Oscillators: de La Salle University - Dasmariñas College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology Engineering Program

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De La Salle University – Dasmariñas

College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology

Engineering Program

Oscillators are electronic circuits that generate an output signal without the necessity of an
input signal. They are used as signal sources in all sorts of applications. Different types of
oscillators produce various types of outputs including sine waves, square waves, triangular waves,
and sawtooth waves.
An oscillator is an electronic circuit which generates an alternating voltage. The circuit is
supplied energy from D.C source. Oscillator is an electronic device which generates an ac signal
with required frequency, amplitude and wave shape.
Oscillators have variety of applications. An oscillator generates low frequency and very
high frequencies which may range from few Hz to several MHz. In radio and television receivers,
oscillators are used to generate high frequency carrier signals. Oscillators are widely used in radars,
electronic equipments and other electronic devices.
Oscillators are broadly classified into two types. They are;

i) Sinusoidal oscillators
The sinusoidal oscillators are used for generating only sinusoidal signals
with required frequency and required amplitude.

ii) Non-sinusoidal oscillators (Relaxation oscillators)

The non-sinusoidal oscillators are used for producing non-sinusoidal signals
like square, rectangular, triangular or sawtooth signals with required amplitude and
Feedback Oscillators

One type of oscillator is the feedback oscillator, which returns a fraction of the output signal
to the input with no net phase shift, resulting in a reinforcement of the output signal. After
oscillations are started, the loop gain is maintained at 1.0 to maintain oscillations. A feedback
oscillator consists of an amplifier for gain (either a discrete transistor or an op-amp) and a positive
feedback circuit that produces phase shift and provides attenuation.

• Positive Feedback

In positive feedback, a portion of the output voltage of an amplifier is fed back to the input
with no net phase shift, resulting in a strengthening of the output signal. the in-phase feedback
voltage is amplified to produce the output voltage, which in turn produces the feedback voltage.
That is, a loop is created in which the signal maintains itself and a continuous sinusoidal output is
produced. This phenomenon is called oscillation. In some types of amplifiers, the feedback circuit
shifts the phase and an inverting amplifier is required to provide another phase shift so that there
is no net phase shift.

• Oscillation with RC Feedback Circuits

Three types of feedback oscillators that use RC circuits to produce sinusoidal outputs are;

o Wien-bridge oscillator

One type of sinusoidal feedback oscillator is the Wien-bridge oscillator. A

fundamental part of the Wien-bridge oscillator is a lead-lag circuit. R1 and C1 together form
the lag portion of the circuit; R2 and C2 form the lead portion.
At lower frequencies, the lead circuit takes over due to the high reactance of C2. As
the frequency increases, XC2 decreases, thus allowing the output voltage to increase. At
some specified frequency, the response of the lag circuit takes over, and the decreasing
value of XC1 causes the output voltage to decrease.

o Phase-shift oscillator

Figure below shows a sinusoidal feedback oscillator called the phase-shift

oscillator. Each of the three RC circuits in the feedback loop can provide a maximum phase
shift approaching 90°. Oscillation occurs at the frequency where the total phase shift
through the three RC circuits is 180°. The inversion of the op-amp itself provides the
additional 180° to meet the requirement for oscillation of a 360° (or 0°) phase shift around
the feedback loop.

o Twin-T oscillator

Another type of RC feedback oscillator is called the twin-T because of the two T-
type RC filters used in the feedback loop, as shown in Figure below. One of the twin-T
filters has a low-pass response, and the other has a high-pass response. The combined
parallel filters produce a band-stop response with a center frequency equal to the desired
frequency of oscillation fr. Oscillation cannot occur at frequencies above or below fr
because of the negative feedback through the filters. At fr however, there is negligible
negative feedback; thus, the positive feedback through the voltage divider (R1 and R2)
allows the circuit to oscillate.

• Oscillation with LC Feedback Circuits

o Colpitts Oscillator

One basic type of resonant circuit feedback oscillator is the Colpitts. This type of
oscillator uses an LC circuit in the feedback loop to provide the necessary phase shift and
to act as a resonant filter that passes only the desired frequency of oscillation.

o Clapp Oscillator

The Clapp oscillator is a variation of the Colpitts. The basic difference is an

additional capacitor, in series with the inductor in the resonant feedback circuit. Clapp
provides a more accurate and stable frequency of oscillation.
o Hartley Oscillator

The Hartley oscillator is similar to the Colpitts except that the feedback circuit
consists of two series inductors and a parallel capacitor.

o Armstrong Oscillator

This type of LC feedback oscillator uses transformer coupling to feed back a portion
of the signal voltage. The transformer secondary coil provides the feedback to keep the
oscillation going. The Armstrong is less common than the Colpitts, Clapp, and Hartley,
mainly because of the disadvantage of transformer size and cost.

o Crystal-Controlled Oscillator

The most stable and accurate type of feedback oscillator uses a piezoelectric crystal
in the feedback loop to control the frequency.

Relaxation Oscillators

A second type of oscillator is the relaxation oscillator. A relaxation oscillator uses an RC

timing circuit to generate a waveform that is generally a square wave or other non-sinusoidal
waveform. Typically, a relaxation oscillator uses a Schmitt trigger or other device that changes
states to alternately charge and discharge a capacitor through a resistor.
o Triangular-Wave Oscillator

The basic idea is illustrated in the figure below where a dual-polarity, switched
input is used. We use the switch only to introduce the concept; it is not a practical way to
implement this circuit. When the switch is in position 1, the negative voltage is applied,
and the output is a positive-going ramp. When the switch is thrown into position 2, a
negative-going ramp is produced. If the switch is thrown back and forth at fixed intervals,
the output is a triangular wave consisting of alternating positive-going and negative-going
ramps, as shown.

o Square-Wave Oscillator

- The basic square-wave oscillator shown below is a type of relaxation oscillator

because its operation is based on the charging and discharging of a capacitor. Notice that
the op-amp’s inverting input is the capacitor voltage and the noninverting input is a portion
of the output fed back through resistors R2 and R3 to provide hysteresis. When the circuit
is first turned on, the capacitor is uncharged, and thus the inverting input is at 0V. This
makes the output a positive maximum, and the capacitor begins to charge toward Vout
through R1. When the capacitor voltage VC reaches a value equal to the feedback voltage
Vf on the noninverting input, the op-amp switches to the maximum negative state. At this
point, the capacitor begins to discharge from +Vf toward –Vf. When the capacitor voltage
reaches –Vf the op-amp switches back to the maximum positive state.
555 Timer as an Oscillator
The 555 timer is an integrated circuit with many applications. 555 is configured as an
astable or free-running multi-vibrator, which is essentially a square-wave oscillator. The 555 timer
consists basically of two comparators, a flip-flop, a discharge transistor, and a resistive voltage

Floyd, T. (2005) . Electronic Devices, Pearson Education Asia, 7th ed.

Oscillators.(n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2018, from
Oscillators.(n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2018, from http://www.learnabout-
Oscillators.(n.d.). Retrieved May 01, 2018, from

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