ME (Information Technology) 2017 Syllabus - 14-7-17 PDF

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The document discusses the syllabus structure and contents for the M.E. (Information Technology) course offered by Savitribai Phule Pune University. It outlines the various subjects covered in each semester along with their credit details.

The four program educational objectives listed are: 1) To develop professionals required to meet the needs of the industry in exploiting security infrastructure. 2) To promote an academic career for further research in Security Domain for effective utilization of system resources. 3) To develop the spirit of entrepreneurship in providing secured services. 4) To provide the necessary skills for design develop and deploy services related to security paradigm.

Some of the program outcomes listed include: 1) An ability to effectively apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in practice 2) An ability to identify, critically analyze, formulate and solve engineering problems with comprehensive knowledge in the area of specialization 3) An ability to select modern engineering tools and techniques and use them with dexterity


M.E. (Information Technology) 2017 Course
(With effect from Academic Year 2017-18)
Savitribai Phule Pune University


Sr. No. Name of the Course

Semester – I
1 Program Educational Objectives 3
2 Program Outcomes 4
3 Syllabus Structure 5
4 Mathematical Foundation of Information Technology 9
5 Advance Software Engineering and Project Management 11
6 Applied Algorithms 14
7 Research Methodology 17
8 Elective-I 20
9 Lab Practice-I 35

Semester – II
10 Cyber Security and Forensics 37
11 Cloud and Data Technologies 40
12 Information Technology Oriented Operations Research 43
13 Elective-II 47
14 Seminar-I 57
15 Lab Practice-II 58

Semester – III
16 Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 60
17 Advanced Operating Systems 62
18 Elective-III 64
19 Seminar-II 77
20 Project Stage-I 78
Semester – IV
21 Seminar-III 80
22 Project Stage-II 82

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 2

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Program Educational Objectives

1) To develop professionals required to meet the needs of the industry in

exploiting security infrastructure.
2) To promote an academic career for further research in Security Domain
for effective utilization of system resources.
3) To develop the spirit of entrepreneurship in providing secured services.
4) To provide the necessary skills for design develop and deploy services
related to security paradigm.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 3

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Program Outcomes

1) An ability to effectively apply knowledge of mathematics, science and

engineering in practice
2) An ability to identify, critically analyze, formulate and solve engineering
problems with comprehensive knowledge in the area of specialization
3) An ability to select modern engineering tools and techniques and use
them with dexterity
4) An ability to design a system and process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as health, safety, security and
5) An ability to contribute by research and innovation to solve
engineering problems
6) An ability to devise and conduct experiments, interpret data and
provide well informed conclusions
7) An ability to function professionally with ethical responsibility as an
individual as well as in multidisciplinary teams with positive attitude

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 4

Savitribai Phule Pune University


M.E. (Information Technology) 2017 Course to be implemented from Academic Year 2017-18


Examination Scheme
Subject Lecture /
Subject Paper OR/
Code Practical TW
Presentation Marks Credits
In-Sem. End-Sem.
Paper Paper
514401 Foundation Of 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Information Technology
Advance Software
Engineering and Project 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Applied Algorithms 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Research Methodology 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Elective I 05 50 50 ----- 100 05

Lab Practice I 04 ----- ----- 50 50 100 04

Total 25 250 250 50 50 600 25

Examination Scheme
Subject Lecture /
Subject Paper OR/
Code Practical TW
Presentation Marks Credits
In-Sem. End-Sem.
Paper Paper
514407 Cyber Security And
04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04

514408 Cloud And Data

04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04

514409 Information Technology

Oriented Operations 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Elective II 05 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Seminar I 04 ----- ---- 50 50 100 05
Lab Practice II 04 ----- ----- 50 50 100 04

Total 25 200 200 100 100 600 25

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


M.E. (Information Technology) 2017 Course to be implemented from June 2017

Examination Scheme
Subject Lecture /
Subject Paper
Code Practical Oral/
TW Marks Credits
In-Sem. End-Sem. Presentation
Paper Paper
Mobile Ad-Hoc
5144013 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
Advance Operating
5144014 04 50 50 ----- ----- 100 04
5144015 Elective III 05 50 50 ----- ----- 100 05
5144016 Seminar II 04 --- --- 50 50 100 04
5144017 Project Stage I 08 ----- ---- 50 50 100 08

Total 25 150 150 100 100 500 25

Examination Scheme
Subject Lecture /
Subject Paper
Code Practical OR/
TW Marks Credits
In-Sem. End-Sem. Presentation
Paper Paper

5144018 Seminar III 05 -- -- 50 50 100 05

5144019 Project Stage II 20 -- -- 150 50 200 20

Total 25 -- -- 200 100 300 25

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 6

Savitribai Phule Pune University


List of Electives: Minor Subjects (5 Credit)

Semester – I Semester – II Semester - III

Elective – I Elective – II Elective – III

Subject Subject Subject

Subject Name Subject Name Subject Name
Code Code Code
Advance Internet of Things
Cluster, Grid and Internet Routing
Network 514405 A 5144011 A 5144015 A and Software
Cloud Computing Design
Technologies Defined Networks
Advance Software Quality
User Experience Application
Software 514405 B Metrics and 5144011 B 5144015 B
Design Integration And
Engineering Assurance
Disruptive Web and Social
Natural Language Product Life Cycle
Technologies in 514405 C Network Data 5144011 C 5144015 C
Processing Management
IT Analysis

Image Analysis Computer Vision

Signal and Image Speech Synthesis
514405 D 5144011 D and 5144015 D and Video
Intelligence and Processing
Interpretation Processing

Cognitive Advanced
Machine and Deep
Computing / 514405 E 5144011 E Computing 5144015 E Green ICT
Intelligence Intelligence
Institute Elective
Industry Specific( Multicore with Industry
Advanced Web
Multi core / Web 514405 F Architecture and 5144011 F 5144015 F Association /
Pgmg / Industry) Programming Interdisciplinary

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 7

Savitribai Phule Pune University


M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 8

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 4 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester: 50 Marks
1. Basic Mathematics
2. Linear Algebra
3. Basic Probability
Course Objectives:
1. To understand the basic mathematics behind Information Technology.
2. To understand the different mathematical approaches for optimization.
3. To understand and apply the statistical measures for research activity.
4. To understand the fuzzy logic and genetic algorithm concept for mathematical modeling.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. Apply mathematical concept for Information Technology problem solving.
2. Learn and apply different mathematical models for real time projects and applications.
3. Analyze each learning model come from a different algorithmic approach and it will perform
differently under different conditions.

UNIT – I Graph Theory 08 Hours

Undirected and Directed Graphs, Bipartite Graphs, Connectivity, Graph Traversal, Trees, Spanning
Trees, Rooted and Binary Trees, Algorithms – Kruskal’s and Prim’s Minimal Spanning Tree, Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, Max-flow Min-cut theorem, Algorithms for computing maximum s-t flows in graphs.

UNIT – II Probability Theory 08 Hours

Random Variables: Discrete, continuous and mixed random variables, probability mass, probability
density and cumulative distribution functions, mathematical expectation, moments, probability and
moment generating function, median and quintiles, Markov inequality, Chebyshev’s inequality,
Special Distributions: Discrete uniform, binomial, geometric, negative binomial, hyper geometric,
Poisson, continuous uniform, exponential, gamma, Weibull, Pareto, beta, normal, lognormal, inverse
Gaussian, Cauchy, double exponential distributions, reliability and hazard rate, reliability of series and
parallel systems, problems.

UNIT – III Optimization 08 Hours

Introduction: Optimization, Types of Problems and Algorithms, Convex Sets and Convex Functions,
Unconstrained Optimization: Basic properties of solutions and algorithms, Global convergence, Basic

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 9

Savitribai Phule Pune University
Descent Methods: Line Search Methods, Steepest Descent and Newton Methods, Trust-Region
Methods, Constrained Optimization: First Order Necessary Conditions, Linear Programming: The
Simplex Method, Duality and Interior Point Methods, Karmarkar's algorithm.

UNIT IV Fuzzy Theory 08 Hours

Classical Sets, Introduction to Fuzzy Sets – Basic Definition and Terminology – Set-theoretic
operations, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning - Extension principle and Fuzzy Relations – Fuzzy If-Then
Rules – Fuzzy Reasoning, Uncertainty and Information, Membership functions, Defuzzification, Fuzzy
Arithmetic and Fuzzy Measures, Fuzzy Decision Making.

UNIT V Genetic Algorithm 08 Hours

Introduction to genetic Algorithm, Basic Operators and Terminologies in GA, Traditional Algorithm vs.
Genetic Algorithm, Simple GA, General Genetic Algorithm, The Schema Theorem, The optimal
allocation of trials, Classification of Genetic Algorithms with mathematical perspective: Messy,
Adaptive, Hybrid, Parallel, Independent Sampling, Real coded.

UNIT VI Statistical methods 08 Hours

Measures of central value: Types of averages: Arithmetic Mean, Median, Geometric mean, Harmonic
mean, Measures of Dispersion, Correlation analysis, Regression analysis, Chi square test for goodness
of fit, F-Test and analysis of variance, Partial and Multiple correlation.

Text Books
1) Probability and Statistics with reliability, Queuing and Computer Science Applications by
Kishor S. Trivedi, WSE publication, ISBN:978-81-265-1853-1
2) Principles of Soft Computing by S.N. Sivanandam and S.N. Deepa , Wiley India , ISBN:10:81-
Reference Books
1) Elements of discrete mathematics by C L Liu and D P Mohapatra, Tata McGraw Hill ISBN:
2) David Luenberger and Yinyu Ye, Linear and Nonlinear Programming, 3rd Edition, Springer,
3) Statistical Methods by S.P. Gupta, ISBN: 81-8054-739-6
4) NPTEL Course Statistical and Stochastic Random Processes.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 10

Savitribai Phule Pune University

Teaching Scheme: Credits: Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 4 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Basic Principles of Software Engineering
2. Basics of Project planning and management

Course Objectives:
1. To apply a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the cost-effective development,
operation and maintenance of software systems to the satisfaction of their beneficiaries.
2. To prepare a technologically competent computer by training them in the contemporary
software engineering principles and paradigms.
3. To illustrate core project management techniques so as to manage project schedule, expenses
and resources with the aid of suitable project management tools.
4. To analyze the various issues in each phase of project management and people management.
5. To provide the students with recent trends and practices in software engineering and
supporting tools.
6. To emphasize the importance of software project management skills in order to cater the
changing industry needs and constraints across the advancing domains of computing.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Identify the resources required for a software project and to produce a work plan and resource
2. Decide and justify the use of most appropriate software process model for a given project
3. Apply risk management analysis techniques
4. Monitor the progress of a project and to assess the risk of slippage, revising targets counteract
5. Use appropriate metrics to manage the software development outcome
6. Understand emerging trends in software engineering and project management.

UNIT – I Introduction 08 Hours

Software Process Framework; Various Software Process Models: Prescriptive, Specialized, Unified,
Personal and Team Process models; Software Requirement Engineering- Requirements elicitation,
specification, Formal Specifications, Specification Qualities, Classification of Specification Styles ,
Descriptive Specifications: Logic and Algebraic Specifications , Operational Specifications: DFD, FSM,
Petri Nets, validation, change; System Modeling - Context, Interaction, Structural, Behavioral models;
Unified Modeling Language.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 11

Savitribai Phule Pune University
UNIT – II Software Design Methodologies 08 Hours
Design Process, Design concepts, Design Models, User interface design, Pattern-based and web
application design, Software Product Lines, Design modeling using UML [Specification techniques of
diagrams in UML].

UNIT – III Agile Development 08 Hours

Agile methods, Agile development techniques, Extreme Programming, Various Agile Process Models –

UNIT IV Software Project Management 08 Hours

Project Management Spectrum: Project Metrics; Project planning- Estimation and scheduling- PERT,
CPM, GERT, Resource loading and Resource Leveling, Types of project Contracts from Project
Management. , Agile Planning, Risk Mitigation and monitoring, , Project Control Techniques, Earned
Value Project, Change Management, Quality management, Challenges in software project
maintenance - Code Cloning: Detection, Classification, and Refactoring.

UNIT V In-Stream Activities in Project Management 08 Hours

Software Measurement Framework, Ishikawa’s seven tools, Process Assessment and patterns, CMMI
–IPPD, Product and Process attributes, Software Quality and configuration management.

UNIT VI Emerging Trends in Software Engineering and Project Management 08 Hours

Agents and Mobile Agents in Software Engineering, Aspect Oriented Programming, Software Process
Improvement and maturity models, Distributed Software Engineering, Service-oriented Software
Engineering, Real-time Software Engineering

Text Books
1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A practitioners approach, TMH, Seventh Edition,
ISBN 978–0–07–337597–7, ISBN 0–07–337597–7.
2. Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley, and Tenth Ed. ISBN-13:978-
0133943030 ISBN-10: 0133943038.

Reference Books
1. Linda I. Shafer, Robert T. Futrell, Donald F. Shafer, Quality Software Project Management,
Prentice Hall, ISBN 0130912972.
2. Scott Berkun, The Art of Project Management, O'Reilly, First Edition, ISBN 0596007868.
3. Orit Hazzan and Yael Dubinsky, Agile software engineering, Springer -Verlag London, First
Edition, ISBN 978-1-84800-199-2
4. Pankaj Jalote, Software Project Management in practice, Addison-Wesley Professional, ISBN
5. Craig Larman, Applying UML and Patterns, Pearson Education, Third Edition.
6. Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson, Unified Modeling Language Users Guide,
Addison-Wesley, Second Edition, ISBN 0321267974.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 4 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester: 50 Marks
1. Fundamentals of Programming
2. Data Structures
3. Discrete Structures

Course Objectives:
1. To equip the students with mathematical preliminaries required to analyze and design
computer algorithms.
2. To know the basics of computational complexity analysis and various algorithm design
3. To provide a thorough knowledge of the most common algorithms and data structures.
4. To introduce the concept of NP-complete problems and different techniques to deal with
5. To study online and randomized algorithms.
6. To apply knowledge of advanced data structures to real world problems.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Apply knowledge of Mathematics to perform asymptotic analysis of algorithms.
2. Prove the correctness and analyze the running time of algorithms for problems in various
domains and estimate their worst case, average case and best case behavior
3. Identify and select appropriate data structures to offer suitable solution to real world
4. Recommend appropriate design paradigm amongst various algorithmic strategies
5. Distinguish amongst P, NP, NP hard and NP complete problems.
6. Identify the need for approximation, parallel algorithms to solve NP Complete problems.

UNIT – I Analysis of Algorithms 08 Hours

Asymptotic analysis: upper and average complexity bounds, Identifying differences among best,
average and worst Case Behaviors, Big-O, little-O, Omega and theta notations, Standard complexity
classes, Empirical measurements of performance, Time and space tradeoffs in algorithms, Solving
homogeneous and Non-Homogeneous recurrences. Analyzing recursive algorithms using recurrence
relations. Divide and Conquer method: Tower of Hanoi, Quick sort, Merge sort with their analysis,
Master theorem to solve recurrences

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 13

Savitribai Phule Pune University

UNIT – II Algorithmic Strategies and Graph Algorithms 08 Hours

Undirected and Directed Graphs, Bipartite Graphs, Connectivity, Traversability, Trees, Spanning Trees,
Rooted and Binary Trees Algorithms – Kruskal’s and Prim’s Minimal Spanning Tree (Greedy), Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, Bellman Ford Algorithm, Floyd Warshall Algorithm (Dynamic Programming), Johnson’s
algorithm for sparse graph, Max-flow Min-cut theorem. Algorithms for computing maximum s-t flows
in graphs. Finding Hamiltonian Circuits (Backtracking), Travelling Salesman Problem (Branch and

UNIT – III Computational Geometry, String Matching and Number 08 Hours

Theoretic Algorithms:
Line - segment properties, Determine whether any pair of segments intersects, Finding Convex Hull by
Graham's scan and Jarvis's march, finding closest pair of problems (1D and 2D) Naive string matching
algorithm, Rabin-Karp algorithm GCD and modular Arithmetic, Chinese remainder theorem, Primality
testing and RSA Public-key cryptosystem

UNIT IV NP-Completeness and Approximation Algorithms 08 Hours

Non Deterministic algorithms, The classes: P, NP, NP Complete, NP hard; Proofs for NP Complete
Problems: Satisfiability Problem, Clique, Vertex Cover, Approximation Algorithms: Performance
ratios, Vertex Cover, Travelling salesman problem, approximating weighted vertex cover using linear

UNIT V Advanced Data Structures and Randomized Algorithms 08 Hours

B-Trees: Properties, Insertion and deletion, Persistent Data Structures: Insert, delete and concatenate
on singly linked list, Insertion in Binary Search tree ( From Perspective point of view) Splay Tree:
Basic operations zig, zig-zig, zig-zag, algorithms for access, join, split, insert, delete Red-Black Tree:
Properties, insertion and deletion Randomized Algorithms: A randomized algorithm to solve the
closest pair problem, the average performance of the randomized closest pair problem, A randomized
algorithm to test whether a number is a prime, A randomized algorithm for pattern matching, A
randomized linear time algorithm for minimum spanning trees.

UNIT VI Parallel and Online Algorithms, Case Studies 08 Hours

Parallel Algorithms Introduction, models for parallel computing, computing with complete binary
tree, Pointer doubling algorithm.
Online Algorithms: Introduction, the online Euclidean spanning tree problem solved by the greedy
method, The online k-server problem and greedy algorithm to solve this problem defined on planner
trees, an online obstacle traversal algorithm based on the balance strategy, The online bipartite
matching problem solved by the compensation strategy, The online m-machine problem solved by the
moderation strategy.
Case studies: Algorithmic case studies in
Embedded Systems: Cognitive Intelligence
Distributed Systems: Leader Election
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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Internet of Things: Data management algorithms

Text Books:
1. Thomas H Cormen and Charles E.L Leiserson, "Introduction to Algorithm" PHI, 3rd Edition,
ISBN:- 81-203-2141-3.
2. Horowitz and Sahani, "Fundamentals of computer Algorithms", Galgotia, ISBN: 81-7371-612-9.
3. Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratle, “Fundamentals of Algorithms “, Pearson, ISBN: 978-81-317-1244-3.
Reference Books:
1. R.C.T.Lee, S S Tseng, R C Chang, Y T Tsai, “ Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms, A
Strategic approach”, Tata McGraw Hill, ISBN-13:978-1-25-902582-2, ISBN-10:1-25-902582-9.
2. Steven S Skiena, The Algorithm Design Manual, Springer, 2nd Edition, ISBN 978-81-8489-865-1.
3. George T. Heineman, Gary Pollice, Stanley, “Algorithms in a Nutshell, A Desktop Quick
Reference”, O’Reilly, ISBN 13:978-81-8404-608-3.
4. Rajiv Motwani & Prabhakar Raghavan, Randomized Algorithms, Cambridge University Press.
5. Dan Gusfield, “Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences”, Cambridge University Press, ISBN:
6. S.Sridhar, “Design and Analysis of Algorithms”, Oxford, ISBN: 10:0-19-809369-1.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50Marks
1. Fundamental of Mathematics

Course Objectives:
1. To enable to student to understand and work methods and concepts related Research.
2. To enable the student to develop research proposal and to work with research problem.
3. To develop broad comprehension of research area.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Perform the research work in a methodological way.
2. Use tools for organizing the literature survey.
3. Apply appropriate tools for paper writing
4. Apply data analysis methods to generate results, drawing conclusion etc. from the project

UNIT – I Introduction 08 Hours

Research Aptitude: Meaning of Research, Objectives of Research, Motivation in Research, Types of
Research, Research Approaches, and Research Methods versus Methodology, Research and Scientific
Method, Importance of Knowing How Research is done.

UNIT – II Research Process 08 Hours

Research Formulation: Reviewing the literature, Formulation of research problem, Nature and type of
variables, Hypothesis - meaning, types, development of hypothesis and its testing, Meaning &
Functions of Research Design.
Importance of literature review in defining a problem, Literature review, Primary and secondary
sources, reviews, treatise, monographs, patents, web as a source, searching the web, Critical
literature review, identifying gap areas from literature review, Development of working hypothesis.
Literature Recourses: Google, CiteSeer, ACM Digital Library, IEEE, The on-line Computer Science
bibliography, Searching patents,
Manage Bibliographic Data: Mendeley, EndNote, Zotero, Evernote
Build and Share Article Collections: Bibliogo, WizFolio

UNIT – III Data Collection and Analysis 08 Hours

Data Collection – concept, types and methods, Processing and analysis of data, Design of Experiments.
Data Analysis: Sources, acquisition and interpretation of data, Quantitative and qualitative data,
Graphical representation and mapping of data, Sensitivity Analysis with Data Tables, Optimization
with EXCEL Solver, Summarizing Data with Histograms and Descriptive Statistics, Pivot Tables,
M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 16
Savitribai Phule Pune University
Summarizing Data with database statistical functions: Correlation, Multiple Regression analysis,
Parameter estimation, Multivariate statistics, Principal component analysis, Moments and response
curve methods, State vector machines and uncertainty analysis, Probable errors in the research, Error

UNIT IV Research Article – Reading and Writing 08 Hours

Types of technical papers - Journal papers, Conference papers, Survey papers, Poster papers, Review
papers Comparison, Structure of a survey, conference and journal paper, when to go for what type of
technical paper in the research process.
How to read a scientific paper - The three pass approach, comparing the approaches to find the
potential research issues.
How to write scientific paper - Paper Design Process, Readers, Concept Sheet, Embodiment, General
advice about writing technical papers in English – Grammar, Punctuation, Tips for writing correct

UNIT V Report Writing 08 Hours

Significance of Report Writing: Different Steps in writing Report, Layout of the Research Report, Types
of Reports, Mechanics of Writing a Research Report, Art of scientific writing- Steps to better writing,
flow method, organization of material and style, Drawing figures, graphs, tables, footnotes, references
etc. in a research paper
Research Tools:
Detect and avoid plagiarism: Viper, The Plagiarism Checker, Turnitin
Report Writing and Plotting Tools – Latex, LatexDraw, GNU Plot, Octave, Scrivener

UNIT VI Research Proposals and IPR 08 Hours

Research proposal writing – how to write a research proposal, how research is funded, budgeting,
sponsoring agencies, Funded Research for Product Development etc.
Application of results and ethics - Environmental impacts - Ethical issues - ethical committees -
Commercialization – Copy right – royalty - Intellectual property rights and patent law – Trade Related
aspects of Intellectual Property Rights – Reproduction of published material – Plagiarism - Citation and
acknowledgement - Reproducibility and accountability.
Introduction to Indian Patent laws etc., process of patenting a research finding, Copy right, Cyber laws

Text Books:

1. Research Methodology Methods and Techniques, Kothari, C. R., Wiley Eastern Ltd.
2. Research methodology: an introduction for science & engineering students', by Stuart Melville
and Wayne Goddard.
3. Practical Research Methods, Dawson, C., UBSPD Pvt. Ltd.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Reference Books:
1. Research methodology: an introduction for science & engineering students’, by Stuart Melville
and Wayne Goddard.
2. Research Methodology: An Introduction’ by Wayne Goddard and Stuart Melville.
3. Research Methodology: A Step by Step Guide for Beginners’, by Ranjit Kumar, 2nd Edition.
4. Operational Research by Dr. S.D. Sharma, Kedar Nath Ram Nath & co.
5. Microsoft Excel Data Analysis and Business Modeling, Wayne L. Winston, Microsoft Press,
ISBN: 0735619018.

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester: 50 Marks
1. Basic concepts of Operating Systems with clear understanding of how they work and operate
at high level.
2. Basic working of network based systems with features of inter-machine communications.
3. Basic understanding of distributed computing systems and their working principles.

Course Objectives:
1. To define cluster, Grid and cloud computing.
2. To provide exposure of the frontier areas of cluster, Grid and Cloud computing.
3. To make awareness about the programming and software environments related to cluster,
grid and cloud computing.
4. To focus on the grid and cloud computing security related issues.
5. To provide depth knowledge of the cluster, grid and cloud computing technologies and
6. To explore the features of the grid and cloud computing technologies.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Identify distributed computing technologies based on cluster, grid and cloud computing
2. Provide detail descriptions about cluster computing basics and its use as parallel computing
3. Articulate the main concepts and key technologies of Grid Computing.
4. Describe basic cloud computing architecture and infrastructure such as IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
5. Explain the comparative study of Grid and Cloud computing technologies with descriptions of
core issues of Grid and Cloud security and privacy.
6. Provide details about the programming and software tools for cluster, grid and cloud
computing emerging software systems.

UNIT – I Introduction 08 Hours

Distributed Computing perspective: Scalable Computing over the Internet, Technologies for Network-
Based Systems, Clusters of Cooperative Computers, Grid Computing Infrastructures, Cloud Computing
over the Internet, Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Trends toward Distributed Operating Systems,
Parallel and Distributed Programming Models.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Virtualization: Virtual machine, Implementation levels of virtualization, Hardware support for
virtualization, CPU virtualization, Memory virtualization, I/O virtualization, Virtualization in multicore
processors, Hypervisor and Xen Architecture, Binary Translation with Full Virtualization, Para-
Virtualization with Compiler Support.

UNIT – II Cluster Computing 08 Hours

Overview of cluster computing: A taxonomy of Parallel Computing, Hardware System Structure,
Node Software, Resource Management, Distributed Programming, Cluster computing classification
Cluster for Scalable Parallel Computing: Cluster Development Trends, design objectives of cluster
computing, Fundamental Cluster Design Issues, Cluster Organization and Resource Sharing, Node
Architectures and MPP Packaging, Cluster System Interconnects, Hardware, Software, and Middleware
Support, GPU Clusters for Massive Parallelism, Design Principles of Computer Clusters, Cluster Job
Scheduling Methods, Cluster Job Management Systems, Load Sharing Facility (LSF) for Cluster
Computing. Cluster Setup and its Administration, Deploying a High Throughput Computing Cluster,
Beowulf cluster as a Representative Cluster Systems.

UNIT – III Grid Computing 08 Hours

Grid computing Introduction: Grid Computing Concept, Computational Grid Applications,
characterization of the Grid, Grid related standards bodies, Classifying grid systems, Grid applications,
Grid Computing Infrastructure Development, Grid Computing Software Interface.
The Grid Computing Anatomy: The Grid Problem, the Concept of Virtual Organizations, Grid
Architecture, Grid Architecture and Relationship to Other Distributed Technologies.
Grid Computing Systems and Resource Management: CPU Scavenging and Virtual Supercomputers,
Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA), Data-Intensive Grid Service Models, National Grids and
International Projects, NSF TeraGrid in the United States, DataGrid in the European Union, The
ChinaGrid Design Experiences, Resource Management and Job Scheduling, Grid Resource Monitoring
with CGSP, Resource Brokering with Gridbus.

UNIT IV Cloud Computing 08 Hours

Cloud computing overview: Cloud Computing Methodologies (Service Oriented Architecture,
Virtualization), The Cloud Architecture and Cloud Deployment Techniques, Cloud Services, Cloud
Applications, Issues with Cloud Computing. High Performance Computing (HPC) vs. Cloud Computing,
Taxonomy of HPC Clouds, Virtualized HPC Offerings in the Cloud.
Cloud Platform Architecture: Public, Private, and Hybrid Clouds, Cloud Ecosystem and Enabling
Technologies, Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS), Data-Center Design and Interconnection Networks, Architectural Design of Compute
and Storage Clouds, Public Cloud Platforms.

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UNIT V Grid and Cloud Security 08 Hours

Comparison of Cloud and Grid Computing: Cloud Architecture vs. Grid Architecture, Computational
Model, and Data model, Virtualization, Monitoring, Programming Model, Application model, Security
Model, Business models. Grid Security: The Grid Security Infrastructure, Authorization modes in GSI,
Getting an e-Science certificate, managing credentials in Globus, Generate a client proxy, Firewall
traversal, Authentication, Proxies, Authorization. Cloud Security: Taxonomy of Security, Security
Benefits of the Cloud, Cloud Computing Security Scenarios, Cloud Security Challenges, Cloud
Computing Privacy, Trust Management, Security of Virtualization, Virtual Machine Security, Security
Risks Posed by a Management OS.

UNIT VI Software Environments for Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing 08 Hours
Parallel and Distributed Programming Paradigms: Parallel Computing and Programming Paradigms,
Map Reduce, Twister, and Iterative MapReduce, Hadoop Library from Apache, Sawzall and Pig Latin
High-Level Languages, Mapping Applications to Parallel and Distributed Systems, Programming the
Google App Engine, BigTable, Google’s NOSQL System.
Emerging Cloud Software Environments: Programming on Amazon EC2, Amazon Simple Storage
Service (S3), Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) and SimpleDB, Microsoft Azure Programming Support,
Open Source Eucalyptus and Nimbus, OpenNebula, Sector/Sphere, and OpenStack, Manjrasoft Aneka
Cloud and Appliances.

Text Books:
1. Kai Hwang, Jack Dongarra Geoffrey Fox, Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel
Processing to the Internet of Things, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc. San Francisco, CA, USA ,
1st Edition, eBook ISBN:9780128002049, Paperback ISBN: 9780123858801.
2. Lizhe Wang, Rajiv Ranjan, Jinjun Chen, Boualem Benatallah, CLOUD COMPUTING Methodology,
Systems, and Applications, CRC Press , 1st Edition, ISBN:9781439856413.

Reference Books:
1. Thomas Sterling, Beowulf Cluster Computing with Linux, The MIT press Cambride, 2 nd Edition ,
ISBN No.: 9780262692748.
2. Frederic Magoules, Fundamentals of grid computing, Theory and applications, Chapman and
Hall/CRC , 1st Edition, ISBN No.: 9781439803677.
3. Barry Wilkinson, GRID COMPUTING Techniques and Applications, Chapman and Hall/CRC , 1st
Edition, ISBN No.9781439803677.
4. Grid Computing, Joshy Joseph, Craig Fellenstein, IBM Press, 1st Edition, ISBN No.:
5. Maozhen Li, Mark Baker, The Grid: Core Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, 1st Edition, ISBN No.
6. Rajkumar Buyya, High Performance Cluster Computing: Architectures and Systems, Prentice
Hall, 1st Edition, ISBN No. 0130137847

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Software Engineering.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand software metrics and measurement.
2. To emphasize the use of product and quality metrics.
3. To explain quality assurance and various tools used in quality management.
4. To learn in detail about various quality assurance models.
5. To understand the audit and assessment procedures to achieve quality.
6. To educate various metrics and models to assess software.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Knowledge on how to choose which metrics to collect and use them to make predictions.
2. Ken on product and quality metrics.
3. An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice.
4. Understand how to detect, classify, prevent and remove defects.
5. Choose appropriate quality assurance models and develop quality.
6. Ability to conduct formal inspections, record and evaluate results of inspections.

UNIT – I Introduction to Software Metrics 06 Hours

Fundamentals of measurement, scope of software metrics, measurement theory, software
measurement validation & software metrics data collection, analysis methods.

UNIT – II Product and Quality Metrics 08 Hours

Measurement of internet product attributes-size and structure, external product attributes-
measurement of quality, software quality metrics-product quality, process quality, metrics for
software maintenance, complexity metrics and Models, structure Metrics, metrics for Object-
oriented projects, design and complexity Metrics, Lorenz metrics and rules of thumb, CK OO metrics
suite, Productivity Metrics.

UNIT – III Measuring Software Quality 08 Hours

Quality control and international competition, defining quality for measurement and estimation, five
steps to software quality control, measuring software defect removal, measuring defect removal

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Savitribai Phule Pune University
efficiency, measuring the costs of defect removal, evaluating defect prevention methods, measuring
customer reported defects, measuring invalid defects, duplicate defects and special cases, reliability
models, The Rayleigh model, Reliability Growth models.

UNIT IV Fundamentals of Software Quality Assurance 08 Hours

SQA basics, Components of the Software Quality Assurance System, software quality in business
context, planning for software quality assurance, product quality and process quality, software
process models, total quality management, 7 QC Tools and Modern Tools.

UNIT V Quality Assurance Models 06 Hours

Models for Quality Assurance, ISO-9000 series, CMM, CMMI, Test Maturity Models, SPICE, Malcolm
Baldrige Model- P-CMM.

UNIT VI Software Quality Assurance Trends 08 Hours

Software Process- PSP and TSP, OO Methodology, Clean-room software engineering, Defect Injection
and prevention, Internal Auditing and Assessments, Inspections & Walkthroughs, Case Tools and their
Effect on Software Quality.

Text Books:
1. Stephen H. Kan, Metric and Models in software Quality Engineering, Addison Wesley.
2. Daniel Galin, Software Quality Assurance: From Theory to Implementation, Addison Wesley,

Reference Books:
1. Norman E-Fentor and Share Lawrence Pflieger, Software Metrics International, Thomson
Computer Press.
2. S. A. Kelkar, Software quality and Testing, PHI Learing, Pvt, Ltd., New Delhi.
3. Stephen H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Addison Wesley.
4. Mark Lorenz, Jeff Kidd, Object-Oriented Software Metrics, Prentice Hall.
5. Caper Jones, Applied Software Measurement: Global Analysis of Productivity and Quality,
McGraw Hill, Third Edition.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 23

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Information Storage and Retrieval.
2. Data Mining.
Course Objectives:
1. To revise the basic concepts of Web and Information Retrieval.
2. To understand role of Web Mining concepts in Social Network.
3. To study the basic concepts of Social Network Analysis.
4. To interpret Social networks through mathematical representation.
5. To analyze relations, descriptive measures and models to overview research questions related
to Social Networks.
6. To build various applications based on Social Network platform.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Choose and analyze various Information Retrieval Models and in turn will be able to develop
Information Retrieval Systems
2. Have ideas about how to gather relevant network data, and some of the associated questions
and problems
3. Choose among Social Network designs based on research goals
4. Able to formulate meaningful research questions concerning Social Network Analysis
5. Develop the applications based Social Network
6. Apply Social Network theory to example data sets and to research work.

UNIT – I Introduction 08 Hours

Introduction to Web -What is Web? World Wide Web (WWW), A Brief History of the Web and the
Internet, what is Web Engineering, Web Engineering Models, Software Engineering v/s Web
Engineering, Categories of Web Applications. Information Retrieval and Web Search.
Basic Concepts of Information Retrieval, Information Retrieval Methods - Boolean Model, Vector
Space Model and Statistical Language Model, Relevance Feedback, Evaluation Measures, Text and
Web Page Preprocessing – Stop word Removal, Stemming, Web Page Preprocessing, Duplicate
Detection, Inverted Index and Its Compression – Inverted Index, Search using Inverted Index, Index
Construction, Index Compression, Latent Semantic Indexing – Singular Value Decomposition, Query
and Retrieval, Web Search, Meta Search, Web Spamming
UNIT – II Web Data Mining 08 Hours
Concept of Data Mining, Web Mining–Web Content Mining, Web Structure Mining, Web Usage
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Web Usage Mining - Data Collection and Preprocessing- Sources and Types of Data, Key Elements of
Web usage Data Preprocessing, Data Modeling for Web Usage Mining, Discovery and Analysis of Web
usage Patterns -Session and Visitor Analysis, Cluster Analysis and Visitor Segmentation, Association
and Correlation Analysis, Analysis of Sequential and Navigation Patterns

UNIT – III Web Data Mining 08 Hours

Social Network Analysis in the Social and Behavioral Sciences:
The Social Networks Perspective, Historical and Theoretical Foundations, Empirical Motivations,
Theoretical Motivations, Mathematical Motivations, Fundamental Concepts in Network Analysis,
Distinctive Features.
Social Network Data:
What Are Network Data?, Structural and Composition Variables, Modes, Affiliation Variables,
Boundary Specification and Sampling, What Is Your Population?, Sampling, Types of Networks, One-
Mode Networks, Two-Mode Networks, Ego-centered and Special Dyadic Networks, Measurement,
Collection, Longitudinal Data Collection, Measurement Validity, Reliability, Accuracy, Error.

UNIT IV Mathematical Representations of Social Networks 08 Hours

Notation for Social Network Data:
Graph Theoretic Notation, A Single Relation, O Multiple Relations, Sociometric Notation, Single
Relation, Multiple Relations, O Algebraic Notation, O Two Sets of Actors
Graphs and Matrices:
Graphs, Directed Graphs, Signed Graphs and Signed Directed Graphs, Valued Graphs and Valued
Directed Graphs, Multigraphs, Hypergraphs, Relations, Matrices

UNIT V Structural and Locational Properties 08 Hours

Centrality and Prestige
Prominence: Centrality and Prestige, Non directional Relations, Directional Relations, Social Group and
Subgroup, Subgroups Based on Complete Mutuality –Clique, n-cliques with example, Subgroups Based
on Nodal Degree- k-plexes, k-cores, Measures of Subgroup Cohesion, Directional Relations -Cliques
Based on Reciprocated Ties, Connectivity in Directional Relations, n-cliques in Directional Relations.
Measuring Structural Equivalence- Euclidean Distance as a Measure of Structural Equivalence,
Correlation as a Measure of Structural Equivalence, Considerations in Measuring Structural
Equivalence, Representation of Network Positions- Partitioning Actors, Spatial Representations of.
Actor Equivalences, Ties Between and Within Positions, Dyads, Triads.

UNIT VI Applications of Social Network Data 08 Hours

Sentiment Analysis/ Opinion Mining- Sentiment Classification – Classification based on Sentiment
Phrases, Classification Using Text Classification Methods, Feature based Opinion Mining and
Summarization – Problem Definition, Object feature extraction, Feature Extraction from Pros and
Cons of Format1, Feature Extraction from Reviews of Format 2 and 3, Comparative Sentence and
Relation Mining, Opinion Search and Opinion Spam. Recommendation Systems- Content Based and
Collaborative Filtering Techniques, Case studies of – FaceBook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University
Text Books:
1. Bing Liu, Web Data Mining Exploring Hyperlinks, Contents, and Usage Data, Springer, Second
Edition, ISBN 978-3-642-19459-7.
2. Stanley Wasserman, Katherine Faust, Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications,
Cambridge University Press, ISBN. No. 0-521-38269-6.

Reference Books:
1. Stephen P. Borgatti, Analyzing Social Networks Paperback, ISBN-13: 978-1446247419. ISBN-10:
2. John Scott, Social Network Analysis Paperback, ISBN-10: 1446209040, ISBN-13: 978-
3. Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle, Introduction to social network methods, University of
California, Riverside ( published in digital form at ).

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Discrete time signals and systems
2. Fourier transform, Discrete Fourier transform
3. Sampling theorem.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce speech production and related parameters of speech.
2. To introduce pitch as well as speech perception.
3. To understand the Speech features and linear prediction.
4. To explore the automatic speech recognition system.
5. To introduce speech synthesis.
6. To understand the applications of speech processing.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Apply Knowledge of Mathematics to perform analysis of Speech.
2. Demonstrate a familiarity with Speech Psychoacoustics and Speech Perception.
3. Develop speech prediction models using variety of speech features.
4. Design and develop speech recognition systems.
5. Improve performance of speech processing systems using speech synthesis.
6. Design Real-time applications using audio processing and analysis.

UNIT – I Basics of Speech Processing 08 Hours

Speech signal, digital speech processing, Process of speech production: Mechanism, sound
propagation Acoustic tube modeling of speech production: Excitation mechanisms in speech

UNIT – II Auditory Perception 08 Hours

Psychoacoustics:-Sound pressure and loudness, frequency analysis and critical bands, masking Models
of pitch perception:-Introduction, physiological exploration of place vs periodicity. Speech perception:-
Vowel perception, confusion matrix, perceptual cues for plosives.

UNIT – III Speech Features 08 Hours

The cepstrum as a spectrum analyser: Real cepstrum, complex cepstrum, application of cepstrum
analysis. Linear prediction: Predictive mode, properties of representation, related representation.

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UNIT IV Automatic Speech Recognition 08 Hours

Feature extraction for ASR: Common feature vectors, dynamic features, auditory models, multichannel
input. Deterministic sequence recognition for ASR: Isolated word recognition, connected word
recognition, segmental approaches.

UNIT V Speech Synthesis 08 Hours

Speech synthesis: Parametric source filter synthesis, concatenative methods. Pitch detection: Pitch
detection perception and articulation, difficulties in pitch detection, signal processing to improve pitch
detection, pattern recognition methods for pitch detection, median smoothing to fix errors in pitch

UNIT VI Applications 08 Hours

Music synthesis concepts, reverberation Characteristics of packetized speech, speech coding and
protocol implications.

Text Books:
1. Ben Gold and Nelson Morgan, Speech and Audio Signal Processing, Wiley, ISBN No. 9-814-
2. L.R. Rabiner and Schafer, Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Pearson, ISBN No. 978-81-317-

Reference Books:
1. Lawrence Rabiner and BH Juang, Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, Pearson.
2. Chris Rowden, Speech Processing, Mc Graw Hill.
3. JL Flanagan, Speech Analysis Synthesis and Perception, Sprenger Vertag, Second Edition.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Linear Algebra
2. Probability Basics
3. Analysis of Algorithms.

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce machine learning techniques
2. To become aware of various parametric and non-parametric methods in machine learning
3. To learn state-of-art dimensionality reduction techniques
4. To become familiar with widely used kernel machines
5. To understand various techniques of deep learning
6. To acquaint with neural networks.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Devise/develop machine learning model for real time applications.
2. Propose solution to real world problems in the domain of data mining.
3. Develop skills of using recent machine learning techniques and solve practical problems.
4. Evaluate a given problem and apply appropriate machine learning technique to gain knowledge
from the problem.
5. Understand how to solve present-day problems using deep learning.
6. Understand models of deep neural network.

UNIT – I Introduction to Machine Learning 08 Hours

Introduction: What Is Machine Learning? Examples of Machine Learning Applications
Supervised Learning: Learning a Class from Examples, Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) Dimension, Probably
Approximately Correct (PAC) Learning, Learning Multiple Classes, Regression, Model Selection and
Generalization, Dimensions of a Supervised Machine Learning Algorithm.
Bayesian Decision Theory: Classification, Losses and Risks, Discriminant Functions, Utility Theory,
Association Rules

UNIT – II Parametric Methods AND Non-Parametric Methods 08 Hours

Parametric Methods: Introduction
Maximum Likelihood Estimation, evaluating an Estimator: Bias and Variance, The Bayes’ Estimator,
Parametric Classification, Regression, Tuning Model Complexity: Bias/Variance Dilemma, Model
Selection Procedures, Over fitting and Under fitting.

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Multivariate Methods: Multivariate Data, Multivariate Normal Distribution, Multivariate
Classification, Discrete Features, Multivariate Regression
Nonparametric Methods: Introduction, Nonparametric Density Estimation, Generalization to
Multivariate Data, Nonparametric Classification.

UNIT – III Dimensionality Reduction and Clustering 08 Hours

Dimensionality Reduction: Introduction, Subset Selection, Principal Components Analysis, Factor
Analysis, Multidimensional Scaling, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Isomap.
Clustering: Introduction, Mixture Densities, k-Means Clustering, Expectation-Maximization Algorithm,
Mixtures of Latent Variable Models, Supervised Learning after Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering,
Choosing the number of clusters.
UNIT IV Kernel Machines 08 Hours
Introduction, Optimal Separating Hyperplane, The Non-Separable Case: Soft Margin Hyperplane, ν-
SVM, Kernel Trick, Vectorial Kernels, Defining Kernels, Multiple Kernel Learning, Multiclass Kernel
Machines, Kernel Machines for Regression, One-Class Kernel Machines, Kernel Dimensionality

UNIT V Fundamentals of Deep Learning 08 Hours

The Neural Network: Building Intelligent Machines, The Limits of Traditional Computer Programs, The
Mechanics of Machine Learning, The Neuron, Expressing Linear Perceptron as Neurons, Feed-forward
Neural Networks, Linear Neurons and their Limitations, Sigmoid Tanh and ReLU Networks, Softmax
Output Layers.
Training Feed-Forward Neural Networks: The Cafeteria Problem, Gradient Descent, The Delta Rule
and Learning Rates, Gradient Descent with Sigmoidal Neurons, The Back propagation Algorithm, Test
Sets, Validation Sets, and Over fitting, Preventing Over fitting in Deep Neural Networks.

UNIT VI Convolution Neural Networks 08 Hours

Convolutional Neural Networks: Neurons in Human Vision, The Shortcomings of Feature Selection,
Vanilla Deep Neural Networks, Filters and Feature Maps, Full Description of the Convolutional Layer,
Max Pooling, Full Architectural Description of Convolution Networks, Closing the Loop on MNIST with
Convolutional Networks, Image Preprocessing Pipelines Enable More Robust Models.

Text Books:
1. Ethem Alpaydın, Introduction to Machine Learning, PHI, Third Edition, ISBN No. 978-81-203-
2. Nikhil Buduma, Fundamentals of Deep Learning, O’Reilly, First Edition, ISBN No. 978-14-919-

Reference Books:
1. Shai shalev-Shwartz and Shai Ben-David, Understanding Machine Learning(From Theory to
Algorithms), Cambridge University Press, First Edition, ISBN No. 978-1-107-51282-5.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University
2. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Mcgraw-Hill, ISBN No. 0-
3. Tom Mitchell, Machine Learning, Mcgraw-Hill, First Edition, ISBN No. 0-07-115467-1.
4. Ian Goodfellow and Yoshua Bengio, Deep Learning (Adaptive Computation and machine
Learning Series), Massachusetts London, England, ISBN No. 9780262035613.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Microprocessor Techniques
2. Operating systems
3. Distributed and Parallel systems

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the challenges in parallel and multi-threaded programming.
2. To understand the recent trends in the field of Computer Architecture and identify
performance related parameters.
3. To study the various parallel programming paradigms and solution.
4. To understand the different types of multicore architectures.
5. To study the warehouse scale as well as embedded architectures.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Identify the limitations of ILP and the need for multicore architectures.
2. Handle the issues related to multiprocessing.
3. Exploit the concept of parallelism.
4. Gain the knowledge of the architecture of warehouse scale computers and embedded
5. Program Parallel Processors and develop programs using OpenMP and MPI.
6. Compare and contrast programming for serial processors and programming for
parallel processors.

UNIT – I Fundamentals of Parallel and Multiprocessor Design 08 Hours

Principles of Computer Design, Classes of Parallelism ILP, DLP, TLP and RLP. Multiprocessors-Software
and hardware multithreading – SMT and CMP architectures – Design issues. Multithreading,
Computational models, Data flow architectures. MT and CMP Architectures Limitations of Single Core

UNIT – II Multi-Core Architectures and Analysis 08 Hours

Multi-core architectures SIMD and MIMD systems – Interconnection networks – Symmetric and
Distributed Shared Memory Architectures – Cache coherence – Performance Issues – Parallel program
design .Case studies – Intel Multi-core architecture – SUN CMP architecture – IBM cell architecture.-
HP architecture, Performance measures.

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UNIT – III Challenges in Parallel Program 08 Hours

Models of Memory Consistency-Interconnection networks, Buses, crossbar and multi-stage
witches. Performance–Scalability–Synchronization and data sharing – Data races –
Synchronization primitives– deadlocks and live locks– communication between threads.

UNIT IV Programming Models and Workloads for Warehouse 08 Hours

Warehouse Scale Computers –Introduction, Programming Models and Workloads, Architectures for
Warehouse-Scale Computing –Physical Infrastructure and Costs, performance measures –Cloud
Computing architecture, taxonomy, opportunities and challenges–Case Study: Warehouse

UNIT V Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP Distributed 08 Hours

Memory Programming With MPI
OpenMP Model– OpenMP Directives – Work-sharing Constructs – Library functions – Handling Data
and Functional Parallelism – Handling Loops – Performance Considerations. MPI program execution –
MPI constructs – libraries – MPI send and receive – Point-to-point and Collective communication –
MPI derived data types – Performance evaluation. Case studies – OpenMP and MPI implementations
and comparison.

UNIT VI Architectures: Embedded Systems 08 Hours

Features and Requirements of Embedded Systems, Embedded Applications, Embedded,
Multiprocessors, Signal Processing, The Digital Signal Processor, Case Study : Embedded Systems

Text Books
1. John L. Hennessey and David A. Patterson, “ Computer Architecture – A quantitative
approach”, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier, 4th. Edition.
2. David E. Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh, “Parallel Computing Architecture : A hardware/
software approach”, Morgan Kaufmann / Elsevier.
3. Darryl Gove, “Multicore Application Programming for Windows, Linux, and Oracle
Solaris”, Pearson, 2011.

Reference Books:
1. William Stallings, “Computer Organization and Architecture – Designing for Performance”,
Pearson Education, Seventh Edition.
2. Dezso Sima, Terence Fountain, Peter Kacsuk “Advanced Computer Architectures” A Design
space approach, Pearson Education.
3. Advanced Computer Architecture Parallelism, Scalability – Kai Hwang, Programmability, Tata
4. Michael J Quinn, “Parallel programming in C with MPI and OpenMP”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
5. Shameem Akhter and Jason Roberts, “Multi-core Programming”, Intel Press, 2006.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

514406: LAB PRACTICE-I Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 Term Work : 50 Marks
Oral/ Presentation : 50 Marks

The concerned faculty member should frame minimum two assignments having sufficient
complexity based on the subjects Mathematical Foundation of Information Technology(MFIT),
Advanced Software Engineering and Project Management(ASEPM), Applied Algorithms(AA),
Students should prepare a journal which will include necessary architecture/design, algorithm and its
analysis, test cases, mathematical model etc. The assessment of the assignment should be carried out
continuously throughout the semester and the record for the same should be produced at the time of
examination. The evaluation will be done by a pair of examiners appointed by Savitribai Phule Pune

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M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 35

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 4 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Fundamentals of Mathematics
2. Data Communication and Computer Networks
3. Web Application

Course Objectives:

1. Understand computer, network and information security.

2. To study operating system security and malwares
3. To study security issues in internet protocols.
4. To study network defense tools.
5. To learn forensics and investigation techniques.

Course Outcomes:

1. Be able to use basic cryptographic techniques in software and system design.

2. Apply methods for authentication, access control, intrusion detection and prevention
3. Able to apply the scientific method to digital forensics and perform forensic investigations.
4. To develop computer forensics awareness.
5. Ability to use computer forensics tools.

UNIT – I Security Fundamentals and Data Encryption Techniques 08 Hours

Introduction to Cyber Security - The dawn of Computer Security, Attacks and Attackers, Introduction to
security; Information Security; Security triad: Confidential, Integrity, Availability; Focus of control; Security
threats and attacks; Security management, Risk and Threat Analysis.
Foundations of Computer Security - The Fundamental Dilemma of Computer Security, Data vs Information,
Principles of Computer Security.
Identification and Authentication - Username and Password, Bootstrapping Password Protection, Guessing
Passwords, Phishing, Spoofing, and Social Engineering, Protecting the Password File, Single Sign-on.
Access Control - Authentication and Authorization, Access Control Structures, Ownership, Intermediate
Controls, Policy Instantiation, Comparing Security Attributes.

UNIT – II Modelling Techniques 08 Hours

Reference Monitors - Operating System Integrity, Hardware Security Features, Protecting Memory, Security
Levels and Categories, Lattice Diagram, Security Kernel.

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Bell–LaPadula Model - State Machine Models, The Bell–LaPadula Model, The Multics Interpretation of BLP.
Security Models - The Biba Model, Chinese Wall Model, The Clark–Wilson Model, The Harrison–Ruzzo–Ullman
Model, Information-Flow Models, Execution Monitors.

UNIT – III Cryptography and Security 08 Hours

Cryptography - Modular Arithmetic, Integrity Check Functions, Digital Signatures, Encryption, Strength of
Mechanisms, Performance. Key Establishment - Key Establishment and Authentication, Key Establishment
Protocols, Kerberos, Public-Key Infrastructures, Trusted Computing – Attestation. Communications Security -
Protocol Design Principles, IP Security, IPsec and Network Address Translation, SSL/TLS, Extensible
Authentication Protocol. Network Security - Domain Name System (DNS), DNS cache poisoning, Network
defense tools: Firewalls, VPNs, Intrusion Detection, and filters, A Security Evaluation of DNSSEC with NSEC3,
Distributed Firewalls. Web Security - Authenticated Sessions, Code Origin Policies, Cross-Site Scripting, Cross-
Site Request Forgery, JavaScript Hijacking, Web Services Security.

UNIT IV Forensics Analysis 08 Hours

Forensic Analysis Fundamentals, Applying the Scientific Method to Digital Forensics, Uses of Digital Forensic
Analysis, Data Gathering and Observation, Hypothesis Formation, Evaluating Hypotheses, Conclusions and
Reporting. Cyber stalking, Violent Crime and Digital Evidence, Digital Evidence as Alibi.

UNIT V Electronic Data Discover and Intrusion Investigation 08 Hours

Introduction to Electronic Discovery, Identification of Electronic Data, Forensic Preservation of Data, Data
Processing, Production of Electronic Data. Intrusion investigation - Introduction, Methodologies, Preparation,
Case Management and Reporting, Common Initial Observations, Scope Assessment, Collection, Analyzing
Digital Evidence, Feeding Analysis Back into the Detection Phase.

UNIT VI Digital Forensics 08 Hours

Windows Forensic Analysis – NTFS Overview, Forensic Analysis of the NTFS Master File Table (MFT), Metadata,
Artifacts of User Activities, Deletion and Destruction of Data, Windows Internet and Communications Activities,
Windows Process Memory, BitLocker and Encrypting File System (EFS). UNIX Forensic Analysis – Boot Process,
Forensic Duplication Consideration, File Systems, User Accounts, Artifacts of User Activities. Network
Investigations - Overview of Protocols, Evidence Preservation on Networks, Collecting and Interpreting Network
Device Configuration, Forensic Examination of Network Traffic. Mobile Network Investigations - Mobile
Network Technology, Investigations of Mobile Systems, Types of Evidence, Where to Seek Data for
Investigations, Interception of Digital Evidence on Mobile Networks.

Text Books:
1. Dieter Gollmann, “Computer Security”, 3rd edition, Wiley Publication.
2. Egohan Casey, “Handbook of Digital Forensics and Investigation”, ELSEVIER-Academic Press, 2010. ISBN
13: 978-0-12-374267-4
Reference Books:
1. Ross J. Anderson, “Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems”, Wiley
2. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapure, “Cyber Security”, Wiley Publication.
3. Bill Nelson, Amelia Phillips, Christopher Steuart, Cengage Learning, “Guide to Computer Forensics &
Investigation”, Fourth Edition, ISBN 13 : 978-1-43-549883-9.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Computer Networks
2. Operating Systems
3. Basic Linear algebra and Probability.
Course Objectives:
1. To gain through knowledge of cloud computing and data science.
2. To have vendor neutral understanding of cloud computing from an industry perspective.
3. Understand the architecture and concepts of cloud.
4. To learn the fundamentals of various cloud computing mechanisms.
5. Analyze data draw valid conclusions using appropriate data science techniques
6. Learn the fundamentals of data analytics and the data science.
7. Apply statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to make sense out of data sets.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Analyze and solve industry-related problems with cloud computing and data science.
2. Identify appropriate cloud architecture design choices when solving real-world cloud
computing problems.
3. Explain the core issues of cloud computing such as security, privacy, and interoperability.
4. Develop in depth understanding of the key concepts in data science and business analytics.
5. Apply principles of Data Science for the analysis of business problems using cloud.
6. Analyze data, test claims, and draw valid conclusions using appropriate statistical methodology.
7. Familiarize with MapReduce, Pregel and Hadoop to solve real-world problems.
UNIT – I Review Of Cloud Computing 08 Hours
Understanding Cloud Computing, Fundamental Concepts and Models, Cloud-Enabling Technology:
Broadband Networks and Internet Architecture, Data Center Technology, Virtualization Technology,
Web Technology, Multitenant Technology, Service Technology, Fundamental Cloud Security: Basic
Terms and Concepts, Threat Agents, Cloud Security Threats
UNIT – II Cloud Computing Mechanisms 08 Hours
Cloud Infrastructure Mechanisms, Specialized Cloud Mechanisms: Automated Scaling Listener, Load
Balancer, SLA Monitor, Pay-Per-Use Monitor, Audit Monitor, Failover System, Hypervisor, Resource
Cluster, Multi-Device Broker, State Management Database, Cloud Management Mechanisms: Remote
Administration System, Resource Management System, SLA Management System, Billing
Management System, Cloud Security Mechanisms.

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UNIT – III Cloud Computing Architecture 08 Hours

Fundamental Cloud Architectures, Advanced Cloud Architectures: Hypervisor Clustering Architecture,
Load Balanced Virtual Server Instances Architecture, Non-Disruptive Service Relocation Architecture,
Zero Downtime Architecture, Cloud Balancing Architecture, Resource Reservation Architecture,
Dynamic Failure Detection and Recovery Architecture, Bare-Metal Provisioning Architecture, Rapid
Provisioning Architecture, Storage Workload Management Architecture, Specialized Cloud
Architectures. Working with Clouds: Cloud Delivery Model Considerations, Cost Metrics and Pricing
Models, Service Quality Metrics and SLAs.
UNIT IV Data Science 08 Hours
Definition of Data Science, Data Analytic Thinking, Statistical Inference, Exploratory Data Analysis, and
the Data Science Process, Algorithms: Machine Learning Algorithms, Linear Regression, k-Nearest
Neighbors (k-NN), k-means, Spam Filters, Naive Bayes, and Wrangling, Logistic Regression, Time
Stamps and Financial Modeling.
UNIT V Data Extraction and Visualization 08 Hours
Extracting Meaning from Data, The Kaggle Model, Data Visualization and Fraud Detection, Data
Science and Risk, Lessons Learned from Data Competitions: Data Leakage and Model, Data
Engineering: MapReduce, Pregel, and Hadoop, Next-Generation Data Scientists, Hubris, and Ethics.
UNIT VI Big Data Technologies and Cloud Computing 08 Hours
Big data problems, The dialectical relationship between Cloud computing and big data, Big data
technologies, Models and Techniques for Cloud-Based Data Analysis, Big data and analytics on the
cloud: Architectural factors and guiding principles.

Text Books:
1. Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood and Ricardo Puttini, Cloud Computing: Concepts, Technology
& Architecture, Pearson, First Edition, ISBN No. 789332535923, 9332535922.
2. Cathy O'Neil, Rachel Schutt, Doing Data Science, O’Reilly, First Edition, ISBN No.

Reference Books:
1. Domenico Talia, Paolo Trunfio, Fabrizio Marozzo, Data Analysis in the Cloud Models,
Techniques and Applications, Elsevier, First Edition, ISBN No. 780128028810.
2. Wenhong Dr. Tian, Yong Dr. Zhao, Optimized Cloud Resource Management and Scheduling,
Elsevier, First Edition, ISBN No. 9780128014769.
3. Jack J. Dongarra, Kai Hwang, Geoffrey C. Fox, Distributed and Cloud Computing: From Parallel
Processing to the Internet of Things, Elsevier, First Edition, ISBN No. 9789381269237,
4. Rajkumar Buyya, Christian Vecchiola, S.Thamarai Selvi, Mastering Cloud Computing:
Foundations and Applications Programming, McGraw Hill, First Edition, ISBN No.
9781259029950, 1259029956.

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5. Foster Provost & Tom Fawcett, Data Science for Business, O’Reilly, First Edition, ISBN No.
6. Joel Grus, Data Science from Scratch, O’Reilly, First Edition, ISBN No. 9789352130962.
7. David Dietrich, Barry Heller, Beibei Yang and Others, Data Science and Big Data Analytics,
Wiley, First Edition, ISBN No. 9788126556533.
8. Seema Acharya and Subhashini Chellappan, Big Data and Analytics, Wiley, First Edition, ISBN
No. 9788126554782.

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Applied Mathematics Including Calculus And Linear Algebra.
2. Calculus-Based Probability/Statistics
Course Objectives:
1. Understand the need of using Operations Research.
2. Identify and Characterize Situations in which Linear Programming technique can be applied.
3. Derive feasible and optimal solution for Transportation and Assignment Problem.
4. Apply various methods to select and execute various optimal strategies to win the game.
5. Understand and Apply Dynamic Programming model in solving a decision problem.
6. Construct network diagrams with single and three time estimates of activities involved in the
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Recognize, classify, and use of various models for solving a problem under consideration.
2. Solve the LP problem by Graphical and Simplex Method.
3. Solve profit maximization Transportation and Assignment Problem.
4. Apply minimax and maximin principle to compute the value of the game.
5. Solve an LP problem using Dynamic Programming approach.
6. Calculate Project schedule and establish a time-cost trade-off for the completion of the project
UNIT – I Introduction to Operations Research 08 Hours
A Quantitative Approach to Decision Making, History, Definitions, Features, Approach to Problem
Solving. Overview of OR Modeling Approach – Defining the Problem and Gathering Data, Formulating
Mathematical Model, Deriving Solutions, Testing the Model, Preparing to Apply the Model,
Implementation. Advantages of Model Building, Methods and Methodology of OR, Advantages,
Opportunities, and Applications of OR. Basics of Linear Algebra and Probability Theory.

UNIT – II Linear Programming 08 Hours

Introduction, Structure of LP Model, Advantages, Limitations, Assumptions and Applications of LP,
Guidelines for Model Formulation, Solving LP problems using Graphical and Simplex Method, Duality
in LP.

UNIT – III Transportation and Assignment Problem 08 Hours

Mathematical Models of Transportation Problem, The Transportation Algorithm, Methods for Finding
Initial Solution, Test for Optimality. Mathematical Models of Assignment Problem, Solution Methods of
Assignment Problem.

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UNIT IV Decision and Games Theory 08 Hours

Steps of Decision Making Process, Types of Decision Making Environment, Decision Making Under
Uncertainty, Decision Making Under Risk, Decision Making with Utilities. Introduction to Games
Theory: Two Person Zero Sum Games, Pure Strategies (Minimax and Maximin Principles): Games with
Saddle Point, Mixed Strategies: Games without Saddle Point, The Rules of Dominance, Solution
Method of Games without Saddle Point.

UNIT V Dynamic Programming 08 Hours

Introduction, Dynamic Programming Terminology, Developing Optimal Decision Policy, Dynamic
Programming under Certainty, Dynamic Programming Approach for Solving Linear Programming
Problem, Deterministic and Probabilistic Dynamic Programming.

UNIT VI Forecasting Models and Project Management (PERT and CPM) 08 Hours
Judgmental Techniques, Time Series, Forecasting Procedures for a Constant Level Model, A Forecasting
Procedure for a Linear Trend Model, A Forecasting Procedure for a Constant Level with Seasonal Effect
Model. Project Management: Introduction, Basic Difference between PERT and CPM, Phases of Project
Management, PERT / CPM Network Components and Precedence Relationships, Critical Path Analysis.

Text Books:
1. J K Sharma, Operations Research: Theory and Applications, Trinity Press 5th Edition ISBN No.
2. Frederick S. Hillier, Gerald Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw Hill, 6th
Edition ISBN No. 0071139893.

Reference Books:
1. Gerald Lieberman, Operations Research: An Introduction, PHI, 9th Edition, ISBN No. 978-
2. Gupta Prem Kumar and Hira D.S, Problems in Operations Research, S. Chand, ISBN No.978-
3. Wayne L. Winston, Operations Research Applications and Algorithms, Cengage Learning, 4th
Edition, ISBN No. 978-8131501900.
4. P Sankara Iyer, Operations Research, Sigma Series, TMH, 1st Edition, ISBN No.978-0070669024.

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Computer networks
Course Objectives:
1. To study various routing protocols and routing algorithms used in inter-networking.
2. To understand router architectures and analysis of network algorithms.
3. To learn about the QoS parameters of routing protocols.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Understand the fundamentals and requirements for packet routing in computer
communication networks.
2. Deal with the different routing protocols requires to be configured in real routers along
with the framework of the concerned routing algorithms.
3. Gain knowledge about the internal architecture of routers.
4. Draw the interest towards the research in the routing platform.

UNIT – I Networking and Network Routing 08 Hours

Introduction, Addressing and Internet Service: An Overview, Network Routing, IP Addressing, Service
Architecture, Protocol Stack Architecture, Router Architecture, Network Topology, Architecture,
Network Management Architecture, Public Switched Telephone Network.

UNIT – II Routing Algorithms 08 Hours

Shortest Path and Widest Path: Bellman–Ford Algorithm and the Distance Vector Approach, Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, Widest Path Algorithm, Dijkstra’s-Based Approach, Bellman–Ford-Based Approach, k-
Shortest Paths Algorithm. OSPF and Integrated IS-IS: OSPF: Protocol Features, OSPF Packet Format,
Integrated IS-IS, Key Features, comparison BGP: Features, Operations, Configuration Initialization,
phases, Message Format. IP Routing and Distance Vector Protocol Family: RIPv1 and RIPv2.

UNIT – III Routing Protocols 08 Hours

Framework and Principles: Routing Protocol, Routing Algorithm, and Routing Table, Routing
Information Representation and Protocol Messages, Distance Vector Routing Protocol, Link State
Routing Protocol, Path Vector Routing, Protocol, Link Cost.

UNIT IV Internet Routing and Router Architectures 08 Hours

Architectural view of the Internet, Allocation of IP Prefixes and AS Number, Policy-Based Routing,
Point of Presence, Traffic Engineering Implications, Internet Routing Instability. Router Architectures:
Functions, Types, Elements of a Router, Packet Flow, and Packet Processing: Fast Path versus Slow
Path, Router Architectures and Routing Commands.

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UNIT V IP Packet Filtering and Classification 08 Hours

Classification, Classification Algorithms, Naïve Solutions, Two-Dimensional Solutions, Approaches for d

UNIT VI Quality of Service Routing 08 Hours

QoS Attributes, Adapting Routing: A Basic Framework. Update Frequency, Information Inaccuracy, and
Impact on Routing, Dynamic Call Routing in the PSTN, Heterogeneous Service, Single- Link Case, A
General Framework for Source-Based QoS Routing with Path Caching, Routing Protocols for QoS
Routing, QOSPF: Extension to OSPF for QoS Routing, ATM PNNI.

Text Books:
1. Network Routing: Algorithms, Protocols, and Architectures Deepankar Medhi and Karthikeyan
Ramasamy (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking).
2. Network Algorithmics: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Designing Fast Networked Devices
George Varghese (Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking).

Reference Books:

1. Quality of Service Routing, P. Van Mieghem, F. A. Kuipers, T. Korkmaz, M. Krunz, M. Curado

,E. Monteiro , X. Masip-Bruin ,J. Solé-Pareta , S. Sánchez-López, ISBN No. 978-3-540-20193-9.
2. Hardware Based Packet Classification for High Speed Internet Routers 1st , Kindle eBook
by Chad R. Meiners, Alex X. Liu, Eric Torng.
3. Internet Routing Architectures (2nd Edition) (Networking Technology) 2nd, Kindle Edition
by Sam Halabi.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Fundamentals of Software Engineering Models
2. Software Engineering concepts

Course Objectives:
1. To provide an overview of Information Experience and its evolution.
2. To approach a Design problem beyond Usability and Usefulness.
3. To provide an understanding of how users experience the products and services.
4. To address issues and challenges for achieving a human-centered design process with regard
to user experience design.
5. To introduce students to the critical elements of User Interface Design through Design Process,
User Research and Research Deliverables.
6. To introduce Effective Usability Testing Principles for great User Experience.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Understand and reproduce Elements of User Experience Design in summarizing Information
2. Design and develop online services, from requirement gathering to production and testing with
end users from design point of view.
3. Provide a perspective about how user research can be done fast and results can be presented
4. Develop, Analyze and Evaluate User centered application design.
5. Measure the effectiveness of Information Design through User Interaction and Data
6. Apply Usability Testing Principles for testing design prototypes.

UNIT – I User Experience Design Overview 08 Hours

What is User Experience Design? Human Information Processing of everyday things, From Product
Design to User Experience Design, User Experience and the Web, Cognitive Model, Mental Model

UNIT – II Elements of User Experience Design 08 Hours

Core Elements of User Experience, The Five Planes, Working of Core Elements of User Experience: The
Strategy Plane, The Scope Plane, The Structure Plane, The Skeleton Plane, The Surface Plane, Applying
The Core Elements.

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UNIT – III Principles of User Experience Design Process 08 Hours

Definition, User Research, Transition: From Defining to Designing, Design Principles

UNIT IV User Experience Design Process: 08 Hours

Part-I: Definition and Research
Understanding the User Needs and Goals, Understanding the Business Goals, Usability and User
Research, Creating Personas, Defining Scope and Requirements, Functional Specifications, Content
Requirements, Prioritizing requirements

UNIT V User Experience Design Process: 08 Hours

Part-II: Design
Information Design and Data Visualization, Interaction Design, Information Architecture, Wire framing
& Storyboarding, UI Elements and Widgets, Screen Design and Layouts.

UNIT VI User Experience Design Process: 08 Hours

Part-III: Prototype and Testing
Need for testing design, What is Usability Testing, Types of Usability Testing, Usability Testing Process,
How to conduct Usability Test, Performance Metrics, Report Findings and Recommendations.

Text Books:
1. Jesse James Garrett, The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and
Beyond, New Riders, Second Edition, ISBN No. 13: 978-0-321-68368-7.
2. Jeffrey Rubin, Handbook of Usability Testing: How to Plan, Design, and Conduct Effective Tests,
John Wiley and Sons, Second Edition, ISBN No. 9780470185483.

Reference Books:
1. Rex Hartson, Pardha Pyla, The UX book: process and guidelines for ensuring a quality user
experience, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN No. 9780123852410.
2. Tom Bulls, Bill Albert, Measuring The User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing and Presenting
Usability Metrics, Elsevier Science, ISBN No. 9780124157811, 0124157815.
3. Russ Unger, Carolyn Chandler, A Project Guide to UX Design: For user experience designers in
the field or in the making (Voices That Matter), New Riders (Pearson Education), Second
Edition, ISBN No. 978-0-321-81538-5.
4. Theo Mandel, The Elements of User Interface Design, John Wiley and Sons.
5. Bill Buxton, Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design Book,
Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN No. 978-0-12-374037-3.

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Systems programming
2. Theory of Computer Science
3. Artificial Intelligence

Course Objectives:
1. To learn the basics of Natural Language Processing and its applications.
2. To learn linguistics essentials and building blocks of Natural Language Processing.
3. To learn the techniques in natural language processing.
4. Be familiar with natural language understanding and generation.
5. To understand the information retrieval techniques.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Understand different building blocks of NLP.
2. Design algorithms for NLP problems.
3. Understand machine translation and its techniques.
4. Learn and use different tools for NLP.

UNIT – I Introduction to NLP 08 Hours

Study of Language, Applications of Natural Language Understanding, Level of Language analysis and
representation. Background: Words, Simple Noun Phrases, verb phrases, Noun phrases, Adjective
phrases, Adverbial phrases Phrase structure.

UNIT – II Linguistic Essentials 08 Hours

Language models: The role of language models, Simple N-gram models, estimating parameters and
smoothing. Corpus based work: Tokenization, Marked up schemes Collocations: Hypothesis Testing,
Mutual Information Statistical Inference: n- gram model, Statistical Estimators, Combing estimators.

UNIT – III Disambiguation 08 Hours

Disambiguation: Supervised & unsupervised learning, Supervised Disambiguation, Dictionary- Based
Disambiguation , unsupervised Disambiguation, Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD): What is it, Need
and algorithms of WSD such as Lesk’s algorithm, Walker’s algorithm Lexical Acquisition: Verb sub
categorization, Attachment Ambiguity, Selection preferences , the role of Lexical Acquisition in
statistical NLP.

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UNIT IV Grammars and Parsing 08 Hours
Grammar formalisms and tree banks, Efficient parsing for context-free grammars (CFGs), Statistical
parsing and probabilistic CFGs (PCFGs). Lexicalized PCFGs. Parsing: top down parser, Bottom up chart,
Top Down Chart parsing, Markov models. POS Tagging: lexical syntax, Hidden Markov Model (Forward
and Viterbi algorithms and EM training). Probabilistic Context Free Grammars: Probability of string,
problems with the inside-outside Algorithm. Probabilistic parsing: Tree banks, parsing vs. language
models, weakening assumptions of PCFGs.

UNIT V Semantic Interpretation 08 Hours

Semantics and logic form, Thematic roles, Speech acts and embedded sentences Ambiguity resolution:
Semantic Networks, Statistical Semantic Preferences Semantic Driven Parsing Techniques, Machine
Translation: What is it? Building blocks of MT, Basic issues in MT, MT approaches. Statistical
translation, word alignment, phrase-based translation, and synchronous grammars.

UNIT VI Applications of NLP 08 Hours

Information Retrieval: Introduction, Indexing, IR Models, Evaluation and Failure Analysis, Natural
Language Processing and Information Retrieval Sentiment Analysis and Subjectivity: The Problem of
Sentiment Analysis, Sentiment and Subjectivity Classification, Feature-Based Sentiment Analysis MT
Tools: Apache Open NLP, Stanford Parser, Shallow parser for Indian languages, POS taggers, Stemmers.
MT Evaluation tools: BLEU, WER, NIST, GALE, GIST. Natural Language Toolkit: Python, ScalaNL, WEKA

Text Books:
1. James Allen, Natural language understanding, Pearson, Second Edition, ISBN No.0-8053-0334-0
2. Christopher D. Manning Hinrich Schiitze, Foundations of Statistical Natural Language
Processing, The MIT Press, Second Edition, ISBN No. 0-262-13360-l.

Reference Books:
1. Charniack, Eugene, Statistical Language Learning, The MIT Press, Second Edition.
2. Jurafsky, Dan and Martin, James, Speech and Language Processing, Prentice Hall, Second

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Image Processing, Mathematics.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand various Image Analysis and Interpretation techniques
2. To describe different methods of Feature generation, Representation, Description and
3. To Analyze & Interpret Images and use for various applications

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. To experimentally evaluate different image analysis algorithms and summarize the results.
2. To choose appropriate image processing methods for image filtering, image Restoration,
image reconstruction, segmentation, classification and representation
3. To suggest a design of a computer vision system for a specific problem applications.

UNIT – I Introduction to Image Processing System 08 Hours

Digital Image Fundamentals- Introduction, Sources of Images, Classification of Images, Elements of
Image Processing System, Image Modeling – Sampling, Quantization and Representing Digital Images,
color Image processing, color Models. Image Preprocessing – Enhancement in spatial domain: Power
Law Transformation, Contrast Stretching and Histogram processing, Enhancement using Arithmetic
/Logic operations. Spatial domain Filters- Smoothing, Sharpening.

UNIT – II Feature Generation 08 Hours

Introduction, Basis Vectors and Images , K-L transformation, Singular Value Decomposition
Independent Component Analysis, Non–Negative Matrix Factorization, Non- linear Dimension
Reduction, Haar Transform, Multi resolution Interpretation, Image Transformations and Modelling
Application. Feature Extraction: Spatial Feature Extraction, Transform Feature Extraction.

UNIT – III Image Analysis 08 Hours

Basic image analysis: signal theory, filtering, image enhancement, image reconstruction, classification,
representation. Data Structure for Image Analysis: Levels of image data representation, Traditional
image data structures, Hierarchical data structures; Image Segmentation: Point, Line and edge
detection, Thresholding, Region Based Segmentation, Segmentation using morphological Watersheds,
The Use of Motion in Segmentation.

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UNIT IV Image Representation and Description 08 Hours

Boundary Representation, Region Representation, Moments Representation and Structure
Representation, Shape Representation, Texture Representation, Use of Principal Components for

UNIT V Statistical Decision Making and Vector Quantization 08 Hours

Statistical decision making: Bayesian theorem, Multiple features, conditionally independent features,
Decision boundaries, Unequal cost of error, Vector Quantization. Introduction to sampling,
quantization and sources of noise in images.

UNIT VI Applications 08 Hours

Case Study on: Bio Medical Image processing, Image Forensics: Finger print classification, Digital
Watermarking for Images, Pattern Recognition, video processing.

Text Books:
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez and Richard E.Woods, Digital Image Processing, Pearson Prentice Hall,
Second Edition.
2. S. Jayaraman, S. Esakkirajan, T. Veerakumar, Digital Image Processing, Tata McGraw-Hill
Education Private Limited.
3. Madhuri A. Joshi, Digital Image Processing An Algorithm Approach, PHI.

Reference Books:
1. Harley R. Myler, Arthur R. Weeks, The Pocket Handbook of Image processing algorithms in C,
Prentice Hall, ISBN No. 0-13-642240-3.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Mathematics
2. Data Mining Concepts
3. Machine Learning

Course Objectives:
1. To introduce the different Computational Intelligence Paradigms.
2. To explain the feed-forward neural networks and its learning methods
3. To explain feed-back neural networks and its learning methods.
4. To summarize the Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligent Systems.
5. To interpret different hybrid intelligent systems
6. To discuss the different applications of Computational Intelligence

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Interpret the importance of Computational Intelligence for solving the different problems
2. Select the appropriate type of neural network architecture and learning method.
3. Optimize the solutions by using different optimization techniques.
4. Evaluate the importance of different hybrid intelligent systems.
5. Formulate the solution to the different real world problems with the use of advanced
computing techniques.

UNIT – I Introduction to Computational Intelligence 08 Hours

Cognitive Computing: Foundation of Cognitive Computing, its uses, AI as the foundation of Cognitive
Computing, Elements of Cognitive System, Cognitive Applications, Design Principles of Cognitive
System. Introduction to Computational Intelligence, from conventional AI to computational
Intelligence, Computational Intelligence Paradigms: Artificial Neural Networks, Fuzzy System, Genetic
Algorithms and Evolutionary Programming, Swarm Intelligent Systems.

UNIT – II Neural Networks - Basic Concepts 08 Hours

Biological Neurons and artificial neuron models, Classification of Artificial Neural Networks,
Perceptron Networks and its limitations, Multi-Layer Feed Forward Neural Networks and Error Back
propagation Learning Algorithm, Performance issues in Error Back Propagation algorithm, Fast
Learning Algorithms.

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UNIT – III Advanced Neural Networks 08 Hours
Kohonen Neural Networks, Hopfield Networks, Boltzmann Machines, Radial Basis Function networks,
Adaptive Resonance Theory, Support Vector Machines. Spikes Neuron Models and Networks.

UNIT IV Fuzzy Logic and Hybrid Techniques 08 Hours

Fuzzy Set Theory: Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning, Fuzzy Inference Systems Hybrid
Techniques: Neuro-Fuzzy Systems, Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS), Fuzzy Genetic

UNIT V Evolutionary Computation and Swarm Intelligent System 08 Hours

Genetic Algorithms (GAs) and Evolutionary Programming: Introduction to GA, Genetic Algorithms,
Procedures of GAs, Working of GAs. Applicability of GAs, Evolutionary Programming, Working of
Evolutionary Programming Swarm Intelligent System: Introduction to Swarm Intelligence, Background
of Swarm Intelligent systems, Ant Colony System, Working of Ant Colony Optimization, Ant Colony
Optimization for TSP, Unit Commitment Problem, Particle Swarm Intelligent System, Artificial Bee
Colony System, Cuckoo Search Algorithm.

UNIT VI Applications of Computational Intelligence 08 Hours

Soft Computing in Database and Information management(R3 pp 295-309), Application of Fuzzy
Techniques to Autonomous Robots(R3 pp 313-324), Computational intelligence in Industrial
application(R3 pp 1143-1155), Knowledge discovery in Bioinformatics(R3 pp 1211-1220).

Text Books:
1. S. P. Simon, N. P. Padhye, Soft Computing with Matlab Programming, OXFORD UNIVERSITY
PRESS, 1st Edition, ISBN No. 978-0-19-945542-3.
2. Cognitive Computing and Big Data Analytics, John Wiley and Sons.

Reference Books:
1. Andries P. Engelbrecht, Computational Intelligence: An Introduction, PHI, 2nd Edition ISBN No.
2. J.-S. R. Jang, C.-T. Sun, E. Mizutani, Neuro-fuzzy and Soft Computing A Computational
Approach to Learning and Machine Intelligence, PHI, 2nd Edition, ISBN-978-81-203-2243-1
3. Kacprzyk,Pedrycz Editors, Springer Handbook of computational intelligence, Springer series,
ISBN-13: 978-3662435045.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Software engineering concepts.
2. Knowledge of Java programming.
3. Knowledge of DBMS and Networking.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand the concepts, principles, strategies, and methodologies of Web applications and
2. To design and construct webapp.
3. To understand the Web deployment processes
4. To understand the current of web technologies
5. To understand webapp testing.
6. To understand content management system.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Apply the concepts, principles and methods of Web engineering;
2. have a sufficient theoretical knowledge and analytical skills to develop Web applications
3. Design and develop website using current Web technologies
4. Demonstrate web deployment process
5. Use webapp testing methods.
6. Demonstrate the use of CMS.

UNIT – I Web Engineering Introduction 08 Hours

Web Engineering, The Components of Web Engineering, Web Engineering Best Practices, A Web
Engineering Process, Analysis Modelling for WebApps, The Content Model, The Interaction Model.

UNIT – II Web Design, Construction And Deployment 08 Hours

WebApp Design, Construction, Construction Principles Concepts, Deployment, Construction and the
Use of Components, Component-Level Design Guidelines.

UNIT – III Web Technologies 08 Hours

HTML and DHTML, DHTML with CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL, PHP My Admin.

UNIT IV Jsp, Servelets And Web Services 08 Hours

JSP, JSP tags, A simple servlet, life cycle of servlet, anatomy of servlet, javax.servlet package, Generic
servlet, Http Servlet. XML, Relationship between HTML, SGML and XML, web personalization,
Semantic web, Semantic Web Services, Ontology.
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UNIT V WebApp Testing 08 Hours

Testing Concepts, Content Testing, User Interface Testing, Navigation Testing, Configuration Testing,
Security Testing, Performance Testing.

UNIT VI Content Management Systems 08 Hours

Introduction to CMS, advantages using CMS, CMS development tools: Word press, Drupal, Joomla.
Word press: content and conversion, directory, file structure, local working, component
administration, core, loop, data management, Word press as CMS, Word press in enterprise.

Text Books:
1. Roger S. Pressman, David Lowe, Web Engineering, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publication, Sixth Edition,
ISBN No. 978-0073523293.
2. Achyt Godbole, Atul Kahate, Web Technologies, McGraw Hill, Second Edition, ISBN
3. Steven M. Schafer, HTML, XHTML and CSS, Wiley India Edition, Fourth Edition, ISBN No. 978-

Reference Books:
1. Ivan Bayross, Web Enabled Commercial Application Development Using HTML, JavaScript,
DHTML and PHP, BPB Publication, Fourth Edition, ISBN No. 978-8183330084.
2. Jason Hunter, Java Servlet Programming, O’reilly Publication, Second Edition, ISBN No. 978-0-
3. Jim Keogh, J2EE: The Complete Reference, Tata McGraw Hill Pulishing Company, First Edition,
ISBN No. 978-0-07-052912-0.
4. Brad Williams, David Damstra, Hal Stern, Professional WordPress: Design and Development,
Wrox publications, Third Edition, ISBN No. 978-1-118-98724-7.
5. Ralpha Moseley, M.T. Savaliya, Developing Web Applications, Wrox publications, Second
Edition, ISBN No. 978- 81-265-3867-6.
6. Kogent Learning Solutions Inc, Web Technologies Black Book: HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP,
XML and AJAX, Dreamtech Press, 2009, ISBN No. 8177229974.
7. Gerti Kappel, Birgit Proll, Web Engineering, John Willey and Sons Ltd, Third Edition, ISBN
No. 978-81-265-2162-3.
8. B. V. Kumar, S. Sangeetha, S. V. Subrahmanya, J2EE Architecture, an illustrative gateway to
enterprise solutions: concept to Application Design and deployment, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company, ISBN No. 978-0070621633.
9. Stephanie Leary, WordPress for Web developers: An introduction to web professionals, Apress
Publications, Second Edition, ISBN No. 978-1-4302-5867-4.
10. Dr. Hiren Joshi, Web Technology and Application Development, DreamTech, ISBN No. 978-93-

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 54

Savitribai Phule Pune University

5144011: SEMINAR-I Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 05 Term work : 50 Marks
Oral/ Presentation : 50 Marks

The students will deliver a seminar on state-of-art topic of current interest in Information
Technology, Computer Science and Engineering field. The student is expected to study and review at
least five research papers from IEEE, ACM, Springer journals/transactions, reviewed international
conferences related to a topic he/she has chosen for seminar. The seminar guide shall maintain a
progressive record of seminar such as discussion agenda, weekly outcomes achieved, corrective
actions and comments on the progress report as per the plan submitted by the student etc. and
should be produced at the time of examination/presentation. The student shall submit the seminar
report in standard format, duly certified for satisfactory completion of the work by the concerned
guide and head of the Department/Institute during practical sessions. The evaluation of the seminar
would be carried out as per the Rules and Regulations for M.E. Programs under faculty of Engineering
effective from June 2013.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

5144012: LAB PRACTICE-II Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 Term-work : 50 Marks
Oral/ Presentation : 50 Marks

The concerned faculty member should frame minimum two assignments having sufficient
complexity based on the subjects Cyber Security and Forensics, Cloud and Data Technologies &
Information Technology Oriented Operations Research Students should prepare a journal which will
include necessary architecture/design, algorithm and its analysis, test cases, mathematical model etc.
The assessment of the assignment should be carried out continuously throughout the semester and
the record for the same should be produced at the time of examination. The evaluation will be done
by a pair of examiners appointed by Savitribai Phule Pune University.

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M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 57

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Discrete Mathematics
2. Computer Networks

Course Objectives:
1. To study the Mobile adhoc networks and its applications
2. To study the routing algorithm in mobile adhoc network
3. To study the transport protocols used in mobile adhoc network
4. To study the security mechanism used in mobile adhoc network
5. To understand the quality of service for mobile adhoc network

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. To understand the routing algorithm used mobile adhoc network
2. To understand the Transport protocol of mobile adhoc network
3. To understand the security mechanism used in mobile adhoc network
4. To understand the quality of service.

UNIT – I Introduction of Ad Hoc Network 08 Hours

Introduction-Fundamentals of Wireless Communication Technology – The Electromagnetic Spectrum -
Radio Propagation Mechanisms - Characteristics of the Wireless Channel - IEEE 802.11a,b Standard –
Origin Of Ad hoc: Packet Radio Networks - Technical Challenges - Architecture of PRNETs -
Components of Packet Radios – Ad hoc Wireless Networks -What Is an Ad Hoc Network?
Heterogeneity in Mobile Devices - Wireless Sensor Networks - Traffic Profiles - Types of Ad hoc Mobile
Communications - Types of Mobile Host Movements - Challenges Facing Ad Hoc Mobile Networks-Ad
hoc wireless Internet

UNIT – II Ad Hoc Routing Protocols 08 Hours

Introduction - Issues in Designing a Routing Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Classifications of
Routing Protocols -Table-Driven Routing Protocols – Destination Sequenced Distance Vector (DSDV) -
Wireless Routing Protocol (WRP) - Cluster Switch Gateway Routing (CSGR) - Source-Initiated On-
Demand Approaches - Ad Hoc On- Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) - Dynamic Source Routing
(DSR) - Temporally Ordered Routing Algorithm (TORA) - Signal Stability Routing (SSR) - Location-Aided
Routing (LAR) - Power-Aware Routing (PAR) - Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

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UNIT – III Multicast Routing In Ad Hoc Networks 08 Hours

Introduction - Issues in Designing a Multicast Routing Protocol - Operation of Multicast Routing
Protocols - An Architecture Reference Model for Multicast Routing Protocols - Classifications of
Multicast Routing Protocols - Tree-Based Multicast Routing Protocols- Mesh-Based Multicast Routing
Protocols - Summary of Tree-and Mesh-Based Protocols - Energy-Efficient Multicasting - Multicasting
with Quality of Service Guarantees - Application-Dependent Multicast Routing - Comparisons of
Multicast Routing Protocols

UNIT IV Transport Layer 08 Hours

Introduction - Issues in Designing a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Design
Goals of a Transport Layer Protocol for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Classification of Transport Layer
Solutions - TCP over Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Other Transport Layer Protocols for Ad Hoc

UNIT V Security Protocols 08 Hours

Wireless Networks - Security in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Network Security Requirements - Issues
and Challenges in Security Provisioning - Network Security Attacks - Key Management - Secure Routing
in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks

UNIT VI QoS and Energy Management 08 Hours

Introduction - Issues and Challenges in Providing QoS in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Classifications of
QoS Solutions - MAC Layer Solutions - Network Layer Solutions - QoS Frameworks for Ad Hoc Wireless
Networks Energy Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks –Introduction - Need for Energy
Management in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks - Classification of Energy Management Schemes - Battery
Management Schemes - Transmission Power Management Schemes - System Power Management

Text Books:
1. Siva Ram Murthy C. and B.S. Manoj “Ad Hoc Wireless Networks: Architectures and Protocols”,
Prentice Hall PTR,2004
2. Toh C.K., Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks: Protocols and Systems, Prentice Hall PTR ,2001

Reference Books:
1. Charles E. Perkins, Ad Hoc Networking, Addison Wesley, 2000
2. Holger Karl, Andreas Willig, Protocols and Architectures for Wireless Sensor Networks ISBN:
978-0-470-09510-2, Wiley.
3. Kazem Sohraby, Daniel Minoli, Taieb Znati Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology, Protocols,
and Applications, Wiley.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 59

Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Operating System

Course Objectives:
1. To study the fundamentals of OS and DOS
2. To understand the concept of Inter-process communication in distributed OS
3. To understand the synchronization in distributed OS
4. To understand the resource management distributed OS
5. To study and understand the recent type of advanced OS (Mobile OS)

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Understand the general concept of OS and DOS.
2. Understand and apply inter-process communication in the distributed OS
3. Understand the synchronization in distributed OS.
4. Understand the resource management distributed OS.
5. Study and understand the recent type of advanced OS (Mobile OS)

UNIT – I Introduction to OS and Distributed OS 08 Hours

A simple OS – structure, processes, address spaces and threads, managing processes, loading
programs into processes, Basic concepts: context switching – procedures, threads, system calls,
interrupts. Distributed computing systems fundamentals: Introduction to Distributed computing
systems, Models, Popularity. Distributed computing system, Design issues of Distributed operating
system, distributed computing environment.

UNIT – II Message Passing and Remote Procedure Calls 08 Hours

Features of a good Message Passing System. Issues in IPC by Message Passing Synchronization,
Buffering, Multi-datagram Messages, Process Addressing, Failure handling. RPC Model, Implementing
RPC Mechanism. Stub Generation. RPC Messages, Marshaling Arguments and Results. Parameter-
Passing semantics, call semantics, Communication protocols for RPC’s, Client- Server Building,
Exception handling.

UNIT – III Distributed Shared Memory 08 Hours

General Architecture of DSM systems. Design and implementation Issues of DSM, Granularity,
Structure of Shared Memory Space, Consistency models, Replacement strategy, Thrashing.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

UNIT IV Synchronization and Resource management in DS 08 Hours

Clock Synchronization. Event Ordering, Mutual Exclusion, Deadlock in the distributed systems,
Election Algorithms. Resource Management: Features of global scheduling algorithm, Task assignment
approach, Load-balancing and Load approach.

UNIT V Distributed File Systems 08 Hours

Features of good DFS, File models, File Accessing models. File- Sharing Semantics, File-Caching
schemes, File Replication, Fault Tolerance, Automatic Transactions, Design Principles.

UNIT VI Mobile Operating System 08 Hours

Mobile O.S.: Introduction, Kernel design in Mobile OS, Scheduling in Mobile OS, File systems
on mobile phones, I/O in Mobile OS, Case study: Symbian or Android.

Text Books:
1. Thomas W. Doeppner, Operating Systems in Depth, Wiley India, First Edition, ISBN No. 978-81-
2. Dr. P. K. Sinha, Distributed Operating Systems: Concepts and Design, PHI, Second Edition, ISBN
No. 978-0780311190.
3. Michael J. Jipping, Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS: A Tutorial Guide,
John Wiley & Sons, ISBN No. 978-0-470-06523-5.

Reference Books:
1. Mukesh Singhal and Niranjan Shivaratri, Advanced Concepts In Operating System, Tata
McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN No. 978-0070575721.
2. G.Coulouris, J. Dollimore, T. Kindberg & G. Blair, Distributed Systems concepts and design,
Addison Wesley, Fifth Edition, ISBN No. 978-0-13-214301-1.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 61

Savitribai Phule Pune University



Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50Marks
End-Semester : 50Marks
1. Computer Network Technology.
2. Basics Of Internet of Things

Course Objectives:
1. To study Basic wireless Technologies in IoT
2. To study Security issues in IoT
3. To explore Identity management models
4. To study research, innovation and applications in IoT
5. To study fundamentals of SDN
6. To study the applications of SDN

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Understand Basic wireless Technologies and security issues in IOT
2. Understand Identity management models.
3. Understand access control in IoT context.
4. Gain the knowledge of research opportunities in IoT.
5. Understand fundamentals of SDN.
6. Understand advances and applications in SDN.


WPAN Technologies for IoT/M2M (IEEE 802.15.6 WBANs IEEE 802.15 WPAN TG4j MBANs, ETSI TR 101
557, NFC, Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) and Related Protocols, Comparison of
WPAN Technologies). Cellular and Mobile Network Technologies for IoT/M2M: Universal Mobile
Telecommunications System, LTE. IPv6 technologies for the IoT: Address Capabilities, IPv6 Tunneling,
IPsec in IPv6, Header Compression Schemes, Quality of Service in IPv6, Migration Strategies to IPv6,
Technical Approaches, Residential Broadband Services in an IPv6 Environment, Deployment
Opportunities. MOBILE IPv6 TECHNOLOGIES FORTHE IoT: New IPv6 Protocol, Message Types, and
Destination Option, Modifications to IPv6 Neighbor Discovery, Requirements for Various IPv6 Nodes,
Correspondent Node Operation, HA Node Operation, Mobile Node Operation, Relationship to IPV4
Mobile IPv4 (MIP). IPv6 over low-power WPAN (6LoWPAN): 6LoWPANs Goals, Transmission of IPv6
Packets over IEEE 802.15.4 Building the internet of things with IPv6 and MIPv6- Daniel Minoli.

UNIT – II Security in IoT 08 Hours

Vulnerabilities of IOT, Security requirements, Challenges for a secure Internet of Things, Threat
modeling, Threat analysis, Use cases and misuse cases, Activity modeling of threats, Security

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Architecture, Security Model, Attacks Modeling, Security attacks, Key Elements of IOT Security,
Security Engineering for IOT Development : Building Security into design and Development, Secure
Design, safety and security design, process and agreement, Technology Selection
IOT Security Life Cycle: Implementation and integration, IOT security CONOPS document, Network and
security integration, Operations and Maintenance, Managing identities, roles and attributes, security
monitoring, Penetration testing, compliance monitoring, asset and configuration management,
incident management, forensics, Dispose, secure device disposal, data purging, inventory control,,
data archiving and record management.

UNIT – III Identity Management Models For IOT 08 Hours

Different Identity Management Models, Identity Models: User Centric, Device Centric and Hybrid
Trust management Life Cycle, Identity and Trust, Web Of Trust Model, Access control, Access control
in IoT context, Different access control schemes, Capability-based access control, Concept of
capability, Identity-based capability structure, Identity-driven capability-based access control, Security
evaluation and performance analysis, Security evaluation, Performance Evaluation.

UNIT IV IOT Strategies and Innovations 08 Hours

IOT Strategic Research and Innovation Directions, IOT Smart-X Applications, Processes, Data
Management, Device level Energy Issues, Standardization, IOT protocol convergence, Message Queue
Telemetry Transport (MQTT), Constrained Applications Protocol (CoAP), Advanced Message Queueing
Protocol (AMQP), JAVA Message Service API( JMS), Data Distribution Service (DDS), Representational
State Transfer (REST), Extensible Message and Presence Protocol(XMPP).

UNIT V Introduction to SDN 08 Hours

History and Evolution of SDN: Traditional Switch Architecture, Autonomous and Dynamic Forwarding
Tables, Evolution of Switch and Control Planes. Data Center Innovation, Data Center Needs,
Fundamental Characteristics of SDN, SDN Operation, SDN Devices, SDN Controller, SDN Applications,
Alternate SDN Methods.

UNIT VI Advances and Application In SDN 08 Hours

SDN Applied to the WAN, Example: MPLS LSPs in the Google WAN , Service Provider and Carrier
Networks , SDN Applied to SP and Carrier Networks , Example: MPLS-TE and MPLS VPNsSDN Applied
to Mobile Networks, network functions virtualization vs SDN, Application Types: Reactive, Proactive,
External, Internal, History of SDN Controller, A simple reactive Java Application.

Text Books:
1. Daniel minoli, Building the Internet of Things with Ipv6 and Mipv6, WILEY, ISBN No. 978-1-118-
2. Paul Goransson, Chuck Black, Timouthy Culver, Software Defined Network- A comprehensive
Approach, Elsevier, ISBN No. 978-0-12-804555-8.

Reference Books:
M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 63
Savitribai Phule Pune University
1. Brian Russell, Drew Van Duren, Practical Internet of Things Security, PACKT, ISBN No.978-1-
2. Ovidiu Vermesan, Peter Friess, Internet of Things- From Research and Innovation to Market
Deployment, Rivers Publication, ISBN No.978-87-93102-94-1.

M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 64

Savitribai Phule Pune University
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Software Engineering
2. Software Architecture

Course Objectives:
1. To focus on the basics and benefits of EAI with Integration Models.
2. To highlight on the importance and applications of EAI and Middleware Interfaces.
3. To present the association of EAI and various Information Systems scenario.
4. To focus on the Integration of Business Processes and Enterprise Application on various
software platforms.
5. To apply and strengthen the integration of EAI and Design Patterns.
6. To apply and extensify the practical implementation of EAI and XML services.
Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Learn the basics of EAI and Integration Models.
2. Inculcate the importance of EAI and Middleware Integration.
3. Learn the various EAI and Information Systems integration.
4. Focus on EAI and Business Process Integration on Software Platforms.
5. Apply the EAI and Design patterns integration.
6. Apply the EAI and XML integration through Web based applications.

UNIT – I Introduction to EAI 08 Hours

EAI, Levels of EAI: Data, Method, User Interface and Application Interface, Benefits of EAI, Barriers to
EAI, Integration Models: Data, Functional, Message Oriented Middleware, Transaction Oriented
Middleware, Distributed Object Technologies, Implementing and Integrating Packaged Applications—
The General Idea.

UNIT – II EAI and Middleware 08 Hours

Message Brokers—The Preferred EAI Engine, Process Automation and EAI, Message Broker
Architecture, Transaction Processing Monitors, An Introduction to EAI and Middleware, RPCs,
Messaging, and EAI, Database-Oriented Middleware and EAI, Java Middleware and EAI, Enterprise
JavaBeans Architecture, Java Based Middleware Standards and Application Integration: J2EE
Architecture, Components.

UNIT – III EAI and Information Systems 08 Hours

Information systems evaluation, Enterprise application integration: scope, impact and classification,
intra-organizational application integration, inter-organizational application integration, hybrid
application integration, Case Study: EAI and WFMS.
M.E. (Information Technology) Syllabus 2017 Course 65
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UNIT IV Business Process Integration-Oriented Application Integration 08 Hours

BPIOAI: Definition, Implementation, Tools & Approaches, Process Modeling, BPIOAI and Application
Integration, Compatibility between different software platforms for enterprise application
development, Business process modeling and optimization based on integrated software systems and
workflow analysis, Information Oriented Application Integration, Service Oriented Application

UNIT V Enterprise Application Patterns 08 Hours

Design Patterns, Layering, Organizing Domain Logic, Mapping to Relational Databases, Web
Presentation, Domain Logic Patterns, Data Source Architectural Patterns, Object-Relational Behavioral
Patterns, Object-Relational Structural Patterns, Object-Relational Metadata Mapping Patterns, Web
Presentation Patterns, Distribution Patterns, Offline Concurrency Patterns.


EAI and XML, Integration Solutions, XML enabled standards, Web Services: SOAP, UDDI and WSDL,
XML Encryption, XML Signature, XSLT, XSLT for B2B Application Integration, XSLT: Processors,
Transformation and Applications, ebXML and EAI, ebXML: Components, Architecture, Business
Process Modeling.

Text Books:
1. William A. Ruh, Francis X. Maginnis and William J. Brown, Enterprise Application Integration, A
Wiley Tech Brief.
2. David S. Linthicum, Enterprise Application Integration, Addison-Wesley Information
Technology Series).
3. David S. Linthicum, Next Generation Application Integration: From Simple Information to Web
Services, Addison Wesley Pub Date: August 15, ISBN: 0-201-84456-7 Pages: 512.
5. (Enterprise application
integration using J2EE).

Reference Books:
1. S. Duke, P. Makey, N. Kiras, Application Integration Management Guide: Strategies and
Technologies, Butler Group Limited, Hull, UK.
2. J. Morgenthal, B. La Forge, Enterprise Application Integration with XML and Java, in: C.
Goldfarb (Ed.), Open Information Management, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA.
3. D. Avison, G. Fitzgerald, Information Systems Development: Methodologies, Techniques, and
Tools, McGraw Hill, London, UK.
4. Martin Fowler, Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, 2003, Addison-Wesley
Professional, ISBN10: 0321127420 ISBN-13: 9780321127426.
5. Fred A. Cummins, Enterprise Integration: An Architecture for Enterprise Application and
Systems Integration, Wiley, ISBN-10: 0471400106 ISBN-13: 978-0471400103.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
Software Engineering
Course Objectives:
1. To familiarize the students with the need, benefits and components of PLM.
2. To acquaint students with Product Data Management & PLM strategies.
3. To give insights into new product development program and guidelines for designing and
4. Developing a product.
5. To familiarize the students with Virtual Product Development.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Gain knowledge about phases of PLM, PLM strategies and methodology for PLM feasibility
study and PDM implementation.
2. Illustrate various approaches and techniques for designing and developing products.
3. Apply product engineering guidelines / thumb rules in designing products for molding,
machining, sheet metal working etc.
4. Acquire knowledge in applying virtual product development tools for components, machining
and manufacturing plant.

UNIT – I Introduction to Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) 08 Hours

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM), Need for PLM, Product Lifecycle Phases, Opportunities of
Globalization, Pre-PLM Environment, PLM Paradigm, Importance & Benefits of PLM, Widespread
Impact of PLM, Focus and Application, A PLM Project, Starting the PLM Initiative, PLM Applications.
PLM Strategies: Industrial strategies, Strategy elements, its identification, selection and
implementation, Developing PLM Vision and PLM Strategy, Change management for PLM

UNIT – II Product Design 08 Hours

Product Design and Development Process, Engineering Design, Organization and Decomposition in
Product Design, Typologies of Design Process Models, Reference Model, Product Design in the
Context of the Product Development Process, Relation with the Development Process Planning Phase,
Relation with the Post design Planning Phase, Methodological Evolution in Product Design, Concurrent
Engineering, Characteristic Features of Concurrent Engineering, Concurrent Engineering and Life Cycle
Approach, New Product Development (NPD) and Strategies, Product Configuration and Variant
Management, The Design for X System, Objective Properties and Design for X Tools, Choice of Design
for X Tools and Their Use in the Design Process.

UNIT – III Product Data Management (PDM) 08 Hours

Product and Product Data, PDM systems and importance, Components of PDM, Reason for
implementing a PDM system, financial justification of PDM, barriers to PDM implementation

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UNIT IV Virtual Product Development Tools 08 Hours

For components, machines, and manufacturing plants, 3D CAD systems and realistic rendering
techniques, Digital mock-up, Model building, Model analysis, Modeling and simulations in Product
Design, Examples/Case studies .

UNIT V Integration of Environmental Aspects in Product Design 08 Hours

Sustainable Development, Design for Environment, Need for Life Cycle Environmental Strategies,
Useful Life Extension Strategies, End-of-Life Strategies, Introduction of Environmental Strategies into
the Design Process, Life Cycle Environmental Strategies and Considerations for Product Design

UNIT VI Life Cycle Assessment and Life Cycle Cost Analysis 08 Hours
Properties, and Framework of Life Cycle Assessment, Phases of LCA in ISO Standards, Fields of
Application and Limitations of Life Cycle Assessment, Cost Analysis and the Life Cycle Approach,
General Framework for LCCA, Evolution of Models for Product Life Cycle Cost Analysis.

Reference Books:
1. John Stark, “Product Lifecycle Management: Paradigm for 21st Century Product Realization”,
2. Springer-Verlag, 2004. ISBN: 1852338105.
3. Fabio Giudice, Guido La Rosa, AntoninoRisitano, “Product Design for the environment-A life
4. cycle approach”, Taylor & Francis 2006, ISBN: 0849327229
5. SaaksvuoriAntti, ImmonenAnselmie, “Product Life Cycle Management”, Springer, Dreamtech,
6. ISBN: 3540257314
7. Michael Grieve, “Product Lifecycle Management: Driving the next generation of lean thinking”,
8. Tata McGraw Hill, 2006, ISBN: 0070636265

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. Computer Graphics
Course Objectives:
1. To study basics of digital image processing
2. To study mathematics and algorithms for image processing
3. To study computer vision applications
4. To study pattern recognition algorithms for image processing
5. To study different classification algorithms used in image processing

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. survey image processing techniques, FOSS tools and related mathematics
2. write image processing programs with applying concepts using open source tools;
3. solve Image Processing problems using different pattern recognition algorithms
4. select an efficient classifier to solve the image processing problem

UNIT – I Basics of Digital Imaging 08 Hours

Image Acquisition, Sampling, Quantization, Difference in Monochrome and Multichrome imaging,
concept of color spaces, point processing techniques, mask processing methods, image filtering,
shape in images, edge detection, gradient operators- Roberts, Sobel, Prewitt, Canny, Slope magnitude
method, morphological image processing, erosion, dilation, opening, closing, hit-n-miss transform,
thinning, Top Hat transformation, Bottom hat transformation.

UNIT – II Image Representation and Region Analysis 08 Hours

Shape Descriptors-contour based, region based, Boundary based; Thresholding based segmentation,
Watershed based Segmentation, Gray level Co-occurrence Matrix-energy, entropy, maximum
probability, contrast, correlation; wavelets, wavelet Pyramids, Image matching, similarity measures,
feature extraction in spatial domain, block truncation coding, feature extraction in transform domain,
image transforms, energy based feature extraction

UNIT – III Computer Vision Applications 08 Hours

Image Fusion and Clustering- K-means, Vector Quantization, Hierarchical Clustering, Partitioned
Clustering, Image Inpainting, Multisensor image fusion, character recognition, face recognition,
Trademark databases, Medical Imaging, Signature Verification, Vehicular license plate Recognition,
image and Video retrieval, Surveillance, Robotic vision, Panoramic view Construction.

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UNIT IV Introduction to Pattern Recognition 08 Hours

Tree Classifiers-Decision Trees, Random Forests; Bayesian Decision Theory; Linear Discriminants
Discriminative Classifiers-Separability, Perceptions, Support Vector Machines.

UNIT V Decision Theory 08 Hours

Parametric Techniques Generative Methods grounded in Bayesian Decision Theory: Maximum
Likelihood Estimation, Bayesian Parameter Estimation, Sufficient Statistics; Non-Parametric
Techniques- Kernel Density Estimators, Parzen Window, Nearest Neighbor Methods; Unsupervised
Methods Exploring the Data for Latent Structure- Component Analysis and Dimension Reduction,
principal Component Analysis.

UNIT VI Clustering 08 Hours

K-Means, Expectation Maximization, Mean Shift, Vector Quantization- Codebook generation Methods;
Classifier Ensembles- Bagging, Boosting / AdaBoost; Graphical Models The Modern Language of
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning-Bayesian Networks, Sequential Models; Neural Networks.

Text Books:
1. Robert Haralick and Linda Shapiro, Computer and Robot Vision, Addison Wesley, Vol I & II.
2. David A. Forsyth, Jean Ponce, "Computer Vision: A Modern Approach, PHI.

Reference Books:
1. R Jain, R Kasturi, Machine Vision, McGraw Hill.
2. R. O. Duda, P. E. Hart, D. G. Stork, Pattern Classification, Wiley-Inter-science, John Wiley &
Sons, Second Edition.
3. David G. Stork and Elad Yom-Tov, Computer Manual in MATLAB to accompany Pattern
Classification, Wiley Inter-science.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University


Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks
1. The course assume no prior knowledge in this area.

Course Objectives:
1. To understand and Implement Green practices in Information and Communication
2. To recognize the green devices and hardware
3. To comprehend how green ICT can help improve environmental Sustainability
4. To understand the impact of Green networking on ICT
5. To monitor and analyze energy consumption in Green Data Centers and Green Data Storage
6. To follow the regulations of Green ICT

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Acquire fundamental knowledge of energy efficiency and green communications exploring the
main challenges, mechanisms, and practice considering both wired and wireless systems.
2. Recognize the appropriate software and hardware for greening IT.
3. Understand different methodologies for sustainable software development.
4. Comprehend IT Infrastructure for green networking.
5. Analyze Energy Management in Green Data Centers and Green Data Storage.
6. Acquiring knowledge of laws, standards, and protocols in Green ICT.

UNIT – I Green Hardware and Software 08 Hours

Introduction:Environmental Concerns, and Sustainable Development, Environmental Impacts of IT,
Green IT, Holistic Approach to Greening IT
Hardware:Life Cycle of a Device or Hardware, Reuse- Recycle and Dispose of, Processor Power States,
Energy-Saving Software Techniques.
Software:Evaluating and Measuring Software Impact to Platform Power, Software Tools, Current
Practices, Sustainable Software, Software Sustainability Attributes.
Software Sustainability Metrics:Modifiability and Reusability, Portability, Supportability,
Performance, Dependability, Usability, Accessibility, Predictability, Efficiency, Project's Carbon
Sustainable Software Methodology:Collecting Metrics, Code Metrics Tools, Simplified Usability Study
Platform Analysis, Existing Project Statistics, Defining Actions.

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UNIT – II Green Data Centers and Data Storage 08 Hours

Green Data Centers:Energy Challenges, Data Centre IT Infrastructure: Servers, Networking, Storage, IT
Platform Innovation, Data Centre Facility Infrastructure-Implications for Energy Efficiency: Power
System, Cooling, Facilities Infrastructure Management, IT Infrastructure Management: Server Power,
Consolidation, Virtualization, Green Data Centre Metrics
Green Data Storage:Storage Media Power Characteristics: Hard Disks, Magnetic Tapes, Solid-State
Drives (SSDs), Energy Management Techniques for Hard Disks: State Transitioning, Caching, Dynamic
RPM, System-Level Energy Management: RAID with Power Awareness, Power-Aware Data Layout,
Hierarchical Storage Management, Storage Virtualization, Cloud Storage.

UNIT – III Green Networks 08 Hours

Green Network and Management: The Challenge of NGN, Benefits of Energy-Efficient Networks,
Objectives of Green Networking, Core Components in Green-Networking Technology
Objectives of Green Network Protocols: Energy-Optimizing Protocol Design, Bit Costs Associated
with Network Communication Protocols, Objectives of Green Network Protocols
Green Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing and Energy Usage Model: A Typical Example, Features of
Clouds Enabling Green Computing, Green Cloud Architecture.

UNIT IV Green Communication 08 Hours

Green Communication: Categorization, concepts, Green Telecom, Green Mobile, Green Future
Internet, Energy Efficiency Metrics and Performance Tradeoffs and metrics of green communication.
Green Wireless Networks: Energy efficient Base stations, Network design and planning, Green Radio,
Towards Delay Tolerant Cognitive Cellular Networks, Green MTC, M2M, Internet of Things, Energy
Saving standardization in Mobile and Wireless Communication Systems, Energy Efficient
Ethernet,Green Optical Networks, SDN-Enabled Energy-Efficient Network Management.

UNIT V Enterprise Green IT Strategy 08 Hours

Approaching Green IT Strategies, Business Drivers of Green IT Strategy, Business Dimensions for Green
IT Transformation, Organizational Considerations in a Green IT Strategy, Steps in Developing a Green
IT Strategy, Metrics and Measurements in Green Strategies, Multilevel Sustainable Information,
Sustainability Hierarchy Models, Product Level Information, Individual Level Information, Functional
Level Information, Organizational Level Information, Regional/City Level Information, Measuring the
Maturity of Sustainable ICT.
Enterprise Green IT Readiness: Introduction, Background: Readiness and Capability, Development of
the G-Readiness Framework, Measuring an Organization's G-Readiness.

UNIT VI Green IT Outlook: Laws, Standard, Protocols, Case Study 08 Hours

The Regulatory Environment and IT Manufacturers: RoHS, REACh, WEEE, Legislating for GHG
Emissions and Energy Use of IT Equipment.

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Standard: Non regulatory Government Initiatives, Industry Associations and Standards Bodies, Green
Building Standards, Energy Efficient Standards for Wire line Communications, Social Movements and
Green Network Protocols and Standards: Strategies to Reduce Carbon Emissions, Contributions from
the EMAN Working Group, Contributions from Standardization Bodies, Context Detail to Drive Energy
Case Study: Sustainable Software Methodology, Data Centre Management Strategies, IaaS Provider.

Text Books:
1. San Murugesan, G.R. Gangadharan, Harnessing Green IT: Principles and Practices, Wiley, ISBN

Reference Books:
1. Konstantinos Samdanis, Peter Rost, Andreas Maeder, Michela Meo, Christos Verikoukis , Green
Communications: Principles, Concepts and Practice, Wiley, , ISBN No.978-1-118-75926-4.
2. Ramjee Prasad, Shingo Ohmori, Dina Simunic, Towards Green ICT, River Publication, ISBN

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Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 In-Semester : 50 Marks
End-Semester : 50 Marks

Institute / Department will interact with Industry or vice a versa to offer a need based topic and will
prepare tentative contents of the syllabus and will get it approved from the BOS (Information Tech.)
Students of ME (Information Technology) can also select any subject from the list of open electives of
other branches (Elective III only) provided that the concerned college has informed it to the BOS
Chairman of IT and examination section of University of Pune well in time.
BOS (Information Technology) will declare the syllabus of such subject(s) before commencement of
the Semester/Academic Year.

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5144016 SEMINAR-II
Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:
Lectures: 04 Hours/Week 04 Term Work : 50 Marks
Oral/ Presentation: 50 Marks
1. Current development in the selected field
2. Seminar I

Course Objectives:
1. To study recent research findings on important problems in the field of Information
2. To acquaint students with sources of literature in the field of Information Technology and
Computer Engineering.
3. To provide an opportunity for students to review literature and personal communication.
4. To develop professional skills in the area of public speaking and an ability to present oneself
before his/her peers with credibility.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Search for literature on the specific topic of his/her interest
2. Summarize the findings and gaps in the problem identified.
3. Use presentation tools for creating effective multimedia presentations

The students will deliver a seminar on state-of-art topic of current interest in Information Technology,
Computer Science and Engineering field preferably on elective subject. The student is expected to
study and review at least five research papers from IEEE, ACM, Springer journals/transactions,
reviewed international conferences related to a topic he/she has chosen for seminar.
The seminar guide shall maintain a progressive record of seminar such as discussion agenda, weekly
outcomes achieved, corrective actions and comments on the progress report as per the plan
submitted by the student etc. and should be produced at the time of examination/presentation.
Guidelines for Reviews
Faculty in-charge/ PG coordinator should conduct at-least three reviews in the semester to check the
progress of the seminar.
Guidelines for Report Submission
The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified for satisfactory
completion of the work by the concerned guide and head of the Department/Institute during practical
sessions the seminar report (excluding preliminary pages like title page, certificate, index etc.) should
not have more than 15 percent of plagiarism. The plagiarism report should be attached as the last
page in the report.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

5144017 PROJECT STAGE-I Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 08 Hours/Week 08 Term work : 50 Marks
Oral/ Presentation : 50 Marks

The project stage-I should include Motivation, Problem statement, survey of reputed journal and/or
reviewed international conference papers (adequate in number) related to the problem selected
(problem modeling and design using set theory, NP-Hard analysis, SRS, UML, Classes, Signals, Test
scenarios and other necessary, problem specific UML, software engineering documents, project plan).
Student should publish at least one paper in reviewed International Journal having ISSN Number and
preferably with Citation Index II or International Journal recommended by the guide of the project or
reputed reviewed conferences. The term work should include the paper published, reviewer’s
comments and certificate of presenting the paper in the conference organized/sponsored by the
Board of Studies in Information Technology. The guides should maintain a progressive record of the
project work such as discussion agenda, weekly outcomes achieved during practical sessions,
corrective actions and comments on the progress report as per the plan submitted by the students
etc. and should be produced at time of examination.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

5144018 SEMINAR-III Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 05 Hours/Week 05 Term Work : 50 Marks
Oral / Presentation : 50 Marks
1. Current development in the selected field
2. Project Stage I.
3. Seminar I, Seminar II

Course Objectives:
1. To study recent research findings on important problems in the field of Information
2. To acquaint students with sources of literature in the field of Information Technology and
Computer Engineering.
3. To provide an opportunity for students to review literature and personal communication.
4. To develop professional skills in the area of public speaking and an ability to present oneself
before his/her peers with credibility.

Course Outcomes:
By the end of the course, students should be able to
1. Search for literature on the specific topic of his/her interest
2. Summarize the findings and gaps in the problem identified
3. Describe the summary and list key (most essential) ideas of the reviewed papers.
4. Use presentation tools for creating effective multimedia presentations

The students will deliver a seminar on state-of-art topic of current interest in Information Technology,
Computer Science and Engineering field preferably on elective subject. Students can take topic related
to their dissertation but should not be exactly same as their dissertation topic.
The student is expected to study and review at least five research papers from IEEE, ACM, Springer
journals/transactions, reviewed international conferences related to a topic he/she has chosen for
The seminar guide shall maintain a progressive record of seminar such as discussion agenda, weekly
outcomes achieved, corrective actions and comments on the progress report as per the plan
submitted by the student etc. and should be produced at the time of examination/presentation.
Guidelines for Reviews
Faculty in-charge/ PG coordinator should conduct at-least three reviews in the semester to check the
progress of the seminar.

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

Guidelines for Report Submission

The student shall submit the seminar report in standard format, duly certified for satisfactory
completion of the work by the concerned guide and head of the Department/Institute during practical
The seminar report (excluding preliminary pages like title page, certificate, index etc.) should not have
more than 15 percent of plagiarism. The plagiarism report should be attached as the last page in the

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Savitribai Phule Pune University

5144019 PROJECT STAGE-II Index

Teaching Scheme: Credits Examination Scheme:

Lectures: 20 Hours/Week 20 Term Work : 150 Marks
Oral/ Presentation : 50 Marks

The student will select an appropriate Technology, implant a detailed design prepared in project
stage-I, test it manually and/or using tools, obtain desired results, discuss performance in terms of
improvement with existing known algorithms and comparative graphs to support the conclusions
drawn. Student should publish at least one paper in reviewed International Journal having ISSN
Number and preferably with Citation Index II or reviewed International Journal recommended by the
guide of the Dissertation or reviewed reputed international conference. The term work shall include
the paper published, reviewer’s comments and certificate of presenting the paper in the conference
organized/sponsored by the Board of Studies in Information Technology. The guides should maintain a
progressive record of the project work such as discussion agenda, weekly outcomes achieved during
practical sessions, corrective actions and comments on the progress report as per the plan submitted
by the students etc. and should be produced at time of examination. A maximum number of students
assigned to a guide should not be more than Eight (8).

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