Radar PPR

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International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)

National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" (NCESCO 2015)

Sea Clutter Modelling and Target Detection

Indu Konuganti Manisha Chowdary J.Valarmathi
Student Student Faculty
School of electronics School of electronics School of electronics
engineering, VIT University, engineering, VIT University, engineering, VIT University,
Vellore Vellore Vellore

ABSTRACT 1991 edition of Nathanson’s book [5], he proposed a detailed

This paper mainly concentrates on the detection of target by description on sea clutter reflectivities collecting information
modeling sea clutter. This is achieved by detecting the targets from various sources and the results were also tabulated. This
from the synthesized samples of the compressed noisy echo book represents the complete database of sea clutter
signal by fixing the threshold using improved correlation reflectivity available so far. Horst et al and R.N.Trebits et al
technique. These detected targets may include clutter also. To [10] proposed Georgia Technical Institute (GTI) model and
detect and isolate the sea clutters, two steps are followed. 1) the detailed description is given in [5]. This model has found
The sea clutter radar cross section (RCS) is calculated for the widespread acceptance in the radar community. As pointed
modeled sea clutter reflectivity (σ0) using NRL model at low out by Nathanson in the book, his tabulated measured sea
grazing angles. This RCS calculation was made for different clutter data does not agree too well with the GTI model, in
scenarios and is stored as a database. 2) This database is case of low grazing angles. NRL model given in [3] was
compared with the estimated RCS of the detected targets from developed to address the inaccuracies of the GTI Model and it
synthesized received signal to detect the actual targets. provides much better agreement with the experimental data in
MATLAB is used for coding and simulation. Nathanson’s Tables. When compared to the GTI Model, this
model is very efficient at low grazing angles. Hence in this
Keywords paper NRL model is used to calculate the sea clutter
Clutter; NRL model; RCS; improved correlation technique. reflectivities. The main idea of this paper is to find the
reflectivities of sea clutter and detect the target by fixing a
1. INTRODUCTION threshold.
Radar radiates the electromagnetic energy from an antenna to There exist many methods to fix the threshold and to detect
propagate in space. The energy intercepted by the target is re- the target from the echoed signal. Here improved track
radiated in all directions. Some of the echo energy is returned correlation technique [4] is used to detect the target from the
to and received by the antenna. After amplification by a synthesized samples of the compressed noisy echo signal.
receiver and with the aid of proper signal processing a This technique is used to fix the threshold to compare the
decision is made at the output of the receiver as to whether or likelihood ratio in track to track association. This gives better
not a target echo signal is present. At the time of reception, performance due to the accountability of the estimation error
apart from the target information radar also detects some (standard deviation-𝜎) as well as probability of false alarm
unwanted returns/echoes from other objects. These unwanted
(𝑃𝑓𝑎 ).
returns are termed as clutter. Such echoes are typically
returned from ground, sea, rain, animals/insects, chaff and The complete paper can be viewed in three sections. Section 2
atmospheric turbulences, and can cause serious performance briefs the existing methods for modeling sea clutter and
issues with radar systems. So, clutter modeling has to be done practical way of calculating the RCS of the target. In section
to detect the target effectively. 3, Sea clutter reflectivity (σ0) modeling using NRL model at
Radars are generally placed in isolated areas like seas, oceans, low grazing angles is explained. Section 4 briefs the theory
behind target detection and clutter isolation. Simulated results
remote areas etc. So, when the radar is placed near the sea, sea
and analysis are given in section 5. Finally, conclusion is
clutter is encountered. Sea clutter on the other side is modeled
based on the reflectivity which is dependent on sea state and given in section 6.
polarization. As the wind speed changes due to atmospheric 2. SEA CLUTTER MODELS
disturbances, the sea state also changes which makes the sea
Some existing methods for sea clutter modeling are given
clutter reflectivity difficult to evaluate.
Since in early days of radar, hundreds of measurement
campaigns have been conducted with numerous papers 2.1 Models
published and summarized in several books, together this 2.1.1 GTI (Georgia Technical Institute) model
paper gives a brief on how sea clutter is modeled and target is This is one of the first such empirical model developed at the
detected. It is, however, still an area in which better and more Georgia Technical Institute around 1978, has received
accurate models are being actively sought. Some existing sea widespread acceptance and was also described in Nathanson's
clutter models are given in reference [5]. book. Other sea clutter reflectivity models have been
Reflectivity, defined as σ0, is the most fundamental proposed but none of them provide much improvement over
characteristic of Sea clutter which is used in evaluating radar the GTI model.
performance. The Sea clutter reflectivity also includes the One problem encountered in comparing the GTI model with
propagation affects from the sea surface. So the reflectivity is the Nathanson’s tables is that it only relates average wave
generally termed as apparent reflectivity. Sea clutter height to wind velocity (for a “fully risen” sea) by the
reflectivity depends on many factors such as sea state, wind equation
velocity, grazing angle, polarization, and radar frequency. In
𝑣𝑤 = 8.67(ℎ𝑎𝑣 )0.4 (1)

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" (NCESCO 2015)

The GTI model further allows for separate inputs of average λ Is the wavelength
wave height and wind velocity, but the quantitative basis for
this generalization has not been presented. The significant If all of the incident radar energy on the target were reflected
wave height is defined as the average value of the 1/3 highest equally in all directions, then the radar cross section would be
peak-to-trough waves. A good fit is provided by the equal to the target's cross-sectional area as seen by the
expression transmitter. In practice, some energy is absorbed and the
reflected energy is not distributed equally in all directions.
ℎ1 = 1.6ℎ𝑎𝑣 = 0.049. 𝑆𝑆 2.6 (2) Practically, RCS of the received signal is calculated using
various methods as given below,
The agreement considered in equation (2) at sea state (SS) 4
and above is reasonably good, but for sea states of 3 and Finite difference-time domain method (FD-TD):In this method
below large discrepancies are noted. we solve Differential form of Maxwell’s equations for exact
2.1.2 NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) model Method of Moments (MoM) :Solve integral form of Maxwell’s
NRL is a research laboratory for the United States Navy and equations for exact currents.
the United States Marine Corps.
Geometrical Optics (GO):Current Contribution Assumed to
NRL model for sea clutter [3] is developed by Vilhelm Vanish Except at Isolated Specular Points.
Gregers-Hansen and Rashmi Mittal from Naval Research
Laboratory to overcome the defects of GTI model. In this Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD):Geometrical Optics
model, the reflectivities for various sea states are calculated with Added Edge Current Contribution.
for different sea states and polarization at low grazing angles.
Physical Optics (PO):Currents Approximated by Tangent
2.1.3 Hybrid model Plane Method.
Hybrid model was introduced in an attempt to account for the Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD):Physical Optics with
effects of the evaporation duct. This model combines Added Edge Current Contribution.
elements of the GTI model with new empirical equations.
Comparison of Hybrid model with Nathanson tables show 2.3 NRL Sea clutter model
some improvement over the GTI model for vertical NRL (Naval Research Laboratory) model [3] is the best fit for
polarization [3] but the average error is still large. clutter modeling as it is applicable for all the sea states unlike
GTI, HYBRID and TSC models. Using this NRL model the
2.1.4 TSC (Technology Service Corporation) reflectivity of the surface is calculated by mathematical
model methods using which RCS is calculated and this result is
The Hybrid model is not valid for sea state 0. Finally, a model compared with the experimental result to identify the target or
developed by the Technology Service Corporation (TSC) was clutter. For the known grazing angle (α) and the transmitted
included in a commercial radar performance evaluation signal frequency (f), the reflectivity (𝜎 0 )for both horizontal
software package. This is more complete model including all and vertical polarization is calculated as
the parameters and is also valid for sea state 0 [13].
𝑐3 + 𝑐4 𝛼 log10 𝑓
In this paper, for modeling sea clutter, Nathanson’s tables [3] 𝜎 0 = 𝑐1 + 𝑐2 log10 sin 𝛼 +
1 + 𝑐5 𝛼 + 𝑐6 𝑆𝑆
are considered as reference. The GTI model for sea clutter
proposed in 1978 underestimates sea clutter reflectivity at sea +𝑐7 (1 + 𝑆𝑆)2+𝑐 8 𝛼 +𝑐 9 𝑆𝑆 (4)
states up to 3 compared to experimental data. Radar which is
placed near the sea, the grazing angle or look angle will be Here, SS represents the different sea state classification based
very low. Since, NRL model matches these Nathanson’s on the wind speed [3] as shown in table 2. Similarly, c1 - c9
tables up to a maximum error of 2db for grazing angles 0.1 O to are the polarization constants whose horizontal and vertical
10O, NRL model is the best fit to model the sea clutter for low polarization values are given in table 1.
grazing angles.
Table1. Constants for horizontal and vertical
2.2 Radar Cross Section polarizations- curtesy[3]
The size and ability of a target to reflect radar energy can be POLARIZATION
summarized into a single term, known as the radar cross-
section (𝜎𝑐 ), which has units of m²and is expressed in dbm2. CONSTANT HORIZONTAL VERTICAL
This unit shows that the radar cross section is an area. RCS C1 -72.76 -48.56
calculation for different shapes of the targets is explained in
reference [11]. It is calculated based on the range, grazing C2 21.11 26.30
angle and the power received from the target. In this paper C3 24.78 29.05
RCS is calculated from the basic radar range equation [8]
C4 4.917 -0.5183
4 𝑃𝑠 𝐺 2 𝜆 2 𝜎𝑐
𝑅= (3) C5 0.6216 1.057
𝑃𝐸 (4𝜋)3
C6 -0.02949 0.04839
C7 26.19 21.37
𝜎𝑐 Is the Radar Cross Section (RCS)
C8 0.09345 0.07466
R Is the range C9 0.05031 0.04623
Ps and PE are transmitted and received powers respectively
G Is the antenna gain and

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" (NCESCO 2015)

After finding the reflectivity (σ 0) a database is tabulated for

the different sea states at different grazing angles. The RCS 𝑇= −2. 𝜎 2 . ln 𝑃𝑓𝑎 (7)
(𝜎𝑐 ) of the sea clutter at different states is calculated using
equation (5) for the known clutter’s area (Ac) 3.3 Detected Target’s RCS Estimation
Time delay (𝜏) in the target reflected signal is obtained by
𝜎𝑐 = 𝜎 0 𝐴𝑐 (5) cross correlating the transmitted and the received signals.
Equation (8) gives the radar range (R). RCS (σc) of the
Table 2. Sea states for different wind speeds
detected targets are found using equation (9) for the known
Sea State Wind Speed kt Wave Height, ft Duration/fetch transmitted and received signal power (Pt and Pr) along with
1(smooth) <7 1 1/20
the known antenna gain (G).

2(slight) 7-12 1-3 5/50 𝐶𝜏

𝑅= (8)
3(moderate) 12-16 3-5 15/100
𝑃𝑟 𝑅 4 (4𝜋)3
4(rough) 16-19 5-8 23/150 𝜎𝑐 = . . (9)
𝑃𝑡 𝐺 2 𝜆2
5(very rough) 19-23 8-12 25/200
6(high) 23-30 12-20 27/300
4.1 Finding reflectivity
7(very high) 30-45 20-40 30/500 The reflectivity values for the sea clutter are calculated from
equation (4) and are tabulated in table 3 and 4.
Table3. Reflectivity for horizontal polarization
3.1 Synthesizing The Noisy Echo Signal
The received signal is the combination of target signal, clutter 0.5 -108.425 -97.959 -89.356 -80.756 -72.249 -66.898
signal and noise. So while synthesizing the received signal the 1 -81.34 -76.59 -70.26 -64.49 -60.36 -57.45
clutter and noise are added along with the delayed transmitted
5 -78.5956 -72.041 -67.286 -61.406 -56.445 -50.429
signal. The noise added is additive white Gaussian noise
which is generated using equation (6), based on the required 10 -64.0241 -59.850 -54.539 -49.144 -45.693 -42.201
noise figure (NF) and the receiver noise bandwidth (B)
GA- Grazing angle SS-Sea State
PN = K.T.B.NF (6)
Table4. Reflectivities for vertical polarization
Where, K-Boltzmann’s Constant and T-Temperature (300 K)
3.2 Target detection 0.5 -103.42 -91.526 -84.586 -76.696 -67.896 -61.207
In practical scenarios, when an electromagnetic pulse is
transmitted, the signal is expanded to effectively detect the 1 -76.33 -70.96 -64.56 -59.24 -55.69 -53.41
target. So, now at the receiver the expanded pulse has to be 5 -62.719 -57.320 -51.130 -48.073 -44.108 -41.209
compressed. In our case the pulse is transmitted for 200ns
10 -47.188 -43.772 -39.505 -35.332 -31.224 -27.163
which is expanded to 10μs. So, when the received pulse is
again compressed to 200ns, we get 50 (10μs/200ns) range
cells. Among these 50 some may contain target information, From tables 3 and 4 it is observed that the reflectivity is
clutter information and noise. increasing with increase in sea state and also increase in the
grazing angle
The RCS is calculated with respect to grazing angle. RCS
given in the below tables is with respect to the grazing angles
0.5 to 10.
Table5. Computed RCS for different clutter reflectivity's
of horizontal polarizations

0.5 -64.5032 -56.324 -49.346 -42.64 -36.546 -31.25

Figure 1. Received power versus time 1 -43.3486 -38.4598 -35.132 -29.56 -26.36 -24.39

5 -40.4458 -36.4589 -32.146 -27.89 -24.78 -20.61

A is a false alarm: the noise level is greater than the threshold.
B is a miss: a target is present, but it is not detected. 10 -30.5438 -26.7836 -21.375 -18.36 -15.44 -12.56

The threshold level is fixed to detect target returns against a

background noise. If the reception is greater than the threshold
level, then the target is detected.
To fix the threshold, improved correlation technique is used to
detect the targets (along with clutter as target).To find the
threshold level (T), we use probability of false alarm (Pfa) and
standard deviation (σ) of the received signal [4].

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" (NCESCO 2015)

First the noise is removed by fixing a threshold and then the

remaining clutter and target are differentiaited based on the
Table6. Computed RCS for different clutter reflectivity's RCS values. The compressed recceived signal samples are
of vertical polarizations shown in figure(3).
In this simulation,there exist 50 samples in which one of the
0.5 -60.222 -54.372 -45.336 -37.543 -32.664 -27.983 sample represents one target information,three clutter
information and rest of them are the representation of the
1 -38.335 -33.239 -30.452 -25.879 -23.557 -21.765
noise. Let the target amplitude be 0.0035 and the
5 -28.447 -24.312 21.5573 -18.979 -15.668 -14.887 clutteramplitudes are 0.004, 0.0055 and 0.006. The noise
added to the signal is random noise which has a peak value of
10 -18.446 -14.339 -11.359 -8.9916 -7.5369 -5.9981 0.003.
Table 5 and 6 shows as the reflectivity increases the radar
cross section RCS also increases since RCS is directly
proportional to reflectivity equation (5)

4.2 Transmitted signal

A cosine signal is generated with certain time duration.

Figure 3. Compressed echo signal

Here, the figure shows the plot of all the 50 different pulses
each representing different target information.
The threshold level is fixed to detect target returns against a
background noise and interference. Threshold (T) is calculated
using equation (10). By fixing the probability of false alarm
(Pfa) as 10−4 [4] along with the estimated standard deviation
(σ=0.0006) of the received samples shown in figure (3),
threshold is estimated as 0.0025. The threshold value thus
obtained is greater than the noise level. Thus, the target can be
easily detected. The noise peak obtained is 0.003 and the
Figure2. Transmitted signal target and clutter values are 0.0035, 0.004, 0.0055, and 0.006.
Thus, the threshold is more than noise level and less than the
4.3 Received signal target values. Therefore, the targets are identified as shown in
The received signal is a combination of target signal, clutter figure (4). It is also observed that even though synthesized
signal and noise. The noise added to the signal is the AWGN received signal has only one target, figure (4) shows 4 target
noise. The power of the received signal is obtained by detected. It shows that other three are may be from clutter.
multiplying transmitted signal amplitude with the transmitted
power. The amplitude of the received signal will be equation
𝑃𝑡 𝜆2
𝐴= 𝜎𝑐 𝐺 2 y (10)
4𝜋𝑟 3 𝑅 4

The final received signal is given by

.𝑃𝑟 = A cos(𝜔𝑐 𝑡 + 𝜔𝑑 𝑡 + 𝜏 ) (11)

The clutter signal is synthesized by multiplying the received
signal with different amplitudes. Thus the final signal is a
result of the target signal, clutter signal and the noise signal.

4.4 Practical Approach

In practical scenarios, if a cosine signal is planned to transmit Figure4. Target detection based on improved correlation
for 200ns, it is expanded to 10μs before transmission so as to technique
detect the target effectively. When this 10μs pulse is received
RCS of the detected targets are found using equation (12) and
back it is again compressed to 200ns to obtain the original
are compared with the RCS of the sea clutter data base shown
pulse width. When this 10μs pulse is compressed to 200ns
in Table 5 and 6. When it matches with the data base then it
pulse and sampled at 5MHz sampling rate, we get 50 range
indicates the clutter returns. Otherwise it will be considered as
bins(10µs/200ns) each of which contains a target information.
In these 50 range bins there exits target, clutter and the noise.

International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887)
National Conference “Electronics, Signals, Communication and Optimization" (NCESCO 2015)

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