Design and Implementation of A Discrete Controller For Soft Switching DC - DC Converter
Design and Implementation of A Discrete Controller For Soft Switching DC - DC Converter
Design and Implementation of A Discrete Controller For Soft Switching DC - DC Converter
Abstract: In this paper, high efficiency Zero Voltage Switching buck converter with closed loop discrete PID controller is
designed and simulated. The conventional buck converter generates switching losses at turn on and turns off. The
efficiency of the buck converter can be improved by using resonant component. The only switch used in the converter is
turn-ON at zero current and turn-OFF at zero voltage by means of the resonant component Inductor and Capacitor. The
dynamic performance of the ZVS buck converter can be improved by the design of discrete PID PWM controller. A 10W /
400 KHz Soft switched Discrete PID PWM buck converter is simulated and analyzed using MATLAB / Simulink. Discrete
PI Controller, Analog PI & PID Controller is also designed and simulated whose performance parameters are compared
with the Discrete PID Controller is also illustrated.
Keywords: Buck converter, Zero Voltage Switching, Pulse Width Modulation, Analog to Digital Converter, Discrete PID
controller, Digital to Analog Converter.
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Controller so that the circuit can give any required pulse is given to the ZVS Buck Converter.
buck converter output voltage. Due to the Whatever variations occur in input voltage,
controller, the circuit can withstand any change in required output voltage changes, Load resistance
the input voltage, Load resistance, filter capacitor variations and circuit component variations the
and inductor and provide constant output voltage discrete controller accordingly control the error
which is required. The soft switching can cut down and provide the regulated output. Hence the
the stress and loss produced at the switch [1 – 3]. robustness of the circuit is very high.
This paper is subdivided as stated below.
The section II of this article discusses about the III. Design of Discrete controlled ZVS Buck
block diagram of Discrete Controlled soft Converter
switching Buck converter, the section III gives the A. Buck Converter:
Design of Discrete controlled ZVS Buck Fig. 2. Shows a schematic diagram of
Converter, section IV says the Discussion of the Conventional Buck Converter. The average output
proposed Discrete Controller & its results, section voltage Vo, is less than the input voltage Vs. It
V & VI gives the conclusion and references requires only one switch and it is the simplest one,
respectively. whose efficiency is more than 90%. The buck
converter component L1 and C1 can be calculated
II. Block diagram of Discrete Controlled soft by using [15] the value of L1 & C1 is
switching Buck Converter. (1)
Fig. 1. Block diagram of Discrete controlled Zero B. Zero Voltage Switching Buck Converter :
Voltage switching Buck Converter. The switches of a ZVS converter turn ON
and turn OFF at zero voltage. Fig. 3. Shows the
Fig.1. Shows a Discrete Controlled Soft proposed converter with Zero Voltage Switching.
switching buck converter. It consists of Soft In this circuit inductor L2, Diode D2 and capacitor
switching Buck converter, Analog to Digital C2 for accomplishing the soft switching of S1. The
converter, discrete PID controller, Pulse Width capacitor C2 is connected in parallel with the
Modulator and Digital to Analog converter. The switch S1 to achieve ZVS. The internal switch
output of the ZVS Buck converter is compared capacitance Cj is added with the capacitor C2, and
with the reference voltage in a comparator whose it affects the resonant frequency only, thereby
output is an error signal. The analog error signal is contributing no power dissipation in the switch. If
converted into a digital signal by means of Analog the switch is implemented with MOSFET S1 and
to Digital Converter. The Digital error output is an anti parallel diode D2 as shown in Fig. 3., the
corrected by Discrete PID controller. The discrete voltage across C2 is clamped by D2, and the
control output is converted into Digital Pulse width switch is operated in a half-wave configuration.
signal by DPWM block. The digital PWM pulse is The resonant component of L2 & C2 can be
again converted into analog PWM pulse by Digital calculated by using [15].
to Analog Converter. Finally the analog PWM (3)
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Load Resistance (R), Output current (Io), Output voltage (Vo), Output power (Po), Losses an Efficiency (η
(%)) of Buck Converter and ZVS Buck Converter.
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Equation (5) is used to find efficiency of describe the input and output relation of a ZVS
the Buck Converter and ZVS Buck Converter. Buck Converter. All state variables are subscribed
Table 3 Shows the various values of Load ‘s and all sources are subscribed u’s.
Resistance (R), Output Power, Losses, The state equation method as follows
corresponding efficiency of the Buck Converter (6)
and ZVS Buck Converter. For every load (7)
resistance the efficiency of the ZVS Buck The state equation method is applied to Fig. 3.
converter is greater than that of the conventional ZVS Buck Converter. Where
= iL1
Buck converter.
vc2 (8)
0 0
0 0 0
A= (9)
0 0 0
0 0
Fig. 4. Efficiency comparison at 400 KHz.
By using equation (9),(10) & (11) the transfer function of the ZVS Buck Converter is calculated from [17]
D. Analog to Digital Converter:
It is a device that converts a continuous
quantity to a discrete time digital representation.
Fig. 5. shows an error signal e(t) is converted
into Discrete sample signal by an Analog to Fig. 5. Analog to Digital Converter
Digital Converter. The A/D conversion process
involves deriving samples of the analog signal at E. Discrete PID Controller:
discrete instants of time separated by sampling PID controller is versatile enough to
period T (1µS) sec and the quantization interval is control wide variety of industrial processes. The
1/128. common practice is to interface a PID controller to
the process and adjust the parameters of the
Journal of Electrical Engineering
P 0.5Kcr ∞ 0
PI 0.45Kcr 1/1.2Pcr 0
F. Digital PWM:
2. Equation describing the Analog PID controller The output of the discrete time Integral
is as follows: Controller is converted into Analog form by means
of quantizer, whose quantization interval is
1/1024. The Output of the saturation is in digital
(13) form which is one of the input of the comparator is
(14) compared with the carrier signal (400 KHz). The
comparator output (d) is the PWM pulses. This
By using Ziegler – Nichols Tuning PWM output pulse is the gate pulse of the ZVS
formulae obtain control parameters Kp, Ti, & Td.. buck converter switch.
The value of Kp, Ti, & Td. for ZVS Buck Converter
whose plant model transfer function (12) is Kp =
0.001, Ti =2.14e-5, & Td=5.36e-6 where Kc=Kp.
U(s) = 0.001 [1+
The actual discrete transfer function of the form as
Fig. 7. Discrete PWM Pulse generator
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Table 5 Comparison of the Performance Parameters of Discrete and Analog controlled ZVS Buck Converters
Journal of Electrical Engineering
Table 6 Performance of the Discrete PID Controller with the variations of the different parameters.
Output Response for Load variations Output Response for Input Voltage variations
Journal of Electrical Engineering
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