Mech A
Mech A
Mech A
Multiple Choice
Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1. A system of two equal and opposite parallel forces 7. A collision in which the total Kenitic energy after
is called collision is less than before collision is called
a. torque a. off center collision
b. torsion b. elastic collision
c. moment c. straight line collision
d. couple d. inelastic collision
2. Momentum is a property related to the object’s 8. From a point on a hill (downhill) which is inclined
_________. at an angle of 30 degrees from the horizontal, a
a. mass and acceleration projectile is released with a velocity of 300 m/s at
b. motion and mass an angle of 20 degrees with the horizontal.
c. weight and velocity Compute the range down the incline.
d. motion and weight a. 17,600 m
b. 15,345 m
3. What is the reaction at the roller if one end of a 10 c. 14,435 m
meter beam is attached to a hinge while the other d. 16,500 m
end is attached to a roller that is inclined to the
horizontal at an angle of 20 degrees? There is a 50 9. A truss consisting of coplanar members is called
kN force concentrated halfway across the beam. _______.
a. 9.1 kN a. regid truss
b. 25 kN b. ideal truss
c. 29.9 kN c. plane truss
d. 26.6 kN d. space truss
4. The resultant of two concurrent forces is minimum 10. Which support has one moment?
when the angle between them is a. pin connection
a. 180 degree b. frictionless guide
b. 45 degree c. roller
c. 0 degree d. fixed support
d. 90 degree
11. A projectile is thrown with a speed of 100 ft/s at an
5. The physical quantity which produces angular angle of 30 degrees with the horizontal. Determine
acceleration is called the maximum height to which it rises.
a. centrifugal force a. 39 ft
b. torque b. 50 ft
c. centripetal force c. 19 ft
d. angular momentum d. 27 ft
6. A 200-m long cable weighs 40 N/m and has the 12. It shows the forces acting on an isolated object.
same elevation between its supports. What is the a. force polygon
sag if the maximum tension within the cable will b. free body diagram
not exceed 6000N? c. schematic diagram
a. 59.5 m d. force diagram
b. 38.2 m
c. 49.1 m 13. What is the coefficient of the starting friction if the
d. 44.5 m force required to move a mass of 100 kg over a
rough surface is around 460 N?
a. 0.35
b. 0.59 b. Maximize the angle of elevation
c. 0.47 c. The tangent function of the angle trajectory
d. 0.52 must be equal to 1
d. Maximize the angle of elevation and velocity
14. If bar force of all members of a truss is required,
which method is best used? 21. A free falling body is a body in rectilinear motion
a. Method of sections and with constant ______.
b. Method of joints a. deceleration
c. Nodal Method b. speed
d. Sectional analysis c. velocity
d. acceleration
15. A measure of a resistance of the body it offers to
any change in it’s angular velocity, determined by 22. Moment of inertia is also called
its mass and distribution of its mass about the axis a. Moment of volume
rotation is known as _______. b. Moment of center
a. friction c. Second moment of area
b. angular acceleration d. Moment of mass
c. moment of inertia
d. torsion 23. A 10-kg box is being pulled by a 50-N force that is
inclined at 20 degres with respect to the horizontal.
16. The frictional force is _______ the are of contact. WHat is the component of the force that is parallel
a. independent on with the surface in which the box is being pulled?
b. directly proportional a. 46.98 N
c. inversely proprtional b. 36.98 N
d. dependent on c. 17.10 N
d. 27.10 N
17. Given 3 vectors: Vector 1 is 500N at 30 degrees,
Vector 2 is 300N at 150 degrees, Vector 3 is 400N 24. If two forces, 30 kN and 20 kN are separated by 50
at 270 degrees, what is the magnitude of the degrees, what is the resultant force?
resultant vector? a. 46.63 kN
a. 173.21 b. 45.51 kN
b. 143.71 c. 44.45 kN
c. 137.21 d. 43.54 kN
d. 177.31
25. A block weighs 100 kg and is resting on aplane that
18. A cable carrying a constant uniform load per unit is inclined to the horizontal at an angle of 20
length with respect to the horizontal axis will hang degrees. What is the force that tends to move the
in a form of block down the plane?
a. hyperbola a. 336 N
b. catenary b. 922 N
c. staight line c. 632 N
d. parabola d. 982 N
19. A wagon is uniformly accelerating from rest. The 26. In circular motion, the work done by the centripetal
net force acting on the wagon is force is
a. increasing a. maximum
b. decresing b. be zero
c. constant c. depends on the velocity
d. zero d. none of these
20. To maximize the horizontal range of the projectile, 27. In mechanics, the study of the motion and the
which of the following applies? forces causing the motion of the body is called
a. Maximize velocity a. indeterminant statics
b. kinematics a. normal force
c. dynamics b. cetripetal force
d. kinetics c. tangential force
d. centrifugal force
28. A vehicle moving at 50 m/s is brought to rest in 3
seconds. Calculate the distance traveled before it 35. When a body undergoes acceleration
comes to stop. a. its velocity increases
a. 75 m b. its speed increases
b. 50 m c. it falls toward the earth
c. 25 m d. a force acts upon it
d. 90 m
36. What is a concurrent force system?
29. The single vector which represents the sum of a a. All forces have the same line of action
group of force vectors is called b. All forces act at the same point
a. force polygon c. All forces are parallel with one another
b. resultant d. All forces are in the same plane
c. sum
d. magnitude 37. The study of motion without reference to the force
that causes the motion is known as ______.
30. What is the mass moment of inertia of a 15-kg solid a. statics
cone whise circular base has a diametr of 10 b. dynamics
meters? c. kinetics
a. 254.8 kg-m2 d. kinematics
b. 112.5 kg-m2
c. 268.5 kg-m2 38. A cable carrying constant uniform load per unit
d. 156.7 kg-m2 length along the length of the cable will have the
shape of a
31. AN 80 kg acrobat is standing in balance at the a. parabola
middle of a tightly stretched rope such that the b. hyperbola
angle that the rope makes with the horizontal is 7 c. catenary
degrees. What is the tension in the rope? d. straight line
a. 1620 N
b. 3220 N 39. An unbanked curve has a radius of 242 ft. What is
c. 2480 N the maximum speed at which a car can make the
d. 2750 N turn if the coefficient of friction is 0.81?
a. 59 ft/s
32. What velocity is normally reffered to as the b. 54 ft/s
derivative of position vector with respect to time? c. 79 ft/s
a. Decreasing velocity d. 45 ft/s
b. Instantaneous velocity
c. Average velocity 40. Compute the centripetal force needed to keep a 0.20
d. Increasing velocity kg ball on a 1.50 m string moving in a circular path
at a rate of 3.0 m/s.
33. An 800-m long cable weighing 1.5 kg/m has
tension of 750 kg at each end. What is the sag of
the cable?
a. 100 m
b. 200 m
c. 150 m
d. 300 m
34. The force of the plane reaction in the analysis of
friction calculation is
a. 2.4 N
b. 0.4 N
c. 3.2 N
d. 1.2 N
Answer Section
1. ANS: D PTS: 1
2. ANS: B PTS: 1
3. ANS: D PTS: 1
4. ANS: A PTS: 1
5. ANS: B PTS: 1
6. ANS: B PTS: 1
7. ANS: D PTS: 1
8. ANS: A PTS: 1
9. ANS: C PTS: 1
10. ANS: D PTS: 1
11. ANS: A PTS: 1
12. ANS: B PTS: 1
13. ANS: C PTS: 1
14. ANS: B PTS: 1
15. ANS: C PTS: 1
16. ANS: A PTS: 1
17. ANS: A PTS: 1
18. ANS: D PTS: 1
19. ANS: C PTS: 1
20. ANS: C PTS: 1
21. ANS: D PTS: 1
22. ANS: C PTS: 1
23. ANS: A PTS: 1
24. ANS: B PTS: 1
25. ANS: A PTS: 1
26. ANS: B PTS: 1
27. ANS: D PTS: 1
28. ANS: A PTS: 1
29. ANS: B PTS: 1
30. ANS: B PTS: 1
31. ANS: B PTS: 1
32. ANS: B PTS: 1
33. ANS: B PTS: 1
34. ANS: A PTS: 1
35. ANS: D PTS: 1
36. ANS: B PTS: 1
37. ANS: D PTS: 1
38. ANS: C PTS: 1
39. ANS: C PTS: 1
40. ANS: D PTS: 1