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High Voltage DC Transmission

Prof. S. N. Singh
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian institute of Technology, Kanpur

Module No: # 01
Lecture No: # 01
Evolution of HVDC Transmission

Welcome to this HVDC transmission video course in NPTEL program, phase 2. The first
lecture I will be discussing about this evolution of HVDC transmission system. First, I will
discuss what are the various contents in the various modules and then, I will discuss about the
first module and contents, one that is the evolution of HVDC system.

So, this HVDC transmission system course is divided in 7 modules and the first module
basically, it is including the evolution of HVDC transmission system and then, in this
evolution of HVDC system.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:57)

Before that I will discuss about the evolution of power system then we will see how this
HVDC came into the picture along with the AC transmission system. Then, I will compare
the HVAC and HVDC systems together and we will see the various problems in HVAC
system and then HVDC systems, and already and also, their advantages and the
disadvantages in the system. Then, I will discuss about the various types of HVDC
transmission systems; that is, the various links and then in that module, the last lecture is
lecture number 4, will be dedicated to the components of HVDC transmission system
including your converter DC lines; your trans converter transformers and other filters and
snooping vector, etcetera. In module 2, it will be devoted to the analysis of the converter
circuit and you know the converter is a very very important in HVDC transmission system;
that is, we are having rectifier site as well as the inverter operations as a inverter end. So,
these converters are very very important in HVDC transmission.

So, module 2 is completely dedicated for the analysis of the converter circuit and this HVDC
converter circuit will be represented by the equivalent electrical circuit at the end to start with
first I will discuss in this module that is a analysis of the simple rectifier circuit it may be the
single phase rectifier circuit and also along with will see the 3 phase circuits then we will go
for the various configurations and we will see what are the advantage and the disadvantages
and the we will see the various terminologies those will be used like the DC output voltage,
peak inverse voltages and commutation group as well then with this terminology I will jump
to the required feature for the rectification operation or rectifier circuit operation in HVDC
link. So, we will see the various requirement that we require the high output DC voltage for a
given input AC voltage we require the better transformer utilization we will also see the less
peak inverse voltage also we will be requiring that the harmonics should be minimum. So,
these are the basically desired features and based on that we will arrive the what should be
the optimal configurations for this HVDC converters

After deciding the converter circuits that is the 6 pulse converter circuit will be analyzed for
the different modes of the operation different modes I mean yeah basically the overlap angle I
will be discussing overlap angle means the one valve or one thyristor is taking current and
then it is another is going to be turn on then how the current is going to shifted it is
instantaneous that is ideal case then we will say the value of u that is a overlap the current
shifting from one valve to another valve the values u angle if it is a less the 60 then it is mode
one if it is a 60 then it is mode 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:02)

If it is more than 60 then mode 3 and 4 operations we will say. So based on that the output
voltage as well as the waveform will change and then we will analyze detail about the circuit.
So, in both output waveforms of various modes we will analyze both waveforms like it the
valve voltage, DC output voltage, currents in the phases of the transformer and also we will
see this what will be the DC average value of the rectification operation and the similarly we
will see for the inverter operation as well now we will also as here already have. Thus, we
have also going to discuss the valve voltages this is the very important because if the voltages
of the valve should be known then we can see what are the various mal-operation of the valve
and based on that we will design some circuit to avoid the mal-operations of the valve.

After this once you are having the complete analysis we can form means we can substitute
this HVDC link by simple equivalent circuit electrical circuit having a variable voltage
source and with the some commutation resistances and the line resistances and then we can
calculate the current in the DC link. Another part of this module 2 is basically, analysis is
based on the converter charts; we will see the converter charts. Basically, the DC variables
we are having alpha delta and gamma and the beta are the DC variables. So, we are going to
draw and the 2 planes; one is the DC voltage and the DC current. Then, we will see the DC
variables impact and the current converter chart will be drawn and another one we will see
the AC variables like P and Q will be your axises and then we will see your power factor
apparent power AC current, etcetera, will be and recti-power as well and in another chart. So,
this 2 variety of charts will be discussed and then we will see based on that how that we can
analyze for any particular current we can get the voltage u and another angles as well.

So, third module basically, now is a dedicated for the converter control in the first lecture I
will be discussing about this; what are the desired features of HVDC control and then we will
go for the various control modes. We will derive the control characteristic that should be the
suitable for the HVDC transmission operation and then we will discuss the various types of
control schemes for the firing of the valves because, in HVDC this is a main. We are, what
we are doing? We are generating the gate pulses to turn on the your valves or thyristors and
then we will see the various comparisons of various schemes suggested by various inventors
and we will see which are the bad and which are the miss say, we are going for a demerits
and the merits of the various control schemes. Another lecture will be dedicated for the
energization and the de-energization of bridges. If your HVDC link is having the many more
than 2 bridges in converter side or inverter side and if you want to take one bridge out of
operation for the maintenance in other purposes then, how you are going to de-energize? How
you are going to bypass that bridge? Again, once it is a repaired then, how you are going to
put into the HVDC link again? So, energization and de-energization are discussed in detail in
this module 3 as well. Another aspect here, even though if suppose your HVDC link is down
for some maintenance or some problems in the fault in the DC line then we have to start the
HVDC line then how to start it. So, the starting concept will be discussed and also if you
want take whole HVDC link down for any maintenance another repair or any other purposes
then what should be the stopping way procedures is basically discussed in your starting and
stopping of HVDC link.
(Refer Slide Time: 07:42)

In module 4 basically, it is dedicated for the protection as well as the mal-operation of the
converter circuit. So, the malconverter circuit maloperations the various mal-operations in the
converter circuits are discussed including your arc-back, arc-through, misfire, commutation
failure, quenching all will be discussed in detail along with the web snips of your output
voltage as well as the valve voltages and but, the commutation failure which is only occurring
in your inverter side. It is a very frequent phenomena; it is discussed again in detail for the
single commutation failure or it is a double commutation failure. Single commutation failure
means in one cycle it is only one commutation failure if it is happening more than one, it is
called multiple commutation failure. So, in this module the first and second commutation
failures are discussed and we will see what will be the output voltages; what will be the
impact of the valve voltages, etcetera will be analyzed. Then, we will see how to protect
overall converter circuit; that is we want to protect the converter circuit; we want to protect
our HVDC lines. So, we are going for the over voltage protection; we are going for the over
current protections similar to your AC current. Now also we are going to have the differential
protections for the checking the link differential current. So, the complete inverter as well as
your rectifier side system protection is discussed.

Another discussion here is this smoothing reactor. Basically, the DC reactor I am discussing
and this DC reactor is if it is used to limit the rate of rise of voltage or current. So, what will
be the inductance values? So this is basically it is discussed and the one problem is also
solved. Then, in this module as well the damper circuit because, we are having the various
type of dampers like the voltage oscillations if they are there then we are going to have the
inner dampers if you are going to have the current oscillation ,you are going to have a line
oscillation. So, we are having the various RC and RL seeder dampers are used and they are
discussed in detail in this module.

Module 5 is basically dedicated to design the various aspects because, we have to design the
filter circuit we have to design the grounding and the DC lines. So, to design the filter we
have to analyze the whole converter operation and its. So, we want to know what are the
various types of harmonics. So, various harmonics that is a characteristic and uncharacteristic
harmonics are discussed and analyzed for the 6 pulse operation as well as the 12 pulse
operation of the HVDC link and based on that we are going to design the filter circuit. So, we
will see the various options for the that is a tune seal filter circuit or it is a your bypass band
pass filter circuits design. So, the design of the filter will be done in this lecture. Another
aspect of this module that it will be also analyze the reactive power requirements and we will
analyze even the filter circuit if it is designed for particular harmonics to provide the
minimum impedance for that harmonics. But, this filter circuit provides the reactive power
support to the converters for the fundamental components and that will be analyze and we
will see the requirements of your reactive power.

(Refer Slide Time: 11:09)

So in your module 6 is completely dedicated for the power system analysis aspect. So, here
first I will model the various components of ac-dc systems including your DC the base
powers etcetera, for AC and DC completely we have to match the AC base powers and the
voltage and also the DC base power as well the voltage and then we will model them in detail
and later then we will go for the AC DC load flow. Various techniques are already suggested
that is a sequential based AC DC power flow analysis or it is a elimination based or unified
schemes they are discussed much in detail in this module 6

After the modeling, this module is also will be discussing here. The various the stability
analyses like the transient stability analysis as well as we will also discuss about the dynamic
stability analysis in this module. The last module that is module 7 is basically dedicated for
the diverse aspect like new concept is arising this HVDC light is basically using the transistor
technology. It is very fast as well as the communication requirement is reduced it has a
various advantages. So, that will be discussed; also, we will discuss about the multi-terminal
HVDC link because till now up to the module your module fifth I discuss about only the 2
terminal HVDC. So, in this 7 will discuss the aspects problems and what are the advantage of
multi-terminal HVDC links then the last lecture will be dedicated for this HVDC system that
is used for the wind power generations. In the wind power generations you know the wind
farm may be located very far from the actual load centers is it may be even though in
offshores so, it may be in sea, we have to see how this HVDC system is useful and a
beneficial for the wind power and the green power generation in whole power system. So,
these are the brief course contents of this HVDC transmission system video course that is
NPTEL phase 2.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:28)

Now, as in the first part of this lecture I will be discussing the evolution of the power system
then we will move that and we will see how the HVDC system came. So, to start with you
can see the slide here the commercial use of electricity; basically, started in late 1870s, but
the first power system was developed by your Thomas Alva Edison. It was at a pearl street of
New York station and it was commissioned and operated in1882.

This was the DC system it is surprising, but it was the low voltage DC system, but however
this course is devoted for the high voltages. So, that time the high voltage DC system was not
possible because the several problems like your generations because it was the DC generators
it was used and also to transmit the power the insulation and other problems were there. So,
this power station, the first electric power station which was the DC it was consisting of a DC
generators then it was using cables, fuses were used for the over current protection and it was
providing the load and this load was nothing, but it was simple incandescent lamps were there
the simple bulb loads were there and it was feeding to only 59 customers in the radius of 1.5
kilometers. So, it was a small system, but it was a complete in the sense and it is said the
power system because a power system should comprise of generation, transmission as well as
the distribution. So, it was consisting all. So, that is why it is called it is a first electric power

It was the DC system because, the DC generators were used at that time AC power was not
even though invented so, the DC system was there. In 1884 the motors were developed by the
Frank Sprague and with the addition of this motors in the DC system make the electricity
more and more useable and people were more preferring this electricity because, now for
using the electricity only for the lighting propose is not very much appreciated. But, the using
the load you know the motors load and these motors loads the mechanical load you can just
connect it that means you can achieve various applications in normal human life you can say.

So, the motors were added in the system but in 1886 the limitation of DC system becomes
apparent with the 2 aspect that one is the voltage drop and high power loss. To minimize this
we require some transformation of the voltage which was not possible by the DC system. So,
people were starting thinking for the new one. At the same time, the transformers and the AC
distribution system of 150 lamps developed by the William M Stanley for the Westinghouse
was developed at the same in 1886 nearby. So, the limitations of the DC was arising and the
now AC and DC system, they started arguing to each other because the DC system was
advocated by the Thomas Alva Edison and AC system was advocated by the Westinghouse
because, this Westinghouse purchase all the patents of the AC we will see that later on. So,
this is the first AC transmission system was basically commissioned and operated between
the Willamette fall and the Portland. This was the single phase it even at that time the 3 phase
AC was not invented and it was having the 4 kilo volt and it was feeding the power over 21

So it was bigger because, AC system DC system was not feasible; because this much distance
if you are going then you are incurring more loss and high voltage drop. So, in 1889 the first
AC transmission system was operated in 18 before that even though Tesla this Nicolas Teals
developed so many poly phase AC systems basically, he had the patents of generators, AC
generators, motors, transformers, transmission lines, etcetera and all these patents were
basically purchased by the Westinghouse. So, the Westinghouse now started developing the
AC system - AC power system. I can say and Thomas Alva Edison always advocated for the
DC system. So, parallely the AC and DC systems were existing for the different pockets of
the all over the word and the fight started that whether we should go for the AC system or the
DC system and due to the limitation of the DC system, AC won the race and DC system
slowly and slowly phased out, that is here already.

(Refer Slide Time: 18:22)

In 1890 it is said the controversy whether the industry should rest and rise AC or DC Edison
who advocated DC was favoring the DC. However, the Westinghouse who had the lot of
patents of AC system advocated for the AC systems. So, AC basically becomes more and
more feasible because the it was possible to increase the voltage by the transformer actions
and also it is a simpler in terms of generation and the motors and it is a rugged and very
versatile and then it was the DC system was slowly and slowly the dismantled and the AC
systems becomes very popular.

First 3 phase power system that was operated here in 1893 and the voltage was 2.3 kilo volt,
it was in California. It was basically chosen for the Niagara fall which is 30 kilometers away
from this Niagara falls. AC system becomes very popular but, the voltage at the beginning
was very less due to the various problems in the design and availability of the insulating
materials due to the various advancement in the insulating materials the voltages you can see
now is a various voltages keep on increasing it was 1992 it was 165 kV in 1923 it went to 220
kV in 1935 it was 287 kV and in 1953 is 330 and so on. In 1990 it went up to 1100 kilo volts
the transmission level.

Similarly, there were also improvements or you can say new developments in the generation
side. So, we also increase our generating voltage up to 33 kV. So, it was and also in terms of
megawatt more and more power generation for the single units. So, the standards basically
adopted EHV system when it is more than 300. Then, it went through EHV system high
voltage and it is less than 300 then it becomes the high voltage that is the various voltage

Now, these voltage levels are the different for the different countries and the each country are
having the different sets of the various voltages because they have to use transformers. So, it
is not that we can have the n number of the transformations and the volt transformers. So, all
the countries they standardize the various voltage levels to have the interconnections because
the interconnections also had a lot of advantages when we keep on growing the AC system
DC system AC system sorry and then we keep on interconnecting them to make better and
better reliability and also to decrease the cast and. So, many other advantages as you know
the interconnections advantages.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:20)

To have the interconnections, we know require the single frequency of the system. In the
beginning it was witnessed that various frequencies were existing all over the world and now
due to the interconnection problem it was realized that there should be the single frequencies
and then the 2 frequencies after that were standardized like the 60 hertz came to the US and
the Canadian countries and the 50 hertz came to the Europe and the Asian countries. So, we
are operating our system at the 60 hertz and they are operating system at the 60 hertz.

Now, here if you will see the HVDC transmission system because I just explain how the
HVAC system how it is grown to 1100 kV no doubt the beginning the DC was there then
there was a limitations of the DC was experienced then AC people started thinking out the
AC power system, but at the same time this people will also started thinking if any how we
can increase the voltage. So, that we can have the minimum loss and also the minimum drop.
So, people were started thinking and developing the various systems. So, the HVDC
transmission system first designed by the French engineer that is a Rene Thury here when the
AC system was in their infancy because AC system was also developing slowly and slowly.
So, between 1880 and 1911 at least 11 Thury system because the Thury system was given
based on his name Rene Thury was installed in Europe and the prominent was the Moutiers
to Lyon in France in the 1906 it was 180 kilometers and I mean having 4.5 underground
cables it was only carrying 4.3 megawatt power, but the voltage level was 57.6 kilo volt and
the current was 625 A the main features of theory system was that it was having the DC
generator and this is a series DC generators and it was operating at the constant current
control mode because the current control here the current in this DC system here the current
was fix; however, we will see in the AC system the voltage is fix and the current is changing
depending by the load, but in this DC system he preferred current should be constant and the
voltage can be changed to control the power and feed the power, but in here 1938 all the
Thury systems were dismantled because there was several problems in this system because
the safety problems was one concern.

And also, there was another problems here that we are adding the more and more series
generators there was maintenance the cost other problems were experienced and at the same
time the ac development was there and it was felt that AC system is the better than the DC
system even though it was also witnessed that the our in 1920 the transverter it is a similar
type of mechanical converters were developed and it was using the poly-phase transformer
commutated by the synchronously rotating bus gear, but it was not used commercially it was
only used the for the experimental another purpose.

So, once the theory died basically then whole the theory system was vanished and the people
started talking about only the AC system. So, till 1950 when the mercury arc valves were
developed and the designed then before that we were having only the AC DC AC systems
with the development of the mercury arc valves it was possible to convert the AC to DC. So,
in 1954 the first HVDC it is not DC it is high voltage DC transmission between the Sweden
and the Gotland island of the Sweden itself was connected by the cable it was the 70 km
approximately 70 kilometers away and the AC cables were not so feasible. So, it was decided
to go for the HVDC transmission in terms of cable in the sea and mercury arc valves were
used. So, this was the beginning of again starting to think of HVDC system now the question
again arise why people started to think for the HVDC system because there was so many
limitations of HVAC systems. So, we will see in the next slides.

So, in AC systems here before this end this I will discuss this what is the problem in HVDC
and AC systems in detail basically in this AC system the major problem in the AC system is
that we don’t have the power control.
(Refer Slide Time: 26:03)

I can say the stability problem stability is the one concern if you are going more and more
power transfer. So, this stability issue another is your reactive power requirement then third is
your the Ferranti effect Ferranti effect also it will be discussed the Ferranti effect is nothing,
but your receiving end voltage sometimes become higher than your sending voltage.
Specially due to the charging or the capacitance between the line to ground and the line to
line and 4 that we do not have the power control facility power control. So, the power control
is not possible here. So, this is the one of the big problem in the AC systems in whole your
AC system if this is your control is not possible because, nowadays we are also thinking to be
provide the AC control if the AC control is possible then we can operate our power system in
a much better and in the efficient manner.

So, these 4 are the major reasons for people are start to thinking to go for the DC
transmission system these are basically problem which I am discussing in terms of the HVAC
transmission system. So, to avoid these the DC transmissions were there because the reactive
power you can see the first HVDC transmission system which came in the Sweden and the
Gotland island it was basically due to the charging because the 70 kilometers cable it was at
that time it was not feasible 70 kilometer. So, then it was realized that we can go for the DC
cables and these DC cables were feasible. So, then what they did here? The this system you
are the Sweden and this was your island and they connected by your the DC system here and
they operated and this was your cable. So, this first HVDC basically, therefore was developed
to reduce the charging effect of the system.
(Refer Slide Time: 28:03)

So here, in this you can also see that is I have summarized the 5 major problems limitations
are HVAC transmission system that is a reactive power loss the stability concern the current
carrying capacity that is the charging, skin and the Ferranti effect and the power flow control
which is not possible in the AC system.

Reactive power loss we know it very well because the reactive power loss can be defined that
is a Q loss you know real power loss it is very well that is I R here whatever the
resistance and that is flowing in this your line it is having resistance it means not only line in
the transformer as well. So, in all operators if are having the resistance R and the current is
this. So, I 2 R loss that is it is basically in watt it is your real power loss. Reactive power
loss basically some people talk about here I X , X is the reactance of that element, but it
is not only this loss because we are having another component that is a it is I can say X l it is a
reactive component that is a inductive part and we are also having some charging part. So,

that is basically I can say here that is the capacitive part. So, the reactive power loss is
basically total of the that is the reactive power consumed in the element and some of the
elements they generate the reactive power. So, the total sum of this is treated as the reactive
power loss.

And this concept is only happening in HVAC because this X components that is here is only
is occurring in AC and in the DC only the resistance is there. So, this reactive power loss has
no impact because this is not existing at all in the HVDC transmission system. So, this is does
not this Q loss does not arise and thereby why what happens if your line which is carrying the
current of both active and reactive components. So, here you can see if we can there is no
reactive component though line can carry both active power and then we can improve the
performance of the systems.

Stability is the one of the concern to explain the simple way of the stability here you know
this p angle this curve here this is a δ this a power that is a flowing between the 2 nodes of

the element. So, here this is the maximum power that at the δ the maximum power that
can be transported through that element we never go for this always we go for the lesser one
due to the various reasons if there is some disturbance then we go into the unstable reason
this is unstable area and this is your stable. So, we have to operate our system in such a way
that the power flow in that line should be less than here this is a P max and here this is 0 in
between. So, normally we operate our element that angle difference between the 2 adjacent
node not should exceed more than 20 to 30 degree. So, that whenever there is any disturbance
we can go here and our system cannot lose a synchronous.

So, the stability concern here basically this expression is the P is derived your sin δ
here and this is basically the 2 elements this is your δ if this is angle 0. Here, I can say V 2
here V1 and this is your X of the line. So, the power flow can be simplified if you are
assuming this line is loss less we can just get this power flow and we will see here we can go
for the minimum delta. So, this stability concern again does not arise in the DC system
because the δ has does not derived because we only talk about the voltage and the resistance.
So, no X nothing. So, this concept does not in that your DC system another is a current
carrying capability here because the current carrying capability is basically the if any wire or
cable here which is there the current is I is flowing inside this here this is called the current
carrying capability now this current is if it is AC system it is having 2 component one is it is a
active and another is your reactive components are there.

Now, it is the total current which is flowing, but if your here element is having more
charging. So, what happens it is a more let us suppose capacity here elements are there like
cable. So, even though you are not taking here any active power here this there is a possibility
the current which is drawn here it will be the rated of this cable because due to this current
which is flowing here in the charging. So, the current carrying capability of the AC elements
or transmission line or your cables are very less compare to your DC because there is a no
reactive component of current flowing over the cable or the transmission line. So, that is why
here as mention. So, this if you are going for the cable longer than 50 kilometer is very costly
and it earlier it was not possible now it is possible and it is not very much feasible, but it is
better to go for the DC system.

Another here that is your skin effect skin effect is nothing, but if it is a AC system here the
current this is your complete conductor area current will try to go from outer side due to the
again the frequency of the system is some more frequency current will go more outer side.
So, here the current is non-uniform because the inn in at center current will be less outside it
will be more. So, what happen the density of the current in this over this area of the conductor
is the different and that is why the resistance effective resistance will be more and there by
the loss will be more. So, this skin effect only arise in your AC cable AC lines because AC
has a some frequency f and that is why it is having if f is 0 it is a DC and finally, it will be the
current will be the uniform and therefore, that is why always we say R AC is always greater
than your RDC means thus resistance if you’d measure the AC resistance will be more than
your the DC resistance due to your skin and the proximity effect if another conductor is there
again there is flux linkage. The Ferranti effect which is basically if this 2 system here the big
transmission line is there and this is called V sending end voltage and this is your receiving
end voltage at the lightly loaded or no load condition you are the Vs magnitude here I am
talking it is less then sometimes it is your Vr and this is called Ferranti effect and this is due to
the charging basically charging of the on the capacitance formed due to this conductor with
respect to ground.

So, what we do we go for the various mechanisms to limit this voltage especially if you are
charging the line there is no load and then the high voltage will be there at the end and there
will be again tripping of the system? So, we put the various here the reactors we put the line
reactors if the line is very long and then if still you require more reactive powers then you can
put the bus reactors and sometimes also we use the tertiary reactors as well.

The another major concern here the power flow control is not possible power flow control I
mean that we want the power flow control in the smooth manner sometimes we also want the
power should be reverse from one direction to another direction which is not feasible not
possible in the AC system unless until you are putting another device nowadays again the
flexible AC transmission systems are invented they are in the place in the system now with
help of them we can control the power in the AC system as well, but at that time it was earlier
it was not possible before 90 it was not possible and HVDC control was only possible. So,
that why the various types of links were developed and based on those links we were
controlling the power flow as well in the lines as well as every neighboring areas.

So, to avoid these 5 limitations it was found the HVDC is better in terms of several problems
of the HVAC transmission. First you will see regarding the reactive power loss here you can
say there is a no reactive power loss at all as I explain it is true the stability concern you can
say there is no stability concern in HVDC system no doubt we are it is not mean that we can
flow up as much as power in any transmission line HVDC transmission line it has some limit,
but that limit now is your thermal limit; however, in the AC system we are having thermal
limit and stability limits and the voltage regulation limits as well, but it depending upon the
length of line which limit is coming first is basically decided by the length of line if length of
line is very long your stability limit is the governing criteria than the thermal limit because
thermal limit value is very high if line is less then stability concern is not there very less. So,
the thermal limit will be governing criteria, but here in HVDC only the thermal limit is the
governing condition you can load your transmission line up to it is a thermal limits where it is
designed, but the stability problem is not a concern of HVDC transmission no charging
current because the if there is no change smooth here the perfect DC voltage and perfect
current flowing. So, there is no charging here and this no capacity and the charging current is
not there because once it is the capacitance will be formed once you are having the 2
potential difference medium is the dielectric medium, air is a also a dielectric medium. So,
capacitances are formed, but it is the constant and there is no charging.

Here no skin effect no Ferranti effect because the charging is not their skin effect is not there
because again the frequency is 0 here in the DC system and the power flow control is
possible that we can control our converters in a such a way that we can control the power
because the DC power here it is a PDC is your VDC into your IDC means the DC current
multiplied by the simple DC current, but and this is called your P DC; however, your PAC is
your the voltage AC voltage and your AC current into the cosine theta then theta are here I
am writing theta is the power factor angle between the voltage and current and the cosine of
this is a power factor. Here the P DC can be controlled by the voltage control can be controlled
by current control or can be controlled by both, but we prefer the current should be the
constant and the voltage can be varied and thereby we can vary here the DC power.

So, here basically what this your DC power is very effectively controlled even though it is
not only controlling from 0 to it is maximum value it is also possible that we can control it is
the minimum value in the negative direction means because the voltage can be vary from -V
to 0 to +V. So, that we can have the power reversal also with the help of this HVDC link and
that is it means you can have a full 2 quadrant operation because the 2 quadrant which I mean
here this is your Id we had as I said it is a constant and your voltage here the positive voltage
here negative voltage you can operate this and this co-ordinate very effectively and then you
can basically control the power from one end to another end and as well as you can return it

So, the controllability here is very better and very effective, but some other advantages minor
advantages are also there with the your HVDC transmission system that it is said that it
requires less space compared to the AC system for the same voltage rating and the size
because the same voltage here you know if you are having let us suppose 400 kV system 400
kV system means you have to design this 400 kV is your r m s value. So, you have to design
your system for it is peak value and peak value here is nothing, but multiplied by under root

So, you are going to multiply this your design is basically, but in the power here calculation is
a 400. So, what happens? You require the less space in terms of suppose you are having the
insulators and crossarms and also in the substations clearance here and there we require the
less space in the DC due to this factor as well because we always see the peak inverse peak
voltages for the AC system.

Another advantage here that the ground can be used as the return path in as I will discuss in
the next and other lectures, that the various type of links are feasible. It is called mono polar,
bipolar and homo-polar. In the mono-polar, only one pole, only one wire is there and the
ground is used as a return path. So, we can use the ground as a return path means we can
minimize we can reduce the cost of the conductor. But, it is not very practical because the if
you are using ground current then there are so, many other problems like the communication
interference there will be some erosion there may be some if there is some potential is
developed and from there is shock and safety majors as well. So, ground is used as a return
path especially in the emergency conditions when there is one problem in the one poles so
then, we can use the ground as path providing the power for the limited period of time
especially in the bipolar if one pole has gone then we can use another pole as the mono-polar
operation and we can operate we can give the 50 percent power transfer from one area to
another area. So, this is another advantage that we it is possible for AC system phase you
have to completely shut down and then, you have to maintain it.

Another advantage is the less corona loss because, the corona loss you know it is the always
this proportional to f + 25. Here, that is I can say Pc corona loss is a proportional to this. You
know the in DC f is 0 and your AC here f is 50 or 60 hertz. So, it is the more loss in AC
system compared to your DC system. So, what happens here, the corona loss in HVDC
system is less compared to your DC system. Another is radio interference here the RI if
frequency is 0 so, radio interference is 0 but, due to the some harmonics and other thing there
will may be some radio interference, but this value is very less.

(Refer Slide Time: 43:09)

So overall, we can see here that the advantage of HVDC is basically taking place and it is
trying to minimize the limitations of HVAC transmission system but, it is not HVDC is not
having limitations. It is also having the various limitations in terms of its cost, in terms of
generating harmonics, in terms of tapping of the power and in terms of some other limitations
like here you can say the overload capability we can the blocking of the reactive power and
some are all other things there. So, advantages here some other various minor advantages are
listed here you can say the fault clearing time, the compensation problem, no compensation is
required for the capacitance low short circuit. No, transmission of short circuit power it has a
less and no switching transient or synchronous operation is possible and it is a cheaper for the
long distance problem.

So, all these again I will discuss the next lecture, but in this lectures my main intention is to
give you a concept. Why this HVDC transmission system is taking place all over the world
especially for the long distances transmission in the those countries, which is very small in
the geographical area HVDC is not very feasible for the long distance transmission.

(Refer Slide Time: 44:19)

So we are having basically the 2 types - 3 types of HVDC links for this control of AC DC
power system. One is called if you want to have a bulk power transmission and second is you
want it is called back to back concept. Back to back modulation of AC network basically,
here in the bulk power transmission. What I want to say if you want to transmit the power
from one region over a long region without tapping power in between, it is called bulk power

Here the concept that the generation if suppose in this area is very high, load demand in this
area is very high we want to transmit power without tapping in between the DC is the best
and the cheap option. But, that is I mentioning if area is small then it is possible that you can
go for the AC system and then you can transmit the power but, those country is a very long
and you want to transfer for the long distance. There is no other option; you have to go for the
DC system at all. So, we have to use the HVDC bulk power transmission especially in India,
it is very important if you are trying to trap power from north east and taking it to the central
part of the India. We require huge HVDC links to transmit the power but, this concept is now
common not only here at the basics of here to control the power, here the concept was to
transmit the power here this control aspect even though if you are having the 2 regions very

Here, you can have your the DC here back to back even those converter and inverter stations
are put together very near to each other may be less than one kilometers away even the one
substation and the purpose here that we can monitor how much power is flowing from one
region to another region. So, that is it is called back to back because inverter and converter
are same back to back here only. We do not want to transfer bulk amount of power here. We
want to control the power because it is based on the contract; it is based on some negotiations
and also in terms some sort of the emergency you know, if there is some problem this region
this link is there. Then, we can open this and the disturbance cannot be propagated in another
region. But, if you are having a AC line here certainly the disturbance here that can go there.
If it is not protected well then both system will be the collapse. So, it has various advantages
here we want to control, we want to provide the emergency support and also we can just meet
our the contractual requirement. So, the back to back connections are there.

Here, the modulation of AC DC system basically is mini; that if you are having some here AC
line and this line is very weak. Sometimes, there is some problem here due to the power
oscillations or you can say power swings are there. We can have another here HVDC link
small HVDC link that can support this one means whenever there is a problem we can just
control in a such a way that we can modulate the power over this AC line means it is used to
improve the stability of the system. So, you can see these 3 objectives are for the HVDC
transmission system. Here, it is basically to feed the power over the long distance means,
large power over the long distance. This is also control we do it control no doubt but, the
basic is huge power which is fed from one area to another area. Here, as I said this one is the
control of power; is the primary objective. That is, we can control the power. How much it is
going if it is AC system is there? So, if this area is drawing more power it will be flowing
here without any control you cannot control here, but the DC here connection is there you can
fix the power it cannot take more power from this area unless until this controller or tune for
this one is basically used for your stability of the system.
So basically, it is used in this AC system to stabilize the AC DC system as well. So, that is
why here the transmission part is now going. If your objectives are these then, you have to go
for your DC systems and it is we are talking about the high voltage DC system. So, nowadays
that is why we are having the AC generation; we are having the AC distribution system and
of course, the utilization now we are again shifting from the AC to the DC because, we are
having lot of power electronics based devices those are giving and also communication
mobiles and another DC power are required in the houses, but the transmission distribution is
AC and after that again people are using some converter conversion technology to get the DC
power for the charging of the batteries here and there generation is still your conventional
generators; they are AC. We are also generating some part of the DC power based on your
photovoltaic but, if you want to connect in the system then you should require some converter
and then you convert to the AC system and then you can connected it to the grid but, the
transmission if this transmission is the combination of your AC and DC system, specially
based on the various objective, so it is believed that your transmission part will be the
mixture of your AC as well as the DC system and here, the DC system we are talking high
voltage DC we don’t have the DC low voltage DC because, again the problem of high loss
and the voltage drop will be there.

So, high voltage DC transmission along with the your AC transmission it includes both your
high voltage EHV and the low voltage AC transmission as well. So this is the scenario which
is emerging all over the world. So to conclude in this whole lecture number one basically I
discussed the course contents which will be the giving the basics that what we are going to
discuss in the various modules various lectures and it was decided in based on that. So, the
total this whole course will be basically schedule for 35 to 40 lectures based on the various
contents and also some numerical problems will be solved and will be showed so that the
students can get benefited. Even the teachers also they can be benefited from this and here, in
the first lecture I had just summarized the evolution of the power system along with the
special emphasis was your DC system from your small high voltage DC systems. Then, we
went for the large DC system and then we discussed some of the limitations of HVAC system
and then, along with it we discussed that how this DC system will be the advantageous to
remove the limitations of HVAC system.

So, the various disadvantages are also there that will be discussed in the next lecture and also
we will discuss the various types of links in this module and also the various of components
the basic background will be given in this module so that, we can move to the various
modules. Then, it will be analysis control the protection; then, analysis and then, we will see
the total performance of HVDC, AC, DC and the AC system as well. So, with this I should
stop this; thank you.

Keywords: Evolution of HVDC transmission, first electric power system, DC generators,

HVAC system, Ferranti effect, skin effect.

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