All About Drilling RIG
All About Drilling RIG
All About Drilling RIG
Rig is the main Equipment used for drilling work, modi@cation and
maintenance of oil and gas wells both on land (onshore) and at sea
(off shore). The main equipment tower rig is made of a steel structure
that is used to lower the ascending pipes and cubing casing into the
well. Generally, rig categorized into two kinds according to which it
2. Tender barge: has the ability to operate in deeper water than the
swamp barge.
3. jack up rig: shaped like a platform that can be moved with the boat
and pulled tag has legs that can be adjusted according to the water
depth to be drilled. The rig is capable of operating at depths of up to
200 m.
6. Drill ship: rigs and ships are combined into one, so as to reach
areas and deep water offshore. To maintain a stable position of the
rig so that the waves, then controlled by the thruster system
controlled by computer.
5. Power system: that is the source of power to drive all over the
system and also to supply electricity. As an energy source,
usually used large capacity diesel engine generator.
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