Non-Standred Measuement-Lesson Plan

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Name: Hend Alyammahi / H00357629 Grade Lesson title: Non-standard

Level: 2/A measurement and recording data

Date: April 17, 2018. Number of MST: Ms. Courtney.

CCSS Standards: Measurement and Data

Main Lesson Aims (Concepts, Procedures, & Processes):

- The students will be able to measure using different non-standard tools and they will
record the data they have got in a table.

teacher books -
student book(s) -
worksheets/ papers Classifying worksheet, pictures to measure.
teacher materials Picture of a ruler, markers, meterstick.
student materials/ Centimeter ruler for each student, pictures to measure, classifying
manipulatives worksheet.
Technology Data show, computer.
Other -
Key vocabulary with definitions (and pictures if appropriate):

Word glossary definition image

Length the measurement or extent of something from end

to end
Measure ascertain the size, amount, or degree of (something)
by using an instrument or device marked in
standard units.
Nonstandard A centimeter is a measure of length. There are
100centimeters in a meter.
Students’ Prior Knowledge:
- All the students know the how to read the clock and know the unit of the time (seconds).
- Most of the students know what is a ruler and have seen it before.
Possible Problems and Misconceptions:
- Some of the students might not measure stating from 0 but form the beginning of the
- Some of the students might not keep the ruler on the line while measuring.
- I will emphasize on them to start with 0 while I am explaining and while they are
- I will ask the TA to help and I will help them too.
Lesson Schedule
Targeted teacher questions to promote HOTS
- Who can tell me, how can we measure time? What tool? What unit? How about a ruler,
what do we use a ruler for? What do measure with it? So, from the ruler what is the unit
of measuring length? What do you see in the ruler? What it is consist of? 0
Student communication and use of math language:
- We use the ruler to measure the length of things. The unit of measuring things is cm.
Engage (warm up, review prior knowledge):
On the carpet
Engaging (puppets paly)
1- After greeting, I will tell the students that we have two special guests
in our classroom today and they need our help. I will take out the 3 min
puppets “Mr. Mouse” and his friend Mr. Owl”. I will tell them that Mr.
Mouse and Mr. Owl want to know how is the taller than the other, “so,
grade two how do you think we can find who taller between the two?”
Note: since grade two learn about measuring with a ruler last week. 2 min
Hopefully one of them is going to say, “With a ruler”. However, I will
hide the ruler before the class. Then I will ask one of the students to
go and bring a ruler, but he/she is not going to find any. Her where
my question will come, “what do you think we can use to measure the 2 min
mouse and the owl, since we have no rulers?”. After that, I will listen
to the students answers and we will discuss them as class.
Core (introduce and practice new concepts & procedures):
On the carpet
Measuring using non-standard tools
2- Now, I will tell them that we are going to help the mouse and the owl
and we will try to find out who is taller by measuring using different 5 min
objects. “When we measure using objects we call this non-standard
measurement where we use unusual/special objects in our
measurement”. After that I will write the L.O on the board: measure
the mouse and the owl using nonstandard tools and record data in a 5 min
3- Then, I will present pictures of a mouse and an owl on the board and I
will tell the students to choose one tool from what they suggested
previously. I will ask form some students to help me with the 6 min
measurement. Note: I will tell the students that we must use only one
type of object when we measure, only markers for example.
Close (wrap up, discussion, brief review activity or assessment):
On their tables
Assessment (measuring rotation).
4- After the explanation, I will tell the students that they are going to
measure the mouse and the owl using four different objects in groups. 17min
I will show them the objects they are going to use (paper clips, Cubes,
marker,) and they have to record the data they have got in a table
(write their answers), I will show them the table. I will present the
groups members on the board and I will ask the students to stand up
and look for their partner. Note: each rotation will take three minutes.
5- When they will finish the rotation, I will ask them to gather on the
middle of the class with their tables. I will ask them to talk for about
one minute and discuss who is taller the mouse or the owl. Next, I will
ask them so, “who is taller the mouse or the owl?” and I will show
them the puppets and ask them to tell the puppets who is taller than
the other.
Tool Object Size


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