Digital Logic GATE Computer Science Postal Study Material
Digital Logic GATE Computer Science Postal Study Material
& IT 1
Digital Logic
Computer Science
Information Technology (CS)
Postal Correspondence
Examination Oriented Theory, Practice Set
Key concepts, Analysis & Summary
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GATE Postal Correspondence Computer Sc. & IT 2
C O N T E N T: D i g i t a l L o g i c
1. BINARY SYSTEM ………………………………………………………………………. 3-18
GATE Syllabus
Digital Logic: Logic functions, Minimization, Design and synthesis of combinational and
sequential circuits; Number representation and computer arithmetic (fixed and floating point).
28-B/7, Jia Sarai, Near IIT, Hauz Khas, New Delhi-110016. Ph. 011-26514888.
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Base Conversion: A number an, an–1 … a2 , a1 a0 a–1 a–2 a–3 … expressed in a base r system has coefficient
multiplied by powers of r.
Key Points:
To convert a number of base r to decimal is done by expanding the number in a power series as in (A)
Base r = 2
1 2 4 1 2 3 0 2 2 1 21 0 2 0 1 2 1 1 2 2
(11010.11)2 = (26.75)10
Solution: 4 53 0 5 2 2 51 1 5 0 2 5 1 = (511.4)10
Solution: 1 8 2 2 81 7 8 0 4 8 1 = (87.5)10
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09 1001 11 9
10 1010 12 A
11 1011 13 B
12 1100 14 C
13 1101 15 D
14 1110 16 E
15 1111 17 F
3 2 1 0
Solution: 1116 616 516 1516 (46.687)10
Divide the number and all successive quotients by r and accumulating the remainders.
Conversion of decimal fraction is done by multiplying the fraction and all successive fraction and
Required base r is 8.
153 are divided by 8 to give integer quotient of 19 and remainder 1. Then 19 are divided by 8 to give integer
quotient of 2 and remainder 3. Finally 2 are divided by 8 to give quotient of 0 and remainder of 2.
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Solution: 0.6875 is multiplied by 2to give an integer and a fraction. The new fraction is multiplied by 2 to
This process is continuing until the fraction becomes zero or until the numbers of digits have sufficient
(0.6875)2 (0.1011)2
Example 4: Convert (0.513)10 to octal.
0.513 × 8 = 4 + 0.104 a–1 = 4
0.104 × 8 = 0 + 0.832 a–2 = 0
0.832 × 8 = 6 + 0.656 a–3 = 6
0.656 × 8 = 5 + 0.248 a–4 = 5
0.248 × 8 = 1 + 0.984 a–5 = 1
0.984 × 8 = 7 + 0.872
Answer to seven significant figures is:
(0.406517…) 8
(41.6875)10 (101001.1011)2
(153.513)10 (231.406517)8
Octal and hexadecimal numbers:
Conversion from binary to octal is easily done by partitioning the binary number into groups of 3 digits each
starting from binary point & proceeding to left and to the right.
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For conversion into hexadecimal, binary number is divided into group of 4 digits.
2 C 6 B F 2 = (2C6B.F2)16
6 7 3 1 2 4
3 0 6 D
Note: In communication, octal or hexadecimal represented is more desirable because it can be expressed more
compactly with a third or a quarter of the number of digits required for the equivalent binary number.
Complements: Complements are used in digital computer for simplifying the subtraction operations and for
logic manipulation. There are 2 types of complements for each base r system
Given a number N in base r having n digits, the (r – 1)’s complement of N is defined as (rn – 1) – N.
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Thus 9’s complement can be obtained by subtracting each digit of number N by 9’s.
It is given as (2n – 1) – N
Example 8: 24 10000
24 – 1 (1111)2
Thus 1’s complement can be obtained as (2n – 1) – N or subtracting each digit of number from 1.
Note: It is similar to changing 1’s to 0’s and 0’s to 1 or complement each digit of number is similar to taking
Note: (r – 1)’s complement of octal or hexadecimal number is obtained by subtracting each digit from 7 and F
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Leaving all least significant 0’s unchanged, subtracting the first non-zero least significant digit from 10 and
- 01239 8
98760 2
Solution: Leaving 2 least significant 0’s unchanged, subtracting 7 from 10 and other 3 digits from 9.
999 10 00
- 246 7 00
753 3 00
Similarly 2’s complement can be formed by leaving all least significant 0’s and first 1 unchanged and replacing
1’s with 0’s and 0’s with 1’s in all other higher significant digits.
Solution: 1101 1 00
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Remain unchanged
Remain unchanged
3. If M N, sum will produce end carry, which can be discarded, what is left is the result, M – N.
4. If M < N, sum does not produce carry and is equal to rn – (N – M), which is same as r’s complement of
(N – M).
5. To take the answer in familiar form, take the r’s complement of the sum and place a negative sign in
Solution: M = 72532
N = 03250
Sum: 72532
+ 96750
Solution: M = 3250
N = 72532
9999 10
- 7253 2
Sum: 3250
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Sum 30718
Sum: 1010100
+ 0111101
So result is 0010001
Sum: 1000011
+ 0101100
= -0010001
Signed Binary numbers: When binary number is signed, left most bit represents the sign and rest of bits
If binary number is unsigned, then left most bits is the most significant bit of the number.
Example 19: String of bits 01001 can be considered as 9 (unsigned binary) or +9 (signed binary) because left
Example 20: String of bits 11001 represent 25 when considered as unsigned number or – 9 when considered as
signed number.
(i) Signed magnitude representation: In this representation number consist of a magnitude and a symbol (+ or
-) or bit (0 or 1) indicating the sign. left most bit represents sign of a number.
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01001 +9
It can use either 1’s or 2’s complement, but 2’s complement is most common.
2. In both signed magnitude & signed complement representation, the left most significant bit of negative
numbers is always 1.
Example: +9 ® 00001001
Note: Signed complement of number can be obtained by taking 2’s complement of positive number including
Signed magnitude system is used in ordinary arithmetic, can not employed in computer arithmetic
Arithmetic addition:
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Thus In this, comparison of sign and magnitude and them performing either addition or subtraction.
But in signed complement system, only addition, it does not require comparison & subtraction.
In signed complement system, negative numbers are represents in 2’s complement form and then
+ 6 00000110 -6 11111010
[Left significant bit is 1 so number is negative, number will be –(2’s complement of 111111001)
= -(000000111) = 7
If we use signed complement system, computer needs only one hardware circuit to handle both
Binary Codes:
Any discrete element of information distinct among a group of quantities can be represented with a
binary code.
n bit binary code is a group of n bits that have 2n distinct combinations of 1’s and 0’s with each
Example: With 2 bits 22 = 4 elements can be coded as: 00, 01, 10, 11
The bit combination of an n bit code is determined from the count in binary from 0 to 2n – 1.
000 0
001 1
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010 2
011 3
100 4
101 5
110 6
111 7
BCD code:
A decimal number in BCD is same as its equivalent binary number only when number is between 0 to
Note: BCD numbers are decimal numbers and not binary numbers, although they use bits in their
Decimal are written as 0,1,2,3,…,9 which BCD can be written as : 0000, 0001, 0010, 0011, …, 1001
Benefits of BCD:-
BCD helps to do arithmetic operation directly on decimal numbers without converting them into
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7 0111 0111
8 1000 1000
9 1001 1001
10 00010000 1010
11 00010001 1011
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