ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3 Specification

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ASDAN Key Skills in

Problem Solving

Level 3 Specification
ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

1. Title
The following qualification has been accredited by the regulatory bodies in England and Northern
Ireland (Ofqual and CCEA).

ASDAN Level 3 Key Skills in Problem Solving

Accreditation Number 100/3801/2

In England and N. Ireland it appears in the Register of Regulated Qualifications.

This qualification also carries UCAS points: 6

2. Location of the qualification within the subject/sector classification system

14.1 Foundations for Learning and Life

3. Total Qualification Time (TQT)

This is comprised of the number of Guided Learning Hours assigned to the qualification, and an
estimate of the number of hours a Learner will reasonably be likely to spend in preparation, self-
study, research and other independent and unguided learning activities. The TQT allocated takes
into account estimates and other relevant information gathered from a reasonable number of
centres and third parties.

Number of Guided Learning Hours assigned 30 hours

Total Qualification Time 50 hours

4. Qualification Dates
Operational End Date: 31/12/2018
Certification End Date: 31/12/2020
Candidate registrations may not be accepted by ASDAN after the operational end date for a
specific qualification if an extension is not obtained from the regulators. However, certification is
allowed until the certification end date so that candidates have time to complete any programme
of study. At least six months before the operational end date for a qualification, ASDAN will
undertake a review of the qualification. This will be done in collaboration with stakeholders in
order to take account of any changes necessary to continue to meet their needs. Once this review
process is complete, ASDAN will consider the most appropriate course of action which might
include applying to the regulators for an extension to the regulation period, revising or creating a
new qualification or withdrawing the qualification. Information relating to changes or extensions to
qualifications will be posted on the ASDAN website

5. Objective of the qualification

The Wider Key Skills qualifications aim to develop and recognise each candidate’s ability to apply
these skills in ways that are appropriate to different contexts and to improve the quality of their
learning and performance. Problem solving focuses on the ability of the candidate to tackle
problems systematically, for the purpose of working towards their solution and learning from this

6. Staffing requirements
This section is provided to give some guidance on the experience and qualifications needed to
deliver and assess these qualifications; it is not however intended to be exhaustive or definitive.

Feb 2017
ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

Examples of relevant qualifications and occupational backgrounds are given as benchmarks.

Other equivalent qualifications or backgrounds may also qualify prospective staff for delivery or
assessment roles.

Centres must ensure that they have sufficient numbers of suitably experienced Assessors and
Internal Moderators to ensure that qualifications are delivered effectively, and that appropriate
judgements are made as to whether evidence being presented is valid, sufficient and reliable.

ASDAN cannot be held responsible for any difficulties that arise in the delivery or assessment
process as a result of internal recruitment decisions. Recruitment should be made at the
discretion of centres, and centres should be aware that it is their responsibility to ensure that all
staff involved in the delivery and assessment of ASDAN qualifications are suitably qualified.

Examples of relevant qualifications: Assessor/Internal Verifier awards

Examples of work experience: Demonstrable experience of knowledge of the subject area.

The ASDAN Centre Guidance (Section 2.2, Roles and Responsibilities) outlines the range of
functions necessary for candidate achievement, and the expectations for suitable

7. Units
The units listed below are available for the qualification.

Title Level Unit reference Credit rating

(if applicable)
Problem Solving 3 PS3 n/a

8. Structure of the qualification

The qualification is not credit-based and consists of one mandatory unit.
Evidence to fully meet the PS standards is generated by completing activities through which
candidates need to demonstrate their competence by presenting a portfolio of evidence that
clearly demonstrates their ability to meet the standards.

The standards consist of

 A short overview of the Key Skill at the relevant level
 What the candidate needs to know how to do (Part A)
 What the candidate must show they can do (Part B)
 Examples and guidance

To demonstrate working at the appropriate level, candidates are required to use the recording
documents provided by ASDAN, which support the consistent production of evidence.

The mandatory Standards with Guidance document, which is provided to support centres in the
delivery and assessment of the qualification, provides additional guidance on the appropriate
type, quality and quantity of evidence required in order for candidates to show they have met the
required standard

The mandatory Centre Guidance contains all the information centres need in order to
successfully deliver, assess and internally moderate the qualification and submit candidates for

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ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

9. Prior achievement and recognition of prior learning

No mandatory prior qualification, attainment or experience is required. However, as Key Skills
build upon the skills and knowledge acquired within a range of education and training
experiences, there may be evidence that could be accredited via APL (providing performance
was both current and subject to authentication). Centres are responsible for ensuring that this
qualification is appropriate for the age and ability of their candidates.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is where a candidate has achieved something relevant to the qualification without formal
recognition such as a certificate. ASDAN has a policy on RPL which allows all claims to be
considered on an individual basis.

10. Assessment and moderation

Candidates complete a portfolio of evidence, generated from appropriate activities, which is
internally assessed by centre assessors against the unit assessment criteria. Assessors need to
ensure that there is explicit evidence in the portfolio to show that the candidate has met the
required standard:

Provide at least one example of meeting the standard for PS3.1, PS3.2, and PS3.3. The
example should include exploring at least three different ways of tackling the problem (for PS3.1).

In order to ensure that the candidate can demonstrate knowledge and understanding that may
not be explicitly shown in the portfolio, a series of Part A questions is provided.

The portfolio must consist of:

• an Assessment Checklist’ which clearly records what the evidence is and where it is
• a portfolio of evidence, including Part A questions, that demonstrates that the candidate
has successfully met all of the requirements described in Part B of the relevant Key Skill.
• Plan, Do, Review sheets, these are intended to support candidates in providing sufficient
and valid evidence for assessment to meet the requirements of each unit.

A Candidate Log can be downloaded from the ASDAN website. This contains Assessment
Checklists which must be completed by the assessor when the candidate completes each unit.
Each Assessment Checklist must be signed by the candidate, assessor and internal moderator to
authenticate the work, and added to each candidate’s portfolio of evidence. The Candidate
Record pages of the Candidate Log help the candidate to track their progress and are used by
the Internal Moderator to record internal moderation and feed back to the assessor after

Evidence may be drawn from work undertaken within the full range of qualifications in schools
and colleges It may also be drawn from activities undertaken as part of wider curriculum
enrichment programmes (including ASDAN’s own programmes), PSHE, work experience,
employment, voluntary and youth work.

Wider Key Skills resources (Plan, Do, Review sheets, Witness Statements etc). These
documents are intended to support candidates in providing sufficient and valid evidence for
assessment to meet the requirements of each unit. They have been developed with reference to
the different parts of the national standards.

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ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

Internal moderation is undertaken by the centre, following their own sampling strategy. The
internal moderator provides the vital link between the assessors and the external moderator, and
acts as the centre’s quality assurance representative.

External moderation is carried out by ASDAN’s External Moderators who look at the quality and
compare the standards of a sample of candidates’ work to ensure that national standards are
being met, monitor assessment practice and, where problems are identified, take action to ensure
that assessment conforms to national standards.

11. Assessment language

ASDAN qualifications are published and assessed in English only.

12. Standards
The standards for the qualification are as follows:

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ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3
Title: Problem Solving
Level: 3
Credit Value (if any): n/a
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria
The learner will: The learner can:
3.1 Explore a problem and identify 1.1 Identify, analyse and accurately describe the
different ways of tackling it problem, and agree with others how they will know if it
has been solved
1.2 Select and use a variety of methods to come up
with different ways of tackling the problem
1.3 Compare the main features and risks of each
approach, and justify the method they decide to use

3.2 Plan and implement at least one way 2.1 Plan their chosen way of solving the problem and
of solving the problem get the go-ahead from an appropriate person
2.2 Put their plan into action, effectively using support
and feedback from others to help tackle the problem
2.3 Check regularly progress towards solving the
problem, revising their approach as necessary

3.3 Check if the problem has been solved 3.1 Apply systematically methods agreed with an
and review their approach to problem appropriate person, to check if the problem has been
solving solved
3.2 Describe fully the results and draw conclusions on
how successful they were in solving the problem
3.3 Review their approach to problem solving,
including whether other approaches might have
proved more effective

Additional information about the unit

Organisation reference code PS3
Unit aim/purpose Problem solving focuses on the ability of the candidate
to tackle problems systematically, for the purpose of
working towards their solution and learning from this
Guided Learning Hours 30

Total Qualification Time 50

Requirements about the way the units N/A

must be assessed (if appropriate)
Guidance on suitable types of supporting Mandatory: Part A questions, Plan, Do, Review
evidence sheets, candidate logbook
Optional: Products of the candidate’s work, such as
artefacts or documents; assessor observation;
candidate report; audio/video recording; witness
statements; other relevant evidence
Unit review date 30/06/2018
Equivalent ASDAN unit/s or exemptions N/A

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ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

Sample Part A Questions, Assessment Checklist and Candidate Record

Part A Individual Questions

The assessor should tick questions which have been addressed within the portfolio, and note where the
evidence can be found. Responses to the other questions must be recorded and the method indicated at
the end of the sheet. Assessors should check that responses made by the candidate are adequate and
appropriate for Level 3. This sheet must be included in the candidate’s portfolio and referenced on the
assessment checklist.


1. Describe what you did to analyse the problem before starting to address it.

2. What methods did you use to identify different ways of tackling the problem?

3. What factors did you consider in comparing different ways of solving the problem?

4. How did you decide between the different ways of solving the problem?


5. Describe what you took into account when doing your planning.

6. Give an example of how you have used support and feedback effectively.


7. Describe different methods of making sure that a problem has been solved. Give at least
one example.

Assessor Declaration: I confirm the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of Part A of the
standards, and that the responses above are the candidate’s own

Assessor name: Assessor signature:

Candidate name: Date:

Answers recorded by (please state):

assessor candidate on audiotape on videotape other

Feb 2017
ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

Feb 2017
ASDAN Key Skills in Problem Solving Level 3

Feb 2017

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