in Eastern Tyrol this
point is reachedat a dischargeof 900 m3/s, when leveesare alreadyflooded.
The result of this calculation shows, that it is very important for the design of flood
control structures to consider the effect on the sedimenttransport capacity of the river. As the
river Isel is the most important tributary for sedimentsupply, wrong river engineeringmethodsat
the Drau in Eastern Tyrol could lead to a lack of sedimentsin Carinthia. where problems with
degradation already occur (Fig.2). The higher sediment transport rate in Tyrol for discharge
exceeding330 m3/s means,that bedload derived from the Isel should be transported to Carinthia
to be sufficient for stabilisation. Below 330 m3/s bedload from me smaller tributaries in
Carinthia will be also required for a reduction of the degradationrate.
Grain size analysis of the subsurface (volumetric samples) has demonstrated that in
reacheswith large degradation the mean diameter is less man that of reachesin equilibrium or
with slight degradation. For some reasons this is due to small tributaries transporting in some
reachescoarsermaterial to the Drau, which has createdan armour layer. In reach 2 the dm of the
subsurfacematerial varied between 22 mm and 26 mm, in reach 3 between32 mm and 33 mm, in
reach 4 cit. 20 mm and in reach 5 ca. 33 mm. The application of the formulas of Gessler (1965)
and GiJnter (1971) allowed to demonstratethat in the whole reach of the river Drau exists a
tendencyfor a strong armouring layer.
The existanceof dynamic bars, which are very important for biological aspects,is limited
to very short sectionsof the river Drau. Mostly there are just point bars at bends and no alternate
bars at straight reaches,which was also verified through the application of theoretical criteria
(Jaggi, 1983).
5. Summary and conclusions
Low water level measurementsat the River Drau in Austria showed for the period 1931-1991 a
degradation rate of 1.0 cm/year with great spatial and temporal variablility (sections with
different degradation values and sediment size distribution), mainly caused by engineering
measures.Sixty percent of the volumetric changeswere caused by gravel mining. Variability in
degradation and aggradation processes might be the reaseon why gravel mining cannot be
completely halted, especially in relation to flood control and river bed developments.Various
flood control structures have been realised, affecting sediment transport in different ways.
Instability of bank protection measures and ecological problems in connection with lack of
dynamic gravel bars lead to the following conclusionsincluding a different design approach:
1) there exists a great temporal and spatial variability in sediment transport rate and
related degradation and agradation;
2) sediment transport is a key variable for engineering methods in Alpine rivers;
3) only interdisciplinary teamscan achievesound solutions which satisfy economical and
ecological needs,especially when long river reachesare considered;
4) not one schematicproject for the whole reach but a variety of smaller and larger
measureswith different methods is necessary;and
5) a step by step realisation as well as accompanyingmonitoring programs, including the
whole catchment,have to be taken into considerationin order to improve the
hydrological and ecological functions of a fluvial system.
5.1 Acknowledgements
We acknowledgethe Ministery of Agriculture for financial support of the whole interdisciplinary
project. Further we thank Jonathan B. Laronne, Ben Gurion University of the Negev in Israel for
scientific discussionsand cooperation.
BELLAMY, J., BEEBE, J.T., SAUNDERSON, H. C., IMHOF, J. (1992) ‘River morphology,
sedimentsand fish habitats’. Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring Programs in River
Basins. IAHS Publ. No. 210.
GESSLER, J. (1965) ‘Der Geschiebetriebbeginnbei Mischungen untersucht an namrlichen
Abpfhisterungserscheinungenin KanMen’. Mitt. der Versuchsanstalt fiir Wasser und
Erdbau, ETH Ziirich, No. 69.
GUNTER, A. (1971) ‘Die kritische mittlere Sohlenschubspannungbei Geschiebemischungen
unter Beriicksichtigung der Deckschichtbildung und der turbulenzbedingten
Sohlenschubspannungsschwankungen’ Mitt.
. Nr. 3 der VAW der ETH Zurich.
HUNZIGER, R.( 1991): ‘FluBmorphologie. Modelle in der Geomorphologie - Beispiele aus der
Schweiz’. Fribourg.
IMHOF, J.G.A., PLANCK, F.M., JOHNSON, F.M., HALYK (1990) ‘Watershed urbanization
and managing stream habitat for fish’. 56th N. Am. Wildlife and Natural Res. Conf., 269-
IMHOF. J.G.A., REIGER, H.A., PLANCK, R. J., SCI-IRIMPF, A. (1991) ‘Urbanization and
stream habitats for fish- a synoptic review and perspective’. Proc. 1st World Fisheries Conf.
JAGGI, M. (1983) ‘Alternierende Kiesbanke’. Mittleiung VAW Ziirich 62.
JAGGI, M. (1992) ‘Sedimenthaushaltund Stabilitat on FluBbauten’. Mitteilung VAW Ztirich
MEYER-PETER, E., MULLER, R. (1949) ‘Eine Formel zur Berechnungdes Geschiebetriebs’.
Mitteilung aus der Wasserbauund Erdbau an der ETH-Zurich Nr. 16.
NACHTNEBEL, H.P., HABERSACK, H. (1993) ‘Erhebung von gewbsermorphologischen
Daten - Aufwand im Verhahnis zur Aussage’. Stand der Technik im Landschaftswasserbau.
14. Seminar Landschaftswasserbauan der TechnischenUniversitat Wien.
YUQIAN, L. (1992): ‘The design and operation of sedimenttransport measurementprogrammes
in river basins: the Chinese experience’. Erosion and Sediment Transport Monitoring
Programs in River Basins. IAHS Publ. No. 210.
Improvement of navigable width in river
bendsby periodic dredging;Casestudy of
the river Waal, The Netherlands
Marco Taal
Institute for Inland Water Managementand Waste Water Treatment
(RIZA), P.O.Box 9070, 6800 ED Arnhem,The Netherlands
Hermjan Bameveld
P.O. Box 152, 8300 AD Emmeloord, The Netherlands
Ton Swanenberg
RIJKSWATERSTAAT, Directorate East Netherlands
P.O.Box 9070,680O ED Arnhem, The Netherlands
Several bends in the River Waal in the Netherlands form bottle-necks in this vital shipping route
because of insufficient navigable width. Dredging of sand from the shallow inner bends and
dumping of the dredged material in the opposite outer bend appears to be an attractive measure
to increase the navigable width.
Initial calculations with the two-dimensional morphological model SEDREDGE were carried out
so as to study the feasibility of the intended dredging measure. Based on the results of these
calculations a prototype dredging experiment was carried out. In two dredging periods 300,ODD
m3 of sediment was dredged. An intensive monitoring campaign was carried out so as to
evaluate the experiment. In addition, analytical and computational tools were applied in the
Initial calculations, the prototype experiment and its evaluation are discussed in this paper.
The river Waal is the main branch of the river Rhine in the Netherlandsand a
very important chain in the international transport between the port of
Rotterdam and Germany. Eachyear approximately 170,000 vesselspassthe
Dutch-German border, carrying 150400,000 tons of goods.
For the river Waal the Dutch governmenthas set the highestrequirements
with regard to the quality of transport and bottlenecksshould be tackled with
priority. Upstream of the city of Nijmegen, four bends are located which are a
bottleneck from a nautical point of view (seeFigure 1).
The navigable width in these narrow bends does not meet the safety require-
ments, especially not in the dry season. This problem launched the study
‘Bend improvementsriver Waal’. The objective of this study is to guaranteea
minimum navigable width of 170 meters and a depth of 2.50 meter at an
Agreed Low Discharge Level (OLR). The corresponding discharge has a
probability of exceedanceof about 95% and mainly occurs during the low
water seasont?om April to October.
,,,. ._,.. I’
Since the start of the prototype experiment in january 1992 two series of
dredging activities were carried out. The first period lasted t?om January to
March 1992 and the second from Septemberto December 1992. The total
amount of dredged sediment in the two bends was 106,000 and 194,000 m3
Before, during and after the dredging activities soundings have been carried
out on a monthly basis. The measuredcross-sectionswere equally spacedwith
a distance of 25 meter. The soundingswere presentedas sounding charts with
contour lines and separate cross-sections.Plots of cross-sections, covering
several successivesoundings, gave a clear indication of the recovery of the
point bar.
*- . . . . . . (_.............,.._..... _ .
if! I
6 _...... cp.. _.... ;. .
DLR (-2.50)
:.. ., I
4_ _ .......... :I .-I., .... -:: *.,r ::::.+:: . .
‘\ -.
\ \
2- . .................... . ..:..._ .
o- . ........ ......... _.
G 0 li0 ; D 240 3t 1 3 0
In the upstream river bend the point bar recovers much slower
compared to the downstream bend. This is probably due to the
influence of the bifurcation just upstream, which introduces a differ-
ent distribution of the flow comparedto normal developed river bend
A part of the bend forms a bottleneck as the cross-sectionalprofile
shows an additional elevation of the point bar on top of the more or
less sinusoidal shape.This reducesthe available navigation width.
Model simulations
For deriving the analytical recovery relation the following exponential relation
for the water depth development near the bank after dredging activities was
H(t) = H(m) +lJ-I(O)-H(-)]e-’
In which:
H(t) : water depth near the banks at time t;
H(O) : water depth at time t=O;
H(a) : equilibrium water depth near the bank;
T : time scale.
as2 w w+--+--
2Tlx+h at=F(c)
S,kw as iJH H h,*s a?H hoAs aH (2)
I- width;
wave number in transversaldirection = x/B;
curvature term
-- -
about 2~64);
A : weighing coefficient of spiral flow intensity;
l? : curvature of the stream-linesdue to the non-uniformity of
the flow field:
2 = -Ld” (7)
% as
The behaviour of the system is determined by the homogeneous part of
equation (2) which has the following solution:
H = fi,[sin(Ks)-efsin(Ks+~t)]+~[cos(Ks)-e’cos(Ks+~t)]
Simulation results
The prototype experiment has been simulated with the analytical recovery
relation and SEDREDGE. Not only the calculatedchangesin morphology, but
also the calculated navigable width was compared to measured values. For
calculating the navigable width the cross-sectionalprofile in the analytical
recovery relation was assumedto follow a sine-function. In SEDREDGE a
straight line through the calculatedbed level in the two parallel brancheswas
chonnei 1 channei 2
1 1.0
Conform to the expectations, it appearedfrom the soundings and the model
simulations that the largest morphological recovery occurs during high
discharges.During low dischargesthe sedimenttransport and the morphologi-
cal changesare small.
The development of the point bars in both up- and downstream bend can be
simulated by the analytical recovery relation and SEDREDGE to a reasonable
extend. However, the expected yearly amount of sediment transport should
therefore be increased considerably with a factor 2.6 and 2.0 respectively to
calibrate the models.
At several locations the calculated navigable width does agree less with the
measuredwidths and the widths as stated by the river supervisors.During and
after the first dredging period, at the beginning of the low water season,the
calculatednavigable width gave a pessimistic view, while during and after the
second dredging period, at the beginning of the high water season, the
calculatednavigable widths showed almost no changesin time and were 10 to
20 meter larger than the measuredwidths.
Based on the present evaluation it can not be concluded yet that the recovery
of the point bars, and consequentlythe decreaseof the navigable width, can
be simulated and predicted properly with the analytical recovery relation or
SEDREDGE. Calibration of the models with new soundings,especially during
high discharges,is therefore important.
111 Rijkswaterstaat, Institute for Inland Water Management and Waste Water Treatment
(RIZA), 1994;
Evaluation dredging experiment Hulhuizen (report 94.059).
Program for computation of channel
deformations downstream from dams: case
study of the Votkinsk hydropower plant on
the Kama river
A. B. Veksler, V, M. Donenberg, Y. L Manuilov, R. S. Frid B. E. VedeneevAll-
RussianResearchInstitute of Hydraulic Engineering (VNIIG), StPetersburg, Russia
Mathematical program
A system of equations for uni-dimensional flow with suspendedsedimentsis used as
the basis of method to compute channel deformations in the lower pool of the power
plant unit, due to liquid discharge control and accumulation of sediments in the
reservoir. In case of low concentrations of suspendedsediments,usually observed in
channelflows, this systemis reducedto equationsof Saint Venant for a flow of mixture
supplied with the sediment balance equation. The system is closed made by an
additional equation of relations between the rate of bottom deformation, eroding
capacity of the flow, sedimentsdischargeand conveyancecapacity of the flow.
If we assumethat the channel flow is slowly variable, and if we replace the real
hydrograph by a stepwise hydrograph with a permanent water discharge within each
step, the system of equations for unsteady water flow in erodible channel may be
reduced to a system of equations of quasi-steady(within each hydrograph step) non-
uniform flow and equation of channel deformation. This system may be presentedby
finite differencesand it can be solved by separatingdifferent processesfrom each other:
(1) water flow, and (2) channel deformations.
If the schemeof identification of indices for design channel reachesand division
of reaches over length is introduced (Fig. l), the finite-difference system of basic
equationsmay be presentedas follows:
M = PskQw Qs24
Pgrk &I’ B’
Fig. 1. E+stem of specijication of indices for design reaches (a) and division of reaches Into steps over
the length (3).
During computationsthe reach lengths AX, = X,_, - X, are divided into steps
AX = X, - X, , where sliding indices 1 and 2 indicate inlet and outlet of the designstep
hx long, respectively.
Division of reachesover the lenght (discretization of the channel) can be made
manually or a special subprogramcan be applied, using the principle of approximate
equality of bottom areasin designreaches,
At At, At,
The duration of hydrograph steps (j = 1,2,. , J) is also divided into stepsby
time = t, - t,-,2 where indices {- 1 and r indicate initial and final time moments of
design interval computed according to a special subprogram from the condition
that deformation of the bottom does not exceedthe specifiedportion of the flow depth
in any reach.
For averagedvalues and for differencesthe sliding indices 1, 2 and < - 1 are
The following symbolsare also applied in equations(1) - (3): v - velocity of the
flow; h - flow depth and Q,- dischargeof sedimentsat the gauge-linewith appropriate
index psk and pgrk- densitiesof particlesof the bottom ground and in newly deposited
ground in k-th reach; i, - slope of flow energy losses for friction over the reach
determinedfrom uniform flow equation with the use of Chezy-Manning formula, hrr-
local lossesexplainedby changein the channelwidth along the flow.
The systemof equations(1) - (3) is solved with specified/initialconditions:
z(o,x) = Z,,Y(o,X,Q) = r,,
and boundary conditions:
QiV) = Q,7 QsW = Qso>
Q<cL) = QWO+ 2 Q,,,
W> L) = UQW
whereindex n - is the number of concentratedinflow, ZZ- number of inflows.
5. rate of flow saturationwith sediments,
The account of the first three factors is somehow described in our previous
publications,including (Veksler, at al., 1988). Therefore, we shall briefly explain some
problems of the account of local lossesof energy flow of gradual saturation of flow
with sediments.
According to the data from manuals and classicaltextbooks on river and open
canal hydraulics,the local lossesare most significant in they are due to flow widening in
plane. If the channel bends, lossesof turbulent flows (Reynolds’number Re> 3 1500)
with a relative radius of the bend R/B > 3 are very low at any h/B value (Anon., 1988).
In rivers, Re >>3 1500 and R/B >3 in general,which gives us the right to neglect losses
at the channelbend.
Changesin the altitudinal configuration of the channelbottom (alternateddunes,
side bars, shoals and pools) may also explain local losses of flow energy, but they
should be probably regarded as lossesover the river length during water flow round
rough obstaclesproduced by channel mesoformsand these lossesshould be integrally
taken into accountby roughnesscoefficient,
Indicating local lossesfor flow contraction and widening in plane through some
generalizedcoefficient 6.
we obtain rather simple and suitable algorithm for the account of local losses
where coefficient < is a formalized compilation of well-known proposals and
recommendations,generalizedin (Anon., 1988; Grishanin, 1990). We only took the
liberty to approximatethe expressionsand to fix strict limits for g computation in case
02 -01 >o:
B2 -4
‘.55 if p< - 90”
It should be emphasizedthat when we speakabout flow contraction in plane, we
mean acceleratedwater flow, and when we speak about flow widening, we mean
deceleratedflow. Thesevalueswould coincide if w, - w, and B2 - Bl would be of the
samesign i.e. 02B2 -CL)1
_ By >o, If (32 - @i CO,we shall assumethat local lossesdue to flow
B2 -4
width change are missing (<= 0). The latter assumptionis most rough in the whole
schemeof local lossesaccount,but we have to be reconciledwith it, becausewe do not
know any recommendationfor that case.
Computationsmade for wide plain rivers show that the valuesof 6 in majority of
cases are within 0.0 1 t 0.05, being 0.16 in some cases only. For mountain and
Piedmont river reacheswith alternated narrow canyons and wide hollows (e. g., the
Vitim river discharge to Muyskaya hollow and its successivecontraction at the
Paramskyrapid) the < valuesfar exceedthose in the caseof plain rivers.
Introduced conventionallimits and approximationsused in (6) may be modified as
far as new data are collected and the conceptsare changed.Moreover, the structure of
the local lossesaccount may be kept. The account of a gradual saturationof water flow
with sedimentsconsistsin transformationof equation (3) as follows:
Equation (12) can be solved relative to 8, if a kind of fknction f( t9) is specified.
After derivation of 8, it is possible to find the value of $ using equation (8).
Moreover, equation (8) would automaticallysatisfy the extreme casesof (10) and (11)
which is regulated by expression [1- 0-f(B)] in equation (12), equating the second
term of the right part of the equation with zero at 8 = 0 and 8 = 1. It should be noted
that if 8 = 1, the whole equation (12) is transformed into identical zero, degenerating
equation(8) into (11).
Determination of the kind of function 4 0) requiresfurther investigations.Hence
we shall acceptthat
f(e) = (1- 0)” (13)
which is a generalizationof the hypothesisof G. R. Foster and L. D. Meyer (1972),
who assumedk=l. On the basisof previous studiesit would be more correct to accept
k=5 t9.
Equation (12) is solved relative to 0 in the finite differencesat the left boundary
condition of
wo = e,(t) (14)
and at initial condition of
e(x,o)= e,(x) . (15)
Conditions (14) and (15) are not homogeneous and should be accepted
dependingon the ratio of flow velocity V to non-eroding velocity V,, for the ground of
the bed:
1 if v I v,
e,(x) = o if
i v > v,
Gl I Computation of sedimentdischarge,
volumesof channeldeformation,bottom
marks after deformationwith the account
of pit excavationand flows
Hl I
73 output
Program characteristics
The Votkinsk power generationplantain the Kama river was put in to operation from
the end of 1961 up to 1966. During the plant operation the river channel deformations
occurred and water level in the lower pool of the dam fell, which induced deviations
from the project rules of the power plant unit operation. According to the project, the
discharge of at least 900 m3/s should be delivered through the spillways to provide
navigation on the Kama river. During last years it was necessaryto dischargeat least
1200 m3/sof water to the lower pool to maintain navigation, Thus, the project schedule
of runoff control by the Votkinsk Reservoir was broken and the power-plant
contribution to peak power generationwas reduced,
The fall of water level in the lower pool caused great deformations of the left-
bank slope in the diversion canal from the hydropower plant (HPP), i. e. settle and
damage of mounting slabs, as well as destruction or concrete walls of the HPP
structures,non-resistantto frost and located in the zone of variable water levels (piers,
divide wall, battering walls of abutments).A necessityof their repair was emphasizedby
the Commission of the Ministry of Energetics in July, 1989. The Commission also
recommendedto considera problem of admissiblevolumes of inert materialsexcavation
in the lower pool of the Votkinsk HPP.
Fig. 3. Stage-discharge rating curves at the T’otkinsk power phnt gauge-line (observed data)
despite any usual channel deformations observed in the lower pools with similar
grounds and hydrological conditions (e. g., in the lower pool of the Gorky HPP on the
Volga river (Veksler& Donenberg, 1983)). By 1990 - 1991 the water stage fall at the
gauge-line of the HPP and at “Olkhovka”station, located downstreamthe joint of the
lower inlet canal of the sluice and Kama river channel,was as follows:
if comparedwith if comparedwith
projectcurvein 1961
At minimum prospect water
dischargeof 890 - 900 m3/s to
providenavigation 1.10 0.90 0.82
At meanlong-termwater discharge
of 1710m3/sin the Kama river at
the site of HPP 0.97 0.80 0.74
At maximum water dischargeof
7000 m3/sthroughHPP 0.90 0.60 0.55 1
A changein the volume of dredging made by river crafl agencieson the shoals in the
lower pool to provide standarddepthsis another factor of channeldeformationsduring
the HPP operation. This factor is to an certain extent subjective,becausethe volume of
transit dredging made on some shoal dependsboth on the individual approach of an
engineer designing a cutoff on the basis of data on shoal survey and on different
production reasons.Nevertheless,data on the amount of transit dredging given in
annual reports of “Water Ways of the Kama Basin” Production Association (PA),
makes it possible to present a situation on the displacementof zones of sediments
accumulationin the lower pool of the Votkinsk HPP Unfortunately, the data analysis
given below on the dredging was made for 22-year period only, from the start of HPP
operation in 1961 up to 1983, becauseafter 1984 only total data are given on the work
madein some pool, i. e. in the navigablelong reach.
To estimatethe volume of dredging, method was applied previously develop d for
the evaluation or the Ob channel deformations in the lower pool of the Novosibirsk
HPP ( Veksler & Donenberg, 1983): the lower pool was separatedinto reaches8 - 12
km long each.This separationwas madeto maintain uniformity of channelforms and of
the channelprocessestype within every reach. Then annualvolumes of transit dredging
on shoals within every reach were summed up, and graphs of annual dredging
variations were plotted for 1961 - 1983 for these reaches.Years (or periods) were
separatedin the graphs correspondingto peak dredging. It should be noted that at this
approacha regular outlined increaseof standardnavigabledepthsfrom 240 cm in 1961
up to 335 cm in 1970 did not affect any peak observedin someparticular year.
Peak years (or periods) separatedin these graphs were plotted as dashed or
shadedareas (evident peaks are given by solid lines, other peaks - by broken lines),
years are laid off as abscissa,and distancefrom HPP along the navigation channel- as
ordinate (Fig. 4). The drawing formed by these dashedlines (areas)made it possibleto
outline the lines connectingthem. These lines are also given in Fig. 4, They determine
variations of the displacementof the silted zone downstream. The first sedimentation
wave (upper line) leavesthe secondline behind by 3 - 6 years and it is characterizedby
lower peaks (Fig. 4) if comparedwith the upper line (except area No. 4). The second
wave determinesthe displacementof the absolutepeak of dredging (except some rare
cases).It is possibleto assumethat first wave is the result of the Kama river channel
closure and displacementof bedload composedby the products of local bottom erosion
formed behind the side pitching of the spillway dam during the first years of HPP
operation. This dune was gradually eroded and moved downstreamby the floodwaterof
subsequent years.
Fig. 4. Graph of displacement of zones of maximum sedimentation in the lover poll of the Votkinsk
power plant unit.
Analysis of channel surveys made in the lower pool of the Votkinsk HPP by
reconnaissanceteams of “Water Ways of the Kama Basin”PA as well as computations
of channeldeformationsshow that besidesthe channeldeformationsdue runoff control
and lesssedimentsconcentrationin the water flow, excavationof sandand gravel out of
the pits in the Kama river channel since 1975 is of a great significancefor the Kama
river-bed deformations. According to the data of the Kama steamshipcompany, the
amount of sand and gravel excavatedduring 1975-1991from the reach of HPP site to
Sarapul, 68 km long, was as much as 12.5 min m3, i. e. about 6 % of the channel
capacity at the quaranteednavigation depth. The total increaseof the channel volume
(emsion and excavation)in this reach for the sameperiod was equal to 34.2 min m3 or
about 18% of the channelcapacityat the navigation depth.
(a) retrospective computation for 1962-1990; (b) prediction for 1990-2006 I-20 - numbers of design
gauge-lines; 1 - original bd and free water surface in 1961; 2 - design bed and free water surface in
1990 without of pit excavation in the channel; 3 - idem,with the account of pit excavation; 4 -
understurned schematic bed in 1990; 5 - original bed and free water surface in 1990; 6 - prediction of
the bottom position and of free water surface, if dregding is stopped; 7 - idem, if pit excavation is
’ I I lwn
67 ti
66 ,
t. ---be 70
65 69
I I I I I I lbb
Fig. 6 Stagedischarge rating curves e = .f (H) at the 1btkinskpower plant gnuuge-line (a) and nt
“Olkhovkn ” gauge-line (b) porn th e results of retrospective computation andforecast before ,7006.
1 -project curve; 2 - curve of 1961; 3 - curve of 1990; 4 - predicied curve for 2006, ifthe excmwtion
is stopped; 5 - idem, if excavation is continued.
The perfomed computations make it possible to judge about the Kama channel
evolution in the lower pool of the Votkinsk power plant unit:
(1) The total deformationsof the river channelin the reach from HPP to Sarapul
is causedby erasion due to Votklnsk Reservoir construction (its contribution is 60%)
and by pit excavation (34%). During the period of pit excavation (1978 - 1991) the
portion of erosionwas 52%. Pit excavationscontribute 48% of the total deformationsin
this reach. Additional water level fall due to excavationsat the HPP gauge-linewas 39
cm, and 18 cm - at the “Olkhovka”gauge-line.
(3) If pits excavationsproceed in the same amount in the Kama channel, an
additional water level fall (if compared with its present level) should be expected,thus
by 2006 it would be 38 cm lower at the HPP gauge-line, and 36 cm - at “Olkhovka”
gauge-line.If excavationsare intensifiedin the Kama channel,the water level fall would
be more significant. If no excavationsare made, the additional water level fall would be
24 cm at the HPP gauge-line,and 23 cm - at “Olkhovka” gauge-line(Fig. 6).
(3) Predicted deformations of the channel would lead to even geater water
releasesfor navigation purposes - up to 1600 m3/s by 2006 if excavations are
continued; and up to 1500 m3/s - if excavations are ceased after 1992. Thus, the
contribution of the Votkinsk HPP to peak generation of electric energy would be
reducedmore Intensively.
Anon (1981) ‘Recommendationson the computation of channel deformations in the
lower pools of power plant units’, II 95 - 8 1, VNIIG, Leningrad (in Russian).
Anon ( 1987) Determination of admitted non-eroding waler flow velocities for various
grounds .for canals projects. Textbook to SNIP 2.08.03 - 85 Meliorativnye
sistemyi sooruzhenia,Tbilisi, Gruzgiprovodkhoz, 116 p. (in Russian).
Anon (1988) Hydraulic computations for spillwuys: Manual. - Moscow,
Energoatomizdat,624 p. ( in Russian).
Foster, G. R and L.D.Meyer (1972)A closed-form soil erosion equation for upland
areas.. Sedimentation, Edited by H. W. Shen, Colorado, Fort Collins, Ch. 12, p.
Grishanin,K.V. (1990) Principles of afynamics of channelflows. Moscow, “Transport”,
320 p (In Russian).
Veksler, A. B. and V. M. Donenberg (1983)Channel deformatione in the lower pools
of large hydro-electric power plants. Moscow, “Energoatomizdat”,(in Russian).
Viksler, A.B.; V.M.Donenberg and VlManuilov (1988) ‘Application of numerical
methodsI& grcdiction of channeldeformationsin the lower pools of power plant
units’. Proc. of the Vth All-Union Hydrological Congress, vol. 10, “Channel
processesand sedimentation”,book 1. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,p. 390 - 396
(in Russian).
Design of bank revetment based on
reliability concept
Prof. Dr. SC. Miodrag Bozinovic Institute for Water Management, Faculty of
Agriculture, University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia
A reliability calculation is proposed in which the bank revetment is treated as a technical
system composed of three elements: the base, the surface and the filter beneath the
surface, while the causes of system failure are incidental in character. The position is
taken that the system fails if any of the elements of the system ceases to function, and
thus the system is defined as a system of elements connected in order (in series). It is
supposed that the intensity of failure of individual elements of the system leads to a
decrease in the calculated reliability of the system, but the evaluation is made that the
results obtained can be accepted in the phase of ranking the projected variants of the
technical plan of the bank revetment. A graphic method is presented and recommended
for the quick definition of approximate reliability values of a sloped bank revetment
exposed to the effects of waves caused by wind.
Bank revetments are relatively simple structures which are usually built in order to deter
the erosion of concave shores on the banks of alluvial rivers. ln practice, the most
common are so-called “sloped bank revetments” which are composed of the following
construction elements: base (foundation-support), permeable surface of the bank slope
and the sub-surface filter beneath the surface (Fig. 1).
_- ----__ .-____
Fig. 1. The cross-section and basic elements of the sloped bank revetnlent: 1 - base, 2 - swface. 3 -
The base is most often built of crush stone in the shape of a trapezoidal prism and
serves to receive the weight of the surface and to deter river bed erosion. The surface of
the bank slope is most often made of crushed stone, but also of concrete blocks,
concrete panels, gabions and other materials. The surface serves to fix the bank slope,
to counterbalance the effects of the load and the effects which directly tend to deform
and destabilize the bank slope. The sub-surface filter beneath the surface is made of
gravel-like and sandy materials or of porous geo-textiles. The basic function of the sub-
surface is to control the process of the washing away of materials from the bank
through the filter itself, the surface, and the base: it stops the process of the internal
erosion of non-compact materials. Bank revetments are exposed to numerous and
specific dynamic and static loads and influences which are variable in space and time,
and many of them have a stochastic character (the static and dynamic effects of water
flow, the effects of waves caused by wind and watercraft, the effects of seepage from
the area around the bank, etc.). The character of such loads and effects arises from the
fact that bank revetments are located in the “triangle” of solid, liquid and gaseous states
of material (embankment soil, water, air) in which all three phases change their
properties in a different way. These changes are especially significant in alluvial rivers
with an inconsistent water regime and an intense channel deformation. It should also be
stressed that bank revetments (as well as other constructions in the river channel) also
cause additional changes in the river channel, which interact with the bank revetment.
The analysis of the stability and reliability of the bank revetment becomes
complex because of the number, type and character of the loads and other factors which
should be included in the analysis. Apart from that, complete information is not
available in practice for the defining of those loads and factors, and thus dilemmas occur
in the planning of revetments. As pointed out by S.Bruk ( 1988) either:
a) simplify the problem so that only the most important phenomena are included
in the analysis, reducing the complexity of the calculation model, but this risks
compromising the adequacy of the system simulation and its performance;
b) create a complex model which simulates, in principle, the performance of the
system much more precisely, but this increases the risk of having inadequate (low
quality) input which can reduce the predicting of capability of the model.
It is estimated that, for planning sloped bank revetments in alluvial rivers,
solution “a” is more acceptable. In doing so, there should be a tendency to accept
adapted - flexible and fixable systems and elements, along with the evaluation of
reliability, or risk, according to the recommendations of V.Yevjevich ( 1977).
The reliability of the elements which are exposed to the work load s is defined
from the condition that the probability of work (functioning) without failure by the
elements exists if the work load s has not exceeded the resistance of the elements Y, that
is, that Y ’ s. From the mentioned condition, the calculation for defining reliability is
extracted, if the distributions of s and r are known, i.e. ,f(J;, and ,f(r) (Vujanovic, N.,
Fig 2: Defining reliabili@ when the work load .s exceeu’sthe resistance r ofthe elements
In Fig. 2 one can see the probability that the load si exists in the interval d as
represented by surface Al that is:
From the same illustration (Fig. 2) one can see the probability that the resistance
of the elements Y is greater than the work load s expressed by surface A? that is:
and the general equation for the reliability of the elements has the form:
H = jf(s)ds (8)
R=jGdH (10)
The borders of the integrals are changed because the quantity under the integral is
also changed. While the resistance boundaries were from -XI to +co , and for the work
load from s to +a, the new boundaries for quantities G or H are from 0 to 1.
Therefore, the surface under the function G = f(H) represents the reliability value (Fig.
The cited graphic method allows the definition of reliability for any kind of
distribution of work load s and resistance r. An illustration of the application of this
method, when the empirical integral functions of the work load F(s) and resistance F(r)
are given, is shown in Fig. 4. The procedure is contained in the following:
For known integra!s of the empirical distributions F(s) and F(r), the helping
functions are defined: H(s)=1 - F($ and G(s)=l-F(s=r). Then the diagram G-f(H) is
drawn, and the integral R = [C(H)dH, that is, the surface between line H=O, G=H
and G==f(N) is planimetered. This surface presents the approximate reliability value R
- slope of the surface, m = ctg a= 2;
surface and base are of blocks of stone, ok= 2.6 t/m3 ;
- sub-surface - filter is of unwoven polyester geo-textile, g = 300 grim’;
height of waves cause by wind, h = I m;
- wave length, h = 10 h;
- friction coefficient between the surface and sub-surface, f0 = 0.4
- friction coefficient between base and channel base,f, = 0.3
The choice of materials and dimensions of the revetment are given in (Bozinovic,
1991) while the reliability calculation is done for the following work loads s (active
for the surface 5’1- effects of waves caused by wind,
for the base Sz - effects of the horizontal force of the surface,
for the sub-surface S3 - effects of the seepageflow expressed in the speed of
filtration of sub-surface waters from the area around the bank behind the
S H(s) G(s)
0 1.00 1.oo
0.5 0.96 1.00
1.0 0.83 1.00
1.5 0.65 0.99
2.0 0.44 0.97
2.5 0.20 0.92
3.0 0.08 0.73
3.5 0.02 0.47
4.0 0 0.15
l\\\\\\Q 4.5 0 0.03
h’.\\\\\ 5.0 0 0
R = J G(H)dH
;=o. 92
Fig. 4: The graphic method for defining reliability R when the emplncal integral functions are grven
of the distribution of work load F(s) and the resistance of the elements (load cnt.) F(r)
for surface r the mass of the stone blocks of equivalent effects of the effects
of waves according to the relation from (SNIP 2.06.04.~82., 1982)
increased by the safety coefficient: ?f, = g = 1.11
for the base r the friction force between the foundation of the base and the
soil, increased by the safety coefficient: ?(7*=F= 1.1,
for the sub-surface r the value of filtration speed through the geo-textile,
increased by the safety coefficient: q3 = F = 1.5.
The integral distribution functions for all actions and critical loads (resistances)
are shown in Fig. 5.
Fig. 5. Reliability calculation for a slope revetment of stone blocks and,filter of unwoven textile
For the given work loads and resistances, the calculated reliability related to the
state of the stone blocks in the surface exposed to waves, the state of the base’s slide
under the effects of the gravitational load of the surface, and the state of the sub-surface
filter exposed to colmatage from the area around the bank.
The reliability calculation of individual elements of the revetment is done
according to graphic methods based on equations 6 and 10, and the reliability
calculation for the entire revetment (system) is done according to equation 2. The
results of the calculations are shown in Fig, 5.
As seen in Fig. 5, the following reliability values are obtained for individual
elements of the revetment:
R,= 0.76, RI = 0.78, R3 = 0.91,
and for the revetment as a whole:
R = R,.R2.Rj = 0.54
If an increase in the planned reliability of the whole revetment were required, it
would be achieved by altering the character of the distribution of resistance (decreasing
0,) and/or increasing the safety coefficient for individual effects. For example, if the
integral curves of the resistance distribution obtained the form shown by the dotted
lines in Fig. 5, the reliability of individual elements would increase to the following
R,‘ = 0.86, Rz‘ = 0.94, R3‘ ==0.996,
and the reliability of the entire revetment would be:
R =R,‘.RZ‘.Rj‘ = 0.80
In the given example, only one combination of the possible failures of individual
elements of the revetment is treated, from which one reliability value for the entire
revetment resulted. In order to obtain a more complete picture of the planned reliability
of a defined (single) type of revetment, it is also necessary to calculate the other
possible combinations of loads and effects which could cause failure in the integral parts
of the revetment. For example, it would be possible to calculate reliability for the
surface with regard to the effects of ice flow torsion (pulling blocks from the surface),
ice flows or river craft which hit the revetment, etc.; the reliability of the base could be
calculated with regard to the effects of the pulling force of the water flow or of the local
erosion of the channel, while the reliability of the contra-filter could be calculated with
regard to outflow or contact erosion.
1 .Although the basic suppositions and calculation methods include significant
simplification and approximation, the application of the concept of reliability
can contribute to the improvement of planning revetments on alluvial rivers.
2.The projected reliability, as an important characteristic of the structure, depends
on a series of factors which are deterministic and stochastic in character, such
as: the number of construction elements, contact between the elements,
characteristics of relevant load and construction resistance, etc.
3.From the standpoint of revetment reliability, intended for the stabilization of the
river bank in “field” conditions, it is most suitable that the entire revetment be
made up of one continual, flexible and reparable carpet (“sandwich”) which
would cover the entire contour of the erodible bank, and which would carry
out the function of the base, surface and contra-filter.
4.The evaluation of planned reliability depends a great deal on the knowledge
about the distribution of resistances and loads which are expected in the
process of constructing, using and maintaining the structure; thus, research of
this type must be a mandatory part of the reliability analysis of any SUU~
Bruk, S. (1988). Design Data for River IManagement. International Conference on
Fluvial Hydraulics ‘88, Budapest, Hungary.
Yevjevich, V. (1977). Risk and Uncertainty m Design of Hydraulic Structures.
International Symposium on Stochastic Hydraulics, Lund, Sweden.
Augusti, G., Baratta, A. and Casciati, F. (1988). Probabilistic Methods in Structural
Engineering. Chapman and Hall, London, New York (translation from English to
Russian), Strojizdat, Moscow.
Vujanovic, N. (1990). Reliability Theory of the Technical Analyses. Vojnoizdavacki i
novinski centar, (in Serbian), Belgrade, Yugoslavia.
Bozinovic, M. (1991). Stability and Reliabiliry Analyses on Revetments in Alluvial
River Beds. (in Serbian), Dissertation, Poljoporivredni fakultet, Novi Sad,
SNiP 2.06.04.-82. (1982). Loads and InJuences on the Hydraulic Structures. (in
Russian), Moskva.
River modelling
G. Di Silvio
U riiversity of Padua, Italy
It has been observed already that a model is never conceived, developed and
implemented in the same neat, logical way in which it is later presented in a scientific
paper or a technical report. No model, in other words, is born beautifully shaped and
provided with all i 7~ armour, shield and weapons like Minerva from Jupiter’s head.
Modelling is rather the product of fantasy and labour, where the typical working style is
the trial-and-error procedure (inductive method) more than a linear sequence of
operations stemming from a set of postulates (deductive method).
Probably for this reason it has also been observed that modelling resembles more
“art” than “science” (although both the inductive and the deductive methods are amply
used by science as well as by art). In fact, the resemblance between modelling and art
makes more sense if one thinks of art (and especially of painting) as a way of
representing the real world.
By this metaphor it follows that there is not one model of a river, but rather a
large number of models portraying different aspects of the river itself. And even the
same aspect of the river may be seen with different eyes, depending upon the
impression which is to be conveyed to the observer: like the same view of the Seine
river has been reproduced, year after year, by tens of painters interested to send
completely different “artistic messages”.
The specific “artistic message” is in fact the driving force that motivates every
valuable work of art and that, consequently, dictates how the reality should be rendered
in the painting. In the case of modelling the motivation is (or should be) the specific
“problem to be solved”: only if this motivation is clear, the modeler will be able to
transfer into his model all the necessary details of the real world. Too many times, by
contrast, a model is built without any motivation, just for the sake of playing with a
“nice” methodology or under the academic pressure of publishing. These models will
only reveal themselves as useless and misleading representations of the reality, as the
amateurish or academic paintings produced in analogous circumstances.
In Fig. 1 is traced, roughly schematized, the laborious itinerary of a modeler along his
As said in the previous section, a meaningful model can only be originated by a
scientific or a technical problem to be solved. In the field of engineering, technical
problems typically come out from a project, that is from an organized set of practical
goals to be achieved through appropriate means (a number of goals and means in the
field of river engineering will be seen in Section 6).
When a problem is singled out, its solution can be achieved through an adequate
model that can simulate the system behaviour. The simplest way of solving a technical
problem is by applying the engineer’s educated guess (which is, after all, a rather
reliable “statistical model” based on a well-stocked data base). Engineer’s educated
guess is indeed the tool by which many important problems are solved (that is, many
important choices are made) in a project.
If a numerical model is deemed necessary to solve a problem, the model should be
first conceived, then implemented and finally applied: through all the three phases, the
modeler is to be prepared to go back on his steps, as indicated by the broken line shown
in the figure, whenever the need arise for corrections or improvements.
This is the most delicate and creative phase of the modeler’s itinerary (Fig. 2). Very
often the problem immediately dictates which processes are to be reproduced by the
model. In some cases, however, the processes are different according to the approach
the modeler decides to follow (Bruk, 1994).
If the problem can be tackled only from the hydraulic point of view, the processes
to be reproduced by the made1 are those described by the water-flow equations: a typical
purely hydraulic problem is deciding how high should be a levee in order to contain the
design flood discharge. Sometimes the same problem may require the reproduction of
other physical processes: in the previous example, this occurs when the waterlevel in
the river depends not only on the water discharge but also on the excessive bed
aggradation which may take place during the flood (Fig. 3). To simulate the possible
bottom change during the flood (morphological approach), sediment motion is to be
properly reproduced besides waterflow.
m I.1
al bl
II 3----'
t n-- *A - --‘ri- ----e
-0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 ,~ 50
v 198.02 m s.l.m.m
In other cases the approach is water-quality oriented and the model should include
transport and dispersion processes in the river, together with some kinetics of reactive
tracers (e.g. BOD).
Even more demanding is the ecological approach, which requires simulating the
dynamics of animal and vegetal populations (cenosis) living in or around the river.
The most complex approach to solve a problem is seeing it from the management
(or cybernetic) point of view. In this way (Bruk, 1994) the river system does not
comprise only water, sediments, chemical and biological components, but man himself
as engineer and manager. Thus the river model should in principle be able to simulate
not only physical and biological processes but also the interaction between nature and
man with his social and economical demands.
Not all the problems, of course, request the most complex approach. On the
contrary, in choosing the processes to be simulated, complexity is to be limited as much
as possible, since the more complex is the approach, the more empirical is inevitably
the model WILL ian actually be implemented. Indeed, as the system grows bigger and
bigger and the waterflow becomes just one component of the system, the possibility of
applying the basic equations of theoretical mechanics moves further and further away.
Another circumstance which is fundamental in the conceptualization phase of
modelling, is the time- and space-scale of the process to be simulated.
From the morphological point of view, the space scale is defined by the fluvial
_form one is interested in. Such fluvial forms are often classified as (1) microforms (e.g.
ripples, dunes, antidunes, namely bottom’s undulations with a vertical size smaller than
the depth); (2) mesoforms (e.g. banks, pools, meanders, with a vertical size comparable
to the river depth and a horizontal size larger than the river width) and (3) megaforms
(e.g. the structure of the river network, with a size comparable to the river length).
Systematic study of fluvial forms has been, up to recent times, almost entirely
confined in the province of geographers and geologists (or, better, geomorphologists).
However, the commitment of hydraulic engineers in this field has rapidly increased,
also because of the practical interest of these forms for several engineering problems.
For example, several “local” quantities (waterdepth, waves velocity, sediment
transport) are basically controlled by flow resistance, which depends in its turn on both
the grainsize and the size of the bedforms (microforms). Now, bedforms seem to be the
result of various kinds of instability, involving sediment transport and waterflow, which
control their formation, evolution and disappearance. In very simple situations (uniform
flow, uniform grainsize) it is even possible to predict the shape and size of bedforms,
corresponding to the most stable configuration for the given hydraulic conditions; but
the analysis becomes extremely complex when the flow is unsteady, the material is not
uniform and the geometrical boundary conditions are complicated. In this case the only
wav to cope with this problem is resorting to approximate empirical formulations.
The situation is similar as far as mesoforms are concerned: for example, the
occurrence of a braided stream or of a meandering stream depends upon whether a
certain planimetric configuration is stable for the given flow conditions and bottom
material. Up to a point, it is possible to predict theoretically the stable mesoforms, but
in most cases an empirical approach is still the most convenient for having an idea of
the planimetric configuration of the river.
Also at the largest space-scale (tluvial megaforms) some attempts have been
made to explain, by a theoretical analysis, the morphological properties of the
hydrographic networks that have been empirically recognized since a long time.
Finally, the spatial scale relevant to the problem, is obviously important not only
from the morphological but also from the management point of view, since the
economical and social parameters involved in the problem depend substantially upon
the extension of the territory under the river influence.
Besides the size of the fluvial structure, there is another aspect, indicated in Fig. 2, that
the model should take into consideration. This is the detail, in time and space, that is
expected from the simulation, namely the required degree-of-resolution of the model
Very often, for example, one is not interested to know in detail how the flow
velocity is distributed over a river cross-section during the passage of a flood wave, but
only to know how the water discharge and the water level vary in time and space along
the river. In this case, the only independent variables that are really important are the
time and the longitudinal distance on the river axis: all this implies that the vertical and
the transversal dimension can be somehow removed from the model. It does not mean,
of course, that these dimensions do not exist anymore, but rather that they can be
treated in a simplified way: e.g. by assuming a horizontal waterlevel over the cross-
section and a prescribed profile (similarity hypothesis) for the velocity distribution.
This hypothesis permits to perform an averaging operation on the velocity and to
consider the horizontal waterlevel elevation and the cross-section averaged velocity (or,
equivalently, the water discharge) as the only dependent variables of our problem.
Correspondingly, the only independent variables remain time and longitudinal distance.
Averaging (or integrating) in space and time is in fact a very common way for
simplifying complicated equations. The notion is quite familiar to the waterflow
modeler: in Fig. 4 is schematized the sequel of operations which provides, starting from
the most general Navier-Stokes equations, the 3-D Reynolds equations and,
successively, the 2-D and the O-D waterflow models.
Averaging of non-linear equations, as it is known, generates residual comnonents
which may be either neglected (if it is permissible) or conveniently expressed as a
function of the averaged quantities: these temrs are indicated on the left column of Fig.
4. Other terms which should again be expressed as a function of the averaged
quantities, are the boundary conditions at the intepration limits: these are listed on the
right column of the same figure.
By the same token, also the most general three-dimensional and instantaneous
transport- and diffusion equations of a non-reactive tracer, can be integrated in time a
space following a similar sequence (Fig. 5). In the case of a non-reactive tracer a time-
averaging operation can also be performed over a relatively long period of time (e.g.
one year), in such a way that hydrological short-time oscillations (dry-and-wet seasons,
floods, tides) are removed from the equations as a sort of “macroturbulence”.
,-------I AVERAGhVG
Non-uniformvelocity Stage-dischargecurve
distribution over the basin
It should be noted that sediments and several pollutants can be just considered as
non-reactive tracers. The possible sequels indicated in Fig. 5 lead again to the 3-D, 2-D,
1-D and O-D models, which may perform either with a fine time-resolution (time steps
of minutes, for the simulation of single events) or with a coarse time-resolution (time
steps of years, for long-term simulations). Particularly important, in this regard, are
Flux of tracer
Tidal or seasonal oscillation
the so-called long-term morphological models for the simulation of riverine systems at
the historical scale (decades or centuries) and even at the geological scale (millenia).
A last observation should be made about the importance of the residual terms
when the tracer is constituted by sediments: while these terms are generally negligible
in rivers with relatively coarse transport, they become more important for fine
sediments and when the sediments are markedly non-uniform.
Let us now go back to the Fig. 1 that describes the creative itinerary of the modeler.
After the conceptualization phase, that is after having formulated the equations which
describe the relevant processes, the modeler should move to the other two phases, by no
means less important than the first one.
The model is usually constituted by a system of partial differential equations
and/or ordinary differential equations and/or algebraic equations which must be solved
with some kind of numerical technique. Model implementation comprises the
numerical solution (which would possibly require the expertise of an applied
mathematician) and the formulation of the computer code (which is preferably to be
carried on with the collaboration of an informatics expert). During the implementation
phase, moreover, the model is subject to a systematic investigation (sensitivity analysis)
about the relative importance of the “calibration parameters”, that is of the parameters
which cannot be directly and precisely evaluated by a direct inspection. For this part of
the implementation phase, the collaboration of the “problem” expert (hydraulic
engineer, potamologist, sanitary- or chemical engineer, ecologist, economist, etc.) with
the “method” expert (numerical techniques and informatics) is fundamental.
The present trend in modelling is to give particular attention to the
implementation phase. The old computer-programme, somehow put together by an
individual solely interested in the solution of his particular problem and totally
incomprehensible by any other person, tends to disappear. The prepartion of a computer
code usually needs such a large investment, that this cost should be shared by a large
number of users.
For this very reason, also the last phase of the itinerary in Fig. 1 (model
application) is extremely important. It is more and more frequent, in fact, that the user
of the model is not the modeler himself; this means that, before letting his model go out
in the world, the modeler should go repeatedly through the last phase,. with great care
and patience, validating the model for a large number of different situations and frankly
reporting the results of these tests in the user manual.
In Fig. 6 a few examples are given of goals and means in river engineering, together
with the problems which can correspondingly arise.
The goals are listed, more or less, according to the traditional priorities of an
European hydraulic engineer: safety first, then navigation, water utilization,
hydropower etc. Mass-movement control in the more and more developed mountain
areas, is subsequently mentioned, together with recreation and the recent must in
several countries: re-naturaiization.
As far as the means are concerned, they are briefly mentioned in correspondence
to each specific goal, even if in some cases they may serve multiple purposes.
The problems that can arise are in fact of various types and may result as a
consequence of different interventions. Their classification in the graph of Fig. 6 is
rather made according to the different approach which should be followed to solve the
problem itself: purely hydraulic approach, hydraulic and sedimentological approach,
water-quality approach, chemical and biological approach, ecological approach. Each
approach, as said in section 3, requires a different type of model.
Fig. 6 - A few examples of goals and means in river engineering, together with
the problems which can correspondingly arise.
It is apparent that a complete examination of all the problems and a comparative
discussion of all the models is not possible here. Instead, for sake of example, the
attention has been focused on some problems arising from the construction and
management of reservoirs for water storage. In the following sections these problems
will be examined and the available (or desirable) models to be used will be discussed.
This problem has often been perceived as one of the most serious posed by the
construction of a reservoir. In fact, the almost complete interception of the solid
transport (especially of the coarser fractions) by the dam will substantially deplete the
natural input of material, with consequent degradation of the river downstream.
The application of conventional morphological models, e.g. the HEC model used
and distributed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, provides wrong results (exaggerated
degradation) inasmuch uniform sediment-size is considered in the sediment balance
equations. Indeed, if the model does not reproduce the progressive coarsening of the
bottom composition (armouring effect), the erosion rate results to be much larger than
in reality. A too large degradation, for instance, was predicted by assuming uniform
size material in the river Rhone between Geneva and Lyon, where unnecessary
remedial measures were taken before the construction of the barrage (Bouvard, 1992).
Different attempts have been made to incorporate the armouring process in the
uniform sediment-size evolution model (as HEC). It should be understood, however,
that most methods are not physically based as they inevitably violate the mass-
conservation equation of each single size fraction.
On the other hand, an evolution model is not necessary if one is not interested in
the space- and time variations of the river far downstream of the dam but contents
himself with the prediction of the final equilibrium configuration not far from the
reservoir. This is in fact what is more important for the safety assessment of the dam
and of the structures nearby. The equilibrium composition of the bottom (“static”
armoured bed) which will eventually be reached downstream of the dam, together with
the corresponding final degradation, can be predicted by some experimental formula
(e.g. Gessler, 1971, or similar) which has been proved reasonably reliable.
An evolution model, by contrast, is needed for evaluating the progressive
reduction of solid discharge, coarsening of bottom composition and bed degradation all
over the hydrographic network down to the lowland stretches of the river and
eventually to the sea. These phenomena are important for their delayed consequences
also far downstream of the dam, where they may be exalted by other causes: reduction
of sediment input due to reforestation and torrent training in mountain watersheds;
quarrying of river sand and gravel; presence of other barrages; river canalization for
navigation purposes, etc. For a correct simulation of these processes (which, according
to the size of the river, have adaptation times of decades, centuries or more) a new
conceptual model is needed, capable to simulate grainsize sorting while respecting the
mass-conservation principle of each size.
mixture. A number of corrections have been proposed (Ashida and Michiue, 1973; Day,
1980; Proffitt and Sutherland, 1983; Misri et al., 1984, etc.).
The experimental correction coefficients proposed by each author should be
applied in principle to the specific transport formula they have been tested for. For
example, the coefficients mentioned before are to be used with, respectively, the
formula of Meyer-Peter and Miiller, Ackers and White, Ackers and White again, Paintal
and Misri.
The rapid deposition of coarse material taking place when the sediment-carrying water
reaches the reservoir, gives origin to a typical delta which progressively increases its
size as the deposition goes on. While the delta front very slowly propagates
downstream within the reservoir, the aggradation pr’.c’1 Y nrogressively propagates
upstream along the river.
Assuming a uniform sediment composition appears to be less crucial for the
aggradation process upstream of the reservoir, than for the degradation process
downstream (see previous section). For this reason a one-dimensional, one-grainsize
morphological model (like HEC) is generally sufficient to describe both the increase of
the delta height and the propagation of the delta profile. By schematizing the river as a
ii ZOj-
4000 5000
Distance from the dam
T Mdlnla
1 1 I
4 '30 '75 '101
1 Mnrslon
4000 5000
Distance from the dam
prismatic channel and introducing a few other simplifications, it is also possible to give
a diffusive form to the sediment continuity equation. An analytical solution of this
equation (similar to the heat-diffusion or Fourier equation) can be found, which in
many instances gives very good results when compared to the measured bottom
variations (Fig. 7).
The material deposed along the river (i.e. above the maximum storage level) does
not contribute to the reservoir’s siltation. It should be remembered that while the river
aggradation is certainly beneficial as far as the reservoir’s capacity-loss is concerned, it
may be as well dangerous since, in the long run, it increases the flooding risk for the
riverine areas upstream of the reservoir. Thus, the amount of the progressive deposition
along the river and the propagation celerity of the aggradation profile should be
checked on the model.
As it was said in the introduction, the processes taking place in the deepest part of the
reservoir (strongly dominated by the vertical velocity component and by the vertical
density gradient) will not be treated in this paper, devoted to the “river” processes.
However, due to the strong oscillations of the water level, a large part of the storage
area is alternatively subject to typical “reservoir” and “river” processes.
For example, the progressive advancement of the delta within the reservoir,
mentioned in the previous section, is markedly controlled by this alternance: if the
waterlevel oscillation during the hydrological cycle is very ample, the delta front, year
after year, tends to move downstream comparatively faster and with a smaller height
than if the waterlevel is steady. It should noted that, consequently, also the aggradation
along the river proper tends to move upstream with a flatter profile.
9.1. Flushing.
Another example of typical “river” process taking place within the storage area is
sediment flushing by emptying the reservoir. During the flushing, coarse particles are
transported not only near the delta but also in the very deepest part of the reservoir; on
the other hand, when the waterlevel is high, only deposition of very fine particles takes
place in this area. In order to have a comprehensive reproduction of the flushing
mechanism, it is necessary resorting again to a not-uniform grainsize model. Moreover,
since very fine particles are transported by the flushing stream in the suspension mode,
a non-eauilibrium formulation is recommended for the solid transport.
In fact, while the transport of coarse material (bedload) exclusively depends on
the local hydrodynamic conditions and on the local bottom composition, the transport
of fine particles (suspended load) also depends on the conditions upstream. To take into
account this circumstance, the one-dimensional sediment balance equation in the stream
is written
JTi - 21
(bi Tci
- Ti) (1)
where Ti represents the actual sediment transport of the i-th grainsize class; bi is the
percentage of the i-th grainsize class in the bottom composition; 4” is the adaptation
length of the i-th grainsize class; T,i is the transport capacity of the i-th class, i.e. the
transport in equilibrium conditions with a uniform bottom composition (bi = 1). The
value of T,i is provided by any uniform-flow transport formula (Meyer-Peter and
Miiller, Engelung and Hansen, Ackers and White, van Rijn, etc.), properly corrected
because of the hiding-and-exposure effect; the adaptation length L: can be obtained
either experimentally or by an asymptotic solution of the two-dimensional suspended
transport equations (Di Silvio and Armanini, 1981; Galappatti, 198.5, etc.); an
evaluation of L* is given by the following approximate fomlula:
where U is the horizontal flow velocity, h the waterdepth, a the bottom roughness, U*
the fiction velocity, wi the particle falling velocity (including flocculation).
Note that for fine particles L* tends to become equal to the particle’s falling
distance Ly = e; this means that the adaptation length of silt and (flocculating) clay
may be even larger than the reservoir length. By contrast, for coarse particles Ly tends
to be zero and Ti to biTci; in this last case the erosion rate from the bottom becomes
as in the usual models where one assumes equilibrium transport (instantaneous
The evolution of the bottom during the reservoir flushing is extremely
complicated because of the irregular fomlation, displacement and disappearance of the
“flushing channels”; yet, it can be reasonably simulated by the one-dimensional model
described above. In fact, as the bottom of a flushing channel is degrading its banks
collapse and the channel moves; on the average, however, the cross-section of the
channel tends to maintain an equilibrium configuration depending on the waterflow and
on the bottom material. In other words, when a bank collapses the channel tends to
move laterally in such a way that the channel cross-section remains more or less
unchanged. If the bottom material is homogeneous, one may assume that the channels
will wander over the entire reservoir, eroding progressively its bottom, while keeping
constant the total width of the flow. This width, according to the “regime theory”, can
be assumed proportional to Q m, being the exponent m about 050.6; these values are
apparently supported by the so-called “extremal approach” (Chang, 1988), which
introduces an extra equation based on the minimization or maximization of some
significant hydraulic or sedimentological quantities.
Due to 1:: emnirical foundation (the very concept of the “extrem,: :?proach” has
been often questioned; e.g. see de Vries, 1993), this procedure is necessarily rather
approximate. Indeed, the behaviour of flushing channels is a very complex mechanism
somehow related to the development of fluvial mesoform (bars and meanders). Like
fluvial microforms (ripples, dunes, antidunes) also mesoforms are the product of
flow/transport instabilities which have been studied in a few special cases; but, again,
the development of these theories has not reached the point to be easily applied to all
practical cases.
When the reservoir is filled-up by water, its purely hydrodynamics behaviour should, in
principle, always be simulated by a two-dimensional (laterally averaged) or even by a
three-dimensional model. However, two- and three-dimensional models are not always
necessary. For instance, when density currents are created by the flow through the
bottom outlets, an acceptable schematization is given by a strongly two-layers flow-
pattern in which the sediment transport is confined in the lower and heavier layer.
With other types of discharge from the reservoir (spillway, intake, or no flow at
all), the one-dimensional model described in the previous section is still be applied if
the purpose is to evaluate the long-term process of reservoir sedimentation and its
trapping capacity. The model, in fact, can simultaneously take care of the coarser
particles (gravel and sand) that stop on the delta, as well as of the finer particles (silt
and clay) which in part settle down, selectively, along the deeper part of the reservoir
and in part remain in suspension and are eventually discharged through the spillway
and/or the intake.
The sedimentation rate depends very much on the position of the waterlevel and
on the corresponding liquid (solid) discharge from the river. Due to their continous
variation during the year, a detailed time-history of these data is necessary for a correct
simulation of the filling process. On the other hand, apart from the difficulties to obtain
these data, an hour-by-hour simulation over a period of several decades would require a
huge amount of computer time. A more affordable procedure is to average the
equations and the boundary conditions or, alternatively, to recognize a number of
“equivalent operational years” by a statistical analysis. As mentioned in Section 4,
however, the averaging operations or statistical techniques should account for the
“residual terms” due to non-linear character of the transport equations.
be dredged and mechanically transported far away; but since the regulations prevent the
opening of the bottom outlet, the water level in the reservoir cannot be lowered
anymore below the intake elevation.
It is the opinic:. of the writer that an interdiscip!inan/ analysis of each particular
problem created by sediment disposal, carefully supported by model simulations, would
lead in many cases to a more practical solution both from the economical and
ecological point of view.
For most of the problems connected to the river processes upstream of, downstream of
or within an upland reservoir, a one-dimensional model is capable to give satisfactory
results, provided that the model can account for different grain-size classes ranging
from gravel to silt and clay. For the particles transported in suspension within the
reservoir, moreover, the model should also consider their adaptation (deposition)
length. Since for very fine sediments the deposition length is much longer than the
reservoir itself, it explains why the trapping effect of a reservoir is less than one.
It is to be stressed that failing of accurate predictions in mountain river
computations does not depend so much on the model inadequacy but rather on a poor
knowledge of boundary conditions (especially of the sediment input).
One of the best ways of assessing the annual sediment input in the reservoirs is
probably by computing it from the hydrological, geometrical and sedimentological
characteristics of the inflowing river. A reliable transport formula, needed for this
purpose, should be calibrated against sediment measurements in the river itself or in
rivers with similar characteristics.
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On methods for the prediction of river
planform changes
by Erik Mosselman
Delft Hydraulics, P.O. Box 152,830O AD Emmeloord, The Netherlands
Theoretical and empirical approaches to the prediction of river planform changes are
discussed. Theoretical models based on the mechanics of flow, sediment transport and bank
erosion have been developed in the past fifteen years, but empirical methods cannot be done
without. The empirical methods, however, should go beyond the traditional regime theory.
The use of extremal hypotheses is strongly discouraged.
Most of this paper were written duriong my employment at Delhi University of Technology.
The study on the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River was carried out at Delft Hydraulics for FPCO
(Flood Plan Coordination Organization, Bangladesh), with funding from KfW (Kreditanstalt
fur Wiederaufbau, Germany) and CFD (Caisse Fraqaise de DCveloppement, France).
1. On methods for the prediction of river
planform changes
1.1 Introduction
Land use planning in alluvial river valleys and the choice of locations for bridges and
hydraulic structures require predictions of future river planform changes. The usual
mathematical models for river morphology are based on the conservation of mass and
momentum of small volumes of water and sediment, whereas predictions of river bank
migration commonly span long periods of time. There is a considerable gap between the
scales of the phenomena and the processesactually modelled. Therefore, it is important to
reflect upon the possibilities and limitations of this approach, and to see whether other
methods could be more powerful.
30-39 40-49 50-59 >60
deflection angle (degrees)
200 n
r 100 0
-100 I I I I I
0 20 40 60 80 100 1 !O
deflection angle (degrees)
transport and Froude numbers below 0:05 (Blench, 1969). The regime equations are
statistical best-fit relations and large deviations from them are observed. For rivers in
regime, these deviations are usually explained from (1) not having included all the relevant
variables into the equations, and from (2) dealing with a dynamic equilibrium in which the
geometry is in a continuous state of delayed adaptationto a fluctuating discharge.
Those who only give these two explanations assumetacitly that the equilibrium hydraulic
geometry of an attuvial channel is a unique hmction of water discharge, sediment supply and
bed and bank material. This hypothesis, however, is a misconception. The equilibrium width
of a river, and hence the other parameters of its hydraulic geometry, can take any value
from a certain range between an upper and a lower limit. The hydraulic geometry actually
established depends on the initial and boundary conditions which govern the preceding
transition towards the equilibrium. This multivaluedness of equilibria is receiving renewed
attention due to the recent adoption of concepts of nonlinear dynamics in geomorphology
(e.g. Phillips, 1992), but is already stressed by Blench (1969) who writes ‘rf the attack
exceedssome limit then the sides will erode till the attack drops to what they can withstand.
If the uttuck fulls short of a lower limit then materials from the total loud can deposit on the
sides, and the channel breudth will decrease. If the attack is between these limits nothing
will happen to the sides’. The multivaluedness implies that the averages represented by the
regime equations have no special dynamical significance. The ASCE Manual on
Sedimentation Engineering (Vanoni, 1975) rightly prescribes that ‘one should study Blench’s
rather thorough exposition of the “regime’.’philosophy before undertaking use of the regime
width. Some researchers believe that the equilibrium should be singlevalued and that hence
an extra law of nature should exist to close the system of equations. An extremal hypothesis
is sometimes proposed to provide this extra closure relationship. But as an extremal
hypothesis appears to be just an alternative formulation for a simplified version of a
fundamental law already used, the only new information it brings in is equivalent to the
conditions under which the simplification of the fundamental law is valid.
It is plausible that the ratio of near-bank flow velocity to cross-sectionally averaged flow
velocity, zi, is a function of the width-to-depth ratio, B/h,
and u,, becomes much smaller than z.iwhen the river is so wide that the major portion of
the flow is concentrated in a few deep channelswithin the cross-section
B (l-4)
-..a -
Substituting the identity of Eq.(l) and eliminating ti by using the continuity equation,
Q = Bhi, one obtains
B = <Qo3 (l-6)
BFITESS, R., W.R. WHITE & C.E. REEVE (1988) ‘On the width of regime channels’. Int. Conf.
River Regime, 1988, Wallingford.
BLENCH, T. (1969) Mobile-bedfluviology. Univ. of Alberta Press, Edmonton.
CROSATO, A. (1990) Simulation of meandering river processes. Communications on Hydr. and
Geotech. Engrg., No.90-3, Delft Univ. of Technol., ISSN 01696548.
DARBY, S.E. (1994) A physically-based numerical model of river channel widening. Dissertation
Univ. Nottingham.
GRIFFITHS, G.A. (1984) ‘Extremal hypotheses for river regime: an illusion of progress’. Water
Resources Res., AGU, Vol.20, No.1, pp. 113-118.
HICKIN, E.J. & G.C. NANSON (1984) ‘Lateral migration rates of river bends’. J. Hydr. Engrg.,
ASCE, VoI.110, No.11, pp. 1557-1567.
HOWARD, A.D. (1983) ‘Simulation model of meandering’. In: C.M. Elliott (ed.), River Meandering.
Proc. Conf. Rivers 1983, New Orleans, ASCE, 1984, pp.952-963.
HOWARD, A.D. & T.R. KNUTSON (1984) ‘Sufficient conditions for river meandering: a simulation
approach’. Water Resources Res., AGU, Vol.20, No. 11, pp. 1659-1667.
IEDA, S., G. PARKER & K. SAWAI (1981) ‘Bend theory of river meanders, Part 1, Linear
development’. J. Fluid Mech., vol. 112, pp.363-377.
JOHANNESSON,H. & G. PARKER (1989) ‘Linear theory of river meanders’. In: S. Ikeda & G. Parker
(eds.), River meandering. AGU, Water Resources Monograph 12, pp.181-213.
KLAASSEN, G.J., E. MOSSELMAN & H. BROHL (1993) ‘On the prediction of planform changes in
braided sand-bed rivers’. Adv. in Hydro-Sci. and -Engrg., Ed. S.S.Y. Wang, University
MS, pp. 134-146.
LACEY, G. (1930) ‘Stable channels in alluvium’. Minutes Proc. Inst. Civil Engrs., 1929-1930,
LAMBERTI, A. (1988) ‘About extremal hypotheses and river regime’. Int. Conf. River Regime, 1988,
LAMBJZRTI, A. (1992) ‘Dynamic and variational approaches to the river regime relation’. In: V.P.
Singh & M. Fiorentino (eds.), Entropy and energy dissipation in water resources. Kluwer,
Water Sci. and Technol. Library, Vol.9, pp.507-525.
MOSSELMAN, E. (1992) Mathematical modelling of morphological processes in rivers with erodible
cohesive banks. Communications on Hydr. and Geotech. Engrg., No.92-3, Delft Univ. of
Technol., ISSN 0169-6548.
MOSSELMAN, E., M. HUISINK, E. KOOMEN & A.C. SEYMONSBERGEN (1995) ‘Morphological changes
in a large braided sand-bed river’. In: E.J. Hickin (ed.), River geomorphology. Wiley,
NAGEL, E. (1961) 7he structure of science.Second Ed. (1979), Hackett, Indianapolis.
PARKER, G. (1978) ‘Self-formed straight rivers with equilibrium banks and mobile bed. Part 1, The
sand-silt river’. J. Fluid Mech., vol.89, part 1, pp.109-125.
PARKER, G. (1983) ‘Theory of meander bend deformation’. In: C.M. Elliott (ed.), River Meandering.
Proc. Conf. Rivers 1983, New Orleans, ASCE, 1984, pp.722-732.
PHILLIPS, J.D. (1992) ‘The end of equilibrium ?’ Geomorphol., Vol.5, Nos.3-5, pp. 195-201.
RHOADS, B.L. (1992) ‘Statistical models of fluvial systems’. Geomorphol., Vol.5, Nos.3-5, pp.433-
THORNE, C.R. & A.M. O&AN (1988) ‘Riverbank stability analysis. II: Applications’. J. Hydr.
Engrg., ASCE, VoI.114, No.2, pp.151-172.
VANONI, V.A. (ed., 1975) Sedimentation engineeritzg. ASCE Manuals and Reports on Engrg. Practice,
VRIEND, H.J. DE (1991) ‘Mathematical modelling and large-scale coastal behaviour. Part 1: Physical
processes’. J. Hydr. Res., IAHR, VoI.29, No.6, pp.727-740.
YANG, C.T. & C.C.S. SONG (1979) ‘Theory of minimum rate of energy dissipation’. J. Hydr. Div.,
ASCE, Vol. 105, No.HY7, pp.769-784.
Prediction of long-term evolution of
lowland river channels
V.A.Bazilevich, V.V. Kozitsky, J.A.Gaiduchenko
The insnitute of Hydromechanicsof the
Academy of Sciencesof Ukraine
Methodology is presentedto predict long-term channel evolution of lowland rivers; this
methodology is based on the calculation of the balance of suspendedchannel-forming
sedimentsand bedload. Recommendationsare made to determine sediment yield, to
separatesuspendedsedimentsinto channel-forming and transit fractions, to take into
accountthe nature of bed evolution (scour, sedimentationand transport of sediments)at
each river reach, to plot a design, mean long-term hydrograph, to take into account
bank erosion, and to calculate annual channel-forming sediment yield variable due to
General channel changesare calculated on the basis of the computed balance of
channel-forming,sedimentsdown the river. In lowland rivers with sandy bottoms there
are suspended channel-forming sediments and bedload; moreover, the portion of
To calculatethe yield of suspendedchannel-formingsedimentsit is recommended
to apply the following equation (Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky, 1987; Bazilevich,
V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky, 1985):
Qp=A- hP4 b, - *S,,qb,
gw, wP
where: A is coefficient of proportionality which should be established(Bazilevich, V.A.
and V.V.Kozitsky, 1987; Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky, 1985; Bazilevich, V.A.,
N.K.Gribovskaya and V.V.Kozitsky, 1988)
for each river reach from the results of field measurementsof sedimentyield (for the
Dnieper river at Kiev (Bazilevich, V.A., N.K.Gribovskaya and V.V.Kozitsky, 1988) the
averaged,value of Ap, / g = 3gs2I m4 ; PH is density of sediments; u - mean flow
velocity; g - free fall acceleration; w, wrp - mean weight fall velocities for channel-
forming and transit suspendedsediments;bH - width of the flow transporting channel-
forming sediments; srp - gravimetric sediment concentration in suspended transit
sedimentsacceptedto be constant all over the study reach,just as the value of wrp , (i.e.
independentof the water flow velocity).
Suspendedsedimentsare subdivided into channel-forming and transit fractions
with the account of their granulometriccomposition,accordingto (Bazilevich, V.A. and
V.V.Kozitsky, 1986):
wT= 0.04 i!d+ (2)
where: wr - boundary fall velocity; U* - dynamic flow velocity determined from the
u, = J-gnp I H’l6 (3)
np - roughnesscoefficient of the channel(for the Dnieper river at Kiev the value of np,
derived from the results of water surface slope measurements,was equal to 25 mslm’”
which was proved by the analysis (Bazilevich, V.A., N.K.Gribovskaya and
V.V.Kozitsky, 1988) of the results of suspendedsedimentyield measurements);H -
mean flow depth.
Analysis of data on the yield and granulometric composition of suspended
sedimentsin the Dnieper at Kiev and in the Desnariver at Chernigov (with the account
of time lag between these sites) made witb the account of equation (2) and given in
hydrological yearbooks made it possibleto acceptvalue of srp=243 g/m3 for the study
reach in the Dnieper, at the total water discharge at gauging station to be equal to
Q=19.700 m3/s,st,=17g/m3at Q=6000 and 2000 m3/sand w,,=O.250mm/s (diameter of
transit sedimentsd,=O.O2mm) - at all Q values.
Computation of channel-forming suspendedsediment yield by the considered
methodology should be made with the account of the nature of bottom changes(scour,
sedimentation or transport of sediments) which is determined by a comparison of
channel-formingsediment yields transported over the study reach and imported from
beyond (Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky, 1985). Proceeding from this, when
computationsare made by equation (1) the fall velocity of sedimentsscoured from the
bottom (WY) should be accept as wp value for each design reach, and then, if it
happensthat sedimentationor transit of sedimentsoccurs on the study reach, the fall
velocity of suspendedchannel-forming sedimentscontributing to the study reach from
the upper reaches.Here methodology is used for a determination, of the size of the
scoured sediments(Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky, 1986) on the basis of data on
the granulometriccomposition of sedimentsin the river channeland the value of u in the
lower end of the study reach. When, the initial data are restricted by a single curve of
the granulometric composition of sedimentsfor the whole study reach (as it was in the
caseof the Dnieper at Kiev) the determinationof the value of wp may be simplified, if
we apply a graphic dependenceof w,bum=f(u+ preliminarily plotted for that river reach.
To determine the bedload yield (Qb) it is recommendedto use a dependence
obtained for the case of H 2 1 m on the basis of recommendationsin (Snishchenko
B.F., 1980) resultedfrom field and laboratory tests on sand-dunesmotion:
al =~~b~(O.ll/H~‘~ +0.06/H”*) (4)
When long-term channelevolution computed, it is necessaryto take into account
changes in water discharges (and, consequently change in water flow effect on
sedimentstransport and channelchanges)during eachyear of the designtime period. It
is impossibleto predict any alternation of different floods during a long term period.
Therefore, the only design long-term hydrograph of the maximum discharge(say 1%
frequency,which occurs every year but which would neverthelesstakes into accountthe
probability (frequency) of each water dischargefor a long-term period) was used in the
-.- ___.
consideredmethodology to describe changesin water discharge during a year. This
hydrograph should be plotted on the basis of the analysisof bydrographsmeasuredat
the study reach during different characteristicyears. Besides,if a power generationplant
is constructedjust downstreamthe study reach, it is necessaryto take into account all
the changesintroduced to river hydrographs by the regime of water control. For
example, the Dnieper river reach at Kiev is in the downstream of the Kiev power
generationplant (operating in the regime of daily control); when that portion of the
designhydrograph was plotted which correspondedto the low-water period arid low
floods (Q I 4,000 m3/s),the working graphsof the power plant were analysedtogether
with the resultsof model tests of flood wave transformationalong the study reach.
The analysisof hydrographsmeasuredin the Dnieper at Kiev made it possibleto
establishthat each water discharge during a year (with some approximation) had a
certain duration irrespectiveof the fact that the dischargecorrespondedto the flood
peak dischargeduring that year or it was less than peak dischargesduring other years.
Using parameter mean long-term steppedhydrograph,its so-called“shelf’ for each
s-th water dischargein the hydrographmay be determinedas follows:
11s= QOl(Os - $s-1+(,-l))
where 8, - water dischargefrequency, in %; s - number of water dischargein the
design hydrograph, counting from the maximum discharge ( 1%~frequencyfor the
Dnieper at Kiev).
The design hydrograph is used to determine the yearly yield (R,) of chamrel-
forming sedimentsat the outlet of the designreach under the conditions of the original
channel,i.e. in the first cycle of calculations(i = 1):
qkl) = gQ&L~6400
where: po - density of channelsediments(for the Dnieper river it
was accepted that p. = 1700 kg/m3); Qz - yield of channel-forming sediments
(suspendedsedimentsand bedload) transported from the outlet of the design reach
down the river at the s-th water dischargeand it is derived Corn equations(1) and (4):
Sediment yield QE for all s-th water discharges (into which the design,
hydrographis separated)should be determinedfrom graph dependencesof Q,” = f(Q)
preliminarily plotted for each gauging site on the basis of discharge Q,” at the gauging
site computed for three typical yields of Q (for the Dnieper at Kiev sedimentyields of
19.700, 6000 and 2000 m”/s correspondingto maximum flood water dischargesof 1,
50 and 100% frequencieshave been selected).
Total river channelchangeon the study reach during a year is determinedby the
yield of annual channel-forming sedimentstransported to the study reach (I?:) and
dischargedat the outlet ( RH ) . When long-term channelevolution is computedwith the
account of subsequentchangesin water flow parametersat dischargesites it is most
reasonableto consideryearly changesin the cross-sectionarea at the outlet, which are
causedby bottom deformations:
and by bank erosion:
Minimum value of all values of tl!’for all dis-h- 7 sitesis taken as designvalue of
t ir~+i.Using this value one can f%rdthe changeof cross - section in all dischargesites
during this cycle:
= (A
w;IAt )i t paa -;
)i t pat,.
While calculating the long - time channel evolution the conditions of channel
forming depositsshould be taken into account;theseconditionsare due to the changeof
the channel cross - section (and consequentlythe averageflow velocity) owing to its
deformation. Making allowancefor this, the analysisin its generalform should include
the calculationof Q,”and R,H.
The calculation may be significantly simplified if it is carried out only for one or
two channelcross - sectionsand then the results of this calculationfor severaldischarge
sites of the consideredriver reach are used for revealing a dependencecommon for all
designdischargesites giving a possibility to determineimmediately the annual yield of
channelforming sedimentskf on the basisof data concerningthe changeof flow cross -
section causedby channelevolution in the given design site. For the Dneeper at Kiev,
the obtaineddependenceis as follows:
1 1
The main results after the i-th cycle of the calculationare total for all the previous
cucles(including the i-th one) bottom deformations
z,,- the mark of the flood plain surfacenear the bank edge of the channel(determined
as the averagevalue flong both banks);z, , Hcp- the mark of water surface and average
flow depth in the caseof averagedishargein hydrograph.
Long-term channelevolution is calculateduntil the ultimate bottom deformations
are completedin each dischargesite proceedingfrom the condition that the extreme
annualyield of channel-formingsediments(RnTi) appropriateto the dynamic stability of
the channelshould be establishedin the channelresultedfrom long-term evolution; this
yield shouldbe similar for all gaugingsitesin a one-branchchannelwithout tributaries.
If this channelwas acceptedat the first computationcycle for the inlet, the value of R is
acceptedas the sedimentyield at that inlet. To determinethe extremevalues of the flow
area(in caseof averagedischargein the hydrograph) w$ and bottom deformations
AZ+,the dependencies(7) and (8) may be usedunder the condition that 4: = R,$,
-- -- ___-.- -
Bazilevich, V.A. ‘Experimental investigations of banks erosion of channels
composed of gravels and pebbles’. Hydraulics and hydraulic engineering:
Resp.interdepart.scient.-techn.toll., No. 35, p. 60-65. (In Russian)
Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky (1986) ‘Composition change of suspended
sediments in the process of deformation of channel bottom’. Hydraulics and
hydraulic engineering:Resp.interdepart.scient.-techn.toll., No. 43, p. 41-46. (In
Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky (1987) ‘On the problem of determining discharge
of channel-forming suspended sediments in river flows’. Hydromechanics:
Resp.interdepart.scient.-techn.toll., No. 56, p. 61-63.&r Russian)
Bazilevich, V.A. and V.V.Kozitsky (1985) ‘Calculation procedure of polydimensional
deformations of channelsof lowland rivers’ Hydrophysicalprocesses in rivers
and water storages.-M.: Nauka, p. 115-122.(In Russian)
Bazilevich, V.A. and V.A.Tkachenko (1982) ‘Planned distribution of velocities in
channelswith low curvature’. Hydraulic engineeringand land reclamation.,No.
10, p. 27-29. (In Russian)
Bazilevich, V.A., N.K.Gribovskaya and V.V.Kozitsky (1988) ‘Discharge
determination of suspended sediments in rivers with sandy channels’.
Hydraulics and hydraulic engineering.,No. 46, p. 32-38. (In Russian)
Vikulova, L.I. (1973) ‘The design problems of channelsregimes in channels’
Trans. of the Ins-t Gydroproject., No. 30, p. 126-187.(In Russian)
Kondratiev, N.E, I.V.Popov and B.F. Snishchenko ( 1982) Principles of
hydromorphological theory of channel process. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat,
272 p. (In Russian)
SnishchenkoB.F. (1980) ‘The connection of sand dunes height with parameters
of river flow and channel’.Meteorology and hydrology,.- No. 6, p. 84-91. (In
Hydromorphological aspect of channel
process modelling
A. B. Klaven
State Hydrological Institute, St. Petersburg,Russia
The present practice of channel process and flow structure studies, as well as the
solution of individual economic problems, is based on a wide application of the
laboratory method of hydraulic modelling. This method, based on generalprinciples of
the similarity theory, is formulated by various scientific schools in different way. The
present paper describes quite definite methodological approaches to a laboratory
hydraulic modelling of the channelprocesseson the basisof hydromorphological theory
developedby N. E. Kondratiev and I. V. Popov (Kondratiev, 1959) at the Deportment
of ChannelProcessesof the State Hydrological Institute (SHI) as early as 1950s’.
The term “hydromorphological”both in the theory of the channelprocess and in
the methodology of its modelling means that during the study of the event an equal
emphasisis made on the contributing liquid and solid ingredients. The liquid ingredient
(water flow) is consideredin the terms of hydrology, hydraulics and hydrodynamics,
while the solid ingredient (suspendedsedimentsand bedload) is considered at various
structural levels of the forms of sedimentstransportation. Therefore, if some particular
water body is to be investigated,it is necessaryto consider it within a great variety of
channel forms and it should be recognised that the method of laboratory modelling
appears to be most effective only a combination with other ways of this study:
hydrological and morphological analysesof the available data on the particular water
body, field studies of the water body, and design methods for the estimation of
individual components of the process. Some problems often arise, however, when the
laboratory modelling appears to be practically the only and sufficient way for the
solution of theseproblems.
The hydraulic modelling method has been used at the SHI for more than 30 years
in such variants. Since the beginning of 1960s’more than 50 models of river reaches
have been made at the Channel Laboratory; most of these models were rigid; they
served as an indirect tool to investigatechannelprocesses;thus, they were less perfect,
if compared with erodible models. Attempts were made to create such models in the
laboratories of West-European countries at the very beginning of the XXth century.
Theseattemptswere not a successbecauserifned forms were produced in those models
which created a great hydraulic resistance;thus, the model was neigher hydraulically
nor kinematically similar to the prototype. Those forms produced in the model were
never used as the researchobject, but they preventedmodelling. It should be noted, that
the recent literature and discussionsoften expressedthe viewpoint that bed forms,
similar to those of the prototype, could not be obtained in laboratory (in flumes,
A certain positive experienceis available,however, on the tests in erodible models
of mountain river reaches(Kopalian, Tvalavadze and Noselidze, 1985). This experience
proves the validity of the initial position of the hydromorphological aspect, which
confirms a fundamental possibility of assessment(with the help of the model) of channel
forms produced in the study water body during different hydraulic situations of project
conditions. In caseof a rigid model, this estimationis made by an indirect way, while in
the erodible model - by a direct way, i. e. during the formation of the channelforms just
in the model, the geometric and dynamic characteristics of these forms can me
measuredand then re-computed for the prototype.
Thus, the main difference of the hydromorphological aspect of the channel
processmodelling from other approachesis in the fact that the channel forms produced
in erodible models do not impede the researchbut they are consideredas the goal of the
research. Secondly, the hydromorphological aspect of the channel process modelling,
unlike other approaches,requires a complete (geometrical and dynamic) similarity of
the channelforms in the model and in the prototype. And, f$rally, the third difference of
this approachis in the requirement of the unified systemfor the computation of all scale
factors for liquid and solid phases,basedon the geometric scaleof the model.
These three peculiarities, specifying the essenceof the hydromorphological aspect
of the channel process modelling, may be easily realised if certain conditions are
satisfied,which may be reduced to the following. A similarity of the channelprocess at
particular structural levels can be obtained only in case when the similarity of the
properties of the interrelated liquid and solid media (being determinantsfor the study
structural levels) is provided, and, besides, when a similarity of the mechanism of
interrelation between the contributing media is attained.
If this modelling problem is formulated in this way, it is necessaryto know the
properties of the interrelated media and the mechanismof this interrelation, which, in
fact, makes it possibleto formulate a theoretical basisfor the modelling method.
Let us briefly consider the results obtained from the investigation of the properties
of the channelflow, underlying alluvial bed and flow-bed interaction.
At the study of flow velocity field, the idea of its discretenessformulated by N. E.
Kondratiev (195 1) serves as the initial point. In fact, quite similar approacheswere
formulated on the structure of the turbulent channel flow by M.A.Velikanov (1958)
V.N. Goncharov (1954), K.V.Grishanin (1974), A.V.Karaushev (1969) and
V.M.Makkaveev (1965). These approachesare reduced to the following: a system (or
group) of individual volumes of fluid different in size, is formed in a flow. The largest
of these volumes are usually termed as macrostructural components of turbulence, or
As to energy mechanism and the laws and properties of different scales of the
turbulence spectrum, the channel flow is regarded from the viewpoint of Richardson-
Kohnogorov ( 1941).
A seriesof experimentshas been made at the Channel Laboratory of the SHI with
the use of stationary and sliding photographs and shooting particles suspendedIn the
flow. The experimentswere made in flumes with smooth glassbottom (Klaven, 1966)
and with uniform grained roughnessof the bottom with different size of bed particles
(Klaven and Kopaliani, 1973). Then, measurementsof macrorurbulencewere made by
a contact method in a laboratory and in the prototype in case of different roughnessof
the boundary surface (from smooth surface and uniform grained roughnessup to large
dunes)(Zaitsev and Klaven, 1983; Zaitsev, 1984). The main results are reduced to the
(1) Dependenceshave been obtainedfor the estimationof the size of large eddies,
(in the function of depth and conditions on the boundary surface (Zaitsev, 1984)
(Klaven, 1966). In particular, the dependencederived for the step of large eddies
(Klaven, 1966) is similar to a formula of K.V.Grishanin (Grishanin, 1979) derived
theoreticallywith the account of dissipationof the turbulenceenergy.
(2) A structure of large eddieshas been discovered(Klaven, 1966). Large eddies
with vertical sizes close to depth appearedto be complicated structures composed of
three or four smaller eddies,while the latter ones consistedof even smaller eddies.This
may be supposedthat all these three groups of eddies are equally important for the
channelrelief formation.
(3) Dependenceshave been obtainedfor the estimationof characteristicvalues of
pulsation velocities in the function of dynamic velocity (Klaven, 1982) first proposed
by B. A. Fidman (Fidman, 1948) and then used by N.K.Nlkitin (Nikitin, 1963) as a
scaleof pulsationvelocities.
(4) Conditions have been formulated for the origin of characteristic dynamic
situationson the bottom Surface(Klaven, 1976), similar to those consideredby N. E.
Kondrariev relative to wind waves (Kondratiev, 1953) and by V. M. Makkaveev
(Makkaveev, 1960), where the mechanismof the turbulent channelflow is identified to
the auto-oscillatingsystem.
(5) A model of the profile of the averagedlongitudinal velocity, similar to that in
(Klaven, 1966) has been considered,including the subchannelflow (Klaven, 1987). A
phaseshift in the pulsations of the channel and subchannelflows has been discovered
(Klaven, 1987) (Klaven and Kokovin, 1987) establishedby J F. Karasseff at the
analysisof the mechanismof the cohesiveground scour (Karasseff, 1975).
The study of the solid medium properties, contributing to the channel process,
was basedon extensivelaboratory and field data and led to the following conclusions:
(a) simple relations have been obtained which connect geometric and dynamic
characteristicsof microforms and mesoformswith averagedhydraulic characteristicsof
the flow (Kondratiev, Popov and Snishchenko,1982), (Kopaliani, 1983);
(b) a formation of stable zones of higher and lower (if compared with the
averaged)hydrodynamic pressurehas been discovered in the f?ltrating layer of bed
particles (KLAVEN and KOKOVIN, 1987). The effect of the particles size on the space
characteristicsof thesezoneshas been established;
(c) the influence of the relative roughnessand grained filtrating medium on the
hydraulic resistance has been established and the automodelity of the hydraulic
resistance,according to the relative roughness,has been discovered(Grishanin, 1974),
(Klaven and Kokovin, 1990);
(d) the importance of the uplift impulse effect has been discoveredfor the removal
the bed particles from the immobility state and for the mixing of the bed particles
(Klaven, 1987), (Klaven and Kokovin, 1987),
(e) conclusionshave been drawn on the determinantrole of macroturbulencein
the microforms genesisand on the effect of the structure of the averagedvelocity fields
and intra-annualliquid flow variability in the genesisand evolution of the channelrelief
mesoforms(Klaven and Kopaliani, 1974), (Kondratiev, Popov and Snish~henko,1982).
Generalisation ,of the research material on the mechanism. channel-flow
interrelationhas led to the following conclusions:
- the mechanism of flow and bed ground interrelation greatly dependson the
propertiesof interrelatedmedia;
- this mechanismhas a remarkable capacity, i. e. a rather narrow stripe, most
greatly effecting the bedload transport under particular conditions of combination of
hydraulic characteristicsof the flow and size of the particles,is always separatedfrom a
wide spectrum of turbulent pulsationsof the channelflow. K. V. Grishanintermed this
property as “selective capacity of the flow-channel system”- (Grishanin, 1979). In fact,
M. A. Mikhalev noted on that occasionthat during the channelprocessmodelling It was
necessaryto provide the similarity of the forms of bedload transport, without which it
was impossibleto expect any similarity of the processas a whole (Mikhalev, 1988);
- a selective capacity of the flow-channel system and the form of the bedload
transport are presentedin a particular way by the organisedinterrelation between the
channeland subchannelflows. This conclusionrequiresa more detailedexplanation.
The analysisof different combinationsof hydraulic characteristicsof the flow and
bed particlesmakes it possibleto separatethree typical casesof channeland subchannel
flows interaction (Klaven, 1987): the first case is characterisedby the fact that fine-
grainedbed particles, and, consequently,too small spacebetweentheseparticlesprevent
the velocity pulsationsand channelflow pressurefrom penetrationinto the subchannel
flow, At >> T, A, + 0 ; the second case -- when coarser bed particles allow velocity
pulsationsand pressureto penetrateinto the subchannelflow, but with a certain delay by
phase,and tend to decreaseby size, 0 < At I T,O < A, < A, ; the third case -when very
coarsebed particles allow a free penetrationof the velocity pulsation and pressureinto
the subchannelflow without any delay by phase and without any decreasein size,
At -+ 0, A, + A, (here AI and AZ are amplitudesof velocity pulsation or pressureof
channel or subchannelflow respectively, At - phase shift, T- period of large-scale
pulsation of the channelflow).
This presentationof the mechanism of channel and subchannelflows shows a
necessityto combine liquid and solid media in such a way when thesemedia interaction
would correspondto one of the above three casesfor channel and subchannelflows
interactionin the prototype.
The results of laboratory experimentsin flumes (Klaven and Kokovin, 1990)
prove quite convincingly that this condition should be satisfied. Otherwise, even if the
large-scalemodel (e. g., 1:2) is provided, horizontal and vertical scalesare equal, and
conditions of Re, > Re, and Fr = idem are satisfied,the channelprocessappearsto
be different in the model not only quantitatively but even quantitatively, if compared
with the prototype, if the prototype bed particles are reduced in the geometric scale of
the model. Moreover, the hydraulic characteristicsof the flow appearto be not similar
to those of the prototype.
Thus, to get a similarity of the channelprocess(when the modelling is made in the
hydromorphologicai aspect), it is necessary to take into account the following
(1) A similarity of the open turbulent flow (if characteristicsare averaged) is
attainedby satisfyingthe major conditionsobtainedfrom the equationsof 0. Reynolds:
(2) A similarity of the turbulent flow in pulsating velocities, in the structure of
macrotnrbulenceand in the structure of secondarycurrentsis attainedby satisfying the
conditions obtained by A. V. Karaushev (Karaushev, 1948), from the equations of
motion in the form of V. M. Makkaveev, or suppliedby conditions(1) as follows:
BIH =idem (2)
which means a nondistortedrelief of the model. Here B and H - typical width
and depth of the channel.
(3) A similarity of bedloadis provided by sati@ing the following condition:
H/d=idem (3)
Here: H and d - characteristic depth and diameter of bed particles. The
experienceshows, that satisfying condition (3) automatically satisfiesthe condition for
similarity of bedloadmobility, which is presentedas follows:
Here: W - fall velocity, U and U,, - mean and non-eroding velocities of the
As experience shows, the channel process similarity at the structural level of
micro- and mesoformsis attainedwhen conditions(l)-(4) are satisfied.
(4) As mentioned above, however, in some cases the satisfying of all these
conditions does not lead to any similarity either by flow hydraulics or by channel
morphology. Therefore new additional criteria are proposed which are more general
conditions for similarity, if compared with conditions (3) and they reflect the
peculiarities of channel and subchannelflows interaction. These conditions may be
presentedin the following way:
simulatedby models quite reliably if conditions (l)-(4) are satisfied. Many reachesof
the plain rivers can be related to the first caseaccordingto the characterof channeland
subchannelflows interaction. In this situation it is probably quite sufllcient to satis@the
conditions of (1) (2) (4) and (6). Moreover, the bed particles in the model by the size
should satisfy the conditions of At >> T and A, + 0. Taking into account possible
difkulties in selectingsubstitutesfor natural bed material, the model may be computed
in accordancewith the fall velocity of the selectedsubstitute.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of method for the
assessment At and A, characteristics is not the only problem of the
hydromorphologicalaspectof channelprocessmodelling.
Neverthelessthe problems which are not yet solved, should not prevent the use of
most perfect laboratory research methods (e. g. the channel process modelling by
erodiblemodels) for the investigationof the channelprocesses.
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Flume investigations into the influence of river
training structures on sediment transport
1. Introduction
In the past, most natural rivers and streams have been regulated in a schematic
monotonous way. In recent years, the attempt has been made to “re-naturalize”rivers which
were straightened in former times. The foreshores are often built on with houses, roads and
rails, or agriculturally cultivated, so that there is no possibility to lead the river back to its
former meanders. Measures like planting trees, structural elements or widening the cross
sections are very important. These “re-naturalization works” have a great influence on the
hydraulic conditions, as well as at the sedimenttransport of the river.
2. Basic Remarks about Sediment Transport
The interaction between discharge (water depth, flow velocity) and sediment is characteristic for a
river with movable bed. The following parametersdescribe this interaction:
- Resistance of the river bed depending on the bed forms (flat bed, ripples, dunes, antidunes,
scours etc.)
- Sediment transport (begin and quantity of sedimenttransport, bed load, suspendedload)
- Morphology (meanders, sedimentation,erosion, etc.)
There is no generally acceptedexplanation for the occurrence of bed forms. Thus most of
the existing criteria rely on empirical approaches.On the basis of measuredand observed results
relations were developedin order to define areas, where one or the other bed form will occur. As
an example a diagram by Zanke (1982) is shown in Fig. 2.1. Here the relation between grain
diameter (dcJI and mean velocity (v,,,) is described.
I I I I ,,
no motion
0,Ol 0.1 1 dchlmml
R hydraulic radius, for wide rivers (b > 30 h) R = h [m]
b width [m]
h water depth [m]
I slope [-]
The essentialassumptionof equation (2-l) is, that the roughnessand the wp*er depth do not depend
on eachother. But in.natural rivers, especially with vegetationon the embankmentsor “obstacles”
such as big stoneson the ground, roughnessis very different for certain parts of the channel. In
such cases, especially for small and varying water depths, the use of the Manning-Strickler
equationcannotbe recommended.Roughness(in particular for small rivers) has to be determined
as exactly as possible. Fig. 2.2 shows the different factors making up the total flow resistanceof a
GRAIN (flat bed)
3. Model Set-up
The model tests, ordered by the local water managementauthority, were performed becauseof
agglomerationsof sedimentin the Weissachriver, that occurred during a flood period in the lower
sectionof the Weissachriver before it flows into lake Tegemsee. This part had been “renaturalized”
slightly with some stones and groins. In a hydraulic model with movable bed (scale 1:20) the
existing conditions and possible improvements were studied in order to prevent agglomerations.
Furthermore fundamental investigationswere made into the influence of obstructions on sediment
transport and water levels.
t30+7Ocm ---+-30*
guide rail for the
measuring carriage
inlet gauge 1 slope 1:2 hinge movable bed
- weir
The choiceof model sand was guided by the idea to keep the part of the suspendedmaterial as low
as possible.A geometricalreduction would have contradictednatural conditions. Therefore almost
uniform sandswere selected.
The test program comprisesinvestigationsof three series of different arrangementsof con-
structionalelements,eachof which was to be testedfor three grain sizes, three dischargesand three
slopes.The three constructionalelementsare groins on both sides, alternating groins (length about
20 cm) and ground sills (heightabout 6 cm) with a distanceof 1 m. They are modelled using stones
of 5 to 6 cm diameter. The obstaclesare placed on the fixed solid ground plate, which lies 10 cm
lower (Fig. 3.2).
III: Groins, alternate. ’ VIII: Ground sills,
distance 1 m distance 1 m
The executionof the test is similar with and without arranging construction! elements. Bed profiles
were registered before the test after levelling the flume bed, and after test execution. Comparing
both registrations allows the assessmentof bottom changes.Their differences show where in the
16 m measuring range there are regions with erosion or sedimentation.
3.3 Test Results
The comparisonof test seriesresultswas made possible by introducing a number characterizing the
degreeof obstructioncausedby the constructio~l elements. This degree of obstruction is calculated
to be the ratio of obstructed volume to unobstructedvolume (Fig. 3.3). Reference length is one
Jf lm L
A: unobstructed Volume
B: obstructed Volume
For all tests the same tendency, as expected, could be recognized: with an increasing obstruction
degree the water level and the roughnessare increasing, while the FROUDE numbers and the
velocities are decreasing.
d ch= 0,65 mm
d ch= 0,85 mm
The dimensionof the increaseof the water depthis strongly dependenton grain size. Fig. 3.4 shows
the relations between the degree of obstruction and the ratio of water depths with and without
obstructions.The tendencyis the same for all tests. With an increasingobstruction degree the ratio
of water depths is increasing. Comparing the results of the tests having a discharge of 10 l/s the
samesystematicscan always be recognized. The biggest rise of water depth occurs for sandswith
dd, = 2.00 mm, secondin order are sandswith d, = 0.65 mm and third are sandswith dch= 0.85
mm. The reaw; fx ZL order lies in the resistanceof bedforms (Fig. 2.2). The highest bed forms
could be recognizedfor sandswith dc,,= 0.85 mm and the smallestor even no bed forms for the
sand with 2.00 mm. That meansthe biggest changeof roughnessdue to introducing the obstacles
happensin the caseof the coarsematerial. At the same time the roughnesscausedby the bed forms
is at its lowest.
In Fig. 3.5 the Manning-Strickler coefficient for all tests with dch= 0.65 mm are shown.
The k,, - values are dependingon the degreeof obstruction independentof slopesand discharges.
With an increase of the degree of obstruction from 0% to about 3% the k,, - value decreases
considerably (from 72 down to 45 m”3/s). When the degree of obstruction is greater than 3% the
influenceof obstruction increaseis nearly insignificant. The k,, - value decreasesfrom 49 down to
39 m1’3/s.This systematicscould be recognizedin all test series.
A 10 I/s
0 20 I/s
x 40 I/s
d ch = 0.65 mm
For all tests the transport rate is decreasing with an increasing degree of obstruction (Fig. 3.6).
‘q - .
-y -.
-. -.
“= Q=40I/s
. *
- Q = 20 I/s
-- -v------4-- -- -*Q = 10 I/s
8 I I I I / I I 1 / / r I 1 I / I I
The first “step” from the situation without constructional elements to alternating groins has a
relatively big influence on the transport behaviour. The next step to groins on both sides is not as
significant as the last step to the ground sills.
Fig 3.7 Transport area for variant III and variant II (schematic)
In Fig 3.7 a) the area of the bed is shown where transport occurs in caseof variant III. In Fig. 3.7
b) the tranport area for variant II is indicated. In case of alternating groins the bed load moves
“meandering”.The transportarea for variant III is almost the same as for variant II. Becauseof the
symmetricobstructionthe cross section is reduced very strongly. Therefore the mean flow velocity
in the compressedflow section is higher and causesan increase of the transport capacity in the
middle of the flume. In caseof sills (VariantVIII), the transport is restrainedover the whole cross-
4. Conclusion
BECHTELER, W., H.-J. VOLLMERS and S. WIEPRECHT (1994) ‘Model Investigations into the
Influence of Renaturalisationon Sediment Transport ’ DYMIII~CSand Geomorphology of
Mountain Rivers, Springer Verlag
DVWK (1980) ‘Hydraulic Modelling’ Bulletin No. 7, Ed. H. Kobus, Verlag Paul Parey
DVWK (1991) ‘Hydraulische Berechnungvon Flieggewassern’ Merkblatt 220/ 199I, Verlag Paul
Parey (in German)
DVWK (1994) ‘Hydraulisch-sedimentologischeBerechnungennaturnah gestalteter FlieBgewHsser’
Mitteilungen Nr. 25 (in German)
VOLLMERS, H.-J. (1989) ‘The State of the Art of Physical Modelling of Sediment Trans-
port ’ Sediment Transport Modelling, Proc. International Symposium, New Orleans
ZANKE, U. (1982) ’ Grundlagender Sedimentbewegung‘, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg (in
___-- -
A perspective of mobile bed river
Dr.-Ing. Gunter Glazik D-29462 Wustrow/Germany (formerly FAS Berlin)
Historical review
Nearly 100 years ago, in 1898, Hubert Engels at the Technical University of
Dresden/Germanyfounded the first permanent “river engineering laboratory”, which
became an example to the whole world. He not only investigated numerous objects of
river engineering by means of an experimental method elaborated by himself, but he
also solved many basic problems by systematicinvestigations not yet cleared up at that
time using physical hydraulic models with movable bed - for example the suitable
design of transverse structures (groynes) in rivers with bed load transport (Bollrich,
Only a few years later Theodor Rehbock establisheda hydraulic laboratory at the
Technical University of Karlsruhe; there he later on carried out test series for
regulation work for the River Rhine by studying the river morphology in movable bed
models using a technique largely also developed by himself. In these tests he already
studied the transport of bed material and the development of bed formation in a longer
river stretch as a function of the time and with changing discharges(Larsen, Bernhart,
Theodor Rehbock, 1987).
Also only some years later, in 1903, there was founded as a governmental
institute the “PreuDischeVersuchsanstaltf?ir Wasser-, Erd- und Schiffbau (VWS)” in
Berlin (Krey, Winkel), whose vigorous developmentwas affected by Krey, which took
over the directorship in 1910. He led the institute with great scientific and practical
success,up to his early death in 1929. Engels and Krey as co-authorsjointly published
scientific papers about both hydraulic model tests (Engels, Krey, 1916) and river
training (Engels, Krey, 191S), the latter in further explanation of the general guidelines
which Engels had already pointed out in “Handbuch des Wasserbaues”(Engels, 1914).
Very soon the department for hydraulics of the VWS had developed from a small
beginning to a great and distinguished researchorganization, of which G. de Thierry
stated in 1926 in the well-known issue “Die WasserbaulaboratorienEuropas”(Thierry,
Natschoss, 1926) that “under all existing laboratories ... this one is the first ... as for
both, the number and the versatility of the experimentshitherto run”. In this issue the
then leading scientists of European hydraulic laboratories reported about whose
equipment and work; and Winkel, one of the nearestco-workers of Krey and then head
of the hydraulics department, especially tried already to outline some generalized
scientific drafts about similarity problems of river model tests also with movable bed
In those years the work of the often so-called Berlin laboratory influenced
considerably the development and methodology of hydraulic research and especially this
of hydraulic modelling in many countries. An example for orders from abroad for river
model tests are these for the Volga-Don-Canal, especially the junction of the canal into
the Don River, in the former Soviet-Union (Fig. l), which a contemporary publication
characterized as the most remarkable task at that time confronted to a hydraulic
laboratory (Korner, 1937). An acknowledgement of these irradiations may be seen in
the fact, that the first congress of the “International Association for Hydraulic Research
(IAHR)” in 1937 took place in the Berlin laboratory (IAHR,l938), at which occasion
Engels became the first Honorary Member of the organization. It is very interesting and
reflects the then phase of river training projects, that this first congress to a great extent
dealt with river engineering problems, especially the question of distorted river scale
models with fixed as well as with movable beds (Rehbock, Meyer-Peter, 1938;
Rohringer, 193 8; Seifert, 193 8).
It must be accentuated, that it was a speciality of the VWS, to develop research
on movable bed river models and on fundamentals of the problem of bed load
movement, among these the up to now well-known and appreciated work by Shields
(Shields, 1936). The successor of Krey as director, Seifert, promoted together with the
then chief engineer Zschiesche the development of such river model tests and in (Liebs,
1942) and (Seifert, 1942) it was reported in detail about the then state-of-the-art of
hydraulic modelling of river processes, especially as it was developed and carried out in
this institute. A very remarkable place took scale model tests for stretches of the Elbe
River with intensive bed load movement. Already in the years 19 18-l 921 Krey himself
had done pioneer work in this direction, which the reviser of the later on publicated
results characterized as follows: “Never before a model test had been prepared and
carried out as carefully as this great work. This can be seen by the time expense of four
years, .._ a time, in which the department for hydraulics was nearly exclusive engaged in
this one task. Preparing and carrying out, however, is not the really permanent value of
the tests; much more important is the mental insight into this difficult matter... At the
time of the experiments, the scale model test with bed load was a new and much
controversial problem, which only could be mastered, if the research engineer in
addition to great practical experience had a deep theoretical ,knowledge and a sensibility
into the natural processes of our rivers; qualities, which not often can be found joint in
one person. After all there must not lack self-criticism, which just in experimentation is
strictly necessary. These qualities, which Krey had to a high degree, enabled him to
influence hydraulic modelling directively and far sighted by his fundamental statements”
(Krey; Korner, 1935). These river model tests with movable bed might have been the
first large-scaled and systematic conceptioned of this type. Similar test series later on
were the already mentioned above by Rehbock for the Rhine River. Together with the
famous large-scale model tests by Engels in the thirties in the open air hydraulic
laboratory Obernach/Walchensee for the Hwangho River (Yellow River) in China
(Scheuerlein, 1980) these river model tests are historical steps in river engineering
An other remarkable movable bed river model at the Berlin laboratory - like that
already mentioned above for the Don River carried out in the large open air laboratory
Fig. 1
Model tests for the Wolga-Don-Canal:
transformation of the movable bed
of the river model after a test run
of the dependency in Potsdam/Marquardt - was that of an experimental stretch of about
5 km length of the Elbe River near Magdeburg comprising a bend, transition and
counter-bend and trained by groynes. In cooperation with the waterways administration
it was possible to compare direct and immediate results obtained in prototype (nature)
and model. These investigations were interrupted owing to the World War II. After
1945 as one succeeding institution of the then VWS the “Forschungsanstalt fur
Schiffahrt, Wasser- und Grundbau (FAS)” Berlin continued not only the investigations
at this interesting model but also in general the tradition of movable bed river models
and research about bed load transport, especially in alluvial lowland rivers, as
established and developed at the formerly Berlin laboratory. For it the great experience
of Zschiesche, previously co-worker of Krey and Seifert and then director of the FAS,
was an inestimable support (Zschiesche, 1954).
In Germany in recent years the approach by Gehrig was published and repeatedly
quoted (Dorer, 1984; Gehrig, 1967; Gehrig, 1978). The basic idea is, that certain
dimensionless numbers, which are characterizing sediment movement, in prototype as
well as in the model must have the same value and that moreover the similarity law of
Froude is valid. In this way the required scales can be calculated. In this context the
well-known Shields diagram was complemented with data of several lightweight
materials which may be used as model bed material.
But comparisons with movable bed river models actually running in the
laboratories shows more or less deviations from the calculated scales, the reason of
which may be seen both in limited conditions of the laboratory (e. g. capacity of area
and pumps) and in otherwise not fulfilled morphological similarity. An interesting
example is the comparison of the scales of the then model tests by Engels for the
Yellow River with these according to the now used approach mentioned above, done
by Scheuerlein (Scheuerlein, 1980). Whereas H. Engels worked with depth-distortions
of 1:2 and 1: 1.5, the present calculation yielded 1.4 or 1:5. Own experience with a great
number of river models however shows that such great distortions in the case of
movable bed scale models produces no good results and that a distortion as used by
Engels is appropriate.
where capital letters are standing for nature (prototype) and small letters for the
model. It means
H, h - water depth
D, u’- grain diameter (bed load)
S, s - slope
Equation (4) is only a simplified description of relations; later on. Krey et al.
extended it by coefficients as well as mnctional dependencies with reference to the
influence exerted by characters of the sediment, friction effects etc.
Further, the following relations exist:
with 11~
= 3 (shear velocity) (6)
and Fr+ = f, being the so-called shear stress coefficient or Shields factor.
These,relations quality the formulations by Engels and Krey as preliminary stages
of the well known Shields concept (Shields, 1936). With these relations, starting from
eq. (4) we also fulfil the condition of equal dimensionless numbers in prototype and
model as pointed out in the foregoing chapter. But we don’t demand to observe the law
of Froude unconditional. This law is neglected widely for the benefit of more
morphological similarity (of the fluvio-morphological process), correcting scale effects
by means of compensations (e. g. distortions of depth, slope, grain diameter), which are
not in conformity with the Froude law. The nature-like modelling of the river bed
formation should be proven by comparisons of the topography surveyed in nature
(prototype) and in the model and eventual divergences must be corrected by
adjustments. An essential is, that the bed forms (dunes, ripples) in model and prototype
are the same. This procedure means, the model has to be calibrated and verified with
field data.
River models with movable bed managed in this way, therefore are not similar in
the exact sense but are what is called of an approximate similarity. This is not a rational
but a semi-empirical approach.
Applications of this movable bed river modelling to practice of river engineering
with good results in solving the related problems can be found, for example, in (Blau,
1963; Faulhaber, Kebelmann, Thieler, 1986; Glazik, 1969; Glazik, 1969; Glazik, 198 1;
Glazik, 1984; Glazik, 1986; Glazik, 1987; Liebs, 1942; Zschiesche, 1954). In these
publications are also recommendations for the practical performance of such model
tests, which not all can be quoted here. But here it must be emphasized that the
experience has shown: As prerequisite to nature-like results river models with movable
bed should have certain minimum absolute dimensions! According to that it is
- a width of the movable bed in the order of meters (at least about 1...2 m),
- a water depth of at least 5 cm,
- not or only little depth distortion (maximum about 1.5...2).
In most cases we worked with quartz sand mixtures, which allows sorting as in
In case of restricted area and pump capacity in several laboratories river models
with movable bed are often operated at smaller and, partly, even much smaller
dimensions. The interpretation of such test results calls for much care, experience and,
possibly, even restraint. Qualitative knowledge deduced from them often, however,
already could be valuable, e. g. for the investigation of variants. Final proposals for
important projects should always be checked on large-scale models, eventual in
cooperation of several laboratories.
a common experience the greatest difficulty of most these model tests is the supply of
the necessary data for the design, effect and verification of the model.
We find similar statements by nearly all investigators which practise really model
tests with movable bed. Thus Dorer from the “Bundesanstalt tir Wasserbau (BAW)” in
a summarizing representation about similarity of river models finally stated, that the
computations about scaling especially for models with movable bed only can be so-
called “orientating calculations” which allow to tit the selection of scales into a
physically founded frame (Dorer, 1984).
These statements were fully confirmed by own comprehensive experiences with
movable bed river models as explained above.
Fig. 2
River model with movable bed during test run:
river reach with different types of regulation structures,
upstream revetment changes to groynes
a realized river stretch in connection with model tests for the purpose of checking the
transferability of the results of model tests can be very valuable, both for science and
practice”, then the discussion by Faber in the true sense can not be estimated as a direct
controversy, but as demonstration of the necessity of a complex approach including
observations in nature as well as in model.
In this connection it must be emphasized the modern research about fluvial
processes. Especially in the last decades beside theoretical approaches it was fertilized
by the work about the partly semi-empiric so-called hydro-morphological theory of
river bed processes at the State Hydrological Institute in St. Petersburg and which is
connected with authors as N.E.Kondratiev, I.V.Popov, N.S.Znamenskaya,
B.F.Snishchenko and others (see e. g. (Kondratiev, Popov, Snishchenko, 1982). There
were explored the concepts first suggested by Lochtin. The results of hydro-
morphological analysis contribute to the solution of many problems involved in river
engineering and they should be regarded as a foundation for the most purposeful
performance of hydraulic studies of the river bed processes. The thesis included in it
about the river bed process as self-regulating offered new chances for the further
developing of the similarity theory and thus especially for the performance of movable
bed river models.
Although this paper directly dealt with physical modelling of fluvial processes
here it should be referred to mathematical models too. These models are based on the
mathematical formulation of the processes which take place, both the hydrodynamic and
the morphological process. Such models are all the better the more the interaction of
stream and sediment is investigated and described formulawise. This emphasized the
great importance of the exploration of the fluvial processes for the successful
application of mathematical models too. In the framework of development of computers
and hydroinformatics these models are indispensable means also in river engineering.
But like hydraulic models with movable bed also mathematical models demand
verification by means of prototype data, when using them for solving practical
problems. Their evidence depends to a large extent on the quality and quantity of the
available data. The development of mathematical models cannot fully replace the
conventional hydraulic model tests. Both methods have their specific advantages and
disadvantages. The use of mathematical models e. g. may decrease the extent of the
expensive tests with movable bed models, but certain problems may be reserved for
such models. A great methodically advantage for developing mathematical models is its
verification by the hand of hydraulic models as it is possible above all in hydraulic
research institutes, which investigate both mathematical and river scale models (Eckert,
Glazik, Thieler, 198 1).
Also up to date the following statements by Harleman on the occasion of IAHR’s
first panel discussion on new developments and needs in hydraulics are valid (IAHR,
1979): “What are the necessary conditions for improvement of simulation methods ?
More interaction between simulation and field data collection. More effort on
verification. More attention to intercomparison of simulation methods”.
And thus the circle closed themselves. Also nowadays hydraulic river modelling
with movable bed by means of an approximate similarity and by hand of orientation
calculations in the frame of a physically founded set of equations based on the basic
regularities of bed load transport appears furtheron sound, the more so as it offers
possibilities, to take into consideration certain quantified results from analysis of the
investigated natural river course empirically. This last inevitable is the fact too with the
more recent statements or formulations. In comparison with older publications which
are so to speak classic some recently papers provide hardly substantial accession of
knowledge. Several statements differ only in shades. To each hydraulic-modelling
specialist and each river engineering expert too it would be a genuine gain if from time
to time he has the opportunity to study the earlier publications, (The detailed list of
references included a greater number of such papers.) Also H.W.Shen in his speech
mentioned above cited preliminary axiomatic observations by Engels on indispensability
of experimentation to the I?uther development of hydraulics. In this sense this
contribution may conclude with the quotation of a statement by Engels too (Engels,
“Especially the river engineer shall lead the natural forces for his measures and
master them up to a certain degree in such a manner that the purpose of these measures
is reached in an as economical and complete way as possible. This, however, requires in
first line a knowledge of the natural processes themselves, a knowledge, which only can
be gained by observations. And theory in its real meaning is nothing else than the
impartial and methodical investigation starting from exact observations... In the hand of
a qualified theorist and coincident experienced engineer, model tests are of inestimable
value for science and practice”.
This is exactly true also today for hydraulic river models with movable bed, which
are a valuable tool for solving river engineering problems and consequently are a
significant part in the arsenal of river engineering methods.
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